----Maclin is on the commentary piped in, but is not noticeable. Good job. The sho

----“Too Cool 2” [Grind/Flex] interview. White/Brown comes out. There are no announcers at the desk, which looked weird. They do an angle to set up a match for next week. Southern Tag Team Titles vs $5,000 that Flex won. Good to have a build for next week.
----“Opening the Vault” aired next with close to 16 minutes on Andy Kaufman. Lance Russell showed clips of tag match with Jerry Lawler vs Kaufman/Hart. Lawler piledrove both of them, which ended up being a pull a part brawl on TV with Kaufman/Hart. This was all so good that I don’t care how old it is. Russell also showed the first piledriver that Lawler gave Kaufman, Lawler/Kaufman on Letterman and Lawler throwing fire in Kaufman’s face.
----“The Cowboys” [Ricky Murdoch/Bill Nasty] totally squashed “The Parker Brothers”. I know Maclin said one of them was named Judd, but I think he said the other one was Stub?? Cowboys looked good here with the kids bumping all over the place for them.
----Derrick King interview with him and the JR Title. He stated that the weight limit for his title was 230 lbs and under. He said, “Lawler hasn’t seen that weight since 1985.” King then brings out Nate the Rat to be his manager for this one day.

FINAL NOTES: Not a bad show. I enjoyed it…Not a big fan of battle royals, but had a good finish. Giggles was hilarious doing stuff to Tatt2. Maclin still called Jon Michael – “Christian Jacobs”…Good to see them build for a tag title match next week. Interview segment for the match seem to go too long though…I am glad they let the Cowboys squash a jobber team, instead of “Picture Perfect”…DK interviews have been good the last two weeks. They should give him the mic more…During the main event it looked like one section [a third] of the crowd had left…Grady continues as the #3 babyface behind only Maclin & Lawler in the promotion.
----This Memphis Wrestling TV report is also posted every week on http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/, http://www.pwinsider.com/, http://www.declarationofindependents.net/ and http://www.pwtorch.com/