Dalton Storm and Slammer beat Danny Morris and Nathan WilliamsTysin Starr beat Neil Taylor and Buzz Harley in a 3 way match
Bonecrusher and Justin Rhodes beat “24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler] to retain the Southern Tag Team Titles
Prime Time Nick Grymes w/ Leslie Jones beat AC Styles w/ Grady Watson to win the EWE Intercontinental Title, but referee restarted the match when he heard about Nick using a chair while he was distracted, and Leslie Jones interfering, as soon as the match resumed AC Styles rolled up Nick to regain the IC Title.
Main Event - Tysin Starr won a 10 Man Battle Royal to advance to face Buzz Harley for the US Heavyweight Title on April. 27th.
----35 in the crowd with a gate of $175. A really bad gate…AC and Nick brawled for a bit after the match, and it was announced at the end of the show next week AC Styles vs. Prime Time Nick Grymes in a Fans Bring The Weapons IC Title Match in the Final Encounter plus Buzz Harley vs. Tysin Starr for the US Heavyweight Title and more.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
LAW: Boot Burning and Name Calling!!!
----LAW last night featured two different big events wrapped around the actual show. The return of James Arnez to team with Psycho as “The Asylum” during an angle was a big surprise to everyone. A boot burning ceremony was held after the matches. LOL And, Chris O’Neal and Erik Hayes fought backstage over name calling.
----James Arnez stated in October, 2006 that “I will burn my boots before I work for LAW again!!” As Arnez entered the LAW arena last night his boot were wrapped in flames. LOL Ok, they were not, but that is funny; right?? Arnez had left unhappy with a finish of a match in Rector, AR. After statements on this site and statements from Del McKie, Arenz severed ties with LAW. It was apparent that there was legit heat here from things other than wrestling.
----Arnez returned after a 5 month hiatus last night to save his long time partner and friend Psycho during an angle where Rockin Randy/ Dell Tucker were beating up Psycho. A match was set up for next week with Randy/Tucker vs “The Asylum” [Arnez/Psycho] with Kayte.
----Backstage was just fun and games as usual as Erik Hayes was scheduled to be involved in the Psycho angle, but was pulled from the show by booker Derrick King after fighting backstage with Chris O’Neal. Hayes was “name-calling” and O’Neal pushed him and everyone just jumped in and broke them up. It was not an actual fight, but more like O’Neal got tired of listening to Hayes. Results of the actual show will be posted later.
----James Arnez stated in October, 2006 that “I will burn my boots before I work for LAW again!!” As Arnez entered the LAW arena last night his boot were wrapped in flames. LOL Ok, they were not, but that is funny; right?? Arnez had left unhappy with a finish of a match in Rector, AR. After statements on this site and statements from Del McKie, Arenz severed ties with LAW. It was apparent that there was legit heat here from things other than wrestling.
----Arnez returned after a 5 month hiatus last night to save his long time partner and friend Psycho during an angle where Rockin Randy/ Dell Tucker were beating up Psycho. A match was set up for next week with Randy/Tucker vs “The Asylum” [Arnez/Psycho] with Kayte.
----Backstage was just fun and games as usual as Erik Hayes was scheduled to be involved in the Psycho angle, but was pulled from the show by booker Derrick King after fighting backstage with Chris O’Neal. Hayes was “name-calling” and O’Neal pushed him and everyone just jumped in and broke them up. It was not an actual fight, but more like O’Neal got tired of listening to Hayes. Results of the actual show will be posted later.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Hulk Talks About Memphis Show!!
----This came from a report on www.gerweck.net today.
"Hulk Hogan made another one of his infamous calls into the Bubba the Love Sponge show [picture] this morning. According to Hogan he got word that Vince McMahon was "freaked out" about the upcoming Memphis show. Bubba then tuned in and s
aid that he tried to get 4 $60 tickets in the "largest section" and couldn't, Bubba said the ticket sales were "doing great". Bubba was very excited and said that he is now officially on the card and will wrestle, he then went on to talk about his salary negotiations for the show. Bubba said he told the promoter a certain price, the promoter then said he could do half that, Bubba said he only agreed to the deal because he wanted to be on the show with Hogan. Bubba said that he will be on the Howard Stern show next week to promote the Memphis show, Bubba also said that Howard 100 reporters will be covering the show. Hogan said that he will be smoking weed today because it was 4/20. -Johnny Hurricane"

Bubba wrote in his blog yesterday..
"excited about wrestling with/for hogan next friday night….i really really hope alot of you can show up i told the promoter i was good for 1000 tickets…"
And then Dave Meltzer reported this about the show today...
"--The 4/27 Memphis Wrestling show will be broadcast live on Sirius Ch. 101 since Bubba the Love Sponge will wrestle on the show"
----Is this guy going to change the ticket sales?? I think maybe if it was Howard Stern it might, but I am not sure if Bubba = 1,000 tickets. It is interesting that they will be airing it on Sirius. I will also be covering this match by match here on the site.
Sir Mo Out - Jeremy Moore In - NBW Gets A New Booker???
----I talked with both Jeremy Moore and Mo tonight and they cleared up a few things. Mo is in Florida right now and then will be in North Carolina for a few weeks. Mo said, “They are running up my phone bill” and laughed when I called. He told me that he and Jeff McDonald [Big Money Gripp] are booking the NBW show via phone. Moore pretty much just said, “I am putting my input in the show tho” and yes, the best I can figure out he is.
----Is it good to have a teenage kid help book your show?? My instincts are telling me “hell no”, but didn’t most of us “book” stuff when we were growing up?? I remember having my Johnny West [Lawler] collection and West always wrestled Geronimo [Dundee – yea it was a stretch] with General Custer [Jimmy Valiant – much closer] jumping in. But, hell that was in my own bedroom playing with action figures long before there were wrestling figures. But, Moore gets to book now!! Just a freakin kid!! I guess you have to start somewhere, but it is good to know he is not booking everything.
----Coming off their biggest show from a promotion that isn’t even a year old, they need to keep hitting homeruns the next few shows. The cost of the show at the door is going to half of what they paid Saturday night, but do fans actually know that?? Rikishi, Flex, C4P and others are not going to be there every week. Will the fans turn on them when they come to show and the talent roster does not consist of them?? The key to the next two weeks is to keep putting guys like Gaylon Ray and Jeremy Moore in the ring in tags and such with the guys that can work. A lot of people that I talked with this week thought it was not a good idea to put Rikishi in the ring tagging with Moore/Big Red and against Kilo/Mark Justice/Ray. Why not?? I was told by more than one person that Alan Steele should have been in with Kishi. Steele was going to have a good match with ANYONE that night – Moore and Ray could not have done that.
----Mo coming off this big show had other problems he had to deal with and he has taken a few weeks off. He told me that he didn’t know how long he would be gone, but he does plan on coming back. Mo has been suffering from kidney problems for the last three years and his health is just getting worse. I had reported that he blew up last Friday night at “Sam’s Town”, but in reality he has been in so much pain it is hard for him to work. He will be getting surgery if needed and I wish him the best.
----Is it good to have a teenage kid help book your show?? My instincts are telling me “hell no”, but didn’t most of us “book” stuff when we were growing up?? I remember having my Johnny West [Lawler] collection and West always wrestled Geronimo [Dundee – yea it was a stretch] with General Custer [Jimmy Valiant – much closer] jumping in. But, hell that was in my own bedroom playing with action figures long before there were wrestling figures. But, Moore gets to book now!! Just a freakin kid!! I guess you have to start somewhere, but it is good to know he is not booking everything.
----Coming off their biggest show from a promotion that isn’t even a year old, they need to keep hitting homeruns the next few shows. The cost of the show at the door is going to half of what they paid Saturday night, but do fans actually know that?? Rikishi, Flex, C4P and others are not going to be there every week. Will the fans turn on them when they come to show and the talent roster does not consist of them?? The key to the next two weeks is to keep putting guys like Gaylon Ray and Jeremy Moore in the ring in tags and such with the guys that can work. A lot of people that I talked with this week thought it was not a good idea to put Rikishi in the ring tagging with Moore/Big Red and against Kilo/Mark Justice/Ray. Why not?? I was told by more than one person that Alan Steele should have been in with Kishi. Steele was going to have a good match with ANYONE that night – Moore and Ray could not have done that.
----Mo coming off this big show had other problems he had to deal with and he has taken a few weeks off. He told me that he didn’t know how long he would be gone, but he does plan on coming back. Mo has been suffering from kidney problems for the last three years and his health is just getting worse. I had reported that he blew up last Friday night at “Sam’s Town”, but in reality he has been in so much pain it is hard for him to work. He will be getting surgery if needed and I wish him the best.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Vince Moves Developmental to Memphis???
----I have nothing to base my story on here and it is pure speculation, but isn’t it ironic that Vince McMachon closes Deep South just days after pulling Jerry Lawler out of the Memphis Legends show?? As report below, it is believe that they will be going to Steve Keirn’s school, but wouldn’t it be just so kewl if Vince opened one in Memphis??
----Dave Meltzer reported the following on his site…
He wrote this yesterday...
"WWE severed ties with Deep South Wrestling today after Bruce Prichard spent time last week at the school and gave a negative report back to Vince McMahon. The ironic thing is Tom Prichard, Bruce's older brother, is the head coach at Deep South, although at this point Tom is still with WWE.There had been problems from the beginning and rumors of its closing had come up several times. At this point, there has been no talk about replacing Deep South with another developmental promotion. All talent from Deep South that will be retained by the company will be moved to Ohio Valley Wrestling."
And this today.....
"After WWE severed its ties with Deep South Wrestling yesterday, what has followed is that Jody Hamilton is shutting down the promotion and school, as apparently it needed WWE's help to be sustainable. The talent is at this point believed to be moved to a new school in Florida (may be Steve Keirn's, but that isn't a definite)."
----Dave Meltzer reported the following on his site…
He wrote this yesterday...
"WWE severed ties with Deep South Wrestling today after Bruce Prichard spent time last week at the school and gave a negative report back to Vince McMahon. The ironic thing is Tom Prichard, Bruce's older brother, is the head coach at Deep South, although at this point Tom is still with WWE.There had been problems from the beginning and rumors of its closing had come up several times. At this point, there has been no talk about replacing Deep South with another developmental promotion. All talent from Deep South that will be retained by the company will be moved to Ohio Valley Wrestling."
And this today.....
"After WWE severed its ties with Deep South Wrestling yesterday, what has followed is that Jody Hamilton is shutting down the promotion and school, as apparently it needed WWE's help to be sustainable. The talent is at this point believed to be moved to a new school in Florida (may be Steve Keirn's, but that isn't a definite)."
Shows for The Weekend 4.20 to 4.22.07
----There are no BIG shows this weekend, but a couple of shows I want to keep a close eye on. TLCW had a big crowd last weekend with the regular crew and it will be interesting to see what they do. And, NBW coming off a hot show and a record crowd -- how will they draw this week??? I am saying 150.
----I am also looking for a regular reporter for the RSWF promotion.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with Stan Lee, “Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs], Chris O’Neal, Psycho, Erik Hayes, “The Posse” [Simon/Lil Chris] ,Flash Flanagan,Rockin Randy, Dustin Starr, The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, and more.
---- Friday night for TFW in Tupelo, MS with "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, The Freakshow [Chop Top the Clown & Vinnie the Blade], “DOA” [Dirty Sanchez & Orion], Tysin Starr, "The Future" Chris Styles, Jonathon Douglas, "DC" David Cross,Pappy,Izzy Rotten and more.
----Friday night in Ripley, MS with*"Kings of Rock" (Chris Fontaine and Tysin Starr] Omega, Kage w/ Kandi, Cassanova Kidd, Keylo Green w/ Bobby Wylde, Dalton Storm, Slammer, Danny Morris, Nathan Williams, AC Styles, “Prime Time” Nick Grymes, Bonecrusher, Kross, Buzz Harley, Johnny Morton and more.
----Saturday night for ASWF in Tuckerman, AR @ Valiant Arena with bell time at 7:00 PM with all seats $7 with Dirty Little Dave, Austin Lane, Reno Diamond, “Blackout Squad” [Oz/Bishop], X-Kaliber, Justin “The Juice” Smart, Jamie Jay, Kidd Krazy, Morgan Lane, Hollywood Jimmy and more.
----Saturday night in Olive Branch, MS RSWF with Soultaker, Kross, JR Mauler, Danny B, Justin Rhodes, Cassanova Kidd and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM with Bobby The Butcher,Tank Turner, Dazzlin Dixie, Lawman Williams; Genocide vs the Big Boys; Steven Rampage,AC Havoc;Wildside, Razor;PK Ripper, Void and more.
----Saturday night @ National Guard Armory in Paragould, AR for Arkansas Championship Wrestling with Midnight Cowboy, Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon, Hamhock, Sam Dollar, Cody Daniels, Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Arnez with Kayte, Bryan Knight, San Francisco Treat, Shakedown, The Hambones, Adrian Stratton and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, J Weezy, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Allen Steele, Mark Justice, Rob Justice, Psycho and more.
----Saturday night in XOW in Ecru, MS for PURE DESTRUCTION, Izzy Rotten, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley, Jay Webster, Colton Anderson, Tommy Knox, Neil Taylor, Hollywood Jimmy and more! XOW Wrestling, Bell time is 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – with Craven Moorehead, Hollywood, Rockin Randy, Alex Krisis, Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, Dell Tucker, Brian Steele,Tim Alfonzo, “Jawbreaker” Jones, Tatt2, Derrick King, Tim Grind and more.
---- Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th And Oak Street’s. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, Scottie Graham,The Casino Kid, ,Gravedigger, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, Scotty Graham, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, "The Brazilian Bad Boy" Rozzi, Hillbilly Tiny, Gravedigger, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, Righteous Punishment{ Jack " Lockdown" Johnson," Byg" Daddy Moose}, "Velvet Lover" Cody Thunder, Wild Bill, Acid, Venom, Plowboy Hayes, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, and many, many more. Bell time is 8P.M, doors open at 7:15P.M.
----Sunday MAW returns to the New Daisy on historic Beale St Scheduled to appear: Dre Black, 24/7, Strictly Business, Chris Lexx, TFO members Johnny Morton, Crime, Jason Skylar, KC Gold & the Assistants, High Society, Jr Heavyweight Champ Gabriel Stalker, Austin Lane, & more! Tickets are $5 at the door!
----I am also looking for a regular reporter for the RSWF promotion.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with Stan Lee, “Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs], Chris O’Neal, Psycho, Erik Hayes, “The Posse” [Simon/Lil Chris] ,Flash Flanagan,Rockin Randy, Dustin Starr, The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, and more.
---- Friday night for TFW in Tupelo, MS with "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, The Freakshow [Chop Top the Clown & Vinnie the Blade], “DOA” [Dirty Sanchez & Orion], Tysin Starr, "The Future" Chris Styles, Jonathon Douglas, "DC" David Cross,Pappy,Izzy Rotten and more.
----Friday night in Ripley, MS with*"Kings of Rock" (Chris Fontaine and Tysin Starr] Omega, Kage w/ Kandi, Cassanova Kidd, Keylo Green w/ Bobby Wylde, Dalton Storm, Slammer, Danny Morris, Nathan Williams, AC Styles, “Prime Time” Nick Grymes, Bonecrusher, Kross, Buzz Harley, Johnny Morton and more.
----Saturday night for ASWF in Tuckerman, AR @ Valiant Arena with bell time at 7:00 PM with all seats $7 with Dirty Little Dave, Austin Lane, Reno Diamond, “Blackout Squad” [Oz/Bishop], X-Kaliber, Justin “The Juice” Smart, Jamie Jay, Kidd Krazy, Morgan Lane, Hollywood Jimmy and more.
----Saturday night in Olive Branch, MS RSWF with Soultaker, Kross, JR Mauler, Danny B, Justin Rhodes, Cassanova Kidd and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM with Bobby The Butcher,Tank Turner, Dazzlin Dixie, Lawman Williams; Genocide vs the Big Boys; Steven Rampage,AC Havoc;Wildside, Razor;PK Ripper, Void and more.
----Saturday night @ National Guard Armory in Paragould, AR for Arkansas Championship Wrestling with Midnight Cowboy, Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon, Hamhock, Sam Dollar, Cody Daniels, Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Arnez with Kayte, Bryan Knight, San Francisco Treat, Shakedown, The Hambones, Adrian Stratton and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, J Weezy, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Allen Steele, Mark Justice, Rob Justice, Psycho and more.
----Saturday night in XOW in Ecru, MS for PURE DESTRUCTION, Izzy Rotten, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley, Jay Webster, Colton Anderson, Tommy Knox, Neil Taylor, Hollywood Jimmy and more! XOW Wrestling, Bell time is 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – with Craven Moorehead, Hollywood, Rockin Randy, Alex Krisis, Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, Dell Tucker, Brian Steele,Tim Alfonzo, “Jawbreaker” Jones, Tatt2, Derrick King, Tim Grind and more.
---- Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th And Oak Street’s. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, Scottie Graham,The Casino Kid, ,Gravedigger, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, Scotty Graham, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, "The Brazilian Bad Boy" Rozzi, Hillbilly Tiny, Gravedigger, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, Righteous Punishment{ Jack " Lockdown" Johnson," Byg" Daddy Moose}, "Velvet Lover" Cody Thunder, Wild Bill, Acid, Venom, Plowboy Hayes, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, and many, many more. Bell time is 8P.M, doors open at 7:15P.M.
----Sunday MAW returns to the New Daisy on historic Beale St Scheduled to appear: Dre Black, 24/7, Strictly Business, Chris Lexx, TFO members Johnny Morton, Crime, Jason Skylar, KC Gold & the Assistants, High Society, Jr Heavyweight Champ Gabriel Stalker, Austin Lane, & more! Tickets are $5 at the door!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Memphis Wrestling Numbers - The Ratings Are In!!!
----I talked with the FedEx Forum today and they stated they have 1,500 tickets already sold for the Memphis Wrestling Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight match. That is already a gate of $70,875. I might be guessing too much here, but I am thinking around $100,000 for talent and the advertising going into this event. So, anything over that is going to be pure profit. Cost may be lower, but you know Hogan is probably got to take more than $10,000, which was his rumored fee.
----Memphis Wrestling scored the lowest rating Saturday night than any other show since the start of my site in May, 2006. The record was 1.9 rating with 31627 viewers for the 8.12.06 show. Maclin and company broke the record this week with a 1.8 – 30,220 viewers. This can not be good news for the company leading up to the Hogan match. Since it was a total promo show, I am not going to list quarter hour happenings and such, but will list the ratings.
1st Quarter – 2.4 – 39,958 viewers
2cnd Quarter – 2.1 – 35,089 viewers
3rd Quarter – 1.5 - 25,687 viewers
4th Quarter – 1.2 = 20,818 viewers
12 Week Average – 2.8 – 47,159 viewers
12 Week High – 4.1 – 67,583 viewers – 1.27.07
12 Week Low – 1.8 – 30,220 viewers – 4.14.07
Growth from start to finish [-19,140]
-----Nothing good can be said about this show as it dropped a lot of viewers. As I have reported in the past, ratings don’t always equal gates, but since this show and next week’s show is just two commercials for the Legends show, then I think a good rating would really help it. I think a lot of people may have turned off because as soon as they seen it was going to be Hogan vs Wight, they were not interested.
**This report is posted every week on www.gerweck.net and www.prowrestlingpress.com
----Memphis Wrestling scored the lowest rating Saturday night than any other show since the start of my site in May, 2006. The record was 1.9 rating with 31627 viewers for the 8.12.06 show. Maclin and company broke the record this week with a 1.8 – 30,220 viewers. This can not be good news for the company leading up to the Hogan match. Since it was a total promo show, I am not going to list quarter hour happenings and such, but will list the ratings.
1st Quarter – 2.4 – 39,958 viewers
2cnd Quarter – 2.1 – 35,089 viewers
3rd Quarter – 1.5 - 25,687 viewers
4th Quarter – 1.2 = 20,818 viewers
12 Week Average – 2.8 – 47,159 viewers
12 Week High – 4.1 – 67,583 viewers – 1.27.07
12 Week Low – 1.8 – 30,220 viewers – 4.14.07
Growth from start to finish [-19,140]
-----Nothing good can be said about this show as it dropped a lot of viewers. As I have reported in the past, ratings don’t always equal gates, but since this show and next week’s show is just two commercials for the Legends show, then I think a good rating would really help it. I think a lot of people may have turned off because as soon as they seen it was going to be Hogan vs Wight, they were not interested.
**This report is posted every week on www.gerweck.net and www.prowrestlingpress.com
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Letters To The Editor
----As I have said before, I did not just start this web site for news. I wanted some kind of interaction with the fans, the workers and other wrestling sites. In sci-fi fandom, editors of the fanzines would send out an issue of their zine. The next issue would then be part new stuff and rest would be comments about the last issue. I know it is geeky, but always thought that those fans were good about spending time writing these long letters about something someone had posted. These next two letters are examples of fandom working on this site bringing you total different views of what I write.
----Trent Van Drisse sent another letter about a week ago and I want to post it for you. I think Trent brings up some good points and it something to read. I plan to respond to a few things, but want to give it a few days.
CLICK HERE for the story that started the Boyce debate.
CLICK HERE to read what I had to say.
CLICK HERE for Trent’s first letter.
CLICK HERE for Luke Graham Jr’s response.
CLICK HERE for Chris Lash’s response.
CLICK HERE to read my response.
CLICK HERE for Trent’s new letter.
----Richard Barton, who is a visitor of this site, sent “An Open Letter To Brian Tramel”. I found it interesting in parts and just hilarious in other parts. I never started this site to just give MY opinion only, so this is a different look at the Maclin/Hogan/Lawler situation.
CLICK HERE to read the letter.
----Trent Van Drisse sent another letter about a week ago and I want to post it for you. I think Trent brings up some good points and it something to read. I plan to respond to a few things, but want to give it a few days.
CLICK HERE for the story that started the Boyce debate.
CLICK HERE to read what I had to say.
CLICK HERE for Trent’s first letter.
CLICK HERE for Luke Graham Jr’s response.
CLICK HERE for Chris Lash’s response.
CLICK HERE to read my response.
CLICK HERE for Trent’s new letter.
----Richard Barton, who is a visitor of this site, sent “An Open Letter To Brian Tramel”. I found it interesting in parts and just hilarious in other parts. I never started this site to just give MY opinion only, so this is a different look at the Maclin/Hogan/Lawler situation.
CLICK HERE to read the letter.
New Promotion Debuts with XOW Champion!!!
----Real South Wrestling Federation starts this weekend with a weekly show in Olive Branch, MS. The show is going to be run by Soultaker. I am being told that “24/7" [Kross & JR Mauler] are also going to involved in the booking of the show, which is the reason they lost a loser leave XOW match Saturday night. The show should do well in Olive Branch, if they do some advertising and put on a good show. Rumors are that TV5 out of Memphis is going to be looking at the show for possible Saturday morning spot.
----The major story coming out of all of this though is that RSWF debuts with a lot of the regular XOW talent and will hurt them at the start. Along with “24/7”, it looks like Justin Rhodes, Bonecrusher. Cassonova Kidd [for two weeks] and to everyone’s surprise XOW Champion – Danny B is headed there. Apparently people knew that Soultaker was going to start a promotion, but was surprised it was so quick and soon. It also put XOW on the ropes when their champion walks out without dropping the belt. I am sure they will bounce back and it should be interesting to see what happens with RSWF.
----The major story coming out of all of this though is that RSWF debuts with a lot of the regular XOW talent and will hurt them at the start. Along with “24/7”, it looks like Justin Rhodes, Bonecrusher. Cassonova Kidd [for two weeks] and to everyone’s surprise XOW Champion – Danny B is headed there. Apparently people knew that Soultaker was going to start a promotion, but was surprised it was so quick and soon. It also put XOW on the ropes when their champion walks out without dropping the belt. I am sure they will bounce back and it should be interesting to see what happens with RSWF.
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 4.14.07
Tattoo beat Rockin' Randy
Dell Tucker came out in the middle of the match. They said he was checking out his competition. He held Tattoo's hand up after he won.
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony beat Tommy Redneck in a non title match. Crowd did not know Redneck. It was a real long match. TGB got on the mic afterwards and said everyone had to respect him.
"The Filthy Freaks" (Tim Grind, Matt Foley, Alex Krisis, and Hollywood) came out.Tim introduced Krisis as the new member of the freaks. Tim told Flash that if he wanted a match with him he had to run the Filthy Freaks Gauntlet. He said if he could beat Foley, Krisis, and Hollywood he could have a match with him.
Seth Knight beat Foxy Hayes to retain his TLCW hardcore title. Afterwards Rockin' Randy attacked Knight, and busted him open.
"Picture Perfect" [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] came out and said they did the fans a favor, by putting "Hot Topic" [Derrick King/Stan Lee] back together. This got loud Hot Topic chants going. They then said they wanted a match with Hot Topic. They then said that Hot Topic's careers would be just like their parents....dead, which brought out Hot Topic who chased Picture Perfect away.
Rude beat Chris Lexx after Blaylock the Blazer (not Jimmy) interfered.
"Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] and Ike Tucker came out to basically promote The big TLCW Mayhem show on May 12th, at the Ripley National Guard Armory. Genocide said they wanted a tag title shot against whoever the champs was at Mayhem. Tucker said that him and his Rhythm & Blues would also be there. Ike hummed a few bars, and got a big pop from the crowd.
Picture Perfect beat Hot Topic
PP won clean in the middle which makes you wonder where this feud is going.
Flash Flanagan beat Foley. He then beat Krisis. Hollywood came out, but ran back to the back. Grind said that there was one more member of the Freaks he had to beat before he got to fight him. He introduced him as the biggest and baddest Filthy Freak....Jethro. Flash won that by DQ. Grind beat Flash with a lot of interference. They busted Flash open pretty good. Tim said he was gonna kill Flashamania. He then said to borrow a line from his brother from another mother..." That's the business dawg"
----About 250 in the building, about 200 paid. A gate of $1200. It was a huge crowd. It was about as big as when Brian Christopher was there and the "First Big Show of The Year". There wasn't any room for anyone else, to even stand. Good show for the most part...Not sure all the storylines leading up to the big "May Mayhem" show, but this group should break their attendance record at the National Guard Armory that night. Wrestling overall is drawing good numbers and this promotion has been hot all year long.
Dell Tucker came out in the middle of the match. They said he was checking out his competition. He held Tattoo's hand up after he won.
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony beat Tommy Redneck in a non title match. Crowd did not know Redneck. It was a real long match. TGB got on the mic afterwards and said everyone had to respect him.
"The Filthy Freaks" (Tim Grind, Matt Foley, Alex Krisis, and Hollywood) came out.Tim introduced Krisis as the new member of the freaks. Tim told Flash that if he wanted a match with him he had to run the Filthy Freaks Gauntlet. He said if he could beat Foley, Krisis, and Hollywood he could have a match with him.
Seth Knight beat Foxy Hayes to retain his TLCW hardcore title. Afterwards Rockin' Randy attacked Knight, and busted him open.
"Picture Perfect" [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] came out and said they did the fans a favor, by putting "Hot Topic" [Derrick King/Stan Lee] back together. This got loud Hot Topic chants going. They then said they wanted a match with Hot Topic. They then said that Hot Topic's careers would be just like their parents....dead, which brought out Hot Topic who chased Picture Perfect away.
Rude beat Chris Lexx after Blaylock the Blazer (not Jimmy) interfered.
"Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] and Ike Tucker came out to basically promote The big TLCW Mayhem show on May 12th, at the Ripley National Guard Armory. Genocide said they wanted a tag title shot against whoever the champs was at Mayhem. Tucker said that him and his Rhythm & Blues would also be there. Ike hummed a few bars, and got a big pop from the crowd.
Picture Perfect beat Hot Topic
PP won clean in the middle which makes you wonder where this feud is going.
Flash Flanagan beat Foley. He then beat Krisis. Hollywood came out, but ran back to the back. Grind said that there was one more member of the Freaks he had to beat before he got to fight him. He introduced him as the biggest and baddest Filthy Freak....Jethro. Flash won that by DQ. Grind beat Flash with a lot of interference. They busted Flash open pretty good. Tim said he was gonna kill Flashamania. He then said to borrow a line from his brother from another mother..." That's the business dawg"
----About 250 in the building, about 200 paid. A gate of $1200. It was a huge crowd. It was about as big as when Brian Christopher was there and the "First Big Show of The Year". There wasn't any room for anyone else, to even stand. Good show for the most part...Not sure all the storylines leading up to the big "May Mayhem" show, but this group should break their attendance record at the National Guard Armory that night. Wrestling overall is drawing good numbers and this promotion has been hot all year long.
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 4.13.07
Tim Alfonso beat Rockin' Randy
"Cosmic Cowboy" Brian Steele beat Shannon Lee - Cowboy used a chain.
Stan Lee beat TGB by DQ when "Picture Perfect' [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] interfered. They told Stan to find him a partner for later on.
Psycho beat Dell Tucker and Alex Krisis in a 3 way Hardcore match. They sold trash can lids autographed for 3 dollars to fans for the wrestlers to use in this match.
Stan Lee & Chris O'Neal versus Picture Perfect
It ended in a no contest after TGB interfered. They beat down Lee and O'Neal. The LAW owners come down, and got beat down too. It was the same ending they have had for the last three weeks.
----80 people was there with a gate of $480...I was told that "the show pretty much sucked cause everyone was in Tunica."...Best Match was the main event...This group has a few big shows in May at Rector with Kid Kash, Brian Christopher and Jerry Lawler.
"Cosmic Cowboy" Brian Steele beat Shannon Lee - Cowboy used a chain.
Stan Lee beat TGB by DQ when "Picture Perfect' [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] interfered. They told Stan to find him a partner for later on.
Psycho beat Dell Tucker and Alex Krisis in a 3 way Hardcore match. They sold trash can lids autographed for 3 dollars to fans for the wrestlers to use in this match.
Stan Lee & Chris O'Neal versus Picture Perfect
It ended in a no contest after TGB interfered. They beat down Lee and O'Neal. The LAW owners come down, and got beat down too. It was the same ending they have had for the last three weeks.
----80 people was there with a gate of $480...I was told that "the show pretty much sucked cause everyone was in Tunica."...Best Match was the main event...This group has a few big shows in May at Rector with Kid Kash, Brian Christopher and Jerry Lawler.
RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 4.14.07
----Lawman Williams beat Azreal...TIWF Tag Team Title Match: Steven Rampage beat "Highrollers" in a handi cap match set up by Allen Walker to win the belts...TIWF Cruiserweight Title Match: Way Cool by Dq over PK Ripper, when the ref caught PK with chair that WC had threw at him to catch...TIWF Title Match: Big Boy Bob beat a "Fake" Steven Rampage [Azreal]..."Missouri Bad Boys" [Renegade/Mark Southern] beat "Black Label Society] [AJ Bradley/Void.
----112 in the crowd with a 86 paid and a gate of around $430...Azreal came out dressed just like Rampage and took a beating from Bob. Rampage ran out after the match and put his finisher on Bob. Rampage has been a heel here for a long time, but is getting good face cheers in the "Old School" feud...MBOYS vs BLS in on 4.28.07 with AJ's Hair vs Allen Walker in the ring for 5 minutes.
----112 in the crowd with a 86 paid and a gate of around $430...Azreal came out dressed just like Rampage and took a beating from Bob. Rampage ran out after the match and put his finisher on Bob. Rampage has been a heel here for a long time, but is getting good face cheers in the "Old School" feud...MBOYS vs BLS in on 4.28.07 with AJ's Hair vs Allen Walker in the ring for 5 minutes.
RassleResults: XOW Ecru, MS 4.14.07 - "24/7" Leave XOW
David Cross d. Cassanova Kid. Buzz Harley d. Pappy. Izzy Rotten d. Brett Michaels. "Canadian Brotherhood" [Big Canadian & DK] d. Bonecrusher & Soultaker. Neil Taylor d. Jay Webster. “Pure Destruction” [Cody & Brody Hawk] won a three-way tag team match over "24/7" [Kross & JR Mauler] & The Manson Brothers. PD retains Tag Team belts. Match stipulation was that if “24/7” did not win they would have to leave, so “24/7” is gone from XOW. Danny B. Good d. Cassanove Kid to retain the XOW title.
Crowd was about 85 with a gate close to $425.
Crowd was about 85 with a gate close to $425.
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 4.13.07 - New Champ!!
Chris Styles d. Jay Webster by count out. Mark Mayhem d. Little Stevie Davis. DC d. Chris Chaos by DQ. Chazz & Chop Top the Clown d. Dirty Sanchez & Mr. Nasty. Josh Matthews d. Chris Styles. Hitman vs. Judas Thorn ended in a double count out. Special Ed defeated Tony Dabbs to win the TFW Championship.
Crowd was about 100 with a gate close to $500.
Crowd was about 100 with a gate close to $500.
DVD Release Dates!!!
----Here are all the release dates for upcoming DVDs. I will annouce more as soon as they become available. These will also be listed in the SHOP from the main page.
*May 1 “As Good As Gold” “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony
*May 8 “Human Highlight Reel” – Austin Lane
*May 15 “New Daisy Theatre Hardcore Homecoming” – All Pro Productions 3.10.07 show from Memphis, TN
*May 22 – “Spring Break-out 2007” – NBW Special Event from 4.14.07
*May 29 – “My Life with Jimmy Valiant” Kenny Valiant release with clips never shown on TV!!
*June 4 – The Two Faces of Brian Tramel – Coach BT/BT Express – “Bad As It Gets” aka “The Very Very Worst of BT!”
*May 1 “As Good As Gold” “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony
*May 8 “Human Highlight Reel” – Austin Lane
*May 15 “New Daisy Theatre Hardcore Homecoming” – All Pro Productions 3.10.07 show from Memphis, TN
*May 22 – “Spring Break-out 2007” – NBW Special Event from 4.14.07
*May 29 – “My Life with Jimmy Valiant” Kenny Valiant release with clips never shown on TV!!
*June 4 – The Two Faces of Brian Tramel – Coach BT/BT Express – “Bad As It Gets” aka “The Very Very Worst of BT!”
Monday, April 16, 2007
Extreme Wrestling Entertainment Ripley, MS 4.13.07
*"Kings of Rock" (Chris Fontaine and Tysin Starr) beat Omega and Kage w/ Kandi
*Cassanova Kidd beat Keylo Green w/ Bobby Wylde after a Frog Splash off the 2nd rope
*Dalton Storm and Slammer beat Danny Morris and Nathan Williams
*AC Styles beat Prime Time Nick Grymes in a No DQ Match to become the first EWE Intercontinental Champion after making Nick tap to a Texas Cloverleaf. After the match while AC Styles was celebrating, Nick hit AC in the back with a chair, handcuffed him to the ropes and hit him in the head several times with a chair, before taking the microphone and telling AC that it wasn’t over, and that next week he'd be taking the belt away from AC and putting it where it belongs, around his waist.
*Bonecrusher beat Kross by dq when Kross through powder in the eyes of Bonecrusher.
*Buzz Harley beat "Juicy" Johnny Morton after a Buzz-cutter
1st of 2 Number One Contender Battle Royals
*Buzz Harley won a 11 man Battle Royal to advance to 4/27's EWE US Heavyweight Title Match.
Participants Included - Buzz Harley, Cassanova Kidd, Chris Fontaine, Kross, Prime Time Nick Grymes, Bonecrusher, Slammer, Dalton Storm, Danny Morris, Nathan Williams, and Johnny Morton.
---- 60 people in the crowd with a gate close to $300…I believe this was their debut show in this town and they plan to run weekly...They announced that next week Bonecrusher and Justin Rhodes will defend the Southern Tag Titles against 24/7 (Kross and JR Mauler) This group is already in talks of running Saturday night road shows. The promoter is suppose to be meeting with the Walnut, MS town committee about running a show at the Freedom Festival which is held every July 4th night, thousands of people attend this event to see the bands, and big firework shows. So if they get this, it should be great publicity for the new company...No date is set but look for Traci Brooks, ODB, and Christi Ricci to be appearing soon as well.
*Cassanova Kidd beat Keylo Green w/ Bobby Wylde after a Frog Splash off the 2nd rope
*Dalton Storm and Slammer beat Danny Morris and Nathan Williams
*AC Styles beat Prime Time Nick Grymes in a No DQ Match to become the first EWE Intercontinental Champion after making Nick tap to a Texas Cloverleaf. After the match while AC Styles was celebrating, Nick hit AC in the back with a chair, handcuffed him to the ropes and hit him in the head several times with a chair, before taking the microphone and telling AC that it wasn’t over, and that next week he'd be taking the belt away from AC and putting it where it belongs, around his waist.
*Bonecrusher beat Kross by dq when Kross through powder in the eyes of Bonecrusher.
*Buzz Harley beat "Juicy" Johnny Morton after a Buzz-cutter
1st of 2 Number One Contender Battle Royals
*Buzz Harley won a 11 man Battle Royal to advance to 4/27's EWE US Heavyweight Title Match.
Participants Included - Buzz Harley, Cassanova Kidd, Chris Fontaine, Kross, Prime Time Nick Grymes, Bonecrusher, Slammer, Dalton Storm, Danny Morris, Nathan Williams, and Johnny Morton.
---- 60 people in the crowd with a gate close to $300…I believe this was their debut show in this town and they plan to run weekly...They announced that next week Bonecrusher and Justin Rhodes will defend the Southern Tag Titles against 24/7 (Kross and JR Mauler) This group is already in talks of running Saturday night road shows. The promoter is suppose to be meeting with the Walnut, MS town committee about running a show at the Freedom Festival which is held every July 4th night, thousands of people attend this event to see the bands, and big firework shows. So if they get this, it should be great publicity for the new company...No date is set but look for Traci Brooks, ODB, and Christi Ricci to be appearing soon as well.
RassleResults: CWA Selmer,TN 4.14.07
*Brian Steele with Jim Casey beat Chris Gilgore
*JJ Fuller vs Danny Morris – Dustin Starr/Matt Boyce jumped both guys
*Chris Rocker/Chris O’Neal over “Blackout Squad” [Bishop/Oz] when Bishop used the skull for DQ.
*Don Bass beat Shannon Lee
*CWA Tag Team Title Match The Posse beat Dustin Starr/Matt Boyce – BOS and Hollywood Jimmy jumped them after the match – O’Neal/Rocker made the save..
*Battle Royal – End of it had O’Neal and Don Bass..The Posse jumped BOS in the battle royal and they brawled to the back.
----150 in attendance with a gate close to $1,650…Bert Prentice was backstage to see the Posse vs Boyce/Starr match…Setup for Tennessee Street Fight with Posse vs BOS on May 5, 2007...Grady Watson got hit with Bass’ guitar. “The Singing Cowboys” were formed with Brian Steele and Don Bass.
*JJ Fuller vs Danny Morris – Dustin Starr/Matt Boyce jumped both guys
*Chris Rocker/Chris O’Neal over “Blackout Squad” [Bishop/Oz] when Bishop used the skull for DQ.
*Don Bass beat Shannon Lee
*CWA Tag Team Title Match The Posse beat Dustin Starr/Matt Boyce – BOS and Hollywood Jimmy jumped them after the match – O’Neal/Rocker made the save..
*Battle Royal – End of it had O’Neal and Don Bass..The Posse jumped BOS in the battle royal and they brawled to the back.
----150 in attendance with a gate close to $1,650…Bert Prentice was backstage to see the Posse vs Boyce/Starr match…Setup for Tennessee Street Fight with Posse vs BOS on May 5, 2007...Grady Watson got hit with Bass’ guitar. “The Singing Cowboys” were formed with Brian Steele and Don Bass.
RassleResults: MEWA Batesville, AR 4.14.07
*“The Southern Submission Machine” Wild Bill over Eric Wayne by submission with a “A Southern Dream”
*Hillbilly Tiny over Kid Nickels with a “Boulder Roll”
*Scottie Graham and “The Brazilian Bad Boy” Rozzi over Righteous Punishment Jack “Lockdown” Johnson and “Byg Daddy” Moose with a “Spine Buster”
*Light Heavy Weight Title Match :“The Suicide King” Ray Ray over Johnny Harper with a “School Boy Roll-Up”
*Main Event: Non-Title Tag Team Match - Danger Zone “Dangerous” Dave Cox and “Hot Rod” John Ellison over with a “Russian Leg Sweep with a Super Kick” MEWA Tag Team Champions Casino Kid and “The Velvet Lover” Cody Thunder
A great crowd this week with 257 in the stands.
*Hillbilly Tiny over Kid Nickels with a “Boulder Roll”
*Scottie Graham and “The Brazilian Bad Boy” Rozzi over Righteous Punishment Jack “Lockdown” Johnson and “Byg Daddy” Moose with a “Spine Buster”
*Light Heavy Weight Title Match :“The Suicide King” Ray Ray over Johnny Harper with a “School Boy Roll-Up”
*Main Event: Non-Title Tag Team Match - Danger Zone “Dangerous” Dave Cox and “Hot Rod” John Ellison over with a “Russian Leg Sweep with a Super Kick” MEWA Tag Team Champions Casino Kid and “The Velvet Lover” Cody Thunder
A great crowd this week with 257 in the stands.
RassleBits: Leveigh, DVD Releases and Videos
----Larry Goodman had this to say about the opening match from NWA Wrestle Birmingham. Full report is posted on www.gerweck.net.
“(1) Anton Leveigh pinned Brandon Barbwire after the Border Destroyer. These were two talented, young guys from Mississippi that had worked out a nice match. They went a fast-paced 8-10 minutes with lots of hot moves. It would have fit in well on an NWA Anarchy show. WB fans have seen very little of this style, and they got into the technical quality of the wrestling. The Border Destroyer is a version of Petey Williams’ move. An unexpectedly strong opener.”
----Please get ready for a ton of releases coming out on DVD. I am working on TGB and Austin Lane right now. I have reached a deal with Kenny Valiant to do at least 3 Titles. There is a possible series of DVDs to do with Bill Dundee. And I also just reached a deal with NBW and I will produce a title of the show from Saturday night.
----Some videos at http://www.youtube.com/ that I thought the readers might find interesting.
**CLICK HERE for video with highlights clips from NBW Saturday night. Rikishi was left out for some reason.
**CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE - I am not sure what time period these two clips are from, but I am thinking the 70s. British wrestling is fought in rounds. The reason I want to pass these along, because if you are a young wrestler and want to see some very unique hold for hold stuff, please take a look at these guys.
“(1) Anton Leveigh pinned Brandon Barbwire after the Border Destroyer. These were two talented, young guys from Mississippi that had worked out a nice match. They went a fast-paced 8-10 minutes with lots of hot moves. It would have fit in well on an NWA Anarchy show. WB fans have seen very little of this style, and they got into the technical quality of the wrestling. The Border Destroyer is a version of Petey Williams’ move. An unexpectedly strong opener.”
----Please get ready for a ton of releases coming out on DVD. I am working on TGB and Austin Lane right now. I have reached a deal with Kenny Valiant to do at least 3 Titles. There is a possible series of DVDs to do with Bill Dundee. And I also just reached a deal with NBW and I will produce a title of the show from Saturday night.
----Some videos at http://www.youtube.com/ that I thought the readers might find interesting.
**CLICK HERE for video with highlights clips from NBW Saturday night. Rikishi was left out for some reason.
**CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE - I am not sure what time period these two clips are from, but I am thinking the 70s. British wrestling is fought in rounds. The reason I want to pass these along, because if you are a young wrestler and want to see some very unique hold for hold stuff, please take a look at these guys.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Arena Report: NBW Dyersburg, TN 4.14.07 - NBW PACKS 316 FANS INTO THE BUILDING!!
----The crew has grown and the dressing rooms are better since my last visit to New Blood Wrestling. It was their second show and they were just trying to establish things with their new booker Greg Anthony. Sir Mo shortly took over and TGB is now TLCW Champion. As I arrived at 6:45 PM for the 8:00 PM show, I was thinking to myself that I had arrived early, but as soon as I pulled on the parking lot I knew it was going to be a big crowd. The building was almost completely full when I arrived and the fans kept piling in. This show proved that if you put on a good show, then people in Dyersburg, TN are going to come out to see wrestling. I have written before that Dyersburg was dead, but it just needs a kick in the ass and some good entertaining wrestling. And, believe me, that was what I got to see at this show.
----The Sicilian Kid won a battle royal that featured I believe 8 guys. Most of them I knew from either seeing their pics or seeing them work, but a few were new and very green. Even though they were green as grass though, when their music hit and they came out – the crowd ate it up!! J Weezy, Slim “the Bulldog” Pickens and even the Kid got a pop coming out. Even though Kid won the bout, Tank was the star of the battle royal leading most of the young guys into being eliminated and calling the right stuff at the right time. Tank had been out for few weeks and the crowd was hot for him. Tank threw Kid thru the top and second rope, so he was not eliminated. After Tank eliminated Weezy, then he jumped over the top rope thinking he won, but then Kid got in. Crowd liked the finish and Weezy/Kid/Tank all shook hands at the end. [**1/2]
----Psycho beat Gunner Thompson and Tim Edwards in a triple threat elimination hardcore match. Crowd was hot for the match almost all the way. I think Gunner got juice first, then Psycho, but both juiced good. Gunner got a good pop coming out. Edwards got eliminated and leaving Gunner/Psycho to beat the hell out of each other. This was much like the Psycho/Krisis hardcore match in that they were giving and getting in the right spots and the crowd was eating up the stiff spots. Psycho took a couple of shots with a R&R sign that were just nasty. Crowd popped big! Psycho set up Gunner and put a HP Printer/Scanner [I donated it!!] in between Gunner’s leg and took off with a spinning shoulder smash. That broke the glass on the scanner and Psycho was bleeding from the arm. Crowd popped big for the spot with the crowd getting louder as Psycho got closer to the printer. I really can’t believe I am doing this, but a match involving Gunner/Edwards gets [***].
----“Team X” [Phoenix/Gryffon] beat Fire/Flame. Team X did a great double spot with each diving outside the ring from the top turnbuckle onto Fire/Flame. I really had a hard time telling Phoenix/Gryffon apart, but the crowd was hot as Fire/Flame got the heat. Hot tag got a pop and [I think] Phoenix pinned Flame. Good basis psychology match. Team X are just so small compared to Fire/Flame and some of their offense just did not look real. [**1/2]
----“Cruzin 4 Pain” [Motley Cruz/187] with Tasha Simone beat “East Coast Bad Boys” [C-Money/Serpent] in the best bout of the night. This is the best pure wrestling tag team bout I have seen this year. When these two teams come out it was apparent that they are something different. Both teams are dressed alike in great gear and know how to wrestle. They look like wrestlers and they wrestle. The crowd popped so big for ECBB. Rikishi was the only person to get a bigger pop. Too many moves for me to mention here, but it was not a spot feast without meaning. Every move meant something. My only complaint of the bout is that it felt like it lasted a bit too long as they lost the crowd building up to the finish. Hot tag to C-Money was good C4P ended up winning after finishing off C-Money. [****] Great match!!
----NBW Title Match: Flex beat by DQ Alan Steele. This was just your basic wrestling match and both guys worked real hard. During one point, Steele puked, but I didn’t even notice it. [He was trying to be like Big Steve] They just kept working. You could tell that Flex was not use to the going so long, but did a great job except for a few hold for hold spots in the beginning of the match. Memphis Wrestling is missing out on having Flex as a singles babyface. He would be so over. Steele is the best wrestler in this area. I have seen them all and he is a step above when it comes to just pure wrestling. He is missing SOMETHING and I am not sure what – a great gimmick maybe?? Steele used a chain that the ref seen for shitty finish, but a damn good match. [***]
----Rikishi/Jeremy Moore/Big Red beat by DQ “Ca$h Flow” [Mark Justice/Kilo/”Pretty Sexay” Gaylon Ray] with Big Money Gripp when Stumaga interfered. This was just your basic match with Kilo really shining in the ring with Rikishi. Lots of comedy in the front and the heels took over getting the heat on Moore. Moore and Ray were put in the perfect spots getting over with the good workers. Moore doesn’t even look like a wrestler, but has improved tons and the crowd loves him. Justice did an elbow drop from the top rope that looked great!! Hot tag to Kishi and crowd popped big!!! Stumaga [Tommy Boy] jumped Rikishi and he gave him the stink face. Crowd was nuts. Rikishi danced after the match. [**1/2]
RassleNotes: Crowd was 316 paid with a gate close to $3476...As the show got started people were still coming into the building. I would say close to 30 people stood for the whole 4 hour show…The Kid is horrible and so small. But the crowd popped for him…Weezy, Pickens, Ray, Team X and Jeremy Moore all need seasoning, but are over with the crowd and try really hard…Tank needs to get Tasha to make him some gear and he would look more like a wrestler…C-Money is the younger brother of Serpent and 187 and is going to be a good worker if he sticks with it. If he keeps on improving I can see his name in the “rookie of the year” balloting for this year…Simone looked to be suffering from a hurt knee, but looked in great shape. I am not sure if it was the tan, the suit or whatever, but she looked about 10 years younger…I have a hard time telling Fire/Flame apart on TV, but it is easy seeing them live. Fire was great on the mic, which is funny since we have never heard them talk on TV…It was great to see some old friends in the crowd – Big Dave, Auburn Thunder, Cane with his beautiful wife, all the new kids and tons more of the workers that I have not seen in a long time…RRO “Manager of the Year” Rashard was backstage…They took a very long intermission for Rikishi to do Polaroids. He sold easily 80 Polaroids at $5 a pop. He was super backstage to all the boys and stayed to autograph everything for the fans….For all the bs I give this promotion for pushing some of the younger guys and such, Mo has done a great job getting over the young talent and did an excellent job putting on a big event…Good time was had by all and a thank you to the NBW cast and crew for a great show.
----The Sicilian Kid won a battle royal that featured I believe 8 guys. Most of them I knew from either seeing their pics or seeing them work, but a few were new and very green. Even though they were green as grass though, when their music hit and they came out – the crowd ate it up!! J Weezy, Slim “the Bulldog” Pickens and even the Kid got a pop coming out. Even though Kid won the bout, Tank was the star of the battle royal leading most of the young guys into being eliminated and calling the right stuff at the right time. Tank had been out for few weeks and the crowd was hot for him. Tank threw Kid thru the top and second rope, so he was not eliminated. After Tank eliminated Weezy, then he jumped over the top rope thinking he won, but then Kid got in. Crowd liked the finish and Weezy/Kid/Tank all shook hands at the end. [**1/2]
----Psycho beat Gunner Thompson and Tim Edwards in a triple threat elimination hardcore match. Crowd was hot for the match almost all the way. I think Gunner got juice first, then Psycho, but both juiced good. Gunner got a good pop coming out. Edwards got eliminated and leaving Gunner/Psycho to beat the hell out of each other. This was much like the Psycho/Krisis hardcore match in that they were giving and getting in the right spots and the crowd was eating up the stiff spots. Psycho took a couple of shots with a R&R sign that were just nasty. Crowd popped big! Psycho set up Gunner and put a HP Printer/Scanner [I donated it!!] in between Gunner’s leg and took off with a spinning shoulder smash. That broke the glass on the scanner and Psycho was bleeding from the arm. Crowd popped big for the spot with the crowd getting louder as Psycho got closer to the printer. I really can’t believe I am doing this, but a match involving Gunner/Edwards gets [***].
----“Team X” [Phoenix/Gryffon] beat Fire/Flame. Team X did a great double spot with each diving outside the ring from the top turnbuckle onto Fire/Flame. I really had a hard time telling Phoenix/Gryffon apart, but the crowd was hot as Fire/Flame got the heat. Hot tag got a pop and [I think] Phoenix pinned Flame. Good basis psychology match. Team X are just so small compared to Fire/Flame and some of their offense just did not look real. [**1/2]
----“Cruzin 4 Pain” [Motley Cruz/187] with Tasha Simone beat “East Coast Bad Boys” [C-Money/Serpent] in the best bout of the night. This is the best pure wrestling tag team bout I have seen this year. When these two teams come out it was apparent that they are something different. Both teams are dressed alike in great gear and know how to wrestle. They look like wrestlers and they wrestle. The crowd popped so big for ECBB. Rikishi was the only person to get a bigger pop. Too many moves for me to mention here, but it was not a spot feast without meaning. Every move meant something. My only complaint of the bout is that it felt like it lasted a bit too long as they lost the crowd building up to the finish. Hot tag to C-Money was good C4P ended up winning after finishing off C-Money. [****] Great match!!
----NBW Title Match: Flex beat by DQ Alan Steele. This was just your basic wrestling match and both guys worked real hard. During one point, Steele puked, but I didn’t even notice it. [He was trying to be like Big Steve] They just kept working. You could tell that Flex was not use to the going so long, but did a great job except for a few hold for hold spots in the beginning of the match. Memphis Wrestling is missing out on having Flex as a singles babyface. He would be so over. Steele is the best wrestler in this area. I have seen them all and he is a step above when it comes to just pure wrestling. He is missing SOMETHING and I am not sure what – a great gimmick maybe?? Steele used a chain that the ref seen for shitty finish, but a damn good match. [***]
----Rikishi/Jeremy Moore/Big Red beat by DQ “Ca$h Flow” [Mark Justice/Kilo/”Pretty Sexay” Gaylon Ray] with Big Money Gripp when Stumaga interfered. This was just your basic match with Kilo really shining in the ring with Rikishi. Lots of comedy in the front and the heels took over getting the heat on Moore. Moore and Ray were put in the perfect spots getting over with the good workers. Moore doesn’t even look like a wrestler, but has improved tons and the crowd loves him. Justice did an elbow drop from the top rope that looked great!! Hot tag to Kishi and crowd popped big!!! Stumaga [Tommy Boy] jumped Rikishi and he gave him the stink face. Crowd was nuts. Rikishi danced after the match. [**1/2]
RassleNotes: Crowd was 316 paid with a gate close to $3476...As the show got started people were still coming into the building. I would say close to 30 people stood for the whole 4 hour show…The Kid is horrible and so small. But the crowd popped for him…Weezy, Pickens, Ray, Team X and Jeremy Moore all need seasoning, but are over with the crowd and try really hard…Tank needs to get Tasha to make him some gear and he would look more like a wrestler…C-Money is the younger brother of Serpent and 187 and is going to be a good worker if he sticks with it. If he keeps on improving I can see his name in the “rookie of the year” balloting for this year…Simone looked to be suffering from a hurt knee, but looked in great shape. I am not sure if it was the tan, the suit or whatever, but she looked about 10 years younger…I have a hard time telling Fire/Flame apart on TV, but it is easy seeing them live. Fire was great on the mic, which is funny since we have never heard them talk on TV…It was great to see some old friends in the crowd – Big Dave, Auburn Thunder, Cane with his beautiful wife, all the new kids and tons more of the workers that I have not seen in a long time…RRO “Manager of the Year” Rashard was backstage…They took a very long intermission for Rikishi to do Polaroids. He sold easily 80 Polaroids at $5 a pop. He was super backstage to all the boys and stayed to autograph everything for the fans….For all the bs I give this promotion for pushing some of the younger guys and such, Mo has done a great job getting over the young talent and did an excellent job putting on a big event…Good time was had by all and a thank you to the NBW cast and crew for a great show.
My Favorite Paul Wight Story
----Even though Brian Thompson did give us history of Memphis, TN and Paul Wight, he forgot to mention my favorite visit EVER of Paul Wight to Memphis.
From http://www.thesmokinggun.com/
“Paul Wight, the 500-pound wrestling star, was arrested in December 1998 by Memphis cops for allegedly exposing himself to a female motel employee. The criminal case, though, was subsequently dropped due to insufficient evidence. Wight--then billed as The Giant--was in town for a World Championship Wrestling (WCW) event.”
----The story that I was told at the time was that the female
employee ask Wight something like, “why do they call you the Giant” or something stupid like that. Since he is this huge monster of a man, then why would you not call him “the Giant” Wight proceeded to say, “this is why they call me the Giant” and pulled out his penis to show her. I am surprised Vince never billed his as “The Big Penis Man”. LOL Oh yea..btw...I also loved it when Wight was coming to the ring smoking!!! LOL The cigarette looked like a toothpick!!!
From http://www.thesmokinggun.com/
“Paul Wight, the 500-pound wrestling star, was arrested in December 1998 by Memphis cops for allegedly exposing himself to a female motel employee. The criminal case, though, was subsequently dropped due to insufficient evidence. Wight--then billed as The Giant--was in town for a World Championship Wrestling (WCW) event.”
----The story that I was told at the time was that the female

RassleResults: Arkansas Championship Wrestling Paragould, AR 4.14.07
*Show open when sexy sam brings out the roll call of champs Hambones/Hamhock/Cannon. All did mic spills with Loose Cannon complaining about still not having his belt. Buster Johnson comes out and intros the new temp commish – Rottn Randy. Randy announces Cannon vs Treat for the Final rematch.
*Arnez with Kayte beat Shakedown with Sam Dollar
*ACW Tag Team Title Match – Hambones beat Adrian Stratton Banks/The Menace to retain the belts. Cannon checked Menace’s bag [looking for his belt] after the match and got one of those kid belts again.
*Next Division Title Match: The Enforcer beat Hamhock with Dollar to win the Title.
*ACW Title Match: San Francisco Treat beat Sam Dollar/Loose Cannon, but Cannon retains the belt. Before the bout, Rottn Randy gave two stips for the match – they had to have one hand tied behind their backs and SFT had to PIN Cannon to win the belt. SFT pinned Dollar.
*Main Event: No TL/No DQ – 8 Man Tag Match: Buster Johnson/Midnight Cowboys/Bryan Knight/The Enforcer beat “Labeled Social Deviants” [Deadly Dale/Idol Bane/Cody Daniels/Arnez]
----Crowd was 85 to 90 fans with a gate close to $560…I like the angle with Cannon trying to find his belt…I also like the way this promotion has been promoting “final” matches in feuds. It is easy for the fans to follow and let’s you know – no matter what – this feud is over…Randy had Cannon/Dollar doing everything during the whole show from sweeping out the ring to Cannon polishing Treat’s wrestling boots…I did not like the finish of the Title match because IMHO these finishes piss of fans and you get bad heat…Kelly Warner of LAW was backstage talking with Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon and Sam Dollar about coming into LAW in the future.
*Arnez with Kayte beat Shakedown with Sam Dollar
*ACW Tag Team Title Match – Hambones beat Adrian Stratton Banks/The Menace to retain the belts. Cannon checked Menace’s bag [looking for his belt] after the match and got one of those kid belts again.
*Next Division Title Match: The Enforcer beat Hamhock with Dollar to win the Title.
*ACW Title Match: San Francisco Treat beat Sam Dollar/Loose Cannon, but Cannon retains the belt. Before the bout, Rottn Randy gave two stips for the match – they had to have one hand tied behind their backs and SFT had to PIN Cannon to win the belt. SFT pinned Dollar.
*Main Event: No TL/No DQ – 8 Man Tag Match: Buster Johnson/Midnight Cowboys/Bryan Knight/The Enforcer beat “Labeled Social Deviants” [Deadly Dale/Idol Bane/Cody Daniels/Arnez]
----Crowd was 85 to 90 fans with a gate close to $560…I like the angle with Cannon trying to find his belt…I also like the way this promotion has been promoting “final” matches in feuds. It is easy for the fans to follow and let’s you know – no matter what – this feud is over…Randy had Cannon/Dollar doing everything during the whole show from sweeping out the ring to Cannon polishing Treat’s wrestling boots…I did not like the finish of the Title match because IMHO these finishes piss of fans and you get bad heat…Kelly Warner of LAW was backstage talking with Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon and Sam Dollar about coming into LAW in the future.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 4.14.07
*Show started with Austin Lane and Princess Naychole doing interview challenging Jerry The King Lawler and demanding an answer next week. Aaron Polston came out and told Austin that he would have an ASWF Championship defense right now and brought out Matt Rivera.
*ASWF Title Match: Austin Lane defeated Matt Rivera after interference from Justin “The Juice” Smart.
*X Kaliber defeated Morgan Lane. Afterwards X Kaliber & Morgan Lane is attacked by Michael Myers(from Halloween movies).
*Justin “The Juice” Smart defeated Kid Krazzy after interference by Austin Lane. Matt Rivera made the save and challenged for tag match later.
*Michael Myers defeated X Kaliber. X Kaliber came out before the match and challenged the "Hollywood Monster."
*Kid Krazzy & Matt Rivera defeated Austin Lane & Justin “The Juice” Smart. Afterwards Aaron Polston offered the chance to face Jerry the King Lawler next month to the winner of a battle royal.
*Battle Royal: Austin Lane was the last in the ring but Tuckerman Fire Department firefighter Terry Adams slid into the ring and eliminated Austin. Austin Lane was furious and demanded a rematch for the shot against Lawler. Austin said he would give up anything! Terry Adams said he would find a partner for next week to take on Austin & Smart with Princess Naychole in a pen outside the ring. Plus with ten fans surrounding the ring with leather straps.
----Crowd was in the 100 to 150 range with a gate close to $600…I have talked to a few people that were at the Tuckerman debut last week and they had great things to say about the arena. The Valiant Arena was described as a mini TNA arena seating about 300 people. They have “state of the art” bleachers surrounding the ring. Every seat is a good seat.
*ASWF Title Match: Austin Lane defeated Matt Rivera after interference from Justin “The Juice” Smart.
*X Kaliber defeated Morgan Lane. Afterwards X Kaliber & Morgan Lane is attacked by Michael Myers(from Halloween movies).
*Justin “The Juice” Smart defeated Kid Krazzy after interference by Austin Lane. Matt Rivera made the save and challenged for tag match later.
*Michael Myers defeated X Kaliber. X Kaliber came out before the match and challenged the "Hollywood Monster."
*Kid Krazzy & Matt Rivera defeated Austin Lane & Justin “The Juice” Smart. Afterwards Aaron Polston offered the chance to face Jerry the King Lawler next month to the winner of a battle royal.
*Battle Royal: Austin Lane was the last in the ring but Tuckerman Fire Department firefighter Terry Adams slid into the ring and eliminated Austin. Austin Lane was furious and demanded a rematch for the shot against Lawler. Austin said he would give up anything! Terry Adams said he would find a partner for next week to take on Austin & Smart with Princess Naychole in a pen outside the ring. Plus with ten fans surrounding the ring with leather straps.
----Crowd was in the 100 to 150 range with a gate close to $600…I have talked to a few people that were at the Tuckerman debut last week and they had great things to say about the arena. The Valiant Arena was described as a mini TNA arena seating about 300 people. They have “state of the art” bleachers surrounding the ring. Every seat is a good seat.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 4.14.07
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 4.14.07
----This show was taped in the studio with a big “Memphis Wrestling” sign being the backdrop in the TV studio ring with Corey Maclin and Jimmy Hart sitting the side of the ring. There was very little mention of Jerry Lawler except making note of the change of the match and small clip from the press conference. No in depth report this week as it was just clips of various things. Here is what was shown.
----Corey Maclin interviews Willie Hearton. Thanks to Willie. Hearton is ringing the bell at the Forum.
----FedEx Forum show commercial features only footage of press conference and XWF footage.
----Press Conference footage with other news pieces from Memphis TV.
----Platinum Ticket holders $60 get a "Meet and Greet" with all the legends. First 5,000 get $20 Sam's Town card. Even though I was surprised at the ticket prices, then is a good deal for the first 5,000 people. It was also a great idea from Maclin to get fans down to the “Sam’s Town” shows.
---- Other names that I don't think have been mention on my site to be on the show: Jimmy Vaiant, Buff Bagwell, Dutch Mantell and Kid Kash.
----Corey interviews Paul Wight.
----Greg Valentine vs Jimmy Snuka from Legends PPV.
----Abdullah The Butcher beating up Dutch Mantell -- PR footage from late 80’s during the time Jaggars/Mantell were teaming.
----Lance Russell interview via phone.
----Hulk Hogan interview with Hogan promoting the show and saying that Lawler turned his back on Memphis, TN and put his head between his legs and went back to Stanford, CT.
----Only other match announced: Triple Threat Ladies: Jazz vs Christie Ricci vs ?? They actually called her Christina Ricci. MY GOD!! GET HER NAME RIGHT!!!
----This show was taped in the studio with a big “Memphis Wrestling” sign being the backdrop in the TV studio ring with Corey Maclin and Jimmy Hart sitting the side of the ring. There was very little mention of Jerry Lawler except making note of the change of the match and small clip from the press conference. No in depth report this week as it was just clips of various things. Here is what was shown.
----Corey Maclin interviews Willie Hearton. Thanks to Willie. Hearton is ringing the bell at the Forum.
----FedEx Forum show commercial features only footage of press conference and XWF footage.
----Press Conference footage with other news pieces from Memphis TV.
----Platinum Ticket holders $60 get a "Meet and Greet" with all the legends. First 5,000 get $20 Sam's Town card. Even though I was surprised at the ticket prices, then is a good deal for the first 5,000 people. It was also a great idea from Maclin to get fans down to the “Sam’s Town” shows.
---- Other names that I don't think have been mention on my site to be on the show: Jimmy Vaiant, Buff Bagwell, Dutch Mantell and Kid Kash.
----Corey interviews Paul Wight.
----Greg Valentine vs Jimmy Snuka from Legends PPV.
----Abdullah The Butcher beating up Dutch Mantell -- PR footage from late 80’s during the time Jaggars/Mantell were teaming.
----Lance Russell interview via phone.
----Hulk Hogan interview with Hogan promoting the show and saying that Lawler turned his back on Memphis, TN and put his head between his legs and went back to Stanford, CT.
----Only other match announced: Triple Threat Ladies: Jazz vs Christie Ricci vs ?? They actually called her Christina Ricci. MY GOD!! GET HER NAME RIGHT!!!
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