----Not much original material here, but I had a lot of stuff piling up that I wanted to share with others. I also went back to the original way of posting these, instead of in the Blog like last week.
----This week's edition starts off with a match from Dyersburg, TN 12.06.03 with Devon Raynes with Izzy Rotten vs Hollywood; Rod Dent III vs Wildside from TWIF this month 10.14.06; Lawler vs Shane Matthews [Shane was on the LAW this past weekend]; “Hogan’s Heroes” – this cracks me up!!; Ric Flair vs Ron Fuller from Southeastern Championship Wrestling – Bob Armstrong turns!!! Armstrong as a heel!! Fun stuff; Tommy Rich video; Jerry Lawler/Tommy Rich bout along with a couple of interview from 1987—take a look at what Lawler is wearing!!; Tommy Rich interview followed by an angle where Austin Idol jumps Rich. Rich bleds like crazy!!!;”Midnite Cowboys” [Kerry Brown/Rip Rogers] vs “Bad Company” [Brian Pillman/Bruce Hart] – Pilliman takes the heat and watch the finish!! Rip