Saturday, December 02, 2006
RassleResults: SUW McKenzie, TN 12.01.06

RassleResults TIWF Brownsville, TN 12.01.06

RassleBits: "OPP", RassleTalk, Awards, Starr/Psycho and first DVD release
----Just to let everyone know the “Original Picture Perfect” article was a total parody of not only this area of wrestling fandom, but wrestling as a whole. I thought it was so funny that Billy Gunn/Road Dogg [who I actually like] try to hold on to the past so much, just like the WWE. I thought up this parody at
Memphis Wrestling Spoilers For Next Two Weeks...

---Not sure what show these matches are unless I note it.
----There is finally a house show as they announced December 30, 2006 at the Mid-South Coliseum as this will be the last show there, since they are tearing the Coliseum down…Fire/Flame vs Starr/Kevin White burn Dustin Starr on first show; PP/Tatt2 vs Flash/Cowboys – Flash pinned Tatt2. PP/Ramsey Cahill vs Jethro/Fire/Flame—Starr/White came out with chairs, but then the Cowboys came out doing a possible face turn and screwing all the heat that they had on Starr/White…Simon Reed vs Derrick King [photo above with a mark]…Flash vs Bill Dundee…Johnny Dotson did a phone interview about his return and then everyone is praising the King interview on the second show on Dotson…Lots of yelling and screaming backstage over the Cowboys...These two shows were booked and written by Cory Maclin as Jerry Lawler was not there.
Friday, December 01, 2006
RassleBits: McKenzie Tonight!!, ECW and Raven

sure if it helped him or not.
"Original Picture Perfect" Answer Open Challenge by Brian Thompson
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Shows for The Weekend 12.01 to 12.03.06
ATTENTION: If you are a promoter, please send me the address of the wrestling building. I will then be able to Google map your show, just like I have done to a few of the shows below. I have fans that write this site wanting to know directions to different buildings every week. If I get a street address, then may apply it to Google Maps.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 7:30 PM in Dyersburg, TN – QuikSilver,Jeremy Moore, Sir MO, Tim Alfonzo, Tank, “All That” Alan Steele and more.
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Chris Styles, Little Stevie Davis, Homeless Joe, Mario, Devon Raynes, Dalton Storm, Kage, Cyrus, Chaz, “Cruzin’ 4 Pain” and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN 207 Washington Street with TLCW – Christian Jacobs, Derrick King, Stan Lee, Flash Flanagan, Chris O’Neal, Jon Michael , Dustin Starr, Oz, Bishop, Kevin White, Pokerface. Bill Dundee and more.

November 2006 may be the month remembered as when TLCW became the breakthrough promotion in the area. The shows have seen a slow increase from the first week of November drawing about 80 fans in the building to last Saturday night with 180 in the building. There was close to 500 people seeing the show in November. If the streak continues, then they could put close to 800 in the seats in the month of December. I have been told that TCLW puts on a real good show and the building has been re-done. “You got to come see the show!!” is what I have been hearing for the last few weeks. I said in the results earlier this week, “This group’s success can be contributed to a few factors with DCWF shutting down, some good booking [a lot of the boys are giving Flash’s help as props here] and some improvements of the building. Take a look at the roster – best local talent in the area” I ask the question “Why is Ripley drawing??” to the workers and fans of TLCW. I got the following, as I give TLCW a HIGH FIVE!!
the two best black wrestlers in the area hands down in PKO and Rude, the best refs in Bill Rush and Will Gibson and the best manager in Rashard. Something for everyone’s taste. Kevin White and Bill
week in and week out. You've got Flash Flanagan, Derrick King, Stan Lee, Picture Perfect, Chris O'Neal, The Posse, Tatt2, The Black Out Squad, Kevin White, Bill Dundee and of course me (Dustin Starr). Who has a better group of talent working for them every week? No one. It's an amazing roster." Dustin “Five” Starr [pic to right]
on Ripley has become such a good show is the passion everyone has for wrestling from the workers to security to the owners, top to bottom it has been a group effort. Countless hours have been spent improving the building. It is the hard work and dedication shown by so many that has helped our show become as successful as it has become. We are not yet where we want to be, but if we keep workin, our goal is attainable.” “Lil” Chris of “The Posse” [pic to the left with the same mark]
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
RassleChronicle: 11.25.06
RassleTube is Up and Running..TWO FREAKIN DAYS LATE!!!
----RassleTube this week features one of my favorite bouts of all time along with Memphis Wrestling. Chigusa Nagayo vs Dump Matsumoto–look at how many people were there!! I was around 20 years old when I first saw this match and I fell in love with Japanese wrestling. The girls juiced!! The scissors come into play with both women getting some hair cut. And, this is a perfect example of how you push the underdog. Chigusa gets very little in this bout. Watch the girls cry after the finish!! Freakin crazy stuff!!
Get My Point by Randy Cresswell

No break down this week, just calling it like I see it. I am in a very pissed off mood at the moment, so don’t look for to much for what is right with the “Sports Entertainment” world. Survivor Series was a JOKE this year. They officially made their Cruiserweight and Tag Team Champions look like jokes. Hell, the savage beatdown of Ric Flair couldn’t even get their heat back they had going into the PPV. The ECW PPV this weekend will more than likely be a joke as well and if they keep running ECW the way they are, a lot of people will be out of work and soon. The only reason you see an ECW is the fact that McMahon wants to keep Heyman around and OVW Booker wasn’t going to stretch that far.
Thanks and email me when you can,
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The Ratings Are In!! Lawler continues streak!! A Closer Look at the Lawler Streak...

Monday, November 27, 2006
RassleResults TLCW Ripley, TN 11.25.06

----Pokerface beat Reno Diamond; Kevin White over Rude; Dustin Starr over Tucker by DQ, when Chris O’Neal jumped in; Derrick King beat Tatt2; Matt Foley over Seth Knight with Foley’s foot on the rope; Stan Lee by DQ over Flash Flanagan when Flash used a kendo stick. “The Posse” [‘Lil Chris/Simon Reed] beat “Cruzin 4 Pain” [187/Motley Cruz] with Tasha Simone in a “Graffiti Match” and “Picture Perfect” V1 [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] beat “Black Out Squad” [Oz/Bishop] [photo to the right] in a non-title match.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Ronnie Spence Responds to Loose Cannon
This is a response to Loose Cannon’s attack on me. I talked to him and told him that I had called Pedro of the Hambones about the ring. He said he had heard that my show was cancelled and I told him it was not. On Saturday, November 11, Cannon leaves me a note telling me to call him at
NWF Wrestling
----This is will be all that is said about the NWF vs Cannon thing. I thought it was only fair to let Spence to reply since things had been said about him here. A few things I would like to add and don’t think I am taking sides here. I know that promoting is a very hard job and I will write stories on the actually events & such. The Hambones took the date with Spence before they were running regular ACW shows. I feel the ACW promotion was upset that they were working the NWF show and put pressure on them. Or made Spence think that Hambones were not bringing the ring. I was told as of Tuesday of that week, by Leroy Hambone – “I have not heard from Spence.” When someone leaves you a message – call them, not other people. The deal where Cannon may have told people about Jarrett. Well, that is normal for promoters to say that and is the truth if you can get enough sponsors. I am not telling Spence or anybody else probably reading this anything – but no matter what your pay record is – you will get people to work for you. And, finally, if the NWF runs another show with legends are guys like
RassleResults Arkansas Championship Wrestling Paragould, AR 11.25.06 New Champion!!

RassleResults NBW Dyersburg, TN 11.25.06 New Champion!!!