55 attended
Kevin Dunn b JD Fluffy
Psycho Medic b Tatsu
Chris Norte b Anthony Wayne and Jason Xavier in a 3-way when Norte pinned Wayne
Derrick Neal vs Saint went to a double countout
Psycho Medic b Kevin Dunn
Damien Payne & Kevin James vs Steven Green & Cody Weatherby went to a time limit draw
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Saturday, March 07, 2009
----EWE in Ripley, TN will be featuring a EWE Title Match with Stan Lee defending the title vs "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony. Title vs TGB's HAIR!!!
----Book Tour 2009 -ASWF – “Promotion of the Year” Tuckerman, AR 3.07.09 – David Walls, Bobby Eaton, Brian Thompson and Ken Wayne will all be there to sign your Yearbook 2008!!!
----Book Tour 2009 -ASWF – “Promotion of the Year” Tuckerman, AR 3.07.09 – David Walls, Bobby Eaton, Brian Thompson and Ken Wayne will all be there to sign your Yearbook 2008!!!
SAW News!!
Two new episodes (Shows 79 & 80) of Showtime All-Star Wrestling (SAW) are now available free of charge, online at SAWOnline.tv or at the links below:
Episode 79 features Gary Valiant vs Raven, plus appearances by JT Stahr, Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, Rick Santel, Jon Michael, Vordell Walker and more.
Episode 80 features Jon Michael vs TJ Harley, plus appearances by Raven, Marc Anthony, Gary Valiant, Andy Douglas, Sigmon, Chrisjen Hayme, and more.
Questions and feedback regarding SAW can be directed to FullForcePro@aol.com
SAW TV Taping
Friday, March 13
The SAWMill
1214 B Louisivlle Highway
Millersville, TN
8 PM
All Seats $8.00
Main Event: SAW International Heavyweight Title Match: Kid Kash vs Arrick “The Dragon” Andrews.
Chase Stevens vs Andy Douglas with Paul Adams
Vordell Walker vs JT Stahr with Derrick King & Sista O’Feelya
Flash Flanagan vs Rick Santel
Plus: David Young, Hammerjack, Jesse Emerson, Shane Smalls, Chrisjen Hayme and more!
SAW Presents:
The Bison Bash
Saturday, March 14th
8 PM
Station Camp High School
1040 Bison Trail
Gallatin, TN
Tickets available @ Station Camp H.S. Main Office
or request tickets at FullForcePro@aol.com
$10 Ringside
$8 General Admission
All Proceeds will be used to purchase new weig ht room equipment
Main Event: SAW INTERNATIONAL TITLE MATCH: Kid Kash vs Arrick "The Dragon" Andrews
Chase Stevens vs Andy Douglas with Paul Adams
Gary Valiant vs “Maniac” Marc Anthony
TJ Harley vs Jon Michael
Derrick King & amp; JT Stahr with Sista O'Feelya vs LT Falk & Drew Haskins
The Faculty Free-For-All featuring Melissa Neely vs Brandon Smart
Plus: Hammerjack, and more!
Episode 79 features Gary Valiant vs Raven, plus appearances by JT Stahr, Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, Rick Santel, Jon Michael, Vordell Walker and more.
Episode 80 features Jon Michael vs TJ Harley, plus appearances by Raven, Marc Anthony, Gary Valiant, Andy Douglas, Sigmon, Chrisjen Hayme, and more.
Questions and feedback regarding SAW can be directed to FullForcePro@aol.com
SAW TV Taping
Friday, March 13
The SAWMill
1214 B Louisivlle Highway
Millersville, TN
8 PM
All Seats $8.00
Main Event: SAW International Heavyweight Title Match: Kid Kash vs Arrick “The Dragon” Andrews.
Chase Stevens vs Andy Douglas with Paul Adams
Vordell Walker vs JT Stahr with Derrick King & Sista O’Feelya
Flash Flanagan vs Rick Santel
Plus: David Young, Hammerjack, Jesse Emerson, Shane Smalls, Chrisjen Hayme and more!
SAW Presents:
The Bison Bash
Saturday, March 14th
8 PM
Station Camp High School
1040 Bison Trail
Gallatin, TN
Tickets available @ Station Camp H.S. Main Office
or request tickets at FullForcePro@aol.com
$10 Ringside
$8 General Admission
All Proceeds will be used to purchase new weig ht room equipment
Main Event: SAW INTERNATIONAL TITLE MATCH: Kid Kash vs Arrick "The Dragon" Andrews
Chase Stevens vs Andy Douglas with Paul Adams
Gary Valiant vs “Maniac” Marc Anthony
TJ Harley vs Jon Michael
Derrick King & amp; JT Stahr with Sista O'Feelya vs LT Falk & Drew Haskins
The Faculty Free-For-All featuring Melissa Neely vs Brandon Smart
Plus: Hammerjack, and more!
Arena Report: NEW West Memphis, AR 3.06.09 - First Stop on Book Tour 2009 - RRO Award Winners King/Nikels Battle It Out!!
----The show opened with them talking about the US JR Title Tournament. The idea for the matches for the night was that you needed to win to even be considered in the tournament. The first four guys to get three wins will then be entered into a one night double elimination tournament. So if you lose, then you fall behind in the standings.
----Dustin Ring interview talking about winning 100 tournaments. Thought that was funny. Eric Wayne interview then aired on the big screen. Real good interview. Best effort so far. Eric Wayne beat Dustin Ring in the first match. Good solid stiff bout. Hard kicks. Hard chops. Hold for hold. Snug stiff holds. Eric did his german suplex finisher in the middle of the match with Dustin kicking out. [note: you got to do a little “something extra” to win the bout against Dustin – good psychology]. Eric was using some running dropkicks low to Dustin’s head. He also worked Ring’s leg to the point of thinking that Dustin was going to have to lose his leg to lose the bout. The finish was a bit sloopy, but looked awesome when Eric slapped it on. Dustin was trying to superplex with Eric slipping off the turnbuckle and catching Dustin [who had his feet on the second turnbuckle] with a german suplex for the win. [remember – “something extra” to beat him] [***]
----“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony interview on the big screen. They call him “The Golden Boy”, because no matter where he wrestles he wins the gold. [Dustin Starr take note – TGB is putting over his gimmick]. TGB finished his interview with his catch phrase “Good as Gold” as the crowd chanted it right with him.
----Kid Nikels [pictured above] was interviewed in the ring by Brian Thompson. Thompson put over the fact that Nikels was not in the tournament because he was too big for the JR Title. Nikels was dressed in street clothes and they said he would not be competing this week. But…it was announced that since Matt Justyce had not come to training for the week that Nikels would take his place vs Greg King JR tonight. Justyce came out and was upset, but Ken Wayne told him he could not work tonight.
----Shawn Reed beat Justin Smart. Good interview from Reed before the match. This was solid, but nothing great. Smart seem to be a step behind on some stuff. They had a real good segment with them trading forearms with Smart getting the best of it with about 4 really good stiff ones. Smart did a pretty blockbuster jumping from the top turnbuckle. Two count. Smart went to the top again with Reed ducking and Smart trying for a sunset flip. Reed held him and used a reverse piledriver variation [I know there has to be a name for this??] with Smart taking the move making it look like he killed him for the pin and win. Smart/Downtown Bruno did a good job selling Smart being hurt. [**1/2]
----Kid Nikels beat Greg King Jr. A really good bout with building of the finish out of nowhere. Story being that Nikels is bigger and King needs to win because he needs three wins to be in the tourney. Nice armbar work from King on Nikels. Flying elbow from top rope from King. Both guys looked real good here. Nikels potatoes King during some point and King’s head is open, but not too much blood to stop the bout. King seems to be improving week by week. Any flying move he does is so fluent from his flying body press to leap frogs. Kid with belly to belly. King monkey flips Kid and then a Stinger splash into corner. King with a Booker T kick. King with frog splash and two count on Nikels. Greg hits a flying press with Nikels catching him in mid-air and turning it into a chokeslam for the pin and win. Best bout I have seen this year. Stiff, hardway blood, crowd was into it and finish was good. [***3/4]
----25 to 30 in the building. This was officially stamped by Loaded boot and Loaded boot Jr, who were at ringside. LOL…I have said this before, but Smart has tons of potential, but is just not there yet…Something I noticed in these matches. The kicks to the back, leg and other parts are really stiff, but when they kick each other in the stomach it is soft. I know, it would not be smart to start kicking someone hard in the stomach, but after hard kicks to other parts, it looked weak…I liked the start of Justyce angle where he can’t wrestle because he does not train and believe in longer storylines, but it seems to be stuck on the same skit week after week…My only criticism of the Nikels/King bout was that when King did start bleeding – Nikels should have been on that cut like a dog and never let up. It would have changed the total finish of the bout, but it would have also put the realism in it. Ken Wayne did come to ringside to check on King…Chuck Poe [pictured below with Bobby Eaton] refereed the second bout and did a good job. As I have said in the past, a good referee is usually not SEEN during the bout. Downtown Bruno is actually SEEN more in the bouts than most refs, but if you didn’t see him, then something would be wrong – he is Downtown Bruno dammit!! LOL…It seems that Shawn Reed will not be making the trip to the Chikara Trios Tournament this year. Apparently it was going to be him/Kid/Eric…TGB was helping with the booking…Anita Paige and Bobby Eaton were in attendance…Thanks to everyone that bought Yearbook 2008!! Thanks to Vikki for helping out!! Thanks to cast and crew at NEW. Fun time was had by all.
Photos by Donna Partee
A Piece of my Mind March 7th 2009 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I am waiting, like everyone else, to see how this Chris Jericho angle plays out. The segment with Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka the other day on RAW brought back so many memories. I can remember clearly being in Hamburg, PA, when Roddy Piper hit Jimmy Snuka with that coconut. I still remember digging into that bag of fruit and Piper making sure I didn’t eat any of it. I had no idea why it was sitting there or that Snuka would be in Piper’s Pit. I really don’t know what the payoff to this thing is going to be. So far three legends have been beaten up on television. I have known two of the men a very long time. I met Jimmy Snuka nineteen eighty one and Roddy Piper since he debuted in the WWF in the mid eighties. The other I haven’t known as long, but we have become much closer friends Ricky Steamboat. I am a big fan of the legends and support them being used on television. I wait with anticipation for Monday Night Raw to see where they are going with this angle. Who knows what they are going to do with Jericho at the Mania. At this point they can go in any direction and it appears they are leaving all options open in regards to a Jericho opponent for Wrestlemania.
It is hard for me to believe that Wrestlemania is twenty five years old. It reminds me how long I have been in the business. When Wrestlemania started there was no PPV there were only closed circuit locations all over the country. I held an event at the Westchester Community College. At first tickets sold slowly but as all the NY City locations filled up people trended north. The very first match was Tito Santana against someone I believe named The Executioner. It may have been Playboy Buddy Rose under a hood. I am not sure why they wanted him under a hood or why he wanted to be wearing one. It would be great to have been in the very first Wrestlemania match. If you ask me they should have both of those guys back. I can tell you Buddy would probably do it and want to work as hard as anyone out there. I know I used him at WrestleReunion 1 ... talk about a guy who wants to prove he can still go.
There are many wrestlers still around that were a part of the original Wrestlemania. Hopefully they will be asked to participate at the show. It would be nice to also pay tribute to those that are no longer with us. The most recently departed is S.D Jones. It was S.D. who wrestled King Kong Bundy who was lead to the ring by Jimmy Hart. It was my first time seeing Jimmy Hart work. I certainly had no clue at the time what a major part of my life he would become. I have to say that so far the buzz for Wrestlemania seems very weak there isn’t much to it. I hope that something changes.
I do want to congratulate Tammy “Sunny” Sytch for being given a chance to participate at Wrestlemania. It seems there will be a diva battle royal and some former ladies are being asked back. I have heard some rumors swirl. It will be interesting to see how it comes out. What I know has changed forever is that people won’t be online for a closed circuit broadcast at 8am with their lunch in hand for first come first serve seating. It is quite an accomplishment to take something from nothing to being a household word. I remember when WWE employee Ed Cohen said “Sal, can you get a little bit bigger building we are going to do something called Wrestlemania”. Who would have ever known that all these years later Wrestlemania would be the symbol of excellence that it is?
This photo
was taken in Valley Forge, PA at WrestleReunion 2 when Tito Santana the man that won the very first Wrestlemania match beat his old rival Greg “The Hammer” Valentine for the IWA Heavyweight Title.
Friday, March 06, 2009
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 3.06.09
53 attended
LT Falk b Lee Cross
Psycho Medic & Dyron Flynn b Dominator & Shawn Hoodrich when Flynn pinned Dominator
Shane Eden & LT Falk (w/Aiden Scott) b Convict & Kevin Dunn (w/Lee Cross) when Eden pinned Convict
USWO Jr. Champion Bryan Casey pinned Jason Xavier
Tim Renesto & Saint vs Damien Payne & Josh Crowe was declared a no contest due to another double pin (Payne on Renesto and Saint on Crowe) and Commissioner Gordon ordered the tag belts held up (each team had one belt going in) pending a rematch
USWO Champion Michael Jablonski (w/Nick White) b Derrick Neal
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
LT Falk b Lee Cross
Psycho Medic & Dyron Flynn b Dominator & Shawn Hoodrich when Flynn pinned Dominator
Shane Eden & LT Falk (w/Aiden Scott) b Convict & Kevin Dunn (w/Lee Cross) when Eden pinned Convict
USWO Jr. Champion Bryan Casey pinned Jason Xavier
Tim Renesto & Saint vs Damien Payne & Josh Crowe was declared a no contest due to another double pin (Payne on Renesto and Saint on Crowe) and Commissioner Gordon ordered the tag belts held up (each team had one belt going in) pending a rematch
USWO Champion Michael Jablonski (w/Nick White) b Derrick Neal
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
RassleResults: NBW Newbern, TN 2.28.09 - Mark Justice Wins NBW Title!!
New Blood Wrestling
Entertainment Center
Newbern, TN
"One Man Wrecking Crew" Tank defeated BlackJack in 3:33 in a "Triple 5 Challenge" after the match, instead of Tanks music playing, another music started playing in the background. Ricky Andrew came out from the locker room and ran in the ring. Tank swung with a clothesline, Andrews ducked and came back with a Thesz Press and started pounding on Tank. Tank ran back towards Andrews with another clothesline, Andrews ducked again and this time nailed Tank with a Calf Kick and Tank bumped and rolled out of the ring. NBW Owner Jeff McDonald made a rematch between Tank and Andrews for this Saturday in another "Triple 5 Challenge".
Christian Morrakoni defeated Norrin Radd after a "Lionsault"
"Enfrocer" Mark Justice came out for an interview and told all the fans that he felt betrayed and disscusted last week. And he was discussed at all the NBW fans. Because while he was lying in the middle of the ring in a pool of his own blood, the fans weren't worried about him, they were too busy worrying about what was going on with the crowd in the back of the building. He told the fans they could all kiss his ass.
NBW Champion Crazy Train comes out and tells Mark Justice not to talk to any of the NBW fans in that tone and that they were better than him and if he didn't like it, then he would take him on a Train ride straight to hell. A championship match was then set up for the Main Event.
The Kid defeated Redman after Redman went for a "Powerbomb" and kid punched him in the head until he fell and stayed on top of him long enough to get a 3 count after the match, while Kid was on the ropes celebrating, Redman caught him from behind and nailed him with a "Powerbomb". OzWick came running out to the ring with a giant lollipop in his hand and slid in behind Redman. When he turned around, OzWick nailed him with what he calls the "Sucker Punch", and carried Kid back to the locker room.
NBW High Risk Champion Brandon Barbwire came out for an interview telling the fans that he never agreed to another match with Jeremy Moore for this evening because when Moore made the challenge to him the week before he was still unconscious in the middle of the ring from an "RKO". NBW Owner Jeff McDonald came out and told Barbwire that he did not decide when he would or would not wrestle or against whom , that was up to him, and he said that Brandon would be defending the championship again against Moore in a Falls count Anywhere match. Barbwire agreed under one stipulation, that if and when he did beat Moore again, Moore would not get another shot at the High Risk title, as long as he is champion. Jeff agreed and we went into an intermission.
NBW High Risk Champion Brandon Barbwire defeated "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore in a "Falls Count Anywhere Match" to retain the title. Towards the end of the match Barbwire raised his fist towards Jeremy's grandmother who was sitting in the crowd. Jeremy rushed Barbwire before he could toutch her. Barbwire knocked Moore down and went for the title belt but before he could use it Jeff McDonald grabbed the other end of it. Barbwire turned around and nailed McDonald. Jeremy ran to his father to check on him and Barbwire quickly rolled him up for the 3 count.
NBW Heavyweight Title
"Enforcer" Mark Justice defeated Crazy Train to become the new NBW Champion after the match, Justice went outside of the ring and grabbed a chair and brought it back into the ring. He told the fans that this time he meant business and that they were going to see how brutal he could really be. Justice began to nail Crazy Train in the ankle with the chair. Then he slid his foot in between the chair and began to jump on it in concession doing serious damage to Crazy Trains ankle and foot.
RassleNotes: There were around 80 people in the building even with the storm. XOW returns this week. Jon Michael also returns to NBW this week. They actually had a referee who dressed like one and knew what was going on around him...lol.
Credit: NBWnewsguy
----OMG It is OzWick!! Is this the original guy??...Good to see that many people with the snow storm...Interesting to see Jon Michael coming in to do some shows...Train is gone for three weeks.
Entertainment Center
Newbern, TN
"One Man Wrecking Crew" Tank defeated BlackJack in 3:33 in a "Triple 5 Challenge" after the match, instead of Tanks music playing, another music started playing in the background. Ricky Andrew came out from the locker room and ran in the ring. Tank swung with a clothesline, Andrews ducked and came back with a Thesz Press and started pounding on Tank. Tank ran back towards Andrews with another clothesline, Andrews ducked again and this time nailed Tank with a Calf Kick and Tank bumped and rolled out of the ring. NBW Owner Jeff McDonald made a rematch between Tank and Andrews for this Saturday in another "Triple 5 Challenge".
Christian Morrakoni defeated Norrin Radd after a "Lionsault"
"Enfrocer" Mark Justice came out for an interview and told all the fans that he felt betrayed and disscusted last week. And he was discussed at all the NBW fans. Because while he was lying in the middle of the ring in a pool of his own blood, the fans weren't worried about him, they were too busy worrying about what was going on with the crowd in the back of the building. He told the fans they could all kiss his ass.
NBW Champion Crazy Train comes out and tells Mark Justice not to talk to any of the NBW fans in that tone and that they were better than him and if he didn't like it, then he would take him on a Train ride straight to hell. A championship match was then set up for the Main Event.
The Kid defeated Redman after Redman went for a "Powerbomb" and kid punched him in the head until he fell and stayed on top of him long enough to get a 3 count after the match, while Kid was on the ropes celebrating, Redman caught him from behind and nailed him with a "Powerbomb". OzWick came running out to the ring with a giant lollipop in his hand and slid in behind Redman. When he turned around, OzWick nailed him with what he calls the "Sucker Punch", and carried Kid back to the locker room.
NBW High Risk Champion Brandon Barbwire came out for an interview telling the fans that he never agreed to another match with Jeremy Moore for this evening because when Moore made the challenge to him the week before he was still unconscious in the middle of the ring from an "RKO". NBW Owner Jeff McDonald came out and told Barbwire that he did not decide when he would or would not wrestle or against whom , that was up to him, and he said that Brandon would be defending the championship again against Moore in a Falls count Anywhere match. Barbwire agreed under one stipulation, that if and when he did beat Moore again, Moore would not get another shot at the High Risk title, as long as he is champion. Jeff agreed and we went into an intermission.
NBW High Risk Champion Brandon Barbwire defeated "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore in a "Falls Count Anywhere Match" to retain the title. Towards the end of the match Barbwire raised his fist towards Jeremy's grandmother who was sitting in the crowd. Jeremy rushed Barbwire before he could toutch her. Barbwire knocked Moore down and went for the title belt but before he could use it Jeff McDonald grabbed the other end of it. Barbwire turned around and nailed McDonald. Jeremy ran to his father to check on him and Barbwire quickly rolled him up for the 3 count.
NBW Heavyweight Title
"Enforcer" Mark Justice defeated Crazy Train to become the new NBW Champion after the match, Justice went outside of the ring and grabbed a chair and brought it back into the ring. He told the fans that this time he meant business and that they were going to see how brutal he could really be. Justice began to nail Crazy Train in the ankle with the chair. Then he slid his foot in between the chair and began to jump on it in concession doing serious damage to Crazy Trains ankle and foot.
RassleNotes: There were around 80 people in the building even with the storm. XOW returns this week. Jon Michael also returns to NBW this week. They actually had a referee who dressed like one and knew what was going on around him...lol.
Credit: NBWnewsguy
----OMG It is OzWick!! Is this the original guy??...Good to see that many people with the snow storm...Interesting to see Jon Michael coming in to do some shows...Train is gone for three weeks.
Memphis Wrestling TV Ratings 2.28.09
----Last Saturday’s show dropped 61% from the prior week in what is a norm in Memphis Wrestling ratings – score big one week and down big the next week. The show did good numbers though with increases in the 3rd and 4th quarter. It will be interesting to see if the numbers go up with them having a crowd of 300+. The show is also doing close to 30% more viewers than last year overall, so that is a good thing for Memphis Wrestling.
Overall .8 [12958 viewers]
1st Quarter
-Lawler/Corey at White Station High
-White vs Lexx
.7 [11338 viewers]
2cnd Quarter
-Mantell vs Rude
-“Stop The Violence” founder interviewed by Corey/Lawler.
-Mantell/Dundee vs Fantastics [start]
.7 [11338 viewers] [no change]
3rd Quarter
-Mantell/Dundee vs Fantastics [finish]
-Lawler video
-Blaylock interview [start]
.8 [12958 viewers] [+1620 viewers]
-Blaylock interview [finish]
-Lawler/Vicious angle
1.0 [16198 viewers] [+3240 viewers]
Start to finish: [+4860 viewers]
Overall .8 [12958 viewers]
1st Quarter
-Lawler/Corey at White Station High
-White vs Lexx
.7 [11338 viewers]
2cnd Quarter
-Mantell vs Rude
-“Stop The Violence” founder interviewed by Corey/Lawler.
-Mantell/Dundee vs Fantastics [start]
.7 [11338 viewers] [no change]
3rd Quarter
-Mantell/Dundee vs Fantastics [finish]
-Lawler video
-Blaylock interview [start]
.8 [12958 viewers] [+1620 viewers]
-Blaylock interview [finish]
-Lawler/Vicious angle
1.0 [16198 viewers] [+3240 viewers]
Start to finish: [+4860 viewers]
RassleResults: USA - Memphis Wrestling Hohenwald, TN 3.05.09 - Big House!
Shane Williams lost to Justin O'Day
Matt Boyce beat Travis Sawyer
Lani Keoaloha beat Teddy Tender
Bill Dundee defeated Kevin White/ Garry White
Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher beat RRO Hall of Famer Tommy Rich & Doug Gilbert w/Garry White
Scotts Hill Tn on March 12th
Alamo Tn on March 24th
March 26th is Dresden Tn.
Credit: SWStudd
----Bert Prentice-Jerry Lawler partnership continues to draw big numbers. I was told this was pretty much a sold out crowd at the armory. The had 320 chairs with some people standing - close to 350 in attendance.
Matt Boyce beat Travis Sawyer
Lani Keoaloha beat Teddy Tender
Bill Dundee defeated Kevin White/ Garry White
Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher beat RRO Hall of Famer Tommy Rich & Doug Gilbert w/Garry White
Scotts Hill Tn on March 12th
Alamo Tn on March 24th
March 26th is Dresden Tn.
Credit: SWStudd
----Bert Prentice-Jerry Lawler partnership continues to draw big numbers. I was told this was pretty much a sold out crowd at the armory. The had 320 chairs with some people standing - close to 350 in attendance.
Cheap Heat (Yearbook '08 Edition) by Gene Jackson
So I got my copy of the RRO Yearbook 2008 in the mail yesterday and was reading it today in my "reading room" and realized that at the beginning of last year I started what was SUPPOSED to be a series of columns called 'Why I love Pro Wrestling' and I ended up not doing another one all year. Sadly, after having won the Columnist of the Year Award for 2007, I then turned around and barely wrote anything all year this past year. Mostly because there wasn't much good to talk about and the fact I haven't been keeping current on wrestling in the past couple of years. The other reason was I was too busy doing the radio shows. I intended to start those up again soon but the most recent one I tried to do f'd up and it's just a pain in the butt to try to do them nowadays cause the house is never quiet we've got kids and now a puppy running around here it's a frickin' madhou
se. I'm not saying I won't be doing any new radio shows but they will be few and far between, when there's something special going on. I've come to notice that I really enjoy writing and that 'Why I love Pro Wrestling' column was one of my favorites I've written as it gave people a little insight on who I am (as a fan at least) and why like and don't like a lot of the things about today's wrestling business.
I haven't had a chance to read the ENTIRE yearbook (it's big this year) I have looked it over and read a good bit of it and I have to say I was very impressed with it. I liked last years but I think this one improved leaps and bounds over the prior one. There was a lot more additional material this year than last year. I know a lot of people said, "well if you read the site you've already read the book." I guess in some ways that was true for last year but this once had more exclusive content. I liked the fact that Editor Brian Thompson added notes to a lot of the columns and various content that freshened it up and gave a different "Perspective" to the orginal piece. (pinkie to my lip) Get it.....see what I did there.....Brian Thompson writes the 'Thompson Perspective" and I said he gives a different per.....ok nevermind, I apologize for that. We also included the 'Top Ten Favorite Episodes of Cheap Heat Radio' compiled by me with an explanation of why I picked each one with a 'Top 10 Shootin' the Shiznit' list from B.T. as well.
A lot of great content from Mark James and the Memphis Wrestling History from throughout the year. Also the Memphis Wrestling Hall of Fame was a nice addition to the yearbook this year. (Kayfabe this and don't tell anyone but word is it was actually that Gene Jackson dude that first suggested to B.T. that RRO start up a Memphis Wrestling Hall Of Fame, now that might be totally speculation and nonsense but I did read that on a message board somewhere and the guy's screen name was 'Truth Teller' so come on, what more do you need?)
Of course you also have the awards and runners up, which I didn't win or get nominated for any so who gives a shit about that.....moving on.
Speaking of those awards I do plan to write a LOT more this year. I mean a LOT more, I mean a ridiculous amount of shit, your gonna be like why don't that Jackson guy just shut the f*** up already, what's with all the info and knowledge he's dropping on us, it' f'n crazy. So I'm announcing it right now, you heard it here first an RRO CHEAP HEAT EXCLUSIVE.....I'm officially announcing my candidatecy for RRO Columnist of the Year for 2009! Tell your freinds, tell your neighbors to go ahead and start emailing BT now along with your ballots for Derrick King for 2009 Wrestler of the Year since I know those start early apparently. My platform of my campaign is I promise change.......and 68% more cursing than before. F*** Yeah!
As for another comment on the awards while I do like "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock (I've known him for years) but understand not to the extent that our webmaster here does as on yet another edition of Shootin' the Shiznit he and Blaylock professed their undying love for one another in one of the most sickening displays of audio faggotry this side of a Clay Aiken/Lance Bass duet. Seriously guys get an f'n room, this is the wrestling business. Heat sells. Heat = Hits! You don't hear Austin/McMahon on the radio telling each other how great they are. You would never hear Lawler/Dundee giving each other a verbal rimjob like that. Come on man up, dammit........

Oh so anyway the whole point I was trying to make before I got sidetracked by the Siegfried and Roy of rasslin' radio was. As much as I like Blaylock and think he's good manager, reading the yearbook reminded me why GARRY WHITE should have been Manager of the Year. You know why, not only because he's a great manager and the leader of BIG STUFF INC. Because by-God the man put me over right here in print and now it's in the yearbook 2008 to live forever, let's look at a sample from that:
Let me first commend both yourself and Gene Jackson on the success of these shows. The last few months , you guys have really went the extra mile and got guys like Dundee, Derrick, Kevin, and Randy Hales on these shows and they have been great. I wanted to comment first on Hales - the wrestling business really needs a Randy Hales back and I hope that someday he will consider returning to the business. I loved his interviews and Gene did an excellent job delivering the right questions and Randy did an outstanding job delivering what I considered the right answers.
He closes with: You guys keep up the good work. By the way, I was one of the few guys that actually liked Gene Jackson's comedy show, just a few props for the big guy.lol
Garry D White
So like it or not your gonna be hearing more from the infamous Gene Jackson. I've got plans for several columns upcoming, one that will be written tomorrow. I have book project that I'm working on, I've even had some suggestions that I should start up the Cheap Heat Wrestling Promotional in my columns once again. I was re-reading one someone sent me, I just may do that. So for now go out and order your copy of the Yearbook 2008, you'll be glad you did. Unless your one of these people who are offended by it then don't buy it. Hell sue B.T. for saying there were 34 people at your show when there was damn sure no less than 41. Get an injunction from having your myspace picture that is in public on the internet and on wrestling posters in convience stores next to the condom machine in the men's bathroom. Piss and moan that the promotion you work for that no one sent results in for doesn't get the same coverage as the people who bombard the site with their results. Air your conspiracy theories of how it's b.s. that guys like Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Kevin White or Austin Lane are up for awards yet there's no love shown for the true stars like Loose Cannon, "Funky" Freddy Feelgood, The Underfaker or this guy.......
EVERGREEN F'N MCQUEEN (yeah I don't know who he is either but he looks impressive, no?)
One of the 10,000 generic Jeff Hardy panty hose on their arm wearing wannabes that's polluting the indies like a damn plague the last 10 years.
No offense to those pictured, I'm sure they're tremendous athletes and they will one day walk the aisle at Wrestle- mania (straight to the seats they won through a WWE Magazine giveaway)
I'm just saying is there not better stuff to bitch about than who won what award or how much coverage somebody gets. I mean why waste precious time that we could spend talking about Dustin Starr or Lady Vixen worrying about whether B.T. is getting rich off a damn picture you took with your cell phone. By the way, this isn't directed at any one person as this is just a variety of things I heard and heard about after last year's yearbook.
Your Friend,
Gene Jackson
I haven't had a chance to read the ENTIRE yearbook (it's big this year) I have looked it over and read a good bit of it and I have to say I was very impressed with it. I liked last years but I think this one improved leaps and bounds over the prior one. There was a lot more additional material this year than last year. I know a lot of people said, "well if you read the site you've already read the book." I guess in some ways that was true for last year but this once had more exclusive content. I liked the fact that Editor Brian Thompson added notes to a lot of the columns and various content that freshened it up and gave a different "Perspective" to the orginal piece. (pinkie to my lip) Get it.....see what I did there.....Brian Thompson writes the 'Thompson Perspective" and I said he gives a different per.....ok nevermind, I apologize for that. We also included the 'Top Ten Favorite Episodes of Cheap Heat Radio' compiled by me with an explanation of why I picked each one with a 'Top 10 Shootin' the Shiznit' list from B.T. as well.
A lot of great content from Mark James and the Memphis Wrestling History from throughout the year. Also the Memphis Wrestling Hall of Fame was a nice addition to the yearbook this year. (Kayfabe this and don't tell anyone but word is it was actually that Gene Jackson dude that first suggested to B.T. that RRO start up a Memphis Wrestling Hall Of Fame, now that might be totally speculation and nonsense but I did read that on a message board somewhere and the guy's screen name was 'Truth Teller' so come on, what more do you need?)
Of course you also have the awards and runners up, which I didn't win or get nominated for any so who gives a shit about that.....moving on.
Speaking of those awards I do plan to write a LOT more this year. I mean a LOT more, I mean a ridiculous amount of shit, your gonna be like why don't that Jackson guy just shut the f*** up already, what's with all the info and knowledge he's dropping on us, it' f'n crazy. So I'm announcing it right now, you heard it here first an RRO CHEAP HEAT EXCLUSIVE.....I'm officially announcing my candidatecy for RRO Columnist of the Year for 2009! Tell your freinds, tell your neighbors to go ahead and start emailing BT now along with your ballots for Derrick King for 2009 Wrestler of the Year since I know those start early apparently. My platform of my campaign is I promise change.......and 68% more cursing than before. F*** Yeah!
As for another comment on the awards while I do like "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock (I've known him for years) but understand not to the extent that our webmaster here does as on yet another edition of Shootin' the Shiznit he and Blaylock professed their undying love for one another in one of the most sickening displays of audio faggotry this side of a Clay Aiken/Lance Bass duet. Seriously guys get an f'n room, this is the wrestling business. Heat sells. Heat = Hits! You don't hear Austin/McMahon on the radio telling each other how great they are. You would never hear Lawler/Dundee giving each other a verbal rimjob like that. Come on man up, dammit........
Oh so anyway the whole point I was trying to make before I got sidetracked by the Siegfried and Roy of rasslin' radio was. As much as I like Blaylock and think he's good manager, reading the yearbook reminded me why GARRY WHITE should have been Manager of the Year. You know why, not only because he's a great manager and the leader of BIG STUFF INC. Because by-God the man put me over right here in print and now it's in the yearbook 2008 to live forever, let's look at a sample from that:
Let me first commend both yourself and Gene Jackson on the success of these shows. The last few months , you guys have really went the extra mile and got guys like Dundee, Derrick, Kevin, and Randy Hales on these shows and they have been great. I wanted to comment first on Hales - the wrestling business really needs a Randy Hales back and I hope that someday he will consider returning to the business. I loved his interviews and Gene did an excellent job delivering the right questions and Randy did an outstanding job delivering what I considered the right answers.
He closes with: You guys keep up the good work. By the way, I was one of the few guys that actually liked Gene Jackson's comedy show, just a few props for the big guy.lol
Garry D White
So like it or not your gonna be hearing more from the infamous Gene Jackson. I've got plans for several columns upcoming, one that will be written tomorrow. I have book project that I'm working on, I've even had some suggestions that I should start up the Cheap Heat Wrestling Promotional in my columns once again. I was re-reading one someone sent me, I just may do that. So for now go out and order your copy of the Yearbook 2008, you'll be glad you did. Unless your one of these people who are offended by it then don't buy it. Hell sue B.T. for saying there were 34 people at your show when there was damn sure no less than 41. Get an injunction from having your myspace picture that is in public on the internet and on wrestling posters in convience stores next to the condom machine in the men's bathroom. Piss and moan that the promotion you work for that no one sent results in for doesn't get the same coverage as the people who bombard the site with their results. Air your conspiracy theories of how it's b.s. that guys like Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Kevin White or Austin Lane are up for awards yet there's no love shown for the true stars like Loose Cannon, "Funky" Freddy Feelgood, The Underfaker or this guy.......
EVERGREEN F'N MCQUEEN (yeah I don't know who he is either but he looks impressive, no?)
No offense to those pictured, I'm sure they're tremendous athletes and they will one day walk the aisle at Wrestle- mania (straight to the seats they won through a WWE Magazine giveaway)
I'm just saying is there not better stuff to bitch about than who won what award or how much coverage somebody gets. I mean why waste precious time that we could spend talking about Dustin Starr or Lady Vixen worrying about whether B.T. is getting rich off a damn picture you took with your cell phone. By the way, this isn't directed at any one person as this is just a variety of things I heard and heard about after last year's yearbook.
Your Friend,
Gene Jackson
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Shows for the Weekend 3.06 to 3.07.09
----CLICK HERE for the regular schedule of events. Here are some special events for the weekend..
----MCW will be at the Charles Strong Recreation Center at 7:00 PM Saturday in Luxora, AR. The show will feature Derrick King, The Hambones, East Coast Bad Boys, Frankie Tucker, Sam Dollar, Rashard Devon, Buster Johnson, Ron McClarity. Tickets are $5 in advance for everyone. $6 for kids and $7 for adults at the door. For tickets: call Freddy Ware – 8706227088.
----Join us on Book Tour 2009 to get your copy of Yearbook 2008!!
-NEW West Memphis, AR 3.06.09 – Ken Wayne, WWE’s Downtown Bruno and all the NEW crew will be there to autograph your copy of Yearbook 2008.
-ASWF – “Promotion of the Year” Tuckerman, AR 3.07.09 – David Walls, Bobby Eaton and Ken Wayne will all be there to sign your Yearbook 2008.
----MCW will be at the Charles Strong Recreation Center at 7:00 PM Saturday in Luxora, AR. The show will feature Derrick King, The Hambones, East Coast Bad Boys, Frankie Tucker, Sam Dollar, Rashard Devon, Buster Johnson, Ron McClarity. Tickets are $5 in advance for everyone. $6 for kids and $7 for adults at the door. For tickets: call Freddy Ware – 8706227088.
----Join us on Book Tour 2009 to get your copy of Yearbook 2008!!
-NEW West Memphis, AR 3.06.09 – Ken Wayne, WWE’s Downtown Bruno and all the NEW crew will be there to autograph your copy of Yearbook 2008.
-ASWF – “Promotion of the Year” Tuckerman, AR 3.07.09 – David Walls, Bobby Eaton and Ken Wayne will all be there to sign your Yearbook 2008.
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 2.28.09
Devon Day beat American Hero
WayCool beat Convict/Sgt Pain in a 3-way
PK Ripper beat Chris Lexxus to retain TV title
Frankie Tucker beat WayCool
Chico Mendoza beat Royal Executioner
Devon Day beat Dazzlin Dixie to retain TIWF Title
Hardknocks Hooligan/AC Styles beat Lawman Williams/Johnny Superstar
Credit: www.tiwf.org
----140+ in the building with a blizzard.
WayCool beat Convict/Sgt Pain in a 3-way
PK Ripper beat Chris Lexxus to retain TV title
Frankie Tucker beat WayCool
Chico Mendoza beat Royal Executioner
Devon Day beat Dazzlin Dixie to retain TIWF Title
Hardknocks Hooligan/AC Styles beat Lawman Williams/Johnny Superstar
Credit: www.tiwf.org
----140+ in the building with a blizzard.
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR 2.28.09
1. Allen brothers VS CCR(Cannon Chris Steel Dr Randy) winners CCR
2. Acid(Irish Dragons) VS Mike Titan(Hot and Heavy) winner Acid.
3. Mike Austin VS Poker Face winner Poker Face.
4. Scott Fury(Irish Dragons) VS J.D. Kerry(Hot and Heavy) winner J.D. by DQ
5. Ron Rage(POB) VS Rick Ruby(Dogg Pound) winner Rick Ruby.
6 Main Event. Austin Lane VS RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "Bad Dogg" Mack. Winner Rodney Mack.
Show opened with a Flurry of action...Bad Snow Joke....But the show did start off with Austin Lane coming out and making a statement. He reminded the crowd that he is the Human Highlight Reel and was here in the RWA for one reason and that was to become the RWA Champion. Rodney Mack the RWA Champ came out and confronted Lane. They both shook hands and Mack told Lane that he respected Lane and thinks he does a great job in the ring. But the RWA Title is on the Biggest Baddest Dogg in the yard. So if Lane wants to step up and run with the big doggs then come on. Lane told Mack it was nothing personal and that it was just business. Mack agreed and they shook hands and the match was set.
CCR and the Allen Brothers had a very good match. The Allen Brothers get better every week. They work well together and with the help of Ricky the Pimp they have been winning some matches. CCR would not be one of the matches they would win. This team is over big and the crowd loves them and they work well together. Dr Randy has to give The Loose Cannon medicine to keep him from going crazy in the ring. Great Gimmick the fans like it.
The two big men for the tag teams of the Irish Dragons and Hot and Heavy had a good match. Both are strong and would not be moved during the match. It took a double team and help from Fury to get the win.
Mike Austin is a new guy here in the RWA. Big and can move too. Poker Face had a tuff time with the big guy but was able to pull the victory out at the end. Look for a lot of good stuff from Mike Austin.
Well during the intermission Frank Martin was wishing Drew PUP Porter one of the youngest Dogg Pound Members a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Drew had just turned 9. Raven of the POB came around the ring to confront the Dogg Pound. Martin got out of the ring to keep the Dogg Pound from grabbing her. At that moment Ron Rage hit the ring and body slammed Drew and dropped a big elbow on him. The security earned their money keeping the fans off Ron Rage and Raven. Ron Rage came out to tell why he did what he did and Rick Ruby hit the ring, Ruby is Drew's dad. Ruby was like a mad.....well dog and stayed on Rage the whole time. Rage was alone because the snow kept the other members of POB from making it. As Rage was leaning in between the first and second rope. Drew came out of the back and hit a great 619 on Rage. But that was not all Drew climb the ropes and hit a lionsault on Rage. Ruby covered for the 123 and the crowd went crazy. Drew Porter is the future of Wrestling along with many other young people out there.
The Austin Lane Rodney Mack match was one for the books. These two threw everything they had at each other but to my surprise the crowd seemed to be behind Mack. Lane did not hold back at all even chocking Mack in the ropes when he got the chance. Lane looked to be poised to take the victory when out of no where Mack hit the spear and got the 123. Mack then went on to help Austin up and in a great show of sportsmanship raised Lanes hand in victory. The crowd loved seeing this match and I would not be surprised if it comes around again.
Great show and another TV shoot. 150+ in the building with an inch or more of snow on the ground. The Natural Born Playaz had an accident coming to the arena, they are ok and will be back this week.
Credit: RWAreporter
----This group should be happy with the 150 – that is a good crowd in that snow. It shows you the fans are coming to see them. ..Loved the angle with Rage beating up the kid, but then the kid doing moves on him?? That makes Rage look bad and really scares me when promotion do something like this. It probably got over great – no doubt – but it also gives everyone in the crowd the thought of being able to jump in the ring…Book Tour 2009 will be at RWA next weekend – 3.14.09.
2. Acid(Irish Dragons) VS Mike Titan(Hot and Heavy) winner Acid.
3. Mike Austin VS Poker Face winner Poker Face.
4. Scott Fury(Irish Dragons) VS J.D. Kerry(Hot and Heavy) winner J.D. by DQ
5. Ron Rage(POB) VS Rick Ruby(Dogg Pound) winner Rick Ruby.
6 Main Event. Austin Lane VS RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "Bad Dogg" Mack. Winner Rodney Mack.
Show opened with a Flurry of action...Bad Snow Joke....But the show did start off with Austin Lane coming out and making a statement. He reminded the crowd that he is the Human Highlight Reel and was here in the RWA for one reason and that was to become the RWA Champion. Rodney Mack the RWA Champ came out and confronted Lane. They both shook hands and Mack told Lane that he respected Lane and thinks he does a great job in the ring. But the RWA Title is on the Biggest Baddest Dogg in the yard. So if Lane wants to step up and run with the big doggs then come on. Lane told Mack it was nothing personal and that it was just business. Mack agreed and they shook hands and the match was set.
CCR and the Allen Brothers had a very good match. The Allen Brothers get better every week. They work well together and with the help of Ricky the Pimp they have been winning some matches. CCR would not be one of the matches they would win. This team is over big and the crowd loves them and they work well together. Dr Randy has to give The Loose Cannon medicine to keep him from going crazy in the ring. Great Gimmick the fans like it.
The two big men for the tag teams of the Irish Dragons and Hot and Heavy had a good match. Both are strong and would not be moved during the match. It took a double team and help from Fury to get the win.
Mike Austin is a new guy here in the RWA. Big and can move too. Poker Face had a tuff time with the big guy but was able to pull the victory out at the end. Look for a lot of good stuff from Mike Austin.
Well during the intermission Frank Martin was wishing Drew PUP Porter one of the youngest Dogg Pound Members a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Drew had just turned 9. Raven of the POB came around the ring to confront the Dogg Pound. Martin got out of the ring to keep the Dogg Pound from grabbing her. At that moment Ron Rage hit the ring and body slammed Drew and dropped a big elbow on him. The security earned their money keeping the fans off Ron Rage and Raven. Ron Rage came out to tell why he did what he did and Rick Ruby hit the ring, Ruby is Drew's dad. Ruby was like a mad.....well dog and stayed on Rage the whole time. Rage was alone because the snow kept the other members of POB from making it. As Rage was leaning in between the first and second rope. Drew came out of the back and hit a great 619 on Rage. But that was not all Drew climb the ropes and hit a lionsault on Rage. Ruby covered for the 123 and the crowd went crazy. Drew Porter is the future of Wrestling along with many other young people out there.
The Austin Lane Rodney Mack match was one for the books. These two threw everything they had at each other but to my surprise the crowd seemed to be behind Mack. Lane did not hold back at all even chocking Mack in the ropes when he got the chance. Lane looked to be poised to take the victory when out of no where Mack hit the spear and got the 123. Mack then went on to help Austin up and in a great show of sportsmanship raised Lanes hand in victory. The crowd loved seeing this match and I would not be surprised if it comes around again.
Great show and another TV shoot. 150+ in the building with an inch or more of snow on the ground. The Natural Born Playaz had an accident coming to the arena, they are ok and will be back this week.
Credit: RWAreporter
----This group should be happy with the 150 – that is a good crowd in that snow. It shows you the fans are coming to see them. ..Loved the angle with Rage beating up the kid, but then the kid doing moves on him?? That makes Rage look bad and really scares me when promotion do something like this. It probably got over great – no doubt – but it also gives everyone in the crowd the thought of being able to jump in the ring…Book Tour 2009 will be at RWA next weekend – 3.14.09.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
RassleResults: N.E.W. - West Memphis, AR 2.27.09
New Experience Wrestling held another TV taping for future distribution last Friday in West Memphis, AR at the "Nightmare" Ken Wayne School of Professional Wrestling. Below are the results....
- Tatt2 defeated Justin "The Juice" Smart
- Shawn Reed defeated Dustin Ring
- "3G" Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels & Greg King defeated "Main Attraction" Matt Justyce, "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony & Shawn Reed in NEW's first ever 6-man tag team bout
RassleNotes: Approximately 35 in attendance...The United States Junior Heavyweight Title, last held by Ken Wayne in 2005, is being brought back by the promotion. The first four NEW stars to get three wins will be entered into a one night, double elimintation tournament for the title. To qualify, contestants must weigh 220 pounds or less...The Greg King Graduation Match, scheduled for March 1, was postponed due to the inclement weather that hit the Mid-South over the weekend...NEW returns to West Memphis this Friday at 8 p.m.
- Tatt2 defeated Justin "The Juice" Smart
- Shawn Reed defeated Dustin Ring
- "3G" Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels & Greg King defeated "Main Attraction" Matt Justyce, "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony & Shawn Reed in NEW's first ever 6-man tag team bout
RassleNotes: Approximately 35 in attendance...The United States Junior Heavyweight Title, last held by Ken Wayne in 2005, is being brought back by the promotion. The first four NEW stars to get three wins will be entered into a one night, double elimintation tournament for the title. To qualify, contestants must weigh 220 pounds or less...The Greg King Graduation Match, scheduled for March 1, was postponed due to the inclement weather that hit the Mid-South over the weekend...NEW returns to West Memphis this Friday at 8 p.m.
"Shooting the Shiznit" As Good As Gold Version Ready!!
----Join Brian Tramel as he interviews "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony. 30 minutes packed as TGB talks about "Midnight Gold", winning RRO Booker of the Year, LAW and Jeff O'Dell, Seth Knight, Lee vs TGB feud and finishes it out with a quick "who is better and why?"
NEW's John Steele Wins Radio Journalist of The Year
ASU - Jonesboro: College of Communications students win awards
John Steele [pictured on the right above with Downtown Bruno and Brian Thompson], a radio-television major at Arkansas State University, was chosen Best of the South 2008 Radio Journalist of the Year by the Southeastern Journalism Conference (SEJC), Feb. 12-14 in Nashville, Tenn. Senior journalism major Sarah Morris placed third at SEJC in the Best of the South 2008 Journalist of the Year competition at the same conference. Herald adviser Bonnie Thrasher, who serves as secretary-treasurer of SEJC,
accompanied the students to Nashville.
----Apparently this is a big deal for ASU. Arkansas State University [which graduated other fine upstanding wrestling personalities - Brian Tramel and Brian Thompson] beat some of the big boys in this competition
University of North Carolina
University of Maryland
Kent State University
Uinversity of Arizona
Arizona State University
James Madison University
among several others who competed for this award.
----Steele had the following to say...
I'm very honored and humbled. Arkansas State has a fantastic communications department. I am very happy that national exposure has come to Arkansas State. I thank everyone who has supported me past and present. By name I of course thank my wife Jennifer, who has been a great support to me. I also thank by name Dr. Pitts who entered my class in the competition. Thanks to my reporting for electronic media class, who helped make me get better at this craft. Thanks to Mr. Doyle and the staff at KASU for letting me see the public radio side of things. I also thank everyone at the Ken Wayne School of Professional Wrestling. Ken has continued to allow me to be involved in New Experience Wrestling despite my shortcomings and let me remain fresh and in practice on the tapings. Brian Thompson also deserves thanks for helping me raise my own standard. Overall I make no Sean Penn statement, yet I am not cocky about it. It is what it is and I am honored. Thanks to everyone.
Photo by: Donna Partee
Coach's Corner: "TV Storylines That Could Be Wrestling Storylines"

A story arc is an extended or continuing storyline in episodic storytelling media such as television, comic books, comic strips, boardgames, video games, and in some cases, films. In a television series, for example, the story would unfold over many episodes. In television, the use of the story arc is much more common in dramas than in comedies, especially in soap operas.
-----In the territory days, you know what we call “old school”, the promotions relied more on storytelling and making every match mean something. Not only did every match mean something, but you also had performers that could carry out the storylines and get them over. From top to the bottom of the card, most shows had guys that could work. That is why you might see guys like Koko Ware and Bobby Eaton, who were a middle level team, get pushes upward. Ware would get a big heel push into the main event and Eaton went on to tag in Mid-South with Dennis Condry. The promoters also relied on every match not only meaning something on that card, but also meaning something about something about the next week or so on. Clear as mud; huh??
----Today on the local shows I see a lot of booking where the angle is only for that night or for even a half of a night. The successful bookers in this area and those that will be successful take their time in telling the stories. They pull you in and keep you until the very end. And other bookers and promotions have no idea what I am even talking about. LOL This site and wrestling is a big part of my life, but I am an avid TV series fan. I use to be big into comics in the early eighties. A TV series or comics present a story arc that brings you from point A to point B with a finish. I know I hardly ever mention anything but wrestling here and there is a reason – this is a wrestling site. But..I thought the storylines of two of my favorite TV shows could illustrate how a story arc could be so helpful for local promotions.
----First, let’s look at “House”. Gregory House is the main character of this successful drama. He is in the mold of a “Stone Cold” type babyface. He is an asshole who takes no crap from anyone, but it is hard for you to hate him. He has that extra sympathy with the bad leg and cane, which makes him hard to boo. In the middle of Season One , House is confronted with an evil rich billionaire that becomes the head of board of directors of the hospital - Edward Vogler.[pictured on the right above with House on the left] Vogler is excellently played by Chi McBride. McBride is a huge black man with a deep voice and his portrayal of Vogler is right on the money as the new heel leader. The smart thing here is that they did not make him the owner of the company, like many wrestling promotions do – he put a lot of money into the promotion and becomes the boss now. For five episodes during this arc, he makes life miserable for House. House is the top babyface here and did I tell you he is a drug addict [“Stone Cold” was an alcoholic], the heel Vogler is slowly building a case to get rid of House out of the promotion..I mean hospital. What does it finally come down to?? Does House defeat Vogler in a “Loser Leave the Hospital” match?? When Vogler tries to eliminate friends of House off the board, so he can eliminate House, then his friend turns on Vogler [who she has had to support because he has so much money] and he is voted him off the board. The heel is defeated not by the top babyface, but by another babyface to help the top babyface. The objective of the arc was not to get the top babyface over, it was to get someone else over, and so you would have two babyfaces at the same level.
----“Smallville” is a loosely based on the famous “Superman” comic. They have taken the basis of the story and made it more of a drama. This arc is one that from time to time in the 8 seasons of the show has been presented. It becomes the background arc of almost the whole show – the battle between good and evil – Clark Kent vs Lex Luthor. [Spoiler alert for those guys that watch this in seasons instead of weekly.] Each season has featured something of a battle between these two guys – heel vs babyface in a feud that will not end. Luthor at one point took Clark’s woman – Lana Lang [pictured below with Luthor's hand on her and Clark to the right] and was the cause of many misfortunes in Clark’s life. Clark, the ultimate babyface, has always prevailed. At times with Clark was fighting other heels, then Luthor was messing with babyfaces that were friends of Clark. This lead to the final matchup of Luthor/Clark just a few weeks back. Did Clark destroy Luthor and finally win his lady back?? In the twists of the storyline, Green Arrow [babyface that also hated Luthor] blew up Luthor and killed him [Clark would never do that] without Clark even knowing he did it. Lang has super powers now, but can’t be with Clark because her suit [made by Luthor] is made of kryptonite. You can see this storyline going in many directions, but wouldn’t it fit right in with a wrestling storyline?? The babyface wins his big match sending someone out of town, but when he is down during the match, it is his best friend that “cheats” [he would never win a match like this] to help him win, but he does not know that. He also won his girlfriend in the “Loser Leaves Town – Winner Gets Girlfriend” Match, but it is revealed the next week, that even though the heel that had to leave town is not there anymore, even though she might be his gf, she is still under contracted with the heel’s manager. Even though he is gone, you still keep his memory alive, because you never know when down the road you might bring him back for another storyline. You also still got a new storyline alive as the top babyface was helped by his friend who cheated – will he confront him and start a feud with him or will he never know??
----I hope you have enjoyed by venturing off the beaten path this time. I thought it was fun taking some TV series storylines and adapting them to wrestling storylines. It also gives bookers in this area an idea to look at different ways of accomplishing the end result of a storyline. It is important to follow them and make the fans want to come back for more. It is also very important to have something waiting after that storyline is done as it was shown in the “Smallville” storyline. I also wanted the local bookers to see that you don’t have to give the same old tired storylines over and over like with the heel buys the company – make him part of the board like they did on “House”. Finally, take a look at both the storylines on the shows – it is not always about the top babyface – it has to be about the whole show to make the fans want to come back over and over.

Coach's Corner is a bi-weekly feature at RRO by Brian Tramel. Tramel was wrestling manager Coach BT in a former life with Coach's Corner being published on the internet during those days. He has since added it to RRO as his signature column.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
RassleResults: Memphis Wrestling Classics Minglewood Hall Memphis, TN 2.28.09
----A few stories coming out of this show. The return of Memphis Wrestling to Memphis was considered very successful. There was a BLIZZARD in the area, as you can tell by the photos below. The company drew about 400 people and would have been lots more if it would have not been for the snow. This is the 3rd show of the year that Jerry Lawler has been featured on a show drawing in the 400 range.

----The other news coming out of the show was the return of Dustin Starr [pictured at the Riverkings game] to Memphis Wrestling. Starr appeared only on one show with the Memphis Wrestling crew last year in June in Selmer, TN. He was not featured in any major shows after the TV show quit taping original programming and he was actually one of their champs. I am not sure if we will see Starr on more shows in the future, but Starr is now associated with the Memphis Sport magazine and the Riverkings. Memphis Wrestling using him would benefit them as it would lead to free publicity. Starr has already written a quick blog about working both hockey and wrestling - CLICK HERE - and plans to write one on the horrible road conditions.
----After both Jimmy Blaylock and I were talking about no one wanting to book him on "Shooting the Shiznit" he shows up at Memphis Wrestling two days later. As I noted above it has been a long process of his return and we do not even know if he will be featured on future shows. Did it surprise me?? It did a bit, but Doug Gilbert works for Jerry Lawler - Starr has no REAL heat compared to what Lawler/Gilbert had at one time. I was told that Blaylock and Starr had very few words to say to each other backstage. And I thought it was funny that Starr was on the show, but was not featured in any of the photos. CLICK HERE to see pics by Tia Blaylock from the show.

The lovely Beth Paige kicked off the night by singing her incredible rendition of the National Anthem. KIX 106's Brian Elder was the special host and ring announcer for the night's festivities.
Elder tried to get the ball rolling, by introducing "Outlaw" Don Bass, but he didn't do a good enough job, so "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock came out to show him how it's done.
Opening Match-"Outlaw" Don Bass managed by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock vs King Cobra-
Elder billed Cobra as coming in, "All the way from Memphis". Thought that was funny, considering they were in Memphis. Bass started the match by wrapping up one of his trusty chains. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough on this night for Paw-Paw...I mean, "Outlaw" Don Bass, because as "Hollywood" distracted Cobra, Bass tried to nail Cobra with a devastating punch, but the speedy Cobra ducked out of the way, with Bass knocking Jimmy off the apron. Cobra rolled up Bass to get the win.
"Dangerous" Doug Gilbert made his way out with his baseball bat, kendo stick, and towel over his head. Doug said he noticed that during his entrance that there was not too much cheering going on and a lot of stupid people booing. He gave them a quick history lesson on his family and then said he was tired of talking to ignorant and stupid people.
Jerry "The King" Lawler walked out and said that I think we all know a lot about the history of Memphis Wrestling. The crowd erupted with Lawler chants. Jerry informed Doug that his opponent for his Hardcore Match, "Grandmasta Sexay" Brian Christopher was on the way and only twenty minutes away. Lawler remembered Doug and his late brother, "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert running him over at Channel 5 to which Doug replied the only mistake they didn't make is they didn't kill him. Doug challenged Jerry to come on down to the ring and get him some. Jerry said that he's already got one big match tonight against "Psycho" Sid Vicious. Gilbert then told Lawler that he's a lot like these fans, "A big chicken" and did the chicken dance that was rather amusing. This brought Lawler down to the ring. Doug was taking it to him until Jerry low blowed him while attempting ten punches in the corner. Gilbert would abort and claim that as always, Lawler had to jump him from behind. Gotta a kick out of that considering they were talking to each other and Doug watched him get in the ring.
Elder announced that Brian Christopher had arrived at the building.
"The New Nature Boy" Kevin White and the ever so beautiful Su Yung made their way out. Kevin informed everyone that Su Yung's opponent for her Divas Match, Misty James, was not going to make it and demanded that Referee Jerry Calhoun raise Yung's hand and declare her the winner. Calhoun did just that. Then, Kevin and Su called out Jerry Lawler and his stunning girlfriend, Renee. Su Yung took a cheap shot on Renee and ran into the ring. Renee followed. Oh boy!!! This led to one wicked, AWESOME catfight.
As Kevin White and Su Yung were trying to leave the ringside area, Kevin was told not to go anywhere because his opponent is coming out. They announced his opponent. It was none other than Everybody's Favorite Wrestler, Dustin Starr!
2nd Official Match-"The New Nature Boy" Kevin White with the adorable Su Yung in his corner vs Dustin Starr-
This was a good match. Dustin got everyone to start calling Kevin a chicken. The Asian Goddess, Su Yung, made her presence known by choking Dustin in the ring ropes and while he was in the corner. She also tripped Five Starr up while he was running the ropes, during an Irish whip. In the end, it was Kevin White picking up the win after striking Starr with a chain.
During intermission, Grady Watson brought out a ton of weapons for the Hardcore Match. Coincidentally, it was during this time that we heard from the Founder and President of F.F.U.N., Freedom From Unnecessary Negatives, and the Stop The Killing program, Stevie Moore. Probably could have picked out a better time to talk about this instead of when they were loading the ring with all sorts of dangerous and barbaric weapons. Just throwing that out there.
3rd Match-Hardcore Match-"Dangerous" Doug Gilbert managed by a Pimpin' "Mr. Big Stuff" Garry White vs "Grandmasta Sexay" Brian Christopher

Before the match, Brian brought a kid into the ring to help throw out some of his chains and bandanas. Doug Gilbert asked if this was some kind of an auction or flea market. Christopher kept right along giving out stuff until Gilbert jumped him and threw powder in his eyes. Doug was on the attack and grabbed the mic, telling everyone that nobody was dancing or saying "Grandmasta" now! The ring was filled with all sorts of goodies, which included: a baseball bat, kendo stick, tire, light, fan, chain, barbwire bat, and a weed eater. Brian hit Doug with a low blow using the kendo stick. Doug fought back, piledriving Brian. Christopher picked up the barbwire bat, but Gilbert hit him with a big boot. There was several more low blows to Doug's jewels, using barbwire and the weed eater. Brian Christopher won, after coming down on Doug with a chain from the top rope. Following the match, a beaten and disappointed Doug Gilbert couldn't help, but to hear the crowd chanting, "Cry, Baby, Cry!" That didn't help matters. Garry White took Doug the mic. Doug said, "If you people don't show me the respect that I deserve, I will leave and never come back to this town! I'm not a cry baby!" As they were leaving, Garry White was getting into it with Grady Watson, who was sitting in the crowd. Brian Christopher came back out and asked these people if they were tired of seeing his ugly face. Brian told Doug to leave if you want to. The fans chanted, "Go home!" as Doug started walking through the crowd. Brian jumped Doug and took him back in the ring. As Gilbert was down in the corner, Christopher went bowling with the tire. Afterwards, Christopher said that wrestling is here at Minglewood Hall for good.
Jerry "The King" Lawler came out and thanked everyone for coming out and braving the weather. One of the funniest moments of the night was when Jerry said that, unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about the weather. One fan yelled out, "Yes, you can, Jerry!" Hilarious!
Feature Attraction-Jerry "The King" Lawler vs "Psycho" Sid Vicious
"Psycho" Sid Vicious made his way out, talking about how Jackie Fargo and his girlfriend always helped Lawler beat him. He said Lawler's girlfriend was ugly. He also covered the fact that he was mad the location had changed and the show did not take place in his hometown in West Memphis, Arkansas, which was the original plan. This led to a group of Arkansas chants. Sid brought out Buzz, the special guy at the gym from Sid's latest promos, and said this could be the next Jerry "The King" Lawler. A paranoid Sid said Jackie Fargo was in the crowd, somewhere.
Jerry Lawler brought up that Sid had promised if he lost, he would give everyone in the arena their money back. Sid said that was back when the match was going to take place in West Memphis. Lawler kept nudging away at Sid to keep his promise until, finally, Sid accepted. Sid said, "I'll do it! If I lose I'll give every stinkin' pig their money back!" He said that Buzz, his number one fan, was there and he had to accept the offer, in order, to not let him down.
Once the match got underway, Lawler delivered a series of takedowns, telling Sid he was that close. The crowd was going bananas during this one. Sid took over, delivering some pain to "The King". Jerry made a comeback, pulled the strap down and started punching Sid. One of these punches was more of a Shane McMahon phantom-like punch that saw Sid falling before Jerry even threw it. That was not pretty. Buzz jumped on the apron to distract and threw in a chain to Sid. Sid hit Jerry with it and then threw it back to Buzz, behind the back, while Referee Jerry Calhoun counted to three. That looked cool. So, Sid didn't have to give anyone their money back.
Brian Elder said it was time to name the Sign of the Night, so we took a look at all the great signs in the audience. Then, the winner was announced. I believe his sign said Jerry Lawler is No. 1. It was a fluke! I call shenanigans! XOW's own Jason "The Brain" was in attendence and agreed that I was indeed robbed. The Good Call/Bad Call sign should have won.
Main Event-10-Man Over The Top Battle Royal, $10,000 Going To The Winner-
The partcipants included: Jerry "The King" Lawler, "The New Nature Boy" Kevin White, "Dangerous" Doug Gilbert, "Psycho" Sid Vicious, Buzz, "Grandmasta Sexay" Brian Christopher, Dustin Starr, King Cobra, and Chris Williams.
Total number of combatants:9 in a 10-Man Battle Royal....Uh?
Order of Elimination:
Kevin White, Chris Williams, Buzz-Thanks to Jerry Lawler, who dedicated the elimination to the group of Sid fans, Dustin Starr-Who was eliminated when Brian Christopher pulled up his thong, delivering a wedgie and hurdling him over the top rope, and King Cobra
We were down to the final four with Jerry Lawler, Sid Vicious, Brian Christopher and Doug Gilbert. Sid and Lawler tied up, while Brian and Doug continued their bitter war with Brian beating Doug with a belt. Gilbert retaliated, grabbing the belt and choking Brian as "Cry Baby Cry" chants filled the building. Brian kicked Doug in "the Gilberts" (David Burcham quote copywright 2009) for the 20th time. Poor Doug. Lawler eliminated Sid by dumping him over the top rope, but Referee Jerry Calhoun had his back turned watching Brian and Doug, so Sid was able to sneak back in. After throwing Sid over, Jerry made his way over to Brian and Doug, who were tied up in the corner. He flipped those two out, and thought he had won, but Sid tossed Jerry over to win the battle royal and the fat $10,000 check. The crowd and Lawler pleaded with Referee Jerry Calhoun about the atrocious series of events that just went down. Calhoun grabbed the check from Sid and gave it to Lawler. Sid jumped Lawler and took the check back. After retrieving the check Sid screamed, "Thank you, very much and come again!" On his way out, Sid stopped on the stage and got on the mic, saying, "I would like to say special thanks for everyone coming out, tonight." I'm not sure if he really meant that considering he called everyone pigs earlier in the night.
A few notes:
I was surprised at how large the crowd was, with all the venue changes and the bad weather conditions. Good show with a good, loud crowd.
Corey Maclin was not at the show.
At one point, I'm pretty sure I seen two ladies on the stage scrapping with each other behind the curtain. Not sure what this was all about, but I would sure like to find out.
I tried to get David Burcham to go and make some snow angels with me, but he declined. Darn!

Credit: Report by D-Rock from www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Credit: Snow photos by Beau James
Credit: Photos credited to Tia Blaylock
Credit: Dustin Starr from Dustin's Blog

----The other news coming out of the show was the return of Dustin Starr [pictured at the Riverkings game] to Memphis Wrestling. Starr appeared only on one show with the Memphis Wrestling crew last year in June in Selmer, TN. He was not featured in any major shows after the TV show quit taping original programming and he was actually one of their champs. I am not sure if we will see Starr on more shows in the future, but Starr is now associated with the Memphis Sport magazine and the Riverkings. Memphis Wrestling using him would benefit them as it would lead to free publicity. Starr has already written a quick blog about working both hockey and wrestling - CLICK HERE - and plans to write one on the horrible road conditions.
----After both Jimmy Blaylock and I were talking about no one wanting to book him on "Shooting the Shiznit" he shows up at Memphis Wrestling two days later. As I noted above it has been a long process of his return and we do not even know if he will be featured on future shows. Did it surprise me?? It did a bit, but Doug Gilbert works for Jerry Lawler - Starr has no REAL heat compared to what Lawler/Gilbert had at one time. I was told that Blaylock and Starr had very few words to say to each other backstage. And I thought it was funny that Starr was on the show, but was not featured in any of the photos. CLICK HERE to see pics by Tia Blaylock from the show.

The lovely Beth Paige kicked off the night by singing her incredible rendition of the National Anthem. KIX 106's Brian Elder was the special host and ring announcer for the night's festivities.
Elder tried to get the ball rolling, by introducing "Outlaw" Don Bass, but he didn't do a good enough job, so "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock came out to show him how it's done.
Opening Match-"Outlaw" Don Bass managed by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock vs King Cobra-
Elder billed Cobra as coming in, "All the way from Memphis". Thought that was funny, considering they were in Memphis. Bass started the match by wrapping up one of his trusty chains. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough on this night for Paw-Paw...I mean, "Outlaw" Don Bass, because as "Hollywood" distracted Cobra, Bass tried to nail Cobra with a devastating punch, but the speedy Cobra ducked out of the way, with Bass knocking Jimmy off the apron. Cobra rolled up Bass to get the win.
"Dangerous" Doug Gilbert made his way out with his baseball bat, kendo stick, and towel over his head. Doug said he noticed that during his entrance that there was not too much cheering going on and a lot of stupid people booing. He gave them a quick history lesson on his family and then said he was tired of talking to ignorant and stupid people.
Jerry "The King" Lawler walked out and said that I think we all know a lot about the history of Memphis Wrestling. The crowd erupted with Lawler chants. Jerry informed Doug that his opponent for his Hardcore Match, "Grandmasta Sexay" Brian Christopher was on the way and only twenty minutes away. Lawler remembered Doug and his late brother, "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert running him over at Channel 5 to which Doug replied the only mistake they didn't make is they didn't kill him. Doug challenged Jerry to come on down to the ring and get him some. Jerry said that he's already got one big match tonight against "Psycho" Sid Vicious. Gilbert then told Lawler that he's a lot like these fans, "A big chicken" and did the chicken dance that was rather amusing. This brought Lawler down to the ring. Doug was taking it to him until Jerry low blowed him while attempting ten punches in the corner. Gilbert would abort and claim that as always, Lawler had to jump him from behind. Gotta a kick out of that considering they were talking to each other and Doug watched him get in the ring.
Elder announced that Brian Christopher had arrived at the building.
"The New Nature Boy" Kevin White and the ever so beautiful Su Yung made their way out. Kevin informed everyone that Su Yung's opponent for her Divas Match, Misty James, was not going to make it and demanded that Referee Jerry Calhoun raise Yung's hand and declare her the winner. Calhoun did just that. Then, Kevin and Su called out Jerry Lawler and his stunning girlfriend, Renee. Su Yung took a cheap shot on Renee and ran into the ring. Renee followed. Oh boy!!! This led to one wicked, AWESOME catfight.
As Kevin White and Su Yung were trying to leave the ringside area, Kevin was told not to go anywhere because his opponent is coming out. They announced his opponent. It was none other than Everybody's Favorite Wrestler, Dustin Starr!
2nd Official Match-"The New Nature Boy" Kevin White with the adorable Su Yung in his corner vs Dustin Starr-
This was a good match. Dustin got everyone to start calling Kevin a chicken. The Asian Goddess, Su Yung, made her presence known by choking Dustin in the ring ropes and while he was in the corner. She also tripped Five Starr up while he was running the ropes, during an Irish whip. In the end, it was Kevin White picking up the win after striking Starr with a chain.
During intermission, Grady Watson brought out a ton of weapons for the Hardcore Match. Coincidentally, it was during this time that we heard from the Founder and President of F.F.U.N., Freedom From Unnecessary Negatives, and the Stop The Killing program, Stevie Moore. Probably could have picked out a better time to talk about this instead of when they were loading the ring with all sorts of dangerous and barbaric weapons. Just throwing that out there.
3rd Match-Hardcore Match-"Dangerous" Doug Gilbert managed by a Pimpin' "Mr. Big Stuff" Garry White vs "Grandmasta Sexay" Brian Christopher

Before the match, Brian brought a kid into the ring to help throw out some of his chains and bandanas. Doug Gilbert asked if this was some kind of an auction or flea market. Christopher kept right along giving out stuff until Gilbert jumped him and threw powder in his eyes. Doug was on the attack and grabbed the mic, telling everyone that nobody was dancing or saying "Grandmasta" now! The ring was filled with all sorts of goodies, which included: a baseball bat, kendo stick, tire, light, fan, chain, barbwire bat, and a weed eater. Brian hit Doug with a low blow using the kendo stick. Doug fought back, piledriving Brian. Christopher picked up the barbwire bat, but Gilbert hit him with a big boot. There was several more low blows to Doug's jewels, using barbwire and the weed eater. Brian Christopher won, after coming down on Doug with a chain from the top rope. Following the match, a beaten and disappointed Doug Gilbert couldn't help, but to hear the crowd chanting, "Cry, Baby, Cry!" That didn't help matters. Garry White took Doug the mic. Doug said, "If you people don't show me the respect that I deserve, I will leave and never come back to this town! I'm not a cry baby!" As they were leaving, Garry White was getting into it with Grady Watson, who was sitting in the crowd. Brian Christopher came back out and asked these people if they were tired of seeing his ugly face. Brian told Doug to leave if you want to. The fans chanted, "Go home!" as Doug started walking through the crowd. Brian jumped Doug and took him back in the ring. As Gilbert was down in the corner, Christopher went bowling with the tire. Afterwards, Christopher said that wrestling is here at Minglewood Hall for good.
Jerry "The King" Lawler came out and thanked everyone for coming out and braving the weather. One of the funniest moments of the night was when Jerry said that, unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about the weather. One fan yelled out, "Yes, you can, Jerry!" Hilarious!
Feature Attraction-Jerry "The King" Lawler vs "Psycho" Sid Vicious
"Psycho" Sid Vicious made his way out, talking about how Jackie Fargo and his girlfriend always helped Lawler beat him. He said Lawler's girlfriend was ugly. He also covered the fact that he was mad the location had changed and the show did not take place in his hometown in West Memphis, Arkansas, which was the original plan. This led to a group of Arkansas chants. Sid brought out Buzz, the special guy at the gym from Sid's latest promos, and said this could be the next Jerry "The King" Lawler. A paranoid Sid said Jackie Fargo was in the crowd, somewhere.
Jerry Lawler brought up that Sid had promised if he lost, he would give everyone in the arena their money back. Sid said that was back when the match was going to take place in West Memphis. Lawler kept nudging away at Sid to keep his promise until, finally, Sid accepted. Sid said, "I'll do it! If I lose I'll give every stinkin' pig their money back!" He said that Buzz, his number one fan, was there and he had to accept the offer, in order, to not let him down.
Once the match got underway, Lawler delivered a series of takedowns, telling Sid he was that close. The crowd was going bananas during this one. Sid took over, delivering some pain to "The King". Jerry made a comeback, pulled the strap down and started punching Sid. One of these punches was more of a Shane McMahon phantom-like punch that saw Sid falling before Jerry even threw it. That was not pretty. Buzz jumped on the apron to distract and threw in a chain to Sid. Sid hit Jerry with it and then threw it back to Buzz, behind the back, while Referee Jerry Calhoun counted to three. That looked cool. So, Sid didn't have to give anyone their money back.
Brian Elder said it was time to name the Sign of the Night, so we took a look at all the great signs in the audience. Then, the winner was announced. I believe his sign said Jerry Lawler is No. 1. It was a fluke! I call shenanigans! XOW's own Jason "The Brain" was in attendence and agreed that I was indeed robbed. The Good Call/Bad Call sign should have won.
Main Event-10-Man Over The Top Battle Royal, $10,000 Going To The Winner-
The partcipants included: Jerry "The King" Lawler, "The New Nature Boy" Kevin White, "Dangerous" Doug Gilbert, "Psycho" Sid Vicious, Buzz, "Grandmasta Sexay" Brian Christopher, Dustin Starr, King Cobra, and Chris Williams.
Total number of combatants:9 in a 10-Man Battle Royal....Uh?
Order of Elimination:
Kevin White, Chris Williams, Buzz-Thanks to Jerry Lawler, who dedicated the elimination to the group of Sid fans, Dustin Starr-Who was eliminated when Brian Christopher pulled up his thong, delivering a wedgie and hurdling him over the top rope, and King Cobra
We were down to the final four with Jerry Lawler, Sid Vicious, Brian Christopher and Doug Gilbert. Sid and Lawler tied up, while Brian and Doug continued their bitter war with Brian beating Doug with a belt. Gilbert retaliated, grabbing the belt and choking Brian as "Cry Baby Cry" chants filled the building. Brian kicked Doug in "the Gilberts" (David Burcham quote copywright 2009) for the 20th time. Poor Doug. Lawler eliminated Sid by dumping him over the top rope, but Referee Jerry Calhoun had his back turned watching Brian and Doug, so Sid was able to sneak back in. After throwing Sid over, Jerry made his way over to Brian and Doug, who were tied up in the corner. He flipped those two out, and thought he had won, but Sid tossed Jerry over to win the battle royal and the fat $10,000 check. The crowd and Lawler pleaded with Referee Jerry Calhoun about the atrocious series of events that just went down. Calhoun grabbed the check from Sid and gave it to Lawler. Sid jumped Lawler and took the check back. After retrieving the check Sid screamed, "Thank you, very much and come again!" On his way out, Sid stopped on the stage and got on the mic, saying, "I would like to say special thanks for everyone coming out, tonight." I'm not sure if he really meant that considering he called everyone pigs earlier in the night.
A few notes:
I was surprised at how large the crowd was, with all the venue changes and the bad weather conditions. Good show with a good, loud crowd.
Corey Maclin was not at the show.
At one point, I'm pretty sure I seen two ladies on the stage scrapping with each other behind the curtain. Not sure what this was all about, but I would sure like to find out.
I tried to get David Burcham to go and make some snow angels with me, but he declined. Darn!

Credit: Report by D-Rock from www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Credit: Snow photos by Beau James
Credit: Photos credited to Tia Blaylock
Credit: Dustin Starr from Dustin's Blog
More from MLW Tapings!!
----A couple of pics here with Misty James vs. Rock n Roll Rock C at MLW taping - 2 out of 3 falls match. As you can see Misty brought home a good "shiner".

More photos at www.myspace.com/mistymjames

More photos at www.myspace.com/mistymjames
King Lawler Cruise!!!

Join Jerry "The King" Lawler on the first annual King Lawler Cruise from July 30-August 3, 2009.
King Lawler's Royal Cruise Events To Include...
*The never before seen videos of classic Memphis wrestling matches
*Stories that only The King could tell - about the colorful people in wrestling
*The truth about Andy Kaufman
*The art of The King
*Behind the scene stories about old-time and modern day wrestlers
*Photo and autograph sessions
*Special gift, only available aboard this cruise (numbered & framed sketch by The King himself)
*Dinner and receptions with Jerry "The King" Lawler and Renee Spiegel
*Tanning sessions on deck with The King
*Shopping expeditions in Cozumel & Key West with The King's longtime girlfriend, Renee Spiegel
For more information, check out www.KingLawlerCruise.com
----This was posted by D-Rock @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com and I had to pass it along. Part of me is thinking this is a great idea, but part of it is just so funny. Tanning with The King?? LOL And it also says that the first 40 that sign up will get dinner with the King. Don't you think everyone should get dinner with the King?? If anyone plans to attend this, please drop us a line!! I would love to have a report on it.
RassleResults: TXW Knoxville, TN 1.31.09 2.28.09

TXW's biggest crowd at the South Knox Family Rec Center enjoyed a fast paced that featured some great, unique bouts that offered several surprises. The show started off with TXW Commissioner and Ruff Cutt member Billy Marshall demanding that Juggalo Drake come to the ring. Juggalo Drake defeated Billy at a benefit show in Athens Tennessee for the TXW Youtube Television Championship last week, but the Super Cruiserweight had some bad news for him. After reviewing the tapes, TXW officials determined that Drake pinned Marshall at the 10:30 mark, and faulty time keeping equipment allowed for the error and the match should have been ruled a time limit draw. Drake was ordered to return the belt or be suspended. Juggalo Drake reluctantly returned the belt, and Marshall called out Bobwyre for the first match of the night.
1) TXW Youtube Television Championship
Super Cruiserweight Billy Marshall (c) vs. Bobwyre
Billy Marshall controlled most of this match, flattening the luchador with various chops, Crash Diets, and power moves, but the little lucha got the upset after nailing Billy with a DDT and scoring a quick pin to become the champ!
Winner and new TXW Youtube TV Champion: Bobwyre
2) Freaky 3-Way
Juggalo Drake vs. Demetria vs. Funkmaster V
Funkmaster V started the match off by saying that he was upset in being involved in this weird feud with two freaks, and that he should be in a title match instead of being in a Halloween disaster match. Demetria and Juggalo went at it for most of the match, and got so involved that they brawled all the way around the ring, being counted out, giving Funkmaster V the count out win while he laid unconscious. After the match, Demetria nailed Juggalo Drake with a chair shot that bloodied him and claimed that Drake can't use the name Juggalo anymore since he couldn't beat him.
Winner: Funkmaster V by count out.
3) Intergender Tag Match
"Beautiful" Bobby Rayne and Violet Adams vs. Scotty Trojan and Electra
Bobby Rayne told Violet Adams before the match that the TXW management and fans think she is a fool because everyone knew that Demetria was a man besides her. Violet stated that she didn't care, that she wrestles for the fans no matter how they feel about her. In the back in forth match, Bobby Rayne nailed Violet by mistake with a punch wrapped in a chain, allowing Electra to land the top rope cross body pinfall victory. Afterwards, Electra tried to help Violet up, who retaliated with a vicious power move that left Electra laying. The crowd was horrified.
Winners by pinfall: Scotty Trojan and Electra
4) Grudge Match
Shawn Shultz [pictured] vs. Robbie Race
After a promo from Shawn Shultz that said Knoxville is his hometown and he loves being from here, the crowd got behind him from the start. This match was a great one, where Robbie Race tried several maneuvers to injure Shultz's left arm like Shultz did to him at the UWA earlier in the week. The match ended with an excellent reversal by Race that damaged Shultz arm again, and a school boy roll up with a hand full of tights. After the match, Shultz said that Race still had to cheat to beat him at when he was feeling 50%.
Winner by pinfall: Robbie Race
5) TXW Heavyweight Championship
Chris Cameron (c) vs. Jerry Lee
This was another good back and forth match from these two, where again, it looked like the bigger Lee was gonna take out Cameron for the title. Cameron, sensing he was in trouble, grabbed a chair from the audience and threw it to Lee. Cameron then fell down as the ref turned around to see a lurking Lee with the steel chair and a supposedly unconscious Chris Cameron. The ref called for the bell.
Winner and still champion by disqualification: Chris Cameron
6) TXW Tag Team Championship
Ruff Cutt(c) vs. Bobby Blassie and Bob O Mac
Ruff Cutt had some problems early with Bob O Mac and Bobby Blassie, but after some shortcuts by the champs, Ruff Cutt took control. Not allowing Bob O Mac to tag for a while, they began to wear down the rookie, but he never could be pinned. Finally, the final tag was made and all heck broke loose, including referee James Malenko taking a spill. Blassie eventually made a cover, and with the referee down, TXW official Preston Tipton ran in the ring and made to count for the 1-2-3! Preston awarded the Tag Belts to the team of Bobby Blassie and Bob O Mac, but referee James Malenko said that Blassie was the one that splashed him in the corner, reversed the decision and DQ'd the Bobs to a chorus of boos.
Winners and still champions by DQ: Ruff Cutt
Monday, March 02, 2009
Statement from Neil Taylor on reports of his wreck
Good Morning,
Just wanted so send a message out real quick message concerning the "Neil is dead from a car wreck" post on a couple message boards.
I worked for NWA Battlezone in Magee, MS Saturday night and was visiting some friends in nearby Hattiesburg where I was staying that night. Around 2am, someone ran into one of my friends car pushing it into my car and then proceeded to push both car about the distance of 3 parking spaces. The white SUV then proceeded to back up and left the scene. The Hattiesburg Police Department and Forrest County Sherrifs Department and investigating the incident.
Both myself and my friends are fine. We were inside when the incident occured. Wanted to say THANK YOU to all the people who have called, sent emails, and Myspace messages checking on me. Not sure how these rumors got out seeing how few people knew of the incident.
I will be appearing in Columbus, MS this Saturday (7th) for the Classic Mississippi Wrestling promotion at the Dave Lavender Coliseum as scheduled.
Thanks again and see you at the matches!
You can check out Neil Taylor's myspace and read his other recent blog entries here
RRO Book Tour 2009!!

Book Tour 2009!!!
----Get your copy of Yearbook 2008 at one of the following shows!! Join RRO on tour!!
-NEW West Memphis, AR 3.06.09 – Ken Wayne, WWE’s Downtown Bruno and all the NEW crew will be there to autograph your copy of Yearbook 2008.
-ASWF – “Promotion of the Year” Tuckerman, AR 3.07.09 – David Walls, Bobby Eaton and Ken Wayne will all be there to sign your Yearbook 2008.
-RWA Jonesboro, AR 3.14.09 - #1 Ranked Wrestler 2008 – Austin Lane will be there to sign books!!!
-DCW Dyersburg, TN 3.21.09 – Derrick King will be receiving the Wrestler of the Year award. DK will be signing books during one of the intermissions.
-EWE Ripley, TN 4.04.09 – Greg Anthony and Stan Lee will be there to sign books!!
-NBW Newbern, TN 4.11.09 [not confirmed]
-TIWF Trenton, TN 4.18.09 [not confirmed]
----If you would like to book a show for Book Tour 2009, then please contact me at brian_tramel@yahoo.com. I have 4.25.09 open along with the first two weeks of May – 5.02 and 5.09.09. I will only be doing 10 dates for the book this year, so please book or confirm today!!
----If you do not plan to attend one of the Tour dates, then please order your copy at www.btpress.net. I am also taking requests if some of you want copies autographed by various workers, then send me requests and I will send you a paypal request back.
"Shooting the Shiznit" As Good As Gold Version!!!

----Join Brian Tramel with one of the highest rated STS guests "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony for "Shooting the Shiznit" tomorrow night at 9:00 PM central time. This will be in the new "fast forward" 30 minute format with the last 5 - 7 minutes left for people to call in. Anthony will be talking the "Midnight Gold" team and more. Join them at www.rroradio.com!!
MLW PICS from 2.28.09 Tapings!!
----Darrell and Susan of MLW sent along the following pics. The group had tapings this past weekend. I also was told they had a problem with one of the girls - "Simply Luscious". Not sure what the deal was, but don't look for her to work for MLW again. Kassie Rains is in black with pink and blond hair and that is Mary Kelly working her.

RassleResults: DCW Dyersburg, TN 2.28.09
At the start of the show Allen Walker is out thinking everyone for coming to the show even though there is a snow storm. He is right in the middle of telling everyone what is about to happen and music hits. Everyone turns to the ramp and who comes out but none other than Seth Knight. Seth gets in the ring with Allen and addresses the personal heat with Allen. Seth goes on to inform the fans about what happen with him and Allen. So Seth goes on to say that he is back and that he would make sure everyone know how much of a back stabbing, liar Allen Walker is.
first match: J Weezy over The Outlaw with a double arm ddt
second match: Shannon Lee over Derrick King with a sunset flip out of no where
third match:Kilo over Rockin Randy with a superkick
4th Match :”the real deal” Tim Edwards and Motley Cruz over Justin “the juice” Smart and Slim Pickens with a side walk slam elbow drop combo to Slim Pickens
fifth match: Chris Rocker over Jon Micheals by dq
Last of the show saw DK and Jimmy Tidwell talking about Dustin Starr not being there, but at ringside was “The Baron” Malkavain’s coffin. Derrick thinks that Baron is in it but the Baron’s music hits and he comes out of the back and jumps on DK. DK gets the upper hand and then out of the coffin comes Kilo - who superkicks DK and leaves him in the middle of the ring looking up.
Crowd was really surprised to see Seth Knight because he has personal problems with Allen Walker and that is the reason Knight left DCW…Kilo and DK are headed to a collision…Looks like Motley and Edwards will be a team. This is the first time they have tagged together in over 6 years…New tag team champs will be crowned sometime in the near future…Only about 60 in the crowd due to the weather.
Credit: Spiritof1990
----Don’t read much into Jon Michael or Pickens being here – EWE did not have a show this weekend due to the weather…Not sure if NBW had a show or not, but J. Weezy and Knight were here. Apparently Knight is here to stay or until Dustin Starr comes back. LOL What is the heat that Knight had with Walker??
first match: J Weezy over The Outlaw with a double arm ddt
second match: Shannon Lee over Derrick King with a sunset flip out of no where
third match:Kilo over Rockin Randy with a superkick
4th Match :”the real deal” Tim Edwards and Motley Cruz over Justin “the juice” Smart and Slim Pickens with a side walk slam elbow drop combo to Slim Pickens
fifth match: Chris Rocker over Jon Micheals by dq
Last of the show saw DK and Jimmy Tidwell talking about Dustin Starr not being there, but at ringside was “The Baron” Malkavain’s coffin. Derrick thinks that Baron is in it but the Baron’s music hits and he comes out of the back and jumps on DK. DK gets the upper hand and then out of the coffin comes Kilo - who superkicks DK and leaves him in the middle of the ring looking up.
Crowd was really surprised to see Seth Knight because he has personal problems with Allen Walker and that is the reason Knight left DCW…Kilo and DK are headed to a collision…Looks like Motley and Edwards will be a team. This is the first time they have tagged together in over 6 years…New tag team champs will be crowned sometime in the near future…Only about 60 in the crowd due to the weather.
Credit: Spiritof1990
----Don’t read much into Jon Michael or Pickens being here – EWE did not have a show this weekend due to the weather…Not sure if NBW had a show or not, but J. Weezy and Knight were here. Apparently Knight is here to stay or until Dustin Starr comes back. LOL What is the heat that Knight had with Walker??
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 2.28.09
Just like every Saturday night, Rickey Rowland would bring out our nations flag for the playing of our national anthem. After which, T-Bone Terrence Ward would make his way to the ring with a special guest announcer for the evening, returning ASWF Superstar Judgment.
Our show this week would start off with Cody Only announcing a benefit show next Friday at the Newport Armory for the Gerald Turner family.
1st Match: One Fall
The Italian sympathizer Vinny Romano would take on one of the biggest men in ASWF, Dre. This match would be would be test of wits in between these competitors. Dre would prove to be too much for Vinny as he would get the count.
Big Rig Cody Murdoch would make his way to the ring to make an announcement but before he could even get started he would be interrupted by his own brother, Big Pig! Big Pig would make his way around the ring taunting Murdoch. However when the masked wrestler would make it into the ring we found out it was Demon X. Enraged at his public humiliation, Cody Murdoch would start attacking Demon X until Christopher Lee would come to Demon X’s aid. When the dust had settled Cody made an open challenge to Lee for the European Championship.
2nd Match: European Championship
This match had started before the referee could even ring the bell. Murdoch would use his size to his advantage. Christopher Lee would find himself to a disadvantage; his normal arsenal of grappling moves would be useless against the 300+ pound Murdoch. Murdoch would capture Lee in a bear hug, literally squeezing the life right out of him. Murdoch would win the match by submission.
3rd Match: Tag Team Match
Mexicanos would take on the Beach Bums in this heck of a match. After the Beach Bums victory against Danger Zone last week their chances of winning against Mexicanos looked very promising. Both teams put on a heck of a match. And to everyone’s surprise Mexicanos fought a semi clean fight. Unfortunately the Beach Bums would not be on their game and would lose via pin fall.
4th Match: One Fall
The Walking Miracle Cason McClain would go head to head with Demon X for the first time. Cason, who has lost only one match, would need to step it up to make sure that was the only match he lost. Demon X, the former European Champion, would put on a valiant effort against McClain but would fall short. McClain would live to his name and win the match.
5th Match: Tag Team Championship
Although this match would be one on one, Casino stated that he would put the titles on the line anyways since David Cox and Tim Hanson were absent. Hot Rod John Ellison and Casino would fight in an action packed, adrenaline fueled, and thrill of a match. With the titles on the line Hot Rod and Casino would fight almost to the point of not being physically able to finish the match. Hot Rod would gain control at the end of the match and go for the pin until Mexicanos would come out and hit Hot Rod in the head with a blackjack. While Johnny Harper was distracting the referee Johnny Hawk would roll Casino’s arm over Hot Rod and turn the referee around. Casino would win by pin fall. Mexicanos explained after the match that they wanted the titles back and they were going to make sure they took them away from Team Entertainment.
6th Match: 8-Man Tag Match
This was the most brutal match of the night. Ray, X-Kaliber, Chuck Fears, and Morgan Williams would take on Cody Only, Kid Krazzy, Tommy Wayne, and Regulator in this heck of a match. The match wasn’t even half way into it before all eight competitors were in and out of the ring. Morgan Williams would handcuff Tommy Wayne to the bottom rope and begin to hit him with a steel chair. Two referees would try to separate Morgan from Tommy but referee Cody Meade would fall victim to the Muscle Cutter. Commissioner Ward would get in the ring and tell Morgan that this was enough. He was tired of seeing them cheat. The Commissioner would also state that if he so much as even touched one more person he would be suspended. Morgan Williams would then slap the Commissioner in the face but only to be shoved back, a mistake the Commissioner would soon regret. Morgan would kick T-Bone in the gut and use the Muscle Cutter on the Commissioner not once but twice. Owner David Walls would come out and tell Morgan that he was suspended until further notice.
Crowd was 217 paid
Credit: ASWFace
Sunday, March 01, 2009
RassleResults: USWO/ATL/NWA CYBERSLAM Nashville, TN 2.28.09
103 attended
Jason James & Aaron David did commentary
First 7 were taped for 2 episodes of NWA Cyberslam
NWA Cyberslam Champion Kliff Hanger b Anthony Wayne in a non-title match
Derrick Neal b Bad Boy Dixon
AM Vision b Mike Rapada Jr.
Kliff Hanger b Calypso in a non-title match
Drew Haskins b Mason Conrad
NWA Top Rope Southern Tag Team Champions Arrick Andrews & Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) b AM Vision & Ashton Viton when Andrews pinned Vision
Kliff Hanger b LT Falk in a title match
Harold Knight & Lightning Bolt Kid b Kevin Dunn & Bad Boy Dixon when Kid pinned Dixon
Steven Green & Cody Weatherby & TJ Weatherby & Chris Bomb b Damien Payne & Saint & Kevin James & Bad Boy Dixon in 4 straight falls in an elimination match.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Jason James & Aaron David did commentary
First 7 were taped for 2 episodes of NWA Cyberslam
NWA Cyberslam Champion Kliff Hanger b Anthony Wayne in a non-title match
Derrick Neal b Bad Boy Dixon
AM Vision b Mike Rapada Jr.
Kliff Hanger b Calypso in a non-title match
Drew Haskins b Mason Conrad
NWA Top Rope Southern Tag Team Champions Arrick Andrews & Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) b AM Vision & Ashton Viton when Andrews pinned Vision
Kliff Hanger b LT Falk in a title match
Harold Knight & Lightning Bolt Kid b Kevin Dunn & Bad Boy Dixon when Kid pinned Dixon
Steven Green & Cody Weatherby & TJ Weatherby & Chris Bomb b Damien Payne & Saint & Kevin James & Bad Boy Dixon in 4 straight falls in an elimination match.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Greg King JR Graduation Match Postponed!!
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