Saturday, February 17, 2007
Computer issues
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Shows for The Weekend 2.16 - 2.17.07
----Friday night in Newport, AR for WFAC @ 8:00 PM Newport National Guard Armory 2000 Fairground. Scotty Fury, Allan Storm, X-Caliber, Idol Bane, Kid Krazzy, Tommy Wayne and more.
----Friday night in Brownsville, TN at the New Breed Arena Main Event/TIWF Tag Team Title Match: The Big Boys w/ Ravishing Randy vs. Jawbreaker Jesse Dee/Dazzlin’ Dixie; TIWF Regional Heavyweight Title Match ;"The Elusive Enigma" PK Ripper vs. Lawman Williams; Tank Turner vs. Bobby “ The Butcherman” Smith, and Wildside, JR Rich, Steven Rampage, Maxx Corbin, Albino Rhino, Void, Razor, Jon Seymour, Hotrod, Psycho, Ravishing Randy, and more...
---- Friday night for TFW in Tupelo, MS with "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, The Freakshow [Chop Top the Clown & Vinnie the Blade], “DOA” [Dirty Sanchez & Orion], Tysin Starr, "The Future" Chris Styles, Jonathon Douglas, "DC" David Cross,Pappy,Izzy Rotten and more.
----Saturday night in Paragould, AR for Arkansas Championship Wrestling with Arnez, Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon, Adrian Banks, Big Indian, “Hambone Express”,Blakster, Deadly Dale and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM for TIWF with Big Boys; TV Title Match; Steven Rampage vs. JR Rich; Cruiserweight Title Match Wildside vs. Overkill; PK Ripper, Lawman Williams, DOC, Maxx Corbin, Albino Rhino, Void, Razor, Jon Seymour, Hotrod, Psycho, Ravishing Randy, and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN – Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, “Kountry Homeboyz” [Gunner & Weezy], Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Rob Harlem, Allen Steele.
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Chris Styles, Little Stevie Davis, Homeless Joe, Mario, Devon Raynes, Dalton Storm, Kage, Cyrus, Chaz, and more.
----Saturday night in New Albany, MS 107 McGill ST [right off the square] with XWO will have Storm, "Pure Destruction"[Brody & Cody Hawk],Thomas Knox, Danny B, Psycho, Brett Michaels, Pappy, Izzy Rotten, Nick Grymes and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – with “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Stan Lee [if he is not at the casino],Rockin Randy,Motley Cruz, 187,Tasha Simone, Dell Tucker, Black Out Squad” [Oz/Bishop], Brian Steele, Buckwheat, Tim Alfonzo, Seth Knight, “Jawbreaker” Jones, Tatt2 and more.
---- Saturday night Batesville, AR at the Old Miller Gym for Main Event Wrestling. Admission is free Crazy Luke Graham Jr. & Gerry "Chubby" Graham Casino Kid, “Righteous Punishment” [Byg Daddy and Jack “Lockdown” Johnson], “Hot Rod” John Ellison, Johnny Harper, and more.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

RassletBits: PP, WFAC, Sam's Town, Mickey Ray, LAW, DCWF, Psycho and NBW angle!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The Ratings Are In!!
----The ratings were a little better this week and right in the average. I have provided above a new number for everyone to see. It is the 12 week average, so we can see how the current show compares to the last 12 shows. This week’s show finished with 3.3 [55,098 viewers], which is just a little over 1,800 viewers over the average.
Worst: 1.4 [22,472 viewers] 2.03.07
g the low and highs of the last 12 weeks, so this show’s high quarter, which was the first quarter, was 19,476 below the highest quarter, but the lowest quarter was 26,134 MORE viewers than the lowest. I always wonder why so many viewers turn off from quarter to quarter. The 13,982 drop may be contributed to the start of the Grizz vs Koko angle that no one cares about. This angle can only have one payoff and that is if someone is that suit as a surprise to Koko. The Kevin White/Dundee angle dropped this week a bit, but they still got to be proud of close to 170,000 people have been watching that angle in the last three week. Lawler also can be happy as his match jump almost 6,000 viewers to see vs DK. Even though their last TV bout lost 22,639 viewers it did score a 4.4 rating [73,575 viewers].
Monday, February 12, 2007
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 2.10.07

Chris Hollywood Makes Another Statement about Cujo Moondog!!

"I just seen Moondog Cujo on Memphis Wrestling and that was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. He is so fat and out of shape he could not even stand up and what about them overalls. The reason why he had overalls on is because he is to fat to wear anything else. Also I wonder if he could call his spots any louder in the ring. Actually he needs some Rogaine for that bald ass head. That's why there should not be anymore Moondogs cause all their going to do is kill the Moondog name. Because my father took pride in the name and it goes to show that no one can live it up to the name Moondog. To sum it all up - it is Memphis Wrestling and it has been around since the dawn of time. But if they keep on doing shit like that it will not be around much longer. Because all Corey is going to do is kill Memphis Wrestling. " Chris Booker - Son of Spot
Sunday, February 11, 2007
RassleResults: CWA Savannah, TN 2.10.07 - Best Gate of The Year!!!

RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 2.10.07 - Steele turns back heel!!!

RassleResults: MCW Osceola, AR 2.09.07

Memphis Wrestling TV Report 2.10.07
Liger bomb for the pin. Good match.
with Cujo.
terfere again. No big moves just punches and a few backdrops, but a good match. DK pulled own his strap [pictured] at one time and even did the Lawler fist drop, but missed. Lawler finally pulled down his strap and went after Fine outside the ring. Fine was at Corey’s desk running away and DK hit Lawler from behind. Lawler then threw a fireball and DK ran to the ring. Lawler pinned him for the win.
----This Memphis Wrestling TV report is also posted every week on,, , Yahoo Mempho Group,,,
, Pro Wrestling Resource and
RassleResults: MEW Batesville, AR 2.10.07

----222 in the stands…Rozzi [pictured]turned heel by helping the Grahams win their match with a quick count over RP. RP held the belts for one week…Rasslin Rodeo Clowns?? WTF?? Please tell me this is a rib!?! It would make me so happy if they had a law against all Clown/Hillybilly gimmicks.
RassleFULLResults: WFCA Newport, AR 2.09.07 - Bobby Eaton Wins Cup!!

At the start of the show, Burnside's son Chris "Lineman" Bryant came out to the announcer's table to address the fans, thank them and let them know that WFAC is back.
In round one of the tournament, Cody Daniels defeated Kid Krazzy.
WFAC Executive Director Brian Thompson interviewed Allan Storm, who received a bye into the second round of the tournament based on his standing in WFAC history. Brian asked Allan two questions, but he remained silent until a demonic song came on, at which time Allan went nuts until the song stopped playing.
In round one of the tournament, Idol Bane defeated Wild Bill. Bane's shoulder was posted mid-way through the match and Bill took advantage. Bane rolled bill up for a three count after Bill got into an argument with the referee.
In a semi-final tournament match, Idol Bane still injured from the previous match defeated Allan Storm. Storm had Idol in a submission and Idol tapped the mat trying to reach the ropes. On the third tap he reached the ropes. The referee told Storm to break the hold. Storm, hearing the taps, thought he won the match. The referee said "no." Storm pushed the ref, who pushed Storm into an Idol Bane roll up for the win.
About 8 minutes into a 10 minute intermission, a commotion was heard coming from the lockerroom and suddenly Cody Daniels and Cujo came through the curtain brawling. It took two referees and several security guards to get the two into the lockerroom.
In the second semi-final match of the tournament, Scotty Graham defeated Cody Daniels by countout. Daniels was on his way to the ring when Cujo attacked him and they brawled to the back again. At first, the referee disqualified Graham and awarded the match to Daniels. Graham disputed the result and came to the announcer's table. He threatened to sue WFAC and said that since the referee never signaled for the bell to start the match, the result was unofficial. Thompson said that technically Graham was right. Graham them said that the referee could not start the match and if Daniels doesn't answer the ten count, he wins by countout, which is what happened.
Special guest "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton was introduced. He thanked the fans for coming and talked about how he was a good friend of "Momma Sharon." He challenged anybody in WFAC at any time. Thompson put over the fact that Eaton has one of the "best right punches in wrestling history."
Prior to the tournament final and Main Event, three WFAC dignitaries were introduced as Deadly Dale, Little Lucky and Cujo came to the ringside area. They were to serve as judges in the case of a time limit draw.
In the tournament final, Scotty Graham defeated Idol Bane to win the event. Toward the end of the match, Cujo sucker punched Deadly Dale and Lucky, who then were escorted to the back by security. During the commotion, Cujo attacked Bane and then Graham hit him with a thumb to the throat (similar to Umaga's finish). The referee was distracted by all of the chaos, not seeing the outside interference.
Bobby Eaton came out to congratulate Graham. Graham dissed Eaton and said he wished it could've been Bobby. Eaton went to the ring and said, "Le'ts go!" Thompson made the match and put the tournament title on the line. Cujo distracted Eaton, giving Graham an edge. Graham worked Eaton's leg for the entire time. Eaton was able to pull himself up and deliver three big knockout right handed punches and get the win. After the match, Cujo jumped Eaton and it was a 2-on-1 attack on Eaton until Idol Bane and Cody Daniels made the save. Daniels and Cujo ended up brawling to the back.
Graham ended up talking trash on the mic saying it didn't matter about Bobby getting the win, since he may have lost the cup but not his spot as No. 1 contender. Thompson stopped him and said there will be law and order in WFAC. He said since Graham and Cujo liked to do things in "two's" there will be a tag team match next week. It will be Scotty Graham and Cujo vs. Idol Bane and Cody Daniels. Since there's not a No. 2 contender, if Bane or Daniels get the fall on Graham they become the No. 2 contender. Then he added a little swerve that if Cujo pins either Bane or Daniels, he'll get the spot and Graham will have to face his cohort for the WFAC title!
RassleNotes: Crowd was 70 paid with about 90-95 in the building for a gate of $350 . . . Teco Murdoch provided the ring to WFAC after a last minute cancellation . . . show started a little late at 8:15 p.m., but was over around 10:20 p.m. for a two-hour show . . . The promotion plans to run the building every Friday night. The only time they won't run is when the National Guard has a drill weekend, usually once per month...The Cujo here is NOT the same guy as in Memphis and he does not do a Moondog gimmick...This show was booked by Brian Thompson and looks like this group could be fun. Loved the idea of Eaton winning the Cup, but Graham still gets to keep his heat as #1 contender.
RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 2.10.07

----68 paid with a gate close to $340…Show started with KC Gold joining Hotrod to announce…Jon Seymour is involved in an angle where they made him head custodian [he was commish], but he is trying to tell everyone about the voting for Commish was a fraud, but he is interrupted by “The Foundation” [heel group] with Ravishing Randy. Jon ends up getting the Lobotomy Driver from Steve Rampage…Randy refused to give “Genocide” a tag team title shot, but they then pretty much squashed “DOC” [who is this??]…Seymour came out later to say that next week they will have evidence of the commish fraud – he should have never came out after that driver on him…The TV title match was the best on the show and during the ending the lights went out and “The Watcher” came out. Since I have not been following storylines here very long, I know idea who this is…Rampage was the special ref in the main. Jennifer Justice was in the corner of “Dixie Justice”, but that team didn’t last long as Dixie turned on Lawman. Dixie would not join Randy though…This group has some fun storylines and follow them tons better than some groups in the area – especially Memphis Wrestling.