I recently had the opportunity to work with The Midnight Express and get a whole new perspective on the team. It has made me think about one of the other teams that Stan Lane was also a part of The Fabulous Ones. I had heard of them but never really saw them except recently on some You Tube clips. It was a number of years ago when I got the call from Jim Cornette. He was looking for Stan Lane to come up to Louisville for a big show. It was a tribute to Louisville wrestling history. In talking to Jimmy it was determined that I was going to come up to the show and would work on it. The first thing that we came up with was a match against the local heel manager Kenny Bolin. I received a call from Jimmy later asking me that I be the referee for Kurt Angles match against Sylvester Terkay. I was disappointed because I was trying to transition out of refereeing into managing/wrestling. I went along with Jimmy. It was his show so I agreed.
I arrived in Louisville before Stan and was supposed to pick him up at the airport. When I arrived several OVW wrestlers were at the airport to pick up various guys and deliver them to the hotel. One of them was assigned to Stan who let him know that he already had a ride and off we went. As we left he told me "hey that kid they sent to pick me up is Bob Orton’s kid". How about that? Wh would have known then that a young Randy Orton go on to have the future he has had on that fateful day.
This was a loaded show the WWE loaning Kane and Kurt Angle to the event along with my buddy Mick Foley also being there. When we arrived I remember Mick thinking that Stan Lane was Scott Steiner. I recall Stan getting a big kick out of that, of course. Lane was always in top of the line condition. It was also my first time meeting Jackie Fargo who was brought in to the show to be in the corner of The Fabulous Ones. They were going to face a good young team one of those guys was Derrick King, his partner was Jason Lee. I do know it was a good match in front of an appreciative crowd.
I remember being approached by someone who seemed to know me. I had no clue that it was the guy I knew as Wolfie D until I saw the tattoo on his chest. I had used him on shows and was a big fan of his work. He was a good guy and it was good to see him again.
It eventually became time for me to referee my match. I remember telling Kurt Angle that I thought he was the best talent to come along in quite awhile. We went back and forth on the finish based on what they wanted to get across. It didn’t seem to me that the finish was getting the point across and building for their local OVW TV but of course I went along with it. When I was announced they had built up my resume to include shoot fighting referee experience. After the match when I was heading to the dressing room my buddy Mick Foley said "I didn’t know you had shoot fighting experience". I said "neither did I". He responded with an “Oh” and then he introduced me to his son Dewey who came along for the event.
At the end of the night the final match had Kane and The Damaja vs. D-Lo Brown and Rob Conway in a tag match with special referee Mick Foley. As the match was ending about thirty of us, in groups of three, were to hit the ring each of us going towards Mick Foley, Kane or The Damaja. I was glad to see I was lined up with Mick. I asked him to just hit me with a right hand I had no desire to experience Mr. Socko at the time. It all went well as we were falling like bowling pins to right hands and choke slams.
When the show was over I headed out on the town with Stan and Steve Keirn. Nothing big, just hanging out at whatever the local place was. We had a good time and when it was time to go I walked out with Steve and then it happened. A group of guys recognized Steve and went crazy. They could not believe that they were in the presence of one half of the Fabulous Ones. I hadn’t really been around such an exhibition before. I could tell Steve was almost embarrassed. He just looked at me and said "We were pretty over here Sal". I just laughed. We got in the car headed back to the hotel. It was clear to me that the big house that Jerry Jarrett lives in had to be at least partially built by The Fabulous Ones. It always takes two to make a good dance team. I have heard nothing but good things about Jerry Jarrett’s ability to promote. I am sure there is a reason why the WWE brought him in when Vince had his issues and there was concern he wouldn’t be around. He had the vision and, as I have heard Stan say before, "you guys work out the finer points and I will execute."
I want to send out a birthday wish to former NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champion Gorgeous Gary Royal who turned fifty one today Dec 20th 2008. I hear that he is telling people that fifty one is the new thirty one. There is no doubt if that bell sounded today he would be out there like he just went an hour broadway yesterday. He doesn’t really know any other way.
The picture with this article is of Stan and his lovely wife Maria along with Sal Toscano. Sal is a friend of mine and Stan’s that I met years ago in Concord, NC. He also represent s me and Stan and some other friends and family on insurance and financial issues. He came out to the big show in Charlotte so I grabbed this picture before Stan and Maria headed back home.
This has been a piece of my mind