----250 in attendance with a $1,500 gate...PP lost the belts mainly because they are not sure how many Saturdays they will be in Ripley...Doink [Dusty Wolfe] was in the Hardcore elimination match...After Knight won the match, Krisis came out and jumped him. Knight kept getting up as Krisis beat him up and Krisis would go back in the ring and beat on him more...Tatt2 used his own guitar to hit Brian Steele this time. It is pictured with art work done by Tatt2...I was told the main event went close to a hour including pre/post match antics. Finish was hot. Grind hit DK with the kendo because Flash moved,then they went for it again and Flash moved again and Tim nailed DK once more. Stan Lee came out pissed that he hit DK. They started pushing each other - Flash & Stan - while they were arguing dk got pinned. Flash/Brian C had won the belts but DK said they had cheated and hit him with the kendo stick. Ref ended up asking Stan what the truth was - who really used the kendo stick?? Stan said he couldn’t lie - that Flash used it. They got dq'ed and DK/Grind kept the titles. I loved that finish -- it is making it look like Lee is turning also...Side note on the Lee/DK angle - earlier in the night DK said he had Stan's back - when Stan got beat down after his match DK and the other faces came in for the save, DK stopped and the other faces ran in the ring and got hit by Dustin,then DK came in and ran Dustin off and helped Stan up...Starr's attorney Marcus Cochran got his hair cut when Starr lost. It looked horrible, so Dustin shaved a “5” in it. Go to www.dustinstarr.com for pics. It looks funny. Starr also has comments about Trent Van Drisse on there.