Saturday, September 19, 2009
Chris O'Neal Has Baby!!
----Chris O'Neal is a new daddy as of about 20 minutes ago!! Ava Rylee arrived at a whopping 6lbs 13 ounces and standing 20 inches long!! Congrats to new mom - Tracy - and dad. Everyone seems to be doing fine!!
XOW tonight and DCW in Jonesboro, AR with Scott Hall and Sid Vicious!!
----Just a quick reminder that RRO will be in Jonesboro, AR tonight for Sid Vicious/Pokerface vs Scott Hall/Lord Humongous Main Event. Also below is a poster for the XOW show tonight billed as a TV taping?? I am hearing rumors from 3 or 4 different sources that we might see XOW on Channel 50 also. Will it be known as the "wrestling channel"?? LOL

Sal Talks Eric!!
----RRO columnist "The Big Cheese" recently was in court. Here a link to an interview conducted by about his case and comments made by Eric Bischoff. CLICK HERE!!
Jerry Lawler Responds To Recent Mayoral Poll Controversy
----D-Rock posted this over at I have one of those people that have said Lawler probably didn't have a chance in this election. But, stuff like this only makes him look better and makes the media and city of Memphis look more corrupt. Well..if that is possible.
The following press release was issued yesterday:
Memphis Mayoral candidate Jerry Lawler has been disenfranchised by a recent poll. A WREG-TV News Channel 3/Commercial Appeal Mason-Dixon Poll shows Mr. Lawler polling at just 2 percent. The poll was conducted over a two-day period and was a sample of just 400 "likely voters."
Upon news of the polling data, Mr. Lawler commented:
"I've been out working hard, campaigning, talking to the hard-working citizens of Memphis. I've talked to well over 400 people myself. And what I hear and what I see out there in the community is anything but what this new poll shows.
How can a poll be accurate when only sampling 400 "likely" voters? How can 400 people represent the complete 700,000 citizens of our city? You can't predict and speak for 700,000 people by taking a sample of less than one-one-thousandth percent!
That says to me, that News Channel 3 and the Commercial Appeal have decided to disenfranchise the other 690,000-plus citizens of our city. They have decided who they want to win and will force this notion and this misconception on its viewers and readers in an attempt to manipulate the voting in just four weeks. It's just more of the same tired, political games that have plagued our city."
Lawler, who finished third in his previous mayoral run in 1999, has been a major factor in the most recent polls. A poll in late July showed Lawler in second place with 28 percent trailing only attorney A.C. Wharton. A straw poll conducted following the first televised debate in mid-August revealed Lawler was the "most impressive" candidate by a whopping margin of over 30 percent to Wharton.
"After everything we've been through over the last two decades, it's time this city and its voters hear all the voices, not just the ones who the media want you to hear," Lawler says. "By presenting this poll - which seems to be nothing more than old-time, political machine, media propaganda - the heart of this city's voters are being ignored. Elections are not about popularity contests. They are about the candidate, the citizens, and the issues."
Though frustrated that the media would so blatantly choose to ignore voters, Lawler doesn't seem surprised by the results.
"For months now, I've been talking about cleaning up this city. I've been talking about reducing crime. I've been talking about eliminating wasteful spending in our city budget, eliminating cronyism, and giving this city back to the people. I'm not surprised that as my campaign has started to gain unprecedented steam that ‘new polling data’ is suddenly uncovered that tries to discourage voters. Our career politicians and certain media outlets have vested interests in continuing the status quo in Memphis. They have no desire to see Memphis move forward and become a safer, cleaner, and friendlier city. The only poll I care about is the one that comes out four weeks from tonight on October 15."
Credit: Matt Boone @
The following press release was issued yesterday:
Memphis Mayoral candidate Jerry Lawler has been disenfranchised by a recent poll. A WREG-TV News Channel 3/Commercial Appeal Mason-Dixon Poll shows Mr. Lawler polling at just 2 percent. The poll was conducted over a two-day period and was a sample of just 400 "likely voters."
Upon news of the polling data, Mr. Lawler commented:
"I've been out working hard, campaigning, talking to the hard-working citizens of Memphis. I've talked to well over 400 people myself. And what I hear and what I see out there in the community is anything but what this new poll shows.
How can a poll be accurate when only sampling 400 "likely" voters? How can 400 people represent the complete 700,000 citizens of our city? You can't predict and speak for 700,000 people by taking a sample of less than one-one-thousandth percent!
That says to me, that News Channel 3 and the Commercial Appeal have decided to disenfranchise the other 690,000-plus citizens of our city. They have decided who they want to win and will force this notion and this misconception on its viewers and readers in an attempt to manipulate the voting in just four weeks. It's just more of the same tired, political games that have plagued our city."
Lawler, who finished third in his previous mayoral run in 1999, has been a major factor in the most recent polls. A poll in late July showed Lawler in second place with 28 percent trailing only attorney A.C. Wharton. A straw poll conducted following the first televised debate in mid-August revealed Lawler was the "most impressive" candidate by a whopping margin of over 30 percent to Wharton.
"After everything we've been through over the last two decades, it's time this city and its voters hear all the voices, not just the ones who the media want you to hear," Lawler says. "By presenting this poll - which seems to be nothing more than old-time, political machine, media propaganda - the heart of this city's voters are being ignored. Elections are not about popularity contests. They are about the candidate, the citizens, and the issues."
Though frustrated that the media would so blatantly choose to ignore voters, Lawler doesn't seem surprised by the results.
"For months now, I've been talking about cleaning up this city. I've been talking about reducing crime. I've been talking about eliminating wasteful spending in our city budget, eliminating cronyism, and giving this city back to the people. I'm not surprised that as my campaign has started to gain unprecedented steam that ‘new polling data’ is suddenly uncovered that tries to discourage voters. Our career politicians and certain media outlets have vested interests in continuing the status quo in Memphis. They have no desire to see Memphis move forward and become a safer, cleaner, and friendlier city. The only poll I care about is the one that comes out four weeks from tonight on October 15."
Credit: Matt Boone @
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 9.18.09
45 attended
Saint b Dyron Flynn (w/Nick White)
Psycho Medic b Pretty James Duncan
Shane Smalls b Lee Cross to win the USWO Jr. Championship
ATL Champion Ace Rockwell b Shaun Tempers
Tommy Mercer b Jeff Daniels (w/Dominique)
Mercer's win got him 5 minutes with Dominique. Daniels returned with a rope and hung Mercer over the top rope.
USWO Tag Team Champions Kevin Dunn & Matt Korbaine b Damien Payne & Bad Boy Dixon (w/Josh Crowe) when Dunn pinned Dixon
USWO Champion Jerry Lynn b Chuck Taylor
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
----These results always amaze me - 45 people to see Jerry Lynn against Chuck Taylor.
Saint b Dyron Flynn (w/Nick White)
Psycho Medic b Pretty James Duncan
Shane Smalls b Lee Cross to win the USWO Jr. Championship
ATL Champion Ace Rockwell b Shaun Tempers
Tommy Mercer b Jeff Daniels (w/Dominique)
Mercer's win got him 5 minutes with Dominique. Daniels returned with a rope and hung Mercer over the top rope.
USWO Tag Team Champions Kevin Dunn & Matt Korbaine b Damien Payne & Bad Boy Dixon (w/Josh Crowe) when Dunn pinned Dixon
USWO Champion Jerry Lynn b Chuck Taylor
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
----These results always amaze me - 45 people to see Jerry Lynn against Chuck Taylor.
Friday, September 18, 2009
RassleResults: Mid-South Wrestling Russellville, AR 9.12.09 - "Russlemania" Draws Over 700!!!
Mid-South Pro Wrestling
Saturday September 12, 2009
Russellville, AR
1) International Champion Tim Storm pinned Kaleb Kastle after the "Eye of the Storm" (Roll of the Dice).
2) Bruiser Rick Sweetan (with Rich Rude) beat Dustin Anderson with the Samoan Drop.
3) Prince Al Farat (with Tom Donovan) beat Heartbreaker Chas Cardington.
4) All-American Mark Johnson defeated Prince Al Farat (with Tom Donovan).
5) "Goddess of Wrestling" Athena beat Malia Hosaka.
6) Jeff Jett defeated Nature Boy Buddy Landel via disqualification.
7) Matt Riviera wrestle Jay Lethal to a no-contest.
8) Matt Riviera & Jay Lethal beat The Dark Circle.
Sellout crowd of 700 in attendance. $2,600 was raised for the Boys & Girls Club. Great show.
Saturday September 12, 2009
Russellville, AR
1) International Champion Tim Storm pinned Kaleb Kastle after the "Eye of the Storm" (Roll of the Dice).
2) Bruiser Rick Sweetan (with Rich Rude) beat Dustin Anderson with the Samoan Drop.
3) Prince Al Farat (with Tom Donovan) beat Heartbreaker Chas Cardington.
4) All-American Mark Johnson defeated Prince Al Farat (with Tom Donovan).
5) "Goddess of Wrestling" Athena beat Malia Hosaka.
6) Jeff Jett defeated Nature Boy Buddy Landel via disqualification.
7) Matt Riviera wrestle Jay Lethal to a no-contest.
8) Matt Riviera & Jay Lethal beat The Dark Circle.
Sellout crowd of 700 in attendance. $2,600 was raised for the Boys & Girls Club. Great show.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Sammy Hall Responds!!
----CLICK HERE to read "Axemen" Randall Lewis' interview with Sammy Hall. He responded to Garry White's "Conversation" piece that was posted last week. [CLICK HERE to read it]
IWA Wrestling TV Ratings 9.12.09 - IWA Scores a ZERO!!
----The 9.12.09 edition of IWA Wrestling scored a big fat ZERO. What does that mean?? Well, there were not enough viewers in any of the quarter hours to register a rating. If you want to look it another way, then there was less than 1620 viewers per quarter. So there might have been some people watching it, but very few. The sad thing is that it was their best show to date. Memphis Wrestling, which didn’t even air a show and had infomercials during that hour, scored .4 [6478 viewers] overall.

----Tatt2 spoke via with RRO about the upcoming Hulkamania tour of Australia. He got a tryout of sorts this past weekend in Louisiana and told to get a passport and get ready. The upcoming 9.21.09 Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports the following being talked about as part of the tour - Rikishi, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Lacey Von Erich, Ric Flair, Mr. Kennedy, Gangrel, The Nasty Boys, Orlando Jones, Torrie Wilson, Brutus Beefcake, Jimmy Hart and Shannon Moore. Congratulations to Tatt2 - good luck!!
Melbourne Saturday 21 – Rod Laver Arena
Perth Tuesday 24 – Burswood Dome
Brisbane Thursday 26 – Brisbane Entertainment Centre
Sydney Saturday 28 – Acer Arena
Austin Lane To Get A Look!!!

Austin Lane
----As reported on Austin Lane's web site [CLICK HERE], the #1 RRO Wrestler 2008 in the RRO Top 10, will be getting a look by the WWE this coming Monday and Tuesday - Sep. 21 in Little Rock & 22nd in Tulsa, OK. Our congratulations to Lane and a big GOOD LUCK to him!! I have been following Lane's career for over 8 years and worked around the ring against him. I am very proud of him!! Lane joins Dustin Starr from this area. Ironically, Lane and I were there for Starr's debut. LOL
Shows for The Weekend 9.18 to 9.19.09
----CLICK HERE for the regular scheduled shows!!
----Sid Vicious and Scott Hall are in the area this weekend. CLICK HERE and you will see the commercial for the Jonesboro show. Pokerface does a good job here. Also make note that they are calling it Dogg Championship Wrestling now along with the Dogghouse Arena. Vicious/Hall also be at MCW in Osceola, AR on Friday night for their 15th Anniversary show!! RRO will be at the Saturday night show!! Come up and say hello!!
----Sid Vicious and Scott Hall are in the area this weekend. CLICK HERE and you will see the commercial for the Jonesboro show. Pokerface does a good job here. Also make note that they are calling it Dogg Championship Wrestling now along with the Dogghouse Arena. Vicious/Hall also be at MCW in Osceola, AR on Friday night for their 15th Anniversary show!! RRO will be at the Saturday night show!! Come up and say hello!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Mama Says It Beees That Way Sometimes "The People Behind The Scenes" by “Downtown” Bruno Lauer

Chuck Poe and Downtown Bruno
----Downtown Bruno has been writing every other week for us and I do appreciate his effort. I always enjoy his comments on various people in the business. This column is a great piece and stay in his non controversial mode [and he will stay in that mode unless you mention Missy Hyatt to him..LOL], but it also give everyone an idea of how many people it takes to put on a wrestling show. I would welcome a piece like this for all the promotions we cover on a weekly basis.
This time around, I’d like to discuss some of the guys and gals I’ve met through NEW and the “Nightmare” Ken Wayne School of Wrestling. These are the unsung heroes behind the scenes of NEW.
-When you first walk into the school-studio-arena-event center – whatever form the building is taking that particular night. The first two people you meet on Friday night are The Clarks – nice friendly couple who sell the admission tickets for NEW events. A lot of people do not know that these are Ken Wayne’s in laws and of course the mom and dad of Debbie – Ken’s wife.
-Debbie is the former Brandi Wine of days gone by in the wrestling scene. Debbie is also a big behind the scenes contributor to NEW. She runs the difficult and demanding task of keeping the cameramen in touch with what needs to be done during the live to tape NEW wrestling program as well as running the switchboard for the tapings too.
-DJ Stegall and his Dad Dan Senior are also a big part of NEW as DJ is diligently training to become a pro wrestler [and coming along very well..I might add]. He is also in charge of the lights and music at the show while his dad is an occasional ring-apron cameraman for NEW.
-Richard Bressler is irreplaceable as the floor director, head cameraman. He is basically Mr. Everything when comes to the technical aspect of NEW. His entire family is instrumental in working the cameras at the broadcasts as well.
-John Steele’s wife pitches in selling tickets along with Ken’s sister in law and my cousin – Vickie [formally known as Vicious Vickie in Memphis Wrestling] helps out.
-Robert Walker of Critter Gitters has been a great addition to NEW – not only as a great sponsor, but also the force behind the great new brick and mortar design of the NEW set. Walker is also such a great member of the audience along with his great family particularly his son, my buddy, The Weasel.
These folks are the backbone of NEW and we wouldn’t be the same without them. I would personally like to thank each and every one of them.
----“Downtown” Bruno Lauer is a legend in Memphis Wrestling. He surprised everyone last year winning RRO Referee of the Year 2008 from his work at NEW. He appears bi-weekly with his non controversial column. Lauer had his biography published last year “Wrestling with The Truth” and can be purchased at Lauer is also currently employed by the WWE.
Food for Thought by Jamie Jay
Jamie Jay
----I would like everyone to welcome Jamie Jay to the growing staff of RRO. Jamie will try to join us bi-weekly with his own insight on the happenings of this area. Jay is a promoter and a worker. He is currently sidelined and I thought this would be a good way to keep him involved. Jamie is also scheduled for surgery on his knee today - so everyone keep him in your thoughts!! Oh yeah...I have no idea who is rubbing Jay's stomach here..LOL
Hello everyone!
Well, why is Jamie Jay writing a column on ??? I don't know either, because I'm not that good of a writer, but I do tell the truth. I think that's the important thing is that the truth is number 1. So to everyone reading this, if I mention you're name, if I offend you, I'm sorry, but I tell it like I see it!
I was asked to write about the PWA vs RWA, Jamie Jay vs Frank Martin, Rodney Mack vs Frank Martin, DCW vs RWA situation! I know, that's alot to digest. I believe alot of people would like to know more about the ordeal, but I have nothing to do with the Frank Martin & Rodney Mack deal. I've already told everyone about the Jamie Jay & Frank Martin piss fight. So, how do I feel about the Mack & Martin situation? First off, I've never had a problem with Rodney Mack. He was as nice of a guy that you could ask to meet. Frank Martin, when I first met him, he was a nice guy. Frank & I just didn't see eye to eye & I was out of there before Rodney Mack took over the booking. I would've liked to work for Rodney, while he was booking. I think he would've had me doing some good things.
When I first heard of RWA shutting the doors, I had a shit eating grin, but then at the same time, I had a disappointment feeling in my heart! I loved to hear that the same guy the was talking crap about me had shut his doors, but I also hated to hear that alot of people had to find another place to work. I also hated the fact that a quality wrestling show like the RWA was closing & the fans would have no WRESTLING! But luckily Rodney Mack opened DCW up in the building a few weeks later. I was happy to hear that. You're probably asking you're self why would I be happy to hear that? Well, I'm glad to see a place for guys to work, myself included.
I went to the DCW show this past Sat. night 09/12/09 How did I feel? I was welcomed with open arms. Rodney Mack & Jazz came up & hugged me. Ron Rage came up & hugged me. Everybody was asking about my knee & showing me sympathy. It seemed like I was on my own show, without the headache! lol. I loved what they did with the building. The dressing room is great, compared to the way it was. Everybody seems to get along great. It has a good vibe. I would recommend anybody to go work there. Rodney & Jazz know what their doing & I think DCW will be successful!
I'm hoping I have surgery this week on my knee, so I can start the heeling process. I'm working on lots of things with PWA Entertainment. You can check that out at Well, it's not alot but you can chew on that for awhile!
Thank You!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
RassleResults: MCW Oseola, AR 9.11.09
-Homer Lee beat Titanic and Snuff in a three way match.
-Knockout Kid vs War Machine in a 10 Minutes draw.
-The Hambones with Ms Innocent beat “Natural Born Playas” [Southside Brawler/Pimptacular] using their bones.
-“East Coast Bad Boys” [C-Money/Spyro] beat by DQ Pokerface/Bishop when Ron McClarity interfered.
-Frankie Tucker beat Ron McClarity – Falls Count Anywhere – Tucker pinned him in the non-title then both dressing rooms emptied.
----War Machine attacked Kid after the bout…This coming Friday night is the MCW 15th Anniversary Show with Sid Vicious/Pokerface vs Lord Humongous/Scott Hall. No increase in ticket prices – only $6. Also the show will feature Lumberjack Match – MCW Title – McClarity vs Tucker.
Credit: Kim Wallace and MCW
-Knockout Kid vs War Machine in a 10 Minutes draw.
-The Hambones with Ms Innocent beat “Natural Born Playas” [Southside Brawler/Pimptacular] using their bones.
-“East Coast Bad Boys” [C-Money/Spyro] beat by DQ Pokerface/Bishop when Ron McClarity interfered.
-Frankie Tucker beat Ron McClarity – Falls Count Anywhere – Tucker pinned him in the non-title then both dressing rooms emptied.
----War Machine attacked Kid after the bout…This coming Friday night is the MCW 15th Anniversary Show with Sid Vicious/Pokerface vs Lord Humongous/Scott Hall. No increase in ticket prices – only $6. Also the show will feature Lumberjack Match – MCW Title – McClarity vs Tucker.
Credit: Kim Wallace and MCW
Arena Report: Super Summer Showdown Ripley, TN 9.12.09 - Derrick King Turns On Stan Lee!!
Albino Rhino, Brian Tramel and Maxx Corbin
----Before I go into the Arena Report, I wanted to just take a look at the roster for this show. This show was packed with the best talent of this area. Take a look – this show featured 16 RRO award winners or upcoming nominees.
Chris O’Neal – Tag Team of the Year 2006 and considered for Tag Team 2009.
Cody Melton – Nominated for Most Improved and Rookie 2008. He could be considered in Most Improved 2009. Ranked in RRO Top 10 Tag Teams.
Seth Knight – Most Improved and Most Underrated of 2009. He is having a hell of a year.
Genocide – Tag of the Year possible nominee 2009. Most Improved – you can look at both of them for this.
K-Hill – Rookie of the Year 2008.
Su Yung – Female Performer 2008 and participate in TV Match of the Year 2008. Considered for Female Performer of 2009.
Greg Anthony – Booker of the Year 2008. Tag Team of the Year possible nominee 2009. Ranked in RRO Top 10 of area.
Christian Jacobs – Tag Team of the Year 2006. Considered for Most Underrated, Horizon and Tag Team for 2009.
Shannon Lee – Considered for Most Improved 2009.
Jon Michael – Tag Team of the Year 2006. Considered for MVP Performer and Tag Team for 2009.
JR Manson – Rookie of the Year 2007 nominee.
Bishop – Considered for Most Improved 2009 and possible Match of the Year Candidate.
Derrick King – Three times Wrestler of the Year, 3 Match of the Year awards, MVP Tag Team 2008, ranked in top 2 of RRO Top 10 for 3 years, considered for Wrestler and Match 2009.
Dustin Starr – Two time Horizon Award winner, Top 10 Ranking. Considered for Horizon, Wrestler, Columnist and Site 2009.
Stan Lee – MVP Performer 2 time winner, Top 10 Ranking, MVP Tag Team 2008 – only wrestler to hold both single/tag in one year and considered for various categories for 2009.
Super Summer Showdown Ripley, TN 9.12.09
----“Canadian Dragon” Cody Melton defeated Hardcore Yaw. Good quick solid opener. Yaw is fast as hell and Melton has improved since the last time I watched him. Superplex spot from Melton. Perfect psychology. Melton ended it with his Maple Leaf Back Snapper. [*1/2]
----Seth Knight came out to wrestle Tim Edwards. Edwards brought out Big Red, so Knight called out Ike Tucker. Tucker’s music hit and the place went nuts. He agreed to be Seth’s partner after he called Edwards/Red the “Supersize Twins” and “Big Mac Attack Brothers”. Good shine, then we were treated to Knight getting his ass whipped and Ike in the perfect role for the hot tag. Knight was great here bumping around like a pinball. Big chop from Red to Knight. Double backdrop on Knight as his feet hit the ceiling. Edwards/Red did not disappoint here with both guys working hard tagging in and out when they were tired. Everything was solid with Ike getting hot tag. Edwards threw Knight a chain and the ref went to him to get it away. Double chokeslam from Red/Edwards for pin and win. [**1/2]
----“Genocide” [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] beat “The Agents” [K-Hill/Kai] with Su Yung. “Genocide” got a big pop coming out. Agents jumped them at the start. Good solid bout. Rhino did an airplane spin!! Heat on Maxx after he went after Yung. Perfect psychology. Hot tag. Agents tried to suplex Rhino, but he suplexed them both. A couple of near falls that had me guessing. Blackhole slam and “bubba bomb” on K-Hill from Maxx. Double chokeslam. Powerslam from Rhino and a legdrop from the top turnbuckle from Maxx on K-Hill for the win. Albino got a hold of Yung and threw her over the top rope to the floor on the Agents after the match. [Oh shit moment] [***1/4]
---- Chris O’Neal brought out Derrick King for an interview. This was followed by Bishop. Bishop talked about the street fight and with people bringing in weapons in and he made reference to a baseball bat. [Brian C flashback] He then broke DK’s Michael Jackson glasses and they had a small pull-a-part. The fans were hot for this.
----“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat “Girl Candy Christian Jacobs. Good solid bout, but for some reason I just expected a lot better match. Not as big a reaction during the bout as expected. CJ got a huge reaction coming out and at the end, but fans seem to not know why these guys were fighting?? CJ did a “skin the cat” then sent TGB outside the ring. A running Undertaker suicide dive to floor from CJ. I was thinking “damn that is a big man going over the ropes like that.”[Oh shit moment #2] I thought they both were dead. A few blotched moves. CJ used some good moves like a sharpshooter, a big boot and even a Kerry Von Erich discus punch from hell. Finish had a ref bump where CJ hit a ginormous spear on Kaleb. TGB went to a chair and CJ ends up spearing him with TGB kicking out. CJ almost speared the second ref but caught himself and TGB rolled him up using his tights for the pin.[***]
----Cody Melton beat Shannon Lee. Just quick solid bout to get Melton over more. Melton took a Flair bump from the top rope. Melton finished him with the Maple Leaf Back Snapper. [*1/2]
----Jon Michael beat JR Manson. Another good solid bout. JR grabs Michael getting into the ring. Big closeline from Michael. A couple of spinbusters and Michael went for a sharpshooter. Michael hit an elbow from the top rope. Michael goes into the ringpost slamming his “hurt” arm for Manson to start the heat. Manson worked over the arm. JR got powder out of his suitcase and hit Michael with. Codebreaker for near fall. Edwards came out with a chair. Michael hit Manson with a big boot with Manson coming off the top rope. Match ended with Michael suplex/RKO combo on Manson on a chair for the win. [***1/4]
Street Fight: Derrick King beat Bishop. One of those bouts where you had to be there to see it. All over the building brawl with chairs, trashcans, cheese fries, tables, a muffler and lots of other stuff. DK threw Bishop into the announcer’s desk [where I was sitting] and I got caught up in the table and chair. All I can remember is Bishop with cheese dip on his head coming towards me. At one point Bishop pitched DK from the bleachers over the top rope into the ring. [Oh shit moment #3] Bishop ripped DK’s pants off. Sitdown powerbomb from Bishop for near fall. Bishop grabbed a chair and put it on DK – Bishop off the top rope, but ate the chair. DK makes a comeback with a flying forearm, reverse atomic drop and X-factor. Bishop goes for second powerbomb and DK jumps over him. Superkick for near fall with ref counting to three I believe. Bishop with finisher for near fall. Second superkick for the actual pin and win. [***3/4]
----EWE Title Match: Dustin “Five” Starr beat Stan Lee. This just felt like a big match. Lee is over and Starr comes off as..well..a star. LOL Lee on fire at the front with good shine. Kicks to midsection. Flying press from top rope. Split leg duck. Standing moonsault. Split leg moonsault. Starr is in scary shape – looks like someone “chiseled” his body. They fought to the outside to the ramp. Starr attempted a “Starr Struck” and Lee a Tiger bomb. Starr backdrops Lee on the ramp. Heat started here. Lee caught Starr running into the corner with his legs, but Starr ended up powerbombing Lee, who going face first on mat and looked to twist his whole rib cage. Table and chair threw in the ring. So I guess it is no DQ?? Starr worked over the ribs. Lee flew over the turnbuckle hitting the ringpost. Lee juices. Lee starts his comeback with running European uppercuts to the corners. Attempts Tiger bomb, but Starr with a Russian Leg sweep. Starr to the top – Lee kicks him on the way down, then a Tiger Bomb. Near fall. Starr goes for a “Starr Struck” and Lee counters it with elbows. Ref bump with Starr hitting the ref with a closeline. Second Tiger Bomb with no ref. Bishop comes out and kicks Lee in the head and goes for his finisher. DK makes the save and shitcans Bishop. DK bodyslams Starr and holds him so Lee can frogsplash him for the win. Lee flying in mid air and DK hits him with a superkick!! [oh shit moment #4] Starr pins Lee to retain the belt. [****]
----The show finished with DK doing a heel interview talking about how everyone turned their back on him – even his brother Lee. He yelled at building owner JC and had the crowd hot! Various things in the interview were shoot – the fans went away mad. Will it make them return to see Lee get his revenge on DK??
----225+ in the building for a free show…I like watching Hardcore Yaw, but wished he would get a new suit besides the old Phoenix X stuff. Maybe he should dress like a lumberjack??...Ike Tucker gets an unbelievable reaction every time I am in Ripley. The crowd loves him!! He has TONS of charisma that if one of the young guys had this they would be a WWE superstar. ..This is the last time “Genocide” will be tagging for a bit. Maxx is headed to work on getting a college degree…This was Kai’s first match and trainer Kevin White should be proud. He did a really good job. Garry White was sick, so Yung took his place…Chris O’Neal plays a great Commish. He comes to the ring in a nice shirt, pants and tie. And as always, O’Neal is over big in Ripley. He confessed to me after the show of being still not comfortable on the mic, but he comes across real well…They ran a video on the big screen of the Genocide/Agents angles leading up to the match. This was very well done and they heads above everyone with this kind of stuff…They setup a Street Fight this week for TGB vs CJ with Chris O’Neal coming out to put it over, which was a little too much after just one week for me. TGB is only in for two weeks, so I would have just put CJ over both weeks getting him ready for something bigger. The idea being if TGB is the “Best of the Best”, then CJ is better than that. CJ danced after the match and it got more reaction than the whole match…I want to see a CJ vs Starr feud over the belt…Melton’s regular scheduled opponent was sick – Dell Tucker – so he was stuck with working two prelim type matches. These two matches didn’t mean anything and probably should have been just left off the show. Or they could have worked a triple threat at the start with Melton winning the match and something to go along with it like a title shot. I like Melton’s new gimmick – he needs some tights with a big dragon on them though…I sit at the announcer’s table the whole show and Rick Marx did a fine job… Kaleb and TJ were the refs…Michael poured Manson’s crazy pills down his throat after the match…Main event went into the ring at 10:23 with a show start of 7:15, so it was a little too long…Starr again having a great match with Lee. I gave the match a little extra rating for the finish with DK turning. Big surprise and DK’s interview was really good after the turn. Some in the back were pissy because they said he should have waited to do it next week, but he had so much heat leaving that I believe the people will be there. I really don’t think you can sell tickets [maybe watch the next week’s TV show – but they don’t have a TV show!!] on “why” – you have to tell the fans, so they will come back…I just look tiny in that picture above – those guys are huge!!!...A really good show – overall one of the best of the year. ..Thanks to cast and crew. Fun time was had by all.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 9.12.09
Our show started off the same way it does every Saturday night with Rickey Roland handing our nations flag to local kids and playing the national anthem. But before hand, Announcer Terrence Ward would ask everyone to stand for a moment of silence to remember those who perished eight years ago in the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001.
Our first match of the night was for the #1 contendership for the ASWF Tag Team Titles! LSD would go toe to toe with CM2. Idol Bane would start of in control over his opponent Cody Murdoch. LSD would prove to be the dominating force for most of the entire match. But Cody Only would find himself in between a rock and a hard place with Cody and Cason McClain making fresh tags to keep the upper hand over LSD. But the tide would turn when Cody Only would plant the LTO on Cason and make a tag to Idol Bane. But in the chaos Cody Only would deliver a low blow to Idol bane and get him in the roll up pin for the 1, 2, 3.
Before our second match could get underway Demon X would come to the ring with Johnny Hawk. Demon X would call Commissioner Rickey Rowland to the ring and order him to hand over the title due to his contract. Rowland would state that there was no such contract. Demon X would soon call the Former Commissioner Terrence Ward to the ring and have him explain what he was talking about. Ward would state the before Demon X chose his current path he was given a contract stating that he would get a shot at the title and that the only way he could lose it was by pinfall or submission. Rickey would have no choice but to hand over the title. But Johnny Harper would get a rematch later tonight.
The second match would be for the European Title. X-Kaliber would defend his gold against LSD's Deadly Dale. Deadly would start off well, deadly. But his control of the match would slip from his grasp as Tommy Wayne would interfere and hit Deadly Dale with the X-Division belt. X-Kaliber would get the win via pinfall.
Our third match of the night was ASWF HOF and Original Hot Rod John Ellison taking on Mark Wolf in singles action. Mark, who would be returning after a sholder injury at the hands of Danger Zone, would come off really nice. But Hot Rod would start his attack on the injured arm of Mark Wolf and would not let off. But by some stroke of luck Mark would get the pin and take home the victory. But when the match was over CM2 would attack Mark and Kalaiki (Who was at the announce table during Mark's match). CM2 would challenge them to a match for the Tag Team Titles.
The fourth match was on before the referee could even ring the bell. CM2 would dominate the match from the start to the finish. X-Kaliber/Tommy Wayne/Athena Eclipse would interfere in the match and cause the Beach Bums to lose their titles to CM2. After the match was over Kalaiki would complain of a shoulder injury to medical officials in the lockeroom. Doctors would determine later that night that he would have to wear an immobilizer anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months.
Our fifth match was for the ASWF Title. Demon X would face off against Johnny Harper. Harper with all his anger built up would start off great. But with Johnny Hawk at Demon X's side he would lose thanks to Hawk's interference. But after the assault was over, Harper would state that he wanted Demon X and Hawk next week in a match.
Tonight's Semi-Main was a tag team match featuring Seth Sabor/Scott Fury against Vinny Ramano/Joshua Cross. This match would not be wrestler vs wrestler but country vs country. Seth would start off strong but would fall victim to Vinny when he was hit in the throat with a flag pole. Ramano would roll him up in a pin. The Commissioner would come to the ring and state that because of Ramano's recent behavior he would take on the Scott Fury in a flag match. Ireland vs Italy next week!
Our Main-Event was for the X-Division Title. Tommy Wayne would face Mike Anthony and Christopher Lee in a triple threat hardcore title match. This would be a bloody match. You could not keep up with who was in control of the match. There were many close calls but CM2 and X-Kaliber would interfere and cost Lee and Anthony the match. Wayne would pin Lee and Anthony for the win. X-Kaliber would state that "The Establishment" was here to stay.
Credit: Terrance Ward
----Is it just me or does this group seem stale?? The same roster for over a year with very little change...I thought Mike Anthony was going to work RWA??
Our first match of the night was for the #1 contendership for the ASWF Tag Team Titles! LSD would go toe to toe with CM2. Idol Bane would start of in control over his opponent Cody Murdoch. LSD would prove to be the dominating force for most of the entire match. But Cody Only would find himself in between a rock and a hard place with Cody and Cason McClain making fresh tags to keep the upper hand over LSD. But the tide would turn when Cody Only would plant the LTO on Cason and make a tag to Idol Bane. But in the chaos Cody Only would deliver a low blow to Idol bane and get him in the roll up pin for the 1, 2, 3.
Before our second match could get underway Demon X would come to the ring with Johnny Hawk. Demon X would call Commissioner Rickey Rowland to the ring and order him to hand over the title due to his contract. Rowland would state that there was no such contract. Demon X would soon call the Former Commissioner Terrence Ward to the ring and have him explain what he was talking about. Ward would state the before Demon X chose his current path he was given a contract stating that he would get a shot at the title and that the only way he could lose it was by pinfall or submission. Rickey would have no choice but to hand over the title. But Johnny Harper would get a rematch later tonight.
The second match would be for the European Title. X-Kaliber would defend his gold against LSD's Deadly Dale. Deadly would start off well, deadly. But his control of the match would slip from his grasp as Tommy Wayne would interfere and hit Deadly Dale with the X-Division belt. X-Kaliber would get the win via pinfall.
Our third match of the night was ASWF HOF and Original Hot Rod John Ellison taking on Mark Wolf in singles action. Mark, who would be returning after a sholder injury at the hands of Danger Zone, would come off really nice. But Hot Rod would start his attack on the injured arm of Mark Wolf and would not let off. But by some stroke of luck Mark would get the pin and take home the victory. But when the match was over CM2 would attack Mark and Kalaiki (Who was at the announce table during Mark's match). CM2 would challenge them to a match for the Tag Team Titles.
The fourth match was on before the referee could even ring the bell. CM2 would dominate the match from the start to the finish. X-Kaliber/Tommy Wayne/Athena Eclipse would interfere in the match and cause the Beach Bums to lose their titles to CM2. After the match was over Kalaiki would complain of a shoulder injury to medical officials in the lockeroom. Doctors would determine later that night that he would have to wear an immobilizer anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months.
Our fifth match was for the ASWF Title. Demon X would face off against Johnny Harper. Harper with all his anger built up would start off great. But with Johnny Hawk at Demon X's side he would lose thanks to Hawk's interference. But after the assault was over, Harper would state that he wanted Demon X and Hawk next week in a match.
Tonight's Semi-Main was a tag team match featuring Seth Sabor/Scott Fury against Vinny Ramano/Joshua Cross. This match would not be wrestler vs wrestler but country vs country. Seth would start off strong but would fall victim to Vinny when he was hit in the throat with a flag pole. Ramano would roll him up in a pin. The Commissioner would come to the ring and state that because of Ramano's recent behavior he would take on the Scott Fury in a flag match. Ireland vs Italy next week!
Our Main-Event was for the X-Division Title. Tommy Wayne would face Mike Anthony and Christopher Lee in a triple threat hardcore title match. This would be a bloody match. You could not keep up with who was in control of the match. There were many close calls but CM2 and X-Kaliber would interfere and cost Lee and Anthony the match. Wayne would pin Lee and Anthony for the win. X-Kaliber would state that "The Establishment" was here to stay.
Credit: Terrance Ward
----Is it just me or does this group seem stale?? The same roster for over a year with very little change...I thought Mike Anthony was going to work RWA??
Monday, September 14, 2009
RassleResults: NBW Newbern, TN 9.12.09
"Devils Rejects" Motley Cruz vs bloody Rockin Randy
Results for NBW 9-12-09 :
Jeremy Moore Def. "187"
Hardcore Yow Def. Gaylon Ray
Mark Justice Def. Biscuit
Weezy & Rockin Randy Def. The Devil's Rejects via DQ
"Superman" Jason Reed Def. "The Human Highlight Reel" Austin Lane
Credit: Results and Photo by Lily Winningham
RassleResults: EWA Jonesboro, AR 9.12.09
Results for EWA ( Elite Wrestling Addiction) 9-12-09 Jonesboro, AR:
Vinny Ramano Def. "The One" Cody Only
X-Kalibur Def. Idol Bane
Gaylon Ray Def. Deadly Dale
X-Kalibur & Vinny Romano Def. LSD via DQ
The Devil's Rejects Def. Biscuit, Gaylon Ray, and Austin Lane
----This was a company picnic show. As you can tell my the phone Lane is doing something with the crowd...This group is owned by Coco Anderson [NBW announer] and is sort of post-LAW...I was told they may start a weekly Friday show in Paragould, AR on Friday nights.
Credit: Photo & results - Lily Winningham
RassleResults: NEW West Memphis, AR 9.11.09

Josh Carney and Kid Nikels
What a show NEW had Friday night. The crowd was hot all night long. It was great wrestling and free grilled chicken from KFC. Referees for the night were "Downtown" Bruno and Chuck Poe. Announcers would be John Steele and T-Bone Terrence Ward.
The first match of the night was scheduled for one fall. Kolbey Stern would take on Justin "The Juice" Smart. Kolbey would start off in control of the match showing the Mid-South veteran a thing or two. However, the tide would soon turn as Smart would pick up his momentum and begin to deliver a final assault against Stern. Smart would tie him up in a submission hold and get the win via submission.
Time: 5:45
There second match of the night was Kevin Charles taking on "Dangerous" Dan Matthews. Kevin would begin this match with astonishing strength. Charles would give Matthews a run for his money, but Dan would soon grow tired of playing around and began to get dangerous. He would come back in full fury and roll Charles up for a pin getting the 1, 2, 3.
Time: 5:52
The third match was for the US JR Heavyweight Championship. 3G Eric Wayne would go toe to toe with "The Human Highlight Reel" Austin Lane. Eric Wayne, who is a graduate of the Ken Wayne School of Professional Wrestling, had to fight a 60 minute match against Kid Nichols. Rules in this match would be a 60 minute time limit, two referees, and two rope breaks per wrestler. Austin and Wayne would both start of with plenty of momentum. However Austin would use his two rope break and would find that out when Wayne would pin Austin for the win and the title.
Time: 7:45
The Main-Event would be Alan Steele and Kid Nikels going head to head. Nichols and Steele are the two largest wrestlers in NEW. Seeing these two giants square off was unbelievable. Both Steele and Nikels have wrestled each other in the past but neither have beaten each other. So this would prove to be interesting. Steele and Nikels would exchange control of the match but it would grow from wrestling match to an all out brawl. Referee Chuck Poe would DQ both Steele and Nikels for the closed fists after warning them more than once. Josh Carney would come to the aid of his friend Kid Nikels but would be caught in the crossfire. The two would have to be seperated and Nikels would state that this wasn't over...
Credit: Terrance Ward
Sunday, September 13, 2009
EWE's Super Summer Showdown Ripley, TN 9.13.09 - Quick Results!!
----220+ packed the EWE Arena last night for a 3 1/2 hour show. It was real good solid show that ended with a big turn. I will have the full Arena Report posted sometime within a few days.
-"Canadian Dragon" Cody Melton beat Hardcore Yow
-Big Red/Tim Edwards beat Seth Knight/Ike Tucker
-"Genocide" [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] beat "The Agents" [Kai/K-Hill]
-"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony beat Christian Jacobs
-Cody Melton beat Shannon Lee
-Jon Michael beat JR Manson
-Street Fight: Derrick King over Bishop
-EWE Title Match: Dustin Starr retained the title beating Stan Lee
-"Canadian Dragon" Cody Melton beat Hardcore Yow
-Big Red/Tim Edwards beat Seth Knight/Ike Tucker
-"Genocide" [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] beat "The Agents" [Kai/K-Hill]
-"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony beat Christian Jacobs
-Cody Melton beat Shannon Lee
-Jon Michael beat JR Manson
-Street Fight: Derrick King over Bishop
-EWE Title Match: Dustin Starr retained the title beating Stan Lee
IWA TV Report 9.12.09
----Eddie Spain and Jason Hall open the show. The sound is still not clear.
----“Full Scale Assault” [Xander Raines/Jason Steele] come out for an interview. Not horrible, but not great. Victor Reed comes out with Cymba and Samoan Raja. Both of these teams are heels; right?? Raines hit a big slam/suplex on Raja that the announcer’s popped for. No psychology. High-low from FSA that looked good. Raines did a german suplex on Raja from Xander. Xander finished Raja with a variation of a rock bottom sitdown powerbomb that looked good. Cymba beats up Raja after the match.
----Officer Hudson vs Malik is up next. This was pretty much a squash. Malik took a good beating. Hudson used a submission hold for the finisher. Hudson beat Malik up with a chair afterwards. Good.
---- A.N.T.(Amazing Natural Talent) comes out for an interview. He gets in front of the camera for a close up. Good idea. He should ALWAYS use his name as in a catch phrase or something saying, “Amazing Natural Talent” as his last words. It is stupid that Jason Hall the announcer doesn’t know what Ant means. Ant vs Suicide. Heat on Suicide after an eye rake. Good solid bout. Ant misses a standing moonsault. [impressive from a guy billed as 6’2” and 275 lbs] Suicide misses a kick. Ant uses tights to win.
----Precious vs Dre Black. There were actually 5 minutes from the time Precious walked out of the dressing until there was contact. D-Rock in the front row!! Black went to the outside. Black gets a good shine. Precious gets mad and starts beating up Black. Precious has some of the best punches. Austin stomps in the corner. Pretty dropkick. Front flip to a legdrop over the top rope. Precious looked real good here. Black comes back with a belly to belly suplex. Precious cuts him off and ends up with a legdrop from the top turnbuckle for the win. Best bout on IWA so far.
----“Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy] vs “SnS” [Syn/Stunner]. Close up of Kayte. Asylum jumped them before the bell. They shitcan DJ. Heat on Syn. Stunner gets tagged in after Psycho sells from a Syn dropkick. DJ with a dropkick. Psycho cuts him off for double heat on DJ. Pappy hit a closeline that DJ sold so good with a flip. Double team run into the corner on DJ. Sideslam from Pappy. “SnS” do a good job as the underdog babys taking an ass whipping. Pappy misses a Stinger splash and hot tag to Syn. Good fire. DJ does a running move into the corner on Psycho. Pappy shitcans Syn. “Fall from Grace” finisher for the win. Good solid bout. Pappy hangs DJ with a noose.
----Sound and another camera added to the production would make this show look so much better. Also the crowd sounds dead. Mic the crowd…Xander Raines looks like a mini Vader – too bad he can’t work like Vader...Good build on the Ant vs Suicide bout, but fall short in the end. Let Suicide come out of the heat with some fire and then miss a move and then a big move from Ant for the win. Ant should not have to pull tights to beat Suicide…Good solid show. Not great, but not a horrible show. They need to improve on production and they might get more people watching the show.
----“Full Scale Assault” [Xander Raines/Jason Steele] come out for an interview. Not horrible, but not great. Victor Reed comes out with Cymba and Samoan Raja. Both of these teams are heels; right?? Raines hit a big slam/suplex on Raja that the announcer’s popped for. No psychology. High-low from FSA that looked good. Raines did a german suplex on Raja from Xander. Xander finished Raja with a variation of a rock bottom sitdown powerbomb that looked good. Cymba beats up Raja after the match.
----Officer Hudson vs Malik is up next. This was pretty much a squash. Malik took a good beating. Hudson used a submission hold for the finisher. Hudson beat Malik up with a chair afterwards. Good.
---- A.N.T.(Amazing Natural Talent) comes out for an interview. He gets in front of the camera for a close up. Good idea. He should ALWAYS use his name as in a catch phrase or something saying, “Amazing Natural Talent” as his last words. It is stupid that Jason Hall the announcer doesn’t know what Ant means. Ant vs Suicide. Heat on Suicide after an eye rake. Good solid bout. Ant misses a standing moonsault. [impressive from a guy billed as 6’2” and 275 lbs] Suicide misses a kick. Ant uses tights to win.
----Precious vs Dre Black. There were actually 5 minutes from the time Precious walked out of the dressing until there was contact. D-Rock in the front row!! Black went to the outside. Black gets a good shine. Precious gets mad and starts beating up Black. Precious has some of the best punches. Austin stomps in the corner. Pretty dropkick. Front flip to a legdrop over the top rope. Precious looked real good here. Black comes back with a belly to belly suplex. Precious cuts him off and ends up with a legdrop from the top turnbuckle for the win. Best bout on IWA so far.
----“Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy] vs “SnS” [Syn/Stunner]. Close up of Kayte. Asylum jumped them before the bell. They shitcan DJ. Heat on Syn. Stunner gets tagged in after Psycho sells from a Syn dropkick. DJ with a dropkick. Psycho cuts him off for double heat on DJ. Pappy hit a closeline that DJ sold so good with a flip. Double team run into the corner on DJ. Sideslam from Pappy. “SnS” do a good job as the underdog babys taking an ass whipping. Pappy misses a Stinger splash and hot tag to Syn. Good fire. DJ does a running move into the corner on Psycho. Pappy shitcans Syn. “Fall from Grace” finisher for the win. Good solid bout. Pappy hangs DJ with a noose.
----Sound and another camera added to the production would make this show look so much better. Also the crowd sounds dead. Mic the crowd…Xander Raines looks like a mini Vader – too bad he can’t work like Vader...Good build on the Ant vs Suicide bout, but fall short in the end. Let Suicide come out of the heat with some fire and then miss a move and then a big move from Ant for the win. Ant should not have to pull tights to beat Suicide…Good solid show. Not great, but not a horrible show. They need to improve on production and they might get more people watching the show.
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 9.12.09
Iron Jake Johnson won a 3-way match over Derek Devine & Suicide.
Tommy Knox defeated Jay Webster.
Bonecrusher & Justin Rhodes defeated (or I should probably say cheated their way to victory) JR Mauler & "Big Daddy" Neno.
Buzz Harley over Rajah w/Pimpin' Antoin Smooth by DQ due to interference by Iron Jake. Beat down on Buzz - Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz) in to make the save.
Tysin Star defeated Cassanova Kid by reverse decision.
Pure Destruction Cody & Brody Hawk) defeated The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) to retain the EPW Tag Team belts.
I counted 82 in the crowd and they were treated to a good show.
Next week's EPW card will include Revolution & Buzz Harley vs. Smooth, Inc. It will be a wild night, so don't miss it. Bell time is 8:00 p.m. at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145 in Booneville.
Credit" "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Tommy Knox defeated Jay Webster.
Bonecrusher & Justin Rhodes defeated (or I should probably say cheated their way to victory) JR Mauler & "Big Daddy" Neno.
Buzz Harley over Rajah w/Pimpin' Antoin Smooth by DQ due to interference by Iron Jake. Beat down on Buzz - Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz) in to make the save.
Tysin Star defeated Cassanova Kid by reverse decision.
Pure Destruction Cody & Brody Hawk) defeated The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) to retain the EPW Tag Team belts.
I counted 82 in the crowd and they were treated to a good show.
Next week's EPW card will include Revolution & Buzz Harley vs. Smooth, Inc. It will be a wild night, so don't miss it. Bell time is 8:00 p.m. at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145 in Booneville.
Credit" "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 9.11.09
At the beginning of the show Josh Matthews came to the ring and begged for his job in TFW back. He begged, he pleaded, said he was sorry for joining XOW, did everything except snot & cry. I told him absolutely no, he could not have his job back. Then he called out TFW Promoter Denise Blaylock (his mother) and begged for his job back. He said he loveed her and hugged her and kissed her, but Denise was not buying it. Out of the back came TFW Lightweight Champion Chris Styles, who had a proposition for Josh. Chris said that if Josh agreed to do whatever he says, whenever he says, exactly the way he says, for as long as he says, and also not cheat in any of his matches, that he would ask that Josh be reinstated, and that he would even give Josh another title shot. Josh reluctantly agreed, and so Josh was re-hired with the above stipulations.
Hittman defeated Izzy Rotten.
Josh Matthews defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs in a very controversial finish. Dabbs won the match by pin fall, but referee Andy Camps ordered the match re-started saying that Josh's foot was under the ropes when the 3-count was made. Josh then pinned Tony to win the match.
Curly Moe won a 3-way match over Chop and Jay Webster.
The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) defeated "Dangerous" David Cox & David Andrews.
TFW Champion "Big Daddy" Neno defeated Suicide.
TFW Lightweight Champion "The Future" Chris Styles defeated Neil Taylor by DQ when Josh Matthews interfered. Neil & Josh beat on Chris until Neno came in and cleared the ring.
Attendance was around 50. Those who were not there missed a good show.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Hittman defeated Izzy Rotten.
Josh Matthews defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs in a very controversial finish. Dabbs won the match by pin fall, but referee Andy Camps ordered the match re-started saying that Josh's foot was under the ropes when the 3-count was made. Josh then pinned Tony to win the match.
Curly Moe won a 3-way match over Chop and Jay Webster.
The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) defeated "Dangerous" David Cox & David Andrews.
TFW Champion "Big Daddy" Neno defeated Suicide.
TFW Lightweight Champion "The Future" Chris Styles defeated Neil Taylor by DQ when Josh Matthews interfered. Neil & Josh beat on Chris until Neno came in and cleared the ring.
Attendance was around 50. Those who were not there missed a good show.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
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