Saturday, March 31, 2007
Matt Boyce Update and Comments!!
----It looks like Matt Boyce got to do security on the Smackdown show, which is really good. I watched the very end of the show by mistake and all of sudden I thought, “Damn was Matt on there??” when it was over and I didn’t even look for him. Well, he was on there and got pushed in the face by Batista. LOL
----For some reason, Trent Van Drisse seems to have the hardon to give all the guys in this area hell that attended the last WWE camp in Nashville. He first put down Starr and now Boyce. He wrote..” I was told Boyce is a young green kid, and the feeling was he didn't deserve to be there.” He went on to say, “But, concerning Boyce, I have received even more information that probably totally explains his being there. He took part in the Simon Dean Nashville camp, but I'm hearing now that due to that, Bert Prentice took a liking to him, and he's the current "flavor of the month", and God knows there’s been many of them.”
----Let me inform you and everyone else that reads that bullshit, that Boyce is a rarity in this business – he is a super nice guy that is very respective to his peers. He went to the camp and even though he is very green he impressed Dean, but yes, Bert Prentice did like him. Snicker behind his back and say what you want about Prentice, but he did help Boyce get that spot. But, guess what?? Boyce had to drive to Grand Rapids, MI and is on that list of guys that they intend on using for things like that. How is that bad?? When did succeeding and working hard for a spot in wrestling become a bad thing??
----For some reason, Trent Van Drisse seems to have the hardon to give all the guys in this area hell that attended the last WWE camp in Nashville. He first put down Starr and now Boyce. He wrote..” I was told Boyce is a young green kid, and the feeling was he didn't deserve to be there.” He went on to say, “But, concerning Boyce, I have received even more information that probably totally explains his being there. He took part in the Simon Dean Nashville camp, but I'm hearing now that due to that, Bert Prentice took a liking to him, and he's the current "flavor of the month", and God knows there’s been many of them.”
----Let me inform you and everyone else that reads that bullshit, that Boyce is a rarity in this business – he is a super nice guy that is very respective to his peers. He went to the camp and even though he is very green he impressed Dean, but yes, Bert Prentice did like him. Snicker behind his back and say what you want about Prentice, but he did help Boyce get that spot. But, guess what?? Boyce had to drive to Grand Rapids, MI and is on that list of guys that they intend on using for things like that. How is that bad?? When did succeeding and working hard for a spot in wrestling become a bad thing??
Shows For The Weekend - All Pro Monthly Debut!!!
----All Pro is going monthly starting tomorrow at 2:15 PM in Batesville, MS with doors opening at 1:00 PM at the Eureka Theatre with Chris Styles vs Anton Leveigh, Tony Dabbs vs Justin Smart, Brandon Barbwire vs Trent Shultz, Chris Kilgore/Cody Mantell vs Pappy/Giant Hillbilly, Uncle Felton vs Joey Lynn, 6 Man tag, John Saxon with Irresistible Danielle vs Reno Diamond and the main event has Psycho/Neil Taylor vs “Cruzin’ 4 Pain” [Motley Cruz/187] with Tasha Simone.
----On paper that is a good show featuring talent from various Mississippi promotions and C4P in the main event. A few of the first bouts have potential to be really good if Styles/Leveigh work psychology and Dabbs vs Smart could be good. I am not familiar with Saxon, but I am told the Reno vs Saxon match should be real good. The show is also set up in a Theatre setting with a balcony and such.
----On paper that is a good show featuring talent from various Mississippi promotions and C4P in the main event. A few of the first bouts have potential to be really good if Styles/Leveigh work psychology and Dabbs vs Smart could be good. I am not familiar with Saxon, but I am told the Reno vs Saxon match should be real good. The show is also set up in a Theatre setting with a balcony and such.
Kilo NBW Story Update - No Court Date!!!
----I got an e-mail earlier this week that cleared up some of the Kilo story. “Big” Dave Sims wrote to let me know that there were no chargers filed against Kilo, so there is no court date. Sims went on to say that “Kilo wishes it had never happened in the first place and when he discovered the boy was only 13 years old, he felt really bad and kinda embarrassed.” Good to know that there are no charges being filed as of know. I was also told from another source that the boy pushed Kilo in the chest and not from behind as reported.
----Dustin Starr had a few words to say about this situation on his site and I don’t agree with everything he says though. The best I can tell is that Kilo did not hit this boy first and he didn’t wait until someone grabbed him before he hit him. This also gets into a whole different subject in whether you should strike a fan or not?? I may be totally “old school” with this, but I was told “if they cross the barrier, then they are game”. And, if someone actually pushes you, then they might not be physically crossing the barrier, but they are crossing the barrier.
----When a fan would touch me or push me, it would just freak me. On one occasion while working Peppermint Pond a kid grabbed my jersey and I went to punch and seen it was a kid, so I backed off. I had some guy jerk my shorts down on a show in Missouri and I actually jumped into the crowd to beat him up along with his two friends. Yea, right!! I did and thank god James Arnez was there to save me. LOL I am not condoning what Kilo did, but I do know I have been told you have to protect yourself. If the crowd sees that they can push you, then they might come to the shows the next week with knives or something. The marks are there to watch and not there to touch or push the wrestlers.
----Dustin Starr had a few words to say about this situation on his site and I don’t agree with everything he says though. The best I can tell is that Kilo did not hit this boy first and he didn’t wait until someone grabbed him before he hit him. This also gets into a whole different subject in whether you should strike a fan or not?? I may be totally “old school” with this, but I was told “if they cross the barrier, then they are game”. And, if someone actually pushes you, then they might not be physically crossing the barrier, but they are crossing the barrier.
----When a fan would touch me or push me, it would just freak me. On one occasion while working Peppermint Pond a kid grabbed my jersey and I went to punch and seen it was a kid, so I backed off. I had some guy jerk my shorts down on a show in Missouri and I actually jumped into the crowd to beat him up along with his two friends. Yea, right!! I did and thank god James Arnez was there to save me. LOL I am not condoning what Kilo did, but I do know I have been told you have to protect yourself. If the crowd sees that they can push you, then they might come to the shows the next week with knives or something. The marks are there to watch and not there to touch or push the wrestlers.
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 3.30.07 - "The Perfect Showcase" !!!!
“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony over Stan Lee
Seth Knight over Rockin Randy, Shannon Lee & Lil' Tim Alfonzo in Fatal 4-way
Chris O'Neal over Chris Rocker w/Snapshot Kick Psycho over Erik Hayes
“The Posse” [Chris/Simon] over “Picture Perfect” [Christian Jacobs/Jon Michael] when Chris pinned CJ with Northern Lights
Dustin Starr over Matt Boyce and Jeff Jameson in a Handicap Match. [For shoot - sorry I could not let that one get past me]
----Around 80 in the building with a gate close to $450...Picture Perfect turned heel in the main event, helping Dustin, then they left Jeff O'Dell, Kelly Warner & President of the Championship Committee laying. Dustin put over that they were “The Perfect Showcase"...Wow!! This is the strongest heel groups in this area with PP turning heel. It will be interesting to see if this do this tonight in Ripley??? If so, it will mean so much more there with PP being so over as faces. It also would be the perfect time for Chris O'Neal to come back.
Seth Knight over Rockin Randy, Shannon Lee & Lil' Tim Alfonzo in Fatal 4-way
Chris O'Neal over Chris Rocker w/Snapshot Kick Psycho over Erik Hayes
“The Posse” [Chris/Simon] over “Picture Perfect” [Christian Jacobs/Jon Michael] when Chris pinned CJ with Northern Lights
Dustin Starr over Matt Boyce and Jeff Jameson in a Handicap Match. [For shoot - sorry I could not let that one get past me]
----Around 80 in the building with a gate close to $450...Picture Perfect turned heel in the main event, helping Dustin, then they left Jeff O'Dell, Kelly Warner & President of the Championship Committee laying. Dustin put over that they were “The Perfect Showcase"...Wow!! This is the strongest heel groups in this area with PP turning heel. It will be interesting to see if this do this tonight in Ripley??? If so, it will mean so much more there with PP being so over as faces. It also would be the perfect time for Chris O'Neal to come back.
Shows For The Weekend - 3.31.07
----There are two important shows this weekend with ACW starting their weekly show in Paragould, AR [which they are promoting as a "Grand Opening"]and Kenny Valiant's All Pro will start their monthly show in Batesville, MS tomorrow afternoon. It will be interesting to see if ACW can actually continue to draw on a weekly basis. They are at the normal drawing number of around 75 to 100 fans with 2 to 3 shows a month, but the weekly thing is a huge difference. Valiant will begin with a show every first Sunday of the month in Batesville and he should do good with that. I will hopefully have full details of that show sometime this afternoon and post the time and such. And, also take note at NBW and TLCW this weekend. Will NBW suffer from the controversay from last weekend or will it make them draw more? I am also hearing rumbles of something big to happen in TLCW this weekend - most of the stuff is rumors and just speculation on my part, but if you are near that show - go visit them.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM with Bobby The Butcher,Tank Turner, Dazzlin Dixie, Lawman Williams; Genocide vs the Big Boys; Steven Rampage,AC Havoc;Wildside, Razor;PK Ripper, Void and more.
----Saturday night @ National Guard Armory in Paragould, AR for Arkansas Championship Wrestling with Midnight Cowboy, Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon, Hamhock, Sam Dollar, Cody Daniels, Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Arnez with Kayte, Bryan Knight, San Francisco Treat, Shakedown, The Hambones, Adrian Stratton and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN – Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, J Weezy, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Rob Harlem, Allen Steele, Mark Justice, Rob Justice, Psycho and more.
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Chris Styles, Little Stevie Davis, Homeless Joe, Mario, Devon Raynes, Dalton Storm, Kage, Cyrus, Chaz, and more.
----Saturday night in XOW in New Albany, MS for PURE DESTRUCTION, Izzy Rotten, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley, Jay Webster, Colton Anderson, Tommy Knox, Cassanova Kidd, "Prime Tyme" Nick Grymes, Soultaker, Neil Taylor, Hollywood Jimmy and more! XOW Wrestling, 105 McGill St. in downtown New Albany, Bell time is 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – with Craven Moorehead, Hollywood, Rockin Randy, Dustin Starr, Matt Boyce, Alex Krisis, Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, Dell Tucker, Brian Steele, Buckwheat,Tim Alfonzo, “Jawbreaker” Jones, Tatt2, Derrick King, Tim Grind “Picture Perfect”, Oz, Bishop, “The Posee” and more.
---- Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th And Oak Street’s. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, Scottie Graham,The Casino Kid, ,Gravedigger, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, Scotty Graham, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, "The Brazilian Bad Boy" Rozzi, Hillbilly Tiny, Gravedigger, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, Righteous Punishment{ Jack " Lockdown" Johnson," Byg" Daddy Moose}, "Velvet Lover" Cody Thunder, Wild Bill, Acid, Venom, Plowboy Hayes, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, and many, many more. Bell time is 8P.M, doors open at 7:15P.M.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM with Bobby The Butcher,Tank Turner, Dazzlin Dixie, Lawman Williams; Genocide vs the Big Boys; Steven Rampage,AC Havoc;Wildside, Razor;PK Ripper, Void and more.
----Saturday night @ National Guard Armory in Paragould, AR for Arkansas Championship Wrestling with Midnight Cowboy, Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon, Hamhock, Sam Dollar, Cody Daniels, Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Arnez with Kayte, Bryan Knight, San Francisco Treat, Shakedown, The Hambones, Adrian Stratton and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN – Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, J Weezy, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Rob Harlem, Allen Steele, Mark Justice, Rob Justice, Psycho and more.
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Chris Styles, Little Stevie Davis, Homeless Joe, Mario, Devon Raynes, Dalton Storm, Kage, Cyrus, Chaz, and more.
----Saturday night in XOW in New Albany, MS for PURE DESTRUCTION, Izzy Rotten, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley, Jay Webster, Colton Anderson, Tommy Knox, Cassanova Kidd, "Prime Tyme" Nick Grymes, Soultaker, Neil Taylor, Hollywood Jimmy and more! XOW Wrestling, 105 McGill St. in downtown New Albany, Bell time is 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – with Craven Moorehead, Hollywood, Rockin Randy, Dustin Starr, Matt Boyce, Alex Krisis, Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, Dell Tucker, Brian Steele, Buckwheat,Tim Alfonzo, “Jawbreaker” Jones, Tatt2, Derrick King, Tim Grind “Picture Perfect”, Oz, Bishop, “The Posee” and more.
---- Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th And Oak Street’s. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, Scottie Graham,The Casino Kid, ,Gravedigger, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, Scotty Graham, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, "The Brazilian Bad Boy" Rozzi, Hillbilly Tiny, Gravedigger, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, Righteous Punishment{ Jack " Lockdown" Johnson," Byg" Daddy Moose}, "Velvet Lover" Cody Thunder, Wild Bill, Acid, Venom, Plowboy Hayes, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, and many, many more. Bell time is 8P.M, doors open at 7:15P.M.
Friday, March 30, 2007
The Ratings Are In!!!
----This week’s show below average with a 2.5 [42,644 viewers] ratings. The show continues to not do great numbers this year. If they pull off the Hulk Hogan vs Jerry Lawler bout, I think the ratings will start going up for the promoting of that bout. But, nothing they are doing on TV is outstanding enough for people to just WANT to see Memphis Wrestling.
----The show opened with a 3.1 [52,382 viewers], which was their highest quarter of the night. That quarter featured the Battle Royal and the Blaylock interview. The second quarter dropped almost 10,000 viewers with a 2.5 [42,308 viewers] rating for Kevin White/Mr. Hughes interview and squash. The next half hour scored a 2.3 [38,111 viewers] for the 3rd and 4th quarter. These quarters featured the horrible Grizz stuff, the horrible Moondog stuff and it had the great TV bout of Flex/Grind vs Flash/O’Neal. The show dropped 14,271 total viewers from start to finish.
----Nothing really good to say about the ratings. The show HAS to do better numbers on a constant basis for both CW 30 and Corey Maclin to be happy. After this week’s ratings for the 3.31.07 show are listed, I will be posting a look at Memphis Wrestling ratings for the first quarter of 2007 comparing them to 2006. I will also be posting my choice for the booker of Memphis Wrestling and how he could turn it around.
**The same report is posted on www.prowrestlingpress.com every week.
----The show opened with a 3.1 [52,382 viewers], which was their highest quarter of the night. That quarter featured the Battle Royal and the Blaylock interview. The second quarter dropped almost 10,000 viewers with a 2.5 [42,308 viewers] rating for Kevin White/Mr. Hughes interview and squash. The next half hour scored a 2.3 [38,111 viewers] for the 3rd and 4th quarter. These quarters featured the horrible Grizz stuff, the horrible Moondog stuff and it had the great TV bout of Flex/Grind vs Flash/O’Neal. The show dropped 14,271 total viewers from start to finish.
----Nothing really good to say about the ratings. The show HAS to do better numbers on a constant basis for both CW 30 and Corey Maclin to be happy. After this week’s ratings for the 3.31.07 show are listed, I will be posting a look at Memphis Wrestling ratings for the first quarter of 2007 comparing them to 2006. I will also be posting my choice for the booker of Memphis Wrestling and how he could turn it around.
**The same report is posted on www.prowrestlingpress.com every week.
RassleBits: Morgan Lane, Fifi, Ron Spence, Kraven and MAW!!!!
----Morgan Lane has been removed from the Arkansas Championship Wrestling roster due to the fact that he wrestled on the ASWF benefit show in Paragould. It is funny when I look back at the stupid shit I did as a promoter worried about what people were doing and asking them not to work certain shows. But, remember this – this was a benefit show and Morgan Lane appearing did nothing to hurt ACW.
----That was the original Fifi – Diane Von Hoffman - on Memphis Wrestling this past Saturday. I have been told the guy working TIWF [Rex who was the last guy as Larry Booker’s partner] has also contacted Memphis Wrestling about coming in as a Moondog. Grady Watson has been managing Cujo and I was told is asking $100 for him to come in a manage. OMG!!!
----Ron Spence, who ran the NWF show that I attended in Paragould, AR with the Midnight Express, has applied with the AWA and looks to be running the first AWA/NWF show on July 12, 2007. He is trying his best to get AWA World Lightweight champion Krazy K Kirby Mack in to wrestle Austin Lane. The main event will have Buff Bagwell vs Disco Inferno. He will also be using Damien of Disciples of Sinn. I am really not sure if the AWA name means anything to anyone except hardcores in this area, but it will be interesting to see if he can draw with the bigger names. I plan to be at the show.
----Kraven Moorehead sent a letter telling me that he actually did get in a fight with a fan during the MAW worked shoot. I have also been told that the fan was trained by Snowman and he should have known better. Kraven said the following – “Hey B.T.! I want to tell you that I did get into a fight with a fan, but he hit me first. He got mad a Derrick, Poker and me and pushed Derrick and ran straight for me. He grabbed my neck and swung at me so I grabbed him back and started punching him. Everybody broke it up and I went to the back. Then I hear Derrick back on the mic and I hear him telling people to get away from him. I didn't know that he had run onto the balcony. So I went back out to try to find him, when I did the same guy who started the fight with me came back at me so I hit him with a chair. Then Morton who at the time was trying to climb the balcony from the ground level hopped down and ran at me and tackled me. I fish hooked him till everyone kicked him off of me.” Just the thought of Kraven fishhooking anyone cracks me up!! The best I can tell from everyone is that it was a worked shoot, but the MAW took it too personally. I am really hoping it helps MAW draw a crowd.
----Another note on the piece that I posted – it was an Arena Report by Clinton Boyland and after I posted it, I was unable to edit it. Kraven’s name was spelled wrong and he was also listed as a Memphis Wrestling wrestler and in truth, he is not.
----That was the original Fifi – Diane Von Hoffman - on Memphis Wrestling this past Saturday. I have been told the guy working TIWF [Rex who was the last guy as Larry Booker’s partner] has also contacted Memphis Wrestling about coming in as a Moondog. Grady Watson has been managing Cujo and I was told is asking $100 for him to come in a manage. OMG!!!
----Ron Spence, who ran the NWF show that I attended in Paragould, AR with the Midnight Express, has applied with the AWA and looks to be running the first AWA/NWF show on July 12, 2007. He is trying his best to get AWA World Lightweight champion Krazy K Kirby Mack in to wrestle Austin Lane. The main event will have Buff Bagwell vs Disco Inferno. He will also be using Damien of Disciples of Sinn. I am really not sure if the AWA name means anything to anyone except hardcores in this area, but it will be interesting to see if he can draw with the bigger names. I plan to be at the show.
----Kraven Moorehead sent a letter telling me that he actually did get in a fight with a fan during the MAW worked shoot. I have also been told that the fan was trained by Snowman and he should have known better. Kraven said the following – “Hey B.T.! I want to tell you that I did get into a fight with a fan, but he hit me first. He got mad a Derrick, Poker and me and pushed Derrick and ran straight for me. He grabbed my neck and swung at me so I grabbed him back and started punching him. Everybody broke it up and I went to the back. Then I hear Derrick back on the mic and I hear him telling people to get away from him. I didn't know that he had run onto the balcony. So I went back out to try to find him, when I did the same guy who started the fight with me came back at me so I hit him with a chair. Then Morton who at the time was trying to climb the balcony from the ground level hopped down and ran at me and tackled me. I fish hooked him till everyone kicked him off of me.” Just the thought of Kraven fishhooking anyone cracks me up!! The best I can tell from everyone is that it was a worked shoot, but the MAW took it too personally. I am really hoping it helps MAW draw a crowd.
----Another note on the piece that I posted – it was an Arena Report by Clinton Boyland and after I posted it, I was unable to edit it. Kraven’s name was spelled wrong and he was also listed as a Memphis Wrestling wrestler and in truth, he is not.
Shows For The Weekend - TONIGHT!!!
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, Stan Lee, “The Posse” [Lil Chris/Simon],Psycho, Erik Hayes, Rockin Randy, Dustin Starr, The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Seth Knight and more.
---- Friday night for TFW in Tupelo, MS with "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, The Freakshow [Chop Top the Clown & Vinnie the Blade], “DOA” [Dirty Sanchez & Orion], Tysin Starr, "The Future" Chris Styles, Jonathon Douglas, "DC" David Cross,Pappy,Izzy Rotten and more.
----Friday night in Newport, AR for WFAC @ 8:00 PM Newport National Guard Armory 2000 Fairground. Scotty Graham, Allan Storm, X-Caliber, Idol Bane, Kid Krazzy, Tommy Wayne and more.
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes The Hambones, Loose Cannon, Chris Hollywood, Big Daddy LaFonce, and more.
---- Friday night for TFW in Tupelo, MS with "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, The Freakshow [Chop Top the Clown & Vinnie the Blade], “DOA” [Dirty Sanchez & Orion], Tysin Starr, "The Future" Chris Styles, Jonathon Douglas, "DC" David Cross,Pappy,Izzy Rotten and more.
----Friday night in Newport, AR for WFAC @ 8:00 PM Newport National Guard Armory 2000 Fairground. Scotty Graham, Allan Storm, X-Caliber, Idol Bane, Kid Krazzy, Tommy Wayne and more.
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes The Hambones, Loose Cannon, Chris Hollywood, Big Daddy LaFonce, and more.
I have been having problems posting the last few days and that is why there has been no updates. If you are reading this, then it is up and running. I should have lots of updates in the next 12 hours with news from all over along with ratings and shows for the weekend.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
RassleResults: TLCW 3.24.07 - Seth Knight New Hardcore Champ!!
Dell Tucker over Erik Hayes, Shannon Lee, Lil' Tim Alfonzo to keep Cruiserweight title
"The Posse" [Simon/Chris] over Rude/"Rockin" Randy
Seth Knight over Alex Krisis to become Hardcore Champion
Oz/Jawbreaker Jones over Bishop/Christian Jacobs
Tatt2 over "Cowboy" Brian Steele
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony over Flash Flanagan with school boy after DK through powder in Flash's eyes
"Cruzin 4 Pain" [Motley Cruz/187] over Derrik King/Stan Lee to keep the TLCW tag titles.
----Around 160 to 170 in the crowd. A gate close to $950...C4P did with the tag team titles last week...Even though this would not be a big deal anywhere else, but the team of Bishop/CJ was a big deal as "Picture Perfect" vs "Black Out Squad" was a huge feud here during the last part of 06. Bishop danced like PP after the bout. That had to be funny..."Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] did a dark match of sorts and looks like they will get a spot here. This is the perfect place for this team to learn more and get experience with a good working crew.
"The Posse" [Simon/Chris] over Rude/"Rockin" Randy
Seth Knight over Alex Krisis to become Hardcore Champion
Oz/Jawbreaker Jones over Bishop/Christian Jacobs
Tatt2 over "Cowboy" Brian Steele
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony over Flash Flanagan with school boy after DK through powder in Flash's eyes
"Cruzin 4 Pain" [Motley Cruz/187] over Derrik King/Stan Lee to keep the TLCW tag titles.
----Around 160 to 170 in the crowd. A gate close to $950...C4P did with the tag team titles last week...Even though this would not be a big deal anywhere else, but the team of Bishop/CJ was a big deal as "Picture Perfect" vs "Black Out Squad" was a huge feud here during the last part of 06. Bishop danced like PP after the bout. That had to be funny..."Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] did a dark match of sorts and looks like they will get a spot here. This is the perfect place for this team to learn more and get experience with a good working crew.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 3.24.07
----Jennifer Justice wins TV Title in Battle Royal….”High Rollers” beat Showstopper/Johnny Thunder…AJ Bradley/Void beat Wildman/JR
Rich…Steven Rampage beat Weasel/Way Cool in a triple threat…Main Event: Big Boy Bob beat Moondog Rex
----Around 100 in the building with a gate close to $500…They had an angle where Allen Walker pretty much came out and did a shoot interview on the TIWF crew. Big Boy Bob joined him as all the other TIWF guys were out. Walker announced that next week – “The Missouri Bad Boys” [Renegade/Mark Southern] debut…Bob used Rex’s bone to win the bout. After that Walker/Bob ran out to their car to
leave. I was told the crowd was nutty…Not sure if I like the idea of Justice winning a TV Title, but I do know I hate them using a Moondog!!!...Tag team matches were for the vacated TIWF Tag Team Titles. Hope they put them on Void/Bradley…PK Ripper jumped in the triple and brawled with Weasel.
----Photo above is an "old school" photo of Coach BT/Ms Jennifer aka ME/Jennifer Justice. It cracked me up because she is doing the same pose in the new pic!!!

----Around 100 in the building with a gate close to $500…They had an angle where Allen Walker pretty much came out and did a shoot interview on the TIWF crew. Big Boy Bob joined him as all the other TIWF guys were out. Walker announced that next week – “The Missouri Bad Boys” [Renegade/Mark Southern] debut…Bob used Rex’s bone to win the bout. After that Walker/Bob ran out to their car to

----Photo above is an "old school" photo of Coach BT/Ms Jennifer aka ME/Jennifer Justice. It cracked me up because she is doing the same pose in the new pic!!!
BIG NEWS!!! Matt Boyce at the Smackdown Tapings!!
----I just got the following from www.dustinstarr.com and wanted to steal it and post it. This is what happens when you go to the cam
Matt Boyce is in Grand Rapids, Michigan at this very moment at the ECW / Smackdown tapings! Whether Matt will actually appear on the shows or not is another story... but he was booked, and he is there! Matt could very well be involved in some way, shape or form tonight to build for Wrestlemania! Keep your eyes peeled for ECW tonight and Smackdown on Friday night!

Matt Boyce is in Grand Rapids, Michigan at this very moment at the ECW / Smackdown tapings! Whether Matt will actually appear on the shows or not is another story... but he was booked, and he is there! Matt could very well be involved in some way, shape or form tonight to build for Wrestlemania! Keep your eyes peeled for ECW tonight and Smackdown on Friday night!
TFW Tupelo, MS 3.23.07
Vega the Dragon over Mark Mayhem
Hitman over Tysin Starr, Dirty Sanchez, & Stevie Davis in a 4 way match. Cassanova Kidd d. Chris Kilgore.
Shawn Reed & Josh Matthews went to a time limit draw.
Chris Styles over David Cross.
The Freakshow beat 24/7 to retain tag team belts.
Tony Dabbs vs. Izzy Rotten for the belt ended in a DQ win for Izzy.
----125 in the crowd with a gate around $625...Buff Bagwell returns to TFW May 18, 2007
Hitman over Tysin Starr, Dirty Sanchez, & Stevie Davis in a 4 way match. Cassanova Kidd d. Chris Kilgore.
Shawn Reed & Josh Matthews went to a time limit draw.
Chris Styles over David Cross.
The Freakshow beat 24/7 to retain tag team belts.
Tony Dabbs vs. Izzy Rotten for the belt ended in a DQ win for Izzy.
----125 in the crowd with a gate around $625...Buff Bagwell returns to TFW May 18, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
RassleResults: XOW New Albany, MS 3.24.07--Danny B's Son Gets Attacked!!!
Jay Webster won over Dalton Storm
"PURE DESTRUCTION" [Brody & Cody Hawk] won over Primetime Nick Grimes & Cassanova Kid
Pappy/Jay Webster/Colton Anderson wo
n over Buzz Harley/Izzy Rotten/Justin Rhodes
Soultaker won over Tommy Knox
24/7's Kross & J.R. Mauler won over D.C. & Fusion
Danny B. Good won over Neal "the real deal" Taylor with Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock handcuffed to Tony Watts at ringside. (see pic)
----70 in crowd with a gate close to $350...After the main event Blaylock & Taylor attacked Danny’s son. Danny B. lost it and was ranting & raving & throwing stuff, demanding a match with Neil. Re-match this Sat. night. Love that angle!! They did this once [and I think Eddie Gilbert booked this??] with Pez Whatley and it was great!!!
"PURE DESTRUCTION" [Brody & Cody Hawk] won over Primetime Nick Grimes & Cassanova Kid
Pappy/Jay Webster/Colton Anderson wo
Soultaker won over Tommy Knox
24/7's Kross & J.R. Mauler won over D.C. & Fusion
Danny B. Good won over Neal "the real deal" Taylor with Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock handcuffed to Tony Watts at ringside. (see pic)
----70 in crowd with a gate close to $350...After the main event Blaylock & Taylor attacked Danny’s son. Danny B. lost it and was ranting & raving & throwing stuff, demanding a match with Neil. Re-match this Sat. night. Love that angle!! They did this once [and I think Eddie Gilbert booked this??] with Pez Whatley and it was great!!!
Arena Report MAW Memphis, TN 3.25.07 - Derrick King Invades!!!
----Was it a work or a shoot?? This business is based on a big time façade and if I was a betting man, then I would say if you were at attendance at MAW last night, then you got worked!! Not a bad thing – actually I think it came off real well from all the reports that I got. Everyone is talking about it, which means it worked on that level. If it helps with attendance for the next show, and then it was a hell of angle.
Gabriel Stalker w/Pimpin’ Antoin Smooth def. Dell Tucker to retain the MAW Jr. Heavyweight Title.
Dre Black comes to the ring with Showstopper to call out Commissioner K.C. Gold and demand his belt. KC comes out with TFO and says that he has heard Black complaining for the past two months. He opens his jacket to reveal the MAW Championship belt, and makes an offer. He says that if Black can defeat his lackey Showstopper, as well as TFO member Johnny Morton, he will give him the belt around his waist.
“Punisher” Dre Black def. Showstopper. Showstopper immediately dropped to the mat, allowing Black the easy pin. KC says that Showstopper shouldn’t be such a punk, so he makes him the same offer. If Showstopper can beat Black and Morton, he gets the belt. Showstopper made a valiant effort to actually beat Black, but was pinned after a Black Out from Punisher.
“Punisher” Dre Black def. “Juicy” Johnny Morton. Morton started the match with a sneak attacked as Black was being distracted by K.C., but was also pinned after a Black Out. Gold looked disappointed, but says he made a deal. He takes off the title, and throws the belt from his pants to Dre. Gold says that the deal was for the belt on his waist, but he’d have to earn a shot at the title.
In a surprise appearance, Memphis Wrestling’s Derrick King, Pokerface, and Craven Moorehead came into the ring to berate the organization, calling the company WCW, USWA, and KAW before getting the name right. King says hello to the “capacity crowd of tens of thousands”, and talks about the lack of talent in MAW before K.C. Gold comes back out. King says that MAW is nothing but a roster of misfits, and that without himself, Poker and Craven, there would be no MAW. K.C. says he has two things to tell King, the first being that when you come to MAW, be careful because things tend to fall from the sky. As the Memphis Wrestling crew looks around, Tatt2 emerges from the back and dropkicks King from the top rope. K.C. says the second thing is “MAW spelled backwards is WAM motherfucker!” He says that if King wants to stick around, he’ll put him in a match with Tatt2 tonight.
Precious def. “New Blood” Dave Anthony w/Antoin Smooth. As the MW crew made their way to the back, Southern Extreme Wrestling’s Lamarrus Brooks, AKA The Kid comes out to join the announce table and further berate MAW, specifically Precious. After winning with a piledriver, TFO joins Precious as he knocks out New Blood with a vicious chairshot. Precious says that he’s the best thing going in MAW, and to hell with Memphis Wrestling. He also tells The Kid that the next time he calls him to work on a show, he’s going to tell him to stick it where the sun don’t shine.
"24/7" vs. "Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] vs. 201 Express ended in a No Contest. 24/7 made an open tag team challenge, which was answered by Genocide and 201 Express. After all hell broke loose in the match, 24/7 were thrown out of the ring and run to the back.
Big Country gets on the mic and says that they are the biggest team in the South, and if Memphis Wrestling wants to send someone down to face them, they are up for the challenge.
Tatt2 def. Derrick King w/Craven Moorehead and Pokerface. Before the match, King says that this is a homecoming of sorts for Tatt2, having “wobbled from obscurity” in MAW. Derrick also notices that Carnage Antwane is in the crowd. The Memphis Wrestling crew laughs at Carnage, until he emerges from the crowd and steps into the ring. Derrick runs out to the security guard and berates him for letting “just anybody” into the ring, saying (on a shoot) that he would never hire him to work security at any of his shows. The match finally starts after King reminds the ref that his “coveted Memphis Wrestling Cruiserweight Championship” is not on the line. TFO stands at ringside to watch the match, but doesn’t interfere, despite constant interference from Pokerface and Craven. Tatt2 gets the pin with a flying sunset flip, then continues to brawl with the MW crew. As the three men start to beat him down, the Black Out Squad comes out to make the save. K.C. says welcome home to the BOS, and makes a 6-man challenge to the MW crew. He says that these three men made it and can compete with Memphis Wrestling. Derrick tells K.C. that he bit off more than he could chew, and this was now real. He says that Memphis is his hometown, and that poor white trash and freeloaders like the MAW fans don’t deserve to be here. He then throws the mic into the ring and storms out of the arena. K.C. tells Carnage Antwane that if he wants back in, he’ll let him. CA says that he doesn’t want to wrestle, he wants to fight. The challenge is opened for the next MAW show, but as this is going on a fight breaks out between Craven and a member of the crowd.
As the locker room empties to break up the fight, Derrick King escapes to the balcony. He says that K.C. has started a war he can’t finish, and berates the “nobodies” of MAW again. As he goes down the list, naming Chris Lexx and The Crime, Johnny Morton storms from the back when he hears his name. He attempts to climb the balcony to get to Derrick, but security and other wrestlers hold him back. K.C. attempts to order his boys to the back, but Morton has to be pulled away from Craven. K.C. waits for an answer from Derrick, but is pulled to the back to break up more fighting between the MAW and MW rosters. He apologizes for having to cancel the rest of the show, but all control has been lost in the New Daisy. The show ends with King saying he’ll be back at the next MAW event with more of his friends. The majority of the MAW roster, especially Big Country, Crime, Chris Lexx and Johnny Morton all want to shut Derrick King’s big mouth.
----Here is my take on it – DK and crew were suppose to be there and an angle was suppose to be shot, but I am not sure if everyone was expecting DK to do some of the things he did. DK, the heel, can sometimes go OVER BOARD, which I have said in the past I am not a big fan of…but...it really sounds like it got everyone going. I have actually seen friends of DK get mad at him and try to go after him before from the crowd. I was told there were about 50 people [$250 gate] in attendance and if DK & the guys return, and the gate is larger, then it worked.
**Credit to Clinton Boyland for Arena Report. Statements with "----" are my comments.
Gabriel Stalker w/Pimpin’ Antoin Smooth def. Dell Tucker to retain the MAW Jr. Heavyweight Title.
Dre Black comes to the ring with Showstopper to call out Commissioner K.C. Gold and demand his belt. KC comes out with TFO and says that he has heard Black complaining for the past two months. He opens his jacket to reveal the MAW Championship belt, and makes an offer. He says that if Black can defeat his lackey Showstopper, as well as TFO member Johnny Morton, he will give him the belt around his waist.
“Punisher” Dre Black def. Showstopper. Showstopper immediately dropped to the mat, allowing Black the easy pin. KC says that Showstopper shouldn’t be such a punk, so he makes him the same offer. If Showstopper can beat Black and Morton, he gets the belt. Showstopper made a valiant effort to actually beat Black, but was pinned after a Black Out from Punisher.
“Punisher” Dre Black def. “Juicy” Johnny Morton. Morton started the match with a sneak attacked as Black was being distracted by K.C., but was also pinned after a Black Out. Gold looked disappointed, but says he made a deal. He takes off the title, and throws the belt from his pants to Dre. Gold says that the deal was for the belt on his waist, but he’d have to earn a shot at the title.
In a surprise appearance, Memphis Wrestling’s Derrick King, Pokerface, and Craven Moorehead came into the ring to berate the organization, calling the company WCW, USWA, and KAW before getting the name right. King says hello to the “capacity crowd of tens of thousands”, and talks about the lack of talent in MAW before K.C. Gold comes back out. King says that MAW is nothing but a roster of misfits, and that without himself, Poker and Craven, there would be no MAW. K.C. says he has two things to tell King, the first being that when you come to MAW, be careful because things tend to fall from the sky. As the Memphis Wrestling crew looks around, Tatt2 emerges from the back and dropkicks King from the top rope. K.C. says the second thing is “MAW spelled backwards is WAM motherfucker!” He says that if King wants to stick around, he’ll put him in a match with Tatt2 tonight.
Precious def. “New Blood” Dave Anthony w/Antoin Smooth. As the MW crew made their way to the back, Southern Extreme Wrestling’s Lamarrus Brooks, AKA The Kid comes out to join the announce table and further berate MAW, specifically Precious. After winning with a piledriver, TFO joins Precious as he knocks out New Blood with a vicious chairshot. Precious says that he’s the best thing going in MAW, and to hell with Memphis Wrestling. He also tells The Kid that the next time he calls him to work on a show, he’s going to tell him to stick it where the sun don’t shine.
"24/7" vs. "Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] vs. 201 Express ended in a No Contest. 24/7 made an open tag team challenge, which was answered by Genocide and 201 Express. After all hell broke loose in the match, 24/7 were thrown out of the ring and run to the back.
Big Country gets on the mic and says that they are the biggest team in the South, and if Memphis Wrestling wants to send someone down to face them, they are up for the challenge.
Tatt2 def. Derrick King w/Craven Moorehead and Pokerface. Before the match, King says that this is a homecoming of sorts for Tatt2, having “wobbled from obscurity” in MAW. Derrick also notices that Carnage Antwane is in the crowd. The Memphis Wrestling crew laughs at Carnage, until he emerges from the crowd and steps into the ring. Derrick runs out to the security guard and berates him for letting “just anybody” into the ring, saying (on a shoot) that he would never hire him to work security at any of his shows. The match finally starts after King reminds the ref that his “coveted Memphis Wrestling Cruiserweight Championship” is not on the line. TFO stands at ringside to watch the match, but doesn’t interfere, despite constant interference from Pokerface and Craven. Tatt2 gets the pin with a flying sunset flip, then continues to brawl with the MW crew. As the three men start to beat him down, the Black Out Squad comes out to make the save. K.C. says welcome home to the BOS, and makes a 6-man challenge to the MW crew. He says that these three men made it and can compete with Memphis Wrestling. Derrick tells K.C. that he bit off more than he could chew, and this was now real. He says that Memphis is his hometown, and that poor white trash and freeloaders like the MAW fans don’t deserve to be here. He then throws the mic into the ring and storms out of the arena. K.C. tells Carnage Antwane that if he wants back in, he’ll let him. CA says that he doesn’t want to wrestle, he wants to fight. The challenge is opened for the next MAW show, but as this is going on a fight breaks out between Craven and a member of the crowd.
As the locker room empties to break up the fight, Derrick King escapes to the balcony. He says that K.C. has started a war he can’t finish, and berates the “nobodies” of MAW again. As he goes down the list, naming Chris Lexx and The Crime, Johnny Morton storms from the back when he hears his name. He attempts to climb the balcony to get to Derrick, but security and other wrestlers hold him back. K.C. attempts to order his boys to the back, but Morton has to be pulled away from Craven. K.C. waits for an answer from Derrick, but is pulled to the back to break up more fighting between the MAW and MW rosters. He apologizes for having to cancel the rest of the show, but all control has been lost in the New Daisy. The show ends with King saying he’ll be back at the next MAW event with more of his friends. The majority of the MAW roster, especially Big Country, Crime, Chris Lexx and Johnny Morton all want to shut Derrick King’s big mouth.
----Here is my take on it – DK and crew were suppose to be there and an angle was suppose to be shot, but I am not sure if everyone was expecting DK to do some of the things he did. DK, the heel, can sometimes go OVER BOARD, which I have said in the past I am not a big fan of…but...it really sounds like it got everyone going. I have actually seen friends of DK get mad at him and try to go after him before from the crowd. I was told there were about 50 people [$250 gate] in attendance and if DK & the guys return, and the gate is larger, then it worked.
**Credit to Clinton Boyland for Arena Report. Statements with "----" are my comments.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
RassleResults: MEW Batesville, AR 3.24.07 - New Tag Champs!!
1ST three matches are tournament matches for the M.E.W Heavy Weight Title.
"The Suicide King" Ray Ray over Plowboy Hayes
Wild Bill beat "Byg Daddy" Moose
"Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne won over Steve-O.
Light Heavy Weight Title Match
Eric Wayne beat "The Brazilian Bad Boy’ Rozzi
Cody Thunder " The Velvet Lover" was being interviewed when "Crazy" Luke Graham and Scott Graham attacked him, Casino Kid came to his aid and by order of the Commissioner Johnny Hawk they were ordered to defend there title’s later that night.
Rasslin Rodeo Clowns beat the Danger Zone { "Dangerous" Dave Cox and "Hot Rod" John Ellison}
Main Event
Casino Kid/Cody " The Velvet Lover"Thunder beat "Crazy" Luke Graham and Scott Graham for the MEW Heavy Weight Tag Team Tittles.
252 people in attendance.
"The Suicide King" Ray Ray over Plowboy Hayes
Wild Bill beat "Byg Daddy" Moose
"Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne won over Steve-O.
Light Heavy Weight Title Match
Eric Wayne beat "The Brazilian Bad Boy’ Rozzi
Cody Thunder " The Velvet Lover" was being interviewed when "Crazy" Luke Graham and Scott Graham attacked him, Casino Kid came to his aid and by order of the Commissioner Johnny Hawk they were ordered to defend there title’s later that night.
Rasslin Rodeo Clowns beat the Danger Zone { "Dangerous" Dave Cox and "Hot Rod" John Ellison}
Main Event
Casino Kid/Cody " The Velvet Lover"Thunder beat "Crazy" Luke Graham and Scott Graham for the MEW Heavy Weight Tag Team Tittles.
252 people in attendance.
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 3.24.07 - Kilo Gets Court Date!!!
---- The big story coming out of the show last night was not the wrestling, but some fan went after Kilo and Kilo ended up getting a court date out of it. During the main event, Kilo [who was out with Steele] was being a natural heel and was mouthing off to some people in the front row. Kilo had his back turned and a kid came up behind Kilo and shoved him back a few feet, then the kid punched Kilo twice and then Kilo tore started punching him. Tank came from ringside and put a shoot choke on the kid to get him off of Kilo but he wouldn’t let go. The arena was dark all except for the ring which was lit up, so no one knew that the kid wasn’t but 13 until after he had already been escorted outside and called his mom and dad. The cops were called and Kilo was given a court date after everything was explained. Kilo did not go to jail because it was self defense. After that over half the crowd left and the heat for the main event was dead. From all accounts that I got the kid struck first and he didn’t look 13 years old. He was actually bigger than Kilo.
Gryffon X defeated Gunner Thompson
"Southern Outlaw" Kilo defeated Phoenix X
Slim "the Bulldog Pickens & The Sicilian Kid defeated Bonecrusher & Loose Cannon to retain the NBW Tag-Team Titles
"All That" Allen Steele defeated "Risk Taker" Gaylon Ray to retain the NBW HEavyweight Title
Ca$hFlow's Bulldozer "Stumaga" defeated "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore
Big Red & Psycho went to a double countout with a pull apart at the end with the whole locker room emptying
"All That" Allen Steele defeated "Real Deal" Tim Edwards with Edwards own finisher to retain the NBW TItle
----About 80 paid with 100 people in the crowd with a $400 gate...Weezy no showed because he had a sunburn on his back…Tank walked out with all the members of Ca$hFlow but did not wrestle...The STUMAGA thing was Mo's idea. It was Tommy Boy and he was stupid enough to go along with it. He was drawn all over with a Sharpie. I was told by more than one person that he looked horrible. Stumaga was for “Stupid Umaga” and was supposedly a rib on Tommy. Either way at one time when Mo was booking DCW, he had Flex Bagwell [Flex of “Too Cool 2”] and “Stunning” Shane Austin. Austin actually came out to “Stone Cold’s” music. Here is the kicker though – Tommy Boy can’t get the Sharpie off his face!! LOL OMG I love that!!!
Gryffon X defeated Gunner Thompson
"Southern Outlaw" Kilo defeated Phoenix X
Slim "the Bulldog Pickens & The Sicilian Kid defeated Bonecrusher & Loose Cannon to retain the NBW Tag-Team Titles
"All That" Allen Steele defeated "Risk Taker" Gaylon Ray to retain the NBW HEavyweight Title
Ca$hFlow's Bulldozer "Stumaga" defeated "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore
Big Red & Psycho went to a double countout with a pull apart at the end with the whole locker room emptying
"All That" Allen Steele defeated "Real Deal" Tim Edwards with Edwards own finisher to retain the NBW TItle
----About 80 paid with 100 people in the crowd with a $400 gate...Weezy no showed because he had a sunburn on his back…Tank walked out with all the members of Ca$hFlow but did not wrestle...The STUMAGA thing was Mo's idea. It was Tommy Boy and he was stupid enough to go along with it. He was drawn all over with a Sharpie. I was told by more than one person that he looked horrible. Stumaga was for “Stupid Umaga” and was supposedly a rib on Tommy. Either way at one time when Mo was booking DCW, he had Flex Bagwell [Flex of “Too Cool 2”] and “Stunning” Shane Austin. Austin actually came out to “Stone Cold’s” music. Here is the kicker though – Tommy Boy can’t get the Sharpie off his face!! LOL OMG I love that!!!
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 3.24.07
----First match of the show was a Battle Royal to determine an opponent for the Sam’s Town Champion Johnny Dotson for the 4.13.07 show. Tatt2 won eliminating both “Insane Clowns” in the end.
----“Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock interview with Fire/Flame. Blaylock says he is bringing in Kamala as part of the “Clique” on 4.13.07. Corey Maclin announces he is bringing in the Boogeyman to wrestle Kamala. Jimmy says, “ Noooo!! Nooooo!!” This was funny.
----Jazz interview with Maclin video. He promotes her as WWE superstar. She calls herself the “Queen B”. Not a good interview.
----“New Nature Boy” Kevin White/Mr. Hughes interview. White calls out Bill Dundee, but Dundee wasn’t even at the studio. White/Hughes beat The Cutlers. Cutlers were dressed like a bad imitation of the Headbangers. They did a pretty good job getting squashed though.
----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. It is announced that Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Hass will face them at the show. Flex acted liked it did not bother him, but Grind was worried.
----I can’t believe I am typing this, but next they aired a video of The Grizz. The Grizz, who is the Memphis Grizzlies’ mascot, is getting more air time and promotion than the REAL wrestlers!!! Koko Ware interview about Grizz – Ware says he has been itching since wrestling The Grizz because he has fleas now. This was horrible!!! Russell tells Koko the stip of the Grizz vs Ware bout at “Sam’s Town” will be if the Grizz loses, then he loses his mask and if Ware loses he wears a chicken suit. Koko calls Maclin a negro.
----The Moondogs [Cujo/Fifi] beat Fire/Flame by COR. Blaylock comes out with Fire/Flame, and then Grady Watson comes out blowing a whistle as Moondog Cujo along with Maclin saying Fifi is Cujo’s wife. I don’t think this is the original Fifi.
----“Hollywood” Jimmy brings out Chuckie the Monster Midget. Chuckie chances Maclin around the desk and then another midget called “Sawed Off” chases Chuckie around the ring. This was horrible!!!
----Derrick King interview comes out with the JR title. DK calls Lance “banana nose”!!! LOL DK has two magazines. A MAD magazine with Jerry Lawler in it. And then he pulls out the WWE magazine with Fantasio [Spellbinder] in it. Lawler comes out to give DK a present – a mask, which looks just like Fantasio. DK walks away with the mask and then walks into the backstage curtain and there are more masks. Lawler then talks about the WWE Hall of Fame and says Lance Russell is the sole reason he was a wrestler. Lawler says that the match is going to happen – Lawler vs Hulk Hogan.
----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] beat Chris O’Neal/Flash Flanagan. Excellent TV bout with tons of spots and perfect psychology. It was too short, but from start to finish was one of the better bouts on TV this year. Heat on O’Neal with hot tag on Flash. O’Neal had Flex pinned, but Grind hit him with a title belt for the pin.
----Lance Russell joined Corey Maclin for the show… They are doing a great job promoting the Friday 13th show. It will be interesting how they will draw without Jerry Lawler…Hughes said that Dundee had got Lord Humongous to be his partner for “Sam’s Town”, but Maclin then announced that Hughes/White would face Dundee/Mystery Partner. BUT, LOL – Humongous is a heel. Huey is on the commercial for the 13th show….Koko was wearing dreadlocks under his cap…They spent a lot of time putting over the DVD collection that Maclin/Hart were selling on www.shopathometv.com. You can take a look at the collection - it is a 10 DVD set for a little over $80… Harry Del Rios, who has wrestled here as Spellbinder, Shock and Elijah, will be reprising his WWE gimmick as Fantasio. Derrick said that Fantasio was voted “Most Forgotten” wrestler in the WWE magazine, but I thought it was for worst gimmick?? Well, anywho, I may be in the minority here, but I loved the gimmick and DK should be fun in this storyline. The ironic thing about Spell is that he did a shoot interview for an internet radio show in September of last year and when talking about DK said, “If you are listening Derrick, I like you even though you are a faggot.”
----“Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock interview with Fire/Flame. Blaylock says he is bringing in Kamala as part of the “Clique” on 4.13.07. Corey Maclin announces he is bringing in the Boogeyman to wrestle Kamala. Jimmy says, “ Noooo!! Nooooo!!” This was funny.
----Jazz interview with Maclin video. He promotes her as WWE superstar. She calls herself the “Queen B”. Not a good interview.
----“New Nature Boy” Kevin White/Mr. Hughes interview. White calls out Bill Dundee, but Dundee wasn’t even at the studio. White/Hughes beat The Cutlers. Cutlers were dressed like a bad imitation of the Headbangers. They did a pretty good job getting squashed though.
----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. It is announced that Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Hass will face them at the show. Flex acted liked it did not bother him, but Grind was worried.
----I can’t believe I am typing this, but next they aired a video of The Grizz. The Grizz, who is the Memphis Grizzlies’ mascot, is getting more air time and promotion than the REAL wrestlers!!! Koko Ware interview about Grizz – Ware says he has been itching since wrestling The Grizz because he has fleas now. This was horrible!!! Russell tells Koko the stip of the Grizz vs Ware bout at “Sam’s Town” will be if the Grizz loses, then he loses his mask and if Ware loses he wears a chicken suit. Koko calls Maclin a negro.
----The Moondogs [Cujo/Fifi] beat Fire/Flame by COR. Blaylock comes out with Fire/Flame, and then Grady Watson comes out blowing a whistle as Moondog Cujo along with Maclin saying Fifi is Cujo’s wife. I don’t think this is the original Fifi.
----“Hollywood” Jimmy brings out Chuckie the Monster Midget. Chuckie chances Maclin around the desk and then another midget called “Sawed Off” chases Chuckie around the ring. This was horrible!!!
----Derrick King interview comes out with the JR title. DK calls Lance “banana nose”!!! LOL DK has two magazines. A MAD magazine with Jerry Lawler in it. And then he pulls out the WWE magazine with Fantasio [Spellbinder] in it. Lawler comes out to give DK a present – a mask, which looks just like Fantasio. DK walks away with the mask and then walks into the backstage curtain and there are more masks. Lawler then talks about the WWE Hall of Fame and says Lance Russell is the sole reason he was a wrestler. Lawler says that the match is going to happen – Lawler vs Hulk Hogan.
----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] beat Chris O’Neal/Flash Flanagan. Excellent TV bout with tons of spots and perfect psychology. It was too short, but from start to finish was one of the better bouts on TV this year. Heat on O’Neal with hot tag on Flash. O’Neal had Flex pinned, but Grind hit him with a title belt for the pin.
----Lance Russell joined Corey Maclin for the show… They are doing a great job promoting the Friday 13th show. It will be interesting how they will draw without Jerry Lawler…Hughes said that Dundee had got Lord Humongous to be his partner for “Sam’s Town”, but Maclin then announced that Hughes/White would face Dundee/Mystery Partner. BUT, LOL – Humongous is a heel. Huey is on the commercial for the 13th show….Koko was wearing dreadlocks under his cap…They spent a lot of time putting over the DVD collection that Maclin/Hart were selling on www.shopathometv.com. You can take a look at the collection - it is a 10 DVD set for a little over $80… Harry Del Rios, who has wrestled here as Spellbinder, Shock and Elijah, will be reprising his WWE gimmick as Fantasio. Derrick said that Fantasio was voted “Most Forgotten” wrestler in the WWE magazine, but I thought it was for worst gimmick?? Well, anywho, I may be in the minority here, but I loved the gimmick and DK should be fun in this storyline. The ironic thing about Spell is that he did a shoot interview for an internet radio show in September of last year and when talking about DK said, “If you are listening Derrick, I like you even though you are a faggot.”
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