----San Fransciso Treat/Ray Ray with Rotten Randy beat Big Al/Morgan Lane…Wildbill beat Acid & Mr. Olympia for #1 Contender for X Title…Judgment vs Casino Kid – No Contest.
----A lot of the guys were at the show for Rodney Mack…I was told that Judgment and Casino Kid got into a fight backstage after their match. Not sure what it was about, but apparently the new owner David Walls broke them up and had a talk with them afterwards.
----Austin Lane entered the arena to announce that he has beaten every single superstar thrown his way. He has beaten everyone from Jerry Lawler to Kevin Nash from Chuck Fears to Scott Fury. He has decided since no one can keep up with him, he will give the guys who have not proved themselves. Thus we have begun the Austin Lane No Name Challenge.
----ASWF Title Match: Austin Lane beat Mark Wolf…Scott Fury was stripped of his Tag Team Title…”Prime Time Playboys” [Zane Richards/Tommy Wayne] beat Mr. Olympia/Jamie Jay…Scotty Fury beat “California” Christopher Lee…Chuck Fear retained the ASWF X-Title by DQ over “Wild” Bill… “American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber & Morgan Lane] beat “Danger Zone” [Johnny Harper & John Ellison] vs. San Francisco Treat & Ray Ray to become the new ASWF Tag Team Champions…”Big Rigg” Cody Murdoch beat Ali Stevens.
Credit: http://valiantarena.com/
Saturday, December 22, 2007
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 12.08 & 12.15.07
----Well I have got some results from ASWF. Not full results from 12.08.07, but I did get the complete rundown from the 12.15.07 show.
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 12.21.07
----Stan Lee beat Zane Richards…Slim Pickens over Baron Malkenvain…Tommy Redneck over “Rockin” Randy…Brandon Espinosa over AJ Williams…LAW Tag Team Title Match:”The Aslyum” [Arnez/Psycho] beat “Rhythm & Blues” [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker]…”Pie In the Face” Match: Derrick King beat “TGB” Greg Anthony.
----125+ in the building. Admission was free…Jeff O'Dell said that when they had made the PIE IN THE EYE MATCH between Flash and DK, he didn't know he was going to have to open the doors for free and The Unified Champion doesn't work for free. Jeff made TGB take Flash's place. TGB wanting to get back in Jeff's good graces accepted… Baron keeps trying to bite Slim Pickens and this time cost Baron the match as Slim rolled him up for the 3 count…R&B sang a wrestling version of 12 days of Christmas before The Asylum broke up the party…TGB lost to DK with the superkick and got pied by the LAW fans. After TGB was pied and left the ring, DK was left in the ring alone and was jumped by Idol Bane. Bane put the "Ghost of Andy Kaufman" on him leaving him lying.
----125+ in the building. Admission was free…Jeff O'Dell said that when they had made the PIE IN THE EYE MATCH between Flash and DK, he didn't know he was going to have to open the doors for free and The Unified Champion doesn't work for free. Jeff made TGB take Flash's place. TGB wanting to get back in Jeff's good graces accepted… Baron keeps trying to bite Slim Pickens and this time cost Baron the match as Slim rolled him up for the 3 count…R&B sang a wrestling version of 12 days of Christmas before The Asylum broke up the party…TGB lost to DK with the superkick and got pied by the LAW fans. After TGB was pied and left the ring, DK was left in the ring alone and was jumped by Idol Bane. Bane put the "Ghost of Andy Kaufman" on him leaving him lying.
Friday, December 21, 2007
A Piece of my Mind-Dec 21st 2007 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

This is my last article before Christmas and in keeping with the holiday season I will one more time this year refrain from being negative. I know some people like the no holds barred Sal Corrente. If that is your pleasure you should stop reading now and come back next Tuesday when things could get back to normal. I do try most times if there is something I feel is good happening to also recognize that.
On Monday night, RAW will basically be the Tribute to the Troops that WWE filmed while over visiting with our troops. I have to say that it is a great thing that they do. I do not care what the financial situation is regarding the trip over there. I am not interested in your opinion on whether or not the war should be happening or not. The war is a reality that we all have to live with. The troops are there and they have no choice but to do the best they can to defend our nation. It is a tremendous thing that WWE does bringing the wrestlers over there. It is probably the time when the divas mean the most on any one individual event that they participate in. It was years ago that Bob Hope had his USO tours bringing over so many talented people to perform for the troops. If there is no other time through out the year when I applaud Vince McMahon and the WWE family it is now. In all honesty I do not know that I would have the guts to go over there even if I had the opportunity. I believe that we should all support RAW this Monday night. It should bring to our minds what’s really important in the world.
On another WWE note the product the last few weeks has been better let’s hope that this is the start of something big.
I can still remember the good old days when on Christmas Day night there were big shows being held. It was normally something to look forward to it’s never a bad thing to reflect on the past to be more aware of where we are today.
In regards to ROH and TNA congratulations on another year in business. It’s always great to give the talent a place to work. It also gives the talent some leverage in negotiating. I may not agree with everything either company does but I certainly support their existence.
I do have to say that TNA has turned out one hell of a woman’s division this year. I hope that it continues to evolve.
In one final note the wrestling business between the ropes is a tough enough thing and leaves all of us open to injuries. The recent close call that WWE had on their overseas tour is a whole other aspect to the risks involved in our business. I am thankful that all the talent landed safely. Personally when I hear of these types of things it does bring life in to perspective for me. How does it affect you?
The picture this time is of the Tonga Kid who many remember as Jimmy Snuka’s tag team partner in his was against Roddy Piper. The other guy is of course George “The Animal” Steele this photo was taken at the George Washington Lodge in Allentown, PA. There were many great nights at that hotel which no longer stands. It is quite a shame that hotel housed so many of the great wrestlers over the years. It has since been torn down and there is a Home Depot there now.
This has been a piece of my mind
“The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente
Charlie Parks Responds..
----Fox news out of Memphis,myfoxmemphis.com, has an update on the fraud that we reported on yesterday. The site posted - Families showed concern yesterday when they showed up to the Armory to receive presents they were promised only to find an empty warehouse. Charley [that is the way they are spelling his name, but if you look at his uniform, it looks like it is spelled Charlie - anybody know??]Parks says there was a miscommunication and he plans to get presents to all the families on December 22nd.
----CLICK HERE to see the video.
Credit: CSAnderson from the Kayfabe Message Board for the "head's up".
----CLICK HERE to see the video.
Credit: CSAnderson from the Kayfabe Message Board for the "head's up".
New Promotion In Jonesboro, AR
----This seems to be a huge undertaking for the city of Jonesboro, which has not really supported wrestling in that town in a long time. They have drew good crowds for "4th in The Forest", but as many have pointed out - people are going to be out there no matter if there is wrestling or not. The key to the success of this promotion will be how involved Brandon Baxter and KissFM will be in the advertising. I think Baxter and his cohost Booger could get people to show up at a dog crapping contest, so if they have him behind it will have some success. Jerry Lawler is also involved with this to some degree to lending his name to the arena much like Jimmy Valiant did for the ASWF Valiant Arena. I do believe this building was orginally built for Bert Prentice - I attended a few shows at the building during that time. Also, interesting to see Rodney Mack and Jazz become part of it as they will be pulling away from ASWF. Anybody know what is going on over there?? News has slowed down since Aaron Polston left the promotion.
A new wrestling organization is coming to Jonesboro, Arkansas area in January. Royal Wrestling Alliance will debut Saturday night, January 19, 2008. Bell time is 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10.00.
The new group is owned by Frank Martin. Aaron Polston is a partner and board member. Rodney Mack & Jazz are also involved with the group and are board members.
The building where the shows will take place is called King's Sportatorium. It is located on Hwy. 1, just south of Jonesboro. When the building is ready it will seat 500+.
RWA plans to do Internet pay per views beginning in January, and will start filming for TV some time in the spring. Eventually, their Saturday night shows will be one hour of TV taping, and 1 hour of taping for Internet PPV. Adam Dunn will be doing the taping for the group.
In conjunction with RWA, there will also be a wrestling school run by Rodney Mack & Jazz.
Already signed for the first show on January 19 are Jerry "the King" Lawler, Rodney Mack, Jazz, Passion, Heidenreich, Ali Stevens, Loose Cannon, San Francisco Treat, Reno Diamond, and Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock. More names are being added, and we will pass them along as soon as we receive them. Michael Ward will be lead announcer, assisted by Brandon Baxter.
Credit: Randall Lewis
A new wrestling organization is coming to Jonesboro, Arkansas area in January. Royal Wrestling Alliance will debut Saturday night, January 19, 2008. Bell time is 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10.00.
The new group is owned by Frank Martin. Aaron Polston is a partner and board member. Rodney Mack & Jazz are also involved with the group and are board members.
The building where the shows will take place is called King's Sportatorium. It is located on Hwy. 1, just south of Jonesboro. When the building is ready it will seat 500+.
RWA plans to do Internet pay per views beginning in January, and will start filming for TV some time in the spring. Eventually, their Saturday night shows will be one hour of TV taping, and 1 hour of taping for Internet PPV. Adam Dunn will be doing the taping for the group.
In conjunction with RWA, there will also be a wrestling school run by Rodney Mack & Jazz.
Already signed for the first show on January 19 are Jerry "the King" Lawler, Rodney Mack, Jazz, Passion, Heidenreich, Ali Stevens, Loose Cannon, San Francisco Treat, Reno Diamond, and Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock. More names are being added, and we will pass them along as soon as we receive them. Michael Ward will be lead announcer, assisted by Brandon Baxter.
Credit: Randall Lewis
Poll Results and New Poll!!
----The visitors of RRO believed with 65% of the vote that none of these guys deserved “Wrestler of the Year” nominations. 21% of you believed that Reno deserved it over the other guys and Sarge got 14% with Izzy getting 0%. Sarge looks to be the winner of that award on the “other” site. He got a few nominations here, but most still consider him a tag team wrestler. Sarge has had a pretty good year though – working with Jake Roberts and booking for XOW. Diamond looks to have grabbed some nominations at this site, but along with Sarge, will probably not make the ballot. Izzy Rotten was a total long shot and I wonder how he got in the top three?? Nothing against Izzy, as I think he would deserve a vote in Most Underrated, but what has he done that would consider him the top wrestler of this year??
Reno Diamond 21%
Sarge O’Reilly 14%
Izzy Rotten 0%
None of Them 65%
----“Cheap Heat Radio” today had a huge show featuring for the first 45 minutes a good and fun interview with Jimmy Hart. And for the next hour and 15 minutes, we had a huge discussion on “Old School vs New School”. The discussion started with Anton Leveigh and for the first few minutes I thought he came off pretty good. As the show progressed I really thought he came off a little cocky, but that is just my opinion. So, that is why I am putting this to vote to the visitors of RRO. First, you need to go listen to the “Cheap Heat Radio” show from today. Go to the main site page and hit the icon or hit the icon to the right. The show featured Leveigh, Stan Lee, Dustin Starr, Loose Cannon, and Derrick King. Neil Taylor and Ken Wayne were only on for a few minutes, so I am not adding them to the survey. The question is – Which wrestler came off as knowing the least about the business??
----The visitors of RRO believed with 65% of the vote that none of these guys deserved “Wrestler of the Year” nominations. 21% of you believed that Reno deserved it over the other guys and Sarge got 14% with Izzy getting 0%. Sarge looks to be the winner of that award on the “other” site. He got a few nominations here, but most still consider him a tag team wrestler. Sarge has had a pretty good year though – working with Jake Roberts and booking for XOW. Diamond looks to have grabbed some nominations at this site, but along with Sarge, will probably not make the ballot. Izzy Rotten was a total long shot and I wonder how he got in the top three?? Nothing against Izzy, as I think he would deserve a vote in Most Underrated, but what has he done that would consider him the top wrestler of this year??
Reno Diamond 21%
Sarge O’Reilly 14%
Izzy Rotten 0%
None of Them 65%
----“Cheap Heat Radio” today had a huge show featuring for the first 45 minutes a good and fun interview with Jimmy Hart. And for the next hour and 15 minutes, we had a huge discussion on “Old School vs New School”. The discussion started with Anton Leveigh and for the first few minutes I thought he came off pretty good. As the show progressed I really thought he came off a little cocky, but that is just my opinion. So, that is why I am putting this to vote to the visitors of RRO. First, you need to go listen to the “Cheap Heat Radio” show from today. Go to the main site page and hit the icon or hit the icon to the right. The show featured Leveigh, Stan Lee, Dustin Starr, Loose Cannon, and Derrick King. Neil Taylor and Ken Wayne were only on for a few minutes, so I am not adding them to the survey. The question is – Which wrestler came off as knowing the least about the business??
Show of The Weekend I Missed...
----Saturday night Renegade Pro Wrestling presents “Christmas Chaos” in Metropolis, IL with all proceeds going to helping needy families in the area fo
r Christmas. Show starts at 8:00 PM with Mr. Pimptacular, Kilo, Auburn Thunder, 187, Southside Brawler, Ed Love, The Hambones, Shawn Roberts, TW Justice, Suicidal Youth, CHIKARA’s Ricochet vs Chuck Taylor, Don Bass, Hector Guerrero, Jim Casey and the Main Event: Tojo Yamamoto JR with Diabla vs “Super” Johnny Lighting - If Tojo loses, then his valet Diabla gets her head shaved – if Lighting loses, then him and his manager Mr. Kryponite get their head shaved.
----This show is a really good cause and if you are in the area, then please support it. But..Johnny Lighting being in the main event of any show is horrible. LOL Taylor and Ricochet on the same show as Lighting is sort of scary. LOL
----This show is a really good cause and if you are in the area, then please support it. But..Johnny Lighting being in the main event of any show is horrible. LOL Taylor and Ricochet on the same show as Lighting is sort of scary. LOL
Thursday, December 20, 2007
----Seven new categories have been added to the Awards Race 2007 blog and I have sent letters out to all the nominating committee earlier today.
It included 4 NEW AWARDS that have been added since last year. You have until 12.26.07 to nominate for these new categories and after Sunday [12.23.07] the second set of categories will be removed.
----Nominees will be announced exclusively on Friday 12.28.07 on a special edition of "Cheap Heat Radio" and then two days later here on the web site. If you are contacted to call in that day, then you probably got nominated for something.
----CLICK HERE to go to the blog.
It included 4 NEW AWARDS that have been added since last year. You have until 12.26.07 to nominate for these new categories and after Sunday [12.23.07] the second set of categories will be removed.
----Nominees will be announced exclusively on Friday 12.28.07 on a special edition of "Cheap Heat Radio" and then two days later here on the web site. If you are contacted to call in that day, then you probably got nominated for something.
----CLICK HERE to go to the blog.
Shows for The Weekend 12.21 to 12.22.07
----Nothing BIG going on this weekend. I would probably go for the free LAW show as "show" of the weekend. I would check out SAW if I was in the Nashville area with the debut of the Southern Saints.
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Ricky Morton, Kid Kash, LT Falk, Mark Anthony, Chris Michaels, Michael Jablonski, Anthony Cevantes, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge, Tim Renesto, New York Gangster, Damien Payne, Kevin Dunn, Petey Wright, JC Crowe, and more.
----Friday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie], SOUTHERN SAINTS [Chris Styles/Shawn Reed] with ANITA PAIGE VS. YING & YANG…Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, AM Vision, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Suicidal Youth, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW Rector, AR Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane, Jeff O’Dell, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Max Steele,Nick Grymes, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Shawn Reed, Chris Styles, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Flash Flanagan, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tatt2, Tim Grind, Albino Rhino, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Brian Steele, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele,. “Black Label Society” [Void/Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], “Naughty By Nature” [Pokerface/Rude],Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards, Tank, Jeremy Moore, Gaylon Ray, Motley Cruz, 187, Robert Justice, Phoenix X, John "Biscuit" Roberts, and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Danny B Goode, Big Jim Business, Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dre Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Rodney Mack, Jazz, Ali Stevens, Acid,Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch,Wild Bill, X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane, San Francisco Treat with Rottn Randy,Tim Hanson, and more.
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Ricky Morton, Kid Kash, LT Falk, Mark Anthony, Chris Michaels, Michael Jablonski, Anthony Cevantes, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge, Tim Renesto, New York Gangster, Damien Payne, Kevin Dunn, Petey Wright, JC Crowe, and more.
----Friday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie], SOUTHERN SAINTS [Chris Styles/Shawn Reed] with ANITA PAIGE VS. YING & YANG…Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, AM Vision, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Suicidal Youth, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW Rector, AR Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane, Jeff O’Dell, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Max Steele,Nick Grymes, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Shawn Reed, Chris Styles, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Flash Flanagan, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tatt2, Tim Grind, Albino Rhino, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Brian Steele, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele,. “Black Label Society” [Void/Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], “Naughty By Nature” [Pokerface/Rude],Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards, Tank, Jeremy Moore, Gaylon Ray, Motley Cruz, 187, Robert Justice, Phoenix X, John "Biscuit" Roberts, and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Danny B Goode, Big Jim Business, Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dre Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Rodney Mack, Jazz, Ali Stevens, Acid,Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch,Wild Bill, X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane, San Francisco Treat with Rottn Randy,Tim Hanson, and more.
Charlie Parks Involved In Scam???
----WHBQ FOX13 myfoxmemphis.com is reporting that several families showed up at the Memphis Armory to inquire about gifts that they were to receive on the 15th. A man claiming to have a business that offered family presents with the payment of 30 dollars has disappeared. The National Guard cannot even track down the man that made this offer during an IWA wrestling event.
----Apparently Charlie Parks offered $30 wrestling tickets on the October 27, 2007 wrestling event at the National Guard Armory, which featured a lot of TLCW talent. The $30 wrestling ticket was suppose to get you into the wrestling event that night along with a gift that you would get no later than the 15th, which was their next scheduled event. That event was canceled as the IWA ran an angle with TLCW that night in Ripley, TN. The news story also reported that no one has been able to get a hold of Parks about the Christmas gifts. CLICK HERE to see video of the story.
----Apparently Charlie Parks offered $30 wrestling tickets on the October 27, 2007 wrestling event at the National Guard Armory, which featured a lot of TLCW talent. The $30 wrestling ticket was suppose to get you into the wrestling event that night along with a gift that you would get no later than the 15th, which was their next scheduled event. That event was canceled as the IWA ran an angle with TLCW that night in Ripley, TN. The news story also reported that no one has been able to get a hold of Parks about the Christmas gifts. CLICK HERE to see video of the story.
Corey Maclin Denies or Does He???
----This was on the http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/ web site on Monday and I just missed it.
--We talked this morning with Corey Maclin regarding rumors of the death of Memphis Wrestling. As things stand, he said there is nothing to the story, but he did tell talent there aren't going to be new tapings and they have no new house shows to promote for the time being. They will be airing tapes of classic Memphis wrestling in the time slot starting in January. He said they were going to go back to taping on Ch. 30, and are not moving to a new station, but he couldn't give a date on when that would be, saying it could be some time between late January and perhaps March. Ch. 30 is for sale and they are looking at cutting costs, such as production of a live wrestling show.
----Trent Van Drisse on his message board said the following...
"Check this out from todays Observer update. Makes me laugh, Maclin says there's nothing to the story, but then basically goes on to confirm about everything Brian Tramel reported, cept that they're going to air old Memphis tapes for now, and maybe for a long while......."
----Thanks Trent - after reading it - it made me laugh also. I have had more than one web site, message board and such say my Memphis Wrestling Is Over story was false. Maclin just confirmed everything I said, as if I was sitting in during the meeting. LOL
----Let me just say that as I wrote before, Memphis Wrestling as we know it is done. I do not see them [unless something new happens] taping the show at the CW30 studios anymore. Is it completely over?? Probably not - the classic shows may branch out to some legends shows. I have said this to a lot of the area workers - if this Memphis Classics show does the same numbers as the regular studio show, then Maclin will be in no hurry to tape shows. Why would he?? He could sell advertising and do 4 big legend shows a year and make more money than what he is doing now.
----REMINDER - I will be co-hosting in the morning with Gene Jackson as we talk with Jimmy Hart about this and more happenings involving Hart and Memphis Wrestling this year.
--We talked this morning with Corey Maclin regarding rumors of the death of Memphis Wrestling. As things stand, he said there is nothing to the story, but he did tell talent there aren't going to be new tapings and they have no new house shows to promote for the time being. They will be airing tapes of classic Memphis wrestling in the time slot starting in January. He said they were going to go back to taping on Ch. 30, and are not moving to a new station, but he couldn't give a date on when that would be, saying it could be some time between late January and perhaps March. Ch. 30 is for sale and they are looking at cutting costs, such as production of a live wrestling show.
----Trent Van Drisse on his message board said the following...
"Check this out from todays Observer update. Makes me laugh, Maclin says there's nothing to the story, but then basically goes on to confirm about everything Brian Tramel reported, cept that they're going to air old Memphis tapes for now, and maybe for a long while......."
----Thanks Trent - after reading it - it made me laugh also. I have had more than one web site, message board and such say my Memphis Wrestling Is Over story was false. Maclin just confirmed everything I said, as if I was sitting in during the meeting. LOL
----Let me just say that as I wrote before, Memphis Wrestling as we know it is done. I do not see them [unless something new happens] taping the show at the CW30 studios anymore. Is it completely over?? Probably not - the classic shows may branch out to some legends shows. I have said this to a lot of the area workers - if this Memphis Classics show does the same numbers as the regular studio show, then Maclin will be in no hurry to tape shows. Why would he?? He could sell advertising and do 4 big legend shows a year and make more money than what he is doing now.
----REMINDER - I will be co-hosting in the morning with Gene Jackson as we talk with Jimmy Hart about this and more happenings involving Hart and Memphis Wrestling this year.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Southern All-Star Wrestling TV Report - Episode 24
Airdate December 8, 2007
Taped November 16, 2007 at the SAW Arena in Millersville, Tn
Opening with last week’s highlights from the first round of the Television Title Tournament: Arrick Andrews upset Jerry Lynn with a victory roll…A. M. Vision stole one from Damian Adams with a fistful of tights…Nore Havoc pinned Lennox Lightfoot with an RKO after distraction by Paul Adams…Hammerjack got counted out against Mason Raige when “Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant attacked Hammerjack’s manager, Charming Charles. Charles had been talking trash about Boogie’s funky old lady and how his kids all looked like rats. Valiant (head still bandaged from a previous beating) and Hammerjack started trading ala Frye/Takayama. “They’re going crazy out here!” Cut to a Valiant interview at the desk. Hammerjack clocked him from the blind side and wasted him with a piledriver on the floor.
Cut to Jack Johnson and Hot Rod Biggs at ringside. They introduced the Hammerjack/Valiant clip that just aired. Oops.
Mike Sircy from the SAW Board of Directors came out to address the situation between the Boogie Woogie Boy and Hammerjack. This was classic stuff. Sircy said he had just two words. “I can’t believe this.” Biggs pointed out the obvious, but only after Sircy had ploughed ahead. For the sake of his health (or whatever is left of it), Valiant could not return to television until he was medically cleared. Johnson agreed with the BOD’s decision. “It’s a sound judgment, a man laying on the ground with a concussion, getting pummeled and beaten right in the head.” Sircy then suspended Hammerjack and Charles until further notice for using the banned piledriver. Charles and Hammerjack interrupted. Charles read from the “Tennessee Bylaw Wrestling Book.” It only referred to piledrivers inside the ring. It didn’t say nothing about piledrivers 25 feet away. Charles was waving a whole bunch of rulebooks, even one from “CML.” Charles said he had consulted with lawyer and the SAW BOD didn’t have a leg to stand on. Sircy said he would have to consult with the SAW legal department and promised a decision before the end of the show. Charles wouldn’t let it go. He told Johnson to read for himself. Johnson begged off because he didn’t have his glasses on.
(1) Nore Havoc (with Paul Adams) beat Mason Raige in 6:02 to advance to the championship match of the TV Title Tournament. At the opening bell they cut to prematch promos. Raige said he had already beaten Havoc, but the gold wasn’t one the line. “Nore Havoc, you can’t cage the Raige.” Adams said Raige was the first member of his family to walk upright. Havoc called Raige a Troglodyte.
Havoc slammed the 260 pounder. Raige returned the favor with a press slam and Havoc took a TO. Raige displayed an impressive dropkick for a man his size, but two high knees proved to be one to many against a wily veteran. Havoc worked over the knee. Sold well by Raige. The knee gave out on a bodyslam attempt. Havoc kept applying a sleeper, but Raige countered with jaw breakers and broke it for good with a back suplex. Johnson questioned Havoc’s strategy. Just when it appeared that Raige had Havoc’s number. Nore pulled off a slick escape and rolled Raige up using the trunks. Biggs bragged about having Havoc as his pick to go all the way.
(2) Rick Santel pinned “The Graduate” Jason James with the Rick Kick at 2:40. James said Santel was no genius in the classroom. “You don’t have to be the leanest, the meanest, the roughest or the toughest. You just have to be the smartest, and that’s me.” Santel also cut a promo. Not good. The commentary touched on Santel’s successful 1 and ½ year comeback from shoulder surgery. Johnson said he looked the same as five years ago. James showed that he had an advanced degree in raking the eyes. James worked on Santel’s back. Biggs said James was trying to undo the surgeon’s work. Santel outpunched James to start a full-fledged comeback. His flying forearm failed to connect. But Santel hit a great looking variation of the exploder suplex and pinned James with the tornado kick.
Interview segment with Homicidal Tendencies (Kory Wiliams & Vic the Bruiser). Williams made fun of Lennox Lightfoot’s Indian heritage. Williams claimed to be a member of the Slap-a-hoe tribe, known by squaws across the plains as “Chief Bootknocka.”
Boys, lace up those pretty little moccasins. Smoke ‘em your peace pipe. Get all your Pocaheinies. Cuz (with) Hot Chocolate and Vic, you don’t stand a chance.
(3) Vic the Bruiser (with Kory Williams) beat Lennox Lightfoot in 7:30. Biggs brought up how a decade ago, Valiant had broken Hammerjack’s jaw in his second pro match. Williams horned in on the commentary. He referred to Lightfoot as “Littlefoots” and wanted to know what kind of Indian reservation they had in Lightfoot’s hometown of Little Rock, Ar? Meanwhile, Bruiser mauled Lightfoot. The dude has the biggest black ass in Tennessee wrestling since Mo. Sircy made the painful announcement that Hammerjack was unsuspended. According to the rulebook, the BOD’s hands were tied. “How about that? It’s one of those legal things, Hot Rod Biggs. You know how those are,” said Johnson. When Lightfoot came back with a series of three dropkicks, Williams made his way to ringside and nonchalantly tripped up Lightfoot as he went for the Four Winds Tomahawk Chop. Bruiser continued to pound Lightfoot in the postmatch. Johnson called for mercy. Williams said mercy was for the weak of heart.
Williams gloated about Suicidal Tendencies holding two sets of tag titles: SAW and NWA Top Rope. Williams wanted to know what happened to all the tag team competition. Williams said Homicidal Tendencies were the best tag team in the world, the crème del a crème. Johnson tried to get a word in, but Williams said he wasn’t done talking. Bruiser said when they wanted to hear from chrome dome, they would pull his string.
“Hot Chocolate” Kory Wiliams, Vic the Bruiser, Homicidal Tendencies. And don’t worry. We will tell your parents that you did suffer.
A video package featuring Krull aired next. The gimmick is an indietastic superhero, a babyface monster like Abyss minus the self-mutilation fetish.
(4) “The Dragon” Aarick Andrews beat “The Cardiovascular Massacre” A. M. Vision in 9:30 to advance to the championship match of the TV Title Tournament. Nice chain wrestling to open. It was Andrews, the babyface, surprisingly being the one to initiate the rough stuff. Andrews busted out a ropes walk huracanrana, used a headscissors to snap Vision’s head into the middle turnbuckle, and hit a release german suplex for a near fall. Vision caught Andrews with a hotshot. As Vision continued to work on Andrews’ neck, Johnson refused to play favorites. He said people threw brick at their TVs back in the 80s when Howard Cosell did that. Andrews turned the momentum with a spin-around bulldog. Andrews went for the Dragon Kick but Vision mistimed the bump. Andrews came right back with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Vision applied a dragon sleeper. Johnson noted the irony of Vision using Andrews’ submission. Andrews refused to succumb and reversed with an inverted DDT. Cut to Andrews rolling out of the ring after winning the match. Huh? The replay showed Vision going for the Infamy (corner splash into a DDT) and Andrews countering with a bridging northern lights suplex for the three count.
At the desk, Andrews said he had unfinished business after having his head shaved at the hands of Havoc. Adams came out with Havoc. Adams said they did what they did because they wanted to prove they could do whatever, including “shaving the hair on that fat woman’s back.” Adams said Havoc was the top of the food chain. Havoc said he shaved Andrews’ head to make him grow up and become a man. "We run this and you will learn that, little man.” Andrews reminded Havoc that he was the first ever SAW Television Champion and he would do it again.
Things got heated between Andrews and Havoc. Finger pointing and trash talking ensued. The ref stepped in. Johnson said to save it for next week. They were shoving each other as the show went off the air.
Closing Thoughts: The talking and tongue-in-cheek humor give this show that warm and fuzzy Memphis feel and make it a joy to watch. The segment with Mike Sircy and Charming Charles was awesome on the mic. Charles is way more believable then some punk kid playing at being a wrestling manager. The inring was generally OK enough to get the stories across. Good main event. Vision/Andrews are the best SAW has when it comes to an athletic, technical match, but I got the impression they are capable of better than what they showed here. Vision’ moniker fits. He’s built more along the lines of a triathlete than a pro wrestler. I like the way they booked the TV Title tournament to set up future storylines along the way, and a strong closing segment to build up the title match. Highlighting the back story between Valiant and Hammerjack was a nice touch. The uneven production quality leaves something to be desired. Besides the two obvious editing gaffes, the jump cuts from the hard cam to the other cameras are frequently jarringly unsmooth.
Taped November 16, 2007 at the SAW Arena in Millersville, Tn
Opening with last week’s highlights from the first round of the Television Title Tournament: Arrick Andrews upset Jerry Lynn with a victory roll…A. M. Vision stole one from Damian Adams with a fistful of tights…Nore Havoc pinned Lennox Lightfoot with an RKO after distraction by Paul Adams…Hammerjack got counted out against Mason Raige when “Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant attacked Hammerjack’s manager, Charming Charles. Charles had been talking trash about Boogie’s funky old lady and how his kids all looked like rats. Valiant (head still bandaged from a previous beating) and Hammerjack started trading ala Frye/Takayama. “They’re going crazy out here!” Cut to a Valiant interview at the desk. Hammerjack clocked him from the blind side and wasted him with a piledriver on the floor.
Cut to Jack Johnson and Hot Rod Biggs at ringside. They introduced the Hammerjack/Valiant clip that just aired. Oops.
Mike Sircy from the SAW Board of Directors came out to address the situation between the Boogie Woogie Boy and Hammerjack. This was classic stuff. Sircy said he had just two words. “I can’t believe this.” Biggs pointed out the obvious, but only after Sircy had ploughed ahead. For the sake of his health (or whatever is left of it), Valiant could not return to television until he was medically cleared. Johnson agreed with the BOD’s decision. “It’s a sound judgment, a man laying on the ground with a concussion, getting pummeled and beaten right in the head.” Sircy then suspended Hammerjack and Charles until further notice for using the banned piledriver. Charles and Hammerjack interrupted. Charles read from the “Tennessee Bylaw Wrestling Book.” It only referred to piledrivers inside the ring. It didn’t say nothing about piledrivers 25 feet away. Charles was waving a whole bunch of rulebooks, even one from “CML.” Charles said he had consulted with lawyer and the SAW BOD didn’t have a leg to stand on. Sircy said he would have to consult with the SAW legal department and promised a decision before the end of the show. Charles wouldn’t let it go. He told Johnson to read for himself. Johnson begged off because he didn’t have his glasses on.
(1) Nore Havoc (with Paul Adams) beat Mason Raige in 6:02 to advance to the championship match of the TV Title Tournament. At the opening bell they cut to prematch promos. Raige said he had already beaten Havoc, but the gold wasn’t one the line. “Nore Havoc, you can’t cage the Raige.” Adams said Raige was the first member of his family to walk upright. Havoc called Raige a Troglodyte.
Havoc slammed the 260 pounder. Raige returned the favor with a press slam and Havoc took a TO. Raige displayed an impressive dropkick for a man his size, but two high knees proved to be one to many against a wily veteran. Havoc worked over the knee. Sold well by Raige. The knee gave out on a bodyslam attempt. Havoc kept applying a sleeper, but Raige countered with jaw breakers and broke it for good with a back suplex. Johnson questioned Havoc’s strategy. Just when it appeared that Raige had Havoc’s number. Nore pulled off a slick escape and rolled Raige up using the trunks. Biggs bragged about having Havoc as his pick to go all the way.
(2) Rick Santel pinned “The Graduate” Jason James with the Rick Kick at 2:40. James said Santel was no genius in the classroom. “You don’t have to be the leanest, the meanest, the roughest or the toughest. You just have to be the smartest, and that’s me.” Santel also cut a promo. Not good. The commentary touched on Santel’s successful 1 and ½ year comeback from shoulder surgery. Johnson said he looked the same as five years ago. James showed that he had an advanced degree in raking the eyes. James worked on Santel’s back. Biggs said James was trying to undo the surgeon’s work. Santel outpunched James to start a full-fledged comeback. His flying forearm failed to connect. But Santel hit a great looking variation of the exploder suplex and pinned James with the tornado kick.
Interview segment with Homicidal Tendencies (Kory Wiliams & Vic the Bruiser). Williams made fun of Lennox Lightfoot’s Indian heritage. Williams claimed to be a member of the Slap-a-hoe tribe, known by squaws across the plains as “Chief Bootknocka.”
Boys, lace up those pretty little moccasins. Smoke ‘em your peace pipe. Get all your Pocaheinies. Cuz (with) Hot Chocolate and Vic, you don’t stand a chance.
(3) Vic the Bruiser (with Kory Williams) beat Lennox Lightfoot in 7:30. Biggs brought up how a decade ago, Valiant had broken Hammerjack’s jaw in his second pro match. Williams horned in on the commentary. He referred to Lightfoot as “Littlefoots” and wanted to know what kind of Indian reservation they had in Lightfoot’s hometown of Little Rock, Ar? Meanwhile, Bruiser mauled Lightfoot. The dude has the biggest black ass in Tennessee wrestling since Mo. Sircy made the painful announcement that Hammerjack was unsuspended. According to the rulebook, the BOD’s hands were tied. “How about that? It’s one of those legal things, Hot Rod Biggs. You know how those are,” said Johnson. When Lightfoot came back with a series of three dropkicks, Williams made his way to ringside and nonchalantly tripped up Lightfoot as he went for the Four Winds Tomahawk Chop. Bruiser continued to pound Lightfoot in the postmatch. Johnson called for mercy. Williams said mercy was for the weak of heart.
Williams gloated about Suicidal Tendencies holding two sets of tag titles: SAW and NWA Top Rope. Williams wanted to know what happened to all the tag team competition. Williams said Homicidal Tendencies were the best tag team in the world, the crème del a crème. Johnson tried to get a word in, but Williams said he wasn’t done talking. Bruiser said when they wanted to hear from chrome dome, they would pull his string.
“Hot Chocolate” Kory Wiliams, Vic the Bruiser, Homicidal Tendencies. And don’t worry. We will tell your parents that you did suffer.
A video package featuring Krull aired next. The gimmick is an indietastic superhero, a babyface monster like Abyss minus the self-mutilation fetish.
(4) “The Dragon” Aarick Andrews beat “The Cardiovascular Massacre” A. M. Vision in 9:30 to advance to the championship match of the TV Title Tournament. Nice chain wrestling to open. It was Andrews, the babyface, surprisingly being the one to initiate the rough stuff. Andrews busted out a ropes walk huracanrana, used a headscissors to snap Vision’s head into the middle turnbuckle, and hit a release german suplex for a near fall. Vision caught Andrews with a hotshot. As Vision continued to work on Andrews’ neck, Johnson refused to play favorites. He said people threw brick at their TVs back in the 80s when Howard Cosell did that. Andrews turned the momentum with a spin-around bulldog. Andrews went for the Dragon Kick but Vision mistimed the bump. Andrews came right back with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Vision applied a dragon sleeper. Johnson noted the irony of Vision using Andrews’ submission. Andrews refused to succumb and reversed with an inverted DDT. Cut to Andrews rolling out of the ring after winning the match. Huh? The replay showed Vision going for the Infamy (corner splash into a DDT) and Andrews countering with a bridging northern lights suplex for the three count.
At the desk, Andrews said he had unfinished business after having his head shaved at the hands of Havoc. Adams came out with Havoc. Adams said they did what they did because they wanted to prove they could do whatever, including “shaving the hair on that fat woman’s back.” Adams said Havoc was the top of the food chain. Havoc said he shaved Andrews’ head to make him grow up and become a man. "We run this and you will learn that, little man.” Andrews reminded Havoc that he was the first ever SAW Television Champion and he would do it again.
Things got heated between Andrews and Havoc. Finger pointing and trash talking ensued. The ref stepped in. Johnson said to save it for next week. They were shoving each other as the show went off the air.
Closing Thoughts: The talking and tongue-in-cheek humor give this show that warm and fuzzy Memphis feel and make it a joy to watch. The segment with Mike Sircy and Charming Charles was awesome on the mic. Charles is way more believable then some punk kid playing at being a wrestling manager. The inring was generally OK enough to get the stories across. Good main event. Vision/Andrews are the best SAW has when it comes to an athletic, technical match, but I got the impression they are capable of better than what they showed here. Vision’ moniker fits. He’s built more along the lines of a triathlete than a pro wrestler. I like the way they booked the TV Title tournament to set up future storylines along the way, and a strong closing segment to build up the title match. Highlighting the back story between Valiant and Hammerjack was a nice touch. The uneven production quality leaves something to be desired. Besides the two obvious editing gaffes, the jump cuts from the hard cam to the other cameras are frequently jarringly unsmooth.
Flashback - 01.14.07

----I know it was less one year ago, but many people may have not even noticed that we posted Yearbook 2006 on the web site. Last year's Yearbook was only 20 pages. This year will be printed as a book and be a whopping 150 pages with over 300 pictures!! So, for those that have not seen - CLICK HERE!!
The Ratings : Memphis Wrestling TV 12.15.07
----This past Saturday’s Memphis Wrestling TV show scored a disappointing 2.0 [33,410
viewers], which is 38% less of the audience that they have been averaging for the last 12 weeks. This is not the lowest rating of the year, but the third quarter had the third lowest amount of viewers of all year long. Last year’s ratings for this time period are almost identical scoring a 2.3 with just over 37,000 viewers. So, possibly it is just that time of year and most people are not watching. But, the “What Was Memphis Watching” number [highest rated program in the wrestling time slot] was only 11% less than last week. What really made the fans turn off the show?? There were over 26,000 fans turning off the TV after the first quarter and they did not come back. The first quarter was pretty good TV. The third quarter dipped to 1.5, but came back up 1.6 [same numbers as second] quarter, so it is hard to tell if the “Opening The Vault” segment was the cause of it this week. When you got numbers like this, then it is hard to argue your case with the TV station that wants to cut costs.
-Maclin joined by Hart
-Dotson/DK interviews
-TK2 with Tatt2 interview
-6 Man tag
1st Quarter 3.2 [54,061 viewers]
-Koko Ware int
-Dustin vs Dotson
-Lawler with Grady [start]
2cnd quarter 1.6 [27,366 viewers] [-26,695 viewers]
-Lawler with Grady [finish]
-Lawler vs DK
-Hogan vs Wight [start]
3rd quarter 1.5 [24,848 viewers] [-1,847 viewers]
-Hogan vs Wight [finish]
-Brian C interview
-Brian C vs Crime
4th quarter 1.6 [27,366 viewers] [+1,847 viewers]
12 Week Average: 3.2 [53,052 viewers]
12 week low – 1.9 [31,395 viewers] 9.29.07
12 week high – 4.0 [66,484 viewers] 11.17.07
From start to finish: [-26,366 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Action New 5 [1/2]/News Channel 3 [3/4] 8.3 [139,936 viewers]

-Maclin joined by Hart
-Dotson/DK interviews
-TK2 with Tatt2 interview
-6 Man tag
1st Quarter 3.2 [54,061 viewers]
-Koko Ware int
-Dustin vs Dotson
-Lawler with Grady [start]
2cnd quarter 1.6 [27,366 viewers] [-26,695 viewers]
-Lawler with Grady [finish]
-Lawler vs DK
-Hogan vs Wight [start]
3rd quarter 1.5 [24,848 viewers] [-1,847 viewers]
-Hogan vs Wight [finish]
-Brian C interview
-Brian C vs Crime
4th quarter 1.6 [27,366 viewers] [+1,847 viewers]
12 Week Average: 3.2 [53,052 viewers]
12 week low – 1.9 [31,395 viewers] 9.29.07
12 week high – 4.0 [66,484 viewers] 11.17.07
From start to finish: [-26,366 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Action New 5 [1/2]/News Channel 3 [3/4] 8.3 [139,936 viewers]
Jimmy Hart Joins Cheap Heat Radio on Friday!!
----www.rasslinriotonline presents “Cheap Heat Radio” on Friday 12.21.07 at 9:00 AM. H
ost Gene Jackson & co-host Brian Tramel will talk to "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart about the Memphis Wrestling situation then tune in as we discuss old school wrestling psychology vs. new school wrestling & highspots. We'll be joined by "Nightmare" Ken Wayne, Anton Leveigh, Dustin Starr and Stan Lee.

RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 12.14.07
----“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony over Dell Tucker…Idol Bane over Ray Ray…Slim Pickens over Blue Eagle Classic [Sgt. Savage under a hood]...”The Asylum” [Psycho/Arnez] over Zane Richards & “Rockin” Randy…Tommy Redneck over TGB Greg Anthony
----About 40 in the crowd…Show opened with TGB apologizing to Jeff O'Dell for not living up to being his "Hand Picked Champion". TGB blamed his slump on Flash and since Flash isn't here this week it would be a perfect chance to prove his theory. So TGB issued an open challenge to anyone in the back. Dell Tucker answered that challenge…After Idol Bane defeated Ray Ray, he got on the mic and said that he has been undefeated since dropping his partner and if LAW can't give him competition then he's going to have to find it on his own….Tommy came out and said that since he had money from winning the $10,000 Royale Challenge that next week he was going to pay everybody's admission next week. Jeff O'Dell & TGB came out on that note. Jeff said that he wouldn't let Tommy spend "HIS" money like that. So Tommy asked Jeff if he wanted to make a Good Ole' Southern Bet. Tommy would wrestle anybody Jeff wanted him to and if that person won, then Tommy would give Jeff what was left of the $10,000 but if Tommy won then Jeff would have to open the doors for free next week as a "Christmas Present" to the fans. Jeff agreed and said "Golden Boy, I have all the faith in the world in you!”.TGB stunned because he had already wrestled and really didn't want to wrestle. TGB lost in the main event, so tickets are free this week…This coming Friday’s Main Event: Flash Flanagan vs Derrick King – Pie In The Eye Match – Loser Gets Pied!!
----About 40 in the crowd…Show opened with TGB apologizing to Jeff O'Dell for not living up to being his "Hand Picked Champion". TGB blamed his slump on Flash and since Flash isn't here this week it would be a perfect chance to prove his theory. So TGB issued an open challenge to anyone in the back. Dell Tucker answered that challenge…After Idol Bane defeated Ray Ray, he got on the mic and said that he has been undefeated since dropping his partner and if LAW can't give him competition then he's going to have to find it on his own….Tommy came out and said that since he had money from winning the $10,000 Royale Challenge that next week he was going to pay everybody's admission next week. Jeff O'Dell & TGB came out on that note. Jeff said that he wouldn't let Tommy spend "HIS" money like that. So Tommy asked Jeff if he wanted to make a Good Ole' Southern Bet. Tommy would wrestle anybody Jeff wanted him to and if that person won, then Tommy would give Jeff what was left of the $10,000 but if Tommy won then Jeff would have to open the doors for free next week as a "Christmas Present" to the fans. Jeff agreed and said "Golden Boy, I have all the faith in the world in you!”.TGB stunned because he had already wrestled and really didn't want to wrestle. TGB lost in the main event, so tickets are free this week…This coming Friday’s Main Event: Flash Flanagan vs Derrick King – Pie In The Eye Match – Loser Gets Pied!!
A Piece of my Mind-Dec 18th 2007- by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I was in South Jersey this weekend and stopped into a health club and tearing up the treadmill was Tammy “Sunny” Sytch. Yes fresh off of her appearance on Monday Night Raw. It was clear to me that she has the ambition and desire to get back in the spotlight. She looked great and we had a brief but good conversation. She was with her boyfriend John who was on the treadmill next to her. She gives him the credit for getting her back on track. Its great when someone can come into our lives and help us redirect our focus back towards the goal line. I would say that in this case John got Tammy focused back on the goal line business wise but also back to a place where she took stock in her self personally. I would love to see her get back into the spotlight and making money again. However, if the WWE really wants to take advantage of her talents they would have to desire something that they don’t seem to value real HEAT. I did suggest in an earlier article that perhaps someone like Sunny could bring more attention to a team like London and Kendrick and I am sure that she could. I just don’t believe that’s the type of thing the company needs. It should be clear to everyone that right now wrestling fans embrace nostalgia and the characters that were around in those days. Why not bring them a little of that kind of style to go along with it. It could be something as simple as putting her with The Highlanders and giving them a push. She could be the force that pushes them to the top. It could also be a lot more creative than that it could play off of her comeback and she could be filled with anger for how she was treated before her comeback started. It could take some thought but I also know that if someone knows how to perform they can make it work. I don’t know what Vince wants other than higher ratings and filled arenas. I think that someone should get him a copy of Who Moved My Cheese for Christmas.
FLASHACK:In the days before I got into this business I was just a fan attending matches at Madison Square Garden. I remember each and every week waiting for TV wrestling to come on. I felt really lucky to be attending the matches each month. In those days wrestling at MSG was held most of the time on Monday nights. I would bring the same intensity to the arena with me that I had watching the matches. It was funny but most of the other fans brought the same intensity with them. It was a day when the arenas were full and the talent could perform. If they couldn’t they had something else really special that got them to stand out and help the company. It was those something special things that made the Monday night at the Garden such a huge part of my life. Those were the days when there was no such thing as the (break match) you know the one where the talent is so horrible that you run to the bathroom or the concession stand or souvenir stand. I know that this type of intensity doesn’t really exist in wrestling arenas these days. There is a simple reason for that The Cheese moved. You can now find the Cheese at UFC events; you guys know what UFC is it’s the place where the fans perceive things to be real. It’s not too late yet The Cheese can be moved back. If the powers that be get their focus back and give people what they want.
I heard a story long ago about Ralph Kiner who was a broadcaster for the N.Y. Mets for many years. He was also a slugger for the Pittsburgh Pirates and a big time home run hitter. Well one year Branch Rickey who was running the Pirates at the time told him that he needed to take a cut in pay. He said a cut in pay? I was going to ask for a raise. It was then that Branch Rickey asked Kiner what place the Pirates had come in that year. He replied last. It was then that Mr. Rickey told him that they could have done that without him. I only mention this story because of the meeting that Dixie Carter held with the talent asking if anyone was unhappy and wanted their release. It will not be any one person in the TNA dressing room that takes them to the top. If getting to the top is even a viable option. I agree if they are not happy they should leave and if they stay theY need to understand they are just a small piece of the puzzle. As a side note if you had never heard of Branch Rickey he was the man who signed Jackie Robinson to play baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers. I guess he was a guy who had vision. It’s that type of vision that will take a company to the top. It’s that kind of vision that can change momentum. It’s that kind of vision that brought the NWO concept to WCW and changed momentum. It’s that kind of vision that TNA needs it that kind of vision that can’t be taught or trained it has to be hired. The first sign of that type of vision I have seen out of Dixie Carter was that meeting. If Senshi is happier not being at TNA and I am not saying I don’t understand his point then he should be gone. If TNA even has the slightest chance of long term success it has to have team players that are actually on the team.
The picture for this article was also taken by me at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. It is the same show that the Flair and Funk picture that I used in an earlier article is from.
This has been a piece of my mind
"The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
More Mike Anthony News!!
----RRO ran two stories in November about possible Mike Hubbard [Anthony] scams. Hubbard is well known by most of the workers in this area, who worked for him and Killer for MSWA at sometime in their career. Below the story are links to the original stories and Anthony does have a respond to this allegations on his message board.
Concern and questions tonight about an event promising professional wrestlers hitting the ring to raise money for charity. State officials say the event's promoter hasn't filed the right paperwork. Also, the location being promoted denies the event will happen.
As NewsChannel 6's Todd Faulkner discovered, the common thread is a man who has come under scrutiny before.
"Big Hoss with Clarence Clippenback...A Super Battle Royal."
On its website, The Southern Wrestling Alliance promises a big show at Ken-Bar Lodge in Gilbertsville, Kentucky. But the lodge's owners say there's no match here!
"I would say at this point there's probably no event," said Joe Dooley.
Joe and his wife Janet say they're not hosting the event because the event's sponsor hasn't done what he needs to do to make it a legit event. The sponsor? Michael Hubbard.
Just last month NewsChannel 6 investigated a benefit concert Hubbard promoted. We learned none of the bands agreed to play, the Ken-Bar Lodge wasn't hosting the concert as advertised, and the charity Hubbard claimed the money went to wasn't registered as a not-for-profit.
Now...similar concerns over Hubbard's wrestling match scheduled for January.
The owners here at the Ken-Bar Lodge say they are happy to host events that benefit charities and other groups, but started to see some red flags when they looked into the wrestling match event. For insurance purposes Janet and Joe needed to know the event was sanctioned. Even now they haven't been able to confirm that so they're not planning on hosting the event.
And what Janet doesn't like is her lodge's name on Hubbard's website.
"I wish he would take us off his website because we don't want nothing to do with it," said Dooley.
Even state officials are keeping a close eye on Hubbard.
"That he is not a licensed promoter, he's not working with a licensed promoter. He has not asked for a promoter packet and he had not submitted the required paperwork to conduct a show," said Scott Porter with the Kentucky State Attorney General's Office.
Porter is representing the Kentucky Boxing And Wrestling Authority.
They have plans in place if Hubbard tries to hold a wrestling match.
"The state has the authority in conjunction with any sworn peace officer to come in and shut down the show," said Porter.
And, as far the Dooley's are concerned, there will be no show at their venue to shut down.
"It's not that much of a headache, it's just bothersome, I wish he would just go away" said Janet.
Todd contacted Michael Hubbard for comment on this story. He did not responded to our multiple emails.
We can tell you that according to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, the Kentucky Charitable Gaming Office and the Internal Revenue Service, the Mercy Foundation is not listed as a not-for-profit charitable group.
Credit: Todd Faulkner @ www.wpsdtv.com
CLICK HERE for original story!!
CLICK HERE for more!!
Mike Anthony responds CLICK HERE!!
Concern and questions tonight about an event promising professional wrestlers hitting the ring to raise money for charity. State officials say the event's promoter hasn't filed the right paperwork. Also, the location being promoted denies the event will happen.
As NewsChannel 6's Todd Faulkner discovered, the common thread is a man who has come under scrutiny before.
"Big Hoss with Clarence Clippenback...A Super Battle Royal."
On its website, The Southern Wrestling Alliance promises a big show at Ken-Bar Lodge in Gilbertsville, Kentucky. But the lodge's owners say there's no match here!
"I would say at this point there's probably no event," said Joe Dooley.
Joe and his wife Janet say they're not hosting the event because the event's sponsor hasn't done what he needs to do to make it a legit event. The sponsor? Michael Hubbard.
Just last month NewsChannel 6 investigated a benefit concert Hubbard promoted. We learned none of the bands agreed to play, the Ken-Bar Lodge wasn't hosting the concert as advertised, and the charity Hubbard claimed the money went to wasn't registered as a not-for-profit.
Now...similar concerns over Hubbard's wrestling match scheduled for January.
The owners here at the Ken-Bar Lodge say they are happy to host events that benefit charities and other groups, but started to see some red flags when they looked into the wrestling match event. For insurance purposes Janet and Joe needed to know the event was sanctioned. Even now they haven't been able to confirm that so they're not planning on hosting the event.
And what Janet doesn't like is her lodge's name on Hubbard's website.
"I wish he would take us off his website because we don't want nothing to do with it," said Dooley.
Even state officials are keeping a close eye on Hubbard.
"That he is not a licensed promoter, he's not working with a licensed promoter. He has not asked for a promoter packet and he had not submitted the required paperwork to conduct a show," said Scott Porter with the Kentucky State Attorney General's Office.
Porter is representing the Kentucky Boxing And Wrestling Authority.
They have plans in place if Hubbard tries to hold a wrestling match.
"The state has the authority in conjunction with any sworn peace officer to come in and shut down the show," said Porter.
And, as far the Dooley's are concerned, there will be no show at their venue to shut down.
"It's not that much of a headache, it's just bothersome, I wish he would just go away" said Janet.
Todd contacted Michael Hubbard for comment on this story. He did not responded to our multiple emails.
We can tell you that according to the Kentucky Attorney General's Office, the Kentucky Charitable Gaming Office and the Internal Revenue Service, the Mercy Foundation is not listed as a not-for-profit charitable group.
Credit: Todd Faulkner @ www.wpsdtv.com
CLICK HERE for original story!!
CLICK HERE for more!!
Mike Anthony responds CLICK HERE!!
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 12.15.07
Opening of the show had Dell Tucker coming out solo for scheduled interview time with Scotty C. Scotty asked him why Dustin Starr wasn't with him. Dell answered by saying not to worry about that, that tonight wasn't about Dustin Starr, it was about Dell Tucker. He proceeded to anger the crowd with his comments on how great he is and that tonight he and Dustin Starr would prove they are ten times better than “Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex]. He then said he wished they were out there and he got his wish. After some back and forth on the mic inside the ring, Dell Tucker tried to attack both members of Too Kool 2, but that didn't work out well. He got out the ring quickly and made his way to the back.
Shannon Lee def. Chris Lexx with Ms. Vanna with the Pat O'Conner.
Naughty By Nature came out to talk about how they are together again as the tag team champions when they were interrupted by Black Label Society. BLS said they wanted to give nXn their just due, but AJ quickly made the point that he wasn't pinned for his title and they want a rematch. BarNONE, The Sniper and V-Man of the IWA, came out and said that they also deserve a shot at the belts. Owner of TLCW Timmy Cummins made his way out and said that on top of everything else going on in TLCW, he feels he is under too much pressure and decided it was time to relinquish some power. He called announcer Mark Tipton to the ring and offered him the role of Commissioner of TLCW. Mark accepted and stated that while BarNONE had been making waves, they would not receive a title shot and that nXn and BLS needed to resolve their differences tonight.
TLCW Tag Team Championship
nXn def. BLS to retain their TLCW Tag Team Championship after PokerFace hit the Ghetto Blaster and then Rude hit the Rude Awakening.
The Crime def. Tommy Redneck with a brainbuster. After the match, all of the lights went off and when they come back up, "The Baron" Malkavain hit both Crime and Redneck with his double underhook "Demon's Wings".
Ike Tucker def. The Grappler
The Golden Boy Greg Anthony came out and started to talk about the new TLCW Superstar coming into TLCW. He stated that such a star should only be introduced on the " Golden Circle ". After a few moments of waiting, Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens made his way to the ring. TGB seemed perplexed that Slim Pickens is the new "superstar" and after some un-needed comments from TGB, Slim popped him right against the jaw, sending him to the mat. Slim then left at this point and TGB made it clear that later on that night, he would face Pickens in a one on one contest.
BarNONE def. Precious and Simba forcing Simba to retire after they threw a fireball in his face and pinned Precious.
Idol Bane def. Rockin Randy with his feet on the ropes.
"Playboy" Matt Foley came to the ring and started his "New and Improved Playboy's Playhouse" by announcing that he is no longer going to do hardcore. He states that he is going to be on the cover of Playgirl magazine and will also be doing a spread. Over the course of him talking, Rockin Randy comes out and attacks him for the past match they had over his hardcore title. He then spreads tacks in the center of the ring. After fighting back and forth, Foley ends up in the tacks.
The Golden Boy Greg Anthony def Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens in Slim's debut match.
Unified Title Match: Flash Flannigan def. Danny B Good to retain his championship.
Dustin Starr and Dell Tucker def. Too Kool 2 after Dustin hit Flex twice with his "Five Starr" Kendo Stick.
IWA was represented by Blalock Tha Blazer, Big Ace, Malik, and Reno Diamond /w Manager of Champions Slick
TLCW was represented by Derrick King, Tatt2, Seth Knight, and Alan Steel. Derrick stated that while he and Alan can't stand each other, it wasn't about them, it was about defeating the IWA.
IWA Vs TLCW was thrown out after Sniper, V-Man, and KoKo B Ware ran in and out numbered TLCW. The entire TLCW locker room emptied out and everyone ran IWA out of the ring. After a few minutes of of TLCW in the ring together, everyone started fighting with their rivals.
----120 Paid with around 150 in the building and gate of around $720…TLCW gave away a cordless phone set, a DVD player/recorder, and a new laptop computer system to a few lucky fans…BarNONE, before their match, announced that they also had presents to give out. Those presents included an old toaster, a ripped long coat, a old SNES, and other "gifts"...TLCW has a web site now - CLICK HERE to go to the site...Dustin Starr also had some choice words to say about this show on his site. CLICK HERE to read his comments.
Shannon Lee def. Chris Lexx with Ms. Vanna with the Pat O'Conner.
Naughty By Nature came out to talk about how they are together again as the tag team champions when they were interrupted by Black Label Society. BLS said they wanted to give nXn their just due, but AJ quickly made the point that he wasn't pinned for his title and they want a rematch. BarNONE, The Sniper and V-Man of the IWA, came out and said that they also deserve a shot at the belts. Owner of TLCW Timmy Cummins made his way out and said that on top of everything else going on in TLCW, he feels he is under too much pressure and decided it was time to relinquish some power. He called announcer Mark Tipton to the ring and offered him the role of Commissioner of TLCW. Mark accepted and stated that while BarNONE had been making waves, they would not receive a title shot and that nXn and BLS needed to resolve their differences tonight.
TLCW Tag Team Championship
nXn def. BLS to retain their TLCW Tag Team Championship after PokerFace hit the Ghetto Blaster and then Rude hit the Rude Awakening.
The Crime def. Tommy Redneck with a brainbuster. After the match, all of the lights went off and when they come back up, "The Baron" Malkavain hit both Crime and Redneck with his double underhook "Demon's Wings".
Ike Tucker def. The Grappler
The Golden Boy Greg Anthony came out and started to talk about the new TLCW Superstar coming into TLCW. He stated that such a star should only be introduced on the " Golden Circle ". After a few moments of waiting, Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens made his way to the ring. TGB seemed perplexed that Slim Pickens is the new "superstar" and after some un-needed comments from TGB, Slim popped him right against the jaw, sending him to the mat. Slim then left at this point and TGB made it clear that later on that night, he would face Pickens in a one on one contest.
BarNONE def. Precious and Simba forcing Simba to retire after they threw a fireball in his face and pinned Precious.
Idol Bane def. Rockin Randy with his feet on the ropes.
"Playboy" Matt Foley came to the ring and started his "New and Improved Playboy's Playhouse" by announcing that he is no longer going to do hardcore. He states that he is going to be on the cover of Playgirl magazine and will also be doing a spread. Over the course of him talking, Rockin Randy comes out and attacks him for the past match they had over his hardcore title. He then spreads tacks in the center of the ring. After fighting back and forth, Foley ends up in the tacks.
The Golden Boy Greg Anthony def Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens in Slim's debut match.
Unified Title Match: Flash Flannigan def. Danny B Good to retain his championship.
Dustin Starr and Dell Tucker def. Too Kool 2 after Dustin hit Flex twice with his "Five Starr" Kendo Stick.
IWA was represented by Blalock Tha Blazer, Big Ace, Malik, and Reno Diamond /w Manager of Champions Slick
TLCW was represented by Derrick King, Tatt2, Seth Knight, and Alan Steel. Derrick stated that while he and Alan can't stand each other, it wasn't about them, it was about defeating the IWA.
IWA Vs TLCW was thrown out after Sniper, V-Man, and KoKo B Ware ran in and out numbered TLCW. The entire TLCW locker room emptied out and everyone ran IWA out of the ring. After a few minutes of of TLCW in the ring together, everyone started fighting with their rivals.
----120 Paid with around 150 in the building and gate of around $720…TLCW gave away a cordless phone set, a DVD player/recorder, and a new laptop computer system to a few lucky fans…BarNONE, before their match, announced that they also had presents to give out. Those presents included an old toaster, a ripped long coat, a old SNES, and other "gifts"...TLCW has a web site now - CLICK HERE to go to the site...Dustin Starr also had some choice words to say about this show on his site. CLICK HERE to read his comments.
Monday, December 17, 2007
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 12.17.07
Cassanova Kid defeated Chris Chaos.
Chop Top the Clown & Lil Devil defeated Chazz.
Parental Advisory (Stud & Tony) & T-Byrd
defeated Crazy-N-Sexy (Curly Moe & J-Kid) & Kid-J.
Fusion defeated Devon Raynes.
Neil Taylor defeated Chris Kilgore. Neil Handcuffed Chris to the bottom of the ring outside and Kiglore was counted out.
The Pink Flamingos (Brian & Ryan SoFine) vs. Max Steele & Nick Grimes ended in a no contest. Grymes turned on Steele when he nailed him with a super kick.
This Friday night's TFW card will include a rematch between Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor and "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore.
Credit: Randall Lewis
Chop Top the Clown & Lil Devil defeated Chazz.
Parental Advisory (Stud & Tony) & T-Byrd
defeated Crazy-N-Sexy (Curly Moe & J-Kid) & Kid-J.
Fusion defeated Devon Raynes.
Neil Taylor defeated Chris Kilgore. Neil Handcuffed Chris to the bottom of the ring outside and Kiglore was counted out.
The Pink Flamingos (Brian & Ryan SoFine) vs. Max Steele & Nick Grimes ended in a no contest. Grymes turned on Steele when he nailed him with a super kick.
This Friday night's TFW card will include a rematch between Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor and "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore.
Credit: Randall Lewis
RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 12.08 & 12.15.07
----“New Breed of Perfection” [Waycool/Wildside] def Dre Black ( Handicap Match)…Chico Mendoza Loses the TIWF TV Title via pinfall to Jake the Jackhammer…Overkill/PK Ripper wrestled No Contest Intern & Kingpin…Steven Rampage def. Danny B Goode…Lawman Williams def.Big Boy Bob.
----Steven Rampage pinned J Smooth after lobotomy Driver…Dre Black defeated Wykid by pinfall…PK Ripper pinned Waycool…Jake the Jackhammer retained his TV Title by using his hardhat over Chico Mendoza…Overkill pinned Wildside after using the "Kill Factor"…TIWF Title Match: Lawman Williams defeated Big Boy Bob by touching all four corners in a Texas Bullrope Match, afterwards The Black Scorpion came into the ring and beat Lawman down.
----95 in the building...I love the mystery angle, but wouldn’t it be better to give him an original name, instead of “Black Scorpion”??...I bet the bullrope match was brutal – both those guys work stiff.
----“New Breed of Perfection” [Waycool/Wildside] def Dre Black ( Handicap Match)…Chico Mendoza Loses the TIWF TV Title via pinfall to Jake the Jackhammer…Overkill/PK Ripper wrestled No Contest Intern & Kingpin…Steven Rampage def. Danny B Goode…Lawman Williams def.Big Boy Bob.
----Steven Rampage pinned J Smooth after lobotomy Driver…Dre Black defeated Wykid by pinfall…PK Ripper pinned Waycool…Jake the Jackhammer retained his TV Title by using his hardhat over Chico Mendoza…Overkill pinned Wildside after using the "Kill Factor"…TIWF Title Match: Lawman Williams defeated Big Boy Bob by touching all four corners in a Texas Bullrope Match, afterwards The Black Scorpion came into the ring and beat Lawman down.
----95 in the building...I love the mystery angle, but wouldn’t it be better to give him an original name, instead of “Black Scorpion”??...I bet the bullrope match was brutal – both those guys work stiff.
RassleResults: Barry Harber Memorial Show Dyersburg, TN 12.16.07
----The Sicilian Kid, Shannon Lee & Slim Pickens defeated Brian Steele, Sgt. Savage & Jackhammer…"Real Deal" Tim Edwards wrestled Crazy Train to a time limit draw…Loose Cannon defeated Buckwheat…Tatt2 & Rockin Randy defeated Chris Lexx & Dale Tucker…Black Label Society (Robbie Douglas & Void) wrestled Gaylon Ray & John Roberts to a double count out…Jeremy Moore defeated Sarge O'Reilly…Kilo & Danny B. Goode defeated Motley Cruz & Mark Justice… Pheonix X wrestled Baron Malkavain to a time limit draw…The Asylum (Psycho, Arnez & Pappy) defeated The Riot Squad (Mark & Rob Justice & Tank)…Stan Lee defeated "TGB" Greg Anthony…East Coast Bad Boyz [C-Money/Serpent] defeated “Cruzin 4 Pain”[Motley Cruz/187]…"Superman" Jason Reed defeated Derrick King
----There was close to 70 people in the building. Between $800 - $900 was raised from the door, auction & concessions.
----There was close to 70 people in the building. Between $800 - $900 was raised from the door, auction & concessions.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Memphis Wrestling Is Over!!
----The best I can figure out from various sources is that Memphis Wrestling is done. They told all talent yesterday that they would not be needed until further notice. Apparently the TV station is for sale and they are trying to cut costs. Cutting costs would be to not pay camera people to film the show. They did film another show for next weekend which featured a few matches and Christmas singing including Jerry Lawler. The last show of the year will the “Best of 2007” show and then they will start to air Memphis Classic shows similar to the “Opening The Vault” segments and shows that they did a few years ago.
----There has been talk of taping a “live” show at another building and broadcasting it on either their current channel or move to another channel. The only location I have heard from various sources is Ripley, TN, where TLCW promotes every Saturday night. That place would be good because they have a vocal crowd, but they would have to do some improvements of the building and have the show professionally filmed. I do know that Channel 5, which aired the show for years, has been contacted, but their only time slot is a 12:00 Midnight slot after on Saturday nights after “Saturday Night Live”.
----Other sources have speculated that all of this may have to do with a security guard that was involved in an angle with Brian Christopher/Ali Stevens a few weeks back. Apparently the guard hurt his knee and the studio feared he would sue the company. The company would not want something like that over their heads, when they are trying to sell the company.
----Memphis Wrestling looks to be done in this incarnation and they will move on to do it at a new station. May 2008 would have been their 5 year anniversary. I hate it most for the guys that work on the show, because at this point there is no where they can work and be seen by 50,000 fans every week.
----There has been talk of taping a “live” show at another building and broadcasting it on either their current channel or move to another channel. The only location I have heard from various sources is Ripley, TN, where TLCW promotes every Saturday night. That place would be good because they have a vocal crowd, but they would have to do some improvements of the building and have the show professionally filmed. I do know that Channel 5, which aired the show for years, has been contacted, but their only time slot is a 12:00 Midnight slot after on Saturday nights after “Saturday Night Live”.
----Other sources have speculated that all of this may have to do with a security guard that was involved in an angle with Brian Christopher/Ali Stevens a few weeks back. Apparently the guard hurt his knee and the studio feared he would sue the company. The company would not want something like that over their heads, when they are trying to sell the company.
----Memphis Wrestling looks to be done in this incarnation and they will move on to do it at a new station. May 2008 would have been their 5 year anniversary. I hate it most for the guys that work on the show, because at this point there is no where they can work and be seen by 50,000 fans every week.
Corey Maclin Responds!!
----Apparently Maclin contacted Dave Meltzer about the story that was published earlier this week on www.wrestlingobserver.com and posted on this site with Dave reporting the following today - Memphis promoter Corey Maclin said Bubba the Love Sponge was completely full of it when he claimed he stiffed Paul Wight and others on his payoff for the Hogan vs. Wight show at the Fed Ex Forum in Memphis this year. Bubba claimed several wrestlers including Wight didn't get paid and Hogan got less than he was promised. Maclin said he doesn't know where Bubba is coming from, noting that Wight got actually more than he was promised, that everyone on the show was paid, and that Hogan, Jimmy Hart and himself were the ones who decided on the payoffs.
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 12.15.07
Allen Walker opened the show talking about the Memorial show tomorrow afternoon & plugging New Blood Eve Rage in the Cage. Walker announced some of the matches.Mark Justice vs. Flex for the Heavyweight title…..Gaylon Ray vs. Motley Cruz in a “Respect Match”…..A High Risk Elimination Match with the winner receiving a High Risk Title Match…..Whoever wins the match tonight for the Tag Team titles will face…..
Riot Squad ‘s music starts, interrupting Walker. Jimmy starts off by telling Allen that there is not a question of who will win the tag titles tonight. That’s already in the bag. Then he asks Allen why he gave Mark the night off. Mark says he doesn’t need a night off and that he will make an open challenge to anyone in the back. Chris Rocker’s music plays. Rocker takes the mic away from Allen and tells Mark that he shouldn’t have opened his mouth because he has just bitten off more than he can chew. Rocker leaves. Mark is pissed.
Tag-Team Titles Riot Squad (Tank & Rob Justice) defeated John Roberts & Sicilian Kid when Tank pinned Kid after Riot Squad delivered the “High Tide”.After the match the Riot Squad started beating down Kid and invited Roberts into the ring to get some of Kid for himself. Roberts got in the ring, but instead of hitting Kid, he nailed Rob. Tank & Mark beat down both Roberts & Kid until J.Weezy ran out for the save with a steel chair. Tank & Mark got out of the ring in time, but Rob got nailed.
Walker tells Riot Squad that he was in the middle of an announcement before he was rudely interrupted. At New Blood Eve, the Riot Squad will defend the NBW Tag-Titles against Psycho & Pappy, The Asylum in not only a cage, but they will be chained together at the wrists with a 10 foot log chain.
Crazy Train out for an interview. Crazy Train talks about putting JR Manson out last week making his journey to the title one step closer. Talks about how every title opportunity he gets, he gets screwed. Now is Crazy Trains time. Crazy Train will be new NBW champion.
Tim Edwards music plays. Tim cuts promo on Crazy Train. He talks about their past and that Crazy Train has to look to the future and get over what has already happened. If you keep looking to the past, there will be no future. He talked about how he lost the belt to Jeremy Moore and he lost it the same night to Mark Justice. He talked about how he never got his rematch because Jeremy couldn’t hold onto it for 1 night. He said if anyone deserves a title shot around here it’s him. I’m here for 1 thing and that’s the NBW title. He said the he considered Crazy Train a friend, but when it comes down to either you being my friend or me having the title, friends are bad for business. Tim told Crazy Train, “Why don’t you just step aside and let me have what’s rightfully mine.”
Allen Walker interrupts telling them that he understand both sides of the story. Walker tells Crazy Train and Tim that if they are both confident enough, then have a match tonight with the winner being the sole #1 contender and will face the winner of the Mark/Flex match after New Blood Eve. They agree so we go into…..
#1 Contenders Match: “Real Deal” Tim Edwards vs. Crazy Train 10 minute time limit draw The time was coming down to the wire. Crazy Train made a cover but the time ran out just as the referee was coming down for 3. After the match, Walker made a rematch for New Blood Eve with the #1 contender ship on the line in NBW’s 1st ever “Stairway to Stardom” match. This time the contract for the title match will be inside a briefcase hanging above the ring. The only way you can get it is by using a ladder. The winner of that match will face the champion after New Blood Eve.
“Cruzin 4 Pain” [197/Motley Cruz] comes out talking about their match tonight and Motley talking more about his match with Gaylon at New Blood Eve. He talks about how Gaylon wants his respect and that the only way to get his respect is to beat him at his own game. At New Blood Eve, in a steel cage, weapons will be hung around the ring, all legal to use and beat the hell out of your opponent. C-Money & Gaylon Ray’s music plays with them hitting the ring on fire and C4P taking the powder. Match officially starts.
C-Money & Gaylon Ray defeated C4P. C-Money had 187 reeling in the corner. Motley & Gaylon fought out on the floor. 187 cut off C-Money and gets a steel mesh glove and nails C-Money with it for the DQ.
After the match, Walker tells 187 that since he wanted to resort to ending the match that way, at New Blood Eve it will be 187 vs. C-Money in NBW’s 1st ever “Coal Miners Glove” match with that glove in the top corner of the cage and whoever gets to it first can use it.
“Southern Outlaw” Kilo came to the ring next and was talking about being involved in the High Risk Elimination Match at New Blood Eve. The Riot Squad came out with Jimmy Tidwell telling Kilo that they run things now. He is in their backyard and that he didn’t have a match tonight so he needed to take his leave. Kilo came back on Tidwell and told every member of the Riot Squad that he wasn’t afraid of them. Tidwell made an impromptu match with Kilo vs. Tank.
“Southern Outlaw” Kilo defeated Tank by DQ when the Riot Squad interfered. Tank missed the running Umaga spot in the corner and came out to Kilo, who nailed Tank with a monster spine buster. Kilo went for the cover and the Riot Squad jumped in causing the DQ. Mark & Rob Justice irish whipped Kilo, who came running back into Tank for a BlackHole Slam. All 3 members then gave Kilo a double Spike “Detonator” piledriver. Chris Rocker & J.Weezy made the save with the Riot Squad powdering out. Kilo had to be carried to the locker room.
Chris Rocker defeated NBW Heavyweight Champion “Enforcer” Mark Justice. Rocker went for the super kick but was distracted by Tank & Rob Justice who had made their way back to ringside. Mark had Rocker up for the “Hard Justice” when Weezy ran out and got on the ring apron distracting Mark. Jimmy Tidwell sent Tank & Rob after Weezy to run him back to the locker room. Mark turned his attention back inside the ring where Rocker was waiting with a super kick for the pin.
After the match, Rocker grabbed the belt and started to celebrate. The fans think there is a new heavyweight champion. Tidwell gets the mic and says that he never said anything about it being a title match. Walker gives the belt back to Mark and tells him that since he clearly didn’t need the week off, he won’t need next week off either. Next week it will be a rematch. Mark vs. Rocker…for the title…and the winner will face Flex in a cage at New Blood Eve.
----65 paid with 80 in the building with a gate close to $400…So the rundown for New Blood Eve. Rage in the Cage is....Mark Justice (or) Chris Rocker vs Flex for the Heavyweight Title,C-Money vs 187 in a "Coal Miners Glove" Cage Match, Motley Cruz vs Gaylon Ray in a "Respect Match" Cage Match with weapons hangin from the cage, Riot Squad vs Asylum for the Tag-Titles in a "Double Chain Cage Match", Tim Edwards vs Crazy Train in a "Stairway 2 Stardom" Ladder Cage Match for the #1 contender to the Heavyweight title, A High Risk Elimination Match with the winner recieving a High Risk TItle match in the future already featuring Phoenix X, J.Weezy, Anton Leveigh and now Kilo. 2 more entrants to be named…REMINDER: Memorial show today at 3:00 PM!!!
Riot Squad ‘s music starts, interrupting Walker. Jimmy starts off by telling Allen that there is not a question of who will win the tag titles tonight. That’s already in the bag. Then he asks Allen why he gave Mark the night off. Mark says he doesn’t need a night off and that he will make an open challenge to anyone in the back. Chris Rocker’s music plays. Rocker takes the mic away from Allen and tells Mark that he shouldn’t have opened his mouth because he has just bitten off more than he can chew. Rocker leaves. Mark is pissed.
Tag-Team Titles Riot Squad (Tank & Rob Justice) defeated John Roberts & Sicilian Kid when Tank pinned Kid after Riot Squad delivered the “High Tide”.After the match the Riot Squad started beating down Kid and invited Roberts into the ring to get some of Kid for himself. Roberts got in the ring, but instead of hitting Kid, he nailed Rob. Tank & Mark beat down both Roberts & Kid until J.Weezy ran out for the save with a steel chair. Tank & Mark got out of the ring in time, but Rob got nailed.
Walker tells Riot Squad that he was in the middle of an announcement before he was rudely interrupted. At New Blood Eve, the Riot Squad will defend the NBW Tag-Titles against Psycho & Pappy, The Asylum in not only a cage, but they will be chained together at the wrists with a 10 foot log chain.
Crazy Train out for an interview. Crazy Train talks about putting JR Manson out last week making his journey to the title one step closer. Talks about how every title opportunity he gets, he gets screwed. Now is Crazy Trains time. Crazy Train will be new NBW champion.
Tim Edwards music plays. Tim cuts promo on Crazy Train. He talks about their past and that Crazy Train has to look to the future and get over what has already happened. If you keep looking to the past, there will be no future. He talked about how he lost the belt to Jeremy Moore and he lost it the same night to Mark Justice. He talked about how he never got his rematch because Jeremy couldn’t hold onto it for 1 night. He said if anyone deserves a title shot around here it’s him. I’m here for 1 thing and that’s the NBW title. He said the he considered Crazy Train a friend, but when it comes down to either you being my friend or me having the title, friends are bad for business. Tim told Crazy Train, “Why don’t you just step aside and let me have what’s rightfully mine.”
Allen Walker interrupts telling them that he understand both sides of the story. Walker tells Crazy Train and Tim that if they are both confident enough, then have a match tonight with the winner being the sole #1 contender and will face the winner of the Mark/Flex match after New Blood Eve. They agree so we go into…..
#1 Contenders Match: “Real Deal” Tim Edwards vs. Crazy Train 10 minute time limit draw The time was coming down to the wire. Crazy Train made a cover but the time ran out just as the referee was coming down for 3. After the match, Walker made a rematch for New Blood Eve with the #1 contender ship on the line in NBW’s 1st ever “Stairway to Stardom” match. This time the contract for the title match will be inside a briefcase hanging above the ring. The only way you can get it is by using a ladder. The winner of that match will face the champion after New Blood Eve.
“Cruzin 4 Pain” [197/Motley Cruz] comes out talking about their match tonight and Motley talking more about his match with Gaylon at New Blood Eve. He talks about how Gaylon wants his respect and that the only way to get his respect is to beat him at his own game. At New Blood Eve, in a steel cage, weapons will be hung around the ring, all legal to use and beat the hell out of your opponent. C-Money & Gaylon Ray’s music plays with them hitting the ring on fire and C4P taking the powder. Match officially starts.
C-Money & Gaylon Ray defeated C4P. C-Money had 187 reeling in the corner. Motley & Gaylon fought out on the floor. 187 cut off C-Money and gets a steel mesh glove and nails C-Money with it for the DQ.
After the match, Walker tells 187 that since he wanted to resort to ending the match that way, at New Blood Eve it will be 187 vs. C-Money in NBW’s 1st ever “Coal Miners Glove” match with that glove in the top corner of the cage and whoever gets to it first can use it.
“Southern Outlaw” Kilo came to the ring next and was talking about being involved in the High Risk Elimination Match at New Blood Eve. The Riot Squad came out with Jimmy Tidwell telling Kilo that they run things now. He is in their backyard and that he didn’t have a match tonight so he needed to take his leave. Kilo came back on Tidwell and told every member of the Riot Squad that he wasn’t afraid of them. Tidwell made an impromptu match with Kilo vs. Tank.
“Southern Outlaw” Kilo defeated Tank by DQ when the Riot Squad interfered. Tank missed the running Umaga spot in the corner and came out to Kilo, who nailed Tank with a monster spine buster. Kilo went for the cover and the Riot Squad jumped in causing the DQ. Mark & Rob Justice irish whipped Kilo, who came running back into Tank for a BlackHole Slam. All 3 members then gave Kilo a double Spike “Detonator” piledriver. Chris Rocker & J.Weezy made the save with the Riot Squad powdering out. Kilo had to be carried to the locker room.
Chris Rocker defeated NBW Heavyweight Champion “Enforcer” Mark Justice. Rocker went for the super kick but was distracted by Tank & Rob Justice who had made their way back to ringside. Mark had Rocker up for the “Hard Justice” when Weezy ran out and got on the ring apron distracting Mark. Jimmy Tidwell sent Tank & Rob after Weezy to run him back to the locker room. Mark turned his attention back inside the ring where Rocker was waiting with a super kick for the pin.
After the match, Rocker grabbed the belt and started to celebrate. The fans think there is a new heavyweight champion. Tidwell gets the mic and says that he never said anything about it being a title match. Walker gives the belt back to Mark and tells him that since he clearly didn’t need the week off, he won’t need next week off either. Next week it will be a rematch. Mark vs. Rocker…for the title…and the winner will face Flex in a cage at New Blood Eve.
----65 paid with 80 in the building with a gate close to $400…So the rundown for New Blood Eve. Rage in the Cage is....Mark Justice (or) Chris Rocker vs Flex for the Heavyweight Title,C-Money vs 187 in a "Coal Miners Glove" Cage Match, Motley Cruz vs Gaylon Ray in a "Respect Match" Cage Match with weapons hangin from the cage, Riot Squad vs Asylum for the Tag-Titles in a "Double Chain Cage Match", Tim Edwards vs Crazy Train in a "Stairway 2 Stardom" Ladder Cage Match for the #1 contender to the Heavyweight title, A High Risk Elimination Match with the winner recieving a High Risk TItle match in the future already featuring Phoenix X, J.Weezy, Anton Leveigh and now Kilo. 2 more entrants to be named…REMINDER: Memorial show today at 3:00 PM!!!
Dinsmore on "Cheap Heat Radio"!!
----Make sure to tune in tomorrow morning as Gene Jackson will talk to Nick Dinsmore
(formally Eugene of WWE) at 9am, then at 10am he’ll be joined by Mike Dibiase the brand new NWA North American Champion and the son of 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase. Gene plans to talk to Mike about breaking into the family business and what he's got going in Texas these days. Click on the "Cheap Heat Radio" icon on the front of site!!
----Gene had a fun rant yesterday about all the local goofs that post on the local message boards not under their names. There was a big discussion about Gene’s interview with Neil Taylor over at Trent Van Drisse’s board that I think you guys will find interesting. CLICK HERE to read it.
Photo by Kenneth Coker

----Gene had a fun rant yesterday about all the local goofs that post on the local message boards not under their names. There was a big discussion about Gene’s interview with Neil Taylor over at Trent Van Drisse’s board that I think you guys will find interesting. CLICK HERE to read it.
Photo by Kenneth Coker
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 12.15.07
----Corey Maclin comes out and talks about 75 years of Memphis Wrestling. Apparently they are planning a big show upcoming in 2008 to celebrate that fact. Maclin is joined by Jimmy Hart to co-host the show.
----Corey Maclin & Derrick King – interview. Dotson talks about his upcoming match today vs Dustin Starr. Derrick King talks about his match vs Lawler today. Jerry Lawler then walks out. Lawler puts over the fact that Memphis Wrestling has existed for 75 years. He and DK talk about their match today.
----“TK2” [Tim Grind/Flex] & Tatt2 interview. Grind does a good interview. Flex tries to say his catch phrase, but Tatt2 beats him to it and says, “Smooooth Turkey..” LOL TK2/Tatt2 beat Fire/Flame/Gladiator. Heat on Tatt2 when Tatt2 missed a split leg moonsault. Hot tag to Flex. Flex cut off, but then hits a double closeline. Grind does a blind tag and they eliminate Fire/Flame out of the ring. Gladiator takes their Kishi/RKO driver finisher. Tatt2 is tagged and jumps to the top rope to the Gladiator split-leg [ala Mysterio] squash as he is getting up for the pin. Good match.
----Koko Ware interview. Koko talks about the death of his father. Koko says that 2008 is going to be the Birdman’s year.
----JR Title Match: Dustin Starr vs Johnny Dotson with Rashard Devon/DK. Heat started when Starr went to the top rope and DK tried to push him off. Dotson then ran over and pushed him with Starr landing with ropes between his legs. Starr hits Dotson with a german suplex to come out of heat and then his finisher. DK/Rashard jump in for the DQ. Good quick match. They beat up Starr after the match.
----Lawler interview with Grady Watson. Lawler says that he will have Watson at ringside, since DK will have everyone ringside. Clip is shown of Lawler interfering in Starr/Kevin White bout from last week. Garry White/Sue Young comes out. White threatens Grady first. He then talks about Lawler injuring his son from the piledriver last week. Lawler asks Sue Young if she wants to join him. She acts like she wants to, but then Garry yells at her. Good segment.
----Jerry Lawler beat Derrick King by DQ. The only move in this match was punches. No I am not kidding. This was a very short match with DK only getting in about five punches in a row that would be considered the heat. Lawler pulled down his strap. Rashard tried to interfere, but Grady cut him off. Finally, Mr. White jumped in for the DQ. White held Lawler, but Lawler moved and DK hit White and he bumped out of the ring. Not a great match, but it did accomplish what it was supposed to do – continue the White/Lawler feud.
----“Opening The Vault” Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight match from earlier this year at the FedEx Forum.
----Brian Christopher interview. Brian says that everyone says he is bad now, but he is just the same. Brian says he is going to beat his opponent today in 60 seconds. Brian C beat Crime in over a minute. This made no sense. Horrible match.
----Lawler comes out for the third time. They promote that next week is the Christmas show and then the week after that is “Year in Review 2007” show. Maclin then states that starting in January that they will be celebrating 75 years Memphis Wrestling with full hour shows for “two months” with just classic clips.
----Jimmy Hart says during the 6-man tag – “Tatt2 has a million moves, he just has to learn when to use them.” LOL I agree 100% Hart…Good to see in the 6 man tag – not the same ol’hot tag!! Good stuff!!...Crowd was hot for the show today…Dustin Starr looks like a wrestler...Lawler in this second interview talked about Watson’s son-in-law, who works in rodeos, getting injured earlier this year and they didn’t think he was going to live. He was in the crowd today and is doing good…Brian C spit all over Maclin while doing his interview…Crowd was chanting “Ali, Ali”, but no Ali Stevens??...I am going to try to get confirmation on the show going to classic clips for the first part of 2008. If they plan to do this with no local talent, then the show is not going to be worth watching. I am not sure what they are thinking, because the “Opening the Vault” segments have not been getting good ratings…Good solid show.
CLIP OF THE WEEK will be posted later today!!
----Corey Maclin & Derrick King – interview. Dotson talks about his upcoming match today vs Dustin Starr. Derrick King talks about his match vs Lawler today. Jerry Lawler then walks out. Lawler puts over the fact that Memphis Wrestling has existed for 75 years. He and DK talk about their match today.
----“TK2” [Tim Grind/Flex] & Tatt2 interview. Grind does a good interview. Flex tries to say his catch phrase, but Tatt2 beats him to it and says, “Smooooth Turkey..” LOL TK2/Tatt2 beat Fire/Flame/Gladiator. Heat on Tatt2 when Tatt2 missed a split leg moonsault. Hot tag to Flex. Flex cut off, but then hits a double closeline. Grind does a blind tag and they eliminate Fire/Flame out of the ring. Gladiator takes their Kishi/RKO driver finisher. Tatt2 is tagged and jumps to the top rope to the Gladiator split-leg [ala Mysterio] squash as he is getting up for the pin. Good match.
----Koko Ware interview. Koko talks about the death of his father. Koko says that 2008 is going to be the Birdman’s year.
----JR Title Match: Dustin Starr vs Johnny Dotson with Rashard Devon/DK. Heat started when Starr went to the top rope and DK tried to push him off. Dotson then ran over and pushed him with Starr landing with ropes between his legs. Starr hits Dotson with a german suplex to come out of heat and then his finisher. DK/Rashard jump in for the DQ. Good quick match. They beat up Starr after the match.
----Lawler interview with Grady Watson. Lawler says that he will have Watson at ringside, since DK will have everyone ringside. Clip is shown of Lawler interfering in Starr/Kevin White bout from last week. Garry White/Sue Young comes out. White threatens Grady first. He then talks about Lawler injuring his son from the piledriver last week. Lawler asks Sue Young if she wants to join him. She acts like she wants to, but then Garry yells at her. Good segment.
----Jerry Lawler beat Derrick King by DQ. The only move in this match was punches. No I am not kidding. This was a very short match with DK only getting in about five punches in a row that would be considered the heat. Lawler pulled down his strap. Rashard tried to interfere, but Grady cut him off. Finally, Mr. White jumped in for the DQ. White held Lawler, but Lawler moved and DK hit White and he bumped out of the ring. Not a great match, but it did accomplish what it was supposed to do – continue the White/Lawler feud.
----“Opening The Vault” Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight match from earlier this year at the FedEx Forum.
----Brian Christopher interview. Brian says that everyone says he is bad now, but he is just the same. Brian says he is going to beat his opponent today in 60 seconds. Brian C beat Crime in over a minute. This made no sense. Horrible match.
----Lawler comes out for the third time. They promote that next week is the Christmas show and then the week after that is “Year in Review 2007” show. Maclin then states that starting in January that they will be celebrating 75 years Memphis Wrestling with full hour shows for “two months” with just classic clips.
----Jimmy Hart says during the 6-man tag – “Tatt2 has a million moves, he just has to learn when to use them.” LOL I agree 100% Hart…Good to see in the 6 man tag – not the same ol’hot tag!! Good stuff!!...Crowd was hot for the show today…Dustin Starr looks like a wrestler...Lawler in this second interview talked about Watson’s son-in-law, who works in rodeos, getting injured earlier this year and they didn’t think he was going to live. He was in the crowd today and is doing good…Brian C spit all over Maclin while doing his interview…Crowd was chanting “Ali, Ali”, but no Ali Stevens??...I am going to try to get confirmation on the show going to classic clips for the first part of 2008. If they plan to do this with no local talent, then the show is not going to be worth watching. I am not sure what they are thinking, because the “Opening the Vault” segments have not been getting good ratings…Good solid show.
CLIP OF THE WEEK will be posted later today!!
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