----It is strange when a towns gets hot all the gossip that gets started. Scoot Cambron, better know to all you as Loose Cannon, has lived and help promote wrestling in
The comments and opinions expressed herein are those of Black Label Society (Void & AJ) only, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of myself or anyone else.
w, about his background, his shoot background and everything, and he is one of the nicest, most well-spoken, gentlemanly type guys, not that I had a pre-conceived notion about him being an ass hole or anything like that, but I just guarded up, you know, because of what I had heard, but he is a really nice guy. I really like him. He’s funny, he’s another one of those guys like
g, but he can take an ass whipping, too. I would love to work with him, but we’ve never gotten to cross paths.
made me feel like I could actually do something worth a damn in wrestling. Ricky was the one, and I’ll be honest, there was a time when I was thinking my stuff was not getting over, at the time I started professional wrestling, at the very beginning, I couldn’t do spots, I couldn’t do any of that stuff, and I told Ricky man, I’m never gonna get over. He said you’ve got to stay as a shoot style heel, body part, body part, body part, we don’t have guys like that, smaller guys that can work body parts. They don’t exist half the time. They’re too busy flying around the damn ring and trying to be luchadores, with all due respects to luchadores, man, I can sit back and watch that and appreciate all that athletic ability that, as Raven calls them, high spotketeers, hey, I’ve got a lot of respect for those guys. I prefer not to work against guys like that because I could not contribute anything to their match. They could contribute to mine, but I couldn’t contribute to theirs, because mine is like, go where I put you, and I don’t run people, I don’t do crazy spots, I don’t do anything like that, I just chain wrestle somebody. But Ricky, he kept me steady. I’ve got nothing but love for him. You know, you tend to grow apart after several years when you’ve worked together all the time, and Ricky was there since my first day of training. He worked with me and worked with me and worked with me, and he liked working with me because I liked to chain wrestle, and he throws these low drop kicks – dude, I’m the shortest guy in just about every locker room, and Ricky Murdoch throws drop kicks that hit me in the nether region. I don’t mind taking his chops, I can think of a few things I would rather do on a Sunday afternoon than take chops from Ricky Murdoch, but I would rather he chop me than drop kick me. He super-plexed me one night, and I had never taken a bump from anything higher than mid-body, I think it was about my fifth match, we were in Columbia, Tennessee, got paid $5.00 for driving five hours to do the show, anyway, Ricky puts me on the top rope, and I was thinking he was gonna have me shove him off or something like that, but he keeps coming up the ropes. All of a sudden he hooks me and says come on, and I said well hell, go, and he super-plexes me, and I mean I am on the top rope, and he is, too, and I am thinking to myself, oh shit, the whole way over I am thinking that. It didn’t tickle, but it didn’t paralyze me, either, which is what I thought would happen, you know, scared to death, but when it was over, I was wanting to jump up and charge at him, but I got to thinking, I don’t want to do that again, I don’t want to do that shit again (laughing). But he got me through a lot, and he put me over. He’s also the reason AJ and I are together as a tag team.
ATTENTION: If you are a promoter, please send me the address of the wrestling building. I will then be able to Google map your show, just like I have done to a few of the shows below. I have fans that write this site wanting to know directions to different buildings every week. If I get a street address, then may apply it to Google Maps.
----TONIGHT!! Thursday night in
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes The Hambones, Loose Cannon, Chris Hollywood, Big Daddy LaFonce, Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/’Lil Chris] and more.
----Friday night in
----Saturday night in Booneville, MS for SGWA with “Prime Time” Nick Grymes, Buzz Harly, Izzy Rotten, Homeless Joe, Soultaker, “24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler], “Phat Foundation” and more.
---- Saturday night
DEBUT PERFORMANCE: “Kevin Nikels, well....he looks like the Undertaker and can wrestle like Benoit, he has a ton of potential. We work together, train together and share pain together. I'm glad we were together to go through everything my Dad put us through and is still putting us through.”
CHILDHOOD HEROES: “When I was real young, like 6,7 or 8 years old, I loved watching PG-13 (Wolfie D. and J.C. Ice), they just seemed at ease in the ring and you could tell they were having fun. Once I got older, I still liked watching them, but I started watching more of Benoit, Rey Misterio and pretty much the big names that get mentioned when someone talks about great wrestling.”
DR. DOLITTLE: “Definitely working towards being a veterinarian. I have always had animals in my life, so I don't know how I could survive without a real companion like a dog. When I was born, my Dad had a dog named Midnyte, he died when I was five. Then I was given a dog that I named
Honeybear after a dog that Bill Dundee had. I just recently had to put her to sleep and I sure do miss her. I have had birds, a turtle, (he ran away), hermit crabs, cats and an Iguana when I lived in
FIVE YEARS FROM NOW: “Paying the bills by wrestling only. I want to be mentioned in the list of today's top wrestlers like Brian Danielson, C.M. Punk, Samoa Joe and A.J. Styles.”
Ok, let’s get started with the obvious that wrestling this full week on TV hasn’t really been the best. We can start with TNA. I will say that once again, AJ styles and Abyss had another classic match and it was the best thing on the program. They continue to kill the Robert Rude angle and it is now more of a joke than something serious. Great Naturals heel turn this week with the Shane Douglas/Brother Ray angle. Their pitfall is giving away an Angle match for free right before the PPV and nonetheless giving it away against the #1 contender to Sting’s title. I got a feeling Abyss is going to lose the way things have been booked lately which makes Sting’s opponent look a little weak coming in and I say that with great sarcasm.
Keep sending that feedback!
Take Care
Bill Dundee is in to help. They have been running an angle where Derrick King fired the Commish, so
much as anyone could ever ask of a wrestler to bring dignity and respect back to a much overlooked title. I have wrestled Lexie [photo to the left]on several occassions, and considered it an honor to climb through the ropes as her opponent or her partner, everytime I get the chance. LoreLei, I can't say enough good things about, she actually wrestled on a ladies card that I promoted a few years back, and as good as she was then (and she was green) she has only improved. I wrestled Lorelei for the first time ever during the day, and she kept up with m
e really well, her willingness to learn, even during a match was quite evident, and this girl will be a great addition to any wrestling card anytime. Moving right along to Amber O'Neal [photo to the right]and Traci Brooks, it was great seeing these two again. Amber will keep you in stitches, and Traci , well you can't really appreciate Traci until you have taken a road trip with her, but that is a story for another time. Once you get past Amber always being funny, and believe me she isn't even trying, it just happens that's what makes it so great, she is a very solid wrestler, and deserves a great deal of credit, because she was given the job of wrestling the greenest girl on the card, and had a great match with her. Traci, bless her heart, tells everyone she isn't a very good wrestler, the sad thing is, Traci isn't half bad, she just needs a little encouragement sometimes, which is hard for her to get when she is stuck at ringside bouncing up and down, instead of being allowed to wrestle. (Jeremy Borash was in attendance during the evening, so I hope he let the office of TNA know that Traci is capable of doing more than bouncing.) It was also great to see Lady Victoria, another lady who tends to do things her way. Vic and I both caught some flak prior to the card on some of the message boards, because we are older. Most of the posts weren't bad, but there were a few about Vic that were rude, nasty and completely uncalled for, so I hope some of those posters take note of what I am about to say. Victoria, like myself is proud to be a grandma, yet she has a body most 20 year olds would like to have, moreover, in a time when guys have the work ethic of pussies and and no show because they have a hangnail, or a little cough, Victoria was so sick during the day that she couldn't even eat, yet she went out and had a super strong style match with Josie, so my hat is off to Victoria. Last but not least, it was great to see Bobcat, who I had not seen since she was in
out of the ring.)
of the few ladies I consider a true ring general, LeiLani Kai, but when I met her, she was still willing to drive 3 1/2 hours one way to work out with Motley Cruz and myself, because she wanted to improve her ring skills. In my book that says a great deal for Christie, when there are guys that won't drive five miles to workout in the ring. Oktoberfest was a true testament to how much Christie [photo to right] has learned about professional wrestling, she did a really great job of booking talented ladies, and putting the right combinations together for solid matches. Christie and I wrestled a hardcore match in the main event, she sustained a concussion during the match, we are still not sure how, and I actually thought that I had broken my arm about 10-12 minutes into the match, when we got back to the locker room, after the "Crazy Bitches" chant that Traci Brooks started died down, Christie did not think twice about her concussion, she was more worried about my arm, how many people would have done that?
----I would like to thank Tasha for her first contribution to the site. I have known Tasha for over 10 years when we were first introduced to each other by a mutual friend Freddy Fargo. Tasha can be reached at either one of these sites: www.tashasimone.com; www.cruznforpain.net or www.myspace.com/c4pstashasimone.
----Hitman beatDirty Sanchez;Vega the Dragon beatJosh Matthews.;”SWAT” [DC/Jonathon Douglas] over “POPULAR” [Ryan Williams/Shawn Reed];
----‘Lil Tim Alfonzo beat “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony; “The Real Deal” Tim Edwards beat Tommy Boy; Shannon Lee beat Phoenix X; “The Upset Kid” Jeremy Moore beat AW James [aka “Pretty Boy” James]; “All That’s Violent” [Sir Mo/Alan Steele] beat “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/Sypro] and in the Main Event: NBW Title Match: Seth Knight beat Kilo [photo to the left].
----A group called BAM Wrestling Association is promoting a show in
Tojo/Lawler vs The Mummy/Sam Bass and Tojo/Jerry Jarrett vs Al Greene/Phil Hickerson. Next Week: Jackie Fargo.
oley after Fine hit him with something from under the ring.