Saturday, November 08, 2008
Site News!!
----Picture of the week has been changed on the main site page. CLICK HERE!! You might have to refresh your browser.
----I should have an Arena Report from last night at NEW in West Memphis, AR up sometime soon. I am suffering from "lag" of sorts [no sleep makes BT a bad boy], so I will be posting it either tomorrow or early Monday morning. I am also planning a "Coach Corner" early this week on NEW - the promotion after four weeks.
RassleResult: NBW Dyersburg, TN 11.01.08
Chris Rocker came out and called out Seth Knight only for Tim Edwards to come out instead. Tim said Seth was patying and wouldn't be there, but Tim was tired of picking up Seth's slack and said he should be the #1 contender and not rocker. So Rocker said he would put up the contendership and the match was set for later
The Outlaw vs. Buckwheat ended in a no contest in about 3 minutes after Tim Edwards attacked them both, Rocker made the save and said we are both out here so why wait?
Rocker def. Tim Edwards after a roll up
Void came out and explained that Robbie Douglas would no longer be in NBW as he is pursuing MMA. He was interrupted by the S.O.B.'s who said he has a tag title match and no partner so it would be handi-cap
Void def.The S.O.B.'s after Kilo went to body slam Void who's feet hit mark in the face and Void small packaged Kilo out of the body slam. New Tag Champ Void
Post-Match, Mark was blaming Kilo for the loss and kept pushing him Kilo kept saying not now until Mark pushed him and Kilo pushed him back and hit a superkick out of nowhere!
Motley Cruz def. Danny B. after the ref was distracted and Mark hit Danny with Hard Justice
The Posse vs. Jeremy Moore/Shannon Lee/Big Red stopped after the Posse attacked Shannon's son after he was trying to help his dad who was taking a beating in the ribs w/ a skate board
Biggest Pop was probably for The Kilo superkick or Void winning the belts, because no one thought he would. Good show probably 80 or so in the crowd.
Credit: NBW News Reporter
----Rocker is working both here and TLCW with no problems – good for him…NBW Champion Seth Knight is out with some personal problems – here’s hoping that is all cleared up for him and his family…Robbie Douglas is for shoot training for an upcoming MMA fight and RRO plans to be there for his debut…Turning Kilo or Mark or whatever the hell they are doing is stupid. These guys have flip flopped so much this year it is starting to not mean anything and they are cheered anyway, so why does it matter??
Memphis Wrestling Ratings and Weekly Poll Results 11.01.08
Final Rating: 1.1 (17,826 viewers ) 2 share
Quarter hours:
-Brian Christopher vs Chase Stevens with Lady Athena
0.7 (11,344)
-King Mable vs Nicholas Doom
1.0 (16,205) [+4861 viewers]
-Southaven, MS clips of Lawler vs Paul Burchill, Golddust and Tommy Dreamer
1.1 (17,826 ) [+1621 viewers]
-6.27.87 Battle Royal Wrestling Professor segment
1.8 (29,169) [+11,343 viewers]
----This was a decent rating – better than normal. “Ratings Man” wrote, “I hate to be negative but I think they just got lucky this week.” in his report. I got to agree with him, but I really hope both of us are wrong. I would love to see the ratings spike and help the local scene. Show did good with an increase of a little every quarter and then a big jump for the old stuff in the final quarter.
----This god awful drizzlin shiznit of a show continues to get thumbs up. This is turning into a rib. LOL
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 11.01.08
1st match Morgan vs. Regulator
The match didn’t even get stared when a former ASWF wrestler, Christopher Lee, was in the crowd mouthing Morgan saying he could never beat him. The match would start off great with fast pace action and would come to a close when Christopher Lee would interrupt the match by attacking Morgan. Security would be called to escort Lee out of the building. Regulator would get the win by 1, 2, 3.
2nd match Cody Murdock vs. Scott Fury
This was an action packed, adrenaline fueled, thrill ride of a match. Cody and Scott would exchange blows throughout the match. The control of the match would change more than you could count. Towards the end of the match Cody would regain control but Oasis would interrupt by taking out Scott Fury letting Cody win the match.
3rd match Syn vs. Judgment
Before the match would even get started Syn went to work on the returning Judgment. Syn stayed in control of the match all the way through and won with a roll up pin, 1, 2, 3.
4th match Demon X vs. Oasis
Commissioner Terrence would tell Demon X that since he was the worst wrestler in the back he would take on the best, Oasis. Demon X was manhandled like no one’s business. Demon X had finally had enough and if one low blow didn’t work he would do it again to give the match to Oasis by Disqualification.
5th match Tag Team Title
Commissioner Ward would call “Fraternity Row” [Chuck Fears/Tommy Wayne] to the ring and tell them they were going to face Dre and Silent Mark for the titles. Before the match even got started the commissioner would reveal that he had one more opponent…LSD, (Cody Only and Idol Bane) Idol would stay in control most of the match until Front Row got the tag from Dre. Front Row got the 1, 2, 3.
6th match X Kaliber vs. “Malibu” Matt Boyce
X Kaliber would not have control until halfway in the match and then would go on the offensive and start targeting the knee of Malibu Matt. Unfortunately for Matt, Casino Kid would interfere and cost him the match by attacking X Kaliber causing Matt to be disqualified. Casino would eventually leave with X Kaliber winning the match.
7th match Six man gauntlet for ASWF Title
Austin would start off on a good foot taking on Morgan Williams, Morgan would get the upper hand but would loose it by a 1,2,3. Oasis would be his next opponent loosing thanks to Scott Fury by DQ. Syn would make a valiant effort by Austin would get the 1,2,3. Regulator would come out but stated he would not fight Austin under the present terms. Commissioner Ward told Regulator if he didn’t compete he was fired. Regulator, with no choice, would compete but with a surprise, he would lie down and give the match to Austin with an easy 1, 2, and 3. Cody Murdock would be Austin ’s next opponent getting off to a great start but would end up being Austin ’s next win. Austin ’s final opponent was Ray Ray. Ray came to the ring running and started off great staying in control working on the tired and injured Austin Lane . Austin eventually gained control over Ray but was stopped by the commissioner. While Austin was preoccupied with the commissioner Ray Ray came in with a chair and hit Austin . The referee would DQ Ray giving the win to Austin . The commissioner overruled and made a no DQ match. Ray would then hit a frog splash and pin Austin 1, 2, 3 and become the new ASWF Heavyweight Champion.
There was around 105 in the crowd, crowd was pretty hot for all the matches.
Credit: ASWF Ace
----Ok, two things I hate on this show – guys coming out of crowd jumping into match and hate those damn Gauntlet matches when the guy beats so many other guys. How about this for a booking idea – Lane goes out after two guys and Ray Ray beat someone else to win belt?? It makes the other guys look like crap…This roster, as always, has some really good talent – this might get them the edge in “Promotion of the Year 2008” balloting over TIWF – Fury, Lane, Murdock, Cody Only, Idol Bane, Fears, Wayne – good to great talent.
RassleResults: USWO 11.07.08
Chris Norte & Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn b Cousin JAson X & Psycho Medic & JD Fluffy when Norte pinned Fluffy
USWO Jr. Champion Josh Crowe b Shawn Hoodrich
Steven Green (w/Shane Eden) b Saint in a 2/3 falls match
Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn b Travis Starr & Damien Payne when Lowe pinned Starr after Payne turned on him
Tim Renesto b Arrick Andrews by reverse decision after ref MArk Owen found a chain on Andrews that Renesto had planted on him while being pinned
LT Falk b Chris Michaels by countout when they were brawling outsaide the ring and Michaels rammed LT into the ringpost and threw him back in as ref Owen's count reached ten
USWO Champion Jeremiah Plunkett b Michael Jablonski via submission
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
----I am looking for full results of "Lawler 35" show!!
Friday, November 07, 2008
A Piece of my Mind Nov 7th by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente
I found myself in Bakersfield, CA, this week during my travels on the same day that TNA had a house show in Bakersfield. I have never attended a TNA house show. I have, however, attended a TNA taping at Universal but never a house show. I called Devon Dudley and let him know that I was in town. He sent me a text saying that he and Bubba were close by and to meet them at the arena. I have to say that I have stated before that the problems with TNA were not within the ring ropes and that was certainly confirmed for me on Nov 2nd in Bakersfield, CA.
We went into the building I said hello to the talent that I already had met or who had worked for me before on WrestleReunion events like James Storm. I was then introduced to those that I hadn’t met in the past. As I was visiting with Devon I did consider ducking out early and going back to the hotel. It didn’t appear that the Dudley’s would be staying in town for dinner and I hadn’t watched a televised companies house show in a very long time. I could not be happier that I stayed. What I found was a crowd rabid for wrestling. It wasn’t exactly the wrestling that I grew up with but it was pretty close to the same feel. I have to say that the crowd was as vocal for the last match as they were the first match. I found it energizing to know that fans could still get so engaged in what was happening inside the ring.
I haven’t met a wrestling insider yet, including myself, that didn’t have a backseat driver type of opinion to any wrestling event. If this was my show to book would I have made some changes? Of course I would have. I am not foolish enough to believe that those changes would have made a Richter scale type impact on this event. I can honestly tell you that I couldn’t hear the person next to me talking as it was. How much louder could they have yelled and how much longer? I really believe TNA can make a move beyond their existing status. It wouldn’t take very many moves to really start energizing this company. It appears that they may have already started making some of them. We can only wait and be hopeful if TNA improves the entire industry should improve along with it. It appears that Vince McMahon can only get the WWE in high gear if he hears footsteps.
I spoke last week of Cary Silkin and the hard decision that he had to make regarding the removal of Gabe Sapolsky from the booker position at Ring of Honor. It is these types of decisions that can make or break a company. It isn’t easy to make the choice that Cary Silkin made. Most people who have never owned a company probably cannot even comprehend how he came to the conclusions that he did. It was not going to be a very popular decision. It is that alone that would stop many people from pulling that trigger. I don’t know how Cary came to his decision and what gave him the strength to make this very unpopular decision but it needed to be made. Even if he didn’t pick the right guy to replace Sapolsky sometimes the worst decision that you can make is no decision.
It is time for Vince McMahon to make that same type of decision and basically fire himself from the role of head booker for the WWE. It is the perfect opportunity for him to take on someone like Gabe Sapolsky and see how he can do as part of a huge organization with unlimited resources. I can’t judge the creative team because they aren’t writing for the people or even using their skills. They are writing for Vince McMahon either to amuse him or not to be subjected to his wrath.
In the same light as TNA the things that are broken at WWE can easily be fixed. The impediments to the solutions perhaps are different at both companies. But it wouldn’t take anything to fix them.
If I was Vince McMahon and I owned the WWE, I would put all pride aside and do whatever I had to do to get Paul Heyman to run the creative end of the company. At this point in time Heyman is the most qualified to lead that end of the company. I realize that Paul can be loose cannon at times. But he has shown creativity and the ability to know where the ball will be tomorrow. Wayne Gretzky once said that he doesn’t skate to "where the puck is" he skates to "where it is going to be".
The one thing that Paul Heyman hasn’t really proven yet is that he is a survivor. Being a creator and surviving is two different things. He created a great thing, a legendary thing, with ECW. But it didn’t matter how great it was because he didn’t have the capacity to keep the company solvent. In truth if it wasn’t for McMahon ECW might have come to a conclusion sooner than it did. This is where the McMahon family has proven over the years that they excel. The WWWF, WWF, WWE and Vince McMahon himself have been in quite precarious situations over the years and have prevailed to come back bigger better and stronger. If Paul Heyman had that type of individual coaching, leading and guiding him without stifling his creativity you might just have the winning formula.
Here is an interesting thought, if you were to hire Gabe Sapolosky isn’t it possible that, with his relationship with Heyman, that you might be getting two for the price of one anyway?
I was in the ring with Moondog Spot as a referee one time and he was pulling on the other guy’s beard. I was still kind of green and didn’t actually “get” the whole thing. I was calling for the break and of course he wouldn’t break it. So I came down from as high as I could with a double axe handle to break the hold. He looked at me and said "you stiff P***k" and that’s when the light bulb went off. I wasn’t supposed to really hit him on his forearms. I was just to stop short and he would take care of the rest. I am glad that he wasn’t mad. He knew I was still learning. I was never trained to wrestle by Afa “The Wild Samoan” Anoai. He taught me the business side of the business. It was the best training that I could have had. I have had numerous matches over the years and never hurt a soul and never been booed out of an arena. I learned the part I could on my own but the knowledge that was passed to me was like a college education. It has been the foundation of everything that I have been able to accomplish in the wrestling business.
The picture with this article is from the very first appearance of Team 3D the former Dudley Boyz. This was taken at WrestleReunion 2 in Valley Forge, PA. It was the day after the WWE informed me we were infringing on their rights and that Bubba and Devon had no rights to use that name. It was an interesting day but we got through it and Team 3D was born.
Tonight's N.E.W. line-up
Four matches slated for Nov. 7 TV taping
WEST MEMPHIS, Ark. – After a brief hiatus, the Mid-South’s newest wrestling organization will return tonight for an evening of hard hitting, wrestling action.
The much hyped New Experience Wrestling (N.E.W.) promotion will hold its fourth set of television tapings Friday, Nov. 7, at the “Nightmare” Ken Wayne School of Professional Wrestling. Bell time is 8 p.m., although fans are urged to arrive early to hear important pre-show announcements around 7:45 p.m.
“Tonight should be another strong event,” said “Nightmare” Ken Wayne, owner of N.E.W. “We are really fortunate to have put together a very strong roster of talent, mixing those who have trained at my school and some of the Mid-South’s best all around wrestlers.”
Tonight’s card will feature four singles matches.
“The Main Attraction” Matt Justyce will face “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony. Justyce is still in the early stages of his career as one of the participants from Wayne’s School, while Anthony has been revered as one of the area’s top talents for the last decade.
Greg King Jr., another young star from the school, will face the ever popular Stan Lee, who made his first N.E.W. appearance two weeks ago.
In what should be a very physical match, “3G” Eric Wayne will battle Dustin Ring. Wayne, in a short period of time, has become one of the region’s premiere talents while Ring impressed everyone with his in-ring, physical style in a match with Greg King two weeks ago.
Finally, Kid Nikels will battle Derrick King in a match that will be crucial for both men as they each remain undefeated in N.E.W. singles competition.
Tickets for the show are $5 and will be available at the door.
After only a month into its existence, N.E.W. has received much praised from the wrestling community. Most recently longtime wrestling great Les Thatcher spoke highly of the promotion as part of his regular column at He did the same during a radio program with’s Mike Johnson.
For more information on New Experience Wrestling and the “Nightmare” Ken Wayne School of Wrestling, visit or call 901-831-4198.
(The “Nightmare Ken Wayne School of Wrestling” is located at 201 E. Jefferson in West Memphis, just 10 minutes from Downtown Memphis, Tenn. When you arrive in West Memphis, take the Missouri St. Exit. Follow Missouri St. and continue straight as it will become Woods St. once it intersects Broadway. From that point, travel 5-6 blocks and turn left on Jefferson St. Turn right into the first driveway at the end of the tree line and travel through the gate to the first building on the left. Ushers will be out front to direct attendees to the building.)
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 11.01.08
Executioner Axe defeated Monkey Boy.
Dirty Sanchez vs. "Dangerous" David Cox ended in a double count out.
PHAT Foundation (Chris Styles, Justin Rhodes, & Chris Fontaine) defeated The Executioners (Axe/Dagger) & Tysin Starr by DQ.
Pain, Inc. (Brett Michaels & Izzy Rotten) defeated The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) in a Biker's Chain Match to win the EPW Tag Team belts.
I counted 76 in the building.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Site News!!
Show For The Weekend - Saturday Night!!
Doors open at 6:30pm
Admission: Adults $3 Kids $1
Come on out and see all the ICW starts including: Xtreme Neal Dream, RL Brimstone, Iron Horse, Steven Rampage, Weasel, Bull, Spyder, and many more. (Wrestlers subject to change without notice)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
"What Memphis Watches"
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 3 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of all 3 hours for the final rating.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at:
Thanks and enjoy!!!
TNA Impact ( Thursday ) 10-30-08
Final Rating: 1.8 ( 29,169 viewers ) 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour:
1.4 ( 22,687 viewers )
1.4 ( 22,687 )
1.5 ( 24,308 )
1.2 ( 19,446 )
2nd hour:
2.0 ( 32,410 )
2.5 ( 40,513 )
2.9 ( 46,995 )
1.6 ( 25,928 )
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 10-31-08
Final Rating: 2.0 ( 32,410 viewers ) 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour:
1.8 ( 29,169 viewers )
1.9 ( 30,790 )
1.9 ( 30,790 )
2.0 ( 32,410 )
2nd hour:
1.7 ( 27,549 viewers )
2.1 ( 34,031 )
1.9 ( 30,790 )
2.2 ( 35,651 )
Memphis Wrestling 11-01-08
Final Rating: 1.1 ( 17,826 viewers ) 2 share
Quarter hours:
0.7 ( 11,344 )
1.0 ( 16,205 )
1.1 ( 17,826 )
1.8 ( 29,169 )
TNA Impact Replay @ 8 a.m. 11-01-08
Final Rating: 0.2 ( 3,241 viewers ) 1 share
WWE A.M. 11-02-08
No show this week.
WWE RAW 11-03-08 3 hour special.
Final Rating: 3.8 ( 61,579 viewers ) 5 share
1st hour: 3.4 ( 55,097 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours:
2.9 ( 46,995 viewers )
3.5 ( 56,718 )
3.7 ( 59,959 )
3.7 ( 59,959 )
2nd hour: 4.3 ( 69,682 viewers ) 6 share
Quarter hours:
5.1 ( 82,646 viewers )
4.2 ( 68,061 )
4.2 ( 68,061 )
3.6 ( 58,338 )
3rd hour: 3.5 ( 56,718 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours:
3.5 ( 56,718 viewers )
4.0 ( 64,820 )
3.7 ( 59,959 )
3.0 ( 48,615 )
Overrun: 3.7 ( 59,959 viewers )
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating analysis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” with the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.----
"Journal of A Journeyman" Featured In Local Paper!!
Shows For The Weekend 11.07 to 11.08.08
----A big show in Nashville celebrating 35 years of Jerry “King” Lawler being in the wrestling business. The card looks like this Travis Sawyer/Justin O’Day vs Alan Shepard/Ali Stevens, Shane Williams vs Lani Kealoha, Aaron Stevens vs Steve Boz, Chase Stevens vs Big Bully Douglas, Matt Boyce vs Shawn Shultz, Doug Gilbert/Brian Christopher vs The Moondogs and Main Event: Jerry Lawler vs Sid Vicious with Jimmy Hart.
----In Fulton, MS for XOW – Benefit for Noah Sheffield. Join them for a good cause and good card featuring Jerry Lawler vs Neil Taylor [everyone has been raving about their last bout in Memphis], Chris Kilgore, Hollywood Jimmy, Mo Foundation, Tony Dabbs, DJ Stunner, “sons of the South” and more.

Art from The King!!
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 11.01.08
Chris Styles defeated Chris Chaos.
G-Mo Money defeated Blade.
Josh Matthews defeated LSD when Spiderman interfered.
Justin Rhodes defeated Buzz Harley.
Mason defeated Dirty Sanchez.
Sons of the South defeated LSD & Chris Chaos.
Crowd was about 75
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: Mid-South Wrestling Hot Springs, AR 11.01.08
2) Jeff Jett squashed The Medic with version of the uranage slam (Rock Bottom).
3) Mark Johnson pinned "Bruiser" Rick Sweetan (with manager Boyd Bradford) with a power slam. Finish sequence had Sweetan distract the ref. Bradford came off the top rope for a flying elbow, but Johnson rolled out of the way. Then Johnson clotheslined Bradford over the top rope to the floor. Sweetan then charge with a clothesline, which Johnson DUCKED and then hit the big powerslam for the win.
4) "Ravishing" Rich Rude cut a promo. Rude is a spitting image of Rick Rude and cut a promo in much the same fashion. He came out in a suit and tie. He said that he has signed a contract with Mid-South Wrestling and then proceded to take of his suit coat and shirt much to the delight of several female fans.
5) Spoiler 2000 beat "The New Age Superstar" Gram Gram in a faculty lumberjack match. The heel side has Riviera and Jeff with 3 heel coaches. The baby side has Jones and Apocalypse with the baby coaches. Great match that included Spoiler walking the ropes and Gram hitting a cross body from the apron to the floor on S2K and all the coaches! Finish saw Riviera distract the ref while Jett through S2K and object to load the mask with. He then destroyed Gram with a big headbutt to the brains and got the 1,2,3.
6) Tag Team Champions Reckage & Romance (Matt Riviera & Jeff Jett) beat Jones & Apoc. Set up had Jones take the mic after the lumberjack match and make the challenge which led into the tag. Good match that saw Riviera and Apoc pull out the Eric Embry-Jeff Jarrett reversal spot and much more. Apoc botched a top rope splash when he tripped, but covered well with an elbow drop. Finish saw the hot tag to Jones. A bionic elbow a piece on Jett-Riviera. Riviera and Apoc then brawled on the floor. Apoc got posted. Jones hit a big bulldog on Jett. Riviera hopped up on the apron, Jones came over and got his neck draped and fed into an inverted DDT.
7) International Champion The Atomic Dogg pinned Tim Storm (with General Skandor Akbar). Good 15-minute hard-hitting match. Storm was the PCW Champion in Dallas for over a year and still hold the tag titles there with a partner. Finish saw Akbar slide in the object to Storm, but backfired. Dogg hit a running forearm and a senton for the win to send the fans home happy.
Attendance was only 75. Mid-South Wrestling had nothing to do with the advertising as this was a package show. Riviera did personal appearances all day the Friday before the show and the paper did a nice write up on him appearing at the special needs class rooms. This show was a fundraiser for the Hot Springs Band Parents Association. Despite the poor turnout, all the fans went home happy and the Hot Springs Band Parents Association had nothing but good things to say about the event. is the official website for this group
"Flashback" Early Nov 1982 by Mark James
Nov 8, 1982
Jerry Lawler had been trying unsuccessfully for over 4 years to win the AWA World title from Nick Bockwinkle. The current feud had Nick coming to town and demanding he get a shot at Lawler’s Southern title. This match took place early in Oct 1982 and Nick won the Southern strap.
In the following weeks, Lawler was unsuccessful in his attempts to get the win and the belt back from Bockwinkle. This match on Nov 8th was a do-or-die one, because Lawler put his hair up against the belt.
Lawler ended up getting the pin on Nick and proved to the fans he had what it took to pin the current AWA World champ.
Some of the great tag team matches the crowd of 7,329 saw had the Fabulous ones successfully defending the Southern tag belts by defeating the challenge of Jesse Barr and Crusher Broomfield (who were managed by Jimmy Cornette). Also, Bill Dundee and Dutch Mantell won by DQ over Sweet Brown Sugar and Bobby Eaton, while the Sheepherders were victorious over Terry Taylor and Jacques Rougeau.
Nov 15, 1982
Fresh off his win of the Southern title, Jerry Lawler turned around and lost the belt during a handicap match to Sabu and Jimmy Hart. Sabu was later crowned as the Southern champ.
Another title changed hands as Jesse Barr defeated Dutch Mantell to become the Mid-American champ before 8,056 fans in attendance.
In the night’s other title match, the New York Dolls, who were the CWA World tag camps, won by dq over the Southern tag champs, the Fabulous Ones..
Other matches included: Sweet Brown Sugar and Bobby Eaton getting the win over Bill Dundee and Bobby Fulton, Terry Taylor and Jacque Rougeau defeated the Sheepherders in a coal miner’s glove match.
In a special added match, the Sheepherders won by dq over Bill Dundee and Jerry Lawler.
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – - Click on his site and order his books!!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Thanks to you!! "Journal of a Journeyman" Selling Better than Yearbook 2007!!!

----Dusty Wolfe along with Brian Thompson and myself - want to thank everyone that has ordered the book!! It is selling over double the number of Yearbook 2007 as of today - one week after release date!! Good for Dusty as he gets the majority of the profits. [insert your own BT is getting rich over books joke here] If you have not ordered your book yet - CLICK HERE - and get a copy!!!
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 11.01.08
Wildside’s music is cued and he comes to the ring. Thanking the fans for their support and blaming Hotrod for getting the TIWF into the whole XOW mess. Wildside says there are more important things to worry about like the presidential election just days away. Ravishing Randy’s Presidential music is played and he comes to the ring and gives his usual stump speech. Chants of Obama were heard from one section of the crowd. The end of this segment saw Wildside ask the crowd by applause are you voting for Obama, McCain or Ravishing Randy? McCain received almost no response, there were a few Obama chants… the crowd erupted when Wildside asked about Ravishing Randy.Wildside and Randy were treated like good guys by most of the crowd even though Randy’s stump speech included several mean statements along with Wildside’s ( I personally sent XOW packing without the help of Hotrod) antics.
Battle Royal -Battle Royal with the winner getting the number 1 contender status for the TV title Wildside wins.
Big Boy Leroy def. Jake the Jackhammer
Tank Turner def. Royale Executioner
Wildside def. Lawman Williams to win the TV Title
Chico Mendoza def. PK Ripper and Dre’ Black in a triple threat match to retain the heavyweight title.
--167 in Attendance.
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation TV can be seen on E+TV6 each
Every Sat. at noon and Primetime at 6 p.m.
website at
Credit: Steven Hunter
----Attendance dropped 36% after the XOW angle ended. Damn!! And the quality of workers went down also.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 11.01.08
“X-3” [Steven Rampage/Oz] over “Rhythm & Blues” [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker]
“Rockin” Randy by roll up on Bishop. Bishop started getting heat after match – Malkenvain comes out after lights go out – Bishop gets superkicked by Randy – Malkenvain/Bishop left staring each other.
Chris O’Neal with Christian Jacobs beat Dell Tucker. Tucker used hot coffee at the beginning in Chris’ face before the match to start the heat. Chris fights back and finally pokes Tucker in the eyes – both blinded. Double knockout. CJ runs to the back with towel and water to wipe his eyes. People went crazy for Chris’ comeback!! O’Neal hits Tucker with roundhouse kick for win.
Greg Anthony/Alan Steele beat Chris Rocker/Stan Lee. Rocker took heat – Lee hot tag. Rocker/Steele shitcanned to back. Lee flips thru the Golden Guillotine for win. TGB steps out of the ring and is standing in between Lee and PaPaw [Stan’s grandfather]. TGB slugs PaPaw – crowd went nuts for this.
100+ in the crowd…TGB was going to be forced to wrestle after putting over the fact that he was not really injured – TLCW was going to strip him of the belt…Only like four people knew about the PaPaw angle…TGB ran out of the building and then all the fans went to try to help PaPaw. Lee went crazy yelling “help” – everyone thought it was a shoot. A nurse came running over to check on him. People called 911…After the matches TGB was chased in the parking lot by Lee after some marks seen him and Lee went after him. TGB dropped his bags and squealed out in his car leaving his bags. Kayfabe is alive!!!
Credit: TLCWillublome5229
----This PaPaw angle was so over. Great shit!!! The build for this should mean money...Take notice at the finish of every match on this show - there was a winner/loser and still didn't hurt their heat!!
RassleResults: SWS Parsons, TN 11.01.08

Here are the results for the Parsons Show. This show will be solely used for TV. They are trying to get enough footage for several shows. They used mostly students on the show.
Michael Gilbert & Ty Hamilton came out first. They thanked everyone for coming. Ty is a Parson product. Gilbert tells the fans that over the last several months Garry White & Big Stuff Inc has interfered in the matches and it was a numbers game with them. Big Stuff Inc members Kevin White, Garry White, Su Yung, Cody Melton & The Agents came out and told Gilbert & Hamilton that tonight in Parsons they had more plans.
Cody Melton comes out and said The commissioner said that Chris Williams and The Fire both wanted him and that a match had been set up between The Fire and Williams and he would wrestle the winner.
Chris Williams defeated The Fire.
Melton/with The Gorgeous Su Yung immediately started the match. Melton beats Williams with a chain. Yung interfered constantly during the match.
Garry White and Su Yung comes out. White demands a match with Ty Hamilton. He runs Hamilton and Parsons down. Yung is begging Garry White not to do it but White insists on the match. Hamilton comes out and was shocked that Garry White wanted to wrestle him. The Agents comes from behind and jumps Hamilton. They toss him in the ring and beat him down. Garry White asks for the match to start. White goes for a cover but Hamilton kicks out. The Agents interfere again and White goes for another cover, Hamilton again kicks. This time White throws a punch but Hamilton blocks and nails Garry White. The Agents come in but Hamilton clears the ring, Su Yung jumps in but he dumps her out of the ring also. He grabs White but Kevin White, Cody Melton runs in and Big Stuff Inc. beats down Hamilton, Gilbert and Williams makes the save. Ty Hamilton beat Garry White by DQ.
Agent K-Hill w/ Agent Corbin vs. Michael Gilbert. This starts out to be a singles match but after interference by Corbin, Gilbert gets the mic and said he figured this would happen and he was well prepared , he ask for this to be changed to a tag match and he had a surprise partner. He brings out The Albino Rhino.
Rhino and Gilbert defeat The Agents w/Garry White& Su Yung.
Main Event. Battle Royal.
Before this started Michael Gilbert, Williams, Albino Rhino, TY Hamilton comes out and said if Su Yung didn't compete in the Battle Royal the entire group was walking. The commissioner comes out and tells Su Yung she is under contract and that she would be in the battle Royal.
It comes down to Su Yung, Kevin White, The Albino Rhino & The Agents. Albino clotheslines both Agents out and then picks Yung up and tosses her on the Agents. He has Kevin White just about over and Hamilton drops kicks both White & Albino over the top but Garry White hold Kevin White and Albino Rhino goes over. White throws Hamilton over the top rope, he does a skin the cat and White thinks he has won, Hamilton drops kick White over the top rope and gets the win.
110 paid with probably 130 in the building…Group was disappointed in the attendance…Show was fun and the fans were into every bout…Albino Rhino and Ty Hamilton got the biggest pops of the babyfaces.
Credit: SWS Studd
----These are planned to be used on Jackson TV and I would not be surprised to see some of it end up on Memphis TV…I should have full details in the next few weeks when they plan to air or if they are put on the net or something....Both Derrick King and Doug Gilbert were advertised for this show???
Photo from left to right: Garry White, Cody Melton, "Agent" Maxx Corbin, Kevin White, "Agent" Cahill and The Fire
RassleResults: All Pro Productions Halloween Havoc Carthage, MS 10.31.08
Candyman defeated Ghost Rider
Jason defeated Uncle Felton
Cameron Valentine & Chris Kilgore defeated JD McKay & Ghost Rider #2
CJ Cash defeated Neil Taylor
Then they came back with a 10 man tag team match. Referee threw out the match after losing control of the match. They said action was all over the building during the main event.
About 150 in the crowd
Credit: Hollywood Jimmy @
----Proof positive that Kenny Valiant knows how to use advertising to draw a crowd. 150 on Halloween night. LAW drew around 25 in Rector, AR.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 11.01.08
To contact "The King" or find some cool pictures, videos, and shirts, visit
To advertise with Memphis Wrestling or find out more information on personal appearances, live events, and fund raisers, Call 901-794-7771
Back in the studio, Corey and Jerry announced the big Lawler Tribute show that's taking place this Friday, November 7th, at the TN State Fairgrounds Sports Arena. For more information, check out
Video of Brian Christopher. During his prematch interview, Brian asked Lance Russell if he could do the "Thriller" dance. Lance responded, by saying, he would not challenge Brian in that field.
Brian Christopher tangled with one half of The Alternative Express, Chase Stevens, with his manager, Lady Athena. You may remember Chase Stevens, locally, and from his time in TNA as one half of The Naturals. Athena was a part of DCW, at one time. Brian Christopher picked up the win with a roll up on Chase, after he gave Athena an atomic drop when she, unsuccessfully, attempted to strike Brian with one of her leather boots.
Corey added that Jerry Lawler would be making an appearance in Jackson, Tennessee, on Sunday, November 30th, at the Old Hickory Mall. Jerry added that he would be there from 1:00-5:00PM signing autographs, taking pictures, and meeting all the fans. Jerry invited everyone to come out. He said he would be hanging out around the food court. They touched on the special night, last week, in Henderson, that was for a great cause, benefitting The Carl Perkins Center.
Corey and Jerry were talking about King Mable with Jerry saying he was going to become the next Rock. Corey suggested that they should put Big Vis in that Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie. Ha! I would love to see that.
Footage of King Mable taking on the freaky Nicholas Doom. This was Nicholas Doom's first appearance in Memphis Wrestling. He came out wearing a rather large mask kinda like the one Kamala used to wear from time to time, but this one was of a devil mask. I'm glad they aired this match because we are going to be seeing a lot more of this young man because the WWE, recently, began airing vignettes, hyping up his upcoming debut as a carnival freak, Kizarny. Hopefully, this guy will take off because he's been working on his craft, for quite sometime now, in the WWE developmental territories. Mable got the win with his version of the Black Hole Slam.
After the match, Lawler stated how he was glad when King Mable's reign came to an end because they had too many run-ins. Corey said everybody wants to be "King" with Jerry and him dropping names such as King Booker, King Carl Fergie, King Sylvester Ritter, who went on to become Junkyard Dog, Paul Ellering, and, of course, Eddie Gilbert. Corey said he really liked Eddie Gilbert. Lawler added, "Oh, of course! I didn't like him too much the day he ran over me in the parking lot, but other than that, he was alright."
Back from break, Jerry was checking out some of the dvds, including The Best of Memphis Studio Wrestling, that's going to be available soon on Jerry said they are updating the merchandise section with t-shirts and for the first time ever, you are going to be able to get "The King" to sit down at his art table and do some original art. He will also have some limited edition artwork available. Corey asked if, maybe, he could get a Corey Maclin bobblehead. Jerry answered, "I don't think we have a bobblehead, yet."
Reminder for this Friday, at the TN State Fairgrounds Sports Arena, 7:30 Bell time with rising young, country music entertainer, Kevin Sport, doing a mini concert, before and during the show. A lot of great wrestling stars including, "Grandmasta Sexay" Brian Christopher, as well as, Jerry "The King" Lawler taking on one of his all-time most formidable opponents, Sid Vicious. 35 Years of Wrestling Royalty is what they're calling it. Jerry announced that country music star, Kenny Chesney, has bought a ticket and is going to be there.
Footage of Jerry Lawler in action from The Southaven Arena is shown featuring Lawler's battles with "Pirate" Paul Burchill from May 13, 2006, Goldust from March 3rd, 2006, and a cage match with Tommy Dreamer from February 4th, 2006. Lawler was successful in all three matches. He defeated Burchill with a piledriver and beat Goldust with a chain that he received from his butler, Alfred(This was during the "Leave it to Lawler" time with Queen Renee, Barbara, and Audra, the maid, at ringside.) Lawler picked up the win against Tommy Dreamer after lighting him up with a fireball. This match garnered lots of mainstream buzz, at the time. Very intense battle that featured loads of weapons, Dreamer nailing Lawler with a piledriver, and fighting on both, the inside and outside of the cage.
The Wrestling Professor returned. This week's date was June 27, 1987. This was one of the biggest matches in studio wrestling history. The Wrestling Professor answered that it was a 16-Man Battle Royal that featured sixteen of the top superstars in Memphis with Rocky Johnson, Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis, and Bill Dundee. Correct! Jerry went on to say that one of his all-time favorite guys that he ever wrestled against and watched was Tojo Yamamoto and Tojo was in that battle royal, as well. They go to the footage.
Classic 16-Man Battle Royal for $3,200 featuring: Jeff Jarrett, Rocky Johnson, Bart Star, "Stretcher" Jack Hart, The Thunderbird, Keith Eric, Bill Hickerson, Greg Maddux, Tojo Yamamoto, Moondog Spot, Pat Tanaka, "Superstar" Bill Dundee, Paul Diamond, Billy Travis, Alan West, and John Paul. During the match, Jarrett eliminated Moondog Spot. Immediately, following his elimination, the Moondog pulled Jarrett over the top-rope, as well, eliminating him too. This led to a brawl on the outside with Jarrett blasting Spot with a chair. The final three were both members of Bad Company, Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond, and "Superstar" Bill Dundee. Downtown Bruno was at ringside urging on Tanaka and Diamond to win the money. Finish came when Tanaka and Diamond sent Dundee in the ropes. Both Tanaka and Diamond bent down to launch Dundee, but the little Aussie capitalized on this opportunity, by kicking Diamond and rolling up Tanaka to get the three count. Immediately, after the pin, Dundee managed to duck out of the way, sending Diamond crashing to the floor to win the thirty-two hundred dollars. That Money! Money! Yeah! Yeah! They awarded Dundee the money, but Tanaka and Diamond were quick to attack him and take it. Rocky Johnson saved Dundee with the two taking off after Tanaka, Diamond, and Bruno. As Bruno was leaving with the money, he added, ""Like momma says it bees dat way sometimes!"
They ended the show, plugging the big Celebration of 35 Years of Wrestling Royalty, A Tribute Fit For "The King" that's taking place this Friday at the TN State Fairgrounds Sports Arena. For more information, visit
Credit: D-Rock @
----I scanned thru this with TIVO and as usual - it sucked!!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Check out last night's Cheap Heat Radio w/ Derrick King

If you didn't catch last night's Cheap Heat Radio with host Gene Jackson and co-host Neil Taylor then make sure to listen to last night's show with Derrick King. Some of the highlights of the conversation include: discussion of N.E.W., the future of "Memphis Wrestling", the never ending locker room drama, his famous "girl like" screams in the ring, why people say he's "WWE bound", his longterm goals in the business, why he left TLCW, would he ever consider MMA fighting?, possibly quitting the business and what he'd do if he did, getting a "real" job, will he be RRO Wrestler of the Year for a third year??, has he ever tried to get a job with TNA?, would he ever wanna go to Japan?, is there anything he wouldn't do if WWE asked?, all these topics and more were covered in this hour long interview.
RassleResults: MCW Luxora, AR 11.01.08

Hillbilly Nate, War Machine & Shawn Williams defeated AC Styles, JT Storm & Hamhock when Nate pinned Storm.
MCW Heavyweight Title Match
(C) "Mr. Slice & Dice" Frankie Tucker w/ Sexy Sam Dollar defeated "One Man Wrecking Crew" Tank w/ Passion to retain the title after Tank missed a big splash in the corner and Frankie delivered the Flatliner.
East Coast Bad Boys (C-Money & Serpent) defeated The P.O.B.(Ron Rage & Cowboy) w/ Sexy Sam Dollar.
Kid J defeated Little Devil
Big Daddy Lafonce & White Lightning wrestled The Hambone Express w/ Sexy Sam Dollar to a No Contest after the locker room emptied and a brawl ensued.
Around 200 people in attendance.
Credit: MS Reporter
Photo Credit: Freddy Ware [Leroy Hambone on the left - Big Daddy LaFonce on the right]
----Does anyone know if this is the same JT Storm that worked for Mike Cook??
RassleResults: MCW Osceola, AR 10.31.08
Show opened with Ron Rage and Sam Dollar coming to the ring. They told everyone that they were going to fulfill their promise for a special Halloween Surprise right here tonight and they promised it would be huge for them and big for Lafonce.
"One Man Wrecking Crew" Tank w/ Sexy Sam Dollar defeated J.T. Storm, AC Styles and Ray Lee in a 4-Way Elimination match to receive a heavyweight title shot in Luxora the next night.
The Hambone Express w/ Sexy Sam Dollar defeated Hillbilly Nate & Shawn Williams after the match broke out into a 4 way and the referee Rashad Devon could not maintain control and awarded the match to the Hambones.
MCW Heavyweight Title Match
(C) "Mr. Slice & Dice" Frankie Tucker w/ Sexy Sam Dollar defeated War Machine to retain the title.
Big Daddy Lafonce & White Lightning defeated The P.O.B. (Rage & Pokerface) w/ Sexy Sam Dollar by DQ when the rest of Sexy Sams stable ran in and beat up on Lafonce and Lightning. Before the match began Dollar told Lafonce & Lightning that he told them he had a surprise for them and to play their music. Rashard Devon's music played and he came out, then from out of nowhere, Pokerface came out wearing a NXN shirt with his gear bag and hands it to Rashard, takes off the NXN shirt to reveal a P.O.B. shirt underneath and the match was on.
MCW Tag-Team Champions The Natural Born Playas (Pimp & Southside) w/ Sexy Sam Dollar defeated The East Coast Bad Boys to retain the titles. When C-Money came out at first, he was by himself, until the ECBB music played again, and out comes Spyro into the arena. The crowd erupted, but then, from behind them, out comes the returning Serpent to a huge ovation. C-Money & Serpent worked the match and told Spyro they would take care of it.
About 80 people in the building.
Credit: MS Reporter
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Arena Report: RWA Jonesboro, AR 11.01.08
----Frank Martin started the show introducing Brian Tramel [who is that?? Thanks bro] and Ken Wayne to the crowd. He went over who was going to be there for the night and crowd seems to be “warm” to him.
----Lucky beat Lethal in the “Battle of the Leprechauns” using the ropes. PP3 was special ref and meant nothing to the match. Crowd was real hot. Match wasn’t much. Both guys have worked forever, but seem to be green?? [No pun intended – get it – Leprechauns..LOL]. [*] for the crowd.
----Zane Richards with Classy Meltin Massy beat Soultrain Jones. Jones got a huge pop. Nothing much and a quick match. Zane started heat by raking Jones in the eye. Jones makes a comeback. Zane uses Massy’s golf club on Jones for the win. [1/2*]
----Rik Burton comes out dressed nice. He puts over the fact that he will be working Rodney Mack tonight for the belt. He gets over his catch phrase “Better Than You”. Good mic work.
----“Playa’z” [Pimptacular/Southside Brawler] beat “Asylum” [Psycho/Arnez] with Rottn Randy. The storyline is that Randy has become their manager – he has removed the hat and wearing a scrub top. Nothing much of a match. Pimp is still green, but tries very hard. Brawler is a bumping machine – taking a sweet bump over the top rope after a closeline and bumping on the ring apron. [old Lawler bump] Heat started with boot to Arnez. Arnez got a FLAT hot tag to Psycho. Brawler used a chain to pin Psycho for the win. [*1/2]
---- Blazing Star with Blazing Star Jr won by DQ over Tejano Kid. Star has a good suit and mask. Star is his son and looks to be about 3 or 4 years old – cute gimmick. My kids loved it. Kid worked his leg the whole match and then used a Mexico flag for the DQ. After the match Star challenged Tejano to a Hair vs Mask bout next week?? Didn’t they just start the feud?? This was one of the worse bouts I have seen this year. [DUD]
----Pokerface beat Mike Anthony. Not as good as I expected. The match was really built around the storyline of Anthony being “helped” by his partners “Playa’z”. Anthony has lots of potential. He still green, but looks like a wrestler. Anthony worked on Poker’s knee for the heat, but the crowd was so dead from the match before it – and they worked the knee the whole match also. Anthony kept going over getting advice from Brawler during the heat. When Anthony went for a figure four, Poker rolled him up for a pin. After the match Anthony turned and got jumped by Brawler/Pimp. Poker made the save. Crowd liked it. [**]
----Rodney Mack beat Rik Burton to retain the RWA Title. Burton is in better shape now than ever. Good solid match, but not as much following psychology as you would think. Mack didn’t give Burton enough heat. Mack hit Burton with some really nasty chops that busted his chest open. Mack hit Burton with a spear out of nowhere for the pin & win. [**]
----There was probably about 70+ in the building. Martin mentioned there was something in town with horses. I got a bigger pop for Martin’s intro than I did the last time I was a manager. LOL It had NOTHING to do with me – it was that damn hot ass crowd…Massy did nothing special ringside. A much better look than “Loose Cannon” though…ST Jones has got a lot of raw talent. I believe he is a Mack trainee and comes off as a pure athlete…Guys were given scripts at the front of the show with some of the matches being fully scripted. Fire the script writer. LOL…Randy was not as bad as I remember – he did a decent job as a babyface manager. Babyface managing is not easy…Rodney Mack is not near the size he was when he was in the WWE, but still has decent size…Intermission after 3rd match and all the babies came out to sign autographs…I was told by more than one person that Star is a pretty good worker, but he hurt his knee before the matches. Apparently he will not be back until he is fully healed…Anthony did a mic spill before his match. Not bad on the mic…Crowd was chanting “pizza boy” and “pizza man” at Burton. Burton in his shoot job delivers pizza. This total kills his “Better than You” gimmick. It hurts when a promotion has to use local guys. [See Dusty Wolfe book]…Show started just a bit after 7:00 o’clock and was over right at 9:00 PM. I love that. As I always preach, I think a perfect time for weekly shows is the 2.5 hour mark…Not a real good show, but RWA has some good talent in Mack, Asylum [I have seen them have much better bouts], Burton [not sure as the top heel], Anthony, Jones [work in progress], Pokerface and Brawler – they could build around these and have a good show. The crowd was real hot until the Star bout killed it and they don’t have to have announcers putting over the product on a house mic…This group has talked about TV – they are not ready for that.
Memphis Wrestling Ratings and Weekly Poll Results 10.25.08
Final Rating: 0.1 ( 1,621 viewers ) 0 share
Quarter hours: 0.4 ( 6,482 )
----What can you say?? Ratings are the drizzlin shiznit!!!
Memphis Wrestling Poll Results
Thumbs Up 69%
Thumbs Down 31%
----Wow!! Another win big time for the show. I think some of you guys might be watching the wrong show. LOL You sure you are not voting for Andy Griffith and Sanford and Son in the old time slot??
RassleResults: CW Kingsport, TN 11.01.08
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Kingsport, TN @ the Civic Auditorium
1. Keith Knox defeated JC Roberts
2. Beau James defeated Marco Corona
3. Nick Hammonds & Wayne Adkins went to a time limit draw with Chase Owens & Alyx Winters in a #1 Contenders Match... CW Comissioner, Clarence Clippenback ruled that due to the result of this match, both teams would face US Tag Team Champions, KMF Inc. in a 3 Way Match
4. Bobby Eaton defeated Eric Steele
5. Eric Darkstorm defeated Cody Ices
6. Moe Jenkins & Brian Phoenix defeated The 420 Hit Squad by count out... Moe's orginal partner for this match was Beau James. But, Beau abandoned Moe shortly after the match started. The referee allowed Phoenix to take Beau's place in the match.
7. US Tag Champions, KMF Inc. defated Wayne Adkins & Nick Hammonds and Chase Owens & Alyx Winters in a 3 Way Tag Match
8. National Heavyweight Champion, Robbie Cassidy defeated Mr. Bolo
9. Tony Givens defeated Brian Logan to become the New AWA World Heavyweight Champion
Championship Wrestling's next event is this coming Saturday, November 8 in Greeneville, TN at the Eastview Rec Center.... This event is Fan Apprieciation Night and all fans will be admitted for FREE!
SSW Nov. 14 Kingsport Armory
For more info visit
Credit: CW Crippler
----RRO's Brian Thompson was in attendance.
Jerkin' The Curtain NWAME & SAW TV recaps + Yak it up Monday Nov. 3rd @ 10 PM CST.
A Piece of my Mind Nov 2nd 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I was saddened to learn of the passing of S.D Jones. I watched S.D from the beginning of my watching the WWF. It seemed like whenever Capt. Lou Albano, Classie Freddie Blassie or The Grand Wizard brought a new man into the territory to earn their shot against Bob Backlund for the title, they had to beat Domenic Denucci or SD Jones first. In the case of Denucci, he was a former main event guy and worked on top in places. In the case of Jones, he worked NY a lot but did get a push in the Carolinas as the cousin of Rufus R. Jones. I have two funny stories that I always think about when thinking about S.D Jones. We were in Hamburg, PA. one night for TV and The Iron Sheik was wrestling S.D. Jones. In those days this would not have been a squash match but sometimes The Iron Sheik missed the point. He was tossing S.D around like a rubber ball, suplexing him all over the place. The guys found it interesting. So at one point Don Muraco looks at Afa "The Wild Samoan" Anoai and says “He would be doing the same thing if it was Backlund out there”. Of course, The Iron Sheik probably could have and would have been throwing Backlund around as well. It was another time that we were sitting around getting ready to go to the arena and Sika said to me “S.D. will get one chance to sell tonight on his own and then he is going to sell my way”. We had a good laugh about it. S.D was a good guy and maybe he didn’t always sell as much as he should have but he always did everything with a smile and was a pleasure to be around at all time. I met him early on in my career when he was port of the main event in the first show I ever promoted. We did turn away business that night. It was “Mr. USA” Tony Atlas, Rocky Johnson and S.D Jones vs. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff and “Dr.D” David Shultz. We had ten tickets left when the doors open we turned a lot of people away., Rest in my peace my brother S.D Jones.
I along with everyone else was shocked at the release of Gabe Sapolsky from Ring of Honor. As I thought about it more, I realized that Cary Silkin made the right move in making the change. The company wasn’t progressing as it did before. It was losing velocity and when that happens a change is needed. I only met Gabe one time when I booked Bruno Sammartino to make an appearance for them. We were appearing just a few blocks away at Big Apple Con the same day so it was easy for us to squeeze it in. I can’t say that Sapolsky was my kind of guy, but you have to be impressed with what he has done with Ring of Honor up until now. He didn’t have millions of dollars to work with. He had modest resources and was able to make something out of it. In business many businesses outgrow their employees. I believe at this point, with the resources available, that Ring of Honor has outgrown Gabe Saplolsky.
We will all of have to wait and see if Cary Silkin’s next move was as good as the very tough and not popular move of replacing Saplosky. I have to admit that I was underwhelmed with the choice that he made. I made the assessment of the new Ring of Honor booker with no knowledge of the man chosen. That is the way that most opinions are formed in this country with very little information. I am open to watching how the whole scenario plays out. It is not the move I would have made at this point. I would have been looking for someone with some power influence and an established credibility in the business if possible. All of that said, Cary Silkin is a man who appears to know where the ball is going to be tomorrow. So we sit back and wait and see how the drama unfolds.
It is going to be tough for Adam Pearce. He is the wrestling business version of Aaron Rodgers this year. That is not an enviable position to be in. But it’s also not an impossible one.
I was sitting in Atlanta, waiting for my next plane, eating a Dunkin Donuts Flat Bread Sandwich, and I see this guy standing in front of me. I realize that its Devon Dudley. So I say "Hey Devon". He was very cordial and walked away. I finally realized he had no idea who I was. I am still suffering the effects of my haircut in Memphis courtesy of my friends Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan along with Bubba “The Love Sponge”. I kept my hair short like that because the reviews of how it looked ,once I got is fixed, were very good. However, there are many people who don’t recognize me right away, since I also had a large head of hair. Once I told him who I was we had a nice chat about WrestleReunion and how The Dudley Boys became Team 3D on my event in Valley Forge, PA. I hired the Dudley’s for the event with the understanding that they had rights to use the name. It turned out that the WWE challenged that the night before my event. I had received an email with all kinds of threats in it from Stacey Papachristos WWE In House Counsel. So I scrambled together with The Dudley’s and Team 3D was born. The contract they had with WWE expired on one day and they worked for us the next. It was a great match they as they faced off against Matt Hardy and Rhino who were managed by Talia Madison(Velvet Sky). I used them again in Davie, Fl to work against Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey on the final WrestleReunion event. I can say Bubba and Devon are stand up guys and no problem at all to work with. They didn’t know me, and I didn’t know them at the time, but I am glad that I know them now.
I asked Devon where he was going. He said he was on his way to Las Vegas for the TNA live event that was held a few weeks ago. It appears that those guys are going to be in TNA for quite awhile. It’s funny when you talk to wrestlers who have no gripes or complaints that they share with you. I can say honestly that Devon Dudley appears to be a very happy man in his life and his career.
The picture from this article shows me getting my haircut as mentioned above. It is of course taken at the Fed Ex Forum in Memphis Tn. On the night that Hulk Hogan wrestled The Big Show. It features Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake and Bubba The Love Sponge celebrating the hair cut they just gave me.
This has been a piece of my mind