Saturday, October 24, 2009
IWA Airing Again RIGHT NOW!!
----Another show is airing from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. I did not get to the see the first 20 minutes, because it did not even show up on my guide?? If anyone watched the complete show, could you please send me results of the first half.
IWA TV: Results and Ratings Report 10.10.09
----This is 2 weeks late, but I know that the workers like to look at the ratings and such. Below is the TV Results and Ratings for the 10.10.09 IWA TV show. This is the new format that I will be presenting without detailed match descriptions - if you want to watch the matches, then watch the show. I will be giving results, notes and ratings for each show. Hopefully this will also speed up the process of getting the reports posted.
-Tatt2 beat by DQ RRO Gimmick of the Year 2008 The “Baron” Malkavain when the Baron would not quit punching Tatt2.
-“SnS” [Syn/DJ Stunner] beat “Full Scale Assault” [Xander Raines & Jason Steele] to retain the IWA Tag Team Titles.
-Battle Royal for IWA Title – Precious defeats Rage to win the belt.
----RRO Announcer of the Year 2007 Michael Ward joins Jason Hall as an announcer. They should have got rid of Hall and kept Spain…Still not sure why they are pushing Malkavain as a heel???...Pull-a-part brawl after first match. IWA Commish Reno Diamond came out – he should be in a three-piece suit – the announcers were dressed better…Swinging “Starr Struck” on Syn from Xander looked awesome…Hall refers to some of the wrestlers as “cats” – I guess he is trying to be urban cool – but it comes off real unprofessional…Hall called Xander a “big grizzly bear” – the gay community was happy for that moment…Finish of tag match was silly with heels pinning the wrong guy and then Reno restarting the match with babys pinning them, BUT it got a big pop. You got to put your champs over CLEAN...Bishop debuted in the battle royal…Rage debuted and finished in the end...They really need a second camera - up close!! I can't believe I am saying this, but Hall was not just horrible for this show - Ward made for a better partner.
Best Match
-Tatt2 vs Malkavain – Good solid bout. One of the best matches so far for IWA. They work well together. Finish looked a little screwed up, but overall match had good psychology and fun moves.
Worst Match
-Battle Royal – The match started in the 2cnd quarter and went all the way thru to the end. I hate the idea of titles being decided thru a Battle Royal, especially when even at the end no pin is made.
Must See?
-Nothing that you can’t live without.
----The show finished with an overall rating of less than 2,000 viewers. This was not good. If you look, they actually only had a .2 quarter with rest of them zero. So, it was more like .05, but the TV station rounds up to a .1, making it more of an average of just over 800 viewers per quarter. Memphis Wrestling, airing a Lawler for Mayor special, posted a .6 [9717 viewers] overall.
Overall Rating:
.1 [1620 viewers]
Quarter Ratings
1st Quarter
-Baron vs Tatt2
-SnS vs FSA
-Battle Royal
.0 [n/c]
-Battle Royal
.2 [3239 viewers] [+3239 viewers]
-Battle Royal
.0 [-3239 viewers]
From start to finish
[-3239 viewers]
What was Memphis watching?
Busytown/Suite Life 2.3 [37249 viewers]
-Tatt2 beat by DQ RRO Gimmick of the Year 2008 The “Baron” Malkavain when the Baron would not quit punching Tatt2.
-“SnS” [Syn/DJ Stunner] beat “Full Scale Assault” [Xander Raines & Jason Steele] to retain the IWA Tag Team Titles.
-Battle Royal for IWA Title – Precious defeats Rage to win the belt.
----RRO Announcer of the Year 2007 Michael Ward joins Jason Hall as an announcer. They should have got rid of Hall and kept Spain…Still not sure why they are pushing Malkavain as a heel???...Pull-a-part brawl after first match. IWA Commish Reno Diamond came out – he should be in a three-piece suit – the announcers were dressed better…Swinging “Starr Struck” on Syn from Xander looked awesome…Hall refers to some of the wrestlers as “cats” – I guess he is trying to be urban cool – but it comes off real unprofessional…Hall called Xander a “big grizzly bear” – the gay community was happy for that moment…Finish of tag match was silly with heels pinning the wrong guy and then Reno restarting the match with babys pinning them, BUT it got a big pop. You got to put your champs over CLEAN...Bishop debuted in the battle royal…Rage debuted and finished in the end...They really need a second camera - up close!! I can't believe I am saying this, but Hall was not just horrible for this show - Ward made for a better partner.
Best Match
-Tatt2 vs Malkavain – Good solid bout. One of the best matches so far for IWA. They work well together. Finish looked a little screwed up, but overall match had good psychology and fun moves.
Worst Match
-Battle Royal – The match started in the 2cnd quarter and went all the way thru to the end. I hate the idea of titles being decided thru a Battle Royal, especially when even at the end no pin is made.
Must See?
-Nothing that you can’t live without.
----The show finished with an overall rating of less than 2,000 viewers. This was not good. If you look, they actually only had a .2 quarter with rest of them zero. So, it was more like .05, but the TV station rounds up to a .1, making it more of an average of just over 800 viewers per quarter. Memphis Wrestling, airing a Lawler for Mayor special, posted a .6 [9717 viewers] overall.
Overall Rating:
.1 [1620 viewers]
Quarter Ratings
1st Quarter
-Baron vs Tatt2
-SnS vs FSA
-Battle Royal
.0 [n/c]
-Battle Royal
.2 [3239 viewers] [+3239 viewers]
-Battle Royal
.0 [-3239 viewers]
From start to finish
[-3239 viewers]
What was Memphis watching?
Busytown/Suite Life 2.3 [37249 viewers]
IWA Airs New Show - Memphis Wrestling Airs Old Show!!
----IWA did air a new show this morning and I promise to have results of that show posted early next week along with ratings. Memphis Wrestling aired a show that originally aired 5.02.09 - CLICK HERE - to read the report. That show when it originally aired was the second biggest rating of the year and the 4th highest rating of the Channel 50 version of Memphis Wrestling. It will be interesting how it ranks for the second airing.
(WGN) Oct 24: WWE bringing back former star, Bobby Heenan update, Wolfe on joining TNA, Matt Hardy deletes Tweets and more...
Saturday October 24, 2009
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
10/22 Superstars TV results: Kelly Kelly over Gail Kim; Ezekiel Jackson & Kozlov over Tommy Dreamer & Goldust; and Drew McIntyre & Eric Escobar over Matt Hardy & R-Truth.
10/23 Smackdown TV results from Columbia, SC: Matt Hardy, Finlay, R-Truth & The Hart Dynasty over JTG, Eric Escobar, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre; John Morrison over Mike Knox; Batista & Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho & Kane; Mickie James over Layla; and The Undertaker over CM Punk in a non title match.
WWE run tonight at Pennsylvania State College. We're looking for reader reports to
The Bragging Rights PPV is Sunday from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh: The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista in a four-way for the World title; Randy Orton vs. John Cena in a 60-minute no DQ Iron Man match for the WWE title and if Cena loses he leaves Raw for good; John Morrison vs. The Miz in a non-title match; Melina, Kelly Kelly & Gail Kim vs. Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya; and Team Raw (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger & Cody Rhodes) vs. Team Smackdown (Chris Jericho, Kane, R-Truth, Fit Finlay & The Hart Dynasty).
Lance Cade worked an FCW show on Thursday night, pretty much confirming he resigned with the company. People are thinking he is back to team with Bryan Danielson vs. The Hart Dynasty with Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart as their mentors. We do know that idea was pitched by creative but it would take a lot of effort to make that happen.
The Buffala News at has a story on WWE with COO Donna Goldsmith pushing the new PG direction. The reporter claims that Vince McMahon stopped talent from doing steroids and instituted the Wellness Program after Chris Benoit went nuts in 2007.
Former WWE Diva Amy Weber gave birth to twins in May, called Levi and Madison Grace. During an interview this past week, when asked why she left WWE, she said: "I left on account of pure harassment and being treated like a piece of dirt by some of the male wrestlers for no reason. I am actually a very sweet person. Yes, I played a “heel” for WWE but that is not my personality. I go out of my way to help others and a few of the guys made my decision to leave very easy. If they treated someone like that in the real world, they would be fired without question but are allowed to get away with nonsense in the WWE." Later in the interview she called Randy Orton a "dirtbag" during word association.
Matt Hardy wrote some Tweets regarding Jeff's legal issues, then thought better of it, and deleted them. He wrote: "A year or so from now, Jeff will be a bigger star and celebrity than he's ever been-we locked him into a major project this week... Nothing is gonna happen to Jeff, he's a victim of a corrupt scam-the truth is coming out, and will come out in it's entirety in the future." I guess cops finding someone in possession of anabolic steroids, cocaine and enough pain killers to open a pharmacy makes you the victim these days.
The WWE Studios movie shooting in December with John Cena has been renamed Brother's Keeper.
Khali is back home in India for the wedding of his younger, much shorter, brother. He recently underwent knee surgery so I wouldn't expect him back with WWE until early 2010.
The Calgary Sun at has a story on John Morrision (in character) pushing his Bragging Rights match against The Miz. Also in character, Dolph Ziggler at talks Shane McMahon and Lou Albano.
The ESPN website at has a Q&A with The Miz. He said he changed to ring attire recently because Vince told him he has great legs: "I really didn't want to do it, but when Vince McMahon comes up to you and tells you that you have great legs and that you need to be wearing trunks, well, you're wearing trunks."
Evan Bourne and Gail Kim are signing autographs at the WWE Store at Niagara Falls on Tuesday from Noon to 2pm.
FCW are holding open tryouts in December. FOR WRESTLER'S, NOT MANAGERS. John Lauriniatis, Edge, Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat, and Mike Rotundo will be scouting talent. Steve Keirn will be collecting your $1,000. More info at
10/22 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: Homicide over Amazing Red in a non-title match; Matt Morgan over Scott Steiner; Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash over AJ Styles & Daniels;Awesome Kong destroyed Raisha Saeed; Hernandez over Rhino; Machine Guns over Lethal Consequences in Ultimate X for a tag title shot at Turning Point; Beer Money over The British Invasion via DQ in a cage for the tag titles. Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumkins fame attended the show.
10/23 Impact house show results from Chicago, IL: Alex Shelley over Shark Boy; Rhino over Kip James; ODB over Alisha Flash; Matt Morgan over Scott Steiner; Lethal Consequences over sheik Bashir & Kiyoshi; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe.
TNA runs tonight at the Civic Centre in Racine, WI and then on Sunday at the Cable Theatre in Green Bay. We're looking for reader reports from both shows to
Samoa Joe went to the hospital after his match last night in Chicago. No update at press time.
The Daily Star at has a story on Nigel McGuinness. He said Vince Russo came up with the Desmond Wolfe name after a Google search revealed Desmond was listed as a popular name in Britain. Desmond as a name is probably about as popular as Osama, and my Google search had very different results. Anyway, McGuinness also noted his doctor gave him a clean bill of health and WWE not signing him was a business decision. Very diplomatic. "I am very eager to prove my worth [to TNA]," he said. "It means so much to me that Dixie [Carter], Terry [Taylor, TNA talent chief] and Kurt [Angle] have faith in me, in my vocation and my work. I will repay that faith."
Kevin Nash, Traci Brooks and SoCal Val will be appearing this weekend at The Grand Adventure Con in Pigeon Forge, TN at the Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center.
We had a few emails regarding this, but the pink armbands at Bound for Glory were in support of breast cancer awareness month.
Impact on Thursday night did a 1.1 rating.
Bobby Heenan's wife Cindy said Bobby is doing much better and in great spirits following his fall a couple of week's ago. She said he is hoping to make some personal appearances in December.
Former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro has been in Mexico City for the past couple of days hosting the Playboy Latin America anniversary party. She also shot some stuff at Arena Mexico during a EMLL show that airs next week on Televisa in Mexico and LATV in the the States.
Dutch Mantel has a new blog at looking at the Rock & Roll Express.
Superstar Bill Dundee turns 66 today.
Hulk Hogan is holding a press conference and Q&A at Madison Square Garden in the mall area on Tuesday at 2pm to promote his new book. I am sure we will learn something new about history that we didn't know before.
The Tampa Tribune reports that Nick Bollea (Hogan's son) won't have to return to Florida to give a deposition in the John Graziano family lawsuit. Story is at
Rob Van Dam is giving away free membership to his website at
Meredith Whitney, JBL's wife, was just named Top 40 under 40 by Fortune magazine.
Jesse Ventura talks Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize at
Did anyone go to the Terry Funk Roast last night in New Jersey?
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Saturday October 24, 2009
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
10/22 Superstars TV results: Kelly Kelly over Gail Kim; Ezekiel Jackson & Kozlov over Tommy Dreamer & Goldust; and Drew McIntyre & Eric Escobar over Matt Hardy & R-Truth.
10/23 Smackdown TV results from Columbia, SC: Matt Hardy, Finlay, R-Truth & The Hart Dynasty over JTG, Eric Escobar, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre; John Morrison over Mike Knox; Batista & Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho & Kane; Mickie James over Layla; and The Undertaker over CM Punk in a non title match.
WWE run tonight at Pennsylvania State College. We're looking for reader reports to
The Bragging Rights PPV is Sunday from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh: The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista in a four-way for the World title; Randy Orton vs. John Cena in a 60-minute no DQ Iron Man match for the WWE title and if Cena loses he leaves Raw for good; John Morrison vs. The Miz in a non-title match; Melina, Kelly Kelly & Gail Kim vs. Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya; and Team Raw (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger & Cody Rhodes) vs. Team Smackdown (Chris Jericho, Kane, R-Truth, Fit Finlay & The Hart Dynasty).
Lance Cade worked an FCW show on Thursday night, pretty much confirming he resigned with the company. People are thinking he is back to team with Bryan Danielson vs. The Hart Dynasty with Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart as their mentors. We do know that idea was pitched by creative but it would take a lot of effort to make that happen.
The Buffala News at has a story on WWE with COO Donna Goldsmith pushing the new PG direction. The reporter claims that Vince McMahon stopped talent from doing steroids and instituted the Wellness Program after Chris Benoit went nuts in 2007.
Former WWE Diva Amy Weber gave birth to twins in May, called Levi and Madison Grace. During an interview this past week, when asked why she left WWE, she said: "I left on account of pure harassment and being treated like a piece of dirt by some of the male wrestlers for no reason. I am actually a very sweet person. Yes, I played a “heel” for WWE but that is not my personality. I go out of my way to help others and a few of the guys made my decision to leave very easy. If they treated someone like that in the real world, they would be fired without question but are allowed to get away with nonsense in the WWE." Later in the interview she called Randy Orton a "dirtbag" during word association.
Matt Hardy wrote some Tweets regarding Jeff's legal issues, then thought better of it, and deleted them. He wrote: "A year or so from now, Jeff will be a bigger star and celebrity than he's ever been-we locked him into a major project this week... Nothing is gonna happen to Jeff, he's a victim of a corrupt scam-the truth is coming out, and will come out in it's entirety in the future." I guess cops finding someone in possession of anabolic steroids, cocaine and enough pain killers to open a pharmacy makes you the victim these days.
The WWE Studios movie shooting in December with John Cena has been renamed Brother's Keeper.
Khali is back home in India for the wedding of his younger, much shorter, brother. He recently underwent knee surgery so I wouldn't expect him back with WWE until early 2010.
The Calgary Sun at has a story on John Morrision (in character) pushing his Bragging Rights match against The Miz. Also in character, Dolph Ziggler at talks Shane McMahon and Lou Albano.
The ESPN website at has a Q&A with The Miz. He said he changed to ring attire recently because Vince told him he has great legs: "I really didn't want to do it, but when Vince McMahon comes up to you and tells you that you have great legs and that you need to be wearing trunks, well, you're wearing trunks."
Evan Bourne and Gail Kim are signing autographs at the WWE Store at Niagara Falls on Tuesday from Noon to 2pm.
FCW are holding open tryouts in December. FOR WRESTLER'S, NOT MANAGERS. John Lauriniatis, Edge, Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat, and Mike Rotundo will be scouting talent. Steve Keirn will be collecting your $1,000. More info at
10/22 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: Homicide over Amazing Red in a non-title match; Matt Morgan over Scott Steiner; Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash over AJ Styles & Daniels;Awesome Kong destroyed Raisha Saeed; Hernandez over Rhino; Machine Guns over Lethal Consequences in Ultimate X for a tag title shot at Turning Point; Beer Money over The British Invasion via DQ in a cage for the tag titles. Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumkins fame attended the show.
10/23 Impact house show results from Chicago, IL: Alex Shelley over Shark Boy; Rhino over Kip James; ODB over Alisha Flash; Matt Morgan over Scott Steiner; Lethal Consequences over sheik Bashir & Kiyoshi; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe.
TNA runs tonight at the Civic Centre in Racine, WI and then on Sunday at the Cable Theatre in Green Bay. We're looking for reader reports from both shows to
Samoa Joe went to the hospital after his match last night in Chicago. No update at press time.
The Daily Star at has a story on Nigel McGuinness. He said Vince Russo came up with the Desmond Wolfe name after a Google search revealed Desmond was listed as a popular name in Britain. Desmond as a name is probably about as popular as Osama, and my Google search had very different results. Anyway, McGuinness also noted his doctor gave him a clean bill of health and WWE not signing him was a business decision. Very diplomatic. "I am very eager to prove my worth [to TNA]," he said. "It means so much to me that Dixie [Carter], Terry [Taylor, TNA talent chief] and Kurt [Angle] have faith in me, in my vocation and my work. I will repay that faith."
Kevin Nash, Traci Brooks and SoCal Val will be appearing this weekend at The Grand Adventure Con in Pigeon Forge, TN at the Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center.
We had a few emails regarding this, but the pink armbands at Bound for Glory were in support of breast cancer awareness month.
Impact on Thursday night did a 1.1 rating.
Bobby Heenan's wife Cindy said Bobby is doing much better and in great spirits following his fall a couple of week's ago. She said he is hoping to make some personal appearances in December.
Former WWE Diva Ashley Massaro has been in Mexico City for the past couple of days hosting the Playboy Latin America anniversary party. She also shot some stuff at Arena Mexico during a EMLL show that airs next week on Televisa in Mexico and LATV in the the States.
Dutch Mantel has a new blog at looking at the Rock & Roll Express.
Superstar Bill Dundee turns 66 today.
Hulk Hogan is holding a press conference and Q&A at Madison Square Garden in the mall area on Tuesday at 2pm to promote his new book. I am sure we will learn something new about history that we didn't know before.
The Tampa Tribune reports that Nick Bollea (Hogan's son) won't have to return to Florida to give a deposition in the John Graziano family lawsuit. Story is at
Rob Van Dam is giving away free membership to his website at
Meredith Whitney, JBL's wife, was just named Top 40 under 40 by Fortune magazine.
Jesse Ventura talks Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize at
Did anyone go to the Terry Funk Roast last night in New Jersey?
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 10.23.09
68 attended
Psycho Medic b Dyron Flynn
Steven Green & Travis Starr b Chic Canyon & Convict when Green pinned Convict
LT Falk b Bryan Casey
USWO Jr. Champion Shane Smalls b Bad Boy Dixon
Damien Payne & Josh Crowe b Kevin Dunn & Matt Korbaine to win the USWO Tag Team Championship when Payne pinned Dunn
Shaun Tempers b LT Falk
ATL Champion Ace Rockwell b Mitch Ryder
Tommy Mercer b Chris Michaels
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Psycho Medic b Dyron Flynn
Steven Green & Travis Starr b Chic Canyon & Convict when Green pinned Convict
LT Falk b Bryan Casey
USWO Jr. Champion Shane Smalls b Bad Boy Dixon
Damien Payne & Josh Crowe b Kevin Dunn & Matt Korbaine to win the USWO Tag Team Championship when Payne pinned Dunn
Shaun Tempers b LT Falk
ATL Champion Ace Rockwell b Mitch Ryder
Tommy Mercer b Chris Michaels
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Friday, October 23, 2009
Yet..Another Picture of the Week!!
RassleResults: NBW - Legacy 3 Newbern, TN 10.17.09
Legacy 3 opened with Commissioner Coco Anderson in the ring giving the crowd a rundown of the action set to take place throughout the evening!
The opening contest of the night was the Stairway to Stardom Ladder Match
A.J. Ray def. J. Weezy, Shannon Lee, Gaylon Ray and Syn to win Stairway to Stardom after Weezy and Gaylon pulled the contract down at the same time, but Coco had the ref distracted and A.J. Ray stole the contract and was awarded the match! It was a great match. Alot of effort and some nice big bumps in this match. After the match, Gaylon and Weezy continued to fight until Gaylon hit Weezy with a chair and Shook A.J. Rays hand.
Law & Order (Tim Davis/Eric & Ricky Hayes) def. The Missouri Bad Boyz (Renegade/Mark Southern/Cookie St. James) in a wild brawl. Coco Anderson was handcuffed to a fan to ensure he wouldn't be involved. After the match Tim Davis punched CoCo and bumped him out of the ring!
"The Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore & Sir Mo def. The Family of Pain (Sarge & Mickey Ray) after Sarge threw Mo into the announce stand eliminating him and then the FOP started a 2 on 1 beating on Moore until Jason Reed came to ringside and brawled with Sarge, which distracted Mickey long enough for Moore to hit the AceCrusher on Ray getting the 1,2,3!
Premiere Brutality ( Eric Wayne & Kid Nickels ) def. C4P ( Big Red & Motley Cruz ) to win the NBW Tag Team Championship in a good match. Look for these 2 teams to continue the fight for the gold as the score wasn't completely settled at Legacy!
"The Human Highlight Reel" Austin Lane def. "Superman" Jason Reed to win the NBW Championship match after Lane accidentally speared the ref and then thinking he saw an opening was motioning that he was going to hit Reed with the title until Jeremy Moore came out with a chair to make the save for his friend Jason Reed. Moore picked the title belt up and told Lane that Reed had his back and there was no way this was happening. Reed made his way to his feet and just then out of nowhere Moore blast Reed with the NBW Championship and the crowd went silent and then started booing and chanting "Jeremy Sucks". Moore exited the ring as Lane slid in and took advantage of the situation and pinned Reed for the 3. After Lane left Moore got back in the ring and delivered an AceCrusher to Reed on the chair and then spit on him before he left.
In the Main Event of the evening " The Enforcer " Mark Justice def Memphis Legend, Tommy " Wildfire " Rich by reverse decision after Rich pinned Mark with a flying crossbody for the 3 but Mark planted a chain on Rich and the Ref reversed the decision and awarded the match to Justice!
Great show! Crowd was 220+ and was treated to probably the best show NBW has put on all year. All the boys worked hard and everything paid off!
----It will be interesting to see if this Moore thing works...Funny how everyone gives NBW bad press, but when they do a big show they deliver - 220 - with $10 tickets. Also they are drawing a regular 80 to 100 fans, which out draws most groups in this area - including EWE and DCW. The only two probably drawing more fans are TIWF and DoggCW...Good endings at this show to promote further shows with Moore turning, Cruz/Red vs Wayne/Kid and probably more Lane/Reed...I thought Renegade retired??? WTF!!
The opening contest of the night was the Stairway to Stardom Ladder Match
A.J. Ray def. J. Weezy, Shannon Lee, Gaylon Ray and Syn to win Stairway to Stardom after Weezy and Gaylon pulled the contract down at the same time, but Coco had the ref distracted and A.J. Ray stole the contract and was awarded the match! It was a great match. Alot of effort and some nice big bumps in this match. After the match, Gaylon and Weezy continued to fight until Gaylon hit Weezy with a chair and Shook A.J. Rays hand.
Law & Order (Tim Davis/Eric & Ricky Hayes) def. The Missouri Bad Boyz (Renegade/Mark Southern/Cookie St. James) in a wild brawl. Coco Anderson was handcuffed to a fan to ensure he wouldn't be involved. After the match Tim Davis punched CoCo and bumped him out of the ring!
"The Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore & Sir Mo def. The Family of Pain (Sarge & Mickey Ray) after Sarge threw Mo into the announce stand eliminating him and then the FOP started a 2 on 1 beating on Moore until Jason Reed came to ringside and brawled with Sarge, which distracted Mickey long enough for Moore to hit the AceCrusher on Ray getting the 1,2,3!
Premiere Brutality ( Eric Wayne & Kid Nickels ) def. C4P ( Big Red & Motley Cruz ) to win the NBW Tag Team Championship in a good match. Look for these 2 teams to continue the fight for the gold as the score wasn't completely settled at Legacy!
"The Human Highlight Reel" Austin Lane def. "Superman" Jason Reed to win the NBW Championship match after Lane accidentally speared the ref and then thinking he saw an opening was motioning that he was going to hit Reed with the title until Jeremy Moore came out with a chair to make the save for his friend Jason Reed. Moore picked the title belt up and told Lane that Reed had his back and there was no way this was happening. Reed made his way to his feet and just then out of nowhere Moore blast Reed with the NBW Championship and the crowd went silent and then started booing and chanting "Jeremy Sucks". Moore exited the ring as Lane slid in and took advantage of the situation and pinned Reed for the 3. After Lane left Moore got back in the ring and delivered an AceCrusher to Reed on the chair and then spit on him before he left.
In the Main Event of the evening " The Enforcer " Mark Justice def Memphis Legend, Tommy " Wildfire " Rich by reverse decision after Rich pinned Mark with a flying crossbody for the 3 but Mark planted a chain on Rich and the Ref reversed the decision and awarded the match to Justice!
Great show! Crowd was 220+ and was treated to probably the best show NBW has put on all year. All the boys worked hard and everything paid off!
----It will be interesting to see if this Moore thing works...Funny how everyone gives NBW bad press, but when they do a big show they deliver - 220 - with $10 tickets. Also they are drawing a regular 80 to 100 fans, which out draws most groups in this area - including EWE and DCW. The only two probably drawing more fans are TIWF and DoggCW...Good endings at this show to promote further shows with Moore turning, Cruz/Red vs Wayne/Kid and probably more Lane/Reed...I thought Renegade retired??? WTF!!
RassleResults: PWA Southaven, MS 10.17.09 - Two Shows in One Day!!
PWA Entertainment results for 10/17/09
First show 11-1
1st Match- Triple Threat- Xander Gray, Barnyard Pimp, & Hawaiian Warrior
Winner- Hawaiian Warrior
2nd Match- Cody Melton vs. Seth Knight
Winner- Cody Melton
3rd Match- Rockin Randy vs. Dell Tucker
Winner- Rockin Randy
4th Match- Tommy Redneck vs. Austin Lane
Winner- Tommy Redneck
5th Match- Derrick King vs. Johnny Morton (interference by Cody Melton)
Winner- Derrick King
Second show 2-4
1st Match- Xander Gray, Barnyard Pimp, & Hawaiian Warrior
Winner- Barnyard Pimp
2nd Match- Tommy Redneck vs. Austin Lane (interference by DK & Cody Melton)
Winner- Austin Lane
3rd Match- Rockin Randy vs. Dell Tucker
Winner- Dell Tucker
Main Event
4th Match- Derrick King & Cody Melton vs. Austin Lane & Johnny Morton
Stipulations- Derrick has to put the PWA Title on the line or go to HornLake County Jail!
Winner- Johnny Morton
Notes- About 1200 in crowd! They had a car counter, & there were 4300 cars counted!...Real good show! Lots of children in the crowd!...Jamie Jay was a part of the show, he was doing the commentating for the show. Funny side note, When they were doing the spot where Derrick King had to put the belt up or go to jail, Jamie Jay got on the mic & said "its no big deal for you Derrick, you just got out of jail in Brownsville!" lol! Derrick starts laughing in the ring & says Jamie you're so SHADY!!!...All the guys loved that! Jamie also made Derrick dance to Micheal Jackson's Billie Jean after he lost the match! The kids got in the ring with him & showed him how it was done! By the way, he was wearing the white glove on his right hand! lol!...Good Show!!!
First show 11-1
1st Match- Triple Threat- Xander Gray, Barnyard Pimp, & Hawaiian Warrior
Winner- Hawaiian Warrior
2nd Match- Cody Melton vs. Seth Knight
Winner- Cody Melton
3rd Match- Rockin Randy vs. Dell Tucker
Winner- Rockin Randy
4th Match- Tommy Redneck vs. Austin Lane
Winner- Tommy Redneck
5th Match- Derrick King vs. Johnny Morton (interference by Cody Melton)
Winner- Derrick King
Second show 2-4
1st Match- Xander Gray, Barnyard Pimp, & Hawaiian Warrior
Winner- Barnyard Pimp
2nd Match- Tommy Redneck vs. Austin Lane (interference by DK & Cody Melton)
Winner- Austin Lane
3rd Match- Rockin Randy vs. Dell Tucker
Winner- Dell Tucker
Main Event
4th Match- Derrick King & Cody Melton vs. Austin Lane & Johnny Morton
Stipulations- Derrick has to put the PWA Title on the line or go to HornLake County Jail!
Winner- Johnny Morton
Notes- About 1200 in crowd! They had a car counter, & there were 4300 cars counted!...Real good show! Lots of children in the crowd!...Jamie Jay was a part of the show, he was doing the commentating for the show. Funny side note, When they were doing the spot where Derrick King had to put the belt up or go to jail, Jamie Jay got on the mic & said "its no big deal for you Derrick, you just got out of jail in Brownsville!" lol! Derrick starts laughing in the ring & says Jamie you're so SHADY!!!...All the guys loved that! Jamie also made Derrick dance to Micheal Jackson's Billie Jean after he lost the match! The kids got in the ring with him & showed him how it was done! By the way, he was wearing the white glove on his right hand! lol!...Good Show!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
(WGN) Oct 22: Backstage news from WWE and TNA TV tapings, TNA Knockout in hotel fight, Hogan hits headlines again and more!!
Thursday October 22, 2009
Jim Ross, who suffered a third Bells palsy attack Monday night en-route to TV, visited a neurologist on Wednesday. They ran some tests and he is scheduled for an MRI on his brain Friday morning as a precautionary measure. He said the attack affected the vision in his right eye and there is concern about his cornea being damaged. He said he doesn't know when he will return to work and won't be calling the Bragging Rights PPV on Sunday: "My face may be sagging, my right eye may be not so good, my tongue is numb, my head aches and my right ear is sensitive to sharp noises but my heart and my soul are stout and my desire to get back in
the game has never been stronger... Let me assure you that nothing makes me happier professionally than broadcasting wrestling and being around the product. I love our business and I can assure you that you haven't seen the last of me yet."
Shad Gaspard of Cryme Tyme went home sick from the TV tapings on Tuesday. He said he started with nausea and diarrhea while traveling from Mexico back to the U.S. on Monday and took some over the counter products. When he arrived at TV the WWE Doctor gave him a shot of Phenergan but it made him drowsy and gave him chills. The company
decided at that point he shouldn't perform and sent him back to the hotel. He has heat with some guys because the mentality is that you suck it up. Shad wrote an apologetic blog on his MySpace page over what happened: "I take full responsibility for what happened and I’m sorry. In our industry there is a tradition that the show must go on no mater what, and I feel I have betrayed that tradition bye not performing last Tuesday. The greatest joy in my life is performing in the WWE, I love
what I do, and I will never let something like this happen agene (sic)." Shad was originally scheduled for a tag match where he would lose his Team Smackdown spot at Bragging Rights. JTG took his place in that match. A lot of people backstage found the situation hilarious because the planned finish was Matt Hardy pinning Shad, and when Shad found out the finish, his symptoms appeared to worsen, although he was
legitimately sick.
Bryan Danielson passed his pre-contract medical and is expected to start here soon.
ECW on Tuesday night did a 1.1 rating. The October 9 Smackdown did a 1.9 ... Smackdown ratings are two week's behind now as Nielsen don't consider MyNetworkTV a network anymore.
12 Rounds with John Cena opened at No. 16 in the UK DVD chart for the week ending October 18. Total flop. The DVD has faired better in the U.S. selling 450,000 units for a gross of $7 million. The worldwide theatrical gross was $18 million so it's just about broke even now with production and marketing costs factored in.
Damage with Steve Austin dropped out of the Top 40 UK DVD chart in it's second week which is a disaster considering Austin spent over a week in England pushing the movie earlier this month.
There is a screening of Chris Jericho's movie Albino Farm at the Colonial Theater at the Sacramento Horror Film Festival on Friday night.
The WWE website at has a where are they now with Lex Luger. The story covers most of Luger's career from starting in football to training under Hiro Masuda to the NWA to WWF, Lex Express, health issues and now finding God. Naturally they didn't mention anything regarding Miss Elizabeth.
The WWE episode of South Park is online at This show would have been so much better if the amateur wrestling coach was a caricature of Pat Paterson. has a story on The Miz threatening to slap around Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini.
There was an altercation involving a TNA Knockout late Sunday night during the PPV after party at the Hilton Hotel in Irvine. A guy was insulting the boyfriend of Awesome Kong so she called him out and took care of business. "Kong pushed him and he flew like 15 feet," said one observer. "Then he got in her face and she kicked his ass!" Other sources confirmed the story and one noted Kong isn't a lady to mess
Chris Sabin suffered what was believed to be a stinger at the TV tapings on Wednesday. The Machine Guns were working Team 3D and Sabin took a bad bump from an uranage. The match continued while Sabin was laying there hurt. Not exactly sure what the finish was but Kevin Nash was flipping out backstage because it was obvious Sabin was in bad shape and nobody made the call to go to an early finish. It took a while for Sabin to leave the ring afterwards and he went straight to the hospital. He
showed up later at the TNA hotel and told people he was sore but okay and doesn't remember the much about the match as he was knocked out for a few seconds.
Nash flipping out backstage was mostly directed at those in the production truck who he felt should have given a cue to the referee to end the match early.
Nigel McGuinness as Desmond Wolfe is based on a character in the 1987 UK film, Withnail and I. In the film, one of the characters suggests Wolfe as an alternative name to his own for use in an acting career.
McGuinness signed a two year contract with the company.
You can vote on Dr. Stevie to be the next Panasonic Living in HD insider at
The Sun at has a story with Paul Heyman accusing Rhianna of stealing the 1998 ECW CD album cover. This story is also getting some play on Hollywood gossip blogs.
We received an email from the rep of Linda Claridge regarding Hulk Hogan's comments in his new book alleging she was an alcoholic and abusive mother: "Linda’s family has always and will always be the most important thing in her life. Hulk’s serial cheating broke the family apart. This was the last thing Linda ever wanted. This is just another sorry attempt to discredit Linda in which she has proven on every other
allegation to be false."
After hearing for the first time yesterday about Hogan's alleged suicide attempt, Laila Ali, who Hogan claimed talked him out of pulling the trigger, admitted that she and Hogan did talk on the phone while they filmed American Gladiators but was unaware she made a divine intervention.
The suicide revelation in Hogan's book was covered last night on CNN's Showbiz Tonight. You can watch the segment at
The Village Voice (free weekly newspaper in New York City featuring analysis of current affairs) has awarded Ring of Honor with their award for Best Place to Watch Straight Men Get All Homoerotic. Apparently fans are rioting over on the ROH website message boards.
Samsung girl Andrea Feczko trains with ROH wrestlers at
Bill Goldberg was posing in wrestling gear today in New York City as part of the next Celebrity Apprentice. A wrestling ring was set up on the street on 155 Fifth Avenue between 21st and 22nd Streets. He also signed some autographs.
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Thursday October 22, 2009
Jim Ross, who suffered a third Bells palsy attack Monday night en-route to TV, visited a neurologist on Wednesday. They ran some tests and he is scheduled for an MRI on his brain Friday morning as a precautionary measure. He said the attack affected the vision in his right eye and there is concern about his cornea being damaged. He said he doesn't know when he will return to work and won't be calling the Bragging Rights PPV on Sunday: "My face may be sagging, my right eye may be not so good, my tongue is numb, my head aches and my right ear is sensitive to sharp noises but my heart and my soul are stout and my desire to get back in
the game has never been stronger... Let me assure you that nothing makes me happier professionally than broadcasting wrestling and being around the product. I love our business and I can assure you that you haven't seen the last of me yet."
Shad Gaspard of Cryme Tyme went home sick from the TV tapings on Tuesday. He said he started with nausea and diarrhea while traveling from Mexico back to the U.S. on Monday and took some over the counter products. When he arrived at TV the WWE Doctor gave him a shot of Phenergan but it made him drowsy and gave him chills. The company
decided at that point he shouldn't perform and sent him back to the hotel. He has heat with some guys because the mentality is that you suck it up. Shad wrote an apologetic blog on his MySpace page over what happened: "I take full responsibility for what happened and I’m sorry. In our industry there is a tradition that the show must go on no mater what, and I feel I have betrayed that tradition bye not performing last Tuesday. The greatest joy in my life is performing in the WWE, I love
what I do, and I will never let something like this happen agene (sic)." Shad was originally scheduled for a tag match where he would lose his Team Smackdown spot at Bragging Rights. JTG took his place in that match. A lot of people backstage found the situation hilarious because the planned finish was Matt Hardy pinning Shad, and when Shad found out the finish, his symptoms appeared to worsen, although he was
legitimately sick.
Bryan Danielson passed his pre-contract medical and is expected to start here soon.
ECW on Tuesday night did a 1.1 rating. The October 9 Smackdown did a 1.9 ... Smackdown ratings are two week's behind now as Nielsen don't consider MyNetworkTV a network anymore.
12 Rounds with John Cena opened at No. 16 in the UK DVD chart for the week ending October 18. Total flop. The DVD has faired better in the U.S. selling 450,000 units for a gross of $7 million. The worldwide theatrical gross was $18 million so it's just about broke even now with production and marketing costs factored in.
Damage with Steve Austin dropped out of the Top 40 UK DVD chart in it's second week which is a disaster considering Austin spent over a week in England pushing the movie earlier this month.
There is a screening of Chris Jericho's movie Albino Farm at the Colonial Theater at the Sacramento Horror Film Festival on Friday night.
The WWE website at has a where are they now with Lex Luger. The story covers most of Luger's career from starting in football to training under Hiro Masuda to the NWA to WWF, Lex Express, health issues and now finding God. Naturally they didn't mention anything regarding Miss Elizabeth.
The WWE episode of South Park is online at This show would have been so much better if the amateur wrestling coach was a caricature of Pat Paterson. has a story on The Miz threatening to slap around Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini.
There was an altercation involving a TNA Knockout late Sunday night during the PPV after party at the Hilton Hotel in Irvine. A guy was insulting the boyfriend of Awesome Kong so she called him out and took care of business. "Kong pushed him and he flew like 15 feet," said one observer. "Then he got in her face and she kicked his ass!" Other sources confirmed the story and one noted Kong isn't a lady to mess
Chris Sabin suffered what was believed to be a stinger at the TV tapings on Wednesday. The Machine Guns were working Team 3D and Sabin took a bad bump from an uranage. The match continued while Sabin was laying there hurt. Not exactly sure what the finish was but Kevin Nash was flipping out backstage because it was obvious Sabin was in bad shape and nobody made the call to go to an early finish. It took a while for Sabin to leave the ring afterwards and he went straight to the hospital. He
showed up later at the TNA hotel and told people he was sore but okay and doesn't remember the much about the match as he was knocked out for a few seconds.
Nash flipping out backstage was mostly directed at those in the production truck who he felt should have given a cue to the referee to end the match early.
Nigel McGuinness as Desmond Wolfe is based on a character in the 1987 UK film, Withnail and I. In the film, one of the characters suggests Wolfe as an alternative name to his own for use in an acting career.
McGuinness signed a two year contract with the company.
You can vote on Dr. Stevie to be the next Panasonic Living in HD insider at
The Sun at has a story with Paul Heyman accusing Rhianna of stealing the 1998 ECW CD album cover. This story is also getting some play on Hollywood gossip blogs.
We received an email from the rep of Linda Claridge regarding Hulk Hogan's comments in his new book alleging she was an alcoholic and abusive mother: "Linda’s family has always and will always be the most important thing in her life. Hulk’s serial cheating broke the family apart. This was the last thing Linda ever wanted. This is just another sorry attempt to discredit Linda in which she has proven on every other
allegation to be false."
After hearing for the first time yesterday about Hogan's alleged suicide attempt, Laila Ali, who Hogan claimed talked him out of pulling the trigger, admitted that she and Hogan did talk on the phone while they filmed American Gladiators but was unaware she made a divine intervention.
The suicide revelation in Hogan's book was covered last night on CNN's Showbiz Tonight. You can watch the segment at
The Village Voice (free weekly newspaper in New York City featuring analysis of current affairs) has awarded Ring of Honor with their award for Best Place to Watch Straight Men Get All Homoerotic. Apparently fans are rioting over on the ROH website message boards.
Samsung girl Andrea Feczko trains with ROH wrestlers at
Bill Goldberg was posing in wrestling gear today in New York City as part of the next Celebrity Apprentice. A wrestling ring was set up on the street on 155 Fifth Avenue between 21st and 22nd Streets. He also signed some autographs.
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Picture of the Week - Last One From the Weekend!!
----Below is Johnny Morton having a good time. I did censor it a bit, but I am sure everyone gets the joke. Apparently it was VERY cold in the dressing room at the PWA show this past weekend and Morton found a way to stay warm. I had a couple of captions sent - "Johnny Always Enjoys A blow job" and "Johnny Scares the Rats Off." LOL
Story on Gunnar!!
----Jem O'Riley sent the following link from - CLICK HERE!! It is just a quick story on Gunnar Eudy along with some new photos. I posted the one below so you can see how big this kid is!!

Shows for the Weekend 10.23 to 10.24.09
----CLICK HERE for regular scheduled shows. Below are a couple of shows in Mississippi this week - thanks to for details.
Memphis Wrestling will be coming to Potts Camp Mississippi on Saturday Oct. 24th at the Potts Camp High School. Bell Time will be 7:30. Jerry "The King" Lawler, Grand Master Sexay Brian Christopher, Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, Pure Destruction's Brody Hawk, Kevin White, and many many more. The event in Potts Camp is a benefit for the new football team they have. Tickets are $15,$10 and $5.
XOW in Independence this Saturday night at the Independence Fire Department. Mickey Ray, Tony Dabbs, Jason The Brain, Chris Styles, Danny B Good, Josh Mathews, Storm, Wraith, Al Hall, Oscar Barlow, The Wrecking Crew, Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, Drew Donavan and many many more. Bell Time will be 7:30.
Memphis Wrestling will be coming to Potts Camp Mississippi on Saturday Oct. 24th at the Potts Camp High School. Bell Time will be 7:30. Jerry "The King" Lawler, Grand Master Sexay Brian Christopher, Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, Pure Destruction's Brody Hawk, Kevin White, and many many more. The event in Potts Camp is a benefit for the new football team they have. Tickets are $15,$10 and $5.
XOW in Independence this Saturday night at the Independence Fire Department. Mickey Ray, Tony Dabbs, Jason The Brain, Chris Styles, Danny B Good, Josh Mathews, Storm, Wraith, Al Hall, Oscar Barlow, The Wrecking Crew, Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, Drew Donavan and many many more. Bell Time will be 7:30.
----Jimmy Blaylock reported the following on Well that is not good news for XOW and makes you wonder if the TV station told them to get better equipment? If they do get better equipment and decide to tape, then best wishes to them. A lot of news also being kayfabed about a possible new Memphis Wrestling show. I have been told some stuff, but nothing confirmed as of this date. IWA looks to be the only wrestling show that will be airing this coming weekend.
XOW will not air anymore XOW Wrestling shows on Wpxx 50 out of Memphis until January. This according to owner Tony Watts who said they will have to purchase better cameras and equipment before shooting any more shows. XOW will continue to have house shows throughout the Mid-South area.
XOW will not air anymore XOW Wrestling shows on Wpxx 50 out of Memphis until January. This according to owner Tony Watts who said they will have to purchase better cameras and equipment before shooting any more shows. XOW will continue to have house shows throughout the Mid-South area.
RassleResults: MCW Osceola, AR 10.17.09
-Team Lord Humongous beat Pokerface/Bishop with Rashard Devon with a double pin.
-Pimptacular/Homer Lee beat Hambones with Rashard.
-Knockout Kid beat by DQ Pokerface with Ms. Innocent/Rashard with Poker retaining his Middleweight Title. Bishop interfered for the DQ - he first speared Poker by mistake and then speared Kid.
-Southside Brawler vs Frankie Tucker for the MCW Title was declared no contest when Hambones jumped in.
-"East Coast Bad Boys" [Spyro/C-Money] beat Ray/Bishop with Rashard/Innocent at ringside. Poker interfered spraying ether in Spyro's face, but Bishop ended up getting pin.
Credit: Kim Wallace & MCW
-Pimptacular/Homer Lee beat Hambones with Rashard.
-Knockout Kid beat by DQ Pokerface with Ms. Innocent/Rashard with Poker retaining his Middleweight Title. Bishop interfered for the DQ - he first speared Poker by mistake and then speared Kid.
-Southside Brawler vs Frankie Tucker for the MCW Title was declared no contest when Hambones jumped in.
-"East Coast Bad Boys" [Spyro/C-Money] beat Ray/Bishop with Rashard/Innocent at ringside. Poker interfered spraying ether in Spyro's face, but Bishop ended up getting pin.
Credit: Kim Wallace & MCW
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
(WGN) Oct 21: Why WWE didn't sign Nigel McGuinness, Vince changes PPV match, Edge update, RVD on meeting Dixie Carter, Hogan wackiness and more!!
Wednesday October 21, 2009
10/20 ECW TV results from Columbia, SC: Yoshi Tatsu over Zack Ryder; Sheamus vs. JT Quinn was a no contest; and Christian over Chris Jericho.
Team Smackdown for Bragging Rights changed last night at the TV taping. Out are Cryme Tyme, Eric Escobar and Drew McIntyre, and in are R-Truth, Finlay, and The Hart Dynasty. This was a Vince McMahon call. They also did a wacky angle with Vince promising referee Scott Armstrong that his dad, Bullet Bob, would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. And 86-year-old Mae Young was brought in for a cameo.
Edge called into the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show on Tuesday. He said the Achilles injury was the most painful of his career and he doesn't know yet when he will be able to return. He noted his contract is up next June. When asked about Shane leaving the company he said he was really surprised and said it's hard to work with Vince and be his son at the same time. He put over Christian, Cena and Orton, and said watching Orton is like watching a horror show, but in a good way. He also said something about buying a house in the Carolinas. (Thanks to Terri Bey)
Raw on Monday night did a 3.3 rating.
WWE has been in contact with the New York Yankee's to work of getting some players to guest host Raw at Madison Square Garden on November 16. This will be the first Raw TV taping at MSG in over two years.
CM Punk appeared yesterday at the South Carolina State Fair for an autograph signing. Only problem was nobody promoted it, not even WWE on their own website. Hardly anyone showed up.
The Bella Twins and Edge appear tomorrow in Las Vegas at the NACS Tradeshow as part of a promotional deal for Wrestlmania 26 sponsor Slim
There is a trailer for Frat Party starring ECW ring announcer Lauren Mayhew at The movie drops on DVD on December
Story on a U.S. Marine who faked battle injuries to gain freebies, including tickets to WWE shows at
I had a chance to watch the documentary portion of the new Batista DVD. The best way to describe it would be a 1hr 27min PG-rated version of his book but told by his friends and family. All of the more controversial stories were left out and they focused more on rags to riches.
Access Hollywood's Maria Menounos reports on training at Ric Drasin's wrestling school in California at
The Baltimore Sun interviewed Bruno Sammartino about Captain Lou Albano at
Nigel McGuinness as Desmond Wolfe appeared last night at the TV tapings in Orlando. One backstage observer noted he made a great first impression with everyone and there is a feeling within the company that they got one over WWE. However, the joke may be on them because WWE turned down offering him a contract after they ran some health tests and felt he was too banged up to invest in. No idea on the origin of the Desmond Wolfe name. A Google search pulls up an infamous Jamaican drug dealer and a porn star.
Travis Tomko was backstage yesterday at the tapings.
The top matches for Turning Point on November 15 are AJ.Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Daniels in a three-way for TNA title; Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolf; Amazing Red vs. Homicide for the X-Division title; and The British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns for the TNA tag titles.
This week's TNA Today webshow is online at SoCal Val and Christy Hemme discuss which wrestlers they would like to have sex with while promoting TNA trading cards. Seriously.
Regarding the Lisa Varon-Kim Couture deal they also shot some footage backstage at the PPV. After the show both were trying to work the locker room like it was a shoot to the amusement of many. Varon also wrote a Myspace blog trying to sell the angle. has a Q&A with Mick Foley at When asked about the recent creative shift in the company he said he likes and respects both Vince Russo and Jim Cornette, but feels Russo doesn't get the credit he deserves: "I worked under Cornette in Smokey Mountain Wrestling and I think he's a genius. So it could just be that the two of them can't co-exist peacefully. But with that being said, I like the direction that TNA is going, and I know that they want more emphasis on the younger guys, which I think is essential, and which I hope to be a
big part of in the next few years." He also talks about his upcoming book, his comedy tour, and much more.
Rob Van Dam on the Between The Ropes radio show talked about going to Bound For Glory. He noted it was the first time meeting Dixie Carter and Vince Russo face to face. He said it was an awkward meeting and compared talking to Dixie like talking to Vince McMahon in that they didn't really have anything to say to each other aside from small talk. He said he was sceptical of Russo's booking but admitted that was largely based on second hand information. He didn't give the impression he is looking
to go there but said all or his friends who work there put the company over as stress-free environment compared to WWE.
Kristal Marshall, Lashley's wife, is in for at least one storyline.
Raisha Saeed is done as a character.
Booker T and Sharmell appear to be done. They were written out with the stretcher job at the PPV.
No update on Daffney other than she was hospitalized overnight in California after breaking her arm at the PPV.
More excerpts from Hulk Hogan's new book were released to media today. He claims in 2007 he almost blew his brains out after taking a cocktail of Xanax and rum because he was so devastated that his ex-wife Linda filed for divorce. However, he says an unexpected phone call from his American Gladiators co-star Laila Ali saved his life. Apparently she talked him out of pulling the trigger. He also claims that Linda was an alcoholic and abusive mother who once threatened to beat their son with a wine bottle: "In public, [the family] were all having the time of our lives, but that public image only further masked the problems that were growing behind the scenes. There were plenty of times when Linda would lose it, but no one wanted to see that kind of ugliness on TV."
Paul London and Brian Kendrick are reportedly opening a wrestling school together in California.
A bizaree video of Marty Jannetty partying with college kids has surfaced at
Marty "Boogeyman" Wright has been in touch with some friends this past week so he is alive but is still MIA. He told one person he went to South America but it had nothing to do with wrestling while he told someone else a different story.
Paul Heyman takes RnB singer Rihanna to task at
Mean Gene Okerlund and Justin "Bam Neely" Rocheleau are among the celebrity judges at the 10th annual Morton's Firehouse Chili Cook-Off in Sarasota, FL on November 1 . The other judges are former Tampa Bay Buccaneers Mark Royals and Nick Nichols, Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Jesse Litsch, former Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Tom Neidenfuer, and U.S. Olympic team swimmers Brooke Bennett and Tripp Schwenk. The event will be from 2 to 5 pm on Osprey Avenue between Hyde Park Street and Hillview
Avenue, Sarasota.
The Examiner at has a Q&A with long time Memphis Wrestling announcer Dave Brown. On whether he thought the people of Memphis took Jerry Lawler seriously in his mayoral campaign: "It's complex. Jerry convinced many people including thousands who did not vote for him that he had a serious message in this latest campaign. In the first televised debate, our anchor team rated Jerry's performance that night second only to the acting mayor. Elections are complex. This
one even more so since there were 25 candidates splitting the vote, a proven and hugely popular county mayor and a strong desire for significant change from the previous mayor."
Bushwacker Butch turns 65 today. I believe he is enjoying retirement in his native New Zealand.
Monday night on the Best Damn Sports Show Period a Top 50 Most Emotional Moments segment featured David Wills, the guy from Atlanta who cried and said "It's still real to me damnit!" at the Mid Atlantic Fanfest in
The National Wrestling Alliance (yes it still exists) announced a five-year deal with Jakks Pacific for a toy line.
NWA Anarchy run October 21 in Cornelia, GA at the NWA Arena, located at 4236 Level Grove Road. More info at
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Wednesday October 21, 2009
10/20 ECW TV results from Columbia, SC: Yoshi Tatsu over Zack Ryder; Sheamus vs. JT Quinn was a no contest; and Christian over Chris Jericho.
Team Smackdown for Bragging Rights changed last night at the TV taping. Out are Cryme Tyme, Eric Escobar and Drew McIntyre, and in are R-Truth, Finlay, and The Hart Dynasty. This was a Vince McMahon call. They also did a wacky angle with Vince promising referee Scott Armstrong that his dad, Bullet Bob, would be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. And 86-year-old Mae Young was brought in for a cameo.
Edge called into the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show on Tuesday. He said the Achilles injury was the most painful of his career and he doesn't know yet when he will be able to return. He noted his contract is up next June. When asked about Shane leaving the company he said he was really surprised and said it's hard to work with Vince and be his son at the same time. He put over Christian, Cena and Orton, and said watching Orton is like watching a horror show, but in a good way. He also said something about buying a house in the Carolinas. (Thanks to Terri Bey)
Raw on Monday night did a 3.3 rating.
WWE has been in contact with the New York Yankee's to work of getting some players to guest host Raw at Madison Square Garden on November 16. This will be the first Raw TV taping at MSG in over two years.
CM Punk appeared yesterday at the South Carolina State Fair for an autograph signing. Only problem was nobody promoted it, not even WWE on their own website. Hardly anyone showed up.
The Bella Twins and Edge appear tomorrow in Las Vegas at the NACS Tradeshow as part of a promotional deal for Wrestlmania 26 sponsor Slim
There is a trailer for Frat Party starring ECW ring announcer Lauren Mayhew at The movie drops on DVD on December
Story on a U.S. Marine who faked battle injuries to gain freebies, including tickets to WWE shows at
I had a chance to watch the documentary portion of the new Batista DVD. The best way to describe it would be a 1hr 27min PG-rated version of his book but told by his friends and family. All of the more controversial stories were left out and they focused more on rags to riches.
Access Hollywood's Maria Menounos reports on training at Ric Drasin's wrestling school in California at
The Baltimore Sun interviewed Bruno Sammartino about Captain Lou Albano at
Nigel McGuinness as Desmond Wolfe appeared last night at the TV tapings in Orlando. One backstage observer noted he made a great first impression with everyone and there is a feeling within the company that they got one over WWE. However, the joke may be on them because WWE turned down offering him a contract after they ran some health tests and felt he was too banged up to invest in. No idea on the origin of the Desmond Wolfe name. A Google search pulls up an infamous Jamaican drug dealer and a porn star.
Travis Tomko was backstage yesterday at the tapings.
The top matches for Turning Point on November 15 are AJ.Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Daniels in a three-way for TNA title; Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolf; Amazing Red vs. Homicide for the X-Division title; and The British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns for the TNA tag titles.
This week's TNA Today webshow is online at SoCal Val and Christy Hemme discuss which wrestlers they would like to have sex with while promoting TNA trading cards. Seriously.
Regarding the Lisa Varon-Kim Couture deal they also shot some footage backstage at the PPV. After the show both were trying to work the locker room like it was a shoot to the amusement of many. Varon also wrote a Myspace blog trying to sell the angle. has a Q&A with Mick Foley at When asked about the recent creative shift in the company he said he likes and respects both Vince Russo and Jim Cornette, but feels Russo doesn't get the credit he deserves: "I worked under Cornette in Smokey Mountain Wrestling and I think he's a genius. So it could just be that the two of them can't co-exist peacefully. But with that being said, I like the direction that TNA is going, and I know that they want more emphasis on the younger guys, which I think is essential, and which I hope to be a
big part of in the next few years." He also talks about his upcoming book, his comedy tour, and much more.
Rob Van Dam on the Between The Ropes radio show talked about going to Bound For Glory. He noted it was the first time meeting Dixie Carter and Vince Russo face to face. He said it was an awkward meeting and compared talking to Dixie like talking to Vince McMahon in that they didn't really have anything to say to each other aside from small talk. He said he was sceptical of Russo's booking but admitted that was largely based on second hand information. He didn't give the impression he is looking
to go there but said all or his friends who work there put the company over as stress-free environment compared to WWE.
Kristal Marshall, Lashley's wife, is in for at least one storyline.
Raisha Saeed is done as a character.
Booker T and Sharmell appear to be done. They were written out with the stretcher job at the PPV.
No update on Daffney other than she was hospitalized overnight in California after breaking her arm at the PPV.
More excerpts from Hulk Hogan's new book were released to media today. He claims in 2007 he almost blew his brains out after taking a cocktail of Xanax and rum because he was so devastated that his ex-wife Linda filed for divorce. However, he says an unexpected phone call from his American Gladiators co-star Laila Ali saved his life. Apparently she talked him out of pulling the trigger. He also claims that Linda was an alcoholic and abusive mother who once threatened to beat their son with a wine bottle: "In public, [the family] were all having the time of our lives, but that public image only further masked the problems that were growing behind the scenes. There were plenty of times when Linda would lose it, but no one wanted to see that kind of ugliness on TV."
Paul London and Brian Kendrick are reportedly opening a wrestling school together in California.
A bizaree video of Marty Jannetty partying with college kids has surfaced at
Marty "Boogeyman" Wright has been in touch with some friends this past week so he is alive but is still MIA. He told one person he went to South America but it had nothing to do with wrestling while he told someone else a different story.
Paul Heyman takes RnB singer Rihanna to task at
Mean Gene Okerlund and Justin "Bam Neely" Rocheleau are among the celebrity judges at the 10th annual Morton's Firehouse Chili Cook-Off in Sarasota, FL on November 1 . The other judges are former Tampa Bay Buccaneers Mark Royals and Nick Nichols, Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Jesse Litsch, former Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Tom Neidenfuer, and U.S. Olympic team swimmers Brooke Bennett and Tripp Schwenk. The event will be from 2 to 5 pm on Osprey Avenue between Hyde Park Street and Hillview
Avenue, Sarasota.
The Examiner at has a Q&A with long time Memphis Wrestling announcer Dave Brown. On whether he thought the people of Memphis took Jerry Lawler seriously in his mayoral campaign: "It's complex. Jerry convinced many people including thousands who did not vote for him that he had a serious message in this latest campaign. In the first televised debate, our anchor team rated Jerry's performance that night second only to the acting mayor. Elections are complex. This
one even more so since there were 25 candidates splitting the vote, a proven and hugely popular county mayor and a strong desire for significant change from the previous mayor."
Bushwacker Butch turns 65 today. I believe he is enjoying retirement in his native New Zealand.
Monday night on the Best Damn Sports Show Period a Top 50 Most Emotional Moments segment featured David Wills, the guy from Atlanta who cried and said "It's still real to me damnit!" at the Mid Atlantic Fanfest in
The National Wrestling Alliance (yes it still exists) announced a five-year deal with Jakks Pacific for a toy line.
NWA Anarchy run October 21 in Cornelia, GA at the NWA Arena, located at 4236 Level Grove Road. More info at
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
ASWF Troubles...
----A note from
ASWF owner and promoter David Walls informed the Council the dispute has affected arena attendance and hopes to remain in the building permanently.
“It has really hurt our business,” Walls said. “I would like to have some kind of lease. We just want to stay in business.”
Tuckerman Mayor Everett King assured Wells the city would not force him out of the structure wishes to sell the property if they can obtain a full title.
“We are not going to kick you out,” King said. “We want to sell you the building, if we can sell you the building. We can’t lease or sell you anything that we don’t own.”
----King also stated, "It might be because your roster is stale is the reason you are not drawing.." [JUST KIDDING GUYS - MAKING SURE YOU ARE READING!!]
ASWF owner and promoter David Walls informed the Council the dispute has affected arena attendance and hopes to remain in the building permanently.
“It has really hurt our business,” Walls said. “I would like to have some kind of lease. We just want to stay in business.”
Tuckerman Mayor Everett King assured Wells the city would not force him out of the structure wishes to sell the property if they can obtain a full title.
“We are not going to kick you out,” King said. “We want to sell you the building, if we can sell you the building. We can’t lease or sell you anything that we don’t own.”
----King also stated, "It might be because your roster is stale is the reason you are not drawing.." [JUST KIDDING GUYS - MAKING SURE YOU ARE READING!!]
Picture of the Week!!
Derrick King - Big Announcement!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
(WGN) Oct 20: Jim Ross suffers Bells Palsy attack, Nigel McGuinness to TNA, two sons of former stars make their pro wrestling debuts and more
Tuesday October 20, 2009
10/18 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Mexico City, Mexico: Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Michelle McCool over Mickie James & Natalya in a three-way; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; William Regal over The Hurricane; John Morrison over Matt Hardy; Christian over Ezekiel Jackson; Batista & Rey Mysterio over Dolph Ziggler & Kane; and The Undertaker over CM Punk.
10/19 Raw TV results from Jacksonville, FL: Big Show, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes over Chris Masters, Evan Bourne, MVP, Primo Colon & Chavo Guerrero Jr.; Randy Orton over Ted DiBiase Jr.; Triple H over John Cena; The Miz over Marty Jannetty; Melina over Jillian Hall to retain the Divas title; and Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho never happened. Pre show dark match was Jamie Noble over Heath Slater, and Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim was taped for Superstars.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are tonight in Columbia, SC. ECW main event tonight on SyFy is William Regal vs. Zack Ryder.
Jim Ross suffered a Bells Palsy attack last night on a flight from Oklahoma to South Carolina for the Smackdown TV tapings. He said he called the WWE doctors in Jacksonville and they arranged for special medication to be couriered to him which will help slow down the paralysis. He was planning to work tonight's show but WWE said no way and are arranging a flight to send him home so he can see a neurologist
on Wednesday.
Ross wrote on his blog this afternoon: "Life is about facing the challenges we encounter so I am going to do all I can to get better and back at the announce desk asap. I wish I had more answers but I simply don't at this time. I want to be a part of Bragging Rights but only time will tell if that will be physically possible. My passion and love for the game is in tact but I have to do what's best for my long term health. WWE has been tremendously supportive of my situation of which I
am very grateful. Never count me out of the game as this isn't the first mountain that I have had to climb. Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole will handle SD from Columbia. My thanks to every one for understanding this matter. Better days are on the horizon." Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are expected to announce Smackdown this week in place of Ross and Todd Grisham, who is on his honeymoon.
The updated line up for Sunday's Bragging Rights PPV: Randy Orton vs. John Cena for the WWE title in a 60-minute no DQ Iron Man match, if Cena loses he leave Raw forever; The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio in a fatal four-way for the World title; Chris Jericho, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar, Drew McIntyre & Cryme Tyme vs. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston & Mark Henry; John Morrison vs. The Miz in a non title match; and Melina,
Kelly Kelly & Gail Kim vs. Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya.
Marty Jannetty on Raw last night was a one shot deal. He looked good in the ring but running down the ramp you could tell that ship sailed a couple of years ago. The really skinny guy who Miz was originally going to face was Puma (TJ Perkins) who had a tryout recently with TNA. He also trains at the FCW school in Tampa but isn't under WWE contract.
Kofi Kingston is now billed from Ghana, West Africa (he was legit born there) so he isn't Jamaican any more. Vince wants to use him in more speaking roles and his Jamaican accent wasn't very convincing. Kingston's parents moved to the U.S. in 1981 when he was an infant but he grew up in Cambridge, MA.
NASCAR drivers Kyle Busch and Joey Logano will host Raw next week in Buffalo, NY. Both are driving WWE-themed cars at the Texas Motor Speedway on Saturday. has a story on WWE coming to town for Raw with comments from Kelly Kelly at
WWE did tremendous business in Mexico this past weekend. Four shows drew over 60,000 fans and grossed more than $2 million.
Former WWE wrestler Manu (Afa Jr.) did an interview with Tommy Fierro at Responding to an interview Randy Orton gave soon after his release, where Orton buried him, Manu said: "The guy [Randy] made me look like, I am just not that guy." He said he was shocked by Orton comments and couldn't believe that he buried him in the way he did. He was very complimentary when asked about Ted DiBiase Jr. but it was a no comment regarding Cody Rhodes.
The new Smackdown vs. Raw video game went on sale today in the United States. I haven't played any games for years but I got the chance to try out this game at SummerSlam. It's pretty addictive. The main feature in this version is customization and enhanced storyline modes. We made a pink Undertaker at the unveil after party which didn't go down too well with the WWE PR reps. Trish Stratus is included as a bonus character this year along with The Rock, Steve Austin, Bob Orton Jr., Dusty
Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase.
The Batista DVD, I Walk Alone, also went on sale today. It's a 3-disc set with a documentary and matches.
The Jeff Hardy DVD, My Life My Rules, is in the can, meaning it's complete and ready to ship, and will be released as originally planned on December 15. Silvervision released some notes today. The documentary will focus on his return to WWE in 2008 right up to his match against Matt at Wrestlemania 25. There are 27 matches including; vs. Sean Waltman as the 1-2-3 Kid in 1994, the Triangle Ladder match vs. The Dudley Boyz and Edge & Christian at Wrestlemania 2000, and vs. RVD in their Ladder match at SummerSlam 2001. They also have some bonus footage shot at Jeff's home and Shannon Moore's tattoo parlour.
The Heyman Hustle at has behind the scenes photos from the next Celebrity Apprentice with Maria Kanellis.
MTV sent out a release hyping the WWE themed episode of South Park on Comedy Central on Wednesday. The description of the episode is the kids signing up for wrestling class after going to a WWE show. However, they soon find out the kind of wrestling they teach at school is not the same thing they saw at the matches.
Cyndi Lauper and Sharon Osbourne were on the Howard Stern radio show on Monday. Lauper talked about Lou Albano passing away and said he was a father figure to her. She said she last spoke to him after he suffered a stroke but didn't say when that was.
The next 3-hour Raw will be at Giant Center in Hershey, PA on November 23, the night after Survivor Series. All three brands are listed for the show.
CM Punk did a web chat at this morning to push tonight's TV taping in Columbia. Nothing very noteworthy. He said he would love to work a Wrestlemania program with Rey Mysterio, and if he could wrestle anyone from the past it would be Harley Race.
Chavo Guerrero turns 39 today. He noted on his Twittter he partied with Snoop Dogg last night because they share the same birthday.
The Hattiesburg American at has a story on Big Show's upcoming movie, Knucklehead.
Story on WWE's efforts to fight social networking fraud at
Nigel McGuinness is currently backstage at today's TV taping in Orlando and is expected to debut. We will have much more on this situation tomorrow. It's also believed that TNA has reached out to Bryan Danielson. Both were WWE-bound a few week's ago but didn't sign anything.
Daffney fractured her arm at the PPV going through the barbed wire board. We should have an update in a couple of days.
TNA signed a new TV deal with W9 in France to broadcast Impact weekly on Saturday nights at 11pm.
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Tuesday October 20, 2009
10/18 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Mexico City, Mexico: Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Michelle McCool over Mickie James & Natalya in a three-way; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; William Regal over The Hurricane; John Morrison over Matt Hardy; Christian over Ezekiel Jackson; Batista & Rey Mysterio over Dolph Ziggler & Kane; and The Undertaker over CM Punk.
10/19 Raw TV results from Jacksonville, FL: Big Show, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes over Chris Masters, Evan Bourne, MVP, Primo Colon & Chavo Guerrero Jr.; Randy Orton over Ted DiBiase Jr.; Triple H over John Cena; The Miz over Marty Jannetty; Melina over Jillian Hall to retain the Divas title; and Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho never happened. Pre show dark match was Jamie Noble over Heath Slater, and Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim was taped for Superstars.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are tonight in Columbia, SC. ECW main event tonight on SyFy is William Regal vs. Zack Ryder.
Jim Ross suffered a Bells Palsy attack last night on a flight from Oklahoma to South Carolina for the Smackdown TV tapings. He said he called the WWE doctors in Jacksonville and they arranged for special medication to be couriered to him which will help slow down the paralysis. He was planning to work tonight's show but WWE said no way and are arranging a flight to send him home so he can see a neurologist
on Wednesday.
Ross wrote on his blog this afternoon: "Life is about facing the challenges we encounter so I am going to do all I can to get better and back at the announce desk asap. I wish I had more answers but I simply don't at this time. I want to be a part of Bragging Rights but only time will tell if that will be physically possible. My passion and love for the game is in tact but I have to do what's best for my long term health. WWE has been tremendously supportive of my situation of which I
am very grateful. Never count me out of the game as this isn't the first mountain that I have had to climb. Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole will handle SD from Columbia. My thanks to every one for understanding this matter. Better days are on the horizon." Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are expected to announce Smackdown this week in place of Ross and Todd Grisham, who is on his honeymoon.
The updated line up for Sunday's Bragging Rights PPV: Randy Orton vs. John Cena for the WWE title in a 60-minute no DQ Iron Man match, if Cena loses he leave Raw forever; The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio in a fatal four-way for the World title; Chris Jericho, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Eric Escobar, Drew McIntyre & Cryme Tyme vs. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston & Mark Henry; John Morrison vs. The Miz in a non title match; and Melina,
Kelly Kelly & Gail Kim vs. Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya.
Marty Jannetty on Raw last night was a one shot deal. He looked good in the ring but running down the ramp you could tell that ship sailed a couple of years ago. The really skinny guy who Miz was originally going to face was Puma (TJ Perkins) who had a tryout recently with TNA. He also trains at the FCW school in Tampa but isn't under WWE contract.
Kofi Kingston is now billed from Ghana, West Africa (he was legit born there) so he isn't Jamaican any more. Vince wants to use him in more speaking roles and his Jamaican accent wasn't very convincing. Kingston's parents moved to the U.S. in 1981 when he was an infant but he grew up in Cambridge, MA.
NASCAR drivers Kyle Busch and Joey Logano will host Raw next week in Buffalo, NY. Both are driving WWE-themed cars at the Texas Motor Speedway on Saturday. has a story on WWE coming to town for Raw with comments from Kelly Kelly at
WWE did tremendous business in Mexico this past weekend. Four shows drew over 60,000 fans and grossed more than $2 million.
Former WWE wrestler Manu (Afa Jr.) did an interview with Tommy Fierro at Responding to an interview Randy Orton gave soon after his release, where Orton buried him, Manu said: "The guy [Randy] made me look like, I am just not that guy." He said he was shocked by Orton comments and couldn't believe that he buried him in the way he did. He was very complimentary when asked about Ted DiBiase Jr. but it was a no comment regarding Cody Rhodes.
The new Smackdown vs. Raw video game went on sale today in the United States. I haven't played any games for years but I got the chance to try out this game at SummerSlam. It's pretty addictive. The main feature in this version is customization and enhanced storyline modes. We made a pink Undertaker at the unveil after party which didn't go down too well with the WWE PR reps. Trish Stratus is included as a bonus character this year along with The Rock, Steve Austin, Bob Orton Jr., Dusty
Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase.
The Batista DVD, I Walk Alone, also went on sale today. It's a 3-disc set with a documentary and matches.
The Jeff Hardy DVD, My Life My Rules, is in the can, meaning it's complete and ready to ship, and will be released as originally planned on December 15. Silvervision released some notes today. The documentary will focus on his return to WWE in 2008 right up to his match against Matt at Wrestlemania 25. There are 27 matches including; vs. Sean Waltman as the 1-2-3 Kid in 1994, the Triangle Ladder match vs. The Dudley Boyz and Edge & Christian at Wrestlemania 2000, and vs. RVD in their Ladder match at SummerSlam 2001. They also have some bonus footage shot at Jeff's home and Shannon Moore's tattoo parlour.
The Heyman Hustle at has behind the scenes photos from the next Celebrity Apprentice with Maria Kanellis.
MTV sent out a release hyping the WWE themed episode of South Park on Comedy Central on Wednesday. The description of the episode is the kids signing up for wrestling class after going to a WWE show. However, they soon find out the kind of wrestling they teach at school is not the same thing they saw at the matches.
Cyndi Lauper and Sharon Osbourne were on the Howard Stern radio show on Monday. Lauper talked about Lou Albano passing away and said he was a father figure to her. She said she last spoke to him after he suffered a stroke but didn't say when that was.
The next 3-hour Raw will be at Giant Center in Hershey, PA on November 23, the night after Survivor Series. All three brands are listed for the show.
CM Punk did a web chat at this morning to push tonight's TV taping in Columbia. Nothing very noteworthy. He said he would love to work a Wrestlemania program with Rey Mysterio, and if he could wrestle anyone from the past it would be Harley Race.
Chavo Guerrero turns 39 today. He noted on his Twittter he partied with Snoop Dogg last night because they share the same birthday.
The Hattiesburg American at has a story on Big Show's upcoming movie, Knucklehead.
Story on WWE's efforts to fight social networking fraud at
Nigel McGuinness is currently backstage at today's TV taping in Orlando and is expected to debut. We will have much more on this situation tomorrow. It's also believed that TNA has reached out to Bryan Danielson. Both were WWE-bound a few week's ago but didn't sign anything.
Daffney fractured her arm at the PPV going through the barbed wire board. We should have an update in a couple of days.
TNA signed a new TV deal with W9 in France to broadcast Impact weekly on Saturday nights at 11pm.
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
More Pictures of the Week!!!
----More pics for this week!! Below is Dustin Starr from an appearance at EWE Saturday night! How do you get your pic on RRO?? Make a photo with your cell phone and e-mail it to me!! Do not send it to my phone, because I can not transfer it to my e-mail or on the site! Thanks to everyone for sending stuff this week!! We got a funny one for Friday of Johnny Morton!!

Tatt2 NOT on the Hulk Hogan Tour!!
The Golden Circle "Triumph & Tragedy or Vica Versa" by Greg Anthony
Triumph & Tragedy or vica versa are always apart of life. In the movie "Any Given Sunday" Al Pacino gives a speech about life being "a game of inches". Now I'm not a "football person" but this speech, this dialogue is one of my favorites because it may be a football metaphor but its universal feeling. The margin between triumph & tragedy is measured in inches. Even beyond that is how these two words have a complete opposite meaning when they are reversed to Tragedy & Triumph.
Wrestling not unlike a sport, or an entertainment or life for that matter has had its share of both triumph and tragedy. One that first jumps to my mind is The Von Erich Family. An entire family of successful wrestlers. With father, Fritz, leading the way World Class soared to heights we all dream of and at the forefront of World Class were Fritz's sons. That's the triumph but tragedy saw all The Von Erich boys with the exception of David pass away. Some with drugs, some with suicide but all with tragedy.
As I've mentioned several times, I grew up watching mostly the NWA. I remember a wrestler that every women wanted and every man wanted to be. He was cool and was setting the wrestling world on fire. He was Magnum TA! He was a guy that was being groomed to be a World Champion. But atlas it wasn't to be, a tragic car wreck cut Magnum down in his prime, ending his career and leaving him with paralyzed left arm. We saw Magnum in an announcers role and I've seen pictures of him at independent shows in his area but I always think to myself what would have happened with Magnum TA the World Heavyweight Champion?
Unfortunately Triumph then Tragedy is more memorable sometimes. I could write an entire book about guys like Jake Roberts, Owen Hart, Chris Beniot, Dynamite Kid and several others that have ended tragically. What about tragedy then triumph? What about Zach Gowen? Childhood cancer that left him with only one leg and he goes on to work for WWE and even in the top program with Vince McMahon himself. What about Charlie Haas? Charlie lost his brother, Russ while both were working in WWE's developmental territory as a tag team. Charlie could have easily given up or quit but he stuck with it and became a tag champion with Shelton Benjamin as a tribute to his brother.
Every life has triumph. Every life has tragedy. No matter in which order they occur those are guarantees in life. I guess it really boils down to what defines you. Its it your tragedies or is it you triumphs?
----Greg Anthony is a regular on the local area circuit. He won RRO Booker of the Year 2008 and is listed in the top 5 of the RRO Top 10 2008. Greg currently can be seen tagging with legend Bobby Eaton and Brian Thompson as “Midnight Gold”.
Wrestling not unlike a sport, or an entertainment or life for that matter has had its share of both triumph and tragedy. One that first jumps to my mind is The Von Erich Family. An entire family of successful wrestlers. With father, Fritz, leading the way World Class soared to heights we all dream of and at the forefront of World Class were Fritz's sons. That's the triumph but tragedy saw all The Von Erich boys with the exception of David pass away. Some with drugs, some with suicide but all with tragedy.
As I've mentioned several times, I grew up watching mostly the NWA. I remember a wrestler that every women wanted and every man wanted to be. He was cool and was setting the wrestling world on fire. He was Magnum TA! He was a guy that was being groomed to be a World Champion. But atlas it wasn't to be, a tragic car wreck cut Magnum down in his prime, ending his career and leaving him with paralyzed left arm. We saw Magnum in an announcers role and I've seen pictures of him at independent shows in his area but I always think to myself what would have happened with Magnum TA the World Heavyweight Champion?
Unfortunately Triumph then Tragedy is more memorable sometimes. I could write an entire book about guys like Jake Roberts, Owen Hart, Chris Beniot, Dynamite Kid and several others that have ended tragically. What about tragedy then triumph? What about Zach Gowen? Childhood cancer that left him with only one leg and he goes on to work for WWE and even in the top program with Vince McMahon himself. What about Charlie Haas? Charlie lost his brother, Russ while both were working in WWE's developmental territory as a tag team. Charlie could have easily given up or quit but he stuck with it and became a tag champion with Shelton Benjamin as a tribute to his brother.
Every life has triumph. Every life has tragedy. No matter in which order they occur those are guarantees in life. I guess it really boils down to what defines you. Its it your tragedies or is it you triumphs?
----Greg Anthony is a regular on the local area circuit. He won RRO Booker of the Year 2008 and is listed in the top 5 of the RRO Top 10 2008. Greg currently can be seen tagging with legend Bobby Eaton and Brian Thompson as “Midnight Gold”.
RassleResults: NEW West Memphis, AR 10.16.09
Show 51, one week after an explosive One Year Anniversary. The Battle between Kid Nikels and Alan Steele continues. Referee for the night was Downtown Bruno. Announcers would be John Steele and T-Bone Terrence Ward.
1st Match:
Shawn Reed and Kolby Stern
Kevin Charles and Dan Matthews
Winner: Charles and Matthews. Matthews would roll Stern up for a pin.
Time: 7:02
2nd Match:
Seth Knight
Justin Smart
Winner: Smart would come off the top rope and plant his move on Knight. He would then get the pin.
Time: 6:38
3rd Match:
Matt Justyce
Mike Anthony
Winner: Mike would literally try to rip Matt's head clean off his shoulders but would settle for the 1, 2, 3.
Time: 7:15
4th Match:
Alan Steele and Austin Lane
3G Eric Wayne and Kid Nikels
Winner: Austin would suprise us all by rolling up Wayne for the 1, 2, 3.
Credit: Terrance Ward @
----I was told around 60+ in the crowd, so they retained some of the crowd from the big show.
Time: 10:58
1st Match:
Shawn Reed and Kolby Stern
Kevin Charles and Dan Matthews
Winner: Charles and Matthews. Matthews would roll Stern up for a pin.
Time: 7:02
2nd Match:
Seth Knight
Justin Smart
Winner: Smart would come off the top rope and plant his move on Knight. He would then get the pin.
Time: 6:38
3rd Match:
Matt Justyce
Mike Anthony
Winner: Mike would literally try to rip Matt's head clean off his shoulders but would settle for the 1, 2, 3.
Time: 7:15
4th Match:
Alan Steele and Austin Lane
3G Eric Wayne and Kid Nikels
Winner: Austin would suprise us all by rolling up Wayne for the 1, 2, 3.
Credit: Terrance Ward @
----I was told around 60+ in the crowd, so they retained some of the crowd from the big show.
Time: 10:58
Monday, October 19, 2009
Picture of the Week!!
(WGN) October 19: Bound For Glory notes, RVD and who else was backstage, Raw tonight with Snoop Dogg, David Arquette, Paul Heyman and more
Monday October 19, 2009
10/18 Raw house show results from Dothan, AL: Evan Bourne over Chavo Guerrero; Primo over Heath Slater; Chris Masters over Santino Marella; Melina over Jillian Hall; Jack Swagger over MVP; The Miz over Kofi Kingston; John Cena over Randy Orton; and Triple H & John Cena over Randy Orton & Legacy in a handicap match.
Raw TV is live tonight from Jacksonville, FL with Snoop Dogg as the guest host and Triple H vs. John Cena.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Columbia, SC which likely means a Mae Young cameo.
WWE has invited former WCW champ David Arquette (I had to mention it) to host a future edition of Raw. The story published else where about Arquette hosting Raw next week is untrue. His publicist told us this afternoon: "We are trying to work out his schedule, but nothing is planned for him at this time." He would be promoting Feeding America, the hunger relief charity, and Arquette's wife Courtney Cox may also go on pushing her new sitcom, Cougar Town.
Maria Kanellis, Sharon Osbourne and Cyndi Lauper were flipping burgers earlier today in NYC at Burger Heaven on Lexington shooting for the next Celebrity Apprentice.
Kelly Kelly is all over Jacksonville today pushing Raw in her home town. The Miz was reading books to kids this morning at Highlands Middle School.
WWE Chief Operating Officer Donna Goldsmith will take on Shane McMahon's responsibilities in January until a decision is made on whether or not to appoint a successor in his role of VP of Global Media. Goldsmith is already picking up some of Linda McMahon's workload while she plays politics.
The Connecticut Law Tribune at has a story on WWE's legal threats to the Wine School of Philadelphia over the term "Smackdown" in promotional material for their upcoming contest called, "Sommelier Smackdown." The story includes quotes from infamous WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt claiming trademark infringement for using the term. Stamford IP attorney Eric C. Osterberg was quoted saying he doubted that WWE had a case for trademark infringement. "I don’t fault the WWE for trying to protect something that is closely associated with them," Osterberg said. "The WWE is likely thinking that as absurd as this looks, we have to protect our trademarks." The owner of the wine school, Keith Wallace, said he would fight WWE if he had a few million dollars. He told us: "[WWE] don't have any evidence. The term was first used by Dr. Dre and then by The Rock. WWE borrowed it from The Rock, and admit to doing so. They also have to prove that they have protected the term from being used by anyone but them, which they have not done: the term is used pretty much everywhere. They also don't have the right to bar any use in parody, which the Sommelier Smackdown clearly is."
The Mayhem radio show at has an interview with Jim Ross previewing Bragging Rights.
Superstars last Thursday did a 0.9 rating.
Tyler Reks has a new webshow on WWE Mobile called Reks in Effect.
FCW run on Halloween night at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda, FL with Evan Bourne and Hornswoggle doing a meet and great. Intermission will feature a costume contest emceed by Abraham Washington and judged by Hornswoggle. More info at or by calling (941) 639-5833.
10/18 Bound For Glory PPV results from Irvine, CA: AJ Styles over Sting to retain the TNA title; Kurt Angle over Matt Morgan; Bobby Lashley over Samoa Joe in a submission match; Abyss over Mick Foley in a Monster's Ball match with Dr. Stevie as special referee; Amazing Red over Suicide, Daniels, Homicide, Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley in a six-way to retain the X-Division title in an Ultimate X match; ODB over Awesome Kong & Tara in a three-way to retain the Knockouts title; Team 3D won the IWGP tag titles and The British Invasion won the TNA tag titles over Booker T & Scott Steiner & Beer Money in Full Metal Mayhem; Eric Young over Kevin Nash & Hernandez to capture the Legends title; Taylor Wilde & Sarita over The Beautiful People to retain the Knockouts tag titles; and Motor City Machine Guns over Lethal Consequences on the pre-show.
We have two live reports from readers in today's mailbag.
The TV tapings are Tuesday and Wednesday at Universal Studios in Orlando. Already announced for the tapings: AJ Styles & Daniels vs. Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash; The British Invasion vs. Beer Money in a cage match for TNA tag titles; Lethal Consequences vs. Machine Guns in an Ultimate X match; Amazing Red vs. Homicide for the X-Division title; and Awesome Kong vs. Raisha Saeed.
Rob Van Dam was backstage at the PPV as a guest of Booker T. One would assume informal talks took place. Van Dam had a sit down with WWE officials at SummerSlam in August but nothing came of that. He is scheduled to tour Europe next month for five weeks so in terms of putting together a deal with either company my impression is that nothing would get done until early next year.
Other former WWE talent backstage included Brian Kendrick, Chuck Palumbo and Lena Yada. Kristal Marshall, Bobby Lashley's wife, was sitting in the crowd. The announcers acknowledged her and she was referred to as Kristal Lashley. Dixie Carter and her family were also sitting in the crowd.
The show drew around 2,500. Don't know much of that was paid. They didn't attempt to move any fans from the hard camera side to make the building look full. Crowd was mostly a late 90s wrestling crowd of teenage males.
Towards the end of the show one person described the backstage area as an emergency room. Daniels suffered a separated shoulder as a result of the bump off the Ultimate X wires. Suicide, Robert Roode, Matt Morgan and Homicide were all banged up too but nothing thought to be too serious. Samoa Joe was battling flu over the weekend.
TNA agent Scott D'Amore reportedly missed the show due to a personal matter.
As announced on the pre-show D'Angelo Dinero had a family emergency and had to leave California. That led to the winners of Machine Guns-Lethal Consequences getting a spot in Ultimate X.
Vince Russo was spotted on the entrance ramp before the show as the crowd was filing into into the arena. It took about 30 seconds for a small "Fire Vince Russo" chant to get going. One former TNA staffer remarked to me recently that when people chant that or people mention his name he either thinks he is over or that the fans are jealous that he's writing wrestling for people who aren't stupid enough to like the wrestling like they do.
The women who had the altercation with Tara before the Knockouts title match was Kim Couture. Not sure what the situation is here with TNA and Strikeforce. Couture wrote on her Twitter page late last night: "Just attacked Tara Live on TNA Wresting, she needs to stick to the fake stuff! ... finally going to bed after a crazy night, that TNA chic is crazy! She needs to sign with Strikeforce if she wants to fight me so bad!"
Sting described himself as the Brett Favre of pro wrestling last night during the post-PPV press conference. He talked about watching Ric Flair 20 years ago and wondered how much longer Flair could go back then, and now he understands why Flair doesn't want to retire or step out of the spotlight. He didn't clarify whether last night was his last match with the company or not.
Impact last Thursday, the go-home show for Bound for Glory, did a 0.9 rating.
Today is the six-year anniversary of the passing of Michael Hegstrand aka Road Warrior Hawk at 46.
Ring of Honor tonight on HDNet has Jerry Lynn vs. Kenny King; Nigel McGuinness vs.. Sal Rinauro; Claudio Castagnoli vs. Colt Cabana; and Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson.
Austin Idol will b appearing in New Jersey this weekend at the Legends of the Ring convention pushing his new shoot interview. More info at or
Paul Heyman on his website at posted some photos of Ric Flair embracing Pete Rose this past weekend at the Big Apple Comic Con. has an interview with former WWE Diva Jackie Haas. Here she discusses her run in the WWE, TNA (including where the blackmail angle was going), winning Tough Enough 2, her husband Charlie, impressions of the McMahons and more.
The Edinburugh Evening News at has a fun story on Kevin Thorn coming to Scotland. The writer lists him as a WWE Superstars who "wrestles his foes in front of weekly crowds of 80,000 and millions of TV viewers globally in the WWE."
Paris Hilton has a role in The Other Guys, the upcoming movie starring Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L Jackson, Eva Mendes, Michael Keaton, Steve Coogn, and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
TNA PPV recap
Preshow had Lethal Consequences vs Motor City Machine Guns. MMG over Lethal via pinfall. Show started with Zach Wylde doing National Anthem. X division match very good match with many exciting moves by all the wrestlers. Amazing Red wins X Division belt. Next up was Knockouts tag title match with Taylor Wilde pinning Velvet Sky for the win. Triple threat match for Legends title started as a 2 on 1 handicap match as Eric Young and Kevin Nash double teamed on Hernandez most of the match. Turning point was Nash going for power bomb on Hernandez and Eric shoved Hernandez into Nash so hard he fell over and Eric Young pinned Nash to capture the Legends title.
Metal Mayhem started off as a hardcore style match as 3D and Beer Money took care of British Invasion and Booker T/Steiner. Several tables and chairs were used during the match. At one point of the match, Booker was hit by a chair and fell out of the ring. After several tense moments Sharmell came out to check on Booker and started screaming at the ref for assistance. Booker was taken out on a stretcher during the melee in the ring. Devon was able to capture one of the belts (TNA tag titles) while brother Ray was getting beat down by the British Invasion. Beer Money made a run at trying to capture the IWPG tag belts but fell short with interference by Rob Terry. British Invasion won the IWPG tag belts.
Knockout title bout with Tara vs ODB vs Awesome Kong started out as a beatdown from Kong on the other two. During the match a fan gets too close to Tara casing her to briefly leave the arena. Tara comes back into the ring and starts fighting Kong then gets tossed out. Raisha Saeed comes out to help Kong by tossing chair into the ring but kong wanted nothing to do with it. finally she pushes it into the ring as ODB going for a DDP on Kong and Kong gets knocked out. ODB rolls her up to retain the Knockout title.
Lashley vs Samoa Joe started off as a wrestling match then both competitors tried to use submission holds on the other. In the end, Bobby Lashley forces Samoa Joe to submit to win the match.
Hardcore match with Mick Foley vs Abyss started as a 2 on 1 handicap as Dr Stevie as special referee was helping Mick at every turn. This was a brutal match as everything possible was used in the match; barbed wire, tacks, trash cans were all used. Daffney came out to assist Foley but Abyss picked her up and slammed her into barbed wire then slammed Dr Stevie thru the tacks and then pinned Foley on a bed of barbed wire. Very bloody match.
Kurt Angle vs Matt Morgan was a good match as both tried several pinning moves but the other kicked out. Angle tried on several occasions to use the Angle lock on Matts ankle but each time Matt was able to kick out. Angle pinned Morgan when Matt going for a suplex off top rope and Angle reversed into small cradle for the win. After the match Kurt extended his hand to Matt and they shook hands.
AJ Styles vs Sting was a cat and mouse match. Every move AJ did, Sting countered and vice versa. in the end AJ pinned the Icon to retain the TNA World Heavyweight belt. After the match as Sting was walking up the ramp, AJ called him back to address the crowd. Sting came back and the crowd had a standing ovation of about 5 minutes to show respect the Icon. Sting said he wasn't sure if this was his last match or not because the fans were chanting "One More Year". He said the fans were great at fan interaction and at the PPV and stated he will end his career at home in California in the near future. Looks like an encore retirement tour in the works.
William B.Gamble
Tonight was my first TNA event ever at UC Irvine, and being 39, and having been a wrestling fan since 1980 and being at 100-plus WWF/WWE/WCW shows, this was by far the most intense show I've ever been at because of the intimacy and the quality of wrestling.
Thoughts from the show:
1) The opening X-division match stole the show. It was amazing.
2) Lashley-Samoa Joe was the only disappointing match. We all expected more out of that match,
3) The Bren Center was about 2/3rd's full, and they made no effort to move people from the blind side of the camera to the other side to make it look more full.
4) Major mistake came in the Mick Foley-Abyss match....second referee came in and actually hit the mat three times with his hand, realized he'd messed up and put it back up....the entire crowd chanted "you f---ed up."
5) Sting gave a cool speech after his match saying: "I am not pulling a Brett Favre on you, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do, but the way you've treated me tonight makes me want to stay here forever."
6) Samoa Joe got a huge hometown pop throughout the match.
My only negative thoughts were: they took way too long in between matches when they had to clear the ring of stuff, and the ref's were so transparent in their third count that you really couldn't believe he was about to hit the mat for the three count.... they come down at a weird angle where you know its as fake as it really is... other than that, great card, great show, great athleticism, and unbelievable electricity among their TNA fans, which I think I'm becoming.
Thanks so much for your daily updates. I have gotten a lot of friends to sign up for your newsletter.
Brian Baiotto
Long Beach Press-Telegram
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Monday October 19, 2009
10/18 Raw house show results from Dothan, AL: Evan Bourne over Chavo Guerrero; Primo over Heath Slater; Chris Masters over Santino Marella; Melina over Jillian Hall; Jack Swagger over MVP; The Miz over Kofi Kingston; John Cena over Randy Orton; and Triple H & John Cena over Randy Orton & Legacy in a handicap match.
Raw TV is live tonight from Jacksonville, FL with Snoop Dogg as the guest host and Triple H vs. John Cena.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Columbia, SC which likely means a Mae Young cameo.
WWE has invited former WCW champ David Arquette (I had to mention it) to host a future edition of Raw. The story published else where about Arquette hosting Raw next week is untrue. His publicist told us this afternoon: "We are trying to work out his schedule, but nothing is planned for him at this time." He would be promoting Feeding America, the hunger relief charity, and Arquette's wife Courtney Cox may also go on pushing her new sitcom, Cougar Town.
Maria Kanellis, Sharon Osbourne and Cyndi Lauper were flipping burgers earlier today in NYC at Burger Heaven on Lexington shooting for the next Celebrity Apprentice.
Kelly Kelly is all over Jacksonville today pushing Raw in her home town. The Miz was reading books to kids this morning at Highlands Middle School.
WWE Chief Operating Officer Donna Goldsmith will take on Shane McMahon's responsibilities in January until a decision is made on whether or not to appoint a successor in his role of VP of Global Media. Goldsmith is already picking up some of Linda McMahon's workload while she plays politics.
The Connecticut Law Tribune at has a story on WWE's legal threats to the Wine School of Philadelphia over the term "Smackdown" in promotional material for their upcoming contest called, "Sommelier Smackdown." The story includes quotes from infamous WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt claiming trademark infringement for using the term. Stamford IP attorney Eric C. Osterberg was quoted saying he doubted that WWE had a case for trademark infringement. "I don’t fault the WWE for trying to protect something that is closely associated with them," Osterberg said. "The WWE is likely thinking that as absurd as this looks, we have to protect our trademarks." The owner of the wine school, Keith Wallace, said he would fight WWE if he had a few million dollars. He told us: "[WWE] don't have any evidence. The term was first used by Dr. Dre and then by The Rock. WWE borrowed it from The Rock, and admit to doing so. They also have to prove that they have protected the term from being used by anyone but them, which they have not done: the term is used pretty much everywhere. They also don't have the right to bar any use in parody, which the Sommelier Smackdown clearly is."
The Mayhem radio show at has an interview with Jim Ross previewing Bragging Rights.
Superstars last Thursday did a 0.9 rating.
Tyler Reks has a new webshow on WWE Mobile called Reks in Effect.
FCW run on Halloween night at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda, FL with Evan Bourne and Hornswoggle doing a meet and great. Intermission will feature a costume contest emceed by Abraham Washington and judged by Hornswoggle. More info at or by calling (941) 639-5833.
10/18 Bound For Glory PPV results from Irvine, CA: AJ Styles over Sting to retain the TNA title; Kurt Angle over Matt Morgan; Bobby Lashley over Samoa Joe in a submission match; Abyss over Mick Foley in a Monster's Ball match with Dr. Stevie as special referee; Amazing Red over Suicide, Daniels, Homicide, Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley in a six-way to retain the X-Division title in an Ultimate X match; ODB over Awesome Kong & Tara in a three-way to retain the Knockouts title; Team 3D won the IWGP tag titles and The British Invasion won the TNA tag titles over Booker T & Scott Steiner & Beer Money in Full Metal Mayhem; Eric Young over Kevin Nash & Hernandez to capture the Legends title; Taylor Wilde & Sarita over The Beautiful People to retain the Knockouts tag titles; and Motor City Machine Guns over Lethal Consequences on the pre-show.
We have two live reports from readers in today's mailbag.
The TV tapings are Tuesday and Wednesday at Universal Studios in Orlando. Already announced for the tapings: AJ Styles & Daniels vs. Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash; The British Invasion vs. Beer Money in a cage match for TNA tag titles; Lethal Consequences vs. Machine Guns in an Ultimate X match; Amazing Red vs. Homicide for the X-Division title; and Awesome Kong vs. Raisha Saeed.
Rob Van Dam was backstage at the PPV as a guest of Booker T. One would assume informal talks took place. Van Dam had a sit down with WWE officials at SummerSlam in August but nothing came of that. He is scheduled to tour Europe next month for five weeks so in terms of putting together a deal with either company my impression is that nothing would get done until early next year.
Other former WWE talent backstage included Brian Kendrick, Chuck Palumbo and Lena Yada. Kristal Marshall, Bobby Lashley's wife, was sitting in the crowd. The announcers acknowledged her and she was referred to as Kristal Lashley. Dixie Carter and her family were also sitting in the crowd.
The show drew around 2,500. Don't know much of that was paid. They didn't attempt to move any fans from the hard camera side to make the building look full. Crowd was mostly a late 90s wrestling crowd of teenage males.
Towards the end of the show one person described the backstage area as an emergency room. Daniels suffered a separated shoulder as a result of the bump off the Ultimate X wires. Suicide, Robert Roode, Matt Morgan and Homicide were all banged up too but nothing thought to be too serious. Samoa Joe was battling flu over the weekend.
TNA agent Scott D'Amore reportedly missed the show due to a personal matter.
As announced on the pre-show D'Angelo Dinero had a family emergency and had to leave California. That led to the winners of Machine Guns-Lethal Consequences getting a spot in Ultimate X.
Vince Russo was spotted on the entrance ramp before the show as the crowd was filing into into the arena. It took about 30 seconds for a small "Fire Vince Russo" chant to get going. One former TNA staffer remarked to me recently that when people chant that or people mention his name he either thinks he is over or that the fans are jealous that he's writing wrestling for people who aren't stupid enough to like the wrestling like they do.
The women who had the altercation with Tara before the Knockouts title match was Kim Couture. Not sure what the situation is here with TNA and Strikeforce. Couture wrote on her Twitter page late last night: "Just attacked Tara Live on TNA Wresting, she needs to stick to the fake stuff! ... finally going to bed after a crazy night, that TNA chic is crazy! She needs to sign with Strikeforce if she wants to fight me so bad!"
Sting described himself as the Brett Favre of pro wrestling last night during the post-PPV press conference. He talked about watching Ric Flair 20 years ago and wondered how much longer Flair could go back then, and now he understands why Flair doesn't want to retire or step out of the spotlight. He didn't clarify whether last night was his last match with the company or not.
Impact last Thursday, the go-home show for Bound for Glory, did a 0.9 rating.
Today is the six-year anniversary of the passing of Michael Hegstrand aka Road Warrior Hawk at 46.
Ring of Honor tonight on HDNet has Jerry Lynn vs. Kenny King; Nigel McGuinness vs.. Sal Rinauro; Claudio Castagnoli vs. Colt Cabana; and Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson.
Austin Idol will b appearing in New Jersey this weekend at the Legends of the Ring convention pushing his new shoot interview. More info at or
Paul Heyman on his website at posted some photos of Ric Flair embracing Pete Rose this past weekend at the Big Apple Comic Con. has an interview with former WWE Diva Jackie Haas. Here she discusses her run in the WWE, TNA (including where the blackmail angle was going), winning Tough Enough 2, her husband Charlie, impressions of the McMahons and more.
The Edinburugh Evening News at has a fun story on Kevin Thorn coming to Scotland. The writer lists him as a WWE Superstars who "wrestles his foes in front of weekly crowds of 80,000 and millions of TV viewers globally in the WWE."
Paris Hilton has a role in The Other Guys, the upcoming movie starring Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L Jackson, Eva Mendes, Michael Keaton, Steve Coogn, and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
TNA PPV recap
Preshow had Lethal Consequences vs Motor City Machine Guns. MMG over Lethal via pinfall. Show started with Zach Wylde doing National Anthem. X division match very good match with many exciting moves by all the wrestlers. Amazing Red wins X Division belt. Next up was Knockouts tag title match with Taylor Wilde pinning Velvet Sky for the win. Triple threat match for Legends title started as a 2 on 1 handicap match as Eric Young and Kevin Nash double teamed on Hernandez most of the match. Turning point was Nash going for power bomb on Hernandez and Eric shoved Hernandez into Nash so hard he fell over and Eric Young pinned Nash to capture the Legends title.
Metal Mayhem started off as a hardcore style match as 3D and Beer Money took care of British Invasion and Booker T/Steiner. Several tables and chairs were used during the match. At one point of the match, Booker was hit by a chair and fell out of the ring. After several tense moments Sharmell came out to check on Booker and started screaming at the ref for assistance. Booker was taken out on a stretcher during the melee in the ring. Devon was able to capture one of the belts (TNA tag titles) while brother Ray was getting beat down by the British Invasion. Beer Money made a run at trying to capture the IWPG tag belts but fell short with interference by Rob Terry. British Invasion won the IWPG tag belts.
Knockout title bout with Tara vs ODB vs Awesome Kong started out as a beatdown from Kong on the other two. During the match a fan gets too close to Tara casing her to briefly leave the arena. Tara comes back into the ring and starts fighting Kong then gets tossed out. Raisha Saeed comes out to help Kong by tossing chair into the ring but kong wanted nothing to do with it. finally she pushes it into the ring as ODB going for a DDP on Kong and Kong gets knocked out. ODB rolls her up to retain the Knockout title.
Lashley vs Samoa Joe started off as a wrestling match then both competitors tried to use submission holds on the other. In the end, Bobby Lashley forces Samoa Joe to submit to win the match.
Hardcore match with Mick Foley vs Abyss started as a 2 on 1 handicap as Dr Stevie as special referee was helping Mick at every turn. This was a brutal match as everything possible was used in the match; barbed wire, tacks, trash cans were all used. Daffney came out to assist Foley but Abyss picked her up and slammed her into barbed wire then slammed Dr Stevie thru the tacks and then pinned Foley on a bed of barbed wire. Very bloody match.
Kurt Angle vs Matt Morgan was a good match as both tried several pinning moves but the other kicked out. Angle tried on several occasions to use the Angle lock on Matts ankle but each time Matt was able to kick out. Angle pinned Morgan when Matt going for a suplex off top rope and Angle reversed into small cradle for the win. After the match Kurt extended his hand to Matt and they shook hands.
AJ Styles vs Sting was a cat and mouse match. Every move AJ did, Sting countered and vice versa. in the end AJ pinned the Icon to retain the TNA World Heavyweight belt. After the match as Sting was walking up the ramp, AJ called him back to address the crowd. Sting came back and the crowd had a standing ovation of about 5 minutes to show respect the Icon. Sting said he wasn't sure if this was his last match or not because the fans were chanting "One More Year". He said the fans were great at fan interaction and at the PPV and stated he will end his career at home in California in the near future. Looks like an encore retirement tour in the works.
William B.Gamble
Tonight was my first TNA event ever at UC Irvine, and being 39, and having been a wrestling fan since 1980 and being at 100-plus WWF/WWE/WCW shows, this was by far the most intense show I've ever been at because of the intimacy and the quality of wrestling.
Thoughts from the show:
1) The opening X-division match stole the show. It was amazing.
2) Lashley-Samoa Joe was the only disappointing match. We all expected more out of that match,
3) The Bren Center was about 2/3rd's full, and they made no effort to move people from the blind side of the camera to the other side to make it look more full.
4) Major mistake came in the Mick Foley-Abyss match....second referee came in and actually hit the mat three times with his hand, realized he'd messed up and put it back up....the entire crowd chanted "you f---ed up."
5) Sting gave a cool speech after his match saying: "I am not pulling a Brett Favre on you, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do, but the way you've treated me tonight makes me want to stay here forever."
6) Samoa Joe got a huge hometown pop throughout the match.
My only negative thoughts were: they took way too long in between matches when they had to clear the ring of stuff, and the ref's were so transparent in their third count that you really couldn't believe he was about to hit the mat for the three count.... they come down at a weird angle where you know its as fake as it really is... other than that, great card, great show, great athleticism, and unbelievable electricity among their TNA fans, which I think I'm becoming.
Thanks so much for your daily updates. I have gotten a lot of friends to sign up for your newsletter.
Brian Baiotto
Long Beach Press-Telegram
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 10.17.09
Coal Miners Glove Match: Cassanova Kid defeated Tysin Starr.
Big Daddy Neno demolished Iron Jake Johnson. Johnson's manager, Antoin Smooth, was barred from ringside for the match.
In a ladder match for the EPW Extreme Championship, Kilo Green defeated Omega to win the belt.
Buzz Harley defeated Rajah w/Antoin Smooth. Buzz was supposed to get 5 minutes with Smooth, but shortly after the 5 minute period began, Rajah & Iron Jake Johnson interfered and attacked Buzz, injuring his leg.
Bonecrusher defeated "Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant to re-capture the EPW Heavyweight belt. Bonecrusher had help from Justin Rhodes, who interfered in the match.
Ladies Mud Match: Participants were Traci, Amy, Chantel, Brittany, Katy, & Melissa. The girls started out wrestling in the muck, but were interrupted by Antoin Smooth, who ran his mouth about there being no place in wrestling for girls. The girls then enticed Smooth to get into the ring, where they proceeded to put him head first into the muck. End of "match".
Cage match for EPW Tag Team belts: Pure Destruction defeated The Asylum to retain the belts. Bonecrusher interfered in the match a couple of times, but was run off by JR Mauler. Wild - crazy - bloody.
Attendance was in the 90 - 100 range, and they were treated to a great show.
Next EPW show is this Saturday night at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145 in Booneville. You never know what will happen at EPW, so don't miss it!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Big Daddy Neno demolished Iron Jake Johnson. Johnson's manager, Antoin Smooth, was barred from ringside for the match.
In a ladder match for the EPW Extreme Championship, Kilo Green defeated Omega to win the belt.
Buzz Harley defeated Rajah w/Antoin Smooth. Buzz was supposed to get 5 minutes with Smooth, but shortly after the 5 minute period began, Rajah & Iron Jake Johnson interfered and attacked Buzz, injuring his leg.
Bonecrusher defeated "Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant to re-capture the EPW Heavyweight belt. Bonecrusher had help from Justin Rhodes, who interfered in the match.
Ladies Mud Match: Participants were Traci, Amy, Chantel, Brittany, Katy, & Melissa. The girls started out wrestling in the muck, but were interrupted by Antoin Smooth, who ran his mouth about there being no place in wrestling for girls. The girls then enticed Smooth to get into the ring, where they proceeded to put him head first into the muck. End of "match".
Cage match for EPW Tag Team belts: Pure Destruction defeated The Asylum to retain the belts. Bonecrusher interfered in the match a couple of times, but was run off by JR Mauler. Wild - crazy - bloody.
Attendance was in the 90 - 100 range, and they were treated to a great show.
Next EPW show is this Saturday night at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145 in Booneville. You never know what will happen at EPW, so don't miss it!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 10.16.09
Curly Moe over Jay Webster by DQ.
Josh Matthews defeated LSD with help from referee Chris P. Fries, who body slammed LSD.
David Andrews over David Cox by DQ.
"Big Daddy" Neno defeated Geno Sydal.
"The Future" Chris Styles defeated Suicide.
Psycho defeated Chop.
Hittman over Izzy "Special Ed" Rotten. Match was interrupted by Tony Dabbs and Elmo in another attempt to bring Special ED back. It did not work, and Izzy said he was quitting TFW and left the building.
Attendance was about 60.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Josh Matthews defeated LSD with help from referee Chris P. Fries, who body slammed LSD.
David Andrews over David Cox by DQ.
"Big Daddy" Neno defeated Geno Sydal.
"The Future" Chris Styles defeated Suicide.
Psycho defeated Chop.
Hittman over Izzy "Special Ed" Rotten. Match was interrupted by Tony Dabbs and Elmo in another attempt to bring Special ED back. It did not work, and Izzy said he was quitting TFW and left the building.
Attendance was about 60.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Sunday, October 18, 2009
RassleResults: DoggCW Jonesboro, AR 10.17.09
Show starts with DCW Champ Ron McClarity coming out to talk to the crowd about how JD Kerry was not going to get another shot at his title b/c he doesnt deserve it, and he hints about drawing names out of a hat to give someone a chance at wrestling him...Then Soul Train comes out to a huge pop, and he starts dancing with all the fans by the ring and in the crowd! Soul Train tells McClarity that he deserves and wants a shot at his DCW Title, then JD Kerry comes out to confront McClarity! Kerry says he wants another shot at the DCW Title and McClarity says if Kerry can get Soul Train to step aside, he will give him a non-title chance tonite, and if Kerry wins he will give him one more shot at the DCW Title...Soul Train agrees and the main event tonite will be Ron McClarity vs JD Kerry in a non-title contest...After McClarity leaves the ring, Kerry tells Soul Train that if he wins tonite and then wins the title when he gets his shot, he will give Soul Train the first opportunity and shot at the title.....
First match: Gary Diamond vs Tenjano Kid w/Dangerous Dominique
-Diamond's music hits and TK and Dominique come out to the ringer wondering where Gary is...Dominique (who is an amazing female heel) really gets the crowd going with talking a lot of crap about Gary Diamond being afraid of TK and not wanting to face him in a match...Some guy at ringside keeps talking crap to TK and Dominique and TK tells him if he doesnt shut up, he will kick is butt all over the arena...After TK talks about Diamond being scared of facing him and even so scared that he didnt even show up to the arena, the guy at ringside really lets into TK. TK then heads out to the crowd and starts to beat on this young man...Dominique tells the crowd that this is their fault for disrespecting them and whatever happens to this guy is their fault. TK just mauls this guy for about 8 minutes or so with TK coming out with the victory...winner is TK w/Dangerous Dominique
Second Match: Lord Humongous 1 & Lord Humongous 2 vs Poker Face & Logan Furry
-once again in the Dogg Pound tonite, there were 2 Lord Humongous', and Poker & Furry say that since last weeks match was supposed to be against Sid, Scott, and Lord Humongous and since there were not one but two Lord Humongous', the match doesnt count b/c their lawyers have been talking to the powers-to-be in DCW and they have come up with a compromise tonite in the Dogg Pound...They are gonna leave Scott Hall out of this and face the two Lord Humongous' by themselves, so then "War Machine" hits and both of the Humongous' come out...This match was once again dominated by these two mammoths of men! I do not know who these two guys are but man are they physical specimens...after dominating the 8 or so minute match both Lord Humongous' powerbomb both of their opponets for the 1-2-3...winner Lord Humongous 1 and Lord Humongous 2
Intermission and the next big show (even though every show in DCW is big) is on Halloween Night...Its going to be called Halloween Massacre and a special girls show is set for November 6th which includes former WWE Womens Champion Jazz, Angelina, and Athena just to mention a few....
After last weeks street fight..The Natural Born Playaz come out to talk about what happened in the Dogg House last week! Southside comes out with a huge bandage over his eye w/ and eye patch covering it up after he was burned last week..Pimptacular tells the DCW Fans that he appreciates the emails that they have gotten and says that payback is coming to Dynasty and they better watch their backs...Southside talks about all the years he has been in this business and how this is real now b/c he has never had to miss a match b/c of something like this..He talks about whether you hate each other or you are friends in this business, you never try to end someones life/career...But he calls out Dynasty and tells them that they better not show their faces around Jonesboro anymore b/c he is going to committ a Homicide on both of them...
Third Match: Johnny Dotson vs Poker Face
-match was pretty dang good, it went back and forth, back and forth! I tell you one thing Poker is def a rising star this business to wrestle back-to-back matches like he did last nite and they both were pretty good...This match had a very crazy ending, with Dotson pinning Poker for then win, then Poker tries to tell DCW Senior Official Tim that Dotson used a tire-iron to win the match so the match is re-started, then Poker uses the tire-iron to hit Dotson and gets the 1-2-3...Then JD Kerry comes out to inform Tim that Poker used an illegal object and Tim awards the match to Dotson via DQ...winner Johnny Dotson
Fourth Match: Soul Train vs Acid
-pretty dang good can Acid move for a big guy! This match was equiviliant to a heavy-weight boxing match! These two used what the good-lord gave them, in their power...Both of these guys are pretty good technical wrestlers and Acid has some amazing high-flying moves for a big man..but Soul Train comes out with the victory...winner Soul Train. But after the match Acid starts to beat on Soul Train and the "Redd Dogg" Rodney Mack comes out to help his boy and Logan Furry comes out to help Acid...Soul Train and Rodney clear the ring in typical Dogg Pound Fighting!
Main Event: JD Kerry vs DCW Champion Ron McClairty w/Angerlina
-once again it was an amazing match..I tell you what Ron can def go and no one plays on the crowd like he does. JD pulles off some amazing moves with a Frakensteiner off the top rop..Man this was a dynamic match with some very good chain-wrestling, but in the end JD Kerry comes out victorious and gets his title shot in a couple of weeks...winner JD Kerry!
After the match, the entire locker rooms clears out and bedlam erupts inside the Dogg House...its basically a royal rumble going on inside the squared-circle! Rodney Mack, Johnny Dotson, Rick Ruby, JD Kerry, Soul Train, and Pimptacular clear out the ring and Rodney Mack says at Halloween Massacre there will be a Battle Royal w/ the winner becoming the #1 Contender for the DCW Championship Title...Then Ron McClarity tells JD Kerry that next week, he is going to teach him a lesson and their "non-title" match next week will be an Arkansas Street Fight!
That was the end of the show with Rodney Mack telling the fans he appreciates what they do for them and he tells all the guys in the ring that come Halloween Massacre it is going to be every man for himself....
Crowd was about 130-150..i didnt get an exact count so could have been a little bit more....
Credit: Jeff Perryman
----I have to agree with Jeff on Pokerface here. He has been a top guy in the area for a long time, but this year seems to be one of his better...I am being told by another source that it is Gunnar and Sid working both as Lord Humongous 1 & 2. I have been told to expect a few more.
First match: Gary Diamond vs Tenjano Kid w/Dangerous Dominique
-Diamond's music hits and TK and Dominique come out to the ringer wondering where Gary is...Dominique (who is an amazing female heel) really gets the crowd going with talking a lot of crap about Gary Diamond being afraid of TK and not wanting to face him in a match...Some guy at ringside keeps talking crap to TK and Dominique and TK tells him if he doesnt shut up, he will kick is butt all over the arena...After TK talks about Diamond being scared of facing him and even so scared that he didnt even show up to the arena, the guy at ringside really lets into TK. TK then heads out to the crowd and starts to beat on this young man...Dominique tells the crowd that this is their fault for disrespecting them and whatever happens to this guy is their fault. TK just mauls this guy for about 8 minutes or so with TK coming out with the victory...winner is TK w/Dangerous Dominique
Second Match: Lord Humongous 1 & Lord Humongous 2 vs Poker Face & Logan Furry
-once again in the Dogg Pound tonite, there were 2 Lord Humongous', and Poker & Furry say that since last weeks match was supposed to be against Sid, Scott, and Lord Humongous and since there were not one but two Lord Humongous', the match doesnt count b/c their lawyers have been talking to the powers-to-be in DCW and they have come up with a compromise tonite in the Dogg Pound...They are gonna leave Scott Hall out of this and face the two Lord Humongous' by themselves, so then "War Machine" hits and both of the Humongous' come out...This match was once again dominated by these two mammoths of men! I do not know who these two guys are but man are they physical specimens...after dominating the 8 or so minute match both Lord Humongous' powerbomb both of their opponets for the 1-2-3...winner Lord Humongous 1 and Lord Humongous 2
Intermission and the next big show (even though every show in DCW is big) is on Halloween Night...Its going to be called Halloween Massacre and a special girls show is set for November 6th which includes former WWE Womens Champion Jazz, Angelina, and Athena just to mention a few....
After last weeks street fight..The Natural Born Playaz come out to talk about what happened in the Dogg House last week! Southside comes out with a huge bandage over his eye w/ and eye patch covering it up after he was burned last week..Pimptacular tells the DCW Fans that he appreciates the emails that they have gotten and says that payback is coming to Dynasty and they better watch their backs...Southside talks about all the years he has been in this business and how this is real now b/c he has never had to miss a match b/c of something like this..He talks about whether you hate each other or you are friends in this business, you never try to end someones life/career...But he calls out Dynasty and tells them that they better not show their faces around Jonesboro anymore b/c he is going to committ a Homicide on both of them...
Third Match: Johnny Dotson vs Poker Face
-match was pretty dang good, it went back and forth, back and forth! I tell you one thing Poker is def a rising star this business to wrestle back-to-back matches like he did last nite and they both were pretty good...This match had a very crazy ending, with Dotson pinning Poker for then win, then Poker tries to tell DCW Senior Official Tim that Dotson used a tire-iron to win the match so the match is re-started, then Poker uses the tire-iron to hit Dotson and gets the 1-2-3...Then JD Kerry comes out to inform Tim that Poker used an illegal object and Tim awards the match to Dotson via DQ...winner Johnny Dotson
Fourth Match: Soul Train vs Acid
-pretty dang good can Acid move for a big guy! This match was equiviliant to a heavy-weight boxing match! These two used what the good-lord gave them, in their power...Both of these guys are pretty good technical wrestlers and Acid has some amazing high-flying moves for a big man..but Soul Train comes out with the victory...winner Soul Train. But after the match Acid starts to beat on Soul Train and the "Redd Dogg" Rodney Mack comes out to help his boy and Logan Furry comes out to help Acid...Soul Train and Rodney clear the ring in typical Dogg Pound Fighting!
Main Event: JD Kerry vs DCW Champion Ron McClairty w/Angerlina
-once again it was an amazing match..I tell you what Ron can def go and no one plays on the crowd like he does. JD pulles off some amazing moves with a Frakensteiner off the top rop..Man this was a dynamic match with some very good chain-wrestling, but in the end JD Kerry comes out victorious and gets his title shot in a couple of weeks...winner JD Kerry!
After the match, the entire locker rooms clears out and bedlam erupts inside the Dogg House...its basically a royal rumble going on inside the squared-circle! Rodney Mack, Johnny Dotson, Rick Ruby, JD Kerry, Soul Train, and Pimptacular clear out the ring and Rodney Mack says at Halloween Massacre there will be a Battle Royal w/ the winner becoming the #1 Contender for the DCW Championship Title...Then Ron McClarity tells JD Kerry that next week, he is going to teach him a lesson and their "non-title" match next week will be an Arkansas Street Fight!
That was the end of the show with Rodney Mack telling the fans he appreciates what they do for them and he tells all the guys in the ring that come Halloween Massacre it is going to be every man for himself....
Crowd was about 130-150..i didnt get an exact count so could have been a little bit more....
Credit: Jeff Perryman
----I have to agree with Jeff on Pokerface here. He has been a top guy in the area for a long time, but this year seems to be one of his better...I am being told by another source that it is Gunnar and Sid working both as Lord Humongous 1 & 2. I have been told to expect a few more.
(WGN) October 18: TNA PPV tonight, Former WWE wrestlers backstage, RVD, ODB, Morgan update, Lou Albano, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and more...
Sunday October 18, 2009
10/17 Raw house show results from Columbus, GA: Evan Bourne over Chavo Guerrero; Primo over Heath Slater; Chris Masters over Santino Marella; Melina over Jillian Hall; Jack Swagger over MVP; The Miz over Kofi Kingston; John Cena over Randy Orton; and Triple H & John Cena over Randy Orton & Legacy in a handicap match. Show drew an estimated 9,000.
10/17 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Mexico City, Mexico: Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Michelle McCool over Mickie James; Christian over William Regal; Ezekiel Jackson over The Hurricane; John Morrison over Matt Hardy & Dolph Ziggler in a three-way; Finlay over Drew McIntyre; and Undertaker, Batista & Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho, CM Punk & Kane. Show drew just over 20,000.
The Raw crew run today Dothan, AL while the Smackdown/ECW crew have their second show at the Palacio De Los Deportes in Mexico City.
Raw TV is Monday from Jacksonville, FL with Snoop Dogg as the guest host and Triple H vs. John Cena; and the Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Columbia, SC which likely means a Mae Young cameo.
Some more notes on the WWE Supershow at the Syracuse Carrier Dome in December. They are going to use the same set up for basketball which would bring down the capacity to the 25,000-seat range. Tickets are also cheap starting at $15 and since they went on sale yesterday they have sold 40 percent of the allocation. They expect to sell more tickets after December 15 due to Xmas gifts and more people knowing their work
schedule. Also a lot of local TV stations are showing commercials and MVP was in town on Friday pushing the show.
Story on Lou Albano's funeral at noting the attendees included Bob Backlund, Jimmy Snuka, and legendary boxing trainer Lou Duva. The funeral featured a military guard of honor presenting an American flag to Albano's wife Gerry.
Mike Mooneyham has a fantastic article on Lou Albano worth going out of your way to read at
WWE sent out a new survey to it's Canadian fans at Some of the questions focus on how much you watch MMA shows or visit MMA websites..
There is just something awesome about this photo
Tommy Dreamer has a blog on Lou Albano, BJ Race, and Mike Follis at
Bound For Glory is live tonight on PPV from the campus of California University in Irvine, CA. Line up is AJ Styles vs. Sting for the TNA title; Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan; Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley in a submission match; Mick Foley vs. Abyss in a Monster's Ball match with Dr. Stevie as the referee; Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide in Ultimate X; ODB vs. Awesome Kong vs. Tara
for the Knockouts title; Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. The British Invasion in Full Metal Mayhem; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young for the Legends title; Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People for the Knockouts tag titles; and The Motor City Machineguns vs. Lethal Consequences will air free on the pre-show.
TV tapings are next Tuesday and Wednesday at Universal Studios in Orlando.
Brian Kendrick and Chuck Palumbo are backstage at the PPV. Rob Vam Dam said he may be at the show as a guest of Booker T, but we have no confirmation whether he is, nor is it likely he would be involved as he heads to Europe next month for a five week tour.
The PPV preview webshow is online at This includes D'Angelo Dinero cutting a mid-80s Ric Flair promo.
We received a few emails from readers who attended the TNA Fanfest on Saturday at the Hilton Hotel ballroom. Booker T and Scott Steiner didn't appear as advertised. Everyone else went out of their way to be friendly with the fans. The only negative report we got was Terry Taylor and D'Lo Brown refusing autographs, however they were not part of the advertised line up. Dixie Carter opened the event and thanked everyone for coming. She was very personable and was signing autographs and posing for pictures with fans. They had a tribute display to Sting with some of his ring attire dressed on mannequins. Don West was working the room selling merchandise. We're told over 500 fans turned out.
Matt Morgan updated his health on Twitter noting he iced his back for 10 hours and feels much better. The back injury stems from a staph infection, he said.
ODB's contract is up for renewal soon.
IGN interviewed Bobby Lashley at He said he expects a lengthy program with Samoa Joe and would like to work AJ Styles in the future.
There are some tickets left for the Terry Funk Roast next Friday in Monroe, NJ. The line up includes JJ Dillon, Mick Foley, Kevin Von Erich, Superstar Billy Graham, Kevin Sullivan, Mike Graham, New Jack, Dennis Stamp, Missy Hyatt, King Kong Bundy, and Bill Apter. More information at
Wrestler's Rescue at are auctioning off items donated by former WWE Diva Terri Runnels.
The Barbarian turns 51 today.
Dwayne Johnson had a cameo on Saturday Night Live last night reprising his Rock Obama character in the opening sketch. You can watch his segment at
Dutch Mantel has posted a new blog at This is a free chapter from Dutch's upcoming book, The World According to Dutch, which is expected to be released sometime early next year. Here he examines the
early years and origins of Steve Austin.
Ric Drasin has an interview with Hollywood Actor Robert Patrick at
Wrestle Talk Radio airs at 11pm ET tonight at discussing the fall out of tonight's TNA PPV, Shane McMahon leaving WWE, and the passing of Lou Albano.
Brock Lesnar blew the horn prior to the Vikings-Ravens game today.
Nikolai Volkoff, EZ Money and Doink The Clown will be appearing at the NWL/HoPWF event in Martinsburg, WV on November 7. More info at
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Sunday October 18, 2009
10/17 Raw house show results from Columbus, GA: Evan Bourne over Chavo Guerrero; Primo over Heath Slater; Chris Masters over Santino Marella; Melina over Jillian Hall; Jack Swagger over MVP; The Miz over Kofi Kingston; John Cena over Randy Orton; and Triple H & John Cena over Randy Orton & Legacy in a handicap match. Show drew an estimated 9,000.
10/17 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Mexico City, Mexico: Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Michelle McCool over Mickie James; Christian over William Regal; Ezekiel Jackson over The Hurricane; John Morrison over Matt Hardy & Dolph Ziggler in a three-way; Finlay over Drew McIntyre; and Undertaker, Batista & Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho, CM Punk & Kane. Show drew just over 20,000.
The Raw crew run today Dothan, AL while the Smackdown/ECW crew have their second show at the Palacio De Los Deportes in Mexico City.
Raw TV is Monday from Jacksonville, FL with Snoop Dogg as the guest host and Triple H vs. John Cena; and the Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Columbia, SC which likely means a Mae Young cameo.
Some more notes on the WWE Supershow at the Syracuse Carrier Dome in December. They are going to use the same set up for basketball which would bring down the capacity to the 25,000-seat range. Tickets are also cheap starting at $15 and since they went on sale yesterday they have sold 40 percent of the allocation. They expect to sell more tickets after December 15 due to Xmas gifts and more people knowing their work
schedule. Also a lot of local TV stations are showing commercials and MVP was in town on Friday pushing the show.
Story on Lou Albano's funeral at noting the attendees included Bob Backlund, Jimmy Snuka, and legendary boxing trainer Lou Duva. The funeral featured a military guard of honor presenting an American flag to Albano's wife Gerry.
Mike Mooneyham has a fantastic article on Lou Albano worth going out of your way to read at
WWE sent out a new survey to it's Canadian fans at Some of the questions focus on how much you watch MMA shows or visit MMA websites..
There is just something awesome about this photo
Tommy Dreamer has a blog on Lou Albano, BJ Race, and Mike Follis at
Bound For Glory is live tonight on PPV from the campus of California University in Irvine, CA. Line up is AJ Styles vs. Sting for the TNA title; Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan; Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley in a submission match; Mick Foley vs. Abyss in a Monster's Ball match with Dr. Stevie as the referee; Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide in Ultimate X; ODB vs. Awesome Kong vs. Tara
for the Knockouts title; Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. The British Invasion in Full Metal Mayhem; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young for the Legends title; Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People for the Knockouts tag titles; and The Motor City Machineguns vs. Lethal Consequences will air free on the pre-show.
TV tapings are next Tuesday and Wednesday at Universal Studios in Orlando.
Brian Kendrick and Chuck Palumbo are backstage at the PPV. Rob Vam Dam said he may be at the show as a guest of Booker T, but we have no confirmation whether he is, nor is it likely he would be involved as he heads to Europe next month for a five week tour.
The PPV preview webshow is online at This includes D'Angelo Dinero cutting a mid-80s Ric Flair promo.
We received a few emails from readers who attended the TNA Fanfest on Saturday at the Hilton Hotel ballroom. Booker T and Scott Steiner didn't appear as advertised. Everyone else went out of their way to be friendly with the fans. The only negative report we got was Terry Taylor and D'Lo Brown refusing autographs, however they were not part of the advertised line up. Dixie Carter opened the event and thanked everyone for coming. She was very personable and was signing autographs and posing for pictures with fans. They had a tribute display to Sting with some of his ring attire dressed on mannequins. Don West was working the room selling merchandise. We're told over 500 fans turned out.
Matt Morgan updated his health on Twitter noting he iced his back for 10 hours and feels much better. The back injury stems from a staph infection, he said.
ODB's contract is up for renewal soon.
IGN interviewed Bobby Lashley at He said he expects a lengthy program with Samoa Joe and would like to work AJ Styles in the future.
There are some tickets left for the Terry Funk Roast next Friday in Monroe, NJ. The line up includes JJ Dillon, Mick Foley, Kevin Von Erich, Superstar Billy Graham, Kevin Sullivan, Mike Graham, New Jack, Dennis Stamp, Missy Hyatt, King Kong Bundy, and Bill Apter. More information at
Wrestler's Rescue at are auctioning off items donated by former WWE Diva Terri Runnels.
The Barbarian turns 51 today.
Dwayne Johnson had a cameo on Saturday Night Live last night reprising his Rock Obama character in the opening sketch. You can watch his segment at
Dutch Mantel has posted a new blog at This is a free chapter from Dutch's upcoming book, The World According to Dutch, which is expected to be released sometime early next year. Here he examines the
early years and origins of Steve Austin.
Ric Drasin has an interview with Hollywood Actor Robert Patrick at
Wrestle Talk Radio airs at 11pm ET tonight at discussing the fall out of tonight's TNA PPV, Shane McMahon leaving WWE, and the passing of Lou Albano.
Brock Lesnar blew the horn prior to the Vikings-Ravens game today.
Nikolai Volkoff, EZ Money and Doink The Clown will be appearing at the NWL/HoPWF event in Martinsburg, WV on November 7. More info at
Missed an issue? Go to:
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
NBW - LEGACY 3 - New Champ, New Tag Champs and Jeremy Moore Turns!!
----I just got word there were 200+ in the NBW Arena last night. Eric Wayne/Kid Nikels beat Motley Cruz/Big Red for NBW Tag Team Titles. Austin Lane become the new NBW Champion beating Jason Reed - after a ref bump, Moore turned heel hitting Reed with the NBW belt to help Lane win. I hope to have everything confirmed with a full report sometime early this week.
No Shows On Channel 50???
----Rich @ reported the following yesterday.
No wrestling shows aired today on 50 Wpxx out of Memphis. IWA, XOW or Memphis Wrestling didn't air today and from what I heard is that the IWA and XOW shows paid to be on the air today and they aired payed programming instead of wrestling. I don't know about Memphis Wrestling but I'm sure they paid to be on the air today also. This could mess up show dates, plots and most of all piss off the sponsors who paid for advertisement to be on the wrestling shows.
----It was also posted on the HJB message board [and remember what we had reported last week on TIWF board] the following. I am under the impression that the shows are PAID advertising, so there would not be an exclusive or anything like that. So, I am not sure the truth in Corey Maclin having them pulled off, but I will try to get it confirmed.
Channel 50 has been accused of violating the contract they had with Memphis Wrestling by airing other competing wrestling shows therefore IWA nad XOW have been pulled from the tv schedule until the legal issues with Corey are settled.
No wrestling shows aired today on 50 Wpxx out of Memphis. IWA, XOW or Memphis Wrestling didn't air today and from what I heard is that the IWA and XOW shows paid to be on the air today and they aired payed programming instead of wrestling. I don't know about Memphis Wrestling but I'm sure they paid to be on the air today also. This could mess up show dates, plots and most of all piss off the sponsors who paid for advertisement to be on the wrestling shows.
----It was also posted on the HJB message board [and remember what we had reported last week on TIWF board] the following. I am under the impression that the shows are PAID advertising, so there would not be an exclusive or anything like that. So, I am not sure the truth in Corey Maclin having them pulled off, but I will try to get it confirmed.
Channel 50 has been accused of violating the contract they had with Memphis Wrestling by airing other competing wrestling shows therefore IWA nad XOW have been pulled from the tv schedule until the legal issues with Corey are settled.
Thanks for Asking!!
----I would like to thank everyone for their calls and e-mails about my oldest daughter and sometimes RRO photographer Kayte. [Also seen in baby form being carried by one arm by Psycho.] She had minor surgery on Friday and has a stent to help her pass some kidney stones. She will have it there for two weeks, so we are hoping it will help. We actually did not return from the hospital until after 8:00 PM [the reason I was not at NBW's Legacy] last night. She is doing good, because she was asking to go to the movies when we arrive home. LOL
----Computer is up and running, but I did lose some stuff including the start of my IWA TV report. I am going to try to get caught up on all TV reports and ratings early this week!!
----Thanks again. When stuff like this happens, it really shows me how many people read this site every day!! And, how many of you are just great people - thanks for reading!!
----Computer is up and running, but I did lose some stuff including the start of my IWA TV report. I am going to try to get caught up on all TV reports and ratings early this week!!
----Thanks again. When stuff like this happens, it really shows me how many people read this site every day!! And, how many of you are just great people - thanks for reading!!
(WGN) October 17: Lou Albano wake notes, awesome Santino promo, Honky Tonk Man on WWE Hall of Fame, WWE defends Linda, Hulk Hogan BS and more
Saturday October 17, 2009
10/15 Superstars TV results: Mark Henry over Chris Masters; Zovlov over Tommy Dreamer; and CM Punk over John Morrison via DQ.
10/15 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Monterrey, Mexico: Ezekiel Jackson over The Hurricane; Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Michelle McCool over Mickie James; Finlay over Drew McIntyre; Christian over William Regal; John Morrison over Matt Hardy & Dolph Ziggler in a three-way; Rey Mysterio & Batista over Chris Jericho & Kane; and Undertaker over CM Punk.
10/16 Smackdown TV results from Louisville, KY: Dolph Ziggler over Mike Knox & Finlay in a three-way; Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Eric Escobar over Matt Hardy; Drew McIntyre over R-Truth; and Rey Mysterio over Batista.
10/16 Raw house show results from Huntsville, AL: Santino Marella over Chris Masters; Evan Bourne over Heath Slater; Jack Swagger over Primo; Melina over Jillian Hall; Hornswoggle over Chavo Guerrero; The Miz over Kofi Kingston & Jack Swagger in a three-way; and Triple H & John Cena over Randy Orton & Legacy in a handicap match.
10/16 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Puebla, Mexico: Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Michelle McCool over Mickie James; Christian over William Regal; Ezekiel Jackson over The Hurricane; John Morrison over Matt Hardy & Dolph Ziggler in a three-way; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho; and Undertaker & Batista over CM Punk & Kane.
The Raw crew run tonight in Columbus, GA and then Dothan on Sunday. The Smackdown/ECW crew run tonight and Sunday at the Palacio De Los Deportes in Mexico City.
Raw TV is Monday from Jacksonville, FL with Snoop Dogg as the guest host and Triple H vs. John Cena; and the Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Columbia, SC.
The wake for Captain Lou Albano on Friday evening in Carmel, NY was a sell out. It's estimated 1,000 family, friends and fans lined up for three blocks to pay their respects. One person noted: "Even thought the funeral arrangements were supposed to be private, over 1000 people came out this afternoon and tonight to pay their respects to Captain Lou. He really did have one hell of a run and made one hell of an impact." There was also a lot of media interest including the Channel 12 news station doing a live broadcast and several newspaper reporters.
No real update on the resignation of Shane McMahon as WWE's Executive Vice President of Global Media. He isn't talking, not even to some of his closest friends, but as we noted yesterday the speculation is that his next venture will involve MMA. His resignation takes effect on January 1, 2010 and he will remain in his position until that date.
Rene Dupree at wants Shane to join him in Japan and become his tag team partner. He wrote: "With my looks and his ring and mike skills we could easily be the greatest tag team in Japanese history. I’m not sure who’s booking Shane but if anyone knows his agent please ask them to give me a call."
Maria Kanellis doing the next Celebrity Apprentice is one of those WWE-NBC synergy deals. The production company didn't specifically request her but WWE came up with a shortlist of available Divas, and she was picked out and interviewed for the role. The show starts shooting Sunday in New York City and premieres on March 1, 2010. They did some photography and promo work around the city on Friday which is how news
broke revealing the names of the contestants.
Before the opening match at the Raw show Friday night in Huntsville, Santino cut this promo: "When I was a little boy in Italy, I used to do magic. The only problem was, I couldn't say Abracadabra so I used to say Alabama instead. True story. Now, as for you, Chris Masterson, you big Gorilla, I must warn you, I am a black belt in my own form of Mixed Martial Arts. I call them Marella Martial Arts. So I, the only MMA fighter in WWE, will now beat up this Gorilla!" Tremendous. If you ask
anyone in WWE who the legit toughest guy in the locker room is most people will say Santino or Big Show, well, maybe not Big Show after Puerto Rico, but anyway, before wrestling, Santino competed in Judo at national level. He also shared the same wrestling coach as UFC star George St. Pierre. I think Jim Cornette is the only guy who ever got the better of him in a slapping contest although Santino did get a WWE
contract out of that deal.
The Syracuse Post-Standard ran a story about WWE fans lining up outside the Carrier Dome this morning to purchase tickets for the house show in December. Apparently some fans had been camping out since the early hours (are these people insane?) and when Dome staff announced tickets would be available a full FIVE MINUTES before they went on Internet sale they cheered loudly. I would happily bet my house that they don't sell out the 49,250-seat Dome in December the week after Christmas. In fact,
there is probably more chance of Shane McMahon showing up at Bound For Glory. The announced line up so far is John Cena vs. Randy Orton; DX vs. Chris Jericho & Big Show; Batista vs. Kane; and Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. MVP in a three-way.
The Honky Tonk Man was a guest on The Mayhem radio show this past week at On being inducted in the Hall of Fame, he said: "I'm not sitting here like a dog waiting on a bone. If it happens, it happens, and if it doesn't, it doesn't. If for some reason I'm booked that weekend somewhere, I'm not going cancel my booking for the Hall of Fame. I will continue on doing what I do, because this independent thing I've been doing for so long has fed my family, kept me alive, and kept me in the spotlight, and I will not give that up for one payday from the WWE." He added: "This is a company, the WWE, that office is extremely
unpredictable. Just when you think you have the answer to the question, they change the question."
An episode of South Park this coming Wednesday will show the kids going to a WWE show and then wanting to become pro wrestlers. You can watch a preview clip at
ABC cameras showed Jim Ross on the sidelines of the Texas-OU college football game today.
The Connecticut Democratic Party sent out a mass email to it's members and local reporters Friday containing clips of old WWE storylines. You know, the ones depicting rape, miscarriages and necrophilia. A spokesperson for the CDP said, "Linda McMahon presided over programming that showed simulated rape, public sex and necrophilia, and now she wants to be our U.S. Senator? People across this state, not to mention the millions of women who are the victims of sexual violence every year,
would be horrified and embarrassed to know that the person who seeks to represent them condones this kind of behavior. That kind of programming has no place in our society, and Linda McMahon has no place in the U.S. Senate." Well, everyone knew this was coming.
It took about three hours for WWE to have those videos shut down for copyright infringement. Linda McMahon's spokesman, Ed Patru, told the Hartford Courant that Democratic leaders should be more interested in improving the economy than worrying about WWE storylines: "Every American understands the difference between scripted television entertainment and real life betrayal of trust by Washington politicians... It's stunning that Chris Dodd's apologists are more concerned with television programming that isn't real than the senator's record of taking every bit of special interest cash he can find, providing taxpayer-funded bonuses to executives he was supposed to regulate, and falling asleep at the switch while the entire country's banking system crashed."
Linda has just hired former Senator and state legislature David Cappiello to spearhead her campaign. "David brings to this campaign an unmatched level of policy and political experience," Linda said in a press release. "He knows the state, he understands the issues that are of paramount importance to Connecticut’s families and small businesses, and he has a network of relationships that runs deep and broad in the state. We’re thrilled to have him as a part of our campaign."
The WWE stock closed Friday up $0.28 to $13.77 on the NYSE - so no adverse market reaction to Shane's resignation.
The biggest TNA show of the year, Bound For Glory, is Sunday in Irvine, CA. Line up is AJ Styles vs. Sting for the TNA title; Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan; Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley in a submission match; Mick Foley vs. Abyss in a Monster's Ball match with Dr. Stevie as the referee; Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide in Ultimate X; ODB vs. Awesome Kong vs. Tara for the Knockouts
title; Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. The British Invasion in Full Metal Mayhem; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young for the Legends title; Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People for the Knockouts tag titles; and The Motor City Machineguns vs. Lethal Consequences will air free on the pre-show.
TV tapings are next Tuesday and Wednesday at Universal Studios in Orlando. The taping originally scheduled for Thursday was canceled due to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal.
Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan revealed on their Twitter pages that they are in bad shape heading into Bound For Glory. Morgan noted he is suffered from back spasm in three different areas, while Joe wrote: "I don't think I have been this sick in a long time. Hoping I can get well by Sunday."
The Los Angeles Times has a Q&A with Sting at He teased Sunday may be his last match in TNA.
The Baltimore Sun has a Q&A with AJ Styles at He said holding the TNA title feels more prestigious to him now than holding the NWA-TNA title a few years ago: "I’ve been with TNA for seven years and I take a little bit more pride in our product than someone who may have been from somewhere else. So,
yeah, it’s kind of a big deal for me to be the world champion." He put over Sting for giving him a rub and buried Booker T in the process: "[Sting's] not like a Booker T, who will let everybody know that he has arrived. Sting’s the total opposite. He just walks in just as casual as he can be – just a really nice guy. It’s just one of those things where we kind of hit it off. I remember walking into a Christian bookstore and seeing his face on a magazine and thinking, 'That’s so cool. Sting’s a Christian.' So to be his friend and to be his peer, it’s really neat to
be able to sit and have a conversation about what we both believe in and just enjoy each other’s company." When asked about his faith conflicting with the product he said it used to bother him but now he understands he can't control it and focuses on his own spots: "Maybe once or twice they had a word in there that I wouldn’t really use. I don’t even ask [the writing team], I just change it. They don’t really care; it’s not that big of a deal. The only frustrating thing about being a good guy is that it’s changed and evolved over the years to where it’s almost like you have to say, 'I kick some a-double-s' to sound cool. So I have to find ways of avoiding that."
The Iron Sheik called into Howard Stern's radio show on Thursday. They played the same clip with Brian Blair ripping on him as they did on Opie & Anthony. Sheik said Blair was a liar and challenged him to a fight. When Howard asked Sheik if he was going to sue, Sheik said Blair wasn't worth it. A subdued call with no trademark Sheik rants.
Men's Fitness magazine posted an excerpt from Hulk Hogan's new autobiography at Here he talks about going bald at 18 and how he became a ladies man after joining a local gym and working out.
They also have excerpts in the magazine with Hogan claiming he won theWWF title in 1984 with a blown out knee that he suffered in the first few minutes of the match, and also how he hooked Sylvester Stallone and took him down in Rocky III to let him know he was the real deal and not some jabroni.
Hogan was also on the Bubba radio show Friday morning pushing his book. He claimed when ex-wife Linda filed for divorce he put a gun in his mouth and nearly pulled the trigger.
Bill Goldberg was ambushed by TMZ cameras at and discusses what he eats for breakfast. When the camera guy asked him how much he benches he said that benching is for pretty boys and he trains for functional strength.
Torrie Wilson has recovered from heart failure and is appearing this weekend at the Long Island Auto Show in New York.
Author Irv Muchnick was on KRON TV in San Francisco on Wednesday pushing his book on the Chris Benoit murders. You can watch the segment at
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----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Saturday October 17, 2009
10/15 Superstars TV results: Mark Henry over Chris Masters; Zovlov over Tommy Dreamer; and CM Punk over John Morrison via DQ.
10/15 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Monterrey, Mexico: Ezekiel Jackson over The Hurricane; Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Michelle McCool over Mickie James; Finlay over Drew McIntyre; Christian over William Regal; John Morrison over Matt Hardy & Dolph Ziggler in a three-way; Rey Mysterio & Batista over Chris Jericho & Kane; and Undertaker over CM Punk.
10/16 Smackdown TV results from Louisville, KY: Dolph Ziggler over Mike Knox & Finlay in a three-way; Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Eric Escobar over Matt Hardy; Drew McIntyre over R-Truth; and Rey Mysterio over Batista.
10/16 Raw house show results from Huntsville, AL: Santino Marella over Chris Masters; Evan Bourne over Heath Slater; Jack Swagger over Primo; Melina over Jillian Hall; Hornswoggle over Chavo Guerrero; The Miz over Kofi Kingston & Jack Swagger in a three-way; and Triple H & John Cena over Randy Orton & Legacy in a handicap match.
10/16 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Puebla, Mexico: Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Michelle McCool over Mickie James; Christian over William Regal; Ezekiel Jackson over The Hurricane; John Morrison over Matt Hardy & Dolph Ziggler in a three-way; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho; and Undertaker & Batista over CM Punk & Kane.
The Raw crew run tonight in Columbus, GA and then Dothan on Sunday. The Smackdown/ECW crew run tonight and Sunday at the Palacio De Los Deportes in Mexico City.
Raw TV is Monday from Jacksonville, FL with Snoop Dogg as the guest host and Triple H vs. John Cena; and the Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Columbia, SC.
The wake for Captain Lou Albano on Friday evening in Carmel, NY was a sell out. It's estimated 1,000 family, friends and fans lined up for three blocks to pay their respects. One person noted: "Even thought the funeral arrangements were supposed to be private, over 1000 people came out this afternoon and tonight to pay their respects to Captain Lou. He really did have one hell of a run and made one hell of an impact." There was also a lot of media interest including the Channel 12 news station doing a live broadcast and several newspaper reporters.
No real update on the resignation of Shane McMahon as WWE's Executive Vice President of Global Media. He isn't talking, not even to some of his closest friends, but as we noted yesterday the speculation is that his next venture will involve MMA. His resignation takes effect on January 1, 2010 and he will remain in his position until that date.
Rene Dupree at wants Shane to join him in Japan and become his tag team partner. He wrote: "With my looks and his ring and mike skills we could easily be the greatest tag team in Japanese history. I’m not sure who’s booking Shane but if anyone knows his agent please ask them to give me a call."
Maria Kanellis doing the next Celebrity Apprentice is one of those WWE-NBC synergy deals. The production company didn't specifically request her but WWE came up with a shortlist of available Divas, and she was picked out and interviewed for the role. The show starts shooting Sunday in New York City and premieres on March 1, 2010. They did some photography and promo work around the city on Friday which is how news
broke revealing the names of the contestants.
Before the opening match at the Raw show Friday night in Huntsville, Santino cut this promo: "When I was a little boy in Italy, I used to do magic. The only problem was, I couldn't say Abracadabra so I used to say Alabama instead. True story. Now, as for you, Chris Masterson, you big Gorilla, I must warn you, I am a black belt in my own form of Mixed Martial Arts. I call them Marella Martial Arts. So I, the only MMA fighter in WWE, will now beat up this Gorilla!" Tremendous. If you ask
anyone in WWE who the legit toughest guy in the locker room is most people will say Santino or Big Show, well, maybe not Big Show after Puerto Rico, but anyway, before wrestling, Santino competed in Judo at national level. He also shared the same wrestling coach as UFC star George St. Pierre. I think Jim Cornette is the only guy who ever got the better of him in a slapping contest although Santino did get a WWE
contract out of that deal.
The Syracuse Post-Standard ran a story about WWE fans lining up outside the Carrier Dome this morning to purchase tickets for the house show in December. Apparently some fans had been camping out since the early hours (are these people insane?) and when Dome staff announced tickets would be available a full FIVE MINUTES before they went on Internet sale they cheered loudly. I would happily bet my house that they don't sell out the 49,250-seat Dome in December the week after Christmas. In fact,
there is probably more chance of Shane McMahon showing up at Bound For Glory. The announced line up so far is John Cena vs. Randy Orton; DX vs. Chris Jericho & Big Show; Batista vs. Kane; and Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. MVP in a three-way.
The Honky Tonk Man was a guest on The Mayhem radio show this past week at On being inducted in the Hall of Fame, he said: "I'm not sitting here like a dog waiting on a bone. If it happens, it happens, and if it doesn't, it doesn't. If for some reason I'm booked that weekend somewhere, I'm not going cancel my booking for the Hall of Fame. I will continue on doing what I do, because this independent thing I've been doing for so long has fed my family, kept me alive, and kept me in the spotlight, and I will not give that up for one payday from the WWE." He added: "This is a company, the WWE, that office is extremely
unpredictable. Just when you think you have the answer to the question, they change the question."
An episode of South Park this coming Wednesday will show the kids going to a WWE show and then wanting to become pro wrestlers. You can watch a preview clip at
ABC cameras showed Jim Ross on the sidelines of the Texas-OU college football game today.
The Connecticut Democratic Party sent out a mass email to it's members and local reporters Friday containing clips of old WWE storylines. You know, the ones depicting rape, miscarriages and necrophilia. A spokesperson for the CDP said, "Linda McMahon presided over programming that showed simulated rape, public sex and necrophilia, and now she wants to be our U.S. Senator? People across this state, not to mention the millions of women who are the victims of sexual violence every year,
would be horrified and embarrassed to know that the person who seeks to represent them condones this kind of behavior. That kind of programming has no place in our society, and Linda McMahon has no place in the U.S. Senate." Well, everyone knew this was coming.
It took about three hours for WWE to have those videos shut down for copyright infringement. Linda McMahon's spokesman, Ed Patru, told the Hartford Courant that Democratic leaders should be more interested in improving the economy than worrying about WWE storylines: "Every American understands the difference between scripted television entertainment and real life betrayal of trust by Washington politicians... It's stunning that Chris Dodd's apologists are more concerned with television programming that isn't real than the senator's record of taking every bit of special interest cash he can find, providing taxpayer-funded bonuses to executives he was supposed to regulate, and falling asleep at the switch while the entire country's banking system crashed."
Linda has just hired former Senator and state legislature David Cappiello to spearhead her campaign. "David brings to this campaign an unmatched level of policy and political experience," Linda said in a press release. "He knows the state, he understands the issues that are of paramount importance to Connecticut’s families and small businesses, and he has a network of relationships that runs deep and broad in the state. We’re thrilled to have him as a part of our campaign."
The WWE stock closed Friday up $0.28 to $13.77 on the NYSE - so no adverse market reaction to Shane's resignation.
The biggest TNA show of the year, Bound For Glory, is Sunday in Irvine, CA. Line up is AJ Styles vs. Sting for the TNA title; Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan; Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley in a submission match; Mick Foley vs. Abyss in a Monster's Ball match with Dr. Stevie as the referee; Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide in Ultimate X; ODB vs. Awesome Kong vs. Tara for the Knockouts
title; Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. The British Invasion in Full Metal Mayhem; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young for the Legends title; Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People for the Knockouts tag titles; and The Motor City Machineguns vs. Lethal Consequences will air free on the pre-show.
TV tapings are next Tuesday and Wednesday at Universal Studios in Orlando. The taping originally scheduled for Thursday was canceled due to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal.
Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan revealed on their Twitter pages that they are in bad shape heading into Bound For Glory. Morgan noted he is suffered from back spasm in three different areas, while Joe wrote: "I don't think I have been this sick in a long time. Hoping I can get well by Sunday."
The Los Angeles Times has a Q&A with Sting at He teased Sunday may be his last match in TNA.
The Baltimore Sun has a Q&A with AJ Styles at He said holding the TNA title feels more prestigious to him now than holding the NWA-TNA title a few years ago: "I’ve been with TNA for seven years and I take a little bit more pride in our product than someone who may have been from somewhere else. So,
yeah, it’s kind of a big deal for me to be the world champion." He put over Sting for giving him a rub and buried Booker T in the process: "[Sting's] not like a Booker T, who will let everybody know that he has arrived. Sting’s the total opposite. He just walks in just as casual as he can be – just a really nice guy. It’s just one of those things where we kind of hit it off. I remember walking into a Christian bookstore and seeing his face on a magazine and thinking, 'That’s so cool. Sting’s a Christian.' So to be his friend and to be his peer, it’s really neat to
be able to sit and have a conversation about what we both believe in and just enjoy each other’s company." When asked about his faith conflicting with the product he said it used to bother him but now he understands he can't control it and focuses on his own spots: "Maybe once or twice they had a word in there that I wouldn’t really use. I don’t even ask [the writing team], I just change it. They don’t really care; it’s not that big of a deal. The only frustrating thing about being a good guy is that it’s changed and evolved over the years to where it’s almost like you have to say, 'I kick some a-double-s' to sound cool. So I have to find ways of avoiding that."
The Iron Sheik called into Howard Stern's radio show on Thursday. They played the same clip with Brian Blair ripping on him as they did on Opie & Anthony. Sheik said Blair was a liar and challenged him to a fight. When Howard asked Sheik if he was going to sue, Sheik said Blair wasn't worth it. A subdued call with no trademark Sheik rants.
Men's Fitness magazine posted an excerpt from Hulk Hogan's new autobiography at Here he talks about going bald at 18 and how he became a ladies man after joining a local gym and working out.
They also have excerpts in the magazine with Hogan claiming he won theWWF title in 1984 with a blown out knee that he suffered in the first few minutes of the match, and also how he hooked Sylvester Stallone and took him down in Rocky III to let him know he was the real deal and not some jabroni.
Hogan was also on the Bubba radio show Friday morning pushing his book. He claimed when ex-wife Linda filed for divorce he put a gun in his mouth and nearly pulled the trigger.
Bill Goldberg was ambushed by TMZ cameras at and discusses what he eats for breakfast. When the camera guy asked him how much he benches he said that benching is for pretty boys and he trains for functional strength.
Torrie Wilson has recovered from heart failure and is appearing this weekend at the Long Island Auto Show in New York.
Author Irv Muchnick was on KRON TV in San Francisco on Wednesday pushing his book on the Chris Benoit murders. You can watch the segment at
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----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
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