Memphis Wrestling PRIMETIME 9.02.06
----Show opened with a video of Jimmy Hart arriving @ night at the UPN studios. He was followed by Cory Maclin and then “Too Cool 2” [Flex/Tim Grind] arrived. All were in “Fast & Furious” type cars. Who did they borrow those from?? And, then they opened the show with a nice music piece showing who was going to be on the show with slick graphics and such. Maclin & Hart are hosting today.
----“Too Cool 2” [Flex/Grind] interview. Robert Gibson/Mr. America come out for an interview. Gibson/America win by DQ over Flex/Grind. Heat on America with hot tag to Gibson. Double sleeper spot on heels, then Dundee hits America from behind. Jerry Calhoun called for the DQ.
----Nate The Rat interview with him talking about getting rid of Lawler. They air the clip of Lawler piledriving Nate a few weeks ago.
----“Family of Pain” [Sarge O’Riley/Mickey Ray]/Humongous with “Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock beat Tatt2/Neil Taylor/Andrew Donovan. Tatt2 got in a few good spots. Heat on Donovan with hot tag to Neil Taylor. Taylor was taken down pretty quick with FOP doing a real good looking finisher. Huey finished him off with a legdrop. Crowd was hot!! Good fast match.
----Lawler with Renee interview. Lawler said, “Not many people like rats.” Wait now King - we are all love rats!! LOL Renee looked fabulous in a zebra print something. They show clips of past “Leave It To Lawler” segments. Next week the new season begins.
----Segment airs of Nate/Huey looking inside Nate’s suitcase. Jethro & Grady Watson walk out of an elevator and Jethro wants to know if that is what you get if you put Lawler in the hospital pointing inside the suitcase. He tells Nate “I am your man”. Watson says that he don’t want nothing to do with trash like Nate, but Jethro just slaps him & pushes him back in the elevator. Good segment. Jethro turns!! Maybe he will do the “Devil Rejects” gimmicks soon.
----Lawler by DQ over Jethro. Jethro used the old Lawler trick of a foreign object in his overalls. [Lawler/Jimmy Valiant use to drive me crazy as a kid doing this!!!] Lawler finally made a comeback with pulling down the strap. He slugged Nate outside the ring and went for the fistdrop. He missed it. Then out of the crowd Rebecca Raze jumped Renee putting a belt around her neck choking her. Raze kept kicking and choking her. Renee’s sister Barbara came out to make the save along with Grady Watson. Not a great bout, [nothing wrong] but a great piece with Raze choking Renee. Crowd ate it up.
----Lance Russell video piece talking about “Handsome” Jimmy Valiant. “Opening The Vault” with Valiant video.
----Southern Tag Team Title Match: Kevin White/Brickhouse Brown beat “The Cowboys” [Ricky Murdoch/Bill Nasty] with Nate The Rat to retain the belts. Heat on White. Brick didn’t even get a hot tag, but jumped in to go to the finish. Murdoch was holding White as Nasty was going to hit him with bullrope bell, but White ducked. White pinned Murdoch as Brick held off Nasty. Nasty/Murdoch were horrible here. White/Brick looked good and crowd was so hot for them.
FINAL NOTES: Are Gibson/Rocker related?? For shoot, they both look alike and Chris was always known as the “Fabulous Rocker’??...Hart said that Dundee was the new manger of TC2??...Crowd was sooo hot!!...FOP come off as old school tag team---know why?? Because they are an old school tag team!!...Not sure if it aired liked this in Jackson, but there seem to be a glitch during the whole show with the video???...The last two vignettes they have done with Nate have been real good…Raze is from Gateway Wrestling in St. Louis. She is has currently been working MCW in a feud with Tasha Simone. Nate tried to introduce her, but Brick/White came out. They never gave her a name on TV. She is a good worker…I have been told that the “Cowboys” are getting the big push because Nate likes them a lot. Why?? Nate – watch today’s bout!!! They looked horrible!!...Another good show – four in a row. Good one for the first one @ 10: 00 PM. Also, Maclin keeps saying “Primetime”?? 10:00 is not primetime is it?? Someone in TV please help me here!!!
----This same report is posted every week on and
Saturday, September 02, 2006
10 Years Ago in Memphis Wrestling.....

----I stole this from , but I thought you guys would like to see it.
----USWA 1996: The Unified title changed hands twice over the weekend. First, on August 30th, Sid Vicious (subbing for the no-showing Jake Roberts) defeated Jerry Lawler in 90 seconds, using the powerbomb. Before the match, Lawler claimed on the house mic that Roberts was probably passed out at an airport in Atlanta, explaining the no-show. In the rematch on September 2nd, with both Lawler’s and his manager Scott Bowden’s hair on the line, Lawler regained the title…… Another title change over the weekend saw Jamie Dundee win the TV title from Wolfie D, following interference from Bill Dundee.
----ALRIGHT!!! My photos are uploading again!! The glitch has been fixed over here at!!
Tidbits: Site, Derrick King, Jackson source and Memphis Wrestling tonight
----As most of your know, I sometime don't post news but about three times during Monday - Thursday. Well, it will probably change now. I have an extended vacation coming up and hope to get some things done with this site. Weekends are always busy for the site with local news and such. Please take a look at my LOOKING FOR section-- try to send me more!! But, with me boycotting WWE, then there is sometime nothing to talk about. I do have a few articles planned in the near future that some of you have asked about --
"Jerry The Jobber - Jerry Lawler"
"Sex, Drugs & Wrestling - Seth Knight"
"Ratings & The Maclin - Memphis Wrestling"
"Wrestling With The Stars - Austin Lane"
----I got a report the other night that Derrick King and Jerry Lawler were eating out in Kennett, MO. But, I was told by someone else that it was King/Simon Reed. Hey, what'ca you guys doing in my 'hood?? LOL And speaking of DK, as I said in the MCW results, many of the MCW workers [even though they probably did not say anything to King] felt it should have been Lawler vs one of them, instead of King. I had been told a few years back when I had considered Lawler coming in that Jerry would not just wrestle anyone. I understand that in the sense that Lawler has the WWE contract and such. But, I have been proven wrong this year as Lawler has worked Neil Taylor and others without any problems - he even tagged with Rodney Grimes!! Is it right that King is getting the shot? Maybe not in a sense, but he is a regular MCW guy, but many people just see him as a Memphis Wrestling guy wrestling a Memphis Wrestling guy. Who would have I put vs Lawler?? Frankie Tucker and had Lawler win by DQ when Tucker was beating up and have Chris Hollywood finally made the save. Your champ stays strong and Lawler stays strong for anything they might want to do in the future. Who knows though, as Lawler may have requested working DK, since he might not know any of the other guys.
----I am looking for someone in Jackson that might send a FLASH report of Memphis Wrestling every week after the show airs. I will be posting the report as soon as the show airs tonight. It will be interesting to see who and what is on the show this week. Most of the workers were at Rude's [Bobo of "Insane Clown"] wedding today.
"Jerry The Jobber - Jerry Lawler"
"Sex, Drugs & Wrestling - Seth Knight"
"Ratings & The Maclin - Memphis Wrestling"
"Wrestling With The Stars - Austin Lane"
----I got a report the other night that Derrick King and Jerry Lawler were eating out in Kennett, MO. But, I was told by someone else that it was King/Simon Reed. Hey, what'ca you guys doing in my 'hood?? LOL And speaking of DK, as I said in the MCW results, many of the MCW workers [even though they probably did not say anything to King] felt it should have been Lawler vs one of them, instead of King. I had been told a few years back when I had considered Lawler coming in that Jerry would not just wrestle anyone. I understand that in the sense that Lawler has the WWE contract and such. But, I have been proven wrong this year as Lawler has worked Neil Taylor and others without any problems - he even tagged with Rodney Grimes!! Is it right that King is getting the shot? Maybe not in a sense, but he is a regular MCW guy, but many people just see him as a Memphis Wrestling guy wrestling a Memphis Wrestling guy. Who would have I put vs Lawler?? Frankie Tucker and had Lawler win by DQ when Tucker was beating up and have Chris Hollywood finally made the save. Your champ stays strong and Lawler stays strong for anything they might want to do in the future. Who knows though, as Lawler may have requested working DK, since he might not know any of the other guys.
----I am looking for someone in Jackson that might send a FLASH report of Memphis Wrestling every week after the show airs. I will be posting the report as soon as the show airs tonight. It will be interesting to see who and what is on the show this week. Most of the workers were at Rude's [Bobo of "Insane Clown"] wedding today.
9.01.06 MCW Osceola, AR Results
----The Hambones with Sam Dollar beat Shawn/Spyro; Rebecca Raze with Rashad beat Tasha Simone; White Lighting/Thunder beat Luchador/Loose Cannon with Sam Dollar; Big Daddy LaFonce/Derrick King won by DQ over Motley Cruz/Leroy Hambone with Rashad - DK walked out to turn heel to set up him vs Lawler Thursday night; "East Coast Bad Boys" [Syro/Serpant] beat "The Possee" ['Lil Chris/Simon Reed] and Main Event: MCW Title Match: Frankie Tucker with Sam Dollar retained the belt over Chris Hollywood.
----Crowd was around 75 with a gate probably $425...OSCW promoter Tony Stone and Ms Vicki was seen backstage...MCW is in Blytheville, AR Thursday night at the Mississippi County fair with all the usual crew plus Jerry Lawler...Major heat backstage as most of the workers felt DK shouldn't be working Lawler on Thursday. I plan to say a little more about that in a later post...Somebody put me together some of the Hollywood vs Tucker and Raze vs Simone bouts!! I wanna put them on RassleTube!!!
----Crowd was around 75 with a gate probably $425...OSCW promoter Tony Stone and Ms Vicki was seen backstage...MCW is in Blytheville, AR Thursday night at the Mississippi County fair with all the usual crew plus Jerry Lawler...Major heat backstage as most of the workers felt DK shouldn't be working Lawler on Thursday. I plan to say a little more about that in a later post...Somebody put me together some of the Hollywood vs Tucker and Raze vs Simone bouts!! I wanna put them on RassleTube!!!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Shows For The Weekend 9.1 - 9.2.06
Shows For the Weekend
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes Motley Cruz;; The Hambones; Loose Cannon; Chris Hollywood; Big Daddy LaFonce and more.
----Friday night in Tupelo, MS for TFW has Tony Dabbs; “Pure Destruction”; Marcus O’ Neil; Scott Porteau and more.
----Friday night in Corinth, MS for USWF has Keith Haynes Jr, Neil Taylor, Brian Steele, Nikki Lace; Chris Rocker, Psycho, “Family of Pain” [Mickey Ray/Sarge O'Riley] and more.
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Jumpertown MS - Devon Raynes, Kage, The Hitman, Bless, Mark Mayhem, The Xecutioners, and many more.
----Saturday night at Peppermint Pond in Dyersburg, TN will have Motley Cruz; Tasha Simone; Kilo; 187; Frankie Tucker; Chris Hollywood and more.
----Saturday night in New Albany, MS with XWO will have Storm; Scott Porteau; Hollywood Jimmy ; "Pure Destruction", "Asylum" [Psycho/Wraith], "Family of Pain" [Mickey Ray/Sarge O'Riley] and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW -- Alex Krisis; Rude; Seth Knight; "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony; Jethro;Matt Boyce; Jon Michael ; Chris O'Neal; Dustin Starr; and more.
---- Saturday night Batesville, AR at the Old Miller Gym for Main Event Wrestling. Admission is free Crazy Luke Graham Jr. & Gerry "Chubby" Graham also Skandar Akbar, Doink, Mr. Wrestling 3, Koko B Ware, Brickhouse Brown, Joey Grunge, Adrian Steel, Casino Kid, Scott Fury, Austin Lane, The Hillbillies ( Plowboy Hays & Hillbilly Tiny), Daniel Flynn, The Danger Zone ( Hotrod Ellison & Danger Dave Foxx) and many more.
Shows For the Weekend
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes Motley Cruz;; The Hambones; Loose Cannon; Chris Hollywood; Big Daddy LaFonce and more.
----Friday night in Tupelo, MS for TFW has Tony Dabbs; “Pure Destruction”; Marcus O’ Neil; Scott Porteau and more.
----Friday night in Corinth, MS for USWF has Keith Haynes Jr, Neil Taylor, Brian Steele, Nikki Lace; Chris Rocker, Psycho, “Family of Pain” [Mickey Ray/Sarge O'Riley] and more.
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Jumpertown MS - Devon Raynes, Kage, The Hitman, Bless, Mark Mayhem, The Xecutioners, and many more.
----Saturday night at Peppermint Pond in Dyersburg, TN will have Motley Cruz; Tasha Simone; Kilo; 187; Frankie Tucker; Chris Hollywood and more.
----Saturday night in New Albany, MS with XWO will have Storm; Scott Porteau; Hollywood Jimmy ; "Pure Destruction", "Asylum" [Psycho/Wraith], "Family of Pain" [Mickey Ray/Sarge O'Riley] and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW -- Alex Krisis; Rude; Seth Knight; "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony; Jethro;Matt Boyce; Jon Michael ; Chris O'Neal; Dustin Starr; and more.
---- Saturday night Batesville, AR at the Old Miller Gym for Main Event Wrestling. Admission is free Crazy Luke Graham Jr. & Gerry "Chubby" Graham also Skandar Akbar, Doink, Mr. Wrestling 3, Koko B Ware, Brickhouse Brown, Joey Grunge, Adrian Steel, Casino Kid, Scott Fury, Austin Lane, The Hillbillies ( Plowboy Hays & Hillbilly Tiny), Daniel Flynn, The Danger Zone ( Hotrod Ellison & Danger Dave Foxx) and many more.
Monday, August 28, 2006
RassleTube 8.28.06 Edition
----Below is the link to the first 1 hour show of wrestling, so you don't have to watch RAW tonight. My ultimate goal here is to feature talent from the area, but I have not got much response with matches. But, I also want to share with you my likes and such from around the world. The list of matches are on top of the tube. Let me know what you guys think. Enjoy!!
Please note that I am not sure if this will work on slow speed internet. I do know it works on high speed!!
Please note that I am not sure if this will work on slow speed internet. I do know it works on high speed!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Tidbits: Kurt Angle, JD McKay, Memphis vs MCW and more from Tasha
----I do not know the full story on Kurt Angle, but the best I can figure out is that he is so hurt he can not work without pain pills. And, he might be so hurt that the WWE is fearing his life. If this is the last we do see of Angle, then I would like to thank him for all the hard work he put in this business. One of the best every. A quick side note on Angle - when he first got started doing some shows in the Memphis area I had the chance to see him live. I told my friends that Angle was ok, but wouldn't even make it big. Smart; huh?? My picks that night were Steve Bradley, Shawn Stasiak and Vic Grimes.
----JD McCain..LOL I mean McKay has a good "Shooting the Hip" over at Jimmy's site. Good way of looking at being on TV. I knew it would matter to him, because hell he is living his dream. Funny, how Cory Maclin can't get names right!! You are a goof Cory!!! Hit the link above and read it.
----The guys over at Trent Van Drisse's news board always have some fun discussions. Check out this one on "Memphis vs MCW". If all news boards could be like this one, then wrestling fandom would be much better. Most of them are like Jimmy's board and that is the main reason I will not put one up on this site.
----Tasha Simone is at it again about the fans. Trent gives this link on his board and then the guys there comment. I would not say the things that people having been saying to her. But, in turn if you put yourself out in front of the crowd, then you are game for anything that does not physcially harm you. If you can't take the verbal abuse, then don't go out there. Tasha has some interesting pics on that site also.
----JD McCain..LOL I mean McKay has a good "Shooting the Hip" over at Jimmy's site. Good way of looking at being on TV. I knew it would matter to him, because hell he is living his dream. Funny, how Cory Maclin can't get names right!! You are a goof Cory!!! Hit the link above and read it.
----The guys over at Trent Van Drisse's news board always have some fun discussions. Check out this one on "Memphis vs MCW". If all news boards could be like this one, then wrestling fandom would be much better. Most of them are like Jimmy's board and that is the main reason I will not put one up on this site.
----Tasha Simone is at it again about the fans. Trent gives this link on his board and then the guys there comment. I would not say the things that people having been saying to her. But, in turn if you put yourself out in front of the crowd, then you are game for anything that does not physcially harm you. If you can't take the verbal abuse, then don't go out there. Tasha has some interesting pics on that site also.
8.26.06 SGWA Booneville, MS Results
----Vega "The Dragon" beat "Prime Time" Nick Grymes to retain the TV title; Big Lacy destroyed The Forgotten; PHAT Foundation [Justin Rhodes/Chris Fontaine] vs Tysin Starr/Cassanova Kidd went to a DCO; Kleb Kastle beat AJ Creed & Dirty White Boy [Jake Dalton] in triple threat to become the #1 Contender; Johnny Morton beat Buzz Harley; Kross/The Soultaker beat "The American Rednecks" [Dalton Storm/Curtis Ray] and the Main Event for the SGWA Title Bonecrusher vs Izzy Rotten vs Johnny Thunder ended in a DQ when Starr/Kidd attacked Bonecursher/Thunder.
----After the main, Rotten formed a group called CIA ( Cocky, Irrisistable Attitudes) consisting of Izzy Rotten, Tysin Starr, and Cassanova Kidd...Crowd was around 80 with a gate of $400...For some reason, I like the name "Johnny Thunder" LOL...Down the road at Jumpertown, MS booker Devon Raynes quit. Be interested to see if he shows up here.
----After the main, Rotten formed a group called CIA ( Cocky, Irrisistable Attitudes) consisting of Izzy Rotten, Tysin Starr, and Cassanova Kidd...Crowd was around 80 with a gate of $400...For some reason, I like the name "Johnny Thunder" LOL...Down the road at Jumpertown, MS booker Devon Raynes quit. Be interested to see if he shows up here.
8.25.06 MCW Osceola, AR Results
----Hambones/Hamhock beat Thunder/Shawn/Larry The Medic; Lighting/Tasha Simone vs Loose Cannon/Rebecca Raze with Rashard - DCO; Derrick King/Big Jim Wade by DQ over Motley Cruz/Hambone 1; "East Coast Bad Boys" [Spiro/Serpant]/Hillbilly Nate beat "The Possee" [Simon Reed/'Lil Chris] in a handicap match and in the Main Event: MCW Title Match: Frankie Tucker with Sam Dollar retain the belt beating Chris Hollywood.
----Crowd was down due to football. Probably around 50 with a $300 gate...I was told that Leroy Hambone worked a bit stiff with Derrick King....Also is it true that King is afraid of frogs??
----Crowd was down due to football. Probably around 50 with a $300 gate...I was told that Leroy Hambone worked a bit stiff with Derrick King....Also is it true that King is afraid of frogs??
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