Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Hogans At Walmart!!!

RassleBits: Vanity, TLCW Big Show, Gates, Hollywood and Axeman, Jumptertown, Top Grosses and Attention!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006
RassleRiot Awards Race 2006
----Here is how this is going to work. I will be sending out e-mails to a committee of workers/promoters/writers from this area each week. They will be asked to nominate 5 candidates in each category. They can not nominate themselves. I will narrow it down to 3 candidates per category. Starting on January 1st to
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Shows for the Weekend 12.08 - 12.9.06
ATTENTION: If you are a promoter, please send me the address of the wrestling building. I will then be able to Google map your show, just like I have done to a few of the shows below. I have fans that write this site wanting to know directions to different buildings every week. If I get a street address, then may apply it to Google Maps.
----Friday night for USWF in Corinth, MS with Kross, Keylo Green, Izzy Rotten, Nick Grymes, Psycho, Buzz Harley, Danny Morris, “Concrete Cowboy” Johnnie Reno, Neil Taylor, Tysin Starr and more.
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Chris Styles, Little Stevie Davis, Homeless Joe, Mario, Devon Raynes, Dalton Storm, Kage, Cyrus, Chaz, “Cruzin’ 4 Pain” [Motley Cruz/187/Tasha Simone] and more.
FUCK YOU to Steve Creasy

In the realm of wrestling the word honest is not used a lot. The whole business is based on façade, a trick or might we call it a “slight of the hand.” When looking on the message boards last week, I seen where someone was looking to buy or rent a ring. I had my thoughts on who it was, but then this week they were confirmed. My old friend and everyone’s buddy Steve Creasy. Creasy has opened a new website, which is one of many he has opened, to announce that in April, 2007, he will begin running shows under the CCW banner again. I will be the first to admit, CCW was no big deal to a lot of people. We never drew record crowds and we never had TV or anything. CCW meant something to me and the guys that started the promotion. Some of young guys that are the most talented in the local scene got their start or biggest early pushes with the promotion – Christian Jacobs, Psycho, Arnez, Jon Michael, Chris O’Neal, Stan Lee, Mark Justice, Rod Dent III and many more. I hope this is just one of Creasy’s brainless attempts at starting again, because I and all the other guys do not want to see him running CCW. So, this week I do not give a HIGH FIVE – all I got to say to Steve Creasy is….FUCK YOU!!
t example of what is wrong with wrestling in this area. He is needed about as much as a bad case of hemorrhoids. Stay home, Creasy.” Axeman Speaks 12.05.06
er has sold probably 80% of all tickets to wrestling in this area. Now, do I owe money? Of course I owe money! I get bills once per month some personal & some CCW. But they are getting paid. Now, alot of people may wanna work with me & some may not. But by god a column by Axeman, Tramel or anyone else isn’t gonna stop me from running shows. Am I the best promoter? NOPE Am I the worst? NOPE Will I ever cancel another show? If sales are not where I want them to be then yeah I will if I have too. Are you welcome at CCW events? Sure, so long as you buy a ticket!” Steve Creasy, last night on Hollywood Jimmy’s board.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
RassleTube Gets New Home!!!
RassleChronicle 12.02.96 and 10 Years Ago in Memphis Wrestling
----RassleChronicle covers the results of RAW/Nitro 10 years ago. This week is posted.I have also added a Herb Kunze Wrestling Tidbits column that was published at this time.
Get My Point? by Randy Cresswell

There is a rumor going round that the X-Division hates the way they are being used by Russo. Go figure, him and Vince M share two things in life....the way they feel about Lightweights, they either love em or hate em and it shows what state of mood they are in when you watch how they are used. Right now, I'm betting Russo is taking care of the Nash angle while someone else is taking care of the Daniels/Sabin feud. Although, turning Styles heel was a good gesture, his babyface run has long been over due for a change.
TNA, I think, does not realize the oppertunity they have in taking it to another level with WWE sinking so horribly. While somewhat entertaining, I believe if they stop with all the current WWE bashing and concentrate on their own product, they could prove they are worth 2 hours a week and start to build from there. Let's face it, the days they were running 2 hour PPVs was some of the best stuff they have done period.
Didn't watch RAW this week, for some reason I had a funny feeling in my stomach. After reading the results, I guess it proved to be right. RAW is so stale that people are watching Boogeyman on Smackdown. Talk about a swing in ratings there.
Ok, Im done, I think you all....Get My Point.
Take Care
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
RassleBits: Big Rumor, Maclin Ratings, Flash, NWA Battlezone, Creasy, RAW, Vanity and Gates
----Big rumor the last few days is that the Mid-South Coliseum show on 12.30.06 will feature Doug Gilbert/Sid Vicious vs Jerry Lawler/Hulk Hogan. Not sure the truth of this, but if it isn’t Hogan, then look for it to be a major WWE star. Also, if it is going to be Hogan, then look for them to shoot an angle this coming weekend at the Walmart appearance.
----I also talked with KC Gold about the MAW attendance. 120 to 150 were at the show, but only about 50 paid. It seems they got to many people getting in for free. Gold said he is going try to get a handle on that. I was also told 100 at the TIWF show last Friday night?? Anybody else at that show?? Good for them with close to a $500 gate.
Monday, December 04, 2006
RassleResults: MAW New Daisy Theatre Memphis, TN 12.03.06

----Paid crowd was around 50 with a gate of around $500 and there were at times around 100 people in the building. A lot of freebies and hate that for this crew. I was wishing 200+ for Raven…They ran an angle most of the night with KC Gold and Antoin Smooth. The Crime and Jason Skyler accepted Gold’s offer to be with TFO [The front office] & MAW. After that Smooth jumped Gold with a chair. After the tag team title match, K.C. Gold comes out and attacks Smooth with punches and clotheslines, and one of the TFO girls executes a running double handspring low kick. Smooth is then beaten with a boot by Morton, and gets spanked with a belt by Morton. KC stated he will wrestle Smooth on the next show… During the Diamond/Crime bout a table did not break on the first try, but as Diamond stood to his feet on the table, he was caught with a Diamond Cutter from the top rope by Crime, putting both men through the table. Heatwave, Inc (Blalok and Big Ace) ran into the ring and attacked Crime, and
The Ratings Are In!!!
----Memphis Wrestling this week scored a 3.5 [57,762 viewers], which is about an average number for the crew. Jerry Lawler was not there for a live match, so his streak was not alive, but the first quarter he was feature in dropped 12,152 viewers.
viewers. The third quarter scored 3.1 [50,770 viewers] dropping 12,152 viewers for the King vs Reed match, Maclin/Hart telephone interview and Idol/Lawler vs Panthers match. The show finished with Lawler vs Von Erich, Flex/Grind beating up
RassleResults USWF Corinth, MS 12.01.06

Sunday, December 03, 2006
RassleResults TLCW Ripley, TN 12.02.06 New Tag Champs!!

Memphis Wrestling TV Report 12.02.06
White beat Fire/Flame[pic below] by DQ when Flame threw a big fireball on Starr. Heat was on White with hot tag to Starr. Ref was trying to get White out of the ring, when Nate handed Flame something. Starr was punching Fire, when he turned around Flame hit him on the shoulder and side of face with fireball. It looked good. Good match.
Dotson has been out with a broken leg and looks like he will come in as a baby. Derrick King beat “The Posse” member Simon Reed when he superkicked ‘Lil Chris to win. Yes, you read that right. Short match with the “Insane Clowns” [Bobo/Giggles] interfering and pulling Reed out of the ring, then Chris got to get pinned.
RassleNotes: Maclin actually called Kerry Von Erich’s title the WCW title during the opening of the show…Jethro had a new suit on that was a black jumpsuit with gloves. Why do you still call him a Hillbilly!!!...Corey called Jon Michael “Chris Michaels” this week. This makes him look soooooooo stupid!! How many weeks could Jim Ross call someone by the wrong name?? Or think about this – Corey is the owner of the company and can’t get the name right!! ...Tag title match was a good fast bout. They air a slow-mo of the fireball and it looked real good!!! White/Starr were wearing matching gear and looked good...King called Dotson an “egg sucking dog” and said, “I am Derrick”By God” King”. Funny…Looks like they are programming “Posse” vs “Clowns”, but they will probably forget they even did that…It will interesting to see how many people show up at Walmart to see Hogan. Probably out draw the last
----This Memphis Wrestling TV report is also posted every week on http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/, http://www.pwinsider.com/, http://www.declarationofindependents.net/ and http://www.pwtorch.com/
RassleResults NBW Dyersburg, TN 12.02.06