----68 paid with a gate close to $340…Show started with KC Gold joining Hotrod to announce…Jon Seymour is involved in an angle where they made him head custodian [he was commish], but he is trying to tell everyone about the voting for Commish was a fraud, but he is interrupted by “The Foundation” [heel group] with Ravishing Randy. Jon ends up getting the Lobotomy Driver from Steve Rampage…Randy refused to give “Genocide” a tag team title shot, but they then pretty much squashed “DOC” [who is this??]…Seymour came out later to say that next week they will have evidence of the commish fraud – he should have never came out after that driver on him…The TV title match was the best on the show and during the ending the lights went out and “The Watcher” came out. Since I have not been following storylines here very long, I know idea who this is…Rampage was the special ref in the main. Jennifer Justice was in the corner of “Dixie Justice”, but that team didn’t last long as Dixie turned on Lawman. Dixie would not join Randy though…This group has some fun storylines and follow them tons better than some groups in the area – especially Memphis Wrestling.