Dingo over Kazukia
Pierre Abernathy over Brandon Espinosa
Hot & Heavy over The Asylum by DQ
Rockin' Randy over Idol Bane
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony over Tracy Smothers to Retain LAW Championship
Show opened with Jeff O'Dell and TGB. Jeff explained that no one puts their hands on him and that’s why Flash Flanagan got fired. "But Someone else put their hands on me but I didn't fire them so Sherina Fowler come down here.". Sherina Fowler came to the ring in daisy duke shorts,knee high socks and her hair in pig tails. Jeff said that he wasn't going to fire her but that her punishment is to be EYE CANDY for LAW. If she refuses then Jeff will fire her just like he did Flash….Koko [the announcer] informed the fans that TGB had signed an OPEN CONTRACT for next week's Spring Breakout and we would find out who signed on the dotted line here tonight... just then Tracy Smothers’ music played. TGB is going crazy talking about how he can't wrestle Tracy next week but Koko stops him and says that Tracy isn't the one who signed the contract. It was former LAW Champion CHRISTOPHER O'NEAL!! TGB and Jeff O'Dell are in shock but then TGB says "Well, if you(Tracy) didn't sign the contract then what the hell are you doing out here?". Tracy paused and said "I'm here to make sure you don't make it to next week you Midget Mother---" and Tracy knocks TGB out of the ring with backhand shot. TGB tells Tracy he's got a title match tonight and he's going to show him why he's the best of the best.
Idol Bane came out during the Pierre/Espy match and pushed Espy off the top and then gave him the Side Effect allowing Pierre to earn the victory.
“Hot & Heavy” [“Playboy” Paul Rose/”The Sexy Sensation” Chris Jade] earned their victory when Jade nailed Psycho in the back with a chair but Psycho took the chair away from him and nailed him in the gut and then across the back. The ref who was distracted turned around to see Psycho hit him and called for the DQ.
Brandon Espinosa retaliated on Idol Bane by nailing him in the head with a chair from the floor and then Rockin' Randy hit The Superkick for the 1,2,3.
Johnny Vinyl defeated Shannon Lee with The Widow Maker but after the match continued to deliver the same move over and over. Shannon Lee's wife and son came into the ring to check on Shannon as Johnny Vinyl taunted the crowd. Shannon's son, Shannon Jr. stood up with his fists up to defend his father. Johnny Vinyl laughed and got on one knee and said he would give him a free shot. Vinyl still taunting the crowd wasn't paying attention when Shannon Jr. hit him in the face with a right hand. Vinyl then grabbed Shannon Jr. around the neck and shoved him to the ground. Security and Rockin' Randy hit the ring.
During the main event all the wrestlers came out to support both Tracy and TGB. Many false finishes. Tracy hit a chokeslam on TGB and Jeff O'Dell drew Tracy's attention which allowed Idol Bane to slide TGB Tracy's Tennessee Toothpick(A huge paddle with a rebel flag design) and TGB low blowed Tracy and clotheslined him with it to gain the victory. After the match TGB took The Tennessee Toothpick with him. Tracy put over that next week Chris O'Neal is going leave with the LAW Championship.
----80 in the crowd…I was told the Main Event went almost 30 minutes and Tracy Smothers was “on the money” with everything…I like the Vinyl angle as they are doing a work off the Arnez incident. I love the real stuff thrown in anyway.
Side note on the Tracy situation: I was sent an interesting “blog” note from Diane Von Hoffman [also worked as Fifi Moondog] after she found out that all of Tracy’s website was not only taken down, but was COMPLETELY DELETED. CLICK HERE to read it.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
----What is the old saying?? If there wasn't bad luck, then I would have no luck at all or something like that. ASWF got a call late last night that Traci Brooks has food poisoning and will be unable to make the Anniversary event tonight. She will be replaced by ODB. ODB was contacted early this morning and due to a cancellation for tonight was able to jump in her car and is driving from Louisville, KY to make this show. Kudos to her for helping out!!

Brian Logan the new AWA World Champion!!

Last Night in Fayetteville, WV, the controversial CW TV Champion, "The Disciple" Brian Logan defeated "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko to become the AWA World Heavyweight Champion.
The AWA World Title has held by such stars as Hulk Hogan, Curt Henning, Stan Hanson, Jerry Lawler, Nick Bockwinkel, Verne Gangne, Rick Martel, and many more... With his win last night, Logan adds himself to that list of names. Zbyszko had proclaimed himself the AWA Champion again due to the fact that he had never lost the belt in 1990 after Zero1-Max had ended their affiliation with the AWA in February of this year.
Brian Logan will return to Championship Wrestling on Saturday, May 10 at the Civic Auditorium in Kingsport, TN... CW officials are already in negotiations to promote the 1st Ever AWA World Title Match in Northeast TN on that date.
We will have more information on Logan's title win in the coming week.
--- Don't forget, Championship Wrestling returns to Rogersville, TN TONIGHT at the National Guard Armory... Admission is FREE for everyone.
John Hawkins is already using his stroke as manager of the AWA World Champion against CW Officials... Hawkins called the Championship Wrestling office early this morning and proclaimed that Logan would close negotiations to defend the World Title in Championship Wrestling unless the Casket Match stipulation was removed from Tonight's Robbie Cassidy vs. Chris Richards match.... Championship Wrestling had no choice but to change the match.
The fate of the Robbie Cassidy vs. Chris Richards Match will now lie in the hands of the fans... Tonight the fans in attendance will get to choose whether the match is an: a) "Rogersville Street Fight; b) "I Quit Match" or c) "Tennessee Death Match"
For More Information visit www.ChampionshipWrestlingTV.com
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 4.18.08 - Michaels Wins Title!!
Justin Spade b Juicy JC Crowe
Steve O b Lee Cross
LT Falk NC Steven Green when Tim Renesto and Charming Charles ran out and attacked both
USWO Jr. Champion Damien Payne b Petey Wright
LT Falk b Tim Renesto by DQ when Charming Charles interfered
Michael Jablonski & New York Gangster b Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix to win the USWO Tag Team Championship when Jablonski pinned Phoenix
Chris Michaels b Mitch Ryder 2-1 in a 30:00+ Iron Man Match to win the held-up USWO Championship. Deciding fall came in a sudden death period when Michaels launched himself over the top onto Ryder. Both were down on the floor, but Michaels made it back in to beat the count and win the match.
----96 in the crowd...Loved the finish of the main event - very creative!!
Steve O b Lee Cross
LT Falk NC Steven Green when Tim Renesto and Charming Charles ran out and attacked both
USWO Jr. Champion Damien Payne b Petey Wright
LT Falk b Tim Renesto by DQ when Charming Charles interfered
Michael Jablonski & New York Gangster b Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix to win the USWO Tag Team Championship when Jablonski pinned Phoenix
Chris Michaels b Mitch Ryder 2-1 in a 30:00+ Iron Man Match to win the held-up USWO Championship. Deciding fall came in a sudden death period when Michaels launched himself over the top onto Ryder. Both were down on the floor, but Michaels made it back in to beat the count and win the match.
----96 in the crowd...Loved the finish of the main event - very creative!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
RassleResults: TIWF Brownsville, TN 4.18.08
Hardknocks Hooligan def. “ Cowboy” Chris Frazier
Chico Mendoza def. AC Havoc
TIWF TV Title Match
Danny B. Goode def. The Samoan Raja
Jawbreaker Jesse Dee def. The Torture King in a Russian Chain Match
“ Losing Manager eats Dog Food Match”
“Locked & Loaded” [Tank Turner/Lawman Williams] def. Wildside and Big Boy Bob by DQ
Drew Magruder was the losing manager and had to eat dog food!
----108 in the building.
Chico Mendoza def. AC Havoc
TIWF TV Title Match
Danny B. Goode def. The Samoan Raja
Jawbreaker Jesse Dee def. The Torture King in a Russian Chain Match
“ Losing Manager eats Dog Food Match”
“Locked & Loaded” [Tank Turner/Lawman Williams] def. Wildside and Big Boy Bob by DQ
Drew Magruder was the losing manager and had to eat dog food!
----108 in the building.
The Mystery Partner was..............

----The mystery partner was Kamala for Jerry Lawler tonight…but it was almost Nick Grymes. It was the intermission before the match and Kamala was not brought all of his money. He was not going out until he was paid. Grymes was told to get ready and that he would be the replacement. Man, that would have been funny!! But..all got cleared up and Kamala went out to be Lawler’s partner.
----Lawler/Kamala beat Izzy Rotten/Neil Taylor when Lawler pinned Taylor. Finish had the hot tag to Kamala with Izzy/Kamala going to the floor. Taylor used a foreign object and hit Lawler for the pin, but Lawler had his foot on the ropes. Taylor turned to argue with the ref when Lawler rolled him up for the pin. Taylor was giving the ref hell holding his crown and saying he was the “King”, when Lawler got the crown – he ended up smashing it and piledriving Taylor.
----A funny part in the match had Taylor recreate a Eddie Gilbert spot. When Lawler pulled down the strap, Taylor just lifted it up and put it back in its place. Loved that!!
----JWS is scheduled for an event tomorrow night in Booneville, MS at their regular arena. They were suppose to have Kamala and a Cage for that event, but neither one is confirmed yet.
A Piece of my Mind April 18th 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I have not read Bret Hart’s book but I have heard nothing but praise for it. As most people know I am very close to Bruno Sammartino. It has been brought to my attention that Bret was critical of Bruno in a match that he saw in Puerto Rico between Bruno and Robert Morella. This match would have taken place in the late seventies or early eighties at the very latest. In the wrestling world Robert Morella was known as Gorilla Monsoon. I am not sure how old Bret was when he saw this match or what his knowledge base was at that time. I do think he was not at all prepared to make any judgment.
I can tell you this that Bruno Sammartino faced Gorilla Monsoon many times over the years but to my knowledge none of those matches took place in a steel cage while they competed for the WWWF. You might ask why that would be. If you were familiar with Gorilla you know he was well over four hundred pounds. A cage match normally was a culmination match that would be an all war that would find competitors running each other all over the ring and into the cage. You might ask why someone would book a match like that with a four hundred and fifty pound man who was not quick in it. Would the people get their money’s worth?
I personally think that if booking that match was an intelligent move Vince McMahon Sr would have done it. He would also have done it when Gorilla was younger and had a better chance of making it work. In those days Gorilla owned part of the World Wrestling Council and I am sure that Bruno’s appearance there was a favor to someone. It was the brain child of someone to book this match. Bret at this stage of his life with the knowledge and wisdom should have been able to read into the situation. The real person who Bret should have been criticizing is who ever put Gorilla in a situation that couldn’t possibly accentuate his positives.
I know Joey Styles and I respect Joey Styles. I used him at WrestleReunion and I was thrilled to do it. He is a class act and a great talent. The decision made to pull him out of the broadcast booth and send him to work on wwe.com was a good one for Joey that is. I think it’s a pathetic decision for the WWE. If you look closely the way they make Joey work at his job is like sending Babe Ruth up to bat with a toothpick. I am glad for my buddy that he is in a role that doesn’t shine a spotlight on him and than restrict his natural talent.
I grew up watching Mike Adamle play football but I don’t think I will enjoy listening to him be a WWE cheerleader. I hope it works out for him but I sure wouldn’t have given him the role that he has been given.
The picture for this article is of Ray Apollo who replaced Matt Borne as Doink the Clown for the WWE. It was taken by me at the Yokozuna Memorial Show a few years ago. It is a shame that this gimmick is basically poached by every cheap promoter out there. I have traveled with Ray quite a bit he is a very good hand that should have had a lot more success in the business.
----Confirmed for tomorrow night is Brian Christopher vs Austin Lane.
----I just got a call from the New Site Gym and JWS has packed about 325+ in the building. They were in the third match. The mystery partner has not been revealed yet.
----I just got a call from the New Site Gym and JWS has packed about 325+ in the building. They were in the third match. The mystery partner has not been revealed yet.
----I got an e-mail earlier today and then just got off the phone with ASWF. Jerry Lawler was double booked for tomorrow night. The story I am getting is that WWE booked him for the show in CT and then he booked himself for ASWF. Maybe he was confused about the date like I was?? LOL They originally did have this show booked for 4.12.08. Lawler will NOT BE IN TUCKERMAN tomorrow night!! I have been told that a replacement is being sent and I am speculating Brian Christopher. I have also updated the "Countdown", since we have not idea who Lane is wrestling.

CLICK HERE to check out Northeast Wrestling show for tonight and tomorrow night!!

CLICK HERE to check out Northeast Wrestling show for tonight and tomorrow night!!
Countdown to ASWF Anniversary - Tomorrow Night In Tuckerman, AR!!
----Let me first say – I have no “inside” word on what is happening on Saturday night. That is the way that I like it though. I like to be kayfabed about the finishes and such until the end of the show. So, let’s look at the Anniversary show for Saturday night.
*“Gauntlet for the Gold”-winner gets a contract for a title shot but the catch is that the winner has to defend the contract 24/7...participants-AC Styles,Cody Only,Mike Anthony,Cody Murdock,Seth Sabre,Mark Wolfe and 2 mystery guests.
----Not sure who is going here, but the winner will be a challenger for the belt, so I look for a heel to win. The contract will then be “up” 24/7, which a creative stip. So, the winner match may not come out with it by the end of the night.
*Scott Fury vs. Justin Smart
----Not sure where they are going with this, but this could be the best pure wrestling match on the show. Fury is good and Smart was a bit green when I last seen him, but Smart has improved. I would go with Fury here.
*ASWF Tag Team Championship-Wild Bill/Demon X(c) vs. “American Degenerates”[Morgan Lane/X-Kalibur].
----This probably going to be a title change with AD taking the belts. X/Lane are above average workers and should be able to have a decent match here.
*“Free for All” for the X-Division Title [ASWF’s version of the ultimate x]-Ray Ray(c) vs. Tommy Wayne vs. Matt Boyce
----This could be the show stealer if they work psychology into the gimmick of the match. I look for Boyce to over because of the push he is getting.
* Fatal Fourway Heavyweight Title Match-Chuck Fears(c) vs. Casino Kid vs. Blalok the Blazor vs. Reno Diamond
----If this is not either THE MATCH aka the show stealer, then I will be disappointed. Diamond/Blazor will do crazy moves along with Fears/Kid they should have exciting match. Psychology and putting the moves where they belong will be the key to having a great match. I look for Fears to stay champ, unless they are going to use Diamond on a regular basis.
* Nikki Lane vs. Traci Brooks
----This should be a basic bout and I have heard that Lane has approved a lot. Both girls like each other a lot and will do everything they can do to have a good match. I look for Brooks to go over.
*Austin Lane vs. Brian Christopher
----Last minute change to the show beyond ASWF's control has Lane's opponent vs Brian C. Expect a lot of comedy and just a basic bout. I look for Brian going over by DQ.
*“Gauntlet for the Gold”-winner gets a contract for a title shot but the catch is that the winner has to defend the contract 24/7...participants-AC Styles,Cody Only,Mike Anthony,Cody Murdock,Seth Sabre,Mark Wolfe and 2 mystery guests.
----Not sure who is going here, but the winner will be a challenger for the belt, so I look for a heel to win. The contract will then be “up” 24/7, which a creative stip. So, the winner match may not come out with it by the end of the night.
*Scott Fury vs. Justin Smart
----Not sure where they are going with this, but this could be the best pure wrestling match on the show. Fury is good and Smart was a bit green when I last seen him, but Smart has improved. I would go with Fury here.
*ASWF Tag Team Championship-Wild Bill/Demon X(c) vs. “American Degenerates”[Morgan Lane/X-Kalibur].
----This probably going to be a title change with AD taking the belts. X/Lane are above average workers and should be able to have a decent match here.
*“Free for All” for the X-Division Title [ASWF’s version of the ultimate x]-Ray Ray(c) vs. Tommy Wayne vs. Matt Boyce
----This could be the show stealer if they work psychology into the gimmick of the match. I look for Boyce to over because of the push he is getting.
* Fatal Fourway Heavyweight Title Match-Chuck Fears(c) vs. Casino Kid vs. Blalok the Blazor vs. Reno Diamond
----If this is not either THE MATCH aka the show stealer, then I will be disappointed. Diamond/Blazor will do crazy moves along with Fears/Kid they should have exciting match. Psychology and putting the moves where they belong will be the key to having a great match. I look for Fears to stay champ, unless they are going to use Diamond on a regular basis.
* Nikki Lane vs. Traci Brooks
----This should be a basic bout and I have heard that Lane has approved a lot. Both girls like each other a lot and will do everything they can do to have a good match. I look for Brooks to go over.
*Austin Lane vs. Brian Christopher
----Last minute change to the show beyond ASWF's control has Lane's opponent vs Brian C. Expect a lot of comedy and just a basic bout. I look for Brian going over by DQ.
Memphis Wrestling TV Ratings Report 4.12.08
----Saturday Memphis Wrestling TV show did an overall rating of 3.1 [52,214 viewers], which was the best rating in the last nine weeks. Viewership was up by 30% without anything major on TV. Action News 5 beat News Channel 3 for a change and another first run Saturday Night Live scored close to triple what wrestling did. Only big move was third quarter dropping and fourth quarter jumping up again this week.
-Chuck Paslay mention.
-Corey Maclin in the studio.
-Shock/Nicholas Doom vs Derrick King/Johnny Dotson
-Brian Christopher – interview – clip of Doug Gilbert jumping Brian C
1st Quarter 3.2 [54,396 viewers]
-Brian C interview – Koko comes out
-Koko Ware vs Brian C
-Kevin White/Bill Dundee interview
2cnd Quarter 3.1 [51,878 viewers] [-2518 viewers]
-Mabel interview
-Hart - interview
-Terry Funk clip of burning Lawler
-Lawler in examination room video [start]
3rd Quarter 2.8 [46,170 viewers] [-5708 viewers]
-Lawler in examination room video [finish]
-Bill Dundee/Kevin White vs Too Kool 2 [Flex/Tim Grind]
4th Quarter 3.4 [56,411 viewers] [+10,241 viewers]
12 Week Average: 2.2 [36,664 viewers]
12 week low – 1.1 [19,139] 3.15.08
12 Week High 3.4 [57,083 viewers] 1.26.08
Start to finish [+2015 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Action News 5/Saturday Night Live 8.7 [146,484 viewers]
----Corey promised there would be an announcement about live wrestling…DK in the ring with Doom was good…They turned Brian C and “Too Kool 2” without really running an angle; right??…Lawler being examined was funny…I liked White’s “Timberlake” gimmick.
----Take a look at the full report and some other things that I found that were mentioned on the show.
CLICK HERE to read the full Memphis Wrestling TV Report on www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
CLICK HERE to read about Trenton,TN results 9.11.04
CLICK HERE for Smackdown Results from 9.20.04 - Lawler/Keirn angle
-Chuck Paslay mention.
-Corey Maclin in the studio.
-Shock/Nicholas Doom vs Derrick King/Johnny Dotson
-Brian Christopher – interview – clip of Doug Gilbert jumping Brian C
1st Quarter 3.2 [54,396 viewers]
-Brian C interview – Koko comes out
-Koko Ware vs Brian C
-Kevin White/Bill Dundee interview
2cnd Quarter 3.1 [51,878 viewers] [-2518 viewers]
-Mabel interview
-Hart - interview
-Terry Funk clip of burning Lawler
-Lawler in examination room video [start]
3rd Quarter 2.8 [46,170 viewers] [-5708 viewers]
-Lawler in examination room video [finish]
-Bill Dundee/Kevin White vs Too Kool 2 [Flex/Tim Grind]
4th Quarter 3.4 [56,411 viewers] [+10,241 viewers]
12 Week Average: 2.2 [36,664 viewers]
12 week low – 1.1 [19,139] 3.15.08
12 Week High 3.4 [57,083 viewers] 1.26.08
Start to finish [+2015 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Action News 5/Saturday Night Live 8.7 [146,484 viewers]
----Corey promised there would be an announcement about live wrestling…DK in the ring with Doom was good…They turned Brian C and “Too Kool 2” without really running an angle; right??…Lawler being examined was funny…I liked White’s “Timberlake” gimmick.
----Take a look at the full report and some other things that I found that were mentioned on the show.
CLICK HERE to read the full Memphis Wrestling TV Report on www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
CLICK HERE to read about Trenton,TN results 9.11.04
CLICK HERE for Smackdown Results from 9.20.04 - Lawler/Keirn angle
TNA PPV comes to the Mid-South, Eaton & More!
I'm sure Brian Tramel will have more on this later today, but I just read on www.pwinsiderelite.com that Total Nonstop Action Wrestling will hold its Slammiversary PPV on June 8th in Southaven, Mississippi at the Desoto County Civic Center.
The pay-per-view will mark the sixth anniversary of TNA. Yes, you read that right - SIXTH anniversary. Let's all be honest. How many of us in the summer of 2002 gave TNA much of a chance to last one year, much less six? I certainly was one of the majority who didn't give the promotion a true chance.
Should be interesting to see if there is any relation between TNA and Memphis Wrestling out of this. It would be good local promotion for TNA to be seen on MW, even if it is just commercials. Or who is to say that, based on recent relationships between Corey Maclin and WWE, that Maclin changes the re-run format to show TNA matches of some sort. Never say never, but it is interesting to see TNA putting on one of its biggest two pay-per-views, the other being October's Bound for Glory, in the Mid-South market.
Will fans show up if tickets are more than $5? LOL.
On a Bobby Eaton note, I want to thank everyone who has shown their concern to his family. It is appreciated.
I am traveling to East Tennessee to visit him for the weekend. Hopefully, I'll have good news to report. From all indications I have, he has improved. I don't want to go into the health issues reported online as some were accurate and some were not so accurate. All I can say is that he is improving, which is what we all should be concerned about.
Take care all and I will be back late Sunday or early Monday with an update.
The pay-per-view will mark the sixth anniversary of TNA. Yes, you read that right - SIXTH anniversary. Let's all be honest. How many of us in the summer of 2002 gave TNA much of a chance to last one year, much less six? I certainly was one of the majority who didn't give the promotion a true chance.
Should be interesting to see if there is any relation between TNA and Memphis Wrestling out of this. It would be good local promotion for TNA to be seen on MW, even if it is just commercials. Or who is to say that, based on recent relationships between Corey Maclin and WWE, that Maclin changes the re-run format to show TNA matches of some sort. Never say never, but it is interesting to see TNA putting on one of its biggest two pay-per-views, the other being October's Bound for Glory, in the Mid-South market.
Will fans show up if tickets are more than $5? LOL.
On a Bobby Eaton note, I want to thank everyone who has shown their concern to his family. It is appreciated.
I am traveling to East Tennessee to visit him for the weekend. Hopefully, I'll have good news to report. From all indications I have, he has improved. I don't want to go into the health issues reported online as some were accurate and some were not so accurate. All I can say is that he is improving, which is what we all should be concerned about.
Take care all and I will be back late Sunday or early Monday with an update.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
"Shooting the Shiznit" Shot Down!!
----I was having problems with the very front of the show and it NEVER did record anything!! I apologize to my guests and I want to try to plan to do this again next week sometime.
POB Update - Breakup In MCW!!
----On April 4, 2008, Ron Rage entered the MCW arena at 6:30 PM to climb up under the ring to get ready for that night’s main event. At 10:30 PM, he slid out from under the ring in an angle that ended with a double turn of sorts.
----Buzzkiller/Sid Vicious were working “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money] with stips being that whoever lost, then had could not wrestle in MCW again. At the finish as Vicious was getting ready to finish off ECBB, BuzzK looked up under the ropes and motioned for Rage to slide into the view of the crowd. Rage ended up turning on Sid causing him to be pined by Serpent and send Sid packing. The crowd was popping and thinking that the POB had turned, but Rage got on the mic to inform everyone that Buzz/him were the new POB and Sid Vicious was fired! They then did an angle with “Big Daddy” LaFonce offering Sid with a contract as a commissioner.
----This past weekend [4.11.08]POB Buzzkiller/Ron Rage came out to watch ECBB in the main event. They ended up fighting it out with ECBB. Sid then set up a match for this Friday night – MCW Tag Team Titles – POB vs ECBB.
----Buzzkiller/Sid Vicious were working “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money] with stips being that whoever lost, then had could not wrestle in MCW again. At the finish as Vicious was getting ready to finish off ECBB, BuzzK looked up under the ropes and motioned for Rage to slide into the view of the crowd. Rage ended up turning on Sid causing him to be pined by Serpent and send Sid packing. The crowd was popping and thinking that the POB had turned, but Rage got on the mic to inform everyone that Buzz/him were the new POB and Sid Vicious was fired! They then did an angle with “Big Daddy” LaFonce offering Sid with a contract as a commissioner.
----This past weekend [4.11.08]POB Buzzkiller/Ron Rage came out to watch ECBB in the main event. They ended up fighting it out with ECBB. Sid then set up a match for this Friday night – MCW Tag Team Titles – POB vs ECBB.
Derrick King Challenged at TIWF??
----It was reported on the Kayfabe board that TIWF’s Danny B Goode and Lawman Williams have been making challenges to TLCW’s Derrick King. This is not an angle and it makes you wonder why they would do something like this?? It reminds of Randy Savage when he would challenge Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee on his father’s TV show. Shane Douglas use to do the same thing challenging Ric Flair on ECW. I guess Derrick King can look at it this way - “When you are at the top of the hill – everyone wants to knock you off.”
Lawler's Partner??
----We will be reporting sometime during 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM tomorrow night when JWS announces the “Mystery partner” for Jerry Lawler. You will get the partner’s name around the same time that the crowd finds out it at JWS. My guess would be Brian Christopher, but I have no idea.
Reminder!! "Shooting The Shiznit" Today!!
----The show starts at 5:30 PM central time tonight with "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock. Simon Sermon joins us at 6:00 PM to talk. It should be a great show as Blaylock is never a loss for words and Simon has warned me he likes to talk also. If you would like to call in - (347) 838-8101 and ask a question, then go ahead and do it. You also have a few more hours to e-mail questions if you have any to brian_tramel@yahoo.com with subject: "Shooting the Shiznit".
Shows of the Weekend 4.18 to 4.21.08
----Lots of big shows this weekend. If I could go to all the shows I wanted to be at this weekend it would be USWO with Ryder vs Michaels, JWS with Mystery partner for Lawler, TIWF with MBB in a "Tennessee Street Fight" and Big benefit show in MS. I will be at what I consider "the" show though of the weekend - ASWF Anniversary Show in Tuckerman, AR.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for JWS will be at New Site High School Gym THIS Friday night, April 18, 2007. Bell time is 8:00 p.m with Jerry Lawler/Mystery Partner vs Neil Taylor/ Izzy Rotten, Soultaker, Bonecrusher, Justin Rhodes, Buzz Harley. “24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler], Nick Grymes, Jay Webster and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for TIWF in Brownsville, TN “Losing Team’s Manager Must Eat Dog Food” – “Locked & Loaded” [Tank Turner/Lawman Williams] with Bubba “Statman” Henry vs Wildside/Big Boy Bob with Drew Magruder, Torture King vs Jawbreaker Jesse Dee, Danny B Goode vs Buckwild Bill, Hardknocks Hooligan, Chris Braggs, Wykid, The High Rollers, X-3,Samoan Raja, Dr. Doom, Ravishing Randy, JC, Hotrod, Jon Seymour, and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for Rebellion Wrestling League in Newbern, TN with “the Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Bishop, Weasel, “The Baron” Malkavain, JD Rage, Jason Reed and Chris O’Neal.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… 30 Minute Iron Man Match: Mitch Ryder vs Chris Michaels, Petey Wright, Lee Cross, Steven Green, Chris Michaels, Dyronic, Rob C, Justin Spade, Norte, Damien Payne, JC Crowe, Michael Joblonski, Mark Antony, Tim Renesto, Charming Charles, New York Gangster, Steve O, LT Falk, Cousin Jason X, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie],Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Big Rig Bully, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT in Osceola, AR for MCW with “POB” Sid Vicious, Ron Rage, “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money], MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony, Idol Bane, Brandon Espinosa, Johnny Vinyl, Rockin' Randy, Chris Rocker The Asylum, Pierre Abernathy, Tracy Smothers and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Izzy Rotten,DC, Brett Michaels, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, Fusion, Devon Raynes, J-Kid, Curly Mo, G-Mo Money, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Brian & Ryan SoFine and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday afternoon at 1:00 PM for a Big Benefit show in Blue Mountain, MS. This is for the family of Margaret Flake, who was a long-time wrestling fan, that passed away. It is to help with funeral and burial expenses. Scheduled to be there are “PHAT Foundation” [Justin Rhodes/Chris Fontaine], “24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler], “Pure Destruction” [Cody & Brody Hawk], The Asylum [Pappy/Psycho], “Freakshow” [Chop Top The Clow/Vinnie The Blade], Dalton Storm, Jay Webster, Brian SoFine, Chris Kilgore, Tommy Knox, Bonecrusher, Cassanova Kid, Neil Taylor, Slammer and more.
----Saturday night for USWO/ATL in Nashville, TN at the Stadium Inn LT Falk,Steven Green, Damien Payne,Chris Norte, Kid Dynamite, Dyronic, Kevin Dunn, JD Fluffy, The Nazi Terror, Lee Cross, New York Gangster, Tommy Capone, Boy, Richard Lowe, Homo Hillbilly Quincy, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge and more.
----Saturday night for RWA in Jonesboro, AR at the King’s Sportatorium with Jazz, Rodney Mack, Deadly Dale, Medieval, Tatt2, San Francisco Treat, Loose Cannon, Rottn Randy, Chazz Wesson, Cameron Cage and more.
----Saturday night for TIWF in Trenton, TN Showplex Arena with “Tennessee Street Fight” – “Missouri Bad Boys” vs “Locked & Loaded” [Tank Turner/Lawman Williams], Dre Black vs Dazzlin Dixie, Danny B Goode vs Chico Mendoza, Hardknocks Hooligan vs Big Vic McNasty, Spyder vs Big Boy Bob, X-3 vs Wykid/Chris Braggs, Samoan Raja, Dr. Doom, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Boogeyman Scream, JC, Jon Seymour, Drew Magruder and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST TGB Greg Anthony, Albino Rhino, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Reggie B Fine, Stan Lee, “Black Label Society" Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], Shannon Lee, Tim Alfonzo, Tracy Smothers and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Sarge O’Reilly, Tommy Redneck, Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards,Jason Matthews, Rob Justice, Jeremy Moore, Motley Cruz, Tommy Redneck, Jon Roberts, Phoenix X and more.
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Anniversary Show with Jerry Lawler vs Austin Lane, Nikki Lane vs Traci Brooks, Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch, , Chuck Fears, Wild Bill,”American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane], 1 Cody Only [formerly Cody Daniels], Tommy Wayne, Casino Kid, Johnny Harper, Tim Hanson, Mac Daddy, Demon X and more. BOOK TOUR 2007 LAST STOP!!
----Monday Night RBFE in Memphis, TN @ Creative Arts Center with Kamala, Reggie B Fine, Brickhouse Brown, “TGB” Greg Anthony, Eric Wayne, Derrick King, Brian Christopher, Koko B Ware, Tatt2, “The Baron” Malkavain, Rockin Randy, “Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy], Precious, Shannon Lee, Lamarrus Brooks, Crime, “Bar None” [Sniper/V-Man] and more!!
----FRIDAY NIGHT for JWS will be at New Site High School Gym THIS Friday night, April 18, 2007. Bell time is 8:00 p.m with Jerry Lawler/Mystery Partner vs Neil Taylor/ Izzy Rotten, Soultaker, Bonecrusher, Justin Rhodes, Buzz Harley. “24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler], Nick Grymes, Jay Webster and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for TIWF in Brownsville, TN “Losing Team’s Manager Must Eat Dog Food” – “Locked & Loaded” [Tank Turner/Lawman Williams] with Bubba “Statman” Henry vs Wildside/Big Boy Bob with Drew Magruder, Torture King vs Jawbreaker Jesse Dee, Danny B Goode vs Buckwild Bill, Hardknocks Hooligan, Chris Braggs, Wykid, The High Rollers, X-3,Samoan Raja, Dr. Doom, Ravishing Randy, JC, Hotrod, Jon Seymour, and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for Rebellion Wrestling League in Newbern, TN with “the Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Bishop, Weasel, “The Baron” Malkavain, JD Rage, Jason Reed and Chris O’Neal.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… 30 Minute Iron Man Match: Mitch Ryder vs Chris Michaels, Petey Wright, Lee Cross, Steven Green, Chris Michaels, Dyronic, Rob C, Justin Spade, Norte, Damien Payne, JC Crowe, Michael Joblonski, Mark Antony, Tim Renesto, Charming Charles, New York Gangster, Steve O, LT Falk, Cousin Jason X, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie],Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Big Rig Bully, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT in Osceola, AR for MCW with “POB” Sid Vicious, Ron Rage, “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money], MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony, Idol Bane, Brandon Espinosa, Johnny Vinyl, Rockin' Randy, Chris Rocker The Asylum, Pierre Abernathy, Tracy Smothers and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Izzy Rotten,DC, Brett Michaels, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, Fusion, Devon Raynes, J-Kid, Curly Mo, G-Mo Money, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Brian & Ryan SoFine and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday afternoon at 1:00 PM for a Big Benefit show in Blue Mountain, MS. This is for the family of Margaret Flake, who was a long-time wrestling fan, that passed away. It is to help with funeral and burial expenses. Scheduled to be there are “PHAT Foundation” [Justin Rhodes/Chris Fontaine], “24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler], “Pure Destruction” [Cody & Brody Hawk], The Asylum [Pappy/Psycho], “Freakshow” [Chop Top The Clow/Vinnie The Blade], Dalton Storm, Jay Webster, Brian SoFine, Chris Kilgore, Tommy Knox, Bonecrusher, Cassanova Kid, Neil Taylor, Slammer and more.
----Saturday night for USWO/ATL in Nashville, TN at the Stadium Inn LT Falk,Steven Green, Damien Payne,Chris Norte, Kid Dynamite, Dyronic, Kevin Dunn, JD Fluffy, The Nazi Terror, Lee Cross, New York Gangster, Tommy Capone, Boy, Richard Lowe, Homo Hillbilly Quincy, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge and more.
----Saturday night for RWA in Jonesboro, AR at the King’s Sportatorium with Jazz, Rodney Mack, Deadly Dale, Medieval, Tatt2, San Francisco Treat, Loose Cannon, Rottn Randy, Chazz Wesson, Cameron Cage and more.
----Saturday night for TIWF in Trenton, TN Showplex Arena with “Tennessee Street Fight” – “Missouri Bad Boys” vs “Locked & Loaded” [Tank Turner/Lawman Williams], Dre Black vs Dazzlin Dixie, Danny B Goode vs Chico Mendoza, Hardknocks Hooligan vs Big Vic McNasty, Spyder vs Big Boy Bob, X-3 vs Wykid/Chris Braggs, Samoan Raja, Dr. Doom, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Boogeyman Scream, JC, Jon Seymour, Drew Magruder and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST TGB Greg Anthony, Albino Rhino, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Reggie B Fine, Stan Lee, “Black Label Society" Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], Shannon Lee, Tim Alfonzo, Tracy Smothers and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Sarge O’Reilly, Tommy Redneck, Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards,Jason Matthews, Rob Justice, Jeremy Moore, Motley Cruz, Tommy Redneck, Jon Roberts, Phoenix X and more.
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Anniversary Show with Jerry Lawler vs Austin Lane, Nikki Lane vs Traci Brooks, Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch, , Chuck Fears, Wild Bill,”American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane], 1 Cody Only [formerly Cody Daniels], Tommy Wayne, Casino Kid, Johnny Harper, Tim Hanson, Mac Daddy, Demon X and more. BOOK TOUR 2007 LAST STOP!!
----Monday Night RBFE in Memphis, TN @ Creative Arts Center with Kamala, Reggie B Fine, Brickhouse Brown, “TGB” Greg Anthony, Eric Wayne, Derrick King, Brian Christopher, Koko B Ware, Tatt2, “The Baron” Malkavain, Rockin Randy, “Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy], Precious, Shannon Lee, Lamarrus Brooks, Crime, “Bar None” [Sniper/V-Man] and more!!
Coach's Corner - "Old School with a New Twist"
----When they do well, I say they do well. But…Crazy Train shows up at the RCW show this past weekend with a belt claiming he never lost it and was stripped of his belt. His reference is to NBW and he is trying his best to work a shoot here. First of all, 60 people in Marmaduke, AR could care less whether he was NBW champion or not. His tenure with NBW was topped with a title belt win, then an injury that he caused himself by bumping on the outside of the ring apron. His IR status was much shorter than everyone expected and he showed up for a show a few weeks back in Metropolis, IL. His best match ever was his title win from Mark Justice and he was getting a great response at NBW. The problem is that his family doesn’t want him working NBW, because they thought Motley Cruz hurt him. He has been heard saying, “I would never work for Derrick King” in the dressing rooms and has trolled my message board. Crazy Train needs to get his head on straight and remember the people that helped him get that first major title win.
----OMG!! Is what I was thinking as Christian Cage, AJ Styles and James Storm battled at the recent TNA PPV on top of the cage. I felt a bit queasy as my stomach got butterflies. I hate heights and it was just scary. They fall from a ladder to break a table on top of A CAGE!! Scary shit and many old timers will say that is not wrestling, but it does get all of use net goofs talking. It is also something that I think the fans demand when they put on a match like this. I have been at fault at saying stuff like “no blood” made the match worse. The expectations for all of us have changed thru the years and at times they are too much.
----Speaking of “old school”, I got an interesting letter from Randy Hales after his 2-week stint at TLCW. Some of the criticism of Yearbook 2007 was that it had too much TLCW stuff in it. Why was there so much?? Mainly because it was “the” promotion in this area – it was voted as that by everyone. Hales said, “The talent was respectful and hard working and most had a passion for what they were doing. And, they have that town in good shape. The stuff laid out was not easy stuff for them to do in the angle and everybody was right on the money on every promo, every spot and every finish. And, the crowd was going crazy”. Maybe that is why TLCW won promotion of the year for two years in a role?? As I have said in the past, it all about having good talent that can work. If your workers can work, then the promoters have an easier time having a good show.
----Hales also said in his letter referring to his angle, “Anyway, we proved wrestling the old school way works as long as you have people knowing what they are doing and also if you give it a new twist which is what I hope we did.” As I read that all I could think about is some of the guys that actually get stuck in the past and don’t know anything about the current state of the business. The “old timers” are not always good at taking chances. This all brought me back to watching the TNA PPV on Sunday. Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe was a total throwback to the old classic wrestling matches. This was something you would have seen in the Lou Thesz days. What did they do to put the “new twist” to it?? They promoted the fact of UFC fighters training them and put that realism back into the match. It was not overall my “cup of tea”, but I do feel these two guys are two of the best in the business today at working any style. Even though I am a stickler for psychology, I also love that “new twist” of high flying moves and such…but put them where they belong.
----TIWF has continued to draw good gates and along with ASWF is drawing the best crowds in this area. I got a few letters from TIWF saying that I am not giving them enough credit for them drawing so well?? I think I have done a fair job in letting everyone know what this promotion is doing. As we have seen with other promotions, the key to all of this is to CONTINUE to draw. The product that you are presenting to the fans – it has to continue to be interesting. I was told that they feel as if they have been “slighted” by RRO and only when something bad happens is when I seem to report it. I have continued to support you guys and give you “thumbs up” for drawing and you guys are what the “boys” are talking about when it comes to drawing. In reality, the numbers I have been getting have been questioned by everyone from people at your show to workers at your show to workers from other shows. I will continue to give you guys praise and will soon visit you for a look for myself.
----OMG!! Is what I was thinking as Christian Cage, AJ Styles and James Storm battled at the recent TNA PPV on top of the cage. I felt a bit queasy as my stomach got butterflies. I hate heights and it was just scary. They fall from a ladder to break a table on top of A CAGE!! Scary shit and many old timers will say that is not wrestling, but it does get all of use net goofs talking. It is also something that I think the fans demand when they put on a match like this. I have been at fault at saying stuff like “no blood” made the match worse. The expectations for all of us have changed thru the years and at times they are too much.
----Speaking of “old school”, I got an interesting letter from Randy Hales after his 2-week stint at TLCW. Some of the criticism of Yearbook 2007 was that it had too much TLCW stuff in it. Why was there so much?? Mainly because it was “the” promotion in this area – it was voted as that by everyone. Hales said, “The talent was respectful and hard working and most had a passion for what they were doing. And, they have that town in good shape. The stuff laid out was not easy stuff for them to do in the angle and everybody was right on the money on every promo, every spot and every finish. And, the crowd was going crazy”. Maybe that is why TLCW won promotion of the year for two years in a role?? As I have said in the past, it all about having good talent that can work. If your workers can work, then the promoters have an easier time having a good show.
----Hales also said in his letter referring to his angle, “Anyway, we proved wrestling the old school way works as long as you have people knowing what they are doing and also if you give it a new twist which is what I hope we did.” As I read that all I could think about is some of the guys that actually get stuck in the past and don’t know anything about the current state of the business. The “old timers” are not always good at taking chances. This all brought me back to watching the TNA PPV on Sunday. Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe was a total throwback to the old classic wrestling matches. This was something you would have seen in the Lou Thesz days. What did they do to put the “new twist” to it?? They promoted the fact of UFC fighters training them and put that realism back into the match. It was not overall my “cup of tea”, but I do feel these two guys are two of the best in the business today at working any style. Even though I am a stickler for psychology, I also love that “new twist” of high flying moves and such…but put them where they belong.
----TIWF has continued to draw good gates and along with ASWF is drawing the best crowds in this area. I got a few letters from TIWF saying that I am not giving them enough credit for them drawing so well?? I think I have done a fair job in letting everyone know what this promotion is doing. As we have seen with other promotions, the key to all of this is to CONTINUE to draw. The product that you are presenting to the fans – it has to continue to be interesting. I was told that they feel as if they have been “slighted” by RRO and only when something bad happens is when I seem to report it. I have continued to support you guys and give you “thumbs up” for drawing and you guys are what the “boys” are talking about when it comes to drawing. In reality, the numbers I have been getting have been questioned by everyone from people at your show to workers at your show to workers from other shows. I will continue to give you guys praise and will soon visit you for a look for myself.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN - Results Wrapup - Chris Masters Is Coming and Mark Justice Turns!! 4.05 & 4.12.08

April 5, 2008
----Show opened with Big Money Gripp announcing Spring Breakout '08 w/ Chris Masters on May 17, 2008!!!
Sicilian Kid def. Gaylon Reed and Arnez after Tim Edwards came out to distract Arnez after he was going to pin Reed, so Kid took the pin himself
The Riot Squad ( Rob Justice/Jason Matthews) def. Tim Edwards/Biscuit after Tim hit Jason w/ the Redrum and Kid ran out and tossed Tim a sign as the ref turned around he dq'd Tim because he thought he used the sign. After the match Tim and Biscuit left the Riot Squad laying.
The members of XOW came out to officially induct Tommy Redneck and Motley Cruz into XOW, as they were doing this Allen Walker stated that he is glad Redneck and Motley were there because they both have matches tonight, Motley would be in a 6 man XOW vs. NBW tag match and Redneck would face a mystery opponent.
Tommy Redneck def. Jason Reed by reverse decision after Reed pinned Redneck and Tommy slipped a chain in Reed's tights. After the match Tommy jumped Reed leading to Kilo making the save
Kilo def. Sarge Savage after the official XOW ref. stopped counting and turned his back on Kilo and Tavian ran out and made the quick 3 count
Team XOW ( Motley/Styles/Matthews ) No Contest against Team NBW ( Moore/Justice/Red ) after Styles missed a moonsault on Moore and Moore hit the acecrusher on Styles and was about to pin when the rest of XOW jumped him. After the match it turned into an all out brawl, to the point of Sarge beating a woman in the crowd up. Everyone was freaking out and Allen Walker said that XOW and their fans were barred from the building next week, except for Motley and Redneck because they both would have something special this week.
----About 130-140 in the crowd, Red is getting over with the crowd now, all the faces in the main got good pops…Reed was over as well as Kilo's win…The main was probably the best match of the night, Moore took the heat though, but worked well with everyone involved, great show overall though everyone worked hard.
April 12, 2008
Jeremy Moore def. Biscuit w/ an AceCrusher
Riot Squad ( Rob Justice/Jason Matthews) def. T.W. Justice
Arnez def. Tim Edwards after distraction from the Sicilian Kid. After the match the Kid told Tim he wanted his contract
Jason Reed def. Gaylon Reed w/ a Superkick
Tommy Redneck def. Kilo after distraction and a low blow
Motley Cruz retained the NBW title in a triple threat match against Mark Justice and Big Red after Mark Blasted Red w/ the title and put Motley on top of him and made the ref count the 3. The match was set up earlier in the night as punishment to Motley, but Mark joined XOW and turned his back on everyone. He said that since he started doing things the "Right" way he wasn't getting anywhere as opposed to when he was doing things his own way, he was in the main event. After the match Mark and Motley were beating on Red when Kilo and Moore came out to help followed by most of the locker room for the save. Motley said next week XOW returns.
----Around 100 in the crowd with biggest pops were between Moore and Reed. The place went completely silent when Mark turned and at the end of the night they were chanting “NBW,NBW, NBW” at mark Motley and Redneck…Next week FOP returns to defend the tag titles...Look for Mark Justice to be involved in a 6-man vs Chris Masters.

RassleResults: Southern States Wrestling Kingsport, TN 4.15.08
*Jamey Gibson beat Wayne Adkins
*Rebecca Lynn beat Misty James in a Street Fight after a heel turn by Jeff Storm
*Wayne Adkins double DQ with Jeff Storm
*Chris Richards beat Tracy Smothers
*Beau James beat Brian Logan in a Bunkhouse Match
----25 about 35 in building. Next card is April 29
*Rebecca Lynn beat Misty James in a Street Fight after a heel turn by Jeff Storm
*Wayne Adkins double DQ with Jeff Storm
*Chris Richards beat Tracy Smothers
*Beau James beat Brian Logan in a Bunkhouse Match
----25 about 35 in building. Next card is April 29
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR 4.12.08
----“Leprechauns” [Lucky/Lethal]beat Loose Cannon…Silas beat Sergeant Shakedown and Big Al…Gary Diamond vs Chris Steel – TL DRAW…Deadly Dale beat San Francisco Treat…Jazz beat Rottn Randy…Rodney Mack beat Chazz Wesson.
----150+ in the building…Chazz attacked Rodney after calling him out to show him the respect he deserves and explaining why he had not gave a finish to the matches.Chazz explained he did no know that cannon unhooked him from the dog collar and then hit cannon and got Rottn Randy and cannon out of the ring. After he shook hands with Mack he left the ring and then turned and attacked Mack with a sledge hammer…SFT hit Dale with a chair and Shakedown came out and Treat hit him and put the dress on him and make up. Dale cleared the ring with a chair…Randy found out that Cannon help him last week and got mad. Now there is heat between them.
----150+ in the building…Chazz attacked Rodney after calling him out to show him the respect he deserves and explaining why he had not gave a finish to the matches.Chazz explained he did no know that cannon unhooked him from the dog collar and then hit cannon and got Rottn Randy and cannon out of the ring. After he shook hands with Mack he left the ring and then turned and attacked Mack with a sledge hammer…SFT hit Dale with a chair and Shakedown came out and Treat hit him and put the dress on him and make up. Dale cleared the ring with a chair…Randy found out that Cannon help him last week and got mad. Now there is heat between them.
Bobby Eaton Update!!
----I talked with Brian Thompson today and he plans to visit Bobby this weekend and will hopefully have good news to report and maybe a word or two from him if he wants to say anything.
---Beau James also wrote in to say that he was with Bobby most of the day on Monday. He is getting better.
---Beau James also wrote in to say that he was with Bobby most of the day on Monday. He is getting better.
Flashback April 14, 1980 by Mark James
----I would like to welcome Mark James to the staff of www.rronews.com. James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1. He is currently finishing up Vol 2 and we will have full details on it here when it becomes available. James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – www.memphiswrestlinghistory.com Take a look at the site and enjoy our new “Flashback” writer.
Monday Night April 14, 1980
Here’s the card, 28 years ago this week:
As you look at the card, you’ll quickly notice the absence of one name, Jerry Lawler. “The King”, was a little over 2 months into a broken leg injury. He did try to come back that summer, but ended up further damaging his bad leg. Lawler ended up being out about 11 months before coming back to a full time schedule on Dec 29, 1980.
With Lawler out indefinitely, promoter Jerry Jarrett had to act fast and decide who would be the one chosen to carry the territory? Jarrett’s decision was shocking, but ended up working. The guy he chose was Jerry Lawler’s manager, Jimmy Hart. Everyone knows who Jimmy Hart is now, but back in 1980, that wasn’t the case. A few months earlier, Jimmy had just started managing a heel Jerry Lawler. The interesting thing was Hart never talked during the King’s interviews. He would usually just stand there slightly behind Jerry and cheer him on. In Feb 1980, that all changed. As soon as Jerry Jarrett heard about Lawler’s accident and the extent of it, he gathered the group together (himself, Bill Dundee, Lance Russell, etc) and told Jimmy Hart that the company’s survival depended on him. When I recently talked to Jimmy about this, he couldn’t explain enough how freaked out he was by the whole thing. He went from having no mic time to being included in almost every segment on the weekly Memphis TV show. When I asked Jerry Jarrett about his decision to put Hart on top, he said he knew Jimmy would be successful. Jimmy had worked in the promotion, (behind the scenes) for over a year and had an amazingly positive attitude as well as being very loyal.
It was Jerry Jarrett’s idea for the now famous interview Jimmy Hart gave on that first Sat morning after Lawler broke his leg. It was a classic angle on Memphis Wrestling that is remembered to this day. The announcer, Lance Russell talked about how Jerry Lawler had broken his leg, etc. Lance went on to call out Jimmy Hart to ask how the King was doing. Jimmy Hart comes out and gives the interview of his life. Jimmy tells Lance, “What do you do when a race horse breaks leg… You put him down!” With that one interview, Jimmy Hart was forever engrained in Memphis Wrestling history.
Through out 1980, Jerry Jarrett had a constant array of wrestlers that were brought in to keep the fans interested in wrestling. Some of them were: Billy Robinson, Jimmy Valiant, Bill Dundee, Tommy Rich, Ken Lucas, Paul Ellering, Killer Karl Krupp, Austin Idol, Nick Bockwinkel, Lou Thesz, Dr. Bill Irwin, Tony Atlas and many more.
The card above shows that Jarrett was somewhat successful in his attempts to keep the company thriving. The attendance had nearly 5,000 on this night and for most of the “Lawler-less” year they averaged between 4,000-5,000 people every week.
Order The Book!! CLICK HERE!
Monday Night April 14, 1980
Here’s the card, 28 years ago this week:

With Lawler out indefinitely, promoter Jerry Jarrett had to act fast and decide who would be the one chosen to carry the territory? Jarrett’s decision was shocking, but ended up working. The guy he chose was Jerry Lawler’s manager, Jimmy Hart. Everyone knows who Jimmy Hart is now, but back in 1980, that wasn’t the case. A few months earlier, Jimmy had just started managing a heel Jerry Lawler. The interesting thing was Hart never talked during the King’s interviews. He would usually just stand there slightly behind Jerry and cheer him on. In Feb 1980, that all changed. As soon as Jerry Jarrett heard about Lawler’s accident and the extent of it, he gathered the group together (himself, Bill Dundee, Lance Russell, etc) and told Jimmy Hart that the company’s survival depended on him. When I recently talked to Jimmy about this, he couldn’t explain enough how freaked out he was by the whole thing. He went from having no mic time to being included in almost every segment on the weekly Memphis TV show. When I asked Jerry Jarrett about his decision to put Hart on top, he said he knew Jimmy would be successful. Jimmy had worked in the promotion, (behind the scenes) for over a year and had an amazingly positive attitude as well as being very loyal.
It was Jerry Jarrett’s idea for the now famous interview Jimmy Hart gave on that first Sat morning after Lawler broke his leg. It was a classic angle on Memphis Wrestling that is remembered to this day. The announcer, Lance Russell talked about how Jerry Lawler had broken his leg, etc. Lance went on to call out Jimmy Hart to ask how the King was doing. Jimmy Hart comes out and gives the interview of his life. Jimmy tells Lance, “What do you do when a race horse breaks leg… You put him down!” With that one interview, Jimmy Hart was forever engrained in Memphis Wrestling history.
Through out 1980, Jerry Jarrett had a constant array of wrestlers that were brought in to keep the fans interested in wrestling. Some of them were: Billy Robinson, Jimmy Valiant, Bill Dundee, Tommy Rich, Ken Lucas, Paul Ellering, Killer Karl Krupp, Austin Idol, Nick Bockwinkel, Lou Thesz, Dr. Bill Irwin, Tony Atlas and many more.

Order The Book!! CLICK HERE!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Stacey Cornette Posts About Bobby!!
Stacey posted this on the NWA Legends Board:
Hey guys,
First Jim and I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers about Bobby.Here is some updated news for you all.
Bobby did have a recurrence of a previous heart issue but, is improving and according to a family member at 9pm this evening (4/15).He is scheduled to be transfered out of ICU sometime tomorrow.
No word as of yet of when he will be released so please...keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you again so much,
Stacey Cornette
Hey guys,
First Jim and I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers about Bobby.Here is some updated news for you all.
Bobby did have a recurrence of a previous heart issue but, is improving and according to a family member at 9pm this evening (4/15).He is scheduled to be transfered out of ICU sometime tomorrow.
No word as of yet of when he will be released so please...keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you again so much,
Stacey Cornette
Eaton Update!!
----I just got off the phone with a close friend of Bobby Eaton. He stated that some of the meds that Eaton was taking was the cause of Eaton’s health problems. He said that either Eaton was not taking them right or they were prescribed wrong, but it caused his heartbeat to get out of rhythm. The friend stated that he had spent the night there with Eaton last night and Eaton is doing fine today. They look for him to be released either tomorrow or Thursday.
Bobby Eaton In Hospital!!
----It is being reported on the www.wrestlingclassics.com board that Bobby Eaton is in ICU at Holston Valley Hospital in Kingsport, TN and it stated, “it does not look good for him.” He is having some blood clots and heart problems along with being a diabetic. The best I can find out, Bobby is in the hospital, but I have been told they feel it is not “life threatening”. But, please everyone keep Bobby and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 4.12.08
Winner Gets Last Spot in “The Gauntlet for the Gold” at the Anniversary show...Cody Only def. Cody Murdock,Mike Anthony,Seth Sabre,AC Styles,Christopher Lee. Cody Only will be last man in the gauntlet.
“American Degenerates” [X-Kalibur/Morgan Lane] come out and demanded a title shot since Tim Hanson and Johnny Harper didn't show up. Out come Wild Bill and Demon X and they tell X/Lane “no way” but commissioner Judgment makes Wild Bill and Demon X take Harper and Hanson place in the strap match later in the show and if X/Lane win they get title shot at anniversary show.
Casino Kid def. Seth Sabre
Austin Lane def. Mike Anthony w/ piledriver.
“American Degenerates” def. Wild Bill/Demon X in a strap match and win a title match at anniversary show.
Non-title match: Tommy Wayne def. “Mantastic” Matt Boyce and Ray Ray.
Chuck Fears took on the entire Locker room
Chuck comes to the ring. Out comes Christopher Lee but soon as he gets in Chuck hits him with a cudagra. Next comes Mark Wolfe and Chuck hits him with side effect. Out comes Mike Anthony but Chuck hits him with inverted DDT. Cody Murdock hits the ring and takes over and hits his “baldo bomb” but then leaves to make sure that everybody else gets a piece of Chuck. Next is Cody Only and he spears chuck then hits him with the black hole slam, but puts Chuck on top of him so Chuck has to keep going. Then Matt Boyce comes out and goes for a dropkick but Chuck blocks and puts him in sharpshooter for a tapout. Ray Ray hits the ring takes over but Chuck catches him with boot then the cudagra. Austin Lane is next. Soon as he hits the ring he suplexs Chuck on the floor, hits him with a steel steps and gives him 2 conchairtos and leaves him. Casino comes out and pins Chuck for the win.
----240 in the crowd…This group had compietion of a circus right behind their building almost in the parking lot. All the boys were worried, but as soon it was time for wrestling, then the circus had no customers for their 7:30 PM show. As I have said, give them what they want – they will come out to see it!!...Is Chuck Fears “Stone Cold”?? LOL
Anniversary Show This Saturday night!!
Austin Lane vs. Jerry Lawler
Nikki Lane vs. Traci Brooks
Fatal Fourway Heavyweight Title Match-Chuck Fears(c) vs. Casino Kid vs. Blalok the Blazor vs. Reno Diamond.
“Free for All” for the X-Division Title [ASWF’s version of the ultimate x]-Ray Ray(c) vs. Tommy Wayne vs. Matt Boyce
ASWF Tag Team Championship-Wild Bill/Demon X(c) vs. “American Degenerates”
Scott Fury vs. Justin Smart
“Gauntlet for the Gold”-winner gets a contract for a title shot but the catch is that the winner has to defend the contract 24/7...participants-AC Styles,Cody Only,Mike Anthony,Cody Murdock,Seth Sabre,Mark Wolfe and 2 mystery guests.
“Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock will making an appearance!!
“American Degenerates” [X-Kalibur/Morgan Lane] come out and demanded a title shot since Tim Hanson and Johnny Harper didn't show up. Out come Wild Bill and Demon X and they tell X/Lane “no way” but commissioner Judgment makes Wild Bill and Demon X take Harper and Hanson place in the strap match later in the show and if X/Lane win they get title shot at anniversary show.
Casino Kid def. Seth Sabre
Austin Lane def. Mike Anthony w/ piledriver.
“American Degenerates” def. Wild Bill/Demon X in a strap match and win a title match at anniversary show.
Non-title match: Tommy Wayne def. “Mantastic” Matt Boyce and Ray Ray.
Chuck Fears took on the entire Locker room
Chuck comes to the ring. Out comes Christopher Lee but soon as he gets in Chuck hits him with a cudagra. Next comes Mark Wolfe and Chuck hits him with side effect. Out comes Mike Anthony but Chuck hits him with inverted DDT. Cody Murdock hits the ring and takes over and hits his “baldo bomb” but then leaves to make sure that everybody else gets a piece of Chuck. Next is Cody Only and he spears chuck then hits him with the black hole slam, but puts Chuck on top of him so Chuck has to keep going. Then Matt Boyce comes out and goes for a dropkick but Chuck blocks and puts him in sharpshooter for a tapout. Ray Ray hits the ring takes over but Chuck catches him with boot then the cudagra. Austin Lane is next. Soon as he hits the ring he suplexs Chuck on the floor, hits him with a steel steps and gives him 2 conchairtos and leaves him. Casino comes out and pins Chuck for the win.
----240 in the crowd…This group had compietion of a circus right behind their building almost in the parking lot. All the boys were worried, but as soon it was time for wrestling, then the circus had no customers for their 7:30 PM show. As I have said, give them what they want – they will come out to see it!!...Is Chuck Fears “Stone Cold”?? LOL
Anniversary Show This Saturday night!!
Austin Lane vs. Jerry Lawler
Nikki Lane vs. Traci Brooks
Fatal Fourway Heavyweight Title Match-Chuck Fears(c) vs. Casino Kid vs. Blalok the Blazor vs. Reno Diamond.
“Free for All” for the X-Division Title [ASWF’s version of the ultimate x]-Ray Ray(c) vs. Tommy Wayne vs. Matt Boyce
ASWF Tag Team Championship-Wild Bill/Demon X(c) vs. “American Degenerates”
Scott Fury vs. Justin Smart
“Gauntlet for the Gold”-winner gets a contract for a title shot but the catch is that the winner has to defend the contract 24/7...participants-AC Styles,Cody Only,Mike Anthony,Cody Murdock,Seth Sabre,Mark Wolfe and 2 mystery guests.
“Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock will making an appearance!!
Two Big Shows Tonight!!!

----The Nashville show also includes "Fan participation Lumberjack Strap" Match: Jerry Lynn -vs- Shawn Shultz, NWA Mid-America X Division Title Match: L. T. Falk (Champion) -vs- Shane Smalls (Challenger)Last Man Standing Match: Steve O -vs- Lani Kialoha, Chris Michaels -vs- Big Bully Douglas w/K-9 Kohl, Jon Davis -vs- Damien Payne and more.
----Side Note: I have just confirmed "Picture Perfect" for next Thursday [4.24.08] on "Shooting the Shiznit"!!
RassleResults: RBFE Memphis, TN 4.15.08

Shannon Lee def Soultaker
The Crime def Johnny Morton
“Golden Boy” Greg Anthony w/Lamarrus Brooks[pictured] def Eric Wayne
Dell Tucker def Rockin Randy,Reno Diamondw/Lamarrus Brooks in a 3 way match
Bishop w/Rashard Devon def Chris Lexx
Reggie B. Fine and Brickouse Brown w/Rashard Devon beat Chris Rocker and Neil Taylor vs “Bar None”[Sniper Charlie Parks and V- Man] vs“Asylum”[Psycho and Pappy] in a Four Way tag team elimination match for the RBFE Tag Titles.After the match “Bar None” attacked Reggie and Brickhouse and fight broke out all over between the two teams and the challenge is next week “Bar None” vs Reggie and Brickhouse in an “Anything Goes” match.
Koko B. Ware did an interview and pulled out a stun gun talking about Grandamster Sexy and said next week he is bringing in Kamala The Uganda Giant
Precious did a interview called “Precious’ Beauty Shop” and The Crime was the guest he soon attacked Crime with a vase of flowers after he called Precious a sissy then he took Crime in the ring asked for a ref and pinned him twice in uncomfortable positions(LOL) finally he said 1 more pin and Crime rolled him and won.
Tatt2 beat "The Baron" Malkavain
“Grandmaster Sexy” Brian Christopher def Derrick King w/Rashard Devon to become the Unified champion. Derrick had Bishop,Golden Boy,Rocking Randy to put him on they're shoulders and bring him out and he said he beat Lawler last week (which was a work) for the belt but anyway Brian is the new RBFE Unified champ
----Crowd around 60 to 70 People good show…Next week same place same time with Kamala The Uganda Giant…No mention of PG-13 coming in this week…First ever meeting of TGB vs Eric Wayne – how was it guys??
Monday, April 14, 2008
"Shooting The Shiznit" This Thursday!!!

----I am happy to announce that this coming Thursday I will have two guests for the full hour with "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock and Simon Sermon. "Hollywood" Jimmy will be our first guest talking about our "feud", working as an indy manager and upcoming shows. Sermon is an openly gay pro wrestler and he will talk about stereotypes in pro wrestling and other sports along with contact info & upcoming shows.
RassleResults: Mid-South Wrestling Fort Smith, AR 4.12.08

*Matt Riviera wrestled Global Light Heavyweight
Champion "3-G" Eric Wayne to a 10-minute draw. Wayne
hit a diving head butt off the top rope right at the
10-minute mark. Good match.
*"Bruiser" Rick Sweetan (with Boyd Bradford) beat Mark
*"The New Age Superstar" Gary Gram pinned Kid Nikels.
*Danny Hodge is introduced and takes the mic in the
ring to say a few words. Manager Boyd Bradford's
music hits (Zoot Suit Riot) and he storms to the ring
with "Bruiser" Rick Sweetan. Bradford gets in the ring
and Sweetan stays outside. Bradford takes the mic and
runs down Hodge, then gets ready to leave. He then
takes the mic again and says there's one more thing,
then he swings at Hodge, Hodge dunks, and decks
Bradford knocking him out cold. Sweetan grabs
Bradford by the ankles, drags him from the ring,
throws him over his shoulder, and carries him from the
ring like a dead body. Hilarious!
*Mid-South Tag Team Champions "Reckage & Romance" (Jeff
Jett & Matt Riviera) beat "The Young Guns" (Eric Wayne & Eric Rose) when Jeff pinned Rose with his feet on the ropes.
*International Champion The Atomic Dogg beat Prince Al
*"Dr. Death" Steve Williams beat Shane Rawls. Total
Japanese style main event. Stiff match. The two
traded some very hard forearms. Doc did his football
stance clips that sent Rawls flying. He finally got
Rawls up for the stampede, but the ref caught a boot
and went down. Doc covered Rawls but no ref. Doc
revives the ref but Rawls hits a school boy, but Doc
kicks out at 2. Doc finally hits a stiff clothesline
for the 1-2-3. Good main event.
----250-300...Williams looked great and said he was weighing a legit 275 lbs. now. Danny Hodge was swarmed by fans the entire show...Matt Riviera, who helps promote with Bill Ash for this group, is headed to work for ASWF on May 3 and May 10th. They are bringing him in to work as the "European Champion".
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 4.11.08 - Bagwell Helps Pack The House!!
The show started at 7:30 p.m. with a band called Refuse the Fall playing. Not a bad band! Everyone seemed to enjoy.
In the opening match "The Future" Chris Stiles defeated Vega the Dragon.
Next was a "Lightweight Invitational Tournament" for the TFW Lightweight belt. Participants were LSD (c), Curly Mo, Dirty Sanchez, David Cox, Chris Chaos (who was introduced by Axeman as "Chicken Little"), & Devon Raynes. Winner by pin fall was LSD, who retains the belt.
The Freakshow {Chop the Clown & Vinny the Blade} defeated Chazz Stone & Buzz Harley. This was, hands down, the worst match on the card. Crowd was asleep during the match.
G-Mo Money {with Mo Foundation members Curly Mo & Dirty Rell Mo} defeated J-Kid. Curly & Dirty interfered all through the match, which enabled G-Mo to win.
In a bloody no DQ match Phat Foundation {Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine} defeated Bonecrusher & Cassanova Kid. This was wild, crowd was really into this one.
The semi-main event was billed as a grudge match between former tag team partners DC and Josh Matthews. This was a hard fought match, with DC using every dirty, under handed thing he could think of. Josh ended up on the outside of the ring on the concrete floor, having been beaten down by DC. DC reached under the ring and got a bottle of something (I was told it was alcohol) and poured all of it on Josh. He had a lighter, but he could not get it lit. He charged the announcers booth and tried to get Mama Denise's lighter. TFW GM Randall "Axeman" Lewis stopped the match and called for security to remove DC from the arena. It took four men to carry him, kicking and screaming, out the front door. Matthews was then carried to the back. TFW Promoter "Mama" Denise Blaylock announced that Axeman had ruled the match a "no contest."
The main event was a match to see which faction would get total control of TFW. It was Parental Advisory {"The Studd" Scott Porteau, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Izzy Rotten, & "Ravishing" Ryan SoFine} vs. Team Axeman {Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor, "Extreme" Brett Michaels, Fusion, and Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell}. If Team Axeman wins, Randall Lewis continues as GM of TFW. If PA wins, they get total control of TFW and Lewis is out as GM. The match started off with PA not able to get anything going, with Team Axeman dominating. The tide turned later on, however, and Parental Advisory gained the upper hand and dominated. It looked like Team Axeman was going to be defeated, but finally Buff was tagged in and the tide turned once again. Scott Porteau. along with several others ended up outside the ring. While the referee was distracted trying to restore order, Porteau handed a chair into the ring to Brett Michaels. Brett then hit Izzy Rotten with the chair. This enabled Team Axeman to win the match by pin fall. Apparently Parental Advisory thought they had recruited Brett to their side, but they thought wrong. The crowd went nuts when Team Axeman won the match. Axeman remains GM of TFW.
Capacity Crowd estimated to be 250.
Biggest pop of the night: Fusion (even bigger than Buff got).
Credit: Jack Flash @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
In the opening match "The Future" Chris Stiles defeated Vega the Dragon.
Next was a "Lightweight Invitational Tournament" for the TFW Lightweight belt. Participants were LSD (c), Curly Mo, Dirty Sanchez, David Cox, Chris Chaos (who was introduced by Axeman as "Chicken Little"), & Devon Raynes. Winner by pin fall was LSD, who retains the belt.
The Freakshow {Chop the Clown & Vinny the Blade} defeated Chazz Stone & Buzz Harley. This was, hands down, the worst match on the card. Crowd was asleep during the match.
G-Mo Money {with Mo Foundation members Curly Mo & Dirty Rell Mo} defeated J-Kid. Curly & Dirty interfered all through the match, which enabled G-Mo to win.
In a bloody no DQ match Phat Foundation {Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine} defeated Bonecrusher & Cassanova Kid. This was wild, crowd was really into this one.
The semi-main event was billed as a grudge match between former tag team partners DC and Josh Matthews. This was a hard fought match, with DC using every dirty, under handed thing he could think of. Josh ended up on the outside of the ring on the concrete floor, having been beaten down by DC. DC reached under the ring and got a bottle of something (I was told it was alcohol) and poured all of it on Josh. He had a lighter, but he could not get it lit. He charged the announcers booth and tried to get Mama Denise's lighter. TFW GM Randall "Axeman" Lewis stopped the match and called for security to remove DC from the arena. It took four men to carry him, kicking and screaming, out the front door. Matthews was then carried to the back. TFW Promoter "Mama" Denise Blaylock announced that Axeman had ruled the match a "no contest."
The main event was a match to see which faction would get total control of TFW. It was Parental Advisory {"The Studd" Scott Porteau, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Izzy Rotten, & "Ravishing" Ryan SoFine} vs. Team Axeman {Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor, "Extreme" Brett Michaels, Fusion, and Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell}. If Team Axeman wins, Randall Lewis continues as GM of TFW. If PA wins, they get total control of TFW and Lewis is out as GM. The match started off with PA not able to get anything going, with Team Axeman dominating. The tide turned later on, however, and Parental Advisory gained the upper hand and dominated. It looked like Team Axeman was going to be defeated, but finally Buff was tagged in and the tide turned once again. Scott Porteau. along with several others ended up outside the ring. While the referee was distracted trying to restore order, Porteau handed a chair into the ring to Brett Michaels. Brett then hit Izzy Rotten with the chair. This enabled Team Axeman to win the match by pin fall. Apparently Parental Advisory thought they had recruited Brett to their side, but they thought wrong. The crowd went nuts when Team Axeman won the match. Axeman remains GM of TFW.
Capacity Crowd estimated to be 250.
Biggest pop of the night: Fusion (even bigger than Buff got).
Credit: Jack Flash @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
RassleResults: JWS Booneville, MS 4.12.08
Bonecrusher came out of the back, demanding to know who JWS Commissioner Nathan Lee had brought in to face him. Lee had stated the previous week that he was bringing in someone who had repeatedly beaten Bonecrusher. Out of the back came Soultaker. As soon as Soultaker hit the ring, both men began brawling. It took everyone from the dressing room about 10 minutes to finally to separate them. Nathan Lee then ordered Bonecrusher not to touch Soultaker until the big show 4/18/08 at New Site.
Chazz defeated Danny Morris & Slammer in a 3-way hardcore match.
Damion Rage w/Dustin Burcham defeated JWS Cruiserweight Champion Jay Webster by count out. Webster retains.
Izzy Rotten & Neil Taylor w/Nathan Lee defeated BJ Fuller & Dalton Storm.
24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) defeated Chris Stevens & "Dangerous" David Cox.
Justin Rhodes w/Diamond defeated JWS Champion Buzz Harley by DQ in a non-title match.
Pure Destruction over Blade & Cassanova Kid by DQ. Soultaker came out and attacked Cassanova Kid. Bonecrusher came out to help Cassanova, but was kept from doing so due to Nathan Lee's order that he not touch Soultaker until the New Site show on 4/18. The locker room emptied and Soultaker/PD retreated. They managed to keep Bonecrusher from getting to Soultaker.
Crowd was about 60.
JWS will be at New Site High School Gym THIS Friday night, April 18, 2007. Bell time is 8:00 p.m.
The card will include:
Jerry "The King" Lawler and a mystery partner vs. Izzy Rotten & Neil Taylor. Lawler's partner is a well-known wrestling veteran. He is a former WWE Star, who has been in the ring with the likes of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, & Andre the Giant, to name a few. Who is it? Find out at the show.
Soultaker vs. Bonecrusher... There is no love lost between these two. This promises to be a great match.
Justin Rhodes vs. Buzz Harley for the JWS Heavyweight belt.
Plus a battle royal!
Also on the card: 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler), Cassanova Kid, "Prime Time" Nick Grimes, Jay Webster, and a lot more!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Chazz defeated Danny Morris & Slammer in a 3-way hardcore match.
Damion Rage w/Dustin Burcham defeated JWS Cruiserweight Champion Jay Webster by count out. Webster retains.
Izzy Rotten & Neil Taylor w/Nathan Lee defeated BJ Fuller & Dalton Storm.
24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) defeated Chris Stevens & "Dangerous" David Cox.
Justin Rhodes w/Diamond defeated JWS Champion Buzz Harley by DQ in a non-title match.
Pure Destruction over Blade & Cassanova Kid by DQ. Soultaker came out and attacked Cassanova Kid. Bonecrusher came out to help Cassanova, but was kept from doing so due to Nathan Lee's order that he not touch Soultaker until the New Site show on 4/18. The locker room emptied and Soultaker/PD retreated. They managed to keep Bonecrusher from getting to Soultaker.
Crowd was about 60.
JWS will be at New Site High School Gym THIS Friday night, April 18, 2007. Bell time is 8:00 p.m.
The card will include:
Jerry "The King" Lawler and a mystery partner vs. Izzy Rotten & Neil Taylor. Lawler's partner is a well-known wrestling veteran. He is a former WWE Star, who has been in the ring with the likes of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, & Andre the Giant, to name a few. Who is it? Find out at the show.
Soultaker vs. Bonecrusher... There is no love lost between these two. This promises to be a great match.
Justin Rhodes vs. Buzz Harley for the JWS Heavyweight belt.
Plus a battle royal!
Also on the card: 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler), Cassanova Kid, "Prime Time" Nick Grimes, Jay Webster, and a lot more!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Sunday, April 13, 2008
RassleResults: All Pro Productions - All Three Weekend Shows - 4.11 & 4.12.08

----This was posted on www.wrestlingnewscenter.com by Billy Russ. It also includes the results I posted earlier, but more detail. Photo above was from the the Main Event last night in Bruce. Anton did get some good color.
All Pro Wrestling results 4/11/08 Carthage , Ms.
Jamie Justice Def. Suicide
Kid-J & Candy Man Def. Cameron Valentine & Lil Devil
Max Steel & “Southern Thunder” Chris Kilgore Def. Psycho & Pappy w/ Tony Watts
Anton LeVeigh, Brandon Barbwire & Lil Bit Def. Zander Rains, Jesse James & Ty Rant after the match LeVeigh went on a rampage on all three opponents and after some talking Brandon Barbwire and Lil Bit was able to make him leave the ring side and go back to the dressing room.
C.J. Cash Def. Outlaw J.D. McKay w/ Tony Watts in a bull rope match Special Guest referee was The Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant
150 + in attendance
4/12/08 Senatobia, Ms. Huey White Chevrolet
Anton LeVeigh Def. Chris Styles by DQ When Josh Matthews interfered
Brandon Barbwire Def Josh Matthews by DQ when Styles interfered after the interference a match was made for Styles and Matthews to take on LeVeigh and Bobwire later in the show.
Chris Kilgore, D.J. Stunner & Kid-J Def. Psycho, Pappy and Lil Devil w/Tony Watts after the match Tony Watts said he had a message from Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock to Huey White and Kenny Valiant because he was banned from the show. He found a golf club and walked over to one of Huey Whites cars and proceeded to bash in the front windshield.
Funky Freddie Feel Good Def. Mr. Ebony
Jesse James Def. Cameron Valentine
Anton LeVeigh, Brandon Barbwire w/ Lil bit Def. Chris Styles, Josh Matthews w/Tony Watts
Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell def. "Bad Attitude" w/Tony Watts Special Guest referee was The Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant
4/12/08 Bruce, Ms. National Guard Armory
“Bad Attitude” Tony Dabbs & Lil Devil Def. Jesse James & Kid-J
Funky Freddie Feel Good Def. Mr. Ebony w/ Hollywood Jimmy Special Guest referee was The Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valeant
Cameron Valentine w/ Hollywood Jimmy Def. “Prime Time” Nick Grymes Hollywood Jimmy hit Grymes with a cane and Cameron got the pin
"The Asylum" [Psycho & Pappy] w/Hollywood Jimmy Def. “Cowboy” Chris Frazier & “The Sure Thing” Colton Anderson w/ Cyn. After Psycho, Pappy and Hollywood Jimmy got in the ring, Kenny Valiant was having an exchange of words with Jimmy and then Kenny let Jimmy know that the “Dead Man” would be coming on May 9th and Hollywood would be handcuffed to him to make sure he didn’t interfere in the match. This made the men mad and they jumped Kenny until Chris Frazier & Colton Anderson made the save. About half way through the match Kenny came back to ring side and took the kendo stick from Hollywood and gave it to Cyn. After Kenny left ring side Cyn used the kendo stick on Colton Anderson.
Max Steel w/Hollywood Jimmy Def. Chris Fontaine Special Guest referee was The Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant
Hard Core Main Event with 2 side of the ring ropes wrapped in barbed wire. Anton LeVeigh, Brandon Bobwire w/Lil Bit Def. “The Sons of the South” Chris Styles and Josh Mathews.
200 + in attendance
RassleResults: All Pro Productions 4.12.08
---- Jesse James/Lil J beat Lil Devil/Tony Dabbs…Funky Freddy Feelgood over Mr. Ebony – Special Ref Jimmy Valiant…Nick Grymes over Cameron Valentine with Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock…”Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] with Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock beat Chris Frazier/Colton Anderson with Syn. JV ref – Max Steel with Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock beat Chris Fontaine… Chairs/Ladders/Barbwire Anton LeVeigh/Brandon Barbwire beat “Sons of the South” [Chris Styles/Josh Matthews]
----250 to 300…Syn turned on Frazier/Anderson…Kenny Valiant had Blaylock/Asylum in the ring as the local newspaper lady wanted photos of “ugly” wrestlers LOL…Styles got pissed at the crowd and was cussing at them, because of some stuff they were saying to him. Kenny made him go backstage. Kenny apologized to the fans and told them that Styles was “fired”. Kenny did that to send the fans home happy. Styles will probably return in a mask with Matthews...I should have results from the other two shows this week sometime early this week.
----250 to 300…Syn turned on Frazier/Anderson…Kenny Valiant had Blaylock/Asylum in the ring as the local newspaper lady wanted photos of “ugly” wrestlers LOL…Styles got pissed at the crowd and was cussing at them, because of some stuff they were saying to him. Kenny made him go backstage. Kenny apologized to the fans and told them that Styles was “fired”. Kenny did that to send the fans home happy. Styles will probably return in a mask with Matthews...I should have results from the other two shows this week sometime early this week.
RassleResults: TLCW 4.12.08 - CB WYATT Surprise and Robbie Douglas Returns!!

----I am getting rave reviews from everyone about the main event. Crowd was super hot with some of them actually reading this site and knowing about the accident. They ran an angle for the main event. It was to have included Jimmy Tidwell. He claimed that after last week's show a white SUV very similar to the one Randy Hales drives ran him off the road. As a result, he was unable to compete in the match. According to Jimmy Tidwell, his replacement would be someone who knows and hates Randy Hales and Derrick King. C.B. Wyatt [pictured] came to the ring to payback Randy and Derrick for "holding him back" in Power Pro Wrestling.
----Robbie Douglas returned with no heat from anyone. It was done very professionally with them talking for a few minutes and just moving on with it. Kudos to Douglas and the whole TLCW crew for getting over that hump.
Cody Melton vs. Rockin' Randy was a ruled a draw because both men had their shoulders down.
Handicap Match
Idol Bane/Mark Sterling d. Shannon Lee
Bishop d. Simon Reed
Chris O'Neal/Drew Donovan d. "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony/Dell Tucker
Chris Rocker d. Rude
Albino Rhino/Alex Krisis d.(by DQ) Flash Flannagan/"The Trendsetter" Jon Michael
Baron Malkavain d. Little Chris
"Hot Topic" (Derrick King,Stan Lee)/Randy Hales d. "Black Label Society"(Robbie Douglas,A.J. Bradley)/C.B. Wyatt
----170 to 190 in the crowd.
Tracy Smothers Trouble!!
----The below is being reported on www.gerweck.net and I seen it also post on TVD's board. I have tried to reach Smothers to try to do the special "Shooting the Shiznit", but he has not called back. I am assuming he has decided to not talk publicly about the situation.
GERWECK.NET has learned that Tracy Smothers failed a drug test given at an independent wrestling show in Williamsburg, Kentucky on Saturday night. Smothers, who was to be in the main event, tested positive for marijuana and was not allowed to work. Smothers is now suspended in Kentucky and cannot work until he is brought before the Kentucky regulatory board.
GERWECK.NET has learned that Tracy Smothers failed a drug test given at an independent wrestling show in Williamsburg, Kentucky on Saturday night. Smothers, who was to be in the main event, tested positive for marijuana and was not allowed to work. Smothers is now suspended in Kentucky and cannot work until he is brought before the Kentucky regulatory board.
RassleResults: RWL Newbern, TN 4.11.08

Juicy J d. Erik Hayes
Handicap Match
Tim Alphonso/Jon Roberts d. "Real Deal" Tim Edwards
The Posse (Simon Reed,Lil Chris) d. Shawn Reed/Tommy Redneck
Eric Wayne d. Greg King JR
Kilo d. Shannon Lee
Strap Match with Special Referee "The Trendsetter" Jon Michael
Weasel d. J.D. Rage
----The attendance was about 60-65...This is got to me the "coolest" group in this area - they have guys from all the promotions and work together.
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 4.12.08
Lee Cross & Tank (w/The Diva Lisa Fayzon) b Dyronic & Shawn Hoodrich when Cross borrowed Fayzon's huge necklace and hit Hoodrich with it for the pin
Mexican Dragon b White Tiger and Enigma and Bizarro (w/Charming Charles) when Dragon pinned Bizzaro
ATL Jr. Champion Steven Green b USWO Jr. Champion Damien Payne (w/Blue Amigo) by DQ in a non-title match when Amigo attacked Green as he had applied a Boston Crab on Payne
Richard Lowe (w/Blue Amigo) b Justin Spade
Boy b Bushranger Kelly
New York Gangster & Tommy Capone b Chris Norte & Damien Payne (w/Fetish) to win the ATL Tag Team Championship when Gangster pinned Payne
Big Bully Douglas (w/Charming Charles) b TJ Harley by countout when Douglas DDT'd Harley on the floor and Harley was unable to answer the 10 count and had to be helped to the back
Mexican Dragon b White Tiger and Enigma and Bizarro (w/Charming Charles) when Dragon pinned Bizzaro
ATL Jr. Champion Steven Green b USWO Jr. Champion Damien Payne (w/Blue Amigo) by DQ in a non-title match when Amigo attacked Green as he had applied a Boston Crab on Payne
Richard Lowe (w/Blue Amigo) b Justin Spade
Boy b Bushranger Kelly
New York Gangster & Tommy Capone b Chris Norte & Damien Payne (w/Fetish) to win the ATL Tag Team Championship when Gangster pinned Payne
Big Bully Douglas (w/Charming Charles) b TJ Harley by countout when Douglas DDT'd Harley on the floor and Harley was unable to answer the 10 count and had to be helped to the back
Scott Teal on Jerkin' The Curtain radio Monday April 14th at 10 PM CST
I've been trying to book him for awhile, and the schedule finally worked out. This coming Monday, April 14th at 10 PM central time, noted pro wrestling journalist and author Scott Teal will be the guest on Jerkin' The Curtain radio. Teal will talk about growing up watching Eddie Graham's Florida Championship Wrestling, moving to Nashville and going to work for Nick Gulas, his wonderful "Whatever Happened To..." publications, and now being the co-author of several wrestling books including Ole Anderson's book, JJ Dillon's book, Ivan Koloff's book, and Jody Hamilton's book. He was also the editor of the Bruiser Brody book. We'll take live callers and ask e-mail questions on the air. Should be a great show for any fans of pro wrestling history. Check it out live Monday night, or check out the archive. Trent
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 4.11.08

New York Gangster b Juicy JC Crowe
ATL Jr. Champion Steven Green b Shane Smalls and Lee Cross (w/The Diva Lisa Fayzon) in a 3-way when Green pinned Smalls
Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) b Justin Spade by submission
USWO Jr. Champion Damien Payne (w/Fetish) b Petey Wright
Steve O b Slade
USWO Tag Team Champions Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix b New York Gangster & Michael Jablonski when Quarisma pinned Gangster after hitting him with a can of air freshener
Mitch Ryder [pictured] b Chris Michaels in what was supposed to be a two-ref match for the held-up USWO Championship, but both refs got knocked out and Tim Renesto ran out and hit Michaels with the belt, putting Ryder on top for the pin. Promoter Tony Falk decided to hold up the titles for another week pending the outcome of a 30:00 Iron Man match next week.
---91 in the crowd.
ATTENTION - I am looking for the series of Ryder vs Michaels matches on tape or DVD?? Does anyone tape this stuff?? I also want a copy of the upcoming 30 minute IRON MAN match!! Someone please contact me!!
RassleResults: RCW.Marmaduke, AR. 4.12.08 - NEW CHAMPION CROWNED & LOTS OF DEBUTS

Another newcomer named the Mangler came to the ring and the 1st match began.
Crazy Train beat the Mangler with the "Trail of Tears" to retain his title.
Southside Brawler defeated Mr. Pimptacular in a spectacular match. The end saw Southside go for his superkick and nail it only to have Pimp kick out. Southside set up for another kick but Pimp caught his foot and turned Brawler around into an RKO but only got a 2 count. Pimp picked up Brawler for a death valley driver but Brawler slid down him back and when Pimp turned around Southside caught him with a stiff looking superkick and got the win.
"One Man Wrecking Crew" Tank & "Wildcard" Chris Graham defeated The Hambone Express in a "Street Fight". This match went all over the building and finally came to an end when Tank delivered a big splash from the 2ND rope onto Hambone #1 for the pin.
*RCW Heavyweight Title Match*
Farmer Billy Hills defeated (C) Bonecrusher by DQ - this match had one of the highlights of the night. Farmer went to the top rope to try and deliver his headbutt, but Crusher crotched him across the top turnbuckle. Bonecrusher climbed to the top rope and delivered a superplex that everyone thought broke the ring. Later in the match, Farmer caught Bonecrusher with his "Slop Drop" and made the cover and got the 3 count, but the referee did not see Bonecrushers foot across the bottom rope. The official re-started the match and as soon as the bell rang, Crusher delivered a low blow right in front of the referee causing a disqualification. After the match Crusher got a pair of handcuffs from his leather jacket and handcuffed Farmer to the top rope. Crusher then knocked out the referee and took his belt off and began whipping Farmer across the back a countless # of times before help got to the ring. After help got Farmer free, RCW Commissioner Pappy Lee called Bonecrusher back to the announce table where he announced that at RCW's next show, May 10Th, there will be a fan participation strap match for the heavyweight title between Farmer and reigning champion Bonecrusher. There will be 16 fans chosen to be around ringside all with a leather belt and anyone who gets thrown from the ring to the floor can be whipped. The crowd erupted.
Suicidal Youth vs Deranged vs Shawn Williams vs Urban Soulja vs "Primetime Player" Zane Richards
This match was amazing. Anything you have seen on television in the last year had nothing on what these guys done last night. Besides all the chair shots and that sort of thing, here are some of the key points in the match. As soon as the match started the competitors went for the ladders. Zane threw a ladder at everyone in this contest at least once. Finally the ladder left his hand for the last time when he threw it outside the ring and nailed Suicidal Youth, who was on the floor, in the back of the head. Urban Soulja set up a table on the outside of the ring and placed Deranged on top, then climbed to the top rope and delivered a swanton bomb through the table to the floor. Zane flew over the top rope with a suicide dive onto Youth and Williams who were fighting on the outside. Deranged went for what looked to be an F5 on Urban Soulja, but Soulja countered it with a DDT onto a chair. Zane delivered a piledriver through a chair on Shawn Williams, then a sidewalk slam through another chair on Suicidal Youth. Deranged eliminated Urban Soulja with a move he calls the "Split Personality", which was basically an F5 but with Deranged coming down with his knees in his opponents face. Suicidal Youth sat Shawn Williams in a tree of woe, sat a ladder in front of his face, then delivered a coast to coast that looked brutal. Youth then pinned Williams to eliminate him. Zane superplexed Suicidal Youth through a table before eliminating Suicidal Youth after a vicious sit-down powerbomb onto a ladder. Deranged eliminated Zane after an inverted DDT which put Zane's head through 2 rungs of a ladder. Deranged is the winner of this car wreck and the 1st RCW No Limits Champion.
NOTES: around 60 people in the building. T.W. Justice and Rob Justice no showed. E.Z. Ryder could not be there due to an illness. We wish E.Z. a speedy recovery. Ryan Lee could not be there due to a family illness. Match of the night was hands down the TLC match. Next month, May 10Th, already signed are.....
"Fan Participation Strap Match" for the RC Heavyweight title - Bonecrusher vs Farmer Billy Hills.....No Limits Title Match (C) Deranged vs "Primetime Player" Zane Richards.....No Limits Contenders Match with winner to face champion in June - Suicidal Youth vs Shawn Williams.
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 4.12.08
Spyder def. Vic McNasty
Hardknocks Hooligan def. Wildside by DQ when Ravishing Randy Interfered
TIWF TV Title Match
Danny B. Goode def. Dazzlin’ Dixie to retain the title
X-3 ( Rampage/ Big Boy Bob/Oz) Def. Wykid/ Chico Mendoza/ Chris Jacobs
TIWF Regional Heavyweight Title Match
Dre’ Black© def. Samoan Raja
The Missouri Bad Boys [Mark Southern/Missouri Renegade] wrestled "Locked and Loaded" [Lawman Williams/Tank Turner] to a no contest
----243 in the crowd.
Hardknocks Hooligan def. Wildside by DQ when Ravishing Randy Interfered
TIWF TV Title Match
Danny B. Goode def. Dazzlin’ Dixie to retain the title
X-3 ( Rampage/ Big Boy Bob/Oz) Def. Wykid/ Chico Mendoza/ Chris Jacobs
TIWF Regional Heavyweight Title Match
Dre’ Black© def. Samoan Raja
The Missouri Bad Boys [Mark Southern/Missouri Renegade] wrestled "Locked and Loaded" [Lawman Williams/Tank Turner] to a no contest
----243 in the crowd.
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