Saturday, November 04, 2006
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 11.04.06

Memphis Wrestling TV Report 11.04.06
----Corey Maclin is joined by Jimmy Hart to co-host. They go to commercial and then come back with Maclin/Jimmy Hart/Jerry Lawler. They announce the death of Sputnik Monroe. Lawler reads a letter from Jerry Jarrett. Jimmy Hart tells how he had talked to Hulk Hogan and Hogan had told a story about
----This Memphis Wrestling TV report is also posted every week on http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/, http://www.pwinsider.com/, http://www.declarationofindependents.net/ and http://www.pwtorch.com/
RassleResults: NWA Mid-South Humboldt, TN 11.03.06

RassleResults: USWF Corinth, MS 11.03.06

----Johnny Reno beat "Outlaw" JD McKay;Johnny Maness vs. Ripper Graham ended in No Contest when Alex Krisis debuted and attacking both men;Izzy Rotten/JR Mauler beat Bonecrusher/ Buzz Harley - After the match Buzz Harley [pic to right] turned on Bonecrusher; Danny Morris vs. Dalton Storm vs. Little Steve Davis ended in No Contest when Alex Krisis came back out and beat down all the men;Cassanova Kidd beat Psycho and Main Event: Neil Taylor/Chris Rocker/Keith Haynes Sr. beat USWF Champion Dustin Starr/”Prime Time” Nick Grymes/Alcy-holic after Neil gave Dustin a piledriver.
Memphis Wrestling Spoilers For Next Two Weeks...
----Not sure on what shows these matches are on, but here is a list of matches that you will see in the next 2 weeks of Memphis Wrestling and more from the TV Tapings today.
Friday, November 03, 2006
RassleTalk with “The Black Label Society – Chapter 3 : The Fire Incident” with “Axeman” Randall Lewis

RassleTalk with “The Black Label Society – Chapter 3 : The Fire Incident” with “Axeman” Randall Lewis
This segment is composed of bits & pieces of an interview with AJ Bradley & Void, also known as Black Label Society. The interview date was
anted to work since CWA in
TFW, formerly known as MUWA….
with Crucial Impact, correct?
to get to Josh. I did not care what they thought. Then, after they got us separated, and took Josh, I looked at AJ and I sat down, and I said this is a pile of shit, I quit. I quit. That kid trusted me, so for two weeks they said how did you get him in a hardcore match? So what that meant was that boy trusted me, and I fucking let him down. And it took me months before I could even talk someone talking about it, smiling about it, making jokes about it, Josh jokes about it more than anybody else, and to this day I can shut my eyes, and I can see him rolling, and when that fire came up around him, I see his body going up in flames, and I feel the fucking heat, from jumping on him, and I’m hoping like hell that something could happen to where I could be in some sort of pain, I felt so guilty about what I had inflicted on Josh. We went to the hospital, and, I could be mistaken, but I think the first people Josh asked to see were us. And I remember, we walked in, and they opened the door, and I saw him laying there, on his stomach, face down. And his back is blood red, burnt up, the skin is off his back, and I’m looking at him, and I couldn’t breathe, my heart just shot down into my stomach, and I started crying again. Make no mistake about it, I cried for two or three months, and AJ did too, we cried, the whole ride home. I called my wife and told her I can’t do this, I can’t do it any more. Any way, what I was getting to, I walk in to the room, and I saw him laying there, and for lack of a better term, his back looked like a damn steak, like a piece of raw meat, and I remember standing at the door, and Denise pulled me in, and I’m shaking, and I’m thinking, oh my God, no, and I didn’t know what to do or say, I mean who prepares for a situation like that? Everybody came to us and said it was an accident, they were real supportive, Tony and DC and Denise was the first person who came to me, and she said, “Baby, I know you didn’t do that on purpose, I know it wasn’t on purpose, everything’s gonna cool down and everyone’s gonna have cooler heads about this. And Josh calls me over, and he says, Void.” I mean, the kid’s on morphine, he’s 14 years old and weighs about 85 pounds, and the kid is on morphine, and he has third degree burns on his back, I don’t really know if he even knows what the hell he’s saying, so I go over there and said yeah, man, what is it? He says, “Cup check,” and hits me in the nuts. I mean, cup check, boom, he hits me in the balls. I remember the whole ride home, and we were working MUWA at the time, too, and that’s something else I have a fucking bone to pick with fucking Gary Woolridge about, I don’t think either of us said a word. I think we got a 12-pack, but there was no amount of alcohol, no drug that was going to change the way I felt. I looked at AJ, and Anita was riding with us, she was still training, and I remember saying I could have fuckin’ killed him. He trusted me and I could have killed him. We made national news and this and that, a lot of Athletic Commission crap happened, all my fault. And I’m not blaming anybody. I am blaming me. Gary Woolridge couldn’t whip my ass to begin with, and he wasn’t gonna whip my ass enough to make me use rubbing alcohol. It was my decision. I don’t want to say what the lesson I learned is, because that kind of demeans the situation that happened. There is nothing I will ever be able to do relieve any of the pain I feel because of what I did to Josh. Now Josh calls himself The Human Torch. Josh has a My Space profile and a lot of times he calls himself “Toast.” He can laugh about it, and I should be able to, but I can’t. I won’t be able to laugh about it, I can’t joke about it, I hurt. And I’m not saying he shouldn’t joke about it around me, it happened to him, but I hope nobody expects me to laugh or joke about it, because I can’t. I wish there was something I could do for Josh, I wish there was some way I could make up for it. I don’t give a shit about anybody understanding how I feel, except for Josh. It hurts me
every day. I will always see him in that fire. I will always hear that scream. If there’s one thing that ever fucked me up in my life, it was that. Even though it doesn’t bother him any more, and it didn’t bother him in the first place, I will never get over it.
Would you ever be involved in another fire stunt?
Memphis Loses A Legend..............

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Shows for the Weekend 11.03 to 11.05.06
ATTENTION: If you are a promoter, please send me the address of the wrestling building. I will then be able to Google map your show, just like I have done to a few of the shows below. I have fans that write this site wanting to know directions to different buildings every week. If I get a street address, then may apply it to Google Maps.
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes The Hambones, Loose Cannon, Chris Hollywood, Big Daddy LaFonce, Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/’Lil Chris] and more.
----Friday night in
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 7:30 PM in Dyersburg, TN –“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Quicksilver,Jeremy Moore Sir MO, Craven Moorehead, "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards , Tank , Seth Knight vs Jason Reed to crown the first NBW Champion and more.
----Saturday night in Selmer, TN for Rodney Grimes’ CWA TV tapings @ the Jaycee’s Building 8:00 PM with “The Posse” [Simon Reed/’Lil Chris] “Family of Pain” [Sarge O’Riley/Mickey Ray], Reno Diamond, “Hollywood” Jimmy, Doink The Clown, Mr Wrestling 3, Neil Taylor, Dutch Mantel’s “Big Special Guest” vs Don Bass.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW – Christian Jacobs, Derrick King, Stan Lee, Alex Krisis, Flash Flanagan, Chris O’Neal, Jon Michael , Dustin Starr, Oz, Bishop, Big Steve, Pokerface and more.
----Saturday night in
---- Saturday night
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Nineteen year old Marc Edwards made his IWA-Mid South debut on 10.14.06. He is better known to fans in this area as Marcus O’Neal. IWA-Mid South easily is in the top 5 indy promotions in the
Diamond [vs Marcus O'Neal pic to the left] and Blalok the Blazer. I owe most of my training to them, but like a lot of different workers I've worked with a lot of people who have helped me out a tremendous amount. People like Pokerface, Derrick King, and Motley Cruz all have helped shape me to become a somewhat decent wrestler. I say that I never stop training though. I can always learn more from a lot of different people. At my age if I think that I know everything then I should definitely be doing something else.”
So I guess I had a pretty outing.The locker room was REALLY chill, too. It was awesome being around people that I admire in the business. People like the Iron Saints, Brandon Thomaselli, Josh Abercrombie, Drake Younger, Mad Man Pondo, Ian Rotten, etc. So yeah, it was pretty cool being back there with the guys."
people want to find something to put you down. So yea, thanks to those people! You inspire me to do 10 times better every time I do my thing.”
RassleBits: Techincal diffculties, Ginzberg, Coughlin, TIWF, Weekend in Memphis and Knight DVD release
----I was having some technical difficulties last night. It seems it was not the site stuff, but only the Blog. At one point I got a call about something that was wrong, but could not correct it on this end. It has been corrected – I hope!! If anyone keeps having problems with not seeing all the stories in the Previous Posts section, then drop me an e-mail.
----A big thanks again to Evan Ginzberg, who had me on his “Evan Legends” internet radio show Monday night. I followed Johnny Valiant and JJ Dillion, so I had good company. We actually talked about wrestling fandom more than anything, which was fun. Some of you might find it interesting. You may listen to it by hitting this link. You must have RealPlayer installed, but if not you can install it at that site. Evan has a real kewl site called “Wrestling Then & Now” and also books talent such as Johnny Valiant, Nicole Bass and porn star Seka to just name a few.
----This article was posted by Mike Coughlin on www.wrestlingobserver.com yesterday. Loved it!! Take a look.
Get My Point? by Randy Cresswell

Thanks for the feedback on last week’s column, I appreciate it and yes, I did purposely used the WWF logo, so sue me.
Take Care.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
RassleChronicle: 10.28.96
----RassleChronicle debuts today as the site will recount the
WCW/WWFMonday night wars.
On Tuesdays, I will be featuring 10 Years Ago results
of Nitro/Raw during the war. You can watch RAW,
if you want, but then you can see what you missed
10 Years Ago -- CLICK HERE!!!
RassleResults: FINALE AT THE POND!! DCWF 10.28.06
----Dixie d. Jody Allen dq when Team X ran in; Gaylon Ray d. ???;
Mark Bravura d. Ron Rage by DQ when C4P ran in ;
”Southern Pride”[Kilo/Citizen Cane] d. “Team X” [Griffon X/Phoenix X]
when C4P and Jody Allen ran in; after all the run ins,
Rick Marx ordered a ten man elimination match
with the winner getting a title shot.
Order of Elimination:
Jody Allen pinned Dixie with and double leg trip and
both feet on the ropes.
Cane pinned Gryffon X with a Side Effect
Mark Bravura pinned Phoenix X with the Time Machine
Jody Allen pinned Mark Bravura with a running enzugiri
Motley Cruz pinned Cane with a 1%er
Kilo pinned Motley with a moonsault
Jody Allen pinned Kilo
Gaylon Ray pinned 187 with a schoolboy.
Gaylon Ray pinned Allen with an F5
----Not sure who Gaylon Ray beat in the second
match…44 paid with a gate of $220…I want to
see the 10 Man Elimination match!! Someone send me it!!
I use to mark out on these watching Japanese tapes.
I always wanted to do one with CCW,
but most of the guys just felt like it would
be a clusterfuck.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tasha Simone and Oktoberfest Results
----Tasha Simone sent in a note today. She has promised me an article on the
Oktoberfest Results:
The show was incredible, amazing effort by all the talented wrestlers. Every match was excellent and the crowd was treated to a very nice surprise. The referee was none other than the beautiful and talented Bobcat, who was efficient and very entertaining!
Amber O'Neal
Brittany Love
Lorelei Lee
Traci Brooks
Lady Victoria
Alere Little Feather
Tasha Simone and Lexie Fyfe hit the ground at the same time, and a number one contender's match was set between the two, the winner getting a shot at Christie's title
Amber and Brittany squared off in the first singles match. Amber was more than a little ticked off about being the first eliminated and took it out on
Lorelei and Traci met in the second match. Traci ripped into Lorelei and the crowd throughout the match. She mixed it up with Bobcat as well, though Bobcat stayed out of the action. Lorelei was able to take the offensive and put up a good fight, but in the end "Ms. Brooks" as she referred to herself was able to secure the victory
Lady Victoria and Josie locked up next. Both women executed impressive power moves and the back and forth action and banter was awesome. Josie proved once again that she can hang with the toughest in the business, but in the end Lady
Alere and Venus went at each other next and the both ladies came to the ring in style. Alere won the fans over quickly and Venus didn't care a bit about that. The Latin Sensation let the fans know how little she cared about their opinions and let Alere know how little she cared for her. Venus was just plain mean and Alere did her share of punishing maneuvers as well. In the end, Alere got the win by submission.
Lexie and Tasha then came out for the contender's match. NWA Top Rope promoter Mike Sircy and Christie came out and announced the match would be won when one of the grapplers handcuffed her opponent to one of the turnbuckles. Tasha and Lexie were not at all happy with the arrangement, and took their aggressions out on each other. The match went back and forth, each one almost getting the victory on several occasions before Tasha secured Lexie in the corner, thereby securing a shot at Christie's title in the next match.
NWA Top Rope Promoter Sircy came back out and told Christie that the Board of Directors had granted Tasha's request that the title shot be a hardcore match, and that is exactly what it was. It was definitely not for the squeamish, both women gave their all in an incredible display of skill and tolerance of pain. This match was one of the toughest you'll ever see. In the end, Christie was able to keep her belt, though she did so at quite a price.
----I want to see the Ricci vs Simone main event!! You can also read lots more about this show on TVD's board.
RassleBits: Inter-Promotion Title, No shows, NBW champion, TLCW unhappy workers, James Arnez is pissed, Tony Myers and Hollywood Jimmy's site
---- There has been talk about an “Inter-Promotion” Title being recognized by the small group of promoters in this area. It seems like a real good idea on the surface, but may have some people not participating. If they could get at least 10 groups recognizing something like this, then the Title/Champion would actually mean something. He would go to each promotion and defend the belt say every 3 months each promotion would get at least one title defense. This would help draw, because you could always build the champion vs challenger. The tournament to crown the first champion is being talked about in
RassleTube Is Up and Running!!

----Not much original material here, but I had a lot of stuff piling up that I wanted to share with others. I also went back to the original way of posting these, instead of in the Blog like last week.
----This week's edition starts off with a match from Dyersburg, TN 12.06.03 with Devon Raynes with Izzy Rotten vs Hollywood; Rod Dent III vs Wildside from TWIF this month 10.14.06; Lawler vs Shane Matthews [Shane was on the LAW this past weekend]; “Hogan’s Heroes” – this cracks me up!!; Ric Flair vs Ron Fuller from Southeastern Championship Wrestling – Bob Armstrong turns!!! Armstrong as a heel!! Fun stuff; Tommy Rich video; Jerry Lawler/Tommy Rich bout along with a couple of interview from 1987—take a look at what Lawler is wearing!!; Tommy Rich interview followed by an angle where Austin Idol jumps Rich. Rich bleds like crazy!!!;”Midnite Cowboys” [Kerry Brown/Rip Rogers] vs “Bad Company” [Brian Pillman/Bruce Hart] – Pilliman takes the heat and watch the finish!! Rip
The Ratings Are In!!
----The show finished with a 3.9 [64,420 viewers] overall for this weekend’s show. Even though, I along with others, were writing the doom of Memphis Wrestling with the time slot change, the first two months the show scores a 3.9 [64,420 viewers] average. The old average of the
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 10.27.06
----Vega the Dragon defeated Dirty Sanchez; Psycho demolished Jay Webster, winning the match by count out; “Parental Advisory” ["The Stud" Scott Porteau & "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs] defeated Nacho Nacho & Josh Matthews. After the match Nacho Nacho was unmasked & found to be TFW owner T-Byrd; “Pure Destruction” [Cody & Brody Hawk][pic to the right] & Chubby Hawk [Pappy] defeated “The Freakshow” [Vinnie the Blade & Chop Top the Clown] & Hitman;“POPULAR” [Shawn Reed & Ryan Williams] defeated “SWAT” ["DC" David Cross & Jonathon Douglas] to win the TFW Tag Team Titles; and in the Main Event: Judas Thorn defeated "The Future" Chris Styles to become the new TFW Champion.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
RassleResults: All Pro Batesville, MS 10.28.06

---- 380 paid with a gate close to $2850. I told it was a decent crowd, but when they are scattered out in an arena that seats over 3000, it looks like a small crowd. Good gate , but will not put them in the top 10 of the year – it actually is #12 of the top 15 gates. …This was actually a combined XOW, CWA, and All Pro show. Each organization did their TV tapings at the show. ..Many people were disappointed that the ring was set up in the middle of the arena floor, but there was no seating on the floor. No ring side seats at all. They felt like they should have been closer to the ring for $10. All the fans were seated in arena seating, which was quite far from the ring. Very little crowd reaction the entire night…Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock did get the crowd stirred up, nobody can get heat like he can. The crowd was also into the main event, which went all over the arena…Bell time was 8:00 PM, show did not start until 8:20 PM. Show ended at 11:15 PM…There was a "special appearance" at intermission by "The Dead Man," who is an Undertaker rip off. Intermission went way too long while a bunch of people paid $10 to get a Polaroid snap shot made with "The Dead Man." I was also told before this show that Valiant had even worked some of the boys telling them that the real Undertaker was going be at the show. As I told a few or the workers – if it was “the” Undertaker, then Valiant would be advertising it…If anyone knows?? Who was Wrestling III for the night as Dusty Wolfe, who worked as Doink is usually III also. Was Kid Knievel actually Kid Krazy??
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 10.28.06
----Rockin Randy beat Shannon Lee; Alec Fontez beat Tucker; Foxy Hayes beat Buckwheat; Big Steve beat Jack The Hammer; “Black Out Squad” [Oz/Bishop] beat Chris O’Neal/Stan Lee, when Flash Flanagan came out and grabbed O’Neal from the ring apron and Main Event: O’Neal/Bill Rush [ref] beat Rashard/Flash Flanagan when Rush pinned Rashard after a spear!!
Arena Report: LAW Rector, AR 10.28.06
ver/Alex Krisis/Shane Matthews. The crowd almost turned on Joe, because he is so old. He got in there and did a few chops and they loved him. Everything was real good in this match with nothing looking bad. Why?? Because all 6 guys are professional wrestlers that know psychology on when and where to do everything. Krisis has improved since I last seen him and all his stuff has a good flow to it. Hot tag went to Joe who was cleaning house with chops. PP ended it with their finisher on Matthews which is a sit down powerbomb neckbreaker. [**1/2]
ck. I am not sure what the real finish was going to be, but Hart took it upon himself to stop the bout because he seen the kendo stick in the ring. This is very old school as referees are taught to treat the bouts as shoots. Guess what?? The year is 2006!! As a ref, you don’t just go out there and do your job; you must also know what is going on around you. Probably about a fifth of the people in that crowd came out to see James Arnez wrestle. They will not be back next time, because some ref is trying to prove something. Madman did hit Arnez hard a couple of times with the kendo stick and then went back to the dressing room. Arnez followed him and then whacked him in the middle of the head. Crowd loved it, but they wanted more of
Arnez. [DUD]