----Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler open the show talking about the passing of "Roughhouse" Fargo. A Fargo match will air and they will talk to Jackie Fargo on the phone.
----Maclin/Lawler back with Jackie Fargo on the phone. Fargo says he still loves Memphis fans and thanks every one for sending cards and letters about his brother. Fargo challenges Lawler for another match. Lawler thanks him for doing everything for him. Fargo brags on Lawler. Pretty good interview.
----Classic match with Jerry Jarrett/"Roughhouse" Fargo vs Jerry Lawler/The Scorpion with Sam Bass. Fargo never got in the ring. All heat on Jarrett with Scorpion pinning Jarrett.
----Delta Fair match: Chris Masters vs Brian Christopher. First part of the match was spent with Brian C givng his bandana away to the fans. Brian looks real small up against Masters. Brian does his "losing his pants" spot. Why does he do that?? Masters went for the "Master Lock" with Brian C coming out of the heat blocking it with a chin buster. Reversal into the ropes has Brian coming off with a DDT and a pin attempt. Another reversal out of the turnbuckle with Brian C hitting a flying body press for another pin attempt. Brian puts Masters in the corner for the 10 count punch, but Masters gives Brian a nut shot for the DQ. After the match Brian comes behind and nut shots Masters and pitches him outside the ring. Perfect psychology here with a good match. Good build for the finish, but I hated the actual finish.
----"Wrestling Professor" segment. 2cnd week in August, 1986. This guy is so horrible. Angle airs with Tojo Yamamoto interview with Akio Sato/ Tarzan Goto. Tojo calls Jeff "Jerry's retarded son"..LOL Sato/Goto vs Jim Jamison/David Johnson. Jeff Jarrett/Pat Tanaka sneak out and poor yellow paint on Tojo. Crowd goes crazy!! Match is stopped while Jarrett/Tanaka brawl with Sato/Goto. Heels end up choking Jarrett and Tojo hitting with a kendo stick. They jump Eddie Marlin also. Marlin finally makes the save. Lance Russell is so good here. Marlin says if Tojo doesn't come out he is fired. Tojo comes back out and grabs Lance - Lance trips out!! LOL So good. Marlin comes after Tojo in the ring, but Tojo hits him with salt. Marlin bleds. Tojo beats the hell out of Marlin. Tanaka/Jarrett make save. Lance calls Tojo "trash". LOL Lance grabs a hammer and says he will hit Tojo with it. After the match, Lawler says they should do a whole hour of classic clips.
----They finish the show putting over Byhalia show and Lawler's web site.
----Byhalia,MS at the Byhalia High School tonight with Koko Ware, Corey "Big Moooove" Maclin, Brian Christopher, Humongous, Johnny Dotson, Derrick King, Mucho Dinero and more...Almost all the Delta Fair matches have aired and it looks like Mucho Dinero vs Pokerface was the match of that night...That Tojo angle was so good, but will it equal ratings?? Does people still care about the classic stuff??...The show will be uploaded this week on Tuesday on www.rasslinriotonline.com.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Piece of my Mind Sept 20th 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

In the grand scheme of things I can’t be sure what happened to Jake Roberts. I can say that this is one time Vince McMahon cannot be criticized. The WWE spent a lot of money on Jake and others that have put through a rehabilitation program. I would say that WWE has done all that it can do for Jake Roberts. The WWE can not want it for Jake more than he wants it for himself.
I actually was one of the first to take a chance with Jake Roberts. As WrestleReunion was getting ready to take place I was contacted by Diamond Dallas Page. When Page called he said that he wanted me to add Jake Roberts to the event. He was going to be sure he was released from jail and wanted him to get the work. I told Page that I couldn’t do it, that I couldn’t take the chance and risk the money. I was then told by Page he would be fully responsible for Jake’s appearance. At that point I was willing to do it I had enlisted Page as host for my event for a reason. I knew that what he says he can do he does. It all went well and I even worked with Jake on occasion after that. It always went well for me and I think Jake and I have a good business relationship. It is my wish that for his sake he can get it together. He has a lot to offer this business still to this day. All the rest of us can do at this point is do what Vince McMahon has to now do, shake our heads throw our hands up and let Jake make it or break it on his own.
I believe any of us in the industry have all heard the same thing for the last few weeks “Hey do you know Ric Flair”? It’s amazing that a guy who has been through the supposed wars that Flair has leaves the business and now has a black eye. Is there a day that goes by that the supposed leaders of our business don’t give it a black eye? I tend to agree with those out there that say Ric should never have walked away from WWE. He craves the spotlight and the fan adoration. It is the one thing that Ric Flair and Corey Maclin (Owner of Memphis Wrestling) have in common. I can’t imagine either one of them sleeping at night unless someone screamed their name when they were pumping gas.
It is a shame that Ric has destroyed another marriage. It would be best if Ric Flair never marries again. I have met his wife Tiffany one time she seemed to be a very nice girl and is gorgeous. If at his age that type of girl isn’t motivation enough to walk the straight and narrow than I don’t think anything will be.
I can honestly say that I wish Ric Flair had not retired. I agree that he didn’t need to continue as a day to day in ring performer. He could and should have put together a new version of The Four Horseman. It is a guy like Flair that should have picked the new group and Flair could have played the part of J.J. Dillon. It would be so much more entertaining listening to Flair cut promo’s each week than watching the garbage that we are currently being fed. I loved working with The Horseman back in the eighties. I worked with the same crew that was on RAW during Ric Flair’s retirement. These guys were just great to be around they deserved all the adulation and respect that they get.
It would have been the best thing for all involved and the fans if Ric would have stayed. I think that one day we may hear of a tragic story involving Ric Flair. I hope that we don’t but understand one thing. This man knows nothing else and never has. He has been in the spotlight all of his adult life each and every day. I know that when Bruno Sammartino retired he really thought that in a short period of time he would be forgotten. He looked forward to a peaceful and quiet life with his family. That isn’t the case for Ric Flair he needs the energy the fans bring. So it really makes you wonder why walk away from the biggest dance floor in our business?
In closing if I was Vince McMahon I would call Paul Heyman and kiss his ass till he agreed to come back and book for the company. Alas, I am afraid that ship has sailed. I can sit here and easily say like so many others I wish that I could go in there and get that ship set on course. It wouldn’t matter if it was me or someone else until Vince bottoms out almost like an alcoholic nothing in that company will change. If there were a true Board of Directors in WWE and not a bunch of marionettes this issue would be addressed quickly. It is all run by a puppeteer who’s skills are fading quickly and whose audience is growing less tolerant at a quicker pace.
I am sure that since TNA started they have wanted to match WWE in the ratings. I just don’t think that Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter were counting on so much help from Vince McMahon in reaching their goal.
This photo was taken by me at an Indy show that we used Ox Baker. I had several experiences with Ox. He was always a funny guy and working as a referee with him in the ring was easy. The funniest story I can remember being told about Ox was about him during Escape from New York starring Kurt Russell. The director walked into the makeup trailer and told the makeup person that he loved what they had done with Ox. The director was quickly informed that they hadn’t gotten to Ox yet. I have no way of knowing if the story is true or not but it’s funny because you can sure believe that it actually happened that way.
This has been a piece of my mind
Memphis Wrestling Ratings and Weekly Poll Results 9.13.08
Memphis Wrestling 9-13-08
Final Rating: 1.9 ( 30,790 viewers )
Quarter hours:
1st Quarter
-Doink/Madison vs Eckos/Feather
-Sheeps vs Lawler/Dundee [start]
1.7 ( 27,549 viewers )
2cnd Quarter
-Sheeps vs Lawler/Dundee [finish]
-Cage vs Angle [start]
2.0 ( 32,410 ) [+4861]
3rd Quarter
-Cage vs Angle [finish]
-Lawler vs Mercury
2.2 ( 35,651 ) [+3241]
-Lawler vs Mercury
1.5 ( 24,308 ) [-11,343]
From start to finish [-3241]
----Good news is that the show did their highest rating since their TV 50 debut. This number was almost up there with their Channel 30 raings, so the promotion and TV station should be happy. If you look at the quarter hours though, it is clear what I have been saying here for a long time - Lawler does not equal ratings on TV anymore. The start of his match and last part of it lost over 11,000 viewers. If I was guessing right by the numbers it would look like Angle vs Cage was the highest rated segment with probably about 33,000 people watching the match. That proves that Memphis fans love to watch wrestling, not just crap that they throw together.
Thumbs Up - 63%
Thumbs Down - 37%
----The show continued the streak of "Thumbs Up". It looks like the readers of this site at least enjoy the fact that wrestling is on TV again. I still get tons of e-mail though asking the same question - "When do they start taping live shows again??"
Final Rating: 1.9 ( 30,790 viewers )
Quarter hours:
1st Quarter
-Doink/Madison vs Eckos/Feather
-Sheeps vs Lawler/Dundee [start]
1.7 ( 27,549 viewers )
2cnd Quarter
-Sheeps vs Lawler/Dundee [finish]
-Cage vs Angle [start]
2.0 ( 32,410 ) [+4861]
3rd Quarter
-Cage vs Angle [finish]
-Lawler vs Mercury
2.2 ( 35,651 ) [+3241]
-Lawler vs Mercury
1.5 ( 24,308 ) [-11,343]
From start to finish [-3241]
----Good news is that the show did their highest rating since their TV 50 debut. This number was almost up there with their Channel 30 raings, so the promotion and TV station should be happy. If you look at the quarter hours though, it is clear what I have been saying here for a long time - Lawler does not equal ratings on TV anymore. The start of his match and last part of it lost over 11,000 viewers. If I was guessing right by the numbers it would look like Angle vs Cage was the highest rated segment with probably about 33,000 people watching the match. That proves that Memphis fans love to watch wrestling, not just crap that they throw together.
Thumbs Up - 63%
Thumbs Down - 37%
----The show continued the streak of "Thumbs Up". It looks like the readers of this site at least enjoy the fact that wrestling is on TV again. I still get tons of e-mail though asking the same question - "When do they start taping live shows again??"
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 9.19.08
Austin Lane & Justin Smart over Slim Pickens to retain LAW Tag Team titles.
Dell Tucker over The Baron Malkavain
"Girlcandy" Christian Jacobs over Bishop
Derrick King over "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony in a Loser Leaves LAW Match.
The show opened with "Karaoke with King"! DK sang "Baton Rouge" by Garth Brooks and even had some of the younger LAW fans in the ring to help him. But as usual we didn't get far before "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony's music hit. tgb said that he felt like LAW was The Wild Wild West, that he and Derrick were like two great gunfighters but that this town wasn't big enough for the both of them. tgb challenged DK to a No DQ, Loser Leaves LAW match! DK accepted and the match was set.
Slim put up a good fight in his handicap quest for the LAW tag titles but eventually the numbers game caught up with him after being hit with a backstabber from Austin Lane.
LAW announced because of the fair there wouldn't be a show next week but that they would return Oct.3rd!
tgb came to the ring with Jeff O'Dell but before they got down the aisle, Thomas Graham was there to send Jeff O'Dell to the back. DK and tgb brawled all over the LAW Athletic Center. After a tooth and nail fight, DK went for his Superkick but tgb pulled the ref in the way. DK stopped before hitting her and pulled out of harms way and when he turned around tgb kicked him below the belt. 1..2.. Dk kicked out. tgb went and got a steel chair. As he raised it up DK grabbed him in the testicular claw and then gave tgb the X Factor, 1...2... tgb kicks out. DK then hit a flying forearm and went for another superkick, tgb rolled out of the way and DK was hit with a big boot from Idol Bane. Idol then went for The Ghost of Andy Kauffman but Thomas Graham was there to pull DK's legs down. Idol started jaw jacking with Thomas which allowed DK to hit Idol Bane right on the button with a superkick, knocking him out of the ring. tgb nailed DK from behind and they both went into a series of pins and counters that ended with DK hitting a superkick 1...2....3! In "Karaoke with King" fashion the crowd sang "Na na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye!". Jeff O'Dell then stormed the ring and said that he was tired of Thomas Graham and that LAW without his BFF, The Golden Boy he would rather shut the doors and close down LAW himself!!! DK said Jeff was afraid that he no longer had any power, that the people have the power. DK said the fans want to see The Untouchables beaten, so he proposed that he could get 100 people in this building on October 3rd and if he couldn't he would never be seen in LAW again. Jeff liked that idea but DK said if we get 200 people then I get a match with Jeff O'Dell! Jeff scoffed and said that if DK got 200 in this building then he would wrestle Derrick in a Tarzan outfit. The match was set.
Credit: Layingdownthelaw5150
----I hate the idea of a "Loser Leave Town" match and no one leaves. But..I did love what they did at the end. 200 people though?? Nah.
Dell Tucker over The Baron Malkavain
"Girlcandy" Christian Jacobs over Bishop
Derrick King over "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony in a Loser Leaves LAW Match.
The show opened with "Karaoke with King"! DK sang "Baton Rouge" by Garth Brooks and even had some of the younger LAW fans in the ring to help him. But as usual we didn't get far before "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony's music hit. tgb said that he felt like LAW was The Wild Wild West, that he and Derrick were like two great gunfighters but that this town wasn't big enough for the both of them. tgb challenged DK to a No DQ, Loser Leaves LAW match! DK accepted and the match was set.
Slim put up a good fight in his handicap quest for the LAW tag titles but eventually the numbers game caught up with him after being hit with a backstabber from Austin Lane.
LAW announced because of the fair there wouldn't be a show next week but that they would return Oct.3rd!
tgb came to the ring with Jeff O'Dell but before they got down the aisle, Thomas Graham was there to send Jeff O'Dell to the back. DK and tgb brawled all over the LAW Athletic Center. After a tooth and nail fight, DK went for his Superkick but tgb pulled the ref in the way. DK stopped before hitting her and pulled out of harms way and when he turned around tgb kicked him below the belt. 1..2.. Dk kicked out. tgb went and got a steel chair. As he raised it up DK grabbed him in the testicular claw and then gave tgb the X Factor, 1...2... tgb kicks out. DK then hit a flying forearm and went for another superkick, tgb rolled out of the way and DK was hit with a big boot from Idol Bane. Idol then went for The Ghost of Andy Kauffman but Thomas Graham was there to pull DK's legs down. Idol started jaw jacking with Thomas which allowed DK to hit Idol Bane right on the button with a superkick, knocking him out of the ring. tgb nailed DK from behind and they both went into a series of pins and counters that ended with DK hitting a superkick 1...2....3! In "Karaoke with King" fashion the crowd sang "Na na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye!". Jeff O'Dell then stormed the ring and said that he was tired of Thomas Graham and that LAW without his BFF, The Golden Boy he would rather shut the doors and close down LAW himself!!! DK said Jeff was afraid that he no longer had any power, that the people have the power. DK said the fans want to see The Untouchables beaten, so he proposed that he could get 100 people in this building on October 3rd and if he couldn't he would never be seen in LAW again. Jeff liked that idea but DK said if we get 200 people then I get a match with Jeff O'Dell! Jeff scoffed and said that if DK got 200 in this building then he would wrestle Derrick in a Tarzan outfit. The match was set.
Credit: Layingdownthelaw5150
----I hate the idea of a "Loser Leave Town" match and no one leaves. But..I did love what they did at the end. 200 people though?? Nah.
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 9.19.08
Attendance 32
Travis Starr & Dyronic b Convict & Bizarre-O via stereo rollups
Jeremiah Plunkett b Psycho Medic via submission
White Tiger b Bryan Casey by DQ after Casey hit Tiger with a chair
Cousin Jason X b USWO Jr. Champion Josh Crowe in a non-title match
USWO Tag Team Champions New York Gangster & Damien Payne vs Shane Smalls & Bryan Casey went to a double countout due to brawling outside the ring
USWO Champion Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) vs Snake Jones was a no contest after Jones pulled ref Mark Owen in front of a valiant superkick. Owen tried to award the belt to Jones but was stopped by promoter Tony Falk, who held up the title*.
*Found out after the show that Valiant had made an appearance at SAW tonight and apparently will be returning there. Doug Gilbert also stopped by to visit.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Travis Starr & Dyronic b Convict & Bizarre-O via stereo rollups
Jeremiah Plunkett b Psycho Medic via submission
White Tiger b Bryan Casey by DQ after Casey hit Tiger with a chair
Cousin Jason X b USWO Jr. Champion Josh Crowe in a non-title match
USWO Tag Team Champions New York Gangster & Damien Payne vs Shane Smalls & Bryan Casey went to a double countout due to brawling outside the ring
USWO Champion Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) vs Snake Jones was a no contest after Jones pulled ref Mark Owen in front of a valiant superkick. Owen tried to award the belt to Jones but was stopped by promoter Tony Falk, who held up the title*.
*Found out after the show that Valiant had made an appearance at SAW tonight and apparently will be returning there. Doug Gilbert also stopped by to visit.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
RassleResults: Arkansas Wrestling Entertainment Clinton Fairgrounds 9.18.08

Eathan Colton vs micheal Colton
Eathon pins Micheal After drive bye kick
2nd Match
Ray Ray Vs Josh Sydell [pictured]
Really good match with a mix with some high flying into ground wrestling really good crowd work here two Ray Ray hits Josh with a ddt off top rope for Tommy Wayne to run in a jump Ray. Josh and Tommy are putting it two Ray when Big Al Makes Save
Sets Up Tag Later Ray Ray Over By DQ
Las vegas Outlaw Vs Kilikia ( Dustin Nazerth)
Kilikia gets roll up Pin. Outlaw trying to work like a big guy and isnt working for him
Ray RAy & Big Al Vs Tommy Wayne & Josh Sydell
From the get go they was brwaling it turnned into a street fight Ray taking some punishment getting two Suplexes on ground and Back droped on ground Ray Got tied to a poll bye a shirt around his neck so Tommy and Josh took advantage Taking Big al into the ring delivering a big doulbe suplex Just when Tommy and josh thought they had it won ray come off top while big al was holding josh in the air with a leg drop after tommy got garilla pressed over the top rope ray pinning Josh For the 123
Main Event Battal Royal
Just a beat down of everyone leaving the four that was in the tag match there - Big Al was then gone leaving three left - Josh & Tommy beat Ray so much but he wouldn't quit getting up the crowd chanting don't give up after two piledrivers and a steel chair to the leg ray started to still fight back - his leg gave out and he flipped out of the ring to the out side tommy started celebrating when josh high fived him - Josh snuck around Tommy and tossed him out lol what a tag team hahaha
Josh Sydell Winner
95 in crowd
Credit: ASWF Ace
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR
The show began with the Big Indian coming out with war paint and explaining that he had now declared war on Rik Burton as he smeared the war paint all over his face. There has been a lot of blood spelled between these two and it would only get worse before the night was over.
Match 1. Five Man Scramble
Midnight Cowboy VS Cody Murdock VS J. D. Kerry VS Mike Titon VS Pappy.
All five men went all over the ring and out with none of them gaining the advantage. Finally, Titon and Pappy went to the floor and were surprised by a hugh flying cross body on both of them from Kerry. This left Murdock and Cowboy alone in the ring, Murdoch went for a splash in the corner and Cowboy moved. Cowboy then hit Murdoch with a flying forearm to secure the pin.
Luke Graham Jr. VS Jay Webster.
The newcomer Webster was made short work of by Graham who caught the younger Webster in a submission move for the win. Graham said afterwards that this was a message sent to Soultrain Jones who was out this week after vicious chair assault from Graham the week before.
Match 3.
Ron Rage VS Mr. Pimptacular.
Mike Anthony accompanied Pimp to the ring and took every advantage to interfere. Near the end, Anthony jumped up on the ring apron and Rage reversed Pimp sending him into the ropes and into Anthony. A stunned Pimp turned around into a backslide from Rage who scored the pin.
Match 4.
Rik Burton VS The Big Indian Chief.
The action was hot and heavy until the end when Indian caught Burton in an Indian death lock. Classy Meltin Massey jumped up on the apron to distract the ref before he could see Burton tap out. Indian then knocked Meltin off the apron, but not before he tossed a chain in to Burton who used it to attack the Indian and cause the D.Q. Meltin and Burton then proceeded to attack Indian and Rotten Randy with the chain and left them both bloodied in the ring. The Indian has sworn revenge and claims that he will hunt Burton down no matter what.
Match 5.
Asylum VS Chris Steel and Zane Richards
This match was wild from the start. The match continued until Psycho and Zane went to the floor leaving Arnez and Steel in the ring. Arnez hit his big finishing move on Steel and had him covered, but the ref was distracted with the action on the floor as Psycho was trying to choke the life out of Massey. This allowed Richards to return to the ring and hit Arnez in the back with a chair and secure the pin.
Match 6.
Rodney "Red Dogg" Mack. RWA Heavyweight Champion. VS Mike Anthony.
This return match for the RWA title lived up to the hype. The match continued until Mack charged after Anthony in the corner and knocked the ref with Anthony moved. Mack didn't miss a beat as he turned around and hit the big spear on Anthony scoring the pin fall when the second ref hit the ring. Mack was celebrating when the first ref finally came to and D.Q. ed him for hitting him. Antony gets the win by D.Q. and once again trash talked Mack after the match telling him, "that was two weeks in a row hat I have gotten the win over you". The Redd Dogg is definitely out for blood and right now he is intent on making Mike Anthony his number one bone to chew on!
There were over 100 in the building. Frank Martin the owner of the RWA has expanded the dressing room for the workers and added 100 theater seats for the fans. Martin has a major announcement next week. [Tonight!!]
Credit: RWA Reporter
Match 1. Five Man Scramble
Midnight Cowboy VS Cody Murdock VS J. D. Kerry VS Mike Titon VS Pappy.
All five men went all over the ring and out with none of them gaining the advantage. Finally, Titon and Pappy went to the floor and were surprised by a hugh flying cross body on both of them from Kerry. This left Murdock and Cowboy alone in the ring, Murdoch went for a splash in the corner and Cowboy moved. Cowboy then hit Murdoch with a flying forearm to secure the pin.
Luke Graham Jr. VS Jay Webster.
The newcomer Webster was made short work of by Graham who caught the younger Webster in a submission move for the win. Graham said afterwards that this was a message sent to Soultrain Jones who was out this week after vicious chair assault from Graham the week before.
Match 3.
Ron Rage VS Mr. Pimptacular.
Mike Anthony accompanied Pimp to the ring and took every advantage to interfere. Near the end, Anthony jumped up on the ring apron and Rage reversed Pimp sending him into the ropes and into Anthony. A stunned Pimp turned around into a backslide from Rage who scored the pin.
Match 4.
Rik Burton VS The Big Indian Chief.
The action was hot and heavy until the end when Indian caught Burton in an Indian death lock. Classy Meltin Massey jumped up on the apron to distract the ref before he could see Burton tap out. Indian then knocked Meltin off the apron, but not before he tossed a chain in to Burton who used it to attack the Indian and cause the D.Q. Meltin and Burton then proceeded to attack Indian and Rotten Randy with the chain and left them both bloodied in the ring. The Indian has sworn revenge and claims that he will hunt Burton down no matter what.
Match 5.
Asylum VS Chris Steel and Zane Richards
This match was wild from the start. The match continued until Psycho and Zane went to the floor leaving Arnez and Steel in the ring. Arnez hit his big finishing move on Steel and had him covered, but the ref was distracted with the action on the floor as Psycho was trying to choke the life out of Massey. This allowed Richards to return to the ring and hit Arnez in the back with a chair and secure the pin.
Match 6.
Rodney "Red Dogg" Mack. RWA Heavyweight Champion. VS Mike Anthony.
This return match for the RWA title lived up to the hype. The match continued until Mack charged after Anthony in the corner and knocked the ref with Anthony moved. Mack didn't miss a beat as he turned around and hit the big spear on Anthony scoring the pin fall when the second ref hit the ring. Mack was celebrating when the first ref finally came to and D.Q. ed him for hitting him. Antony gets the win by D.Q. and once again trash talked Mack after the match telling him, "that was two weeks in a row hat I have gotten the win over you". The Redd Dogg is definitely out for blood and right now he is intent on making Mike Anthony his number one bone to chew on!
There were over 100 in the building. Frank Martin the owner of the RWA has expanded the dressing room for the workers and added 100 theater seats for the fans. Martin has a major announcement next week. [Tonight!!]
Credit: RWA Reporter
Thursday, September 18, 2008
"What Memphis Watches"
A very good week for wrestling shows this past week. WWE Smackdown continued it’s stronghold on Memphis’ viewing audience with a 5.2 rating. I’m still trying to figure out why UPN is giving up Smackdown. It makes no sense to me to not renew the highest rated show on their network. Maybe they should have consulted with the USA Network and asked them what happened when they let RAW go. Mind-boggling I tell ya!
Memphis Wrestling did its best number to date with a 1.9 rating. I guess wrestling fans are figuring out that MW is back on TV. I’m concerned that while the fans are beginning to find MW on ch. 50, that once they watch the show and realize that they aren’t making fresh, current shows that they’ll won’t come back and watch the next week. MW was the highest rated show on ch. 50 that day, so I guess the suits at WPXX are pleased and in the grand scheme of things, that’s all that matters.
WWE RAW’s rating this week was the most impressive number of the week. While RAW has had better numbers in previous weeks and was up over a full point from last week’s show, it was up against a juggernaut in the Cowboys/Eagles Monday Night Football game. RAW more than held it’s own with an overall 5.2 rating. The MNF game was the highest rated cable show ever!!! (13.3 was the national rating) In Memphis, the game drew a 15.2 rating/20 share. I think with RAW being in Memphis that night it helped spike their numbers, but with that outrageous MNF rating, RAW’s numbers were quite impressive.
I was unable to get ratings for TNA Impact from last Thursday night.
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 2 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of both hours for the final rating.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at: rpg187@gmail.com.
Thanks and enjoy!!!
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 9-12-08
Final Rating: 5.2 ( 84,266 viewers ) 8 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 5.1 ( 82,646 viewers )
5.1 ( 82,646 )
4.7 ( 76,164 )
4.5 ( 72,923 )
2nd hour: 5.9 ( 95,610 viewers )
5.4 ( 87,507 )
5.3 ( 85,887 )
5.4 ( 87,507 )
Memphis Wrestling 9-13-08
Final Rating: 1.9 ( 30,790 viewers ) 3 share
Quarter hours: 1.7 ( 27,549 viewers )
2.0 ( 32,410 )
2.2 ( 35,651 )
1.5 ( 24,308 )
TNA Impact Replay 9-13-08
Final Rating: 1.4 ( 22,687 viewers ) 3 share
WWE A.M. 9-14-08
Final Rating: 0.9 ( 14,585 viewers ) 2 share
WWE RAW 9-15-08
Final Rating: 5.2 ( 84,266 viewers ) 7 share
1st hour: 5.0 ( 81,025 viewers ) 7 share
Quarter hours: 4.9 ( 79,405 viewers )
5.0 ( 81,025 )
5.2 ( 84,266 )
4.8 ( 77,784 )
2nd hour: 5.4 (87,507 viewers ) 7 share
Quarter hours: 5.8 ( 93,989 viewers )
5.6 ( 90,748 )
4.8 ( 77,784 )
5.3 ( 85,887 )
Overrun: 3.4 ( 55,057 viewers )
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating analysis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” with the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.
Memphis Wrestling did its best number to date with a 1.9 rating. I guess wrestling fans are figuring out that MW is back on TV. I’m concerned that while the fans are beginning to find MW on ch. 50, that once they watch the show and realize that they aren’t making fresh, current shows that they’ll won’t come back and watch the next week. MW was the highest rated show on ch. 50 that day, so I guess the suits at WPXX are pleased and in the grand scheme of things, that’s all that matters.
WWE RAW’s rating this week was the most impressive number of the week. While RAW has had better numbers in previous weeks and was up over a full point from last week’s show, it was up against a juggernaut in the Cowboys/Eagles Monday Night Football game. RAW more than held it’s own with an overall 5.2 rating. The MNF game was the highest rated cable show ever!!! (13.3 was the national rating) In Memphis, the game drew a 15.2 rating/20 share. I think with RAW being in Memphis that night it helped spike their numbers, but with that outrageous MNF rating, RAW’s numbers were quite impressive.
I was unable to get ratings for TNA Impact from last Thursday night.
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 2 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of both hours for the final rating.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at: rpg187@gmail.com.
Thanks and enjoy!!!
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 9-12-08
Final Rating: 5.2 ( 84,266 viewers ) 8 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 5.1 ( 82,646 viewers )
5.1 ( 82,646 )
4.7 ( 76,164 )
4.5 ( 72,923 )
2nd hour: 5.9 ( 95,610 viewers )
5.4 ( 87,507 )
5.3 ( 85,887 )
5.4 ( 87,507 )
Memphis Wrestling 9-13-08
Final Rating: 1.9 ( 30,790 viewers ) 3 share
Quarter hours: 1.7 ( 27,549 viewers )
2.0 ( 32,410 )
2.2 ( 35,651 )
1.5 ( 24,308 )
TNA Impact Replay 9-13-08
Final Rating: 1.4 ( 22,687 viewers ) 3 share
WWE A.M. 9-14-08
Final Rating: 0.9 ( 14,585 viewers ) 2 share
WWE RAW 9-15-08
Final Rating: 5.2 ( 84,266 viewers ) 7 share
1st hour: 5.0 ( 81,025 viewers ) 7 share
Quarter hours: 4.9 ( 79,405 viewers )
5.0 ( 81,025 )
5.2 ( 84,266 )
4.8 ( 77,784 )
2nd hour: 5.4 (87,507 viewers ) 7 share
Quarter hours: 5.8 ( 93,989 viewers )
5.6 ( 90,748 )
4.8 ( 77,784 )
5.3 ( 85,887 )
Overrun: 3.4 ( 55,057 viewers )
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating analysis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” with the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN Results WrapUp 9.13.08
The show opens with Allen Walker and Rick Marx reminding the fans about Legacy 2, Eugene, and giving us the rundown for tonight. (Danny B. couldn't make it due to the SOB's beatdown.)
Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray come down and argue about the result of the triple threat last week. They both demand a rematch. Biscuit and Money Mike hit the ring. Biscuit says he has beaten everybody he has been put against, including Moore and Ray. He is the Greatest High Risk... "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards hits the ring. He doesn't care about Moore, Ray, or Biscuit. Lil Tim isn't here tonight because he is "too injured to show". He wants a match with The Kid, and he wants it tonight. Allen Walker makes a tag match for later.
Tim Edwards and The Kid vs. Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray. If Moore or Ray doesn’t compete, they lose the chance to wrestle for the High Risk title. Walker says that Biscuit had the night off, but that has changed. Biscuits match is first. The ring clears and Biscuit is ready for his title defense.
Shannon Lee's Music hits. Seems to be a rematch from a couple weeks back.
NBW High Risk Championship Match
Shannon Lee defeats Biscuit for the NBW High Risk Championship.Great Opener to the show. Finish came when Biscuit went for the Rude Awakening, but Shannon countered into a School Boy roll up for the 3 count. After the Match, Money Mike tries to argue the finish, saying Biscuit wasn't supposed to wrestle tonight and the ref counted way to fast.
Seth Knight comes to the ring. The best NBW Heavyweight Champion today, Knight claims he is tired of hearing about Eugene. He has beaten 3 people at once, he beat both tag champs, and he is Southern Jr. Heavyweight Champ. There is nobody who can beat him. He has no competition. Chris Rocker is walking to the back, when Seth calls him to the ring. He hasn't faced Rocker yet. He wants to give him a shot at his trophy. Rocker just came to say hello, he doesn't want a shot at the trophy. Seth says he will give him a shot at the Southern Jr. Heavyweight title. Rocker says he did the whole Jr. Heavyweight thing years ago, he doesn't want a shot at that either. Seth slaps Rocker. Rocker says he has a reason to beat Seth's ass. Rocker knocks Seth around, Seth bails to the outside. Rocker poses with the trophy and title. Rocker heads toward the front door.
"The Real Deal" Tim Edwards and The Kid defeat Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray.Jeremy came out, then Gaylon. Gaylon tossed his (Gaylon-ade) into the ring and Jeremy kicked it back out. These guys are both over with the crowd, they should settle their differences and go toward a tag title reign. The Kid was out next(Gaylon offered him some Gaylon-Ade, Kid said no) followed by Tim. Tim was the only one that was booed. Tim made Kid wait on the apron, but The Kid tags himself in. Great tag match. (Chris Rocker is seen carrying his bag to the back.) Tim tags himself in and dominates Gaylon. Gaylon hot tag to Jeremy. There is a confrontation between the ref and Tim when he shoves the ref. The ref gets out of the ring and walks out. Jeremy hits the Ace Crusher on Tim, 2 count. (Allen Walker goes down and does the count.)Kid hits Gaylon with a Cutter. Jeremy hits the Ace Crusher on Kid. Tim throws Moore out
of the ring and pins Gaylon. (Wait, Gaylon wasn't the legal man...WTF?) Tim and Kid stare each other down as Moore and Ray argue.
(The Update. Due to the actions of the SOB's last week, they can't have a Tag Title shot for approximately 120 Days)
The SOB's come to the ring with Money Mike. Mike claims they have been jacked out of the tag titles. They want their rematch. Kilo demands Allen Walker come out. Walker comes down from the stage. Motley Cruz comes down to ringside with both Tag titles, by himself. Motley goes back to the back, then comes to the ring with the Tack-Bat. Motley says he wants a handicap match against the SOB's. Walker says Motley gets Mark Justice and.... Money Mike tonight. Mike says "I Kill You" to Motley. Kilo has a match against a personal friend of Motley's. The SOB's hold Money Mike back.
Kilo defeats Juicy J
Money Mike and Mark Justice are at ringside.
Kilo hits a powerbomb and a sharpshooter followed by a curb stomp. Then he hits a sick Inverted Piledriver. Finish comes with Kilo hitting The Hard Justice for the 3 count. The SOB's hit J with the Death Spiral and Motley hits the ring to save J. Mike gets on the apron and J knocks him off and gets in the ring. Kilo hits J with a Superkick. Kilo gets on the mic. "MindGames."
Motley Cruz Defeats Mark Justice and Mad Money MikeMark starts. Motley plays possom so Mark tags in Mike. Motley goes to town on Mike. He tags in Mark. Motley keeps playing possom to get Mike in to the ring. Mark gets in and works Motley's knee. Mike gets in a few cheap fist drops and leg drops. Crowd gets behind Motley. Mark hits the Knee-DT... Mark goes for Hard Justice, Motley gets out of it and hits a Dropkick on Mark. Kilo runs in, but Motley throws him over the ropes. Motley hits a Cruz-Plex on Mike for the 3 count. (WTF? Mike wasn't the legal man.) Kilo says Motley had to beat their manager, and couldn't beat Them. Mark points out that Mike wasn't the legal man, and they carry Mike to the back.
(Match Announced as Non-Title Bout)
Chris Rocker defeated Seth Knight
Match starts and Rocker slaps the taste out of Seth's mouth. Rocker bits Seth a couple times. Pretty funny here. Seth spits at the crowd. Finish comes when Seth went for a piledriver and knocks the ref down. He gets a title and sets up the piledriver, Rocker reverses and hits Seth with the piledriver on the title belt for the 3 count.
Walker presents Rocker with the trophy and Southern Jr. Title. Walker says Seth said he'd put them up. Seth says the match was non title. Rocker says Seth put the trophy and belt up himself. Rocker says he wants the NBW title. Rocker says next week all the gold goes on the line. Rocker asks if he is afraid. Seth says it’s on next week. Rocker says why wait...
Seth gets back in the ring, bell rings.
Chris Rocker defeats Seth Knight (again)
Rocker hits a sunset flip, for the 3 count. Seth bails with the title. Rocker Poses with S. Jr. Title and Trophy. Chris Rocker vs Seth Knight this Saturday night for all the Gold.
Credit: Chad Heart
----I was told around 40 paid and close to 70 in the building. Fair in town seems to have hurt them.
Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray come down and argue about the result of the triple threat last week. They both demand a rematch. Biscuit and Money Mike hit the ring. Biscuit says he has beaten everybody he has been put against, including Moore and Ray. He is the Greatest High Risk... "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards hits the ring. He doesn't care about Moore, Ray, or Biscuit. Lil Tim isn't here tonight because he is "too injured to show". He wants a match with The Kid, and he wants it tonight. Allen Walker makes a tag match for later.
Tim Edwards and The Kid vs. Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray. If Moore or Ray doesn’t compete, they lose the chance to wrestle for the High Risk title. Walker says that Biscuit had the night off, but that has changed. Biscuits match is first. The ring clears and Biscuit is ready for his title defense.
Shannon Lee's Music hits. Seems to be a rematch from a couple weeks back.
NBW High Risk Championship Match
Shannon Lee defeats Biscuit for the NBW High Risk Championship.Great Opener to the show. Finish came when Biscuit went for the Rude Awakening, but Shannon countered into a School Boy roll up for the 3 count. After the Match, Money Mike tries to argue the finish, saying Biscuit wasn't supposed to wrestle tonight and the ref counted way to fast.
Seth Knight comes to the ring. The best NBW Heavyweight Champion today, Knight claims he is tired of hearing about Eugene. He has beaten 3 people at once, he beat both tag champs, and he is Southern Jr. Heavyweight Champ. There is nobody who can beat him. He has no competition. Chris Rocker is walking to the back, when Seth calls him to the ring. He hasn't faced Rocker yet. He wants to give him a shot at his trophy. Rocker just came to say hello, he doesn't want a shot at the trophy. Seth says he will give him a shot at the Southern Jr. Heavyweight title. Rocker says he did the whole Jr. Heavyweight thing years ago, he doesn't want a shot at that either. Seth slaps Rocker. Rocker says he has a reason to beat Seth's ass. Rocker knocks Seth around, Seth bails to the outside. Rocker poses with the trophy and title. Rocker heads toward the front door.
"The Real Deal" Tim Edwards and The Kid defeat Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray.Jeremy came out, then Gaylon. Gaylon tossed his (Gaylon-ade) into the ring and Jeremy kicked it back out. These guys are both over with the crowd, they should settle their differences and go toward a tag title reign. The Kid was out next(Gaylon offered him some Gaylon-Ade, Kid said no) followed by Tim. Tim was the only one that was booed. Tim made Kid wait on the apron, but The Kid tags himself in. Great tag match. (Chris Rocker is seen carrying his bag to the back.) Tim tags himself in and dominates Gaylon. Gaylon hot tag to Jeremy. There is a confrontation between the ref and Tim when he shoves the ref. The ref gets out of the ring and walks out. Jeremy hits the Ace Crusher on Tim, 2 count. (Allen Walker goes down and does the count.)Kid hits Gaylon with a Cutter. Jeremy hits the Ace Crusher on Kid. Tim throws Moore out
of the ring and pins Gaylon. (Wait, Gaylon wasn't the legal man...WTF?) Tim and Kid stare each other down as Moore and Ray argue.
(The Update. Due to the actions of the SOB's last week, they can't have a Tag Title shot for approximately 120 Days)
The SOB's come to the ring with Money Mike. Mike claims they have been jacked out of the tag titles. They want their rematch. Kilo demands Allen Walker come out. Walker comes down from the stage. Motley Cruz comes down to ringside with both Tag titles, by himself. Motley goes back to the back, then comes to the ring with the Tack-Bat. Motley says he wants a handicap match against the SOB's. Walker says Motley gets Mark Justice and.... Money Mike tonight. Mike says "I Kill You" to Motley. Kilo has a match against a personal friend of Motley's. The SOB's hold Money Mike back.
Kilo defeats Juicy J
Money Mike and Mark Justice are at ringside.
Kilo hits a powerbomb and a sharpshooter followed by a curb stomp. Then he hits a sick Inverted Piledriver. Finish comes with Kilo hitting The Hard Justice for the 3 count. The SOB's hit J with the Death Spiral and Motley hits the ring to save J. Mike gets on the apron and J knocks him off and gets in the ring. Kilo hits J with a Superkick. Kilo gets on the mic. "MindGames."
Motley Cruz Defeats Mark Justice and Mad Money MikeMark starts. Motley plays possom so Mark tags in Mike. Motley goes to town on Mike. He tags in Mark. Motley keeps playing possom to get Mike in to the ring. Mark gets in and works Motley's knee. Mike gets in a few cheap fist drops and leg drops. Crowd gets behind Motley. Mark hits the Knee-DT... Mark goes for Hard Justice, Motley gets out of it and hits a Dropkick on Mark. Kilo runs in, but Motley throws him over the ropes. Motley hits a Cruz-Plex on Mike for the 3 count. (WTF? Mike wasn't the legal man.) Kilo says Motley had to beat their manager, and couldn't beat Them. Mark points out that Mike wasn't the legal man, and they carry Mike to the back.
(Match Announced as Non-Title Bout)
Chris Rocker defeated Seth Knight
Match starts and Rocker slaps the taste out of Seth's mouth. Rocker bits Seth a couple times. Pretty funny here. Seth spits at the crowd. Finish comes when Seth went for a piledriver and knocks the ref down. He gets a title and sets up the piledriver, Rocker reverses and hits Seth with the piledriver on the title belt for the 3 count.
Walker presents Rocker with the trophy and Southern Jr. Title. Walker says Seth said he'd put them up. Seth says the match was non title. Rocker says Seth put the trophy and belt up himself. Rocker says he wants the NBW title. Rocker says next week all the gold goes on the line. Rocker asks if he is afraid. Seth says it’s on next week. Rocker says why wait...
Seth gets back in the ring, bell rings.
Chris Rocker defeats Seth Knight (again)
Rocker hits a sunset flip, for the 3 count. Seth bails with the title. Rocker Poses with S. Jr. Title and Trophy. Chris Rocker vs Seth Knight this Saturday night for all the Gold.
Credit: Chad Heart
----I was told around 40 paid and close to 70 in the building. Fair in town seems to have hurt them.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Coach's Corner: "2008 - 2/3 Gone - Who Are The Award Leaders?"
----It is hard to believe that two thirds of the year is already over. I just spoke tonight with an area worker and said that 2008 has not been a good year for wrestling in this area. But, we have had some performers outshine others. In May, I took a look at the first third of the year. Let's take a look at what has changed. These two articles will also give people a reference point for the 2008 Awards. Below is my analysis for the five main categories and below that are my quick picks all for 2/3 of 2008 for the RRO Awards.
Wrestler: I guess the list can not be complete without mentioning Derrick King, who is the two time winner of the award. I really believe Memphis Wrestling not airing every week has hurt him. He also took some time off at TLCW , so he might actually be the underdog in this award so far this year. My pick so far has to be Kevin White. That pick may surprise some people, but here is a guy that has worked hard all year not to only make a place for himself, but to keep wrestling in this area in tact. He has helped book some of the bigger shows and almost every match I have seen him in – he is has been above average.
Performer: Three names that come to my mind when I think of this – Stan Lee, Austin Lane and Greg Anthony. Anthony is my pick this year – no matter how many that are in the crowd – no matter where he is – he is giving 110%. Eric Wayne and Kid Nikels also get a nod here just for that one match. Flash Flanagan also should be considered.
Tag Team: Much like the Posse did to win this award last year, the most traveled team this year is “Asylum” [Arnez/Pappy/Psycho] – they might not be the best as workers, but are no doubt the most exposed team making them “the “team of the area. “Black Label Society” [AJ Bradley/Robbie Douglas] are my second pick just barely behind Asylum. BLS has helped the gates at every show that they have worked and their match against Stan Lee/Derrick King earlier this year would be a nominee for match of the year This team may not be one of my favorites, but Anton LeVeigh/Brandon Barbwire headlined a lot of high attendance All Pro shows this year.
Best Damn Tag Team: “Naughty by Nature” [Pokerface/Rude] have not tagged that much this year, but would still be considered one of the top working teams in this area. BLS should also be considered here and maybe Lee/DK. Parental Advisory ("Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs & "The Studd" Scott Porteau) would also be a pick here. I seen these guys have a [***] with midgets. LOL
Promotion: TLCW has not had the exposure or attendance as they did the last few years. My picks here would have to be TIWF [for pure weekly drawing], NBW [for steady gates and fun storylines] and ASWF [for drawing power and not being afraid to try new stuff]. All Pro and Memphis Wrestling Superstars has to be mentioned for drawing the biggest crowds.
----Other awards.
*Most Improved: Idol Bane, Cody Melton, Albino Rhino and Pappy
*Most Underrated: AJ Bradley, Mark Justice, Izzy Rotten, Dell Tucker, Psycho, Seth Knight, Christian Jacobs
*Rookie: Robbie Douglas, Greg King Jr, Cody Melton and Mike Anthony
*Best Booker: RWA Committee [Rik Burton], ASWF Committee, TIWF Committee [loved the police angle],Greg Anthony [great angles, great workrate, no crowd though] and Jeremy Moore.
*Match of the Year: Eric Wayne vs Kid Nikels [****1/4 – nuff said]
*Best Announcer: Terrence Ward, Michael Ward and Kimble Winstead
*Best Manager: Garry White [got so much heat he had to hurt someone], Jimmy Blaylock [Ken Wayne angle was great!!, "Classy" Meltin Massy, Rashard Devon.
*Best Wrestling Web Site: Dustin Starr’s “World of Wrestling Blog, www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
*Columnist of the Year: Sal Corrente
*Best Gimmick: “The Baron” Malkenvain
*Best Ref: Bill Rush, William Gibson
*Horizon Award: Cody Melton, Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Greg Anthony along with the obvious picks like Rodney Mack, Derrick King and Flash Flanagan.
Wrestler: I guess the list can not be complete without mentioning Derrick King, who is the two time winner of the award. I really believe Memphis Wrestling not airing every week has hurt him. He also took some time off at TLCW , so he might actually be the underdog in this award so far this year. My pick so far has to be Kevin White. That pick may surprise some people, but here is a guy that has worked hard all year not to only make a place for himself, but to keep wrestling in this area in tact. He has helped book some of the bigger shows and almost every match I have seen him in – he is has been above average.
Performer: Three names that come to my mind when I think of this – Stan Lee, Austin Lane and Greg Anthony. Anthony is my pick this year – no matter how many that are in the crowd – no matter where he is – he is giving 110%. Eric Wayne and Kid Nikels also get a nod here just for that one match. Flash Flanagan also should be considered.
Tag Team: Much like the Posse did to win this award last year, the most traveled team this year is “Asylum” [Arnez/Pappy/Psycho] – they might not be the best as workers, but are no doubt the most exposed team making them “the “team of the area. “Black Label Society” [AJ Bradley/Robbie Douglas] are my second pick just barely behind Asylum. BLS has helped the gates at every show that they have worked and their match against Stan Lee/Derrick King earlier this year would be a nominee for match of the year This team may not be one of my favorites, but Anton LeVeigh/Brandon Barbwire headlined a lot of high attendance All Pro shows this year.
Best Damn Tag Team: “Naughty by Nature” [Pokerface/Rude] have not tagged that much this year, but would still be considered one of the top working teams in this area. BLS should also be considered here and maybe Lee/DK. Parental Advisory ("Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs & "The Studd" Scott Porteau) would also be a pick here. I seen these guys have a [***] with midgets. LOL
Promotion: TLCW has not had the exposure or attendance as they did the last few years. My picks here would have to be TIWF [for pure weekly drawing], NBW [for steady gates and fun storylines] and ASWF [for drawing power and not being afraid to try new stuff]. All Pro and Memphis Wrestling Superstars has to be mentioned for drawing the biggest crowds.
----Other awards.
*Most Improved: Idol Bane, Cody Melton, Albino Rhino and Pappy
*Most Underrated: AJ Bradley, Mark Justice, Izzy Rotten, Dell Tucker, Psycho, Seth Knight, Christian Jacobs
*Rookie: Robbie Douglas, Greg King Jr, Cody Melton and Mike Anthony
*Best Booker: RWA Committee [Rik Burton], ASWF Committee, TIWF Committee [loved the police angle],Greg Anthony [great angles, great workrate, no crowd though] and Jeremy Moore.
*Match of the Year: Eric Wayne vs Kid Nikels [****1/4 – nuff said]
*Best Announcer: Terrence Ward, Michael Ward and Kimble Winstead
*Best Manager: Garry White [got so much heat he had to hurt someone], Jimmy Blaylock [Ken Wayne angle was great!!, "Classy" Meltin Massy, Rashard Devon.
*Best Wrestling Web Site: Dustin Starr’s “World of Wrestling Blog, www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
*Columnist of the Year: Sal Corrente
*Best Gimmick: “The Baron” Malkenvain
*Best Ref: Bill Rush, William Gibson
*Horizon Award: Cody Melton, Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Greg Anthony along with the obvious picks like Rodney Mack, Derrick King and Flash Flanagan.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 9.13.08 - New ASWF Tag Team Champions!!!

1st Match “Hot Rod” John Ellison -vs-Big Al
Hot Rod went after Al from the start with Al making a come back and Hot Rod hitting him with a super kick.Getting the123.
2nd Match Nikki Lane-vs- Morgan Williams
Match is back and forth form the open bell. Morgan challenges Nikki to a test of strength at which she won and even stomped on his fingers Morgan hits Nikki whit the Muscle Buster for the win.
3rd Match Johnny Hawk& Johnny Harper-vs-Scott Fury& DJ Stunner
Hawk and Harper keep the upper hand through out the match.
4th Match "LSD" [Cody Only - Idol Bane]-vs- Demon X& Tommy Wayne [pictured]
Demon X needed a partner with Wild Bill out of action.Tommy Wayne comes out to be his partner. Tommy Proved he was a fighting challanger Even hitting a top rope hurricarrana on Idol to give Demon x hot tag..Tommy had Idol set up to beat him but Cody only trips Tommy for him to stumble into the pile diver. LSD pins Tommy to become the new ASWF Tag team champs LSD tries to take Demon x out of wrestling, tommy gets chair and comes back in challenges them next week against the “Fraternity Row” - Chuck Fears and Tommy Wayne.
5th Match Six Man Tag
Austin Lane-vs-Casino Kid-vs-Ray Ray
Wild and crazy match. Casino hits both men with a double DDT and goes for the win, when XKaliber comes and jumps him and keeps him out of match.Austin hits his finisher on RayRay for the win and becomes the new ASWF Heavyweight Champion. Casino is taken out in an ambulance.
120 in crowd …X- Kaliber turning heal went over well. Tommy Announcing Him and Chuck are Fraternity Row over well…Nikki Lane wrestling Morgan Williams over well.
Credit: ASWF Ace
Shows This Weekend 9.18.08 to 9.20.08
----CLICK HERE for the regular schedule shows!! Below are three special shows that you could check out.

EWP proudly presents the former lead singer of the Legendary band The MISFITS (MICHALE GRAVES) this coming Thursday at the Fleatorium!! He will play a 30 minute set starting at 7:30 and a 45 minute set after the wrestling show!!
Main Event: 1st time in Fleatorium history the King of Knoxville SHANE WILLIAMS says he will face the King of the forest (A REAL LIVE BEAR)!!!!!!!!!!!! SHANE has garunteed safety to all the fans!!!
3 way tag-team dance for the EWP tag-team title!! ALI & BIG BULLY DOUGLAS(The DAWGS) vs DEATH ROW INMATES vs The POWER TRIPP!!!!! Whatever team gets the win gets the EWP title!!!!!!
Last week WAYNE ADKINS and KEITH KNOX beat down EWP champion SIGMON until BEAU JAMES agreed to give them a match with him and DOCTOR-X!
Next week KEITH KNOX & WAYNE ADKINS vs DOCTOR X & BEAU JAMES ( If Dr.X loses he will reveil his identity!!!)
Last week MENACE won the battle royal for top contendership in EWP!! ROBBIE RACE was the runner up so we decided to put these 2 together to see who gets a shot at the EWP title!! MENACE vs ROBBIE RACE
----RCW has the following in Parsons, TN.

----Memphis Wrestling in Byhalia, MS at the Byhalia Middle School with Koko Ware, Brian Christopher and Corey "Big Mooovvveee" Maclin.

EWP proudly presents the former lead singer of the Legendary band The MISFITS (MICHALE GRAVES) this coming Thursday at the Fleatorium!! He will play a 30 minute set starting at 7:30 and a 45 minute set after the wrestling show!!
Main Event: 1st time in Fleatorium history the King of Knoxville SHANE WILLIAMS says he will face the King of the forest (A REAL LIVE BEAR)!!!!!!!!!!!! SHANE has garunteed safety to all the fans!!!
3 way tag-team dance for the EWP tag-team title!! ALI & BIG BULLY DOUGLAS(The DAWGS) vs DEATH ROW INMATES vs The POWER TRIPP!!!!! Whatever team gets the win gets the EWP title!!!!!!
Last week WAYNE ADKINS and KEITH KNOX beat down EWP champion SIGMON until BEAU JAMES agreed to give them a match with him and DOCTOR-X!
Next week KEITH KNOX & WAYNE ADKINS vs DOCTOR X & BEAU JAMES ( If Dr.X loses he will reveil his identity!!!)
Last week MENACE won the battle royal for top contendership in EWP!! ROBBIE RACE was the runner up so we decided to put these 2 together to see who gets a shot at the EWP title!! MENACE vs ROBBIE RACE
----RCW has the following in Parsons, TN.

----Memphis Wrestling in Byhalia, MS at the Byhalia Middle School with Koko Ware, Brian Christopher and Corey "Big Mooovvveee" Maclin.
"Flashback" Sept 19, 1977 by Mark James
This Week’s Flashsback Highlights Sept 19, 1977 and we cover the first Memphis appearance of Handsome Jimmy Valiant.
31 Years ago this Friday, “Handsome” Jimmy Valiant rolled into Memphis and it would never be the same again.
Sept 19, 1977
I’ve been lucky enough to interview both Jimmy Valiant and promoter Jerry Jarrett about this time in Memphis Wrestling. Jimmy explained it was supposed to be a one shot deal for him. At the time Jimmy was working for Dick the Bruiser up in Illinois (the old WWA territory) and they didn’t have a Monday night show in their territory. Jarrett called Dick and asked for a good talking villain for the Southern Heavyweight Title tournament. Dick provided Jimmy Valiant.
Valiant had called into the Sat morning show and told the fans he was going to come to Memphis and take the title back to New York City, (so they would never see it again). Jimmy’s first match that Monday night was against “Superstar” Bill Dundee. Dundee had just finished a huge summer feud with Jerry Lawler. In many people’s eyes Dundee was the local favorite to win the belt. The Valiant-Dundee match took place and the fans seemed to really hate Jimmy Valiant. So much so that promoter Jerry Jarrett changed his plans. Originally, Mr Wrestling (Dick Steinborn) was supposed to go over in the Southern Title tourney and turn heel in the process (over Bill Dundee in the finals).
When the ref of the Valiant-Dundee draw flipped a coin to see who went on, the nod went to Valiant. In the finals, Jimmy Valiant got a highly contested win over Mr. Wrestling.
Results for Sep 19, 1977
If you go below the surface a little, the root of this was Jerry Jarrett’s decision to turn Jerry Lawler into a babyface. The previous week, Lawler had won his “retirement” match with “Superstar” Bill Dundee. Also, being this was Memphis and Elvis Presley had just died a few weeks earlier, Jarrett thought to incorporate all this into the “retirement angle”. Lawler talked about how life is short and he didn’t always want to be a wrestler, etc. He wanted to be a music star and this was his opportunity to do it. The fans bought it. In the final matches that Lawler had against Dundee, the attendance was near a sell-out each week. The fans never expected Lawler to go out on top, (which he did).
Results for Sept 13, 1977
A few weeks into Valiant’s reign as Southern champ, Jerry Lawler had a small concert at the beginning of the Monday night card. Valiant, in ultimate heel mode ended up busting a guitar over Lawler’s head. This of course led to the King coming back as a huge fan favorite and beginning a feud with Valiant that went on for many months.
Results for Oct 10, 1977
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – memphiswrestlinghistory.com - Click on his site and order his books!!
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN Results WrapUp 8.30.08 & 9.06.08
Aug 30th
The Show open with the Major Announcement for Legacy 2. At Legacy 2, NBW will be bringing in Former WWE Superstar Eugene. Seth Knight comes out to many boos from the crowd. (He has new music tho.) Seth Knight says he is the best champion to ever wrestle in NBW. He says if he has to, he will slap the taste out of Eugene's mouth. Allen Walker informs Knight he will have a Gauntlet match tonight against 3 mystery opponents.
The ring clears for the first match. John "Biscuit" Roberts defeated The Kid via pin fall Good match with a lot of near falls. Finish came when Biscuit reversed the pin on Kid, and Money Mike and Rajah helped Biscuit get the pin. After the match, "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards came down and beat down Kid, locking in The Trip to Shangri-La. Edwards threatened to hurt The Kid if Lil Tim Alfonso didn't come to the ring. Lil Tim hit the ring.
Lil Tim Alfonso defeated "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards via pin fall. Edwards dominated the match, but with the last of his energy and The Kid distracting Edwards, Lil Tim was able to use The One Hitter on Edwards for the 3 count. After the match, Edwards beat down Lil Tim.
No Count Out - No Time Limit #1 Contenders Match for High Risk Title Jeremy Moore and Galon Ray wrestled to a Double DQ. These guys wrestled each other move for move. Finish came when Biscuit came down to get involved. Moore and Ray tried to clothesline Biscuit, but he ducked and they hit the referee causing a Double DQ. After the match, Allen Walker made a match for next week. It will be a Triple Threat Match. Biscuit vs. Jeremy Moore vs Galon Ray. Moore and Ray beat down Biscuit after posing with the title.
The SOB's came down to the ring. Kilo says that the SOB's were cheated out of the Tag team titles. The SOB's threaten a sit out if they don't get what they want. Kilo, fed up with the crowd, states they are invoking their rematch clause, Tonight. It will be The SOB's vs
Motley Cruz and Danny B. Goode for the tag title rematch.
Seth Knight comes down for the Gauntlet Match. Seth Knight defeats Shannon Lee via pin fall. Good opener for this Gauntlet. Finish came when Seth hit Lee with The Silencer off the top rope for the 3 count. Seth Knight defeated Galon Ray via pin fall. Great second match. Finish came when Seth hit Galon with his wrestling trophy for the pin. And the third opponent is.... Erik Hayes... Seth Knight defeated Erik Hayes via pin fall. Good Finish to the gauntlet. Finish came when Seth hit the KickStand Blaster on Hayes.
Tag Team Championship Match Motley Cruz and Danny B. Goode Defeated the SOB's (Mark Justice and Kilo) to retain the Tag Team championships Match of the Night. Great match with these 2 teams, The SOB's went to town on Motley, until Danny got the tag. Finish came when The SOB's hit the Death Spiral on Motley and Danny hit the Blockbuster on Mark Justice. Kilo pinned Motley and Danny pinned Mark. 1....2...(Motley kicks out at the last second, hand comes down for the 3). Danny and Motley retain against the SOB's. Upset at the decision, The SOB's beat down Motley and Danny until Galon Ray, The Kid, and Shannon Lee come down to save them.
September 6th
Big Tim defeats Shannon Lee via submission
The Kid defeated The Samoan Raja via pin fall
Biscuit defeated Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray to retain High Risk Championship
Eric Hayes defeats Kilo via DQ
Motley Cruz defeats Mark Justice via DQ
Seth Knight defeats Danny B Goode to retain NBW Heavyweight championship
Credit: Chad Heart
----This group is still drawing in the 70 to 100 range...Hope to have results from this past weekend up by the end of the week.
The Show open with the Major Announcement for Legacy 2. At Legacy 2, NBW will be bringing in Former WWE Superstar Eugene. Seth Knight comes out to many boos from the crowd. (He has new music tho.) Seth Knight says he is the best champion to ever wrestle in NBW. He says if he has to, he will slap the taste out of Eugene's mouth. Allen Walker informs Knight he will have a Gauntlet match tonight against 3 mystery opponents.
The ring clears for the first match. John "Biscuit" Roberts defeated The Kid via pin fall Good match with a lot of near falls. Finish came when Biscuit reversed the pin on Kid, and Money Mike and Rajah helped Biscuit get the pin. After the match, "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards came down and beat down Kid, locking in The Trip to Shangri-La. Edwards threatened to hurt The Kid if Lil Tim Alfonso didn't come to the ring. Lil Tim hit the ring.
Lil Tim Alfonso defeated "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards via pin fall. Edwards dominated the match, but with the last of his energy and The Kid distracting Edwards, Lil Tim was able to use The One Hitter on Edwards for the 3 count. After the match, Edwards beat down Lil Tim.
No Count Out - No Time Limit #1 Contenders Match for High Risk Title Jeremy Moore and Galon Ray wrestled to a Double DQ. These guys wrestled each other move for move. Finish came when Biscuit came down to get involved. Moore and Ray tried to clothesline Biscuit, but he ducked and they hit the referee causing a Double DQ. After the match, Allen Walker made a match for next week. It will be a Triple Threat Match. Biscuit vs. Jeremy Moore vs Galon Ray. Moore and Ray beat down Biscuit after posing with the title.
The SOB's came down to the ring. Kilo says that the SOB's were cheated out of the Tag team titles. The SOB's threaten a sit out if they don't get what they want. Kilo, fed up with the crowd, states they are invoking their rematch clause, Tonight. It will be The SOB's vs
Motley Cruz and Danny B. Goode for the tag title rematch.
Seth Knight comes down for the Gauntlet Match. Seth Knight defeats Shannon Lee via pin fall. Good opener for this Gauntlet. Finish came when Seth hit Lee with The Silencer off the top rope for the 3 count. Seth Knight defeated Galon Ray via pin fall. Great second match. Finish came when Seth hit Galon with his wrestling trophy for the pin. And the third opponent is.... Erik Hayes... Seth Knight defeated Erik Hayes via pin fall. Good Finish to the gauntlet. Finish came when Seth hit the KickStand Blaster on Hayes.
Tag Team Championship Match Motley Cruz and Danny B. Goode Defeated the SOB's (Mark Justice and Kilo) to retain the Tag Team championships Match of the Night. Great match with these 2 teams, The SOB's went to town on Motley, until Danny got the tag. Finish came when The SOB's hit the Death Spiral on Motley and Danny hit the Blockbuster on Mark Justice. Kilo pinned Motley and Danny pinned Mark. 1....2...(Motley kicks out at the last second, hand comes down for the 3). Danny and Motley retain against the SOB's. Upset at the decision, The SOB's beat down Motley and Danny until Galon Ray, The Kid, and Shannon Lee come down to save them.
September 6th
Big Tim defeats Shannon Lee via submission
The Kid defeated The Samoan Raja via pin fall
Biscuit defeated Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray to retain High Risk Championship
Eric Hayes defeats Kilo via DQ
Motley Cruz defeats Mark Justice via DQ
Seth Knight defeats Danny B Goode to retain NBW Heavyweight championship
Credit: Chad Heart
----This group is still drawing in the 70 to 100 range...Hope to have results from this past weekend up by the end of the week.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cheap Heat by Gene Jackson 9/16/08
Yes, I'm still alive! Several people have emailed me asking where I've been and what's the status of Cheap Heat Radio so I finally got around to getting a chance to write a column so here's the answer. Well as usual one of the biggest issues has been a crazy work schedule. The other is my wife has been having health problems again and had to have a stent put into her heart and her doctor currently has her on a medical leave from work so things have been kinda busy around the house these days.
The other reason I haven't been doing the radio show is with all that going on I just haven't felt like doing it. In spite of the first show being more or less a 'gripe session' I think the new format with Neil and Izzy has a lot of potential if done correctly, perhaps sometime next month we'll get back on track with doing the radio show.

If you haven't done it yet do yourself a favor go out and pick up the new 'Life and times of Mr. Perfect' dvd set that WWE released this Tuesday. As I've said many times before while I don't really follow the current WWE product that closely these days I am a big fan of the WWE 24/7 channel and their dvd releases. This is another in a line of exceptional efforts on their part. I was a fan of Curt Hennig's from his time in the AWA straight through his career and the dvd provides a great documentary on not only his wrestling career but Curt as person with a lot of insight from his father Larry, his good friend Wade Boggs as well as his widow, and his oldest son Joe. Another reason everyone should buy this (especially workers) is a classic 60 minute match between Hennig and Bockwinkel. Awesome psychology and story telling as you really get the feel of a contest, if you watch these guys, there are so many litle subtle things that adds to the realism that you just don't see anymore. His matches with Bret Hart are clinics as well that young guys should study.

I mentioned WWE 24/7 earlier and this month is 'Forever Flair' month. All kinds of great Ric Flair matches and interviews. I finally saw the uncut version of his Hall of Fame speech, jeez he thanked everybody the Vince down to the janitor. All in all it was enjoyable to watch just a bit long winded. Watching this along with the recent Flair dvd makes it that much sadder when you read things like the story last week about the whole incident with him and his daughter and her boyfriend. Inside the ring the guy is a legend, outside he can't seem to stay out of trouble. I don't know that breaking ties with the WWE was a good thing for him, hopefully he'll get his act together and not let his outside shenanigans overshadow his legendary career, like Jake 'the Snake' Roberts has. I'm not even gonna chime in on that right now, enough has been posted about it all over the internet it's just really sad that one of the greatest minds and talented workers in wrestling's history has now become a laughing stock and an embarassment to the industry. I honestly don't know how the guy is still alive at this point.
Well I've had the opportunity to watch a couple of the new Memphis Wrestling episodes that have been posted. The jury is still out in my opinion. There's been some decent matches shown from the Northeast shows, I like the old matches being shown, I could do without the Wrestling Professor bit but it's not a huge deal. Hopefully once they start showing more current stuff it will be better than the last incarnation. I will continue to watch and see how things go.
The other reason I haven't been doing the radio show is with all that going on I just haven't felt like doing it. In spite of the first show being more or less a 'gripe session' I think the new format with Neil and Izzy has a lot of potential if done correctly, perhaps sometime next month we'll get back on track with doing the radio show.

If you haven't done it yet do yourself a favor go out and pick up the new 'Life and times of Mr. Perfect' dvd set that WWE released this Tuesday. As I've said many times before while I don't really follow the current WWE product that closely these days I am a big fan of the WWE 24/7 channel and their dvd releases. This is another in a line of exceptional efforts on their part. I was a fan of Curt Hennig's from his time in the AWA straight through his career and the dvd provides a great documentary on not only his wrestling career but Curt as person with a lot of insight from his father Larry, his good friend Wade Boggs as well as his widow, and his oldest son Joe. Another reason everyone should buy this (especially workers) is a classic 60 minute match between Hennig and Bockwinkel. Awesome psychology and story telling as you really get the feel of a contest, if you watch these guys, there are so many litle subtle things that adds to the realism that you just don't see anymore. His matches with Bret Hart are clinics as well that young guys should study.

I mentioned WWE 24/7 earlier and this month is 'Forever Flair' month. All kinds of great Ric Flair matches and interviews. I finally saw the uncut version of his Hall of Fame speech, jeez he thanked everybody the Vince down to the janitor. All in all it was enjoyable to watch just a bit long winded. Watching this along with the recent Flair dvd makes it that much sadder when you read things like the story last week about the whole incident with him and his daughter and her boyfriend. Inside the ring the guy is a legend, outside he can't seem to stay out of trouble. I don't know that breaking ties with the WWE was a good thing for him, hopefully he'll get his act together and not let his outside shenanigans overshadow his legendary career, like Jake 'the Snake' Roberts has. I'm not even gonna chime in on that right now, enough has been posted about it all over the internet it's just really sad that one of the greatest minds and talented workers in wrestling's history has now become a laughing stock and an embarassment to the industry. I honestly don't know how the guy is still alive at this point.
Well I've had the opportunity to watch a couple of the new Memphis Wrestling episodes that have been posted. The jury is still out in my opinion. There's been some decent matches shown from the Northeast shows, I like the old matches being shown, I could do without the Wrestling Professor bit but it's not a huge deal. Hopefully once they start showing more current stuff it will be better than the last incarnation. I will continue to watch and see how things go.
Monday, September 15, 2008
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 9.13.09
The show started off with a 10 bell salute for Justin Outlaw, Roughhouse Fargo, and Killer Kowalski.
"Monkey Boy" Danny Morris defeated Bonecrusher with help from 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler).
24/7 won a fatal four way Tag team match over "Dangerous" David Cox & Izzy Rotten, The Revolution (Chazz & Cyrus), & The Executioners (Axe & Dagger). 24/7 gets a shot at the EPW tag team belts whenever they want it. Decent Match.
In a match for the EPW championship, Tysin Starr defeated "Prime Time" Nick Grimes by DQ due to interference by David Cox. Grimes retains the belt. Good match.
Next was Cassanova Kid challenging "The Future" Chris Styles for the EPW Extreme Championship. Styles won by DQ - he retains the belt.
The main event was a fans bring the weapons street fight for the EPW Tag Team Championship, The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) challenging PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine). This was a wild and bloody match. The fans were well equipped with weapons, including a 2 x 8, a hammer, metal chairs, jumper cables, a fan belt, a lug wrench, and numerous other items, all of which were used during the match. Eventually the Ghost Riders were able to win the match and become the new EPW Tag Team Champions. Good hardcore action.
Rodney Mack and Angel of Sin will be coming to EPW on Saturday night, 9/27/08! More information soon! Make plans now to be there, you don't want to miss this one!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
"Monkey Boy" Danny Morris defeated Bonecrusher with help from 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler).
24/7 won a fatal four way Tag team match over "Dangerous" David Cox & Izzy Rotten, The Revolution (Chazz & Cyrus), & The Executioners (Axe & Dagger). 24/7 gets a shot at the EPW tag team belts whenever they want it. Decent Match.
In a match for the EPW championship, Tysin Starr defeated "Prime Time" Nick Grimes by DQ due to interference by David Cox. Grimes retains the belt. Good match.
Next was Cassanova Kid challenging "The Future" Chris Styles for the EPW Extreme Championship. Styles won by DQ - he retains the belt.
The main event was a fans bring the weapons street fight for the EPW Tag Team Championship, The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) challenging PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine). This was a wild and bloody match. The fans were well equipped with weapons, including a 2 x 8, a hammer, metal chairs, jumper cables, a fan belt, a lug wrench, and numerous other items, all of which were used during the match. Eventually the Ghost Riders were able to win the match and become the new EPW Tag Team Champions. Good hardcore action.
Rodney Mack and Angel of Sin will be coming to EPW on Saturday night, 9/27/08! More information soon! Make plans now to be there, you don't want to miss this one!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
RassleResults: SPWA Pulaski, TN 9.12.08
Main Event: SPWA TV Title Match
Johnathan Cross vs. Brawler Rex(Champion) w/ Jim Casey
Johnathan won by DQ when Caesy ran in the ring and hit him with a cane
Semi-Main Event: Special Challenge Match
Cameron vs. Heavy D
Cameron pinned Heavy D
Third Match: Singles Match
Little Bob vs. Heavy D
Both wrestlers were counted out of the ring
Second Match: Third Round of the SPWA Tag Title Tournament
New Blood vs. Brawler Rex & Johnathan Cross
Brawler Rex refused to tag Johnathan and left the ring. Travis hit Johnathan with a DDT and pinned him. New Blood advances to the finals.
Opening Match: Singles Match
Bounty Hunter Mark vs. Hoss Williams w/ Jim Casey
Hoss Williams won by DQ when Johnny Berry ran in the ring with a chair and tried to hit him.
Credit: Hoss Williams @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Johnathan Cross vs. Brawler Rex(Champion) w/ Jim Casey
Johnathan won by DQ when Caesy ran in the ring and hit him with a cane
Semi-Main Event: Special Challenge Match
Cameron vs. Heavy D
Cameron pinned Heavy D
Third Match: Singles Match
Little Bob vs. Heavy D
Both wrestlers were counted out of the ring
Second Match: Third Round of the SPWA Tag Title Tournament
New Blood vs. Brawler Rex & Johnathan Cross
Brawler Rex refused to tag Johnathan and left the ring. Travis hit Johnathan with a DDT and pinned him. New Blood advances to the finals.
Opening Match: Singles Match
Bounty Hunter Mark vs. Hoss Williams w/ Jim Casey
Hoss Williams won by DQ when Johnny Berry ran in the ring with a chair and tried to hit him.
Credit: Hoss Williams @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
MLW October 4th, 2008 Tupelo, MS!!!!
Main Event M L W Title Match
"Mean" Tasha Simone Vs Lil Su Yung
Little Jeanne vs Brand Wine
Mystery Opponent Vs Sarah Lynn
Hellena Heavenly Vs SinD
Alere Little Feather Vs.Josie
Misty James Vs.Rock N Roll Rock C
12 Big Stars of Female Wrestling
Guaranteed Great Night of Action
Ticke ts 10.00 at the door
7:30 pm Bell time
TFW Arena in Tupelo, MS
Card subject to change
"Mean" Tasha Simone Vs Lil Su Yung
Little Jeanne vs Brand Wine
Mystery Opponent Vs Sarah Lynn
Hellena Heavenly Vs SinD
Alere Little Feather Vs.Josie
Misty James Vs.Rock N Roll Rock C
12 Big Stars of Female Wrestling
Guaranteed Great Night of Action
Ticke ts 10.00 at the door
7:30 pm Bell time
TFW Arena in Tupelo, MS
Card subject to change
Coming This Week!!
----Just wanted to make note of a few things to look for this week on www.rronews.com.
--Coach's Corner "2008 - 2/3 Gone - Who Are The Award Leaders?"
--Follow up to the MRSA story, which is has brought in a lot of e-mail and calls on the subject.
--Coach's Corner "2008 - 2/3 Gone - Who Are The Award Leaders?"
--Follow up to the MRSA story, which is has brought in a lot of e-mail and calls on the subject.
Lawler Draws Big Crowd at Autograph Signing - 8 People Attend!!
----Larry Goodman posted earlier about Jerry Lawler's appearance at the Prime Time show. Here is a report about his personal appearance earlier that day - that "King" was huge draw!! LOL
I drove about an hour and half To Columbus, GA yesterday for the Jerry "King" Lawler signing at Bill Heard dealership. I wasn't disappointed, I arrived a half hour before the signing and Jerry was just arriving in his limo. They took him to the back to take some publicity shots for the car dealership. But the greeter let us sit in the front lounge to wait so there was no line. They did the set up in the front of the store. There must have been eight people there sitting in chairs. When he came out he greeted all of us. The King was such a cool nice guy and made some jokes about his opponent that night. He even asked if my wife wanted to take a picture with him, but she said no thank you because she was sick. I mean the guy had a match later on she didn't want to get him sick. I felt bad, she might've hurt the Kings ego.Im so glad I had the chance to meet him, because I missed the chance at Wrestlemania in Orlando. By the time I arrived at the Block party they closed the line for the King with about 500 people still in line. So yesterdays signing with only 8 people there I felt bad for the guy, but definitely enjoyed my time with the king. Got to love 2nd chances. I really felt bad for the promoter who brought him in, because he must've paid a fortune to bring him in to this small town.
Angel Ramos Americus, GA
Author : Georgiann Makropoulos
Date : 09/13/2008 (03:50:24 PM)
Here is a report on Lawler and Chyna signing from last weekend! I did not attend her signing with J&J Collectibles but I did mail in and got my book and photos back yesterday
ok well
Yesterday I attended the signing for Jerry Lawler! I was shocked! I got there right when the signing started and I never do this because the lines are usually out of control at that point! I walked into the dealership and I actually counted 8 people. They were scattered around sitting in plush seats waiting on Jerry! I could not believe the low turn out! I guess because it was a Friday and all the kiddies were in school. The lowest turnout that I had ever seen b4 then was around 100 people and the most was around 1000. That was for the Hardys and Cena!
Jerry soon walked in after getting out of his white limo and was in great spirits! He lit up the room as soon as he walked in! He was real imp ressed with my work and wanted to see more! Unfortunately this was a new book so I did not have anything else to show him. I'm still kicking myself in the butt because I was meaning to grab another sketchbook b4 I left! We talked about the new wrestling comic that he is illustrating! It comes out in Oct he said! He asked me if I was staying around for the show after but I needed to get back on road for my hour1/2 drive back home! Great time..Great Man. I always like getting feedback from other artists! So it was a great treat to be able to converse with Jerry and also Jeff Hardy at a previous signing!
I drove about an hour and half To Columbus, GA yesterday for the Jerry "King" Lawler signing at Bill Heard dealership. I wasn't disappointed, I arrived a half hour before the signing and Jerry was just arriving in his limo. They took him to the back to take some publicity shots for the car dealership. But the greeter let us sit in the front lounge to wait so there was no line. They did the set up in the front of the store. There must have been eight people there sitting in chairs. When he came out he greeted all of us. The King was such a cool nice guy and made some jokes about his opponent that night. He even asked if my wife wanted to take a picture with him, but she said no thank you because she was sick. I mean the guy had a match later on she didn't want to get him sick. I felt bad, she might've hurt the Kings ego.Im so glad I had the chance to meet him, because I missed the chance at Wrestlemania in Orlando. By the time I arrived at the Block party they closed the line for the King with about 500 people still in line. So yesterdays signing with only 8 people there I felt bad for the guy, but definitely enjoyed my time with the king. Got to love 2nd chances. I really felt bad for the promoter who brought him in, because he must've paid a fortune to bring him in to this small town.
Angel Ramos Americus, GA
Author : Georgiann Makropoulos
Date : 09/13/2008 (03:50:24 PM)
Here is a report on Lawler and Chyna signing from last weekend! I did not attend her signing with J&J Collectibles but I did mail in and got my book and photos back yesterday
ok well
Yesterday I attended the signing for Jerry Lawler! I was shocked! I got there right when the signing started and I never do this because the lines are usually out of control at that point! I walked into the dealership and I actually counted 8 people. They were scattered around sitting in plush seats waiting on Jerry! I could not believe the low turn out! I guess because it was a Friday and all the kiddies were in school. The lowest turnout that I had ever seen b4 then was around 100 people and the most was around 1000. That was for the Hardys and Cena!
Jerry soon walked in after getting out of his white limo and was in great spirits! He lit up the room as soon as he walked in! He was real imp ressed with my work and wanted to see more! Unfortunately this was a new book so I did not have anything else to show him. I'm still kicking myself in the butt because I was meaning to grab another sketchbook b4 I left! We talked about the new wrestling comic that he is illustrating! It comes out in Oct he said! He asked me if I was staying around for the show after but I needed to get back on road for my hour1/2 drive back home! Great time..Great Man. I always like getting feedback from other artists! So it was a great treat to be able to converse with Jerry and also Jeff Hardy at a previous signing!
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 9.13.08
The opening of the show saw Sarge O'Reilly come out with his manager from XOW Tony Dabbs and interrupted Drew MaGruders intro. Sarge incited the crowd saying that he would take the TIWF title from Simon Reed. Sarge let the crowd know that he wanted to be known as Sarge-o-licious from now on. Security had to walk both to the back.
Tank Turner def. Bobby “ The Butcherman” Smith
Good match between these two as Butcherman used the chain most of the match. Tank wins with a swinging neckbreaker followed by a top rope fist drop.
"Big Nasty" [Dazzlin Dixie/Big Boy Bob] def. Criss Braggs and Hostile Brian Michaels
This was the first time pairing of Michaels and Braggs and their timing seemed off. Big Nasty dominated as usual and one with the Nasty Drop for the 1..2..3
Hardknocks Hooligan def. Chico Mendoza
The crowd was behind Chico all the way in this revenge match. The previous week, Hardknocks let Chico take a beating from Big Nasty and refused to tag in. At the end of that match, Knocks hit Chico with a chair, thus setting up this revenge match. Knocks however was able to roll Chico up and hold the ropes to secure the victory.
Lawman Williams© def. The Outlaw
Lawman was able to withstand all the cheating of the Outlaw to win the match with a pedigree.
Way Cool and Shawn Reed def. PK Ripper and Buckwild Bill
This match was fast paced and exciting. Most of the time it seemed like all four were in there at the same time. Wildside came out during this match and sat in the crowd and seemed to be intently focused on Way Cool. Way Cool used a short arm reverse on PK and put him in the Cool Breeze for the 1..2..3
#1 Contenders Match for the TV Title
Royale Executioner vs. Dirty Sanchez vs. Byron Wilcott vs. Jodi Allen
This match was a four way match with loss by pinfall, submission or countout. Byron Wilcott faced off against the much smaller Sanchez while Allen and Executioner went to the floor. Byron tossed Sanchez into the stands during this match. End of the match saw Royale Executioner pin Sanchez to become the new #1 contender.
Simon Reed def. Sarge –o-Licious by DQ
This match had Sarge putting the XOW title up against the TIWF title. The match was pretty even until Tony Dabbs interfered. A DQ was the ruling in the match and Simon was left laying until Shawn Reed and Lawman Williams made the save. Sarge got on the mic and threatened to bring some of his friends.
-- Dirty Sanchez debuts in TIWF.
--Sarge vows to bring friends to TIWF to handle business
-- ---Byron Wilcott returns in Aug..
---- AC Havoc was a no show..
-- -- TIWF joins the AIWF as the Midsouth affiliate.
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation TV can be seen on E+TV6 each
Every Sat. at noon and Primetime at 6 p.m.
website at http://www.tiwf.org
Quick Results: By Steven Hunter
----Wow!! What a crowd!!...Was it Tony Watts or Dabbs??...PK Ripper did a job!!! Thank you very much. LOL
Tank Turner def. Bobby “ The Butcherman” Smith
Good match between these two as Butcherman used the chain most of the match. Tank wins with a swinging neckbreaker followed by a top rope fist drop.
"Big Nasty" [Dazzlin Dixie/Big Boy Bob] def. Criss Braggs and Hostile Brian Michaels
This was the first time pairing of Michaels and Braggs and their timing seemed off. Big Nasty dominated as usual and one with the Nasty Drop for the 1..2..3
Hardknocks Hooligan def. Chico Mendoza
The crowd was behind Chico all the way in this revenge match. The previous week, Hardknocks let Chico take a beating from Big Nasty and refused to tag in. At the end of that match, Knocks hit Chico with a chair, thus setting up this revenge match. Knocks however was able to roll Chico up and hold the ropes to secure the victory.
Lawman Williams© def. The Outlaw
Lawman was able to withstand all the cheating of the Outlaw to win the match with a pedigree.
Way Cool and Shawn Reed def. PK Ripper and Buckwild Bill
This match was fast paced and exciting. Most of the time it seemed like all four were in there at the same time. Wildside came out during this match and sat in the crowd and seemed to be intently focused on Way Cool. Way Cool used a short arm reverse on PK and put him in the Cool Breeze for the 1..2..3
#1 Contenders Match for the TV Title
Royale Executioner vs. Dirty Sanchez vs. Byron Wilcott vs. Jodi Allen
This match was a four way match with loss by pinfall, submission or countout. Byron Wilcott faced off against the much smaller Sanchez while Allen and Executioner went to the floor. Byron tossed Sanchez into the stands during this match. End of the match saw Royale Executioner pin Sanchez to become the new #1 contender.
Simon Reed def. Sarge –o-Licious by DQ
This match had Sarge putting the XOW title up against the TIWF title. The match was pretty even until Tony Dabbs interfered. A DQ was the ruling in the match and Simon was left laying until Shawn Reed and Lawman Williams made the save. Sarge got on the mic and threatened to bring some of his friends.
-- Dirty Sanchez debuts in TIWF.
--Sarge vows to bring friends to TIWF to handle business
-- ---Byron Wilcott returns in Aug..
---- AC Havoc was a no show..
-- -- TIWF joins the AIWF as the Midsouth affiliate.
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation TV can be seen on E+TV6 each
Every Sat. at noon and Primetime at 6 p.m.
website at http://www.tiwf.org
Quick Results: By Steven Hunter
----Wow!! What a crowd!!...Was it Tony Watts or Dabbs??...PK Ripper did a job!!! Thank you very much. LOL
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 9.13.08
16 attended the festivities
Travis Starr b Davey Wright and Violent T in a 3-way when Starr pinned Wright
White Tiger vs Kevin Dunn went to a double countout when they brawled outside the ring
Chris Norte b Travis Starr
Michael Jablonski & Anthony Wayne b Kid Dynamite & Little Booger when Wayne pinned Booger
Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) b LT Falk by DQ when Falk picked up Renesto's chain and hit him with it in full view of the ref
Michael Jablonski & Anthony Wayne & White Tiger vs Kid Dynamite & Kevin Dunn & Chris Norte went to a no-contest when Charming Charles brought Snake Jones out and unleashed Jones to clear the ring
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
----Please tell me WHY DO THEY CONTINUE TO RUN????
Travis Starr b Davey Wright and Violent T in a 3-way when Starr pinned Wright
White Tiger vs Kevin Dunn went to a double countout when they brawled outside the ring
Chris Norte b Travis Starr
Michael Jablonski & Anthony Wayne b Kid Dynamite & Little Booger when Wayne pinned Booger
Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) b LT Falk by DQ when Falk picked up Renesto's chain and hit him with it in full view of the ref
Michael Jablonski & Anthony Wayne & White Tiger vs Kid Dynamite & Kevin Dunn & Chris Norte went to a no-contest when Charming Charles brought Snake Jones out and unleashed Jones to clear the ring
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
----Please tell me WHY DO THEY CONTINUE TO RUN????
Sunday, September 14, 2008
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 9.12.08 - New TFW Champion!!

The show started with a 10 bell salute for Justin Outlaw, who passed away the previous Sunday.
Chris Fontaine defeated Chris Chaos.
Tysin Starr defeated LSD.
DC defeated Jay Webster.
Pappy defeated Ryan SoFine by DQ when Parental Advisory interfered.
Little Guys, Inc. (Lil' Devil & Kid J) defeated Parental Advisory ("Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs & "The Studd" Scott Porteau) to win the TFW Tag Team Championship.
"The Future" Chris Styles, Josh Matthews, & "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore w/Bad Boy Burns won by DQ over Mo Foundation (Curly Mo, G-Mo Money, & "Dangerous David Cox) w/Dirty Rell Mo in a wild match that saw Kilgore injured at the hands of David Cox. Dirty Rell Mo was handcuffed to TFW Promoter Denise Blaylock for most of the match, but she was knocked out and Dirty got free just in time to wreak havoc. Very good, wild match.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor defeated Chop Top the Clown to become the new TFW Heavyweight Champion.
Credit: Photo & story: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewcenter.com
Jerkin' The Curtain NWAME & SAW TV recaps + Yak it up Monday Sept. 15th @ 10 PM CST.
Listen into Jerkin' The Curtain Monday night September, 15th as Tommy Stewart and I will recap and review the September 13th episodes of NWA Main Event & SAW TV. We'll give our unbiased opinions of both shows, and declare a winner for the week. Also, if anyone want to call in and discuss any subject, wrestling or non-wrestling related, please feel free. The number is 347-945-5503. If you missed last weeks show, the archive is available of course, but here's the results for the shows that aired September 6th......
Tommy Stewart:
NWA Main Event: Thumbs down
SAW: Thumbs up
Tommy obviously picked SAW as the easy winner for this week.
NWA Main Event: Low thumbs in the middle
SAW: Upper thumbs in the middle
I too picked SAW as an easy winner. NWA Main Event at least had an entry this week somehow, someway, but it wasn't a strong one. The standings since we started these reviews are as follows. Cya Monday night. Trent Van Drisse
SAW: 9 NWAME: 4 Draw: 3
Tommy Stewart:
NWA Main Event: Thumbs down
SAW: Thumbs up
Tommy obviously picked SAW as the easy winner for this week.
NWA Main Event: Low thumbs in the middle
SAW: Upper thumbs in the middle
I too picked SAW as an easy winner. NWA Main Event at least had an entry this week somehow, someway, but it wasn't a strong one. The standings since we started these reviews are as follows. Cya Monday night. Trent Van Drisse
SAW: 9 NWAME: 4 Draw: 3
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