First match “the future” Dell Tucker beat Tatt2 with the “Wave of the Future”.
Second match: Chase Owens beat Sigmon
Karaoke Sing off: Derrick King won against “Mad Money” Mike
Third match Eli beat Wes
Forth match: “Real Deal” Tim Edwards beat Redman with a “Redrum”.
Jimmy Tidwell and Angelina are out talking about how Dustin Starr isn’t there tonight. He couldn’t make it and that the Baron was lucky because this was going to be the night that Dustin Starr ended his career. Jimmy and Angelina found out that if Dustin wasn’t there they were going to take his place in a match against the Baron later that night.
Fifth match: Chris Rocker and Kilo beat Motley Cruz and Rockin Randy. The end of the match was a wild one. It went down like this, Rockin Randy hit kilo with a superkick and went for the pin. Rocker broke up the pin and hit a beautiful neck breaker on Randy and went for the pin. Motley broke up the count and hit the 1%er on Rocker when he got up Kilo dropped kicked Motley out of the ring. Then Tim Edwards hit the ring to interfere but right behind him was Derrick King. Derrick stopped Tim from interfering and superkicked Randy. Kilo got the three count.
Shannon lee was out for an interview talking about how he is getting pushed around in DCW and looked over. He then made the comment that he would not be over looked anymore and he would start taking things in his own hands if DCW didn’t start respecting him more.
Main Event: “The Baron” Malkavain beat Jimmy Tidwell and Angelina when out of nowhere Dustin Starr attacked the Baron. Dustin then got the mic and told baron that his days in DCW were numbered.
Big questions in DCW?? When will we see Dustin Starr and the Baron in the ring?...The crowd is really hot and wants to see someone beat the hell out of Dustin Starr… Kilo looked like at times he was having trouble breathing, is his health at 100%?... When will DCW crown its first champ? The brackets are heating up with Chris rocker, Rockin Randy, Bishop and Edwards already in the next round…Mark Justice no showed…220 in building with about 200 paid. Crowd hot all night. Alot of advertising on DCW behalf is really paying off.
Credit: Spiritof1990
----Another increase in crowd. Advertising is helping. This angle with Starr/Baron is playing out good. I love the way they teased that Starr was not there and then he jumped Baron. So, the crowd will never know now when Starr will show up. Also they keep teasing the match, when they do have the “big” match, it will pay off…Wes and Eli?? Who the hell was that?? LOL…I believe Owens and Sigmon were both trained by Ricky Morton.