Saturday October 10, 2009
10/8 Superstars TV results: Ted DiBiase Jr. over Evan Bourne; Shelton Benjamin over Sheamus via DQ; and Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty.
10/9 Smackdown TV results from Trenton, NJ: Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho; Michelle McCool over Eve Torres; John Morrison over Dolph Ziggler; Kane & Drew McIntyre over R-Truth & Matt Hardy; and CM Punk over Batista.
We're looking for reports from all the WWE shows this weekend; Bristol, Terre Haute, Toledo, and Huntington.
Edge was spotted Thursday night at the Annual Bell Gala in Toronto. He was off crutches and looked well although he had dropped a few pounds. Trish Stratus was also at the event with him in support of the Sick Kids
Maria Menounos was filmed doing some in-ring wrestling training out in California. Apparently the footage will air next week on Access Hollywood on NBC. Menounos along with Nancy O'Dell are scheduled to host Raw on Monday in Indianapolis.
Superstars on Thursday night did a 0.8 rating.
After 11 years the No Way Out PPV in February has been renamed as Elimination Chamber. The show is usually built around Elimination Chamber matches. No venue or city has been announced at press time.
The AP has a story on WWE going PG. When asked about competing with UFC, Vince McMahon was quoted as saying: "You really can't compete with that. Why not deliver a more sophisticated product and not go to those extremes? If the audience wants those extremes, they know where to go and how to get it." Story is at http://tinyurl.com/yjbta9y.
There is a preview clip from the upcoming episode of Scare Tactics with Matt Hardy at http://bit.ly/3wq6Kv.
The Bristol Herald at http://tinyurl.com/ykh4nsj has a story on JTG, which apparently stands for Just Too Good. He notes his back is pretty messed up at the moment.
Chavo Guerrero did an interview with www.mondaynightmayhem.com talking about the late Eddie Guerrero, who would have turned 42 on Friday, He said: "For people who met him or if you didn't meet him, you met him through the TV, or through other means. Eddie was a very giving person. He was not only a Christian man, but very giving. The charity I'm doing now is a charity that honors veterans and people on active duty now. Andwhen Eddie would go to Iraq, he used to come back so elated, so full of life, so blessed because he saw people that was fighting for us & making
our life better. And he was always so grateful about this."
The WWE stock closed this week at $13.65 on the NYSE.
10/8 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: Hernandez over Kevin Nash for Legends title via DQ; Amazing Red over Somoa Joe to capture the X-Division title; D'Angelo Dinero & Homicide over Suicide & Daniels; Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Alissa Flash & Traci Brooks over Taylor Wilde, Sarita, Christy Hemme & Hamada in a tag elimination match; ODB over Tara to retain the Knockouts title; and Matt Morgan & Abyss over
Mick Foley & Kurt Angle.
10/9 house show results from LaCrosse, WI: Daniels over Shark Boy; ODB over Madison Rayne; Hernandez over Homicide; Beer Money over The British Invasion; Motor City Machine Guns over Eric Young & Sheik Bashir; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe.
TNA run tonight in St. Cloud and then Sunday in Mankato. Same crew as listed above.
The updated line up for Bound For Glory in California next weekend is AJ Styles vs. Strinf for the TNA title; Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan; Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley in a submission match; Mick Foley vs. Abyss with Stevie Richards as the special referee in a *Monster's Ball match; Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide in an Ultimate X match; Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. British
Invasion for the tag titles in Full Metal Mayhem; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young in a three-way for the Legends title; and Sarita & Taylor Wilde vs. The Beautiful People for the Knockouts tag titles.
Alex Marvez interviewed Jim Cornette at http://tinyurl.com/ygkl4c6. He said it was embarrassing working for TNA under the creative direction of Vince Russo: "At TNA, I was basically tired of working for a big company and watch it get smaller. I wanted to go to a smaller company and help it get bigger... It was sad, disappointing and depressing to watch. We didn't have as many pay-per-view buys as we should and nobody was getting over. [Russo is] the only booker I've ever seen who gets people
under." He added: "The matches are made meaningless so Russo can see his comedic lines and dramatic scripting spring to life. There's a bunch of great athletes, but they're not very good actors. They're even worse comedians." He also talks about his recently released Midnight Express scrapbook, available right now at www.jimcornette.com.
Impact on Thursday night did a 1.0 rating.
The Miami Herald at http://tinyurl.com/yhzndmz has a great article looking at Amazing Red. He noted working a regular job to help make ends meet and hopes to move out to Florida soon.
Kip James pulled out of indy dates to work upcoming TNA house shows.
Daffney is appearing this weekend at the Spooky Empire Convention in Orlando.
Matt Morgan gave a talk about ADHD Friday at the Cleveland Convention
Lauren Brooke wrote on her Twitter that she was upset with her Muscle & Fitness shoot because they misquoted her a couple of times and got her birthday wrong.
Our deepest condolences to Harley Race. His wife Beverly passed away Friday night at Lake Ozark Regional Hospital. She was well known and a friend to many throughout the business. She was hospitalized due to pneumonia and was suffering from flu-like symptoms since Monday.
Ring of Honor runs tonight at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis, IN with Aries & Davey Richards vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe;Chris Hero vs. Kenny Omega; Colt Cabana vs. Kevin Steen; Tyler Black vs.Kenny King; Roderick Strong vs. Rhett Titus; Petey Williams vs. Claudio Castagnoli; The Young Bucks vs. The House of Truth; and more. Jim Cornette is also doing a free meet and great before the show. Tickets
will be available to purchase at the door. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.
Paul London returned to the ring last weekend at the Long Beach Comic Con. This was his first match back since injuring his back in April. He is booked next month for the Hulkamania Tour in Australia.
Torrie Wilson has a spot at the Reality Show Awards which tapes next week and airs next Saturday night on the Fox Reality Channel.
Former WWE developmental Diva Melissa Coates is returning to her native Ontario, Canada in November and is available for bookings. For more info you can contact Melissa at www.melissacoates.com.
Larry Matysik, former host of Wrestling at the Chase, will be signing his new book, Drawing Heat the Hard Way: How Wrestling Really Works on Friday, October 16 at 7pm at the Borders in Sunset Hills, MO.
The Missourian at http://tinyurl.com/yh3ndup has a story on Jason Poirrier who used a full nelson on a man cops were chasing. He said he learnt the hold after years of watching pro wrestling.
The Miami Herald at http://tinyurl.com/yzbwgcm has a story on Wrestlicious.
Yahoo at http://tinyurl.com/ygoc9d5 has a story on Brock Lesnar. He calls his opponent at UFC 106, Shane Carwin, a "weekend warrior" and says he would be embarrassed to fight some of thee guys he beat. "His only good fight was Gabriel Gonzaga. Shane’s really 1-0," he said.
GLAAD is upset with The Wrestler actor Mickey Rourke. Jarrett Barrios, president of The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, issued the following statement on Friday: "This is a slur (Rourke used the word "f-ggot" during an interview) that, regardless of what Mickey Rourke has convinced himself that it means, is often the last word that gay people, and gay youth in particular, hear before they're bullied, harassed or assaulted. Rourke is showing himself to be painfully ignorant of how
this vulgar, abusive slur feeds a climate of anti-gay hatred, intolerance and violence. Rourke either needs to figure this out, or media needs to stop giving him a platform for promoting these kinds of slurs." Rourke responded in the media by saying that the word "f-ggot" has nothing to do with being gay and that it's the same as saying punka--.
After 20 years in the wrestling business and being out of it for 17 now, I never thought I would ever want anything to do with the business again. But when I saw the comments Tammy "Sunny" Sytch made about Lacey Von Erich I flipped.
My God where in the world did this girl, Sunny, come from?
I guess from under a rock or something. This is a prime reason why I want nothing to do with the wrestling business of today. No Respect. If someone had made a statement like that in the good ol' days they would never be able to walk into a dressing room again and if they did bet ya they wouldn't be able to walk back out.
There are still a few "Old School" people out there in controlling spots in the wrestling business and I don't think any of you will allow this type of person in your dressing room ever again.
To the ones that do you can KISS MY A--. I had years of dealing with the Von Erich's and though we didn't always see eye to eye, they helped me feed my family.
Eric Embry
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Saturday, October 10, 2009
----I did check to see if XOW was going to air this morning - it is airing right now!! Memphis Wrestling aired a Lawler for Mayor special, so we sort of had 3 full hours of wrestling to start the new 3-hour Wrestling Block!! Full report on IWA and XOW shows will be up early this week along with ratings later in the week!!
Reminder TONIGHT!!
Matt Riviera Headed To Las Vegas!!
NEW West Memphis, AR 10.09.09 - Quick Results!!
Mike Anthony vs Scott Fury

----Arena Report of show will be posted sometime early week. I do not have an official number, but it was the biggest crowd that NEW has had - in the 100 range.
-Scott Fury beat Mike Anthony to advance in US JR Title Tourney.
-Austin Lane beat Justin Smart to advance in US JR Title Tourney.
-Austin Lane beat Scott Fury to advance to as challenger for US JR Title.
-Kevin Charles/Dan Matthews/Josh Carney beat Matt Riviera/Shawn Reed/Matt Justyce
-Eric Wayne beat Austin Lane to retain the US JR Title. [Match of the Year candidate]
-Alan Steele beat Kid Nikels.
Photo by Karly Tramel
----Arena Report of show will be posted sometime early week. I do not have an official number, but it was the biggest crowd that NEW has had - in the 100 range.
-Scott Fury beat Mike Anthony to advance in US JR Title Tourney.
-Austin Lane beat Justin Smart to advance in US JR Title Tourney.
-Austin Lane beat Scott Fury to advance to as challenger for US JR Title.
-Kevin Charles/Dan Matthews/Josh Carney beat Matt Riviera/Shawn Reed/Matt Justyce
-Eric Wayne beat Austin Lane to retain the US JR Title. [Match of the Year candidate]
-Alan Steele beat Kid Nikels.
Photo by Karly Tramel
Friday, October 09, 2009
DoggCW This Saturday Night!!
My World - MAXXED OUT!! "Where Did I Go Wrong?" by Maxx Corbin
----Maxx usually only does his column once a month, but after seeing the stuff Dustin put on The Starr Treatment yesterday, he just HAD to respond. My favorite part is the last line - "but hey it made me laugh." - Maxx feels if it made him laugh that is all that matters. LOL BTW, Dustin did do a good job putting the guys over, but what about Jamie Jay and me?? Damn, he must hate us so bad he did not want to include us. LOL
Max Corbin: Very good friend of mine. But I do not find his column very interesting at all. Seems a little more silly than anything else. I scan through the content, now… but usually don’t find anything that will grab my attention long enough to actually READ. Sorry, bro. Just stating the facts.
I read these words and slowly pushed myself away from the computer. I felt as if I was having an out of body experience, watching myself as I clicked the X on the box to close the Internet window. I felt the lump in my throat build as the burn of held back tears hit my sinuses. “Where did I go wrong?” I kept asking myself. Finally, emotion got the best of me and I broke down like a criminal at the end of an episode of CSI. I had to pull myself together and fast. I had a radio interview in 30 minutes to plug the wrestling show at my school. “Get it together, Richard…..Get it together,” I said as I looked in my bathroom mirror and splashed cold water on my face. I convinced myself that I was fine…..but I wasn’t. I walked out the door and got in the car. The Guns and Roses song “Paradise City” was blaring on the radio. The song cheered me up enough to continue on, but in the back of my mind I was thinking, “What do I do now?” Just like clock work, “Paradise City” faded out and in its place was Michael Bolton’s “How am I Supposed to Live without You” came on. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I pulled the car over and had a long cry…Too long as it turned out. I was now 2 hours late for the radio interview. The deejay doing the interview wasn’t even on the air anymore. When I turned it over to the station just to make sure, “How Do I Live without You” by Leeann Rhymes was playing and it started everything all over again. About 9:30 at night I finally made it home. I looked like a ghost and was severely dehydrated from crying…….. (I’m sorry I must take a break here….I’ll explain when I come back.)
(It is now 3 hours later than when I started writing this)
I’m back; I was writing and read where I had written the word “ghost”. It made me think of the Patrick Swayze movie “Ghost”. I started crying thinking about the pot making scene….what a sad movie. Anyways, back to my story.
So, I’m on a roof ledge in downtown Jackson. As I hear the officer’s voice on the megaphone tell me that it will be ok I think, “Will it? Will it be ok? Have you ever heard of the www.dustinstarr.com Hall of Shame!?” I yelled in anger. No, I have been dissed on the on the RRO Site of the year www.dustinstarr.com. My life was over. Anyone who is dissed on www.dustinstarr.com surely has nothing left to live for. So, I yell out, “TAKE ME GOD, I AM AN ABOMINATION TO YOU AND WWW.DUSTINSTARR.COM!” Just as I was about to jump I feel a sharp pain in my left ass cheek and I immediately fell over on the roof. Those bustards had used tranquilizers on me. I desperately clawed my way to the edge to fling myself over the roof. I was moving at a snails pace, but I knew there was still time to get to the edge before the cops and rescue squad got to me. I clawed with all my might, finally reaching the ledge. I went for one last push; this one would surely do it. Just as I pushed 3 cops and 2 paramedics grabbed me. I heard them say “We got him!” on their radios before I blacked out.
When I awoke, I was at the hospital on an IV. Murder She Wrote was on the TV. “Murder She Wrote?” I said surprised it was still on “I haven’t seen this since I was a kid and it came on before Raw. I must be…….”
“SHHHHHH, don’t speak, you need your strength.”
I had been cut off mid sentence with a finger over my mouth and these words. When I looked over I was shocked. I blinked twice and tears of joy filled my eyes. I could tell who it was just by looking at his abs. Even with a shirt on you could see them. I looked you to see the face of the award winning author of www.dustinstarr.com’s face. It was Dustin. He had been the one who had caught me on the roof. He saved me. And even though he wrote stuff on me in magic marker while I was passed out in the ambulance, I knew right then that he cared. Plus, I deserved it for hiding his belt all the time. So, after a few hours of talking about our feelings I realized that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Being dissed on www.dustinstarr.com wasn’t the end. Heck, there wasn’t even a hall of shame anymore. My life had new meaning and I was able to go on with my day feeling refreshed and renewed. I could love again….and more importantly…..I could be
OK, sorry if this was a bit out there. I was trying to spice up my column for Dustin and it got way out of hand…lol. The truth is I had about 3 or 4 phone calls yesterday asking me if I had seen where Dustin said he hated my column. I laughed and then went over to look at it. It really wasn’t that bad. Like I said my humor is lost on people. But being the true wrestling mark I am I though, “Hey I can turn this into a storyline!” and sat down and wrote this story. The truth is Dustin is a good friend. He has worked hard and deserves all the credit in the world for what he’s doing with himself. His opinion, is his opinion and I’m not up set at all by it….even when he’s wrong..LoL. I just thought I’d have some fun with this though. I do apologize if it comes off a little gay at the end too, but hey it made me laugh.
----Born Richard Mullikin, Maxx Corbin is a 7 year pro in wrestling and provides RRO with a monthly column. While growing up in Bemis,TN as a kid, he had no cable and lived week to week on the wrestling tapes he got from family and friends. He likes to think he has a great since of humor and makes light of tense situations. This is why he no longer works at the local hospital. He enjoys playing video games, stand up comedy, and music that very few have a taste for. He won an award in his middle school technology class for building a small bridge out of hobby wood. The bridge held 55lbs. He graduated from his high school with a 3.4 gpa. He was super bad ass at WCW vs NWO World Tour on N64(usually taking out opponents during Jerry Springer commercial breaks).
Max Corbin: Very good friend of mine. But I do not find his column very interesting at all. Seems a little more silly than anything else. I scan through the content, now… but usually don’t find anything that will grab my attention long enough to actually READ. Sorry, bro. Just stating the facts.
I read these words and slowly pushed myself away from the computer. I felt as if I was having an out of body experience, watching myself as I clicked the X on the box to close the Internet window. I felt the lump in my throat build as the burn of held back tears hit my sinuses. “Where did I go wrong?” I kept asking myself. Finally, emotion got the best of me and I broke down like a criminal at the end of an episode of CSI. I had to pull myself together and fast. I had a radio interview in 30 minutes to plug the wrestling show at my school. “Get it together, Richard…..Get it together,” I said as I looked in my bathroom mirror and splashed cold water on my face. I convinced myself that I was fine…..but I wasn’t. I walked out the door and got in the car. The Guns and Roses song “Paradise City” was blaring on the radio. The song cheered me up enough to continue on, but in the back of my mind I was thinking, “What do I do now?” Just like clock work, “Paradise City” faded out and in its place was Michael Bolton’s “How am I Supposed to Live without You” came on. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I pulled the car over and had a long cry…Too long as it turned out. I was now 2 hours late for the radio interview. The deejay doing the interview wasn’t even on the air anymore. When I turned it over to the station just to make sure, “How Do I Live without You” by Leeann Rhymes was playing and it started everything all over again. About 9:30 at night I finally made it home. I looked like a ghost and was severely dehydrated from crying…….. (I’m sorry I must take a break here….I’ll explain when I come back.)
(It is now 3 hours later than when I started writing this)
I’m back; I was writing and read where I had written the word “ghost”. It made me think of the Patrick Swayze movie “Ghost”. I started crying thinking about the pot making scene….what a sad movie. Anyways, back to my story.
So, I’m on a roof ledge in downtown Jackson. As I hear the officer’s voice on the megaphone tell me that it will be ok I think, “Will it? Will it be ok? Have you ever heard of the www.dustinstarr.com Hall of Shame!?” I yelled in anger. No, I have been dissed on the on the RRO Site of the year www.dustinstarr.com. My life was over. Anyone who is dissed on www.dustinstarr.com surely has nothing left to live for. So, I yell out, “TAKE ME GOD, I AM AN ABOMINATION TO YOU AND WWW.DUSTINSTARR.COM!” Just as I was about to jump I feel a sharp pain in my left ass cheek and I immediately fell over on the roof. Those bustards had used tranquilizers on me. I desperately clawed my way to the edge to fling myself over the roof. I was moving at a snails pace, but I knew there was still time to get to the edge before the cops and rescue squad got to me. I clawed with all my might, finally reaching the ledge. I went for one last push; this one would surely do it. Just as I pushed 3 cops and 2 paramedics grabbed me. I heard them say “We got him!” on their radios before I blacked out.
When I awoke, I was at the hospital on an IV. Murder She Wrote was on the TV. “Murder She Wrote?” I said surprised it was still on “I haven’t seen this since I was a kid and it came on before Raw. I must be…….”
“SHHHHHH, don’t speak, you need your strength.”
I had been cut off mid sentence with a finger over my mouth and these words. When I looked over I was shocked. I blinked twice and tears of joy filled my eyes. I could tell who it was just by looking at his abs. Even with a shirt on you could see them. I looked you to see the face of the award winning author of www.dustinstarr.com’s face. It was Dustin. He had been the one who had caught me on the roof. He saved me. And even though he wrote stuff on me in magic marker while I was passed out in the ambulance, I knew right then that he cared. Plus, I deserved it for hiding his belt all the time. So, after a few hours of talking about our feelings I realized that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Being dissed on www.dustinstarr.com wasn’t the end. Heck, there wasn’t even a hall of shame anymore. My life had new meaning and I was able to go on with my day feeling refreshed and renewed. I could love again….and more importantly…..I could be
OK, sorry if this was a bit out there. I was trying to spice up my column for Dustin and it got way out of hand…lol. The truth is I had about 3 or 4 phone calls yesterday asking me if I had seen where Dustin said he hated my column. I laughed and then went over to look at it. It really wasn’t that bad. Like I said my humor is lost on people. But being the true wrestling mark I am I though, “Hey I can turn this into a storyline!” and sat down and wrote this story. The truth is Dustin is a good friend. He has worked hard and deserves all the credit in the world for what he’s doing with himself. His opinion, is his opinion and I’m not up set at all by it….even when he’s wrong..LoL. I just thought I’d have some fun with this though. I do apologize if it comes off a little gay at the end too, but hey it made me laugh.
----Born Richard Mullikin, Maxx Corbin is a 7 year pro in wrestling and provides RRO with a monthly column. While growing up in Bemis,TN as a kid, he had no cable and lived week to week on the wrestling tapes he got from family and friends. He likes to think he has a great since of humor and makes light of tense situations. This is why he no longer works at the local hospital. He enjoys playing video games, stand up comedy, and music that very few have a taste for. He won an award in his middle school technology class for building a small bridge out of hobby wood. The bridge held 55lbs. He graduated from his high school with a 3.4 gpa. He was super bad ass at WCW vs NWO World Tour on N64(usually taking out opponents during Jerry Springer commercial breaks).
IWA Ratings Report 10.03.09
----The .6 rating of almost 10,000 viewers seems to be the hurdle that this show has to jump. They have scored this rating twice now, but don't seem to be able to get over it. The show featured no zero quarters, but still had a loss overall - not big, but a loss. The second quarter had a bump in ratings, but then a drop in the third. I am going to contribute that to the tag match in the 3rd quarter, although there is no real way to know. They could have been turning it off from watching Tatt2 vs Suicide, but I would have to believe since that quarter was so high, they wanted to watch the finish of that match and then the tag team match stunked up the show. 3rd and 4th retained the same number, so those watching were not turning anything off. Memphis Wrestling, which aired informercials agains this week, scored another .3 [4859 viewers].
.6 [9718 viewers overall]
1st Quarter
-Precious vs Stunner
-Cryme vs Syn
.6 [9718 viewers]
2cnd Quarter
-Cryme vs Syn [finish]
-Tatt2 vs Suicide
.8 [12960 viewers] [+3242 viewers]
3rd Quarter
-Tatt2 vs Suicide [finish]
-FSA vs Malik/CA
.5 [8098 viewers] [-4862 viewers]
4th Quarter
-Psycho vs V-Man
-“Fall Out” Highlights
.5 [8098 viewers] [n/c]
From start to finish [-1680 viewers]
Time slot winner - what Memphis is watching?
Sonic/Babar 1.1 [17,007 viewers]
.6 [9718 viewers overall]
1st Quarter
-Precious vs Stunner
-Cryme vs Syn
.6 [9718 viewers]
2cnd Quarter
-Cryme vs Syn [finish]
-Tatt2 vs Suicide
.8 [12960 viewers] [+3242 viewers]
3rd Quarter
-Tatt2 vs Suicide [finish]
-FSA vs Malik/CA
.5 [8098 viewers] [-4862 viewers]
4th Quarter
-Psycho vs V-Man
-“Fall Out” Highlights
.5 [8098 viewers] [n/c]
From start to finish [-1680 viewers]
Time slot winner - what Memphis is watching?
Sonic/Babar 1.1 [17,007 viewers]
Thursday, October 08, 2009
(WGN) October 8: Wrestler busted with pain pills, Roddy Piper update, announcer getting married, new WWE signings, former ECW star in Hospital, Flair
Thursday October 8, 2009
Superstars tonight on WGN has Shelton Benjamin vs. Sheamus; Ted DiBiase vs. Evan Bourne; and The Hart Dynasty vs. Cryme Tyme.
Smackdown on Friday night has Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho in what was said to be a good match; Michelle McCool vs. Eve Torres; John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler with interesting results; R-Truth & Matt Hardy returning from main eventing four of the last six house shows vs. Drew McIntyre & Kane; and Batista vs. CM Punk.
Despite rumors to the contrary, Roddy Piper is not dying from terminal cancer. The rumor escalated from one wrestling website and took a life of it's own. Noelle Kim-Retes, Piper's agent, said that she talked to Piper the other day and he is doing fine. "He's been going at it without a break since he was a teenager and the doctors told him that he needed a rest." she said. The same website that reported Piper was dying later posted a "rumor killer" to kill the rumors they started.
Todd Grisham is getting married next weekend in Pennsylvania and will likely miss the Smackdown taping in Columbia, SC due to going on honeymoon.
WWE has signed Joe Gomez and Reon Mahima to developmental deals. I don't know anything about them other than they were students at the Afa Anoa'i wrestling school in Florida.
Umaga (Eddie Fatu) canceled out of a shoot interview taping with RFVideo.com because he said he was returning to WWE. Fatu was fired this past June for refusal to enter rehab following a Wellness Program
Kelly Kelly started back in the gym this week following a minor knee injury.
The creative team can breathe easy now because The Ultimate Fighter on Wednesday did a 2.2 rating, more than a full rating point behind Raw.
ECW on Tuesday night did a 1.1 rating.
A DVD on John Morrison is in the works for release in February.
The City of Pontiac, MI are trying to sell the Silverdome again. CNN Money has the story at http://tinyurl.com/yb46d76 noting the Stadium played host to Wrestlemania III in 1987. The reporter included the worked attendance record that WWE still claims to this day. A city official refused to give a valuation saying, "All of us will understand the value of the Pontiac Silverdome when the auction ends," and that
zoning regulations would be relaxed for any buyer in order to spark development. The city previously tried to sell the stadium for a reported price of $17.5 million, but the deal fell through.
The Hollywood Reporter at http://tinyurl.com/ykl8my7 has a story on the WWE Films movie Knucklehead, which was previously titled Sucker Punch, with Big Show, Melora Hardin, and Mark Feuerstein. Show plays a church handyman who was an orphan who agrees to wrestle on behalf of his fellow orphans. Filming began this week in New Orleans, according to the report.
A story on Steve Austin attending the West Ham soccer match in London last weekend at http://tinyurl.com/ycarznl. He said it was the first time in his life he watched a live game: "My first perception of soccer was just a bunch of guys kicking the ball around but when you get paid to do something, they are very good at it. Those guys are tough, it took me a while to realise just how intense the sport is."
James Guttman at www.clubwwi.com interviewed former WWF/WCW wrestler Paul Roma. He called Ted DiBiase a hypocrite for doing business again with Vince McMahon: "You mentioned (Ted) DiBiase and his son and all that. I guess probably like ten years ago, I had spoken to DiBiase, he was out of wrestling, and he became this reverend or whatever he became. So I called him up and we were talking and he goes, 'Yeah. Listen. I found a good place.' He says, 'I was a bad person when I was with Vince
(McMahon). I'll never go back to that again. He's evil. Blah, blah, blah.' And then, the next thing I know, this guy is working for Vince again. Like, you know, so at the end of the day it doesn't matter - wait let me rephrase that. At the end of the day, for Ted DiBiase, he can preach all he wants. He can talk about God all he wants. But his God is spelled M-O-N-E-Y."If he really believes and wanted to sell me what he was trying to sell me, he wouldn't be back with Vince. He wouldn't be
back with the devil."
Michelle McCool donated three signed 8x10s for Diva-Dirt.com's charity drive, 'Diva Dirt Gives Back'. All proceeds will be donated to Wrestler's Rescue & Susan G. Komen for the Cure. You can bid on items at http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdivadirtQQhtZ-1.
Paul Burchill turns 30, and The Miz turns 29 today.
Impact tonight on Spike has ODB vs. Tara for Knockouts title; Samoa Joe vs. Amazing Red for X title; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez for Legends title; Taylor Wilde, Sarita, Christy Hemme & Hamada vs. Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Alissa Flash & Traci Brooks; Suicide & Daniels vs. D'Angelo Dinero & Homicide; and the main event is Mick Foley & Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss.
Global Impact II follows Impact which was taped in January at the Tokyo Dome in Japan. This show has Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley vs. Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro for the IWGP Jr. tag titles that they won here and lost months ago; Team 3D vs. Togi Makabe & Toru Yano for the IWGP tag title that they also won here and lost months ago; and Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Masahiro Chono & Riki Choshu vs. Giant Bernard, Takashi Iizuka, Tomohiro Ishii & Karl Anderson.
SoCal Val, Lauren Brooke and The Beautiful People (including Angelina Love) are featured in the latest Muscle & Fitness magazine. A behind the scenes video is at http://tinyurl.com/ygohzlf.
The Bound for Glory Countdown special is airing on Ch. 101 on DirecTV. It's very well produced and worth checking out.
The latest TNA Today webshow with Jeremy Borash is online at http://tinyurl.com/yll3su8.
Slam Wrestling at http://tinyurl.com/yzw9rh8 has a story on Traci Brooks.
Michael Verdi, better known as Trent Acid on the indy circuit, was arrested last weekend in Philadelphia after he was found in possession of Percocet pills without a valid prescription. He told cops he was taking the pills for an injured wrist. He was released without having to pay bail and his next court date is scheduled for October 30. Verdi was jailed for nine months last year for violating his house arrest stemming from assault and drug charges. Percocet contains Oxycodone, which has
caused several wrestling deaths over the past few years, most notably Andrew "Test" Martin earlier this year.
HighSpots.com have finally put Ric Flair's NWA title belt up for sale and say they have a buyer to meet the asking price of $75,000. The only hold up on the sale is an undisclosed third party that is involved.
Rene Dupre at http://tinyurl.com/yhnrme8 gives Tammy "Sunny" Sytch a piece of his mind.
Lance Storm at http://tinyurl.com/yj79f9k has a new blog talking Wrestlemania, CM Punk, The Rock and more.
Dutch Mantell at http://theworldaccordingtodutch.blogspot.com/ has another new blog up, which is actually an entire chapter from his upcoming book, looking at some of the talent he has helped over the years. A very interesting read.
Ring of Honor wrestler Eddie Edwards underwent successful surgery to repair his broken elbow. ROH noted he has already begun physical
The NWS group sent out an email noting Sandman pulled out of their show on Saturday in Manville, NJ as he is in the hospital getting his knee scoped. NWS has contacted several ECW originals to replace him on the show. More info at www.nwswrestling.com.
Jeff Wilen's Jaw Breaker blog has a Q&A with Shannon Rose at http://tinyurl.com/yl4nvxw.
OK! magazine at http://tinyurl.com/yjry9sr has a story on celebrity homes up for sale, including Hulk Hogan's Bellaire mansion for $13.9 million.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any feedback or news tips email to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com
Thursday October 8, 2009
Superstars tonight on WGN has Shelton Benjamin vs. Sheamus; Ted DiBiase vs. Evan Bourne; and The Hart Dynasty vs. Cryme Tyme.
Smackdown on Friday night has Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho in what was said to be a good match; Michelle McCool vs. Eve Torres; John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler with interesting results; R-Truth & Matt Hardy returning from main eventing four of the last six house shows vs. Drew McIntyre & Kane; and Batista vs. CM Punk.
Despite rumors to the contrary, Roddy Piper is not dying from terminal cancer. The rumor escalated from one wrestling website and took a life of it's own. Noelle Kim-Retes, Piper's agent, said that she talked to Piper the other day and he is doing fine. "He's been going at it without a break since he was a teenager and the doctors told him that he needed a rest." she said. The same website that reported Piper was dying later posted a "rumor killer" to kill the rumors they started.
Todd Grisham is getting married next weekend in Pennsylvania and will likely miss the Smackdown taping in Columbia, SC due to going on honeymoon.
WWE has signed Joe Gomez and Reon Mahima to developmental deals. I don't know anything about them other than they were students at the Afa Anoa'i wrestling school in Florida.
Umaga (Eddie Fatu) canceled out of a shoot interview taping with RFVideo.com because he said he was returning to WWE. Fatu was fired this past June for refusal to enter rehab following a Wellness Program
Kelly Kelly started back in the gym this week following a minor knee injury.
The creative team can breathe easy now because The Ultimate Fighter on Wednesday did a 2.2 rating, more than a full rating point behind Raw.
ECW on Tuesday night did a 1.1 rating.
A DVD on John Morrison is in the works for release in February.
The City of Pontiac, MI are trying to sell the Silverdome again. CNN Money has the story at http://tinyurl.com/yb46d76 noting the Stadium played host to Wrestlemania III in 1987. The reporter included the worked attendance record that WWE still claims to this day. A city official refused to give a valuation saying, "All of us will understand the value of the Pontiac Silverdome when the auction ends," and that
zoning regulations would be relaxed for any buyer in order to spark development. The city previously tried to sell the stadium for a reported price of $17.5 million, but the deal fell through.
The Hollywood Reporter at http://tinyurl.com/ykl8my7 has a story on the WWE Films movie Knucklehead, which was previously titled Sucker Punch, with Big Show, Melora Hardin, and Mark Feuerstein. Show plays a church handyman who was an orphan who agrees to wrestle on behalf of his fellow orphans. Filming began this week in New Orleans, according to the report.
A story on Steve Austin attending the West Ham soccer match in London last weekend at http://tinyurl.com/ycarznl. He said it was the first time in his life he watched a live game: "My first perception of soccer was just a bunch of guys kicking the ball around but when you get paid to do something, they are very good at it. Those guys are tough, it took me a while to realise just how intense the sport is."
James Guttman at www.clubwwi.com interviewed former WWF/WCW wrestler Paul Roma. He called Ted DiBiase a hypocrite for doing business again with Vince McMahon: "You mentioned (Ted) DiBiase and his son and all that. I guess probably like ten years ago, I had spoken to DiBiase, he was out of wrestling, and he became this reverend or whatever he became. So I called him up and we were talking and he goes, 'Yeah. Listen. I found a good place.' He says, 'I was a bad person when I was with Vince
(McMahon). I'll never go back to that again. He's evil. Blah, blah, blah.' And then, the next thing I know, this guy is working for Vince again. Like, you know, so at the end of the day it doesn't matter - wait let me rephrase that. At the end of the day, for Ted DiBiase, he can preach all he wants. He can talk about God all he wants. But his God is spelled M-O-N-E-Y."If he really believes and wanted to sell me what he was trying to sell me, he wouldn't be back with Vince. He wouldn't be
back with the devil."
Michelle McCool donated three signed 8x10s for Diva-Dirt.com's charity drive, 'Diva Dirt Gives Back'. All proceeds will be donated to Wrestler's Rescue & Susan G. Komen for the Cure. You can bid on items at http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdivadirtQQhtZ-1.
Paul Burchill turns 30, and The Miz turns 29 today.
Impact tonight on Spike has ODB vs. Tara for Knockouts title; Samoa Joe vs. Amazing Red for X title; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez for Legends title; Taylor Wilde, Sarita, Christy Hemme & Hamada vs. Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Alissa Flash & Traci Brooks; Suicide & Daniels vs. D'Angelo Dinero & Homicide; and the main event is Mick Foley & Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss.
Global Impact II follows Impact which was taped in January at the Tokyo Dome in Japan. This show has Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley vs. Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro for the IWGP Jr. tag titles that they won here and lost months ago; Team 3D vs. Togi Makabe & Toru Yano for the IWGP tag title that they also won here and lost months ago; and Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Masahiro Chono & Riki Choshu vs. Giant Bernard, Takashi Iizuka, Tomohiro Ishii & Karl Anderson.
SoCal Val, Lauren Brooke and The Beautiful People (including Angelina Love) are featured in the latest Muscle & Fitness magazine. A behind the scenes video is at http://tinyurl.com/ygohzlf.
The Bound for Glory Countdown special is airing on Ch. 101 on DirecTV. It's very well produced and worth checking out.
The latest TNA Today webshow with Jeremy Borash is online at http://tinyurl.com/yll3su8.
Slam Wrestling at http://tinyurl.com/yzw9rh8 has a story on Traci Brooks.
Michael Verdi, better known as Trent Acid on the indy circuit, was arrested last weekend in Philadelphia after he was found in possession of Percocet pills without a valid prescription. He told cops he was taking the pills for an injured wrist. He was released without having to pay bail and his next court date is scheduled for October 30. Verdi was jailed for nine months last year for violating his house arrest stemming from assault and drug charges. Percocet contains Oxycodone, which has
caused several wrestling deaths over the past few years, most notably Andrew "Test" Martin earlier this year.
HighSpots.com have finally put Ric Flair's NWA title belt up for sale and say they have a buyer to meet the asking price of $75,000. The only hold up on the sale is an undisclosed third party that is involved.
Rene Dupre at http://tinyurl.com/yhnrme8 gives Tammy "Sunny" Sytch a piece of his mind.
Lance Storm at http://tinyurl.com/yj79f9k has a new blog talking Wrestlemania, CM Punk, The Rock and more.
Dutch Mantell at http://theworldaccordingtodutch.blogspot.com/ has another new blog up, which is actually an entire chapter from his upcoming book, looking at some of the talent he has helped over the years. A very interesting read.
Ring of Honor wrestler Eddie Edwards underwent successful surgery to repair his broken elbow. ROH noted he has already begun physical
The NWS group sent out an email noting Sandman pulled out of their show on Saturday in Manville, NJ as he is in the hospital getting his knee scoped. NWS has contacted several ECW originals to replace him on the show. More info at www.nwswrestling.com.
Jeff Wilen's Jaw Breaker blog has a Q&A with Shannon Rose at http://tinyurl.com/yl4nvxw.
OK! magazine at http://tinyurl.com/yjry9sr has a story on celebrity homes up for sale, including Hulk Hogan's Bellaire mansion for $13.9 million.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any feedback or news tips email to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com
IWA TV Report 10.03.09
----Thursday mornings look to be the time when I finally get to watch IWA TV, so try to stay tune every Thursday for IWA TV Report. Ratings will be posted tomorrow.

----Jason Hall and Eddie Spain open the show.
----Precious vs DJ Stunner opens up the show. Opened with move by move with each one going for a pin. Stunner in the shine with arm drags. Stunner with a standing shooting star. Stunner to the top turnbuckle and Precious knocks him off – looked sloppy. Precious with a flying legdrop from second turnbuckle. Precious in the heat. Dropkick from Precious. Punches in corner followed by “Stone Cold” stomps. Perfect psychology here. Precious with standing moonsault. Precious misses a legdrop from top rope. Near falls with Precious ending it with a Maple Leaf Back snapper.
----Syn vs Cryme. Cryme does an interview, but he does not even face the camera. Cryme slaps Syn and I think Jason Hall had an orgasm. Two dropkicks and two head scissors from Syn. Cryme to the floor and Syn hits him with Asai moonsault. Cryme hits a spinebuster to start heat. Cryme with sleeperhold. Cryme tries superplex, but Syn blocks it. Syn jumps from top turnbuckle to ropes for springboard moonsault for near fall. Near falls with a flying shooting star. Cryme trying for “Cryme-wave”, but Syn gets “sliced bread #2” for DKO. They battle for backslide and then Cryme hits “Crime-wave” [RKO] for finish. Good solid bout – sloppy in spots, but good psychology.
----Suicide [IWA Lightweight Champion] vs Tatt2. Cryme comes out to watch match. Good hold for hold to start it out. Tatt2 looks big against Suicide. Closeline into the corner from Suicide followed by a t-bone [Terrance Ward???] suplex. Tatt2 with springboard flying press. Not much in psychology here with face vs face bout. Just trading moves back and forth. Leapfrog spot messed up. Flying sidekick. Near falls building for finish. Roundhouse kicks from Tatt2. Springboard moonsault for near fall on Suicide. Got sloppy from Suicide. Tatt2 hits a headscissors followed by a “901” followed by a springboard frogsplash for the win. Not as good as it sounds, but a fun match.
----“Full Scale Assault” [Xander Raines & Jason Steele] vs Malik [I refused to call him "The Great"] & Carnage Antwane [US Champion from win at “Fall Out”] is next. Reno Diamond joined them at announcer’s desk. Raines with suplex on CA. Double team move – heat on CA. CA makes a comeback. I just couldn’t watch much more of this match – can you say?? NO PSYCHOLOGY!! Come’on guys!! Damn!! They ended up beating up Malik, [who got a hot tag, but CA was shitcanned] and pinning him. Not good.
----V-Man vs Psycho is the main event. Pappy is ringside. Trading punches. Single arm DDT with headbutt. V-Man with a bodyslam and legdrop. V-Man with a big dropkick – announcers had another orgasm. Very little psychology. Psycho cuts him off. Spinkick in the corner. Pappy chokes V-Man. V-Man misses a stinger splash and then Psycho hits a superkick. “Fall for Grace” for pin. DKO Psycho hits a closeline. Finish had Psycho use a chain for the win. “Asylum” beat up V-Man until Sniper makes save, and then Pappy is punished by “Bar-None”.
----Show ends with clips from “Fall Out”, but really needed announcing behind it telling all the results.
----Why do they not do some editing when guys mess up moves?...First match was good…Announcers talk about the World Title being decided in a 30 man battle royal. Why call anything a World Title?? Why have any title decided in a battle royal??..Syn and Stunner were selling injuries from “Fall Out”… Next big show for this group "Halloween Massacre" 10.30.09…C’Lo Banks is a good ref…Malik does the same moves as flying sidekicks and springboard moves that everyone else does, but other guys are smoother with them...V-Man is now in as a babyface with Sniper forming “Bar-None” after doing the heel Armageddon gimmick…They injured Pappy after the match because he needs time off for surgery – but that really made no sense – babys hurting heels and heel will come back for revenge??...First two matches were good, Tatt2 was fun and other stuff needed work.

----Jason Hall and Eddie Spain open the show.
----Precious vs DJ Stunner opens up the show. Opened with move by move with each one going for a pin. Stunner in the shine with arm drags. Stunner with a standing shooting star. Stunner to the top turnbuckle and Precious knocks him off – looked sloppy. Precious with a flying legdrop from second turnbuckle. Precious in the heat. Dropkick from Precious. Punches in corner followed by “Stone Cold” stomps. Perfect psychology here. Precious with standing moonsault. Precious misses a legdrop from top rope. Near falls with Precious ending it with a Maple Leaf Back snapper.
----Syn vs Cryme. Cryme does an interview, but he does not even face the camera. Cryme slaps Syn and I think Jason Hall had an orgasm. Two dropkicks and two head scissors from Syn. Cryme to the floor and Syn hits him with Asai moonsault. Cryme hits a spinebuster to start heat. Cryme with sleeperhold. Cryme tries superplex, but Syn blocks it. Syn jumps from top turnbuckle to ropes for springboard moonsault for near fall. Near falls with a flying shooting star. Cryme trying for “Cryme-wave”, but Syn gets “sliced bread #2” for DKO. They battle for backslide and then Cryme hits “Crime-wave” [RKO] for finish. Good solid bout – sloppy in spots, but good psychology.
----Suicide [IWA Lightweight Champion] vs Tatt2. Cryme comes out to watch match. Good hold for hold to start it out. Tatt2 looks big against Suicide. Closeline into the corner from Suicide followed by a t-bone [Terrance Ward???] suplex. Tatt2 with springboard flying press. Not much in psychology here with face vs face bout. Just trading moves back and forth. Leapfrog spot messed up. Flying sidekick. Near falls building for finish. Roundhouse kicks from Tatt2. Springboard moonsault for near fall on Suicide. Got sloppy from Suicide. Tatt2 hits a headscissors followed by a “901” followed by a springboard frogsplash for the win. Not as good as it sounds, but a fun match.
----“Full Scale Assault” [Xander Raines & Jason Steele] vs Malik [I refused to call him "The Great"] & Carnage Antwane [US Champion from win at “Fall Out”] is next. Reno Diamond joined them at announcer’s desk. Raines with suplex on CA. Double team move – heat on CA. CA makes a comeback. I just couldn’t watch much more of this match – can you say?? NO PSYCHOLOGY!! Come’on guys!! Damn!! They ended up beating up Malik, [who got a hot tag, but CA was shitcanned] and pinning him. Not good.
----V-Man vs Psycho is the main event. Pappy is ringside. Trading punches. Single arm DDT with headbutt. V-Man with a bodyslam and legdrop. V-Man with a big dropkick – announcers had another orgasm. Very little psychology. Psycho cuts him off. Spinkick in the corner. Pappy chokes V-Man. V-Man misses a stinger splash and then Psycho hits a superkick. “Fall for Grace” for pin. DKO Psycho hits a closeline. Finish had Psycho use a chain for the win. “Asylum” beat up V-Man until Sniper makes save, and then Pappy is punished by “Bar-None”.
----Show ends with clips from “Fall Out”, but really needed announcing behind it telling all the results.
----Why do they not do some editing when guys mess up moves?...First match was good…Announcers talk about the World Title being decided in a 30 man battle royal. Why call anything a World Title?? Why have any title decided in a battle royal??..Syn and Stunner were selling injuries from “Fall Out”… Next big show for this group "Halloween Massacre" 10.30.09…C’Lo Banks is a good ref…Malik does the same moves as flying sidekicks and springboard moves that everyone else does, but other guys are smoother with them...V-Man is now in as a babyface with Sniper forming “Bar-None” after doing the heel Armageddon gimmick…They injured Pappy after the match because he needs time off for surgery – but that really made no sense – babys hurting heels and heel will come back for revenge??...First two matches were good, Tatt2 was fun and other stuff needed work.
Shows for the Weekend 10.09 - 10.10.09
----CLICK HERE for regular scheduled events. Below are the two special shows for the weekend - RRO will be attending both shows - come out and join us!!
-Friday night for the NEW Anniversary Show with
Single elimination tournament for U.S. Jr. Heavyweight title.
First Round of the U.S. Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament, first round: Scott Fury Vs Mike Anthony, second round: Justin Smart Vs Austin Lane. Finals: Winners of round 1 and 2.
Six man tag: Dan Matthews-Kevin Charles-Josh Carney Vs Shawn Reed-Matt Justyce-Matt Riviera.
U.S. Jr. Heavyweight Title match: Winner of tournament Vs Eric Wayne(c)
NEW rules waived: Alan Steele Vs Kid Nikels
-Saturday night in Jackson, TN at West Middle School with Spellbinder, "Too Sexay" Brian Christopher, "Nature Boy" Kevin White, Albino Rhino, Maxx Corbin and more.
-Friday night for the NEW Anniversary Show with
Single elimination tournament for U.S. Jr. Heavyweight title.
First Round of the U.S. Jr. Heavyweight Title Tournament, first round: Scott Fury Vs Mike Anthony, second round: Justin Smart Vs Austin Lane. Finals: Winners of round 1 and 2.
Six man tag: Dan Matthews-Kevin Charles-Josh Carney Vs Shawn Reed-Matt Justyce-Matt Riviera.
U.S. Jr. Heavyweight Title match: Winner of tournament Vs Eric Wayne(c)
NEW rules waived: Alan Steele Vs Kid Nikels
-Saturday night in Jackson, TN at West Middle School with Spellbinder, "Too Sexay" Brian Christopher, "Nature Boy" Kevin White, Albino Rhino, Maxx Corbin and more.
Coach's Corner "...Just Saying" by Brian Tramel
----I know everyone has had their favorite catch phrase to say. I remember saying stuff like "burn", "boosh", "you can't touch this", "if it was up your ass you would know where it was", "did I say that outloud" and other things like that to the point of just pissing off people when I said them. It makes me just laugh when I hear them today. My favorite current saying is "just saying" after saying something that I want to be pronounced or laughed at. So, here we go with a few of my thoughts....just saying.
-Shouldn't the Golden Boy be the "Golden Man"?? Or Tejano Kid be "Tejano Man"?? ...just saying.
-I have been working on the first stages of a new book on ring rats. Should I include stories about guys being with guy rats? ..just saying.
-I like the NEW building and the show. ...just saying.
-I like watching Psycho and Tony Myers try to kill each other every once in a while. ...just saying.
-Rodney Mack and Jazz have the best dressing room in this area. How could you not get along with these two?? ...just saying.
-My favorite all time managers in the Memphis area - Downtown Bruno, Jimmy Cornette and Jimmy Hart. Will there ever be anyone that good around the ring & mic EVER again?? ...just saying.
-Jamie Jay wrote something on his Facebook last night about Sid Vicious being pissy with him. Why is it that all I could think about is Sid powerbombing Jay?? And during the powerbomb Jay still has his leg bandaged?? ...just saying.
-Why is it that when I put someone over, then they are my best friend? But, when I say one bad thing about them, then I have no idea what I am talking about?? ...just saying.
-Just because you won an RRO award last year, does that make you eligible to be nominated this year?? I mean that would be like nominating "The Posse" for tag team of the year. ...just saying
-Speaking of RRO awards, has anyone else noticed the "curse" on tag teams that win the award?? "Picture Perfect" [did not tag in area the year after winning],"The Posse" [tag only a few times the year after winning] and then "Black Label Society" [did they tag over two times this year??]. ...just saying.
-Why do people call IWA the "black" wrestling show?? If it had all white people on it, would they refer to it as the "white" wrestling show? ...just saying.
-if Dustin Starr is not ready for the WWE, the who is in this area? ...jus saying.
-I still love the Lord Humongous gimmick and I could care less if Gunnar Eudy is trained or not. He is playing the fuckin Humongous character - how much work does it take to do that?? ...just saying.
-If I was hiring two guys in this area to be a booker for my promotion it would be Brian Thompson and Blalok the Blazer. ...just saying.
-If you are a guy and wanted to date a girl wrestler - would you want to date the best worker or the best looking one?? ...just saying.
-Tatt2 has some really awesome tattoos. ...just saying.
-Seth Knight is one of the best bumping guys in this area. ...just saying.
-If a promotion believes in you enough to put a belt on you, you should drop the belt no matter what. ...just saying.
-If Motley Cruz and Precious tagged, could they call their team "Cruzin for Penis"? ...just saying.
-Is it bad that even though some promotions that work shows in Mississippi have to have good matches that I don't want to go because of the horseshit that I watched this summer? ...just saying.
-If JD Kerry does not win "Rookie of the Year", then who deserves it? ...just saying.
-If Cody Melton and Christian Jacobs don't get pushed up to the main event singles status, then who else should be in those spots?? ...just saying.
----Coach's Corner is a bi-weekly feature at RRO by Brian Tramel. Tramel was wrestling manager Coach BT in a former life with Coach's Corner being published on the internet during those days. He has since added it to RRO as his signature column.
-Shouldn't the Golden Boy be the "Golden Man"?? Or Tejano Kid be "Tejano Man"?? ...just saying.
-I have been working on the first stages of a new book on ring rats. Should I include stories about guys being with guy rats? ..just saying.
-I like the NEW building and the show. ...just saying.
-I like watching Psycho and Tony Myers try to kill each other every once in a while. ...just saying.
-Rodney Mack and Jazz have the best dressing room in this area. How could you not get along with these two?? ...just saying.
-My favorite all time managers in the Memphis area - Downtown Bruno, Jimmy Cornette and Jimmy Hart. Will there ever be anyone that good around the ring & mic EVER again?? ...just saying.
-Jamie Jay wrote something on his Facebook last night about Sid Vicious being pissy with him. Why is it that all I could think about is Sid powerbombing Jay?? And during the powerbomb Jay still has his leg bandaged?? ...just saying.
-Why is it that when I put someone over, then they are my best friend? But, when I say one bad thing about them, then I have no idea what I am talking about?? ...just saying.
-Just because you won an RRO award last year, does that make you eligible to be nominated this year?? I mean that would be like nominating "The Posse" for tag team of the year. ...just saying
-Speaking of RRO awards, has anyone else noticed the "curse" on tag teams that win the award?? "Picture Perfect" [did not tag in area the year after winning],"The Posse" [tag only a few times the year after winning] and then "Black Label Society" [did they tag over two times this year??]. ...just saying.
-Why do people call IWA the "black" wrestling show?? If it had all white people on it, would they refer to it as the "white" wrestling show? ...just saying.
-if Dustin Starr is not ready for the WWE, the who is in this area? ...jus saying.
-I still love the Lord Humongous gimmick and I could care less if Gunnar Eudy is trained or not. He is playing the fuckin Humongous character - how much work does it take to do that?? ...just saying.
-If I was hiring two guys in this area to be a booker for my promotion it would be Brian Thompson and Blalok the Blazer. ...just saying.
-If you are a guy and wanted to date a girl wrestler - would you want to date the best worker or the best looking one?? ...just saying.
-Tatt2 has some really awesome tattoos. ...just saying.
-Seth Knight is one of the best bumping guys in this area. ...just saying.
-If a promotion believes in you enough to put a belt on you, you should drop the belt no matter what. ...just saying.
-If Motley Cruz and Precious tagged, could they call their team "Cruzin for Penis"? ...just saying.
-Is it bad that even though some promotions that work shows in Mississippi have to have good matches that I don't want to go because of the horseshit that I watched this summer? ...just saying.
-If JD Kerry does not win "Rookie of the Year", then who deserves it? ...just saying.
-If Cody Melton and Christian Jacobs don't get pushed up to the main event singles status, then who else should be in those spots?? ...just saying.
----Coach's Corner is a bi-weekly feature at RRO by Brian Tramel. Tramel was wrestling manager Coach BT in a former life with Coach's Corner being published on the internet during those days. He has since added it to RRO as his signature column.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
(WGN) October 7: Steve Austin talks TNA, John Laurinaitis, RVD teases return, Booker T on the outs with TNA, weird Tammy Stych claim, Raw rating up, a
Wednesday October 7, 2009
10/6 ECW TV results from Trenton, NJ: Vladimir Kozlov & Ezekiel Jackson over Tommy Dreamer & Goldust; Yoshi Tatsu over William Regal; and Christian over Zack Ryder via DQ.
The Sun at http://tinyurl.com/y8eundn talked to Steve Austin who is over in the UK promoting his latest movie, Damage. He noted turning down recent approaches from WWE to guest host Raw and appear on the Decade of Smackdown special. He said after his Hall of Fame induction he wants any future appearances to mean something: "I really want to be judicious with my returns to the WWE as I want them to be really impactful and well-written - everyone knows how critical I am of creative!" On TNA, he said he wished them well and talked about how competition is good for business. He said Vince Russo occasionally had a good idea but always needed Vince McMahon watching over him, because "on his own he is no good". He also buried Ed Ferrera over the Oklahoma character in WCW.
Austin just filmed an episode of the NBC sitcom Chuck.
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista for the World title is scheduled for the Bragging Rights PPV.
Slim Jim will be the official sponsor for WrestleMania 26.
Either Michael Richards of Seinfeld fame or Andy Samberg from Saturday Night Live will guest host Raw on October 26 in Buffalo.
Actress/singer Lauren Mayhew debuted as the new ECW ring announcer. She had sang the National Anthem at the last two Smackdown tapings and is being groomed for the role by Justin Roberts.
Raw on Monday night did a 3.3 rating which they were pleased with up against the Packers-Vikings game, which did a 15.3 rating and over 21.8 million viewers, becoming the most watched show in the history of cable
Natalya is using her off days to help train the girls in developmental. Mia Mancini (Serena Deeb) is considered the standout out of the current crop and said to be light years ahead of the other girls.
WWE talent chief John Laurinaitis at http://tinyurl.com/y8kajpt gives advice to wrestling students about how to make it in the business. He noted being so busy he only visits his own developmental group about three times per year.
A kid broke their ankle diving to catch John Cena's hat that he tossed into the crowd during Raw in Wilkes-Barre. As the kid was taken out of the arena to an ambulance one of the WWE vendors gave his mom some free merchandise. Mission accomplished.
The Ultimate Warrior is now listed in the alumni section of WWE.com.
Rob Van Dam on his WWE Universe blog asked whether he should return to WWE or go to TNA.
Booker T was the subject of much gossip at the TV tapings, mostly due to his attitude during the European tour last weekend over the incident in Switzerland where he refused to wrestle. He told friends recently that he doesn't expect to continue with TNA beyond his current deal and mentioned going back to WWE. Jason Powell of www.prowrestling.net also reported last night that there was an issue on Tuesday where Booker was unhappy with the finish of a match with Matt Morgan, and the match never took place as a result.
Rhaka Khan is officially gone. No surprise there.
Don West has a new on-air role as the manager/cheerleader of Amazing Red.
Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean Waltman are supposed to be shooting a low budget movie next week in Louisville, KY. I believe it's called Death Match.
You can check out the DVD artwork for Kurt Angle's movie, River of Darkness at http://tinyurl.com/y9p5mpp. The film, out on DVD next year, stars Angle as the hero small town Sheriff hunting down two evil Zombies - Kevin Nash and Sid Eudy.
Nashville Mayor Karl Dean has decided to close down the Tennessee State Fairgrounds, site of the former TNA Asylum. Mayor Dean said he plans to redevelop the area beginning next summer. Story is at http://tinyurl.com/yaofgpl. (Thanks to Devin Cutting)
TNA staffer Ross Foreman updated his blog at http://rossruns.blogspot.com/ talking about life on the road and running a marathon in Chicago this weekend.
Mick Foley joked on his blog that he took Awesome Kong as his date to a Tori Amos concert in Dusseldorf last weekend while the crew toured Germany. He wrote: "I know there are rumors circulating around that I sang a German love song to Kong after the show in Hannover in an attempt to woo her away from Brother Devon, with whom she had shared an extended lip lock during the main event match-up. And I know that, in an attempt to heal my emotional pain, Ms Velvet Sky engaged me in a spirited game
of "motorboat" and that I declared undying love to each of her breasts. BUT OTHER THAN THAT; i BELIEVE MY BEHAVIOR ON THIS TRIP HAS BEEN EXEMPLARY. I hope some of you get reports about the main event in Hannover, because it truly was one of the most fun matches I've been involved with."
Free autograph signings were announced to push Bound For Glory on campus at UC-Irvine: Knockout Traci Brooks and World Elite superstar Brutus Magnus will be appearing together on campus Monday, Oct. 12, for a one-hour signing starting at 1pm... Los Angeles legend Daniels and Tara will be on campus Thursday, Oct. 15, for a one-hour signing starting at 1pm... Then, on Friday, Oct. 16, TNA superstars Brother D-Von and Velvet Sky will be signing autographs, starting at 12 noon. Locations are the Student Center Ring Mall, directly in front of Starbucks, and Humanities Ring Mall, directly in front of HIB 100.
Today is the eighth anniversary of the passing of "Gentleman" Chris Adams. He became one of the most loved (and hated) wrestlers during the glory years of World Class in Dallas and was responsible for training the biggest money draw in the history of the business, Steve Austin. He also popularized the superkick finisher still used today by Shawn Michaels and others. Film maker Mickey Grant produced a very well done
documentary about Adams' life several years ago. You can find out more at http://gentleman.eyesoda.com/.
Juan Rafael Rodriquez Mamani who worked as Ghenghis Khan for Titanes en el Ring died this week from liver cancer in Argentina. He was 69. He worked for Titanes and Lucha Fuerta in Argentina, and the Super Catch promotion of Paraguay. (Thanks to Marvin Joel Rubin)
Dr. Death Steve Williams sent out an email last night noting his cancer has returned. He said he recently underwent chemo and an experimental pill called Sorafenib, but he suffered some side effects, and neither worked. He wrote: "We are going to beat this as you all know, I beat once I'll do it again. God has the last say on this and I have much work to do for him so please pray for me it work. You are welcome to pass this on. Just let everyone know the Doc with the best tag partner God we will have the 1 2 3."
Tammy "Sunny" Sytch was on her Facebook again yesterday claiming a TNA Knockout was pregnant. She later retracted the statement saying she wrote it for fun to trick wrestling websites. A really weird way to get yourself noticed, and to alienate yourself from another major wrestling
On a related note, today after she found out that Sytch had threatened Lacey Von Erich with harm in another post, Dawn Marie sent out the following statement regarding the Wrestler's Rescue cruise next year: Wrestler's Rescue is positive the talent in question will act professional in our upcoming cruise. I am confident the talent in question will act professional, and I will accept nothing but
professionalism on the Wrestlers Rescue Cruise ‘Slam On The High Seas’ that will depart on July 26, 2010 departing from Tampa, FL, and return on July 31, 2010. For more information (including activities, appearances, etc.), please visit http://www.wrestlersrescue.org.
Hulk Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/yaf4d32 released a new promo for his Hulkamania tour. During the promo he calls Ric Flair a "14-time world heavyweight champion" I guess ignoring his two WWF title reigns. Actually the real number would be between 18 and 22 depending on the source.
Flair appeared at the North Carolina Seafood Festival in Morehead City this past weekend promoting his lottery card.
Kevin Thorn is interviewed at www.InYourHeadOnline.com.
The AIW group runs an all-girl show Saturday in Cleveland, OH at McCarthys Downtown with Sara Del Ray, Jennifer Blake, Jessika Havoc, Allison Wonderland, Roxie Cotton, Brooke Carter and "Super Oprah". More info at www.AIWrestling.com.
Jerry Lynn is working the NSF event in Temple, TX on October 17.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any feedback or news tips email to:
Wednesday October 7, 2009
10/6 ECW TV results from Trenton, NJ: Vladimir Kozlov & Ezekiel Jackson over Tommy Dreamer & Goldust; Yoshi Tatsu over William Regal; and Christian over Zack Ryder via DQ.
The Sun at http://tinyurl.com/y8eundn talked to Steve Austin who is over in the UK promoting his latest movie, Damage. He noted turning down recent approaches from WWE to guest host Raw and appear on the Decade of Smackdown special. He said after his Hall of Fame induction he wants any future appearances to mean something: "I really want to be judicious with my returns to the WWE as I want them to be really impactful and well-written - everyone knows how critical I am of creative!" On TNA, he said he wished them well and talked about how competition is good for business. He said Vince Russo occasionally had a good idea but always needed Vince McMahon watching over him, because "on his own he is no good". He also buried Ed Ferrera over the Oklahoma character in WCW.
Austin just filmed an episode of the NBC sitcom Chuck.
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista for the World title is scheduled for the Bragging Rights PPV.
Slim Jim will be the official sponsor for WrestleMania 26.
Either Michael Richards of Seinfeld fame or Andy Samberg from Saturday Night Live will guest host Raw on October 26 in Buffalo.
Actress/singer Lauren Mayhew debuted as the new ECW ring announcer. She had sang the National Anthem at the last two Smackdown tapings and is being groomed for the role by Justin Roberts.
Raw on Monday night did a 3.3 rating which they were pleased with up against the Packers-Vikings game, which did a 15.3 rating and over 21.8 million viewers, becoming the most watched show in the history of cable
Natalya is using her off days to help train the girls in developmental. Mia Mancini (Serena Deeb) is considered the standout out of the current crop and said to be light years ahead of the other girls.
WWE talent chief John Laurinaitis at http://tinyurl.com/y8kajpt gives advice to wrestling students about how to make it in the business. He noted being so busy he only visits his own developmental group about three times per year.
A kid broke their ankle diving to catch John Cena's hat that he tossed into the crowd during Raw in Wilkes-Barre. As the kid was taken out of the arena to an ambulance one of the WWE vendors gave his mom some free merchandise. Mission accomplished.
The Ultimate Warrior is now listed in the alumni section of WWE.com.
Rob Van Dam on his WWE Universe blog asked whether he should return to WWE or go to TNA.
Booker T was the subject of much gossip at the TV tapings, mostly due to his attitude during the European tour last weekend over the incident in Switzerland where he refused to wrestle. He told friends recently that he doesn't expect to continue with TNA beyond his current deal and mentioned going back to WWE. Jason Powell of www.prowrestling.net also reported last night that there was an issue on Tuesday where Booker was unhappy with the finish of a match with Matt Morgan, and the match never took place as a result.
Rhaka Khan is officially gone. No surprise there.
Don West has a new on-air role as the manager/cheerleader of Amazing Red.
Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean Waltman are supposed to be shooting a low budget movie next week in Louisville, KY. I believe it's called Death Match.
You can check out the DVD artwork for Kurt Angle's movie, River of Darkness at http://tinyurl.com/y9p5mpp. The film, out on DVD next year, stars Angle as the hero small town Sheriff hunting down two evil Zombies - Kevin Nash and Sid Eudy.
Nashville Mayor Karl Dean has decided to close down the Tennessee State Fairgrounds, site of the former TNA Asylum. Mayor Dean said he plans to redevelop the area beginning next summer. Story is at http://tinyurl.com/yaofgpl. (Thanks to Devin Cutting)
TNA staffer Ross Foreman updated his blog at http://rossruns.blogspot.com/ talking about life on the road and running a marathon in Chicago this weekend.
Mick Foley joked on his blog that he took Awesome Kong as his date to a Tori Amos concert in Dusseldorf last weekend while the crew toured Germany. He wrote: "I know there are rumors circulating around that I sang a German love song to Kong after the show in Hannover in an attempt to woo her away from Brother Devon, with whom she had shared an extended lip lock during the main event match-up. And I know that, in an attempt to heal my emotional pain, Ms Velvet Sky engaged me in a spirited game
of "motorboat" and that I declared undying love to each of her breasts. BUT OTHER THAN THAT; i BELIEVE MY BEHAVIOR ON THIS TRIP HAS BEEN EXEMPLARY. I hope some of you get reports about the main event in Hannover, because it truly was one of the most fun matches I've been involved with."
Free autograph signings were announced to push Bound For Glory on campus at UC-Irvine: Knockout Traci Brooks and World Elite superstar Brutus Magnus will be appearing together on campus Monday, Oct. 12, for a one-hour signing starting at 1pm... Los Angeles legend Daniels and Tara will be on campus Thursday, Oct. 15, for a one-hour signing starting at 1pm... Then, on Friday, Oct. 16, TNA superstars Brother D-Von and Velvet Sky will be signing autographs, starting at 12 noon. Locations are the Student Center Ring Mall, directly in front of Starbucks, and Humanities Ring Mall, directly in front of HIB 100.
Today is the eighth anniversary of the passing of "Gentleman" Chris Adams. He became one of the most loved (and hated) wrestlers during the glory years of World Class in Dallas and was responsible for training the biggest money draw in the history of the business, Steve Austin. He also popularized the superkick finisher still used today by Shawn Michaels and others. Film maker Mickey Grant produced a very well done
documentary about Adams' life several years ago. You can find out more at http://gentleman.eyesoda.com/.
Juan Rafael Rodriquez Mamani who worked as Ghenghis Khan for Titanes en el Ring died this week from liver cancer in Argentina. He was 69. He worked for Titanes and Lucha Fuerta in Argentina, and the Super Catch promotion of Paraguay. (Thanks to Marvin Joel Rubin)
Dr. Death Steve Williams sent out an email last night noting his cancer has returned. He said he recently underwent chemo and an experimental pill called Sorafenib, but he suffered some side effects, and neither worked. He wrote: "We are going to beat this as you all know, I beat once I'll do it again. God has the last say on this and I have much work to do for him so please pray for me it work. You are welcome to pass this on. Just let everyone know the Doc with the best tag partner God we will have the 1 2 3."
Tammy "Sunny" Sytch was on her Facebook again yesterday claiming a TNA Knockout was pregnant. She later retracted the statement saying she wrote it for fun to trick wrestling websites. A really weird way to get yourself noticed, and to alienate yourself from another major wrestling
On a related note, today after she found out that Sytch had threatened Lacey Von Erich with harm in another post, Dawn Marie sent out the following statement regarding the Wrestler's Rescue cruise next year: Wrestler's Rescue is positive the talent in question will act professional in our upcoming cruise. I am confident the talent in question will act professional, and I will accept nothing but
professionalism on the Wrestlers Rescue Cruise ‘Slam On The High Seas’ that will depart on July 26, 2010 departing from Tampa, FL, and return on July 31, 2010. For more information (including activities, appearances, etc.), please visit http://www.wrestlersrescue.org.
Hulk Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/yaf4d32 released a new promo for his Hulkamania tour. During the promo he calls Ric Flair a "14-time world heavyweight champion" I guess ignoring his two WWF title reigns. Actually the real number would be between 18 and 22 depending on the source.
Flair appeared at the North Carolina Seafood Festival in Morehead City this past weekend promoting his lottery card.
Kevin Thorn is interviewed at www.InYourHeadOnline.com.
The AIW group runs an all-girl show Saturday in Cleveland, OH at McCarthys Downtown with Sara Del Ray, Jennifer Blake, Jessika Havoc, Allison Wonderland, Roxie Cotton, Brooke Carter and "Super Oprah". More info at www.AIWrestling.com.
Jerry Lynn is working the NSF event in Temple, TX on October 17.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any feedback or news tips email to:
Matt Riviera - CRIBS!!
----This was posted on Facebook by my friend Shannon Rose. Take a lesson guys - this guy knows how to get himself OVER!! This is so funny and great on so many levels.
Dutch Mantell's Blog!!

----CLICK HERE to go to the new blog by Memphis legend Dutch Mantell. I have known Mantell for many years. The photo was taken above in April, 1989 and is a good side note to Mantell's new blog post. He talks about the Undertaker and his talks. I actually sit thru a few of those after Jonesboro shows with Mantell telling Mark what he did right or wrong. Mantell, who I consider one of my mentors in this business, was one of the first guys to ever say to me, "Kid, if you come back in the dressing room - just say hi to everyone and keep your mouth shut & listen."
Mama Says It Beees That Way Sometimes "The Fans" by “Downtown” Bruno Lauer
This time around I'd like to thank the die-hard - tried and true - faithful audience members who us at NEW with their appearance each and every week. Not to slight any of the fans of NEW whose names I don't know or whom I haven't been fortunate enough to get to know personally, but these particular fans are the back bone at NEW. I would like to thank them for their undying support -
-Danny Grice and his lovely daughter are not only wrestling fans in general and NEW fans in particular, but have also become personal friends. They have been to my house for dinner and I welcome them back anytime. They have traveled with me to my XOW bookings and even to the WWE at the Fedex Forum. And, they can do that again too anytime they would want to do it.
-Robert Walker and his family are fantastic audience members, even though they give me a really hard time every week. Weasel - I will TRY not to stand in front of you while I referee!!
-Donna Partee has been taking pictures ever since day ONE at NEW - many of which have appeared on the is great website.
-Mayor Gene Alday of Walls, MS, Phillip Winters of Wall and my uncle Larry Billings of Walls. They are my crew!! They have enjoyed NEW for the entire duration and continue to do so whenever they are able!!
-Thanks to Brian Tramel for attending when he can and thanks to all to who I haven't mentioned. Keep on supporting us and we will keep doing our best to excite and entertain on and all.
----“Downtown” Bruno Lauer is a legend in Memphis Wrestling. He surprised everyone last year winning RRO Referee of the Year 2008 from his work at NEW. He appears bi-weekly with his non controversial column. Lauer had his biography published last year “Wrestling with The Truth” and can be purchased at www.crowbarpress.com. Lauer is also currently employed by the WWE.
-Danny Grice and his lovely daughter are not only wrestling fans in general and NEW fans in particular, but have also become personal friends. They have been to my house for dinner and I welcome them back anytime. They have traveled with me to my XOW bookings and even to the WWE at the Fedex Forum. And, they can do that again too anytime they would want to do it.
-Robert Walker and his family are fantastic audience members, even though they give me a really hard time every week. Weasel - I will TRY not to stand in front of you while I referee!!
-Donna Partee has been taking pictures ever since day ONE at NEW - many of which have appeared on the is great website.
-Mayor Gene Alday of Walls, MS, Phillip Winters of Wall and my uncle Larry Billings of Walls. They are my crew!! They have enjoyed NEW for the entire duration and continue to do so whenever they are able!!
-Thanks to Brian Tramel for attending when he can and thanks to all to who I haven't mentioned. Keep on supporting us and we will keep doing our best to excite and entertain on and all.
----“Downtown” Bruno Lauer is a legend in Memphis Wrestling. He surprised everyone last year winning RRO Referee of the Year 2008 from his work at NEW. He appears bi-weekly with his non controversial column. Lauer had his biography published last year “Wrestling with The Truth” and can be purchased at www.crowbarpress.com. Lauer is also currently employed by the WWE.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
The Christian Jacobs Spear!!!
----This is from DCW on Friday night. CJ spears X-Kailbur and Idol Bane.
Video by Lily Winningham
Video by Lily Winningham
All Girls Photo Gallery by Kayte Tramel
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 10.03.09
Morgan Williams vs Tommy Wayne

Our show would start as is does every week with local kids holding the flag during the playing of our National Anthem.
1st Match: One Fall Non-Title Match
Tommy Wayne (X-Division Champion) vs Morgan Williams
Winner: Morgan Williams
Morgan would pin Tommy after Tommy tried to hit Morgan in the head with the X-Division belt. He would get a Muscle Cutter for his trouble.
2nd Match: One Fall
Joshua Cross vs David Cox
Winner: No Contest
Both would be counted out after David Cox would drag Cross to the outside and behind beating the heck out of Cross.
3rd Match: One Fall Non-Title Match
X-Kaliber (European Champion)vs Mark Wolfe
Winner: Mark Wolfe
Tommy Wayne would rush to the ring while the referee was distracted by Athena Eclipse and hit Wolf in the head with the X-Division belt. Morgan Williams would come to Wolf's aid and deliever another Muscle Cutter this time to X-Kaliber. Mark would roll over and pin X-Kaliber for the win.
4th Match: One Fall
Seth Sabor vs Vinny Ramano
Winner: Seth Sabor
Both would be equally match but Sabor would land his finish in the end and take home the victory with a pinfall.
5th Match: ASWF Tag Team Title Match
CM2 (Cason McClain & Cody Murdoch) vs Chuck Fears & Christopher Lee
Winner: Chuck Fears & Christopher Lee
Fears and Lee would try their best to win this match fair and square. But CM2 didn't want that to happen> Cody Murdoch would then hit the referee in the last part of the match to get CM2 disqualified but they would still retain their title.
6th Match: ASWF Title Match
Deadly Dale vs Demon X
Winner: Demon X
Demon X would need the help of Johnny Hawk to make sure that he remained Champion. Hawk would take advatage of the referee being distracted by Demon X to hit Dale in the throat with a metal object. Demon X would then win the match via pinfall.
7th Match: One Fall
Scott Fury vs Ron Rage
Winner: Ron Rage
After weeks of trying to find Scott Fury he would. Ron Rage would dominate this match and win by pinfall after a devestating blow.
8th Match: Tag Team Match
Midnight Gold (Greg Anthony & Bobby Eaton w/ Brian Thompson) vs LSD (Cody Only & Idol Bane)
Winner: LSD
Midnight Gold would do everything in their power to remain top dog in this match. But good would prevail as Idol would take control and pin Bobby Eaton for the win.
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlngnewscenter.com
Photo by: Lily Winningham
----I heard a little over 100 people at the show...CLICK HERE as T-Bone posted some videos from ASWF.

Our show would start as is does every week with local kids holding the flag during the playing of our National Anthem.
1st Match: One Fall Non-Title Match
Tommy Wayne (X-Division Champion) vs Morgan Williams
Winner: Morgan Williams
Morgan would pin Tommy after Tommy tried to hit Morgan in the head with the X-Division belt. He would get a Muscle Cutter for his trouble.
2nd Match: One Fall
Joshua Cross vs David Cox
Winner: No Contest
Both would be counted out after David Cox would drag Cross to the outside and behind beating the heck out of Cross.
3rd Match: One Fall Non-Title Match
X-Kaliber (European Champion)vs Mark Wolfe
Winner: Mark Wolfe
Tommy Wayne would rush to the ring while the referee was distracted by Athena Eclipse and hit Wolf in the head with the X-Division belt. Morgan Williams would come to Wolf's aid and deliever another Muscle Cutter this time to X-Kaliber. Mark would roll over and pin X-Kaliber for the win.
4th Match: One Fall
Seth Sabor vs Vinny Ramano
Winner: Seth Sabor
Both would be equally match but Sabor would land his finish in the end and take home the victory with a pinfall.
5th Match: ASWF Tag Team Title Match
CM2 (Cason McClain & Cody Murdoch) vs Chuck Fears & Christopher Lee
Winner: Chuck Fears & Christopher Lee
Fears and Lee would try their best to win this match fair and square. But CM2 didn't want that to happen> Cody Murdoch would then hit the referee in the last part of the match to get CM2 disqualified but they would still retain their title.
6th Match: ASWF Title Match
Deadly Dale vs Demon X
Winner: Demon X
Demon X would need the help of Johnny Hawk to make sure that he remained Champion. Hawk would take advatage of the referee being distracted by Demon X to hit Dale in the throat with a metal object. Demon X would then win the match via pinfall.
7th Match: One Fall
Scott Fury vs Ron Rage
Winner: Ron Rage
After weeks of trying to find Scott Fury he would. Ron Rage would dominate this match and win by pinfall after a devestating blow.
8th Match: Tag Team Match
Midnight Gold (Greg Anthony & Bobby Eaton w/ Brian Thompson) vs LSD (Cody Only & Idol Bane)
Winner: LSD
Midnight Gold would do everything in their power to remain top dog in this match. But good would prevail as Idol would take control and pin Bobby Eaton for the win.
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlngnewscenter.com
Photo by: Lily Winningham
----I heard a little over 100 people at the show...CLICK HERE as T-Bone posted some videos from ASWF.
RassleResult.s: NEW West Memphis, AR 10.02.09
Tonight's show would be the last before the 1 Year Anniversary and Show 50 of NEW. Tonight's referee would be Chuck Poe and Announcer's John Steele and T-Bone Terrence Ward.
Before things would get kicked off, T-Bone would take to the ring with NEW Owner Ken Wayne, Josh Carney, and Alan Steele. T-Bone would go on to say that over the last couple of weeks that Carney had been targeted to get to Kid Nikels. Carney would state that he was tired of it and wanted a match against him tonight. Alan would reply, are you kidding me he has just signed his death warrant. Ken Wayne would make the match for later tonight but would add a stipulation to make things fair. In order for Steele to win he had to get a 1, 2, 3. In order for Carney all he would need is a 1, 2. Steele would be outraged but leave ring to prepare for his match later tonight.
Tonight's first match would be the first round elimination tag match for the US JR Heavyweight Title. Scott Fury vs Matt Justyce vs Dan Matthews vs Justin Smart. Fury and Matthews would start off this first round elimination. Dan would start off excellent and in control. During the heat of the battle, Dan would tag in Matt Justyce to take over. Fury would then tag in Justin Smart. The two would show off their excellent ring presence. However, to Matt's surprise he would be eliminated by Smart. Dan would then come to finish what he started last week, destroying Smart's knee. Smart would suffer for a while until he would outsmart Matthews and roll him up for a pin, eliminating Matthews. Just when Smart seemed to be on a roll he would be eliminated by Scott Fury. (Note: Fury and Smart would continue to next weeks tournament.)
Time: 9:05
Our next match would be the second round and just as hot. Austin Lane vs Mike Anthony vs Kolby Stern vs Kevin Charles. Austin and Stern would start off this bout on a fast pace. Stern would unfortunately worry more about his dance moves than Austin which would results in a slap in the face hear around the world. After Stern lost his senses Austin would tag in Mike to take over. Mike would take his turn dishing out some punishment against Stern but would tag in Charles to finish the job. Charles would plant his finisher the C4 and get the pin. Anthony would roll Charles up while he was distracted and eliminate him as well. And then there were two. Austin and Mike would fight tooth and nail for the better seat in the tournament for the title. Austin would prevail with a new signature submission that would make The Machine Mike Anthony tap out.
Time: 7:55
Our third match tonight was scheduled for one fall and a non-title match. Shawn Reed would take on the US JR Heavyweight Champion, 3G Eric Wayne. Reed had stated before the match that this would be their first match since his return. He also stated to Wayne that last time they fought he was the undefeated Eric Wayne, now he is just Eric Wayne. Reed would start off fantastic against the reining champion. Don't give your hopes up yet 3G would counter and put him in to submission and make Reed tap out.
Time: 4:40
Tonight's Main Event would not be for the faint of heart. Alan Steele would dominate this match, mainly to do with his size. This was a real life battle of David vs Goliath. It would seem that smaller Josh Carney would lose this match, but Kid Nikels would distract Steele as he was about to use his finisher on Carney. Carney would take advantage of the situation and roll Steele up for the 1, 2 victory.
Time: 5:30
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Before things would get kicked off, T-Bone would take to the ring with NEW Owner Ken Wayne, Josh Carney, and Alan Steele. T-Bone would go on to say that over the last couple of weeks that Carney had been targeted to get to Kid Nikels. Carney would state that he was tired of it and wanted a match against him tonight. Alan would reply, are you kidding me he has just signed his death warrant. Ken Wayne would make the match for later tonight but would add a stipulation to make things fair. In order for Steele to win he had to get a 1, 2, 3. In order for Carney all he would need is a 1, 2. Steele would be outraged but leave ring to prepare for his match later tonight.
Tonight's first match would be the first round elimination tag match for the US JR Heavyweight Title. Scott Fury vs Matt Justyce vs Dan Matthews vs Justin Smart. Fury and Matthews would start off this first round elimination. Dan would start off excellent and in control. During the heat of the battle, Dan would tag in Matt Justyce to take over. Fury would then tag in Justin Smart. The two would show off their excellent ring presence. However, to Matt's surprise he would be eliminated by Smart. Dan would then come to finish what he started last week, destroying Smart's knee. Smart would suffer for a while until he would outsmart Matthews and roll him up for a pin, eliminating Matthews. Just when Smart seemed to be on a roll he would be eliminated by Scott Fury. (Note: Fury and Smart would continue to next weeks tournament.)
Time: 9:05
Our next match would be the second round and just as hot. Austin Lane vs Mike Anthony vs Kolby Stern vs Kevin Charles. Austin and Stern would start off this bout on a fast pace. Stern would unfortunately worry more about his dance moves than Austin which would results in a slap in the face hear around the world. After Stern lost his senses Austin would tag in Mike to take over. Mike would take his turn dishing out some punishment against Stern but would tag in Charles to finish the job. Charles would plant his finisher the C4 and get the pin. Anthony would roll Charles up while he was distracted and eliminate him as well. And then there were two. Austin and Mike would fight tooth and nail for the better seat in the tournament for the title. Austin would prevail with a new signature submission that would make The Machine Mike Anthony tap out.
Time: 7:55
Our third match tonight was scheduled for one fall and a non-title match. Shawn Reed would take on the US JR Heavyweight Champion, 3G Eric Wayne. Reed had stated before the match that this would be their first match since his return. He also stated to Wayne that last time they fought he was the undefeated Eric Wayne, now he is just Eric Wayne. Reed would start off fantastic against the reining champion. Don't give your hopes up yet 3G would counter and put him in to submission and make Reed tap out.
Time: 4:40
Tonight's Main Event would not be for the faint of heart. Alan Steele would dominate this match, mainly to do with his size. This was a real life battle of David vs Goliath. It would seem that smaller Josh Carney would lose this match, but Kid Nikels would distract Steele as he was about to use his finisher on Carney. Carney would take advantage of the situation and roll Steele up for the 1, 2 victory.
Time: 5:30
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
(WGN) October 6: Orton vs. Cena, Jim Ross note, Sytch rips TNA Knockout, Superstar Graham update, Sammartino, Flair, and much more...
Tuesday October 6, 2009
10/5 Raw TV results from Wilkes-Barre, PA: Jack Swagger over Primo Colon; MVP & Mark Henry over Chris Masters & Chavo Guerrero; The Miz over Kofi Kingston to capture the U.S. title, and DX over Jeri-Show. Dark match was Jamie Noble over Heath Slater from developmental.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are today in Trenton, NJ.
Randy Orton vs. John Cena in a 60-minute Iron Man match for the WWE title was announced for the October 25 Bragging Rights PPV in Pittsburgh. The stipulation is no disqualification, no count out and if Orton retains Cena must leave Raw and go to either ECW or Smackdown. I don't know for sure, but there is a valid reason why he would disappear as he is shooting a new movie in December for WWE Studios. He still made TV tapings when he did The Marine and 12 Rounds.
Legacy didn't appear on Raw last night but Ted DiBiase Jr. taped a match for Superstars.
WWE got their SportsCenter moment last night when ESPN aired Ben Roethlisberger and his team mates doing the crotch chop with DX.
Nancy O'Dell and Maria Menounos of Access Hollywood will guest host Raw next week in Indianapolis.
The latest WWE KPI's showed live attendance during July and August in North America averaged 5,500 an increase from 5,300 in 2008, and overseas average attendance was 10,000 an increase from 6,600 although it should be noted they ran less events this year than in 08. SummerSlam did an estimated 375,000 buys which may not yet have included data from International markets. SummerSlam in 08 did approximately 500,00 buys.
Total number of DVD units sold in July and August was 561,000 with Wrestlemania 25 the biggest seller with 203,000 units sold. Internet traffic on WWE.com showed declines compared with 08 as did online merchandise sales.
The WWE Shop website has a 15 percent sale on replica title belts right now. I assume the purpose is to clear stock before they introduce new belts.
An update on Gail Kim is that she may have ruptured an implant, which would explain her absence for the last couple of weeks. One source confirmed the story while others when asked didn't know for sure. Gail returned last night as the referee in the Diva Bowl.
Ricky Steamboat did an interview with Bill Apter and said he would love to work a program with Ric Flair. "I think it would perk up a lot of people," he said. "I would certainly love to do it, I know [Ric] would too." He added that he thought his best matches with Flair took place at Crockett spot shows in Greenville during the late 80s that were never taped or televised. He actually said they blew away some of the more famous matches, which is saying something.
Matt Hardy appears on Scare Tactics on October 13 on SyFy. Hardy will play "a violent criminal who breaks out of his physical and mental restraints to go after an innocent doctor’s assistant," according to TV listings.
Jim Ross on www.jrsbarbq.com noted that the Dinner Impossible episode he shot at SummerSlam will air on The Food Network on November 11: "I want to make it clear that I did NOT burn the chicken! That was a joke. Working on this show was a blast and I hope that you will check it out. Chef Robert Irvine and his crew are cool dudes and know their stuff. I did make some mean BBQ sauce if I do say so myself. No, I wasn't allowed to use JR's Original BBQ Sauce due to legal mumbo jumbo."
Ross also noted on his Q&A that he asked to be excused from the Smackdown tour next week in Kentucky due to a family function. He said it was the first time he has requested a day off in 16 years. Should that be the case he would likely do voice over work before the show airs
next Friday night.
The final Smackdown/ECW taping of 2009 is advertised in the New York city area for December 29 at the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, NJ.
This is the early promotional poster for Wrestlemania 26 in Glendale, AZ pushing tickets going on sale November 7: http://tinyurl.com/ycznfbx
Another great article on the Slam Wrestling website at http://tinyurl.com/y96ufkv looking at gimmicks in wrestling with quotes from Lanny Poffo.
Superstar Billy Graham is about to relocate from Phoenix, where he lived most of his life, to West Palm Beach, FL to be near his daughter. He said he plans to take her to the TNA Turning Point PPV on November 15 in Orlando.
Matt Morgan confirmed a new five-year deal on his Twitter. He said he signed the contract last week and was surprised anyone would know about it. AJ Styles is currently in the second year of a contract so he didn't sign a new deal just yet.
Former WWE valet Tammy "Sunny" Sytch launched a childish attack on Lacey Von Erich via her Facebook page. She talked about Lacey's TNA debut saying "she sucked" and described Lacey as a "disrespectful ignorant b**ch" who "walks around shows and conventions like she's the second coming of Christ." She also threatened to "knock the b**ch out" if their paths ever cross, and posted a distasteful statement which we won't post here joking about the deaths of Lacey's father and family members. I am
not sure what prompted this outburst, other than the weird wrestling mentality of being mad at someone for having a job, but even some of Tammy's friends said they were shocked by what she wrote.
At the TV tapings today in Orlando they are filming new episodes of the Spin Cycle. One already in the can has Kevin Nash, Traci Brooks, Mick Foley and Matt Morgan on the panel.
Impact on October 15 will include an extra hour, which will probably be the Countdown to Bound for Glory special.
Dixie Carter celebrates a birthday today.
The sale of Ric Flair's NWA title belt is on hold. Highspots were contacted around 3pm yesterday by one of Flair's attorneys who asked for 48 hours to resolve the situation. The attorney said that they had just learned about the situation and needed a full day to work on it. Hightspots said they were happy to oblige but noted if they can't resolve the situation they have several offers on the table that would
satisfy the debt.
AAA in Mexico signed a toy deal with Playmates Toys with a product line debuting in the fall of 2010.
EMLL is sending talent to Monaco next week for their version of the NATPE convention to try and recruit overseas TV stations to carry their programming.
Candice Michelle is a guest tonight at www.carnagecrew.net at 8pm ET.
Steve Corino was announced as retuning to Ring of Honor on November 5 and 6 at the TV tapings in Philadelphia. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.
The legendary Bruno Sammartino turns 74 today... Barry Darsow aka Smash/Repo Man turns 50.
Today is also the tenth anniversary of the passing of Gorilla Monsoon.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any feedback or news tips email to:
Tuesday October 6, 2009
10/5 Raw TV results from Wilkes-Barre, PA: Jack Swagger over Primo Colon; MVP & Mark Henry over Chris Masters & Chavo Guerrero; The Miz over Kofi Kingston to capture the U.S. title, and DX over Jeri-Show. Dark match was Jamie Noble over Heath Slater from developmental.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are today in Trenton, NJ.
Randy Orton vs. John Cena in a 60-minute Iron Man match for the WWE title was announced for the October 25 Bragging Rights PPV in Pittsburgh. The stipulation is no disqualification, no count out and if Orton retains Cena must leave Raw and go to either ECW or Smackdown. I don't know for sure, but there is a valid reason why he would disappear as he is shooting a new movie in December for WWE Studios. He still made TV tapings when he did The Marine and 12 Rounds.
Legacy didn't appear on Raw last night but Ted DiBiase Jr. taped a match for Superstars.
WWE got their SportsCenter moment last night when ESPN aired Ben Roethlisberger and his team mates doing the crotch chop with DX.
Nancy O'Dell and Maria Menounos of Access Hollywood will guest host Raw next week in Indianapolis.
The latest WWE KPI's showed live attendance during July and August in North America averaged 5,500 an increase from 5,300 in 2008, and overseas average attendance was 10,000 an increase from 6,600 although it should be noted they ran less events this year than in 08. SummerSlam did an estimated 375,000 buys which may not yet have included data from International markets. SummerSlam in 08 did approximately 500,00 buys.
Total number of DVD units sold in July and August was 561,000 with Wrestlemania 25 the biggest seller with 203,000 units sold. Internet traffic on WWE.com showed declines compared with 08 as did online merchandise sales.
The WWE Shop website has a 15 percent sale on replica title belts right now. I assume the purpose is to clear stock before they introduce new belts.
An update on Gail Kim is that she may have ruptured an implant, which would explain her absence for the last couple of weeks. One source confirmed the story while others when asked didn't know for sure. Gail returned last night as the referee in the Diva Bowl.
Ricky Steamboat did an interview with Bill Apter and said he would love to work a program with Ric Flair. "I think it would perk up a lot of people," he said. "I would certainly love to do it, I know [Ric] would too." He added that he thought his best matches with Flair took place at Crockett spot shows in Greenville during the late 80s that were never taped or televised. He actually said they blew away some of the more famous matches, which is saying something.
Matt Hardy appears on Scare Tactics on October 13 on SyFy. Hardy will play "a violent criminal who breaks out of his physical and mental restraints to go after an innocent doctor’s assistant," according to TV listings.
Jim Ross on www.jrsbarbq.com noted that the Dinner Impossible episode he shot at SummerSlam will air on The Food Network on November 11: "I want to make it clear that I did NOT burn the chicken! That was a joke. Working on this show was a blast and I hope that you will check it out. Chef Robert Irvine and his crew are cool dudes and know their stuff. I did make some mean BBQ sauce if I do say so myself. No, I wasn't allowed to use JR's Original BBQ Sauce due to legal mumbo jumbo."
Ross also noted on his Q&A that he asked to be excused from the Smackdown tour next week in Kentucky due to a family function. He said it was the first time he has requested a day off in 16 years. Should that be the case he would likely do voice over work before the show airs
next Friday night.
The final Smackdown/ECW taping of 2009 is advertised in the New York city area for December 29 at the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, NJ.
This is the early promotional poster for Wrestlemania 26 in Glendale, AZ pushing tickets going on sale November 7: http://tinyurl.com/ycznfbx
Another great article on the Slam Wrestling website at http://tinyurl.com/y96ufkv looking at gimmicks in wrestling with quotes from Lanny Poffo.
Superstar Billy Graham is about to relocate from Phoenix, where he lived most of his life, to West Palm Beach, FL to be near his daughter. He said he plans to take her to the TNA Turning Point PPV on November 15 in Orlando.
Matt Morgan confirmed a new five-year deal on his Twitter. He said he signed the contract last week and was surprised anyone would know about it. AJ Styles is currently in the second year of a contract so he didn't sign a new deal just yet.
Former WWE valet Tammy "Sunny" Sytch launched a childish attack on Lacey Von Erich via her Facebook page. She talked about Lacey's TNA debut saying "she sucked" and described Lacey as a "disrespectful ignorant b**ch" who "walks around shows and conventions like she's the second coming of Christ." She also threatened to "knock the b**ch out" if their paths ever cross, and posted a distasteful statement which we won't post here joking about the deaths of Lacey's father and family members. I am
not sure what prompted this outburst, other than the weird wrestling mentality of being mad at someone for having a job, but even some of Tammy's friends said they were shocked by what she wrote.
At the TV tapings today in Orlando they are filming new episodes of the Spin Cycle. One already in the can has Kevin Nash, Traci Brooks, Mick Foley and Matt Morgan on the panel.
Impact on October 15 will include an extra hour, which will probably be the Countdown to Bound for Glory special.
Dixie Carter celebrates a birthday today.
The sale of Ric Flair's NWA title belt is on hold. Highspots were contacted around 3pm yesterday by one of Flair's attorneys who asked for 48 hours to resolve the situation. The attorney said that they had just learned about the situation and needed a full day to work on it. Hightspots said they were happy to oblige but noted if they can't resolve the situation they have several offers on the table that would
satisfy the debt.
AAA in Mexico signed a toy deal with Playmates Toys with a product line debuting in the fall of 2010.
EMLL is sending talent to Monaco next week for their version of the NATPE convention to try and recruit overseas TV stations to carry their programming.
Candice Michelle is a guest tonight at www.carnagecrew.net at 8pm ET.
Steve Corino was announced as retuning to Ring of Honor on November 5 and 6 at the TV tapings in Philadelphia. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.
The legendary Bruno Sammartino turns 74 today... Barry Darsow aka Smash/Repo Man turns 50.
Today is also the tenth anniversary of the passing of Gorilla Monsoon.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any feedback or news tips email to:
The Golden Circle "Broaden Your Horizons" by Greg Anthony
Can anyone guess who my favorite Batman villain is? Anybody, anybody? My all time favorite Batman villain is Mr. Freeze. The greatest Batman villain of all time is.... well... The Joker. Do you know what other Batman villain is pretty high on my list? The Clock King! That's right The Clock King. I also like The Mad Hatter and Clayface. So what does any of this have to do with professional wrestling? Its really me just trying to make a point. The point is that wrestling should have something for everyone.
Now its no secret that my favorite wrestler of all time is "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. A choice that would be in line with The Joker being favorite Batman villain. One of friend's little brother isn't a wrestling fan anymore but when he was, his favorite wrestler was Bam Bam Bigelow. Now who accomplished more in their career? I think it would be safe to say Flair but that didn't stop an 8 year old boy from jumping off couches to do a flying head butt every 3 minutes.
My parents are divorced and when my mother remarried, her husband liked watching wrestling with me. Now when I was a kid I hated all the bad guys and loved all the good guys and my step dad usually cheered the opponent of whomever I was rooting for. He liked Flair and The Four Horsemen but I only saw him hold up the four fingers a handful of times but there was a time when he patted himself on the back ala Barry Horowitz on a daily basis.
Wrestling should be as diverse in the world we live in. Too many cookie cutter wrestlers out there right now. I miss Bam Bam, Horowitz, Al Snow w/Head, Yokozuna, Haystacks Calhoun and a host of others that didn't resemble Ric Flair but contributed so much to our business. Mr.Freeze may have not broken any box office records like The Joker but I'd go out of my way to see him. Diversity can only broaden the horizon of its art and I promise the same rings true in wresting and when "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony makes a promise its as good as gold.
----Greg Anthony is a regular on the local area circuit. He won RRO Booker of the Year 2008 and is listed in the top 5 of the RRO Top 10 2008. Greg currently can be seen tagging with legend Bobby Eaton and Brian Thompson as “Midnight Gold”.
Now its no secret that my favorite wrestler of all time is "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. A choice that would be in line with The Joker being favorite Batman villain. One of friend's little brother isn't a wrestling fan anymore but when he was, his favorite wrestler was Bam Bam Bigelow. Now who accomplished more in their career? I think it would be safe to say Flair but that didn't stop an 8 year old boy from jumping off couches to do a flying head butt every 3 minutes.
My parents are divorced and when my mother remarried, her husband liked watching wrestling with me. Now when I was a kid I hated all the bad guys and loved all the good guys and my step dad usually cheered the opponent of whomever I was rooting for. He liked Flair and The Four Horsemen but I only saw him hold up the four fingers a handful of times but there was a time when he patted himself on the back ala Barry Horowitz on a daily basis.
Wrestling should be as diverse in the world we live in. Too many cookie cutter wrestlers out there right now. I miss Bam Bam, Horowitz, Al Snow w/Head, Yokozuna, Haystacks Calhoun and a host of others that didn't resemble Ric Flair but contributed so much to our business. Mr.Freeze may have not broken any box office records like The Joker but I'd go out of my way to see him. Diversity can only broaden the horizon of its art and I promise the same rings true in wresting and when "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony makes a promise its as good as gold.
----Greg Anthony is a regular on the local area circuit. He won RRO Booker of the Year 2008 and is listed in the top 5 of the RRO Top 10 2008. Greg currently can be seen tagging with legend Bobby Eaton and Brian Thompson as “Midnight Gold”.
Luxora - MCW Scores Bigger Number!!
Picture of the Week!!
Mark Justice, Sarge O'Reilly, Motley Cruz, Jason Reed and Mickey Ray

----You know I might have to change this to "Superman" Picture of the Week if you guys don't start sending some stuff in!! Jason Reed wrote the following along with sending the photo -
"I've been sober for a month and they are holding me down trying to feed it to me! Make sure you put on the site I've BEEN sober and this is a rib!"
----You know I might have to change this to "Superman" Picture of the Week if you guys don't start sending some stuff in!! Jason Reed wrote the following along with sending the photo -
"I've been sober for a month and they are holding me down trying to feed it to me! Make sure you put on the site I've BEEN sober and this is a rib!"
Arena Report: All Girls Show Jonesboro, AR 10.03.09
----The debut of an All Girls show did not come off without a few glitches, but overall it was a fun show. The show only had about 30 people in the crowd and they seem to all show up right before the matches started. The talent for this show was heads above other girl matches you see in this area.
----Jazz beat Angel-Leena in the opener. Jazz got a pop out of the small crowd. They started out working hold for hold. Armdrag to armbar from Jazz. Forearms to Jazz from Leena. Closeline to corner and then snapmare. Suplex to Jazz - near fall. Hard chops from both. Jazz comes out of heat to finish her off with a Jazz-driver. [**1/2]
----Simply Luscious beat Claudia Del Solis. Luscious plays perfect heel. A little shaky at front. They brawl outside the ring with hard chops. Luscious starts heat when they get back into the ring. Suplex from Luscious. DKO with flying hair head move. Del Solis comeback with flying closeline and chops. She misses a flying closeline int he corner and Luscious pins her using the ropes. [**]
----The Boss beat Joshua Cross. A special feature match with the guys. Just a simple squash with Cross trying everything against the big guy. Boss would get ready to pin him after a big move and just keep beating on him. The best I have seen Boss so far - Cross worked very hard bumping around and making Boss look good. Two hard chops from Boss. Two big legdrops from Boss. "Starr Struck" and instead of pinning him he got a sign that he put the "Starr Struck" on him for the pin. [*]
----"Wrestling Goddess" Athena beat Brittany Star. I was impressed with both girls here. Athena is slightly above everyone else on the roster, but Jazz. Solid worker. She did a tremendous job getting a good match out of Star. Star is green as grass, but she did a good job here just taking the heat and basic psychology. Stiff closelines from Athena - flying elbow to throat. She looked real smooth in everything. Star with comeback and hit a pretty flying bodypress from top rope. Athena finished her off with an unique finisher - she jumps from the second turnbuckle into a stunner going down split legged. Star took it perfect. [**1/2]
----Dominique came out to challenge Athena after the bout. Dominique beat Athena. Not a good match. Athena worked hard here and tried, but Dominique is not the level in the ring with these other girls. Not much psychology and just sloppy in spots. Dominique used a chop to stomach to throat combo [looked good] for finish and win. [*]
----Show started at 8:30 PM and ended at 9:45 PM...JD Kerry and Tejano Kid were the announcers...Jazz was wearing an ECW jacket... Angel-Leena is still a bit hesitant, but really has came a loooong way training with Jazz. I would consider her as one of the Most Improved of 2009...I really liked the finish of Del Solis/Luscious. Just simple stuff that does not hurt the baby. That is also a good spot to start heat - you don't have to rake the eyes to start heat!!!...Nothing really wrong with Boss/Cross bout, but didn't get much of a rating because of squash. Cross - formerly known as Regulator...Athena vs Jazz could become a solid feud with really good matches...I hate comparing myself to anyone or making references to my luxurious career [yeah right], but would you rather book BT Express for matches or Coach BT as a manager?? [you can not answer neither lol] Dominique is good on the mic and a solid manager. I would put her in that role until she is 100% ready to do matches. I am a firm believer in putting people in roles they are good at, instead of trying to make everyone into wrestlers...All of the bouts, except the main had perfect psychology...This group will probably build with once a month shows and see how it goes from there. Jazz has big plans...All the ladies were super nice and a good time was had by all. Thanks to cast and crew for their hospitality.
----Jazz beat Angel-Leena in the opener. Jazz got a pop out of the small crowd. They started out working hold for hold. Armdrag to armbar from Jazz. Forearms to Jazz from Leena. Closeline to corner and then snapmare. Suplex to Jazz - near fall. Hard chops from both. Jazz comes out of heat to finish her off with a Jazz-driver. [**1/2]
----Simply Luscious beat Claudia Del Solis. Luscious plays perfect heel. A little shaky at front. They brawl outside the ring with hard chops. Luscious starts heat when they get back into the ring. Suplex from Luscious. DKO with flying hair head move. Del Solis comeback with flying closeline and chops. She misses a flying closeline int he corner and Luscious pins her using the ropes. [**]
----The Boss beat Joshua Cross. A special feature match with the guys. Just a simple squash with Cross trying everything against the big guy. Boss would get ready to pin him after a big move and just keep beating on him. The best I have seen Boss so far - Cross worked very hard bumping around and making Boss look good. Two hard chops from Boss. Two big legdrops from Boss. "Starr Struck" and instead of pinning him he got a sign that he put the "Starr Struck" on him for the pin. [*]
----"Wrestling Goddess" Athena beat Brittany Star. I was impressed with both girls here. Athena is slightly above everyone else on the roster, but Jazz. Solid worker. She did a tremendous job getting a good match out of Star. Star is green as grass, but she did a good job here just taking the heat and basic psychology. Stiff closelines from Athena - flying elbow to throat. She looked real smooth in everything. Star with comeback and hit a pretty flying bodypress from top rope. Athena finished her off with an unique finisher - she jumps from the second turnbuckle into a stunner going down split legged. Star took it perfect. [**1/2]
----Dominique came out to challenge Athena after the bout. Dominique beat Athena. Not a good match. Athena worked hard here and tried, but Dominique is not the level in the ring with these other girls. Not much psychology and just sloppy in spots. Dominique used a chop to stomach to throat combo [looked good] for finish and win. [*]
----Show started at 8:30 PM and ended at 9:45 PM...JD Kerry and Tejano Kid were the announcers...Jazz was wearing an ECW jacket... Angel-Leena is still a bit hesitant, but really has came a loooong way training with Jazz. I would consider her as one of the Most Improved of 2009...I really liked the finish of Del Solis/Luscious. Just simple stuff that does not hurt the baby. That is also a good spot to start heat - you don't have to rake the eyes to start heat!!!...Nothing really wrong with Boss/Cross bout, but didn't get much of a rating because of squash. Cross - formerly known as Regulator...Athena vs Jazz could become a solid feud with really good matches...I hate comparing myself to anyone or making references to my luxurious career [yeah right], but would you rather book BT Express for matches or Coach BT as a manager?? [you can not answer neither lol] Dominique is good on the mic and a solid manager. I would put her in that role until she is 100% ready to do matches. I am a firm believer in putting people in roles they are good at, instead of trying to make everyone into wrestlers...All of the bouts, except the main had perfect psychology...This group will probably build with once a month shows and see how it goes from there. Jazz has big plans...All the ladies were super nice and a good time was had by all. Thanks to cast and crew for their hospitality.
Monday, October 05, 2009
(WGN) October 5: Raw tonight, Punk-Taker story, WWE signs new Diva, a former Diva in altercation with promoter, an update on Chyna, TNA news, legend h
Monday October 5, 2009
10/4 Hell in the Cell PPV results from Newark, NJ: The Undertaker over CM Punk in a Hell In A Cell match to capture the World title; John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler to retain the IC title; Chris Jericho & Big Show over Batista & Rey Mysterio to retain the tag titles; Mickie James over Alicia Fox to retain the Divas title; Randy Orton over John Cena in a Hell In A Cell match to capture the WWE title; Kofi Kingston over The Miz vs. Jack Swagger in a three-way to retain the U.S. title; Drew McIntyre over R-Truth; and DX over Legacy in a Hell In A Cell match. Pre show dark match was Matt Hardy over Mike Knox.
Raw is live tonight from Wilkes-Barre with Ben Roethlisberger as the guest host. Nothing else announced at press time.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Trenton, NJ.
An interesting story regarding Punk vs. Undertaker at the PPV. The two stories making the rounds was that there is heat on Punk either because someone in management felt he wasn't conforming to the dress code (they want him to dress more like a world champion) or that word had reached Taker that Punk didn't want to drop the title. The title change was actually decided upon more than a month ago but creative had been going back and forward over the decision because many felt the timing was wrong and the argument was made that Taker doesn't work a full schedule.
Now, because of what did or didn't go down, politically speaking, Punk is in the doghouse.
Vince McMahon formatted the PPV. A lot of people were second guessing the bizarre match order with the world title matches being the first and fifth matches on the card. I don't know the reasoning but the ECW title match and R-Truth-McIntyre died as a result, and really through no fault of their own as everyone worked really hard.
WWE has signed Zivile Raudoniene to developmental. She is a 27-year-old IFBB Pro Figure competitor who won the 2009 Figure International at the Arnold Classic. She was also favorite headed into the Ms. Figure Olympia last month but dropped out to join FCW. Zivile is a native of Lithuania and speaks great English. When she isn't shredded for competition she looks likes this http://tinyurl.com/yeqx2zj and is certainly a step up in pedigree from the Playboy and Hooters models, not that there is anything wrong with that. She recently relocated to Tampa after living in New York for the past few years.
The New York Times at http://tinyurl.com/ye2qn2c has a story on Linda McMahon and her Senate bid in Connecticut. The story noted she has already spent around $1 million on advertising her campaign which is more money than all of her rivals have on hand. The story also quoted long-time McMahon family friend Dick Ebersol, the chairman of NBC Sports, who credited her for the success of WWE.
Steve Austin appeared at the West Ham-Fulham soccer game Sunday afternoon in London. He was brought out on to the pitch and said over the house mic: "If you wanna see West Ham open a can of whoop a$$ gimme a hell yeah!" Apparently a very surreal moment for many wrestling fans in attendance.
During the Steelers-Chargers game last night on NBC the announcers plugged Ben Roethlisberger's appearance on Raw with his offensive line team mates.
The advertised dark main events for the UK TV tapings in November are DX & John Cena vs. Randy Orton & Legacy for Raw, and Smackdown has The Undertaker vs. CM Punk in a Casket match.
Superstars on WGN last Thursday did a 0.8 rating.
TNA has TV tapings today and Tuesday at Universal Studios in Orlando. Already announced for Thursday's Impact is Mick Foley & Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss; ODB vs. Tara; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez; and Sting responds to AJ Styles.
The house show in Dublin at the 9000-seat O2 Arena drew approximately 1,800 paid. The AWR group drew a similar number in Dublin, obviously with less promotion, this past summer with Rob Van Dam, Sean "X-Pac" Waltman, Scotty 2 hotty, and other former WWE names.
AJ Styles and Matt Morgan have just signed new long term deals with the company. TNA are also negotiating with another major star to lock this person in for another few years.
Not sure if this goes for all cable systems but the October 18 Bound For Glory PPV is currently listed at $39.99 on Comcast and Time Warner. The price increase is a hard sell. Most of their revenue comes from TV, so why would they want to drive fans away? The theory might well be that they have their hardcore base that will purchase every PPV no matter what, and this is their version of Wrestlemania, but I see a price increase now being more a negative than a positive because of the perceived value.
Impact on Spike last Thursday did a 1.1 rating.
Today is the 12th anniversary of Brian Pillman passing away due to arteriosclerosis heart disease at the age of 35. There is an awesome tribute video at http://tinyurl.com/yc5cv2h.
The sale of Ric Flair's NWA title belt is still planned. Highspots haven't heard from Flair's camp over the weekend and the intention is to put the belt on sale today at 5pm if they still haven't heard back. Highspots have already received several private offers, including an offer from a major wrestling company, and they are now going back and forward on whether to sell the belt on their website rather than auction on eBay.
Booby Heenan missed the Ultimate Collectibles & Autograph Show he was scheduled for this past weekend in Philadelphia. We understand he was hospitalized on Friday after falling and injuring his back. This would have been his first public appearance since a last minute decision to go to the Wrestlemania 25 in April. Our best wishes to Bobby on a speedy recovery.
On a related note, Terri Runnels, who celebrates a birthday today, was at the convention and got into an altercation with promoter Jason Blaustein. Two different people who witnessed the spat say that Terri "beat the s**t" out of Blaustein for allegedly trying to stiff her on her appearance fee. I believe the incident was caught on video so expect that to make the Youtube rounds very soon.
The only update we have on Roddy Piper is that his management company say he is well and just taking time out with his family, while several promoters who booked him and then had him pulled from their events were told he has a major health issue. Piper had radiation therapy in 2006 for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Joanie "Chyna" Laurer was hanging out at the infamous Moonlite Bunny Ranch last week in Nevada, which once boasted Jesse Ventura as a regular customer. She was there was at a birthday bash for owner Dennis Hoff andI believe she also shot footage for some type of reality show she is involved with.
Nick Hogan, son of Hulk, is training for pro wrestling at the Knoxx Pro Academy in Burbank, CA. The school is run by Rikishi, Gangrel, Black Pearl, and Orlando Jordan. They are supplying a lot of the talent for the upcoming Hulkamania tour in Australia.
The former Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Anderson, just finished up a six-date tour of Europe with the NWE group in France and Malta. The tour averaged 1,500 paid each night with Kennedy, Juventud Guerrera, Ultimo Dragon, Chuck Palumbo, Vito, Jody Fleisch, Nova, James Keenan and more.
Candice Michelle has a new revamped website at www.candicemichelle.com.
Sabu and The Sandman headline for NWS this Saturday in Manville, NJ. More info at www.nwswrestling.com.
American Championship Entertainment run Saturday at the ACE Arena, 725 Sip Street, Union City, NJ (minutes from NYC) featuring Mo Sexton vs. Jerry Lynn in the main event. Also appearing on the card is: Dan Maff, Bandido, Jr., Bruno Marciano, Shawn Walker, "Hollywood" Joe Hardway, William Wyeth, Neeno Capone, Chris Rockwell, and more. For tickets or more info visit www.aceprowrestling.com.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any feedback or news tips email to:
Monday October 5, 2009
10/4 Hell in the Cell PPV results from Newark, NJ: The Undertaker over CM Punk in a Hell In A Cell match to capture the World title; John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler to retain the IC title; Chris Jericho & Big Show over Batista & Rey Mysterio to retain the tag titles; Mickie James over Alicia Fox to retain the Divas title; Randy Orton over John Cena in a Hell In A Cell match to capture the WWE title; Kofi Kingston over The Miz vs. Jack Swagger in a three-way to retain the U.S. title; Drew McIntyre over R-Truth; and DX over Legacy in a Hell In A Cell match. Pre show dark match was Matt Hardy over Mike Knox.
Raw is live tonight from Wilkes-Barre with Ben Roethlisberger as the guest host. Nothing else announced at press time.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Trenton, NJ.
An interesting story regarding Punk vs. Undertaker at the PPV. The two stories making the rounds was that there is heat on Punk either because someone in management felt he wasn't conforming to the dress code (they want him to dress more like a world champion) or that word had reached Taker that Punk didn't want to drop the title. The title change was actually decided upon more than a month ago but creative had been going back and forward over the decision because many felt the timing was wrong and the argument was made that Taker doesn't work a full schedule.
Now, because of what did or didn't go down, politically speaking, Punk is in the doghouse.
Vince McMahon formatted the PPV. A lot of people were second guessing the bizarre match order with the world title matches being the first and fifth matches on the card. I don't know the reasoning but the ECW title match and R-Truth-McIntyre died as a result, and really through no fault of their own as everyone worked really hard.
WWE has signed Zivile Raudoniene to developmental. She is a 27-year-old IFBB Pro Figure competitor who won the 2009 Figure International at the Arnold Classic. She was also favorite headed into the Ms. Figure Olympia last month but dropped out to join FCW. Zivile is a native of Lithuania and speaks great English. When she isn't shredded for competition she looks likes this http://tinyurl.com/yeqx2zj and is certainly a step up in pedigree from the Playboy and Hooters models, not that there is anything wrong with that. She recently relocated to Tampa after living in New York for the past few years.
The New York Times at http://tinyurl.com/ye2qn2c has a story on Linda McMahon and her Senate bid in Connecticut. The story noted she has already spent around $1 million on advertising her campaign which is more money than all of her rivals have on hand. The story also quoted long-time McMahon family friend Dick Ebersol, the chairman of NBC Sports, who credited her for the success of WWE.
Steve Austin appeared at the West Ham-Fulham soccer game Sunday afternoon in London. He was brought out on to the pitch and said over the house mic: "If you wanna see West Ham open a can of whoop a$$ gimme a hell yeah!" Apparently a very surreal moment for many wrestling fans in attendance.
During the Steelers-Chargers game last night on NBC the announcers plugged Ben Roethlisberger's appearance on Raw with his offensive line team mates.
The advertised dark main events for the UK TV tapings in November are DX & John Cena vs. Randy Orton & Legacy for Raw, and Smackdown has The Undertaker vs. CM Punk in a Casket match.
Superstars on WGN last Thursday did a 0.8 rating.
TNA has TV tapings today and Tuesday at Universal Studios in Orlando. Already announced for Thursday's Impact is Mick Foley & Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss; ODB vs. Tara; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez; and Sting responds to AJ Styles.
The house show in Dublin at the 9000-seat O2 Arena drew approximately 1,800 paid. The AWR group drew a similar number in Dublin, obviously with less promotion, this past summer with Rob Van Dam, Sean "X-Pac" Waltman, Scotty 2 hotty, and other former WWE names.
AJ Styles and Matt Morgan have just signed new long term deals with the company. TNA are also negotiating with another major star to lock this person in for another few years.
Not sure if this goes for all cable systems but the October 18 Bound For Glory PPV is currently listed at $39.99 on Comcast and Time Warner. The price increase is a hard sell. Most of their revenue comes from TV, so why would they want to drive fans away? The theory might well be that they have their hardcore base that will purchase every PPV no matter what, and this is their version of Wrestlemania, but I see a price increase now being more a negative than a positive because of the perceived value.
Impact on Spike last Thursday did a 1.1 rating.
Today is the 12th anniversary of Brian Pillman passing away due to arteriosclerosis heart disease at the age of 35. There is an awesome tribute video at http://tinyurl.com/yc5cv2h.
The sale of Ric Flair's NWA title belt is still planned. Highspots haven't heard from Flair's camp over the weekend and the intention is to put the belt on sale today at 5pm if they still haven't heard back. Highspots have already received several private offers, including an offer from a major wrestling company, and they are now going back and forward on whether to sell the belt on their website rather than auction on eBay.
Booby Heenan missed the Ultimate Collectibles & Autograph Show he was scheduled for this past weekend in Philadelphia. We understand he was hospitalized on Friday after falling and injuring his back. This would have been his first public appearance since a last minute decision to go to the Wrestlemania 25 in April. Our best wishes to Bobby on a speedy recovery.
On a related note, Terri Runnels, who celebrates a birthday today, was at the convention and got into an altercation with promoter Jason Blaustein. Two different people who witnessed the spat say that Terri "beat the s**t" out of Blaustein for allegedly trying to stiff her on her appearance fee. I believe the incident was caught on video so expect that to make the Youtube rounds very soon.
The only update we have on Roddy Piper is that his management company say he is well and just taking time out with his family, while several promoters who booked him and then had him pulled from their events were told he has a major health issue. Piper had radiation therapy in 2006 for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Joanie "Chyna" Laurer was hanging out at the infamous Moonlite Bunny Ranch last week in Nevada, which once boasted Jesse Ventura as a regular customer. She was there was at a birthday bash for owner Dennis Hoff andI believe she also shot footage for some type of reality show she is involved with.
Nick Hogan, son of Hulk, is training for pro wrestling at the Knoxx Pro Academy in Burbank, CA. The school is run by Rikishi, Gangrel, Black Pearl, and Orlando Jordan. They are supplying a lot of the talent for the upcoming Hulkamania tour in Australia.
The former Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Anderson, just finished up a six-date tour of Europe with the NWE group in France and Malta. The tour averaged 1,500 paid each night with Kennedy, Juventud Guerrera, Ultimo Dragon, Chuck Palumbo, Vito, Jody Fleisch, Nova, James Keenan and more.
Candice Michelle has a new revamped website at www.candicemichelle.com.
Sabu and The Sandman headline for NWS this Saturday in Manville, NJ. More info at www.nwswrestling.com.
American Championship Entertainment run Saturday at the ACE Arena, 725 Sip Street, Union City, NJ (minutes from NYC) featuring Mo Sexton vs. Jerry Lynn in the main event. Also appearing on the card is: Dan Maff, Bandido, Jr., Bruno Marciano, Shawn Walker, "Hollywood" Joe Hardway, William Wyeth, Neeno Capone, Chris Rockwell, and more. For tickets or more info visit www.aceprowrestling.com.
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RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 10.03.09
JR Mauler defeated Dre Black w/Antoin Smooth.
Rajah w/Antoin Smooth defeated Buzz Harley via count out when Smooth interfered.
EPW Extreme Champion Kilo Green defeated Omega. After the match a wrestler came out of the crowd and attacked Kilo, and he and Omega beat Kilo down. Omega once again left with Kilo's Extreme Championship belt.
Tommy Knox won a 3-way match over Tysin Starr & Derrick Devine Dudley.
EPW Tag Team Champions Pure Destruction (Brody & Cody Hawk) defeated Chazz Stone & Cassanova Kid when Tysin Starr interfered.
Big Daddy Neno defeated Iron Jake Johnson w/Antoin Smooth by DQ when Dre Black and Rajah interfered and attacked Neno. JR Mauler came out to help Neno, but Pure Destruction came to the ring and attacked him and beat JR down. Kross (EPW Commissioner) came to the ring to assist JR and was beaten down by Pure Destruction.
"Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant returns to EPW this Saturday night to take on EPW Heavyweight Champion Bonecrusher. It's always a wild time when Boogie Woogie Boy is in the house, so be at EPW in Booneville this Saturday night at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 45. Bell time is 8:00. You never know what is going to happen at EPW!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Rajah w/Antoin Smooth defeated Buzz Harley via count out when Smooth interfered.
EPW Extreme Champion Kilo Green defeated Omega. After the match a wrestler came out of the crowd and attacked Kilo, and he and Omega beat Kilo down. Omega once again left with Kilo's Extreme Championship belt.
Tommy Knox won a 3-way match over Tysin Starr & Derrick Devine Dudley.
EPW Tag Team Champions Pure Destruction (Brody & Cody Hawk) defeated Chazz Stone & Cassanova Kid when Tysin Starr interfered.
Big Daddy Neno defeated Iron Jake Johnson w/Antoin Smooth by DQ when Dre Black and Rajah interfered and attacked Neno. JR Mauler came out to help Neno, but Pure Destruction came to the ring and attacked him and beat JR down. Kross (EPW Commissioner) came to the ring to assist JR and was beaten down by Pure Destruction.
"Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant returns to EPW this Saturday night to take on EPW Heavyweight Champion Bonecrusher. It's always a wild time when Boogie Woogie Boy is in the house, so be at EPW in Booneville this Saturday night at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 45. Bell time is 8:00. You never know what is going to happen at EPW!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
RassleResults: MCW Osceola, AR 10.02.09
-Homer Lee beat Hamhock.
-"East Coast Bad Boyz" [Spyro/C-Money] beat Pokerface and Hambone 1
-Scott Hall and Lord Humongous beat Sid Vicious and Buzzkill in a hair match. Buzzkill got buzzed, he lost his hair.
-"Natural Born Playas" [Southside Brawler and Pimptacular] beat beat War Machine and Hambone 2 to retain the tag team belts
-Main Event was Ron McClarity and Bishop, escorted by Rashard Devon, defeated Frankie Tucker and Knockout Kid. Ron and Bishop handcuffed Frankie to the corner and double teamed Knockout for the pin. The East Coast Bad Boyz made the save. The match was great, fighting everywhere, all kind of weapons used. Blood shed from the Kid and McClarity. The crowd loved the match just not the outcome.
There were 120 in attendance, someone had made mention that we only had about 70 that was incorrect. Just wanted to clear that up.
Credit: Kim Wallace
----Attendance was not as bad as reported here on Saturday, but they still had a 40% decrease from the first appearance of Sid/Scott.
-"East Coast Bad Boyz" [Spyro/C-Money] beat Pokerface and Hambone 1
-Scott Hall and Lord Humongous beat Sid Vicious and Buzzkill in a hair match. Buzzkill got buzzed, he lost his hair.
-"Natural Born Playas" [Southside Brawler and Pimptacular] beat beat War Machine and Hambone 2 to retain the tag team belts
-Main Event was Ron McClarity and Bishop, escorted by Rashard Devon, defeated Frankie Tucker and Knockout Kid. Ron and Bishop handcuffed Frankie to the corner and double teamed Knockout for the pin. The East Coast Bad Boyz made the save. The match was great, fighting everywhere, all kind of weapons used. Blood shed from the Kid and McClarity. The crowd loved the match just not the outcome.
There were 120 in attendance, someone had made mention that we only had about 70 that was incorrect. Just wanted to clear that up.
Credit: Kim Wallace
----Attendance was not as bad as reported here on Saturday, but they still had a 40% decrease from the first appearance of Sid/Scott.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
RassleResults: DCW Dyersburg, TN 10.02.09
Idol Bane

-Bones beat Dice
-Derrick King vs Stan Lee – no contest
-Cody Melton beat Tatt2
-Oz beat Tommy Redneck by DQ
-Idol Bane/X-Kailbur beat “Good Ol’ Boys” [Shannon Lee/Gaylon Ray]
-Kilo beat Tim Edwards by DQ
-“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat Christian Jacobs
Credit: Lily Winningham - photo & results
----70 people in the crowd…Idol Bane/X-Kailbur came running in to help TGB and CJ ended up spearing both of them…I think Bones/Dice are Kevin White trainees??

-Bones beat Dice
-Derrick King vs Stan Lee – no contest
-Cody Melton beat Tatt2
-Oz beat Tommy Redneck by DQ
-Idol Bane/X-Kailbur beat “Good Ol’ Boys” [Shannon Lee/Gaylon Ray]
-Kilo beat Tim Edwards by DQ
-“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat Christian Jacobs
Credit: Lily Winningham - photo & results
----70 people in the crowd…Idol Bane/X-Kailbur came running in to help TGB and CJ ended up spearing both of them…I think Bones/Dice are Kevin White trainees??
(WGN) October 4: WWE PPV tonight, fun Miz interview, new Diva-related TV
Sunday October 4, 2009
Tonight is the Hell in the Cell PPV from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. Line up is CM Punk vs. The Undertaker in a Hell In A Cell match for the World title; John Cena vs. Randy Orton in a Hell In A Cell match for the WWE title; DX vs. Legacy in a Hell In A Cell match; Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. Batista & the returning Rey Mysterio for the tag titles; John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler for the IC title; Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger in a three-way for the U.S. title; and
Mickie James vs. Alicia Fox for the Divas title. They also just added Drew McIntyre vs. R-Truth. Eight matches, including three cage matches, isn't going leave much time for anyone.
Raw is Monday in Wilkes-Barre, PA with Ben Roethlisberger as the guest host, and Smackdown/ECW tapes Tuesday in Trenton, NJ.
The Wilkes-Barre Times Leader at http://tinyurl.com/ydhfj87 interviewed The Miz to push Raw on Monday. The newspaper described him as a "WWE veteran". He talked about how WWE sends talent on seminars to learn how to manage their money so they don't end up like Randy the Ram. He had a great line, which is the company line, when talking about MMA compared to pro wrestling: "Our main events aren’t three minutes long," he said. "We’re out to entertain the people. [A WWE event] is like a cross between a rock concert, a sporting event and an improv show. There’s just so much that goes into WWE that no other promotion has." For the record, the Raw main event last Monday with John Cena running the gauntlet was approximately 3 minutes long. Just saying.
The New York Yankees' WWE replica title belt they were passing around the clubhouse was auctioned off Friday for $9400 with proceeds benefiting Camp Sundown. Story is at http://tinyurl.com/ydb99mf.
Steve Austin is signing autographs at Forbidden Planet in London, England on Monday from 5.30pm.
WWE are pushing their tour of Australia next year as "The Official WWE Tour of 2010" I guess so there is no confusion in the market place with any other groups. The top names listed for the tour are Undertaker, Edge and Rey Mysterio.
Edge and Eve Torres are heading to Australia for a promotional tour next month.
The New York Post at http://tinyurl.com/y9lj9c9 has a story on Rev. Al Sharpton's Raw appearance. A WWE rep is quoted defending the drop in ratings for the show blaming Monday Night Football, which did have something to do with it.
Chelsea Handler on her E! TV show this week ripped Rev. Sharpton's appearance, including a gag on Mark Henry.
Sting was featured on WWE programming this past week, kind of. On Vintage Collection, which is syndicated internationally, they aired the Sing-Great Muta match from Starrcade 89. The company is looking for a home for the show in the US that would air Wednesday night so they have wrestling on television every single week night.
The popular AM Law blog at http://tinyurl.com/y8zkojm has a story on correspondence between writer Irv Muchnick and Vince McMahon's attorney Jerry McDevitt over Muchnick's upcoming book examining the Chris Benoit murders.
Linda McMahon turns 61 today. John Morrison turned 30 on Saturday.
The update on the Bragging Rights PPV is a change to where the winners of Raw vs. Smackdown matches will face off in a tag team main event to give either the Raw or Smackdown the "Bragging Rights" as it were. The show takes place in Pittsburgh on October 25.
Maryland Championship Wrestling has a PPV party tonight at Loafers Sports Bar and Grill in Catonsville, MD.
10/3 house show results from Dublin, Ireland: Hernandez over Sheik Bashir; Velvet Sky over Awesome Kong & Taylor Wilde in a three-way; Samoa Joe over Jay Lethal; Beer Money over The British Invasion; Suicide over Rhyno; and Team 3D & Abyss over Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner and
Booker T.
We don't have a number yet. They ran the O2 Arena which has nearly 10,000 seats, but they didn't get close to a sell out. This show was expected to be the biggest house on the tour.
There are TV tapings Monday and Tuesday at Universal Studios in Orlando. Already announced is Mick Foley & Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss; ODB vs. Tara; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez; and Sting responds to AJ Styles.
There is a video of the Scott Steiner incident from Friday night in Switzerland at http://tinyurl.com/ydhj4z8 - it breaks down around the seven minute mark.
Steiner also buries Triple H for [expletive] "the bosses daughter" at http://tinyurl.com/ybbdazg.
An independent film maker is shooting a soap-style wrestling show that will closely resemble MTV's The Hills. The cast includes former WWE Divas and current TNA Knockouts including Shelly Martinez, Lacey Von Erich, Lizzy Valentine and Rhaka Khan. The pilot is Lacey as the babyface Lauren Conrad character playing against Lizzy as the heel Heidi Montag. The main story of the first show is Lacey getting a job with TNA and some of the other girls are jealous leading to a lot of drama. Khan
also has a role talking about her recent real-life drama with Kurt Angle. The girls shot a "fight" scene outside a bar Friday night in the South Bay region of Los Angeles. They are hoping to pitch the project as a television series to VH-1.
Jim Cornette was added to the Ring of Honor shows next weekend in Collinsville, IL and Indianapolis. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.
ROH have started teasing the return of Steve Corino.
Ric Flair talks College football to Mike Mooneyham at http://tinyurl.com/ycmc6rw.
The Tampa Tribune at http://tinyurl.com/ydekat9 has a story on lottery millionaires, including a profile on Jay Vargus, the money man behind the Wrestlicious project. Apparently as a result of the story he has already received hundreds of requests for money via his website.
The Orlando Sentinel at http://tinyurl.com/y974avz has a story on Afa Anoa'i talking about the earthquake and tsunami which wiped out his native village in American Samoa. He said he was on the phone with his brother when the tsunami hit killing two of his cousins. He is planning a few fund raisers next month to help tsunami victims.
Hulk Hogan is doing a Barnes & Nobles book signing tour later this month pushing his new autobiography, My Life Outside The Ring. He appears on 10/27 on Fifth Avenue in New York City; 10/27 at the Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove; 10/29 at North Michigan in Chicago; 10/30 at the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN; 11/5 on Grove Dr. in Los Angels; and 11/6 at Book Soup on Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood, CA.
Alex Marvez has a story on Gary Hart's book at http://www.scrippsnews.com/node/47906
Roddy Piper's son, Colt Toombs, won his MMA fight Friday night in Oregon over Matt Slosser, breaking his opponents nose in the process.
James Guttman at www.WorldWrestlingInsanity.com interviewed Lex Luger talking about his career and his ministry work.
Bobby Fulton of Fantastics fame turns 47 today.
Missy Hyatt and Krissy Vaine have donated memorabilia to be auctioned for charity in Diva-Dirt.com's charity drive, 'Diva Dirt Gives Back'. All proceeds will be donated to charity [Wrestler's Rescue & Susan G. Komen for the Cure]. Fans can bid on the items at http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdivadirtQQhtZ-1.
The latest promo for the Hulkamania tour with The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart is at http://tinyurl.com/y9pusc7.
Tito Ortiz chastises a homeless guy at http://tinyurl.com/y9b75on.
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Sunday October 4, 2009
Tonight is the Hell in the Cell PPV from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. Line up is CM Punk vs. The Undertaker in a Hell In A Cell match for the World title; John Cena vs. Randy Orton in a Hell In A Cell match for the WWE title; DX vs. Legacy in a Hell In A Cell match; Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. Batista & the returning Rey Mysterio for the tag titles; John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler for the IC title; Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger in a three-way for the U.S. title; and
Mickie James vs. Alicia Fox for the Divas title. They also just added Drew McIntyre vs. R-Truth. Eight matches, including three cage matches, isn't going leave much time for anyone.
Raw is Monday in Wilkes-Barre, PA with Ben Roethlisberger as the guest host, and Smackdown/ECW tapes Tuesday in Trenton, NJ.
The Wilkes-Barre Times Leader at http://tinyurl.com/ydhfj87 interviewed The Miz to push Raw on Monday. The newspaper described him as a "WWE veteran". He talked about how WWE sends talent on seminars to learn how to manage their money so they don't end up like Randy the Ram. He had a great line, which is the company line, when talking about MMA compared to pro wrestling: "Our main events aren’t three minutes long," he said. "We’re out to entertain the people. [A WWE event] is like a cross between a rock concert, a sporting event and an improv show. There’s just so much that goes into WWE that no other promotion has." For the record, the Raw main event last Monday with John Cena running the gauntlet was approximately 3 minutes long. Just saying.
The New York Yankees' WWE replica title belt they were passing around the clubhouse was auctioned off Friday for $9400 with proceeds benefiting Camp Sundown. Story is at http://tinyurl.com/ydb99mf.
Steve Austin is signing autographs at Forbidden Planet in London, England on Monday from 5.30pm.
WWE are pushing their tour of Australia next year as "The Official WWE Tour of 2010" I guess so there is no confusion in the market place with any other groups. The top names listed for the tour are Undertaker, Edge and Rey Mysterio.
Edge and Eve Torres are heading to Australia for a promotional tour next month.
The New York Post at http://tinyurl.com/y9lj9c9 has a story on Rev. Al Sharpton's Raw appearance. A WWE rep is quoted defending the drop in ratings for the show blaming Monday Night Football, which did have something to do with it.
Chelsea Handler on her E! TV show this week ripped Rev. Sharpton's appearance, including a gag on Mark Henry.
Sting was featured on WWE programming this past week, kind of. On Vintage Collection, which is syndicated internationally, they aired the Sing-Great Muta match from Starrcade 89. The company is looking for a home for the show in the US that would air Wednesday night so they have wrestling on television every single week night.
The popular AM Law blog at http://tinyurl.com/y8zkojm has a story on correspondence between writer Irv Muchnick and Vince McMahon's attorney Jerry McDevitt over Muchnick's upcoming book examining the Chris Benoit murders.
Linda McMahon turns 61 today. John Morrison turned 30 on Saturday.
The update on the Bragging Rights PPV is a change to where the winners of Raw vs. Smackdown matches will face off in a tag team main event to give either the Raw or Smackdown the "Bragging Rights" as it were. The show takes place in Pittsburgh on October 25.
Maryland Championship Wrestling has a PPV party tonight at Loafers Sports Bar and Grill in Catonsville, MD.
10/3 house show results from Dublin, Ireland: Hernandez over Sheik Bashir; Velvet Sky over Awesome Kong & Taylor Wilde in a three-way; Samoa Joe over Jay Lethal; Beer Money over The British Invasion; Suicide over Rhyno; and Team 3D & Abyss over Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner and
Booker T.
We don't have a number yet. They ran the O2 Arena which has nearly 10,000 seats, but they didn't get close to a sell out. This show was expected to be the biggest house on the tour.
There are TV tapings Monday and Tuesday at Universal Studios in Orlando. Already announced is Mick Foley & Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss; ODB vs. Tara; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez; and Sting responds to AJ Styles.
There is a video of the Scott Steiner incident from Friday night in Switzerland at http://tinyurl.com/ydhj4z8 - it breaks down around the seven minute mark.
Steiner also buries Triple H for [expletive] "the bosses daughter" at http://tinyurl.com/ybbdazg.
An independent film maker is shooting a soap-style wrestling show that will closely resemble MTV's The Hills. The cast includes former WWE Divas and current TNA Knockouts including Shelly Martinez, Lacey Von Erich, Lizzy Valentine and Rhaka Khan. The pilot is Lacey as the babyface Lauren Conrad character playing against Lizzy as the heel Heidi Montag. The main story of the first show is Lacey getting a job with TNA and some of the other girls are jealous leading to a lot of drama. Khan
also has a role talking about her recent real-life drama with Kurt Angle. The girls shot a "fight" scene outside a bar Friday night in the South Bay region of Los Angeles. They are hoping to pitch the project as a television series to VH-1.
Jim Cornette was added to the Ring of Honor shows next weekend in Collinsville, IL and Indianapolis. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.
ROH have started teasing the return of Steve Corino.
Ric Flair talks College football to Mike Mooneyham at http://tinyurl.com/ycmc6rw.
The Tampa Tribune at http://tinyurl.com/ydekat9 has a story on lottery millionaires, including a profile on Jay Vargus, the money man behind the Wrestlicious project. Apparently as a result of the story he has already received hundreds of requests for money via his website.
The Orlando Sentinel at http://tinyurl.com/y974avz has a story on Afa Anoa'i talking about the earthquake and tsunami which wiped out his native village in American Samoa. He said he was on the phone with his brother when the tsunami hit killing two of his cousins. He is planning a few fund raisers next month to help tsunami victims.
Hulk Hogan is doing a Barnes & Nobles book signing tour later this month pushing his new autobiography, My Life Outside The Ring. He appears on 10/27 on Fifth Avenue in New York City; 10/27 at the Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove; 10/29 at North Michigan in Chicago; 10/30 at the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN; 11/5 on Grove Dr. in Los Angels; and 11/6 at Book Soup on Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood, CA.
Alex Marvez has a story on Gary Hart's book at http://www.scrippsnews.com/node/47906
Roddy Piper's son, Colt Toombs, won his MMA fight Friday night in Oregon over Matt Slosser, breaking his opponents nose in the process.
James Guttman at www.WorldWrestlingInsanity.com interviewed Lex Luger talking about his career and his ministry work.
Bobby Fulton of Fantastics fame turns 47 today.
Missy Hyatt and Krissy Vaine have donated memorabilia to be auctioned for charity in Diva-Dirt.com's charity drive, 'Diva Dirt Gives Back'. All proceeds will be donated to charity [Wrestler's Rescue & Susan G. Komen for the Cure]. Fans can bid on the items at http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdivadirtQQhtZ-1.
The latest promo for the Hulkamania tour with The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart is at http://tinyurl.com/y9pusc7.
Tito Ortiz chastises a homeless guy at http://tinyurl.com/y9b75on.
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