Cousin Jason X & Dyronic & Psycho Medic b Lee Cross & Orlando Savage & Mr. Fitness when Jason pinned Savage
Pat Tanaka b Tim Renesto by DQ when Renesto hit Tanaka with a chair
Shane Smalls b Justin Spade
New York Gangster b Jason James
LT Falk & Damien Payne vs Quinton Quarisma & JC Crowe ended in a double pin (Quarisma pinned Payne as Falk pinned Crowe) which resulted in the USWO Tag Team Championship being held up
TJ Harley vs Andy Douglas ended in a no-contest when Tim Renesto ran out and attacked both.
----75 in attendance...It was earlier noted on the show that USWO Champion Mark Anthony was absent tonight, thus he will defend against both in a 3-way next Friday...Was this THE Pat Tanaka??
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Rassle Results: RWL Newbern, TN - Results Wrapup!!
----Here are the results from the last three weeks of RWL. I just received them in an e-mail. Attendance is also low here.
May 29- "Posse" [Lil Chris/Simon Reed] over JD Rage/Jason Reed...Tim Edwards over Jeremy Moore...Kilo over Tommy Redneck...Jon Roberts/lil Tim Alfonzo over Brian Steele/Buckwheat, Shawn Reed over Baron Malkavain...60-75 in attendance.
June 6- Tim Edwards over Gaylon Ray...Kolby Stern over Jon Roberts...Greg King Jr via DQ over Weasel after attacked by Eric Wayne...Eric Wayne via DQ over Simon Reed after attack by Greg King Jr...Lil Chris via DQ after Shawn Reed hit him with weapon...40-45 in attendance.
June 14- Seth Knight over Jon Roberts...Tim Edwards over Kilo..."Dirty" Sanchez over the Sicilian Kid...Eric Wayne/Kid Nikels over Weasel/Greg King Jr...35-45 in attendance.
May 29- "Posse" [Lil Chris/Simon Reed] over JD Rage/Jason Reed...Tim Edwards over Jeremy Moore...Kilo over Tommy Redneck...Jon Roberts/lil Tim Alfonzo over Brian Steele/Buckwheat, Shawn Reed over Baron Malkavain...60-75 in attendance.
June 6- Tim Edwards over Gaylon Ray...Kolby Stern over Jon Roberts...Greg King Jr via DQ over Weasel after attacked by Eric Wayne...Eric Wayne via DQ over Simon Reed after attack by Greg King Jr...Lil Chris via DQ after Shawn Reed hit him with weapon...40-45 in attendance.
June 14- Seth Knight over Jon Roberts...Tim Edwards over Kilo..."Dirty" Sanchez over the Sicilian Kid...Eric Wayne/Kid Nikels over Weasel/Greg King Jr...35-45 in attendance.
In Case You Missed it!!
--"A Piece of My Mind" By Sal Corrente.
--"A Night To Remember" in Kingsport draws a big crowd!!
--TNA in the Bluff!!
--Local guys on TNA PPV!!
--Tatt2 gets a look!!
--Worst wrestling videos ever??
--Coach's Corner - "Underage Girls, False Advertising and Money Marks - Just Another Great Day In Wrestling."
--Flashback by Mark James.
--"Shooting the Shiznit" PRIME TIME debut with MLW's Darrell and Sue Young!!
--"What Memphis Watches" by Ron Guidry
----"In Case You Missed It" is a new weekly feature posted Saturday afternoons on RRO. It will give you a review of the past week by just clicking the link. Inspired by one of my favorite VH1 TV shows - "Best Week Ever".
--"A Night To Remember" in Kingsport draws a big crowd!!
--TNA in the Bluff!!
--Local guys on TNA PPV!!
--Tatt2 gets a look!!
--Worst wrestling videos ever??
--Coach's Corner - "Underage Girls, False Advertising and Money Marks - Just Another Great Day In Wrestling."
--Flashback by Mark James.
--"Shooting the Shiznit" PRIME TIME debut with MLW's Darrell and Sue Young!!
--"What Memphis Watches" by Ron Guidry
----"In Case You Missed It" is a new weekly feature posted Saturday afternoons on RRO. It will give you a review of the past week by just clicking the link. Inspired by one of my favorite VH1 TV shows - "Best Week Ever".
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 6.13.08
Derrick King over Tommy Wayne
"Trailer Park Trash" [Cody Murdock/Al Smith] over Chris Rocker & Rockin' Randy
Idol Bane over Tommy Redneck
Dell Tucker over "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony by DQ
Dell Tucker & Tommy Redneck over Idol Bane & "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony.
Show opened with Greg Anthony and Jeff O'Dell. TGB explained that he is better than Tucker and he's not going to raise his blood pressure anymore worring about him. Tucker's music hits. Tucker says he doesn't blame TGB, he wouldn't want to wrestle him on this day anyway. TGB asked what he meant by "this day". Tucker said its Friday the 13th and he knows how superstitious TGB is. TGB said he wasn't superstitious and even walked under a ladder to prove his point. Tucker then said maybe your not superstitious, your just chicken!! TGB gets mad and makes Jeff O'Dell make the match for later.
DK and Tommy Wayne both fan favorites. After DK's win, they shook hands but Tommy Wayne pulled DK into a short arm clothesline and started kicking him when Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens made the save. Slim is fully healed and has returned to LAW.
TGB seemed off his game in his singles match with Tucker. He swore it had nothing to do with Friday the 13th. Altough he did try to get the ref to call the match because things weren't going his way and wanted to do it another day until the fans started chanting midget! Tucker was getting the better of TGB when Idol Bane came and nailed Idol from behind causing a DQ. They both beat on Tucker until Tommy Redneck came to make the save. Redneck then challenge Idol and TGB to a tag match.. right now!!
Heat on Redneck with Tucker getting the hot tag. Several near falls. Tucker was giving Idol a ten punch in the corner when TGB hit him from behind and then got powder from Jeff. TGB went to throw it in Dell's face but Tucker ducked and TGB got Idol Bane instead. Tucker then pushed TGB into Idol and Idol blinded grabbed TGB and gave him The Ghost of Andy Kaufman! Tucker then made the pin on TGB.. 1,2,3.
----40-50 in the crowd. It might be smarter to run a town like this every other week. It has been proven that no matter how good the booking is - no matter how good the talent are - this town is not going to draw. Summer and gas prices is going to even make it worse.
"Trailer Park Trash" [Cody Murdock/Al Smith] over Chris Rocker & Rockin' Randy
Idol Bane over Tommy Redneck
Dell Tucker over "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony by DQ
Dell Tucker & Tommy Redneck over Idol Bane & "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony.
Show opened with Greg Anthony and Jeff O'Dell. TGB explained that he is better than Tucker and he's not going to raise his blood pressure anymore worring about him. Tucker's music hits. Tucker says he doesn't blame TGB, he wouldn't want to wrestle him on this day anyway. TGB asked what he meant by "this day". Tucker said its Friday the 13th and he knows how superstitious TGB is. TGB said he wasn't superstitious and even walked under a ladder to prove his point. Tucker then said maybe your not superstitious, your just chicken!! TGB gets mad and makes Jeff O'Dell make the match for later.
DK and Tommy Wayne both fan favorites. After DK's win, they shook hands but Tommy Wayne pulled DK into a short arm clothesline and started kicking him when Slim "The Bulldog" Pickens made the save. Slim is fully healed and has returned to LAW.
TGB seemed off his game in his singles match with Tucker. He swore it had nothing to do with Friday the 13th. Altough he did try to get the ref to call the match because things weren't going his way and wanted to do it another day until the fans started chanting midget! Tucker was getting the better of TGB when Idol Bane came and nailed Idol from behind causing a DQ. They both beat on Tucker until Tommy Redneck came to make the save. Redneck then challenge Idol and TGB to a tag match.. right now!!
Heat on Redneck with Tucker getting the hot tag. Several near falls. Tucker was giving Idol a ten punch in the corner when TGB hit him from behind and then got powder from Jeff. TGB went to throw it in Dell's face but Tucker ducked and TGB got Idol Bane instead. Tucker then pushed TGB into Idol and Idol blinded grabbed TGB and gave him The Ghost of Andy Kaufman! Tucker then made the pin on TGB.. 1,2,3.
----40-50 in the crowd. It might be smarter to run a town like this every other week. It has been proven that no matter how good the booking is - no matter how good the talent are - this town is not going to draw. Summer and gas prices is going to even make it worse.
Friday, June 13, 2008
A Piece of My Mind June 13th, 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I am quite sure that many peoplequestioned Vince McMahon's giving away all that money. I questioned it for only one reason ... Vince McMahon appears to be in denial. When you try this type of major move it should be with the idea that you are making some changes to expose the public to. In his case, it doesn’t seem he took that approach. He must feel that the product he is producing is in much need of “tweaking”. I believe things could have been presented in a better way as well. It’s easy to sit here and be critical, but in the long run, the WWE is making millions on top of millions. However, if Vincent Kennedy McMahon wants to go back to being a billionaire he had better do some “tweaking”.
In a couple of days it will be one year since my incident with Jerry Lawler at Sam’s Town. Isn’t it amazing how much the landscape of Wrestling has changed in the Memphis market. At this point there is no weekly Memphis TV show. In the world of Corey Maclin he probably landed on his feet and, with the settlement of this lawsuit, he probably came out a big winner. He deserved whatever he got from the WWE and like most things that happen in Memphis it quietly went away. It is an interesting place to say the least. I don’t think that any of us know what the future holds for Memphis Wrestling. It is only a shadow of itself and more than likely will never regain its past glory.
The future of Memphis Wrestling more than likely lies in the hands of Corey Maclin. He has the infrastructure to make money in the Memphis market today. If he wants to get something going I am sure that he can. He certainly loves to be on camera and likes Wrestling. I cant see anyone else investing in the market. It sure makes you think doesn’t it?
Isnt it about time to turn Triple H heel? I think the whole industry should have a case of indigestion the way this guy is shoved down our throats. It is time for him to start passing the torch. I wonder when someone else will figure that out.
One of the guys that recently got arrested for DUI in Florida was released by WWE. I wonder what criteria is used to determine who gets arrested and keeps a job as opposed to who gets arrested and loses one. You have to sit back and wonder how these decisions are made. It can't be based on who they think might draw money since these days its more of an ensemble cast than one specific talent. Of course, to draw you would have to have good story lines and other assorted things. It will take a truly special talent to take the business to the next level. If that person is out there today his name is most likely Randy Orton. I am not sure I am right about this but if he isn't the guy than we haven't met "the guy" yet.
The picture for this article was taken at the Yokozuna Memorial Show. It was the APA (Bradshaw and Faroouq agains Kane and The Undertaker. It was great to see everyone turn up to have this match in memory of our friend Yokozuna. I always got along great with Ron Simmons so it was good to see him again. The memories are always running through my mind. Its nice to visit them here on a weekly basis
This has been a piece of my mind
RassleResults: EWP Alcoa, TN 6.12.08
Trooper T def. Jim Miller via sunset flip.
No-DQ EWP Tag Team Title Match
DRI def. Beau James & Wayne Adkins after DRI hit the Death Row Driver on Wayne to become the 1st EWP Tag Champions. Beau James argued that he was the legal man therefore DRI aren't the winners, Spur then restarted the match as DRI gave double roll-ups to Wayne & Beau for the double 1-2-3.
Robbie Race came out for his match but Doc came out to reason with Robbie not o wrestle as hes had too much head trauma recently and wasn't even wearing his ring gear right. Then Edward Idol came out and goaded Robbie into a match, even thouh there wasn't a ref. Robbie had the advantage until Idol landed some sdhots to the head that laid Robbie out.
Tyson Daly had another edition of the Daly Dose with his guest, "The King" Shane Williams. Shane proceeded to run down Sigmon sayin he wasn't a real wrestler and bragging about laying him out. Sigmon then came out and began brawling with Shane even tearing off his clothes leaving the "The King" in his underwear. Then the challenge was made and accepted, next week EWP Championship match between Sigmon and Shane Williamsin an I Quit Match.
Menace def. Scotty Atomic by rendering him unconscious in a triple threat match also involving Shane Andrews. As the match was beginning Kole Layton King came out to ringside and watched. Match was a quick-paced affair with everyone seemingly getting a piece on of everyone else. About half-way through the match Shane Andrews got injured and spent the rest of the match on te outside until he made back inside the ring in the corner near the end. After the match as Shane was being helped off KLK came in and started laying into Scotty with boots and punches until Scotty managed to catch him and spit the Chronic Mist into KLK's face.
Donovan Daniels def. Jeff Anderson after the RIP slid in a chain while he distracted the ref and Jeff which alowed Donovan to hit Jeff in the head with it.
Keith Knox def. the RIP after giving him the chokebomb. JEff Anderson came out and distracted RIP which lead to the chokebomb when he turned back around.
----Paid attendance of 80. Also the A/C was great...Take note - any groups that have an AC - it will bring in more people this summer!!
No-DQ EWP Tag Team Title Match
DRI def. Beau James & Wayne Adkins after DRI hit the Death Row Driver on Wayne to become the 1st EWP Tag Champions. Beau James argued that he was the legal man therefore DRI aren't the winners, Spur then restarted the match as DRI gave double roll-ups to Wayne & Beau for the double 1-2-3.
Robbie Race came out for his match but Doc came out to reason with Robbie not o wrestle as hes had too much head trauma recently and wasn't even wearing his ring gear right. Then Edward Idol came out and goaded Robbie into a match, even thouh there wasn't a ref. Robbie had the advantage until Idol landed some sdhots to the head that laid Robbie out.
Tyson Daly had another edition of the Daly Dose with his guest, "The King" Shane Williams. Shane proceeded to run down Sigmon sayin he wasn't a real wrestler and bragging about laying him out. Sigmon then came out and began brawling with Shane even tearing off his clothes leaving the "The King" in his underwear. Then the challenge was made and accepted, next week EWP Championship match between Sigmon and Shane Williamsin an I Quit Match.
Menace def. Scotty Atomic by rendering him unconscious in a triple threat match also involving Shane Andrews. As the match was beginning Kole Layton King came out to ringside and watched. Match was a quick-paced affair with everyone seemingly getting a piece on of everyone else. About half-way through the match Shane Andrews got injured and spent the rest of the match on te outside until he made back inside the ring in the corner near the end. After the match as Shane was being helped off KLK came in and started laying into Scotty with boots and punches until Scotty managed to catch him and spit the Chronic Mist into KLK's face.
Donovan Daniels def. Jeff Anderson after the RIP slid in a chain while he distracted the ref and Jeff which alowed Donovan to hit Jeff in the head with it.
Keith Knox def. the RIP after giving him the chokebomb. JEff Anderson came out and distracted RIP which lead to the chokebomb when he turned back around.
----Paid attendance of 80. Also the A/C was great...Take note - any groups that have an AC - it will bring in more people this summer!!
"What Memphis Watches" by Ron Guidry
This week saw Impact’s and Smackdown’s numbers both go up while Raw’s numbers were surprisingly down. We’ll start with Impact. It wasn’t a surprise to me that TNA’s numbers were up this week. With Slammiversary in town on Sunday, Memphis tuned in to Impact on Thursday and again Saturday night. My theory is that the viewers wanted to be current with Impact’s storylines and possible changes to the card. This is common with the Memphis viewing audience as over the years of looking at the ratings I’ve noticed this trend. The TV shows preceding a ppv event in Memphis draws good numbers. One other interesting note, the replay of Impact this week pulled a better number than the Thursday night run of Impact last week. Wow!
Smackdown was back to its regular average rating. With no NBA playoffs on TV, there was nothing to affect SD’s numbers. Smackdown was the 2nd most watched show in Memphis Friday night just behind the movie “White Chicks” on Fox.
The most surprising numbers I saw this week was RAW’s. I was genuinely shocked when I saw both of Raw’s ratings both locally and nationally. You would think in these hard financial times that we are living in, that anytime you would be giving away a million dollars on live TV people would tune in, especially if the know they have a chance to win some of it. The local news stations have been doing it for a couple of years now during ratings months and it ups the numbers when they gave away money or anything for that matter but for some odd reason it didn’t work for RAW. The final number was down a whole point from last week. That tells me that people just didn’t want to watch the show and I think that says a lot about the actual product itself. For me, RAW just hasn’t been the exciting, must-see show in a long while and while I’m a die-hard fan and will continue to watch RAW, most people won’t tune in week in and week out if the show is not compelling. RAW hasn’t been very compelling TV since the “Attitude” era and it looks like not even giving away money will get people to watch.
Finally, just for shits and grins, Sanford and Son and The Andy Griffith Show that now runs on Saturday night in the old Memphis Wrestling time slot both drew a 4.1 rating [68, 8835 viewers] 7 share. I’ll keep an eye on this every week for a few months just to see if CW30 made a good decision in taking Memphis Wrestling off the air.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at:
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 2 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of both hours for the final rating.
Thanks and enjoy!!!
TNA Impact (Thursday) 6-05-08
Final Rating: 2.2 [36,936 viewers] 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 2.3 [38,615 viewers], 2.5 [41,973 viewers], 2.3 [38,615 viewers], 2.0 [33,578 viewers]
2nd hour: 2.1 [35,257 viewers], 2.2 [36,936 viewers], 2.1 [35,257 viewers], 2.2 [36,936 viewers]
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 6-06-08
Final Rating: 5.3 [88,982 viewers] 9 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 5.7 [95,697 viewers], 5.2 [87,303 viewers], 5.5 [92,3340 viewers], 5.5 [92,3340 viewers]
2nd hour: 6.3 [105,771 viewers], 5.1 [85,624 viewers], 4.1 [68,835 viewers], 5.2 [87,303 viewers]
TNA Impact Replay 6-07-08
Final Rating: 1.7 [28,541 viewers] 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 1.9 [31,899 viewers], 2.3 [38,615 viewers], 2.1 [35,257 viewers], 1.7 [28,541 viewers]
2nd hour: 2.3 [38,615 viewers], 1.4 [23,505 viewers], 0.8 [13,431 viewers], 0.8 [13,431 viewers]
WWE A.M. 6-08-08
Final Rating: 0.9 [15,110 viewers] 2 share
Quarter hours: 1.1 [18,468 viewers], 1.0 [16,789 viewers], 0.9 [15,110 viewers], 0.6 [10,073 viewers]
WWE Raw 6-09-08
Final Rating: 4.4 [73,872 viewers] 6 share
1st hour: 4.2 [70,514 viewers] 6 share
Quarter hours: 4.2 [70,514 viewers], 4.1 [68,835 viewers], 4.0 [67,156 viewers], 4.4 [73,872 viewers]
2nd hour: 4.5 [75,551 viewers] 6 share
Quarter hours: 4.0 [67,156 viewers], 5.0 [83,945 viewers], 4.1 [68,835 viewers], 4.9 [82,266 viewers]
Overrun: 5.6 [94,018 viewers]
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating anaylsis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” was the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.
Smackdown was back to its regular average rating. With no NBA playoffs on TV, there was nothing to affect SD’s numbers. Smackdown was the 2nd most watched show in Memphis Friday night just behind the movie “White Chicks” on Fox.
The most surprising numbers I saw this week was RAW’s. I was genuinely shocked when I saw both of Raw’s ratings both locally and nationally. You would think in these hard financial times that we are living in, that anytime you would be giving away a million dollars on live TV people would tune in, especially if the know they have a chance to win some of it. The local news stations have been doing it for a couple of years now during ratings months and it ups the numbers when they gave away money or anything for that matter but for some odd reason it didn’t work for RAW. The final number was down a whole point from last week. That tells me that people just didn’t want to watch the show and I think that says a lot about the actual product itself. For me, RAW just hasn’t been the exciting, must-see show in a long while and while I’m a die-hard fan and will continue to watch RAW, most people won’t tune in week in and week out if the show is not compelling. RAW hasn’t been very compelling TV since the “Attitude” era and it looks like not even giving away money will get people to watch.
Finally, just for shits and grins, Sanford and Son and The Andy Griffith Show that now runs on Saturday night in the old Memphis Wrestling time slot both drew a 4.1 rating [68, 8835 viewers] 7 share. I’ll keep an eye on this every week for a few months just to see if CW30 made a good decision in taking Memphis Wrestling off the air.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at:
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 2 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of both hours for the final rating.
Thanks and enjoy!!!
TNA Impact (Thursday) 6-05-08
Final Rating: 2.2 [36,936 viewers] 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 2.3 [38,615 viewers], 2.5 [41,973 viewers], 2.3 [38,615 viewers], 2.0 [33,578 viewers]
2nd hour: 2.1 [35,257 viewers], 2.2 [36,936 viewers], 2.1 [35,257 viewers], 2.2 [36,936 viewers]
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 6-06-08
Final Rating: 5.3 [88,982 viewers] 9 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 5.7 [95,697 viewers], 5.2 [87,303 viewers], 5.5 [92,3340 viewers], 5.5 [92,3340 viewers]
2nd hour: 6.3 [105,771 viewers], 5.1 [85,624 viewers], 4.1 [68,835 viewers], 5.2 [87,303 viewers]
TNA Impact Replay 6-07-08
Final Rating: 1.7 [28,541 viewers] 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 1.9 [31,899 viewers], 2.3 [38,615 viewers], 2.1 [35,257 viewers], 1.7 [28,541 viewers]
2nd hour: 2.3 [38,615 viewers], 1.4 [23,505 viewers], 0.8 [13,431 viewers], 0.8 [13,431 viewers]
WWE A.M. 6-08-08
Final Rating: 0.9 [15,110 viewers] 2 share
Quarter hours: 1.1 [18,468 viewers], 1.0 [16,789 viewers], 0.9 [15,110 viewers], 0.6 [10,073 viewers]
WWE Raw 6-09-08
Final Rating: 4.4 [73,872 viewers] 6 share
1st hour: 4.2 [70,514 viewers] 6 share
Quarter hours: 4.2 [70,514 viewers], 4.1 [68,835 viewers], 4.0 [67,156 viewers], 4.4 [73,872 viewers]
2nd hour: 4.5 [75,551 viewers] 6 share
Quarter hours: 4.0 [67,156 viewers], 5.0 [83,945 viewers], 4.1 [68,835 viewers], 4.9 [82,266 viewers]
Overrun: 5.6 [94,018 viewers]
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating anaylsis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” was the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Showtime Allstar Wrestling TV - Episode 48
Airing June 7, 2008 on ION Network affiliate WNPX 28 in Nashville
For a comprehensive review of Nashville’s weekly wrestling TV shows, SAW and NWA Main Event, check out [url=]Jerkin’ the Curtain radio[/url] with Trent Van Drisse and Tommy Stewart.
Michael St. John and Reno Riggins were befuddled by the chaos on last week’s show. What with the arrest of Dream Team and SAW Champion Damian Adams dropped on his head by Kid Kash, they hardly knew where to begin. MSJ promised they would get to the bottom of both situations. Also coming up during this hour: Chrisjen Hayme vs. T. J. Harley and the debut of Cassidy Reilly, picked up “off the waiver wire” after his release by WWE.
Cut to MSJ with Kash in the interview area. Kash was wearing a black t-shirt with a one word inscription: HEEL. Kash was proud of dropping the champion on his head. He was in SAW to win the title and dominate, as he was about to demonstrate on the jibroni in the ring.
(1) Kid Kash beat Josh Crow in 3:10. Kash used a semi-sprawl to block Crow’s takedown attempts. Riggins told the fans to stay tuned because the SAW BOD was about to make changes to the “luck of the draw” to determine title challengers. Crow reversed a hammerlock. Kash went to the ropes. Kash cheated on a Roman knuckle lock and destroyed Crow with strikes. Crow’s comeback fell short of a near fall, before Kash dropped him on his head with the brainbuster.
Postmatch, a fan got in Kash’s face. Kash shoved the guy and then dragged towards the ring. A tug of war ensued with security, so Kash dragged the dude into the ring by his hair. Kash slammed the fan on his head. Damian made the save. They cut to a shot of Riggins trying to get to Kash. Security had to separate them.
NWA Top Rope presents their third anniversary show on June 14 in Lebanon at the Wilson County Fairgrounds: Adam Pearce vs. “Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Five title matches in all.
The NWA World Heavyweight Champion “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce was with his manger, C. Edward Vander Pyle. Vander Pyle wanted to know why Pearce was going to Lebanon to defend the title against Boogie. Pearce said he though he was going to Beirut. Vander Pyle admitted he had been to Lebanon and it was nasty. Pearce advised Vander Pyle to deny ever being there. Vander Pyle tried to dissuade Pearce by disrespecting Jimmy Valiant and the almighty state of Tennessee. Pearce told Vander Pyle to stay home and consult with Nick Bockwinkel about the problems he had in Tennessee. Pearce said he would go to Lebanon, pretend it was Beirut, and drop bombs on Boogie.
A fired up Damian was in the interview area with MSJ. Damian said he was tired of Kash acting like he owned the place. Damian said as champion, he was issuing a challenge to the challenger: any time, any place.
(2) Cassidy Riley beat C. M. Sigmon in 4:12. Riggins said the fan was taken to the hospital with neck injuries, and Commissioner Freddie Morton wasn’t going to let Kash get away with stuff like that. Riggins said SAW acted quickly to fly Riley in to Tennessee and sign him up when his WWE contract expired. MSJ brought up Riley’s work in the New Orleans relief effort after Katrina. Sigmon falsely complaints about hair pulling. Riley gave him something to complain about by smacking his face and twisting his arm like a pretzel. Sigmon used hair. Riley answered with an irate series of hair pull slams. The ref got on Riley’s case and Sigmon clubbed him from behind to briefly gain control. Riley’s trademark handspring back elbow was the beginning of the end, as Riley went on to score the pinfall with a DDT.
MSJ came to ringside to welcome Riley to SAW. Riley said it was privilege to be back in the Nashville area, and he was there to go for the gold. “Lace ‘em up boys, because Cassidy Riley is back in town.”
MSJ was in the ring flanked by SAW BOD members, Riggins and Mike Sircy to discuss the Dream Team’s arrest on aggravated assault charges during last week’s show. They went to a video clip of the incident, and were joined in the ring by Boogie Woogie Boy, Arrick Andrews and Miss Boogie. Boogie said when A Team does something to Dream Team, instead of whining and crying, they go straight back at them. Andrews said the promotion wanted people to stand up to A Team, and when the Dream Team finally did, they got hauled off to jail. Riggins said SAW had to protect their brand against lawbreakers, just like the NFL did with Pacman Jones. Paul Adams came out on the ramp to offer some assistance. He had a copy of the SAW wrestler’s contract. Paul said that section 3(b), paragraph 4, sentence 5 stated that a criminal record was grounds for termination. Riggins got pissed at Paul. He was very familiar with what the contract said, because he wrote it. Riggins said he had known Boogie for 20 years and this was one of the hardest things he ever had to do, but the BOD was declaring Boogie and Arrick’s contracts null and void. Cut to A Team on the ramp whooping it up with Paul. Sircy told Dream Team he had done everything he could do, but his hands were tied. Dream Team expressed disbelief that their reward for TCOB and finally getting one up on A Team was to get axed.
Not to sound like Donald Trump, but Boogie and Arrick, you’re fired…I’m sorry gentleman. You can seek employment elsewhere, but as of this moment you have no business in SAW.
Back from the break, MSJ and Riggins discussed the gut wrenching decision the BOD faced in having to fire Dream Team. They should footage of Dream Team’s emotional farewell to the SAW fans. The camera followed Dream Team through the Arena and out into the parking lot. Sircy embraced Andrews and apologized again.
A Team was backstage celebrating. They did another installment of Hammerjack’s obscene cell phone photos. This one had a man under a glass coffee table and woman on top of the table doing something unspeakable. Dillinger said he used date that girl. Paul declared that SAW was now a Boogie free zone. He said Dream Team should have been arrested for murder long ago for killing the ratings. In another running gag, Dillinger had a gallon jug of moonshine, but Paul wasn’t touching that stuff. Paul said they were going to get rid of Outlaw before the hour was over, then it was off to the Sizzler.
(3) T. J. Harley pinned Chrisjen Hayme in 3:39 with the Mindbender. Hayme bailed to avoid the Harley’s big kick to the face. Harley chased after him. Hayme tried to cut him off, but Harley outsmarted him and hit a slingshot elbow for near fall. But the match did a 180 when Harley ate a dropkick as he came off the middle rope. Harley hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a close near fall. Harley caught Hayme with a roll up and a backslide, then ducked an enzuigiri and hit the big kick to the face. Harley was frustrated when Hayme kicked out. Hayme countered Harley’s finisher with the enzuigiri, but nobody home for his springboard moonsault. Harley hit the Mindbender - a fisherman suplex dropped into a neckbreaker across the knee.
Harley was attacked by a barefoot fan out of the crowd. The “fan” stuck a stick in the ringpost, wrapped Harley’s arm around it, and snapped the stick against Harley’s arm. Harley was screaming in pain, as the fan barked like a dog. Reno said the guy just snapped T.J.’s arm. Harley came over the interview area favoring the arm bigtime. Harley said he knew that was Bruno Davis, the same guy that tried to break his leg in Canada, and he was going to break Davis in Tennessee.
(4) Ric Santel (with Paul Adams) pinned Indian Outlaw after a shot with ye olde Tennessee Chain (5:20). Reno said Outlaw had the size but Santel had the viciousness factor. It was a back and forth brawl. MSJ mentioned that referee Kurt Herron had just been named one of the top 10 refs in the world (?). Santel got Outlaw down on the mat and did a number on him. Riggins admitted Paul had outsmarted everyone with the way he rid SAW of Dream Team. MSJ asked Riggins to revisit that part of the contract. Outlaw escaped from Santel’s finisher. Outlaw’s chops turned Santel’s entire chest a rosy red. Outlaw put Santel on dream street with his sliding leg lariat. Outlaw then clotheslined Santel over the top. At this point, Paul slipped a chain to Santel and distracting the ref. Santel popped Outlaw with the chain. Cover. 1-2-3.
Drew Haskins came to ringside and told Herron about the chain. He was attacked by Hammerjack and Dillinger. While the TVA mauled Haskins, Santel set up his finisher on Outlaw. Before he could deliver, Lennox Lightfoot hit the ring. St. John went crazy. The fans popped huge. A Team bailed out looking petrified. There was a great close up of a bug-eyed Paul as the show went off the air.
Closing Thoughts: SAW is on a roll. For episodic pro wrestling as soap opera at the indie level, it doesn’t get much better than this week’s show. They presented two powerful, well-executed angles and capped off the hour with the surprise return of a top babyface. The deal with Kash attacking the fan was a shocker. The match gave every indication of being a standard opening match squash, and suddenly Kash is pulling this fan into the ring, who looked legit unwilling to be there. Reno and Kash getting into it was a nice touch. Kash knows how to bring out the hate. The angle also gave Damian an opportunity to redeem himself from his weak positioning in this feud thus far. He showed some much needed fire on the mic. The firing of Dream Team was terrific stuff. Reno, MSJ and Adams were all very good in their roles. It was the farewell segment, especially the piece that took place out in the parking lot that really drove it home. The key thing was they found a way to ice Dream Team and avoided doing another injury/beatdown angle, because God only knows, there have been plenty enough of those. I’m not sold on Indian Nation as a top echelon babyface act, but the return of Lightfoot almost made a believer out of me. The crowd popped. St. John was amped and the most of all, the heels sold major fear. This show had comedy as well with another hilarious A Team vignette. There was an awful lot of Reno on this show. A steady diet of Reno being this involved would overshadow the talent, but the situations called for it and he gave a strong performance. The only major drawback was the angle with Harley being attacked by a fan. Two fan-in-the-ring angles in one show is ridiculous and it wasn’t too long ago that they introduced Dillinger in a similar fashion. It was so unnecessary to refer to the mystery attacker as a fan because Harley said he knew the guy from Canada. The snapping noise was obviously the stick and not Harley’s arm. As for the wrestling, there’s not much to say about Kash’s match. It was the postmatch angle that made it memorable. gmon is too talented to stay winless. The introduction of Riley was pretty generic stuff. Sigmon is tool talented to stay winless forever. You got to love Reno’s “waiver wire” reference. Riggins and MSJ are wonderfully old school about “perception is reality” when it comes to the size and importance of SAW. Harley and Hayme had a really good match while it lasted. It is a wrestling show, after all, so why not occasionally give guys that can go more time? Santel/Outlaw was better than expected. There were a couple of badly missed spots, but they actually had a pretty decent brawl. Santel’s intensity was a plus. That must have been some kind of chain to put Outlaw out the way it did. Overall, one of my favorite episodes of SAW.
For a comprehensive review of Nashville’s weekly wrestling TV shows, SAW and NWA Main Event, check out [url=]Jerkin’ the Curtain radio[/url] with Trent Van Drisse and Tommy Stewart.
Michael St. John and Reno Riggins were befuddled by the chaos on last week’s show. What with the arrest of Dream Team and SAW Champion Damian Adams dropped on his head by Kid Kash, they hardly knew where to begin. MSJ promised they would get to the bottom of both situations. Also coming up during this hour: Chrisjen Hayme vs. T. J. Harley and the debut of Cassidy Reilly, picked up “off the waiver wire” after his release by WWE.
Cut to MSJ with Kash in the interview area. Kash was wearing a black t-shirt with a one word inscription: HEEL. Kash was proud of dropping the champion on his head. He was in SAW to win the title and dominate, as he was about to demonstrate on the jibroni in the ring.
(1) Kid Kash beat Josh Crow in 3:10. Kash used a semi-sprawl to block Crow’s takedown attempts. Riggins told the fans to stay tuned because the SAW BOD was about to make changes to the “luck of the draw” to determine title challengers. Crow reversed a hammerlock. Kash went to the ropes. Kash cheated on a Roman knuckle lock and destroyed Crow with strikes. Crow’s comeback fell short of a near fall, before Kash dropped him on his head with the brainbuster.
Postmatch, a fan got in Kash’s face. Kash shoved the guy and then dragged towards the ring. A tug of war ensued with security, so Kash dragged the dude into the ring by his hair. Kash slammed the fan on his head. Damian made the save. They cut to a shot of Riggins trying to get to Kash. Security had to separate them.
NWA Top Rope presents their third anniversary show on June 14 in Lebanon at the Wilson County Fairgrounds: Adam Pearce vs. “Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Five title matches in all.
The NWA World Heavyweight Champion “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce was with his manger, C. Edward Vander Pyle. Vander Pyle wanted to know why Pearce was going to Lebanon to defend the title against Boogie. Pearce said he though he was going to Beirut. Vander Pyle admitted he had been to Lebanon and it was nasty. Pearce advised Vander Pyle to deny ever being there. Vander Pyle tried to dissuade Pearce by disrespecting Jimmy Valiant and the almighty state of Tennessee. Pearce told Vander Pyle to stay home and consult with Nick Bockwinkel about the problems he had in Tennessee. Pearce said he would go to Lebanon, pretend it was Beirut, and drop bombs on Boogie.
A fired up Damian was in the interview area with MSJ. Damian said he was tired of Kash acting like he owned the place. Damian said as champion, he was issuing a challenge to the challenger: any time, any place.
(2) Cassidy Riley beat C. M. Sigmon in 4:12. Riggins said the fan was taken to the hospital with neck injuries, and Commissioner Freddie Morton wasn’t going to let Kash get away with stuff like that. Riggins said SAW acted quickly to fly Riley in to Tennessee and sign him up when his WWE contract expired. MSJ brought up Riley’s work in the New Orleans relief effort after Katrina. Sigmon falsely complaints about hair pulling. Riley gave him something to complain about by smacking his face and twisting his arm like a pretzel. Sigmon used hair. Riley answered with an irate series of hair pull slams. The ref got on Riley’s case and Sigmon clubbed him from behind to briefly gain control. Riley’s trademark handspring back elbow was the beginning of the end, as Riley went on to score the pinfall with a DDT.
MSJ came to ringside to welcome Riley to SAW. Riley said it was privilege to be back in the Nashville area, and he was there to go for the gold. “Lace ‘em up boys, because Cassidy Riley is back in town.”
MSJ was in the ring flanked by SAW BOD members, Riggins and Mike Sircy to discuss the Dream Team’s arrest on aggravated assault charges during last week’s show. They went to a video clip of the incident, and were joined in the ring by Boogie Woogie Boy, Arrick Andrews and Miss Boogie. Boogie said when A Team does something to Dream Team, instead of whining and crying, they go straight back at them. Andrews said the promotion wanted people to stand up to A Team, and when the Dream Team finally did, they got hauled off to jail. Riggins said SAW had to protect their brand against lawbreakers, just like the NFL did with Pacman Jones. Paul Adams came out on the ramp to offer some assistance. He had a copy of the SAW wrestler’s contract. Paul said that section 3(b), paragraph 4, sentence 5 stated that a criminal record was grounds for termination. Riggins got pissed at Paul. He was very familiar with what the contract said, because he wrote it. Riggins said he had known Boogie for 20 years and this was one of the hardest things he ever had to do, but the BOD was declaring Boogie and Arrick’s contracts null and void. Cut to A Team on the ramp whooping it up with Paul. Sircy told Dream Team he had done everything he could do, but his hands were tied. Dream Team expressed disbelief that their reward for TCOB and finally getting one up on A Team was to get axed.
Not to sound like Donald Trump, but Boogie and Arrick, you’re fired…I’m sorry gentleman. You can seek employment elsewhere, but as of this moment you have no business in SAW.
Back from the break, MSJ and Riggins discussed the gut wrenching decision the BOD faced in having to fire Dream Team. They should footage of Dream Team’s emotional farewell to the SAW fans. The camera followed Dream Team through the Arena and out into the parking lot. Sircy embraced Andrews and apologized again.
A Team was backstage celebrating. They did another installment of Hammerjack’s obscene cell phone photos. This one had a man under a glass coffee table and woman on top of the table doing something unspeakable. Dillinger said he used date that girl. Paul declared that SAW was now a Boogie free zone. He said Dream Team should have been arrested for murder long ago for killing the ratings. In another running gag, Dillinger had a gallon jug of moonshine, but Paul wasn’t touching that stuff. Paul said they were going to get rid of Outlaw before the hour was over, then it was off to the Sizzler.
(3) T. J. Harley pinned Chrisjen Hayme in 3:39 with the Mindbender. Hayme bailed to avoid the Harley’s big kick to the face. Harley chased after him. Hayme tried to cut him off, but Harley outsmarted him and hit a slingshot elbow for near fall. But the match did a 180 when Harley ate a dropkick as he came off the middle rope. Harley hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a close near fall. Harley caught Hayme with a roll up and a backslide, then ducked an enzuigiri and hit the big kick to the face. Harley was frustrated when Hayme kicked out. Hayme countered Harley’s finisher with the enzuigiri, but nobody home for his springboard moonsault. Harley hit the Mindbender - a fisherman suplex dropped into a neckbreaker across the knee.
Harley was attacked by a barefoot fan out of the crowd. The “fan” stuck a stick in the ringpost, wrapped Harley’s arm around it, and snapped the stick against Harley’s arm. Harley was screaming in pain, as the fan barked like a dog. Reno said the guy just snapped T.J.’s arm. Harley came over the interview area favoring the arm bigtime. Harley said he knew that was Bruno Davis, the same guy that tried to break his leg in Canada, and he was going to break Davis in Tennessee.
(4) Ric Santel (with Paul Adams) pinned Indian Outlaw after a shot with ye olde Tennessee Chain (5:20). Reno said Outlaw had the size but Santel had the viciousness factor. It was a back and forth brawl. MSJ mentioned that referee Kurt Herron had just been named one of the top 10 refs in the world (?). Santel got Outlaw down on the mat and did a number on him. Riggins admitted Paul had outsmarted everyone with the way he rid SAW of Dream Team. MSJ asked Riggins to revisit that part of the contract. Outlaw escaped from Santel’s finisher. Outlaw’s chops turned Santel’s entire chest a rosy red. Outlaw put Santel on dream street with his sliding leg lariat. Outlaw then clotheslined Santel over the top. At this point, Paul slipped a chain to Santel and distracting the ref. Santel popped Outlaw with the chain. Cover. 1-2-3.
Drew Haskins came to ringside and told Herron about the chain. He was attacked by Hammerjack and Dillinger. While the TVA mauled Haskins, Santel set up his finisher on Outlaw. Before he could deliver, Lennox Lightfoot hit the ring. St. John went crazy. The fans popped huge. A Team bailed out looking petrified. There was a great close up of a bug-eyed Paul as the show went off the air.
Closing Thoughts: SAW is on a roll. For episodic pro wrestling as soap opera at the indie level, it doesn’t get much better than this week’s show. They presented two powerful, well-executed angles and capped off the hour with the surprise return of a top babyface. The deal with Kash attacking the fan was a shocker. The match gave every indication of being a standard opening match squash, and suddenly Kash is pulling this fan into the ring, who looked legit unwilling to be there. Reno and Kash getting into it was a nice touch. Kash knows how to bring out the hate. The angle also gave Damian an opportunity to redeem himself from his weak positioning in this feud thus far. He showed some much needed fire on the mic. The firing of Dream Team was terrific stuff. Reno, MSJ and Adams were all very good in their roles. It was the farewell segment, especially the piece that took place out in the parking lot that really drove it home. The key thing was they found a way to ice Dream Team and avoided doing another injury/beatdown angle, because God only knows, there have been plenty enough of those. I’m not sold on Indian Nation as a top echelon babyface act, but the return of Lightfoot almost made a believer out of me. The crowd popped. St. John was amped and the most of all, the heels sold major fear. This show had comedy as well with another hilarious A Team vignette. There was an awful lot of Reno on this show. A steady diet of Reno being this involved would overshadow the talent, but the situations called for it and he gave a strong performance. The only major drawback was the angle with Harley being attacked by a fan. Two fan-in-the-ring angles in one show is ridiculous and it wasn’t too long ago that they introduced Dillinger in a similar fashion. It was so unnecessary to refer to the mystery attacker as a fan because Harley said he knew the guy from Canada. The snapping noise was obviously the stick and not Harley’s arm. As for the wrestling, there’s not much to say about Kash’s match. It was the postmatch angle that made it memorable. gmon is too talented to stay winless. The introduction of Riley was pretty generic stuff. Sigmon is tool talented to stay winless forever. You got to love Reno’s “waiver wire” reference. Riggins and MSJ are wonderfully old school about “perception is reality” when it comes to the size and importance of SAW. Harley and Hayme had a really good match while it lasted. It is a wrestling show, after all, so why not occasionally give guys that can go more time? Santel/Outlaw was better than expected. There were a couple of badly missed spots, but they actually had a pretty decent brawl. Santel’s intensity was a plus. That must have been some kind of chain to put Outlaw out the way it did. Overall, one of my favorite episodes of SAW.
RassleResults: MLW Memphis, TN 6.07.08
----Debbie Johnson beat Misty Dawn…Hellena Heavenly/Sin D vs Tasha Simone/Su Yung ended in no contest after 1 Fall went to each team…Su Yung beat Sin D…Misty Dawn beat Hellena Heavenly…Sin D beat Su Yung…Debbie Johnson/Misty Dawn vs Tasha Simone/Hellena Heavenly – NO CONTEST!!
----Su Yung turned heel in an angle siding with Tasha. Sue Young is spelled Su Yung here. Not sure the correct spelling…The first tag was for MLW vs bragging rights….I was told it was real hot in the building that day and MLW Darrell promoter noted to “Thank everyone” for such a good effort including the ref – who reffed all the matches!!
----Su Yung turned heel in an angle siding with Tasha. Sue Young is spelled Su Yung here. Not sure the correct spelling…The first tag was for MLW vs bragging rights….I was told it was real hot in the building that day and MLW Darrell promoter noted to “Thank everyone” for such a good effort including the ref – who reffed all the matches!!
Show Tonight!!
Ericules Wrestling Promotions live @ Green Acres Flea Market
Located off Alcoa Hwy on Hillside Drive, Louisville, Tn 37777
Thursday, June 12th, 2008
Belltime @ 8pm Doors Open @ 7:30pm
Here is the line up for 06/12/08:
Main Event
EWP Champion Sigmon
The King' Shane Williams
First Ever Tag Team Match for the Tag Titles
Team of Wayne Adkins & King of Kingsport' Handsome Beau James
Death Row Inmates' Jason Maxx & Willie B Badd
Donovan Daniels & Girlfriend/Manager Demitriya
Wildman' Jeff Anderson
Keith Knox
Jim Miller
Trooper T
Robbie Race
Ed Idol
Scottie Atomic
*card subject to change*
visit us @:
www. ericuleswrestlingpromotions. webs. com
Watch EWP Every Saturday on CTV @ 1:30PM
Located off Alcoa Hwy on Hillside Drive, Louisville, Tn 37777
Thursday, June 12th, 2008
Belltime @ 8pm Doors Open @ 7:30pm
Here is the line up for 06/12/08:
Main Event
EWP Champion Sigmon
The King' Shane Williams
First Ever Tag Team Match for the Tag Titles
Team of Wayne Adkins & King of Kingsport' Handsome Beau James
Death Row Inmates' Jason Maxx & Willie B Badd
Donovan Daniels & Girlfriend/Manager Demitriya
Wildman' Jeff Anderson
Keith Knox
Jim Miller
Trooper T
Robbie Race
Ed Idol
Scottie Atomic
*card subject to change*
visit us @:
www. ericuleswrestlingpromotions. webs. com
Watch EWP Every Saturday on CTV @ 1:30PM
Reminder!! "Shooting the Shiznit" Tonight in Prime Time!!
----"Shooting the Shiznit" tonight with Brian Tramel & co-host Brian Thompson will feature SIE in the first 15 minutes. They will then be joined by MLW's promoter Darrell along with Sue Young to talk about MLW. Last 15 minutes will be a "free-for-all" - call in and ask questions!! 347 - 838 -8101!! Tonight - 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM central time!!
Shows for The Weekend 6.13 to 6.15.08

----Our regular list of shows can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. This weekend has four big shows added starting in Tupelo, MS Friday night with TFW. All matches are in a cage. All Pro on Saturday night will be interesting because last year over 100,000 attended the “Thunder on the River” festival – how many will come out to see wrestling?? Tony Givens returns to SSW after his injury on Saturday. Sunday night has MAW trying to get a crowd at the New Daisy with a solid lineup.
----Friday at TFW Arena in Tupelo, MS with 7 Big Matches – All Matches in a Cage!!...I QUIT MATCH: Cameron Valentine vs. "The Future" Chris Styles…LADDER MATCH: TFW Tag Team Belts On the Line! Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau & "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs} vs. TFW Tag Team Champions Little Guys, Inc. (Lil' Devil & Kid J)…LEATHER STRAP ON A POLE GRUDGE MATCH: DC vs. Josh Matthews…LAST MAN STANDING MATCH For the TFW Heavyweight Championship: TFW Champion FUSION vs. Parental Advisory's IZZY ROTTEN…FIRST BLOOD MATCH: "Extreme" Brett Michaels vs. Chris Kilgore…CHAMPION vs. CHAMPION: Titles Will Be Unified TFW Lightweight Champion Curly Mo vs. Self Proclaimed "Rated R Champion" Ryan SoFine (from Parental Advisory)…BATTLE ROYAL IN THE CAGE Winner Gets a Shot at ANY TFW Championship! First Man Out of the Cage Wins! And more!!
----All Pro Productions Saturday with “Thunder on the River” in Grenada, MS with “Hollywood” Jimmy, “Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy], Jerry Lawler, Kamala, Brandon Barbwire, Anton LeVeigh, Little Devil, Kid J, Funky Freddie Feelgood and more.
----Saturday night with Southern States Wresting in Kingsport, TN with ***Title Turmoil***National Heavyweight Title Re-Match Champion, Robbie Cassidy vs.Big Steve Fury w/ John Hawkins The Winner will then immediately face Thorn in a 2nd National Heavyweight Title Match…***The Return of the Dragon*** Tony "The Dragon" Givens vs. Chris Richards w/ John Hawkins - If Givens wins he face Brian Logan on Wednesday, July 16 at Fun Fest Rumble 2008…***AWA World Title Match***Champion, Brian Logan w/ John Hawkins vs. "Sensational" Wayne Adkins…***US Tag Team Title Match***Moe Jenkins & Beau James w/ Misty James vs. The 501st (The Jin & Super Jin)…***Grudge Match**** "Notorious" Nick Hammonds vs."The Cold" Alyx Winters w/ John Hawkins Plus - Cody Ices, The Krazed One, Matt Stevens & More!
----Sunday night at 5:30 PM for MAW at New Daisy Theatre in Memphis, TN for Derrick King vs Johnny Morton, MAW Tag Team Title Match: Austin Lane/Scotty Furry against champions Chris Lexx/Crime…Armageddon vs Big Country…Danny B Goode vs Dr Black and more.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 6.07.08
Tim Edwards def. Jason Matthews after a redrum.
Jon “Biscuit” Roberts comes out for his “Masterpiece Theatre” segment, his guest is none other than The Sicilian Kid! After talking to the Kid, Roberts began making fun of him and comparing him to lil' Tim. This brought out Tim, who was w/o crutches this week but still limping. Biscuit continued to mock Tim even going as far as to kick him in the knee and while he was down slap him in the face and shove him to rest of the way to the ground. This upset the kid who shoved biscuit, as he shoves biscuit, lil' tim was up on all fours and biscuit fell backwards over tim. This made Roberts furious and he challenged Kid to a match right then and there. The Kid def. John Roberts after biscuit was going to use the belt and Lil' Tim grabbed it and then let go and the Kid rolled him up for 3.
Mark Justice def. El Cuello de Rojo after a Hard Justice
“The Sons Of The South” [Chris Styles/Josh Matthews] def. Phoenix X & Kid Psycho after they delivered a powerbomb/backstabber at the same time on Kid Psycho.
Allen Walker introduced Kilo for an interview. Kilo said management has overlooked him, and had it not been for Moore in the 3-way last week then he would be the new champion. This brought out Moore, who said that neither he nor Kilo was the better man last week but Motley was. Kilo then said that Moore never deserved any title shot because he has had everything handed to him, Moore disagreed and said just like Kilo he had to work his way up the ranks. Finally after arguing back and forth Kilo said, "You know what Jeremy? You may have saved NBW, but who is gonna save NBW from US! " and destroyed Moore w/ the most devastating superkick that Kilo has ever delivered. Kilo just stared at Moore then he left the ring
Seth Knight def. Motley Cruz in a non-title match after a small package.
----Crowd was probably 110+, up from the previous 2 weeks…Pop of the night went to Kid's win over Biscuit. Crowd was split on Moore and Kilo, maybe with Kilo getting the edge. This is weird since Moore has been over as a babyface. Are the fans turning against him?? Superkick was very stiff…Show was over by 5 after 10…Kid Psycho is not Psycho’s kid. LOL He actually has worked this area as Kid Krazzy.
Jon “Biscuit” Roberts comes out for his “Masterpiece Theatre” segment, his guest is none other than The Sicilian Kid! After talking to the Kid, Roberts began making fun of him and comparing him to lil' Tim. This brought out Tim, who was w/o crutches this week but still limping. Biscuit continued to mock Tim even going as far as to kick him in the knee and while he was down slap him in the face and shove him to rest of the way to the ground. This upset the kid who shoved biscuit, as he shoves biscuit, lil' tim was up on all fours and biscuit fell backwards over tim. This made Roberts furious and he challenged Kid to a match right then and there. The Kid def. John Roberts after biscuit was going to use the belt and Lil' Tim grabbed it and then let go and the Kid rolled him up for 3.
Mark Justice def. El Cuello de Rojo after a Hard Justice
“The Sons Of The South” [Chris Styles/Josh Matthews] def. Phoenix X & Kid Psycho after they delivered a powerbomb/backstabber at the same time on Kid Psycho.
Allen Walker introduced Kilo for an interview. Kilo said management has overlooked him, and had it not been for Moore in the 3-way last week then he would be the new champion. This brought out Moore, who said that neither he nor Kilo was the better man last week but Motley was. Kilo then said that Moore never deserved any title shot because he has had everything handed to him, Moore disagreed and said just like Kilo he had to work his way up the ranks. Finally after arguing back and forth Kilo said, "You know what Jeremy? You may have saved NBW, but who is gonna save NBW from US! " and destroyed Moore w/ the most devastating superkick that Kilo has ever delivered. Kilo just stared at Moore then he left the ring
Seth Knight def. Motley Cruz in a non-title match after a small package.
----Crowd was probably 110+, up from the previous 2 weeks…Pop of the night went to Kid's win over Biscuit. Crowd was split on Moore and Kilo, maybe with Kilo getting the edge. This is weird since Moore has been over as a babyface. Are the fans turning against him?? Superkick was very stiff…Show was over by 5 after 10…Kid Psycho is not Psycho’s kid. LOL He actually has worked this area as Kid Krazzy.
Flashback June 12, 1977: Jerry Lawler vs Dusty Rhodes by Mark James
This week we rewind 31 years. Even though the feud lasted just 2 weeks, it was the only time Memphis fans got to see Jerry Lawler battle the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes. Big Dust was on a huge run at the time and quickly becoming one of the most popular wrestlers in the country. He would always give excellent, funny, high-energy interviews. It’s easy to say the American Dream was very charismatic both in the ring and out. On the other side, Jerry Lawler was the heel and equally as charismatic. With as much passion as the fans loved the “American Dream”, they equally hated the “King”.

The match went back and forth until Dusty put the figure–four leglock on Lawler. The King inched his way to the ropes and grabbed hold of them. The problem was Dusty wouldn’t break the hold. The ref gave a 5 count and ended up disqualifying the American Dream. The following week the 2 had a lumberjack match, but nothing was decided, (it ended in a “no contest” when all the lumberjacks came into the ring.)

Almost as quickly as the feud started, it was over, with neither getting a decisive pinfall. Both Jerry and Dusty have been quoted as saying the main reason they never had a sustained feud was because their styles were to similar. I understand that explanation in the early 1980s, with both of them being such huge babyfaces, but in 1977, the heel Lawler against the face Dusty program could have done excellent business in Memphis . My personal opinion is Jarrett, who just started his new promotion, didn’t want to pay the large salary that Dusty would command.
Looking at the remainder of the card, a few other things caught my attention. At the time, Jerry Jarrett had been promoting for a little over 3 months. In that short of a time, he had pretty much eliminated any threat of Nick Gulas’ promoting in Memphis . You can still see the help that was being provided by NWA Florida promoter and Jarrett friend, Eddie Graham. Dusty Rhodes was a Florida wrestling mainstay. Another Florida transfer, Paul Orndorff, was the Southern Heavyweight Champion. The story on Paul was that while very athletic, Eddie Graham couldn’t find the right gimmick for him in Florida . Jerry Jarrett talked Graham into letting him have Paul and helped him on his way. Knowing the later success that Paul had, he probably owes Jarrett a big thanks for taking that chance on a rookie.

The rest of the card has a lot of the “usual suspects” from the early Jarrett promotion: Bill Dundee, Tommy Rich, Rocky Johnson, Phil Hickerson, Dennis Condrey, Tommy Gilbert and even a young Jimmy Garvin and Sylvester Ritter (who later gained fame as the “Junkyard Dog”).

Lastly, in Garvin, Ritter & Orndorff, this card illustrates that Jerry Jarrett was always willing to take a chance on the younger, untested talent. Jimmy Valiant told me that one of the reasons Jerry Jarrett was such an amazing promoter was because he was great at using what he had. A further example of this is that while the 2 Dusty-Lawler cards did good business, , the biggest shows that summer were the ones with Jerry Lawler fighting against Bill Dundee (both of whom were home grown guys.)
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – - Click on his site and order his books!!

The match went back and forth until Dusty put the figure–four leglock on Lawler. The King inched his way to the ropes and grabbed hold of them. The problem was Dusty wouldn’t break the hold. The ref gave a 5 count and ended up disqualifying the American Dream. The following week the 2 had a lumberjack match, but nothing was decided, (it ended in a “no contest” when all the lumberjacks came into the ring.)

Almost as quickly as the feud started, it was over, with neither getting a decisive pinfall. Both Jerry and Dusty have been quoted as saying the main reason they never had a sustained feud was because their styles were to similar. I understand that explanation in the early 1980s, with both of them being such huge babyfaces, but in 1977, the heel Lawler against the face Dusty program could have done excellent business in Memphis . My personal opinion is Jarrett, who just started his new promotion, didn’t want to pay the large salary that Dusty would command.
Looking at the remainder of the card, a few other things caught my attention. At the time, Jerry Jarrett had been promoting for a little over 3 months. In that short of a time, he had pretty much eliminated any threat of Nick Gulas’ promoting in Memphis . You can still see the help that was being provided by NWA Florida promoter and Jarrett friend, Eddie Graham. Dusty Rhodes was a Florida wrestling mainstay. Another Florida transfer, Paul Orndorff, was the Southern Heavyweight Champion. The story on Paul was that while very athletic, Eddie Graham couldn’t find the right gimmick for him in Florida . Jerry Jarrett talked Graham into letting him have Paul and helped him on his way. Knowing the later success that Paul had, he probably owes Jarrett a big thanks for taking that chance on a rookie.

The rest of the card has a lot of the “usual suspects” from the early Jarrett promotion: Bill Dundee, Tommy Rich, Rocky Johnson, Phil Hickerson, Dennis Condrey, Tommy Gilbert and even a young Jimmy Garvin and Sylvester Ritter (who later gained fame as the “Junkyard Dog”).

Lastly, in Garvin, Ritter & Orndorff, this card illustrates that Jerry Jarrett was always willing to take a chance on the younger, untested talent. Jimmy Valiant told me that one of the reasons Jerry Jarrett was such an amazing promoter was because he was great at using what he had. A further example of this is that while the 2 Dusty-Lawler cards did good business, , the biggest shows that summer were the ones with Jerry Lawler fighting against Bill Dundee (both of whom were home grown guys.)
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – - Click on his site and order his books!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
"Shooting the Shiznit" Goes Prime Time!!

----"Shooting the Shiznit" goes Prime Time!! Yes, and unlike Corey Maclin and Memphis Wrestling, it is prime time. LOL "Shiznit" moves to 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Thursday nights in it's new summer time slot!! "Shiznit" with host Brian Tramel and co-host Brian Thompson will be joined by SIE with only two weeks left to the big weekend. The rest of show no one is confirmed as of it, so it is scheduled to be a "free-for-all" with Brian & Brian taking calls and talking about the area.
Coach's Corner -"Underage Girls, False Advertising and Money Marks - Just Another Great Day in Wrestling"
----Jonathan Storm was arrested last week when he allegedly texted a 15 year old girl about having sex. The sex crime laws are very strict these days and as they should be. Each state has its own age from Arkansas to Tennessee. Funny thing there is a list of ages and the states posted in one of the local dressing rooms. It is sort of fun to joke about and I do know I was one to do it in my original fanzine. I guess I feel a little different now, because I am 41 years old and I have three daughters of my own. I do know that “Barely Legal” porn is one of the highest sellers, but the girls in those videos are LEGAL. I don’t know if there really is a solution to this problem, as a local worker told me, “they are not only doing it in wrestling, but it is a society thing..” and I agree with him. It is almost a disease in that guys that like younger girls, well..they like younger girls. Just watch an episode of “Dateline” and see how many get caught TWICE!! My advice to all the workers in this area, especially the ones that have already been ask not to come to certain shows, have pictures posted on myspace kissing younger girls, the ones that I know have admittedly been with younger girls and those like Storm that have been caught – LEAVE THEM ALONE!! If you have a problem – go get some help. If you think illegal drugs and drinking could kill a promotion, think about if 2 or 3 of the main guys were arrested for underage girls??
----There would probably a major argument between the two main trainers in this area on who trains the best wrestlers?? Kevin White and Ken Wayne are the top dogs. I would recommend no one else to train. I do know that various other guys train wrestlers and nothing against them, but these two guys have programs – not just come to this place for so long and bam you get to be a wrestler. Arn Anderson in his book says he was trained for 6 weeks and then threw in the ring to wrestle. He was natural. How many more guys could have done that?? Guys like Eric Wayne, who was born to wrestle, catch on quicker than guys like The Grappler from White’s school. Cody Melton really outshines Greg King JR, but then Kid Nikels also might be able to have a better match than either. Although some of the guys from White’s school may not be as smooth as Ken Wayne’s school, Kevin does have more guys working in this area. And that is what most of them have the goal to do – is wrestle. So who would I pick?? Damn, you guys are trying to get me heat; right?? LOL I personally would have to go with Ken Wayne first, but as I said it is all personal – this guy was one of my favorite workers while growing up [as Kevin was trained by one of his favorites – Bill Dundee] and a tag team guy. So, my nod would go to him. Is this saying that White would not provide me with something?? No, I am not saying that. Eric Wayne and Cody Melton have the potential to be two of the best workers in this area in the next few years and they came from two different schools.
----Jeremy McNew and WWCW should have learned a valuable lesson in Carbondale, IL, but after a few e-mails from him and message board posts, it seems that they didn’t. Why have we really not seen that much bad press about these guys, even though they flopped?? I think mainly because I and almost everyone else wanted them to succeed. There is still that chance of them doing that – but it is slim. It seems that every year a promoter will pop up and do a few shows. That promoter talks about how he is bigger and better than all – hires a bunch of “names” and then falls on his face. I know..I seems like this is written EVERY year. Why can people not learn from past mistakes of other promoters and see there is not rhyme or reason in the way they promote?? Hub City Wrestling at the fair drew more people last year with all local guys and Bill Dundee. Kenny Valiant runs shows with usually one big name and rest of local guys drawing very well. Beau James does well on the big shows and he usually runs with one or two big names. I got to give it to Jeremy if he does pay the guys that worked the show as he has promised. He gets a nod from almost everyone that stayed that said he was a nice guy and really wanted it to succeed. I hope the best for him. If I was him, I would get some of the guys that stayed and let them help run the show. At this point, Jeremy is just a mark with money running shows until he is out of money. By the way, for those that wondered why I did not post the results – Jeremy e-mailed me with 4 matches and even said, “this is all I can remember..”. If you can’t respect your product and know what is going on, then how do you expect anyone else to do that??
----False advertising has been part of the business for years. It seems that since wrestling is work, then many feel they can just “work” everyone and advertise someone that is not even going to be there. Every promoter has had a time when they advertised someone and that person did not show up. I advertised Rocky Johnson in Selmer, TN for a show. He might be a bigger draw now, but with all the advertising I did – we drew less than 100 people and Rocky did not show up. So, what do you do?? The first thing you do is put posters and such at the front of the door. Let the fans know as they walk in the door that Rocky Johnson is not going to be there. Announce it again before the matches start and offer a refund to anyone that came to see Rocky. NBW promoter Jeff McDonald had a situation with Mike Bucci where he had all his advertisement out, but Bucci did not show. Jeff did everything the RIGHT way and posted all info at the front of the door and such. Jeff recently almost had a no show on the part of Chris Masters and his first reaction was to make sure the fans that did come out that night were happy. Masters showed and he didn’t have anything to worry about. [It was all because of confusion with a plane ticket and had NOTHING to do with Masters holding up for more money.] So, when is false advertising just totally wrong – take a look at what Matt Holder did to Stan Lane. Lane is retired. He has no intention of working. But, Holder by just leaving a couple of messages on Lane’s phone thought it was ok to advertise him. This is a shitty way to do business and gives all promoters a bad name. Even though I totally disagree with it, I am thinking it might be better sometimes to just do as Derrick King does – if they show up, they are surprises – if they do not show up, then no one was screwed.
----Speaking of Selmer, TN, it seems that Selmer is being judged as a “hot bed” of sorts. This is mainly because no events have been run in that town in a while and shows have done well for that town. Southern Impact Elite announced their first show many weeks back for Selmer, TN. As mentioned on, Memphis Wrestling plans a show the day before in the same town. Will either show draw?? It will be interesting to see if it just confuses people or will they come out to ‘stars” or some come out to see a bunch of Chikara guys vs some of the best talent in this area?? It will all be up how both groups advertise and get the word out to fans. SIE should paper the parking lot Friday night with posters of their show. This is not always a popular act, but it does help get fans into the building. Not sure if they can draw for two shows though, because a lot of people that go Friday night will not go Saturday night. It will be interesting to see if the “old school” guys will out draw the Chikara guys as Selmer, TN either heats up again as a good town or they both just burn it for the summer.
----There would probably a major argument between the two main trainers in this area on who trains the best wrestlers?? Kevin White and Ken Wayne are the top dogs. I would recommend no one else to train. I do know that various other guys train wrestlers and nothing against them, but these two guys have programs – not just come to this place for so long and bam you get to be a wrestler. Arn Anderson in his book says he was trained for 6 weeks and then threw in the ring to wrestle. He was natural. How many more guys could have done that?? Guys like Eric Wayne, who was born to wrestle, catch on quicker than guys like The Grappler from White’s school. Cody Melton really outshines Greg King JR, but then Kid Nikels also might be able to have a better match than either. Although some of the guys from White’s school may not be as smooth as Ken Wayne’s school, Kevin does have more guys working in this area. And that is what most of them have the goal to do – is wrestle. So who would I pick?? Damn, you guys are trying to get me heat; right?? LOL I personally would have to go with Ken Wayne first, but as I said it is all personal – this guy was one of my favorite workers while growing up [as Kevin was trained by one of his favorites – Bill Dundee] and a tag team guy. So, my nod would go to him. Is this saying that White would not provide me with something?? No, I am not saying that. Eric Wayne and Cody Melton have the potential to be two of the best workers in this area in the next few years and they came from two different schools.
----Jeremy McNew and WWCW should have learned a valuable lesson in Carbondale, IL, but after a few e-mails from him and message board posts, it seems that they didn’t. Why have we really not seen that much bad press about these guys, even though they flopped?? I think mainly because I and almost everyone else wanted them to succeed. There is still that chance of them doing that – but it is slim. It seems that every year a promoter will pop up and do a few shows. That promoter talks about how he is bigger and better than all – hires a bunch of “names” and then falls on his face. I know..I seems like this is written EVERY year. Why can people not learn from past mistakes of other promoters and see there is not rhyme or reason in the way they promote?? Hub City Wrestling at the fair drew more people last year with all local guys and Bill Dundee. Kenny Valiant runs shows with usually one big name and rest of local guys drawing very well. Beau James does well on the big shows and he usually runs with one or two big names. I got to give it to Jeremy if he does pay the guys that worked the show as he has promised. He gets a nod from almost everyone that stayed that said he was a nice guy and really wanted it to succeed. I hope the best for him. If I was him, I would get some of the guys that stayed and let them help run the show. At this point, Jeremy is just a mark with money running shows until he is out of money. By the way, for those that wondered why I did not post the results – Jeremy e-mailed me with 4 matches and even said, “this is all I can remember..”. If you can’t respect your product and know what is going on, then how do you expect anyone else to do that??
----False advertising has been part of the business for years. It seems that since wrestling is work, then many feel they can just “work” everyone and advertise someone that is not even going to be there. Every promoter has had a time when they advertised someone and that person did not show up. I advertised Rocky Johnson in Selmer, TN for a show. He might be a bigger draw now, but with all the advertising I did – we drew less than 100 people and Rocky did not show up. So, what do you do?? The first thing you do is put posters and such at the front of the door. Let the fans know as they walk in the door that Rocky Johnson is not going to be there. Announce it again before the matches start and offer a refund to anyone that came to see Rocky. NBW promoter Jeff McDonald had a situation with Mike Bucci where he had all his advertisement out, but Bucci did not show. Jeff did everything the RIGHT way and posted all info at the front of the door and such. Jeff recently almost had a no show on the part of Chris Masters and his first reaction was to make sure the fans that did come out that night were happy. Masters showed and he didn’t have anything to worry about. [It was all because of confusion with a plane ticket and had NOTHING to do with Masters holding up for more money.] So, when is false advertising just totally wrong – take a look at what Matt Holder did to Stan Lane. Lane is retired. He has no intention of working. But, Holder by just leaving a couple of messages on Lane’s phone thought it was ok to advertise him. This is a shitty way to do business and gives all promoters a bad name. Even though I totally disagree with it, I am thinking it might be better sometimes to just do as Derrick King does – if they show up, they are surprises – if they do not show up, then no one was screwed.
----Speaking of Selmer, TN, it seems that Selmer is being judged as a “hot bed” of sorts. This is mainly because no events have been run in that town in a while and shows have done well for that town. Southern Impact Elite announced their first show many weeks back for Selmer, TN. As mentioned on, Memphis Wrestling plans a show the day before in the same town. Will either show draw?? It will be interesting to see if it just confuses people or will they come out to ‘stars” or some come out to see a bunch of Chikara guys vs some of the best talent in this area?? It will all be up how both groups advertise and get the word out to fans. SIE should paper the parking lot Friday night with posters of their show. This is not always a popular act, but it does help get fans into the building. Not sure if they can draw for two shows though, because a lot of people that go Friday night will not go Saturday night. It will be interesting to see if the “old school” guys will out draw the Chikara guys as Selmer, TN either heats up again as a good town or they both just burn it for the summer.
RassleResults: JWS Booneville, MS 6.07.08
"Dangerous" David Cox defeated AC Styles.
Cyrus vs. Tysin Starr ended in a no contest ruling. Special referee for the match, Chazz, who is Cyrus' brother, turned on Starr and beat him down. BJ Fuller & Chris Stevens in to make the save.
Chris Fontaine w/Dalton Storm defeated LSD.
Cyrus & Chazz defeated BJ Fuller & Tysin Starr.
BJ Fuller & Chris Stevens defeated David Cox & Dalton Storm by DQ when Chris Fontaine interfered.
LSD defeated Jay Webster.
JWS Tag Team Champions The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) defeated PHAT Foundation (Chris Fontaine & Dalton Storm) by count out. PHAT Foundation simply walked out on the match when the going got rough.
40 in the crowd.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Cyrus vs. Tysin Starr ended in a no contest ruling. Special referee for the match, Chazz, who is Cyrus' brother, turned on Starr and beat him down. BJ Fuller & Chris Stevens in to make the save.
Chris Fontaine w/Dalton Storm defeated LSD.
Cyrus & Chazz defeated BJ Fuller & Tysin Starr.
BJ Fuller & Chris Stevens defeated David Cox & Dalton Storm by DQ when Chris Fontaine interfered.
LSD defeated Jay Webster.
JWS Tag Team Champions The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) defeated PHAT Foundation (Chris Fontaine & Dalton Storm) by count out. PHAT Foundation simply walked out on the match when the going got rough.
40 in the crowd.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 6.06.08
Tysin Starr defeated LSD.
Little Guys, Inc. (Lil' Devil & Kid-J) defeated Chris Chaos & Chris Fontaine w/Diamond.
Brett Michaels was scheduled to face DC, but the match never got started. Chris Kilgore attacked Michaels before the match with a pair of scissors. Michaels was unable to compete.
DC thought he was going to get the night off since his opponent was injured, but another opponent was found for him. Chris Styles defeated DC.
Parental Advisory (Studd, Tony, & Ryan SoFine) demolished Mo Foundation (Curly Mo, Bless, & G-Mo Money) w/Dirty Rell Mo.
Neil taylor defeated "Dangerous" David Cox.
Josh Matthews defeated Chris Kilgore by DQ due to interference by DC.
Fusion defeated Izzy Rotten by DQ due to interference by the members of Parental Advisory.
Approx. 50 in the crowd. Attendance down due to the Elvis Festival in Tupelo this weekend...Last week had about 75 in attendance.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Little Guys, Inc. (Lil' Devil & Kid-J) defeated Chris Chaos & Chris Fontaine w/Diamond.
Brett Michaels was scheduled to face DC, but the match never got started. Chris Kilgore attacked Michaels before the match with a pair of scissors. Michaels was unable to compete.
DC thought he was going to get the night off since his opponent was injured, but another opponent was found for him. Chris Styles defeated DC.
Parental Advisory (Studd, Tony, & Ryan SoFine) demolished Mo Foundation (Curly Mo, Bless, & G-Mo Money) w/Dirty Rell Mo.
Neil taylor defeated "Dangerous" David Cox.
Josh Matthews defeated Chris Kilgore by DQ due to interference by DC.
Fusion defeated Izzy Rotten by DQ due to interference by the members of Parental Advisory.
Approx. 50 in the crowd. Attendance down due to the Elvis Festival in Tupelo this weekend...Last week had about 75 in attendance.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Worst Wrestling Videos Ever!!
----My long time friend Jeff Bowden sent an e-mail the other day featuring this video. It got a lot of us talking about worse videos and I responded with the 'New Generation" one. Can you see Derrick and Stan doing a video like this?? LOL BTW..Pete Lederberg [who was in the famous Gilbert/Rich WIFA video] stated when talking about the video below.."You know what's really funny about this, is that video (and Tommy) debuted when we ran the WFIA convention in Memphis, and a few of our people got kicked out of the studio for booing him and mocking the video." LOL Love that!!
Worst Video Ever??
New Generation!!
And, since I did mention it - one of the greatest Memphis angles EVER!!
Worst Video Ever??
New Generation!!
And, since I did mention it - one of the greatest Memphis angles EVER!!
AWA Video!!
----Here is a video of the dressing room angle where it was revealed that Beau James did not win the AWA Title.
----Tonight!! AWA Apex Wrestling @ 7:30 Nettie WV - Community Center AWA World Title Brian Logan vs. Beau James plus Wayne Adkins, Moe Jenkins, Eric St Clair and more.
----Tonight!! AWA Apex Wrestling @ 7:30 Nettie WV - Community Center AWA World Title Brian Logan vs. Beau James plus Wayne Adkins, Moe Jenkins, Eric St Clair and more.
Monday, June 09, 2008
RassleResults: Christian Wrestling Coalition/TIWF Memphis, TN 6.07.08
The show began with the match-maker Scott C coming out and introducing the announcers Michael Ward and Jason Storm. They ran an angle where Ravishing Randy, Wildside and Chris Lexx came to the ring demanding to know why they had to wrestle “Black Thunder” [Dre Black/Johnny Thunder]. Wildside claimed it was “Hot Rod” Rodney Howard’s (the owner) fault, which comes from the trouble that they have in TIWF. Then Chris Lexx complained that Hotrod causes problems at MAW at the New Daisy. They began to inquire bout the friendship that Hotrod and Scotty C have and then they attacked Scotty C until the team of “Black Thunder”made the save. Scotty then said since he had connections with the ones who held their contracts for TIWF and MAW that if they lost the match, they would lost their contracts and therefore would not be able to wrestle for their respective organizations. Wildside and Lexx became livid and left the area.
Jason Maddrox beat Samoan Raja
Big Boy Bob beat the Xecutioner and The Convict in two separate 5 count challenges
Wildside/Chris Lexx beat “Black Thunder” (Dre Black & Johnny Thunder)
Blaylok the Blazer beat Hardknocks Hooligan
“Elevation” (Kaution/Kronos) beat “X3” (Seven Rampage & OZ)
Danny B Goode beat Carnage Antwanne
----Attendance was 82.
Jason Maddrox beat Samoan Raja
Big Boy Bob beat the Xecutioner and The Convict in two separate 5 count challenges
Wildside/Chris Lexx beat “Black Thunder” (Dre Black & Johnny Thunder)
Blaylok the Blazer beat Hardknocks Hooligan
“Elevation” (Kaution/Kronos) beat “X3” (Seven Rampage & OZ)
Danny B Goode beat Carnage Antwanne
----Attendance was 82.
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 6.07.08
Lawman Williams beat The Outlaw
Kolby Stern beat Shawn Reed
Big Boy Bob & Samoan Raja beat The Posse
TIWF TV TITLE Chico Mendoza outlasted six men to become the new TV Champion
“New Breed of Perfection” [Wildside/Waycool] beat “X-3” [Steven Rampage/Oz]
Danny B Goode beat Carnage Antwone
----123 in the crowd…They ran an angle to say that Vic McNasty suffered an injury so Commissioner Jon Seymour put the title up in a 7 man match, which was won by Mendoza.
Kolby Stern beat Shawn Reed
Big Boy Bob & Samoan Raja beat The Posse
TIWF TV TITLE Chico Mendoza outlasted six men to become the new TV Champion
“New Breed of Perfection” [Wildside/Waycool] beat “X-3” [Steven Rampage/Oz]
Danny B Goode beat Carnage Antwone
----123 in the crowd…They ran an angle to say that Vic McNasty suffered an injury so Commissioner Jon Seymour put the title up in a 7 man match, which was won by Mendoza.
Tatt2 Gets A Look!!

----I got word via myspace today that Tatt2 did get a chance to talk with TNA officials last night. Reggie B Fine helped him get the contact and he passed along his DVD to Dutch Mantel and Jeff Jarrett. Before he arrived, some of the other workers were being asked their opinion on Tatt2. Tatt2 wrote to say, “I always believe in if it’s for me then let it be but if its not then I will continue to push harder and harder to make things happen for myself. I passed on a DVD to the head of TNA and hopefully I will get a call.”
----Tatt2 has improved since the start of this site over 2 years ago from being a total spot monkey to being able to work. His stay at TLCW and working with guys like Derrick King and Flash Flanagan has helped him boost his workrate. As always, Tatt2 is exciting to watch and would fit in doing the X-Division style of TNA. Best of luck from RRO!!
RassleResuls: RWA Jonesboro, AR 6.07.08
Frank Martin came out with the New but temporary RWA Heavyweight Belt. He explained that the custom belt was taking longer to have made, so the company bought a custom belt that had already been made. A champion will be crowd next week for the RWA. That was the first of two major announcements that Martin made. He announced that on July 5th Dr. Death Steve Williams will be wrestling in the King’s Sportatoruim for the RWA. Plus he had a surprise for the crowd later that night.
Lucky the Leprechaun was in the first match and he came to the ring with his valet. He introduced 2 new managers however when his valet turned around Lucky was on his knee and proposed to her in front of her family. The RWA wish them the best in their new life together.
----Lucky beat The Official…”Big” Al Smith beat “Classy” Meltin Massy…Big Rig Cody Murdock beat Lethal in a tournament match… Chris Steel and Insane Zane Richards beat The Big Indian and Zac Richards…Rik Burton beat JD Cary [Rodney Mack student]…”Natural Born Playas” [Southside/Pimptuacular] beat Jamie Jay/Cody Murdock.
----The crowd was good again this week with 100+ in the air conditioning. The crowd was glad to see Jamie Jay back in the RWA….POB will be back next week…Luke Graham Jr. Is on the card for the 14th… Massy came out and told the crowd he was still a wrestler and wanted to be in the tournament… After “Big Rig” gets the pin, he did a mic spill and called out Classy Meltin Massy and the group. Big Rig told them they need the Big Rig to pull them and he wanted an answer that now. The group of Steel and The Natural Born Players and Rik Burton jumped Big Rig when out of no where Jamie Jay rushed the ring with chair in hand. Jamie did a mic spill stating that a lot had changed since he had been gone. He shook Rottn Randy's hand who came out with him and told him he was glad to see that Randy had straighten out. He told Big Rig that he did not know him nor had they ever crossed paths in the ring but if he wanted a tag partner he would be glad to help out and take on the NBP. Big Rig shook Jamie's hand and the match was set for the main event. Jamie Jay and Big Rig Cody Murdock VS the Natural Born Playas. Chris Steel interfered to cost Jay the pin.
Lucky the Leprechaun was in the first match and he came to the ring with his valet. He introduced 2 new managers however when his valet turned around Lucky was on his knee and proposed to her in front of her family. The RWA wish them the best in their new life together.
----Lucky beat The Official…”Big” Al Smith beat “Classy” Meltin Massy…Big Rig Cody Murdock beat Lethal in a tournament match… Chris Steel and Insane Zane Richards beat The Big Indian and Zac Richards…Rik Burton beat JD Cary [Rodney Mack student]…”Natural Born Playas” [Southside/Pimptuacular] beat Jamie Jay/Cody Murdock.
----The crowd was good again this week with 100+ in the air conditioning. The crowd was glad to see Jamie Jay back in the RWA….POB will be back next week…Luke Graham Jr. Is on the card for the 14th… Massy came out and told the crowd he was still a wrestler and wanted to be in the tournament… After “Big Rig” gets the pin, he did a mic spill and called out Classy Meltin Massy and the group. Big Rig told them they need the Big Rig to pull them and he wanted an answer that now. The group of Steel and The Natural Born Players and Rik Burton jumped Big Rig when out of no where Jamie Jay rushed the ring with chair in hand. Jamie did a mic spill stating that a lot had changed since he had been gone. He shook Rottn Randy's hand who came out with him and told him he was glad to see that Randy had straighten out. He told Big Rig that he did not know him nor had they ever crossed paths in the ring but if he wanted a tag partner he would be glad to help out and take on the NBP. Big Rig shook Jamie's hand and the match was set for the main event. Jamie Jay and Big Rig Cody Murdock VS the Natural Born Playas. Chris Steel interfered to cost Jay the pin.
Local Guys On TNA PPV!!
----Johnny Morton, Ron Horn, Psycho, Rob Justice [worked security Friday night in Popular Bluff] Baron Malkavain, Derrick King, Chris Lexx and Dustin Starr were on seen on camera. Apparently Baron, DK, Lexx and Starr worked security. There were a few locals backstage [including Reggie B Fine and Randy Hales] and I was told there was major interest in one or two others from this area. Congrats guys!!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 6.06.08

Tommy Redneck over Jordan Lacey
Rockin' Randy over Pierre Abernathy
Derrick King over The Baron Malkavain
“Trailer Park Trash” [Cody Murdock/Al Smith] over Chris Rocker/Gary J to retain LAW Tag Titles
Idol Bane and Brandon Espinosa fought to a double count out.
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony and Dell Tucker were both DQ'd when they knocked out the ref.
Redneck went over with his version of The Twist of Fate after Pierre tried to distract him to no avail.
Pierre with his feet on the ropes pinned Rockin' Randy but Redneck told the ref what Pierre had done. Ref Sherina Fowler restarted the match allowing Randy to roll up Pierre for the win.
DK beat The Baron with The Superkick.
Ring was filled with black and gold balloons and a Happy Birthday TGB cake. TGB and Jeff O'Dell come out with party hats and party favors. TGB askes Tony Anderson where everyone is and if he mailed the invitations? Tony said everyone was busy! Jeff explained that he gave TGB's his birthday present last week by helping him walk out last week as the champion against Flash Flanagan. TGB with the lighted candle in hand and waving it back and forth asked Jeff O'Dell what's this? To which Jeff replied.. Flash Flanagan running down the street. So TGB blew out his candle and made his wish when Dell Tucker came and shoved TGB's face in the cake!!! An irate TGB picked up the cake and was going to throw it at Tucker but tripped on a balloon and it went back in TGB's face. Jeff told Tucker for ruining the champ's birthday, he was going to wrestle TGB later in the night.
Trailer Park Trash pinned Gary J when Cody Murdock hit him with one of the tag titles while the referee was distracted.
Idol Bane came out and said that for all of his talk of "NO FEAR", Brandon Espinosa was nothing but scared. And since he defeated him last week 2/3 Falls that he as done with Espy. Espinosa's music hit, Espy says that he isn't afraid of anything, how could he be when he's got an entire town behind him. [even though there was only 50 there..LOL]This isn't over. They start trading punches and the match begins. They were brawling outside and both got counted out. Idol gets the upperhand and then gets a chair.. Espy begs off and runs to the back!!! Idol taunting the crowd about how Espy is afraid when Brandon appears on top of the entrance way and leaps off with a cross body onto Idol Bane.
TGB tried to come from the front door to attack Tucker but it didn't work, Tucker started the match on top. After several minutes of beating the hell out of each other and in the midst of trading right hands the ref tried to restore order but Tucker and TGB both punched him and resumed fighting. The lockerroom cleared and as the wrestlers tried to pull them apart. When they finally got TGB out of the ring Tucker came with a Tope to the outside onto everyone.
----40 to 50 in attendance.
Slammiversary Note!!
----There seems to be a lot of interest in the area for TNA's PPV tonight. You may get match by match results by keeping it on our main page site - I just got a note from the arena box office and it looks like 1700 tickets sold with 490 comps. So, they got a little over 2,100 in the building.
Showtime Allstar Wrestling - Episode 47
Showtime Allstar Wrestling – Episode 47
Airing May 31, 2008 on ION Network affiliate WNPX 28 in Nashville.
Showtime Allstar Wrestling TV is available at along with other exclusive video content.
Michael St. John and Reno Riggins did the opening from the interview area this week with the fans chanting “S-A-W, S-A-W, S-A-W” in the background.
(1) Sean Casey (with Tiana & Sexy Lexi) beat C. M. Sigmon in 4:58. Casey was ecstatic about his entourage. Lexi entered the ring by straddling Casey as he lounged across the middle rope. Sigmon got off to a fast start with a flying headbutt for a two count. Casey bailed and used his ladies as a shield to set up a sucker punch on Sigmon. Lexi got in some punches of her own. Reno said she looked like a tough broad. Casey used a middle rope leg drop to the back of Sigmon’s head, but Sigmon got a foot on the ropes. As Casey worked over Sigmon, MSJ noted that Lexi was more involved in the match. Riggins said he would like to get to bottom of what their roles were. Casey paused to get a kiss from each of his ladies, and Sigmon rolled him up for a two count. Sigmon used some short rights to spark a comeback and hit a powerslam for a near fall. Riggins said Sigmon was working with an injured ankle and a damaged cheekbone. Sigmon got another two count with a rolling reverse. Lexi tugged away at Sigmon’s leg, and Casey capitalized with the superkick for the pin.
Throw it up. Throw it down, baby. The sexiest thing to ever hit SAW is back in town.
MSJ interviewed Casey and his harem. Casey informed the smart marks that Lexi was the legit daughter of Brian Pillman. Casey said he got robbed of the title last week against champion Damian Adams. “Shades of Brian Pillman shining through,” said Lexi. Casey said it was time to party and MSJ was not invited. St. John confessed he was sweating.
Showtime Allstar Wrestling returns to the Saw Mill in Millersville, Tn on June 6 with Damian Adams (c) vs. Kid Kash for the SAW Championship.
MSJ was in the ring with “Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant and Arrick Andrews. Our heroes were riding high after what they did to the Tennessee Violence Authority last week. Boogie said that after beaten down for months (no exaggeration), Dream Team found a way to survive. They rolled a tape of the lights out incident that ended with TVA laid out and Dream Team in possession of their weapons. Andrews said Paul Adams been trying to take him out for a long time, but Dream Team was finally on a roll. Paul came out on the ramp with TVA, who were selling the beating like two creaky old men. Riggins intercepted them. Two police officers entered the ring with a warrant for Dream Team’s arrest on aggravated assault charges. The cops confiscated the pool cue and sledgehammer and put the cuffs on Dream Team. Paul was beyond self-righteous on the mic.
You need to get them out of here. They need to go have three hots and a cot over at the Crossbar Hilton downtown. That’s where thugs and hoodlums like that belong.
MSJ called it a travesty. Paul said he felt safer already. Hammerjack claimed he had been unable to sleep. Dillinger said he violated with his own pool cue. As the cops were escorting him out of the ring, Andrews said this was not over.
Back from commercial, Riggins and St. John were at a loss for words. They thought they had seen it all in pro wrestling and now this. They show a replay of the incident. Riggins wondered what action the SAW legal team (calling Bart Durham?) might take in light of the Dream Team’s arrest.
MSJ interviewed T. J. Harley about the injury that had put him out action. Harley called it a bump in the road. He explained that he hurt his leg doing a match in Canada and suffered a laceration that required 15 stitches. They showed a close up of the wound. Harley said he would be out for two weeks.
(2) Frank Malone (with Cody Malone) beat Shane Eden via submission in 1:17. Cody looked even weirder than Frank with bow tie, suit coat and shorts. Eden’s blows had no impact on Malone, who locked in the cobra clutch and choked Eden out like he was nothing. Malone left a pair of dice in Eden’s hand.
MSJ tried to interview Malone. Couldn’t get a word out of him.
A highlight package promoting the upcoming return of the Naturals aired.
(3) Drew Haskins beat Ric Santel (with Paul Adams) by lasting the five minute time limit. Santel was all business, pounding on Haskins right from the opening bell. Riggins said it was public knowledge that he was Haskins’ trainer. Riggins admitted that Haskins got lucky last week when Santel dropped his guard. Santel taunted Reno. Haskins came back with some pathetic punches. Santel kept beating Haskins down. Paul said he wasn’t going to soil his hands on Haskins. At the 3:30 mark, Santel was toying with Haskins and refusing to make the pin. Riggins said he was tempted to throw in the towel. Santel was rocked by a barrage of lame punches. MSJ said 30 seconds to go. Santel fired up and put Haskins on his facw with the Santel Slam. The bell rang at the count of two. The time was 4:41. St. John said the timekeeper hit the bell because his watch was a bit off. Santel was irate. Riggins said he had nothing to do with it.
Santel punished Haskins with another Santel Slam. Indian Outlaw made the save.
The Action Rental Slam of the Week was Kid Kash’s brainbuster on Jeff Jamison.
A Team was celebrated their dastardly dead backstage. Paul said (with Dream Team gone), SAW was an idiot free zone. Hammerjack was still focused on being abused by the Dream Team. Dillinger was relieved to have a safe working environment. Santel complained about the Indian interfering in his matches and asked for match against Outlaw next week. Paul asked Santel not to kill their buzz. It was time to go hit the Sizzler.
(4) Damian Adams beat Chris Cane to retain the SAW Television Title in 5:21. Kash joined MSJ on commentary. MSJ brought up the controversial “luck of the draw” to determine title challengers. “I can get my shot any time I want it. I’m Kid Kash.” Damian’s shoulder went flying into the post when Cane moved. Kash said he would never make a mistake like that. “Colossal Chris” worked on Damian’s arm. Kash said they both sucked. Cane hit a single arm DDT. Kash said Damian was getting manhandled by Frodo. Kash begrudgingly gave Damian props for defending the belt night in and night out. Damian made a one-armed comeback. Cane ducked the bicycle kick and landed a roundhouse to Damian’s bad arm. But Damian ducked Cane’s flying bodypress and hit the bicycle kick for the 1-2-3.
Kash presented Damian with the belt and offered to shake hands. Damian hesitated. The fans chanted “No! No! No!” Kash said he was still coming after the belt and they could do it the easy way or the hard way. Kash said it was all about competition, and he was extending his hand as a sportsman. The fans loudly voiced their disapproval. Damian fell for it. Kash laid Damian out with the brainbuster. He started to take the belt and then though better of it. The closing shot was Kash dropping the belt across Damian’s limp body.
Closing Thoughts: This episode was big on storytelling and character development. The wrestling was secondary. Casey’s ménage a trios is evolving into an interesting story. They teased tensions within Tiana. The arrest angle was great stuff. TVA acting mentally traumatized was hilarious. They made a huge deal out of it, really gave it a chance for impact to register on the viewer. Nicely done. The Harley interview was sa simple way to keep Harley in play, while also highlighting the brutal realities of being a pro wrestler. The segment with Malone was just right –short and sweet. The risk is all in over exposing him. The longer they can keep the mystery going, the better. They’ve done a great job with the Haskins/Santel story. Santel’s cockiness got the better of him again. It was awesome the way they vaguely implied that Riggins surreptitiously helping his underdog trainee. The postmatch set up Santel/Outlaw. But where do they go from with Haskins from here? One thing for sure, It’s a sin for any wrestler from the state of Tennessee wrestler to throw punches likes Haskins. This A Team vignette stuck better than the last limo segment because it was less chaotic. They’re cementing Paul Adams as the ultimate evil mastermind, so his comeuppance should make for some choice stuff. Damian gave Cane way too much. It’s not like the guy is a top contender. It should have been complete domination, and Damian challenging Kash to back up his mouth. Still, Kash laying Damian out at the end did make me want to see the match despite one huge problem: it just can’t be a good thing when the fans are smarter than the babyface champion. Kash needs to do the right thing for Damian (and SAW) when they do the match.
Airing May 31, 2008 on ION Network affiliate WNPX 28 in Nashville.
Showtime Allstar Wrestling TV is available at along with other exclusive video content.
Michael St. John and Reno Riggins did the opening from the interview area this week with the fans chanting “S-A-W, S-A-W, S-A-W” in the background.
(1) Sean Casey (with Tiana & Sexy Lexi) beat C. M. Sigmon in 4:58. Casey was ecstatic about his entourage. Lexi entered the ring by straddling Casey as he lounged across the middle rope. Sigmon got off to a fast start with a flying headbutt for a two count. Casey bailed and used his ladies as a shield to set up a sucker punch on Sigmon. Lexi got in some punches of her own. Reno said she looked like a tough broad. Casey used a middle rope leg drop to the back of Sigmon’s head, but Sigmon got a foot on the ropes. As Casey worked over Sigmon, MSJ noted that Lexi was more involved in the match. Riggins said he would like to get to bottom of what their roles were. Casey paused to get a kiss from each of his ladies, and Sigmon rolled him up for a two count. Sigmon used some short rights to spark a comeback and hit a powerslam for a near fall. Riggins said Sigmon was working with an injured ankle and a damaged cheekbone. Sigmon got another two count with a rolling reverse. Lexi tugged away at Sigmon’s leg, and Casey capitalized with the superkick for the pin.
Throw it up. Throw it down, baby. The sexiest thing to ever hit SAW is back in town.
MSJ interviewed Casey and his harem. Casey informed the smart marks that Lexi was the legit daughter of Brian Pillman. Casey said he got robbed of the title last week against champion Damian Adams. “Shades of Brian Pillman shining through,” said Lexi. Casey said it was time to party and MSJ was not invited. St. John confessed he was sweating.
Showtime Allstar Wrestling returns to the Saw Mill in Millersville, Tn on June 6 with Damian Adams (c) vs. Kid Kash for the SAW Championship.
MSJ was in the ring with “Boogie Woogie Boy” Gary Valiant and Arrick Andrews. Our heroes were riding high after what they did to the Tennessee Violence Authority last week. Boogie said that after beaten down for months (no exaggeration), Dream Team found a way to survive. They rolled a tape of the lights out incident that ended with TVA laid out and Dream Team in possession of their weapons. Andrews said Paul Adams been trying to take him out for a long time, but Dream Team was finally on a roll. Paul came out on the ramp with TVA, who were selling the beating like two creaky old men. Riggins intercepted them. Two police officers entered the ring with a warrant for Dream Team’s arrest on aggravated assault charges. The cops confiscated the pool cue and sledgehammer and put the cuffs on Dream Team. Paul was beyond self-righteous on the mic.
You need to get them out of here. They need to go have three hots and a cot over at the Crossbar Hilton downtown. That’s where thugs and hoodlums like that belong.
MSJ called it a travesty. Paul said he felt safer already. Hammerjack claimed he had been unable to sleep. Dillinger said he violated with his own pool cue. As the cops were escorting him out of the ring, Andrews said this was not over.
Back from commercial, Riggins and St. John were at a loss for words. They thought they had seen it all in pro wrestling and now this. They show a replay of the incident. Riggins wondered what action the SAW legal team (calling Bart Durham?) might take in light of the Dream Team’s arrest.
MSJ interviewed T. J. Harley about the injury that had put him out action. Harley called it a bump in the road. He explained that he hurt his leg doing a match in Canada and suffered a laceration that required 15 stitches. They showed a close up of the wound. Harley said he would be out for two weeks.
(2) Frank Malone (with Cody Malone) beat Shane Eden via submission in 1:17. Cody looked even weirder than Frank with bow tie, suit coat and shorts. Eden’s blows had no impact on Malone, who locked in the cobra clutch and choked Eden out like he was nothing. Malone left a pair of dice in Eden’s hand.
MSJ tried to interview Malone. Couldn’t get a word out of him.
A highlight package promoting the upcoming return of the Naturals aired.
(3) Drew Haskins beat Ric Santel (with Paul Adams) by lasting the five minute time limit. Santel was all business, pounding on Haskins right from the opening bell. Riggins said it was public knowledge that he was Haskins’ trainer. Riggins admitted that Haskins got lucky last week when Santel dropped his guard. Santel taunted Reno. Haskins came back with some pathetic punches. Santel kept beating Haskins down. Paul said he wasn’t going to soil his hands on Haskins. At the 3:30 mark, Santel was toying with Haskins and refusing to make the pin. Riggins said he was tempted to throw in the towel. Santel was rocked by a barrage of lame punches. MSJ said 30 seconds to go. Santel fired up and put Haskins on his facw with the Santel Slam. The bell rang at the count of two. The time was 4:41. St. John said the timekeeper hit the bell because his watch was a bit off. Santel was irate. Riggins said he had nothing to do with it.
Santel punished Haskins with another Santel Slam. Indian Outlaw made the save.
The Action Rental Slam of the Week was Kid Kash’s brainbuster on Jeff Jamison.
A Team was celebrated their dastardly dead backstage. Paul said (with Dream Team gone), SAW was an idiot free zone. Hammerjack was still focused on being abused by the Dream Team. Dillinger was relieved to have a safe working environment. Santel complained about the Indian interfering in his matches and asked for match against Outlaw next week. Paul asked Santel not to kill their buzz. It was time to go hit the Sizzler.
(4) Damian Adams beat Chris Cane to retain the SAW Television Title in 5:21. Kash joined MSJ on commentary. MSJ brought up the controversial “luck of the draw” to determine title challengers. “I can get my shot any time I want it. I’m Kid Kash.” Damian’s shoulder went flying into the post when Cane moved. Kash said he would never make a mistake like that. “Colossal Chris” worked on Damian’s arm. Kash said they both sucked. Cane hit a single arm DDT. Kash said Damian was getting manhandled by Frodo. Kash begrudgingly gave Damian props for defending the belt night in and night out. Damian made a one-armed comeback. Cane ducked the bicycle kick and landed a roundhouse to Damian’s bad arm. But Damian ducked Cane’s flying bodypress and hit the bicycle kick for the 1-2-3.
Kash presented Damian with the belt and offered to shake hands. Damian hesitated. The fans chanted “No! No! No!” Kash said he was still coming after the belt and they could do it the easy way or the hard way. Kash said it was all about competition, and he was extending his hand as a sportsman. The fans loudly voiced their disapproval. Damian fell for it. Kash laid Damian out with the brainbuster. He started to take the belt and then though better of it. The closing shot was Kash dropping the belt across Damian’s limp body.
Closing Thoughts: This episode was big on storytelling and character development. The wrestling was secondary. Casey’s ménage a trios is evolving into an interesting story. They teased tensions within Tiana. The arrest angle was great stuff. TVA acting mentally traumatized was hilarious. They made a huge deal out of it, really gave it a chance for impact to register on the viewer. Nicely done. The Harley interview was sa simple way to keep Harley in play, while also highlighting the brutal realities of being a pro wrestler. The segment with Malone was just right –short and sweet. The risk is all in over exposing him. The longer they can keep the mystery going, the better. They’ve done a great job with the Haskins/Santel story. Santel’s cockiness got the better of him again. It was awesome the way they vaguely implied that Riggins surreptitiously helping his underdog trainee. The postmatch set up Santel/Outlaw. But where do they go from with Haskins from here? One thing for sure, It’s a sin for any wrestler from the state of Tennessee wrestler to throw punches likes Haskins. This A Team vignette stuck better than the last limo segment because it was less chaotic. They’re cementing Paul Adams as the ultimate evil mastermind, so his comeuppance should make for some choice stuff. Damian gave Cane way too much. It’s not like the guy is a top contender. It should have been complete domination, and Damian challenging Kash to back up his mouth. Still, Kash laying Damian out at the end did make me want to see the match despite one huge problem: it just can’t be a good thing when the fans are smarter than the babyface champion. Kash needs to do the right thing for Damian (and SAW) when they do the match.
RassleResults: TCW Moutain City, TN 6.07.08

Chief Blackfoot beat Sgt. Rock.
Beau James defeated Mohamad Ishtar after a series of fist drops
Rebecca Lynn [pictured] defeated Misty James with her feet on the ropes.
DP Holliday w/Rebecca Lynn defeated Chance Gibson w/Brittany Diamond. In a strap match
The King Brothers (Allen King & Dameon Cross) w/Rebecca Lynn defeated Brady Hawks & Mikkie McMasters w/Brittany Diamond to become new TCW Tag Champs.
Jeff Storm w/The Guardian defeated Jamie Gibson, when the Guardian threw in the towel for the injuried Gibson. Jeff Storm shocked everyone when he turned on Gibson and continued doing more damage to Gibson's shoulder.
----No attendance was given...TCW will return to Shouns School on Saturday, July 5th, so make your plans now to join us for a great night of wrestling action.
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 6.07.08
Shawn Hoodrich b Richard Lowe (w/Boy) by DQ when Boy attacked Hoodrich as he had Lowe in a cloverleaf
Dyronic b Convict
Damien Payne b Boy (Lowe came out at the end and his interference backfired, costing Boy the match. Lowe and Boy appear to hug and make up but then Lowe gives Boy a neckbreaker and leaves his long-time patner laying.)
Tony Falk b Intern (Tony wrestled in "Cowboy Tony" attire as opposed to "Boy Tony" attire:)
Michael Jablonski (w/Chris Norte) b Shawn Hoodrich (Pre-match, Jablonski announced that he has aligned himself with Norte & Lee Cross in the "Super Ultra Mega Stars of Wrestling".)
New York Gangster & Damien Payne b ATL Tag Team Champions Chris Norte & Lee Cross (w/Michael Jablonski) by DQ when Jablonski attacked Gangster as he was going for a pin on Norte
----30 in attendance.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Dyronic b Convict
Damien Payne b Boy (Lowe came out at the end and his interference backfired, costing Boy the match. Lowe and Boy appear to hug and make up but then Lowe gives Boy a neckbreaker and leaves his long-time patner laying.)
Tony Falk b Intern (Tony wrestled in "Cowboy Tony" attire as opposed to "Boy Tony" attire:)
Michael Jablonski (w/Chris Norte) b Shawn Hoodrich (Pre-match, Jablonski announced that he has aligned himself with Norte & Lee Cross in the "Super Ultra Mega Stars of Wrestling".)
New York Gangster & Damien Payne b ATL Tag Team Champions Chris Norte & Lee Cross (w/Michael Jablonski) by DQ when Jablonski attacked Gangster as he was going for a pin on Norte
----30 in attendance.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Jerkin' the Curtain NWA Main Event & SAW TV reviews Monday June 9th @10 PM CST.
Listen in this coming Monday night June 9th at 10 central time as Tommy Stewart and I again will review and recap the NWA Main Event & SAW TV shows. These will be the reviews for the shows that aired June 7th on the Ion network in Nashville at 8 am and noon. We'll give unbiased opinions of both shows, and declare a winner for the week. Listen in live Monday night, or check out the archive later. If you missed last weeks show, the archive is available of couse, but NWA Main Event was declared the winner in a split decision. It was about as even as it can possibly get this week. Tommy Stewart: NWA Main Event= Thumbs up SAW= Thumbs up Tommy gave the nod to NWA Main Event though TVD: NWA Main Event= Upper thumbs in the middle SAW= Upper thumbs in the middle I called it a draw between the two shows Larry Goodman was sent a DVD of NWA Main Event, and called in during that portion of the show. He gave NWA Main Event a slight thumbs up. Trent Van Drisse
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