----Corey Maclin is joined AGAIN this week with Reggie B Fine. Why?? They went over the show and talked about the chairs they were sitting in.
----“Insane Clowns” [Giggles/Bobo] with Rashard Devon. They talk about a triple threat Southern Tag Team Title match later tonight and why are they not in it?? Rashard was stumbling over his words. Why would Rashard complain when he has a team in it?? Dustin Starr/Chris Lexx came for an interview. Starr says, “How do you expect anybody to take the Clowns seriously?” Clowns beat Starr/Lexx in a good match. Better than the match last week. Heat was on Starr with hot tag to Lexx. Lexx came off the second turnbuckle for a flying press having Giggles pinned, but ref was distracted. Lexx/Starr did a great looking flapjack on Bobo. Ref distracted ended with Bobo using a kid’s bicycle to hit Lexx and have Giggles pin him.
----Maclin brings out a rep from FexEx to promote an event on November 4, 2007 at the Agri-Center Amphitheater for the “Make-A-Wish Foundation” at Shelby Farms in Memphis, TN. They are giving away a trophy to a fan – FedEx Cup. All fans pick the winner of the end of the night Battle Royal. A fan that picks the winner, then they get the Cup along with dinner and a limo ride with the winning wrestler. I would put my money Jerry Lawler. Jerry Lawler [wearing Cleveland Indians jersey] comes out to explain more about it. Lawler was with Grady Watson. Kevin White with Sue Young/Mr. White walk out – “Don’t we have some unfinished business?” Lawler says that Renee could not make it tonight. Mr. White says, “Looks like you got a new girlfriend” – pointing at Watson. LOL
----Tatt2 interview “What it is Beef Jerky?? Smooooooth Turkey” – Tatt2’s catch phrase. White comes out. White tries to tell Tatt2 he is too small. Tatt2 responds and White pushes him and tells him to get in the ring. Tatt2 beat White by DQ. Good shine for Tatt2. Heat on Tatt2 after White used something that Young handed to him. Tatt2 made his comeback. Young then gave White the foreign object again and the ref caught him with it and DQ’ed him. White/Young beat on Tatt2 after the match and Lawler then made the save for him. Young just stood in the turnbuckle [it looked bad] until White bumped out the ring and then Lawler went after her. White saved her. Good match – little sloppy with Tatt2 coming out of heat.
----Brian Christopher/Ali interview. “Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] come out. Then, Derrick King/Johnny Dotson with Rashard Devon walk out to promote the triple threat coming up. Rashard has a phone and DK tells Corey he has a call – a call from “common sense”, because it is common sense that they are going to win the belts. If Maclin had any common sense, then he would have a REAL announcer sitting next to him!! Maclin/Brian C did a very good job explaining the rules of the triple threat. Belts can change hands even if Brian C doesn’t do the job. LOL
----Brian C/Ali retained the tag team belts beating TK2 and King/Dotson. Three in the ring at the same time. This was a disaster waiting to happen and I wished could say this turned into a good match. Just a total clusterfuck. Finish was good though. Everyone got threw out of the ring leaving Dotson/DK with Brian C. They are going to spike piledrive him, but Ali makes the saving closelining DK and then military pressing Dotson. Ali was then holding Dotson with Dotsons’ legs wrapped around Ali’s waist. Brian came off with a legdrop from the top rope and it looked as if they took Dotson’s head completely off. Brian pins Dotson. DK/Dotson jumped them after the match and then TK2 makes the save. Crowd was good for this, but Maclin/Fine were not even putting it over that TK2 made the save.
----Maclin returned talking with Dotson/DK/Rashard and made no mention of TK2 making the save.
----Wow!! Starr got mic time!! He did a good job also…Maclin called the little bicycle that the Clowns used a “tricycle.” Two wheels..three wheels..oh forget it…Young said that Renee was scared of her “karate” and chopped towards Lawler. Lawler jumped. LOL That was funny…During the White/Tatt2 bout, I actually yelled at the screen – “Will someone shut Reggie B Fine up!!” He is horrible…Tatt2 also gets mic time?? And Lawler makes a save for him?? Good direction…A good show. I liked it. The best bout was Tatt2 vs White. They did good to continue angles and storylines. Maclin had tried to promote a Fine bout last week, but there was no mention of it on this show, but other than that, they mentioned stuff from the last two shows. They seem to be saving Lawler vs White in the ring again. As I said, the last bout was not good, but it had a good finish.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The Ratings - Memphis Wrestling 10.13.07
----The Memphis Wrestling cast and crew should be very happy with this rating. The show last week scored an overall 3.5 [58,426 viewers] rating. Not a record breaking rating, but the best rating in the last 9 weeks. Also take a look at the trend from start to finish gaining over 30,000 viewers from start to finish. That is very good. It will be interesting to see if there is any retention with the coming week’s ratings, because the two quarters that scored the highest actually were not as good as the preceding quarters. It is positive to have over 70,000 viewers in one quarter.
-Brian C/Ali – interview
-“Opening The Vault”
1st Quarter – 2.4 [40,629 viewers]
-Kevin White/Sue Young/Mr. White interview
-DK/Dotson vs Crime/Tatt2
-DK/Dotson beat up Crime/Tatt2 – Starr/Lexx save
2 quarter – 3.21 [53,893 viewers] [+13,264 viewers]
-Lawler interview
-Brian C/Ali vs Gladiator/White
-TK2 beat up Ali/Brian C
3rd Quarter – 3.9 [65,981 viewers] [+12,088 viewers]
-TK2 interview
-Ali/Brian C brawl with TK2
-Starr/Lexx vs Insane Clowns
4th Quarter - 4.4 [73,368 viewers] [+7387 viewers]
12 Week Average: 3.1 [51,346 viewers]
12 week low – 1.9 [31,395 viewers] 9.29.07
12 week high – 4.3 [71,353 viewers] 7.28.07
From start to finish [+32,739 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Channel 3 News/CSI Miami 9.5 [160,083 viewers]
-Brian C/Ali – interview
-“Opening The Vault”
1st Quarter – 2.4 [40,629 viewers]
-Kevin White/Sue Young/Mr. White interview
-DK/Dotson vs Crime/Tatt2
-DK/Dotson beat up Crime/Tatt2 – Starr/Lexx save
2 quarter – 3.21 [53,893 viewers] [+13,264 viewers]
-Lawler interview
-Brian C/Ali vs Gladiator/White
-TK2 beat up Ali/Brian C
3rd Quarter – 3.9 [65,981 viewers] [+12,088 viewers]
-TK2 interview
-Ali/Brian C brawl with TK2
-Starr/Lexx vs Insane Clowns
4th Quarter - 4.4 [73,368 viewers] [+7387 viewers]
12 Week Average: 3.1 [51,346 viewers]
12 week low – 1.9 [31,395 viewers] 9.29.07
12 week high – 4.3 [71,353 viewers] 7.28.07
From start to finish [+32,739 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Channel 3 News/CSI Miami 9.5 [160,083 viewers]
----Answers!! I got answers!! Thanks to everyone for responding about the Flashback questions. The huge Smoky Mountain Massacre was a guy from Dale Mann’s group in Kentucky. Chad Austin is in his home state of Maryland – not sure if he still wrestles. And, yes, Rikki Burton is better known to us as “San Francisco Treat.” I thought my memory was correct on that one. Burton also worked as “Slick” Rick Burton for a short time. Also as noted by a visitor that wrote in – Burton was doing the gay gimmick even before GoldDust or Rico. A visitor also pointed out that Burton took the gimmick “a few years after Adrian Street left the territory.” Didn’t Street leave in the late 80s?? Just slightly more than a few years. LOL Thanks again!!
Arena Report: LAW Rector, AR 10.20.07
----Tommy Redneck beat Super Destroyer. A pretty dropkick from Redneck. Short. SD was bad. [DUD]
----Idol Bane beat Shannon Lee. Lee was not believable against Bane. Lee’s comeback was weak. A small guy has to get some hope spots to make him the fans think he has a chance at winning or beat him the whole way and slip him over in the end. It was almost like they were trying to do both. Bane won with the “Ghost of Andy Kaufman” [Cradle piledriver], which looked awesome. [*] for the piledriver. Not a good match.
----Flash Flanagan beat Stan Lee with his feet on the ropes. Good match. Flash was so freakin stiff with his chops that I thought about crying. LOL Lee came out with bandaged ribs to sell Flash jumping him from last week. Flash took the heat when Lee got a chair and was going to hit Flash with it, but the ref – Biscuit – grabbed the chair and Flash attacked Lees’ ribs. Crowd was quite for a bit, but Flash got them going constantly working them in rest spots, but ALWAYS working the ribs. Flash took Lee out in the crowd and thru a trashcan that bounce through the chairs. A whole section of people had to move. Did I say that Flash chopped Stan hard?? LOL Lee’s comeback was brutal - the flurry of punches looked shoot. After the match, Flash whipped Lee with a belt, and then Lee got it back from him to setup Lee vs Flash in an Audience Participation Strap match in two weeks. A real good match. Crowd was loud, but if they had a bigger crowd, this match would have worked well. [***]
----“The Asylum” [James Arnez/Psycho] beat “Rockin” Randy/J Weezy. Good solid match with nothing wrong. Fans popped big for the Asylum and the finish. Arnez took the heat with Randy/Weezy working on this leg. Perfect stuff for a big/little man telling a story. Randy/Weezy could have done a few more double team moves, but still good. Hot tag to Psycho with them finishing off Weezy with the “Straight 2 Hale” [Russian leg sweep with a big boot]. [**1/2]
----Chain Match: Slim Leaves LAW vs Slim Wins His Freedom – Slim “Bulldog” Pickens beat LAW Champion “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony. TGB got heat on Slim by working his neck with the chain with a neckbreaker onto the chain, hanging him over the top rope with a chain and just slinging him across the ring. It was a very smart way to work, but I think if it is a chain match, then the babyface of all people should juice. TGB even put his “Goldilock” submission hold on him and that was just weird to me in a chain match. [I know – he was working the neck!!] Pickens made his comeback and busted TGB open with the chain. TGB bled buckets and the crowd loved it. They did a ref bump [which I did not like in a chain match!!] and Jeff O’Dell got in the ring to help TGB. He removed his chain, but Slim grabbed him from behind and punched him. Crowd went nuts for that!! Slim jumped on O’Dell and got in some more punches. Slim finished TGB off by wrapping the chain around his neck and bulldogging him onto the chain. At this point, the crowd lost heat as he was wrapping it around his neck. I am not sure if they just stretched the finish too long [as one worker in the back suggested] or if the crowd was just stunned as it was looking as if Slim was going to win the match. As Slim pinned TGB the crowd counted 1..2..3 and popped huge!! This was a good match – a real good match. But, Slim is not at the level [remember he is a rookie] to work a match like this. TGB did carry him, but you could see so much hesitation on Slims’ parts that some one with more experience would have not stumbled. He should be proud of himself for such a good match in his rookie career though. [***1/2]
----50 to 60 in the building with a gate near $280…I love the Bane gimmick with kilt and such. Bane is a big guy too, but still needs work. Why did both Bane/Lee wear orange/black?? Isn’t that Banes’ colors??...The ring announcer Little Koko is real good. No commentary over the matches – just ring announcing. He was dressed up with shirt and tie – very professional…Flash did something that I have even seen the WWE [on ECW this week] screw up – he ripped the bandages, but he left some of them on. I know that is being picky, but keeping the bandages on the ribs reminds people that the ribs are hurt…The marks hate Flash…Asylum are over to the point that I don’t think no one is believable to beat them. If Flash had a tag team partner that could be brutal and toe to toe with them, then that might be the right choice. It becomes a problem getting a babyface champion tag team that is as big as these guys so over, because then you have no one to beat them…It looks as if the Slim/TGB is done. Slim will now be bringing the chain to the ring as part of his gimmick. Great idea – as the chain means SOMETHING now…A good show, but not anywhere near the show I seen a couple of weeks back in the same building. Flash/Lee/TGB are three of the best workers in this area and it can only help improve the show. Why does this group not draw?? Good booking and some fair to real good wrestling?? I am not sure if it is the advertising or the fact that it is in Rector, AR.
----Idol Bane beat Shannon Lee. Lee was not believable against Bane. Lee’s comeback was weak. A small guy has to get some hope spots to make him the fans think he has a chance at winning or beat him the whole way and slip him over in the end. It was almost like they were trying to do both. Bane won with the “Ghost of Andy Kaufman” [Cradle piledriver], which looked awesome. [*] for the piledriver. Not a good match.
----Flash Flanagan beat Stan Lee with his feet on the ropes. Good match. Flash was so freakin stiff with his chops that I thought about crying. LOL Lee came out with bandaged ribs to sell Flash jumping him from last week. Flash took the heat when Lee got a chair and was going to hit Flash with it, but the ref – Biscuit – grabbed the chair and Flash attacked Lees’ ribs. Crowd was quite for a bit, but Flash got them going constantly working them in rest spots, but ALWAYS working the ribs. Flash took Lee out in the crowd and thru a trashcan that bounce through the chairs. A whole section of people had to move. Did I say that Flash chopped Stan hard?? LOL Lee’s comeback was brutal - the flurry of punches looked shoot. After the match, Flash whipped Lee with a belt, and then Lee got it back from him to setup Lee vs Flash in an Audience Participation Strap match in two weeks. A real good match. Crowd was loud, but if they had a bigger crowd, this match would have worked well. [***]
----“The Asylum” [James Arnez/Psycho] beat “Rockin” Randy/J Weezy. Good solid match with nothing wrong. Fans popped big for the Asylum and the finish. Arnez took the heat with Randy/Weezy working on this leg. Perfect stuff for a big/little man telling a story. Randy/Weezy could have done a few more double team moves, but still good. Hot tag to Psycho with them finishing off Weezy with the “Straight 2 Hale” [Russian leg sweep with a big boot]. [**1/2]
----Chain Match: Slim Leaves LAW vs Slim Wins His Freedom – Slim “Bulldog” Pickens beat LAW Champion “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony. TGB got heat on Slim by working his neck with the chain with a neckbreaker onto the chain, hanging him over the top rope with a chain and just slinging him across the ring. It was a very smart way to work, but I think if it is a chain match, then the babyface of all people should juice. TGB even put his “Goldilock” submission hold on him and that was just weird to me in a chain match. [I know – he was working the neck!!] Pickens made his comeback and busted TGB open with the chain. TGB bled buckets and the crowd loved it. They did a ref bump [which I did not like in a chain match!!] and Jeff O’Dell got in the ring to help TGB. He removed his chain, but Slim grabbed him from behind and punched him. Crowd went nuts for that!! Slim jumped on O’Dell and got in some more punches. Slim finished TGB off by wrapping the chain around his neck and bulldogging him onto the chain. At this point, the crowd lost heat as he was wrapping it around his neck. I am not sure if they just stretched the finish too long [as one worker in the back suggested] or if the crowd was just stunned as it was looking as if Slim was going to win the match. As Slim pinned TGB the crowd counted 1..2..3 and popped huge!! This was a good match – a real good match. But, Slim is not at the level [remember he is a rookie] to work a match like this. TGB did carry him, but you could see so much hesitation on Slims’ parts that some one with more experience would have not stumbled. He should be proud of himself for such a good match in his rookie career though. [***1/2]
----50 to 60 in the building with a gate near $280…I love the Bane gimmick with kilt and such. Bane is a big guy too, but still needs work. Why did both Bane/Lee wear orange/black?? Isn’t that Banes’ colors??...The ring announcer Little Koko is real good. No commentary over the matches – just ring announcing. He was dressed up with shirt and tie – very professional…Flash did something that I have even seen the WWE [on ECW this week] screw up – he ripped the bandages, but he left some of them on. I know that is being picky, but keeping the bandages on the ribs reminds people that the ribs are hurt…The marks hate Flash…Asylum are over to the point that I don’t think no one is believable to beat them. If Flash had a tag team partner that could be brutal and toe to toe with them, then that might be the right choice. It becomes a problem getting a babyface champion tag team that is as big as these guys so over, because then you have no one to beat them…It looks as if the Slim/TGB is done. Slim will now be bringing the chain to the ring as part of his gimmick. Great idea – as the chain means SOMETHING now…A good show, but not anywhere near the show I seen a couple of weeks back in the same building. Flash/Lee/TGB are three of the best workers in this area and it can only help improve the show. Why does this group not draw?? Good booking and some fair to real good wrestling?? I am not sure if it is the advertising or the fact that it is in Rector, AR.
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Piece of my Mind-Oct 19th 2007 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

It appears, as of late, several people have left the WWE. Many of them have left by at their own request. This is not what we are used to seeing. If a talent made it to the big time you would normally need a crowbar to get them out of there. It appears that Shangri La (WWE) may not be everything that you thought it should be. In recent months we have heard many people say the traveling schedule for the talent isn’t as bad as what it’s been made out to be. I would agree with that. But how much better is it really? I am going to tell you its not that much better. In all walks of life a percentage of people are choosing quality of life over financial rewards or status. Is it so hard to believe that with all the tragedy in wrestling that some folks are choosing to get out of the most high pressured and nerve racking company in the industry? The light schedule of TNA becomes more attractive and the lure of Indy shows, conventions and personal appearances now becomes an option. In recent weeks Krissy Vaine, a girl with ALOT of potential, and her boyfriend Ryan O’Reilly walked away from the WWE. These two were just about to get the break they had been fighting for yet they walked. Its one thing to have been on top for awhile and then decided the lifestyle isn’t for you. I am sure we all remember Trish Stratus? She walked away at the top of her game. In the old days even that would have been unheard of. It’s quite another to walk out while on the verge of becoming a TV star to go back to the Indy’s where you started. Is this the start of something big? Does Vince McMahon need to stop feeding his own massive ego? It’s like a form of cancer it just keeps growing and growing until it encompasses who you are. How hard would it be to cycle talent in and out? To give them some time off that wasn’t forced by an injury? They could still make TV if necessary. It’s the little things in life that matter to people Vince. With that being said most of them aren’t going to be concerned with your ego.
The angle that is being run with The Miz and Extreme Expose is a good angle. I am told that it was Dusty’s idea. I like what they are doing and how they are doing it. I don’t know most of the players. I did meet Layla one time. She was as pleasant and beautiful as you would hope she would be. What I don’t like is The Miz I don’t see him as anyone the fans are going to take enough interest for the angle to matter. It does appear that he is trying but some people just have charisma and others don’t. I think that he is the latter
It is constantly being reported that fans are having their signs confiscated in the buildings because they don’t support the flavor of the day. Vince I have news for you the flavor of the day is green and so is the fans money. Please listen to what they want and stop shoving what you want to happen down peoples throats. If you have a chance Vince watch some of those old AWA tapes you bought and watch Verne Gagne shoving The Road Warriors as heel’s down the fans throats. He was going to show the people that those guys were heels no matter what. Didn’t quite work out for him did it?
I had the pleasure of working many time with Charles "Charlie" J. Kalani, Jr better know to most of you as Prof. Toru Tanaka. You couldn’t ask for an easier guy to work with. It was my first tour overseas and guys like him made it easy. I was nervous being in a foreign country for the first time. He was a big man but a ring general. One time I almost screwed up and didn’t block his arm when I was supposed to when he went to throw the salt. It all worked out as the people didn’t even realize what had gone wrong but I knew. I am sure Tanaka probably knew but he said nothing. I always had heard he was a nice guy. I remember hearing about his passing and all I could think about was his arm seeming to wait for my arm to block it for what seemed to be minutes. I realize it was only seconds but it sure didn’t seem like it at the time.
This picture is of me holding Afa Jr about twenty years ago. He was crowned FCW Champion this week. It is only a matter of time before he is called up to the main roster. I want to wish the young man all the best of luck. He seems to be doing a good job preparing for his shot. He wrestled Billy Kidman in the match where he won the belt. I have something in common with both of the men in that match. We were all trained for this business by Afa Anoai Sr “The Wild Samoan #1”. I hope this is just a starting road to a long and glorious career and a continuation of the Samoan Dynasty.
The angle that is being run with The Miz and Extreme Expose is a good angle. I am told that it was Dusty’s idea. I like what they are doing and how they are doing it. I don’t know most of the players. I did meet Layla one time. She was as pleasant and beautiful as you would hope she would be. What I don’t like is The Miz I don’t see him as anyone the fans are going to take enough interest for the angle to matter. It does appear that he is trying but some people just have charisma and others don’t. I think that he is the latter
It is constantly being reported that fans are having their signs confiscated in the buildings because they don’t support the flavor of the day. Vince I have news for you the flavor of the day is green and so is the fans money. Please listen to what they want and stop shoving what you want to happen down peoples throats. If you have a chance Vince watch some of those old AWA tapes you bought and watch Verne Gagne shoving The Road Warriors as heel’s down the fans throats. He was going to show the people that those guys were heels no matter what. Didn’t quite work out for him did it?
I had the pleasure of working many time with Charles "Charlie" J. Kalani, Jr better know to most of you as Prof. Toru Tanaka. You couldn’t ask for an easier guy to work with. It was my first tour overseas and guys like him made it easy. I was nervous being in a foreign country for the first time. He was a big man but a ring general. One time I almost screwed up and didn’t block his arm when I was supposed to when he went to throw the salt. It all worked out as the people didn’t even realize what had gone wrong but I knew. I am sure Tanaka probably knew but he said nothing. I always had heard he was a nice guy. I remember hearing about his passing and all I could think about was his arm seeming to wait for my arm to block it for what seemed to be minutes. I realize it was only seconds but it sure didn’t seem like it at the time.
This picture is of me holding Afa Jr about twenty years ago. He was crowned FCW Champion this week. It is only a matter of time before he is called up to the main roster. I want to wish the young man all the best of luck. He seems to be doing a good job preparing for his shot. He wrestled Billy Kidman in the match where he won the belt. I have something in common with both of the men in that match. We were all trained for this business by Afa Anoai Sr “The Wild Samoan #1”. I hope this is just a starting road to a long and glorious career and a continuation of the Samoan Dynasty.
This has been a piece of my mind
If you want to give any feedback to this column you can email me at salcorrente929@hotmail.com
If you want to give any feedback to this column you can email me at salcorrente929@hotmail.com
Poll Results & New Poll!!
Poll Results
----In a poll that was closed sometime within the last few weeks, Memphis Wrestling so far this year sucked to the readers of this site. I got some feedback on the message board that pretty much said that everyone that voted is people that WANT to be on the show. I assume some people that voted did vote for that reason, but to have 87% of the visitors feel the show is bad is saying a lot. For all my critics, I voted AVERAGE, because I like a lot of the talent on the show.
Excellent - 3%
Average – 10%
It sucked – 87%
New Poll
----You just won 6 weeks of training – all expenses paid from one of these three guys. Which guy do you think would do a better job?? Al Snow, Tony Atlas or Robert Gibson?? Vote!!
----In a poll that was closed sometime within the last few weeks, Memphis Wrestling so far this year sucked to the readers of this site. I got some feedback on the message board that pretty much said that everyone that voted is people that WANT to be on the show. I assume some people that voted did vote for that reason, but to have 87% of the visitors feel the show is bad is saying a lot. For all my critics, I voted AVERAGE, because I like a lot of the talent on the show.
Excellent - 3%
Average – 10%
It sucked – 87%
New Poll
----You just won 6 weeks of training – all expenses paid from one of these three guys. Which guy do you think would do a better job?? Al Snow, Tony Atlas or Robert Gibson?? Vote!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Southeastern Championship Wrestling - What's REALLY REALLY Going On!!
----It seems that my story that I posted earlier today is being disputed in some regards on www.hollywoodjimmy.com’s news center by “Axeman” Randall Lewis. I will go on record standing behind everything I wrote in the story earlier. I was not sure who the booker was at the time, but was called later today to inform me that Billy Ray Hickerson [Fire] was the new booker for SCW. Unlike what is being reported by Axeman and I am not sure why he is being told this, but Mr. Guys IS STILL with this promotion. He is the money man. He has regrouped and joined with Hickerson to try to run shows now on a budget. I was even told that this guy was a big fan of the old Continental Wrestling promotion and he just wants to put on a good show. He is also going to try to “make up” the money on those checks that bounced that were written. I am not sure why they are trying to keep Guy’s name from everyone other than one word – KAYFABE!! Think about this also?? Why would Hickerson just change the name of his promotion and start booking under this name??
"Coach's Corner" - Thursday Night Edition!!
----Fellow RRO columnist Gene Jackson has less apathy than I do for the flight of the team of Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson. I do have to agree on some points in that when it comes to support for your child and such. I do not feel sorry for him. He should have kept up with that. I am told he is a good dad and a lot of what he owes is based on a whole different time and lifestyle. I do know you can go to court and get a thing like that changed, so I can’t see the validity of him owing money from the R&R era.
----Robert Gibson is another story though. I have never heard a bad word about Gibson. This is good considering he is has been a professional wrestler since 1977. In January of this year he was offered a job to work in the developmental system at OVW for the WWE. This gave him a regular job so that he did not have to worry about being on the road all the time trying to make money. He had to be a dream job for a guy who was on the top of the world and probably doesn’t have a dime to show for it. The details have been sketchy, but I have talked with someone that said that Al Snow and Robert Gibson got a royal ass chewing for their treatment of Tony Atlas. Gibson and Snow’s lack of respect for Atlas around the current OVW crew lead to the release of Gibson. I hate that Gibson got released, but I hate it more that Atlas was the cause of it.
----Am I not getting something here?? When did Atlas become a wrestling expert?? Compare him to Gibson or Snow?? There is no comparison. I am not sure how good a teacher that Gibson is, but the actual experience he can give and knowledge is nothing compared to Atlas; right?? I mean Atlas was tag team champion with Rocky Johnson and a Hall of Famer, but does it compare with the talent that Gibson or Snow has?? And, if you think I bitch a lot about if a promotion does not draw, it does not make you successful, then you should watch the RF Snow shoot.
----The story of Giant Gonzales or El Gigante is a unique one, but not all that uncommon in pro wrestling. Ted Turner was told by his NBA scouts that this guy in Argentina could just take the basketball and drop it in the hoop. If this guy was that big, then Ted thought he would be the next BIG THING in the NBA. Well, that is what Turner thought about his new daft pick for the Atlanta Hawks. It didn’t work though, because Gonzales was so clumsy that he couldn’t play basketball, so Turner said, “let him wrestle!!” Gonzalas made a career out of being a “Giant” and mostly a comedy figure to the wrestling world. Vince McMahon loved him too and he signed him as soon as he was available. Vince put him in that hilarious suit and his one major feud was with the Undertaker. He was always a guilty pleasure for me for some reason. I guess it was kinda like you when you just HAVE to look at a car wreck. I would mark out for a Gonzales match in the hopes of just a horrible hilarious bout. I recently read that Gonzales is confined to a wheelchair due to illness and it probably didn’t help him w
restling and bumping. This guy had a 5 year career and most WWE fans remember him, because of his huge size. [I wonder if Giant Khali will be like that??] It was recently announced that he signed a deal for a action figure for the Jakks Classic Superstar 16 series and www.wrestlingfigs.com released a photo yesterday of it from the Toy Fair. Does that look cool or what?? LOL Do me a favor and go get yourself a Giant Gonzales figure sometime in December and maybe it will help him out.
----Everyone is writing about the end of ECW and I hate it. It is my favorite wrestling show, but apparently Sci-Fi is not happy about it. WWE thinks they might end up canceling it mainly due to the fact that the ratings are not great and Sci-Fi wants more control with wackier characters and such. I loved it with Kane coming out to team with CM Punk Tuesday night. It felt like an independent show where a “star” made an appearance. Is that what the ECW crew wants to feel like?? Hell, I am sure most of them could care less, if they got a regular job and still have TV. If TV does get canceled, then why not pitch an extra hour to USA or I guess they will completely do away with ECW, but how many wrestlers do they really have on their roster?? Morrision & Miz wrestled twice this week?? Also for those who pointed out that ECW guys did jobs for Smackdown guys – it really doesn’t matter!! They work for the same freakin company!! If they do merge, then Smackdown usually does feature the best wrestling in the WWE. Last week they had Finley vs Rey and Kane/Taker vs Hardy/MVP. For those that still may have that tag still on tape or TIVO – go back and watch it!! It was not your typical baby/heel psychology, but it got over EVERYONE in that bout.
----A quick final side note on Gonzales and my whole “not putting anybody over” line. I was in the O’Hara airport in Chicago staying a miserable hour layover, because I had missed my flight. As I was walking through the terminal, I noticed standing in the line to get on their plane was Gonzales and Junkyard Dog. I just walked up to both guys and shook their hands and said, “nice to meet you.” Gonzales’ hand was huge!! It made my hand look like a baby hand, but…….LOL The first time I told this story about me meeting these two guys, my friend from New York, Steve Mastropietro ask “So what did you think about Gonzales?” And, I responded, “Ah, he wasn’t that big…” I had just seen the biggest human being I have ever seen in my life and I wouldn’t even put him over.
----Thanks for reading!! Please join me again on Saturday for another edition of "Coach's Corner."
----Robert Gibson is another story though. I have never heard a bad word about Gibson. This is good considering he is has been a professional wrestler since 1977. In January of this year he was offered a job to work in the developmental system at OVW for the WWE. This gave him a regular job so that he did not have to worry about being on the road all the time trying to make money. He had to be a dream job for a guy who was on the top of the world and probably doesn’t have a dime to show for it. The details have been sketchy, but I have talked with someone that said that Al Snow and Robert Gibson got a royal ass chewing for their treatment of Tony Atlas. Gibson and Snow’s lack of respect for Atlas around the current OVW crew lead to the release of Gibson. I hate that Gibson got released, but I hate it more that Atlas was the cause of it.
----Am I not getting something here?? When did Atlas become a wrestling expert?? Compare him to Gibson or Snow?? There is no comparison. I am not sure how good a teacher that Gibson is, but the actual experience he can give and knowledge is nothing compared to Atlas; right?? I mean Atlas was tag team champion with Rocky Johnson and a Hall of Famer, but does it compare with the talent that Gibson or Snow has?? And, if you think I bitch a lot about if a promotion does not draw, it does not make you successful, then you should watch the RF Snow shoot.
----The story of Giant Gonzales or El Gigante is a unique one, but not all that uncommon in pro wrestling. Ted Turner was told by his NBA scouts that this guy in Argentina could just take the basketball and drop it in the hoop. If this guy was that big, then Ted thought he would be the next BIG THING in the NBA. Well, that is what Turner thought about his new daft pick for the Atlanta Hawks. It didn’t work though, because Gonzales was so clumsy that he couldn’t play basketball, so Turner said, “let him wrestle!!” Gonzalas made a career out of being a “Giant” and mostly a comedy figure to the wrestling world. Vince McMahon loved him too and he signed him as soon as he was available. Vince put him in that hilarious suit and his one major feud was with the Undertaker. He was always a guilty pleasure for me for some reason. I guess it was kinda like you when you just HAVE to look at a car wreck. I would mark out for a Gonzales match in the hopes of just a horrible hilarious bout. I recently read that Gonzales is confined to a wheelchair due to illness and it probably didn’t help him w

----Everyone is writing about the end of ECW and I hate it. It is my favorite wrestling show, but apparently Sci-Fi is not happy about it. WWE thinks they might end up canceling it mainly due to the fact that the ratings are not great and Sci-Fi wants more control with wackier characters and such. I loved it with Kane coming out to team with CM Punk Tuesday night. It felt like an independent show where a “star” made an appearance. Is that what the ECW crew wants to feel like?? Hell, I am sure most of them could care less, if they got a regular job and still have TV. If TV does get canceled, then why not pitch an extra hour to USA or I guess they will completely do away with ECW, but how many wrestlers do they really have on their roster?? Morrision & Miz wrestled twice this week?? Also for those who pointed out that ECW guys did jobs for Smackdown guys – it really doesn’t matter!! They work for the same freakin company!! If they do merge, then Smackdown usually does feature the best wrestling in the WWE. Last week they had Finley vs Rey and Kane/Taker vs Hardy/MVP. For those that still may have that tag still on tape or TIVO – go back and watch it!! It was not your typical baby/heel psychology, but it got over EVERYONE in that bout.
----A quick final side note on Gonzales and my whole “not putting anybody over” line. I was in the O’Hara airport in Chicago staying a miserable hour layover, because I had missed my flight. As I was walking through the terminal, I noticed standing in the line to get on their plane was Gonzales and Junkyard Dog. I just walked up to both guys and shook their hands and said, “nice to meet you.” Gonzales’ hand was huge!! It made my hand look like a baby hand, but…….LOL The first time I told this story about me meeting these two guys, my friend from New York, Steve Mastropietro ask “So what did you think about Gonzales?” And, I responded, “Ah, he wasn’t that big…” I had just seen the biggest human being I have ever seen in my life and I wouldn’t even put him over.
----Thanks for reading!! Please join me again on Saturday for another edition of "Coach's Corner."
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 10.13.07 - Flash Returns!!
Ike Tucker over J Bone...Cody Melton beat Crime with a Pat O'Connor...Reggie B Fine cheated to beat Tatt2…“Naughty by Nature” [Pokerface/Rude]over “Genocide” [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] to regain the TLCW Tag Team Titles...Derrick King/Dell Tucker over Jerry Weezy/Tommy Redneck...Chris Lexx beat Shannon Lee, then Rockin Randy made his return to win theHardcore Title...Flash Flanagan over Alan Steele
----150 in the building with a gate close to $900…Looks like they are turning Albino. They did a double finish in the tag team title match with Genocide wining the belt back from NBN. But, then Albino said something like they were so good they could beat NBN again and then NBN won the belts back from them. Corbin was upset…Randy is back from his injury and is back as Hardcore champion. Lexx had beat Lee for the vacated belt, but then Randy beat Lexx .This upcoming week, they plan to do something with the cruiserweight title, which Randy held also…J-Bone dressed like a 70s pimp but carried a chair w/ a rebel flag on it…They did an angle where DK said he had good news and bad news - Bad news was Flash wasn't there again and then TGB came out to his music and mocked him. DK said but here's the good news - Flash came out. He swung the kendo stick at TGB and he powdered. Flash challenged him for the title and TGB agreed. For the match TGB came out on crutches and said when he jumped out of the ring he hurt his knee. Alan jumped Flash from behind...I was told the DK tag match was really bad.
----150 in the building with a gate close to $900…Looks like they are turning Albino. They did a double finish in the tag team title match with Genocide wining the belt back from NBN. But, then Albino said something like they were so good they could beat NBN again and then NBN won the belts back from them. Corbin was upset…Randy is back from his injury and is back as Hardcore champion. Lexx had beat Lee for the vacated belt, but then Randy beat Lexx .This upcoming week, they plan to do something with the cruiserweight title, which Randy held also…J-Bone dressed like a 70s pimp but carried a chair w/ a rebel flag on it…They did an angle where DK said he had good news and bad news - Bad news was Flash wasn't there again and then TGB came out to his music and mocked him. DK said but here's the good news - Flash came out. He swung the kendo stick at TGB and he powdered. Flash challenged him for the title and TGB agreed. For the match TGB came out on crutches and said when he jumped out of the ring he hurt his knee. Alan jumped Flash from behind...I was told the DK tag match was really bad.
Mid-South Wrestling Update!!
----I did receive the final talley for the money brought in from the 10.06.07 Mid-South Wrestling show in
Russellville, AR. The show packed 525 standing room only with a gate of $4,900 and the Sheriff's Department then raised a total of $2,200 well passed their goal of $1,000. This included a $650 concession stand. A total of $7,100 for this show. Great job!! Below is some hilarious footage of the show with Danny Hodge going after Skandor Akbar with Ali vs Farat in the ring. I have also have a photo of the full house. This group next show is 11.10.07 with a 3-Day event with Ted Dibiase and CrossPoint Ministries in Little Rock, AR. I will have full details as the event gets closer.

SCW Takes Over VCW Dates!!
----I am being told that Southeastern C
hampionship Wrestling promoter, Ricky Guys, will be taking over the booking for a couple of upcoming Volunteer Championship Wrestling shows that were scheduled. SCW will be running next Saturday [10.27.07] at 12:00 PM at the American Auto Group dealership in Selmer, TN with Kevin White, Fire & Flame, Chris Rocker, Bill Dundee and more. SCW also will be running 11.10.07 in Bolivar, TN with Fire & Flame, Bill Dundee, Koko Ware and more. Caveat emptor [buyer beware] boys and girls because this guy recently canceled two big shows. “Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock [pictured with Pat Patera] will NOT be the booker for this group anymore; because as Blaylock said, “I don’t work for paper” commenting about a recent check that Ricky Guys gave him. And do you blame him?? No word on who the new booker will be.

Shows of The Weekend 10.19 to 10.20.07
----I will be attending the LAW show tomorrow night for the chain match, so I
guess that is the "Show" of the weekend. If you are in the Alabama area, then Wrestle-Birmingham is having a real good shows with tons of legends on it. ASWF is having a show they are billing as "Mid-October Jam", which will probably lead up to some matches for their other big Halloween show. GTW has the debut of Psycho. If I missed any shows, please e-mail me ASAP and I will get them up.
----Friday night in Brownsville, TN for TIWF 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dra Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00.
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN…Wild Boys (Ben Jordan & Steve Neely),Arrick Andrews,Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie), AM Vision,Hammerjack,TJ Harley,Petey Wright,Josh Crowe,Damien Payne,Tim Renesto,Cody Diemer, LT Falk, Crazy Steve,Luscious Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix,Saint,New York Gangster,Xavier Mustafa,Michael Jablonski and more!!
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, Chris Lexx, Derrick King, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Stretch, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with Chain Match: “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony vs Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Jon Michael, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with The Southern Saints (Shawn Reed & Chris Styles), Josh Matthews, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, "Prime Time" Nick Grimes, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Jake Prentiss, Chris Chaos, OMEGA, LSD, Lady Reb, Devon Raynes,BB, Destiny, Bloodbath, Kaleb Kastle, Pappy, Jay Webster and Vinnie the Blade, Psycho and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice,Tim Edwards, Tank, Jeremy Moore,J.R. Manson, B.L.S., Lil Tim, Gaylon Ray, Baron Malkavain, Phoenix X, John "Biscuit" Roberts, Brian Steele and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dra Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy,Acid, Michael Ward, Cody Murdoch, Morgan Lane, Chuck Daddy, and more.
----Saturday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN AM Vision, TJ Harley,Hammerjack (w/Charming Charles),Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie],Shane Eden, Rob C, Justin Spade, C-4 (w/Cocky Cody), J-5, and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tim Grind, Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele, Flash Flanagan and much more!!!
----Saturday night Wrestle-Birmingham @ Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham,AL Bell Time 730pm schedule to appear Jake “the Snake” Roberts,Tito Santana,Dennis Condrey,Hector Guerrero,Tojo Yamamoto JR,”Bullet” Bob Armstrong,LAX,Robert Fuller,Jimmy Golden and more.
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell is 8 P.M, doors open @ 7:15 P.M.

----Friday night in Brownsville, TN for TIWF 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dra Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00.
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN…Wild Boys (Ben Jordan & Steve Neely),Arrick Andrews,Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie), AM Vision,Hammerjack,TJ Harley,Petey Wright,Josh Crowe,Damien Payne,Tim Renesto,Cody Diemer, LT Falk, Crazy Steve,Luscious Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix,Saint,New York Gangster,Xavier Mustafa,Michael Jablonski and more!!
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, Chris Lexx, Derrick King, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Stretch, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with Chain Match: “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony vs Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Jon Michael, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with The Southern Saints (Shawn Reed & Chris Styles), Josh Matthews, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, "Prime Time" Nick Grimes, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Jake Prentiss, Chris Chaos, OMEGA, LSD, Lady Reb, Devon Raynes,BB, Destiny, Bloodbath, Kaleb Kastle, Pappy, Jay Webster and Vinnie the Blade, Psycho and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice,Tim Edwards, Tank, Jeremy Moore,J.R. Manson, B.L.S., Lil Tim, Gaylon Ray, Baron Malkavain, Phoenix X, John "Biscuit" Roberts, Brian Steele and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, “The Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Izzy Rotten, Cassanova Kidd, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dra Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy,Acid, Michael Ward, Cody Murdoch, Morgan Lane, Chuck Daddy, and more.
----Saturday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN AM Vision, TJ Harley,Hammerjack (w/Charming Charles),Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie],Shane Eden, Rob C, Justin Spade, C-4 (w/Cocky Cody), J-5, and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tim Grind, Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele, Flash Flanagan and much more!!!
----Saturday night Wrestle-Birmingham @ Boutwell Auditorium in Birmingham,AL Bell Time 730pm schedule to appear Jake “the Snake” Roberts,Tito Santana,Dennis Condrey,Hector Guerrero,Tojo Yamamoto JR,”Bullet” Bob Armstrong,LAX,Robert Fuller,Jimmy Golden and more.
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell is 8 P.M, doors open @ 7:15 P.M.
RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 10.13.07
Casanova Kid def Bobby Cane, Storm and Sugar Shane in a 4-way (storm went crazy and beat up every body]
Moon Dog Rex def A.C. Havoc (in a dog food match, AC eat it and so did Moondog!)
The Convicts (Assault/Felony/Work Release) def P.K. Ripper/Wykid/Weasel in a 6-man tag match
Big Boy Bob vs Dre Black – No contest
Lawman Williams def Izzy Rotten
“The Posse” [Lil Chris/Simon Reed] def “New Breed of Perfection” [Waycool/Wildside] in a non-title match, but won a chance for the GOLD next week.
----There was about 50 in the crowd.
Moon Dog Rex def A.C. Havoc (in a dog food match, AC eat it and so did Moondog!)
The Convicts (Assault/Felony/Work Release) def P.K. Ripper/Wykid/Weasel in a 6-man tag match
Big Boy Bob vs Dre Black – No contest
Lawman Williams def Izzy Rotten
“The Posse” [Lil Chris/Simon Reed] def “New Breed of Perfection” [Waycool/Wildside] in a non-title match, but won a chance for the GOLD next week.
----There was about 50 in the crowd.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Flashback!! 12.03.1995
---Here is a sample of the first internet incarnation of Rasslin Riot. I posted these on RPSW every we
ek covering Memphis and Bert Prentice's promotion out of Jonesboro, AR. I attended A LOT of his shows. I have some questions if there is anyone out there that remembers this stuff - Who was SMMassacre? What happened to Chad Austin? Rikki Burton - Is that San Fransisco Treat??
Jerry Lawler is out for four weeks due to a broke leg. Lawler suffered the legit injury during a bout with Brad Armstrong last Monday night in Memphis. Brad hit Lawler and Jerry went to do a bump, but his foot was caught under Brad's foot. Lawler did the bump, but his foot stayed in the same place. It broke the febula bone and Lawler is already walking without crutches or a cast. It's not a big blow to the promotion like would have been a few years ago, because his drawing power here is way down.
Smoky Mountain Wrestling closed shop last week, but they continue to run the SMW vs USWA angle. It's still fun and I wonder what they are going to do since SMW doesn't exist anymore? But, this is wrestling and the storyline now is that 50% of the promotion is owned by USWA and 50% is owned by SMW. Bob Armstrong came out for an interview and forced announcer Dave Brown to play the SMW theme. He also reinstated the Smoky Mountain Massare, even though he had lost a loser leaves twon fall. He also gave the USWA Title back to Tex Slazinger, who had lost his belt to Brian C last Monday night due to the restarting of the bout. Randy Hales came out to tell Bob that he had to work with him, but that Hales had
reinstated Lance Russell, Dean Hill (Louisville ring announcer), and refs Frank Morrell & Bill Rush after Bob had fired them.
Bob Armstrong during a bout with Tasha vs Ms Texas (Texas won when DT Bruno grabbed Tasha's leg on mistake) kept stating he had someone to take care of Texas. When Texas came out for her interview, Bob was out to tell her he had a new wrestler to fight her and it was going to be Reggie B Fine's twin sister Regina B. Fine. Reggie debuted his new character of Regina B Fine (yes, Reggie in drag) and challenged Texas for Monday night. It was funny. Reggie is a big man and he will look funny vs Texas.
Clips were shown of Jeff Jarrett with Jerry Jarrett vs Jesse James
Armstrong with Bob Armstrong. It looked to be a good bout. They used the old Flair/Steamboat finish where Armstrong went for the figure-four,. but Jarrett cradled him for the win. They beat up Jerry Jarrett after the bout after they tied Jeff in the ropes. Bob piledrove him and finally PG13 made the save. Jeff Jarrett was not mentioned anymore on the show, so he might be headed to the WWF.
Since the promotion is owned by both USWA & SMW, then the Memphis card this Monday night (12/4) will feature three USWA booked bouts and three SMW bouts. USWA bouts: Winner to Get USWA Title Bout: Brian Christopher vs Cujo Moondog; USWA Title Match: Tex vs Koko B Ware; and USWA TT Title Match: Tracy Smothers/JJ Armstrong vs PG13. SMW bouts: Regina B Fine vs Ms Texas; SMMassacre vs Randy Hales (this is hilarious - you have to know what these two people look like to appreciate the humor); and Bob Armstrong vs Jerry Jarrett.
RAMBLES: The closing of SMW will open the doors for SMW regulars like The Armstrongs, Tommy Rich, Buddy Landell, R&R Express and The Headbangers to filter to the USWA or OMW. R&R Express are reported to start here in the USWA soon...Koko B Ware did a horrible interview and didn't look good in the ring...PG13/Ware beat SMM/Tex/Yellow Jacket, when YJ was pinned...Richard Lee (Cujo's manager) stated that Cujo had broke Doug Gilbert's arm. I think Doug is in Japan...Very little changes to the remodeled TV studio. Word I get is that all the remodeling was done to the news department's show, not the wrestling show.
An interesting angle was done and it seems like it was not coincidental either. Samantha Pain was out doing an interview, when Rikki Burton came out dressed in drag. Burton was looking at Pain's diamond ring, when he then handcuffed Pain to the ropes. Debbie T Wild then came out with a coal miner's glove on her hand and continue to hit Pain in the ribs until Bill Dundee & Colorado Kid made the save. Debbie claimed that Burton was her sister Shirley T Wild.
Didn't I just type that above about the USWA show? The OMW was taped last Saturday night and it seems that the angle was leaked out. It was probably told to Reggie B Fine, who worked some OMW dates in the past. The USWA show airs (10:00 AM) before the OMW show airs (11:30 PM), which made OMW look like they were copying the USWA, but in reality vice versa. OMW has a leak and they did to tell them to kayfabe. Bert Prentice said that he has a sister also - Big Bertha (Bert in drag - did it in the USWA) and she would help Pain Friday night in Jonesboro. Thumbs down to the USWA.
Reggie Montgomery debuted on the show. Reggie has been a ref for OMW and has been training to be a wrestler. After his debut bout, Brickhouse Brown came out to fuss that Reggie had interfered in a bout of his a few days ago. He also told Montgomery that he needed to be his friend, because both of them were black. He said that he knew he washed Dundee's car and carried Dundee's bags, but that he didn't have to do that. Reggie walked away and Brown jumped him. He DDTed him on the concrete, then poured a whole bag of flour on him. Okay, I know it was a race angle, but it was done good and Reggie was good in the role. He might turn into a good middle-of-the-card baby for them.
They aired the last 5 minutes of a 10 minute bout of Colorado Kid vs Chad Austin. It was the best bout they have aired on their show, since The Spiders left the area. Austin is a real hard worker and Kid seems to be improving. I've been told that Austin is here to stay because he is helping Bull Pain & Bill Dundee train wrestlers at Dundee's wrestling school. Austin did a flying side kick, the frogsplash, and some good bumps. Kid won with a dropkick from the top rope. They need to put the tag belts on Pain & Austin.
RAMBLES: Evansville has been drawing a crowd in the 200 range. $1000 gates plus all the gimmicks & concession should have them doing in the $1,200 range. The money here in Evansville is going to be the TV ads...The show has returned to a 30 minute format...6 matches are scheduled for this coming Friday night (12/8) with Gator McAllister vs Justin St John; Sam Pain/Big Berth vs Shirley & Debbie T Wild; Bill Dundee vs Terry Golden (no Dundee interview on this bout, but Golden did one where he said this bout was booked because Dundee interfered in his bouts all the time) ; NA Title Match: Colorado Kid defending his belt (no opponent announced, but I assume it will be Mike Samples) and a Non-Sanctioned Lights Out Match: BH Brown vs Reggie Montgomery were the only bouts announced. Giant Warrior and Bull Pain also announced as appearing...Giant Warrior beat Rikki Burton on TV with a legdrop finish...Tommy Rich announced vs Bill Dundee for his return here on 12/14 in Dexter, MO. Samples vs Kid also on that card. Rich was good here last summer, until he jumped to USWA in the SMW vs USWA feud. Rich & Dundee are good buddies. He should bring some excitement to the TV show.
Photo credit: Jerry Wilson

Jerry Lawler is out for four weeks due to a broke leg. Lawler suffered the legit injury during a bout with Brad Armstrong last Monday night in Memphis. Brad hit Lawler and Jerry went to do a bump, but his foot was caught under Brad's foot. Lawler did the bump, but his foot stayed in the same place. It broke the febula bone and Lawler is already walking without crutches or a cast. It's not a big blow to the promotion like would have been a few years ago, because his drawing power here is way down.
Smoky Mountain Wrestling closed shop last week, but they continue to run the SMW vs USWA angle. It's still fun and I wonder what they are going to do since SMW doesn't exist anymore? But, this is wrestling and the storyline now is that 50% of the promotion is owned by USWA and 50% is owned by SMW. Bob Armstrong came out for an interview and forced announcer Dave Brown to play the SMW theme. He also reinstated the Smoky Mountain Massare, even though he had lost a loser leaves twon fall. He also gave the USWA Title back to Tex Slazinger, who had lost his belt to Brian C last Monday night due to the restarting of the bout. Randy Hales came out to tell Bob that he had to work with him, but that Hales had
reinstated Lance Russell, Dean Hill (Louisville ring announcer), and refs Frank Morrell & Bill Rush after Bob had fired them.
Bob Armstrong during a bout with Tasha vs Ms Texas (Texas won when DT Bruno grabbed Tasha's leg on mistake) kept stating he had someone to take care of Texas. When Texas came out for her interview, Bob was out to tell her he had a new wrestler to fight her and it was going to be Reggie B Fine's twin sister Regina B. Fine. Reggie debuted his new character of Regina B Fine (yes, Reggie in drag) and challenged Texas for Monday night. It was funny. Reggie is a big man and he will look funny vs Texas.
Clips were shown of Jeff Jarrett with Jerry Jarrett vs Jesse James
Armstrong with Bob Armstrong. It looked to be a good bout. They used the old Flair/Steamboat finish where Armstrong went for the figure-four,. but Jarrett cradled him for the win. They beat up Jerry Jarrett after the bout after they tied Jeff in the ropes. Bob piledrove him and finally PG13 made the save. Jeff Jarrett was not mentioned anymore on the show, so he might be headed to the WWF.
Since the promotion is owned by both USWA & SMW, then the Memphis card this Monday night (12/4) will feature three USWA booked bouts and three SMW bouts. USWA bouts: Winner to Get USWA Title Bout: Brian Christopher vs Cujo Moondog; USWA Title Match: Tex vs Koko B Ware; and USWA TT Title Match: Tracy Smothers/JJ Armstrong vs PG13. SMW bouts: Regina B Fine vs Ms Texas; SMMassacre vs Randy Hales (this is hilarious - you have to know what these two people look like to appreciate the humor); and Bob Armstrong vs Jerry Jarrett.
RAMBLES: The closing of SMW will open the doors for SMW regulars like The Armstrongs, Tommy Rich, Buddy Landell, R&R Express and The Headbangers to filter to the USWA or OMW. R&R Express are reported to start here in the USWA soon...Koko B Ware did a horrible interview and didn't look good in the ring...PG13/Ware beat SMM/Tex/Yellow Jacket, when YJ was pinned...Richard Lee (Cujo's manager) stated that Cujo had broke Doug Gilbert's arm. I think Doug is in Japan...Very little changes to the remodeled TV studio. Word I get is that all the remodeling was done to the news department's show, not the wrestling show.
An interesting angle was done and it seems like it was not coincidental either. Samantha Pain was out doing an interview, when Rikki Burton came out dressed in drag. Burton was looking at Pain's diamond ring, when he then handcuffed Pain to the ropes. Debbie T Wild then came out with a coal miner's glove on her hand and continue to hit Pain in the ribs until Bill Dundee & Colorado Kid made the save. Debbie claimed that Burton was her sister Shirley T Wild.
Didn't I just type that above about the USWA show? The OMW was taped last Saturday night and it seems that the angle was leaked out. It was probably told to Reggie B Fine, who worked some OMW dates in the past. The USWA show airs (10:00 AM) before the OMW show airs (11:30 PM), which made OMW look like they were copying the USWA, but in reality vice versa. OMW has a leak and they did to tell them to kayfabe. Bert Prentice said that he has a sister also - Big Bertha (Bert in drag - did it in the USWA) and she would help Pain Friday night in Jonesboro. Thumbs down to the USWA.
Reggie Montgomery debuted on the show. Reggie has been a ref for OMW and has been training to be a wrestler. After his debut bout, Brickhouse Brown came out to fuss that Reggie had interfered in a bout of his a few days ago. He also told Montgomery that he needed to be his friend, because both of them were black. He said that he knew he washed Dundee's car and carried Dundee's bags, but that he didn't have to do that. Reggie walked away and Brown jumped him. He DDTed him on the concrete, then poured a whole bag of flour on him. Okay, I know it was a race angle, but it was done good and Reggie was good in the role. He might turn into a good middle-of-the-card baby for them.
They aired the last 5 minutes of a 10 minute bout of Colorado Kid vs Chad Austin. It was the best bout they have aired on their show, since The Spiders left the area. Austin is a real hard worker and Kid seems to be improving. I've been told that Austin is here to stay because he is helping Bull Pain & Bill Dundee train wrestlers at Dundee's wrestling school. Austin did a flying side kick, the frogsplash, and some good bumps. Kid won with a dropkick from the top rope. They need to put the tag belts on Pain & Austin.
RAMBLES: Evansville has been drawing a crowd in the 200 range. $1000 gates plus all the gimmicks & concession should have them doing in the $1,200 range. The money here in Evansville is going to be the TV ads...The show has returned to a 30 minute format...6 matches are scheduled for this coming Friday night (12/8) with Gator McAllister vs Justin St John; Sam Pain/Big Berth vs Shirley & Debbie T Wild; Bill Dundee vs Terry Golden (no Dundee interview on this bout, but Golden did one where he said this bout was booked because Dundee interfered in his bouts all the time) ; NA Title Match: Colorado Kid defending his belt (no opponent announced, but I assume it will be Mike Samples) and a Non-Sanctioned Lights Out Match: BH Brown vs Reggie Montgomery were the only bouts announced. Giant Warrior and Bull Pain also announced as appearing...Giant Warrior beat Rikki Burton on TV with a legdrop finish...Tommy Rich announced vs Bill Dundee for his return here on 12/14 in Dexter, MO. Samples vs Kid also on that card. Rich was good here last summer, until he jumped to USWA in the SMW vs USWA feud. Rich & Dundee are good buddies. He should bring some excitement to the TV show.
Photo credit: Jerry Wilson
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 11.13.07
----Just to let everyone know that I have worked
a deal with ASWF promoter Aaron Polston to help this site provide the results from his shows. I am happy that this promotion can be presented in a positive light, because they have a crew of talented guys. They also have the best Arena in this area!!!
----Johnny Harper over Loose Cannon with Rotten Randy…Blaylock the Blazer vs Chuck Daddy – draw for the X Title…ASWF Tag Team Title Match: Cody Murdoch/Will Bill beat Cujo in a handicap match…”Old School” [Reno Diamond/Tim Hanson] beat “New School” [Justin Smart/Bishop]…Jazz beat Nikki Lane – special ref ACID…San Francisco Treat over Rodney Mack by COR…Austin Lane defeated Scott Fury [pictured] to win the ASWF Title.
----Over 80 people in the building…Cannon ran to the back after the lights went out and X-Kaliber challenged him to a Casket Match…Blazer won the bout and title even thought it was a draw – it was written in his contract that way – if he didn’t get pinned or DQ’ed and if the bout went to a draw, then he would win the match…Nikki Lane came out during Treat vs Mack getting into it with Jazz and then Blaylock came out holding Mack’s foot, so he would be COR…Blaylock came out holding Fury’s kid Sebastian for Lane to hit Fury with belt for the win. I bet that got a lot of heat…I am being told that Austin Lane [Brian Underwood] is doing a TNA tryout on 10.28.07 in Orlando, FL for Terry Taylor and crew on the day they have the open tryout. Best wishes to him…This group has a big show on 10.27.07 with a Casket match, Doink The Clown, Chain Match: Bishop vs Reno Diamond, “Respect Match” Tim Hanson vs Justin Smart and more.

----Johnny Harper over Loose Cannon with Rotten Randy…Blaylock the Blazer vs Chuck Daddy – draw for the X Title…ASWF Tag Team Title Match: Cody Murdoch/Will Bill beat Cujo in a handicap match…”Old School” [Reno Diamond/Tim Hanson] beat “New School” [Justin Smart/Bishop]…Jazz beat Nikki Lane – special ref ACID…San Francisco Treat over Rodney Mack by COR…Austin Lane defeated Scott Fury [pictured] to win the ASWF Title.
----Over 80 people in the building…Cannon ran to the back after the lights went out and X-Kaliber challenged him to a Casket Match…Blazer won the bout and title even thought it was a draw – it was written in his contract that way – if he didn’t get pinned or DQ’ed and if the bout went to a draw, then he would win the match…Nikki Lane came out during Treat vs Mack getting into it with Jazz and then Blaylock came out holding Mack’s foot, so he would be COR…Blaylock came out holding Fury’s kid Sebastian for Lane to hit Fury with belt for the win. I bet that got a lot of heat…I am being told that Austin Lane [Brian Underwood] is doing a TNA tryout on 10.28.07 in Orlando, FL for Terry Taylor and crew on the day they have the open tryout. Best wishes to him…This group has a big show on 10.27.07 with a Casket match, Doink The Clown, Chain Match: Bishop vs Reno Diamond, “Respect Match” Tim Hanson vs Justin Smart and more.
WWE Continues Its Dismantling of The ECW Brand
----I thought this was a nice piece on the direction that ECW is going in. I plan to comment on this more in my column tomorrow.
World Wrestling Entertainment continued today displaying its vision that only McMahon-created wrestling promotions have ever been worthwhile with the ongoing dismantling of the ECW brand.
WWE's website posted a storyline-driven article stating that ECW General Manager Armando Estrada and Smackdown GM Vickie Guerrero were having meetings that would see performers from both brands compete on both ECW on Sci Fi and Friday Night Smackdown. Since Smackdown and ECW already tour together, and both shows are taped on Tuesday, this is just the next step in WWE's swallowing of the ECW brand name.
At the ECW/Smackdown tapings in the UK, CM Punk's mystery partner turned out to be Smackdown's Kane, and the two defeated John Morrison and The Miz. Notice it was the Smackdown star who scored the pin on the ECW wrestler. Same thing happened later when ECW's Elijah Burke and Nunzio to Smackdown's newest Hillbillies when Nunzio was defeated. This is classic "how to totally kill off a brand name" booking.
We've noted previously on www.wrestlingnewsdesk.com that a former member of WWE's senior management team said to me recently, "ECW was the stuff of urban legend. It had a rabid fan base, created more memorable moments in the 1990s on their budget than WCW did with hundreds of millions of dollars, discovered more talent and created more memorable characters than anyone in history except WWE, and when it came back after 4 1/2 years, we charged 400 dollars per seat ringside for The Hammerstein Ballroom and sold it out. Not to mention a pretty impressive pay per view buyrate."
The same former member of senior management then stated, "Amazing how WWE puts their machine behind it and can't duplicate what was done with passion, creativity, a great fan base, and dedicated workers."
The brand, which achieved worldwide cult status under the guru-like leadership of Paul Heyman, has been reduced to a WWE Tuesday night time killer, compared by one WWE creative team member, who for obvious reasons asked to remain anonymous, to "the waning days of WCW Thunder ..... at least last year, when it was struggling to find an identity between Vince, Stephanie, and Kevin Dunn's vision and the polar opposite vision of Paul Heyman, the show had some momentum as Big Show had heat, and characters were being established. Now, everyone knows this is just like Heat or Velocity."
For those who never saw the original product, ECW was a groundbreaking promotion that forced the stale WWE (then WWF) and Eric Bischoff-lead WCW to take notice and change the way wrestling in North America is presented. Paul Heyman's completely different vision for professional wrestling became the state of the art booking and character development, so much so that he was named one of the Top 100 Marketers in the world by Advertising Age magazine in 2000. Despite the fact the company was already in free-fall due to the loss of the TNN (now Spike) network, Heyman's ability to create a worldwide audience with so few resources could not be overstated.
In 2004, WWE released The Rise And Fall of ECW dvd, which became a worldwide phenomenon. It was only the 2nd DVD in WWE history to surpass 100,000 units sold, and is to this day the number two best selling wrestling or sports entertainment DVD worldwide, which well over 300,000 units sold.
The success of the DVD lead to WWE resurrecting the brand, the first time in history that has ever happened, for the June 12, 2005 ECW ONE NIGHT STAND pay per view. One of the best-received pay per views in history, the event was a smash success, selling $400 ringside seats to the sold-out Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, and amassing over 350,000 pay per view buys. The show, which was written by Heyman, was a shocker to many backstage, as Vince allowed Heyman to produce not only the show with the agents but also announcers Joey Styles and Mick Foley. It was also the night of Heyman's now-famous shoot comment to JBL, "the only reason you were WWE Champion for a year is because HHH didn't want to work Tuesdays!"
ECW was brought back again as a stand-alone brand in 2006, debuting on Sci Fi after the 2nd Annual ECW One Night Stand, which saw one of the most heated WWE Title Matches of all time as Rob Van Dam beat John Cena for the WWE Championship. But immediately, WWE started changing the formula, and reports were that Paul Heyman and Vince McMahon clashed over the re-branding of ECW. Heyman was made the Lead Writer, and even turned heel on Van Dam, aligning himself (and reuniting) with The Big Show, who was crowned ECW World Champion in a riotous victory over RVD on July 4th in Philadelphia.
But behind the scenes, McMahon continued to change things up without notice, and according to several sources, Heyman didn't want to just be like all the other agents and writers and duck for cover when Vince started one of his "Mr.McMahon-like" tirades. "Everyone was shocked the way Paul would stand up for what he believed in, and most of all he believed in himself," stated a writer who admits he avoids conflict with Vince because "I just want my check and don't care if that means just swallowing a lot of crap to do it."
On December 3rd, Heyman and McMahon clashed heavily over the December To Dismember pay per view, and it all came to a head the next day in North Charleston, South Carolina, when Heyman and McMahon had what was described by someone who was in the building as "a very hot meeting." Heyman went home, and then reportedly didn't accept WWE's offer to continue working behind the scenes in developmental. Sometime in the past few months, either Heyman's contract expired, he quit, or he and WWE quietly agreed to a parting of the ways.
Heyman's original ECW is a very popular focal point of YouTube videos. In a story regarding those You Tube videos, (http://wrestlingnewsdesk.com/news/story359.html ), we wrote If you watch just these samplings of the original ECW, you have to wonder how a billion dollar corporation, with all the resources it has behind them, has screwed up the 1st-ever resurrection of a promotion so badly.
Credit: http://www.thewrestlingdesk.com/ by Matthew Cooper. Thanks to Jerry White for sending the link.
World Wrestling Entertainment continued today displaying its vision that only McMahon-created wrestling promotions have ever been worthwhile with the ongoing dismantling of the ECW brand.
WWE's website posted a storyline-driven article stating that ECW General Manager Armando Estrada and Smackdown GM Vickie Guerrero were having meetings that would see performers from both brands compete on both ECW on Sci Fi and Friday Night Smackdown. Since Smackdown and ECW already tour together, and both shows are taped on Tuesday, this is just the next step in WWE's swallowing of the ECW brand name.
At the ECW/Smackdown tapings in the UK, CM Punk's mystery partner turned out to be Smackdown's Kane, and the two defeated John Morrison and The Miz. Notice it was the Smackdown star who scored the pin on the ECW wrestler. Same thing happened later when ECW's Elijah Burke and Nunzio to Smackdown's newest Hillbillies when Nunzio was defeated. This is classic "how to totally kill off a brand name" booking.
We've noted previously on www.wrestlingnewsdesk.com that a former member of WWE's senior management team said to me recently, "ECW was the stuff of urban legend. It had a rabid fan base, created more memorable moments in the 1990s on their budget than WCW did with hundreds of millions of dollars, discovered more talent and created more memorable characters than anyone in history except WWE, and when it came back after 4 1/2 years, we charged 400 dollars per seat ringside for The Hammerstein Ballroom and sold it out. Not to mention a pretty impressive pay per view buyrate."
The same former member of senior management then stated, "Amazing how WWE puts their machine behind it and can't duplicate what was done with passion, creativity, a great fan base, and dedicated workers."
The brand, which achieved worldwide cult status under the guru-like leadership of Paul Heyman, has been reduced to a WWE Tuesday night time killer, compared by one WWE creative team member, who for obvious reasons asked to remain anonymous, to "the waning days of WCW Thunder ..... at least last year, when it was struggling to find an identity between Vince, Stephanie, and Kevin Dunn's vision and the polar opposite vision of Paul Heyman, the show had some momentum as Big Show had heat, and characters were being established. Now, everyone knows this is just like Heat or Velocity."
For those who never saw the original product, ECW was a groundbreaking promotion that forced the stale WWE (then WWF) and Eric Bischoff-lead WCW to take notice and change the way wrestling in North America is presented. Paul Heyman's completely different vision for professional wrestling became the state of the art booking and character development, so much so that he was named one of the Top 100 Marketers in the world by Advertising Age magazine in 2000. Despite the fact the company was already in free-fall due to the loss of the TNN (now Spike) network, Heyman's ability to create a worldwide audience with so few resources could not be overstated.
In 2004, WWE released The Rise And Fall of ECW dvd, which became a worldwide phenomenon. It was only the 2nd DVD in WWE history to surpass 100,000 units sold, and is to this day the number two best selling wrestling or sports entertainment DVD worldwide, which well over 300,000 units sold.
The success of the DVD lead to WWE resurrecting the brand, the first time in history that has ever happened, for the June 12, 2005 ECW ONE NIGHT STAND pay per view. One of the best-received pay per views in history, the event was a smash success, selling $400 ringside seats to the sold-out Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, and amassing over 350,000 pay per view buys. The show, which was written by Heyman, was a shocker to many backstage, as Vince allowed Heyman to produce not only the show with the agents but also announcers Joey Styles and Mick Foley. It was also the night of Heyman's now-famous shoot comment to JBL, "the only reason you were WWE Champion for a year is because HHH didn't want to work Tuesdays!"
ECW was brought back again as a stand-alone brand in 2006, debuting on Sci Fi after the 2nd Annual ECW One Night Stand, which saw one of the most heated WWE Title Matches of all time as Rob Van Dam beat John Cena for the WWE Championship. But immediately, WWE started changing the formula, and reports were that Paul Heyman and Vince McMahon clashed over the re-branding of ECW. Heyman was made the Lead Writer, and even turned heel on Van Dam, aligning himself (and reuniting) with The Big Show, who was crowned ECW World Champion in a riotous victory over RVD on July 4th in Philadelphia.
But behind the scenes, McMahon continued to change things up without notice, and according to several sources, Heyman didn't want to just be like all the other agents and writers and duck for cover when Vince started one of his "Mr.McMahon-like" tirades. "Everyone was shocked the way Paul would stand up for what he believed in, and most of all he believed in himself," stated a writer who admits he avoids conflict with Vince because "I just want my check and don't care if that means just swallowing a lot of crap to do it."
On December 3rd, Heyman and McMahon clashed heavily over the December To Dismember pay per view, and it all came to a head the next day in North Charleston, South Carolina, when Heyman and McMahon had what was described by someone who was in the building as "a very hot meeting." Heyman went home, and then reportedly didn't accept WWE's offer to continue working behind the scenes in developmental. Sometime in the past few months, either Heyman's contract expired, he quit, or he and WWE quietly agreed to a parting of the ways.
Heyman's original ECW is a very popular focal point of YouTube videos. In a story regarding those You Tube videos, (http://wrestlingnewsdesk.com/news/story359.html ), we wrote If you watch just these samplings of the original ECW, you have to wonder how a billion dollar corporation, with all the resources it has behind them, has screwed up the 1st-ever resurrection of a promotion so badly.
Credit: http://www.thewrestlingdesk.com/ by Matthew Cooper. Thanks to Jerry White for sending the link.
Cheap Heat- 10/17/07 by Gene Jackson
While it may not yet be official it would seem with all the recent cancelations and the rumors of bad checks that AWA/SCW/WHATEVER will become next in a long of promotions who come in with big dreams and promises only to crash and burn in short order. I called this right off the bat to the people I talked to when they were first getting started. This cycle repeats itself over there, time and time again. Some money mark decides he wants to run a rasslin show and comes out the gate running big shows with costly names with no build up and little advertising and loses his ass on his first few shows and dissappears. Some last longer than others, but in the end it all turns out the same. It just proves what I've been saying forever, the people with the money to run big shows don't have enough sense to know how and the people with the know how, don't have the money. This guy could have made a go at this if he had been smart but right out of the gate he runs at show in Birmingham at the Civic Center with little or no advertising. I live an hour from Birmingham and the only way I knew they were having that show is because Neil Taylor told me a few days before the show on the phone. I asked around through email to some of the people who I know are regulars at the WrestleBirmingham shows who live over there and NONE of them knew about it either. Why run a show if you are not going to advertise it and build it up. Then they go to Florence which I heard had a good crowd (around 400 or so) but when your running a coliseum and an expensive card, plus loses on previous shows to recoop 400 doesn't cut it. If you want to do it right and try to have some longevity, go into one or two towns and find a smaller venue, advertise, and build a following, you can't just start running random shows all over Alabama and expect them to draw just because your having a show. Alabama, like Mississippi (or perhaps worse) is flooded with pathetic podunk wrestling shows that have killed off a lot of the towns in the state that used to draw, which means it will take work for someone to rebuild them. But it doesn't matter, the next one will come along soon enough, or hell this guy may still have some money to burn but they'll never get it, the only good thing is it gets some of the local guys a decent payoff for a change and a chance to work in some nicer buildings. Meanwhile I know of people off the top of my head who could build a successful long term promotion over there but just don't have the money to do it with. That's really a shame.
Well after all the hoopla over "poor" Ricky Morton a few weeks back being back in jail over child
support it seemed at the time at least his partner Robert Gibson was more fortunate, however that changed this week. Gibson who had been working as a trainer in OVW was released this week by the WWE. Some say it stems from the much talked about Tony Atlas/CM Punk altercation at the OVW tv tapings last week. Whatever the case may be Gibson who apparently sold his gym in Nettleton, Mississippi when he got hired by WWE will be back on the indies soon and won't have Ricky to tag with. It will be interesting to see if he heads back to Mississippi now, I never really heard how he ended up there in the first place.
Let's see Bound for Glory last Sunday..........In a match that also included Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, etc.. Awesome Kong is whose tits pop out, who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?........Joey Mer...uh..Matthews has arrived......to team with........JOHNNY SWINGER..hmmm, that could go either way......LAX and Triple X had a good match......I F'N HATE the reverse battle royal concept.....I was shocked that Butters (Eric Young) won it, nice swerve............Styles/Tomko make good tag champs, let's hope that's the end of the Pacman Jones fiasco, surely they wouldn't re-sign a guy whose not allowed to wrestle. Isn't that great a former tag champion who never actually worked a match, hell even David Arquette TRIED to wrestle.......Hmm, I wonder if Nash is returning to the ring?? (their forshadowing is like a brick to the head sometimes)..........Glad they kept the X-Division belt on Black Macho Man, although I think they need to move away from that gimmick over time, I was worried they'd have him drop it to Daniels already.........Steiners vs. Team 3-D...again....10 years too late...........Wow, they really put over Nash's bad knees tonight.......Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage.....props to these two on a tremendous match, crowd was way into it......hope they keep it up......Abyss wins a 'Monster's Ball'.....well wooptie shit.....same match we've seen a hundred times....NEXT.......Angle vs. Sting.....pretty good match, perhaps Sting winning the title is gonna be the yearly theme for this event......or perhaps this is the beginning of a nice title run that will help restablish Sting as a champion and a major player in wrestling........or maybe he'll just drop it back to Angle on Impact in two weeks......Well reading the spoilers from the Impact tapings Sting indeed does drop the belt back to Angle......which leads to Cornette making a TAG MATCH with Angle and Nash vs. Sting and a mystery partner and one who scores the pinfall is the new TNA Champion......Now this is something that bugs me, TNA has WAY too many match where singles titles are decided in tag matches and tag titles are decided in Singles matches or all the belts are on the line in one match.......what's the point of the different titles if they are gonna be thrown into these odd situations??.....why not have a triangle match with Sting/Angle/Nash at the very least????.....Oh yeah, now I remember why I don't watch..
Daivari has gotten his release.......AND?..............Booker T and Sharmell are gone.....hmm, that one might sting a bit, not like they are long on established stars these days......So how long before he's on Impact??...Teddy Hart gets released...still no details on the reason, it sucks cause he's talented in the ring but he's his own worst enemy when it comes to carrying himself outside the ring.....it has been said however that they are still moving forward with a Next Generation Hart Foundation with Harry Smith, Nattie Neidhart, Ted Dibease Jr, and possibly Smith's longtime 'Stampede Bulldogs' partner TJ Wilson.......So, is Jericho coming back or not?....is he the person behind the 'save_us_222' campaign??...who knows but I love reading all these hair brain theories people are reading into the stuff in those clips, you could put any random shit on the screen and some geek would find a way to tie it in.....priceless.......Looks like WWE is making preparations on the possibility of pulling the plug on ECW with the new storyline 'working agreement' between the two brands. Probaby wouldn't be a bad idea.......As strange as it may sound, Cena's injury may be a positive for him, after giving his character some time to cool off and let fans see life without him fans may have a whole new respect for him when he comes back......if handled correctly that is, I'm sure they will be sick of Triple H again by the time he's heeled up..........So they may be bringing back the Jackass angle for the Royal Rumble.....oh goody!!......Word has it that Mick Foley is heading down to OVW and FCW to help out the talent down there, that's certainly a positive, they need more of that going on.........So some people say Flair is officially done with WWE while others insist he will be back in some capacity, not real sure what to make of it but you can bet whether it's sooner.....or much later Flair will not let his career end on this note, he'll have another match somewhere, sometime.....you almost have to hope for his sake it's NOT in the WWE so maybe he can go out with some dignity....not meaning he has to win, just not retiring after a job to Big Daddy V or something.....Well that's enough on the WWE for this week....
Well, after my not so kind review of Bert "Christopher Love" Prentice's USA Championship Wrestling tv show on CSS, at the urging of someone I got an email from I've continued to watch. The following week was pretty much more of the same I told you about before so we'll skip that (I can't remember if it was two weeks or not) Anyway, I watched this week's episode this morning and it's getting a little better. Rather than squash matches from St. Louis in 1981, we've got "Cadillac" Casey James (go figure) vs. Memphis' Own Dustin Starr from the Nashville Fairgrounds in 2003, I think they said. Pretty good match, major improvement. We did have one match from St Louis back in the day but rather than a clean shaven Ted Dibease beating a jobber, we get Bruiser Brody vs. Abdullah the Butcher....again major improvement. While the match wasn't anything special, it was still two legends doing what they do....punch.....and kick.....and punch......and kick......and BLEED! So no harm, no foul there. The 'main event' was another match from around 2003ish from the Nashville Fairgrounds with Abyss taking on 'Big' Bully Douglas (who is now the singing "Sweet" Teddy Tender, probably should have stuck with Douglas, IMHO) anyways, decent match with yet another appearence from "Cadillac" Casey James running in on the finish. A better show than the previous ones. The host Scott Barry is getting better he still gets a little tongue tied here and there but in his defense he is CONSTANTLY having to shill the website and the whole "bring us to your town", which is fine I know that's the whole point of the show. As for the negatives though. TOO MUCH Matt Boyce and Christopher Love. The show opens with a close up of Boyce, then Prentice shows up behind him telling him how good he looks (talk about art imitating life) and says the whole show is gonna be "Matty" looking into the camera, then later we get a promo from them as well, it's too much. How bout every other week. On a happier note, no Teddy Tender promo this week, just the Hawaiin/Island guy who talks like an 80's cliche WWF cartoon character and some other guy who had a cape, I don't know who he was I fast forwarded it. So there you go, it's getting better so we'll see how it goes, again glad to see they took my advice and started showing more recent matches. (j/k i know it's not because of me, unless they cut down on the Boyce/Love promos, then I'll have to wonder)
While it may not yet be official it would seem with all the recent cancelations and the rumors of bad checks that AWA/SCW/WHATEVER will become next in a long of promotions who come in with big dreams and promises only to crash and burn in short order. I called this right off the bat to the people I talked to when they were first getting started. This cycle repeats itself over there, time and time again. Some money mark decides he wants to run a rasslin show and comes out the gate running big shows with costly names with no build up and little advertising and loses his ass on his first few shows and dissappears. Some last longer than others, but in the end it all turns out the same. It just proves what I've been saying forever, the people with the money to run big shows don't have enough sense to know how and the people with the know how, don't have the money. This guy could have made a go at this if he had been smart but right out of the gate he runs at show in Birmingham at the Civic Center with little or no advertising. I live an hour from Birmingham and the only way I knew they were having that show is because Neil Taylor told me a few days before the show on the phone. I asked around through email to some of the people who I know are regulars at the WrestleBirmingham shows who live over there and NONE of them knew about it either. Why run a show if you are not going to advertise it and build it up. Then they go to Florence which I heard had a good crowd (around 400 or so) but when your running a coliseum and an expensive card, plus loses on previous shows to recoop 400 doesn't cut it. If you want to do it right and try to have some longevity, go into one or two towns and find a smaller venue, advertise, and build a following, you can't just start running random shows all over Alabama and expect them to draw just because your having a show. Alabama, like Mississippi (or perhaps worse) is flooded with pathetic podunk wrestling shows that have killed off a lot of the towns in the state that used to draw, which means it will take work for someone to rebuild them. But it doesn't matter, the next one will come along soon enough, or hell this guy may still have some money to burn but they'll never get it, the only good thing is it gets some of the local guys a decent payoff for a change and a chance to work in some nicer buildings. Meanwhile I know of people off the top of my head who could build a successful long term promotion over there but just don't have the money to do it with. That's really a shame.
Well after all the hoopla over "poor" Ricky Morton a few weeks back being back in jail over child

Let's see Bound for Glory last Sunday..........In a match that also included Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, etc.. Awesome Kong is whose tits pop out, who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?........Joey Mer...uh..Matthews has arrived......to team with........JOHNNY SWINGER..hmmm, that could go either way......LAX and Triple X had a good match......I F'N HATE the reverse battle royal concept.....I was shocked that Butters (Eric Young) won it, nice swerve............Styles/Tomko make good tag champs, let's hope that's the end of the Pacman Jones fiasco, surely they wouldn't re-sign a guy whose not allowed to wrestle. Isn't that great a former tag champion who never actually worked a match, hell even David Arquette TRIED to wrestle.......Hmm, I wonder if Nash is returning to the ring?? (their forshadowing is like a brick to the head sometimes)..........Glad they kept the X-Division belt on Black Macho Man, although I think they need to move away from that gimmick over time, I was worried they'd have him drop it to Daniels already.........Steiners vs. Team 3-D...again....10 years too late...........Wow, they really put over Nash's bad knees tonight.......Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage.....props to these two on a tremendous match, crowd was way into it......hope they keep it up......Abyss wins a 'Monster's Ball'.....well wooptie shit.....same match we've seen a hundred times....NEXT.......Angle vs. Sting.....pretty good match, perhaps Sting winning the title is gonna be the yearly theme for this event......or perhaps this is the beginning of a nice title run that will help restablish Sting as a champion and a major player in wrestling........or maybe he'll just drop it back to Angle on Impact in two weeks......Well reading the spoilers from the Impact tapings Sting indeed does drop the belt back to Angle......which leads to Cornette making a TAG MATCH with Angle and Nash vs. Sting and a mystery partner and one who scores the pinfall is the new TNA Champion......Now this is something that bugs me, TNA has WAY too many match where singles titles are decided in tag matches and tag titles are decided in Singles matches or all the belts are on the line in one match.......what's the point of the different titles if they are gonna be thrown into these odd situations??.....why not have a triangle match with Sting/Angle/Nash at the very least????.....Oh yeah, now I remember why I don't watch..
Daivari has gotten his release.......AND?..............Booker T and Sharmell are gone.....hmm, that one might sting a bit, not like they are long on established stars these days......So how long before he's on Impact??...Teddy Hart gets released...still no details on the reason, it sucks cause he's talented in the ring but he's his own worst enemy when it comes to carrying himself outside the ring.....it has been said however that they are still moving forward with a Next Generation Hart Foundation with Harry Smith, Nattie Neidhart, Ted Dibease Jr, and possibly Smith's longtime 'Stampede Bulldogs' partner TJ Wilson.......So, is Jericho coming back or not?....is he the person behind the 'save_us_222' campaign??...who knows but I love reading all these hair brain theories people are reading into the stuff in those clips, you could put any random shit on the screen and some geek would find a way to tie it in.....priceless.......Looks like WWE is making preparations on the possibility of pulling the plug on ECW with the new storyline 'working agreement' between the two brands. Probaby wouldn't be a bad idea.......As strange as it may sound, Cena's injury may be a positive for him, after giving his character some time to cool off and let fans see life without him fans may have a whole new respect for him when he comes back......if handled correctly that is, I'm sure they will be sick of Triple H again by the time he's heeled up..........So they may be bringing back the Jackass angle for the Royal Rumble.....oh goody!!......Word has it that Mick Foley is heading down to OVW and FCW to help out the talent down there, that's certainly a positive, they need more of that going on.........So some people say Flair is officially done with WWE while others insist he will be back in some capacity, not real sure what to make of it but you can bet whether it's sooner.....or much later Flair will not let his career end on this note, he'll have another match somewhere, sometime.....you almost have to hope for his sake it's NOT in the WWE so maybe he can go out with some dignity....not meaning he has to win, just not retiring after a job to Big Daddy V or something.....Well that's enough on the WWE for this week....
Well, after my not so kind review of Bert "Christopher Love" Prentice's USA Championship Wrestling tv show on CSS, at the urging of someone I got an email from I've continued to watch. The following week was pretty much more of the same I told you about before so we'll skip that (I can't remember if it was two weeks or not) Anyway, I watched this week's episode this morning and it's getting a little better. Rather than squash matches from St. Louis in 1981, we've got "Cadillac" Casey James (go figure) vs. Memphis' Own Dustin Starr from the Nashville Fairgrounds in 2003, I think they said. Pretty good match, major improvement. We did have one match from St Louis back in the day but rather than a clean shaven Ted Dibease beating a jobber, we get Bruiser Brody vs. Abdullah the Butcher....again major improvement. While the match wasn't anything special, it was still two legends doing what they do....punch.....and kick.....and punch......and kick......and BLEED! So no harm, no foul there. The 'main event' was another match from around 2003ish from the Nashville Fairgrounds with Abyss taking on 'Big' Bully Douglas (who is now the singing "Sweet" Teddy Tender, probably should have stuck with Douglas, IMHO) anyways, decent match with yet another appearence from "Cadillac" Casey James running in on the finish. A better show than the previous ones. The host Scott Barry is getting better he still gets a little tongue tied here and there but in his defense he is CONSTANTLY having to shill the website and the whole "bring us to your town", which is fine I know that's the whole point of the show. As for the negatives though. TOO MUCH Matt Boyce and Christopher Love. The show opens with a close up of Boyce, then Prentice shows up behind him telling him how good he looks (talk about art imitating life) and says the whole show is gonna be "Matty" looking into the camera, then later we get a promo from them as well, it's too much. How bout every other week. On a happier note, no Teddy Tender promo this week, just the Hawaiin/Island guy who talks like an 80's cliche WWF cartoon character and some other guy who had a cape, I don't know who he was I fast forwarded it. So there you go, it's getting better so we'll see how it goes, again glad to see they took my advice and started showing more recent matches. (j/k i know it's not because of me, unless they cut down on the Boyce/Love promos, then I'll have to wonder)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A Piece of my Mind Oct 16th, 2007-by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

Through out history in the world of entertainment, many things have been copied or duplicated, some in a very blatant way. I will just mention a few. Do you think that if it was not for the enormous success of Bewitched in the 60’s, that I Dream of Jeannie would have been created? I was a huge fan of The OC. I mean "huge". It’s been gone for a season or two now. The stars have all scattered. Some aren’t doing much of anything. If they are, it’s not making its way into the headlines. There is a new show now called "Gossip Girl". It’s referred to as "The OC of NY". These are just two of THOUSANDS of examples. With that being said, you would think that WWE would see what’s hot and happening today and run with it. How much does it take to figure out that reality TV makeover shows, real life situations like "The Surreal House", "Sunset Tan", "HOGAN KNOWS BEST" Boy is that not a hint for you? Why not replicate some of what people seem to be interested in? How about some BACHELOR type segments with your most eligible male talent? How about getting out to the people, drawing a line in the sand and realize that this short little stupid, insulting vignette's are killing your company? The Cheese Has Moved people move with it. You could do some BACHELORETTE type segments with the Diva’s making this stuff legit or as legit as it is on the networks. I realize there will be some splicing and dicing but this can work. How about a "Surreal Life" with Hornswoggle, Maria, Val Venis, The Boogie Man, Bid Daddy V, Victoria and Torrie, perhaps a few others. You have some good people, this stuff would equal (increase ... improve) ratings and help produce episodic television that people would eventually tune into. This isn’t overly creative stuff. This is called "going with the flow". This is called "listening to the audience". This is how the real world survives. You think there are too many doctor shows on TV? Well I am not sure the rest of America would agree with you if you do. I can remember the day when Westerns were the rage. Is anyone in Stamford listening? Your tongue doesn’t always have to be in your cheek. Some of you diehards might be saying "we want more wrestling not this other stuff". I will say you aren’t going to get more wrestling. That's evident by what we see week in and week out. I want more wrestling too. But if we aren’t going to get it, and get it from the William Regal’s of the world, then why not at least go with the current trends? Involve the public and open the business back up to the type of people who watched it during the glory days of the eighty’s when the WWE was hip. The way things are today reminds me of the T-Shirts that Joel Goodheart used to sell. I’m out of the closet no longer meek. I can finally admit it I’m a wrestling freak.
The next thing I would do is I would pursue some of the legends. My top suggestions would be The Rock and Roll Express, The Midnight Express (Eaton and Condrey since Stan Lane is retired) or Jake “The Snake” Roberts. In reality, with all the information that I have, I would lean towards the Midnight Express or I could take a tag team and a singles guy and add Jake Roberts into it. I would take a legendary manager, like a Jimmy Hart or Paul Heyman, and have those guys help recreate these men. I would re-make them from top to bottom. I would get hair transplants for Jake and Dennis. I would get them back in the gym with a personal trainer. Can anyone see the megaphone right now? A story like this could be compelling, if produced properly, and given the proper amount of time ... not too much or to little time. This can be drawn out over time and get the fans caring about the talent. How about having someone work with Bobby on his talking? The possibilities are endless. If you don’t want to let the wrestlers wrestle than do something that makes sense. In this case you would be helping lives and when these guys get back in the ring perhaps some of these green kids can learn from men who have a wealth of knowledge. What’s sad is being an expert in wrestling is good for only one industry. Other than that it is a prerequisite to nothing.
It is being reported that there is a power struggle backstage at TNA. I find this almost laughable. You know what, skip the almost part. Does any one of these guys really believe that they are equal to the sum of all the parts? Let’s say that they were. What they are producing now is not a quality product. It is my opinion, as I have stated previously, put someone fresh in charge. I recommend Jim Cornette. If you don’t like that pick someone else ... just pick someone. If it’s possible let them take the foundation of the company and build upon it from the bottom up. If TNA has any chance of breaking out of the minor league syndrome they have been saddled with they have to make some changes. I can make some suggestions quickly. The first thing that needs to be done is Dixie Carter has to understand that the secret of building a strong company is to hire people better than you are. The second thing is that Jeff Jarrett's role has to be redefined and strictly adhered to. If they can not do that then they need to buy him out or send him home. I believe that Jeff has value. I believe he can be productive in the company. I also believe that under the existing scenario he is hindering the company. Do they truly believe that the A.J Styles and Christopher Daniels of the world are the people to take you to the big show? If they are the right people it won’t be working the current style they are working. They are young, good looking kids that can work, not a circus act. The six-sided ring experiment should have been long past over. I don’t think it works. Get rid of it and get back to basics. The fans aren’t going to be tricked into watching your company. This wheel doesn’t need to be reinvented. Hey everyone, remember when Vince wanted to redesign football? I don’t think anyone in Canton, Ohio, was starting to sweat over thinking they had it wrong all these years. Come on Dixie, start taking faster steps towards a successful company and by no means hire anymore talent until you fix these other things. Oh, and one more thing, Karen Angle is HOT no question about it. How do you measure the value that you are getting from her? You spent money that could be used elsewhere on some window dressing? You could not possibly be getting a return on the dollar. If I was Kurt, I would have gotten some advice from Jerry Lawler or Marc Mero about bringing wives and girlfriends into the business before I got my wife involved.
For any of you that are looking for an interesting afternoon, you can invite Ox Baker to your parent’s house. I brought him over one afternoon before he was going to work with “The Original Tonga Kid” Sam Fatu, brother of the former Rikishi, and Umaga in Yonkers, NY. I can assure you it’s an experience you would never forget although you will try.
My very first TV was in 1981. I went to Allentown, Pa; it was the same day that a legend returned to the WWE. I knew no one other than the guys that brought me Mike and Dominic. Upon our arrival they were told by Professor Elliot Maron that Nature Boy Buddy Rogers was inside. It wasn’t long after that he came out and the camera’s started flashing. He was the Nature Boy all day long and he acted like it. The next day we drove the thirty miles to Hamburg, Pa., the above picture was taken at my second day at WWE TV outside the heel dressing room at The Hamburg Field house the regular Wednesday TV location every third week
Editors Note: It wasn’t long after I completed this article that I was contacted By Georgiann Makropoulos in regards to Prof Elliot Maron. It seems that he is having his leg amputated below the knee due to his Diabetes. If your not familiar with this East Coast behind the scenes legend. He was a long time friend too many. He did many, many odd jobs for the McMahon Family. He was a ring jacket taker at MSG, ring announcer, he also used to carry the tapes from Allentown and Hamburg TV to WOR-TV9 in NY so we could all watch them on Saturday night at Midnight. A funny thing about Elliot was that he couldn’t drive, but he could direct you to any town and all the boys called him for directions. I wish him a speedy recovery as I am sure anyone who ever passed through the WWE does as well.
The next thing I would do is I would pursue some of the legends. My top suggestions would be The Rock and Roll Express, The Midnight Express (Eaton and Condrey since Stan Lane is retired) or Jake “The Snake” Roberts. In reality, with all the information that I have, I would lean towards the Midnight Express or I could take a tag team and a singles guy and add Jake Roberts into it. I would take a legendary manager, like a Jimmy Hart or Paul Heyman, and have those guys help recreate these men. I would re-make them from top to bottom. I would get hair transplants for Jake and Dennis. I would get them back in the gym with a personal trainer. Can anyone see the megaphone right now? A story like this could be compelling, if produced properly, and given the proper amount of time ... not too much or to little time. This can be drawn out over time and get the fans caring about the talent. How about having someone work with Bobby on his talking? The possibilities are endless. If you don’t want to let the wrestlers wrestle than do something that makes sense. In this case you would be helping lives and when these guys get back in the ring perhaps some of these green kids can learn from men who have a wealth of knowledge. What’s sad is being an expert in wrestling is good for only one industry. Other than that it is a prerequisite to nothing.
It is being reported that there is a power struggle backstage at TNA. I find this almost laughable. You know what, skip the almost part. Does any one of these guys really believe that they are equal to the sum of all the parts? Let’s say that they were. What they are producing now is not a quality product. It is my opinion, as I have stated previously, put someone fresh in charge. I recommend Jim Cornette. If you don’t like that pick someone else ... just pick someone. If it’s possible let them take the foundation of the company and build upon it from the bottom up. If TNA has any chance of breaking out of the minor league syndrome they have been saddled with they have to make some changes. I can make some suggestions quickly. The first thing that needs to be done is Dixie Carter has to understand that the secret of building a strong company is to hire people better than you are. The second thing is that Jeff Jarrett's role has to be redefined and strictly adhered to. If they can not do that then they need to buy him out or send him home. I believe that Jeff has value. I believe he can be productive in the company. I also believe that under the existing scenario he is hindering the company. Do they truly believe that the A.J Styles and Christopher Daniels of the world are the people to take you to the big show? If they are the right people it won’t be working the current style they are working. They are young, good looking kids that can work, not a circus act. The six-sided ring experiment should have been long past over. I don’t think it works. Get rid of it and get back to basics. The fans aren’t going to be tricked into watching your company. This wheel doesn’t need to be reinvented. Hey everyone, remember when Vince wanted to redesign football? I don’t think anyone in Canton, Ohio, was starting to sweat over thinking they had it wrong all these years. Come on Dixie, start taking faster steps towards a successful company and by no means hire anymore talent until you fix these other things. Oh, and one more thing, Karen Angle is HOT no question about it. How do you measure the value that you are getting from her? You spent money that could be used elsewhere on some window dressing? You could not possibly be getting a return on the dollar. If I was Kurt, I would have gotten some advice from Jerry Lawler or Marc Mero about bringing wives and girlfriends into the business before I got my wife involved.
For any of you that are looking for an interesting afternoon, you can invite Ox Baker to your parent’s house. I brought him over one afternoon before he was going to work with “The Original Tonga Kid” Sam Fatu, brother of the former Rikishi, and Umaga in Yonkers, NY. I can assure you it’s an experience you would never forget although you will try.
My very first TV was in 1981. I went to Allentown, Pa; it was the same day that a legend returned to the WWE. I knew no one other than the guys that brought me Mike and Dominic. Upon our arrival they were told by Professor Elliot Maron that Nature Boy Buddy Rogers was inside. It wasn’t long after that he came out and the camera’s started flashing. He was the Nature Boy all day long and he acted like it. The next day we drove the thirty miles to Hamburg, Pa., the above picture was taken at my second day at WWE TV outside the heel dressing room at The Hamburg Field house the regular Wednesday TV location every third week
Editors Note: It wasn’t long after I completed this article that I was contacted By Georgiann Makropoulos in regards to Prof Elliot Maron. It seems that he is having his leg amputated below the knee due to his Diabetes. If your not familiar with this East Coast behind the scenes legend. He was a long time friend too many. He did many, many odd jobs for the McMahon Family. He was a ring jacket taker at MSG, ring announcer, he also used to carry the tapes from Allentown and Hamburg TV to WOR-TV9 in NY so we could all watch them on Saturday night at Midnight. A funny thing about Elliot was that he couldn’t drive, but he could direct you to any town and all the boys called him for directions. I wish him a speedy recovery as I am sure anyone who ever passed through the WWE does as well.
Monday, October 15, 2007
"Coach's Corner" - Late Night Monday Edition!!
----Why do promotions book shows and then cancel them? I think I only canceled one show during the whole time as CCW promoter. And, it was really a joint-promotion show that never got off the ground. The Hollywood Jimmy booked promotion has now canceled their last two booked shows. What gives?? The buzz when the promoter started running shows was that he was “shooting his wad” bringing in all the bigger names and wasting tons of money. Tupelo was canceled because they thought they needed more time to promote. [they did need more time] This last weekend’s show was canceled, because..well…the money mark is running out of money. This not only looks bad for the promotion, but it also makes all guys that are booked for him to not want to work for him or trust him. This is also in no way Hollywood Jimmy’s fault and don’t read into it as if I said that – he is in the same mess as the other workers.
----Even though I consider Steve Creasy to be the “King of Canceling”, let me add Buster Johnson and the Paragould, AR promotion as a contender. The promotion, formerly known as Arkansas Championship Wrestling, had ANOTHER show scheduled this weekend and this was going to start their “comeback.” They are running under the AWE moniker now and I am assuming it is Arkansas Championship Entertainment. Their excuse this time was a broken axel on the ring trailer. I believe they have canceled their last 5 shows or maybe more. How can you make a “comeback”, when you can’t get the fans to trust you? Not only does canceling this show hurt this promotion, it hurts all promotions that want to come in and work Paragould. The casual fan sees “wrestling” and doesn’t see a promotion name. If you continue to cancel shows, then the fans think “I am not going there – they are canceling the show.”
----I have got heat doing this site from various people. It was expected. I get a lot less now than when I started. I guess you can say the wrestling community in this area has embraced me to a certain extent. I am still not told a lot of storylines ahead of time and if you know me, I would rather not be told. The ironic thing is that I do have a promotion or two that feel that their promotions should not be covered on this site. I am not comparing myself to ESPN, but what if they were called by say…Chicago Bulls and the Bulls said, “We don’t want you cover our promotion anymore!!”; what would ESPN do? Laugh their asses off!! I have tried to follow all the rules and make people happy without screwing with what little bit of integrity a dirt sheet editor can have. But, if you run a promotion in this area, then expect some coverage on this site if you have anything newsworthy to report. Hell, even TIWF has news. LOL For those wondering what prompted this, well, ASWF results were sent this week and I plan to post them. I put over the promotion, when I think they deserve it. So, for those that think I might put over other promotions because one of the guys is my best friend or something, then judge me for the ASWF news that I beg & plead for and the promoter would rather not be seen on the site.
----Since this looks like I am going to spend this “Coach’s Corner” talking about promoters and such, here is a story that I borrowed from www.wrestlingobserver.com that happened in early September.
--A disaster of a debut show in Fresno for Pro Wrestling Live. About 60 fans showed up. A few matches into the show, the wrestlers huddled up, grabbed a mic and told the fans the show was over. They said the promoter, Bryan White, had disappeared and they knew they weren't getting paid. Rob Conway left right after his match. Frankie Kazarian said six guys were flown in, had no idea where they were going to stay, but all knew they weren't getting paid. White said he was in the hospital and needed foot surgery the week before the show, leading to a big hospital bill. He said he couldn't promote the way he'd have liked to, and that maxed out his credit card. He tried to take out a loan and hoped ticket sales would cover his costs. He said he was told that if you can't pay everyone, don't pay anyone, and told Frankie Kazarian and Aaron Aguilera. He claimed he would eventually take care of the wrestlers and take care of refunding the ticket money since the show abruptly ended. His October show in New Jersey has been canceled.
----Is that worse than canceling?? Maybe? When I first read this piece I was pissed that the wrestlers did not continue on the show. I still believe in “the show must go on” and working in front of the fans that came out to see you. I have heard many times – “we didn’t do much, because there wasn’t anyone there.” Guess what?? Wonder why there is no one there next time and next time and next time you come – because you didn’t make the ones that were there care the first time you were there.
----Have I ever performed less because the crowd was low?? I don’t believe I ever did, even though I have rode for almost 3 hours and got paid $3. I was working for Killer [who hasn’t?] and Mike Anthony was booking. He never promised us any money. I was riding with Christian Jacobs, Paul Justice and Kade at the time. Citizen Cane, Psycho and Kilo were also on that show. We all had a rule that we usually did not do any trips longer than our Dresden, TN trip, which was right at 1 ½ hours. We all had shoot jobs, but if the payoff was equal to the distance, then we would travel. I remember having to talk these three guys into driving almost 3 hours to Waverly, TN and when Anthony told us there were 200 advance tickets sold, then we were all for it. After the show, and there were only about 25 people in the crowd, I was paid an awesome $3. I was kicking my bags and anything close to me and cussing like a sailor when I noticed that the dressing room had got real quite. This was before the CCW days and I was just along for the ride most of the time and having a good time, so I guess everyone was shocked that I was so pissed. Well, I then said, so everyone could hear me..”I could make more money sucking dick than this..” and then turned around to the dressing room and said, “Did I say that out loud?” and I got a laugh from everyone. Did we do less that night because of the crowd being low?? Nah.
----Thanks for joining me for this late night Monday edition of “Coach’s Corner.” Please join me again on Thursday when I have some interesting thoughts on Robert Gibson and Giant Gonzalas.
----Even though I consider Steve Creasy to be the “King of Canceling”, let me add Buster Johnson and the Paragould, AR promotion as a contender. The promotion, formerly known as Arkansas Championship Wrestling, had ANOTHER show scheduled this weekend and this was going to start their “comeback.” They are running under the AWE moniker now and I am assuming it is Arkansas Championship Entertainment. Their excuse this time was a broken axel on the ring trailer. I believe they have canceled their last 5 shows or maybe more. How can you make a “comeback”, when you can’t get the fans to trust you? Not only does canceling this show hurt this promotion, it hurts all promotions that want to come in and work Paragould. The casual fan sees “wrestling” and doesn’t see a promotion name. If you continue to cancel shows, then the fans think “I am not going there – they are canceling the show.”
----I have got heat doing this site from various people. It was expected. I get a lot less now than when I started. I guess you can say the wrestling community in this area has embraced me to a certain extent. I am still not told a lot of storylines ahead of time and if you know me, I would rather not be told. The ironic thing is that I do have a promotion or two that feel that their promotions should not be covered on this site. I am not comparing myself to ESPN, but what if they were called by say…Chicago Bulls and the Bulls said, “We don’t want you cover our promotion anymore!!”; what would ESPN do? Laugh their asses off!! I have tried to follow all the rules and make people happy without screwing with what little bit of integrity a dirt sheet editor can have. But, if you run a promotion in this area, then expect some coverage on this site if you have anything newsworthy to report. Hell, even TIWF has news. LOL For those wondering what prompted this, well, ASWF results were sent this week and I plan to post them. I put over the promotion, when I think they deserve it. So, for those that think I might put over other promotions because one of the guys is my best friend or something, then judge me for the ASWF news that I beg & plead for and the promoter would rather not be seen on the site.
----Since this looks like I am going to spend this “Coach’s Corner” talking about promoters and such, here is a story that I borrowed from www.wrestlingobserver.com that happened in early September.
--A disaster of a debut show in Fresno for Pro Wrestling Live. About 60 fans showed up. A few matches into the show, the wrestlers huddled up, grabbed a mic and told the fans the show was over. They said the promoter, Bryan White, had disappeared and they knew they weren't getting paid. Rob Conway left right after his match. Frankie Kazarian said six guys were flown in, had no idea where they were going to stay, but all knew they weren't getting paid. White said he was in the hospital and needed foot surgery the week before the show, leading to a big hospital bill. He said he couldn't promote the way he'd have liked to, and that maxed out his credit card. He tried to take out a loan and hoped ticket sales would cover his costs. He said he was told that if you can't pay everyone, don't pay anyone, and told Frankie Kazarian and Aaron Aguilera. He claimed he would eventually take care of the wrestlers and take care of refunding the ticket money since the show abruptly ended. His October show in New Jersey has been canceled.
----Is that worse than canceling?? Maybe? When I first read this piece I was pissed that the wrestlers did not continue on the show. I still believe in “the show must go on” and working in front of the fans that came out to see you. I have heard many times – “we didn’t do much, because there wasn’t anyone there.” Guess what?? Wonder why there is no one there next time and next time and next time you come – because you didn’t make the ones that were there care the first time you were there.
----Have I ever performed less because the crowd was low?? I don’t believe I ever did, even though I have rode for almost 3 hours and got paid $3. I was working for Killer [who hasn’t?] and Mike Anthony was booking. He never promised us any money. I was riding with Christian Jacobs, Paul Justice and Kade at the time. Citizen Cane, Psycho and Kilo were also on that show. We all had a rule that we usually did not do any trips longer than our Dresden, TN trip, which was right at 1 ½ hours. We all had shoot jobs, but if the payoff was equal to the distance, then we would travel. I remember having to talk these three guys into driving almost 3 hours to Waverly, TN and when Anthony told us there were 200 advance tickets sold, then we were all for it. After the show, and there were only about 25 people in the crowd, I was paid an awesome $3. I was kicking my bags and anything close to me and cussing like a sailor when I noticed that the dressing room had got real quite. This was before the CCW days and I was just along for the ride most of the time and having a good time, so I guess everyone was shocked that I was so pissed. Well, I then said, so everyone could hear me..”I could make more money sucking dick than this..” and then turned around to the dressing room and said, “Did I say that out loud?” and I got a laugh from everyone. Did we do less that night because of the crowd being low?? Nah.
----Thanks for joining me for this late night Monday edition of “Coach’s Corner.” Please join me again on Thursday when I have some interesting thoughts on Robert Gibson and Giant Gonzalas.
RassleResults: GTW West Point, MS 10.13.07
At the beginning of the show, GTW Promoter Dudley Williams called BB out and told her that if she wanted a title shot in GTW, she would have to earn it by working her way up the ladder. He said that he would pick an opponent each week, and that he had selected her first opponent for the opening match of the show. Her opponent was LSD. BB defeated LSD by pin fall to keep her quest for a title shot alive.
Jay Webster defeated Psykottik.
Curly Moe w/Dirty Rell Mo cheated his way to victory over J-Kid.
GTW Tag Team Champions Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz) defeated the Executioners (Axe & Dagger) to retain.
GTW Champion Devon Raynes defeated Jay Webster by DQ to retain.
This Saturday night's card at GTW will include a chain on a pole match between J-Kid and Curly Moe, NO DQ. Dirty Rell Moe is banned from ring side during the match, and if he comes out of the back he will be suspended. Should be a great match.
This Saturday night, Oct. 20th, will also be the night for the GTW Halloween costume party. There will be grab bags for the kids and LOTS of surprises. It will be a fun night, so come on out and join in the fun.
I have read all the crap on the board lately about GTW. The show Saturday night was, with the exception of the first match, a decent show. The workers there had a good time and the crowd was entertained. The 38 fans in attendance were treated to a good show. I do not hear the fans complaining about anything at GTW. Dudley & the GTW guys are here to stay, and the sooner the idiots on the board realize it, the better.
Credit: Axeman @ www.hollywoodjimmy.com
Jay Webster defeated Psykottik.
Curly Moe w/Dirty Rell Mo cheated his way to victory over J-Kid.
GTW Tag Team Champions Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz) defeated the Executioners (Axe & Dagger) to retain.
GTW Champion Devon Raynes defeated Jay Webster by DQ to retain.
This Saturday night's card at GTW will include a chain on a pole match between J-Kid and Curly Moe, NO DQ. Dirty Rell Moe is banned from ring side during the match, and if he comes out of the back he will be suspended. Should be a great match.
This Saturday night, Oct. 20th, will also be the night for the GTW Halloween costume party. There will be grab bags for the kids and LOTS of surprises. It will be a fun night, so come on out and join in the fun.
I have read all the crap on the board lately about GTW. The show Saturday night was, with the exception of the first match, a decent show. The workers there had a good time and the crowd was entertained. The 38 fans in attendance were treated to a good show. I do not hear the fans complaining about anything at GTW. Dudley & the GTW guys are here to stay, and the sooner the idiots on the board realize it, the better.
Credit: Axeman @ www.hollywoodjimmy.com
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 10.13.07
Tysin Starr was the winner over Devon Raynes and LSD in a three way match.
TFW Light Heavyweight Champion Vinnie the Blade defeated Chop Top the Clown to retain.
Chazz defeated Chris Chaos by DQ due to interference by Tony Dabbs, Bless, Big Jake, & T-Byrd, who injured Chazz so he could not wrestle as one of Lil' Extreme's partners later in the show.
The Southern Saints (Chris Styles & Shawn Reed) w/Anita Page & Josh Matthews defeated Crazy-n-Sexy (Curly Moe & J-Kid) w/Dirty Rell Moe. After the match the Southern Saints, along with Josh & Anita, gave C-n-S (including Dirty Rell Moe) a major beat down.
"Prime Time" Nick Grymes defeated Sarge O'Reilly w/Tony "the Weasel" Watts. Grimes won with a beautiful super-kick.
Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor w/Tony Watts cheated his way to victory over Fusion by reverse decision.
Lil' Extreme came out of the back for his match and was joined by an injured Chazz Stone. Chazz announced that he had found two partners for Lil' Extreme for the six man tag match, and he brought out The New Age Cowboys, Chris Kilgore & Josh Holly. So the semi-main was New Age Cowboys & Lil' Extreme vs. Attitude, Inc. (Tony Dabbs & Bless) & Big Jake w/T-Byrd. This was a great match... Lots of action and fun to watch. Winners were Lil' Extreme & The New Age Cowboys, who won the match when Lil' Extreme pinned Bless. That's right, Bless was pinned by a midget.
Main event was TFW Champion "DC" defending against Josh Matthews. Matthews was accompanied to ring side by Chris Styles, Shawn Reed, & Anita Page. DC won the match by DQ to retain. After the referee had called for the bell the Southern saints continued to give DC a beating. Curly Moe & J-Kid ran in to make the save.
The card at TFW this Friday night will include DC, Curly Moe, & J-Kid vs. The Southern Saints (Chris Styles, Shawn Reed, & Josh Matthews) w/Anita Page. That should be a wild match, so don't miss it!
The annual TFW Halloween show will take place on Friday, 10-26-07. This will be a fun night and will include costume contests for kids, adults, and wrestlers. There will be candy for all the kids and surprises galore, so make plans now to attend! You don't want to miss this one! The card that night will include The New Age Cowboys vs. Attitude, Inc. for the Tag Team belts. It's gonna be a fun night!
Credit: Axeman @ www.hollywoodjimmy.com
----This group is still one of the best drawing - week after week. Homecoming was in town and they still drew 85 with a gate over $400...TFW will be bringing in on November 30th Chuck Taylor, Richochet, UltraMantis Black and Hydra. I plan to attended the show that night.
TFW Light Heavyweight Champion Vinnie the Blade defeated Chop Top the Clown to retain.
Chazz defeated Chris Chaos by DQ due to interference by Tony Dabbs, Bless, Big Jake, & T-Byrd, who injured Chazz so he could not wrestle as one of Lil' Extreme's partners later in the show.
The Southern Saints (Chris Styles & Shawn Reed) w/Anita Page & Josh Matthews defeated Crazy-n-Sexy (Curly Moe & J-Kid) w/Dirty Rell Moe. After the match the Southern Saints, along with Josh & Anita, gave C-n-S (including Dirty Rell Moe) a major beat down.
"Prime Time" Nick Grymes defeated Sarge O'Reilly w/Tony "the Weasel" Watts. Grimes won with a beautiful super-kick.
Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor w/Tony Watts cheated his way to victory over Fusion by reverse decision.
Lil' Extreme came out of the back for his match and was joined by an injured Chazz Stone. Chazz announced that he had found two partners for Lil' Extreme for the six man tag match, and he brought out The New Age Cowboys, Chris Kilgore & Josh Holly. So the semi-main was New Age Cowboys & Lil' Extreme vs. Attitude, Inc. (Tony Dabbs & Bless) & Big Jake w/T-Byrd. This was a great match... Lots of action and fun to watch. Winners were Lil' Extreme & The New Age Cowboys, who won the match when Lil' Extreme pinned Bless. That's right, Bless was pinned by a midget.
Main event was TFW Champion "DC" defending against Josh Matthews. Matthews was accompanied to ring side by Chris Styles, Shawn Reed, & Anita Page. DC won the match by DQ to retain. After the referee had called for the bell the Southern saints continued to give DC a beating. Curly Moe & J-Kid ran in to make the save.
The card at TFW this Friday night will include DC, Curly Moe, & J-Kid vs. The Southern Saints (Chris Styles, Shawn Reed, & Josh Matthews) w/Anita Page. That should be a wild match, so don't miss it!
The annual TFW Halloween show will take place on Friday, 10-26-07. This will be a fun night and will include costume contests for kids, adults, and wrestlers. There will be candy for all the kids and surprises galore, so make plans now to attend! You don't want to miss this one! The card that night will include The New Age Cowboys vs. Attitude, Inc. for the Tag Team belts. It's gonna be a fun night!
Credit: Axeman @ www.hollywoodjimmy.com
----This group is still one of the best drawing - week after week. Homecoming was in town and they still drew 85 with a gate over $400...TFW will be bringing in on November 30th Chuck Taylor, Richochet, UltraMantis Black and Hydra. I plan to attended the show that night.
RassleResults: All Pro Productions Carthage, MS 10.13.07
"Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs.
Next was a "Hillbilly" Slop Bucket Match." The loser had to eat a bucket of pig slop. Pappy w/Uncle Felton defeated Giant Hillbilly. Hillbilly had to eat pig slop.
Psycho & Candy Man w/Pretty Mary Sunrise defeated The Freakshow.
Anton Leveigh & Brandon Barbwire defeated The Southern Saints (Chris Styles & Josh Matthews).
Tommy "Wildfire" Rich & CJ Cash defeated Sarge O'Reilly & "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs.
The main event was an over-the-top-rope battle royal, which was won by the Giant Hillbilly.
After the main event, Anton Leveigh was attacked by a masked man who cut Anton's hair. The masked man then removed his mask and revealed his identity. It was "the Outlaw," JD McKay. I am not sure what was up with that, but I am sure we have not heard the end of it.
I was told that attendance was 375, and that it was a very good show.
----375 would be a gate close to $3500. Good job guys!!...Psycho is working as a babyface here now with a new manager - Pretty Mary Sunrise, who was leading him to the ring like she was hypontizing him...Giant Hillybilly's shoot name is Rick Tramel - not relation. LOL...Apparently they are leading something up to McKay vs Kenny Valiant.
Credit: Axeman @ http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/
Next was a "Hillbilly" Slop Bucket Match." The loser had to eat a bucket of pig slop. Pappy w/Uncle Felton defeated Giant Hillbilly. Hillbilly had to eat pig slop.
Psycho & Candy Man w/Pretty Mary Sunrise defeated The Freakshow.
Anton Leveigh & Brandon Barbwire defeated The Southern Saints (Chris Styles & Josh Matthews).
Tommy "Wildfire" Rich & CJ Cash defeated Sarge O'Reilly & "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs.
The main event was an over-the-top-rope battle royal, which was won by the Giant Hillbilly.
After the main event, Anton Leveigh was attacked by a masked man who cut Anton's hair. The masked man then removed his mask and revealed his identity. It was "the Outlaw," JD McKay. I am not sure what was up with that, but I am sure we have not heard the end of it.
I was told that attendance was 375, and that it was a very good show.
----375 would be a gate close to $3500. Good job guys!!...Psycho is working as a babyface here now with a new manager - Pretty Mary Sunrise, who was leading him to the ring like she was hypontizing him...Giant Hillybilly's shoot name is Rick Tramel - not relation. LOL...Apparently they are leading something up to McKay vs Kenny Valiant.
Credit: Axeman @ http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/
Sunday, October 14, 2007
RassleResults: MEWA Batesville, AR 10.13.07 - Wayne Still King Of the Hill!

The First Match of the night was Matt Justice taking on Greg King jr. in a NON-TITLE match.
This match was very fast paced from the started with each man having a counter for the other’s move. King had stepped his game up a lot as of late showing he could hold his owe against the M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Champion. Since Justice won the title last week he has to state to be ready to face anyone to prove he deserves to be the M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Champion. Both men fought long and hard during this match. After 14:12 Matt Justice was able to get the pin fall. After a great match between these two great Light Weights they shook hands in the ring showing the respect they have for each other.
The Second match of the night was Kid Nickels taking on Tommy Gunn. This was going to be a match between the speeds of Kid against the raw power of Gunn. Gunn being the veteran in this match was out to show the rookie Nickels who the Big Dog on the block was. Nickels being a former M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Champion is in the hunt for the title again and was going though Gunn to prove he deserves another title shot. Both men gave 100% inside the ring with a lot High-Impact moves. Gunn had Kid being down several times. But after 9:53 Kid Nickels was able to get the win and start his climb back to the top again.
The M.E.W.A Heavy Weight Champion “3-G” Eric Wayne had demanded some mic. time. Wayne made his way to the ring and said he was the best thing in M.E.W.A and there was nobody that could beat him for the title. He also said that he had beaten Kid Nickels here in M.E.W.A and all over Tennessee. Wayne told the fans how lucky they were to have a champion like him that was smart, fast, good looking, they were very lucky for having him to look up to. Wayne keep running the former champion Kid Nickels and that Kid didn’t now or would ever deserve another title shot. After hearing all that about him Kid Nickels came rushing to the ring, Wayne dropped the mic. then ran into the ring while Kid was standing outside it. Wayne acted as if he wanted to fight Kid, but when Kid got closer to the ring Wayne would start looking for an exit. Nickels said he wanted his rematch for the M.E.W.A Heavy Weight Title later tonight. Nickels also said he had the match Ok’d by the M.E.W.A Commission. Wayne was furious about having to defend his title against Nickels later in the night.
The Semi-Main Event was a veteran’s match with “Crazy” Luke Graham Jr. being challenged by “Hot Rod” John Ellison. Graham wasted no time in this match to start with his dirty, underhanded trick’s in which is very well known for. Ellison being more a High-Flying style, Graham tried to keep Ellison grounded to the mat. Both men fought back and forth with neither man able to get a clear advantage over the other man. With Graham wanting to make Ellison wrestle in kind of match, Ellison changed his style. Ellison worked on the Left Arm of Graham most of the match and at one point he used a Submission Arm Bar to try and get Graham to tap-out. Graham was to touch to tap-out; being a true veteran of this sport was able to escape the hold. Ellison was finally able to get the upper hand and used a Sleeper to get the win in 9:54.
The Main Event of the night was for the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title Match. It was the champion “3-G” Eric Wayne defending his title against Kid Nickels. This was the rematch Nickels had demanded to prove it was a fluke that Wayne had beaten his for the M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title. Wayne was clearing afraid to fight Nickels by avoiding and running, even staying outside the ring a lot from his the first 5-6 minutes of the match. The crowd was defending with the chant of “You Suck” being lead by Nickels inside the ring. Once Wayne finally was ready to fight Nickels explode on him. Nickels even delivered a Huge ClothesLine at one point almost knocking Wayne out of his boots. Both men beat and fought each other with everything they had. The fans were rocking the house during this match, clearing it was the match of the night. These two men have a lot of hate for the other and this is turning out to be a war for the M.E.W.A Gold. Wayne was afraid that Nickels was going to take the title from him and almost did many times during the match, but “3-G” Eric Wayne used the tights to get the win and retain his M.E.W.A World Heavy Weight Title in 16:40.
The crowd was up this week to 273.
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