----Credit to www.wrestlingobserver.com for this.....
----All Pro Wrestling finally released some names on Hollywood Jimmy’s board. It was released sometime yesterday and that is only one day before the event. Good way to promote. Hope they put posters up sooner. So, they got Dead Man, Don Bass, Brickhouse Brown, Tom Nelson. Leatherface, Doink The Clown, Mr. Wrestling III, Dusty Wolf, The Giant Hillbilly Pappy, The Asylum, Storm, Hollywood Jimmy, Pure Destruction,
OR me. I am not just picking on XOW here, because there are other promotions that I cover that never send me results or anything. But, whether you believe it or not, there is no way this site will ever HURT your attendance. It can only HELP as you get FREE advertisement. People that read sites like mine are hardcore fans and workers.
----Dalton Storm beat Danny Morris; Bonecrusher beat Izzy Rotten; Neil Taylor beat “Prime Time” Nick Gryme[photo to the right]; Chris Rocker beat Jeff Jameson and Chris Lexx in a 3 way match and USWF Champion Dustin Starr beat Little Steve Davis.
----Crowd was around 35 people, so they had a gate close to $175...Big town football game as Corinth City took on the County School Kossuth so maybe after this week the crowd will pick up as Kossuth is the only team in the county in State Playoffs..Told the Grymes vs
----LAW tomorrow night in Rector, AR will also feature talent from V and maybe Gypsy Joe!!!
----Chris Lexx defeated Kaut!on; Hardknox Hooligan w/ Jimmy Starr defeated "The Magnificiant" Reno Diamond. "Main Event" Steven Rampage/A.C. Havoc defeated "Playboy" Jason D/TANK w/ Passion;"Ameri[photo to the right]can Sensation" Weasel vs "Big CA" Carnage Antoine went to a double count out and Main Event: "Magnificiant" Reno Diamond/ Kaut!on defeated Hardknox Hooligan/Chris Lexx.
OK, let’s play some word association, you guys have been wanting to do this since we started, so now’s your chance.
little bit of… oh God, he sucks, I can’t even think straight thinking about this guy. I wouldn’t know him if he stood right in front of me, I really wouldn’t. But he gets on a message board, run by a guy in
I think that might have been MCWA, that was before EWW.
----Make sure to hit the site again next Friday for RassleTalk “The Black Label Society – Chapter 3 : The Fire Incident”
----It is not only me putting on current
----Saturday night I will be in Rector, AR, for the Del McKie benefit show. If you are in driving distance of Rector, AR, then it looks to be a good show and a very good cause. I will be covering the whole show along with hopefully nabbing a few workers for future DVD projects.
----Thursday TONIGHT!!! @ JIFF Ministry Headquarters, 254 Lauderdale, Memphis, Tennessee Admission $2.00 with Bell Time @ 7:15 PM Chris Lexx & “Hardknocks” Hooligan w/ Jimmy Starr vs “The Magnificent” Reno Diamond & “The Mysterious Enigma” Kaution;“Big CA” Carnage Antwanne vs “The American Sensation” Weasel;“The Main Event” Steven Rampage & A.C. Havok vs Tank & “Playboy” Jason D;“Hardknocks” Hooligan vs Reno Diamond ;Chris Lexx vs Kaution and more.
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes The Hambones; Loose Cannon; Chris Hollywood; Big Daddy LaFonce; Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/’Lil Chris] and more.
----Friday night in Corinth, MS for USWF has Keith Haynes Jr, Neil Taylor, Chris Nick Grymes, Rocker, Psycho, Dustin Starr, Leslie Jones and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights - Bell time 7:30 PM in Dyersburg, TN –“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Quicksilver;Jeremy Moore Sir MO; Craven Moorehead, "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards , Tank , Seth Knight, and more.
----Saturday night in Booneville, MS for SGWA presents " Halloween Massacre" -"The Final Encounter" Prime Time Nick Grymes vs. Homeless Joe;"TV Title Open Invitational"
Buzz Harley(c) vs ???;"Hardcore Match" Chris Austin vs. Johnny Morton "SGWA Heavyweight Title Match" Izzy Rotten vs. Leatherface; "Massacre Match" --- Fans Bring The Weapons
Bonecrusher and SGWA Tag Champions The PHAT Foundation vs. Soultaker and 24/7 (Kross and JR Mauler); Plus -- CIA, Little Steve Davis, Johnny Thunder, and more
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW – Christian Jacobs, Derrick King, Stan Lee, Alex Krisis; Flash Flanagan, Chris O’Neal; Jethro;Matt Boyce;Jon Michael ; Dustin Starr and more.
----Saturday Night in Batesville, MS with All Pro Wrestling at the Civic Center with JD McKay, Hollywood Jimmy, Psycho and I know Axeman is going to be there!! LOL . They are promising 11matches, but I actually have not seen one wrestler’s name mentioned.
----An exciting night of wrestling to honor a local man who lost his wife earlier this year is set for Saturday, Oct. 28, at the Rector National Guard Armory. Del McKie, of
----The wrestling event will feature a card mixed with local and regional wrestling stars. The show's main event will be for the LAW Wrestling Heavyweight Championship when Rector native Tony Gunn defends his title against Derrick King, a star from the WLMT-30 television series Memphis Wrestling. The Spellbinder, who is a former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) star, will also be in action as well as Memphis Wrestling's Kevin White, The Posse, James Arnez, Rude, Christian Jacobs and many more.
"We're excited about our Oct. 28 card," said Warner. "This show will feature stars that are very familiar to wrestling fans in Rector. I promise everyone that this will be an event that nobody will ever forget."
----Proceeds from the event will go to McKie and his family.