----Discussion on the message board brought forth the idea for this edition of Coach’s Corner. The TV ratings I always given was being called into question and said that they were bullshit. I had a visitor [I have no idea who it was] who backed up my ratings that works in media in the Jackson area. My ratings that I have done almost the whole time this site has been existence is solely based on the Memphis airing of the show. I am sure that everyone knew that, but for someone reason because I have not included the Jackson ratings, then they are considered bogus. I do not get Jackson ratings and if I did, then I could add them. My ratings are given to me in Excel format from a friend who is sent them by Nielsen TV Ratings system. They are as legit as they get.
----The Memphis market is #47 in the DMA ranking. DMA = US TV Household Estimates Designated Market Area. What does this number mean?? It is what advertisers will see when picking what markets to air commercials for their product. It will also depend on your rating on the cost you might charge for a commercial, if you are a TV station. If I have a #1 DMA ranking – that is New York, NY – then a commercial airing on a TV show in that market could probably charge more than a TV show airing in the Memphis market. Your DMA ranking is also determine by how many households that you may reach with your programs. Here are the three markets that Memphis Wrestling is seen on a weekly basis.
-#47 – Memphis, TN – 667,980 households
-#133 – Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS – 186,100 households
-#174 – Jackson, TN – 96,350 households
----As you can see by the number differences, the Memphis market is a much more important market than the two other ones. I have been told that the other two markets do not provide overnight ratings and if I wanted to get them from Nielsen TV group, then they would cost me $100,000 a year. So, that is the main reason I never included the Jackson viewing area and because they did not provide the number to me. Here are a few other numbers to digest.
-Last week’s Memphis show had a HUT [households using television] of 64.5, a 4 share and a 2.7 rating. Here is what that means – there are 430,789 potential households with 16,789 viewers per 1.0 coming in at 45,330 viewers.
----I took the above info and adjusted it to the other two markets.
-Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS
-If it scored a 64.5 HUT, a 4 share and 2.7 rating, then you would have 120,034 potential households with 4801 viewers per 1.0 coming in at 13,060.
-Jackson, TN
--If it scored a 64.5 HUT, a 4 share and 2.7 rating, then you would have 62,146 potential households with 2,486 viewers per 1.0 coming in at 6712 viewers.
----As you can see, the two markets, if they are scoring the same as the Memphis show they would be adding some to the 3.0 average 50,000 viewers. This is all guessing on the two numbers from the other markets, because I do not have actual numbers. If it does score as good as it does in the Memphis market, then you are looking at 36% more viewers each week – over 19,000 new viewers. Is that feasible?? Maybe. You can also see why the promotion just relies on the Memphis market rating to promote to draw the people in the other markets to come see wrestling live closer to Memphis. The Jackson number would have been a total of 6,712 this week if it scored the same, which is just a half a point in the Memphis market.
----Clear as mud?? I hope I did a good job explaining the rating process in this late Saturday night/Sunday morning edition of “Coach’s Corner.” My final note in all of this is the actual system of ratings has always been in question from me and others. How can Neilson give that info when they are only getting a sample of the people?? The answer is simple – they just do and EVERYONE goes by these numbers. TV shows are canceled and brought back at times when they find out that more people were watching them than they knew. And, with the age of TIVO, it really does make it harder to take these numbers as the gospel.
Want To Discuss Ratings?? Visit the RRO Message Board and VOICE YOUR OPINION!! CLICK HERE
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 10.13.07
----Corey Maclin is joined again this week with Reggie B Fine!! Maclin opens the show with clips from last week of Brian Christopher/Ali vs “Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] with Gladiator interfering. Brian C/Ali – interview. Good interview.
----“Opening The Vault” with “Moondogs” [Cujo/Spot] with Richard Lee brawl with Jeff Jarrett/Billy Travis. They brawled out to the back of the TV studio. Good clip. Sad that three of the five involved in this angle are dead.
----Kevin White/Sue Young/Mr. White interview. White does well here telling Jerry Lawler that he caused an international incident last week by putting his hands on Young. He said if a man did that to a woman in Young’s country, they would either cut off his finger or execute him. White said, he was going to going to execute Lawler and called Renee a bimbo. Young talked a bit. Very strong interview from Kevin. Mr. White said leaving that Lawler had broke his jaw last week.
----Derrick King/Johnny Dotson/Rashard Devon – interview. DK gives Corey a check. Corey says it must be from Curley Womack, but they censored Womack’s name out this week. King/Dotson beat Tatt2/Crime. Good bout. Heat was on Tatt2, but very little. Almost all babyface shine. Both teams looked good. Finish had hot tag to Crime with Rashard distracting the ref and DK superkicking Crime for the pin. DK/Dotson beat up Tatt2/Crime after the match – Dustin Starr & Chris Lexx make the save.
----Lawler video interview filmed in his yard. Lawler talks about Young and Mr. White. He calls White a “Nature Boy ripoff.” Lawler challenges White for next week.
----Brian C/Ali vs Kevin White/Gladiator with Young/Mr. White. Not good. One spot Ali went to hit the Gladiator in the corner and the ref was suppose to grab his arm, but he didn’t and Ali threw the punch anyway – looked bad. Heat was on Brian C. Hot tag looked real sloppy. Ali was going to powerbomb the Gladiator, but Young jumped on his back. Brian took her from his back to putting her on his shoulders. She was screaming and before he bumped her, TK2 jumped Ali/Brian.
----TK2 – interview. They get up on the ring and start yelling at the crowd, when Ali/Brian C jump them from behind and brawl around the desk. Brian C then grabs Fine and throws him in the ring and gives him a nut shot. None of this looked good.
---- Dustin Starr/Chris Lexx beat “Insane Clowns” [Giggles/Bobo] with Rashard by DQ. Not as good as expected out of this bout. It was rushed, but it was not as bad as the bout before it. Heat on Starr with a hot tag to Lexx. Lexx came off the top rope and had Giggles pinned, when Rashard hit Lexx with their paint bucket in front of the ref. They tried to hit Starr with it after the bout, but he ducked and Bobo got it.
----Brian C has toned down the last two weeks with Ali and has done good interviews…Young is toned down a bit this week also. They still have mention she is from Asia, but not as racist as the first few weeks. Young was not great on the mic, but not bad for the second time on TV…Fine was trying to run his own angle about talking to Tatt2…Gladiator is K-Hill, who worked her as a jobber and part of the “Men in Black” gimmick. Three gimmicks in his first year…Maclin when talking about Mr. White saying he broke his jaw and said that Mr. White probably went down there and filed assault charges with Sal Corrente…Clowns came out with a baby doll [It was not a Kayte doll – it had two arms!!] that Rashard called the Chris Lexx action doll and other toys…First 30 minutes of this show was real good, but the last 30 minutes was lackluster. Not as good as last week, but they did continue with all storylines and built stuff for next week. It looks like we will have Lawler vs White in some kind of match and Fine/mystery partner vs Brian C/Ali…Fine was horrible again this week.
----“Opening The Vault” with “Moondogs” [Cujo/Spot] with Richard Lee brawl with Jeff Jarrett/Billy Travis. They brawled out to the back of the TV studio. Good clip. Sad that three of the five involved in this angle are dead.
----Kevin White/Sue Young/Mr. White interview. White does well here telling Jerry Lawler that he caused an international incident last week by putting his hands on Young. He said if a man did that to a woman in Young’s country, they would either cut off his finger or execute him. White said, he was going to going to execute Lawler and called Renee a bimbo. Young talked a bit. Very strong interview from Kevin. Mr. White said leaving that Lawler had broke his jaw last week.
----Derrick King/Johnny Dotson/Rashard Devon – interview. DK gives Corey a check. Corey says it must be from Curley Womack, but they censored Womack’s name out this week. King/Dotson beat Tatt2/Crime. Good bout. Heat was on Tatt2, but very little. Almost all babyface shine. Both teams looked good. Finish had hot tag to Crime with Rashard distracting the ref and DK superkicking Crime for the pin. DK/Dotson beat up Tatt2/Crime after the match – Dustin Starr & Chris Lexx make the save.
----Lawler video interview filmed in his yard. Lawler talks about Young and Mr. White. He calls White a “Nature Boy ripoff.” Lawler challenges White for next week.
----Brian C/Ali vs Kevin White/Gladiator with Young/Mr. White. Not good. One spot Ali went to hit the Gladiator in the corner and the ref was suppose to grab his arm, but he didn’t and Ali threw the punch anyway – looked bad. Heat was on Brian C. Hot tag looked real sloppy. Ali was going to powerbomb the Gladiator, but Young jumped on his back. Brian took her from his back to putting her on his shoulders. She was screaming and before he bumped her, TK2 jumped Ali/Brian.
----TK2 – interview. They get up on the ring and start yelling at the crowd, when Ali/Brian C jump them from behind and brawl around the desk. Brian C then grabs Fine and throws him in the ring and gives him a nut shot. None of this looked good.
---- Dustin Starr/Chris Lexx beat “Insane Clowns” [Giggles/Bobo] with Rashard by DQ. Not as good as expected out of this bout. It was rushed, but it was not as bad as the bout before it. Heat on Starr with a hot tag to Lexx. Lexx came off the top rope and had Giggles pinned, when Rashard hit Lexx with their paint bucket in front of the ref. They tried to hit Starr with it after the bout, but he ducked and Bobo got it.
----Brian C has toned down the last two weeks with Ali and has done good interviews…Young is toned down a bit this week also. They still have mention she is from Asia, but not as racist as the first few weeks. Young was not great on the mic, but not bad for the second time on TV…Fine was trying to run his own angle about talking to Tatt2…Gladiator is K-Hill, who worked her as a jobber and part of the “Men in Black” gimmick. Three gimmicks in his first year…Maclin when talking about Mr. White saying he broke his jaw and said that Mr. White probably went down there and filed assault charges with Sal Corrente…Clowns came out with a baby doll [It was not a Kayte doll – it had two arms!!] that Rashard called the Chris Lexx action doll and other toys…First 30 minutes of this show was real good, but the last 30 minutes was lackluster. Not as good as last week, but they did continue with all storylines and built stuff for next week. It looks like we will have Lawler vs White in some kind of match and Fine/mystery partner vs Brian C/Ali…Fine was horrible again this week.
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 10.13.07
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony over Ray Ray in a Non Title Match
Tommy Redneck over Idol Bane by DQ
TANK over Slim Pickens
The Asylum over The Posse
Stan Lee over Flash Flanagan
----Around 60 plus in the crowd with a gate close to $300…Idol Bane gave Redneck a low blow for the DQ, he gave Redneck The Ghost of Andy Kauffman once and when he picked him up to give him another one..."Oh, Danny Boy" started playing over the loud speakers. Bane angry and confused left the arena…After Slim's match both Jeff O'Dell and TGB were once again celebrating Slim's misery. When an unidentified man [played by Michael Ward] from the crowd with paperwork said he had something to show Mr. Anthony & Mr. O’Dell. He said he was from The Arkansas State Humane Society and that even though Slim had given up his human rights when he signed that contract that made him the "Personal Pet", he still had the rights of a pet! He said he had video documentation, emails from the fans in Rector and after seeing this first hand - that this neglect and abuse was punishable by a $10,000 fine or up to 5 years imprisonment! tgb and O'Dell asked Slim what he wanted to make this whole thing disappear? Slim replied (to The Golden Boy) "I Want a Big Bite Out of Your Ass!" They signed a Dog Collar Match for next week – non-title – Slim vs TGB…They did a face vs face tag with Asylum and Posse. They did a double pin, but since Psycho was the legal man making the pin, the Asylum won…Lee slipped over on Flash and then Flash hit Lee with a chair after the match…Jon Michael did not show up for his bout due to be in the hospital with what is believed to be staph infection.
Tommy Redneck over Idol Bane by DQ
TANK over Slim Pickens
The Asylum over The Posse
Stan Lee over Flash Flanagan
----Around 60 plus in the crowd with a gate close to $300…Idol Bane gave Redneck a low blow for the DQ, he gave Redneck The Ghost of Andy Kauffman once and when he picked him up to give him another one..."Oh, Danny Boy" started playing over the loud speakers. Bane angry and confused left the arena…After Slim's match both Jeff O'Dell and TGB were once again celebrating Slim's misery. When an unidentified man [played by Michael Ward] from the crowd with paperwork said he had something to show Mr. Anthony & Mr. O’Dell. He said he was from The Arkansas State Humane Society and that even though Slim had given up his human rights when he signed that contract that made him the "Personal Pet", he still had the rights of a pet! He said he had video documentation, emails from the fans in Rector and after seeing this first hand - that this neglect and abuse was punishable by a $10,000 fine or up to 5 years imprisonment! tgb and O'Dell asked Slim what he wanted to make this whole thing disappear? Slim replied (to The Golden Boy) "I Want a Big Bite Out of Your Ass!" They signed a Dog Collar Match for next week – non-title – Slim vs TGB…They did a face vs face tag with Asylum and Posse. They did a double pin, but since Psycho was the legal man making the pin, the Asylum won…Lee slipped over on Flash and then Flash hit Lee with a chair after the match…Jon Michael did not show up for his bout due to be in the hospital with what is believed to be staph infection.
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 10.12.07
LT Falk b Patrick Miller
Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix b New York Gangster & White Tiger when Phoenix pinned Tiger
Damien Payne b Petey Wright in a 15:00 Iron Man match 2-1
LT Falk b Tim Renesto in a trick-or-treat match
USWO Champion AM Vision b Michael Jablonski
Arrick Andrews & Tony Falk & Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) NC Ben
Jordan & Steve Neely & Mark Anthony when ref Mark Owen threw out hte match after being hit by both teams
----65 in attendance with a gate around $675. It was down this week and look for it to be down next Friday as people will have to make choices as USWO runs their regular Friday show at the Satdium Inn while SAW will have a TV taping a few minutes up the road in Millersville. Several wrestlers (and Vision is the champion of both promotions) work for both companies, but a TV taping puts a damper on the idea of working both.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix b New York Gangster & White Tiger when Phoenix pinned Tiger
Damien Payne b Petey Wright in a 15:00 Iron Man match 2-1
LT Falk b Tim Renesto in a trick-or-treat match
USWO Champion AM Vision b Michael Jablonski
Arrick Andrews & Tony Falk & Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) NC Ben
Jordan & Steve Neely & Mark Anthony when ref Mark Owen threw out hte match after being hit by both teams
----65 in attendance with a gate around $675. It was down this week and look for it to be down next Friday as people will have to make choices as USWO runs their regular Friday show at the Satdium Inn while SAW will have a TV taping a few minutes up the road in Millersville. Several wrestlers (and Vision is the champion of both promotions) work for both companies, but a TV taping puts a damper on the idea of working both.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
The Ratings - Memphis Wrestling 10.06.07
----Last Saturday’s TV show scored a 2.7 [45,666 viewers] overall rating. This was close to an average show and was up from last week’s disastrous rating. The show was a good booked hour and I am hoping they retain their viewers this week. The show had a big jump in the 4th quarter with over 13,000 viewers jumping aboard to watch the last quarter hour. The show finished with over 5,000 viewers than starting, so that was a plus. It can’t be good though that the best feud they have was showcased first and the next quarter after it, they lost 8,000 viewers.
-Reggie joins Corey
-DK/Dotson/Rashard – interview
-Starr/Lexx vs DK/Dotson
1st quarter 3.0 [48,520 viewers]
-DK/Dotson beat up Starr/Lexx
-Lawler/White/Young bobblehead angle
2cnd quarter 2.4 [40,461 viewers] [-8,059 viewers]
-Lawler vs White
-Brian C/Ali interview
-Maxx vs Poker
3rd Quarter 2.4 [39,790 viewers] [-671 viewers]
-Ali/Brian Interview
-Southern Tag Team Title match
4th Quarter 3.2 [53,557 viewers] [+13767 viewers\
12 Week Average: 3.0 [50,381 viewers]
12 week low – 1.9 [31,395 viewers] 9.29.07
12 week high – 4.3 [71,353 viewers] 7.28.07
Gain from Start to Finish [+5037 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Action News 5/News Channel 3 10.03 [168,394 viewers]
-Reggie joins Corey
-DK/Dotson/Rashard – interview
-Starr/Lexx vs DK/Dotson
1st quarter 3.0 [48,520 viewers]
-DK/Dotson beat up Starr/Lexx
-Lawler/White/Young bobblehead angle
2cnd quarter 2.4 [40,461 viewers] [-8,059 viewers]
-Lawler vs White
-Brian C/Ali interview
-Maxx vs Poker
3rd Quarter 2.4 [39,790 viewers] [-671 viewers]
-Ali/Brian Interview
-Southern Tag Team Title match
4th Quarter 3.2 [53,557 viewers] [+13767 viewers\
12 Week Average: 3.0 [50,381 viewers]
12 week low – 1.9 [31,395 viewers] 9.29.07
12 week high – 4.3 [71,353 viewers] 7.28.07
Gain from Start to Finish [+5037 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Action News 5/News Channel 3 10.03 [168,394 viewers]
No Show In Wynne!!
----I had posted on "Shows of the Weekend" that they were having a show in Wynne today - incorrect. That is what happens when you copy and paste!! It has been removed.
Friday, October 12, 2007
A Piece of my Mind-Oct 12,2007- by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

How many of us can be given lemons and make lemonade. It takes a skilled chef to make something plain seem palatable. I am grateful for the return of HBK. It will make a painfully obvious catastrophe easier to watch as we all hope that the McMahons will stop blowing kisses at themselves in the mirror and start listening to others. I don’t want them to get creative I don’t believe they are creators. It’s true some of them are performers and by marriage others are performers. There may be one who can be labeled a true impediment. Then there is poor Linda like the old woman in the shoe who had so many idiots she didn’t know what to do.
In a previous article I mentioned Krissy Vaine and her rise to Smackdown. This week the news broke that Krissy and her boyfriend both asked for and received their release from WWE. I am not sure if we have gotten the real story but let’s assume that we have. I can not for the life of me how you give up on something you’ve been fighting for, for so long over a relationship. It’s not like they were countries a part but they were going to have very little time together. Couldn’t they give it some time and earn some real money for awhile instead of this five hundred dollar a week that is the standard developmental deal? Now with that being said if your WWE why couldn’t you put these two kids on the same brand? Why waste all the time and money that you put into them over the years? Is it always about being right? If these two believe that they belong together and can’t live without each other why was that such a big problem? This isn’t the first time WWE has pulled this. It really makes you wonder what motivates some of these decisions. It appears to me that the McMahons get more pleasure out of pulling strings than they do from high ratings.
What is there to say about TNA that everyone else isn’t saying or writing? At this point I really believe nothing is left. The answers are simple even though the questions appear difficult. If you really want to shake the foundation of WWE its simple make a bid to hire Kevin Dunn. He is a twenty year employee and a man’s whose exit would hurt the company more so than if any superstar left the company. If you are not aware who Kevin Dunn is you can look him up on the WWE website. I wonder if Dixie Carter got word about this article would this be old news to her or something she has never thought of. I can tell you this if you want to see Vince sweat open up that check book and make an offer to Kevin Dunn. He is the best kept secret that the WWE has and if he joined TNA he would do something no other acquisition has done, make an IMPACT.
You know Roddy Piper was a great arrogant heel who pissed off people and got a lot of heat. If you knew Roddy off camera he was a guy who knew how to laugh and have a great time. He was a lot of fun to be around. I wonder if twenty years from now someone will be telling this same story about Randy Orton. It’s only my opinion but I think when Randy’s name comes up many years from now it won’t be with an explanation of what a great guy he was off camera. It will be of a talented guy third generation superstar and first generation jackass.
Flashback: When I was working the Indy shows in North Carolina I was approached by two guys who wanted me to manage them. I had all the heat and these guys were trying to make it. At the time I was very happy managing David Isley and Colt Steele. On top of that from time to time we brought in some other guys. I had the wrong outlook in those days I should have been more open minded but truth is I didn’t see the vision of the team at the time. I do regret the decision that day if I had a second chance I would say yes to them. I have never been wrong about someone who could be a star. I have sometimes missed someone who could be a star. In this case I missed out on Men on a Mission Mabel and Mo. I wish Big Daddy V all the luck in the world with his push and I wanted to say publicly. I should have said yes, you were two good guys looking for a break and I am glad you got one.
I have previously written about Teddy Hart and The New Hart Foundation. I have recently heard that the very talented Teddy Hart has been let go. I understand this is one talented guy. I also realize that he is UNHIREABLE. At this point if he hasn’t figured out that this business works one way politically he never will. I only wish that his leaving the company would have quietly made this reincarnation of The Hart Foundation go away. If the remaining members are good talented people find them something else to do. Please do not throw them into the water with an anchor around their leg,
This picture was taken in my hometown of Yonkers, NY at the Yonkers Raceway. Afa “The Wild Samoan” was running a show and I was goofing off with friends. Its Cowboy Bobby Duncum and Sherri Martel long before she was Sensational Sherri she was my buddy. We had a good time that night I was still just a referee in those days.
This has been a piece of my mind
In a previous article I mentioned Krissy Vaine and her rise to Smackdown. This week the news broke that Krissy and her boyfriend both asked for and received their release from WWE. I am not sure if we have gotten the real story but let’s assume that we have. I can not for the life of me how you give up on something you’ve been fighting for, for so long over a relationship. It’s not like they were countries a part but they were going to have very little time together. Couldn’t they give it some time and earn some real money for awhile instead of this five hundred dollar a week that is the standard developmental deal? Now with that being said if your WWE why couldn’t you put these two kids on the same brand? Why waste all the time and money that you put into them over the years? Is it always about being right? If these two believe that they belong together and can’t live without each other why was that such a big problem? This isn’t the first time WWE has pulled this. It really makes you wonder what motivates some of these decisions. It appears to me that the McMahons get more pleasure out of pulling strings than they do from high ratings.
What is there to say about TNA that everyone else isn’t saying or writing? At this point I really believe nothing is left. The answers are simple even though the questions appear difficult. If you really want to shake the foundation of WWE its simple make a bid to hire Kevin Dunn. He is a twenty year employee and a man’s whose exit would hurt the company more so than if any superstar left the company. If you are not aware who Kevin Dunn is you can look him up on the WWE website. I wonder if Dixie Carter got word about this article would this be old news to her or something she has never thought of. I can tell you this if you want to see Vince sweat open up that check book and make an offer to Kevin Dunn. He is the best kept secret that the WWE has and if he joined TNA he would do something no other acquisition has done, make an IMPACT.
You know Roddy Piper was a great arrogant heel who pissed off people and got a lot of heat. If you knew Roddy off camera he was a guy who knew how to laugh and have a great time. He was a lot of fun to be around. I wonder if twenty years from now someone will be telling this same story about Randy Orton. It’s only my opinion but I think when Randy’s name comes up many years from now it won’t be with an explanation of what a great guy he was off camera. It will be of a talented guy third generation superstar and first generation jackass.
Flashback: When I was working the Indy shows in North Carolina I was approached by two guys who wanted me to manage them. I had all the heat and these guys were trying to make it. At the time I was very happy managing David Isley and Colt Steele. On top of that from time to time we brought in some other guys. I had the wrong outlook in those days I should have been more open minded but truth is I didn’t see the vision of the team at the time. I do regret the decision that day if I had a second chance I would say yes to them. I have never been wrong about someone who could be a star. I have sometimes missed someone who could be a star. In this case I missed out on Men on a Mission Mabel and Mo. I wish Big Daddy V all the luck in the world with his push and I wanted to say publicly. I should have said yes, you were two good guys looking for a break and I am glad you got one.
I have previously written about Teddy Hart and The New Hart Foundation. I have recently heard that the very talented Teddy Hart has been let go. I understand this is one talented guy. I also realize that he is UNHIREABLE. At this point if he hasn’t figured out that this business works one way politically he never will. I only wish that his leaving the company would have quietly made this reincarnation of The Hart Foundation go away. If the remaining members are good talented people find them something else to do. Please do not throw them into the water with an anchor around their leg,
This picture was taken in my hometown of Yonkers, NY at the Yonkers Raceway. Afa “The Wild Samoan” was running a show and I was goofing off with friends. Its Cowboy Bobby Duncum and Sherri Martel long before she was Sensational Sherri she was my buddy. We had a good time that night I was still just a referee in those days.
This has been a piece of my mind
If you want to provide any feedback to this column you can email me at salcorrente929@hotmail.com
TNA Irondale, Al 10.11.07
TNA rolled into the Zamora Shrine Temple in Irondale, Alabama last night to kick off the Bound For Glory weekend.
It was an entertaining show. The wrestlers worked a safe style, which was certainly the smart way to go with the PPV on Sunday and back-to-back television tapings to follow.
They drew a hot crowd that was totally immersed in the product, just like the first time TNA came to Birmingham. But attendance was down to 450. Running a weeknight couldn’t have helped. In any case, it had to be somewhat of a downer after packing the place with 1000+ in January.
Jeremy Borash was introduced as our master of ceremonies for the evening.
(1) Eric Young pinned Jimmy Rave at 8:07. Solid work by both guys. Young was like a giant-sized Hornswaggle, except more endearing and less annoying. Crowd took an instant dislike to Rave, who got frustrated by Young’s antics. Rave took over with a flatliner on the apron. Rave tried to come off the top and crotched himself on Young’s knee. Young did the Flair bump to the apron, slid through Rave’s legs, and hit a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Rave caught Young with Dusk Til Dawn and hit the running knee, but Young kicked out. Young ducked an enzuigiri and hit a wheelbarrow neckbreaker for the pin. The finish got a well deserved pop.
(2) Chris Harris beat Robert Roode in 7:25. Ms. Brooks came out with Roode. She looked leaner than on TV. Roode treated her like dirt and sent her to the back. That got an “not a very nice person” chant. Roode got more heat with stalling tactics. Harris worked the arm before suffering a corner beatdown at the hands of the Canadian Arn Anderson. They traded blows. Roode took a backdrop and begged for mercy. Lariat and a bulldog for two by Harris. Roode with a spinebuster for a near fall. Roode escaped from the Catatonic and Harris rolled him up. Roode showed his ass to demonstrate how Harris had pulled the trunks. Decent match in an old school way.
(3) Gail Kim defeated Ms. Brooks and Jackie Moore in a Triple Threat Match pinning Moore at 4:55. The crowd popped for all three. Moore is in great shape for any age, but she’s phenomenal for 43. They worked a very fast pace. Nobody could get along. Kim went chest-to-chest with Brooks. Not a fair fight. Moore pulled Brooks out and sent her into the rail. Then it was Moore working over Kim. Moore applied a camel clutch and Brooks made a three-way with a dragon sleeper of sorts. Moore beat Brooks down. Kim did headscissors/headlock take over on Brooks and Moore. Moore DDTed Brooks and then ate a missile dropkick from Kim for the 1-2-3.
Brooks and Kim made their peace after the match.
(4) Abyss beat A. J. Styles in 9:48. Best match of the night at least for me. I’m more than a little biased, because this was right out of 2001 NWA Wildside, especially with Andrew Thomas as the ref. Styles’ comedy really got over well. Abyss did a slow burn. Abyss goozled him, and it was off to the races for Styles. Not for long. Abyss dished out punishment and went for Shock Treatment, but Style dropkicked the knee. Abyss did a masterful job selling the knee for the balance of the match. When Styles went for the springboard moonsault inverted DDT, Abyss countered with Shock Treatment, but Styles got a foot over the ropes. Styles was hugging the ropes for dear life. Styles tried for the Clash. No way. He stunned Abyss with a enzuigiri and hit the springboard flying forearm. Styles yelled, “I’m gonna kill ‘em!” and immediately went down to the Black Hole Slam. Fans chanted for Styles after the match.
(5) James Storm vs. Rhino never happened. “Whino” wasn’t there so Rudy Charles counted him out. Those are some mean sideburns Charles has going. Storm ridiculed the fans something fierce. They gave him the “Brokeback Mountain” treatment. Storm said that was 2 years ago. He called for anyone from the back. That lead to…
(6) Chris Harris beat James Storm in 2:56. This was a built on the January show, where Harris was counted out because he only had one good eye. Storm beat on Harris. Roode hit the ring to cut off a Harris comeback. Storm “accidentally” superkicked Roode and was then speared by Harris for the pin. A nothing of a match but the finish worked.
Roode and Storm teased a break up. It peaked with Roode calling Storm a “stupid cowboy” before a disappointing the crowd with a creepy embrace.
(7) LAX (Homicide & Hernandez) & Jay Lethal beat XXX (Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper & Senshi) when Lethal pinned Daniels (11:41). Both teams got impressive entrance pops, especially when there was no music due to PA screwed up. Lethal and LAX were way over. Lethal said let’s get it on. Six-way action ensued. False heat on Lethal and then the real deal on Homicide. Morton Roll by Homicide for a very hot tag to Hernandez. He hit the Crackerjack on Daniels. A round of finisher ended with Lethal left in a seriously bad way. LAX came to his rescue by crotching Senshi and Skipper, Finish saw Daniels mounted on Hernandez shoulders for a neckbreaker by Homicide. Lethal finished with a Macho Man elbow off the top. The body of the match didn’t have great heat but the finish sure did.
(8) Kurt Angle beat Samoa Joe to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title in 9:30. Really good heat. Match was fine for what it was, which was certainly not intended to be their best stuff. Both had headlined Zamora shows in the past. Angle vs. Abyss topped the card in January. Joe had appeared here on two occasions for Wrestle Birmingham. Crowd was split. It was the power of Joe, until he came up empty on a mad dash into the corner, and Angle caught him with a release German suplex. The crowd broke into dueling chants. Angle worked on cutting off Joe’s air supply. On the comeback, Joe hit the scoop powerslam for a near fall. Joe went for the Muscle Buster, and Angle reversed to s tanding ankle lock. Joe wouldn’t tap. Angle hit the Angle slam but couldn’t put Joe away. Angle went for a belt shot. Charles blocked it. Ref bump. Joe hit the Muscle Buster. Visual fall with the crowd making the count. Angle gave Joe a low blow, nailed him with the belt, and revived Charles to make the count.
JB invited fans to stick around for in ring Polaroids with Angle. There was a long line for them.
NOTES: The show was promoted with the assistance of Linda Marx/Wrestle Birmingham. LAX will headline WB’s 10/20 show at the Boutwell Auditorium. The show is in conjunction with a Mexican festival Saturday afternoon at Linn Park, which is across the street from Boutwell. WB is also bringing in Tito Santana (vs. Dennis Condrey) and Hector Geurrero as a manager for a match between two local Mexican wrestlers. Jake Roberts vs. Jimmy Golden (with Robert Fuller) is part of the triple main event. They’re going to do an outdoor match during the festival to hype the card….Marx confirmed that WB would be returning to Graysville, Alabama but no date set as of yet…Gordon handled the gear and paraphenalia. He’s a fixture on the Nashville indie scene currently with USWO,..Terry Taylor was a visible presence at several points during the evening.
It was an entertaining show. The wrestlers worked a safe style, which was certainly the smart way to go with the PPV on Sunday and back-to-back television tapings to follow.
They drew a hot crowd that was totally immersed in the product, just like the first time TNA came to Birmingham. But attendance was down to 450. Running a weeknight couldn’t have helped. In any case, it had to be somewhat of a downer after packing the place with 1000+ in January.
Jeremy Borash was introduced as our master of ceremonies for the evening.
(1) Eric Young pinned Jimmy Rave at 8:07. Solid work by both guys. Young was like a giant-sized Hornswaggle, except more endearing and less annoying. Crowd took an instant dislike to Rave, who got frustrated by Young’s antics. Rave took over with a flatliner on the apron. Rave tried to come off the top and crotched himself on Young’s knee. Young did the Flair bump to the apron, slid through Rave’s legs, and hit a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Rave caught Young with Dusk Til Dawn and hit the running knee, but Young kicked out. Young ducked an enzuigiri and hit a wheelbarrow neckbreaker for the pin. The finish got a well deserved pop.
(2) Chris Harris beat Robert Roode in 7:25. Ms. Brooks came out with Roode. She looked leaner than on TV. Roode treated her like dirt and sent her to the back. That got an “not a very nice person” chant. Roode got more heat with stalling tactics. Harris worked the arm before suffering a corner beatdown at the hands of the Canadian Arn Anderson. They traded blows. Roode took a backdrop and begged for mercy. Lariat and a bulldog for two by Harris. Roode with a spinebuster for a near fall. Roode escaped from the Catatonic and Harris rolled him up. Roode showed his ass to demonstrate how Harris had pulled the trunks. Decent match in an old school way.
(3) Gail Kim defeated Ms. Brooks and Jackie Moore in a Triple Threat Match pinning Moore at 4:55. The crowd popped for all three. Moore is in great shape for any age, but she’s phenomenal for 43. They worked a very fast pace. Nobody could get along. Kim went chest-to-chest with Brooks. Not a fair fight. Moore pulled Brooks out and sent her into the rail. Then it was Moore working over Kim. Moore applied a camel clutch and Brooks made a three-way with a dragon sleeper of sorts. Moore beat Brooks down. Kim did headscissors/headlock take over on Brooks and Moore. Moore DDTed Brooks and then ate a missile dropkick from Kim for the 1-2-3.
Brooks and Kim made their peace after the match.
(4) Abyss beat A. J. Styles in 9:48. Best match of the night at least for me. I’m more than a little biased, because this was right out of 2001 NWA Wildside, especially with Andrew Thomas as the ref. Styles’ comedy really got over well. Abyss did a slow burn. Abyss goozled him, and it was off to the races for Styles. Not for long. Abyss dished out punishment and went for Shock Treatment, but Style dropkicked the knee. Abyss did a masterful job selling the knee for the balance of the match. When Styles went for the springboard moonsault inverted DDT, Abyss countered with Shock Treatment, but Styles got a foot over the ropes. Styles was hugging the ropes for dear life. Styles tried for the Clash. No way. He stunned Abyss with a enzuigiri and hit the springboard flying forearm. Styles yelled, “I’m gonna kill ‘em!” and immediately went down to the Black Hole Slam. Fans chanted for Styles after the match.
(5) James Storm vs. Rhino never happened. “Whino” wasn’t there so Rudy Charles counted him out. Those are some mean sideburns Charles has going. Storm ridiculed the fans something fierce. They gave him the “Brokeback Mountain” treatment. Storm said that was 2 years ago. He called for anyone from the back. That lead to…
(6) Chris Harris beat James Storm in 2:56. This was a built on the January show, where Harris was counted out because he only had one good eye. Storm beat on Harris. Roode hit the ring to cut off a Harris comeback. Storm “accidentally” superkicked Roode and was then speared by Harris for the pin. A nothing of a match but the finish worked.
Roode and Storm teased a break up. It peaked with Roode calling Storm a “stupid cowboy” before a disappointing the crowd with a creepy embrace.
(7) LAX (Homicide & Hernandez) & Jay Lethal beat XXX (Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper & Senshi) when Lethal pinned Daniels (11:41). Both teams got impressive entrance pops, especially when there was no music due to PA screwed up. Lethal and LAX were way over. Lethal said let’s get it on. Six-way action ensued. False heat on Lethal and then the real deal on Homicide. Morton Roll by Homicide for a very hot tag to Hernandez. He hit the Crackerjack on Daniels. A round of finisher ended with Lethal left in a seriously bad way. LAX came to his rescue by crotching Senshi and Skipper, Finish saw Daniels mounted on Hernandez shoulders for a neckbreaker by Homicide. Lethal finished with a Macho Man elbow off the top. The body of the match didn’t have great heat but the finish sure did.
(8) Kurt Angle beat Samoa Joe to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title in 9:30. Really good heat. Match was fine for what it was, which was certainly not intended to be their best stuff. Both had headlined Zamora shows in the past. Angle vs. Abyss topped the card in January. Joe had appeared here on two occasions for Wrestle Birmingham. Crowd was split. It was the power of Joe, until he came up empty on a mad dash into the corner, and Angle caught him with a release German suplex. The crowd broke into dueling chants. Angle worked on cutting off Joe’s air supply. On the comeback, Joe hit the scoop powerslam for a near fall. Joe went for the Muscle Buster, and Angle reversed to s tanding ankle lock. Joe wouldn’t tap. Angle hit the Angle slam but couldn’t put Joe away. Angle went for a belt shot. Charles blocked it. Ref bump. Joe hit the Muscle Buster. Visual fall with the crowd making the count. Angle gave Joe a low blow, nailed him with the belt, and revived Charles to make the count.
JB invited fans to stick around for in ring Polaroids with Angle. There was a long line for them.
NOTES: The show was promoted with the assistance of Linda Marx/Wrestle Birmingham. LAX will headline WB’s 10/20 show at the Boutwell Auditorium. The show is in conjunction with a Mexican festival Saturday afternoon at Linn Park, which is across the street from Boutwell. WB is also bringing in Tito Santana (vs. Dennis Condrey) and Hector Geurrero as a manager for a match between two local Mexican wrestlers. Jake Roberts vs. Jimmy Golden (with Robert Fuller) is part of the triple main event. They’re going to do an outdoor match during the festival to hype the card….Marx confirmed that WB would be returning to Graysville, Alabama but no date set as of yet…Gordon handled the gear and paraphenalia. He’s a fixture on the Nashville indie scene currently with USWO,..Terry Taylor was a visible presence at several points during the evening.
Sorry About That Bro...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wanna Be On The Jerry Springer Show??
----Have you ever wanted to embarrass your family and be on the Jerry Springer show?? Well, I got a letter from area worker Tojo Jr and h
e has appeared on the show and is helping others get booked on it. The Hambones were on the show last week and look for TW Justice and Stretch that wrestle for MCW to be on it in the next week. I am arranging an appearance by yours truly and will give you details as soon as I get them. If you are interested, then drop Tojo an e-mail – tojojr316@yahoo.com.

Bloody Alex Krisis!!!
----I had reported last Friday that on the NWO Re
union show in Little Rock, AR that Abby had bladed Alex Krisis during their bout. Well, I was wrong. Abby hit Krisis with a cane that shattered into a million pieces and Krisis got it hard way. I was told Alex was a bit worried as it looked like it was not going to heal properly, but
Krisis is doing fine now. Here are a couple of pics that was sent to the site.
"Coach's Corner" - The Rasslin Review Thursday Edition!!!
Is It Worth A Dollar??
----I picked up “Rodman Downunder” at the $1 bin at Wal Mart last Friday and thought I would
share a review of it here. I am not going to give the results of the matches, because there might be some people that have picked up and want to watch it. Or they might go to Wal Mart and get one after the review. I mean it is only a $1!!!
-Table Match: Road Warriors vs Public Enemy
-Hardcore Match: Barbarian vs “Brute Force” Brutus Beefcake
-Grudge Match: Brandi Wine vs Sweet Destiny
-International Title Match: Tatanka vs One Man Gang
-Australian Outback Match – Curt Hennig vs Dennis Rodman
----Vince Mancini & Ted Dibiase do commentary. Dennis Rodman is a good heel here…This group is called iGeneration Wrestling with Curt Hennig as the champ and P
E as tag team champions. Show is taped from Australia…Dibiase seems to not like PE for shoot. They talk about Roadies being in shape, but they weren’t..LOL. Both announcers make fun of Grunge…Grunge had an in juried elbow and looked horrible in the bout…The “iGenerattes” [a group of girls] come out and dance between matches…Lots of NWO shirts in the crowd…They bleep out every curse word, which is probably because this is sold at Wal Mart…Beefcake was introduced as “Brute Force” in full “Barber” gimmick with yellow and red colors. Beefcake name on the DVD cover…Beefcake was in good shape – looked natural…Production and camera work was good…Brandi had a manager that they called “Sugar Daddy”, who looked just like Tugboat....Sweet Destiny is accompanied by “Aussie” Joe Bugner, who is a famous boxer that went the distance Muhammad Ali twice and Joe Frazier once…Destiny had a nice natural body, but most people would think she is too fat ala Brittany Spears…Destiny looked like she killed Wine with a superplex…Tatanka was listed as the InternationalChampion…Crowd throws water bottles in the ring during OMG vs Tatanka. Surprisingly with both of these guys being vets – no psychology…igenerationwrestling.com is not a site anymore…One of the girls that came out with Hennig [I guess just a ring girl] was a very good looking girl…Hennig juices…Outback match was just a hardcore match…Hennig chopped Rodman SOOO HARD!!!...Crappy finish in the main, but Hennig did a really good job carrying Rodman…I thought the cover art and the disc were of less quality than the RRO releases.
BEST MATCH: Hennig vs Rodman
WORST MATCH: Roadies vs PE

-Curt Hennig
-Rocco Rock
-Johnny Grunge
----Since I did not do research before watching the DVD, I looked on the net for various stuff after I watched it. This show was from 7.30.2000 and aired on PPV in December of 2000. It was from Sydney, Australia at the Sydney Superdome and drew 10,000 people. I also saw this DVD on EBAY for $1 plus $4.95 for postage & handling.
----The b
ook is called “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results & Newspaper Clippings Vol 1 1970 – 1985” by Mark James. I was fortunate enough to get a copy sent to me for review. [I have to send it back though!!] When I first started looking thru it, I was bit disappointed with it. I thought “All there is here is clippings!!” Duh!! That is what the title says dammit!! Disappointed I was not after spending many hours looking at this book. You can track the feuds and results – letting you know what made money and did not make money. The forward is done by Scott Bowden. You can also tell that the author put A LOT of hard work into putting this together.
----One of the interesting years is 1980 because that was the year that Jerry Lawler broke his leg. January 28, 1980 – last show in 1980 with Lawle
r wrestling until September 9, 1980 and it was only appearance managing Jimmy Valiant. [He also made two personal appearances in June, 1980] They drew over 7,000 people that night, but they had been drawing in the 4,000 to 5,000 range for the last few shows before it. The promotion had done pretty good that year holding up from the loss of Lawler. They used Bill Dundee, Jimmy Valiant and Tommy Rich most of the time as their top babyfaces. Their top heels were Wayne Farris, Larry Latham and Paul Ellering. Austin Idol and Dutch Mantell came in later working as heels. Billy Robinson was in as CWA champion and had some classic bouts with Bill Dundee. Except for that one show in September, the average for the later part of the year was i
n the 3,000 to 4,500 range, but dropping some weeks with less than 3,000. The fans were tiring of Tommy Rich as the top babyface and hungry for Jerry Lawler to come back to wrestle. Last show of the year with the return of Lawler drew a crowd of 11,000 with probably a gate of around $45,000 to $50,000!!
----I highly recommend the book, if you are a long time Memphis fan. If you are a student of wrestling, you can learn a lot by looking at the results and how much they were drawing. The book is professionally published and you can buy a copy by clicking HERE. You can take a look at more clippings and such at the author's web site - click HERE.
----Thanks for joining me for the Thursday edition of “Coach’s Corner.” Oh yea, the DVD is worth a $1 and the book is worth the money and reading. I have also added some pages of the book throughout this edition. Double click them and you will get a larger view. Hope you enjoy!!
----I picked up “Rodman Downunder” at the $1 bin at Wal Mart last Friday and thought I would

-Table Match: Road Warriors vs Public Enemy
-Hardcore Match: Barbarian vs “Brute Force” Brutus Beefcake
-Grudge Match: Brandi Wine vs Sweet Destiny
-International Title Match: Tatanka vs One Man Gang
-Australian Outback Match – Curt Hennig vs Dennis Rodman
----Vince Mancini & Ted Dibiase do commentary. Dennis Rodman is a good heel here…This group is called iGeneration Wrestling with Curt Hennig as the champ and P

BEST MATCH: Hennig vs Rodman
WORST MATCH: Roadies vs PE

-Curt Hennig
-Rocco Rock
-Johnny Grunge
----Since I did not do research before watching the DVD, I looked on the net for various stuff after I watched it. This show was from 7.30.2000 and aired on PPV in December of 2000. It was from Sydney, Australia at the Sydney Superdome and drew 10,000 people. I also saw this DVD on EBAY for $1 plus $4.95 for postage & handling.
----The b

----One of the interesting years is 1980 because that was the year that Jerry Lawler broke his leg. January 28, 1980 – last show in 1980 with Lawle

----I highly recommend the book, if you are a long time Memphis fan. If you are a student of wrestling, you can learn a lot by looking at the results and how much they were drawing. The book is professionally published and you can buy a copy by clicking HERE. You can take a look at more clippings and such at the author's web site - click HERE.
----Thanks for joining me for the Thursday edition of “Coach’s Corner.” Oh yea, the DVD is worth a $1 and the book is worth the money and reading. I have also added some pages of the book throughout this edition. Double click them and you will get a larger view. Hope you enjoy!!
Shows For The Weekend 10.12 to 10.13.07
----Somebody talkin' about firing it up?? "Wildfire" Tommy Rich is scheduled to be at the All Pro show this week and would be my pick for show of the weekend. All Pro puts on a good show and usually has a big crowd. I don't know any matches for that show, but I would love to see Sarge vs Rich. Hope they do good for their debut show.
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN…Wild Boys (Ben Jordan & Steve Neely),Arrick Andrews,Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie), AM Vision,Hammerjack,TJ Harley,Petey Wright,Josh Crowe,Damien Payne,Tim Renesto,Cody Diemer, LT Falk, Crazy Steve,Luscious Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix,Saint,New York Gangster,Xavier Mustafa,Michael Jablonski and more!!
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, Chris Lexx, Derrick King, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Stretch, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Rockin’ Randy,Jon Michael, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with The Southern Saints (Shawn Reed & Chris Styles), Josh Matthews, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, "Prime Time" Nick Grimes, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Jake Prentiss, Chris Chaos, OMEGA, LSD, Lady Reb, Devon Raynes,BB, Destiny, Bloodbath, Kaleb Kastle, Pappy, Jay Webster and Vinnie the Blade. , and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice,Tim Edwards, Tank, Jeremy Moore,J.R. Manson, B.L.S., Lil Tim, Gaylon Ray, Baron Malkavain, Phoenix X, John "Biscuit" Roberts, Brian Steele and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dra Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy,Acid, Michael Ward, Cody Murdoch, Morgan Lane, Chuck Daddy, and more.
----Saturday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN AM Vision, TJ Harley,Hammerjack (w/Charming Charles),Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie],Shane Eden, Rob C, Justin Spade, C-4 (w/Cocky Cody), J-5, and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington ST Rockin Randy, TGB Greg Anthony, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tim Grind, Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele and much more!!!
----Saturday Night All Pro Productions in Carthage, MS at the Carthage Coliseum - bell time @ 7:30 PM with Psycho, “Wildfire” Tommy Rich, The Giant Hillbilly, Uncle Felton, Pretty Mary Sunrise, Anton Leveigh, Brandon Barbwire, CandyMan, CJ Cash, Chris Styles, Sarge O’Reilly, Chop & Top – The Evil Clowns and more.
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell is 8 P.M, doors open @ 7:15 P.M.
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN…Wild Boys (Ben Jordan & Steve Neely),Arrick Andrews,Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie), AM Vision,Hammerjack,TJ Harley,Petey Wright,Josh Crowe,Damien Payne,Tim Renesto,Cody Diemer, LT Falk, Crazy Steve,Luscious Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix,Saint,New York Gangster,Xavier Mustafa,Michael Jablonski and more!!
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, Chris Lexx, Derrick King, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Stretch, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Rockin’ Randy,Jon Michael, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with The Southern Saints (Shawn Reed & Chris Styles), Josh Matthews, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, "Prime Time" Nick Grimes, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Jake Prentiss, Chris Chaos, OMEGA, LSD, Lady Reb, Devon Raynes,BB, Destiny, Bloodbath, Kaleb Kastle, Pappy, Jay Webster and Vinnie the Blade. , and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice,Tim Edwards, Tank, Jeremy Moore,J.R. Manson, B.L.S., Lil Tim, Gaylon Ray, Baron Malkavain, Phoenix X, John "Biscuit" Roberts, Brian Steele and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dra Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy,Acid, Michael Ward, Cody Murdoch, Morgan Lane, Chuck Daddy, and more.
----Saturday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN AM Vision, TJ Harley,Hammerjack (w/Charming Charles),Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie],Shane Eden, Rob C, Justin Spade, C-4 (w/Cocky Cody), J-5, and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington ST Rockin Randy, TGB Greg Anthony, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tim Grind, Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele and much more!!!
----Saturday Night All Pro Productions in Carthage, MS at the Carthage Coliseum - bell time @ 7:30 PM with Psycho, “Wildfire” Tommy Rich, The Giant Hillbilly, Uncle Felton, Pretty Mary Sunrise, Anton Leveigh, Brandon Barbwire, CandyMan, CJ Cash, Chris Styles, Sarge O’Reilly, Chop & Top – The Evil Clowns and more.
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell is 8 P.M, doors open @ 7:15 P.M.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Cheap Heat- 10/10/07- by Gene Jackson

NO MERCY......on the fans
With all the internet speculation that Chris Jericho would make his return to WWE at No Mercy quite a few people were disappointed with the way things played out at the pay per view. I have to say I'm not shocked as it would have been completely stupid to bring Jericho in at a pay per view without actually advertising him. I've never understood even on a smaller scale when promoters would pay money to book a "name" and then bring them out unadvertised, that's the whole point of having them is to DRAW a crowd (or in this instance) pay per view buys so it would be dumb to just trot him out there having only used promos that no one is really knew for sure what they meant, perhaps it wasn't Jericho perhaps it was about HBK's return on RAW this past Monday maybe it will still turn out to be Jericho soon. In any event I don't care for what they ended up doing, while it's true simply throwing Orton and some random person in for the title would have been lame, I think they should have opted for a one night tournament or something rather than Triple-H-Fest '07 with HHH wrestling three times and adding another WWE title reign to his resume just for the pure hell of it. It's been said other places and I agree that type of handling of the WWE title is very simular to the old WCW booking and after the LONG title reign of John Cena it's senseless to just bounce it around and throw it into matches the way they did at No Mercy. Oh well, at least they didn't leave it on Hunter........yet.
Speaking of HHH and HBK, a friend of mine and I were talking the other day and he'd been watching some older WWE stuff lately on video and brought up something that I haven't really thought much about before. With all the political power that "Evil" Shawn Michaels (before he found Jesus and married a Nitro Girl) had back in '97 when he alledgedly was holding people down and keeping himself on top, how different would things have turned out if he hadn't been injured and hadn't went away for four years??? Would Triple H been the main event level star that he is now, or would have remained the 'Arn Anderson' to Michaels' 'Ric Flair' that he was in the original DX? Would the Rock have been given the chance to be a top level heel and later babyface that he did, or would HBK have cockblocked him out of that spot? Also, had Shawn been there to interject himself into the angle, would Austin vs. McMachon played out the same way that it did? Or without the layoff he had would have burned out and stopped being over by now and be in TNA or retired. Of course these are all hypathetical questions no one can truly answer but they interesting to ponder. Well I think at least.
Jonny Fairplay who never misses a chance to squeeze another minute of airtime out of his Survivor fame is now sueing Danny Bonaduce for what happened at those Fox Reality TV Awards. If you haven't watched the video google it and watch it, it's f'n hilarious. The crowd is booing Fairplay cause his widely known as a douchebag and Fairplay is asking why everyone is booing him. Bonaduce comes out and tells him they are booing him cause they hate him. Fairplay then runs and straddles Bonaduces and appears to be humping him, in my opinion in what is perfectly acceptable self defense (and apparently agreed by the LA District Atty) Bonaduce shoves him up over his head to get him off of him and Fairplay lands face first on the stage, apparently fucking up his grill and he get's up and walks away bleeding from the mouth. As mentioned the D.A. refused to place criminal charges on Bonaduce as he deemed it self defense, however Jonny Assplay (Jon Dalton) is suing for unspecified damages to cover medical expenses, emotional distress and lost earnings. He is also seeking punitive damages. What a little bitch. If you run and staddle someone (especially something unplanned like that) you deserve to get dropped on your face, especially considering the fact Bonaduce isn't exactly known for being the most level headed guy in the first place. Personally I hope he doesn't get shit outta this, maybe this will help put him in his place, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Well it looks as though Nick Hogan's passenger is not going to come out of this well, doctors say he will likely spend the rest of his life in a nursing home being cared for as he currently still on life support. A very sad story, a soldier who survives a tour of Iraq and comes home and has his life ruined by his jackass teenage friend whose racing in the streets of Tampa. That's the tragedy of the story but the fact of the matter is the Hogans are in for a world of shit when this finally makes it to a court room, all the training, prayers, and vitamins in the world isn't gonna help this time. Hulkster's bank account is gonna be a lot lighter when this is all said and done. It will be interesting how all this effects their reality show, knowing Hogan the worker, they'll base a whole season of shows around it.
Shockingly, I've got mostly positive response to my last podcast about Memphis Wrestling with a lot of people agreeing or at least seeing my point of view. Of course these were through email cause the POSITIVE stuff never makes the message board. I hope to have time to upload a Cheap Heat Match of the Week in the next few days, I found a bunch of old tapes from SGWF and others from '97-'99 featuring a lot of guys from the mid south area that most folks around here would know. So I'm gonna start posting those here and there. Don't forget if you have feedback, email me at genejackson@charter.net
RassleResults: ICW Columbus, MS 10.06.07
The Outlaw J.D. won over The Goliath Kid.
Dylan Hale and The Reaper went to a double disqualification.
Dirty Sanchez won over U.S. Champion Trainwreck by DQ.
The team of The Alabama JawJacker and The Scorpion defeated Mitch Toretta and ????
The Patriot pinned the Outlaw J.D. McKay in 15 seconds.
And Mitch Toretta emerged victorious in a "Fatal Four-Way" match between himself, Outlaw J.D. McKay, The Patriot, and The Convict. Wild action.
Credit: Axeman @ http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/, because I can't get JD McKay to send in results!!
Dylan Hale and The Reaper went to a double disqualification.
Dirty Sanchez won over U.S. Champion Trainwreck by DQ.
The team of The Alabama JawJacker and The Scorpion defeated Mitch Toretta and ????
The Patriot pinned the Outlaw J.D. McKay in 15 seconds.
And Mitch Toretta emerged victorious in a "Fatal Four-Way" match between himself, Outlaw J.D. McKay, The Patriot, and The Convict. Wild action.
Credit: Axeman @ http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/, because I can't get JD McKay to send in results!!
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 10.6.07
Vinnie the Blade defeated "Prime Time" Nick Grimes to capture the TFW Light Heavyweight Championship.
Chazz defeated Chris Chaos.
Crazy & Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe) w/Dirty Rell Moe defeated The Southern Saints Shawn Reed & Chris Styles" w/Anita Page & Josh Matthews.
The newest member of Attitude, Inc., Big Jake w/T-Byrd, defeated Lil X-treme.
Josh Matthews w/Anita Page, Antesha, Jonathon Douglas, Chris styles, & Shawn Reed won a three way dance over Tysin Starr & LSD.
Attitude, Inc. (Tony Dabbs & Bless) w/T-Byrd defeated The New Age Cowboys (Josh Holly & Chris Kilgore) by DQ. Attitude, Inc. retains belts.
Fusion & DC defeated Neil Taylor & Brett Machaels.
This Friday at TFW the midgets are back! Big Jake, Tony Dabbs, & Bless w/T-byrd will take on Lil' X-treme, Chazz, & ?!
It will be a great show, don't miss it.
Credit: Axeman @ http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/
Chazz defeated Chris Chaos.
Crazy & Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe) w/Dirty Rell Moe defeated The Southern Saints Shawn Reed & Chris Styles" w/Anita Page & Josh Matthews.
The newest member of Attitude, Inc., Big Jake w/T-Byrd, defeated Lil X-treme.
Josh Matthews w/Anita Page, Antesha, Jonathon Douglas, Chris styles, & Shawn Reed won a three way dance over Tysin Starr & LSD.
Attitude, Inc. (Tony Dabbs & Bless) w/T-Byrd defeated The New Age Cowboys (Josh Holly & Chris Kilgore) by DQ. Attitude, Inc. retains belts.
Fusion & DC defeated Neil Taylor & Brett Machaels.
This Friday at TFW the midgets are back! Big Jake, Tony Dabbs, & Bless w/T-byrd will take on Lil' X-treme, Chazz, & ?!
It will be a great show, don't miss it.
Credit: Axeman @ http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/
RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 10.06.07 - The Posse Headed To TIWF!!
----Rebecca Raze def Boogeyman Scream...Dre Black def Convict (Assault)...Jonathan Storm def Bobby Kane...Chico Mendoza def Wykid
...PK Ripper won by DQ over Convict (misdemeanor)...Lawman and J.C. def Steven Rampage and Big Boy Bob.
----This promotion has been pretty quite the last few weeks, but that is about to change. They announced on their site in the "Hot Shot" column that coming to TIWF this week are Izzy Rotten, Cassonova Kidd and "The Posse" - Simon Reed and Lil Chris!!! Apparently they are scheduled to work a program with the "New Breed Of Perfection" [Wildside/Waycool]. Posse have been so over everywhere they go, it will be interesting to see if they can help TIWF bring up the crowds.
...PK Ripper won by DQ over Convict (misdemeanor)...Lawman and J.C. def Steven Rampage and Big Boy Bob.
----This promotion has been pretty quite the last few weeks, but that is about to change. They announced on their site in the "Hot Shot" column that coming to TIWF this week are Izzy Rotten, Cassonova Kidd and "The Posse" - Simon Reed and Lil Chris!!! Apparently they are scheduled to work a program with the "New Breed Of Perfection" [Wildside/Waycool]. Posse have been so over everywhere they go, it will be interesting to see if they can help TIWF bring up the crowds.
Flashback!!! September, 1990 featuring Rilbo!!
----This week’s Flashback is also from the #3 issue of RASSLIN RIOT. This report was for
a Central All-Star Wrestling show from September of 1990. It featured a few familiar names from this area. This is how is originally appeared in the zine – errors and all. LOL

RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg,TN 10.06.07
----“Black Label Society” [AJ Bradley/Robbie Douglas/Void] beat JR Manson/Buckwheat/Gaylon Ray…Jeremy Moore over Tim Edwards – Jeremy gets title shot this week…Phoenix X over Jon Roberts – X is new NBW High Risk Champion… Kilo over Baron Malkevain…Mark Justice over Jason Reed in a No DQ match with an 8 ball pool ball.
----I was told 40 people by one source and 75 paid 90 to 100 in the building by another source. Neither source has a reason to lie either. LOL The wrestling business – don’t you just love it??...Lots going on backstage with this show. I was told they had two refs walk out last weekend, but look for them to come back. The building is no longer rented by Dale and Sandra Walker and then partnered with Jeff McDonald. Dale and Sandra have nothing to do with the building anymore. I was also told that Sandra’s daughter, who is Tim Edwards’ wife has been ask to stay away from the building…Tank, who worked here from the inception, has moved and I am being told by some within the promotion that they do not want him back…Expect Edwards to drop the belt this weekend and out the door. Apparently he had a disagreement with Mo and Mo challenged him to stand up for himself. Edwards did nothing…Other rumors have the announcer Joe Borders being on his way out also. If so, expect Gaylon Ray and Jon Roberts to leave.
----I was told 40 people by one source and 75 paid 90 to 100 in the building by another source. Neither source has a reason to lie either. LOL The wrestling business – don’t you just love it??...Lots going on backstage with this show. I was told they had two refs walk out last weekend, but look for them to come back. The building is no longer rented by Dale and Sandra Walker and then partnered with Jeff McDonald. Dale and Sandra have nothing to do with the building anymore. I was also told that Sandra’s daughter, who is Tim Edwards’ wife has been ask to stay away from the building…Tank, who worked here from the inception, has moved and I am being told by some within the promotion that they do not want him back…Expect Edwards to drop the belt this weekend and out the door. Apparently he had a disagreement with Mo and Mo challenged him to stand up for himself. Edwards did nothing…Other rumors have the announcer Joe Borders being on his way out also. If so, expect Gaylon Ray and Jon Roberts to leave.
Site News!!
----I would like to make note that I have changed The Dundees booking ad from the main page, because I am not booking any dates for them anymore. In reality, I never did book anything for them. I tried a few shows, but nothing was good on either side – the promoter’s side or Bill’s side. The last promoter I dealt with went to me and then went to Jamie’s myspace page and booked them thru that. If you are a promoter and would like to book the Dundees, then hit the photo on the front page and it will take you to Jamie’s myspace page. Please do me a favor though. If you book them by seeing their ad on my site, then just let them know where you seen it at.
----I am working with Stan Lee in booking some dates for him outside of this area or a good weekly spot here. Stan is a former WWC Tag Team Champion with Derrick King and is one of the top notch workers in this area. He is willing to travel anywhere, if the price is right. Please click on Stan’s photo on the home page and give me all the info you have and I will handle the rest.
----Would you like your photo on the front of the site and been seen by over 45,000 viewers a month?? The placement of the ad is cheap. It works simple – you make money – I make money. If you do not make money, then I do not make money. I will also accompany you on some dates helping you sell your gimmicks and my DVDs. Just drop me an e-mail.
----I am working with Stan Lee in booking some dates for him outside of this area or a good weekly spot here. Stan is a former WWC Tag Team Champion with Derrick King and is one of the top notch workers in this area. He is willing to travel anywhere, if the price is right. Please click on Stan’s photo on the home page and give me all the info you have and I will handle the rest.
----Would you like your photo on the front of the site and been seen by over 45,000 viewers a month?? The placement of the ad is cheap. It works simple – you make money – I make money. If you do not make money, then I do not make money. I will also accompany you on some dates helping you sell your gimmicks and my DVDs. Just drop me an e-mail.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
"Coach's Corner" Late Monday Edition!!
----So as most of you know, I am not a Pacman Jones fan. I actually think he is a piece of trash. I did finally get around to seeing the two hour debut TNA show this week and I even think worse of him. He didn’t do crap and is getting paid more and more exposure than well deserved. I mean hell Johnny Dotson deserves more exposure than this guy. Wait…that is exactly who Pacman looks like in the ring with a guy like Bubba Ray. I am serious take a look at him – he is just soooo small. In his corner is the most charismatic performer this business has seen in years – Ron “The Truth” Killings. This is the guy the promotion needs to put in the ring with Kurt Angle, instead of wasting so much time with Angle trying to molest Sting’s kid. Why was Sting so upset?? Angle was watching a FREAKIN’ FOOTBALL GAME!! But, he did grab him at the end; hmmm?? I truly feel sorry for Jim Cornette and Matt Morgan. Cornette has more talent than 90% of the people on the roster and Morgan is so much more talented than anyone knows. Did anyone else see those matches that Morgan had vs Elijah Burke in OVW?? I remember Dave Meltzer was crapping all over them and I was saying how both of those guys were going to be stars. At least I was right on one of them.
----So I crap on them all the time, so who do I like?? LAX [Homicide is so smooth], Junior Fatu [tons of charisma – just ask him] Christopher Daniels [hate the new gimmick makeup], Samoa Joe [always been a Joe mark], Christian [ditto], Raven [I still like his tired ass] My favorite team is “Motor City Machineguns” [Alex Shelly/Chris Sabin]. Don’t like the name that much, but love their work. I also am high on Kaz. He reminds me of…and some of you are going to say what??...but…he reminds me of Shawn Michaels. The size and smoothness of his moves. This guy will always be told he is too small, but given the right storyline and push, he could be a star. Not that stupid ass thing with Traci Brooks and Bobby Roode. Now, Roode has the “look”, but he needs mic skills to get over or a really good manager. Speaking of the “look”, Chris “Wildcat” Harris has really gained some weight since the last time I saw him. And finally, who can’t like Eric Young; right?? Am I the only one that thinks he looks like “Nightmare” Danny Davis from the back and Kevin Sullivan from the front??? Oh yea, I also like Traci Brooks’ boobs!!!
----I am not always one to think conspiracy, what the hell is going on over at TNA?? They are using ODB, who has been working OVW apparently without a contract. They also have been going after Joey Mercury, who has been working as head trainer of the beginner’s class [I think] at OVW. Why would TNA try to get these two people?? I am totally unimpressed with ODB, especially since she does a “redneck cooler” gimmick. Mercury has cleaned up his act, but why would both of them working OVW go to TNA?? Just seems strange to me, but it probably all has to do with mighty dollar. ODB is there on her on and I assuming Mercury is also, so the money may be better. Will Vince get rid of them completely?? Or use them for spies!!!
----Speaking of OVW, the net rumors have been saying that morale is low in OVW and everyone is scared about what is going to happen with them. I am hearing the opposite. I have been told the guys are happy that they might get called up for their talent and not because they might be a big monster on the juice. The main thing is that the “advantage” that some of the guys juicing might have had are not going to have it now. OVW had two students test positive a week or so back. WWE will not be touching them. The OVW students all have to be tested and be licensed to wrestle in the state of Kentucky. Even if you were just going for a tryout, you would have to take a drug test and get a Kentucky license. So, they are taking the testing and such serious. Maybe some of the guys that relied on the juice to give them the “look” may be worried, but overall the guys that can work should be happy with the opportunity.
----Dave Heath, Gangrel aka Vampire Warrior, is now porn star director. He stated in an interview that was posted on www.wrestlingobserver.com that “It’s just wrestling ah…maybe it just gotten too sleazy for me.” Oh I just loved that!! I compared the AIDS scare to the steroid scare not too far back and how the sex industry cleaned them selves up. How different are these two businesses?? It is funny that wrestling is considered sleazier than porn, but many people let their kids watch wrestling?? I take my kids to wrestling, but would ground them for life if I caught them looking at porn. Some of us smarks one time started using wrestling terminology to review porn movies. Great workers = girls that loved what they were doing. Tag team = threesomes. Natural or help from the doctors = boobs. Chokehold = chokehold. And back in the day, we would say things like he juiced bad, which meant he was bleeding bad and in porn, well…juicing was something else. LOL
----Well, that was the late Monday edition of “Coach’s Corner.” Please join me on Thursday when I will spend most of the column reviewing two wrestling related items that might interest a few of you.
----So I crap on them all the time, so who do I like?? LAX [Homicide is so smooth], Junior Fatu [tons of charisma – just ask him] Christopher Daniels [hate the new gimmick makeup], Samoa Joe [always been a Joe mark], Christian [ditto], Raven [I still like his tired ass] My favorite team is “Motor City Machineguns” [Alex Shelly/Chris Sabin]. Don’t like the name that much, but love their work. I also am high on Kaz. He reminds me of…and some of you are going to say what??...but…he reminds me of Shawn Michaels. The size and smoothness of his moves. This guy will always be told he is too small, but given the right storyline and push, he could be a star. Not that stupid ass thing with Traci Brooks and Bobby Roode. Now, Roode has the “look”, but he needs mic skills to get over or a really good manager. Speaking of the “look”, Chris “Wildcat” Harris has really gained some weight since the last time I saw him. And finally, who can’t like Eric Young; right?? Am I the only one that thinks he looks like “Nightmare” Danny Davis from the back and Kevin Sullivan from the front??? Oh yea, I also like Traci Brooks’ boobs!!!

----I am not always one to think conspiracy, what the hell is going on over at TNA?? They are using ODB, who has been working OVW apparently without a contract. They also have been going after Joey Mercury, who has been working as head trainer of the beginner’s class [I think] at OVW. Why would TNA try to get these two people?? I am totally unimpressed with ODB, especially since she does a “redneck cooler” gimmick. Mercury has cleaned up his act, but why would both of them working OVW go to TNA?? Just seems strange to me, but it probably all has to do with mighty dollar. ODB is there on her on and I assuming Mercury is also, so the money may be better. Will Vince get rid of them completely?? Or use them for spies!!!
----Speaking of OVW, the net rumors have been saying that morale is low in OVW and everyone is scared about what is going to happen with them. I am hearing the opposite. I have been told the guys are happy that they might get called up for their talent and not because they might be a big monster on the juice. The main thing is that the “advantage” that some of the guys juicing might have had are not going to have it now. OVW had two students test positive a week or so back. WWE will not be touching them. The OVW students all have to be tested and be licensed to wrestle in the state of Kentucky. Even if you were just going for a tryout, you would have to take a drug test and get a Kentucky license. So, they are taking the testing and such serious. Maybe some of the guys that relied on the juice to give them the “look” may be worried, but overall the guys that can work should be happy with the opportunity.
----Dave Heath, Gangrel aka Vampire Warrior, is now porn star director. He stated in an interview that was posted on www.wrestlingobserver.com that “It’s just wrestling ah…maybe it just gotten too sleazy for me.” Oh I just loved that!! I compared the AIDS scare to the steroid scare not too far back and how the sex industry cleaned them selves up. How different are these two businesses?? It is funny that wrestling is considered sleazier than porn, but many people let their kids watch wrestling?? I take my kids to wrestling, but would ground them for life if I caught them looking at porn. Some of us smarks one time started using wrestling terminology to review porn movies. Great workers = girls that loved what they were doing. Tag team = threesomes. Natural or help from the doctors = boobs. Chokehold = chokehold. And back in the day, we would say things like he juiced bad, which meant he was bleeding bad and in porn, well…juicing was something else. LOL
----Well, that was the late Monday edition of “Coach’s Corner.” Please join me on Thursday when I will spend most of the column reviewing two wrestling related items that might interest a few of you.
Nick Bollea Update!!
----I just wanted to make note at how sad this is. This site was one of the first to break the story on the Bollea car wreck and I have tried to continue to follow it. If there is not a lawsuit following this, I will be totally surprised.
--John Graziano, the former marine who was injured as the passenger in the car crash involving Nick Bollea, will likely spend the rest of his life in a nursing home according to several articles out today including http://baynews9.com and
www.people.com/people/article/0,,20151380,00.html www.TMZ.com Court documents filed today say, at best, Graziano can only open and close his eyes.
--John Graziano, the former marine who was injured as the passenger in the car crash involving Nick Bollea, will likely spend the rest of his life in a nursing home according to several articles out today including http://baynews9.com and
www.people.com/people/article/0,,20151380,00.html www.TMZ.com Court documents filed today say, at best, Graziano can only open and close his eyes.
A Piece of my Mind-Oct 9th 2007-by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

We were booking what turned out to be the last WrestleReunion event to date in Davie, Fl. We had two strong matches booked on top. It was The Dudley’s vs. The Eaton and Condrey version of The Midnight Express as usual Jim Cornette was invited to attend but the drive was just too long. We had wanted a six man tag match that night but Stan Lane was busy with his boat racing commentator duties. We also scheduled Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk with Mick Foley as the guest referee. I needed an opponent for Jake “The Snake” Roberts and really didn’t have anyone in mind. I called a man named Joe Price, who I had done some business with, to see if he had any suggestions. When I talked to Joe he made it clear that there was a guy that would be perfect to work with Jake and was good enough to protect Jake who was nursing a bad hip. We went to the extra effort to make sure that we had a snake for Jake. He always wants at least a ten foot boa and we wanted him to shine that night. I was very busy that night as we were filming the event and there was a lot to do. I eventually caught up with the young guy Price had recommended and, as I explained to him about Jake, he said and I quote “We are going to do what he wants to do the way he wants to do it”. I reiterated to him about Jake’s hip and he looked me in the eye and said once again “We are going to do what he wants to do the way he wants to do it”. I said ok and felt like things would go well. After the match I spoke to Jake and he was very pleased with the match. I felt like Joe Price had made a great recommendation. The guy had a great look and attitude. I knew in my mind this was a young man who was going to make it. Well I am glad to say that he has made it. I think he will still continue to rise up the ladder. I might even say that eventually he could be WWE Champion. His name is Antonio Banks or it was Antonio Banks you actually know him as WWE star MVP.
I have to agree with most of the critics that the MVP and Matt Hardy stuff is as good as wrestling has to offer right now. I only hope that Stephanie McMahon can see the positive things about what they are doing with that angle and replicate it throughout the company.
You know it seems that WWE is very high on Beth Phoenix. I have to be honest I don’t see it. I would be running with Victoria as my champion feed all these white meat baby faces to her and I would have Christie Ricci in my company. This seems like booking 101 to me. I must really be missing something.
Flashback: Some of my favorite days in wrestling were working in Concord, NC in various buildings for a wrestler/promoter named Willy Clay. We had recently returned from Australia and I decided I wanted to do more managing. I had really gotten the bug from managing Kamala as Friday on the tour. I started out managing some of my buddies such as “Carolinas Own” David Isley and Colt Steele. These guys had been enhancement talents for Jim Crockett for several years and regularly appeared on TBS. They both worked in a good position for Nelson Royal’s ACW. On top of that Colt worked some territories like Florida and Kansas City.
It was somewhere around this time that I had my first match working with Gorgeous Gary Royal. I was totally untrained in the ring. I was able to get by being led by a true ring veteran. In time with each match I got better. The shows were run quite often and when we were done we would head over to Shoney’s to have a little something to eat. We would sit around talking about the show. There were times that some top guys were even brought in for the shows as well. Eventually, we decided to turn heel. We did a Midnight Rider type angle with David Isley. We used the same music that Dusty used when he did the thing originally. When we came to the ring to Willie Nelson would start signing The Midnight Rider song and the people would start screaming. We had a lot of heat with the people whether there were fifty of them or two hundred of them. I used to get energized every time I heard that song. After the shows ended we had to have police escorts to our car. The locals loved “The Wild Thing” Willie Clay. He was their hero. He always tried hard in the ring and took it very seriously. His ring crew supposedly knew the whole thing was a work. Well on one night we did an angle where we beat up Willie’s son, Willie Clay Jr, and the ring crew came after us as well led by Willie’s main man Paul Green. We were amazed. But it sure meant we were doing our job. It never really got us anywhere except to Shoney’s on a Saturday night. But we were having a ball. We were doing things that made sense, working on our craft and entertaining the people. We luckily avoided getting shot at or starting a riot. When I get frustrated with the business, the backstabbing, the poor product we are forced to watch on TV, I think back to the fun we used to have and wish that we could go back to that time.
This weekend there was a large legends event called Dream Reunion 2. It appears that there are conflicting stories. I have heard many conflicting opinions and looked at evidence that could be misleading. One thing that I have determined is this ... the promoters of this event should not be promoting wrestling. They are wrestling fans who want to be a part of the show. They over-booked their event and it doesn’t appear that they have the funding or investors to run events. If you are counting on the money that comes in through the gate to pay the wrestlers and the other expenses associated with the show please get out of the business now. It is a shame that many of the legends of our business need the money so bad that they accept bookings from anyone that calls. In some cases, they set down rules for accepting the appearance such as a deposit of half of the money up front. If the money doesn’t show up many of them will still attempt to make the appearance anyway and then get pissed off if they don't get paid. This is a clear case of clueless desire meeting desperation and that leads to a Mickey Mouse event. Do I believe that the wrestlers allow for every Tom, Dick and Harry who has a few dollars, or believe he can draw some huge crowd off of a bunch of legends that used to headline Madison Square Garden or other arenas around the country? Yes I do and week after week it’s proven the results in many cases are painful for someone sometimes the wrestlers, many times the promoters and quite often the fans. There is very little that can be done to stop someone from running a show. In reality, only the wrestlers can stop themselves from being shortchanged. There is no governing body in pro wrestling so we can only police ourselves. The ultimate reason for the insanity is this.... the wrestlers who are considered star's which means anyone who at anytime appeared on a regular televised wrestling program. It could also mean anyone who at one time or another in the last twenty five to thirty five years worked a territory and wrestled five to seven nights a week. They all want a guarantee for their appearance plus expense money. They want this whether there name being advertised helps draw a crowd or not. On the flip side the wrestlers have no control and can not monitor the promoter and whether or not he properly promotes the event. It stands to reason that you would want to be paid something especially when you have no idea what’s being done in some town to hopefully draw a crowd. However, if the promoter does a great job and draws a better than expected crowd, the talent should never ask for more money. If you are going to take advantage of some person that doesn’t know any better then don’t expect to get more than you were promised or hold up the show demanding additional compensation if the promoter actually grabs the brass ring one night. There are many wrestlers who have a well known and very poor reputation this can be for irresponsibility, being in horrible shape, missing bookings or just being plain difficult to work with. If you are a promoter and book these guys than always remember Caveat Emptor its Latin for “let the buyer beware”. If you’re a wrestler check out the promoter ... ask him who he has worked with before and call them and see what their input is. If he has never promoted before then he needs to send you at least half the money in advance and a plane ticket. The wrestler needs to sign an agreement that protects both parties like it’s a real business. The problem is most of these promoters aren’t business people. They are people trying to be in business. The wrestlers are entertainers who really can only entertain. They handle business in a very poor way and either are too cheap to have representation or too foolish. I will tell you this; the talent that is paid the best and has the least problems in this business are the ones with representation. I want to send a clear message to all wrestling talent. In the real world of entertainment, if you don’t have representation you are looked upon in a very poor light. Who knows Congress may help to clear this mess up? But if they don’t I believe foolish desire will continue to meet desperation and the lunacy will continue on.
I can tell you this from my own experience, what went on at this event isn’t all the different from a Memphis Wrestling production. There are a few reasons why we hear very little about the pathetic mismanagement that occurs at the few events that happen. One is because Corey Maclin guarantees nobody any money. The other is because he uses very few stars most of whom are locals who are used to the nonsense that goes on and have chosen to live with and go back and forth between working for Corey and not working for him. The last one is because no matter what happens Corey is making money so he likes to fly below the radar. Even though I don’t agree with how Corey does things as a promoter, I have to say that he accomplishes the goal of all promoters his company operates in the black. I myself have not gotten money promised to me by promoters it happens but to me it only happens once. Perhaps there are so few people complaining about working for Memphis Wrestling is because there is no financial expectation. I guess one has to decide what's more important eating or sleeping at night.
Well another WWE PPV under our belts I think that it did accomplish one thing for me. It made my desire for the return of Chris Jericho increase ten fold. Please expedite his return to television wrestling.
Please tell Paul London to shave that beard. It's absolutely horrible and the wrong look for a potential heartthrob.
I am sorry it took John Cena getting hurt for “The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels to return to RAW. It was a much needed return and if it had to be an exchange instead of an addition WWE still came out ahead.
This picture was taken at The Horseshoe Casino in Bossier City, LA June of 1999. We were filming TV at the casino. I was managing a group that I called The Firm. It consisted of a new version of The Midnight Express Sweet Stan Lane and Bodacious Brian Blair. At the time Bobby Eaton wasn’t available and Dennis Condrey had not yet made his return to the ring. It is a shame that more people didn’t get to see this version which we called Midnight Express 2000. The team was fantastic and could have worked in either of the big two at the time. We also used Shane Douglas under a hood during our first taping and we revealed him in the second hour. It was a great unit that was rounded out by Tracey Smothers. Actually Tracey is the guy under the hood in this picture. We were waiting for Shane and Missy Hyatt to get in from the airport so we put Tracey in the hood until Shane arrived for interviews. I also had a valet named Olivia she got over well but just didn’t like the business and didn’t want to come back after her first experience. All in all it was a great tapings
This has been a piece of my mind
I have to agree with most of the critics that the MVP and Matt Hardy stuff is as good as wrestling has to offer right now. I only hope that Stephanie McMahon can see the positive things about what they are doing with that angle and replicate it throughout the company.
You know it seems that WWE is very high on Beth Phoenix. I have to be honest I don’t see it. I would be running with Victoria as my champion feed all these white meat baby faces to her and I would have Christie Ricci in my company. This seems like booking 101 to me. I must really be missing something.
Flashback: Some of my favorite days in wrestling were working in Concord, NC in various buildings for a wrestler/promoter named Willy Clay. We had recently returned from Australia and I decided I wanted to do more managing. I had really gotten the bug from managing Kamala as Friday on the tour. I started out managing some of my buddies such as “Carolinas Own” David Isley and Colt Steele. These guys had been enhancement talents for Jim Crockett for several years and regularly appeared on TBS. They both worked in a good position for Nelson Royal’s ACW. On top of that Colt worked some territories like Florida and Kansas City.
It was somewhere around this time that I had my first match working with Gorgeous Gary Royal. I was totally untrained in the ring. I was able to get by being led by a true ring veteran. In time with each match I got better. The shows were run quite often and when we were done we would head over to Shoney’s to have a little something to eat. We would sit around talking about the show. There were times that some top guys were even brought in for the shows as well. Eventually, we decided to turn heel. We did a Midnight Rider type angle with David Isley. We used the same music that Dusty used when he did the thing originally. When we came to the ring to Willie Nelson would start signing The Midnight Rider song and the people would start screaming. We had a lot of heat with the people whether there were fifty of them or two hundred of them. I used to get energized every time I heard that song. After the shows ended we had to have police escorts to our car. The locals loved “The Wild Thing” Willie Clay. He was their hero. He always tried hard in the ring and took it very seriously. His ring crew supposedly knew the whole thing was a work. Well on one night we did an angle where we beat up Willie’s son, Willie Clay Jr, and the ring crew came after us as well led by Willie’s main man Paul Green. We were amazed. But it sure meant we were doing our job. It never really got us anywhere except to Shoney’s on a Saturday night. But we were having a ball. We were doing things that made sense, working on our craft and entertaining the people. We luckily avoided getting shot at or starting a riot. When I get frustrated with the business, the backstabbing, the poor product we are forced to watch on TV, I think back to the fun we used to have and wish that we could go back to that time.
This weekend there was a large legends event called Dream Reunion 2. It appears that there are conflicting stories. I have heard many conflicting opinions and looked at evidence that could be misleading. One thing that I have determined is this ... the promoters of this event should not be promoting wrestling. They are wrestling fans who want to be a part of the show. They over-booked their event and it doesn’t appear that they have the funding or investors to run events. If you are counting on the money that comes in through the gate to pay the wrestlers and the other expenses associated with the show please get out of the business now. It is a shame that many of the legends of our business need the money so bad that they accept bookings from anyone that calls. In some cases, they set down rules for accepting the appearance such as a deposit of half of the money up front. If the money doesn’t show up many of them will still attempt to make the appearance anyway and then get pissed off if they don't get paid. This is a clear case of clueless desire meeting desperation and that leads to a Mickey Mouse event. Do I believe that the wrestlers allow for every Tom, Dick and Harry who has a few dollars, or believe he can draw some huge crowd off of a bunch of legends that used to headline Madison Square Garden or other arenas around the country? Yes I do and week after week it’s proven the results in many cases are painful for someone sometimes the wrestlers, many times the promoters and quite often the fans. There is very little that can be done to stop someone from running a show. In reality, only the wrestlers can stop themselves from being shortchanged. There is no governing body in pro wrestling so we can only police ourselves. The ultimate reason for the insanity is this.... the wrestlers who are considered star's which means anyone who at anytime appeared on a regular televised wrestling program. It could also mean anyone who at one time or another in the last twenty five to thirty five years worked a territory and wrestled five to seven nights a week. They all want a guarantee for their appearance plus expense money. They want this whether there name being advertised helps draw a crowd or not. On the flip side the wrestlers have no control and can not monitor the promoter and whether or not he properly promotes the event. It stands to reason that you would want to be paid something especially when you have no idea what’s being done in some town to hopefully draw a crowd. However, if the promoter does a great job and draws a better than expected crowd, the talent should never ask for more money. If you are going to take advantage of some person that doesn’t know any better then don’t expect to get more than you were promised or hold up the show demanding additional compensation if the promoter actually grabs the brass ring one night. There are many wrestlers who have a well known and very poor reputation this can be for irresponsibility, being in horrible shape, missing bookings or just being plain difficult to work with. If you are a promoter and book these guys than always remember Caveat Emptor its Latin for “let the buyer beware”. If you’re a wrestler check out the promoter ... ask him who he has worked with before and call them and see what their input is. If he has never promoted before then he needs to send you at least half the money in advance and a plane ticket. The wrestler needs to sign an agreement that protects both parties like it’s a real business. The problem is most of these promoters aren’t business people. They are people trying to be in business. The wrestlers are entertainers who really can only entertain. They handle business in a very poor way and either are too cheap to have representation or too foolish. I will tell you this; the talent that is paid the best and has the least problems in this business are the ones with representation. I want to send a clear message to all wrestling talent. In the real world of entertainment, if you don’t have representation you are looked upon in a very poor light. Who knows Congress may help to clear this mess up? But if they don’t I believe foolish desire will continue to meet desperation and the lunacy will continue on.
I can tell you this from my own experience, what went on at this event isn’t all the different from a Memphis Wrestling production. There are a few reasons why we hear very little about the pathetic mismanagement that occurs at the few events that happen. One is because Corey Maclin guarantees nobody any money. The other is because he uses very few stars most of whom are locals who are used to the nonsense that goes on and have chosen to live with and go back and forth between working for Corey and not working for him. The last one is because no matter what happens Corey is making money so he likes to fly below the radar. Even though I don’t agree with how Corey does things as a promoter, I have to say that he accomplishes the goal of all promoters his company operates in the black. I myself have not gotten money promised to me by promoters it happens but to me it only happens once. Perhaps there are so few people complaining about working for Memphis Wrestling is because there is no financial expectation. I guess one has to decide what's more important eating or sleeping at night.
Well another WWE PPV under our belts I think that it did accomplish one thing for me. It made my desire for the return of Chris Jericho increase ten fold. Please expedite his return to television wrestling.
Please tell Paul London to shave that beard. It's absolutely horrible and the wrong look for a potential heartthrob.
I am sorry it took John Cena getting hurt for “The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels to return to RAW. It was a much needed return and if it had to be an exchange instead of an addition WWE still came out ahead.
This picture was taken at The Horseshoe Casino in Bossier City, LA June of 1999. We were filming TV at the casino. I was managing a group that I called The Firm. It consisted of a new version of The Midnight Express Sweet Stan Lane and Bodacious Brian Blair. At the time Bobby Eaton wasn’t available and Dennis Condrey had not yet made his return to the ring. It is a shame that more people didn’t get to see this version which we called Midnight Express 2000. The team was fantastic and could have worked in either of the big two at the time. We also used Shane Douglas under a hood during our first taping and we revealed him in the second hour. It was a great unit that was rounded out by Tracey Smothers. Actually Tracey is the guy under the hood in this picture. We were waiting for Shane and Missy Hyatt to get in from the airport so we put Tracey in the hood until Shane arrived for interviews. I also had a valet named Olivia she got over well but just didn’t like the business and didn’t want to come back after her first experience. All in all it was a great tapings
This has been a piece of my mind
Monday, October 08, 2007
Sounds like Fun!!
----I had talked with promoter Rob Reeder during the first few weeks that I had Bill & Jamie Dundee up on the site to book. The Dundees decided against going because of the drive and I am SOOOOO glad they did. Take a look at what Meltzer had to say on http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/ about it today.
--The Dream Reunion in Kokomo, IN this past weekend was a mess. Jerry Sags, Doug Gilbert, Scott Norton, Steve Williams and Jazz didn't come because they never got their plane tickets. Jerry Lawler canceled. Jim Cornette, Brian Lawler and Zach Gowen also pulled out. Police were called due to problems with wrestlers who did come not getting paid. Some of the wrestlers were kicked out of the local Motel 6 on Saturday night because the promoter didn't pay for the rooms. Tommy Rich and Pat Tanaka went after promoter Rob Reeder, and went nuts when he locked himself in his office. The police and the building are holding Reeder's wrestling ring and belts for nonpayment of rental of the building. Reeder left and left his wife to deal with the police. Jessica Hatch, who has been the hardest working of the Diva Search competitors at getting her name out, flew there on her own to meet fans. Among those who were there were Baby Doll, Al Snow, Marty Jannetty, Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condrey and Brian Knobs.
--The Dream Reunion in Kokomo, IN this past weekend was a mess. Jerry Sags, Doug Gilbert, Scott Norton, Steve Williams and Jazz didn't come because they never got their plane tickets. Jerry Lawler canceled. Jim Cornette, Brian Lawler and Zach Gowen also pulled out. Police were called due to problems with wrestlers who did come not getting paid. Some of the wrestlers were kicked out of the local Motel 6 on Saturday night because the promoter didn't pay for the rooms. Tommy Rich and Pat Tanaka went after promoter Rob Reeder, and went nuts when he locked himself in his office. The police and the building are holding Reeder's wrestling ring and belts for nonpayment of rental of the building. Reeder left and left his wife to deal with the police. Jessica Hatch, who has been the hardest working of the Diva Search competitors at getting her name out, flew there on her own to meet fans. Among those who were there were Baby Doll, Al Snow, Marty Jannetty, Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condrey and Brian Knobs.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
RassleResults: MEWA Batesville, AR 10.06.07 - New Light Weight Champion!!
The First Match of the night was “The Suicide King” Ray Ray taking Greg King Jr. This was a fast paced, high flying match from these two great light heavy weights. Both men were pulling out all the stops, with vicious chops to high flying over the top moves. After a hard fought match Greg King Jr. was able to get the win in 10:45.
The Second Match was Kid Nickels being challenged by Tommy Gunn. After losing the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title last week Nickels was going to take out his frustrations this week on whoever stepped in the ring with him. Gunn being a true heavy weigh himself wanted to prove that he should get a title shot in the future by beating the former champion. Nickels stepped his game up this week with hard hitting style and never allowed Gunn to get an upper hand on him through-out the match. After 9:21 Nickels got the victory, and started his climb back up the ladder to reclaim the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title.
“Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne came out and announced that after his match last week with Matt Justyce that later in the night he was going to give Justyce a rematch for the M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Title. Wayne also said that after there match last week he had a lot of respect for Justyce, but he not going to lay down for him, so Justyce would have to earn it.
The Third Match of the night was “Dangerous” Dave Cox taking on Big Al. Cox was very upset at the idea he was having to face a man wearing a dress. He vowed he was going to take Al out, not only did Cox view Al as an insult to the fans, but him personally, because of the sport of wrestling in which he loves very much. Cox never allowed Al a chance to get an upper hand in the entire match. Dave took full advantage of the past back problems Al has had, by working on his back from the get go. Cox got the win a short time of 5:32, after the match was over the ref called for General Manager Johnny Hawk to the ring. Al was lying in the ring riveting in pain from the many shots Cox had deliver to his lower back. Hawk and many of the M.E.W.A staff were in the ring with Al. A local ambulance was called and transported Big Al to the local hospital were he under went X-Rays, M.R.I testing on his back. Cox was interviewed shortly after the match he said “ Let this be a lesson to Al, Al is a disgrace to this sport in which I devoted many of years to.” I spoke with Big Al this morning on the phone and he had been released from the hospital with Bruised Kidneys. He will be out of action for a couple of weeks due to injuries. Al had this to say for Cox. “ When I come riding back into town in a couple of weeks, he better be on the look out.”
The Semi-Main Event was a M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title Match with the champion “3-G” Eric Wayne being challenged by “Hot Rod” John Ellison. Ellison being a veteran of the sport had his sight’s set on reclaiming the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title. Ellison used all his little trick’s he has learned over his 10 plus year’s in this business to win the title from Wayne. Wayne has only been in the sport for 2 years, but was up to the challenge of the veteran. Ellison came at Wayne with his famous high-flying attack, but Wayne used his high-impact style to keep Ellison grounded to the mat. After hard fought title match “3-G” Eric Wayne was able to retain his M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title in 12:20.
The Main Event of the night was M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Title Match. Is was the Champion “Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne being challenged by Matt Justyce. This was an rematch from last week when these two men tore down the house with a great match. This week both Wayne and Justyce came the fans a match that keep the fans out of the seats all thought the match. With both men having a lot of respect for each other, they showed good sportsmanship. This was a very fast, high flying style match. Neither man was never able to an upper hand in this match, each man was able to counter every move the other was to accomplish. In a time of 16:25 Matt Justyce was able to pull out the win and become the New M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Champion.
The crowd was down this week to 232 in the stands.
The Second Match was Kid Nickels being challenged by Tommy Gunn. After losing the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title last week Nickels was going to take out his frustrations this week on whoever stepped in the ring with him. Gunn being a true heavy weigh himself wanted to prove that he should get a title shot in the future by beating the former champion. Nickels stepped his game up this week with hard hitting style and never allowed Gunn to get an upper hand on him through-out the match. After 9:21 Nickels got the victory, and started his climb back up the ladder to reclaim the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title.
“Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne came out and announced that after his match last week with Matt Justyce that later in the night he was going to give Justyce a rematch for the M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Title. Wayne also said that after there match last week he had a lot of respect for Justyce, but he not going to lay down for him, so Justyce would have to earn it.
The Third Match of the night was “Dangerous” Dave Cox taking on Big Al. Cox was very upset at the idea he was having to face a man wearing a dress. He vowed he was going to take Al out, not only did Cox view Al as an insult to the fans, but him personally, because of the sport of wrestling in which he loves very much. Cox never allowed Al a chance to get an upper hand in the entire match. Dave took full advantage of the past back problems Al has had, by working on his back from the get go. Cox got the win a short time of 5:32, after the match was over the ref called for General Manager Johnny Hawk to the ring. Al was lying in the ring riveting in pain from the many shots Cox had deliver to his lower back. Hawk and many of the M.E.W.A staff were in the ring with Al. A local ambulance was called and transported Big Al to the local hospital were he under went X-Rays, M.R.I testing on his back. Cox was interviewed shortly after the match he said “ Let this be a lesson to Al, Al is a disgrace to this sport in which I devoted many of years to.” I spoke with Big Al this morning on the phone and he had been released from the hospital with Bruised Kidneys. He will be out of action for a couple of weeks due to injuries. Al had this to say for Cox. “ When I come riding back into town in a couple of weeks, he better be on the look out.”
The Semi-Main Event was a M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title Match with the champion “3-G” Eric Wayne being challenged by “Hot Rod” John Ellison. Ellison being a veteran of the sport had his sight’s set on reclaiming the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title. Ellison used all his little trick’s he has learned over his 10 plus year’s in this business to win the title from Wayne. Wayne has only been in the sport for 2 years, but was up to the challenge of the veteran. Ellison came at Wayne with his famous high-flying attack, but Wayne used his high-impact style to keep Ellison grounded to the mat. After hard fought title match “3-G” Eric Wayne was able to retain his M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title in 12:20.
The Main Event of the night was M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Title Match. Is was the Champion “Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne being challenged by Matt Justyce. This was an rematch from last week when these two men tore down the house with a great match. This week both Wayne and Justyce came the fans a match that keep the fans out of the seats all thought the match. With both men having a lot of respect for each other, they showed good sportsmanship. This was a very fast, high flying style match. Neither man was never able to an upper hand in this match, each man was able to counter every move the other was to accomplish. In a time of 16:25 Matt Justyce was able to pull out the win and become the New M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Champion.
The crowd was down this week to 232 in the stands.
A Few Memphis Legends In Evansville, IN Last Night...
--Juggalo Championship Wrestling from last night in Evansville: Gangrel b The Model, Bloody Brothers b Altar Boys, Luke Hawx b Bobby Valentino, Scott Hall b Jake Roberts, Bull Pain b Nosawa, 2 Tuff Tony b 2 Cold Scorpio after punching him with a flaming fist, Mad Man Pondo b U-Gene (who came as an unadvertised surprise), Corporal Robinson b Tracy Smothers. Smothers was managed by Lord Humongous, who was Sid Vicious in overalls and a Jason hockey mask. When Sid debuted in Memphis in the 80s, he used that name and gimmick. After the match, he unmasked and choke slammed Robinson. Violent J of ICP came out followed by Scott Hall. Hall took off his T-shirt and wore a JWO T-shirt and did a survey. He said Violent J, Sid and him were the new JWO and the show ended playing the old NWO music. Hall-Roberts was a complete mess with a botched up finish. (thanks to Cory Walker)
credit: www.wrestlingobserver.com
credit: www.wrestlingobserver.com
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 10.05.07
Tatt2 over Reggie B. Fine
"Naughty by Nature" [Rude/Pokerface]over "Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] to win TLCW Tag Titles.
Chris Lexx w/Miss Vanna [Sue Young] over Dell Tucker
Alan Steele over Cody Melton
Motley Cruz over Tommy Redneck & Jerry Weezy in Hardcore Match
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony & Dustin Starr over Derrick King and Jon Michael
----150 Plus in the crowd with a gate close to $900...DK made the announcment that Flash Flanagan, who was scheduled to return on this show, had missed his flight which brought out TGB. TGB said that Flash didn't miss any flight, but that he had killed Flashamania and this is proof. "5" Starr came out and said the real reason Flash wasn't there was because he is afraid of him. DK said that Flash isn't afraid of either of you and could kick both your asses. tgb and Starr jumped DK and Jon Michael [who has been working as a heel here] made the save...Motley and them did a crazy bump for the finish, something with four chairs...Alan Steele interferred in the main event, powerbombing DK, so Starr could make the pin.
"Naughty by Nature" [Rude/Pokerface]over "Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] to win TLCW Tag Titles.
Chris Lexx w/Miss Vanna [Sue Young] over Dell Tucker
Alan Steele over Cody Melton
Motley Cruz over Tommy Redneck & Jerry Weezy in Hardcore Match
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony & Dustin Starr over Derrick King and Jon Michael
----150 Plus in the crowd with a gate close to $900...DK made the announcment that Flash Flanagan, who was scheduled to return on this show, had missed his flight which brought out TGB. TGB said that Flash didn't miss any flight, but that he had killed Flashamania and this is proof. "5" Starr came out and said the real reason Flash wasn't there was because he is afraid of him. DK said that Flash isn't afraid of either of you and could kick both your asses. tgb and Starr jumped DK and Jon Michael [who has been working as a heel here] made the save...Motley and them did a crazy bump for the finish, something with four chairs...Alan Steele interferred in the main event, powerbombing DK, so Starr could make the pin.
RassleResults: Mid-South Wrestling Russellville, AR 10.06.07
"Superstar" Gary Gram pinned Frankie Valentine with the Gram Cracker Crunch. Valentine is the step son of Doug Somers. Finish saw Valentine miss a moonsault and Gram hit his finish (which is the same as Fit Finlays)
Eric Rose pinned Matt Riviera with a small package after an attempted inside out vertical suplex. Post match saw Matt take the mic and challenge Rose to a man to man confrontation with no ref. Eric went to the ring and as soon as he did Jeff Jett hit him from behind and he and Matt (Reckage & Romance) hit the highest double flapjack in the business on Rose, leaving him lying. Serious heat.
Shane Rawls DDQ Dangerous Derek. Brawl! This was a first round Match in the International Title Tournament so both men were eliminated.
The local law enforcement came out to Bad Boys thanks the promotion and the fans and then introduced the mayor who then presented Danny Hodge with a key to the city! Very classy...
Manager Boyd Bradford comes out and says "now that we have the riff raff out of the ring it's time for a real man to come out, MY KRUSHER KANINE..and then he does his laugh.
Krusher Kanine (with Boyd Bradford) beat Mark Johnson with th
e Krusher Crossface (crippler crossface) in a First Round Match of the International Title Tournament
Tag Champs “Reckage & Romance” [Jett/Riviera] beat Eric Rose and The Nightmare (Ted Allen) when Riviera pinned Allen after the One Night Stand.
“Atomic Dogg” Ali (with Danny Hodge) beat Prince Al Farat (with Skandor Akbar) to advance to the finals of the International Title Tournament in Little Rock November
----The show ended up with 525 Standing Room only with a $4,900 gate. I should have total final figures sometime this week with concessions and such…Next show is November 17 in Little Rock at the Robinson Middle School Gym with Ted Dibiase and the finals of the International Title Tournament and Danny Hodge will be there.
Eric Rose pinned Matt Riviera with a small package after an attempted inside out vertical suplex. Post match saw Matt take the mic and challenge Rose to a man to man confrontation with no ref. Eric went to the ring and as soon as he did Jeff Jett hit him from behind and he and Matt (Reckage & Romance) hit the highest double flapjack in the business on Rose, leaving him lying. Serious heat.
Shane Rawls DDQ Dangerous Derek. Brawl! This was a first round Match in the International Title Tournament so both men were eliminated.
The local law enforcement came out to Bad Boys thanks the promotion and the fans and then introduced the mayor who then presented Danny Hodge with a key to the city! Very classy...
Manager Boyd Bradford comes out and says "now that we have the riff raff out of the ring it's time for a real man to come out, MY KRUSHER KANINE..and then he does his laugh.
Krusher Kanine (with Boyd Bradford) beat Mark Johnson with th

Tag Champs “Reckage & Romance” [Jett/Riviera] beat Eric Rose and The Nightmare (Ted Allen) when Riviera pinned Allen after the One Night Stand.
“Atomic Dogg” Ali (with Danny Hodge) beat Prince Al Farat (with Skandor Akbar) to advance to the finals of the International Title Tournament in Little Rock November
----The show ended up with 525 Standing Room only with a $4,900 gate. I should have total final figures sometime this week with concessions and such…Next show is November 17 in Little Rock at the Robinson Middle School Gym with Ted Dibiase and the finals of the International Title Tournament and Danny Hodge will be there.
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 10.05.07
Attendance 81
New York Gangster b Shane Smalls and Rob C and Justin Spade in a 4-way when Gangster pinned Smalls
Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix b Michael Jablonski & Kevin Dunn by DQ when ref Mark Owen caught Jablonski using Quarisma's own air freshener against him
Eric Star b Tim Renesto by DQ when Renesto repeatedly kicked Star in the groin
Petey Wright b Damien Payne 2-1 in a best 2/3 falls match with LT Falk as special ref
TJ Harley b Hammerjack to win the USWO TV title in a loser must say "you are the champ" match
Arrick Andrews & Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) b Ben Jordan & Steve Neely with Tony Falk as special ref when Valiant pinned Jordan.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
New York Gangster b Shane Smalls and Rob C and Justin Spade in a 4-way when Gangster pinned Smalls
Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix b Michael Jablonski & Kevin Dunn by DQ when ref Mark Owen caught Jablonski using Quarisma's own air freshener against him
Eric Star b Tim Renesto by DQ when Renesto repeatedly kicked Star in the groin
Petey Wright b Damien Payne 2-1 in a best 2/3 falls match with LT Falk as special ref
TJ Harley b Hammerjack to win the USWO TV title in a loser must say "you are the champ" match
Arrick Andrews & Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) b Ben Jordan & Steve Neely with Tony Falk as special ref when Valiant pinned Jordan.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
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