The show opens this week with promoter Jeff McDonald and Co-Commissioner Allen Walker coming to the ring to announce some of the happenings that will be taking place at LEGACY on September 22ND. McDonald asked the crowd who they would like to see at Legacy. He gave them several options but everyone decided who their favorite was. none other than
After the announcement, Jimmy Tidwell and his band of thugs came to the ring stirring the pot. Tidwell and Walker went back and forth for a few minutes setting up different things for the night and finally the show was officially started.
NBW Tag-Team Champions The Black Label Society defeated Gryffon X in a handicapped match. Phoenix could not be there because of prior commitments so Tidwell made this match a handicapped match.
Next out was Alex Krisis who called out Tank. Krisis told the crowd and Tank that since he has been in NBW there has only been one person who has beaten him and that was Tank. And up until last week, Krisis said that he respected Tank for that, but after he tried to help Tank out last week with Tim Edwards, Tank gave Krisis the "Warhead" and left him lying in the middle of the ring. Tank got the mic and told Krisis that he probably deserved everything that he got last week. Especially after what they have already been thru in the past, but Tank told Krisis that because of the circumstances of him being blinded by Edwards, Tank said that he didn't know it was Krisis that was trying to help him and that the move was by mistake. Krisis stretched out his hand to Tank when Tim Edwards comes out and starts running his mouth towards the both of them. Krisis cuts him off and tells the "Real Deal" that he had enough of him last week but if he wants to go, then they can go right now. NBW official Barry came to the ring, Tank left and what was supposed to be Edwards/Krisis turned out to be Krisis/Buckwheat when Edwards told Krisis that he would have to work his way up like everyone else to get to him so he made Buckwheat wrestle Krisis instead.
Alex Krisis defeated Buckwheat with the CLAW in under 2 minutes.
"Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore defeated "Straight Shooter" Gunner Thompson after Thompson had Moore set up for a top rope headbutt, when Crazy Trains music started to play. Thompson got down from the ropes and went to the other side of the ring expecting Crazy Train to come out but instead, Thompson got schoolboyed up for the pin.
NBW Hardcore Champion Void defeated Redman & Eric Hayes in a triple threat hardcore match.
Next was the contract signing for the Heavyweight title match at LEGACY between Tank & Tim Edwards. Tank comes out 1st with Co-Commissioner Allen Walker then out comes Edwards with Tidwell and his group. After they are sat down, Tank doesn't even read the contract and signs it and slides it across the table for Edwards to sign. Edwards starts talking crap towards Tank telling him that this can all be avoided if he just tells the commissioners and the people that he doesn't want the match and he will let this whole thing go. Tank is relentless and is just itching for Edwards to sign the contract and make this match legal. Manson holds the mic for Edwards as he is signing the contract and he tells Tank that this will probably be the best match they have ever had.........if Tank makes it to Legacy. Edwards reaches across the table and stabs Tank in the left eye with the pen and Tank is bleeding badly. Alex Krisis comes out and runs Edwards and the gang away from the ring while the security guards and referees are checking on Tank. Tank is screaming in pain as the blood is just gushing from his eye. Tank is helped back to the locker room where he left to seek medical attention.
NBW High Risk Champion Lil' Tim Alfonzo retained his title by defeating J.R. Manson after Jeremy Moore came out and distracted Manson wearing Manson's old Bulldog tights. Manson turned around and Alfonzo caught him with the Sliced Bread #2 for the win.
NBW Heavyweight Champion "Real Deal" Tim Edwards defeated Crazy Train to retain the title
Crazy Train had a good comeback going on Edwards but was cut off pretty quickly. as the ref was checking on Crazy Train, Manson ran to the ring and poured powder in Edwards hands and then ran back to the locker room. Edwards went to throw the powder in Trains face but Train ducked and Edwards blinded the ref. Train delivered a stunner to Edwards, grabbed the ref and covered the champion. The referee counted Edwards out, but before he could get his vision corrected, Gunner Thompson ran out, gave Train the Modest Bomb and placed Edwards on top of Train. After the referee cleared his eyes out with a bottle of water and could see again, all he could see was Edwards on top of Crazy Train and awarded the match to the "Real Deal".
"Southern Outlaw" Kilo defeated 187 w/ Motley Cruz after a sunset flip. After the match, 187 got the mic and said that the ref gave him a fast count and demanded the match be restarted. The referee came back out as did Kilo. 187 pounded on Kilo, whipped him off but Kilo reversed and delivered a half nelson slam and pinned 187 for the 2ND time in 1 night.
Notes: Crowd was around 70 paying with a gate close to $400. Tasha Simone and Nikki Lace was both backstage. Mark Justice could not be there due to personal issues. Crowd was really hot for the juice on Tank and was even hotter for the Crazy Train win. It was announced that next week will be a "Submission Match" between Crazy Train and Gunner Thompson. LEGACY is September 22ND with Jerry "the King" Lawler and Brian Christopher. Don't forget to visit NBW online at and vote for your favorite or least favorite NBW star in the 1st Annual NBW Fan Choice Awards to be given out at the beginning of Legacy.
And also, don't forget NBW:THROWDOWN every Thursday afternoon on Dyersburg local channel 14.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The Ratings: Memphis Wrestling TV 8.18.07
----This past Saturday’s show did an average rating of a 3.1 [51,878 viewers]. The show only gained a little over 6,000 viewers from start to finish, but there was not a huge drop off in any quarter. The show also had a small jump from 3rd to 4th quarter, which let’s you know that people were interested in the “Sam’s Town” footage. The show also did not drop almost two points like it always does from the previous big week.
----The fun stats this week were to see how good Saturday Night’s Main Event would fair vs Memphis Wrestling in the Memphis market?? Well, the first two quarters of SNME vs the last two quarters of Memphis Wrestling had SNME winning by a total of 31,060 viewers. Good news for wrestling in the Memphis area though with a little over 58,000 viewers on an average watching wrestling each quarter.
----But, other the other hand, two repeats of CSI Miami beat out both wrestling shows. The first half hour of CSI Miami competing with both wrestling shows scored 93,263 viewers. The first total hour competing with SNME CSI did a 6.3 [106,442 viewers] and 5.5 in the last 30 minutes [92,340 viewers] of SNME. SNME did a 4.0 [66,652] overall getting beat by CSI all 6 quarters.
-White/Hughes interview
-White/Hughes vs Posse
1st Quarter 2.9 [47,849 viewers]
-DK vs Randy
2cnd 3.2 [52,885 viewers] [+5036 viewers]
-“Opening The Vault”
-“Sam’s Town” footage
3rd Quarter 3.1 [52,214 viewers] [-3671 viewers]
-more “Sam’s Town” footage
-Lawler interview
-Michael/Starr vs Insane Clowns
4th Quarter 3.2 [54,228 viewers] [+2014 viewers]
12 week average – 3.1 [51,486 viewers]
12 week low – 1.8 [29,884 viewers] 6.30.07
12 week high – 4.3 [71,353 viewers] 7.28.07
Viewers from start to finish: [+6,379 viewers]
----What was Memphis watching? Action News 5 [1st]/News Channel 3[2cnd]/CSI Miami [3rd/4th] 6.6 [110,220 viewers]
----The fun stats this week were to see how good Saturday Night’s Main Event would fair vs Memphis Wrestling in the Memphis market?? Well, the first two quarters of SNME vs the last two quarters of Memphis Wrestling had SNME winning by a total of 31,060 viewers. Good news for wrestling in the Memphis area though with a little over 58,000 viewers on an average watching wrestling each quarter.
----But, other the other hand, two repeats of CSI Miami beat out both wrestling shows. The first half hour of CSI Miami competing with both wrestling shows scored 93,263 viewers. The first total hour competing with SNME CSI did a 6.3 [106,442 viewers] and 5.5 in the last 30 minutes [92,340 viewers] of SNME. SNME did a 4.0 [66,652] overall getting beat by CSI all 6 quarters.
-White/Hughes interview
-White/Hughes vs Posse
1st Quarter 2.9 [47,849 viewers]
-DK vs Randy
2cnd 3.2 [52,885 viewers] [+5036 viewers]
-“Opening The Vault”
-“Sam’s Town” footage
3rd Quarter 3.1 [52,214 viewers] [-3671 viewers]
-more “Sam’s Town” footage
-Lawler interview
-Michael/Starr vs Insane Clowns
4th Quarter 3.2 [54,228 viewers] [+2014 viewers]
12 week average – 3.1 [51,486 viewers]
12 week low – 1.8 [29,884 viewers] 6.30.07
12 week high – 4.3 [71,353 viewers] 7.28.07
Viewers from start to finish: [+6,379 viewers]
----What was Memphis watching? Action News 5 [1st]/News Channel 3[2cnd]/CSI Miami [3rd/4th] 6.6 [110,220 viewers]
Memphis Wrestling TV Spoilers!! Brian Christopher Returns To TV!!
----Here are just the matches for the tapings. I was told they show some "Sam's Town" footage and they will probably throw a couple of taped Lawler interviews in there somewhere because he was not there live. The big news was the return of Brian Christopher to live TV. Christopher has not been part of studio tapings in Memphis since early 2006 when the rumor has always been he got ejected from the studios because he was using the VIP bathroom and stopped it up. The other story I got was that someone told him not to use that bathroom and he told them to fuck off, so I am not sure. It will be interesting to see if this slowly becomes the "Brian Christopher TV Show" and will it help the ratings.
----"Genocide" also debuted as the "Hurricanes", which I was told by somone was Corey Maclin's idea. Not sure if I like the name yet?? Why not "Genocide"??
----1st show: "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex] vs vs "Naughty By Nature" [Rude/Pokerface…Brian Christopher vs Johnny Rotten….Kevin White/Derrick King vs Tatt2/Dustin Starr.
----2cnd show: "Hurricanes" [aka "Genocide" aka "Men In Black"] beat The Posse…Derrick King vs Brian Christopher…Dustin Starr/Tatt2 vs "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex].
----"Genocide" also debuted as the "Hurricanes", which I was told by somone was Corey Maclin's idea. Not sure if I like the name yet?? Why not "Genocide"??
----1st show: "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex] vs vs "Naughty By Nature" [Rude/Pokerface…Brian Christopher vs Johnny Rotten….Kevin White/Derrick King vs Tatt2/Dustin Starr.
----2cnd show: "Hurricanes" [aka "Genocide" aka "Men In Black"] beat The Posse…Derrick King vs Brian Christopher…Dustin Starr/Tatt2 vs "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex].
Site News - New Kayfabe Message Board!!
----Thanks again for all the hits and participation!! If you have not been to the new message board, then it is time to check it out. If you don't like message boards because of how people post stupid stuff, then just skip that stuff. There has been some great discussions on tag teams [which I posted a big part on this morning], Memphis 10 and Chyna's member. LOL I am really eating my words on saying I do not like message boards like this, because the participation as been excellent for the first few days. I hope it continues.
TNA Returns to Birmingham in October!

Venue: The Zamora Shrine Temple, 7pm start
Ticket Info: Tickets on sale on Monday, September 10
TNA Stars Appearing: Kurt Angle, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, Abyss, “The Phenomenal” A.J. Styles, “Cowboy” James Storm and Jackie Moore, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, Triple X, The Latin American Xchange, “Showtime” Eric Young, Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, “The War Machine” Rhino, Gail Kim and more!
Should be interesting to see how well they draw on a thursday night....
IWA Deep South Coming to Pelham, Al - Sept 1rst

IWA Deep South Wrestling
" 2 Extreme Warfare"
Saturday September 1, 2007
National Guard Armory
1000 Yeager Pkwy
Pelham, AL 35124
IWA Deep South makes it's debut in Pelham, Alabama (just outside of Birmingham) on Saturday night September 1st with our biggest show yet.
We are just over a week away from the big debut in Pelham and have rounded out the card with these matches. Hallowicked, a former IWA Deep South champion, makes his return on September 1st. He will take on a man making his debut that night. That man is a former PWU champion and has currently been making a name for himself in IWA Mid-South rings and his name in Devon Moore. This should be a fantastic first time ever match between two young men who have both tasted gold in their relatively young careers.
The next match signed will feature two young men who are known for their high-flying wrestling. One man made his debut at our last show and his name is "Whiplash" Jarrett Tyler. He was involved in a 4 way match at our last show and in the short time he was in there, he really impressed the officials here in IWA Deep South with his aerial attacks. He has been asked back and this month he will have to be at the top of his game as he takes on a master of high-flying wrestling in Ricochet.
The stipulation has been set for the match between Drake Younger (representing IWA Mid-South) and Tank (representing IWA Deep South). It will be a Pelham Street Fight with a twist. Basically no rules in this one as anything goes, wear whatever they want, no DQ, no countout, etc. but since both men are known for their hard hitting style, the only way to win the match is by knockout or tapout. So either a tapout (making your opponent give up) or a knockout (can't get up and answer a 10 count) is the only way to end this one.
We have been waiting to hear back from Ian Rotten and Mickie Knuckles to see if they will agree to the remaining stipulations for the matches signed so far. He said he will let us know this week if he will accept the hardcore stipulations of the other matches between IWA Mid-South and IWA Deep South. We will announce those stipulations as soon as we get agreement from the Mid-South members. Look for that update in a few days.
Stay tuned to for the latest info.
The Card:
Low Ki vs. Brain Damage
Mike Quackenbush (DS champ) vs. Chuck Taylor (MS World Champ)
Brad & Bob Armstrong vs. "Marvelous" Mitch Ryder & "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney
Tables, Ladders & Chairs: Chrisjen Hayme vs. Cabana Man Dan
Ian Rotten vs. Freakshow
Insane Lane vs. Mickie Knuckles
Pelham Street Fight, Knockout or Tapout Only: Drake Younger vs. Tank
Eddie Kingston vs. Sal Rinauro
Hallowicked vs. Devon Moore
Ricochet vs. Jarrett Tyler
For more information visit
Tickets: $15.00 each
Call (256) 223-2021 or (205) 663-6976 for advance tickets
IWA Deep South Wrestling
Saturday September 1st, 2007
National Guard Armory
1000 Yeager Pkwy
Pelham, AL 35124
RassleResults: MCW Osecola, AR 8.24.07
----T.W. Justice & Showstopper defeated Jackhammer & Bad Luck Lucky when Justice pinned Jackhamer…The Hambone Express defeated Mr. Excitement & Hillbilly Nate when Hambone #2 pinned Mr. Excitement…Pimptacular & Chris Lexx defeated "Southern Outlaw" Kilo & The Medic when Pimp pinned Kilo…MCW Heavyweight Champion Frankie Tucker defeated Tank to retain the title…Derrick King & White Lightning defeated Tojo Yamamoto Jr. & Stretch when King pinned Stretch
----Around 70 paying people with a gate close to $350 with around 80 in the building.…Ron the referee from NBW is a heel manager in Osceola along with Cookie St. James. They manage all the heels…Next week its going to be The Hambones against Derrick King and White Lightning. That should be interesting seeing as how DK just LOVES working with the Hambones. I am kidding here, as many of you know, there has been just a little “heat” there between DK and Leroy. Well, Leroy will tell you that, but DK will blow it off. LOL
----Around 70 paying people with a gate close to $350 with around 80 in the building.…Ron the referee from NBW is a heel manager in Osceola along with Cookie St. James. They manage all the heels…Next week its going to be The Hambones against Derrick King and White Lightning. That should be interesting seeing as how DK just LOVES working with the Hambones. I am kidding here, as many of you know, there has been just a little “heat” there between DK and Leroy. Well, Leroy will tell you that, but DK will blow it off. LOL
Friday, August 24, 2007
TIWF TV REPORT 8.23.07 by the Rambling Critic
TIWF TV Report
The screen is still bouncing and there is still a big black bar across the bottom. Do they care? Can they not figure out how to fix this problem?
Wildside and Jon Seymore are back behind the desk this week, Wildside in gimmick...but no elbow pads.
The attendance was up this week. 55-65 people in the crowd. Mostly small kids but former TIWF Champ "Jawbreaker" Jesse Dee was also in the crowd.
Match # 1
Chico Mendoza vs J.R. Rich
Last week J.R. was a ref, now he's back to being a wrestler. WTF? This match was heavily edited, but thats a good thing considering who was in it. Chico still wrestles lazy, but wins with a brass knucks shot on J.R. that gets baby pop from the crowd. 1/2 Star.
Match # 2
TV Title Match
Spyder (c) vs Overkill
Overkill has a blue fauxhawk this week. This match was full of botches. Overkill throws horrible clothslines. Overkill needs gear. Overkill hits a real nice looking "619" on Spyder but Hotrod oversells it and calls it the "731". Waycool interfers and so Overkill wins by DQ. I like Spyder's Fit Finlay gimmick, but he needs something. Maybe a nice video package. Why can't he win clean here? 1 Star.
Match # 3
Big Boy Bob & Steven Rampage vs Johnny Thunder and Weasel
Real nice chain wrestling by Rampage and Weasel. Thunder is bad. He's 300 pounds and trying to do kip ups, drop kicks, and other lightweight moves. He fell on his butt mostly. Rampage gets hit with powder by Bob, then he hits Bob with the "Lobotomy Driver". Bob gets pinned. This was the most edited match I've ever seen, and I don't know why. It took away from the story. This match deserved more about not show Chico and J.R. Even with Johnny Thunder in this match, the others made it good. The producers need to only put out the good product. Weasel and Johnny Thunder's new name is American Thunder. 2 Stars, would have been more but the editing and Johnny Thunder brought it down.
Match # 4
Moondog Rules Match
Waycool vs Moondog Rex
Moondog wins after sending Waycool crashing through a door that was in the ring...yes a door. Moondog no sells way too much, more than a Moondog should. 1/2 Star.
Match # 5
TIWF Heavyweight Title Match
Wildside vs PK Ripper
Certain spots were mistimed. Screen f'd up during match. It got super digitized, went crazy fast followed by crazy slow for a minute. Finish had a ref bump, Rampage gets in the ring, PK sends him out and then turns into the double underhook DDT. Wildside wins. These guys have had hundreds of matches against each other, this was not the best...was not the worst either. What's wrong with having a clean finish? I was thinking during this match that if Wildside were to get into shape and lose the gut he would definatly be the best worker in TIWF. 2 Stars.
Best match was the tag match, it had psychology and needed more TV time. It was wrestling. I think that Spyder and Weasel would have a good little program if given the chance. Wildside needs a different opponent than PK. EVERYONE knew these two would be the final in the tourney, so surprise us and get someone else beside PK involved in the Title picture. PK could have decent matches with Overkill, maybe even team up with him. There need to be some CLEAN wins. Also a NBW TV report is in the works, when some glitches get worked out I will post it. Until next week...
The screen is still bouncing and there is still a big black bar across the bottom. Do they care? Can they not figure out how to fix this problem?
Wildside and Jon Seymore are back behind the desk this week, Wildside in gimmick...but no elbow pads.
The attendance was up this week. 55-65 people in the crowd. Mostly small kids but former TIWF Champ "Jawbreaker" Jesse Dee was also in the crowd.
Match # 1
Chico Mendoza vs J.R. Rich
Last week J.R. was a ref, now he's back to being a wrestler. WTF? This match was heavily edited, but thats a good thing considering who was in it. Chico still wrestles lazy, but wins with a brass knucks shot on J.R. that gets baby pop from the crowd. 1/2 Star.
Match # 2
TV Title Match
Spyder (c) vs Overkill
Overkill has a blue fauxhawk this week. This match was full of botches. Overkill throws horrible clothslines. Overkill needs gear. Overkill hits a real nice looking "619" on Spyder but Hotrod oversells it and calls it the "731". Waycool interfers and so Overkill wins by DQ. I like Spyder's Fit Finlay gimmick, but he needs something. Maybe a nice video package. Why can't he win clean here? 1 Star.
Match # 3
Big Boy Bob & Steven Rampage vs Johnny Thunder and Weasel
Real nice chain wrestling by Rampage and Weasel. Thunder is bad. He's 300 pounds and trying to do kip ups, drop kicks, and other lightweight moves. He fell on his butt mostly. Rampage gets hit with powder by Bob, then he hits Bob with the "Lobotomy Driver". Bob gets pinned. This was the most edited match I've ever seen, and I don't know why. It took away from the story. This match deserved more about not show Chico and J.R. Even with Johnny Thunder in this match, the others made it good. The producers need to only put out the good product. Weasel and Johnny Thunder's new name is American Thunder. 2 Stars, would have been more but the editing and Johnny Thunder brought it down.
Match # 4
Moondog Rules Match
Waycool vs Moondog Rex
Moondog wins after sending Waycool crashing through a door that was in the ring...yes a door. Moondog no sells way too much, more than a Moondog should. 1/2 Star.
Match # 5
TIWF Heavyweight Title Match
Wildside vs PK Ripper
Certain spots were mistimed. Screen f'd up during match. It got super digitized, went crazy fast followed by crazy slow for a minute. Finish had a ref bump, Rampage gets in the ring, PK sends him out and then turns into the double underhook DDT. Wildside wins. These guys have had hundreds of matches against each other, this was not the best...was not the worst either. What's wrong with having a clean finish? I was thinking during this match that if Wildside were to get into shape and lose the gut he would definatly be the best worker in TIWF. 2 Stars.
Best match was the tag match, it had psychology and needed more TV time. It was wrestling. I think that Spyder and Weasel would have a good little program if given the chance. Wildside needs a different opponent than PK. EVERYONE knew these two would be the final in the tourney, so surprise us and get someone else beside PK involved in the Title picture. PK could have decent matches with Overkill, maybe even team up with him. There need to be some CLEAN wins. Also a NBW TV report is in the works, when some glitches get worked out I will post it. Until next week...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
On Second Thought.........
----After reading the complete story below about Mysterio's appearance, I have second thoughts on it. It IS well known that Oscar Gutierrez has been prescribed both Stanozolol and Nandralone by Dr. David Wilbirt in Phoenix. It is was posted here and almost every news site available. Why lie about it? Maybe as Meltzer says here it is because he is a kid's hero type character. Who knows??
--Rey Mysterio was on Fox News today. They asked him about steroids and he said he had never taken steroid
s. They asked what would it mean if his name was released in an investigation and he said they would only find he was taking pain medication. He said the wrestlers of today were a different breed from their predecessors. Brian Kilmeade said Kurt Angle was four times the size he was in the Olympics and that he was a patient of Dr. Phil Astin (I hadn't heard that) and Mysterio didn't respond. Mysterio said the wrestlers are there to entertain and that's all they do, and he plugged SummerSlam. He said his connection with Astin was for pain medication due to his six different knee operations. He said he never knew Chris Benoit used steroids and even though he called him a very close friend, said they had never talked about steroids. Vince or John Laurinaitis really need to talk with everyone. It's already been reported that an investigation uncovered Oscar Gutierrez being prescribed both Stanozolol and Nandralone by Dr. David Wilbirt in Phoenix. The company already has a bad rep to the public and they really should encourage the wrestlers not to make it worse. Mysterio seemed uncomfortable when the question of steroids came up. I don't know if he wasn't coached and he panicked on the air. Mysterio is different in the sense he's a kids hero and perhaps the company would want him to deny, but if I had to guess, I'd guess different. When people representing the company go on TV like that and kill credibility, it hurts the company, particularly right now when the company needs to maintain whatever credibility it has.

You Got To Love This!!
----I see why Mysterio might be lying, but come on Joanie!! I am going to say some ADULT here, so if any kids are reading this - please just
go to another post. One of the major side effects of females taking testosterone is it makes the clitoris grow to the size of a small penis. A college professor of mine [and this was in the late 80s] was actually into body building. He was telling me the side effects and said that he had seen where they had to actually cut a woman's clitoris, because it had got so big. And, so if you have seen "One Night In Chyna", then you know she is a liar!!
- Rey Mysterio Jr. was interviewed earlier today on the Fox News channel and denied ever using steroids. Mysterio was asked about his connection to Dr. Phil Astin. Mysterio said he had been prescribed pain medication due to undergoing six knee operations.
- Joanie "Chyna" Laurer was finally interviewed by Nancy Grace on CNN Headline, and again denied she used steroids to bulk up her body.

- Rey Mysterio Jr. was interviewed earlier today on the Fox News channel and denied ever using steroids. Mysterio was asked about his connection to Dr. Phil Astin. Mysterio said he had been prescribed pain medication due to undergoing six knee operations.
- Joanie "Chyna" Laurer was finally interviewed by Nancy Grace on CNN Headline, and again denied she used steroids to bulk up her body.
Poll Results & Site News!!
Poll Results
----It looks like Taylor McKnight was a hit. 45% said he was better than Corey Maclin and adding 25% more saying they like him, he was the overall winner. There were only 2% of those polled that thought Corey was better. There were 27% of you that hate them both though. LOL
----Since the majority of you did like Taylor, I have added him to the RRO staff. He will contribute from time to time with interviews, articles and such. He will also have a RassleTube feature every week titled “TaylorVision”. He has promised some Exclusive footage for this site only as he stated, “I own a lot of footage that’s been filmed over the years, and film shows on a weekly basis.” So look for “TaylorVision” to debut within in a few weeks. Welcome aboard Taylor!!
----I also would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support of the new message board. There were not tons of contributors, but lots of people came to see and read. And it looks like in this day and age of high school killings, stalkers and Lindsey Lohan, people like the anonymity of being able to say what they want without threat.
----It looks like Taylor McKnight was a hit. 45% said he was better than Corey Maclin and adding 25% more saying they like him, he was the overall winner. There were only 2% of those polled that thought Corey was better. There were 27% of you that hate them both though. LOL
----Since the majority of you did like Taylor, I have added him to the RRO staff. He will contribute from time to time with interviews, articles and such. He will also have a RassleTube feature every week titled “TaylorVision”. He has promised some Exclusive footage for this site only as he stated, “I own a lot of footage that’s been filmed over the years, and film shows on a weekly basis.” So look for “TaylorVision” to debut within in a few weeks. Welcome aboard Taylor!!
----I also would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support of the new message board. There were not tons of contributors, but lots of people came to see and read. And it looks like in this day and age of high school killings, stalkers and Lindsey Lohan, people like the anonymity of being able to say what they want without threat.
Shows for The Weekend 8.23 to 8.25.07
----Believe me when I tell you that it is hot as hell in this area. Record temps in almost the whole region. So, will I be getting out this weekend - probably not. But if I had to plan a weekend of wrestling, I would hit TIWF Dodgeball tonight, LAW in Rector, AR on Friday night and go to TLCW on Saturday night. More promotions need to help their communities like the dodgeball deal – it gives a lot of good exposure and it is fun. If you can’t tell by the recaps, then watch them again, because LAW is becoming a “workers” haven. They are not drawing the houses they need, but the matches are looking top notch and the booking is solid. I believe TLCW will feature the 3rd Match in the Posse vs Hot Topic series this Saturday night and if it is anything like the first two – worth the drive and sitting in the heat to see it. Dustin Starr has promised to bring the "Five Starr Band" with him. That is worth the price of admission just for the bizzaro world feel to it.
----Tonight!! Jackson, TN…TIWF versus 101.5 WMD's in Dodgeball. The 101.5 radio station has challenged the TIWF superstars to dodgeball. The 1st game is scheduled for 7 p.m. TONIGHT at Tigrett Middle School. Little Caesar's Pizza will be there as well as JEA Channel 6. Admission is only $5.00 and the proceeds benefit the Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR for a benefit show with Psycho, Arnez, Tommy Redneck, Rockin’ Randy, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Jon Michael, Slim Pickens, Tim Alfonso, Dell Tucker and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena in Tupelo, MS with Shawn Reed,Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Special Ed, Cassanova Kid, Chris Kaos, Hittman, T-Byrd, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, The Freakshow, The Interns, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more.Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night for the Real Pro Wrestling debut in Ecru, MS “Pure Destruction” [Brody and Cody Hawk], Bonecrusher, Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Neil Taylor, “DC” David Cross, Brett Michaels, Pink Flamingos, Tommy Knox and many more.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Justin Reed, Hittman, Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, Jack Irons, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night for the Real Pro Wrestling debut in Ecru, MS “Pure Destruction” [Brody and Cody Hawk], Bonecrusher, “The Studd” Scott Porteau, Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Neil Taylor, “DC” David Cross, Brett Michaels, Pink Flamingos, Tommy Knox and many more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, “Black Label Society” [Void, AJ Bradley, Robbie], Chris Rocker and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Moondog Rex, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Hardknox, Johnny Thunder, Billy Joe Dream, Punisher Dra Black, Azreal.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
----ASWF Saturday Night - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy, Reno Diamond,Blalock The Blazer, Marcus O'Neil ,Acid, Announcers Michael Ward, Brian Edwards, Cody Murdoch, Morgan Lane and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington ST Seth Knight, Rockin Randy, TGB Greg Anthony, “Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King], “The Posse” [Lil Chris/Simon Reed],Dustin Starr, Tim Grind, Jerry Weezy,”Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Gaylon Ray, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker, "Rhythm & Blues" [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker] and much more!!!
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell Time is 8 P.M, doors open @ 7:15 P.M.
----Tonight!! Jackson, TN…TIWF versus 101.5 WMD's in Dodgeball. The 101.5 radio station has challenged the TIWF superstars to dodgeball. The 1st game is scheduled for 7 p.m. TONIGHT at Tigrett Middle School. Little Caesar's Pizza will be there as well as JEA Channel 6. Admission is only $5.00 and the proceeds benefit the Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR for a benefit show with Psycho, Arnez, Tommy Redneck, Rockin’ Randy, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Jon Michael, Slim Pickens, Tim Alfonso, Dell Tucker and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena in Tupelo, MS with Shawn Reed,Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Special Ed, Cassanova Kid, Chris Kaos, Hittman, T-Byrd, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, The Freakshow, The Interns, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more.Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night for the Real Pro Wrestling debut in Ecru, MS “Pure Destruction” [Brody and Cody Hawk], Bonecrusher, Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Neil Taylor, “DC” David Cross, Brett Michaels, Pink Flamingos, Tommy Knox and many more.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Justin Reed, Hittman, Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, Jack Irons, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night for the Real Pro Wrestling debut in Ecru, MS “Pure Destruction” [Brody and Cody Hawk], Bonecrusher, “The Studd” Scott Porteau, Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Neil Taylor, “DC” David Cross, Brett Michaels, Pink Flamingos, Tommy Knox and many more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, “Black Label Society” [Void, AJ Bradley, Robbie], Chris Rocker and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Moondog Rex, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Hardknox, Johnny Thunder, Billy Joe Dream, Punisher Dra Black, Azreal.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
----ASWF Saturday Night - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy, Reno Diamond,Blalock The Blazer, Marcus O'Neil ,Acid, Announcers Michael Ward, Brian Edwards, Cody Murdoch, Morgan Lane and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington ST Seth Knight, Rockin Randy, TGB Greg Anthony, “Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King], “The Posse” [Lil Chris/Simon Reed],Dustin Starr, Tim Grind, Jerry Weezy,”Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Gaylon Ray, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker, "Rhythm & Blues" [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker] and much more!!!
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell Time is 8 P.M, doors open @ 7:15 P.M.
RassleResults: Real Pro Wrestling Ecru, MS 8.18.07 - Scott Porteau is Gone!!
----Scott Porteau [Mike Jones] is already gone from the Real Pro Wrestling partnership. Porteau has sited pe
rsonal reasons for leaving and it is not creative differences with Brody Hawk. Apparently the tandem had sit down for a huge meeting and had 6 weeks of stuff planned, but now with Porteau out of the plan, things are changing on the fly. Brody Hawk’s first objective is trying to bring the crowd up that has suffered from bad press and I think some can be contributed to the heat. This summer has been record temps in this area and no one wants to sit two hours in a hot building. I also feel Hawk has to add some new talent and try to present a new product with winners and losers. As you can below the results, a few names have already been mentioned about coming in.
----Cassanova Kid beat Jay Webster…Brian So Fine beat Tommy Knox…”24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler] beat Bonecrusher/Izzy…Colton Anderson beat Pappy…No DQ Match: Brody Hawk beat Psycho
----Crowd was in the 30 to 35 range with a gate close to $175…In the “never say never” dept Danny B Good, who left XOW earlier this year [when it was being booked by Hawk/Tony Watts] with the title belt. is coming in…Idol Bane, who has been impressive in his LAW stint, will be bringing the "Ghost of Andy Kaufman" to RPW real soon.

----Cassanova Kid beat Jay Webster…Brian So Fine beat Tommy Knox…”24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler] beat Bonecrusher/Izzy…Colton Anderson beat Pappy…No DQ Match: Brody Hawk beat Psycho
----Crowd was in the 30 to 35 range with a gate close to $175…In the “never say never” dept Danny B Good, who left XOW earlier this year [when it was being booked by Hawk/Tony Watts] with the title belt. is coming in…Idol Bane, who has been impressive in his LAW stint, will be bringing the "Ghost of Andy Kaufman" to RPW real soon.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
----There are people on here and on the discussion board wonder why I am not such a Jones fan. Along with stuff like this, please take into account that there are thousands of guys that will never get to wrestle on a PPV in their life and this piece of shit gets to do it. Hell, The Hambones deserve to be on a PPV more than him.
Nurse Shot in Head Sues 'Pacman' Jones
LAS VEGAS - A New York nurse who was shot in the head after a scuffle at a Las Vegas strip club involving Adam "Pacman" Jones has sued the suspended Tennessee Titans' cornerback and the company she says hired him to throw thousands of dollars at strippers.
Natalie Jones claimed in her suit, filed last week in Clark County District Court, that "Jones and his entourage" were responsible for firing a semiautomatic weapon after a fight inside the Minxx strip club spilled outside. The gunshots struck her and two of the club's security guards, one of whom was paralyzed.
She claims she required three weeks in intensive care to recover from her injuries and lost wages as a result of missing work as a registered nurse. She said she was in Las Vegas for the NBA All-Star weekend, visiting friends.
Adam Jones, suspended for the 2007 season by the NFL, has said he was an innocent bystander in the shooting. He has said he does not know the person suspected of firing the gun.
Jones' lawyer, Manny Arora of Atlanta, Ga., said he was "skeptical" of the claim, especially since police have said Natalie Jones was treated and released from hospital within a day.
"It sort of demeans the whole process when you start making fantastical claims you can't prove," Arora said.
Las Vegas police, however, have identified Adam Jones as the "inciter" of the fight around 5 a.m. on Feb. 19 at the club, and he faces two felony counts of coercion stemming from allegations he threatened to kill club employees and that he bit a bouncer in the melee.
Natalie Jones claims in her suit, filed Aug. 14, that the football player had "entered into a contract" with the Harlem Knights exotic dancer group, based in Houston, to throw thousands of $1 bills on stage for about 40 dancers. Las Vegas police said Tuesday they have not found evidence of such a contract.
When the dancers began scooping up the bills, "Pacman" allegedly began a fight with them over the money, the suit says. The shooting occurred after he and his group were forcibly escorted out of the club by guards.
Natalie Jones sued the player for assault and battery and blames him, the strip club and the Harlem Knights group for negligence for failing to maintain safety during the money-throwing stunt known as "making it rain." She demanded unspecified damages.
The former West Virginia standout was suspended for the season in April for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy. He cannot have his case reviewed until after the Titans' 10th game, Nov. 19.
Natalie Jones' lawyer, Donald Campbell, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
AP Sports Writer Teresa M. Walker contributed to this report from Nashville, Tenn.
Nurse Shot in Head Sues 'Pacman' Jones
LAS VEGAS - A New York nurse who was shot in the head after a scuffle at a Las Vegas strip club involving Adam "Pacman" Jones has sued the suspended Tennessee Titans' cornerback and the company she says hired him to throw thousands of dollars at strippers.
Natalie Jones claimed in her suit, filed last week in Clark County District Court, that "Jones and his entourage" were responsible for firing a semiautomatic weapon after a fight inside the Minxx strip club spilled outside. The gunshots struck her and two of the club's security guards, one of whom was paralyzed.
She claims she required three weeks in intensive care to recover from her injuries and lost wages as a result of missing work as a registered nurse. She said she was in Las Vegas for the NBA All-Star weekend, visiting friends.
Adam Jones, suspended for the 2007 season by the NFL, has said he was an innocent bystander in the shooting. He has said he does not know the person suspected of firing the gun.
Jones' lawyer, Manny Arora of Atlanta, Ga., said he was "skeptical" of the claim, especially since police have said Natalie Jones was treated and released from hospital within a day.
"It sort of demeans the whole process when you start making fantastical claims you can't prove," Arora said.
Las Vegas police, however, have identified Adam Jones as the "inciter" of the fight around 5 a.m. on Feb. 19 at the club, and he faces two felony counts of coercion stemming from allegations he threatened to kill club employees and that he bit a bouncer in the melee.
Natalie Jones claims in her suit, filed Aug. 14, that the football player had "entered into a contract" with the Harlem Knights exotic dancer group, based in Houston, to throw thousands of $1 bills on stage for about 40 dancers. Las Vegas police said Tuesday they have not found evidence of such a contract.
When the dancers began scooping up the bills, "Pacman" allegedly began a fight with them over the money, the suit says. The shooting occurred after he and his group were forcibly escorted out of the club by guards.
Natalie Jones sued the player for assault and battery and blames him, the strip club and the Harlem Knights group for negligence for failing to maintain safety during the money-throwing stunt known as "making it rain." She demanded unspecified damages.
The former West Virginia standout was suspended for the season in April for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy. He cannot have his case reviewed until after the Titans' 10th game, Nov. 19.
Natalie Jones' lawyer, Donald Campbell, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
AP Sports Writer Teresa M. Walker contributed to this report from Nashville, Tenn.
RassleTube: LAW Recap 8.17.07
----Close your eyes when Tommy Redneck is talking and you will think it is Tommy Rich. LOL
A Deadly Phenomenon by Frank DeFord
----If you have no idea who Frank DeFord is, then let me fill you in. DeFord has been writing for Sports Illustrated since the early 1960s. In addition to his Sports Illustrated duties, he is also a correspondent for HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel [great show!!] and a regular, Wednesday commentator for National Public Radio's Morning Edition.
----In the early 1990s Deford took a brief break from NPR and other professional
activities to serve as editor-in-chief of The National (newspaper), a short-lived, daily U.S. sports newspaper. It debuted January 31, 1990 and folded after eighteen months. The newspaper was published Sundays through Fridays and had a tabloid format. The National featured a weekly wrestling article by Dave Meltzer, which was done in shoot format similar to this site and many like it today.
----I recently posted an article about steroids for this site. My main point being that steroids did not cause the death of Chris Benoit. I had a long discussion with a local worker that was adamant that steroids were not the cause of Benoit's death and I think he, like many others, believe it is not the cause of any of the deaths. As I said, I don't think it 100% the reason, but "Combine the travel, the steroids, the painkillers and little weed and crack rock ever now and then – there is a problem. No other major organization – not even the movie industry have this kind of death rate." Take a look at this article and if you are a worker that has either done steroids or thinking about it - read the stats!!

----I recently posted an article about steroids for this site. My main point being that steroids did not cause the death of Chris Benoit. I had a long discussion with a local worker that was adamant that steroids were not the cause of Benoit's death and I think he, like many others, believe it is not the cause of any of the deaths. As I said, I don't think it 100% the reason, but "Combine the travel, the steroids, the painkillers and little weed and crack rock ever now and then – there is a problem. No other major organization – not even the movie industry have this kind of death rate." Take a look at this article and if you are a worker that has either done steroids or thinking about it - read the stats!!
A deadly phenomenon
Pro wrestling's mortality rate holds no peer in sports
Imagine, if you will, that in the last decade 186 men who had played major league baseball died before they were 50. Imagine that in that same time 435 men who had played in the NFL likewise died before they were 50.
If this were so, Congress would probably have dropped discussing everything short of terrorism to investigate. Cable television would talk of nothing else. The sports would be decried from the pulpits.
Of course, nothing like this has happened. However, if you extrapolate the number of deaths of under-50 professional wrestlers to baseball and football, that is the equivalent mortality score: 186 major league baseball players, 435 NFL players. Dave Meltzer, the distinguished journalist who has covered professional wrestling for 30 years, has carefully tabulated the death toll in his sport, and he comes up with a total of 65 wrestlers who have, since 1997, died before their 50th birthday. Sixty-five!
If there is a profession in America with a higher mortality rate, I'd like to know. A professional wrestler probably has a greater chance of dying than a soldier posted to Iraq. But who cares? Who does anything about it?
Oh occasionally, as earlier this summer when the wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and son and then committed suicide, the death is so horrific that there is a momentary flurry of interest. But then it is quickly onto the next week's example of American ghoulishness. Who knows that in the seven weeks since the Benoit family massacre, three more wrestlers have died -- two aged 44, one 38. Drugs seem to have played a part in all three deaths.
The main reason for such indifference is that professional wrestling isn't considered a sport and is barely legislated. But, of course, unlike such other popular cable entertainments as poker and hot-dog eating, wrestling is a sport. No, not legitimate in the competitive sense, but it is certainly legitimate athletic exercise. It's grueling, all the moreso that the wrestlers are subjected to an arduous travel schedule.
Meltzer, the editor of Wrestling Observer Newsletter, says that performance enhancing drugs entered the sport as early as the 1960s. By the 1980s, steroids were a staple -- especially as Vince McMahon, the brilliant promoter who headed up the World Wrestling Federation, realized that blown-up action humanoids sold tickets and drove up ratings. The wrestlers juiced themselves up. Says Meltzer, "Even if there had been no Vince McMahon, there would have been a steroid problem in wrestling." Steroid muscles sell wrestling as silicone breasts sell other popular divertissements.
Meltzer, I believe, is the most accomplished reporter in sport journalism. It's incidental that his sport is not a fashionable one. It's Meltzer's comprehensive knowledge that makes his death tally so accurate and so awful -- especially as it shows that the vast preponderance of wrestlers who have died either lost their lives outright to drug overdose or died of heart attack, liver or kidney failure clearly brought on by drug abuse. Most, if not all of the half-dozen wrestlers who committed suicide, were probably also influenced to take their lives because of drug involvement.
There are, I believe, two things we must take away here. First, attention must be paid to the horrors of professional wrestling by somebody other than Dave Meltzer. And second, those who tend to think performance-enhancing drugs in sports like baseball and football really aren't a big deal ought to be forewarned. It can happen here.
Credit and
Pro wrestling's mortality rate holds no peer in sports
Imagine, if you will, that in the last decade 186 men who had played major league baseball died before they were 50. Imagine that in that same time 435 men who had played in the NFL likewise died before they were 50.
If this were so, Congress would probably have dropped discussing everything short of terrorism to investigate. Cable television would talk of nothing else. The sports would be decried from the pulpits.
Of course, nothing like this has happened. However, if you extrapolate the number of deaths of under-50 professional wrestlers to baseball and football, that is the equivalent mortality score: 186 major league baseball players, 435 NFL players. Dave Meltzer, the distinguished journalist who has covered professional wrestling for 30 years, has carefully tabulated the death toll in his sport, and he comes up with a total of 65 wrestlers who have, since 1997, died before their 50th birthday. Sixty-five!
If there is a profession in America with a higher mortality rate, I'd like to know. A professional wrestler probably has a greater chance of dying than a soldier posted to Iraq. But who cares? Who does anything about it?
Oh occasionally, as earlier this summer when the wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and son and then committed suicide, the death is so horrific that there is a momentary flurry of interest. But then it is quickly onto the next week's example of American ghoulishness. Who knows that in the seven weeks since the Benoit family massacre, three more wrestlers have died -- two aged 44, one 38. Drugs seem to have played a part in all three deaths.
The main reason for such indifference is that professional wrestling isn't considered a sport and is barely legislated. But, of course, unlike such other popular cable entertainments as poker and hot-dog eating, wrestling is a sport. No, not legitimate in the competitive sense, but it is certainly legitimate athletic exercise. It's grueling, all the moreso that the wrestlers are subjected to an arduous travel schedule.
Meltzer, the editor of Wrestling Observer Newsletter, says that performance enhancing drugs entered the sport as early as the 1960s. By the 1980s, steroids were a staple -- especially as Vince McMahon, the brilliant promoter who headed up the World Wrestling Federation, realized that blown-up action humanoids sold tickets and drove up ratings. The wrestlers juiced themselves up. Says Meltzer, "Even if there had been no Vince McMahon, there would have been a steroid problem in wrestling." Steroid muscles sell wrestling as silicone breasts sell other popular divertissements.
Meltzer, I believe, is the most accomplished reporter in sport journalism. It's incidental that his sport is not a fashionable one. It's Meltzer's comprehensive knowledge that makes his death tally so accurate and so awful -- especially as it shows that the vast preponderance of wrestlers who have died either lost their lives outright to drug overdose or died of heart attack, liver or kidney failure clearly brought on by drug abuse. Most, if not all of the half-dozen wrestlers who committed suicide, were probably also influenced to take their lives because of drug involvement.
There are, I believe, two things we must take away here. First, attention must be paid to the horrors of professional wrestling by somebody other than Dave Meltzer. And second, those who tend to think performance-enhancing drugs in sports like baseball and football really aren't a big deal ought to be forewarned. It can happen here.
Credit and
Benoit Coverage: More Info
- Cary Ichter, the Atlanta based attorney for Michael Benoit (Chris's father), previously represented several minority wrestlers (including former manager Sonny Onoo) against WCW in a racial discrimination lawsuit.
- It is now believed the pool guy that saw Chris Benoit and Daniel alive during the weekend in question actually saw them on Friday evening around 6:30PM. Two members of the Aqua Pro company dropped by to clean the pool and saw Benoit and Daniel playing together in the pool and cooking out.
- According to phone records, Nancy Benoit called her next door neighbor on the night of her death, but the neighbor didn't answer.
- There have been more evidence discovered in the case, but its being kept quiet due to the legal fight over the Benoit estate.
- It is now believed the pool guy that saw Chris Benoit and Daniel alive during the weekend in question actually saw them on Friday evening around 6:30PM. Two members of the Aqua Pro company dropped by to clean the pool and saw Benoit and Daniel playing together in the pool and cooking out.
- According to phone records, Nancy Benoit called her next door neighbor on the night of her death, but the neighbor didn't answer.
- There have been more evidence discovered in the case, but its being kept quiet due to the legal fight over the Benoit estate.
Special Ref: Ronald McDonald..... by Gene Jackson
Someone sent me a link to Dave Millican's latest belt creation, not really sure what the story behind it is, but I'm sure there is one, probably some company wide contest or something.
Anyways, I had a really hateful paragraph to go with this and stopped myself from posting it yesterday, so today I'm just posting it cause of the sheer oddness of it. Plus the irony of how many "Indy Wrestling Superstars" work at McDonalds across the country you could probably do a tournament.
Photo Courtesy of

Rumor is that Barry Darsow and Bill Eadie are gonna be hitting the indy circuit tagging as Demolition once again. The pair have gotten together recently for some fanfest and autograph signings but have now apparently decided to get back in the ring. Should be interesting to see how they hold up after all these years. They will be using the Demolition name as Eadie won the rights to use it in a lawsuit several years ago, as well as the name Ax. Darsow on the otherhand does not own the rights to the Smash character and will be working under the name 'Slayer' this time around. There had been talk of getting Brian Adams involved in the reunion but he passed away recently before it could come together.
----I will have a discussion of the Taylor McKnight poll sometime today or tomorrow. After MAW had their Top 10 Memphis Tournament, it made me want to know who you visitors consider to be the #1 in this area of that bunch. I have posted the last 4 people in the tournament along with RRO Wrestler of the Year - Derrick King.
----I have also added a new topic on the Discussion Board. What do you think of Sal's column so far??
----I have also added a new topic on the Discussion Board. What do you think of Sal's column so far??
Site News - New Message Board!!
----I guess one of the main rules of the wrestling business is “never say never”. I have been part of wrestling fandom for over 20 years. When I did my first kayfabe sheet almost 15 years ago, I learn that you sometimes have to publish stuff that is not always your favorite thing, but your readers like it. That is the job of being an editor of a website. You have to do some things that the visitors are demanding and it seems like my visitors/writers are busting at the seams for me to change this about my website. As of today, I have two message boards. One is the discussion board, where topics are set and people have to register to respond. The second one will be called the Kayfabe Board, because your are able to kayfabe your identity to everyone including myself. No registration – no password. You may post whatever is on your mind and everybody will be able to respond or start their new topic. This is sort of mixture of Trent Van Drisse’s board and the ‘s board. It is a much easier format than the discussion board and it lets you say what you want without being beat up. LOL As many of know, I am not fond of these kind of boards, but wrestling fandom as a whole likes these sort of things.
----I do want to note that I am going to try by best to NOT censor this board. You may say what you want about me, my staff, other sites, workers..whatever…but please there are times when some stuff will have to be pulled. If you personally are attacked on this board and feel it is offensive beyond the boundaries, then please e-mail me.
CLICK HERE to go to the new board!!!
----I do want to note that I am going to try by best to NOT censor this board. You may say what you want about me, my staff, other sites, workers..whatever…but please there are times when some stuff will have to be pulled. If you personally are attacked on this board and feel it is offensive beyond the boundaries, then please e-mail me.
CLICK HERE to go to the new board!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A Piece of my Mind- August 21st 2007
I want to start out today by talking about TNA. I do applaud the fighting spirit and attempts to make things work and let more wrestlers make some kind of a living, while others make a great deal of money. I can not understand the thinking of a company that for the first time should be glad that it was flying under the radar. Instead of being happy about it, and talk about bad timing they go out and sign an albatross to a contract. They put themselves in negotiations with an NFL team that basically sent them home with nothing. Of course for their troubles they got one big fat spotlight on them just big enough to wake up Congress to the fact that these guys are in the wrestling business. I wonder how these decisions are being made. I understand about getting main stream publicity but they have tried this before and it has meant very little or nothing to their company. Is the insanity ever going to stop at TNA? I am not sure how to get TNA to surpass WWE; common sense tells you it’s not even possible. I do know they can be a lot better than they are. I believe that a few simple things would go a long way. The first thing that they should do is give the book to Jim Cornette and leave him alone. How hard is it to figure out that this guy GETS IT. The next thing to do is to determine that Jeff Jarrett is never going to draw you any money, he should be used strategically to get people over and help the company. I believe someone like Jim Cornette can get this kind of value out of Jeff Jarrett. If Jeff wanted what was best for the company he would focus on his corporate duties and the next stage of his life which should focus on owning a wrestling company. I do not know Dixie Carter personally, I have not heard any negative stories about her as a human being but just as easy as you can tell Jim Cornette gets it, it’s just as easy to figure out that Dixie doesn’t. It is exactly opposite of WWE at TNA, in WWE you can’t talk Vince into anything (that isn’t his idea) that makes sense and in TNA you can talk Dixie into anything if she likes you or your Jeff Jarrett.
I understand that SNME had an improved rating which I am glad about. If I was Vince I would really want to know if my company was responsible or was Evander responsible. He certainly seemed to be well received by the wrestling starved people of NYC. It is rare when one of these outsiders actually seems to help in more ways than just some mainstream media. I thought Matt Hardy did his job well and all in all it was a good segment. I am a fan of MVP as well, I don’t think he will ever be a huge draw, but is he a good solid company man who can contribute in a significant way. Yes, I believe that he is, they are missing the boat with several talents, Val Venis being high on the top of the list of good workers, he has charisma, personality and you never hear a negative word about this guy. Of course if your not scandal filled it usually means a spot on the under card. If I was Vince I would very much be looking forward to the return of HHH, I don’t know him and have never met him but he sure seems to give 100% each and every time out and I think he did that long before he was son in law of the year
I am writing this while watching Monday Night Raw and I see that Jerry Lawler is not in the broadcast booth due to his altercation with King Booker last Monday night. Why does WWE continue to insult people’s intelligence week after week? Any hardcore wrestling fan knows that Jerry Lawler just wrestled in Tunica Ms on Friday night. Is it that creative doesn’t realize on most weekends Jerry Lawler is working on some Indy show that is publicized all over the internet. Is it that Jerry hopes that these things just fly under the radar or does WWE just want everyone to continually suspend reality for the purpose of watching their product? If someone in WWE would just understand details MATTER.
I was really hoping that I didn’t like the combination of Tazz and Jim Ross, I know that saying anything positive about it would come off as sour grapes so I checked with some people first and the vote was unanimous. I thought that the team of Tazz and Ross was much better than Lawler and Ross. I think Ross is a brilliant announcer and the best in the business today. It could be time for Lawler to have a different role in WWE. How about making Lawler commissioner and putting someone believable like William Regal back in the ring where he belongs. It would have been nice for Tazz to defend Ross from King Booker, does WWE really think that people buy into the fact that Tazz would stand still while his partner is being assaulted. It was not that long ago that Tazz was almost invincible.
Well, Raw is over now and I sit here wondering if Vince McMahon goes to bed each night laughing at all of us. I mean he could actually say something like this. I have done almost everything that I can to ruin my company. I have wasted millions on films something I know absolutely nothing about, like the XFL the football league I lost a small fortune on. I present a product each week that is an oxymoron a wrestling program that presents wrestling as merely an after thought. Yet people won’t let me go out of business. There are still enough people out there that will watch whatever I put on TV.
I don’t plan on sitting here and running through Raw segment by segment enough people do that. I am giving my input and suggestions in regards to fixing the foundations of the two major companies as it relates to the final product that the fans are presented. I do find it interesting that two companies can make numerous mistakes more than anyone can keep up with and one can make bundles of money and the other is swimming in red ink. I wonder if it’s the breast stroke they are doing?
It was 1992 I was the booker for IWA Championship Wrestling and we were on tour in Sydney, Australia we were the first ones to open up Australia again since Jim Barnett. We were going to be there for three weeks plus one week of pre tour publicity for Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff, Kamala "The Ugandan Giant" and my self one of my jobs on the tour was to be Friday for Kamala. It was so easy in those days, we had our first event and I told promoter Rob Russen that I was going to send the guys out to do a very very simple old school finish. It was my intention to see if a finish that people would piss on in the states could generate any heat in Oz. Well, the people went crazy and I looked at him and said what an easy three weeks this is going to be. It was a very easy three weeks nothing but fun and good matches. It was three weeks of Orndorff switching off between Thunderfoot #1 (David Isley) and Kamala. There is a lot more to the story than that, I will cover it all in time including why we never went back although we had nothing but success while we were there
That’s a Piece of my Mind
“The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente
I understand that SNME had an improved rating which I am glad about. If I was Vince I would really want to know if my company was responsible or was Evander responsible. He certainly seemed to be well received by the wrestling starved people of NYC. It is rare when one of these outsiders actually seems to help in more ways than just some mainstream media. I thought Matt Hardy did his job well and all in all it was a good segment. I am a fan of MVP as well, I don’t think he will ever be a huge draw, but is he a good solid company man who can contribute in a significant way. Yes, I believe that he is, they are missing the boat with several talents, Val Venis being high on the top of the list of good workers, he has charisma, personality and you never hear a negative word about this guy. Of course if your not scandal filled it usually means a spot on the under card. If I was Vince I would very much be looking forward to the return of HHH, I don’t know him and have never met him but he sure seems to give 100% each and every time out and I think he did that long before he was son in law of the year
I am writing this while watching Monday Night Raw and I see that Jerry Lawler is not in the broadcast booth due to his altercation with King Booker last Monday night. Why does WWE continue to insult people’s intelligence week after week? Any hardcore wrestling fan knows that Jerry Lawler just wrestled in Tunica Ms on Friday night. Is it that creative doesn’t realize on most weekends Jerry Lawler is working on some Indy show that is publicized all over the internet. Is it that Jerry hopes that these things just fly under the radar or does WWE just want everyone to continually suspend reality for the purpose of watching their product? If someone in WWE would just understand details MATTER.
I was really hoping that I didn’t like the combination of Tazz and Jim Ross, I know that saying anything positive about it would come off as sour grapes so I checked with some people first and the vote was unanimous. I thought that the team of Tazz and Ross was much better than Lawler and Ross. I think Ross is a brilliant announcer and the best in the business today. It could be time for Lawler to have a different role in WWE. How about making Lawler commissioner and putting someone believable like William Regal back in the ring where he belongs. It would have been nice for Tazz to defend Ross from King Booker, does WWE really think that people buy into the fact that Tazz would stand still while his partner is being assaulted. It was not that long ago that Tazz was almost invincible.
Well, Raw is over now and I sit here wondering if Vince McMahon goes to bed each night laughing at all of us. I mean he could actually say something like this. I have done almost everything that I can to ruin my company. I have wasted millions on films something I know absolutely nothing about, like the XFL the football league I lost a small fortune on. I present a product each week that is an oxymoron a wrestling program that presents wrestling as merely an after thought. Yet people won’t let me go out of business. There are still enough people out there that will watch whatever I put on TV.
I don’t plan on sitting here and running through Raw segment by segment enough people do that. I am giving my input and suggestions in regards to fixing the foundations of the two major companies as it relates to the final product that the fans are presented. I do find it interesting that two companies can make numerous mistakes more than anyone can keep up with and one can make bundles of money and the other is swimming in red ink. I wonder if it’s the breast stroke they are doing?
It was 1992 I was the booker for IWA Championship Wrestling and we were on tour in Sydney, Australia we were the first ones to open up Australia again since Jim Barnett. We were going to be there for three weeks plus one week of pre tour publicity for Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff, Kamala "The Ugandan Giant" and my self one of my jobs on the tour was to be Friday for Kamala. It was so easy in those days, we had our first event and I told promoter Rob Russen that I was going to send the guys out to do a very very simple old school finish. It was my intention to see if a finish that people would piss on in the states could generate any heat in Oz. Well, the people went crazy and I looked at him and said what an easy three weeks this is going to be. It was a very easy three weeks nothing but fun and good matches. It was three weeks of Orndorff switching off between Thunderfoot #1 (David Isley) and Kamala. There is a lot more to the story than that, I will cover it all in time including why we never went back although we had nothing but success while we were there
That’s a Piece of my Mind
“The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente
RassleResults: MEWA Batesville, AR Casino Keeps His Title and Big Al Goes Bald.
The Opening Match of the night was for a shot at the M.E.W.A World Heavy Championship match. It was “Hot Rod” John Ellison taking on “The Suicide King” Ray Ray. This was a High Risk matches with both men using the High Flying Sstyles. Ray and John battled inside and outside the ring, but in the end, it was “Hot Rod” John Ellison getting the title shot in the Main Event of the night in 11:30.
The Second Match of the night was a match up of old school vs the new style of wrestling. This match was Nickels taking on the veteran Johnny Harper. Nickels tried to use his fast pace style, but Harper keep him grounded on the mat. Nickels were able to get the win by having his feet on the second rope in a time of 9:01.
The Third Match of the night was an Indy Legend being challenged by a hot new superstar. “Crazy” Luke Graham Jr. was taking on Eric Wayne. Wayne kept trying to keep the action fast furious, but Graham being the legend he is keeps the match at his speed. These two men went head-to-head, but it was Wayne getting the win in 12:20.
The Semi-Main Event was “Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne taking on Big Al. Al used the size difference between himself and Tommy, to beat Tommy all the way though the match from ring pole to ring pole. Tommy was able to use his High-Flying style to beat Al off for the win in a time of 14:56.
After the match was over Big All pulled out some hair clippers and tried to shave Tommy’s head. Tommy was able to beat off Al, got the clippers himself, and then shaved all his hair off.
The Main Event of the night was “Hot Rod” John Ellison getting his shot at the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Championship which is held by the Casino Kid. These two men continued the feud that they have going, since Casino and Harper took the title from Danger Zone last week. Ellison came to the ring with gold on his mind, bound to bring it home. They battled back and forth with neither man willing to give an inch. Hot Rod gave Casino everything he had, but it was Casino Kid retaining his M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Championship Title in a time of 16:28.
There was an attendance of 254 to watch all the Sizzling Hot Action, here at M.E.W.A.
The Second Match of the night was a match up of old school vs the new style of wrestling. This match was Nickels taking on the veteran Johnny Harper. Nickels tried to use his fast pace style, but Harper keep him grounded on the mat. Nickels were able to get the win by having his feet on the second rope in a time of 9:01.
The Third Match of the night was an Indy Legend being challenged by a hot new superstar. “Crazy” Luke Graham Jr. was taking on Eric Wayne. Wayne kept trying to keep the action fast furious, but Graham being the legend he is keeps the match at his speed. These two men went head-to-head, but it was Wayne getting the win in 12:20.
The Semi-Main Event was “Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne taking on Big Al. Al used the size difference between himself and Tommy, to beat Tommy all the way though the match from ring pole to ring pole. Tommy was able to use his High-Flying style to beat Al off for the win in a time of 14:56.
After the match was over Big All pulled out some hair clippers and tried to shave Tommy’s head. Tommy was able to beat off Al, got the clippers himself, and then shaved all his hair off.
The Main Event of the night was “Hot Rod” John Ellison getting his shot at the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Championship which is held by the Casino Kid. These two men continued the feud that they have going, since Casino and Harper took the title from Danger Zone last week. Ellison came to the ring with gold on his mind, bound to bring it home. They battled back and forth with neither man willing to give an inch. Hot Rod gave Casino everything he had, but it was Casino Kid retaining his M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Championship Title in a time of 16:28.
There was an attendance of 254 to watch all the Sizzling Hot Action, here at M.E.W.A.
Useless Trivia Dept!!
----I actually love stuff like this - how many wins and such. Even though the business is a work, by just looking those facts you can tell who are the real money makers.
--In the useless trivia department, between 2000 and 2007, the two wrestlers with the most victories on PPV are John Cena and HHH, both with 30. Either can take the lead based on results on Sunday. Well, we can expect HHH going over. Cena, not as much of a lock. Undertaker and Kurt Angle each have 29, Chris Benoit with 27, Edge with 20 and Chris Jericho with 19 round out the leaders. Also last night's win over Snitsky was Cena's 100th win in 115 matches so far in 2007.
----Someone also ask if the fake HHH was Chris Rocker last night..LOL It could have been. Go look at the pic on . It was,Chris Hamrick, a former ECW star and well-known long-time pro.
--In the useless trivia department, between 2000 and 2007, the two wrestlers with the most victories on PPV are John Cena and HHH, both with 30. Either can take the lead based on results on Sunday. Well, we can expect HHH going over. Cena, not as much of a lock. Undertaker and Kurt Angle each have 29, Chris Benoit with 27, Edge with 20 and Chris Jericho with 19 round out the leaders. Also last night's win over Snitsky was Cena's 100th win in 115 matches so far in 2007.
----Someone also ask if the fake HHH was Chris Rocker last night..LOL It could have been. Go look at the pic on . It was,Chris Hamrick, a former ECW star and well-known long-time pro.
More on Ashley!!
The newest issue of TV Guide has an article no the show with photos of all the cast members. Jeff Probst wrote this about Massaro: "Ashley is definitely fit. She told me in casting, `On a daily basis, I get thrown 15 feet in the air and land on my back. I think I can push some coconuts around. Put me on the show.' She's strong, she's mouthy and she spends a lot of time running around in very little clothing." She's also honest to a fault, as he is, given she didn't try out for the show, but they came to her basically through WWE.
Wrestler's autopsy shows heart problem
----It seems like in the stream of deaths within in wrestling, Kronus has had the least coverage. Here is the docotor's report on him.
Wrestler's autopsy shows heart problem
A former pro wrestler who was found dead in an apartment on Blueberry Lane last month had a significantly enlarged heart, according to the State Medical Examiner.
Dr. Jennie Duval, the state's medical examiner, confirmed that George Caiazzo's heart was significantly enlarged at the time of his passing, but she said such a condition can be caused by a number of health complications, ranging from high blood pressure to a genetic problem.
Stacy Caiazzo, the estranged wife of George Caiazzo (who wrestled under the name of John Kronus) says she and the man's 9-year-old son, Gage, are still awaiting the results of toxicology tests, which could shed more light on the cause of death.
The medical examiner said she has so far not seen any evidence that would lead her to believe that medications or substances like steroids were a factor in his death.
Stacy Caiazzo, wife of the man who came to be known as wrestler "Kronus" during his time in Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), said she never saw her husband take steroids during their 11 years together, but wondered if his death was simply a result of a family history of heart problems or a complication involving the mixing of prescription drugs that, she says, were administered by two doctors after repeated knee surgeries during the past year.
Stacy Caiazzo of Philadelphia is separated from her husband, but has stayed in close contact with him as he has made several trips to visit his son and call him.
Caiazzo said that, as the "next of kin," she was contacted by Duval after her husband's untimely death on July 18.
The wife said Duval informed her that testing could take four to six weeks to return a definite cause of death, but told her that Caiazzo's death is being linked to a heart problem.
"The medical examiner said his heart was double the size ... she said she has never seen anything like it," said Stacy Caiazzo, adding that such a condition could result in an electrical pulse suddenly causing his heart to stop.
Caiazzo's family has said heart problems do run in the family and they are awaiting word on what ultimately led to his death.
Stacy Caiazzo said she has received information from the State Medical Examiner's Office that shows that her husband could have been taking two prescription drugs that may have reacted negatively to one another, but Duval declined to comment on that issue.
Caiazzo said her husband had two knee surgeries in less than a year's time, with one coming in January and the second coming shortly before his death in July.
The man was found dead in his girlfriend's apartment at 57 Blueberry Place on Blueberry Lane, Laconia.
The 6-foot-3, 273-pound man had been out of wrestling for a number of years, but was best known for a pro wrestling career that paired him with Perry Saturn to form "The Eliminators" — a tag team duo that won several titles in the 1990s with the now-defunct ECW.
Stacy Caiazzo met her husband while attending an ECW event in Philadelphia in 1996 and hit it off with a man whom she described as the "funniest person" she had ever met.
The pair got married in August 1997 and Stacy Caiazzo spent years touring with her husband as he wrestled all over the United States and as far away as Japan.
The wife described Caiazzo as an extremely talented and athletic man who never needed steroids despite the fact that some of those around him were likely using such drugs.
"I wouldn't have tolerated it," said Caiazzo.
She said "Kronus" certainly did sustain many injuries during his time in the ECW wrestling circuit which was known for being extremely violent and she noted that the wrestlers would often injure themselves on purpose to create the blood and gore that fans wanted to see in the matches.
Caiazzo said accidental injuries were also common and said the life of a wrestler is not easy.
Stacy Caiazzo recalled one instance when she was eight-months pregnant when Kronus was seriously injured during a match in Boston. He failed to return to the ring to finish a show after smashing through a table. She said she was summoned to a rear room and found Kronus with serious cuts on his arms and a broken finger.
"He took a toll on himself with the wrestling," said Caiazzo, adding that she would plead with him that he was talented enough to entertain crowds without purposely drawing blood from himself to ramp up the shows.
Caiazzo said she was never aware of any serious drug problem involving her husband, but noted he did struggle to keep his weight down, as he was a huge man.
The mother said she and her son are continuing to struggle with his death and she noted that she is particularly concerned since her son has taken up wrestling as an interest.
"Now I have to worry because these are the footsteps my son wants to follow in. He is also athletically inclined and very talented ... he does backflips ... I don't even know how he does it," said Caiazzo.
"I am patiently waiting for a phone call. I have a nine-year-old son and, ... I want to know what's happening," said Caiazzo.
Wrestler's autopsy shows heart problem
A former pro wrestler who was found dead in an apartment on Blueberry Lane last month had a significantly enlarged heart, according to the State Medical Examiner.
Dr. Jennie Duval, the state's medical examiner, confirmed that George Caiazzo's heart was significantly enlarged at the time of his passing, but she said such a condition can be caused by a number of health complications, ranging from high blood pressure to a genetic problem.
Stacy Caiazzo, the estranged wife of George Caiazzo (who wrestled under the name of John Kronus) says she and the man's 9-year-old son, Gage, are still awaiting the results of toxicology tests, which could shed more light on the cause of death.
The medical examiner said she has so far not seen any evidence that would lead her to believe that medications or substances like steroids were a factor in his death.
Stacy Caiazzo, wife of the man who came to be known as wrestler "Kronus" during his time in Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), said she never saw her husband take steroids during their 11 years together, but wondered if his death was simply a result of a family history of heart problems or a complication involving the mixing of prescription drugs that, she says, were administered by two doctors after repeated knee surgeries during the past year.
Stacy Caiazzo of Philadelphia is separated from her husband, but has stayed in close contact with him as he has made several trips to visit his son and call him.
Caiazzo said that, as the "next of kin," she was contacted by Duval after her husband's untimely death on July 18.
The wife said Duval informed her that testing could take four to six weeks to return a definite cause of death, but told her that Caiazzo's death is being linked to a heart problem.
"The medical examiner said his heart was double the size ... she said she has never seen anything like it," said Stacy Caiazzo, adding that such a condition could result in an electrical pulse suddenly causing his heart to stop.
Caiazzo's family has said heart problems do run in the family and they are awaiting word on what ultimately led to his death.
Stacy Caiazzo said she has received information from the State Medical Examiner's Office that shows that her husband could have been taking two prescription drugs that may have reacted negatively to one another, but Duval declined to comment on that issue.
Caiazzo said her husband had two knee surgeries in less than a year's time, with one coming in January and the second coming shortly before his death in July.
The man was found dead in his girlfriend's apartment at 57 Blueberry Place on Blueberry Lane, Laconia.
The 6-foot-3, 273-pound man had been out of wrestling for a number of years, but was best known for a pro wrestling career that paired him with Perry Saturn to form "The Eliminators" — a tag team duo that won several titles in the 1990s with the now-defunct ECW.
Stacy Caiazzo met her husband while attending an ECW event in Philadelphia in 1996 and hit it off with a man whom she described as the "funniest person" she had ever met.
The pair got married in August 1997 and Stacy Caiazzo spent years touring with her husband as he wrestled all over the United States and as far away as Japan.
The wife described Caiazzo as an extremely talented and athletic man who never needed steroids despite the fact that some of those around him were likely using such drugs.
"I wouldn't have tolerated it," said Caiazzo.
She said "Kronus" certainly did sustain many injuries during his time in the ECW wrestling circuit which was known for being extremely violent and she noted that the wrestlers would often injure themselves on purpose to create the blood and gore that fans wanted to see in the matches.
Caiazzo said accidental injuries were also common and said the life of a wrestler is not easy.
Stacy Caiazzo recalled one instance when she was eight-months pregnant when Kronus was seriously injured during a match in Boston. He failed to return to the ring to finish a show after smashing through a table. She said she was summoned to a rear room and found Kronus with serious cuts on his arms and a broken finger.
"He took a toll on himself with the wrestling," said Caiazzo, adding that she would plead with him that he was talented enough to entertain crowds without purposely drawing blood from himself to ramp up the shows.
Caiazzo said she was never aware of any serious drug problem involving her husband, but noted he did struggle to keep his weight down, as he was a huge man.
The mother said she and her son are continuing to struggle with his death and she noted that she is particularly concerned since her son has taken up wrestling as an interest.
"Now I have to worry because these are the footsteps my son wants to follow in. He is also athletically inclined and very talented ... he does backflips ... I don't even know how he does it," said Caiazzo.
"I am patiently waiting for a phone call. I have a nine-year-old son and, ... I want to know what's happening," said Caiazzo.
Benoit Coverage: Hormone Disorder??
ATLANTA (AP) -- A lawyer for Chris Benoit's personal doctor suggested in court papers the former pro wrestler had a hormone disorder that permitted the amount of steroids he was prescribed before killing his wife, son and himself in June.
In a motion to suppress evidence filed Monday, Dr. Phil Astin's attorney, Manny Arora, said a federal agent failed to tell a judge who issued search warrants in the case about the legitimate uses of steroids.
Arora wrote that if the government had consulted a hormone disorder specialist, it would have learned that "the amount of medication in question was not excessive and would be medically appropriate based on the medical condition of Mr. Benoit."
The court filing did not elaborate on Benoit's condition. A spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office declined to comment.
Authorities have said Astin prescribed a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids to Benoit every three to four weeks between May 2006 and May 2007.
Anabolic steroids were found in Benoit's home, and tests showed Benoit had roughly 10 times the normal level of testosterone in his system when he died. Investigators have not given a motive for the killings, but the question of whether steroids played a role has lingered.
Testosterone can be used as part of hormone replacement therapy. Some athletes also have been known to use steroids to enhance their performance.
Astin has pleaded not guilty to federal charges of improperly prescribing painkillers and other drugs to two patients other than Benoit. Federal prosecutors plan a superseding indictment with new charges, but haven't said when they will act.
The district attorney overseeing the death investigation has said Benoit strangled his wife with a cord, used a choke hold to strangle his 7-year-old son, then placed Bibles next to the bodies and hanged himself on a piece of exercise equipment in his Fayetteville home the weekend of June 22.
Astin is free on bail, but must remain in his home except under limited circumstances. A pretrial conference is scheduled for Sept. 18.
In a motion to suppress evidence filed Monday, Dr. Phil Astin's attorney, Manny Arora, said a federal agent failed to tell a judge who issued search warrants in the case about the legitimate uses of steroids.
Arora wrote that if the government had consulted a hormone disorder specialist, it would have learned that "the amount of medication in question was not excessive and would be medically appropriate based on the medical condition of Mr. Benoit."
The court filing did not elaborate on Benoit's condition. A spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office declined to comment.
Authorities have said Astin prescribed a 10-month supply of anabolic steroids to Benoit every three to four weeks between May 2006 and May 2007.
Anabolic steroids were found in Benoit's home, and tests showed Benoit had roughly 10 times the normal level of testosterone in his system when he died. Investigators have not given a motive for the killings, but the question of whether steroids played a role has lingered.
Testosterone can be used as part of hormone replacement therapy. Some athletes also have been known to use steroids to enhance their performance.
Astin has pleaded not guilty to federal charges of improperly prescribing painkillers and other drugs to two patients other than Benoit. Federal prosecutors plan a superseding indictment with new charges, but haven't said when they will act.
The district attorney overseeing the death investigation has said Benoit strangled his wife with a cord, used a choke hold to strangle his 7-year-old son, then placed Bibles next to the bodies and hanged himself on a piece of exercise equipment in his Fayetteville home the weekend of June 22.
Astin is free on bail, but must remain in his home except under limited circumstances. A pretrial conference is scheduled for Sept. 18.
Lacey Von Erich Posts In Her Blog!
----This is a small update on the new Von Erich. She posted the following on her myspace account after being in Tampa for little over a week.
"I was signed by WWE and so far my wrestling experience has been amazing, I really feel like I was born for it.... BUT all they want the girls to do is dress like trashy and pull hair... I would rather wrestle like daddy and do back flips off the ropes! I feel like a lot of the girls have talent but we can't show it as much... So if I don't represent the Von Erich family like I should its not my fault.... I will do MY BEST to bring back how it was... Love everyone who supports our family!!!"
"I was signed by WWE and so far my wrestling experience has been amazing, I really feel like I was born for it.... BUT all they want the girls to do is dress like trashy and pull hair... I would rather wrestle like daddy and do back flips off the ropes! I feel like a lot of the girls have talent but we can't show it as much... So if I don't represent the Von Erich family like I should its not my fault.... I will do MY BEST to bring back how it was... Love everyone who supports our family!!!"
TIWF RESULTS ROUNDUP - Wildside Is The New Champ!!!

Chico Mendoza defeated J.R. Rich
“The Convicts” [Wyked/Bobby Cane/Apod] defeated "Law & Order" [Jonathan Storm/Lawman Williams] in a non-sanctioned match
TV Title Match
Overkill defeated Spyder by DQ (no title change)
Feature Match
“American Thunder” [Weasel & Johnny Thunder] defeated
Big Boy Bob & Steven Rampage
Semi Main Event
Moondog Rex defeated Waycool in a Moondog Rules Match
Main Event
Wildside defeated P.K. Ripper to become The NEW T.I.W.F. Heavyweight Champion
----There were around 100 in the building…”Ravishing” Randy and Steven Rampage helped Wildside win… Mr. Beezley, who was the one claiming to be with the WWE, didn’t come back. LOL…They have big show this coming Saturday night with Team Empire vs Team TIWF.
RassleResults: Lexington, TN 8.17.07
----Wyked defeated Azreal…Spyder defeated Johnny Thunder to keep the TV title…Overkill & Moondog Rex & JR Rich defeated AC Havoc & Waycool & Bobby Cane…Jennifer Justice defeated Ravishing Randy…Wildside vs PK Ripper was a DCO…“Law and Order” [Lawman Williams/Jonathan Storm defeated the Big Boys to gain the TIWF tag team titles
----45 to 50 in crowd with a hot building with no AC.
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 8.18.07
Jerry Weezy d. Precious
NBN Rude d. Rockin' Randy (New Extreme Champion)
Rhythm & Blues[Steele/Tucker] d. "Genocite" [Corbin/Rhino] (Non-Title Match)
Dell Tucker d. Dustin Starr
Gaylon Ray/Tommy Redneck beat Chris Lexx/Shannon Lee
The Posse [Simon/Chris] d. Hot Topic [King/Lee] (Ripley Death Match)
The Golden Boy announced that next week a Battle Royal will
determine a new #1 Contender for the TLCW Chamionship.
In an interview, “The Savior” Jon Michael he threatened Mark Tipton because he "represented everything these people believe in." Luckily, Dynamite Seth Knight came to the rescue. When the Savior refused to climb back into the ring. Knight issued a challenge for next week.
The former tag champs Chris Lexx and Dell Tucker's future as a team
is in jeopardy after Lexx claimed Tucker's inexperience was the reason
they lost the belts at Super Summer Showdown.
With the Playboy Matt Foley acting as peacemaker, Dustin Starr offeredTim Grind a chance to join the Five Starr Showcase. The deal was to be sealed with a toast of champagne, but Tim threw the drink in Dustin's face. With the help of a reluctant Playboy, Dustin was able to get the upper hand.
After the Death Match, the feud appeared to be over. The teams shook hands, but the Posse then turned and attacked Hot Topic again. This may not be the end after all.
Next week, Dustin Starr has promised to bring the "Five Starr Band" to the TLCW arena for an unplugged performance.
----The attendance was about 140 with a gate of around $840...I hated to see them take the belt off of Rockin Randy and it was done in such an uneventful way.
NBN Rude d. Rockin' Randy (New Extreme Champion)
Rhythm & Blues[Steele/Tucker] d. "Genocite" [Corbin/Rhino] (Non-Title Match)
Dell Tucker d. Dustin Starr
Gaylon Ray/Tommy Redneck beat Chris Lexx/Shannon Lee
The Posse [Simon/Chris] d. Hot Topic [King/Lee] (Ripley Death Match)
The Golden Boy announced that next week a Battle Royal will
determine a new #1 Contender for the TLCW Chamionship.
In an interview, “The Savior” Jon Michael he threatened Mark Tipton because he "represented everything these people believe in." Luckily, Dynamite Seth Knight came to the rescue. When the Savior refused to climb back into the ring. Knight issued a challenge for next week.
The former tag champs Chris Lexx and Dell Tucker's future as a team
is in jeopardy after Lexx claimed Tucker's inexperience was the reason
they lost the belts at Super Summer Showdown.
With the Playboy Matt Foley acting as peacemaker, Dustin Starr offeredTim Grind a chance to join the Five Starr Showcase. The deal was to be sealed with a toast of champagne, but Tim threw the drink in Dustin's face. With the help of a reluctant Playboy, Dustin was able to get the upper hand.
After the Death Match, the feud appeared to be over. The teams shook hands, but the Posse then turned and attacked Hot Topic again. This may not be the end after all.
Next week, Dustin Starr has promised to bring the "Five Starr Band" to the TLCW arena for an unplugged performance.
----The attendance was about 140 with a gate of around $840...I hated to see them take the belt off of Rockin Randy and it was done in such an uneventful way.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Survivor Mark!!

----I have been a Survivor mark since the start of the TV show. The only season that I have not watched all episodes was last season and I thought the workrate was really bad. This year Ashley Massaro joins the cast and that just gives me a reason to watch it. What male doesn't like her??
- CBS.COM is promoting the upcoming Survivor: China on its website which starts on 9/20 and which will feature WWE Diva and former Playboy cover girl Ashley Massaro. The 28 year old Ashley will join fifteen other castaways in an ancient south central province of Jiang Xi in a game to win $1 million. Massaro is billed as 'Professional WWE Wrestler' on her bio. To participate in the show, Ashley had to take a break from her WWE duties and Mr McMahon 'suspended' her forspilling coffee on him during an episode of Smackdown! in June to explain her departure. It's not known yet when the Diva Search Contest winner will be back on WWE television.

----I also have three NEWS ads available at the same price. It will be a daily AD POST if you want to buy that spot. Just like it is featured here. It is the same cost - $1 a day, but you will only be featured every 3 days, so I can revolve the ad, if all three ads are sold. So for example if you bought a NEWS ad for $10, then it would run for a month but only every 3 days. I can only take a maximum of three NEWS ads right now, unless I change the terms. I think one NEWS ad a day will not mess up flow of the posts. Also, if you are the only one that wants a NEWS ad, then it can be bought say for 10 days before a big event - all 10 days!!
----Just a few facts - this ad is twice the size that most people sell for the same amount. The first 6 ads have been placed on the two most trafficked pages. The site is seen by around 3,000 people a day with your target audience being wrestling fans. All ads must be paid in advance. Thanks.
RassleTube: Memphis Wrestling 7.21.07
----Slowly, but surely I will try to get all these shows updated. But CLICK HERE to go to RassleTube and watch the "best of" 7.21.07 of Memphis Wrestling.
Local Guys in N.C. for RAW by Gene Jackson

I just got off the phone with Neil Taylor who was inside the Crown Coliseum in Fayettville, North Carolina, the site for tonight's episode of WWE RAW. He and Chris Rocker are there and Rocker was in the ring working out with several other guys while we were on the phone. They haven't recieved word yet on what the plans were for tonight if any but it could be a dark match or a security guard spot or something. Perhaps one of them is Vince's illegitimate son, watch RAW tonight and check out the reports online to find out. He did tell me they were told to be at the Smackdown taping in Columbia, South Carolina tommorow night as well, I'll have more info as I get it.
What the f*** ??? by Gene Jackson
I've tried avoiding this subject for a couple of weeks now hoping everyone would pull their head out of there ass and leave things be but apparently that's not the case, so read this well cause this is the ONLY TIME I plan to address it, period.
Let me preface this tirade by saying I like Jimmy and Tia, I like D-Rock, David Burcham, Cannon, all of them. I wrote for their website for a long time and I was glad they let me, and I consider Jimmy and Tia friends and I hope they don't take this the wrong way cause it's not directed at them personally....however. So a few weeks ago they revamped, which was good they went all out, they changed the background on the message board, they got a fucking monkey writing for them, David Burham did his yearly update, it was magical. They added a newscenter. That was fine too, seemed a bit odd for someone's personal website, but whatever that's their business no skin off anyone's back. Then all of sudden everyone tries to turn it into some kind of a competition. People are debating "who broke the story first" and dumb pointless shit like that. Somebody on there claimed earlier this week they "broke the story that Dewey Robertson had cancer", like that hadn't been floating around the net for days. Well that was fine whatever, but here's what broke it for me and apparently I gathered that it did for Brian too. You've got Axeman posting results that he clearly got from rasslinriot (which is fine by the way) but he lists the credit as (credit: that other site or another site or some shit I don't remember it's 1:30 am right now) point being that he was trying to be a dick about it. Now I've usually gotten along with Axeman in the past other than the couple of times God forbid I criticized something he did then he'd get all pissy. (I thought he'd never get over the whole "cut and paste" thing) So, he takes this shot at Brian's site (which he was a contributor to, by the way) and then all of a sudden when Brian dares to say anything about it, the "marks" on Jimmy's board go apeshit and say "bt is taking shots at" and on and on and on but nothing was said by anyone on this site about them til everyone started in and started trying to make this out to be some kind of competition. Then Axeman acts shocked his name was taken off the site as a contributor. Now Axeman is all arrogant in his column like he's the fuckin' wrestling news pimp or something, cause he can go read stories on other sites and post them at the newscenter, read these excerpts from one of his recent columns:
The opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, the Webmaster, or anyone else connected with this site. They are mine, and mine alone. If you agree with me, OK, and if you don’t, that’s OK. The fact is, when Axeman speaks, everybody listens, and if you don’t like it, you can kiss the posterior part of my anatomy. Live with it.
Ok, whatever. Here's more:
From time to time I add something to this column that has absolutely nothing to do with wrestling. This is one of those tomes. You see, this is my blog, and I can post anything here that I want to, and YOU, dear readers, will read it, even if only out of curiosity. And besides, if David Burcham can talk about topics that are not wrestling related, so can I.
Maybe it's just me but he comes off like an arrogant prick here. I've always just tried to overlook a lot of his bullshit since I wrote for Jimmy's website but now I have no reason to so let's just lay it all out on the table shall we? What exactly are your credentials to so arrogantly talk about things like wrestling? The fact that you CLAIM you wrestled for the Von Erichs in World Class back in the day but have NEVER ONCE been able to show one shred of evidence that there's ANY truth to that whatsoever and whenever people bring it up you just avoid the topic til it goes away. Is it the fact that you took that bullshit premise that you USED to wrestle back in the day and bullshitted your way into the inner sanctum of local wrestling in that area and somehow went from sitting in the crowd buying a ticket to local shows to suddenly being the resident "expert" on the subject, even though most of your critiques of matches are way off base from someone who is an "old school" wrestler from back in the day. You told Brian, if he "wanted heat, that was fine" well I hope you meant it, cause you fucking have it now. I really don't know what making things bitter and turning things into some sort of battle accomplishes but I guess we'll see. I can't wait to see what sort of picture "the exclusive" will post of me, oh the hilarity. To all the nameless pieces of shit who post things on that message board that will trash me over the next few days (and I'm not stupid, I know the deal on that too) to quote Axeman, " you can kiss the posterior part of my anatomy".
Gene Jackson
Writer from "that other site"
Let me preface this tirade by saying I like Jimmy and Tia, I like D-Rock, David Burcham, Cannon, all of them. I wrote for their website for a long time and I was glad they let me, and I consider Jimmy and Tia friends and I hope they don't take this the wrong way cause it's not directed at them personally....however. So a few weeks ago they revamped, which was good they went all out, they changed the background on the message board, they got a fucking monkey writing for them, David Burham did his yearly update, it was magical. They added a newscenter. That was fine too, seemed a bit odd for someone's personal website, but whatever that's their business no skin off anyone's back. Then all of sudden everyone tries to turn it into some kind of a competition. People are debating "who broke the story first" and dumb pointless shit like that. Somebody on there claimed earlier this week they "broke the story that Dewey Robertson had cancer", like that hadn't been floating around the net for days. Well that was fine whatever, but here's what broke it for me and apparently I gathered that it did for Brian too. You've got Axeman posting results that he clearly got from rasslinriot (which is fine by the way) but he lists the credit as (credit: that other site or another site or some shit I don't remember it's 1:30 am right now) point being that he was trying to be a dick about it. Now I've usually gotten along with Axeman in the past other than the couple of times God forbid I criticized something he did then he'd get all pissy. (I thought he'd never get over the whole "cut and paste" thing) So, he takes this shot at Brian's site (which he was a contributor to, by the way) and then all of a sudden when Brian dares to say anything about it, the "marks" on Jimmy's board go apeshit and say "bt is taking shots at" and on and on and on but nothing was said by anyone on this site about them til everyone started in and started trying to make this out to be some kind of competition. Then Axeman acts shocked his name was taken off the site as a contributor. Now Axeman is all arrogant in his column like he's the fuckin' wrestling news pimp or something, cause he can go read stories on other sites and post them at the newscenter, read these excerpts from one of his recent columns:
The opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, the Webmaster, or anyone else connected with this site. They are mine, and mine alone. If you agree with me, OK, and if you don’t, that’s OK. The fact is, when Axeman speaks, everybody listens, and if you don’t like it, you can kiss the posterior part of my anatomy. Live with it.
Ok, whatever. Here's more:
From time to time I add something to this column that has absolutely nothing to do with wrestling. This is one of those tomes. You see, this is my blog, and I can post anything here that I want to, and YOU, dear readers, will read it, even if only out of curiosity. And besides, if David Burcham can talk about topics that are not wrestling related, so can I.
Maybe it's just me but he comes off like an arrogant prick here. I've always just tried to overlook a lot of his bullshit since I wrote for Jimmy's website but now I have no reason to so let's just lay it all out on the table shall we? What exactly are your credentials to so arrogantly talk about things like wrestling? The fact that you CLAIM you wrestled for the Von Erichs in World Class back in the day but have NEVER ONCE been able to show one shred of evidence that there's ANY truth to that whatsoever and whenever people bring it up you just avoid the topic til it goes away. Is it the fact that you took that bullshit premise that you USED to wrestle back in the day and bullshitted your way into the inner sanctum of local wrestling in that area and somehow went from sitting in the crowd buying a ticket to local shows to suddenly being the resident "expert" on the subject, even though most of your critiques of matches are way off base from someone who is an "old school" wrestler from back in the day. You told Brian, if he "wanted heat, that was fine" well I hope you meant it, cause you fucking have it now. I really don't know what making things bitter and turning things into some sort of battle accomplishes but I guess we'll see. I can't wait to see what sort of picture "the exclusive" will post of me, oh the hilarity. To all the nameless pieces of shit who post things on that message board that will trash me over the next few days (and I'm not stupid, I know the deal on that too) to quote Axeman, " you can kiss the posterior part of my anatomy".
Gene Jackson
Writer from "that other site"
Sunday, August 19, 2007
RassleResults: Memphis Top 10 - MAW Memphis, TN 8.19.07 - Austin Lane is #1!!
----Austin Lane, voted RRO "Best Damn Perfomer 2006", won the Memphis Top 10 Tournament in a finals triple threat match. Tournament favorite Derrick King was eliminated in the first round by Johnny Dotson. Lots of people talking about Ray Ray coming out of the tournament even though he lost his first bout. Lane beat Krazzy and Diamond on his way to become the first ever Memphis Top 10 Winner!!
----Reno Diamond beat Ray Ray…Austin Lane beat Kid Krazzy…Danny B Good beat Marcus O’Neil…Chris Lexx beat Scott Fury…Johnny Dotson beat Derrick King…Next Round had: Austin Lane beat Reno Diamond…Danny B Good beat Johnny Dotson – DK/Randy interfered…Finals: Chris Lexx vs Danny B Good vs Austin Lane – Austin Lane wins!!
----30 people in the crowd and about half paid with a $120 gate...TFO’s own Crime/Precious hosted the show…Rockin Randy tried to help King, but it backfired. Derrick King was calling everyone misfits. They challenged for next MAW show King/Randy vs Showstopper/Johnny Dotson…Precious/Crime beat up Lane afer the show – Chris Lexx came out and turned as a new TFO member...I was told 15 or 20 of the crowd was either family or workers...The matches were said have been real good though and they guys worked real hard.
----Reno Diamond beat Ray Ray…Austin Lane beat Kid Krazzy…Danny B Good beat Marcus O’Neil…Chris Lexx beat Scott Fury…Johnny Dotson beat Derrick King…Next Round had: Austin Lane beat Reno Diamond…Danny B Good beat Johnny Dotson – DK/Randy interfered…Finals: Chris Lexx vs Danny B Good vs Austin Lane – Austin Lane wins!!
----30 people in the crowd and about half paid with a $120 gate...TFO’s own Crime/Precious hosted the show…Rockin Randy tried to help King, but it backfired. Derrick King was calling everyone misfits. They challenged for next MAW show King/Randy vs Showstopper/Johnny Dotson…Precious/Crime beat up Lane afer the show – Chris Lexx came out and turned as a new TFO member...I was told 15 or 20 of the crowd was either family or workers...The matches were said have been real good though and they guys worked real hard.
NWA Anarchy Cornelia GA 8.18.07
In a major surprise, “The Universal Soldier” Shatter became the new NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion at the company’s bimonthly television taping in Cornelia last night.
Shatter wasn’t scheduled to be in the title match at all. It was Iceberg that had earned the shot at Ace Rockwell by eliminating Shatter to win the Rumble match at the last taping. But with Iceberg out of commission, Shatter took full advantage of his unexpected opportunity by defeating in an injured Ace Rockwell to bring the title home to Jeff G. Bailey's NWA Elite.
It was another quality taping carried by the strength of great storylines. Everyone has a role and they all play them well.
I would rank last night's show a notch below the recent tapings, mainly because the crowd reaction was down. And who could blame them? The record breaking heat wave that has gripped North Georgia over the last two weeks has taken a toll on everyone. They kept the air moving inside the NWA Arena as best they could, but 90 degrees is still 90 degrees. Even the Anarchy faithful, 165 strong (paying 1650), began to wilt as the evening wore on. The wrestling held up quite well, with standout performances by Slim J and Shatter in the main events.
The show opened with a 10 bell salute in honor of Karl Gotch. Todd Sexton said that with all the bad news in wrestling, the death of Gotch had not gotten its proper due. Sexton explained that Gotch was the originator of the German suplex (also the Scorpion Deathlock) and a pivotal figure in the development of the shoot style/MMA branch of pro wrestling. There’s a Gotch link to wrestling in Cornelia, from Boris Malenko through Tony Mamaluke and Jeremy Lopez to select members of the current roster.
Greg Hunter introduced “The Boss” Jerry Palmer. Palmer said this week reality had butted heads with wrestling. Palmer said he had three families: his biological family, his wrestling family, and the family of firefighters, his profession for 18 years. Palmer said that in the line of duty, Hall County firefighter Angie Roach had fallen through a floor, taken a 10 foot drop, and ended up pinned in the room where the fire originated. Palmer said Roach was in Grady Hospital recovering from severe second and third degree burns. Palmer then called four of the firefighters responsible for saving Roach’s life into the ring. The crowd gave them a standing ovation. Palmer told the men that they made him proud to wear the colors of the Hall County Fire Department. Palmer said that through the end of September $5 from every purchase of the Hostile Environment DVD would go to help injured firefighters. Palmer gave the firefighters a round of hugs and handshakes. Right to the heart. It’s moments like this that make wrestling in Cornelia so special.
(1) NWA Elite (Kory Chavis & Shatter & Abomination & Jeff Lewis with Jeff G. Bailey) dismantled Steven Walters & Chris King & Mike Pittman & Nick Halen in 5 minutes flat. This was a first class squash. The thing about it was that the Elite were ignoring Lewis and refusing to tag him into the match. Abomination gave “Oompah Loompah” Halen the Tree Slam, now known “Welcome to Auschwitz.” Lewis tagged in and immediately pinned Halen.
Bailey gave Lewis a tongue lashing. Lewis punched Bailey and he went airborne. Chavis gave Lewis the Spinesplitta and the beatdown was on. Dominous hit the ring and leveled Abomination with the kick of death, the first bump Abomination has taken in Anarchy. Dominous removed the mask to reveal Mikael Judas! A huge “welcome back” chant erupted. The place was buzzing. Judas squared off with Lewis. He gave Lewis a weird Satanic salute and exited out the front door. For his part, Lewis received a babyface response as he headed up the ramp. The postmatch was pretty much awesome.
On the big screen, Sexton was backstage with Wesley Grissom. Tony Santarelli interrupted and asked for another match. Sexton offered Santarelli a rematch against Grissom, but he would need a partner because he (Sexton) was teaming up with Grissom. Santarelli said he was a former Deep South Wrestling tag team champion so it was on. The camera followed Santarelli on his search for a partner. He encountered Anger Alliance. They said four was company and five was a crowd. In the next room, Santarelli found Terry Taylor. Taylor turned Santarelli down as well, but not before noting Santarelli’s added poundage. Santarelli said it was muscle bulk. Santarelli moved on to an area occupied by Andrew Pendleton III. Pendleton said he had been a tag team, but his partner left him high and dry. He accepted Santarelli’s offer. Santarelli threw his arm around Pendleton and started filling his head full of God only knows what, as they walked away. For low budget indie wrestling television, this was one hell of a tracking shot. Somewhere, Robert Altman is smiling.
(2) Jeremy Vain (with Mr. Adonis) beat Adrian Hawkins to retain the NWA Anarchy Television Title in 9:32. Good pop for Hawkins. Vain was more aggressive than usual in the early going. Hawkins responded with a strong babyface flurry. Vain bailed after Hawkins scored a near fall with a flying body press. Adonis had words with referee Harold James. Vain did a nifty take over spot where he hung Hawkins out to dry on a dropkick, and then catapulted his throat in the bottom rope. Vain did a rolling reverse into a rear chinlock. Hawkins broke it with a jawbreaker that was sold beautifully by Vain. Hawkins got a slew of near falls here. Vain answered with a gordbuster for a near fall. Hawkins hit the Unprettier, and Adonis jumped up on the apron to distract. James made the count before tending to Adonis, so Vain kicked out of the finisher. I’m thinking it was not supposed to go like that. Adonis grabbed Hawkins leg to set up the finish –a VKO followed by the VDT. Good match. The fans were into Hawkins, although not to where they believed he was going home with the title.
Postmatch, Hollywood Brunettes (Andrew Alexander & Kyle Matthews) gave Hawkins a haircut. Alexander told Matthews to mess his face up with that wicked corner dropkick. Then, they laid him out with the Sheeny Curse. Alexander whipped out a pair of scissors and went to work. He was tossing clumps of Hawkins’ hair like confetti. He didn’t take all of it, but Hawkins is definitely in need of a shorter hairstyle.
(3) Todd Sexton & Wesley Grissom beat Tony Santarelli & Andrew Pendleton III in 5:38. Another great pop for Grissom. Santarelli was greeted with a “puke” chant because of the unfortunate incident two weeks ago. He sent Pendleton out to face Sexton, and it wasn’t long before Pendleton was scrambling for a ropes break to escape a cross armbreaker. Santarelli wanted Grissom. The little guy got a brief flurry, but Santareill overpowered him and twisted his arm into some sick positions. Grissom managed to shove Santarelli face first into the top turnbuckle. Both men tagged. Sexton kicked Pendleton in the mush for a near fall and tagged out to Grissom. Santarelli kneed Grissom in the back, and while the ref was admonishing Santarelli, Sexton superkicked Pendleton and pulled Santarelli off the apron. Grissom pinned Pendleton with a running SSP to score his first win in Anarchy. Santarelli threw a fit and blew Pendleton off.
Slim J intro got the biggest babyface pop thus far. J said he wanted Patrick Bentley pronto. “The Rev” Dan Wilson lead Devil’s Rejects to ringside. Wilson said said he could make J’s dreams come to life and then slay them. The Rev said J could have Bentley, but he would have to get by Azrael and Shawn Tempers first.
(4) Patrick Bentley pinned Slim J after J had run through the Devil’s Rejects gauntlet of Azrael & Shaun Tempers (with “The Rev” Dan Wilson) in 16:43. Azrael was first, so this part had to be good. J was like a demon on Azrael’s arm. A wild flurry led to wicked series of MMA knees by J. Azrael hit the Old Testament and shredded J’s chest with chops. Those were some ugly welts. Azrael applied a body scissors choke submission. J came back with his body scissors bomb. Both men down for a count of eight. J hit the Screwdriver on the Rocks, but only managed a one-armed cover. Azrael dropped J on the top of his head with a brainbuster suplex for a near fall. Azrael tried for the slit throat piledriver, and J countered with the Detox Driver for the pin at 8:12. Tempers was all over J. Slimmy looked done in. Tempers gave J a side arm toss by the neck and tried to twist his head off. Powerslam for a long two count by Tempers. Out of nowhere, J did a victory roll and started pulling pinning combinations out of his ass. A pair of roundhouse kick and Fishermanbustah~! But Tempers kicked out. J went to the top. Wilson crotched him and tossed his staff to Tempers. He brained J for the DQ at 12:45. J was bleeding. Wilson cackled with glee at the sight of it. Bentley rubbed J’s blood on his body. Bentley was there in body, but it looked like his mind was in another world as he zeroed in J’s remains. Out of the blue, J put Bentley on the deck with wild windmilling blows. He hit the flying reverse DDT for a near fall.
But Bentley avoided a crazy aerial maneuver that sent J crashing into the turnbuckles. Bentley hit the Dark Driver and it was over. Best match of the show. Seems like I’ve been saying that a lot about J’s matches lately.
Intermission. The Anarchy announce team of Greg Hunter and John Johnson hawked the final available copies of the Hostile Enviroment DVD until they were sold out. Fans donated about $100 in cash to the injured firefighters in addition to the contributions from the DVD purchases.
(5) Anger Alliance (Brodie Chase & Brandon Phoenix & Adam Roberts & Don Matthews) beat Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) & Awesome Attraction (Austin Creed & Hayden Young) via DQ due to Nemesis’ piss poor impulse control (11:11). In the early going, Chase saw the Montefisto coming from Creed and cowered in fear. Creed sent Chase looking for cover after a pair of dropkicks. A schmazz broke out at ringside, and Young did a wild flip dive into a pile of bodies. After a valiant effort to fight off interference by the Alliance, Young got flip bumped off the top. Alliance put heat on Young. An awkward sequence ended with Chase pouncing Young to cut off a tag attempt. Spinning enzuigiri by Young for the double down spot. Hot tag coming up. Jackson hit a spinebuster slam on Matthews for a short-lived advantage. The heels trapped Jackson in the corner and gave him a four-on-one beating. Nemesis couldn’t take it and slugged referee Ken Wallace for the DQ. Nemesis came to his partner’s rescue, but the match was lost. Nemesis reluctantly shook hands with Creed and Young, but he had that stone cold glare going. This match worked for me. The finish told the story, and the Alliance looked like they belonged against the two most over tag teams in Anarchy.
Palmer was on the big screen talking about the Mysterious Benefactor Tag Team Tournament, which will start on 9/1. Alliance said they should be the number one contenders for the tag titles after winning the 8 man. Palmer told them that if needed to win the tournament to become the number one contenders. Parham showed up, as obnoxious as ever. He said nobody cared about this crap, because the people paid to see him, and he wanted his NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title back. Truitt Fields showed up wanting a shot at the TV title. Palmer made a match between them with the winner getting their title shot.
Al Getz came out with Melissa Coates to issue another challenge. Instant “She’s a man” chant. Getz said the people couldn’t stand it because for once Anarchy had a strong, confident, beautiful woman that kicks ass. Getz said the people were looking at their next champion in the undefeated Coates.
(6) Melissa Coates destroyed Billy Buck in 5:18. Anarchy has done a great job of exploiting Coates’ unique transgender qualities to book her as a larger-than-life attraction. There’s a freakish Sports Entertainment element to these segments. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. When it comes to wrestling in Cornelia, variety is spice of life. This match added to Coates’ credibility against male wrestlers. Buck did a great job in his role. Buck isn’t tall, but he is thickly built, and he looked overmatched in the power and strength department. Coates destroyed him with power moves. Then she gave him a nutshot with a reverse atomic drop and stomped him in the kibbles and bits. Coates nailed Buck with a corner lariat and paused for a set of push ups. Coates chopped Buck. But Buck couldn’t bring himself to strike a woman. Coates took a boob bump into the buckles, and Buck rolled her up but only for a one count. Coates hit a power slam and finished the job with a sitout facebuster. Coates and Getz made a charming couple, as they circled the ring taunting the crowd to the sounds of “New York, New York.” Well done.
(7) Truitt Fields beat Chad Parham at 8:16 to earn a shot at the NWA Anarchy Television Title. Fields got a great pop, but not the insane pop he gets under more normal conditions. Parham rolled the apron after absorbing a shoulder block and looked stunned by Field’s explosive power. Fields did a gorilla press slam. Parham took a TO with Fields in hot pursuit. Parham turned the tide with a whip into the ring steps. Back inside the ring, Parham used the senton back splash and the back suplex for near falls. Parham applied a camel clutch. Hot comeback time. Parham made Fields look like a million bucks. Fields hit a powerslam to set up his finisher, but Parham blocked it. Parham fired back with stiff chops. Parham went for his jumping piledriver, and Fields countered with the Truitt Slam (sitout uranage) to pin the two-time former NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion clean in the middle. The finish got the big pop. It might have been even better without the glitch in the count.
Wilson entered with the Rejects for the title match. He told the fans that Iceberg wasn’t there for reasons that were none of their business, so Tempers was taking his place. Bailey came out with Shatter. He said that Shatter was the last man in the Rumble except for the fluke elimination by Iceberg, so he deserved the title shot. Palmer came to ringside. He said he hated to side with either the Elite or the Rejects, but fair was fair. He told Wilson to either produce Iceberg or take a hike. Wilson was sputtering and growling as he led the Rejects toward the back entrance.
(8) Shatter (with Jeff G. Bailey) pinned Ace Rockwell to become the new NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion in 9:28. The crowd wasn’t as amped as usual for Rockwell. He was limping noticeably as he approached the ring due to a legit knee injury. “There ain’t no fear in these eyes,” said Rockwell. Shatter pregnant dog slapped Rockwell. He got a receipt and charged at Rockwell, who pulled the ropes down to spill him over. Shatter teased taking the bump off the apron that eliminated him from the Rumble, except this time, he landed on his feet and caught Rockwell’s pescado. Back inside the ring, Shatter crushed Rockwell with a spinebuster. He pulled Rockwell up after a fallaway slam. Shattter hit a powerslam and pulled him up again. Rockwell landed on a seriously bad angle, and it looked like a sure neck injury, but thankfully not. Rockwell had no mobility on the comeback, so he fired off a barrage of punches and then a standing dropkick to the knee. Rockwell slowly made his way to the top for a flying bodypress. Shatter kicked out. Shatter went for the dreaded powerbomb, and Rockwell bit him in the knee. Rockwell hit the Aces High, but Shatter kicked out. The handwriting was on the wall for the champ. In desperation, Rockwell tried the Aces High off the ropes, but Shatter turned it into a power bomb straight to hell for the 1-2-3. Rockwell was out cold. The Elite celebrated victory. The match could only be so good, due to Rockwell’s injury. Shatter was the monster he needed to be.
Mikael Judas appeared on the ramp for a stare down with Shatter, who showed no fear whatsoever. Judas gave Shatter the thumbs down and departed.
NOTES: Here’s wishing a speedy recovery to Iceberg, who missed the show because he was hospitalized for treatment of an infection…Rockwell has tears in both the PCL and MCL. Since it’s not a complete tear, he’s going to try to rehab the knee, which will keep him out of action for several months…The 9/1 Anarchy TV taping will feature the opening matches of the Mysterious Benefactor Tag Team Tournament…Fright Night ’07 is going to be at the NWA Arena on 9/29…Salvatore Rinauro and Seth Delay worked the FIP shows in Crystal River and Arcadia, Fl this weekend…Roach’s injury was a freak accident. She had no way of knowing that she was perched on a small section of unusually thin flooring, which gave way due to the heat from below. The Hall County Fire Department is providing a round-the-clock guard for Roach during her hospitalization…MAXW returns to Williamston, SC on 9/8…The heat wave has been a blow to APW. Their crowds have fallen off badly due to the steam bath-like conditions inside the Royston Gym. For 8/24 APW has Jackson defending the APW title against Adonis, Buck & King (c) vs. Matthews & Vain, and the latest “Talent Show (as in J. T. Talent)” contestant.
Shatter wasn’t scheduled to be in the title match at all. It was Iceberg that had earned the shot at Ace Rockwell by eliminating Shatter to win the Rumble match at the last taping. But with Iceberg out of commission, Shatter took full advantage of his unexpected opportunity by defeating in an injured Ace Rockwell to bring the title home to Jeff G. Bailey's NWA Elite.
It was another quality taping carried by the strength of great storylines. Everyone has a role and they all play them well.
I would rank last night's show a notch below the recent tapings, mainly because the crowd reaction was down. And who could blame them? The record breaking heat wave that has gripped North Georgia over the last two weeks has taken a toll on everyone. They kept the air moving inside the NWA Arena as best they could, but 90 degrees is still 90 degrees. Even the Anarchy faithful, 165 strong (paying 1650), began to wilt as the evening wore on. The wrestling held up quite well, with standout performances by Slim J and Shatter in the main events.
The show opened with a 10 bell salute in honor of Karl Gotch. Todd Sexton said that with all the bad news in wrestling, the death of Gotch had not gotten its proper due. Sexton explained that Gotch was the originator of the German suplex (also the Scorpion Deathlock) and a pivotal figure in the development of the shoot style/MMA branch of pro wrestling. There’s a Gotch link to wrestling in Cornelia, from Boris Malenko through Tony Mamaluke and Jeremy Lopez to select members of the current roster.
Greg Hunter introduced “The Boss” Jerry Palmer. Palmer said this week reality had butted heads with wrestling. Palmer said he had three families: his biological family, his wrestling family, and the family of firefighters, his profession for 18 years. Palmer said that in the line of duty, Hall County firefighter Angie Roach had fallen through a floor, taken a 10 foot drop, and ended up pinned in the room where the fire originated. Palmer said Roach was in Grady Hospital recovering from severe second and third degree burns. Palmer then called four of the firefighters responsible for saving Roach’s life into the ring. The crowd gave them a standing ovation. Palmer told the men that they made him proud to wear the colors of the Hall County Fire Department. Palmer said that through the end of September $5 from every purchase of the Hostile Environment DVD would go to help injured firefighters. Palmer gave the firefighters a round of hugs and handshakes. Right to the heart. It’s moments like this that make wrestling in Cornelia so special.
(1) NWA Elite (Kory Chavis & Shatter & Abomination & Jeff Lewis with Jeff G. Bailey) dismantled Steven Walters & Chris King & Mike Pittman & Nick Halen in 5 minutes flat. This was a first class squash. The thing about it was that the Elite were ignoring Lewis and refusing to tag him into the match. Abomination gave “Oompah Loompah” Halen the Tree Slam, now known “Welcome to Auschwitz.” Lewis tagged in and immediately pinned Halen.
Bailey gave Lewis a tongue lashing. Lewis punched Bailey and he went airborne. Chavis gave Lewis the Spinesplitta and the beatdown was on. Dominous hit the ring and leveled Abomination with the kick of death, the first bump Abomination has taken in Anarchy. Dominous removed the mask to reveal Mikael Judas! A huge “welcome back” chant erupted. The place was buzzing. Judas squared off with Lewis. He gave Lewis a weird Satanic salute and exited out the front door. For his part, Lewis received a babyface response as he headed up the ramp. The postmatch was pretty much awesome.
On the big screen, Sexton was backstage with Wesley Grissom. Tony Santarelli interrupted and asked for another match. Sexton offered Santarelli a rematch against Grissom, but he would need a partner because he (Sexton) was teaming up with Grissom. Santarelli said he was a former Deep South Wrestling tag team champion so it was on. The camera followed Santarelli on his search for a partner. He encountered Anger Alliance. They said four was company and five was a crowd. In the next room, Santarelli found Terry Taylor. Taylor turned Santarelli down as well, but not before noting Santarelli’s added poundage. Santarelli said it was muscle bulk. Santarelli moved on to an area occupied by Andrew Pendleton III. Pendleton said he had been a tag team, but his partner left him high and dry. He accepted Santarelli’s offer. Santarelli threw his arm around Pendleton and started filling his head full of God only knows what, as they walked away. For low budget indie wrestling television, this was one hell of a tracking shot. Somewhere, Robert Altman is smiling.
(2) Jeremy Vain (with Mr. Adonis) beat Adrian Hawkins to retain the NWA Anarchy Television Title in 9:32. Good pop for Hawkins. Vain was more aggressive than usual in the early going. Hawkins responded with a strong babyface flurry. Vain bailed after Hawkins scored a near fall with a flying body press. Adonis had words with referee Harold James. Vain did a nifty take over spot where he hung Hawkins out to dry on a dropkick, and then catapulted his throat in the bottom rope. Vain did a rolling reverse into a rear chinlock. Hawkins broke it with a jawbreaker that was sold beautifully by Vain. Hawkins got a slew of near falls here. Vain answered with a gordbuster for a near fall. Hawkins hit the Unprettier, and Adonis jumped up on the apron to distract. James made the count before tending to Adonis, so Vain kicked out of the finisher. I’m thinking it was not supposed to go like that. Adonis grabbed Hawkins leg to set up the finish –a VKO followed by the VDT. Good match. The fans were into Hawkins, although not to where they believed he was going home with the title.
Postmatch, Hollywood Brunettes (Andrew Alexander & Kyle Matthews) gave Hawkins a haircut. Alexander told Matthews to mess his face up with that wicked corner dropkick. Then, they laid him out with the Sheeny Curse. Alexander whipped out a pair of scissors and went to work. He was tossing clumps of Hawkins’ hair like confetti. He didn’t take all of it, but Hawkins is definitely in need of a shorter hairstyle.
(3) Todd Sexton & Wesley Grissom beat Tony Santarelli & Andrew Pendleton III in 5:38. Another great pop for Grissom. Santarelli was greeted with a “puke” chant because of the unfortunate incident two weeks ago. He sent Pendleton out to face Sexton, and it wasn’t long before Pendleton was scrambling for a ropes break to escape a cross armbreaker. Santarelli wanted Grissom. The little guy got a brief flurry, but Santareill overpowered him and twisted his arm into some sick positions. Grissom managed to shove Santarelli face first into the top turnbuckle. Both men tagged. Sexton kicked Pendleton in the mush for a near fall and tagged out to Grissom. Santarelli kneed Grissom in the back, and while the ref was admonishing Santarelli, Sexton superkicked Pendleton and pulled Santarelli off the apron. Grissom pinned Pendleton with a running SSP to score his first win in Anarchy. Santarelli threw a fit and blew Pendleton off.
Slim J intro got the biggest babyface pop thus far. J said he wanted Patrick Bentley pronto. “The Rev” Dan Wilson lead Devil’s Rejects to ringside. Wilson said said he could make J’s dreams come to life and then slay them. The Rev said J could have Bentley, but he would have to get by Azrael and Shawn Tempers first.
(4) Patrick Bentley pinned Slim J after J had run through the Devil’s Rejects gauntlet of Azrael & Shaun Tempers (with “The Rev” Dan Wilson) in 16:43. Azrael was first, so this part had to be good. J was like a demon on Azrael’s arm. A wild flurry led to wicked series of MMA knees by J. Azrael hit the Old Testament and shredded J’s chest with chops. Those were some ugly welts. Azrael applied a body scissors choke submission. J came back with his body scissors bomb. Both men down for a count of eight. J hit the Screwdriver on the Rocks, but only managed a one-armed cover. Azrael dropped J on the top of his head with a brainbuster suplex for a near fall. Azrael tried for the slit throat piledriver, and J countered with the Detox Driver for the pin at 8:12. Tempers was all over J. Slimmy looked done in. Tempers gave J a side arm toss by the neck and tried to twist his head off. Powerslam for a long two count by Tempers. Out of nowhere, J did a victory roll and started pulling pinning combinations out of his ass. A pair of roundhouse kick and Fishermanbustah~! But Tempers kicked out. J went to the top. Wilson crotched him and tossed his staff to Tempers. He brained J for the DQ at 12:45. J was bleeding. Wilson cackled with glee at the sight of it. Bentley rubbed J’s blood on his body. Bentley was there in body, but it looked like his mind was in another world as he zeroed in J’s remains. Out of the blue, J put Bentley on the deck with wild windmilling blows. He hit the flying reverse DDT for a near fall.
But Bentley avoided a crazy aerial maneuver that sent J crashing into the turnbuckles. Bentley hit the Dark Driver and it was over. Best match of the show. Seems like I’ve been saying that a lot about J’s matches lately.
Intermission. The Anarchy announce team of Greg Hunter and John Johnson hawked the final available copies of the Hostile Enviroment DVD until they were sold out. Fans donated about $100 in cash to the injured firefighters in addition to the contributions from the DVD purchases.
(5) Anger Alliance (Brodie Chase & Brandon Phoenix & Adam Roberts & Don Matthews) beat Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) & Awesome Attraction (Austin Creed & Hayden Young) via DQ due to Nemesis’ piss poor impulse control (11:11). In the early going, Chase saw the Montefisto coming from Creed and cowered in fear. Creed sent Chase looking for cover after a pair of dropkicks. A schmazz broke out at ringside, and Young did a wild flip dive into a pile of bodies. After a valiant effort to fight off interference by the Alliance, Young got flip bumped off the top. Alliance put heat on Young. An awkward sequence ended with Chase pouncing Young to cut off a tag attempt. Spinning enzuigiri by Young for the double down spot. Hot tag coming up. Jackson hit a spinebuster slam on Matthews for a short-lived advantage. The heels trapped Jackson in the corner and gave him a four-on-one beating. Nemesis couldn’t take it and slugged referee Ken Wallace for the DQ. Nemesis came to his partner’s rescue, but the match was lost. Nemesis reluctantly shook hands with Creed and Young, but he had that stone cold glare going. This match worked for me. The finish told the story, and the Alliance looked like they belonged against the two most over tag teams in Anarchy.
Palmer was on the big screen talking about the Mysterious Benefactor Tag Team Tournament, which will start on 9/1. Alliance said they should be the number one contenders for the tag titles after winning the 8 man. Palmer told them that if needed to win the tournament to become the number one contenders. Parham showed up, as obnoxious as ever. He said nobody cared about this crap, because the people paid to see him, and he wanted his NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Title back. Truitt Fields showed up wanting a shot at the TV title. Palmer made a match between them with the winner getting their title shot.
Al Getz came out with Melissa Coates to issue another challenge. Instant “She’s a man” chant. Getz said the people couldn’t stand it because for once Anarchy had a strong, confident, beautiful woman that kicks ass. Getz said the people were looking at their next champion in the undefeated Coates.
(6) Melissa Coates destroyed Billy Buck in 5:18. Anarchy has done a great job of exploiting Coates’ unique transgender qualities to book her as a larger-than-life attraction. There’s a freakish Sports Entertainment element to these segments. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. When it comes to wrestling in Cornelia, variety is spice of life. This match added to Coates’ credibility against male wrestlers. Buck did a great job in his role. Buck isn’t tall, but he is thickly built, and he looked overmatched in the power and strength department. Coates destroyed him with power moves. Then she gave him a nutshot with a reverse atomic drop and stomped him in the kibbles and bits. Coates nailed Buck with a corner lariat and paused for a set of push ups. Coates chopped Buck. But Buck couldn’t bring himself to strike a woman. Coates took a boob bump into the buckles, and Buck rolled her up but only for a one count. Coates hit a power slam and finished the job with a sitout facebuster. Coates and Getz made a charming couple, as they circled the ring taunting the crowd to the sounds of “New York, New York.” Well done.
(7) Truitt Fields beat Chad Parham at 8:16 to earn a shot at the NWA Anarchy Television Title. Fields got a great pop, but not the insane pop he gets under more normal conditions. Parham rolled the apron after absorbing a shoulder block and looked stunned by Field’s explosive power. Fields did a gorilla press slam. Parham took a TO with Fields in hot pursuit. Parham turned the tide with a whip into the ring steps. Back inside the ring, Parham used the senton back splash and the back suplex for near falls. Parham applied a camel clutch. Hot comeback time. Parham made Fields look like a million bucks. Fields hit a powerslam to set up his finisher, but Parham blocked it. Parham fired back with stiff chops. Parham went for his jumping piledriver, and Fields countered with the Truitt Slam (sitout uranage) to pin the two-time former NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion clean in the middle. The finish got the big pop. It might have been even better without the glitch in the count.
Wilson entered with the Rejects for the title match. He told the fans that Iceberg wasn’t there for reasons that were none of their business, so Tempers was taking his place. Bailey came out with Shatter. He said that Shatter was the last man in the Rumble except for the fluke elimination by Iceberg, so he deserved the title shot. Palmer came to ringside. He said he hated to side with either the Elite or the Rejects, but fair was fair. He told Wilson to either produce Iceberg or take a hike. Wilson was sputtering and growling as he led the Rejects toward the back entrance.
(8) Shatter (with Jeff G. Bailey) pinned Ace Rockwell to become the new NWA Anarchy Heavyweight Champion in 9:28. The crowd wasn’t as amped as usual for Rockwell. He was limping noticeably as he approached the ring due to a legit knee injury. “There ain’t no fear in these eyes,” said Rockwell. Shatter pregnant dog slapped Rockwell. He got a receipt and charged at Rockwell, who pulled the ropes down to spill him over. Shatter teased taking the bump off the apron that eliminated him from the Rumble, except this time, he landed on his feet and caught Rockwell’s pescado. Back inside the ring, Shatter crushed Rockwell with a spinebuster. He pulled Rockwell up after a fallaway slam. Shattter hit a powerslam and pulled him up again. Rockwell landed on a seriously bad angle, and it looked like a sure neck injury, but thankfully not. Rockwell had no mobility on the comeback, so he fired off a barrage of punches and then a standing dropkick to the knee. Rockwell slowly made his way to the top for a flying bodypress. Shatter kicked out. Shatter went for the dreaded powerbomb, and Rockwell bit him in the knee. Rockwell hit the Aces High, but Shatter kicked out. The handwriting was on the wall for the champ. In desperation, Rockwell tried the Aces High off the ropes, but Shatter turned it into a power bomb straight to hell for the 1-2-3. Rockwell was out cold. The Elite celebrated victory. The match could only be so good, due to Rockwell’s injury. Shatter was the monster he needed to be.
Mikael Judas appeared on the ramp for a stare down with Shatter, who showed no fear whatsoever. Judas gave Shatter the thumbs down and departed.
NOTES: Here’s wishing a speedy recovery to Iceberg, who missed the show because he was hospitalized for treatment of an infection…Rockwell has tears in both the PCL and MCL. Since it’s not a complete tear, he’s going to try to rehab the knee, which will keep him out of action for several months…The 9/1 Anarchy TV taping will feature the opening matches of the Mysterious Benefactor Tag Team Tournament…Fright Night ’07 is going to be at the NWA Arena on 9/29…Salvatore Rinauro and Seth Delay worked the FIP shows in Crystal River and Arcadia, Fl this weekend…Roach’s injury was a freak accident. She had no way of knowing that she was perched on a small section of unusually thin flooring, which gave way due to the heat from below. The Hall County Fire Department is providing a round-the-clock guard for Roach during her hospitalization…MAXW returns to Williamston, SC on 9/8…The heat wave has been a blow to APW. Their crowds have fallen off badly due to the steam bath-like conditions inside the Royston Gym. For 8/24 APW has Jackson defending the APW title against Adonis, Buck & King (c) vs. Matthews & Vain, and the latest “Talent Show (as in J. T. Talent)” contestant.
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