"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony over Gary J in a Non Title Match
Pierre Abernathy over Sgt. Savage
Chris Rocker over Jordan Lacey
Idol Bane/Johnny Vinyl over Brandon Espinosa/Rockin' Randy
Flash Flanagan over "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony by DQ in a LAW Title Match
----70 in the crowd...After the TGB/Gary J match, TGB and Jeff O'Dell demanded that Flash come out and give the apology that he promised last week. Flash paused for a minute then said "I'm sorry.... for not doing this sooner" and starting bumping TGB all around. Flash said he was there not to apologize but to get "HIS" LAW Title back. TGB said that Flash would never get title shot as long as he was champion and he and Jeff O'Dell started walking away. Flash then said "Hey, Willy Wonka why don't you take that Oompa Loompa to the back!". TGB became irate and told Flash that he had his title shot and it would be tonight…Pierre pinned Sgt.Savage with his feet on the ropes then after the match gave Sarge a Flatliner on to a open steel chair. Before the match the Pro European, Pierre had some things to say about the USA and the crowd was very upset…Rockin' Randy went for his superkick and Viynl countered by hitting a low blow for the 1, 2, 3. When Espy slid in to check on Randy, JV got his attention allowing Idol Bane to come behind and nail Espy with The Ghost of Andy Kauffman…The main event was a wild one seeing Flash perform a triple jump plancha to the outside onto the reining champion. Flash had TGB beat after Tree of Woe Stomp but as Sherina Fowler was making the count Jeff O'Dell was screaming that he would fire her but she didn't care, she tried to make the three count any way but Jeff pulled her out of the ring. They argued back and forth and Sherina slapped Jeff O'Dell. This allowed TGB to knock Flash out of the ring. TGB then grabbed Sherina and was going to piledrive her but Flash came and gave TGB the big boot. Jeff jumped on the apron and Flash grabbed him and nailed him with his right hand but not before Jeff could drop the chain to TGB. TGB turned Flash around and blasted him the steel chain. TGB covered 1,2,3. Sherina raised TGB's right arm and TGB started taunting the crowd, Sherina went back and raised TGB's left arm and the chain fell to the mat. Sherina reversed the decision. TGB tried to get on Flash after the match but got back dropped to the outside. Flash challenged TGB to No DQ, No Rules match next week but Jeff O'Dell said that Flash isn't getting a title shot next week because no one lays their hands on him and Flash YOU ARE FIRED!...It has been reported on LAW's myspace that TGB has signed an Open Contract for April 25th's Spring Breakout and we will find out this week, who is up for the challenge…Tracy Smothers will be at LAW this coming Friday.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
A Piece of my Mind April 11th, 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

The Post Flair Era is in full swing. I am sure many of us have our memories of Ric Flair. Of course the many great interviews on TBS each week will always live in our minds. The first time I really interacted with Flair was a fund raiser for Nikita Koloff’s wife at the time Mandy. She had been diagnosed with cancer and many of the NWA Stars gathered at Nikita’s Gym a gym that I would eventually become a partner in for a fund raiser. It was Ric Flair, Sting, Lex Luger, Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin and Precious, Ivan Koloff and others. When The Nature Boy walked in it wasn’t like the others, it was an event.
I can remember one night being in Norfolk, VA. I was rooming with Nikita and he very rarely ever went out. If he did it was for dinner. I told him I was going to go down to the bar. It wasn’t long after that I was back in the room. When I arrived Nikita said “I thought that you were going to the bar”. I answered and told him that Flair had a tray of drinks that he was handing out and I could see that I was next on the list. I am not and have all my life been a non drinker. I wasn’t sure how you tell the Nature Boy "no thanks", so with that I left. Isn’t it funny, but there are few other non drinkers in the business that I am aware of. One is Gene Ligon, the others are Jerry “The King” Lawler and “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart. You would have never thought two non-drinkers would get into a fight but yet somehow Lawler and I did it.
One night in Richmond, VA Mike Rotundo was the television champion and he was defending the title against Steve “Doctor Death” Williams. Well we were doing a Dusty finish that night. The referee was Tommy Young, he was to take a bump down when he did Rotundo was to dump Williams over the top rope which was a disqualification. Well, all I knew was that I was supposed to look for a suplex and when that came I was to run down and make a three count and declare Williams the new champion. Well I did my job but the DQ apparently never happened. Well the people booed the hell out of the whole thing when we tried to take the belt off of Williams. The thing I remember the most was when we got behind the curtain Flair was livid, screaming about how we killed the whole club. I had never seen Flair so upset but he was right what had just happened was terrible. I always made sure after that I knew everything that was to be going on whether it was my job or not. This came in handy years later in Winston-Salem NC when I had to step into a match with Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat and Robert Fuller. I will tell that story in another article
How about the time that Ric Flair went two segments with George South on TBS. He let George throw him all over the place to make a point. George is one of the Carolina’s most famous enhancement talents and member of The Cruel Connection and The Gladiator's. Flair’s point was you don’t ask the World Champion to go two segments with an enhancement talent.
Another story was told to me by David Isley. He was working in an enhancement role for the NWA, He was wrestling Chris Champion who by this time was doing his Karate Kid gimmick. Well, it seems that Chris really nailed David with the kick. When they got in the back Flair got on the headset and was screaming at Chris for what he had done being so sloppy. It was never considered a good thing to hurt solid enhancement talent. The really cool thing was Flair gave David a one hundred dollar bill to go to the doctor. Of course that money should have come from Jim Crockett but it was Flair stepped up and isn’t that why he is The Nature Boy.
Another story I always got a kick out of was told to me by Gene Ligon who was sitting next to Flair when this happened. It was during the time that Flair was running a program with Jimmy Garvin. Week after week Flair would be out there talking about Precious riding Space Mountain. Well finally Garvin came back at him and said , You know Space Mountain is the shortest ride in the park and did you ever notice when you get off of it you always feel just a little bit sick? Gene told me that Flair said "that son or a bitch". I know it was quite a while before Flair spoke of Space Mountain again on television
There are other story’s that will get told over time but these are some of the memories I will have of Ric Flair as the years go by.
The picture with this article comes from a recent wrestling convention in Pennsylvania. This photo was taken by my fried Bob Mulrenin and sent to me by Tammy Sytch. It is Road Warrior Animal, Tammy “Sunny” Sytch and Scott Steiner.
This has been a piece of my mind
From The Desk of Garry D White
----I would like to personally thank Garry for these nice compliments. It is good to know there are guys out there that actually "get it" , when it comes to this site. Gene Jackson is a big reason why this site is successful. Thanks Garry!!
Let me first commend both yourself and Gene Jackson on the success of these shows. The last few months , you guys have really went the extra mile and got guys like Dundee, Derrick, Kevin, and Randy Hales on these shows and they have been great. I wanted to comment first on Hales - the wrestling business really needs a Randy Hales back and I hope that someday he will consider returning to the business. I loved his interviews and Gene did an excellent job delivering the right questions and Randy did an outstanding job delivering what I considered the right answers.
Now to today's show. I also believe Brent West was entirely off the mark. I drove all the guys from West Tenn to the show and may I add that was a experience in his own. We drove 7 hours in a blinding rain storm and 5 hours back. I was proud not only of Kevin but of Rocker and Derrick for standing up for what they believe in. In our case Dundee is just like a brother to me and a second Dad for Kevin. He has taught him so much about this business and for that I will always be grateful to Bill, and Kevin was telling the truth when he said he would do anything for Bill and I feel the same way.If you take both The Whites and Bill Dundee away from the wrestling business, we would still be friends.Bill is a class act and if Memphis Wrestling would consider what he has done for this business they would realize just what a impact he would be for Memphis TV, if used in the right place and thats booking. I have known Derrick for a long time and for someone to say that he cut a match short undoubtedly doesn't know as much about the business as he claims. Derrick King is the last person to fuck up a match, hell he's BY GOD Derrick King Dammit!!!!!!lol
You guys keep up the good work. By the way, I was one of the few guys that actually liked Gene Jackson's comedy show, just a few props for the big guy.lol
Garry D White
Let me first commend both yourself and Gene Jackson on the success of these shows. The last few months , you guys have really went the extra mile and got guys like Dundee, Derrick, Kevin, and Randy Hales on these shows and they have been great. I wanted to comment first on Hales - the wrestling business really needs a Randy Hales back and I hope that someday he will consider returning to the business. I loved his interviews and Gene did an excellent job delivering the right questions and Randy did an outstanding job delivering what I considered the right answers.
Now to today's show. I also believe Brent West was entirely off the mark. I drove all the guys from West Tenn to the show and may I add that was a experience in his own. We drove 7 hours in a blinding rain storm and 5 hours back. I was proud not only of Kevin but of Rocker and Derrick for standing up for what they believe in. In our case Dundee is just like a brother to me and a second Dad for Kevin. He has taught him so much about this business and for that I will always be grateful to Bill, and Kevin was telling the truth when he said he would do anything for Bill and I feel the same way.If you take both The Whites and Bill Dundee away from the wrestling business, we would still be friends.Bill is a class act and if Memphis Wrestling would consider what he has done for this business they would realize just what a impact he would be for Memphis TV, if used in the right place and thats booking. I have known Derrick for a long time and for someone to say that he cut a match short undoubtedly doesn't know as much about the business as he claims. Derrick King is the last person to fuck up a match, hell he's BY GOD Derrick King Dammit!!!!!!lol
You guys keep up the good work. By the way, I was one of the few guys that actually liked Gene Jackson's comedy show, just a few props for the big guy.lol
Garry D White
Cheap Heat Radio is Ready!!
----I felt like this was one of our better shows as Gene Jackson jumped in there and ask the questions to Brent West. Thanks to Chris Rocker, Kevin White, Bill Dundee and Derrick King for joining us. Brent West made the statement a few times that he will never promote again...thank you Brent!! And you know, I know Dundee says he is enjoying himself working in the circus for the Brents, but it is real sad that a guy like Bill Dundee can not make a good enough living in the business -- there is not enough places to work to make money for a guy like him. That is just sad.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Friday at 10am cst C.H.R. presents 'What killed the UWL?'
Tune in tomorrow morning as I talk to Brent West and "Superstar" Bill Dundee about the quick demise of the United Wrestling League. What caused it? Is anyone to blame? What can be learned from it? Is Brent really done with promoting? We'll talk about all this and more in a special edition of Cheap Heat Radio. Do you have an opinion you want to express? A question? Call in at (347) 838-8101.
Another show note: There will be no Cheap Heat Radio next week, as I'll be taking the week of from the show. (Shooting the Shiznit will still air) Also, I've getting transferred to a new store in my shoot job and this will cause a major change up in my schedule and for a few weeks while we're opening the new store my time will be limited so for the rest of April and probably most of May there may be a lot less episodes of C.H.R. (from my end) until it all settles down, so I just wanted to address that before people try to say I'm going away or getting burnt out.
Memphis TV Ratings - How Bad Is It??
----How bad is it?? Take a look at the last three years of ratings for the 1st Quarter of the year. In the two year span they have lost 54% of their viewers. The main cause of this decrease was the change in the time slot from AM to PM. The loss in the 9000+ viewers this year can be contributed to the reruns.
----On an internet radio show in September, 2006 Corey Maclin made the statement that he could make money with a rating of 2.0 to 2.5. So, I guess Maclin is still making money and that is all that matters. I do know that he has to pretty much air repeats now, but can he at least try to put on a repackaged show or does the TV station prevent him from doing that?? A major point brought up to me by a few people is – why would a company that buys this station want to produce a wrestling show that draws this kind of ratings?? It is almost like Maclin is just shooting himself in the foot.
5.1 [85,624 viewers] – 2006
2.9 [48,623 viewers] – 2007
2.3 [39,048 viewers] - 2008
----On an internet radio show in September, 2006 Corey Maclin made the statement that he could make money with a rating of 2.0 to 2.5. So, I guess Maclin is still making money and that is all that matters. I do know that he has to pretty much air repeats now, but can he at least try to put on a repackaged show or does the TV station prevent him from doing that?? A major point brought up to me by a few people is – why would a company that buys this station want to produce a wrestling show that draws this kind of ratings?? It is almost like Maclin is just shooting himself in the foot.
5.1 [85,624 viewers] – 2006
2.9 [48,623 viewers] – 2007
2.3 [39,048 viewers] - 2008
RassleResults: JWS Boonville, MS 4.05.08
Damion Rage vs. Slammer ended in a no contest when Jay Webster attacked both men. Dustin Burcham (believe it or not) in to make the save.
Bonecrusher & Cassanova Kid defeated Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk).
"Prime Time" Nick Grimes defeated Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor w/Nathan Lee.
Justin Rhodes w/Diamond defeated Omega with help from J-Kid, Chris Fontaine, and a crooked referee.
JWS Cruiserweight Champion Jay Webster defeated Damion Rage w/Dustin Burcham by DQ.
24/7 (JR Mauler & Kross) defeated BJ Fuller & Dalton Storm.
Buzz Harley & Blade defeated PHAT Foundation (Chris Fontaine & J-Kid) w/help fro Justin Rhodes and that crooked referee. PHAT Foundation retains the Tag Team belts.
JWS comes to New Site High School Gym on Friday night, April 18, 2007. Bell time is 8:00 p.m. Jerry "The King" Lawler and a mystery partner will face Izzy Rotten & Neil Taylor. It will be a great show, so DON'T YOU MISS IT!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis
Bonecrusher & Cassanova Kid defeated Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk).
"Prime Time" Nick Grimes defeated Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor w/Nathan Lee.
Justin Rhodes w/Diamond defeated Omega with help from J-Kid, Chris Fontaine, and a crooked referee.
JWS Cruiserweight Champion Jay Webster defeated Damion Rage w/Dustin Burcham by DQ.
24/7 (JR Mauler & Kross) defeated BJ Fuller & Dalton Storm.
Buzz Harley & Blade defeated PHAT Foundation (Chris Fontaine & J-Kid) w/help fro Justin Rhodes and that crooked referee. PHAT Foundation retains the Tag Team belts.
JWS comes to New Site High School Gym on Friday night, April 18, 2007. Bell time is 8:00 p.m. Jerry "The King" Lawler and a mystery partner will face Izzy Rotten & Neil Taylor. It will be a great show, so DON'T YOU MISS IT!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis
Memphis TV Ratings Report 4.05.08
----The show did another low rating of 1.9 [32,235 viewers] this past Saturday. The first two quarters of the show stayed at 2.0 and then the third quarter had a huge drop of over 12,000 fans. The last quarter was the best quarter jumping up over 20,000 viewers and finishing just a little over average.
----My thoughts on the show overall are below in the NOTES section. It looks like RRO Memphis Wrestling report is going evolve into this – ratings, my notes, link to complete report on Hollywood Jimmy’s site and link to original report. This will be how it will be reported until they give us some original programming!!
-Corey Maclin opening
-Lance Russell promo
-Lance/Jimmy Hart at announcer’s desk
-Johnny Dotson vs Nicolas Doom
1st Quarter 2.0 [34,082 viewers]
-Kamala vs Scott Starr
-Video of Throwback II Battle Royal clips
2cnd Quarter 2.0 [32,906 viewers] [-1176 viewers]
-Video of Throwback II Clips
*Spiderman vs Kid Kash
*Viscera vs Kevin Thorn vs Spellbinder
*Kamala/Koko Ware vs Kevin White/Bill Dundee
*”Too Kool 2” vs Brian C/Rikishi
*Funk/Maclin vs Lawler/Hart
-Jimmy Hart interview backstage
-Thorn vs White [start]
3rd Quarter 1.2 [20,650 viewers] [-12,256 viewers]
-Thorn vs White [finish]
-Shock video
-Maclin – interview backstage
-Maclin ends program
4th Quarter 2.5 [41,133 viewers] [+20,483 viewers]
12 Week Average: 2.2 [36,818 viewers]
12 week low – 1.1 [19,139] 3.15.08
12 Week High 3.4 [57,083 viewers] 1.12.08
Start to finish [+7051 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
News Channel 3/CSI Miami 21.5 [360,879 viewers]
----Dotson vs Doom was a good match…Christie Ricci took a beating in that Battle Royal…That crowd looked awesome!!...I would like to see the full match of DK vs Kid…Was this the first match that “Too Kool 2” wrestled in that gimmick??...Maclin was horrible in that match!!...Funk branding on fire Lawler was awesome!!...Hart was funny with the cream he had for Lawler…Shock video was unintentionally hilarious…Maclin promised “new never before seen footage”, but I don’t think anything that they showed was new??...The show originally aired 8.04.04.
CLICK HERE for the complete report
CLICK HERE for the original report
----My thoughts on the show overall are below in the NOTES section. It looks like RRO Memphis Wrestling report is going evolve into this – ratings, my notes, link to complete report on Hollywood Jimmy’s site and link to original report. This will be how it will be reported until they give us some original programming!!
-Corey Maclin opening
-Lance Russell promo
-Lance/Jimmy Hart at announcer’s desk
-Johnny Dotson vs Nicolas Doom
1st Quarter 2.0 [34,082 viewers]
-Kamala vs Scott Starr
-Video of Throwback II Battle Royal clips
2cnd Quarter 2.0 [32,906 viewers] [-1176 viewers]
-Video of Throwback II Clips
*Spiderman vs Kid Kash
*Viscera vs Kevin Thorn vs Spellbinder
*Kamala/Koko Ware vs Kevin White/Bill Dundee
*”Too Kool 2” vs Brian C/Rikishi
*Funk/Maclin vs Lawler/Hart
-Jimmy Hart interview backstage
-Thorn vs White [start]
3rd Quarter 1.2 [20,650 viewers] [-12,256 viewers]
-Thorn vs White [finish]
-Shock video
-Maclin – interview backstage
-Maclin ends program
4th Quarter 2.5 [41,133 viewers] [+20,483 viewers]
12 Week Average: 2.2 [36,818 viewers]
12 week low – 1.1 [19,139] 3.15.08
12 Week High 3.4 [57,083 viewers] 1.12.08
Start to finish [+7051 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
News Channel 3/CSI Miami 21.5 [360,879 viewers]
----Dotson vs Doom was a good match…Christie Ricci took a beating in that Battle Royal…That crowd looked awesome!!...I would like to see the full match of DK vs Kid…Was this the first match that “Too Kool 2” wrestled in that gimmick??...Maclin was horrible in that match!!...Funk branding on fire Lawler was awesome!!...Hart was funny with the cream he had for Lawler…Shock video was unintentionally hilarious…Maclin promised “new never before seen footage”, but I don’t think anything that they showed was new??...The show originally aired 8.04.04.
CLICK HERE for the complete report
CLICK HERE for the original report
Show I Forgot For The Weekend!!
----Saturday RCW in Marmaduke, AR with Zane Richards, Derrnaged, Urban Soulja, Suicidal Youth, New Gangster, Fluffy, Bonecrusher, “Farmer” Billy Hills, Hambone Express, Tank, Ryan Lee, EZ Ryder, HamHock, TW Justice vs Rob Justice, Southside Brawler, Mr. Pimptacular and more.
3 Hours Away!! Tracy Smothers!!

----Just want to remind everyone that in just little over three hours at 5:30 PM, "Shooting the Shiznit" will feature for the first 20 minutes Tracy Smothers. I have talked with Tracy and it could be VERY INTERESTING. I will have Austin & Nikki Lane on for the next segment and then Mitch Ryder will round up the show for the last segment.
Shows For The Weekend: 4.10 to 4.14.08
----Tons of good shows this weekend and it is possible for you as a worker in this area to work four shows this weekend!! TFW, Three All Pro shows, and TLCW are my picks for the weekend. MSW in Fort Smith, AR should also be good.
----TONIGHT!! Championship Wrestling returns to Kingsport, TN at the Civic Auditorium. This event will be headlined by Kingsport's 1st Ever Casket Match as Robbie Cassidy defends his National Heavyweight Title against Chris Richards, Brian Logan, John Hawkins, Thorn with Kandy, Wayne Adkins, Nick Hammonds, Smith Brothers [Wayne/Charlie], Beau James, Cody Ices, Moe Jenkins, Adam York, Alyx Winters, Mysterious Ginn and more.
----Friday Night All Pro Productions in Carthage, MS with Jimmy Valiant, Cameron Valentine, JD McKay, “Bodies of Steel”, CJ Cash, Brandon Barbwire, Kamala, Anton Leveigh, Sarge O’Reilly, “Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] and more. New All Pro DVD Release – “Night of the King II” Available at the show!!
----FRIDAY NIGHT for Rebellion Wrestling League in Newbern, TN with “the Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Bishop, PK Ripper, Overkill, Weasel, “The Baron” Malkavain, JD Rage, Jason Reed and Chris O’Neal.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Kid Kash, Mitch Ryder, Petey Wright, Lee Cross, Steven Green, Dyronic, Rob C, Justin Spade, Norte, Damien Payne, JC Crowe, Michael Joblonski, Mark Antony, Tim Renesto, Charming Charles, New York Gangster, Steve O, LT Falk, Cousin Jason X, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie],Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Big Rig Bully, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT in Osceola, AR for MCW with “POB” Sid Vicious/Ron Rage, “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money], MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with Seth Knight, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony, Tommy Redneck, Idol Bane, and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT RPW in Metropolis, IL Barbwire Match: Tojo Yamamoto vs Jose Guerrero with Red Rum Husein, “Bad Ass” Eddie Toon, Bipolar, Crazy Train, Jack the Jack Hammer, Bonecrusher, Farmer Billy Hills, Jose Guerrero, “Yield Sign” Danny, Soultrain, Tank, Ryan Lee and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with BUFF BAGWELL, Izzy Rotten,DC, Brett Michaels, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, Fusion, Devon Raynes, J-Kid, Curly Mo, G-Mo Money, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Brian & Ryan SoFine and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday Afternoon at Huey White Chevrolet Senatobia, MS with Buff Bagwell, Jimmy Valiant, Cameron Valentine, Tony Dabbs, JD McKay, “Bodies of Steel”, CJ Cash, Brandon Barbwire, Anton Leveigh, “Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] and more. New All Pro DVD Release – “Night of the King II” Available at the show!!
----Saturday night for USWO/ATL in Nashville, TN at the Stadium Inn LT Falk,Steven Green, Damien Payne,Chris Norte, Kid Dynamite, Dyronic, Kevin Dunn, JD Fluffy, The Nazi Terror, Lee Cross, New York Gangster, Tommy Capone, Boy, Richard Lowe, Homo Hillbilly Quincy, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge and more.
----Saturday night for RWA in Jonesboro, AR at the King’s Sportatorium with Jazz, Rodney Mack, Deadly Dale, Medieval, Tatt2, San Francisco Treat, Loose Cannon, Rottn Randy, Chazz Wesson, Cameron Cage and more.
----Saturday night for JWS in Booneville, MS with David Cox, Damion Rage, Dustin Burcham, Robert Rose, AC Styles, Dalton Storm, Chris Stevens, Izzy Rotten, Fusion, Brett Michaels, Justin Rhodes, Chris Fontaine, Casanova Kid, Dirty Sanchez, Neil Taylor, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley and more.
----Saturday night for TIWF in Trenton, TN Showplex Arena with Missouri Bad Boys, Wildside, Danny B Goode, Bobby “The Butcherman” Smith, Tank Turner, Hardknocks Hooligan, Dazzlin Dixie, Buckwild Bill, Dre Black, Steven Rampage, Oz, Samoan Raja, Iron Jake Johnson, Big Nasty Bob, The Outlaw, Dr. Doom, Boogyman Scream, Hotrod, Jon Seymour, Drew Magruder and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, Randy Hales, TGB Greg Anthony, Albino Rhino, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Reggie B Fine, Derrick King, Stan Lee, AJ Bradley, Shannon Lee, Tim Alfonzo, Jimmy Tidwell, Chris O'Neal, Baron Malkavain and much more!!!
----Saturday night Bruce, MS Jimmy Valiant, “Sons of the South” [Chris Styles/Josh Matthews], Cameron Valentine, Tony Dabbs, JD McKay, “Bodies of Steel”, CJ Cash, Brandon Barbwire, Anton Leveigh, “Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] and more. New All Pro DVD Release – “Night of the King II” Available at the show!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Sarge O’Reilly, Danny B Goode, Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards,Jason Matthews, Rob Justice, Jeremy Moore, Motley Cruz, Tommy Redneck, Jon Roberts, Phoenix X and more.
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Scott Fury, Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, Cody Murdoch, , Chuck Fears, Wild Bill,”American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane], 1 Cody Only [formerly Cody Daniels], Tommy Wayne, Casino Kid, Johnny Harper, Tim Hanson, Mac Daddy, Demon X and more.
----Saturday night for Mid-South Wrestling in Fort Smith, AR with “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, Gary Gram, Kid Nikels, Matt Riviera, Slam Shady, Prince Al Farat, Skandor Akbar, Rick Sweetan with Boyd Bradford, Mark Johnson, Eric Wayne, Eric Rose, “Atomic Dogg” Ali Stevens, Shane Rawls, Danny Hodge and more!!
----Monday Night Wrestling in Memphis, TN @ Creative Arts Center with Reggie B Fine, Simon Reed, The Blues Brothers, Brickhouse Brown, Derrick King, Brian Christopher, Koko B Ware, Tatt2, The Crime, Bishop, "The Asylum" [Psycho/Pappy], Dell Tucker, Rockin Randy, Baron Malkavain, Chris O'Neal, and more!!
----TONIGHT!! Championship Wrestling returns to Kingsport, TN at the Civic Auditorium. This event will be headlined by Kingsport's 1st Ever Casket Match as Robbie Cassidy defends his National Heavyweight Title against Chris Richards, Brian Logan, John Hawkins, Thorn with Kandy, Wayne Adkins, Nick Hammonds, Smith Brothers [Wayne/Charlie], Beau James, Cody Ices, Moe Jenkins, Adam York, Alyx Winters, Mysterious Ginn and more.
----Friday Night All Pro Productions in Carthage, MS with Jimmy Valiant, Cameron Valentine, JD McKay, “Bodies of Steel”, CJ Cash, Brandon Barbwire, Kamala, Anton Leveigh, Sarge O’Reilly, “Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] and more. New All Pro DVD Release – “Night of the King II” Available at the show!!
----FRIDAY NIGHT for Rebellion Wrestling League in Newbern, TN with “the Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Bishop, PK Ripper, Overkill, Weasel, “The Baron” Malkavain, JD Rage, Jason Reed and Chris O’Neal.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Kid Kash, Mitch Ryder, Petey Wright, Lee Cross, Steven Green, Dyronic, Rob C, Justin Spade, Norte, Damien Payne, JC Crowe, Michael Joblonski, Mark Antony, Tim Renesto, Charming Charles, New York Gangster, Steve O, LT Falk, Cousin Jason X, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie],Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Big Rig Bully, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT in Osceola, AR for MCW with “POB” Sid Vicious/Ron Rage, “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money], MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with Seth Knight, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony, Tommy Redneck, Idol Bane, and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT RPW in Metropolis, IL Barbwire Match: Tojo Yamamoto vs Jose Guerrero with Red Rum Husein, “Bad Ass” Eddie Toon, Bipolar, Crazy Train, Jack the Jack Hammer, Bonecrusher, Farmer Billy Hills, Jose Guerrero, “Yield Sign” Danny, Soultrain, Tank, Ryan Lee and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with BUFF BAGWELL, Izzy Rotten,DC, Brett Michaels, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, Fusion, Devon Raynes, J-Kid, Curly Mo, G-Mo Money, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Brian & Ryan SoFine and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday Afternoon at Huey White Chevrolet Senatobia, MS with Buff Bagwell, Jimmy Valiant, Cameron Valentine, Tony Dabbs, JD McKay, “Bodies of Steel”, CJ Cash, Brandon Barbwire, Anton Leveigh, “Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] and more. New All Pro DVD Release – “Night of the King II” Available at the show!!
----Saturday night for USWO/ATL in Nashville, TN at the Stadium Inn LT Falk,Steven Green, Damien Payne,Chris Norte, Kid Dynamite, Dyronic, Kevin Dunn, JD Fluffy, The Nazi Terror, Lee Cross, New York Gangster, Tommy Capone, Boy, Richard Lowe, Homo Hillbilly Quincy, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge and more.
----Saturday night for RWA in Jonesboro, AR at the King’s Sportatorium with Jazz, Rodney Mack, Deadly Dale, Medieval, Tatt2, San Francisco Treat, Loose Cannon, Rottn Randy, Chazz Wesson, Cameron Cage and more.
----Saturday night for JWS in Booneville, MS with David Cox, Damion Rage, Dustin Burcham, Robert Rose, AC Styles, Dalton Storm, Chris Stevens, Izzy Rotten, Fusion, Brett Michaels, Justin Rhodes, Chris Fontaine, Casanova Kid, Dirty Sanchez, Neil Taylor, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley and more.
----Saturday night for TIWF in Trenton, TN Showplex Arena with Missouri Bad Boys, Wildside, Danny B Goode, Bobby “The Butcherman” Smith, Tank Turner, Hardknocks Hooligan, Dazzlin Dixie, Buckwild Bill, Dre Black, Steven Rampage, Oz, Samoan Raja, Iron Jake Johnson, Big Nasty Bob, The Outlaw, Dr. Doom, Boogyman Scream, Hotrod, Jon Seymour, Drew Magruder and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, Randy Hales, TGB Greg Anthony, Albino Rhino, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Reggie B Fine, Derrick King, Stan Lee, AJ Bradley, Shannon Lee, Tim Alfonzo, Jimmy Tidwell, Chris O'Neal, Baron Malkavain and much more!!!
----Saturday night Bruce, MS Jimmy Valiant, “Sons of the South” [Chris Styles/Josh Matthews], Cameron Valentine, Tony Dabbs, JD McKay, “Bodies of Steel”, CJ Cash, Brandon Barbwire, Anton Leveigh, “Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] and more. New All Pro DVD Release – “Night of the King II” Available at the show!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Sarge O’Reilly, Danny B Goode, Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards,Jason Matthews, Rob Justice, Jeremy Moore, Motley Cruz, Tommy Redneck, Jon Roberts, Phoenix X and more.
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Scott Fury, Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, Cody Murdoch, , Chuck Fears, Wild Bill,”American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane], 1 Cody Only [formerly Cody Daniels], Tommy Wayne, Casino Kid, Johnny Harper, Tim Hanson, Mac Daddy, Demon X and more.
----Saturday night for Mid-South Wrestling in Fort Smith, AR with “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, Gary Gram, Kid Nikels, Matt Riviera, Slam Shady, Prince Al Farat, Skandor Akbar, Rick Sweetan with Boyd Bradford, Mark Johnson, Eric Wayne, Eric Rose, “Atomic Dogg” Ali Stevens, Shane Rawls, Danny Hodge and more!!
----Monday Night Wrestling in Memphis, TN @ Creative Arts Center with Reggie B Fine, Simon Reed, The Blues Brothers, Brickhouse Brown, Derrick King, Brian Christopher, Koko B Ware, Tatt2, The Crime, Bishop, "The Asylum" [Psycho/Pappy], Dell Tucker, Rockin Randy, Baron Malkavain, Chris O'Neal, and more!!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Coach’s Corner – Stan Lee and Robbie Douglas – Living the Wrestling Dream!!

----Melodramatic has it might sound both Stan Lee and Robbie Douglas are much like a lot of people reading this site. Each are following a different path as Lee has been in the business longer and his talent could get him anywhere. Robbie Douglas is working in his 2cnd year in the business – still learning. What makes the two guys as similar to anyone that laces a pair boots – they are living the dream of becoming wrestlers.
----The incident that happen is something that I actually wished I was not witness to or I wished didn’t happen. Saturday night during the main event at TLCW, Stan Lee threw a chair hitting Robbie Douglas with Douglas getting hardway. Douglas ended up with a 4 inch deep gash that took 5 staples and ended up costing him $1,000+ at the emergency room.
----The fight that happened after the event should have never happened. Douglas was upset. Who wouldn’t have been?? Lee apparently apologized and then Douglas kept “mouthing” and went to walk away. He was going out the door, when Lee apparently kicked him hard in the ass. Douglas then turned around and went running toward Lee. Douglas just dived taking Lee’s legs out from under and was on top hitting him. I witnessed Douglas going after Lee and that is when I went to stop it. [Like I could have done anything with these two guys; huh??] Best I could tell, Derrick King, AJ Bradley, Randy Hales and me were the ones trying to pull them apart, but they were actually apart before I got there. I am not even sure if Hales was involved, but he had blood all over his hands. It happened so quick, that it was hard to tell what was going on. They got broke up and Douglas left. DK and Hales had a talk with AJ and Lee. Douglas waited on AJ in the truck to leave.
----This is what I have always been told – if you do something against another worker on mistake, you are supposed to apologize. It is the rule – if you are genuinely sorry for what you did, and then all is forgiven and forgotten. On with the next match. I talked with Lee after the incident and I feel he was sorry for what he did and didn’t try to hurt Douglas intently. Douglas felt Lee was completely careless in throwing the chair with him on his all fours and unable to protect himself. Human emotions have Douglas being pissed and Lee kicking Douglas. None of that SHOULD have happened, but you shouldn’t “blame” either one for having a human reaction.
----The common argument for this is that “It is wrestling!! You are going to get hurt!!” I totally agree with that. Incidents that come to mind are Stan Lee getting his jaw broken by Kevin Thorn and the recent injury that Maxx Corbin suffered. I got dropped on my head on a chair by “Pure Destruction” [Cody/Brody Hawk] – I still have a scar and my neck does not move like it is supposed to move. [part of that accident was my fault] It happens and you have to just get on with it.
----My advice to Douglas was to just call and talk to Lee and just get on with it. Injuries are not something that we want to happen, but it DOES happen. I don’t feel as of right now that Douglas would want to work against Lee again. At least not right now. I don’t consider him a “bad guy” for not doing it. It is his choice. Nobody will be losing sleep over the incident other than Douglas. Maybe this business is just something Douglas should not be a part of. Douglas is a kid with raw talent that up until this incident was working at a promotion that would have taken him to the next level. It is sad though that at this level that when someone is hurt that they have to spend money out their own pocket that makes them question on whether they even want to lace up their boots again. I guess it is the business though and price of living the wrestling dream.
RassleResults: RBFE Memphis, TN 4.07.08 - Monday Night Wrestling Returns!!
Simon Reed def Bishop and Rashard Devon
The Crime def Precious
Dell Tucker def “Golden Boy” Greg Anthony w/Lamarrus Brooks
Tatt2 def Baron Malkavain,Rockin Randy, Chris O'Neal in a Fatal 4 way match
Koko B. Ware did an interview and called Grandmaster Sexy Lawler's boy and a fight broke out which had the workers in the back going but it was a work. Reggie,Derrick, and Dell Tucker broke it up. Dell got popped with a chair by Grandmaster Sexy. The fans were chanting “let them fight!” Next week Grandmaster Sexy vs Koko B Ware.
Brickhouse Brown with Reggie B. Fine def Simon Reed
Grandmaster Sexy def Derrick King w/ Rashard Devon
----I have heard three different attendance estimates -40-80-130, so I am going with right in the middle with 83…Fire, Flame, Sid Vicious, Doug Gilbert, Bill Dundee, “Too Kool 2”, Porkchop Cash were all advertised, but not there…Reggie told the crowd that on 4.21.08 it will be PG-13 vs Reggie B Fine/Brickhouse Brown…Everyone was raving about the Fatal 4-Way being the match of the night.
RassleResults; RWA Jonesboro, AR 4.05.08
----Silas beat Big Al…Bull/Kevin Douglas beat Joey Coss/Eric Idol…Battle Royal won with double winner of Gary Diamond/Chris Steel and return match set for this weekend…Sergeant Shakedown beat by DQ over San Francisco Treat…Rottn Randy beat Jazz…Dog Collar Match: “The Redd Dogg” Rodney Mack beat Chazz Wesson.
----150+ in the crowd…It looks like they are turning the Ali shoot into an angle. I expect him back with this group, but who knows??…Shakedown got makeup put on him when Loose Cannon jumped in after the finish of SFT match. Treat hit Shakedown with a chair for DQ…Cannon, Zane Richards, The Official, Deadly Dale and The Leprechauns were also in the battle royal…Cannon helped Randy win vs Jazz…Bull and Douglas are students of Mack…Cannon came out to unhook Cameron’s chain, so he left. I was told that the match was bloody. Set up for May 3, 2008 – Cage Match: Mack vs Wesson…Too much Cannon – he was involved in the finish of three matches and worked one…Martin announced to the crowd that he is working a deal with the Micro Wrestling Federation to bring in the midget wrestlers.
RassleResults: MAW Memphis, TN 4.06.08
SEW Promoter Lamarrus Brooks joined the commentary booth by himself to watch the opening contest - Dark Match - Precious fought Steven Rampage Trainee w/Sniper Charlie Parks to a no contest (this was a shoot Precious beat the hell out of the guy for not being trained and lying and Sniper got Precious off the guy.)
Jason Richards/Jermey Killz, Antoin Smooth, Kingpin def Carnage Antowone
Rockin Randy def Tatt2 and Dell Tucker in a 3 way match
Baron Malkavain def Precious
Armageddon def Big Country by DQ
Danny B. Good def Dre Black Danny was awesome
Scott Fury and Austin Lane def “201 Boyz” [Chris Lexx/Crime]
After this KC Gold came out and got superkicked by Derrick King and Johnny Morton ran him off with a chair
----Crowd was about 30 to 35 people with about 25 people came to see Chris Lexx…After the Big Country match, Precious beat up the Rampage trainee again.
Jason Richards/Jermey Killz, Antoin Smooth, Kingpin def Carnage Antowone
Rockin Randy def Tatt2 and Dell Tucker in a 3 way match
Baron Malkavain def Precious
Armageddon def Big Country by DQ
Danny B. Good def Dre Black Danny was awesome
Scott Fury and Austin Lane def “201 Boyz” [Chris Lexx/Crime]
After this KC Gold came out and got superkicked by Derrick King and Johnny Morton ran him off with a chair
----Crowd was about 30 to 35 people with about 25 people came to see Chris Lexx…After the Big Country match, Precious beat up the Rampage trainee again.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 4.05.08
Cody Murdock def. AC Styles
Mike Anthony def. Cody Only
Johnny Harper/Tim Hanson came out to offer Cody a spot with their new crew. Cody says no.
Wild Bill/Demon X def. El Lochos
Ray Ray def. “Mantastic” Matt Boyce
Austin Lane/California dream def. Acid and Mark Wolfe
Started as singles match but Wolfe was anxious to show off his wrestling skills so he conned Acid into a tag match and said he had a partner for Cali. Austin Lane then came out and ended up pinning Mark Wolfe.
Chuck Fears def. Scott Fury to retain the title. Casino Kid comes out and attacks Chuck and gets into it with a fan til Chuck runs him off Casino then gets mic and says next week Chuck will face the entire lockerroom.
“American Degenerates” [X-Kalibur/Morgan Lane] def. Johnny Harper/ Tim Hanson
In a Leather Strap on a Pole Match. Finish had X-Kalibur gets the strap but Cody Only comes in and hits Morgan and X and joins Harper and Hanson as “H20”. It is made for next week - Lumberjack Fans with straps match.
---220+ in the building….ASWF Anniversary show this coming weekend!! Matches signed are Jerry Lawler vs Austin Lane, Traci Brooks vs Nikki Lane, Fatal FourWay for ASWF Title: Chuck Fears vs Casino Kid vs Reno Diamond vs Blalok the Blazer, Scott Fury vs Justin Smart, Triple Threat for X-Division Title: Ray Ray vs Tommy Wayne vs Matt Boyce and more.
Mike Anthony def. Cody Only
Johnny Harper/Tim Hanson came out to offer Cody a spot with their new crew. Cody says no.
Wild Bill/Demon X def. El Lochos
Ray Ray def. “Mantastic” Matt Boyce
Austin Lane/California dream def. Acid and Mark Wolfe
Started as singles match but Wolfe was anxious to show off his wrestling skills so he conned Acid into a tag match and said he had a partner for Cali. Austin Lane then came out and ended up pinning Mark Wolfe.
Chuck Fears def. Scott Fury to retain the title. Casino Kid comes out and attacks Chuck and gets into it with a fan til Chuck runs him off Casino then gets mic and says next week Chuck will face the entire lockerroom.
“American Degenerates” [X-Kalibur/Morgan Lane] def. Johnny Harper/ Tim Hanson
In a Leather Strap on a Pole Match. Finish had X-Kalibur gets the strap but Cody Only comes in and hits Morgan and X and joins Harper and Hanson as “H20”. It is made for next week - Lumberjack Fans with straps match.
---220+ in the building….ASWF Anniversary show this coming weekend!! Matches signed are Jerry Lawler vs Austin Lane, Traci Brooks vs Nikki Lane, Fatal FourWay for ASWF Title: Chuck Fears vs Casino Kid vs Reno Diamond vs Blalok the Blazer, Scott Fury vs Justin Smart, Triple Threat for X-Division Title: Ray Ray vs Tommy Wayne vs Matt Boyce and more.


----I have an action packed show lined up for this Thursday!!! Brian Thompson is scheduled to join us for at least the first segment, which will feature Tracy Smothers. Smothers will be talking about the recent controversy over his health condition. Austin Lane/Nikki Lane will then join us to talk about the ASWF Anniversary event with Austin vs Lawler and Nikki vs Traci Brooks. Our third guest is USWO's Mitch Ryder, who also works for CHIKARA and various promotions in the US.
----I will not be taking calls during the Smothers or Ryder segments, but please send any questions via e-mail to brian_tramel@yahoo.com. We will be taking calls for Austin/Nikki or you may also e-mail questions for them also.
Randy Hales Interview from Ripley, TN 4.05.08
----Ok, this is not the best quality, but can hear the crowd and mostly everything that Hales says. Great interview!! He even put me over calling me an "internet goof" LOL
VOICE YOUR OPINION ON THE KAYFABE MESSAGE BOARD - What did you think of the Hales Interview??
VOICE YOUR OPINION ON THE KAYFABE MESSAGE BOARD - What did you think of the Hales Interview??
C.H.R. Special Edition-4/11/08- What Killed the UWL?
Tune in this Friday April 4th at 10am as Cheap Heat Radio w/Gene Jackson will explore what went wrong with the United Wrestling League, why did it fail? Could it have been saved? What was learned for the future? Brent West will join to tell his side of the story and elaborate on what's been said so far, also "Superstar" Bill Dundee will call in as well. I spoke with Bill this morning and he has a plenty to say about what went wrong with the UWL and what's wrong with wrestling in general and we will talk to Bill about it on Friday. Join us for what should be an interesting show. If you'd like to call in and give your opinion, or ask as question. Feel free to do so at (347) 838-8101. You can listen to the show live or at the archive at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cheapheat
ALSO...check back soon about a HUGE show Brian Tramel has lined up for 'Shootin the Shiznit' on Thursday afternoon.
ALSO...check back soon about a HUGE show Brian Tramel has lined up for 'Shootin the Shiznit' on Thursday afternoon.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Tracy Smothers Story!!
----This story was posted on www.wrestlingobserver.com earlier today, but then it looks like it was removed?? I wanted to post this so everyone can get a look at the post. Strange stuff. CLICK HERE
Don't Forget!!
RassleResults: Russellmania!! MSW Russellville, AR 4.05.08 - 300+ In The Building!!
*"Cowboy" Bill Watts was introduced to the crowd and
he signed copies of his book, shook hands, and signed
8x10 pictures throughout the night.
*"The New Age Superstar" Gary Gram beat Kid Nikels
with the Gram Cracker Crunch (same as Fit Finlay's
*Matt Riviera defeated Greg King Jr. via subission to
the "Matticure" (a version of the camel clutch where he
straight jackets the arms of his opponent's face and
cranks back - the same move that Psycho does that is called
the "Straight-jacket".).
*Slam Shady beat Prince Al Farat (with General Skandor
Akbar) via disqualification...The General expressed
his hatred for Arkansas on the mic before the match.
*"Bruiser" Rick Sweetan (with Boyd Bradford) beat Mark
Johnson via submission to the Crippler Crossface.
Finish saw Johnson make his comeback and hit an Angle
Slam on Sweetan. Bradford put Johnson's foot on the
bottom rope. Johnson chased Bradford around rindside.
Once in the ring, Bradford threw off his hat, pulled
down his suspenders, and came off the ropes charging
at Bradford and going into an awesome powerslam.
Johnson then turned into the Crossface for the finish.
*Mid-South Tag Team Champions Reckage & Romance beat
The Young Guns (Eric Wayne & Eric Rose) when Riviera
pinned Wayne.
*International Champion The Atomic Dogg beat Shane
Rawls when Dogg caught Rawls with a powerslam when
Shane attemped a top rope cross body. Great match
that went all over the building! Rawls is impressive.
At 19 years old he is a legit 280 lbs., 6'4" and can
bench press 225 lbs. 25 times which is NFL level
----This was held at the LV Williamson Boys & Girls Club...
Attendance: 300-350...Good show that sent everyone home happy.
The event was a fundraiser for the Central Arkansas Shrine
Club. Next event is April 12 in Ft. Smith, AR at the
Holiday Inn with "Dr. Death" Steve Williams headlining
and a guest appearance by Danny Hodge.
he signed copies of his book, shook hands, and signed
8x10 pictures throughout the night.
*"The New Age Superstar" Gary Gram beat Kid Nikels
with the Gram Cracker Crunch (same as Fit Finlay's
*Matt Riviera defeated Greg King Jr. via subission to
the "Matticure" (a version of the camel clutch where he
straight jackets the arms of his opponent's face and
cranks back - the same move that Psycho does that is called
the "Straight-jacket".).
*Slam Shady beat Prince Al Farat (with General Skandor
Akbar) via disqualification...The General expressed
his hatred for Arkansas on the mic before the match.
*"Bruiser" Rick Sweetan (with Boyd Bradford) beat Mark
Johnson via submission to the Crippler Crossface.
Finish saw Johnson make his comeback and hit an Angle
Slam on Sweetan. Bradford put Johnson's foot on the
bottom rope. Johnson chased Bradford around rindside.
Once in the ring, Bradford threw off his hat, pulled
down his suspenders, and came off the ropes charging
at Bradford and going into an awesome powerslam.
Johnson then turned into the Crossface for the finish.
*Mid-South Tag Team Champions Reckage & Romance beat
The Young Guns (Eric Wayne & Eric Rose) when Riviera
pinned Wayne.
*International Champion The Atomic Dogg beat Shane
Rawls when Dogg caught Rawls with a powerslam when
Shane attemped a top rope cross body. Great match
that went all over the building! Rawls is impressive.
At 19 years old he is a legit 280 lbs., 6'4" and can
bench press 225 lbs. 25 times which is NFL level
----This was held at the LV Williamson Boys & Girls Club...
Attendance: 300-350...Good show that sent everyone home happy.
The event was a fundraiser for the Central Arkansas Shrine
Club. Next event is April 12 in Ft. Smith, AR at the
Holiday Inn with "Dr. Death" Steve Williams headlining
and a guest appearance by Danny Hodge.
"Picture Perfect" Sighting!!

----2006 RRO Tag Team of the Year – “Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] tags with Shawn Shultz against the “Naturals” [Chase Stevens/Andy Douglas] tagging with Jerry Lynn tomorrow night at the Fairgrounds in Nashville, TN. That should be a good match with all 6 guys being good to great workers. The show has the following listed: 6 man main event,Steve O vs Lani Kialoha, LT Falk vs Shane Smalls, John Davis vs Chris Phoenix, Steven Green vs Damien Payne and more.
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 4.04.08
At the start of the show Parental Advisory came out for their usual speechifying and crap. They demanded that TFW General manager, Randall "Axeman" Lewis tell them what match he had chosen to book for tonight's show. He told them that TFW Champion Izzy Rotten would defend the title against "Extreme" Brett Michaels, with the members of PA barred from ringside. PA laughed at that match choice. Axeman then told them he wanted to know which match they had chosen. They told him he would find out later. PA left the ring.
In the opening match, Fusion defeated Chris Chaos.
TFW Lightweight Champion LSD defeated Vega the Dragon to retain.
Next was the match set up by Parental Advisory. They decided that Studd, Tony Dabbs, Ryan SoFine, & Lil' Devil would face Kid-J in a 4-on-1 handicap match. Kid-J managed to hold them off for a while, but eventually they all jumped on him. Randall Lewis stopped the match and declared Kid-J the winner by DQ.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor defeated Devon Raynes.
The next match apparently was to have been J-Kid & "The Future" Chris Styles vs. Casanova Kid & Bonecrusher. Bonecrusher, however, did not come out of the back for the match when his music played. Casanova ended up facing Chris & J-Kid in a handicap match. The match was thrown out when PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) interfered and beat everyone down. The beating continued and in the front door on the arena came bonecrusher. He was bleeding and had a broken pair of handcuffs hanging from one wrist. He cleared the ring with a steel pipe. He then said he had been attacked with the steel pipe by PHAT Foundation prior to the match, and challenged PHAT Foundation to a match the following week, no DQ. That match was set up.
Mo Foundation (Curly Mo & G-Mo Money) w/Dirty Rell Mo defeated Dirty Sanchez & "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore.
The Freakshow (Chop the Clown & Vinny the Blade) & Josh Matthews defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) & DC w/Diamond.
The main event was to have been TFW Champion Izzy Rotten defending against "Extreme" Brett Michaels, with Parental Advisory barred from ringside. The match barely got underway when Parental Advisory attacked Michaels. The referee threw the match out at that point. Fusion & Neil Taylor ran in to help Michaels and were also beaten down. the show ended with Michaels, Fusion, & Taylor laying in the ring. The last thing that happened was TFW GM Randall Lewis got the hell slapped out of him by "The Studd" Scott Porteau. He was angry. He just sat at the announcers table for a long time after the show was over with an angry look on his face.
Buff Bagwell returns to TFW THIS Friday night, April 11, 2008. This will be a great show, which will start off at 7:30 p.m. with a live band called Refuse the Fall. Wrestling starts at 8:00 p.m., with a great card that includes:
Vega the Dragon vs. "The Future" Chris Stiles. Vega answered the open challenge issued by Stiles several weeks ago. There is no love lost between these two.
G-Mo Money vs. J-Kid. G-Mo (from the Mo Foundation) has been attacking J-Kid for weeks every time J-Kid has a match. This is J-Kid's chance to take care of G-Mo Money once and for all.
DC vs. Josh Matthews. These two former partners absolutely despise each other. It has been only a few weeks since DC turned on Josh. This is a grudge match that promises to be one intense battle.
PHAT Foundation (Big Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) w/Diamond will face Casanova Kid & Bonecrusher in a match with NO DQ! They can do whatever they want to each other, use whatever they want, and fight anywhere they want. The referee is only there to make the 3-count. That will be one wild match. There is no love lost between these two teams, and the bad blood is even worse because pf PHAT Foundations actions Friday night.
The 8-man tag team match for total control of TFW is also on the card. It will be Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Ryan SoFine, & Izzy Rotten) vs. Axeman's team of Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor, Fusion, "Extreme" Brett Michaels, and BUFF "THE STUFF" BAGWELL. Who will wind up in charge of TFW after this match? Will Randall Lewis continue to run things, or will Parental Advisory wreak havoc in TFW? You know this one is gonna be W-I-L-D!
Credit: Jack Flash from Wrestling News Center
In the opening match, Fusion defeated Chris Chaos.
TFW Lightweight Champion LSD defeated Vega the Dragon to retain.
Next was the match set up by Parental Advisory. They decided that Studd, Tony Dabbs, Ryan SoFine, & Lil' Devil would face Kid-J in a 4-on-1 handicap match. Kid-J managed to hold them off for a while, but eventually they all jumped on him. Randall Lewis stopped the match and declared Kid-J the winner by DQ.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor defeated Devon Raynes.
The next match apparently was to have been J-Kid & "The Future" Chris Styles vs. Casanova Kid & Bonecrusher. Bonecrusher, however, did not come out of the back for the match when his music played. Casanova ended up facing Chris & J-Kid in a handicap match. The match was thrown out when PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) interfered and beat everyone down. The beating continued and in the front door on the arena came bonecrusher. He was bleeding and had a broken pair of handcuffs hanging from one wrist. He cleared the ring with a steel pipe. He then said he had been attacked with the steel pipe by PHAT Foundation prior to the match, and challenged PHAT Foundation to a match the following week, no DQ. That match was set up.
Mo Foundation (Curly Mo & G-Mo Money) w/Dirty Rell Mo defeated Dirty Sanchez & "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore.
The Freakshow (Chop the Clown & Vinny the Blade) & Josh Matthews defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) & DC w/Diamond.
The main event was to have been TFW Champion Izzy Rotten defending against "Extreme" Brett Michaels, with Parental Advisory barred from ringside. The match barely got underway when Parental Advisory attacked Michaels. The referee threw the match out at that point. Fusion & Neil Taylor ran in to help Michaels and were also beaten down. the show ended with Michaels, Fusion, & Taylor laying in the ring. The last thing that happened was TFW GM Randall Lewis got the hell slapped out of him by "The Studd" Scott Porteau. He was angry. He just sat at the announcers table for a long time after the show was over with an angry look on his face.
Buff Bagwell returns to TFW THIS Friday night, April 11, 2008. This will be a great show, which will start off at 7:30 p.m. with a live band called Refuse the Fall. Wrestling starts at 8:00 p.m., with a great card that includes:
Vega the Dragon vs. "The Future" Chris Stiles. Vega answered the open challenge issued by Stiles several weeks ago. There is no love lost between these two.
G-Mo Money vs. J-Kid. G-Mo (from the Mo Foundation) has been attacking J-Kid for weeks every time J-Kid has a match. This is J-Kid's chance to take care of G-Mo Money once and for all.
DC vs. Josh Matthews. These two former partners absolutely despise each other. It has been only a few weeks since DC turned on Josh. This is a grudge match that promises to be one intense battle.
PHAT Foundation (Big Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) w/Diamond will face Casanova Kid & Bonecrusher in a match with NO DQ! They can do whatever they want to each other, use whatever they want, and fight anywhere they want. The referee is only there to make the 3-count. That will be one wild match. There is no love lost between these two teams, and the bad blood is even worse because pf PHAT Foundations actions Friday night.
The 8-man tag team match for total control of TFW is also on the card. It will be Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Ryan SoFine, & Izzy Rotten) vs. Axeman's team of Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor, Fusion, "Extreme" Brett Michaels, and BUFF "THE STUFF" BAGWELL. Who will wind up in charge of TFW after this match? Will Randall Lewis continue to run things, or will Parental Advisory wreak havoc in TFW? You know this one is gonna be W-I-L-D!
Credit: Jack Flash from Wrestling News Center
West Family Folds Tent on UWL
----I hate to hear this, because it was giving some of the guys in the area a chance of being seen by a whole new audience. On the other hand, most of us were all wondering just how an internet PPV would work. For those that have talked about doing the same concept, they need to take a look at what happened here.
----The end of this post is also confusing?? They are done, but they are taking their gloves off?? Does that mean they are going to shoot on everyone that worked for them??
The West family has decided to suspend operations of the United Wrestling League and its internet PPV venture according to Brent West.
The UWL ran their second internet PPV event Friday night drew only 115 in the West's hometown of Cleveland, Tennessee. The PPV was scheduled for a two hour webscast for $11.95, but they ended up with only a 75 minutes of footage and reduced the price to $5.95.
Brent, his brother Rodney and their father, Ron were all involved in the UWL venture.
In addition, West said the family was giving up for good on promoting pro wrestling.
He said the family planned to use their website to market DVDs of old shows and express their opinions on pro wrestling.
"The West Family gloves are off for the first time ever, no one is safe. We have been kicked by many people now we start kicking back."
Credit: Larry Goodman & TVD's board
----The end of this post is also confusing?? They are done, but they are taking their gloves off?? Does that mean they are going to shoot on everyone that worked for them??
The West family has decided to suspend operations of the United Wrestling League and its internet PPV venture according to Brent West.
The UWL ran their second internet PPV event Friday night drew only 115 in the West's hometown of Cleveland, Tennessee. The PPV was scheduled for a two hour webscast for $11.95, but they ended up with only a 75 minutes of footage and reduced the price to $5.95.
Brent, his brother Rodney and their father, Ron were all involved in the UWL venture.
In addition, West said the family was giving up for good on promoting pro wrestling.
He said the family planned to use their website to market DVDs of old shows and express their opinions on pro wrestling.
"The West Family gloves are off for the first time ever, no one is safe. We have been kicked by many people now we start kicking back."
Credit: Larry Goodman & TVD's board
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Arena Report: TLCW Ripley, TN 4.05.08 - Randy Hales and The Fight!!
----Well, hell froze over last night in Ripley, TN as Randy Hales returned to professional wrestling since leaving the business in 2001. Hales had noted on his 3rd Cheap Heat Radio appearance for the site that his interest in professional wrestling had returned. Hales had made first wrestling related appearance since 2001 for Gene Jackson on the 2.18.08 edition of Cheap Heat Radio. Gene commented last night on the message board, “Well, if nothing else ever becomes of Cheap Heat Radio, it can be said that it helped bring Randy Hales back to wrestling. He'll either thank me.......or hate me forever.”
----The show opened with Jimmy Tidwell coming out demanding to know who the “mystery guest” was going to be tonight. “Hot Topic” [Derrick King/Stan Lee] came out and DK promised they would know who the guest would be later in the show.
----“The Baron” Malkanvain beat Shannon Lee and Tim Alfonso in a handicap match. Not good – not bad. Baron has a great presence. Lee walked off on Alfonso and Baron beat Lee with his finisher. [*1/2]
----Ike Tucker beat Gladiator [without mask] by DQ, when Gladiator used his shield on him. The young guys need to watch the Tucker entrance and take note – it is so over with it. He has that connection with the crowd that so many babyfaces need to get over. Match started out good, but not much psychology. All moves were solid and fans were into it – because of Ike. It is scary what the response would have been if Ike would have took the basic beat down and comeback. [*]
----Dell Tucker/”The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat Reggie B Fine/Rockin Randy in solid match. Heat was on Reggie with a hot tag to Randy. Cody Melton interfered to cost Fine/Randy the match. [**]
----Albino Rhino destroyed ref Caleb in an angle. Rhino is carrying around the TLCW Title that he stole from Flash Flanagan.
----Chris O’Neal/Drew Donovan beat “The Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] in an ok match. O’Neal is so over here. A little sloppy in the start, but was settled down with Pappy looking good with heat on O’Neal and hot tag to Drew. Psycho’s bumping looked a little “off” at times. Finish was good. [**]
----Derrick King/Stan Lee brings out Jimmy Tidwell with “Black Label Society” [Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley] to announce the “mystery guest”. Randy Hales comes out and does an incredible interview. I felt at first the fans didn’t know what to think of Hales and some didn’t know who he was, but it didn’t take long after he talked on the mic. Hales is not a normal looking guy [I got a lot of room to talk; huh??]. He towers over everyone in the dressing room, but looks to weigh 120 lbs. I am guessing he weighs more, but he is a tall skinny guy. He was on the mic for about 5 minutes and the whole place was popping. He was over. This all goes back to things said by Jamie Dundee and Hales on Cheap Heat Radio about when someone is real – passionate about the business – then it comes across that way to the fans. After 10 minutes, Hales was the most over babyface of the promotion.
----“The Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris] beat Idol Bane & Cody Melton. I did not see all of this bout, but Cody Melton took the pin. “Asylum” and Rocky Randy got involved in the match somehow.
----Flex beat Chris Rocker in a good solid match. This was the best bout of the night up to this bout. Perfect psychology with only about one “slipup” in the whole match. Flex pinned Rocker with a DVD to win the bout. [***]
----TLCW Tag Team Title Match: “Black Label Society” [AJ Bradley/Robbie Douglas] with Jimmy Tidwell vs “Hot Topic” [Derrick King/Stan Lee] with Randy Hales was declared no contest. AJ Bradley was flawless. He is so overlooked in this area. Robbie is still green in spots, but has a good look and people hate him. A good team. Hales was so “into it” outside the ring. Crowd was very hot during the whole match. The finish was all over the place. DK went for a superkick, but Gibson stopped him. Hales was getting punches in on William Gibson and Tidwell – the crowd was just so loud when he would swing his punches. He has these long skinny arms and he was winding them up – crowd was popping like crazy!! Bill Rush came in and ended up getting shitcanned along with Stan and DK. BLS/Tidwell ended up in the ring with Hales. They tore his shirt off [pictured] and whipped him with a belt. He had some bad whelps on this back. They tied Hales up in the ropes and Tidwell was going to stab him in the head with scissors, when DK made the save. DK did a great promo after the match almost in tears with Randy promising to come back next week to tag with them. [****] – solid execution, great storytelling and crowd was soooo hot!!
----160+ in the building...Referees Bill Rush and William Gibson are both super over. More over than some of the workers…Tidwell did a good job in his role – on the mic and at ringside…Guys that got good responses when coming out: Rush, Gibson, O’Neal, Posse, Lee, DK, Flex, Ike, Tidwell, and BLS. Guys that are legit OVER – Rush, Gibson, DK, Lee, Tidwell and BLS. Matches that got the best reactions – TGB/Tucker vs Fine/Randy and main event. I say all that because it felt like the other matches were just thrown together and had no meaning…”Posse” beat “Too Kool 2” [Flex/Tim Grind] last night in Covington. “Posse”, Flex, Dell Tucker and TGB all did double duties.
----Robbie Douglas and Stan Lee exchanged some blows last night after the main event. It was over the fact that Douglas got opened up hardway with a chair during the last part of the bout. It was over within minutes, but a lot can be said about the incident, especially pertaining to indy wrestling as a whole. I will be posting something either late tomorrow or Tuesday because I talked with Stan Lee last night and Robbie today.
----I am having some technical difficulties loading the video that I shot last night of the Hales interview. It is too large for youtube and problems going on Google, so I am actually loading it to the site server. I am going to try to have it up tomorrow afternoon sometime.
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 4.05.08
Enigma b Dyronic and Justin Spade in a 3-way when Enigma pinned Dyronic
El Loco Negro (w/Blue Amigo) b Mexican Dragon by DQ after Dragon snapped and used a chair
Richard Lowe & Boy b White Tiger & Steven Green when Lowe pinned Tiger
New York Gangster b Tank
Damien Payne & Chris Norte (w/Fetish) b Bushranger Kelly & Shawn Hoodrich when Norte pinned Kelly
Lee Cross (w/The Diva Lisa Fayzon & Blue Amigo) b LT Falk
Damien Payne and TJ Harley were co-winners of a battle royal
TJ Harley b Damien Payne in a short hardcore match
---59 in the crowd...They did a 10 Bill salute to Sarah Lee, who was famous ticket lady at the Nashville shows and women's wrestling star in the 1960s.
El Loco Negro (w/Blue Amigo) b Mexican Dragon by DQ after Dragon snapped and used a chair
Richard Lowe & Boy b White Tiger & Steven Green when Lowe pinned Tiger
New York Gangster b Tank
Damien Payne & Chris Norte (w/Fetish) b Bushranger Kelly & Shawn Hoodrich when Norte pinned Kelly
Lee Cross (w/The Diva Lisa Fayzon & Blue Amigo) b LT Falk
Damien Payne and TJ Harley were co-winners of a battle royal
TJ Harley b Damien Payne in a short hardcore match
---59 in the crowd...They did a 10 Bill salute to Sarah Lee, who was famous ticket lady at the Nashville shows and women's wrestling star in the 1960s.
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 4.05.08
Samoan Raja def. Chico Mendoza
Spyder def. Oz
TIWF TV Title Match
Danny B. Goode def. Buckwild Bill to win the title
Outlaw def. Dazzlin’ Dixie
Jonathan Storm def. Steven Rampage by DQ
TIWF Regional Heavyweight Title Match
Dre’ Black def. Big Boy Bob to win the title
"The Missouri Bad Boys" [Mark Southern/Missouri Renegade] def. "Locked and Loaded" [Lawman Williams/Tank Turner]
----238 in the crowd as this group continues to draw strong numbers...I was told that the Bad Boys had some major heat last week, so it looks like it helped this week.
Spyder def. Oz
TIWF TV Title Match
Danny B. Goode def. Buckwild Bill to win the title
Outlaw def. Dazzlin’ Dixie
Jonathan Storm def. Steven Rampage by DQ
TIWF Regional Heavyweight Title Match
Dre’ Black def. Big Boy Bob to win the title
"The Missouri Bad Boys" [Mark Southern/Missouri Renegade] def. "Locked and Loaded" [Lawman Williams/Tank Turner]
----238 in the crowd as this group continues to draw strong numbers...I was told that the Bad Boys had some major heat last week, so it looks like it helped this week.
RassleResults: Championship Wrestling Johnson City, TN 4.05.08
Championship Wrestling
Sat. April 5
Johnson City, TN @ Carver Rec.
* Adam York and Ginn beat Nick Hammonds and Wayne Adkins
*Beau James beat Matt Burns
*James Blevins and Stallion beat The Ghostriders
*Ray Idol beat Cody Ices with Bolo
*Thorn w/ Kandy beat Adam York
*National Champ Robbie Cassidy w/ Tony Givens
beat Alyx Winters w/ John Hawkins
*Moe Jenkins beat Chris Richards in A Street Fight
----70+ in the building...Next CW Event is Thurs Kingsport Civic Aud. 7 PM and Sat in Greenville TN @ Eastview Rec. Double Cage Night...This weeks TV is online at championshipwrestlingtv.com
Sat. April 5
Johnson City, TN @ Carver Rec.
* Adam York and Ginn beat Nick Hammonds and Wayne Adkins
*Beau James beat Matt Burns
*James Blevins and Stallion beat The Ghostriders
*Ray Idol beat Cody Ices with Bolo
*Thorn w/ Kandy beat Adam York
*National Champ Robbie Cassidy w/ Tony Givens
beat Alyx Winters w/ John Hawkins
*Moe Jenkins beat Chris Richards in A Street Fight
----70+ in the building...Next CW Event is Thurs Kingsport Civic Aud. 7 PM and Sat in Greenville TN @ Eastview Rec. Double Cage Night...This weeks TV is online at championshipwrestlingtv.com
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 4.04.08
Lee Cross (w/The Diva Lisa Fayzon) b Justin Spade
Steven Green b Shane Smalls
Slade b Steve O when Slade hit Steve O with knux after a ref bump
Damien Payne b LT Falk to win the USWO Jr. Championship
Quinton Quarisma & Juicy JC Crowe (w/Gigolo Jay Phoenix) b New York Gangster & TJ Harley when Crowe pinned Harley after Phoenix gave Harley a face full of lotion
Michael Jablonski b Tim Renesto in a first blood match
Mitch Ryder NC Chris Michaels as special ref New York Gangster got bumped, Michaels superkicks Ryder then lays backwards on top of him. As ref Mark Owen runs out, Michaels has slid back on his shoulders, so Owen counts Michaels' shoulder down for 3 while at the same time Gangster comes to and counts Ryder's shoulders down for 3. Promoter Tony Falk holds up the USWO Championship pending a rematch with 2 refs.
----95 in the crowd.
Steven Green b Shane Smalls
Slade b Steve O when Slade hit Steve O with knux after a ref bump
Damien Payne b LT Falk to win the USWO Jr. Championship
Quinton Quarisma & Juicy JC Crowe (w/Gigolo Jay Phoenix) b New York Gangster & TJ Harley when Crowe pinned Harley after Phoenix gave Harley a face full of lotion
Michael Jablonski b Tim Renesto in a first blood match
Mitch Ryder NC Chris Michaels as special ref New York Gangster got bumped, Michaels superkicks Ryder then lays backwards on top of him. As ref Mark Owen runs out, Michaels has slid back on his shoulders, so Owen counts Michaels' shoulder down for 3 while at the same time Gangster comes to and counts Ryder's shoulders down for 3. Promoter Tony Falk holds up the USWO Championship pending a rematch with 2 refs.
----95 in the crowd.
Michael St. John on Jerkin' The Curtain radio Monday April 7th at 10 PM CST

Long time wrestling announcer Michael St. John will be the special guest on Jerkin' The Curtain radio this coming Monday, April 7th, at 10 PM Central time. I had several requests to get Mr. St. John on the show, and he said he'd be glad to do it. We'll talk about what he's doing now with UWL and SAW, as well as his time in the USWA, with Nick Gulas, Music City Wrestling, The Heros of Wrestling PPV, Wrestle Birmingham, and his long time career in radio, plus whatever else comes up. Should be a good show. We'll take live callers, and ask e-mail questions on the air. Cya Monday night! Trent
TLCW Update!!!
----I just got home from the show and the main event was real good with tons of heat - great loud crowd!! Crowd was up to about 160+ people and they were there to see BLS vs "Hot Topic". Randy Hales cut a classic promo and did a tremendous job ringside as a manager. The low point of the evening was a fight backstage after the main event. I will have a full arena report and details of the whole show sometime later today.
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