Saturday, January 13, 2007
RassleBits: Yearbook and Dustin Starr
----The best I can figure out is that Dustin Starr will debut in NBW in Dyersburg, TN tonight. I have talked with people in Selmer, TN at CWA and TLCW in Ripley, TN and Starr is not at either show. If I am not being ribbed, then Starr will show up in NBW tonight.
Friday, January 12, 2007

---If you attended or worked any of the following events, could you please contact me ASAP with any info you have!!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
RassleBits: Site notes, Austin Lane and DVD releases
----Just a special note to everyone. I plan to update as usual this weekend, but I am also going to be working on the Yearbook. So, if I don’t get everything posted, I will catch up on Monday with results and such.
Shows for The Weekend 1.12.07 - 1.13.07
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes The Hambones, Loose Cannon, Chris Hollywood, Big Daddy LaFonce, Derrick King, Austin Lane, Flash Flanagan, and more.
----Friday night in Tupelo, MS for TFW has Tony Dabbs, “Pure Destruction” [Brody & Cody Hawk],The Gold Diggers, POPULAR [Shawn Reed/Ryan Williams]with Anita Page, Scott Porteau and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:00 PM with TV Title Match: Psycho A vs Overhill & Raze, TIWF Tag Team Title Match with “Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] vs The Big Boys, TIWF Title Match: PK Ripper vs Lawman Williams, Wildside, Kaut!on, Handknocks Hooligan, Crime, Raving Ron, Jon Seymour, Hotrod, Butcherman Smith and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN – Kilo vs Lord Humongous, Tank vs Tim Edwards, the debut of “The Cowboys” [Ricky Murdoch/Bill Nasty], Jeremy Moore, Gaylon Ray, Team X, Sir Mo, and more.
----Saturday night for CWA in Selmer, TN @ Jaycee’s Building for “New Year’s Knockout” with Jerry Lawler, Brickhouse Brown, Family of Pain, Hollywood Jimmy, Danny B Good, Don Bass, Mr Wrestling 3, Chris Rocker, Chris O’Neal, “Cruzin 4 Pain”, Loose Cannon, Neil Taylor, “The Posee” and more
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Chris Styles, Little Stevie Davis, Homeless Joe, Mario, Devon Raynes, Dalton Storm, Kage, Cyrus, Chaz, and more.
----Saturday night in New Albany, MS 107 McGill ST [right off the square] with XWO will have Storm, Scott Porteau, "Pure Destruction"[Brody & Cody Hawk],Thomas Knox, Psycho, Brett Michaels, Pappy and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – with “THE AFTERMATCH” “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Simon Reed, Derrick King vs Rockin Randy,Tatt2, Motley Cruz,lex Krisis, Dell Tucker,“Picture Perfect” [Christian Jacobs/Jon Michael],“Black Out Squad” [Oz/Bishop], Flash Flanagan,Stan Lee, Brian Steele, Buckwheat, ‘Lil Chris, Tim Alfonzo, Seth Knight. “Jawbreaker” Jones and more.
---- Saturday night Batesville, AR at the Old Miller Gym for Main Event Wrestling. Admission is free Crazy Luke Graham Jr. & Gerry "Chubby" Graham Casino Kid, “Righteous Punishment” [Byg Daddy and Jack “Lockdown” Johnson], “Hot Rod” John Ellison, Johnny Harper, Matt Boyce and more.
THANK YOU FOR VOTING!!! RassleRiot Awards 2006!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
RassleBits: Fire Starr

Feature Article - You Say, I Say
as good if not better than the talent that is in TLCW.”
“I wanna point something out like my colleague Tank did - the NBW show drew around 100 fans a week without no names just your bread and butter workers who's been with the company since day one that to me shows a lot.”
stay in this business.”

----I got the following letter from Brian Thompson and thought I would pass it along. This would be a great chance for you local guys to use Bobby Eaton for a show.
Hey Brian! Just wanted to say that I'm continuing to enjoy your site. Very good stuff. Keep up the good work.
Just wanted to let you know that "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton will be coming into the area for a visit in late January and will be available for some bookings in the area. Might be a good chance for local promoters to bring in Bobby while he's here. If any promoters are interested, just have them drop me an email. The address is
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
RassleBits: Ads, RasslinRiot Awards and MS notes

The Rating Are In - Lawler Continues His Streak!!!

Monday, January 08, 2007
Dustin Starr has posted photos!!!

Something You Should Never Forget - Book The Building - A Letter from Brandon Baxter

The Harrisburg show ended up being a very frustrating situation. I had not done a wrestling show since our radio station’s “4th In The Forest” event. My schedule has been crazy, and I had been turning down the bookings…plus nothing had sounded very exciting.
He also had an idea to involve my co-host, Booger, in a “Battle Of The Sexes” deal with his wife, Nikki…and since this would play into some of our recent discussions on our morning show, I thought we could help generate some interest. A little back-story: A number of weeks ago on the show, I brought up Hillary Clinton considering running for the office of President in 2008. Booger said that there would never be a female president…that was a man’s job…and many of our female callers got extremely fired up over that comment. In wrestling terms, Booger took a heel like stance on the issue, and I saw the “Battle Of The Sexes” being a payoff of sorts for our listeners. Plus, we could make some extra money!
So we accept the booking, and begin promoting the event on our show. We were getting a great response, and so was the National Guard Armory in Harrisburg. I received a call at 10:15AM Thursday morning from a Sergeant with the National Guard. He told me that their phones were blowing up over at the Amory with people asking about the show, but the problem was that no one had booked the building! I couldn’t believe it! In all my years in the wrestling business, I’ve never heard of the BUILDING not being booked!
I was rather upset, and made a few irate phone calls. Austin Lane told me that he was responsible for booking the talent (Sarge, Mickey Ray, Hollywood Jimmy, Booger, myself, etc…), but that someone else was responsible for booking the building. He was upset as well, and he said he would get to the bottom of it all.
The guys who were supposed to reserve the building tried to resolve the situation Friday. However, due to it being the National Guard’s “Drill Weekend,” we couldn’t use the Armory. They tried to work something out with the High School, but because at this point there was only about a 24 hours notice, that wasn’t doable either. So Booger & I had to go on the air and tell our audience that the event that we had been promoting was cancelled, due to the ever popular “circumstances beyond our control”…which is an embarrassing situation!
So maybe all the talent that accepts bookings in this area should call the buildings to confirm that the show is actually going to take place! It’s stuff like this that gives wrestling a bad name in this area, and it makes it more difficult to get into good buildings, and get good television clearances. So many sponsors, buildings, and TV stations have been burned by so called “wrestling companies” over the years. And many casual observers don’t know how to differentiate between the credible companies and the groups that lack credibility. The word “Wrestling” is what they hear, and many times every company is painted with the same brush, regardless of how accurate that may be.
Letter from Mark Justice - POs and other BS

NOW HERE IS A REAL QUESTION FOR YOU...... if the owner cant pay for the building ...the lights....water and other expenses then where would they wrestle. IF EVERY OWNER .......PROMOTOR GOT TOGETHER and said hey everyone in the locker room is going to work for the same amount..... LETS SAY $25 if this CAN be paid after all of the bills are paid then how many of the GUYS THAT WANT GUARANTEES would stay in this business ...... NOT MANY. BUT THEN you have guys that LOVE THIS SPORTS so much that they don’t care if they get paid or not. if there were more that wrestled because they love this sports as much as they say they do then there would be more shows to work . I can see where a promoter want to see if a wrestler that wants a guarantee wants to see DRAW POWER for his GUARANTEE. If he doesnt draw more than his regular crew then why pay him more that his regular crew? LET ME ASK YOU.... if you draw 100 people every weekend ....and you have someone wanting a guarantee... then ask him would he work for what they draw over that 100 people ? I think i can answer that one NO he wouldnt work for that. THAT’S NOT A GUARANTEE....LOL.
I can remember a trip that a bunch of the CCW workers took to KANSAS CITY KANSAS one night. It took us 18 hours to get there. WE HAD A GUARANTEE.......... BUT when we got all the way there they didnt draw. THERE WENT THE GUARANTEE. BUT GUESS WHAT..... EVERY WORKER THAT TOOK THIS TRIP WORKED. WHY? WE LOVE ThE SPORT. DONT get me wrong I’m not saying if you love the sport don’t ask for money just don’t be unreasonable about it. Most of the time a promotion cant afford to pay ungodly amount to make the roster better. As long as you get your gas money then you should be happy if you love to entertain.
As for someone getting paid more because they are someone’s BOY or FRIEND. NOT RIGHT.....the other guys are doing the same thing as he is WORKING. Someone asked me one time at a show was I going to get an autograph or picture from a NAME that they brought in... and here is what I always told them.... HEY IM JUST AS GOOD AS THEM ..... Just because they have BEEN THERE DONE THAT........ WHERE ARE THEY NOW? WORKING THE SAME PLACE I AM. SO THAT MAKES THEM NO BETTER THAN ME JUST BEEN AROUND LONGER OR HAD MORE EXPOSURE. BUT most of the time it’s about how much MONEY you have. If you can afford to get to places to be seen then you are going to get more exposure than you would if you don’t have the money to get there.
I learned in the time that I was part owner of CCW that THERE IS NO MONEY AT THIS LEVEL. Sometimes there are no FRIENDS and that people will stab you in the back just to get a better SPOT . BUT THEN AGAIN how much did they improve there self for doing it....NONE there still on the same damn shows that you’re on. People take this business WAY too serious at this level. So in closing I say take a chill pill quit worrying about MONEY THAT ISNT THERE at this level ...... AND HAVE FUN. I dont wrestle much anymore because of that reason. It got to be where I wasn’t having fun anymore because of the BS.
RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 1.06.07
RassleResults: Arkansas Championship Wrestling Paragould, AR 1.06.07
out…Porkchop Express were unmasked to be The Hambones…After Cannon cheated to win the match vs Banks, the commish made a match for later on vs a mystery challenger. It turned out to be Treat. Treat beat Cannon when RottnRandy hit Cannon by mistake with his cane. Cannon brought out Sam Dollar and he fired Randy & they both beat up Randy….Stip on the main was if Buster lost then he got 10 lashes, but if Arnez lost then Bate got 10 lashes. Bate got two lashes before Arnez/Dale/Bane jumped in to get some lashes in on Buster…No posters or advertisement this time – just a banner in front of the Armory. This group is drawing on having good shows back to back. It makes you wonder though how many they would have drawn if they would have had posters???
RassleResults: MEW Batesville, AR 1.06.07

RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 1.06.07

RassleResults: TLCW Bogota, TN 1.05.07
tty much agreed that would not be a good idea. When the match started Chris locked up with him and said just listen to what I say, I’m calling this match and called "duck two, headlock takeover" when he shot Tatt2 off he ducked the first one and then spinning heel kicked Chris and Chris sold it. O’Neal put him in a headlock again and said,"Listen to me" and called another spot with Tatt2 once again didn’t do and went into his own spot and started kicking Chris. Chris shot him in the turnbuckle and said splash. He went in for the splash and Tatt2 moved and stated kicking him again so Chris knocked him down and got him in a shoot headlock and said listen to me and quit this bullshit. He choked him for a second and let him go and when Tatt2 didn’t listen to the next spot, Chris kicked him in the face. At which point Tatt2 walked to the back and Derrick walked out to defend Tatt2 for a shoot. They wrestled around for a shoot for a bit then just worked a stiff match with Chris winning with a sunset flip. Chris went to find Tatt2 after the match and when he did he walked up to Tatt2 and said “hey listen” and as soon as he said that Tatt2, who was tying his shoe,picked him up by both legs and he fell on his head and neck. They started punching and then it was broke up. DK made them all talk it out…Crazy stuff with a little spot show like this with so much crap going on. Tatt2 is good at spots, but has no idea about psychology and should not be calling spots. I am not in favor of roughing anyone up, but after calling all of that I would have been pissed also. O’Neal and Tatt2 were good after all of it as they were seen hugging at TV tapings.
RassleResults: NWA Mid-South West Memphis, AR 1.04.07
----Kevin Nichols beat Eric Wayne; Mr. America vs Pokerface went to a 15 minute draw; Danny B Goode beat Alex Krisis; Matt Riviera with Boyd Bradford beat Gary Gram; Koko

----50 in attendance with a gate of around $250…I hate that didn’t draw, because this looked like a good show…I was told the main event was not good and pretty much because The Cowboys suck!!!...I would have marked out for Joe/Koko vs Smothers/McKeever. I was told that Joe gave Bobby Eaton a stink face somewhere in NC the other night. OMG!!...How do you end a Hair vs Title match in a DDQ??
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Dustin Starr Leaves TLCW!!!
----Dustin Starr is also gone from TLCW. So, we had a "Loser Leave Town" match last night and both participates left. One of my friends and I were talking this over just a few weeks back when the gates starting going up. He said, “When is it going to start exploding within??” Well, it has started the process and where will it end?? We will just have to see. I do know that Starr and O’Neal were unhappy with the behavior of Derrick King last night. I was also told that most of the workers were unhappy about their payoffs, because they were not much more than they usually get and there was at least a hundred more people in the building. DK was not happy with the quality of the match. Most people I have talked to today [all workers] have said that it should have been a bloodbath and the guys were scared of the barbwire. They felt that Starr/O’Neal did not live up the hype because the fans needed to see them throw themselves into the barbwire. I can not see how anyone left that show unhappy unless it was because they didn’t want to see O’neal lose or they had to leave before the finish because of the long intermission. Will Starr go to NBW now?? Will Chris O’Neal follow?? Will there be more to follow??
Site Comments
----Just a quick site update. I have tons of results sent in and I promise I will be posting them sometime tomorrow. I am still tired from the show last night. I worked on the report and the Memphis Wrestling TV report all day. So, I have results, a letter from Mark Justice, a letter from Brandon Baxter, results with a shoot in the ring, a new DVD coming soon, hopefully some video clips and pics from last night and much much more!!! I also corrected the mistake about Matt Boyce on the TLCW report – I knew it was Foley and don’t know why I typed Boyce. I had a Maclin moment.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 1.06.07
----Nate the Rat comes out with Fire/Flame for interview. Nate challenges Jerry Lawler to a match today!! He says 2007 will be the “Year of the Rat”. LOL
---Fire/Flame beat Johnny Dotson/Tatt2. Everyone looked ok in this bout, but no psychology with Dotson/Tatt2 getting all the shine with no heat or hot tag. The end had Dotson doing a frogsplash on Fire, but Derrick King enter the ring [with ref Bill Rush being distracted by Nate the Rat] hitting Dotson with brass knuckles and Fire getting the pin. At the same time this was happening Tatt2 did a dive over the top rope onto Flame.
----Jimmy Hart interview via phone aired next. Hart talks about “Road to Wrestlemania”. Hart talks about a “big announcement” upcoming. Maclin promotes it as it’s going to be Hulk Hogan vs Jerry Lawler. Hart says he will make it in a few weeks and will call back next week. Lawler comes out. Maclin says that all the negotiations have not been worked out yet. Lawler says bring Nate the Rat out.
----Lawler beats Nate by DQ when Jethro jumps in. Lawler goes to piledrive Nate, when Jethro jumps in. Jethro gets in some good looking punches on Lawler and then attempts to piledrive Lawler. Grady Watson jumps on Jethro’s back and Jethro then slugs Watson. He goes to piledrive him, when Lawler makes the save. Nate was good in this, but I just don’t like Watson. He does not belong on TV.
----Jethro comes out for an interview. He says he doesn’t know if it will be the year of the rat, but it will not be the year of the King. Maclin talks about Memphis Wrestling and it will be on the road for 2007. He promotes the Jackson, TN show coming to The Palace January 18, 2007. Bill Dundee comes out to promote the show to let everyone know that Jethro, Lawler, King, Kevin White and himself will be there.
----Reggie B Fine/Derrick King interview. DK/Fine/Pokerface/K Hill vs “The Posse” [Simon Reed/’Lil Chris]/”Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Chris O’Neal] ended in No Contest. They got the heat on ‘Lil Chris and hot tag from O’Neal. After the hot tag everyone got in the ring and after DK hit a superkick on O’Neal – Dotson came out and chased DK to the back.
----Kevin White/Dustin Starr interview. “Too Cool 2” [Flex/Tim Grind] come out. Southern Tag Team Title Match: Starr/White retain beating White/Starr. Good match. Heat on Starr with hot tag to White. After the hot tag with the ref’s back turned, Grind tried to hit White with one of the title belts, but hit Flex. Starr pins Flex. After the bout Grind/Flex argue and it looks like they might be turning one of them, but you know how Memphis Wrestling is.
----When they came back from the last commercial break, Grind/Flex are still arguing. Maclin promises to see what is happening between these two next week. This was a very good way to end the show. Fans may tune in to see what happens next week.
, Pro Wrestling Resource and
Arena Report: TLCW January 6, 2007
----I will go on record in saying this was the best show I have attended since starting this site in May, 2006. The TLCW building is very small, but it packed 260+ fans – and they were loud and rowdy fans. This group has been promoting for the big show to end all the angles and in my opinion the payoff was last night. As usual though, there was some kind of backstage controversy as everyone with the company seem to be unhappy with the main event from those that thought it was just not bloody enough to others thinking that both guys looked off their game. Others were fussing about the actual finish, while others were just saying it did not live up to the hype. I personally enjoyed the match and my comments are below. All in all though, it will be hard to see any promotion in this area beat this kind of show from top to bottom.
TLCW DRAWS OVER 200 WITH $1,300 House!!! New TLCW Champion and Chris O'Neal Leaves TLCW
----The show did not end until about 11:45 PM. We were unable to connect at the building and send results, but I am working on that for the next big show. Here are just who beat who. I will have a full arena report sometime tomorrow. I will have some pics from the Barbwire match and I also took some video clips of the big crowd during the Stretcher Match. For those wondering, yes it did live up to the hype. Great show!!!