I recently read a blog written by Lisa Marie Varon (Victoria) which stated why she left the WWE and went to TNA. I am not sure if I agree with her decision. I do know that everything that she said in her blog were very valid points. She is clearly, and by far, the best performer in the woman division and is being asked to carry girls on a daily basis that surely could not out perform her or beat her legitimately. It is my personal opinion that there isn’t a girl on the roster that she couldn't beat and beat very quickly. I have touched on this topic before, I don’t know Lisa very well but what I do know is that whenever she and I crossed paths she was respectful and went out of her way to introduce herself and greet me. She, like many of the real legitimate tough guys in this business, has nothing to prove to anyone and comes across as being very humble.
The reason why this topic is so important to me is that many years ago when I broke into the business I became very close friend with Lei Lani Kai through our mutual relationship with The Wild Samoans. At the time Lei Lani was constantly being asked to take girls on the road who were either new or who’s work ability was not as good as hers and put them over. In many cases these girls had to be carried through a match. I know it got to her and at least at one point she was finally given a chance to become the World Champion. It’s funny to think about it but when Wendi Richter lost the title she was clearly quick counted and swerved. The Shawn Michaels and Brett Hart screw job, though more famous, was clearly not the first time that Vince McMahon has used this tactic. If Lei Lani was the heel trying to go out to screw someone out of the title I am not sure that a quick count would have been necessary. I think that she would have just hooked whoever it was and dared them to kick out. I don’t know if she would have participated in such a thing anyway, but if she did I just don’t see the other person kicking out.
We clearly know that in this business, although very real in the risks that the performers take, has predetermined outcomes. It is no shame to lose since you are told to lose. If you are Lisa Marie you clearly have the respect of your peers so why leave? I have no idea what she was being paid for her position so that could have been an issue. The other thing you have to ask yourself is why wouldn’t she be the girl pushed? Why couldn’t she be the baby face version of the Fabulous Moolah and just hold the title? She clearly has one advantage that Lei Lani didn’t have although Lei Lani was an attractive girl she wasn’t built as today’s divas are. Whereas Lisa Marie is a beautiful girl that easily could have legions of male fans. So why push girls that clearly are limited workers at best and, in some cases are hardly believable as wrestlers when you have a girl who scores high in all areas and represents your company at all times as a professional. If you find the answer to this question you will have a clear answer to back office politics in the wrestling business. It makes little sense to me when I think about it. Ask a former wrestler who got out of the business or one that wants out and they will almost always tell you I loved performing but the back office politics I just couldn’t stand. A wrestling office will force someone down our throats until we can’t stand it anymore or start to love them based on no one else being there. If you were on a desert island with a woman or man who might not be your perfect ten wouldn’t they start to look like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston after about a week or so? I think promoters count on that along with the out of sight out of mind thing to make a lot of decisions.
I haven’t actually wrestled in about five years or more. I was supposed to be a part of some matches in Memphis but that never worked out. On June 13th in Leesburg, FL I participated in a six man tag team match. I teamed up with Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka and Scotty Too Hotty. I got in the business in nineteen eighty one and met Jimmy Snuka on my first day in the business. In one of the first matches that I wrestled in before a sellout crowd in Vermont I wrestled a very young Scott Taylor. I could tell right away that he had what it took to be a star. It was a few years later that I saw him on WWE television and eventually he became Scotty Too Hotty. I thought both of these guys made very fitting partners. We were managed that night by my trainer Afa “The Wild Samoan #1”. On the other side was someone named The Perfect Creation who I had little knowledge of other than being told about him by Afa. The other two guys were Sugga who is the former Sweet Daddy Jay Love of the Love Connection. I had wrested him many times in tag matches with The Samoans, Carolinas Own David Isley and others. The third man was my long time opponent and rival Gorgeous Gary Royal. If you read my blog you know that Gary, in my opinion is one of the smoothest guys to ever put on a pair of tights. They were managed by “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart.
It was a great night all the way around ...no egos or nonsense ... this was the business that I grew up around. It was a great match that was a part of a card and night of entertainment that everyone there really enjoyed. I have never seen a dressing room full of more respectful kids just working hard to get a break in our business. I don’t know who may or may not make it that was in the dressing room that night but what I do know is if it had to do with character, professionalism and class all the students in the Wild Samoan Training Center would be with the WWE or TNA right now.
The Greek Theater in LA is having a salute to Beach movie week during the first week of August. One of the movies being featured is It’s a Bikini World. They have contacted Jimmy Hart about appearing since The Gentry’s Jimmy’s old group from the million selling record Keep On Dancin was in the movie along with The Animals and The Castaways.
This picture was taken at the matches in Leesburg, FL last Saturday night. Scotty and I were celebrating our victory in the ring with a couple of young fans Jake and Nick.
"Flamboyant" Faron Foxx joined Michael St. John for selected portions of the commentary tonight, as did Hot Rod Biggs. DVDs of last weeks taping were avaialble for $10.
There were two dark matches prior to the taping: Saint beat Travis Starr and Lee Cross in a 3-way when S pinned LC in 4:00 with a DDT
Shane Morton beat Antonio Cathey in an ATL Feature when AC misses on a splash and SM pins him using the ropes in 4:00
MSJ/FF do the TV opening.
James Duncan beat Kevin Dunn JD has done some serious tanning this week, calling himself "the man with the tan". JD wins the match in 4:00 by catching KD off the ropes and giving him a pretty facebuster.
USWO Jr. Champion Jason Xavier beat Dyron Flynn in 6:00 with his fishermans flip slam.
Bryan Casey beat Psycho Medic in about a minute after apparently using an international object to hit PM and cover him for the pin.
Oh My God Its Rick Santel beat Mitch Ryder in 6:00. RS counters MR's allegations of cheating from last week by stating that MR cheated on him in the rumble match. Sorry to report that Sweet Louise is not here this week:( Finish here was RS coming off the top into an MR right fist then going down and grabbing his knee. MR complies with RS begging off but turns his back and RS schoolboys him for the pin! RS says he was miraculously healed!! MR tells MSJ that he let himself be compassionate for one second and look where it got him.
Chris Michaels comes to the ring and makes Gordon interview him. CM is carrying the USWO Championship belt which belongs to OUR USWO Champion Chase Stevens. CM takes issue with fans in general but is incensed over the "Chase" chants. MSJ interrupts to inform CM that CS has entered the property! CM says there is about to be death in the USWO and heads out the door! The two meet in the lobby and brawl back into the ring, where the locker room empties and attempts to keep them apart. CM escapes with the belt and CS calls him a coward.
USWO Tag Team Champions Damien Payne & Josh Crowe (w/Hot Rod Biggs) beat LT Falk & Bill Dundee in 10:00. HRB does not have his racket with him tonight but he didn't need it. LT makes the hot tag to BD and it all breaks loose. BD has DP alone in the ring and about to pin him when HRB gets on the apron. BD grabs him by the tie but doesn't see him pitching a chain to DP, who then slugs BD and covers for the pin. BD tells MSJ he has lost to the best (even to Tony) but he didn't like the way this went down. LT says he & BD will get through this because they are tough.
USWO Champion Chase Stevens beat Chris Michaels in 23:00. A mix of wrestling and brawling here. CS whips CM into ref Boogie, who goes down hard. CS German suplexes CM for a cover but security is tending to Boogie. CS then gives CM a fishermans suplex and holds CM down as ref Mark Owen runs out and counts 2. CM pulls MO in front of the charging CS but CS pulls up before hitting him. CS ducks a CM lariat and MO gets flattened. CM superkicks CS and covers. Gordon runs out and commissions himself as a ref but does a really slow 2 count. CM does not appreciate this and gets in Gordon's face. CS schoolboys CM and Gordon counts a fast 3 for the pin. CM grabs the belt and hits Gordon with it! CM tells MSJ that he rightfully won the match because Gordon never went to ref school! CS goes after CM but gets hit with the belt as well and the locker room empties again. CM again leaves with the belt. CS gets to his feet with help from "Chase is the champ" chants.
Matt Rivieria, who is no stranger to wrestling fans in the RRO coverage area, has been selected for a VH-1 reality show called "Megan Wants a Millionaire." Here is a link to the story with additional details.
Matt works with Bill Ash and Mid-South Wrestling, which runs shows throughout the state of Arkansas. He and partner Jeff Jett compete as "Reckage and Romance." They currently hold the Mid-South Tag Team Championship.
He is also 1/2 of the Pro Wrestling Alliance (PWA) Tag Team Champions with "Juicy" Johnny Morton. As mentioned earlier today on the site, Matt will be in action at PWA's Wynne, AR show this Saturday night.
In addition, Matt has appeared locally in the past for the ASWF in Tuckerman, AR and was on the first New Experience Wrestling (NEW) show in West Memphis, AR last fall. Matt has been ranked in the Pro Wrestling Illustrated "PWI 500" special issue in recent years.
The staff of RRO would like to congratulate Matt on becoming a cast member for "Megan Wants a Millionaire."
Commissioner Dustin Baker makes his way out to the ring, getting the crowd of about 75 rowdy and ready for another night of EWE action. He goes on to say that Ike Tucker, The Baron Malkavain, and Jon Michael will be in action, as well as a non-title match between Stan Lee and Bishop. He goes to start the show, but Premiere Brutality come to the ring. Eric Wayne comes wielding a baseball bat. The chants “Eric Sucks” and “Kid Nikels Sucks” come over the crowd. Baker says he doesn’t have time for this, and starts to leave the ring, but is stopped by Wayne’s bat. Nikels grabs the mic and says that this place should be called the butcher shop, because they’ve caused so much destruction and put so many people in the hospital. Eric Wayne says that they haven’t been rewarded for what they’ve done, but they still don’t have a title shot. They ask what Commissioner Baker wants to do about it, but Baker reminds them what they did to put Maxx Corbin in the hospital. Wayne circles Commissioner Baker with the bat in hand. Baker says that he’ll give them their title shot, but it will be in a singles match. It’ll be Kid Nikels vs. Chris O’Neal and Eric Wayne vs. Christian Jacobs, and if both members of Premiere Brutality win their matches, they will become undisputed number 1 contenders. Commissioner Baker starts to make his way to the back, but Wayne and Nikels corner him with the bat to his throat. Tag team champions Picture Perfect come to the ring to help Baker. Premiere Brutality doesn’t struggle very long and make their way to the back, but not before Chris O’Neal suffers an injury to his right knee. Christian Jacobs is assisted by security to take O’Neal outside to be taken to a local hospital. It is unclear what happened to his knee exactly at this time, but updates will be posted to EliteWrestlingEntertainment.com as soon as they become available.
Jon Michael def. Rockin’ Randy via pinfall.
J.R. Manson is set to go against Ike Tucker next. Before the match begins, Tucker grabs the mic and says that they’ve tied up on numerous occasions during the past year, and that Manson has been on the victorious side lately, but he has to use things like powder and straps. Tucker says that Manson has gotten over on the blues man before, but not tonight. Everyone is used to the blues man shuckin’ and jivin’, but he’s going to show Manson what the blues is about. Manson takes a bag of powder in his towel he brought to ringside and throws it toward Tucker, but it hits the referee instead. Tucker pins Manson, but the referee makes his way out of the ring and calls for the bell, giving Ike Tucker the win by disqualification. Tucker argues with the referee, saying he didn’t want to win by disqualification, and as Ike turns around to look at Manson, J.R. begins an assault on Tucker. After attacking the blues man for a while, he makes his way to the back with Ike Tucker following at a distance.
Premiere Brutality makes their way back to the ring for the next match, which was scheduled to be Kid Nikels vs. Chris O’Neal. Commissioner Baker comes out and reluctantly gives Nikels the victory by forfeit. Nikels grabs the mic and tells Baker to play Chris O’Neals music to give him a chance to show up. O’Neal doesn’t show, but Nikels still insists on giving him to the count of ten to enter the ring. Commissioner Baker sends a referee to the ring to start the match, and the referee gives the full ten count, giving Kid Nikels the official victory over Chris O’Neal. Eric Wayne grabs the mic and says that it’s one down and one to go, and Christian Jacobs is next.
The Baron Malkavain def. Storm by pinfall. After the match, Baron grabs the mic, saying that there’s a saying that goes “History tends to repeat itself.” He says that it has happened again, with his undefeated record in the EWE. He says that he recalls someone saying that if they want to put a one in their loss column, to come get some. He drops the mic and leaves the arena.
Eric Wayne and Christian Jacobs make their way to the ring for their match. Jacobs has a look on his face of pure hatred as he makes his way down to the ring, then following Eric Wayne out the back side of the ring. At one point, Wayne places Jacobs on the bleachers and goes for a splash, but Jacobs quickly moves and Wayne hits the bleachers full force. In the end, it will be the use of his baseball bat that the referee did not see that would give him the victory over Christian Jacobs. This victory makes Premiere Brutality the undisputed number one contenders for the EWE Tag Team Championship.
Stan Lee makes his way to the ring for his match, then Bishops music plays. After a while, his music cuts and Dustin Starr's music plays. Starr looks at Stan and asks him if he was expecting Bishop. He says that everyone thought Bishop was a nice guy, until he dropped Lee on his head. Starr says that he told Bishop to drop Lee, and he told Bishop to stay at home tonight because nobody wants to see a non-title match against Lee and Bishop. He says that everyone is in a dilemma, and the company is in a dilemma because there’s no main event, then tells everyone to go home and he makes his way up the ramp. Just as he gets to the top of the ramp, then turns around and says since they don’t have a main event and he’s got all his gear on, why not have a MAYHEM rematch. He tells Lee to put the title on the line and give the fans what they want. Lee goes to the crowd and starts asking random fans what they want, and all of them agree to have a title match. The bout gets underway with both men showing an incredible amount of strength. Starr goes to nail Lee with a clothesline, but Lee ducks out of the way and gets the referee instead. Both Starr and Lee leave the ring, but Lee is thrown back into the ring as Starr grabs the EWE title and goes to hit Lee with it, but Lee manages to counter the attack and send Starr to the mat. After a few seconds, Lee gets up to help the referee, but Starr grabs the title once again and hits Lee in the head, knocking him out. The referee regroups and makes his way over to the two men and gives Starr the three count, giving him the victory over Stan Lee. Your winner, and new EWE Heavyweight Champion, Dustin “Five” Starr.
During the benefit show for Tank, Dustin “Five” Starr def. Derrick King to retain the EWE Heavyweight Championship.
As always, visit www.EliteWrestlingEntertainment.com for all videos from Saturday night. Also, don’t forget that we will NOT have a show this Saturday, June 20th as we are going to a bi-weekly schedule. We will be back in action on June 27th and every OTHER Saturday thereafter.
UPDATE ON CHRIS O’NEAL – As of 6\18\09 @ 12:00 midnight, Chris O’Neal has had an MRI done, and is scheduled to have surgery on Friday the 19th. There is no word as of yet on how long O’Neal will be out of action. More information will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
(This is just my own opinion) I took the master copy of the video and slowed it down to super slow speed. It looked like Christian Jacobs gave Eric Wayne a clothesline, Wayne dropped to the mat, but he tripped up O’Neal, causing him to stumble and fall. It looks like he rolled it pretty bad, adding to the existing injury he already had.
Hi again to the cyber world,its me,the legend(in my own mind),Downtown Bruno from Walls, Mississippi by way of Fort Duquesne boulevard. The most "over" manager of the 80s,bar none......or maybe..nah never mind....Let’s talk about New Experience Wrestling’s answer to Apollo Creed – “the main attraction” Matt Justyce!
Let me preface this by saying that I’m in the wrestling business – I work for the WWE. I have made my living in this industry since 1979 - 30 years! But, as many of you know, my main job is with the wweand I’m in a behind the scenes capacity. I’m not in the ring or at ringside at all anymore on RAW(where i won the WWE ladies title),or on Smackdown(where i lost the WWE ladies title) or on ECW (where i......well,never appeared)...but I still appear on Ken Wayne’s NEW show every Friday night as the senior official.
Anyway, my point is that after my appearance at the legends battle royal at Wrestlemania 17, I vowed to never again appear in a talent capacity in the business again. I did never want to be the washed up guy trying to hang on to or reclaim long lost past glory. However, when 2004 and 2005 came around and my dear friend Boss Winters opened Razorback All-star Wrestling(later re-named Arkansas All-star Wrestling---another story for another time). Well, like on the Godfather, I tried to get out, but they pulled me back in---first as a color commentator, then as a heel referee, then as a heel manager and I remained a "talent" up until they closed their doors. At that point, I reiterated my vow to never again appear as a talent...NEVER!!!
Then, low and behold, another dear friend, Ken Wayne opened NEW in West Memphis, Arkansas. He invited me to join the organization as the senior official. Well, here I went again like a mafia movie..back in again. Well to make a long story short, if that’s even plausible at this point the first match I was back in the ring for in approximately 3 years was Greg King vs Matt Justyce. Several things stand out in my mind about this match. First, it’s my return to the ring after a long time and lemme tell ya - at 44 years old I wasn’t up to the task! These guys went at it like a couple of guys in their 20s....oh,yeah...that’s what they are!!!! Shoot, I wasn’t ready for the action they presented. This wasn’t Reggie B Fine vs Jeff Gaylord walking and talking - this was action -as real as it gets. Matt was a flipping,flopping,high flying daredevil that bumped,worked,sold and wrestled like a veteran. it wouldn’t be fair to only compare him to another African-American wrestler because shit this is 2009! What difference does race, creed or color make right? The guy MJ reminds me of - work wise style wise and body wise of my old friend and former colleague - Jimmy Golden. And for those of you who don’t remember Jimmy Golden - look him up or you tube him. He wasn’t good - he was GREAT!! Matt Justyce, you could be the next Bunkhouse Buck - there is not a greater compliment I could deliver.
----“Downtown” Bruno Lauer is a legend in Memphis Wrestling. He surprised everyone last year winning RRO Referee of the Year 2008 from his work at NEW. He appears bi-weekly with his non controversial column. Lauer had his biography published last year “Wrestling with The Truth” and can be purchased at www.crowbarpress.com. Lauer is also currently employed by the WWE.
Photo by Donna Partee with Matt Justyce [on the left] in the ring with RRO Wrestler of the Year 2009 - Derrick King.
To most people the term "wrestling values" seems like an oxymoron. What values could pro wrestling have when even its basic ethics are flawed? These are people who are outside looking in and are focusing solely on the negative. Pro wrestling has values that can be a positive influence for any person, not just wrestlers. They are simple concepts, nothing complex that give stability to an unstable business. These values have taken many kids and turned them into men including myself.
MAKE THE BOOKING Rain, sleet, snow, flu, broken limb doesn't matter - you make your bookings. Never call an hour before belltime and tell a promoter you're not gonna be there. If you're advertised to be somewhere and maybe only one person paid specifically to see you but if you're not there, you may have lost a fan forever. If I tell someone I'm going to be somewhere whether for a show, a dinner date or anything else I'm there. I don't flake out and no show anyone or anything.
ITS GOOD FOR BUSINESS Notice "It’s good for business" not "it’s good for you". Ken Wayne talks about an era where workers worked together to build the company, not themselves. If the company was more successful with "Guy A" on top then everyone worked together to make "Guy A". It would be better for "you" to be on top but is that what is good for business? Now imagine working a 9-5 and someone giving up their management position to someone else because it was good for business. Has anyone ever done that?
THE HANDSHAKE Respect in its simplest form, the handshake. Because of pro wrestling, the handshake is an automatic in my everyday life. In wrestling, it’s our alpha and omega, the beginning and end of everything. It’s our contract, our word. You shake someone’s hand and tell them you'll be at their next show, or you'll do the favor for a next guy in line when leaving a company. Many have broken their word but the handshake is still our measure of a man. We remember those who defy the handshake, who have lied straight to our faces and we never forget. The handshake creates some kind of moral accountability. I can't explain it because I don't think it can be explained but it works.
Are there negative aspects in pro wrestling? Yes, but there are negative aspects in life. We can learn positive from many different avenues and pro wrestling is one of them. Wrestling Values do exist and they exist in every corner of our business. So I ask all involved to steer away from the negative and concentrate on being a positive influence and pay it forward by passing these values on. I promise if you do, then it can only make our business better and when "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony makes a promise it as good as gold.
----Greg Anthony is a regular on the local area circuit. He won RRO Booker of the Year 2008 and is listed in the top 5 of the RRO Top 10 2008. Greg is currently working as booker of NEW and can be seen tagging with legend Bobby Eaton and Brian Thompson as “Midnight Gold”.
Jason Reed def. Jeremy Moore with use of brass knuckles to earn a tag title shot in 2 weeks time, Reed then announced his partner would be Dustin "5" Starr
Around 85 in the crowd, good show!
Show opened with NBW Tag Team Champions Jeremy Moore coming to the ring to call out Jason Reed. Moore told Reed he could never beat him straight up and Moore said he was cheated. Moore said he didn’t wanna wait until the Main Event and that Commissioner Davis made Moore vs. Reed opening match. Reed was livid saying he was always main event, but he was forced to wrestle anyways!
"The Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore def. "Superman" Jason Reed by DQ after Moore had Reed set up for the AceCrusher and the lights went out and came back on with Dustin Starr standing over Moore. Starr then Piledrived Moore and conducted the 5 Starr Showcase with Moore as his guest. Starr told Moore that next week He and Reed would take the championship in a Handicap match!
Hardcore Yow def. The Kid and Rob Justice in a triple threat
Triple C won a Hardcore elimanation match
Mark Justice came out and announced the band was getting back together and brought out former Tag partner Rob, now R.T. Justice to Re-form the Riot Squad. Rob will be the manager
Biscuit def. Redneck in a non-title match. Post match Rockin Randy jumped Biscuit and Redneck cuffed Biscuit to the ropes and they were beating him until Weezy ran to the ring and bumped Redneck out and was about to hit Randy when Randy asked him what he was doing, at this point the announcer let everyone in on the fact they were former Tag champions. Weezy then let Randy be and turned to check on Biscuit and when he turned back around Randy delivered a nasty Superkick and dropped Weezy!
Derrick King/Jon Michael def. Mark Justice/Seth Knight after DK Superkicked Knight for the pinfall!
85 or so again in the crowd this week for a good show. Most over segment was post opening match, Moore was over with the crowd and Dustin had Major heat! Riot squad was getting Babyface reactions alot during the interview
Stan Lee will debut for NBW this week as well as the return of C-Money and the Tag Team Title match!
Credit: NBWnewsguy
----This group continues to draw pretty much the same number they were drawing before half the crew left. They seem to have added a few guys that keep the crowd coming. Advertise guys – if you would do a major advertising buzz in the area with guys like DK, Knight, Reed, Michael, Justice and now Stan Lee working some of the shows – the fans that come out will come out again. C-Money is also tons over and should be pushed up there as one of the top babyfaces…Riot Squad was getting babyface reaction because Mark’s family was cheering them. LOL RT Justice has been working here as Ozwick…The “Five Starr” Showcase angle sounded hot…This is also a great time to have Moore position himself into working some top notch talent – EWE is promoting every other week and will give him access to some good talent.
----When the benefit was first announced, Tank’s funeral costs were around $4,300. I do know that there were a few guys that sent for the address to the funeral home because they could not make the benefit – thanks to you guys – you know who you are!! Crazy Train went and paid the $633 from the benefit yesterday. He was told that the bill is down to $2800!! I thank everyone that has helped – the wrestling community has opened up their pocket books!!! We are not done yet!! I am planning to work towards getting some autographed stuff to put on ebay and also there are people working on a benefit in Arkansas. If anyone has anything that they like to auction for the money to go to funeral costs, then send me an e-mail. Just for the record, Dustin Starr auctioned off his trunks Sunday. No one actually went up and bought them during the show. But, after the show, I had someone walk up to me that gave a $100 donation to the benefit and they received the trunks. Thanks to that person, who did understand that this money was for the funeral costs and wasn’t saying stuff like, “The fans were not going pay $50 [his minimum bid] for those tights!” When I first seen the $5,600 total bill at the funeral, I never thought it would get down this low – thanks to everyone!!!
----Sicilian Kid beat Tim Edwards to win a Battle Royal. They were the final two in the ring featuring Bonecrusher, Rob Justice and more. Typical Battle Royal and nothing special. This is the perfect way to use Edwards though – either putting him over beating everyone in a battle royal or putting a little guy over in the final. [*]
----Dustin Starr defeated Derrick King to retain the EWE Title. Just solid work with DK getting his shine. Jimmy Tidwell was ringside with Starr and helped him start heat. Sweet slingshot in the turnbuckle. Garvin stomp to DK from Starr. Starr hit a short big boot. DK to the top turnbuckle. Starr up with him and pushed off. DK misses a frog splash. DK ends up hitting a superkick for a count of three, but Starr’s foot was on the bottom rope doing the famous Dusty finish. Bell rings and Starr hits DK with “Ghost of Don Bass” for the win. [***]
----Hambone Express beat Southside Brawler/Outlaw. Not as bad as you would think. It was solid with perfect psychology. Brawler has some of the best punches. He is really underrated. Finish had Outlaw come out of heat with the hot tag – Southside turned on him and Hambones pinned him. [**]
----“Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy] with Tasha Simone beat “Genocide” [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] and “Missouri Bad Boys” [Missouri Renegade/Mark Southern] with “Cookie” St James. This featured three of my favorite teams. MBB pissed everyone off by just going around the ring. Even though this could have been a flustercuck – they worked perfect psychology with heat on Pappy. Southern has some good punches. Everyone was working hard. Albino hit a Lawler fist drop. Maxx missed a legdrop from the second rope. Fun to see the big guys working the turnbuckle moves. Asylum ended up getting the win with one of their finishers – Samoan drop from Pappy with spinning headbutt from Psycho with both guys wrapping up legs. [**1/2]
----Jeremy Moore beat Neil Taylor. Moore came out with both NBW Tag Team titles and got a good pop. This is his building though. Another good solid bout with just good psychology. Taylor hit a very hard loud forearm/slap to Moore’s back. Moore came out heat with an Ace Crusher which led to a DKO. As they got up, Moore hit another Ace crusher for the win. Smart finish. [**1/2]
----Kilo/J Weezy/Gaylon Ray/Shannon Lee won an 8-Man Elimination Match over C-Money/Rockin Randy/Hardcore Yaw/Jon “Biscuit” Roberts when Kilo pinned Roberts to win the match for his team in the match of the day. C-Money got a huge pop coming out. This was another match that could have been a flustercuck, but everyone shined putting spots in perfect places in the match. Match started out with two oldest of the bunch with Kilo/Money trading spots and good exchange. Crowd was into the match from start to finish. All the guys in this match have gotten really good in understanding the process of putting a match together – everyone got their signature spots in. Yaw needs new gear because he is still wearing the Phoenix X gimmick. This is also one of those bouts that there is no way to describe all the spots. They did do a series of dives with each guy getting to dive over the top rope or jumping from the top turnbuckle. A lot of markout moments in this match. In the end, Money was killing Biscuit with moves with Kilo ending up pinning Money and then superkicking Biscuit [his 4th finisher] to pin him for the win. Kilo had the fans chanting “Tank, Tank” after the bout. [***3/4]
----“Picture Perfect” [“Girl Candy” Christian Jacobs/”Trendsetter” Jon Michael] beat “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony/”Dynamite” Seth Knight. Huge SUPER pop for PP. This goes to show the fans were from all the promotions, but these guys are over like a bologna sandwich at homeless shelter. [Now that was just wrong..LOL] Good long shine with the fans popping. Heat on Jacobs. Jacobs blew up with the heat lasting two long. Crowd was lost here. TGB/Jacobs doing just basic stuff here. Hot tag [which was flat] ended with them using their finisher for the win. Crowd got back into it with the finisher and them doing it on both guys. [**3/4]
----Crazy Train/Derrick King/Stan Lee/Chris Rocker beat Eric Wayne/Kid Nikels/Mark Justice/Motley Cruz. Another solid bout with everyone working hard. Someone made mention that Train was probably the guy the “odd man out” here, but damn he worked hard and shined. Good shine from the babys with the fans into it. Train hit a nasty stiff looking flying closeline on Wayne that even workers were popping for. Double heat with first on Lee. Lee did a Tiger bomb to come out of it. Heat on Train. Justice hit an elbow from the top rope. Flying closeline for DKO and then hot tag. Train ends up pinning Wayne with “trail of tears”. [***]
----$633 was raised and paid on the funeral expenses…There were over 100 in the crowd. The arena was hot as a HELL!! This arena needs AC!!...Refs were Ron Bryson, Kaleb and Buckwheat. Bryson was getting requests from guys to do their bouts. He needs a nomination this year…Funny thing I was in the dressing room for about 2 minutes and one of the workers [kayfabe..lol] noticed my haircut. All three women that I work with never noticed it and I see them EVERY day!!!...A few lessons learned – “Trendsetter” did not fair well against THE EXPRESS. LOL And never be so stupid that you slap a Rhino on his bald head more than once. LOL…Starr won the EWE title on Saturday night and made his first defense against Derrick King – only on a benefit show. LOL…I was talking with Starr outside the dressing room before the show and there were lots of fans coming up saying they seen him on ECW…This crowd seem to be a little smarter than the average crowd in this area. It was packed with family and hardcore fans. They didn’t buy the DK/Starr finish and other things like that did not sell them. This crowd would be fun to book for…Asylum got the first big pop of the show coming out…”Cookie” St James was introduced as “Cash McCoy” [their other manager]. “Cookie” got on the mic and said, “I have been in this business for 13 years and people still don’t know who I am.” I just cracked up. Cookie has always had an unique look – he carries a BROOM to the ring with him. LOL…As my “partner in crime” for the day – Mark Tipton and I discussed – most times we would hate Moore with both belts. But what else was he suppose to do?? The champs were walking out and I think it is just hilarious that they had to put him alone over as the champions…All Most Improved 2009 candidates [my picks] were on this show – Pappy, Crazy Train, Shannon Lee and Jeremy Moore…If they can continue to work as a team, I would put “Good Ol’ Boys” [Shannon Lee/Gaylon Ray] down for a Most Underrated nominee… It was funny before the 8 man elimination with everyone in the match putting over the pop that C-Money got – Kilo went over and shook his hand. LOL…Getting the biggest pops in this order – “Picture Perfect”, C-Money, “Asylum” and Moore…First CCW champions in that tag bout – TGB/Seth [tag] and Christian Jacobs was the first CCW Mid-Southern Champion… Another “only on a benefit” – DK teams with Crazy Train and Train calls the finish…This has nothing to do with ECW/WWE thing, but I can see why he was picked to do the ECW bout – and this was something I notice during MAYHEM – Starr’s workrate and confidence is at the best it has ever been. He seems to not be hesitant on anything and everything flows so much better now…Promotions represented – DCW, NBW, EWE, MCW, RWA, TIWF, NEW and XOW…Someone said this was one of the best benefits they had watched as in workrate. But, take a look at that roster – the best in the area!!! Five members of the RRO Singles Top 10 and four teams of the RRO TOP 10 Tag Teams…I am going to kayfabe my last two statements here – but you know who you are – #1: if it is a benefit EVERYONE works for free. #2: Special thanks to everyone that donated extra money and helped pay the expenses down!!...And finally, thanks again to everyone – fans and workers!! Everybody worked real hard and I think everyone had a great time. If you see Crazy Train this week, tell him he did a great job – he did all the “running” for this event. You did a very good job!! Tank would have been proud of you and this show.
Photo Credit: Dustin Starr with EWE Title by Kayte Tramel
----This was a fun article that I wanted to pass along featuring RRO Memphis Hall of Famer Jimmy Valiant. This comes off as the guys are living their dream and not really worried about payoffs and such. This usually is not a good thing when it comes to quality of the workers, but these guys are Jimmy Valiant students, so at least they are getting a training.
Downturn Inspires Some Men to Don Spandex and a Larger-Than-Life Persona
When Layoffs Hit, They Hit Back
While the recession has left many laid off workers desperate, others -- like some of the hopefuls at Boogie's Wrestling Camp in Shawsville, Va. -- feel freed to pursue their dreams.
By Theresa Vargas Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, June 16, 2009
UNION, W.Va. -- Grown men with potbellies squeezed into spandex crowded inside the boys' locker room, ready to wrestle. The fact that most of the men in this middle school gym in a small West Virginia town would spend more on gas than they'd make this night seemed beside the point.
This is the stuff of dreams -- at least the dreams of Troy Long.
For nine years, Long worked at Volvo's New River Valley plant, helping to build the 18-wheelers that are made there largely by hand. Then, a year ago, he was laid off. The plant, one of the largest employers in southwest Virginia, has lost about 2,400 people, or two-thirds of its workforce, since 2006, when production was at its peak.
With no job, dwindling savings and a son to take care of, Long did what might seem counterintuitive: He walked into Boogie's Wrestling Camp in Shawsville, Va., and signed up. He figured that if the real world no longer had a leash on him, why not run wildly toward what he'd always enjoyed?
If most people, spectators and wrestlers alike, were in that school gym last Saturday night despite the economy, Long was there because of it. He is among those victims of the recession who are succeeding mostly because they've changed their definition of success. He remains a long shot to make it in a wrestling world, with its tiny celebrity stratosphere and a wide mat full of wannabes, but he is a satisfied man.
"In reality, the economy tanking really turned my whole life around," Long said. "It got me living my dream full time. It cost me some things, but it's given me more."
For the past eight months, the 36-year-old has trained at the camp, polishing his moves and perfecting his stage persona, Sgt. Long -- a name derived from his time in the Army Reserve, a moniker now written in camouflage on his spandex shorts and tattooed on his washboard abs. The camp is where he spends many weekends with his 3-year-old son; it's where he met the woman he plans to marry, a mother of three whose teenage son also wrestles. ad_icon
Shortly after leaving Volvo, Long found work through a temp agency, working the line at a fish food factory, but he made sure the bosses understood that he needed a flexible schedule that would allow him Fridays and weekends to wrestle. Long is making just one-third of what he made at Volvo -- $8.25 an hour compared with $24 before the layoff -- but if the truckmaker called and offered his old job back, he doesn't know what he'd do. "That would be a tough decision, because I am living my dream right now," he said. "When I'm in a show and come out of a curtain, I'm not Troy Long anymore. I'm Sgt. Long."
One has just to walk into Boogie's camp, up a hill on a quiet road, to see working men turn into heroes. Frank the Tank used to work at a carwash. Loose Cannon is a Roanoke police officer. Tommy Justice, whose real name is John Ayers, was a busboy at a local Japanese restaurant and now does landscaping.
When Ayers joined the camp 18 months ago, he couldn't afford the training -- $250 down and $20 a month -- so his mother lent him the money. The 27-year-old believes it was God's plan for him to become a wrestler and said it is now his goal to make it to the big leagues of WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). Right now, like most of the camp's graduates, he wrestles in an independent circuit that seeks out big fans in small towns, turning school gyms into arenas.
A few of the men have established themselves enough to earn a decent night's wage, but most take home $20 or less a night. For his second match, Ayers took home $10, an increase from his first, for which he earned nothing.
"People can call this a sport; people can call this entertainment," said Willie Maxey, a.k.a. Big Willie Blackheart, who has wrestled on the independent circuit for 16 years and is now a booker. "This is what we do 'cause we have a passion for it. We do it 'cause we love it."
Some, like him, do it even at the risk of losing whatever steady employment they have. When he's not Big Willie partnering with The Bandit, Maxey is a bus driver with too much weight in the middle and a knee injury from February that still hasn't healed. At Saturday's match, he hobbled to the ring on crutches, playing a minor role that required him to hold a towel for his partner and rile up the audience. He won't be able to wrestle or work this summer, he said.
"Getting old and broken down," Maxey said, but like everyone else there, he still has hopes of making it big. "But my dream fades every year. They want the 20-year-olds with abs and biceps. That was me 19 years and 200 pounds ago."
Reminders that some performers do rise beyond a ring set up in the shadow of basketball hoops are plastered on every wall in every building at Boogie's camp. Photos of the founder, a retired professional wrestler known as "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant or the Boogie Woogie Man, wallpaper the main wrestling room. Figurines in his likeness pose near the cash register. Valiant has performed in more than 10,000 matches across five decades. He picked this location -- an economically strained rural area -- for his camp because he fell in love with a local girl and knew that many people in the region wanted to wrestle but had no way to pursue their dream.
Painted in red on a gray wall near the ring are the words: "Can The 'Dream' Become Reality? Only 'You' Can Make It Happen."
Valiant said that even as the economy has faltered, enrollment at the camp has increased -- a sign that some intangibles are recession-proof, or that financial woes lead some people back to their passions.
"I've had kids come and they want it so bad, they'll go home and do what it takes" to raise the money, said Valiant, who loves the profession so much that he tattooed wrestling boots on his legs so he can die with them on. "I've had kids here from North Carolina selling scrap metal. I've had kids sell their TVs."
"They'll pull out their dimes to make up for a lesson," said Valiant's wife, Angel. ad_icon
She makes the costumes for many of the wrestlers, buying spandex and patent leather in bulk. She made Long's camouflage vest out of his actual Army fatigue jacket. She used the patches on his sleeves, an American flag and military badge, to adorn the front of his shorts.
"Are you a good guy or a bad guy?" asked Faye Buckland when she saw Long for the first time Saturday night. She's an avid fan, following one wrestling group from town to town, but she hadn't seen Long perform before.
"A military soldier is always a good guy," Long replied.
He would enter the ring a few minutes later, twisting his body into several memorable moves before his opponent, a man who outweighed him by more than 100 pounds and wore a black and orange leotard with the word "Bruiser" on the chest, pinned him.
The crowd booed. "You're a loser, Bruiser!" Buckland yelled.
Long limped out of the ring, wincing in feigned pain until he reached the locker room. Afterward, he beamed. "That's not bad for an old man," he said. Although the crowd "had never seen me before, by the time I made it over there, they were hootin' and hollerin'."
He had been promised $20 that night -- "enough for gas in my car and a burger in my throat," he said -- but hadn't received it by the time he left. He didn't seem to care.
Al Hall kicked things off by introducing Joe Carter, who organized the Thunder on the Water event there at the Airport Hangar. Joe thanked everyone for coming. This was followed by the National Anthem.
Opening Contest-Mason vs "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore with snake. Mason and Referee Joey Lynn, quickly, evacuated the ring once they saw Chris's little friend. Referee Joey Lynn sat in a chair in the front row. Mason came up and sat in his lap. They tried getting in the ring, again. Mason fled to the outside, but Referee Joey had his back turned. Kilgore placed the snake over Joey's shoulder, who flipped out and escaped to the floor, once again. Once Kilgore put away his friend, things got underway. The two locked up in a collar and elbow into the corner a couple times. Mason accused him of pulling his hair on top of his head. Only one problem, he doesn't have any. The only hair he has is on his chinny chin chin and he said Kilgore pulled that, as well. Mason would start to work over Kilgore's arm with an armbar. He would also add in some stiff knees to try and further injure Kilgore's limb. Crowd got behind Kilgore. Kilgore would fight back and execute a running bulldog out of the corner. Kilgore would make his way up to the top-rope, but failed to launch when "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, accompanied by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock ran in and knocked Kilgore from the top-rope. Then, all three, Mason, Tony, and Jimmy, collectively, put the boots to Kilgore. Former WCW Star, Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell ran in to save Kilgore. "Hollywood" Jimmy told Buff and the people of Grenada what he thought of them. Buff got on the mic and called Mason, Tony, and Jimmy, "The Three Stupid Stooges" and started a "Chicken" and a "You Suck" chant. A match was made for later. It would be "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs taking on Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell.
2nd Match-Mr. Ebony vs Candy Man, Referee Chris P. Fries-First of all, I would like to say that I think I got the shaft when Candy Man threw out the candy. All I got was a little piece of bubble gum. How's that suppose to satisfy my sweet tooth? When the match got started, Candy Man landed some vicious chops in the corner. Down goes Mr. Ebony. While down, Candy Man worked over Ebony's knee and added in a low blow. Candy Man also crushed Ebony with a running Dusty Rhodes elbow drop. Mr. Ebony would gain some momentum and send Candy Man on the outside. Once outside the ring, Ebony would level Candy Man with a chair and a chain. Candy Man was busted open and bleeding. Back in the ring, Candy Man hit a shoulder block and would put away Mr. Ebony with the pedigree. Your winner, Candy Man!
3rd Match-Tag Match between the team of Xander Raines and Jason Steele vs The Family of Pain, Sarge O'Reily and Mickey Ray, accompanied by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock, Jason "The Brain" and Lil' Bit. Early on, Xander landed a combination of hip tosses that ended with a body slam. Raines and Steele cleared the ring as The Family of Pain decided it was time to take a breather. Family of Pain would gain the advantage, while Jason "The Brain" and Lil' Bit distracted Referee Joey Lynn, Mickey and Sarge swapped out. BIG suplex by Xander on Sarge, followed by a BIG leg drop. Low blow from Sarge. Sarge tags in Mickey, who flies in with a leg drop. Xander is thrown to the outside. While the big man was on the outside, Family of Pain decided to take advantage of the opportunity and try to get the easy win as Mickey Ray actually covered Sarge. Only a two count, though, because it was broken up. Big boot from Sarge on Xander. Mickey missed a splash in the corner. Xander would t-bone Mickey. Mickey and Xander would collide with a double clothesline. Mickey Ray's eye was busted open. The Family of Pain would get the win as Mickey picked up Steele, like a wheelbarrow, with Sarge hitting the ddt on the defenseless Steele. While this was taking place inside the ring, Jason "The Brain" was putting the boots to Xander on the outside. Following the bell, "Hollywood" Jimmy would nail Xander with his cane. Referee Joey Lynn ended up reversing the decision, so the team of Xander Raines and Jason Steele got the win!
4th Match-XOW Heavyweight Championship Champion, "The Pink Flamingo" Brian So Fine, managed by "Hollywood" Jimmy vs Challenger, "The Hotstepper" Danny B. Good. Prior to the match getting underway, Jimmy said that he's a Christian athlete and that Danny was useless, a coward, and an alcoholic. "Hollywood" also said he hates Grenada, Mississippi. Brian So Fine informed the fans that he's, "Everybody's hero, The Pink Flamingo!" Danny told Brian that he would feel The Revolution! Danny grabbed Brian's bird. Danny told Jimmy that he doesn't like him. "Hollywood" Jimmy called some man in the crowd an old fossil and had a few heated war of words with another outspoken fan at ringside. Brian screamed during the opening moments of the match, when the two locked up. Brian said Danny pulled his tights. Test of strength with a nice bridge by Danny. Brian caught Danny in the breadbasket when he jumped off the top-rope on the outside. Danny got popped with the cane by Jimmy. Brian suplexed Danny on the concrete floor. Crowd got behind Danny. Danny with a sunset flip. Huracanrana by Danny on Brian, followed by a snap mare and rolling neck snap. Danny landed a big stinger splash on Brian in the corner, but failed to deliver his second attempt when Brian moved. Flying headscissors by Danny. Danny went up to the top-rope, but Brian would run into the ropes, resulting in Danny getting caught on the top-rope. Brian with the superplex on Danny from the top-rope. Brian tries a running attack on Danny in the corner, but no one's home. Danny caught Brian with The Revolution. "Hollywood" Jimmy jumped up to stop the count and threw in some brass knuckles, which Brian hit Danny with. Brian So Fine would defeat Danny with the tombstone and retain the XOW Heavyweight Championship. So "Everybody's Hero, The Pink Flamingo" Brian So Fine is still XOW Champ! Following the match, Danny got Referee Chuck Poe to check Brian, but he was unable to find the foreign object in question.
Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell came out, wearing his top hat, and wanted the people to give themselves a round of applause for being there. Buff was joined by "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore and his snake in the ring. They took pictures with fans inside the ring for ten dollars, during the intermission. Buff was letting everyone put on his top hat.
5th Match-Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, with Jason "The Brain" and Lil' Bit vs The Memphis Wrestling Legend, "Superstar" Bill Dundee. Neil Taylor was wearing his shirt that said Neil Taylor hates Fat People! Dundee done his signature shimmy dance for the XOW Divas in the front row. Jason "The Brain" got his hands stomped and screamed. Bill sent Neil in the ropes. Neil kept running and running. Jason jumped up to stop Neil, but Dundee would sneak up behind Neil and knock him down. Neil tried to escape to the outside, but got caught up in the ropes. He had problems on his way back in, as well, because Dundee would pull up on the rope as Taylor was entering the ring. During a test of strength showdown, Bill would quickly kick Neil in the kneecap. Jason choked Bill in the corner. Neil went to work on Bill. Bill was also choked by Lil' Bit, but Bill grabbed Lil' Bit and gave her a spanking, outside the ring. Back in the ring, Neil goes up to the second rope, threw the strap down, but missed the fist drop. Bill knocked Jason off the apron. Lil' Bit ran in and jumped on "The Superstar's" back, but got pulled off real quick by Dundee. Bill caught Neil with a roll up to get the win. Your winner "Superstar" Bill Dundee!
6th Match-Suicide and "The Greatness" Jay Webster vs "The Asylum", Psycho and Pappy, led to the ring by Uncle Felton, who was rocking the coveralls, as well. Suicide scared a group of kids sitting on the front row. Suicide and Webster on the outside, debated on just who would start the match. Neither was eager to jump in there with Psycho or Pappy, but Suicide was up for the challenge. Once he got in the ring, he immediately tagged in Webster. Later on, Psycho and Pappy would really start taking it to Suicide. Then, Jay Webster would enter the ring and smash Pappy in the back of the head with a licence plate. All hell broke loose, from there as things got really wild and crazy in a hurry! Psycho would flatten Webster with a big No Dumping sign. I kid you not. That sign said No Dumping. That's funny stuff, right there! Don't care who you are. Suicide would get leveled with a pan. It wasn't long before Suicide was busted open. The crowd was up on their feet for this one, enjoying every minute of the absolute carnage, they were witnessing. Suicide would fight back, striking Psycho with a kendo stick as Pappy went to work on Webster on the outside. Psycho hit Suicide with the licence plate. Pappy flew off the apron, hitting Webster on the floor with a BIG flying elbow drop. Psycho would catch Suicide running with a spinning elbow smash, inside the ring. Webster would throw a chair at Pappy. There was some vicious chair shots. Suicide hit Psycho with the No Dumping sign. Two chairs were set up in the ring with the No Dumping sign comfortably placed in between them. Jay Webster decided to add some thumbtacks to the party. He had the thumbtacks in a Crown Royal bag. Psycho would put him through the sign, chair, and tacks with a neck breaker. Suicide would try jumping in to save the day with a flying swanton, but would be a little off target and land in the tacks. Oh My God! This was a bloody war! Psycho would hit Suicide with a Samoan drop onto the tacks, followed by an elbow drop from Pappy. Double pin from The Asylum to get the win. Your winners-"The Asylum", Psycho and Pappy! Great stuff, right there. Following the match, a bloody Suicide was asking, "Do I still look good?" He still managed to jump at and scare the hell out of that same group of kids in the front row. Poor kids are probley scarred for life.
Then, it was cleanup time as several guys jumped in to get things spic and span. Meanwhile, Al Hall asked two little boys in the crowd if they were twins. The boys shook their heads yes. Al's response was, "There's no way two ugly kids came out at the same time."
7th Match-"Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, managed by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock vs Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell. On the way out to the ring, Jimmy and Tony had a fierce staredown with a little boy in the front row, holding a Coke can. I think that caught Jimmy and Tony off guard a bit. That young buckaroo wasn't backing down. Very funny! Tony Dabbs and Buff had a posing contest. Of course, everyone went crazy for Buff and booed Tony. Referee Joey Lynn thought it was funny. An angry Tony told Referee Joey Lynn if he thought it was so funny, to try doing it because Tony knew that more people liked him than the referee. That would be a negative. Referee Joey Lynn got a big pop from the Thunder on the Water crowd. Buff would start the match with a snap arm drag. Tony would retaliate by putting Buff down with a shoulder block. Tony done Buff's signature strut and pose. Crowd got behind Buff Daddy. Buff took it to Tony. Tony took a break and caught Buff on his way back in the ring, by dropping Buff's throat across the ropes. "Hollywood" Jimmy attacked Buff with his cane. Tony would neutralize Buff with a sleeper. Buff would get out. Double collision. Swinging neckbreaker from Buff. Jimmy choked Buff in the corner. In the corner, Buff caught a running Tony with a boot and connected with The Blockbuster to get the three count. Your winner, Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell! After the match, a discombobulated Tony Dabbs was still swinging and thought he had won the match, asking Referee Joey Lynn to raise his hand.
Up goes the cage. Al Hall announced the winner of a raffle, in which, one lucky fan won some cold hard cash.
Main Event-Steel Cage Match for the XOW Tag Team Titles-Challengers, Syn and D.J. Stunner, accompanied by Jason "The Brain" vs Champions, "The Sons of the South" Chris Styles and Josh Matthews. As soon as the bell rang to begin the match, Syn and Stunner started climbing to get out of the cage. Styles and Matthews would catch them. Chris with a springboard clothesline on Syn. Chris and Josh took turns throwing Syn and Stunner into the cage. This one quickly turned into another bloodbath, as well, with Chris taking out a fork and jabbing it into Syn's face. Chris would also hit Syn below the belt with the fork and say Good Call! Chris followed it up with a vicious kick to Syn's skull, Randy Orton style. Stunner with a moonsault from the top of the cage. Syn hit both Chris and Josh with a chain. This was followed by Syn and Stunner hitting two shooting stars on the grounded Chris and Josh. Chris would catch Syn with a leglock around the throat, following a pin attempt. Stunner would nail a springboard lionsault on Josh. Chris and Josh would fight back with some incredible dropkicks. Josh kicked Syn's face into the cage. Chris missed a swanton from the top of the cage. Chris's back got cut up really bad. It reminded me a lot of Hardcore Holly's back, a couple year's ago, that got sliced up in his ECW match against RVD. Josh missed a frog splash from the top when Syn moved. Stunner and Syn would take over. Chris landed a brainbuster on Stunner. Syn missed a moonsault from the top of the cage when Josh moved. Josh flipped Stunner into the unforgiving steel. Stunner would also catch his throat on the rope. Syn threw Chris into the cage door, which opened, but Chris didn't land on the outside. Chris powerbombed Syn. Syn would fight back and ask for the cage door to be opened. Josh would catch him, grabbing his foot and hitting him with a low blow. Chris with the Southern Destroyer on Stunner. Syn hit sliced bread #2 on Chris. Josh connected with an inverted back drop. Josh would make it out of the cage, leaving Chris in to battle both Syn and Stunner. Syn and D.J. Stunner defeated Chris and became the NEW XOW Tag Team Champions! Following the match, the unexpected happened. Josh Matthews, suddenly, turned on his partner and brother, Chris Styles, in a SHOCKING turn of events! Josh began a relentless attack, along with Syn, Stunner, and Jason on Chris that included a drop toe-hold onto an opened steel chair. Billy Russ, Tony Watts, and Mama Denise would jump in to save Chris. Billy in with a head of steam. Tony would wear them out with some vicious chair shots. Mama Denise was bringing the pain, as she was throwing punches. Jason and Josh, quickly, escaped followed by Syn, who was hit on his way out by Billy. Stunner was thrown out the door. Afterwards, Chris would tell everyone that Josh and him are the same blood. Chris told Josh to bring his a#% to Bruce, next week. Tony Watts and Billy Russ chased the group to the back with chairs. Should be the start of a great feud between Chris and Josh. Be sure and check out the AWESOME video of the cage match that Billy Russ posted. You can check it out here:
Video Credit: Billy Russ
The attendance was over 300. Scooby Doo and Sponge Bob were in tha house! What a fun show. I had a blast! Be sure and check back for Tia's great pictures.
XOW would like to thank everyone for an outstanding effort and for probley one of the best if not the best show that they've ever put on. Sorry if anyone was inconvenienced by any other persons around there or outside influences. XOW really appreciates all the hard work everyone did.
XOW Wrestling at Thunder on the Water-GOOD CALL
Video Credit: Billy Russ
The attendance was over 300. Scooby Doo and Sponge Bob were in tha house! What a fun show. I had a blast! Be sure and check back for Tia's great pictures.
XOW would like to thank everyone for an outstanding effort and for probley one of the best if not the best show that they've ever put on. Sorry if anyone was inconvenienced by any other persons around there or outside influences. XOW really appreciates all the hard work everyone did.
XOW Wrestling at Thunder on the Water-GOOD CALL
Credit: D-Rock @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
----I have talk to several people that worked this show. I was told the Asylum match was the best. I have heard raves about the cage match and other guys saying how shitty it was. The one thing about the video [good job Billy Russ - btw I have that cage copyrighted - I need you to remove from the video..LOL] that one worker pointed out on yahoo IM yesterday was - "all those crazy bumps and everyone is sitting on their hands". True..so true...Also from what I was told this was an All-Pro show last year, but promoter Kenny Valiant pissed of the guy somehow and Tony Watts got it for XOW...Not sure where this show will place this year, but it was not be in the Top 5 shows like last year.
----I heard this from various people this past weekend, but D-Rock confirmed it on www.wrestlingnewscenter.com.
Unfortunately, the only thing that was seen during this week's edition of Memphis Wrestling was a multi-colored screen. That's all that was shown for the entire hour. I'm thinking that maybe the My50 television station got hit by some of that bad weather that passed through on Friday. Not really sure what happened, though. Hopefully, Memphis Wrestling will return, next week, with some more exciting action.
-Oz beat Clitis Title -Tim Edwards beat Gunner Thompson -Bishop beat Dazzlin Dixie -Motley Cruz/Mad Money Mike beat Bitty Little/Hollywood -Fire/Flame beat “Good Ol’Boys] [Gaylon Ray/Shannon Lee] to win DCW Tag Titles
Credit: noneofyourbizwax2009
----Crowd was in the 100 range…XOW Crew with be back this week…Sarge and Mickey Ray will be back…Fire/Flame threw the DCW tag straps in the trash after winning them. Not sure if that is a XOW thing or not, but it makes no sense. Why would you trash your tag straps?? Make them mean less?? Sure....that is a good idea.
Just like we do every Saturday night we started off the show with the playing of the national anthem.
Our first match was between Judgment and Mark Wolfe. However, when both men got to the ring there was no referee. Just as the match was about to be called off, Morgan Williams would take to the ring as the special guest referee. As you could have probably guessed it Mark would be at a disadvantage throughout the entire match. Although he would come out string with a fierce arm drag and a hip toss to Judgment, X-Kaliber would interfere in the match and begin to attack Mark with the help of Morgan, Athena Eclipse, and Judgment. Well it wasn’t to long before Tim Hanson would come to the ring with the returning Mike Anthony. X-Kaliber would challenge Tim Hanson to the European Title later in the evening.
The second match was a cat fight involving Nikki Lane and Angelina. These two have been fighting so ferociously these past couple of weeks it is unbelievable. The two would begin to fight but again there was no referee to be found. That would soon change when Austin Lane, who I am assuming was looking for some revenge for last week, came to the ring to announce that he was the referee for the match. Angelina would begin the match with a strong hold on Nikki Lane. Both Angelina and Nikki Lane would exchange side headlocks, hip tosses, and a few snap mare takedowns. Angelina would start to pull the match in her favor until Nikki would begin to draw energy from the crowd and regain control of this match. That would be short lived with the interference of Mac Daddy and Midnight Gold’s, Greg Anthony, Bobby Eaton, and Brian Thompson and would start attacking Austin Lane. Austin would challenge them to a match later in the evening. This match would result in a no contest.
The third match was for the Tag Team Titles. Christopher Lee would take on LSD in a Handicap Match. Lee stated that he was alone because his partner, Cody Meade, was a no show and he would be a man and defend his titles. To everyone’s surprise Christopher Lee would get the advantage early in the match and get off to a great start. However just like the story of David and Goliath he would face insurmountable odds against the ASWF’s biggest tag team duo. To Lee’s disappointment his story would not end quite the same. Cody Only and Idol Bane would get the upper hand later in the match and just when you thought they were getting started, Cody Only would land his finisher the LTO on Lee getting the win.
Our fourth match tonight was for the ASWF Heavyweight Title. Tommy Wayne would take on Justin “The Juice” Smart after weeks of trying to keep his title in his possession. And tonight would be not different, as Smart would bring out Chuck Fears as the special guest referee. Tommy would look almost like he wasn’t a 100% this week. Smart would take control early and not give it back. Smart being a former ASWF Heavyweight and Tag Team Champion, he was defiantly prepared for this match. Smart would plant his “Roll the Dice” move on Tommy Wayne and get the three count, making him the new ASWF Champion.
Tonight’s fifth match was the Special Weapons Match between the X-Division Champion Ray Ray and Regulator. Ray challenged Regulator last week to a special weapons match and that if Regulator was going to bring a chair he was bringing a barbwire bat. Ray also announced that he was bringing Tommy Wayne as the special guest referee. Just as Ray was making it to the ring Regulator would come and attack Ray from behind. Regulator would go to pile drive Ray on the announcers table but would be countered by Ray with an impressive back body drop. Ray would then bring Regulator back into the ring and capitalize by give the chops heard around the world. Regulator would somehow be able to regain control after a devastating chair shot to Ray Ray. Regulator would then take Ray’s weapon of choice and use it causing blood to pour from the face of Ray. Even through Ray’s crimson mask he would land a frog splash and get the win. At the end you would expect Ray and Tommy to hug and celebrate his victory in his match. That could not be farther from the truth. Tommy would attack Ray and after that attack would ask, where were you when I needed you tonight? Who know what next week will hold in store.
The Feature Match was for European Gold as X-Kaliber would take on the defending champion Tim Hanson. Hanson would start off great with a textbook dropkick putting X-Kaliber on the ground. Hanson would be really dishing out the punishment to X-Kaliber, so fast in fact X-Kaliber still had his ring attire on! Whenever Morgan Williams and Athena Eclipse are in your opponent’s corner you can almost guarantee you can’t count on a fair fight. X-Kaliber would enlist the help of Morgan and Athena to cheat in the match. However out of nowhere Hanson would roll X-Kaliber up and get the one, two, three.
Our Semi-Main Event would take place with Team Hollister (Jamie Jay/Jamie Lee) against CM2 (CM Squared) (Cody Murdoch/Cason McClain). Jamie Lee would start off the match against Cody Murdoch but would hold his own against the 290+ Cody Murdoch. However, the tide would turn against him. Murdoch and McClain would dish out brute force against the young Jamie Lee. Jamie Lee would eventually be able to escape the clutches of Murdoch and get a tag to Jamie Jay. Jay would come out like a bat out of h*** knocking Murdoch and McClain to the ground. Jamie Jay would loose his steam and would be right where Murdoch wanted him. Murdoch would pin Jamie Jay giving CM2 the win.
The Main Event was truly the icing on the cake. Midnight Gold and Mac Daddy with Angelina and Brian Thompson would take on Austin Lane, Demon X, and Johnny Harper along with Nikki Lane in their corner. Demon X would start off the match against Mac Daddy. Demon X would come off to a great start but a tag by Mac Daddy to “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony would help Midnight Gold to gain the advantage, with Brian Thompson’s help of course. Just as the heat was being brought down on Demon X he would tag in Austin Lane for a fresh partner. Lane would really start to put the hurt on Greg Anthony, but Anthony would tag in Beautiful Bobby Eaton to regain control of the match. Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for Demon X, Lane, and Harper, Midnight Gold would do as they do best, cheat. Chaos would breakout in and out of the ring. But in all of the confusion Demon X would get the pin over Mac Daddy. When Thompson realized that they had lost, he went ballistic. He began to tell the Commissioner that he wasn’t going to live up to the stipulation that they agreed to. This was that if Midnight Gold lost Thompson would get 10 lashes from Nikki Lane. He of course tried to weasel his way out of it, but Commissioner Ward stated that since he lost that the stipulation would be enforced or he was suspended indefinitely. Thompson and Midnight Gold would storm out of ringside leaving the winners in the ring.
Credit: Terrance Ward
----176 to 200 in the building...Tommy Wayne turn was a surprise...Wayne/Lil Devil vs Ray Ray/Kid J added to July 27th show and also Brian Christopher/Tim Hanson vs Justin Smart/Regulator.
At the beginning of the show JR Mauler came to the ring and called out EPW Promoter Edith Poole. JR was angry because of Buzz Harley attacking him and Kross with a chair last week, and also because Buzz re-broke Kross' leg. JR demanded a cage match for June 27 with Buzz Harley. Buzz came to the ring and said there would be no cage match, then started to go to the back. JR kept talking and Buzz came back out. Words were exchanged, and Buzz accepted the match, with an added stipulation that the loser of the match leaves professional wrestling for good.
David Andrews defeated Kilo Green. ASfter the match david's former partner, Nick Grimes, entered the ring and congratulated Andrews on his win. He then invited Andrews to team up with him again, but not as a tag team - but as the "number two person," to carry Nick's bags and assist Grimes. Nick said that since he is such a great champion he needs someone to do his bidding. Andrews answered Nick by turning his back and leaving the ring.
Vinnie the Blade defeated "Dangerous" David Cox by DQ when Cox was caught using a chain. Vinnie asked for five more minutes, and Cox accepted. The bell rand and Vinnie eventually won again by DQ when Cox was again caught using a chain.
Hakim Insane w/Osama Insane defeated EPW newcomer Ricky Morgan.
"Prime Time" Nick Grimes defeated Geno Sydal to retain the EPW Extreme Championship. (When Grimes came to the ring he was accompanied by David Andrews - apparently Andrews decided to accept Nick's offer. Andrews had several opportunities to interfere and/or help Grimes cheat, but did not do so).
Big Daddy Neno defeated Bonecrusher by DQ when Justin Rhodes interfered.
The New Kids (Tysin Starr & Cassanova Kid) defeated STD (LSD & PCP) by DQ when Revolution interfered.
EPW will be back in action this Saturday night, 6-20-09, at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145in Booneville, MS. It will be a great show, so don't miss it - you never know what is going to happen in EPW.
EPW's card on saturday, 6-27-09, will include the CAREER ENDING cage match between Buzz Harley and JR Mauler. One of those men, whoever loses, will retire from wrestling after the match. There is no love lost between these two, and it promises to be a wild night. Make plans now to be there!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
----This is from Japanese TV, but they show Misawa in the ring and everyone trying to revive him. As was mentioned, Misawa died in the ring. Other reports say he died at the hospital, but by this video it really looks like he died in the ring. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter web site also reported the following...
--Despite media reports to the contrary, there will be no official cause death released for Misawa. In Japan, the family has a right to confidentiality if they choose and his family chose that.
----But..then the WON released the following...
Although Pro Wrestling NOAH and the family of Mitsuharu Misawa attempted to keep the cause of death quiet, it has been reported in Japan from police reports from talking with hospital workers that the death was caused by a spinal cord injury from the back suplex and not heart problems.
• Notes: • Attendance:131 • TIWF Brownsville show on 4-12-09 postponed due to bad weather. Rescheduled date not announced yet. • TIWF in Gadsden, Tn. Friday 4-19-09 • Announcers: Drew Magruder, Hotrod • Referees: Danny Williams
----I will have the total and the Arena Report posted sometime later today or late tomorrow night. I am exhausted right now due to the heat at the NBW arena! I would like to thank all the workers and fans that showed up!! Prelim reports have the figure around $600 that was raised to put on the funeral expenses. Thanks to all the workers that donated their time and a few that donated extra money. I think Tank would have really been proud of the show.
It was nineteen seventy nine when I first discovered pro wrestling and the WWF. We didn’t yet have cable TV at the time. It just wasn’t available in our part of town yet. I can still remember the day that the man came and knocked on our door telling us cable was available and did we want to sign up. How about that door to door cable TV sales? it was a different world in nineteen ninety seven. Once we had cable TV it allowed me to see two things the matches from Madison Square Garden before I started attending live. It also allowed me to see Georgia Championship Wrestling where I discovered Tommy “Wildfire” Rich, The Masked Superstar, Mr. Wrestling II and The Universal Heartthrob Austin Idol. It was much different than WWE TV but I really didn’t care I liked it. I was furious at the time when an Atlanta Braves game ran over and I couldn’t watch wrestling from the Peach State.
I eventually started going to wrestling at Madison Square Garden one way or the other by hook or by crook. I was really blessed because my father made contact with someone who would get me tickets on a regular basis. I was given the tickets and got to up on the same elevator that the wrestlers went up on. Well right outside the dressing room at the Garden was a very young and evil Hulk Hogan and my WWF hero “Polish Power” Ivan Putski. It was at that time that I knew wrestling was not necessarily real but I didn’t care I got over it quickly. On that night also in the program were pictures of Austin Idol and Tommy “Wildfire” Rich. I was going to get to see the stars of Georgia Wrestling that I had been watching every week on WTBS. I would have never guessed that one day I would be teaming up with Tommy Rich and managing him in matches.
In those days, when outside talent came in, they were always in preliminary matches. The two opponents for our Southern superstars were the always tough but rarely victorious Unpredictable Johnny Rodz and Jose Estrada. It was pretty apparent our visiting friends were going to be triumphant and they were. It was a cool thing to be able to see these visiting stars from time to time. It was many years later when I learned that other promoters would ask Vince McMahon Sr. to add his star to the card so that he could promote them as having just wrestled in the world most famous arena.
I reflect on this because my thoughts are on the wrestling conventions being held later this year. It doesn’t matter what type of signing convention you have, if you are a first time guest you will always do better than repeat people. Well at this point there are few first time guests available that have any name value. This year the last two remaining legends hold outs are making appearances Blackjack Mulligan and Austin Idol. Who knows why both of these guys have finally decided to answer the requests for them to appear at a convention now? I am sure the fans will ask that question and many more but, ultimately, they will just be thrilled for them both to be there. I do know that Austin Idol has also opened up a website at www.austinidollive.com . It was clearly the decision of both of them to stay underground and now they are coming out to meet the fans on their own terms. I think the fans will turn out for these guys at Greg Price’s NWA legends convention in Charlotte NC in August. There is no telling how many times these guys will be out there so don’t miss it.
It will be interesting to see if the WWE appoints Ric Flair as the new GM of RAW. I actually think this whole GM thing has run its course. Why not just go back to the board of directors running things. I think the best role for Flair is the J.J. Dillon role of the Horsemen. They could go weeks just letting guys earn their way into being the newest version of wrestling’s most famous elite group.
This picture is of Shane Douglas taken at WrestleReunion 1 in Tampa. It is great to see that Shane is back on the scene at TNA. I met him when he was Troy Orndorff he was as milk white a babyface as there could be.
----Join RRO and host of talent from this area for the Tank Benefit show. We are raising money to go directly to the Tank family to help with the funeral home costs. As of last count, there is still little over $4000 owed on the the funeral. Please come out and help!! Along with the names on the poster, "TGB" Greg Anthony, Kid Nikels and Eric Wayne have all been added to the show. I also know there will be a Derrick King vs Dustin Starr bout, so that would easily be a match worth coming out to see!!
-Eric Wayne beat Kevin Charles -Justin Smart beat Stan Lee -Kid Nikels beat Matt Justyce
----45 in the crowd for a very stormy night…Downtown Bruno and Chuck Poe were the refs…This was Charles’ debut match. He is a student from the school. I was told he did a good job…Got a few good reviews about the Smart/Lee bout with everyone raving about how good it was.
39 attended Saint b Kevin James Bad Boy Dixon b Kevin Dunn Aiden Scott b Kid Dynamite Psycho Medic b Lightning Bolt Kid by DQ after LBK used a kendo stick on Medic Ricochet b Dementico (w/Vinnie Barzinni) TJ & Cody Weatherby b James Duncan & Damien Payne by DQ after Duncan hit Cody with a chair