Tuesday, April 01, 2008


----I got word earlier today that an incident occurred during an angle at the RWA show in Jonesboro on Saturday. In the main event at the Sportatorium, San Francisco Treat hit Ali Stevens with a chair and he went down. Treat then proceeded to put a dress on Ali and then started putting makeup on him. Ali had specified for personal reasons that they could put a dress on him, but no makeup. Treat put the dress on him and then started putting the makeup on him. Treat stated to Ali in the ring that “Frank told me to do it.” referring to RWA owner Frank Martin. Ali then got mad for shoot and starting hitting everyone that was in the ring. Martin finally got in the ring and told Ali to settle down. Ali then grabbed Martin by the neck and started squeezing it [for shoot]. Some of the other guys ran down to break it up. Martin then asked everyone in building to leave. It all came off as part of an angle, but with both Ali/Martin as babyfaces, it might have looked a little strange to the fans. Ali is scheduled to be out working other dates for the next few weekends and time will only tell if he returns to RWA after this incident.

----I hope to post results for the RWA weekend shows later tonight or tomorrow. I also have sent this to RWA for comment.