Monday, November 05, 2007

"Coach's Corner" by Brian Tramel

----Doing stuff creative to go into heat is one of the things that I watch for in matches. The constant heel cheating [they are] to get the heat seems to make it look like the heel is stupid all the time. On Thursday on IMPACT as Kaz was entering the ring after doing a spot to the floor in his match against James Storm, he went to do the spot where from the apron he gives a shoulder to Storm’s stomach and then a sunset flip over the ropes and tries for pin. Seen that one a million times; right?? As he pushed his head in to shoulder Storm, Storm kicked him in the head and then draped him on the second ropes bringing him into the ring with a DDT. Bravo!!! Thank you guys for doing something different. BTW, the two most overused moves in wrestling right now are the enzuguri after on wrestler catches the other ones foot. And, a heel cutting a face off from a hope spot with a closeline. Those two moves are driving me crazy!!

----Steroids, steroids. I saw somewhere where it was written – “like father, like son.” I hate it that a young guy like Harry Smith gets suspended as soon as he gets started. Not that he really impressed me that much – other than he being Davey Boy’s son. He is still green and it is scary how guys are called up and they still look green. Why?? They do not work enough matches in front of a crowd is one thing. But, don’t they train every day?? Guys coming out of developmental should look better than the Domino, Deuce, Smith and others. I have talked to a few of the guys trying to get into OVW and my #1 advice is – stay clean!! Do not test positive for ANYTHING!! If you do, then you will just wait your turn down the road. It is proof as the money spent to bring Smith in and debut him on TV is all in the toilet right now.

----Nicolas Cage was backstage this past weekend at ROH to study for his upcoming movie “The Wrestler.” The movie is about a 1980s era star that has a heart attack and the doctor asks him to not wrestle again. There is some drama over whether he should wrestle again or not. Apparently he is going to risk his life to wrestle one more match while he is trying to build a relationship with his son during all of this. I am a big Cage mark and have seen almost everything he has ever done. This all seems a little strange to me though. Are they going to treat it like a shoot?? Wouldn’t it be better if he was a UFC guy?? I mean I am not into MMA, but it is so much popular now and at least an actual fight and heart attack would mean something. I am not sure I can take Cage as a wrestler either, because he just seems too skinny. It makes you wonder if he will juice up for the role. Have you seen Sly Stallone in the new Rambo trailers??

----Congrats to Anton Leveigh and Brandon Barbwire for apparently getting some shots at some dates out of this area and maybe out of this county. Both of these guys are young and still got a lot of learning to do, but they can spice any show with their “spot monkey” style if the actual spots mean something. I have been critical of Anton ever since I seen him work a show for ASWF. It was all hardcore spots and the crowd was sitting on their hands. The “spot monkey” moniker stuck and he got ribbed in the dressing room because of my statement. The last match I seen him in, he had toned it down a bit, but not sure the style is something he can become adjusted with. No matter what style you work, there has to be psychology – the reason for the crowd to be into the match. A whole match of spots and then 1..2..3 might get you dates and impress some promoters, but you have to know how to WORK to go to the big time. I hope both guys have success and learn the ropes. Something they need to realize though is this – just because you get dates does not mean you are better than anyone else in this area. In other words, I hope they keep their heads on straight. Gene Jackson and I are probably two the worse guys you would ever see in the ring, but I bet we could get 100 dates a year as the infamous tag team “War Machine Express.”

----There has been and there will be more benefits announced before the end of the year. If you are a fan or worker, then please give up some of your time for a good cause. Renegade Wrestling recently run a show for people to have Thanksgiving dinner. There is a benefit in December for an area referee who has cancer. There is one on December 1st in Tupelo for DC. There will be others in December for Toys for Tots. Please put forth an effort to help those that are less fortunate than you. I plan to attend as many of these events as possible. I hope to see as many of you that can attend there also.