The countdown to Wrestlemania has begun and I have to admit, more than anything, I am curious to see once the Oscars are complete if Mickey Rourke is booked to wrestle at Wrestlemania. I think it would a classic McMahon move and, since he has the rebel of movie industry as a sidekick, it is certainly all possible. One thing I believe about Vince McMahon is that he loves to succeed doing things his way and is never worried about rocking the boat. I would have to say that if he gets Rourke into the ring at Wrestlemania it will be quite the accomplishment. We will have to see first off if it happens and second will it sell PPVs if he does. I do look for Rourke to win the Academy Award so Monday Night Raw this Monday could be real interesting.
The Funks are going into the Hall of Fame. What’s interesting is that they deserve to go in as singles wrestlers as well as tag team wrestlers. When WrestleReunion 1 was in the planning stages I just had to get the Funks in the ring together as a team. I still do to this day have people asking me how I got that done. As impossible as it seemed, it wasn’t as tough as it might have appeared to be. I actually smile when I think about working with Terry and with Marti Funk to make things happen. Anyone who knows Dory knows he is a man of few words but, at the same time, probably the easiest guy on the planet to deal with. When you are dealing with Marti you just have to stay focused on one thing and that is that she is protecting her (client) husband. They appear to have a for life marriage which is rare in this day and age two people who work as a team regardless of anyone's else's input or criticism. She is actually doing her job and honestly making something work that everyone told me seemed impossible just makes the success all the more sweeter. So I have to say "thank you" to Marti Funk for making me seem like a genius. When I put WrestleReunion 2 together I wanted my good buddy Mick Foley to get in the ring but I also knew, as far back as he and I go, that he wasn’t going to do this for me without a great incentive. So I hit him with teaming up with the Funks. After discussing it with Terry everyone agreed. A lot of thing had to happen for that match to happen. Stan Lane had to agree to work which is hard enough and then Mick Foley had to agree to work. Then I had to get the Funks in the ring one more time. I can assure you all of that seemed easy compared to getting everyone to agree that The Midnight Express would actually win a match. I am proud of being one of only two men to get the Funks in the ring together. I am also proud of giving a whole new generation of fans and opportunity to see two great single wrestlers function as a unit again.
The recent happenings with Verne Gagne are very sad to say the least. It’s a horrible tragedy and from what it sounds like one that should have been prevented. I don’t know much about the care of people in these assisted living facilities but it does sound like Verne should have had special attention. I can only imagine there will be a lot of questions to be answered and many legal issues that will arise from this unthinkable situation. My sympathies are with the families of both men. One family who is suffering a tragic loss and the other that has to live with the repercussions
I worked for Verne a few times and had nothing but good memories of those times. I was given opportunities by the Gagnes and Ray Stevens to work in the AWA. I didn’t agree with the booking but anyone who has worked as a booker thinks that they could do it better. Over the years I heard from many wrestlers and working in the AWA was always a good thing and Verne was a very good payoff guy. It truly is a shame that a great life and someone who reportedly gave so much to his community ended up in this situation. I read comments that Eric Bischoff made in his blog regarding the State of Minnesota basically forcing Verne out of his fantastic home for pennies of the dollar using eminent domain. The comments that Bischoff made make a lot of sense. In the past year we have heard of a couple of incidents that clearly show how one incident can change a lifetime it doesn't seem right but its so very true.
This photo is from WrestleReunion 1 it would be the last time that The Funks would challenge for the NWA Tag Team Championship. Their opponents that night were America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm). They were very pleased to have the chance to wrestle The Funks and I was pleased to give them the opportunity.
This has been a piece of my mind