This week's edition of Memphis Wrestling opens with Corey Maclin alone in the studio discussing what everyone will see on this edition. He also plugs the upcoming Memphis Wrestling event on Feb. 28 in West Memphis. (Editor's Note: Please see the full report for an update on a change in location for the event.)
After a break, Corey is back in the studio to plug the Feb. 28 West Memphis event and to talk about Tommy "Wildfire" Rich, who will be showcased later in the broadcast.
Match: Tatt2 and 1tastic vs. The Insane Clowns w/Rashard Devon
This was a contest from the CW30 "PrimeTime" era of Memphis Wrestling.
The clowns dominate early, but end up on the receiving end later in the bout. As Tatt2 and 1tastic do a double roll-up, Rashard comes into the ring and throws powder into their eyes, causing the Clowns to be disqualified.
After the match, the Clowns continue to beat down their opposition.
Following another commercial break, Maclin is back in the studio. He says that Jerry "The King" Lawler will have a few comments to make later in the show. Maclin then puts over Tommy Rich and talks about his popularity and brief reign as NWA World Heavyweight Champion.
Match: Tommy "Wildfire" Rich vs. Keith Roberson
This was a studio bout from the early 1980's. Only minutes into the match, "Outlaw" Don Bass, Dirty Rhodes and Larry Wright hit the ring and attack Rich, leaving him a bloody mess. Promoter Eddie Marlin tells the trio that if they do not stop their attack, they will be suspended.
Rhodes and company brag to Lance Russell about what they did. Jerry Lawler shows up and, along with Rich, they get into a wild brawl with the group and run them off. Then Lawler cuts an intense promo about how Bass, Rhodes and Wright ran his car off the road and attacked him. He says they are not so tough when the odds are a little more even.
Back in the studio, Maclin talks about Rich's tag team with "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert. He also says that today's program will feature a look at the Fabulous Ones -Stan Lane & Steve Keirn.
After a commercial break, Maclin is back in the studio talking about "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock and his negative comments toward Jerry Lawler last week. He says there are more comments from Blaylock this week.
Blaylock is joined this week by a West Memphis cab driver who says that Lawler owes him $2,500 in tabs. The guy said, "I trusted Lawler. He's the King - the King of Ripoffs." Blaylock tells that the guy that "he has good news." He tells him of the Lawler/Sid Vicious bout set for Feb. 28 in West Memphis.
Blaylock says that Maclin always "hand picks" opponents for Lawler and mentions Derrick King and Dustin Starr as opponents that Blaylock says even he could beat. Blaylock says that Sid will "tear Lawler apart" and he hopes Sid makes Lawler bleed.
Back in the studio, Maclin takes Blaylock to task for his comments. He switches gears and mentions some of the great tag teams that have graced the rings of Memphis - the Moondogs, Road Warriors and Rock N' Roll Express. Maclin says that the Fabulous Ones are right at the top of the list.
Match: The Fabulous Ones vs. The Assassins
The Assassins were in a 2 out of 3 fall match from the early 1980's, but after the first fall the opposition couldn't continue. Manager Jimmy Hart is talking about a lack of competition and how everyone is afraid to face the Assassins.
The Fabs show up and end up brawling the Assassins out of the studio.
Back in the studio, Maclin talks about how he doesn't think there will ever be another tag team like Lane and Keirn. Maclin then mentions the upcoming Feb. 28 card featuring Lawler against Sid Vicious. He pitches to a video featuring recent comments from Sid.
Sid is working out at a West Memphis gym. He tells Lawler that noone can stop him.
Maclin is back in the studio and says that Sid's "elevator doesn't go all the way up."
After a break, Maclin says that he wants to show some footage to Vicious and Blaylock to remind them of just how tough Jerry Lawler is.
Match: Jerry "The King" Lawler with Sam Bass vs. Bobo Brazil
This was from the 1970's and the early heel days of Lawler when he was managed by Bass.
Lawler pounds away at Brazil, but the big man is able to retaliate with one of this "Kokobutt" headbutts. The headbutts cause Lawler to bleed. Outside interference from Bass helps Lawler win and retain his Southern Heavyweight title.
Match: Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Lord Humongous
This was a bout for the Southern Heavyweight Title from the 1980's. Lawler had lost it to Humongous and was trying to regain.
Lawler is able to get the Jason mask off Humongous. Referee Jerry Calhoun ends up getting squashed in the corner. Humongous gets his mask and hits Lawler with it. He tries to revive Calhoun to make a count as Lawler recovers to grab a steel chair. "The King" uses the chair on Humongous en route to getting the win.
Match: Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Kendo Nagasaki
This is footage from another Southern Heavyweight title match from the 1980's. The footage fast forwards to the 13-minute mark where Lawler is firing back on Nagasaki. Lawler pounds away on Nagasaki, but misses a fist drop. Nagasaki takes control and has Lawler pinned, although too close to the ropes.
"The King" comes back and hits a belly-to-back suplex for the victory.
Following the footage, Lawler is at home talking about the upcoming Feb. 28 card. He informs everyone that the show has been moved from West Memphis to Memphis at the White Station High School Gym, which seats approximately 4,000 people. The card will feature Lawler against Sid Vicious; a Battle Royal; "Grandmaster Sexay" Brian Christopher vs. "Dangerous" Doug Gilbert in a "Hardcore Match"; a Divas match featuring Su Yung; King Cobra vs. "New Nature Boy" Kevin White; and "Outlaw" Don Bass in action. Next week, Lawler said there will be more information on where to buy tickets.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
N.E.W. Results - West Memphis, AR 02.06.09
New Experience Wrestling (NEW) returned to West Memphis, AR at the "Nightmare" Ken Wayne School of Professional Wrestling for another round of TV tapings for future distribution last night. Here are the results...
- Dustin Ring defeated Tatt2
- Shawn Reed defeated "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony
- Stan Lee defeated Shawn Reed
- "3G" Eric Wayne & Kid Nikels defeated Greg King & Matt Justyce
RassleNotes: Around 30-35 in attendance this week...The RasslinRiotOnline awards show was plugged for next week's event...Playing off their match from two weeks prior where Reed was disqualified for throwing fists at Anthony, TGB slapped Reed who drew back with a fist. Anthony ducked down and Reed rolled him up...Stan Lee was interviewed about his return to NEW and told that his scheduled opponent did not arrive, but another competitor had agreed to face him - Shawn Reed...For the third straight week, Matt Justyce did not show up for training. However, he did at least call this week prompting Ken Wayne to allow him to work the tag team match. Justyce made two unnecessary saves of his partner, eliminating that option for the team. Remember that NEW rules allow only two saves of a pin or submission attempt. A third is grounds for a DQ...NEW returns next week to West Memphis with an 8 p.m. bell time.
- Dustin Ring defeated Tatt2
- Shawn Reed defeated "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony
- Stan Lee defeated Shawn Reed
- "3G" Eric Wayne & Kid Nikels defeated Greg King & Matt Justyce
RassleNotes: Around 30-35 in attendance this week...The RasslinRiotOnline awards show was plugged for next week's event...Playing off their match from two weeks prior where Reed was disqualified for throwing fists at Anthony, TGB slapped Reed who drew back with a fist. Anthony ducked down and Reed rolled him up...Stan Lee was interviewed about his return to NEW and told that his scheduled opponent did not arrive, but another competitor had agreed to face him - Shawn Reed...For the third straight week, Matt Justyce did not show up for training. However, he did at least call this week prompting Ken Wayne to allow him to work the tag team match. Justyce made two unnecessary saves of his partner, eliminating that option for the team. Remember that NEW rules allow only two saves of a pin or submission attempt. A third is grounds for a DQ...NEW returns next week to West Memphis with an 8 p.m. bell time.
A Piece of My Mind Feb 7th 2009 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I was in Charlotte, N.C., this week and while I was in Gold’s Gym I found myself looking at a familiar face. So I asked the man if he remembered me from Allentown, PA., when I was hanging around with Afa and Sika “The Wild Samoans”. He said “Yes I do”; I reintroduced myself to a guy who was a great worker whether as a heel or a babyface. I also reminded him that the last time I saw him it was at Nelson Royal's funeral. It was great seeing Rene Goulet again. We got a chance to talk about old times. I gave him some updates on some guys. He told me about Ric Flair breaking Stan Lane into the business, since he was in the territory at the time and got to see a lot of it firsthand. It’s always great running in to guys that you haven’t seen in a long time.
That was a rough week not only did Nelson pass away but the mother of “The Wild Thing” Willie Clay, Etta Clay also passed away that week as well. I remember riding with “Carolina’s Own” David Isley to both wakes on the same night. Willie was the local promoter in Concord, N.C. where we used to work on a very regular basis. It was at Willie’s shows that I first became a manager and then first became a wrestler. I started out working babyface against Gary Royal. It had to be Gary because I had no chance otherwise. I went into the ring with no in ring training to speak of. Any training I did have was many many years earlier.
I was managing David Isley at the time and working babyface participating in matches and learning as I was going along. It wasn’t long after that we decided it was time to turn “The Yankee” heel so we started a slow turn. In time David got suspended for something and I brought him back in as “The Midnight Rider”. We were still not turned but we were on our way. In time the whole thing blew up and “The Rat Patrol” was born. We had started using Willie Nelson’s Midnight Rider as our entrance music and we got real hated real quickly. It was nuts, but the second that music played, we were already getting booed. It wasn’t long after thereafter that we needed police escorts to our car by the local Concord, N.C. police. The local officers, like Tony Atwell and Debra Crump, were normally on duty and would get us to our cars. We always went and hit Shoney’s after the show and talked over the nights events.
These shows were a lot of fun an literally minutes from the house when I was living in Concord, NC. When it came to the Wild Thing Willie Clay he was a local hero in the community. He was also a totally accomplished musician and played locally in the Carolina’s for many years and I believe still does today. He even appeared on a program out of Nashville called Catch a Rising Star performing his own original song. It was easy to understand why the people backed him and hated me. I came out with my Yankee attitude and that’s all it took. I believe our big blow off angle was myself and my many times opponent “Gorgeous" Gary Royal and someone named the Buddha who was a white Abdullah the Butcher type that I really liked against Willie Clay, Jimmy Jam Garvin and Michael P.S. Hayes. At the time Isley was suspended for previous actions. It was the next to the last match for Michael Hayes before he started with the WWE. We had to go on early so Jimmy and Michael could get down the road to their double shot. So we worked with Michael on his last Indy show ever and probably one of the last for Jimmy Garvin. On that night Willie turned us babyface after a long running feud. The Buddha was ordered to attack me by Gary Royal and Isley ran in from the stands to save me from the beating and believe it or not our old enemy “The Wild Thing” Willie Clay made the save.
I spoke to Willie today to catch up and found out he was running The National Guard Armory in Mooresville, N.C. on Saturday Feb 7th 2009. It was just going to be some of the local guys which meant it was going to be a lot of fun. He invited me down and, truthfully, I wanted to go but while I am in Concord I have been catching up with old friends so I was already committed to celebrate my friend’s birthday with him and his wife, Richard and Kathy Jarvis. I knew though that sooner or later Willie will run another show when I am back in town and that music will start and I will head back to the ring. Of course I can do without the police escort the next time.
This picture was taken in January 2005 at WrestleReunion 1 of The Rock and Roll Express( Morton and Gibson) and The Fantastics (Fulton and Rogers). It was before they teamed up for the first time against The Midnight Express (Condry, Eaton , Lane and Cornette).
Friday, February 06, 2009
Rikki Nelson Makes Statement about Flair Angle!!
----This might be a topic for discussion, especially for the workers in this area. Rikki Nelson is a full time professional wrestler. He makes his living as a wrestler. Would you as a worker in the area rather work in the indy scene [if you made enough money] to make a living or would you rather work for the WWE or TNA?? VOICE YOUR OPINION ON THE KAYFABE MESSEAGE BOARD!! CLICK HERE!!
The 3 Count by
Rikki Nelson
It appears as though 2009 will be the best year on record for NWA Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling... We will promote shows in Arkansas, Mississippi, NC, SC, Tennessee and again in China. Not bad for a small Independent promotion huh ??
With the addition of "The Champ", Ric Flair to our events, we think this should be our greatest year to date. BUT, if you listen to the guy's on WWE tv, they want you to think it's a bad thing to be on the indy circuit, but I guess we cant all suck up and kiss the boss's ass now can we ?? Why would you want to live in fear of being released every day of your career anyway ? The constant scrutiny from the higher up's and your "friends" stabbing you in the back at EVERY turn. To much drama !!
INDY WRESTLING..... Catch it when you can !!!!!!!!!!
The 3 Count by
Rikki Nelson
It appears as though 2009 will be the best year on record for NWA Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling... We will promote shows in Arkansas, Mississippi, NC, SC, Tennessee and again in China. Not bad for a small Independent promotion huh ??
With the addition of "The Champ", Ric Flair to our events, we think this should be our greatest year to date. BUT, if you listen to the guy's on WWE tv, they want you to think it's a bad thing to be on the indy circuit, but I guess we cant all suck up and kiss the boss's ass now can we ?? Why would you want to live in fear of being released every day of your career anyway ? The constant scrutiny from the higher up's and your "friends" stabbing you in the back at EVERY turn. To much drama !!
INDY WRESTLING..... Catch it when you can !!!!!!!!!!
RWA Honors Reno Diamond!!

The Royal Wrestling Alliance was privileged to have Reno Diamond wrestle for them on just three occasions. Reno was the main event in the very first show for the RWA and wrestled Jerry The King Lawler. Reno was in attendance Saturday night and Frank Martin had Reno introduced after intermission and allowed Reno to tell the fans in the RWA why he retired and good bye. It was very emotional and the fans gave Reno a standing ovation that lasted several minutes. He deserved every second of it.
Frank Martin had this to say about Reno. "I met Reno a couple years ago and have followed his career for a while. Reno is a class act and one of the best workers bar none in the business. You cannot replace a Reno Diamond all you can do is hope someone steps up and can just compare to him as a worker and as a person. Reno will be missed by the fans greatly and I consider myself lucky and honored to know him and to have him work for the RWA."
Credit: RWAreporter
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Something Interesting To Read...with Mark Sterling

----This was posted on Sterling's myspace blog and I thought it was VERY interesting. The fact that this guy actually remembers or even writes down all his stuff is amazing. I would have a better chance writing down all of some of the guys in this area's match history than them. Here goes...
"Running Down A Dream" by Mark Sterling
So about November of last year, I was talking with a buddy of mine from the Memphis area. He told me that he had worked 120 dates in 2007. That's two matches a week and then some. I had worked 41 dates in 2007, so roughly 3 or 4 times a month, usually a weekend off each month. I had worked for CSW, PWP, 3XW, a date or two for NWA No Limits, plus a handful of matches for LWA, Fusion, HCWA, Midstates and AAW. But I realized that if I truly wanted be a more complete wrestler, I really had to but in much more effort. I wanted to get better beyond the improvement I felt I got from wrestling 40 some dates a year, in addition to training camps and the CSW school (when it was open from summer 06 to fall 07)
So I made a New Year's Resolution for 2008. To work every single weekend, no matter what. Well, I came close.... I wrestled 50 out of 52 weekends and totaled 76 matches. Not as impressive as my Memphis friend, but given the area I live in where nobody runs weekly shows,..CLICK HERE for rest of Part I..then CLICK HERE for Part II
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR .01.31.09 - 250+ In The Crowd!!
Match 1. Leprechauns VS Sophisticated Hillbilly and Big Jim Wade. Winners Leprechauns.
Match 2. Pokerface VS Gary Diamond. Match thrown out.
Match 3. Tejano Kid and Precious VS Chris Steel and Cannon. Winner Cannon and Steel.
Match 4. Dominique VS Nikki Lane. Winner Nikki Lane.
Match 5. “Irish Dragons” [Scott Fury/Acid] VS J.D. Kerry Mike Titan. No Contest.
Match 6. Johnny Dotson VS Austin Lane. Winner Dotson.
Match 7. P.O.B Buzz Kill and Ron Rage VS Ric Ruby and Cujo. Winner Ruby and Cujo.
Start of the show Martin introduced Blalok The Blazer. Blalok told Martin that when he signed with the RWA Martin promised him competition but when he walked through the dressing room he didn't see any. That's when Pokerface came out and came to the ring and the two went after it. Blalok powdered and did a great mic spill. Next week will have a match between the two.
Tejano Kid and Precious ran in on Pokerface and Diamond and Steel and Cannon made the save. Cannon and Steel make the save and are fan favorites and both are over with the crowd. Yes you read that right credit Rodney Mack for the way this has been done. This angle has been done in such a way that the fans like Cannon and Steel in a major way. Cannon and Steel ran in and Tejano and Precious match and cost them the match.
Irish Dragons are strong and working Kerry and Titan has the fans hot and the tag tournament hot. Since the match was a no contest both teams move to the loser's bracket. Martin came out and chewed Acid out for changing his gimmick without consulting Martin. Martin then let Kerry make a match to punish The Dragons. Kerry made a hardcore match with fans bringing the weapons.
Austin Lane and Johnny Dotson had a great match these two really put on a show for the fans. Before the match Dotson got mad at Martin because the music didn't stop when he started speaking and then his mic cut out on him(shoot) Martin was sitting in the booth to try and fix the mic receiver. He called Martin “four eyes” and told him he would come down to the sound booth and slap the glassed off his face. Martin muted his mic and he started out of the ring. Dotson only met Martin one time before this and the two did not get a chance to talk to each other before the match. Dotson (shoot) forgot Martin owned the company and when he came out of the ring Martin's youngest son and a friend of his stepped in front of Martin. Martin's son is 6' 5" and 350 lbs and his friend is 6'4" and 265 lbs. Dotson did not know they were security and the two acted like they were serious. The reaction from Dotson was priceless he later told Martin he thought he was going to get whoop for real. Lane was doing his best not to laugh, he knows Martin's son and his friend. Martin and Dotson had a good laugh back in the dressing room. Look for Dotson to become a regular.
Dog Pound and P.O.B was crazy and the fans were treated to watching the big man Cujo work. This big man can do it all - he can fight, wrestle and fly great big man and a great addition to the roster. Mack was hurt and on the outside, Rage attacked him and before it was all over Mack threw him face first into the wood stove. This feud is really heating up(sorry could not resist) and work stiff and the fans are enjoying the matches.
The biggest pop of the night was when Jazz made a run in on the women's match to get Dominique off Nikki. There is no doubt who the Queen of the ring is and Jazz announced she would be back in the ring very soon.
Of course the ice storm had the area in bad shape and still there was 250+ in the building for the show. Again credit Rodney Mack (Martin does)for the success of the company and for the roster he has put together.
Credit: RWAreporter
----This group continues to draw a bigger crowd each week. Kudos to Rodney Mack and crew for the booking and putting on a product that people want to see. The show I attended last year had a really hot crowd for a first two bouts, but then they lost them during some of the slower stuff. The roster can keep up with the crowd right now. Blalok vs Poker, POB vs “Dawg Pound”, Lane vs Dotson and the tag match with the “Dragons” has got to be some of the best stuff in the area.
Match 2. Pokerface VS Gary Diamond. Match thrown out.
Match 3. Tejano Kid and Precious VS Chris Steel and Cannon. Winner Cannon and Steel.
Match 4. Dominique VS Nikki Lane. Winner Nikki Lane.
Match 5. “Irish Dragons” [Scott Fury/Acid] VS J.D. Kerry Mike Titan. No Contest.
Match 6. Johnny Dotson VS Austin Lane. Winner Dotson.
Match 7. P.O.B Buzz Kill and Ron Rage VS Ric Ruby and Cujo. Winner Ruby and Cujo.
Start of the show Martin introduced Blalok The Blazer. Blalok told Martin that when he signed with the RWA Martin promised him competition but when he walked through the dressing room he didn't see any. That's when Pokerface came out and came to the ring and the two went after it. Blalok powdered and did a great mic spill. Next week will have a match between the two.
Tejano Kid and Precious ran in on Pokerface and Diamond and Steel and Cannon made the save. Cannon and Steel make the save and are fan favorites and both are over with the crowd. Yes you read that right credit Rodney Mack for the way this has been done. This angle has been done in such a way that the fans like Cannon and Steel in a major way. Cannon and Steel ran in and Tejano and Precious match and cost them the match.
Irish Dragons are strong and working Kerry and Titan has the fans hot and the tag tournament hot. Since the match was a no contest both teams move to the loser's bracket. Martin came out and chewed Acid out for changing his gimmick without consulting Martin. Martin then let Kerry make a match to punish The Dragons. Kerry made a hardcore match with fans bringing the weapons.
Austin Lane and Johnny Dotson had a great match these two really put on a show for the fans. Before the match Dotson got mad at Martin because the music didn't stop when he started speaking and then his mic cut out on him(shoot) Martin was sitting in the booth to try and fix the mic receiver. He called Martin “four eyes” and told him he would come down to the sound booth and slap the glassed off his face. Martin muted his mic and he started out of the ring. Dotson only met Martin one time before this and the two did not get a chance to talk to each other before the match. Dotson (shoot) forgot Martin owned the company and when he came out of the ring Martin's youngest son and a friend of his stepped in front of Martin. Martin's son is 6' 5" and 350 lbs and his friend is 6'4" and 265 lbs. Dotson did not know they were security and the two acted like they were serious. The reaction from Dotson was priceless he later told Martin he thought he was going to get whoop for real. Lane was doing his best not to laugh, he knows Martin's son and his friend. Martin and Dotson had a good laugh back in the dressing room. Look for Dotson to become a regular.
Dog Pound and P.O.B was crazy and the fans were treated to watching the big man Cujo work. This big man can do it all - he can fight, wrestle and fly great big man and a great addition to the roster. Mack was hurt and on the outside, Rage attacked him and before it was all over Mack threw him face first into the wood stove. This feud is really heating up(sorry could not resist) and work stiff and the fans are enjoying the matches.
The biggest pop of the night was when Jazz made a run in on the women's match to get Dominique off Nikki. There is no doubt who the Queen of the ring is and Jazz announced she would be back in the ring very soon.
Of course the ice storm had the area in bad shape and still there was 250+ in the building for the show. Again credit Rodney Mack (Martin does)for the success of the company and for the roster he has put together.
Credit: RWAreporter
----This group continues to draw a bigger crowd each week. Kudos to Rodney Mack and crew for the booking and putting on a product that people want to see. The show I attended last year had a really hot crowd for a first two bouts, but then they lost them during some of the slower stuff. The roster can keep up with the crowd right now. Blalok vs Poker, POB vs “Dawg Pound”, Lane vs Dotson and the tag match with the “Dragons” has got to be some of the best stuff in the area.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Invitation for Fans and Workers!!
----On February 13, 2009 at 7:00 PM, NEW will host the 2009 RRO Awards banquet. Brian Thompson and I will host the event. It will be held at the Nightmare Ken Wayne School of Professional Wrestling at 201 E Jefferson ST, BLDG 2 in West Memphis, AR. If you need directions, then please send me an e-mail. First I have listed the people that I know will be in attendance at the event. Below that are names of guys that I would like to invite to attend the event to receive their awards and watch the NEW show. I thought this would be easier than e-mailing everyone. Send me an e-mail to let me know if you are going to attend or not!!!
Rookie: Greg King Jr
Booker of the Year: Greg Anthony
Announcer/Columnist – Brian Thompson
Gimmick: Baron Malkavain
Horizon/Arena Match – Eric Wayne
Arena Report Match: Kid Nikels
Referee: Downtown Bruno
Manager: Jimmy Blaylock
Most Improved Idol Bane
Most Underrated/Tag Team: AJ Bradley
Site of the Year: The staff of
Female Performer/TV Match: Su Yung
TV Match: Garry & Kevin White
TV Match: Koko Ware
TV Match: Kid Kash
Wrestler/MVP Tag Team – Derrick King
MPV Performer/MVP Tag Team - Stan Lee
Tag Team of the Year – Black Label Society [Void/Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley]
Promotion: ASWF
RassleResults: SWS Jackson, TN 1.31.09
Big night for West Middle School in Jackson, TN.This was benefit show for the school and was a huge success! 201 paid, 240 in building.
Maxx Corbin welcomes everyone out tonight; he thanked everyone for coming and supporting the school. He calls out Principal Hegmon - the special ref for Maxx Corb vs Agent K-Hill match but before he could make his speech , “Big Stuff Inc”- Garry White, Su Yung and Agent K-hill comes out. White tells the principal if he would give him 5 minutes of his time in the back, that the school would raise a lot more money, White offers the principal a new gym, weight room for the football team. Hegmon agrees to go back and talk with Big Stuff Inc. Corbin left in the ring shocked.
Ty Hamilton defeated Patrick Smith. A very good opening match.
Michael Gilbert beat Ox Harley.
The Gladiator beat Chris Williams.
Maxx Corbin defeated Agent K-hill. The principal was allowing K-hill to cheat all throughout the match, Garry White and Su Yung was interfering at will with no repercussions. Toward the end of the match, White, Yung, K-hill was on the ref for not counting fast enough. K-Hill go under the ring and gets a chair, The principal stops K-hill from using the chair, K-Hill pushes the principal and tries to hit Corbin again, this time the principal gets the chair, warning K-Hill he didn't agree to chairs and permanently injuring Corbin. K-Hill grabs the principal, he nails K-hill and Corbin hits his finishing move on K-Hill for the win. Yung comes in and slaps Corbin, the assistant Principal (a Lady) runs in and grabs Yung by the hair and slams her to the mat.This match got the biggest pop of the night, Corbin is a teacher at the school.
Albino Rhino comes out for the next match. He says there is nobody for him to wrestle, about that time The Grand Masters Sexay Music hits and everyone was pleasantly surprised to see Brian Christopher. Christopher wins the match after Rhino missed a slash from the top rope.
Superstar Bill Dundee & Dangerous Doug Gilbert beat The New Nature Boy Kevin White & Southern Sensation Cody Melton w/ Garry White & Su Yung after Gilbert hit the piledriver on Melton.
Notes: Great Crowd tonight for a great event. This school was 10 miles from anywhere, way out in the boonies. Everyone was happy about how much money was raised for the school…A lot of TV spots in Jackson, Radio in Jackson, Posters, contests was all used to promote the show. 2 spots on Monday Night Raw, and about 30 spots on different stations, like ESPN, Comedy Central, 2 spots on TNA show. Add the fact that Brian Christopher wasn't ever promoted for the show…The main event was very good with Dundee, White, Gilbert, Melton…Ox Harley , a hardcore wrestler from Indiana, Michael Gilbert showed tonight he could hang with the tough guy. Yung had the crowd furious all night at her.
Credit: SWStudd
----I talked with a few people before this show and they were not even expecting a good crowd due to it being so out of the way. All local people read – they advertised!!...When I Goggled Ox Harley, I got this as one of the results – CLICK HERE – interesting stuff. Search his name and you will get some youtube stuff also…Was the Gladiator also K-Hill??..I loved the way they did the principal gimmick – totally different than usual…Was Chris Williams the guy beating Cody Melton up during the ad video?? And he gets beat?? LOL
Maxx Corbin welcomes everyone out tonight; he thanked everyone for coming and supporting the school. He calls out Principal Hegmon - the special ref for Maxx Corb vs Agent K-Hill match but before he could make his speech , “Big Stuff Inc”- Garry White, Su Yung and Agent K-hill comes out. White tells the principal if he would give him 5 minutes of his time in the back, that the school would raise a lot more money, White offers the principal a new gym, weight room for the football team. Hegmon agrees to go back and talk with Big Stuff Inc. Corbin left in the ring shocked.
Ty Hamilton defeated Patrick Smith. A very good opening match.
Michael Gilbert beat Ox Harley.
The Gladiator beat Chris Williams.
Maxx Corbin defeated Agent K-hill. The principal was allowing K-hill to cheat all throughout the match, Garry White and Su Yung was interfering at will with no repercussions. Toward the end of the match, White, Yung, K-hill was on the ref for not counting fast enough. K-Hill go under the ring and gets a chair, The principal stops K-hill from using the chair, K-Hill pushes the principal and tries to hit Corbin again, this time the principal gets the chair, warning K-Hill he didn't agree to chairs and permanently injuring Corbin. K-Hill grabs the principal, he nails K-hill and Corbin hits his finishing move on K-Hill for the win. Yung comes in and slaps Corbin, the assistant Principal (a Lady) runs in and grabs Yung by the hair and slams her to the mat.This match got the biggest pop of the night, Corbin is a teacher at the school.
Albino Rhino comes out for the next match. He says there is nobody for him to wrestle, about that time The Grand Masters Sexay Music hits and everyone was pleasantly surprised to see Brian Christopher. Christopher wins the match after Rhino missed a slash from the top rope.
Superstar Bill Dundee & Dangerous Doug Gilbert beat The New Nature Boy Kevin White & Southern Sensation Cody Melton w/ Garry White & Su Yung after Gilbert hit the piledriver on Melton.
Notes: Great Crowd tonight for a great event. This school was 10 miles from anywhere, way out in the boonies. Everyone was happy about how much money was raised for the school…A lot of TV spots in Jackson, Radio in Jackson, Posters, contests was all used to promote the show. 2 spots on Monday Night Raw, and about 30 spots on different stations, like ESPN, Comedy Central, 2 spots on TNA show. Add the fact that Brian Christopher wasn't ever promoted for the show…The main event was very good with Dundee, White, Gilbert, Melton…Ox Harley , a hardcore wrestler from Indiana, Michael Gilbert showed tonight he could hang with the tough guy. Yung had the crowd furious all night at her.
Credit: SWStudd
----I talked with a few people before this show and they were not even expecting a good crowd due to it being so out of the way. All local people read – they advertised!!...When I Goggled Ox Harley, I got this as one of the results – CLICK HERE – interesting stuff. Search his name and you will get some youtube stuff also…Was the Gladiator also K-Hill??..I loved the way they did the principal gimmick – totally different than usual…Was Chris Williams the guy beating Cody Melton up during the ad video?? And he gets beat?? LOL
Monday, February 02, 2009
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 1.31.09
"Monkey Boy" Danny Morris defeated Barney to retain the EPW Extreme Championship.
Robert Rose defeated Jay Webster by DQ.
Cassanova Kid & Kilo Green defeated Revolution (Tysin Starr & Chazz Stone).
Big Daddy Nino destroyed Barney.
Mason defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs.
Blade defeated Buzz Harley by count out. Harley walked out during the match.
The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) vs. Bonecrusher & Soul Taker ended in a no contest ruling when Brody Hawk interfered.
Phat Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) over Sons of the South (Chris Styles & Josh Matthews w/Big Daddy Nino) by DQ due to interference by Nino. PHAT Foundation becomes #1 contenders for the EPW Tag Team Championship.
Pure Destruction vs. 24/7 became The Asylum w/Brody Hawk) vs. 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) because Cody Hawk was unable to be there. The match ended in a no contest when Brody hawk interfered. Hawk, Psycho, & Pappy beat Kross & JR down. Several guys came out of the back to help Kross & JR, but they were beaten down also. The beat down continued until Bonecrusher & Soul Taker came in and cleared the ring. Kross & JR were carried from the ring and taken to the hospital, where they were treated and released. EPW Promoter Edith Poole suspended The Asylum for one week because of their actions.
Paid attendance was 90. I counted 111 in the building. They were treated to a great show.
This Saturday night, 2/7/09, the EPW card in Booneville will include:
Jay Webster vs. Robert Rose in a fan's lumberjack strap match. Loser has to leave EPW for 30 days.
"Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant returns to EPW, teaming with Bitty Little against PHAT Foundation.
Tojo Yammamoto, Jr. makes his EPW debut, taking on EPW Champion Cassanova Kid.
Ladies on the card!
It all happens in Booneville, MS, this Saturday night, 2/7/09, at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145 in Booneville. Bell time is 7:00 p.m. Don't miss it, it's gonna be a great show!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Robert Rose defeated Jay Webster by DQ.
Cassanova Kid & Kilo Green defeated Revolution (Tysin Starr & Chazz Stone).
Big Daddy Nino destroyed Barney.
Mason defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs.
Blade defeated Buzz Harley by count out. Harley walked out during the match.
The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) vs. Bonecrusher & Soul Taker ended in a no contest ruling when Brody Hawk interfered.
Phat Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) over Sons of the South (Chris Styles & Josh Matthews w/Big Daddy Nino) by DQ due to interference by Nino. PHAT Foundation becomes #1 contenders for the EPW Tag Team Championship.
Pure Destruction vs. 24/7 became The Asylum w/Brody Hawk) vs. 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) because Cody Hawk was unable to be there. The match ended in a no contest when Brody hawk interfered. Hawk, Psycho, & Pappy beat Kross & JR down. Several guys came out of the back to help Kross & JR, but they were beaten down also. The beat down continued until Bonecrusher & Soul Taker came in and cleared the ring. Kross & JR were carried from the ring and taken to the hospital, where they were treated and released. EPW Promoter Edith Poole suspended The Asylum for one week because of their actions.
Paid attendance was 90. I counted 111 in the building. They were treated to a great show.
This Saturday night, 2/7/09, the EPW card in Booneville will include:
Jay Webster vs. Robert Rose in a fan's lumberjack strap match. Loser has to leave EPW for 30 days.
"Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant returns to EPW, teaming with Bitty Little against PHAT Foundation.
Tojo Yammamoto, Jr. makes his EPW debut, taking on EPW Champion Cassanova Kid.
Ladies on the card!
It all happens in Booneville, MS, this Saturday night, 2/7/09, at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145 in Booneville. Bell time is 7:00 p.m. Don't miss it, it's gonna be a great show!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: DCW Dyersburg, TN 1.31.09 - 220 Pack the Arena!!

First match “the future” Dell Tucker beat Tatt2 with the “Wave of the Future”.
Second match: Chase Owens beat Sigmon
Karaoke Sing off: Derrick King won against “Mad Money” Mike
Third match Eli beat Wes
Forth match: “Real Deal” Tim Edwards beat Redman with a “Redrum”.
Jimmy Tidwell and Angelina are out talking about how Dustin Starr isn’t there tonight. He couldn’t make it and that the Baron was lucky because this was going to be the night that Dustin Starr ended his career. Jimmy and Angelina found out that if Dustin wasn’t there they were going to take his place in a match against the Baron later that night.
Fifth match: Chris Rocker and Kilo beat Motley Cruz and Rockin Randy. The end of the match was a wild one. It went down like this, Rockin Randy hit kilo with a superkick and went for the pin. Rocker broke up the pin and hit a beautiful neck breaker on Randy and went for the pin. Motley broke up the count and hit the 1%er on Rocker when he got up Kilo dropped kicked Motley out of the ring. Then Tim Edwards hit the ring to interfere but right behind him was Derrick King. Derrick stopped Tim from interfering and superkicked Randy. Kilo got the three count.
Shannon lee was out for an interview talking about how he is getting pushed around in DCW and looked over. He then made the comment that he would not be over looked anymore and he would start taking things in his own hands if DCW didn’t start respecting him more.
Main Event: “The Baron” Malkavain beat Jimmy Tidwell and Angelina when out of nowhere Dustin Starr attacked the Baron. Dustin then got the mic and told baron that his days in DCW were numbered.
Big questions in DCW?? When will we see Dustin Starr and the Baron in the ring?...The crowd is really hot and wants to see someone beat the hell out of Dustin Starr… Kilo looked like at times he was having trouble breathing, is his health at 100%?... When will DCW crown its first champ? The brackets are heating up with Chris rocker, Rockin Randy, Bishop and Edwards already in the next round…Mark Justice no showed…220 in building with about 200 paid. Crowd hot all night. Alot of advertising on DCW behalf is really paying off.
Credit: Spiritof1990
----Another increase in crowd. Advertising is helping. This angle with Starr/Baron is playing out good. I love the way they teased that Starr was not there and then he jumped Baron. So, the crowd will never know now when Starr will show up. Also they keep teasing the match, when they do have the “big” match, it will pay off…Wes and Eli?? Who the hell was that?? LOL…I believe Owens and Sigmon were both trained by Ricky Morton.
RassleResults: TXW Knoxville, TN 1.31.09

As TXW battled Tennessee basketball for attendance numbers, the TXW true believers showed up in solid numbers ready for an exciting night, and they were rewarded handsomely. The beginning of the show posed a lot of questions, while the end of the show answered quite a few.
The show opened with the stable of Ruff Cutt, Mike Powers, Jody Rivers and Billy Marshall terrorizing B97.5's Jennifer and the Bee, and offering young rising superstar Bob O Mac a spot in the powerful faction. Bob O Mac simply walked away... an action that would create a ripple effect throughout the show.
1) The veteran Deke Rivers rebounded nicely against the massively strong Trooper T, defeating with by pinfall after some underhanded tactics by the wily veteran.
2) Willie B Badd noticed his ex-partner Jason Maxx from the Death Row Inmates sitting in the audience, and while he made his way down to the ring to face Ryan Dookie, the two had VERY heated words for each other. The eternal KAPOW Heavyweight Champion Ryan Dookie and Willie B Badd had a great back and forth bout, but in the end, Jason Maxx interfered in the match and surprised everyone to cost Dookie the contest! Over the chants of "DRI", it appears that Badd and Max have put aside their differences and reformed the Death Row Inmates!!!
3) Youtube Television Championship
Bob O Mac used his speed to keep the champion, Ruff Cutt member Billy Marshall, at bay in the beginning of the contest, but the champ used his size to get an advantage near the end. But after a botched Crash Diet in the corner, Bob O Mac landed the Bob-O-Matic on big Billy Marshall for the 1...2...3! That is, until Mike Powers placed Billy's leg on the ring rope post match. The ref incorrectly stated that the pinfall should not have counted, and the match should restart. Billy was yanked out of the ring by his Ruff Cutt brethren, and ten seconds later, the match ended in a time limit draw.
Funkmaster V made his way to the ring with a dozen balloons and claimed that he was going to cheer up TXW's "sad clown" Juggalo Drake. Funkmaster attempted to make some balloon animals for Drake, popping them in his face and laughing loudly each time. Drake had enough and placed Funkmaster into his half-nelson choke hold and knocked the screaming Funk nearly unconscious. Demetria hit the ring with a Kendo stick and took care of Drake with a Super kick. Demetria said that Drake and he/she were high school friends and that Drake was a shell of his former self. Demetria was determined to bring Drake back to where he once was, claiming that he didn't deserve to be called a Juggalo anymore, because she/ he was one of the first in the area.
4) Shawn Shultz took on the returning Robbie Race in an excellent back and forth match. The crowd was actually split on whom to pull for, as Shawn and Robbie chants were alternated. The wily Shultz pinned Race after cheating... with Race demanding a rematch for next month.
5) TXW Tag Team Championships
The tag champs, Mike Powers and Deke Rivers of Ruff Cutt were confident that they were going to demolish the young masked team of Bobwyre and Ayden, but they were repeatedly surprised by the team's heart. In the end, experience won over youthful exuberance as Powers powerslammed the team to victory.
6) Main Event
TXW Heavyweight Championship
The crowd was behind the #1 contender Bobby Blassie from the get go, and this proved to be one of the most entertaining matches of the night. Chris Cameron [pictured] used several power moves and unique submissions to keep the 5'6 barrel of energy at bay. However, the tide turned at the end and it looked like we were going to have a new champion as Blassie landed his top rope elbow as the crowd burst into hysteria. But as James Malenko started to make the count, Ruff Cutt hit the ring and started attacking Bobby Blassie. Blassie won by DQ, but Cameron retains.
After the match, Bob O Mac, Juggalo Drake, and a surprise Donovan Daniels hit the ring to protect Bobby Blassie. The violence continued, before Ruff Cutt and the group of heroes decided on how the punishment will be dealt out next month. Billy Marshall challenged Donovan Daniels to a Youtube Television Championship match, and Ruff Cutt will defend their Tag Belts against the Bobs, Blassie and O Mac. Heavyweight Champion Chris Cameron appeared to be courted by Ruff Cutt for the fourth spot, but Cameron took his belt to the back, leaving the fourth member as a mystery.
Credit: Vinne Vineyard
----As I have said in the past, the Youtube TV Title is a great idea for any local promotion. You could actually film the matches and put them up on Youtube. It would be better than having some Extreme or such title...And speaking of titles, it is not a replica, but their title looks real lame.
RassleResults: SSW Kingsport, TN 1.30.09
Southern States Wrestling
Friday Jan 30, 2009
Kingsport TN @ National Guard Armory
"Little K Town Showdown"
* Bobo Brown beat Mike Cooper with his feet on the ropes
*TV Champion Nick Hammonds beat Jason Kincaid
*Nick Paradise beat National Champion Robbie Cassidy by count out after Beau James came out and ran Cassidy's head into the ring post
*Rebecca Lynn won 3 way over Misty James and Kassie Rains
*Ryan Dookie beat Ray Idol
*Tony Givens [pictured] beat Chase Owens w/ Ashlee after the match CWA World Champion Brian Logan ran in and gave Givens a pile driver. Tony was down for a several minutes and was put on a stretcher , but got off as he was being carried out and let everyone know in the building that it would take a lot more than a pile driver to put him out.
*SSW Champion Cody Ices beat Jamey Gibson by DQ after ref Brandon Cox caught Gibson with knucks
*Ricky Morton and The Party Boys (Wayne Adkins and Keith Knox) beat Beau James, Brian Logan and Kole Layton King when Morton pinned King with small packages. After the match King challenged Morton to a singles match. Morton chased King off. As the Party boys were leaving James,Logan, Owens, and Paradise jumped them and did a number on them until Tony Givens came out and ran them off with a pair of numchucks
131 paid 150 plus in the building
Next Event
Southern States Wrestling
Friday Feb 13 2009 8:15 PM
Kingsport,TN National Guard Armory
4401 West Stone Drive
18th Anniversary Spectacular
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Thanks!! Back Home!!
----I got to move back into the house from the hotel room early this morning. The power is back in about 70% of RRO home office town of Steele, MO. Thanks to everyone that called or e-mailed.
Jeff "The Crippler" Daniels on Jerkin' The Curtain tomorrow night, Monday Feb 2nd @ 10 PM CST
Jerkin' The Curtain returns tomorrow night, Monday February 2nd at 10 central time with a big show. Our guest will be Jeff "The Crippler" Daniels. My co-host Tommy Stewart will be there, and I think Larry Goodman will be on as well. This should be an interesting show for anyone who follows the Nashville wrestling scene, as Daniels has been a key player on it, both as a performer and as a booker, with NWA Main Event for many years now. We will take calls during the show, so if you want to call in, feel free, the number is 347-945-5503. Or send e-mail questions/comments to Cya tomorrow night at 10! Trent
John Steele Sends In Note!!
----Steele sent the following and I thought I would share it!!
Thanks to everyone for keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. My surgery went well, however time will tell how the recovery will go. The doctors discovered a detached retina in my eye during surgery, so they siliconed the detachment together. I'm fine though (thank God for pain killers lol) I will continue to do my N.E.W. work as well as my Radio Television projects with Arkansas State University. Again, thanks so much to you and all the area people keeping me on their minds.
Thanks to everyone for keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. My surgery went well, however time will tell how the recovery will go. The doctors discovered a detached retina in my eye during surgery, so they siliconed the detachment together. I'm fine though (thank God for pain killers lol) I will continue to do my N.E.W. work as well as my Radio Television projects with Arkansas State University. Again, thanks so much to you and all the area people keeping me on their minds.
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 1.31.09
93 attended
Travis Starr & Trakan Mathias b Dominator & Chris Norte (w/Ronnie Vegas) when Starr pinned Dominator
Stevie King (w/Ronnie Vegas) b Otis Bass
Harold Knight & Lightning Bolt Kid & Chris Bomb b Convict & Dominator & El Loco Uno (w/Ronnie Vegas) when Bomb pinned Uno
Saint b Anthony Wayne
LT Falk b Rudy Switchblade
ATL Tag Team Champions Psycho Medic & Derrick Neal b LA Player & D'Angelo (w/YT) by DQ when YT hit Medic with a briefcase
Shane Eden & Steven Green & Cody Weatherby b Damien Payne & Josh Crowe & Kevin James when Green pinned Payne
"Eugene" Nick Dinsmore b Chris Michaels
Post-match, Michaels announced that his was his final match as he is retiring for heath reasons. Locker room emptied and fans stopped to thank Chris.
Notes: Mike Sircy announced that NWA Cyberspace would begin TV tapings next Saturday here for an internet TV show. Sircy has a new championship belt for this that he displayed at the show tonight. He announced that next week would be a tournament to crown the initial champion. He also did a cell phone interview with Wild Boy Ben Jordan, who stated that he and Steve Neely wanted them some of the Bomb Squad next Saturday. Chris Bomb came out to accept the phone challenge for himself and TJ Weatherby.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
----This group has been drawing real low crowds. Sad that they can only get a 100 for Eugene.
Travis Starr & Trakan Mathias b Dominator & Chris Norte (w/Ronnie Vegas) when Starr pinned Dominator
Stevie King (w/Ronnie Vegas) b Otis Bass
Harold Knight & Lightning Bolt Kid & Chris Bomb b Convict & Dominator & El Loco Uno (w/Ronnie Vegas) when Bomb pinned Uno
Saint b Anthony Wayne
LT Falk b Rudy Switchblade
ATL Tag Team Champions Psycho Medic & Derrick Neal b LA Player & D'Angelo (w/YT) by DQ when YT hit Medic with a briefcase
Shane Eden & Steven Green & Cody Weatherby b Damien Payne & Josh Crowe & Kevin James when Green pinned Payne
"Eugene" Nick Dinsmore b Chris Michaels
Post-match, Michaels announced that his was his final match as he is retiring for heath reasons. Locker room emptied and fans stopped to thank Chris.
Notes: Mike Sircy announced that NWA Cyberspace would begin TV tapings next Saturday here for an internet TV show. Sircy has a new championship belt for this that he displayed at the show tonight. He announced that next week would be a tournament to crown the initial champion. He also did a cell phone interview with Wild Boy Ben Jordan, who stated that he and Steve Neely wanted them some of the Bomb Squad next Saturday. Chris Bomb came out to accept the phone challenge for himself and TJ Weatherby.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
----This group has been drawing real low crowds. Sad that they can only get a 100 for Eugene.
RassleResults: SAW Millersville, TN 1.30.09
Showtime All-Star Wrestling (SAW)
Millersville, TN
Attendance: 160
1. Drew Haskins beat Chris Eckos
2. Jesse Emerson beat Bad Boy Dixon.
3. Lightning Bolt Kid beat Phil Wilson.
4. Sigmon beat Chrisjen Hayme by DQ.
5. Gary Valiant & Harold Knight beat Rick Santel & Hammerjack.
6. Arrick Andrews beat Chris Michaels.
Credit: fullforcepro
Millersville, TN
Attendance: 160
1. Drew Haskins beat Chris Eckos
2. Jesse Emerson beat Bad Boy Dixon.
3. Lightning Bolt Kid beat Phil Wilson.
4. Sigmon beat Chrisjen Hayme by DQ.
5. Gary Valiant & Harold Knight beat Rick Santel & Hammerjack.
6. Arrick Andrews beat Chris Michaels.
Credit: fullforcepro
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