Sunday, January 14, 2007

RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 1.13.07

----Tatt2 beat Johnny Dotson with frogsplash and “Rockin” Randy tried to interfere; Seth Knight beat Alex Krisis with a roll up; “Black Out Squad” [Oz/Bishop] beat Shannon Lee/Dell Tucker; “Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] beat “Rockin” Randy/Eric Hayes; “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony with Matt Foley vs Tim Grind with Tim Cummings– no contest and in the Main Event: Flash Flanagan beat Derrick King.

---- Crowd was in the 175 range with a gate around $875…Jawbreaker Jones came out with “Black Out Squad” then a video aired “Cruzin 4 Pain”[Tasha Simone/187/Motley Cruz] saying they will whip their asses for interfering in their match. Simone threaten Rashard also…TGB put a guy out the crowd in the “Goldi-lock” and Tim Grind made the save for him…Jethro interfered in the main event. DK did two superkicks on him, but it just rocked Jethro – Jethro then kicked DK in the stomach and powerbomb him, so Flash could get the pin…There was no mention of either Dustin Starr or Chris O’Neal. Some of the boys were looking for a shoot on Starr, but nothing was said. I bet some of the fans are wondering WTF??