50 attended
Saint & Psycho Medic b Dyron Flynn & Bryan Casey when Medic pinned Flynn
USWO Jr. Champion Bad Boy Dixon b Lee Cross
Kliff Hanger b Crusher Eric Hodge
Jeff Daniels b Tim Renesto in a submission match
USWO Tag Team Champions Josh Crowe & Damien Payne b Matt Korbaine & Kevin Dunn when Payne pinned Dunn. Per prematch stipulations, Dunn & Korbaine must split and Dunn must leave USWO
ATL Southern Champion Tommy Mercer b SAW International Champion Kid Kash by DQ when Kash threw a chair at Mercer
LT Falk b Mitch Ryder in a first blood match
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
From The Desk of Brian Tramel
----I would like to first thank everyone for helping us reach the 2.8 million mark here at RRO. We will easily pass the 3 million mark before the 4th year is over and this is from an idea that I originally thought we would get 100 hits a day and we are close to 2000 every day. Thank you for visiting - it is really funny how many people I have met this year that just say “thank you” for doing the site. It sometimes makes me wonder how this area did without a site like this, but at times the workload [labor of love] makes me wonder what would happen if I just gave it all up? Don’t fret – I have no plans of doing that and if I did, then my life would be really boring. LOL
----In a week where the Sexiest Man Alive is announced, “New Moon” debuts and Oprah is talking about canceling her show, I am stuck inside working on TWO books. I usually spend time writing Coach’s Corner, but it has turned into a very busy time at the RRO offices. The Dutch Mantell book along with Yearbook 2009 is two projects that Brian Thompson and I are busy working on. I think a lot of old school fans will enjoy the Mantell book and even some of the young guys – he has some great stories with some good lessons.
----Speaking of Yearbook 2009 and RRO Awards, Jimmy Blaylock always starts early with his awards and gets everyone asking me about the RRO Awards. I will start on 12.09.09 spanning three weeks with an feature titled “Road to the RRO”, which will review all the categories of the infamous RRO Awards, including a new very special award!! On 12.31.09, I hope to have a special edition of the radio show “Shooting the Shiznit” announcing all the nominees and then from January 1 to January 10, 2010 you will have “10 to Vote” for the RRO Awards 2009!!
----Thanks again and keep telling your friends about www.rasslinriotonline.com!!
----In a week where the Sexiest Man Alive is announced, “New Moon” debuts and Oprah is talking about canceling her show, I am stuck inside working on TWO books. I usually spend time writing Coach’s Corner, but it has turned into a very busy time at the RRO offices. The Dutch Mantell book along with Yearbook 2009 is two projects that Brian Thompson and I are busy working on. I think a lot of old school fans will enjoy the Mantell book and even some of the young guys – he has some great stories with some good lessons.
----Speaking of Yearbook 2009 and RRO Awards, Jimmy Blaylock always starts early with his awards and gets everyone asking me about the RRO Awards. I will start on 12.09.09 spanning three weeks with an feature titled “Road to the RRO”, which will review all the categories of the infamous RRO Awards, including a new very special award!! On 12.31.09, I hope to have a special edition of the radio show “Shooting the Shiznit” announcing all the nominees and then from January 1 to January 10, 2010 you will have “10 to Vote” for the RRO Awards 2009!!
----Thanks again and keep telling your friends about www.rasslinriotonline.com!!
The Dynamite Blast with "Dynamite" Seth Knight
Its Friday again which can mean only one thing….Its time for me to write out my thoughts on the RRO happenings of the week. Not a lot of columns this week but two of the most positive you will see on this website. Plus a cool picture of the week!
Here at RRO we like to keep everything straight forward and not joke around too much, just report the news. That being said I think we are all going to enjoy this week's “Dynamite Blast” Lets get started.
I always enjoy reading Bruno’s writing; He keeps it short and simple and adds a lot of knowledge to this website. Plus he’s a pretty damn cool guy. This week he writes about three very different but very talented guys. Those guys being Alan Steele, Justin Smart, and Scott Fury!
I can't say I know a lot about Scott myself but I always hear good things. Hard worker, great attitude. I would be happy to work with him sometime if he is half the guy everyone says he is. Justin Smart, Or “The Juice” as he is called, is a great guy as well. He works hard in the ring and is easy to get along with outside of it. I recently worked him at N.E.W. and enjoyed it. Light on his feet, fast paced, makes you work to keep up. Alan Steele, I’ve known Alan my entire wrestling career. Ten years. He doesn’t play much when he’s in the ring but he’s a funny guy when he’s not in the ring. He takes wrestling very serious and puts a lot into it. Just because he or these other guys aren’t working dark matches or Raw doesn’t mean they couldn’t be, It just means they aren’t right now. They have what it takes, simple as that.
Greg Anthony's article this week is about the “St. Jude Cup” that took place last week. I heard it went well and they raised some money for the cause and that’s great to hear. Tgb started his article by saying….
“Some of you may have noticed my intentional stab at having a positive article. Not the normal gripe fest or heat magnet that some people try to have”
He is correct. His column is always positive. It’s a good thing to have in such a negative reinforced world.
Losing a child to cancer or to anything else would be a earth-shattering, life altering event that I could probably never make it through. I love my kids and would never want anyone to have to experience anything like that. Those guys really did a great thing being in that show and thanks should go out to all of us with kids, to Jon Michael for going out of his way to make that show happen. So from me to JM I want to say great job, and I am glad I have you as a friend.
Albino Rhino…..Myles, I just want you to know I lost my dad two months ago and it was the hardest thing I’ve had to go through. But I did make it through, and I know you will too. I’m very sorry to hear about your dads passing. Prayers go out to you brother.
I love these pictures of the week. I’m just waiting to take a pic cool enough to get on here. Last time I got a pic on here I had to lose an ear. Hopefully next time I won't have to go down like that to get on the site lol.
I found a cool fanny pack for a former wrestler he could have used while working for WWF.

And for guys who get too much heat like Derrick King we have this fanny pack.

Lane and Bane aren’t the only guys who like fanny packs. Eric Wayne and I think they are cool too.

I had a blast this week, I may make the stupid pictures and every week thing. Let me know what you think on the kayfabe board. Im out!
Here at RRO we like to keep everything straight forward and not joke around too much, just report the news. That being said I think we are all going to enjoy this week's “Dynamite Blast” Lets get started.
I always enjoy reading Bruno’s writing; He keeps it short and simple and adds a lot of knowledge to this website. Plus he’s a pretty damn cool guy. This week he writes about three very different but very talented guys. Those guys being Alan Steele, Justin Smart, and Scott Fury!
I can't say I know a lot about Scott myself but I always hear good things. Hard worker, great attitude. I would be happy to work with him sometime if he is half the guy everyone says he is. Justin Smart, Or “The Juice” as he is called, is a great guy as well. He works hard in the ring and is easy to get along with outside of it. I recently worked him at N.E.W. and enjoyed it. Light on his feet, fast paced, makes you work to keep up. Alan Steele, I’ve known Alan my entire wrestling career. Ten years. He doesn’t play much when he’s in the ring but he’s a funny guy when he’s not in the ring. He takes wrestling very serious and puts a lot into it. Just because he or these other guys aren’t working dark matches or Raw doesn’t mean they couldn’t be, It just means they aren’t right now. They have what it takes, simple as that.
Greg Anthony's article this week is about the “St. Jude Cup” that took place last week. I heard it went well and they raised some money for the cause and that’s great to hear. Tgb started his article by saying….
“Some of you may have noticed my intentional stab at having a positive article. Not the normal gripe fest or heat magnet that some people try to have”
He is correct. His column is always positive. It’s a good thing to have in such a negative reinforced world.
Losing a child to cancer or to anything else would be a earth-shattering, life altering event that I could probably never make it through. I love my kids and would never want anyone to have to experience anything like that. Those guys really did a great thing being in that show and thanks should go out to all of us with kids, to Jon Michael for going out of his way to make that show happen. So from me to JM I want to say great job, and I am glad I have you as a friend.
Albino Rhino…..Myles, I just want you to know I lost my dad two months ago and it was the hardest thing I’ve had to go through. But I did make it through, and I know you will too. I’m very sorry to hear about your dads passing. Prayers go out to you brother.
I love these pictures of the week. I’m just waiting to take a pic cool enough to get on here. Last time I got a pic on here I had to lose an ear. Hopefully next time I won't have to go down like that to get on the site lol.
I found a cool fanny pack for a former wrestler he could have used while working for WWF.
And for guys who get too much heat like Derrick King we have this fanny pack.
Lane and Bane aren’t the only guys who like fanny packs. Eric Wayne and I think they are cool too.
I had a blast this week, I may make the stupid pictures and every week thing. Let me know what you think on the kayfabe board. Im out!
RassleResults: XOW Hernando, MS 11.14.09
----D-Rock posted a xxx large report on www.wrestlingnewscenter.com from last Saturday's XOW show. The show seem to be fun with Leslie Jones making a surprise appearance. I always liked the Jones character on IWF TV. The stuff with the Mississippi Athletic Commission as an attempt as a shoot just seem like some bad Vince Russo TV. [CLICK HERE] and take a look at my Coach's Corner "Worrying About The Jones" - Tony Watts needs to worry about his promotion instead of trying to take lame shots at IWA and Memphis Wrestling.
Al Hall kicked off the night by welcoming everyone to XOW in Hernando. Al announced that XOW will be returning to The Inferno in Memphis on December 4th.
Al Hall was ready to get things underway, when, suddenly, Joey Lynn came out and grabbed the mic. Joey Lynn said that he works for the Mississippi Athletic Commission and called out XOW Promoter Tony Watts. He told Tony that he was suppose to have his paperwork turned in by November 1st in order to run the show, but he did not receive it. Tony said that it was mailed. Joey Lynn added that there's also been accusations, regarding wrongdoings in XOW, concerning wrestling without licenses. Tony told Joey that he interrupted his show. Joey said that he's got the authority to do that. Tony said Joey was just like the idiots on the messageboards that think he is nothing more than a stupid mark. Tony told Joey that he hates his guts and introduced someone else that hates him just as much as he does. Chris Styles ran in and attacked Joey Lynn. Afterwards, Tony Watts said, "I am legit. I run a legit organization. And tell everybody in the Mississippi Athletic Commission to leave me alone." Joey told Tony that he will see him after the show.
Following the shoot, Neil "The Real" Deal" Taylor, Mickey Ray, Max Steele and Trey came down to the ring, announcing that today is "Hollywood" Jimmy's birthday. They introduced the birthday boy. "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock came out, informing everyone that he's now twenty-two years old. "Hollywood" asked where Danny B. was and demanded that he joined them in the ring. Danny B. came out to join the festivities. Then, it was time for "Hollywood" to receive his gifts that the members of The Hollywood Clique had brought him. The first gift was a coffee mug with bottom's down written on it. I believe it was shaped like a butt, as well. "Hollywood" lashed out, screaming at everyone because they thought he was old. He grabbed the coffee mug and threw it out of the ring, breaking it into bits on the concrete floor at ringside. The next gift was a prepaid cell phone. However, "Hollywood" thought this was a slap in the face because it made him feel like he was poor. "Hollywood" yelled, "I'm not poor! Who's idea was this?" "Hollywood" tossed the phone out of the ring, as well, smashing it. Next, Max Steele said that he had to put this next gift on his Dillard's credit card. It was deodorant. Once, again, "Hollywood" flew off the handle, thinking they thought he stunk. "Hollywood" yelled, "I don't stink" and threw the deodorant out of the ring. The best part about this was that Mickey Ray, immediately, ran outside the ring and picked up the deodorant, taking it to the back. Everybody got a kick out of that. Al Hall got "Hollywood" a membership to the HQ Gym. Uh oh! "Hollywood" asked Al, "Are you saying I'm fat? I don't appreciate that!" "Hollywood" would go on to ask Danny B. where his gift was. Danny told "Hollywood" that his present is on the way and he's going to love it. "Hollywood" told the fans, "You people shut up and sing Happy Birthday to me!" Neil Taylor demanded everyone to stand up and give Jimmy a round of applause because it's Jimmy's birthday. "And the Wrestling News Center people don't count!"
The Wrecking Crew (Colton Anderson & Dwayne Red) made their way to the ring and called out The Hollywood Clique. Neil Taylor and "Hollywood" Jimmy came back out and introduced the newest member of The Hollywood Clique, ANT (Amazing Natural Talent).
Opening Match-The Wrecking Crew (Colton Anderson & Dwayne Red) vs Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor & ANT (Amazing Natural Talent), managed by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock-Referee Chris P. Fries-"Hollywood" told a young fan at ringside, "You got greasy hair! You need to wash it, little girl!" Awww snap! When the action in the ring got underway, Colton slapped the taste out of Neil's mouth. Neil told the crowd to hush. After, "hush" didn't work he said, "fine then". Neil would trip and fall on the gymnastics mat around ringside. Al Hall noted that Referee Chris P. Fries was in a bad mood, saying, "Somebody must have ate his Corn Flakes or something." Big back drop by Colton on ANT. Red in with a snap suplex. Double hiptoss by the Wrecking Crew on ANT. ANT swapped out with Neil. Neil in, choking Red. Red fought back, but Neil stopped him by raking the eyes. ANT all over Red in the ropes while Referee Chris P. Fries held Colton back. "Hollywood" Jimmy was charging fans five dollars for taking a picture of him. Red with a sunset flip on Neil for a two count. Neil fired back with a clothesline. ANT caught Red in the business. ANT went up to the top-rope, flying off with an "Amazing" corkscrew moonsault, but he missed his target as Red got out of the way. Neil back in. Neil and Red punch back and forth. Big clothesline by Red on Neil. Again, Red made the tag to Colton, but Referee Chris P. Fries didn't see it. ANT connected with a big spinning heel kick. Colton ran in to break up the count. ANT and Neil swapped out. "Hollywood" Jimmy joined Al Hall at the announce table. Meanwhile, in the ring, the crowd got behind Red. A double clothesline sent both men down. Red, finally, managed to make the hot tag to Colton. While Red and ANT went at it outside the ring, Colton rolled up Neil with a schoolboy to get the win in the squared circle. Your winners, Colton Anderson and Dwayne Red, The Wrecking Crew!
Following the match, "Hollywood" Jimmy and Neil Taylor accused them of pulling the tights and wanted five more minutes. Neil went on the record stating, "I give them five minutes. If they beat me, I'll leave Hernando, forever!" The Wrecking Crew accepted, so the match restarted. The Wrecking Crew defeated Neil Taylor and ANT, instantly, with double sunset flips. Your winners, Colton Anderson and Dwayne Red, The Wrecking Crew! Neil stuck to his word, saying, "I will leave Hernando forever and not come back."
Al Hall thanked our brave military and veterans for ensuring our freedom that we are so blessed and fortunate to have. He also mentioned how the families of the Fort Hood victims are in our sincere thoughts and prayers at this time.
2nd Match-Max Steele, accompanied by "Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock vs Drew Donovan-Referee Chris P. Fries pushed Max Steele down prior to the match beginning. Drew took it to Steele. Drew flew off the top to the outside on Max. Drew would also smash Max into the Al's announce table almost spilling his Route 44 Cherry Limeade. Fist drop by Drew. Max caught Drew with a big powerslam. Max would follow this up with a gorilla press slam on Drew. "Hollywood" choked Drew in the ropes. Al Hall said he wanted to get an interview with the little girl in the front row, before the show was over because she wasn't backing down from nobody. "Hollywood" Jimmy attacked Drew Donovan on the floor. Max delivered a "Big Poppa Pump" elbow on Drew. Max attempted another gorilla press slam, but this time Drew slipped out with a sunset flip. A few moments later, Drew reversed a suplex. Both men down. Elbow by Drew, but wouldn't be enough as Max Steele would catch Drew with a spear to get the win. Your winner, Max Steele! After the match, "Hollywood" Jimmy said, "Max Steele just told him that if they don't show him respect, he's not coming back!"
Al Hall informed everyone that his broadcast partner, "The Mayor" Oscar Barlow left him high and dry for the night to go see some country singer, singing about a tractor. Al Hall interviewed the little girl in the crowd. She said that Al was her favorite announcer and Chris Styles was her favorite wrestler.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor came back out, saying, "Everybody shut up and listen to me!" Neil said that earlier they introduced ANT as the newest member of The Hollywood Clique and "That big goof cost me to lose so I can't come back here!" Neil challenged ANT to a match. ANT accepted and told Neil, "You can run your mouth, but the whole reason why we lost is because you're fat. Because you were on the apron winded and suffering from a lack of oxygen deprivation!"
3rd Match-Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor vs ANT (Amazing Natural Talent)-Joey Lynn was referee for this match-Before things got started, Neil told the people, "I'm gonna give you people one more chance to cheer for me. Don't screw it up!" Neil Taylor jumped up on the turnbuckle to a symphony of boos. As ANT was getting ready to climb up on one of the other turnbuckles, Neil jumped him from behind. Oh yeah! ANT was representing us, rocking the Wrestling News Center t-shirt. Good Call! Neil Taylor was wearing his Neil Taylor is TOUGHER than CHUCK NORRIS t-shirt. ANT bashed Neil's head into the turnbuckle. Big right hand by ANT. Al noted that "Hollywood" Jimmy wasn't at ringside, saying, "Jimmy was probley at some China Buffet, eating some octopus." Neil choked ANT with his wrist tape. ANT with a big clothesline. Neil choked ANT in the corner. Neil missed a splash in the corner, when ANT dodged out of the way, catching Neil with a schoolboy to get the win. Your winner, ANT! If you're keeping count, Neil Taylor has lost three matches so far. Al Hall warned Neil, "Do not go to the casino." Neil kicked the wall, hurting his foot on his way to the back. Not a good night for Neil.
Tony Watts said that "Hollywood" Jimmy is probley at the Krispy Kreme in Southaven." "Hollywood" Jimmy walked out, saying, "First of all!" He turned around and walked back because he wasn't pleased with the response he got. "Hollywood" told Tony, "Nobody is talking to you, Banana Nose!" "Hollywood" went on to tell one fan, "You scare the hell out of me with that face, woman!"
"Hollywood" ordered Danny B. to come out so he could get his birthday present. Danny B. came to the ring. Danny and "Hollywood" actually danced in the ring to Danny's "Do you want a Revolution? Woop! Woop!" What a sight that was. Danny introduced "Hollywood's" gift. It was none other, than "Mr. Sensational" Leslie Jones. "Mr. Sensational" introduced himself, stating that he's a professional Elvis Tribute Artist and that you can see him every Friday at 7 at the Pig on Beale. Leslie stopped Jimmy saying, "I know where you're going with that, but by the looks of that belly, that belly has seen a lot of cake." Jones informed everyone that he used to run a wrestling promotion in Tupelo, Mississippi a few years ago, by the name of IWF and that "Hollywood" Jimmy begged him to be a part of that show. Leslie Jones asked "Hollywood" Jimmy to let Danny wrestle any member of The Hollywood Clique. "Hollywood" responded, by saying, "He is the ugliest Elvis I've ever seen in my life! First of all, it's not happening, Danny!" Leslie said, "It sounds like Hollywood is chicken." Danny assured Jimmy, "If I lose, I'll resign for one more year, but if I beat you, the next time he will have to wear a chicken suit." Chicken chants started, directed at "Hollywood". XOW Heavyweight Champion, Mickey Ray, came out. The deal was made.
4th Match-Danny B. Good with "Mr. Sensational" Leslie Jones in his corner vs Mickey Ray, managed by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock-The match stipulations were if Danny B. loses, he has to resign his contract with "Hollywood" Jimmy, but if Danny wins, he gets out of his contract with "Hollywood" and "Hollywood" Jimmy has to wear a chicken suit at the next show. Danny B. with a Curt Hennig neck twist out of the corner. Mickey Ray kicked Danny in the kidneys. Al gave us the lowdown, "If you kids don't know where the kidneys are located, that's where he is kicking him. Anatomy 101 by Al Hall." Mickey locked Danny up like a pretzel. Mickey threw Danny out of the ring. "Mr. Sensational" hit "Hollywood" in the back. "Hollywood" yelled, "You, son of a bitch!" Danny B. fought back. Mickey choked Danny with a chain, while Referee Chris P. Fries was tied up with "Hollywood". Danny B. jumped out on Mickey. While on the outside, Danny hit Mickey with a glove that he pulled out from under the ring. Danny landed some leg drops. Lowblow by Mickey Ray, slowed Danny down. Mickey Ray locked in a sleeperhold on Danny. Danny broke loose, but caught a knee to the mid-section. Danny with a clothesline. Mickey hit Danny when he jumped off. "Hollywood" started singing, "At the carwash" because he said that Danny was going to wash his car after Danny loses the match. Another sleeper was applied by Mickey. Chinbreaker by Danny. Mickey and "Hollywood" collided with Danny rolling up Mickey to get the win. Your winner, Danny B.! So Danny got out of his contract with "Hollywood" and "Hollywood" Jimmy now has to wear a chicken suit at the next show. Following the match, Mickey Ray told Jimmy that he's glad he lost because Jimmy will now have to be a chicken. Danny B. said, "You just been hit by The Revolution!" A livid "Hollywood" Jimmy threw a trash can at "Mr. Sensational".
Al announced that on January 9th, XOW will be returning to Hernando, Mississippi at the ConXion Gymnastics Center.
December 4th, XOW returns to The Inferno in Memphis, TN-Located at 4069 Hwy 78
Al also did a great job of plugging us here at the Wrestling News Center.
"The Future" Chris Styles and Tony Watts came out. Chris said the place looked like a "gay gym". Tony Watts stated, "I can't help it that some of the idiots are jealous of XOW. Joey Lynn, Sammy Hall, Memphis Wrestling, IWA, they are all jealous." Joey Lynn introduced DJ Stunner as the opponent for Chris Styles. Chris told the little girl, Emily, that she was his favorite wrestler. A few moments later, Chris screamed at one little boy to sit down as he was walking to his seat. Chris also got on to some of the kids sitting in the front row.
Main Event-"The Future" Chris Styles with Tony Watts vs DJ Stunner-Special Referee Joey Lynn-Chris and DJ locked up with DJ backing Chris into the corner. Chris said that DJ was in his mohawk. Chris wanted a test of strength. When DJ went to lock up, Chris poked him in the eyes. Chris hit DJ, as Al said, "Just south of the border". Chris put DJ in a headlock, telling Joey Lynn that he was giving him CPR. Chris missed a leg drop. While DJ was on the outside, Tony Watts took a screwdriver to him. Chris applied a camel clutch to try and make DJ humble. DJ would fire back with a swift kick. DJ faked Chris out and then leaped outside the ring on him. Chris springboarded inside the ring, nailing DJ with a clothesline. Styles dropped Stunner's neck over the top-rope as he flew to the floor. Styles would also powerbomb Stunner on the gymnastics mat. Chris speared DJ on the concrete floor and threw into Al's chair. Chris hit DJ with the ring bell and picked up the table, smashing him with it. Back in the ring, DJ would come back with a clothesline and rollup, but Tony Watts pulled at Referee Joey Lynn's foot to break the count. DJ Stunner with a split leg moonsault off the top-rope, but Chris got his knees up. Chris attempted a GTS, but DJ countered with a rollup. Chris missed a swanton. DJ went to the top, but Chris shoved Referee Joey Lynn into the ropes, knocking DJ down. Superplex by Chris on DJ. DJ ducked a superkick from Chris with Chris nailing Referee Joey Lynn. Then, Tony Watts attacked Joey Lynn. Chris hit the Canadian Destroyer on DJ. Referee Chris P. Fries ran in to make the three count. Your winner, Chris Styles!
Following the match, Tony Watts told Joey Lynn, "You can send this message to Memphis Wrestling, IWA and Sammy Hall and tell them to kiss my butt!" Chris Styles said this is what's going to happen on December 4th. Chris and Tony took Joey Lynn outside and then, Chris brought Joey back in the ring, executing an F-5 on the steel chair. Tony Watts confirmed that XOW specializes in Mayhem and Madness. Everything we do is legit. Gonna do what I want, when I want." A beaten down Joey Lynn was able to challenge Tony Watts to a Falls Count Anywhere/Bar Room Brawl match for December 4th at The Inferno. Chris Styles to Al Hall: "Tell all the fat women, they can come." Al Hall replied, "I'll take them fat or small. It don't matter to me." DJ Stunner was made special referee for the upcoming battle. So, on December 4th, at The Inferno (Old Cactus Jack building) in Memphis, it's going to be Tony Watts versus Joey Lynn with DJ Stunner as the Special Referee.
Al Hall wrapped up the show, by thanking everyone for coming out. Good crowd. They had to bring in a few of the church pews because they ran out of chairs.
Don't forget, on January 9th, XOW will be returning to Hernando, Mississippi at the ConXion Gymnastics Center.
December 4th, XOW returns to The Inferno in Memphis, TN-Located at 4069 Hwy 78
Don't miss any of the Xtreme Outlaw Wrestling action because you never know what's going to happen and who's gonna show up at XOW because XOW Specializes in Mayhem and Madness!!!
Be on the lookout for all of Tia's great pictures from this show!
Al Hall kicked off the night by welcoming everyone to XOW in Hernando. Al announced that XOW will be returning to The Inferno in Memphis on December 4th.
Al Hall was ready to get things underway, when, suddenly, Joey Lynn came out and grabbed the mic. Joey Lynn said that he works for the Mississippi Athletic Commission and called out XOW Promoter Tony Watts. He told Tony that he was suppose to have his paperwork turned in by November 1st in order to run the show, but he did not receive it. Tony said that it was mailed. Joey Lynn added that there's also been accusations, regarding wrongdoings in XOW, concerning wrestling without licenses. Tony told Joey that he interrupted his show. Joey said that he's got the authority to do that. Tony said Joey was just like the idiots on the messageboards that think he is nothing more than a stupid mark. Tony told Joey that he hates his guts and introduced someone else that hates him just as much as he does. Chris Styles ran in and attacked Joey Lynn. Afterwards, Tony Watts said, "I am legit. I run a legit organization. And tell everybody in the Mississippi Athletic Commission to leave me alone." Joey told Tony that he will see him after the show.
Following the shoot, Neil "The Real" Deal" Taylor, Mickey Ray, Max Steele and Trey came down to the ring, announcing that today is "Hollywood" Jimmy's birthday. They introduced the birthday boy. "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock came out, informing everyone that he's now twenty-two years old. "Hollywood" asked where Danny B. was and demanded that he joined them in the ring. Danny B. came out to join the festivities. Then, it was time for "Hollywood" to receive his gifts that the members of The Hollywood Clique had brought him. The first gift was a coffee mug with bottom's down written on it. I believe it was shaped like a butt, as well. "Hollywood" lashed out, screaming at everyone because they thought he was old. He grabbed the coffee mug and threw it out of the ring, breaking it into bits on the concrete floor at ringside. The next gift was a prepaid cell phone. However, "Hollywood" thought this was a slap in the face because it made him feel like he was poor. "Hollywood" yelled, "I'm not poor! Who's idea was this?" "Hollywood" tossed the phone out of the ring, as well, smashing it. Next, Max Steele said that he had to put this next gift on his Dillard's credit card. It was deodorant. Once, again, "Hollywood" flew off the handle, thinking they thought he stunk. "Hollywood" yelled, "I don't stink" and threw the deodorant out of the ring. The best part about this was that Mickey Ray, immediately, ran outside the ring and picked up the deodorant, taking it to the back. Everybody got a kick out of that. Al Hall got "Hollywood" a membership to the HQ Gym. Uh oh! "Hollywood" asked Al, "Are you saying I'm fat? I don't appreciate that!" "Hollywood" would go on to ask Danny B. where his gift was. Danny told "Hollywood" that his present is on the way and he's going to love it. "Hollywood" told the fans, "You people shut up and sing Happy Birthday to me!" Neil Taylor demanded everyone to stand up and give Jimmy a round of applause because it's Jimmy's birthday. "And the Wrestling News Center people don't count!"
The Wrecking Crew (Colton Anderson & Dwayne Red) made their way to the ring and called out The Hollywood Clique. Neil Taylor and "Hollywood" Jimmy came back out and introduced the newest member of The Hollywood Clique, ANT (Amazing Natural Talent).
Opening Match-The Wrecking Crew (Colton Anderson & Dwayne Red) vs Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor & ANT (Amazing Natural Talent), managed by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock-Referee Chris P. Fries-"Hollywood" told a young fan at ringside, "You got greasy hair! You need to wash it, little girl!" Awww snap! When the action in the ring got underway, Colton slapped the taste out of Neil's mouth. Neil told the crowd to hush. After, "hush" didn't work he said, "fine then". Neil would trip and fall on the gymnastics mat around ringside. Al Hall noted that Referee Chris P. Fries was in a bad mood, saying, "Somebody must have ate his Corn Flakes or something." Big back drop by Colton on ANT. Red in with a snap suplex. Double hiptoss by the Wrecking Crew on ANT. ANT swapped out with Neil. Neil in, choking Red. Red fought back, but Neil stopped him by raking the eyes. ANT all over Red in the ropes while Referee Chris P. Fries held Colton back. "Hollywood" Jimmy was charging fans five dollars for taking a picture of him. Red with a sunset flip on Neil for a two count. Neil fired back with a clothesline. ANT caught Red in the business. ANT went up to the top-rope, flying off with an "Amazing" corkscrew moonsault, but he missed his target as Red got out of the way. Neil back in. Neil and Red punch back and forth. Big clothesline by Red on Neil. Again, Red made the tag to Colton, but Referee Chris P. Fries didn't see it. ANT connected with a big spinning heel kick. Colton ran in to break up the count. ANT and Neil swapped out. "Hollywood" Jimmy joined Al Hall at the announce table. Meanwhile, in the ring, the crowd got behind Red. A double clothesline sent both men down. Red, finally, managed to make the hot tag to Colton. While Red and ANT went at it outside the ring, Colton rolled up Neil with a schoolboy to get the win in the squared circle. Your winners, Colton Anderson and Dwayne Red, The Wrecking Crew!
Following the match, "Hollywood" Jimmy and Neil Taylor accused them of pulling the tights and wanted five more minutes. Neil went on the record stating, "I give them five minutes. If they beat me, I'll leave Hernando, forever!" The Wrecking Crew accepted, so the match restarted. The Wrecking Crew defeated Neil Taylor and ANT, instantly, with double sunset flips. Your winners, Colton Anderson and Dwayne Red, The Wrecking Crew! Neil stuck to his word, saying, "I will leave Hernando forever and not come back."
Al Hall thanked our brave military and veterans for ensuring our freedom that we are so blessed and fortunate to have. He also mentioned how the families of the Fort Hood victims are in our sincere thoughts and prayers at this time.
2nd Match-Max Steele, accompanied by "Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock vs Drew Donovan-Referee Chris P. Fries pushed Max Steele down prior to the match beginning. Drew took it to Steele. Drew flew off the top to the outside on Max. Drew would also smash Max into the Al's announce table almost spilling his Route 44 Cherry Limeade. Fist drop by Drew. Max caught Drew with a big powerslam. Max would follow this up with a gorilla press slam on Drew. "Hollywood" choked Drew in the ropes. Al Hall said he wanted to get an interview with the little girl in the front row, before the show was over because she wasn't backing down from nobody. "Hollywood" Jimmy attacked Drew Donovan on the floor. Max delivered a "Big Poppa Pump" elbow on Drew. Max attempted another gorilla press slam, but this time Drew slipped out with a sunset flip. A few moments later, Drew reversed a suplex. Both men down. Elbow by Drew, but wouldn't be enough as Max Steele would catch Drew with a spear to get the win. Your winner, Max Steele! After the match, "Hollywood" Jimmy said, "Max Steele just told him that if they don't show him respect, he's not coming back!"
Al Hall informed everyone that his broadcast partner, "The Mayor" Oscar Barlow left him high and dry for the night to go see some country singer, singing about a tractor. Al Hall interviewed the little girl in the crowd. She said that Al was her favorite announcer and Chris Styles was her favorite wrestler.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor came back out, saying, "Everybody shut up and listen to me!" Neil said that earlier they introduced ANT as the newest member of The Hollywood Clique and "That big goof cost me to lose so I can't come back here!" Neil challenged ANT to a match. ANT accepted and told Neil, "You can run your mouth, but the whole reason why we lost is because you're fat. Because you were on the apron winded and suffering from a lack of oxygen deprivation!"
3rd Match-Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor vs ANT (Amazing Natural Talent)-Joey Lynn was referee for this match-Before things got started, Neil told the people, "I'm gonna give you people one more chance to cheer for me. Don't screw it up!" Neil Taylor jumped up on the turnbuckle to a symphony of boos. As ANT was getting ready to climb up on one of the other turnbuckles, Neil jumped him from behind. Oh yeah! ANT was representing us, rocking the Wrestling News Center t-shirt. Good Call! Neil Taylor was wearing his Neil Taylor is TOUGHER than CHUCK NORRIS t-shirt. ANT bashed Neil's head into the turnbuckle. Big right hand by ANT. Al noted that "Hollywood" Jimmy wasn't at ringside, saying, "Jimmy was probley at some China Buffet, eating some octopus." Neil choked ANT with his wrist tape. ANT with a big clothesline. Neil choked ANT in the corner. Neil missed a splash in the corner, when ANT dodged out of the way, catching Neil with a schoolboy to get the win. Your winner, ANT! If you're keeping count, Neil Taylor has lost three matches so far. Al Hall warned Neil, "Do not go to the casino." Neil kicked the wall, hurting his foot on his way to the back. Not a good night for Neil.
Tony Watts said that "Hollywood" Jimmy is probley at the Krispy Kreme in Southaven." "Hollywood" Jimmy walked out, saying, "First of all!" He turned around and walked back because he wasn't pleased with the response he got. "Hollywood" told Tony, "Nobody is talking to you, Banana Nose!" "Hollywood" went on to tell one fan, "You scare the hell out of me with that face, woman!"
"Hollywood" ordered Danny B. to come out so he could get his birthday present. Danny B. came to the ring. Danny and "Hollywood" actually danced in the ring to Danny's "Do you want a Revolution? Woop! Woop!" What a sight that was. Danny introduced "Hollywood's" gift. It was none other, than "Mr. Sensational" Leslie Jones. "Mr. Sensational" introduced himself, stating that he's a professional Elvis Tribute Artist and that you can see him every Friday at 7 at the Pig on Beale. Leslie stopped Jimmy saying, "I know where you're going with that, but by the looks of that belly, that belly has seen a lot of cake." Jones informed everyone that he used to run a wrestling promotion in Tupelo, Mississippi a few years ago, by the name of IWF and that "Hollywood" Jimmy begged him to be a part of that show. Leslie Jones asked "Hollywood" Jimmy to let Danny wrestle any member of The Hollywood Clique. "Hollywood" responded, by saying, "He is the ugliest Elvis I've ever seen in my life! First of all, it's not happening, Danny!" Leslie said, "It sounds like Hollywood is chicken." Danny assured Jimmy, "If I lose, I'll resign for one more year, but if I beat you, the next time he will have to wear a chicken suit." Chicken chants started, directed at "Hollywood". XOW Heavyweight Champion, Mickey Ray, came out. The deal was made.
4th Match-Danny B. Good with "Mr. Sensational" Leslie Jones in his corner vs Mickey Ray, managed by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock-The match stipulations were if Danny B. loses, he has to resign his contract with "Hollywood" Jimmy, but if Danny wins, he gets out of his contract with "Hollywood" and "Hollywood" Jimmy has to wear a chicken suit at the next show. Danny B. with a Curt Hennig neck twist out of the corner. Mickey Ray kicked Danny in the kidneys. Al gave us the lowdown, "If you kids don't know where the kidneys are located, that's where he is kicking him. Anatomy 101 by Al Hall." Mickey locked Danny up like a pretzel. Mickey threw Danny out of the ring. "Mr. Sensational" hit "Hollywood" in the back. "Hollywood" yelled, "You, son of a bitch!" Danny B. fought back. Mickey choked Danny with a chain, while Referee Chris P. Fries was tied up with "Hollywood". Danny B. jumped out on Mickey. While on the outside, Danny hit Mickey with a glove that he pulled out from under the ring. Danny landed some leg drops. Lowblow by Mickey Ray, slowed Danny down. Mickey Ray locked in a sleeperhold on Danny. Danny broke loose, but caught a knee to the mid-section. Danny with a clothesline. Mickey hit Danny when he jumped off. "Hollywood" started singing, "At the carwash" because he said that Danny was going to wash his car after Danny loses the match. Another sleeper was applied by Mickey. Chinbreaker by Danny. Mickey and "Hollywood" collided with Danny rolling up Mickey to get the win. Your winner, Danny B.! So Danny got out of his contract with "Hollywood" and "Hollywood" Jimmy now has to wear a chicken suit at the next show. Following the match, Mickey Ray told Jimmy that he's glad he lost because Jimmy will now have to be a chicken. Danny B. said, "You just been hit by The Revolution!" A livid "Hollywood" Jimmy threw a trash can at "Mr. Sensational".
Al announced that on January 9th, XOW will be returning to Hernando, Mississippi at the ConXion Gymnastics Center.
December 4th, XOW returns to The Inferno in Memphis, TN-Located at 4069 Hwy 78
Al also did a great job of plugging us here at the Wrestling News Center.
"The Future" Chris Styles and Tony Watts came out. Chris said the place looked like a "gay gym". Tony Watts stated, "I can't help it that some of the idiots are jealous of XOW. Joey Lynn, Sammy Hall, Memphis Wrestling, IWA, they are all jealous." Joey Lynn introduced DJ Stunner as the opponent for Chris Styles. Chris told the little girl, Emily, that she was his favorite wrestler. A few moments later, Chris screamed at one little boy to sit down as he was walking to his seat. Chris also got on to some of the kids sitting in the front row.
Main Event-"The Future" Chris Styles with Tony Watts vs DJ Stunner-Special Referee Joey Lynn-Chris and DJ locked up with DJ backing Chris into the corner. Chris said that DJ was in his mohawk. Chris wanted a test of strength. When DJ went to lock up, Chris poked him in the eyes. Chris hit DJ, as Al said, "Just south of the border". Chris put DJ in a headlock, telling Joey Lynn that he was giving him CPR. Chris missed a leg drop. While DJ was on the outside, Tony Watts took a screwdriver to him. Chris applied a camel clutch to try and make DJ humble. DJ would fire back with a swift kick. DJ faked Chris out and then leaped outside the ring on him. Chris springboarded inside the ring, nailing DJ with a clothesline. Styles dropped Stunner's neck over the top-rope as he flew to the floor. Styles would also powerbomb Stunner on the gymnastics mat. Chris speared DJ on the concrete floor and threw into Al's chair. Chris hit DJ with the ring bell and picked up the table, smashing him with it. Back in the ring, DJ would come back with a clothesline and rollup, but Tony Watts pulled at Referee Joey Lynn's foot to break the count. DJ Stunner with a split leg moonsault off the top-rope, but Chris got his knees up. Chris attempted a GTS, but DJ countered with a rollup. Chris missed a swanton. DJ went to the top, but Chris shoved Referee Joey Lynn into the ropes, knocking DJ down. Superplex by Chris on DJ. DJ ducked a superkick from Chris with Chris nailing Referee Joey Lynn. Then, Tony Watts attacked Joey Lynn. Chris hit the Canadian Destroyer on DJ. Referee Chris P. Fries ran in to make the three count. Your winner, Chris Styles!
Following the match, Tony Watts told Joey Lynn, "You can send this message to Memphis Wrestling, IWA and Sammy Hall and tell them to kiss my butt!" Chris Styles said this is what's going to happen on December 4th. Chris and Tony took Joey Lynn outside and then, Chris brought Joey back in the ring, executing an F-5 on the steel chair. Tony Watts confirmed that XOW specializes in Mayhem and Madness. Everything we do is legit. Gonna do what I want, when I want." A beaten down Joey Lynn was able to challenge Tony Watts to a Falls Count Anywhere/Bar Room Brawl match for December 4th at The Inferno. Chris Styles to Al Hall: "Tell all the fat women, they can come." Al Hall replied, "I'll take them fat or small. It don't matter to me." DJ Stunner was made special referee for the upcoming battle. So, on December 4th, at The Inferno (Old Cactus Jack building) in Memphis, it's going to be Tony Watts versus Joey Lynn with DJ Stunner as the Special Referee.
Al Hall wrapped up the show, by thanking everyone for coming out. Good crowd. They had to bring in a few of the church pews because they ran out of chairs.
Don't forget, on January 9th, XOW will be returning to Hernando, Mississippi at the ConXion Gymnastics Center.
December 4th, XOW returns to The Inferno in Memphis, TN-Located at 4069 Hwy 78
Don't miss any of the Xtreme Outlaw Wrestling action because you never know what's going to happen and who's gonna show up at XOW because XOW Specializes in Mayhem and Madness!!!
Be on the lookout for all of Tia's great pictures from this show!
RassleResults: IWA TV Tapings 11.14.09
----Here is a huge report about IWA TV from D-Rock @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com. Word I am getting from various sources is that TV is up in the air right now for IWA. I have heard this a few times and reported it - but I am being told again that Corey Maclin had some kind of exclusive wrestling clause. I have contacted a few times for a statement about Memphis Wrestling, but nothing has been returned. I also want to mentioned IWA has a big show TONIGHT!! Listed below!!
IWA's next big event entitled, "Gratify" will take place tonight!!, November 20, in Southaven, Mississippi at the IWA Arena. Tickets are absolutely FREE with a 7:00pm bell time. This show will feature the Special 5-on-5 war with Reno Diamond's Team (Carnage Antwane, Sniper, Tatt2, Precious & Samoan Raja) battling Blalok The Blazer's Regime, Hell's Army (Bishop, Seth Knight, The Baron Malkavain, Big Red & Armageddon) in which the winner gets total control of the IWA.
Dark Match: Cymba & Samoan Raja vs Malik "The Great" & Beyond-Malik dropkicked the legs of the mastodon Raja. Beyond off the top with a splash. Raja and Cymba worked over Malik. Crowd chanted, "Go, Malik, go", but Cymba would silence them after landing a big sidewalk slam on Malik. Clothesline by Raja. Malik moved from a diving headbutt from Cymba. Malik made the hot tag to Beyond. Beyond came in, punching away at Raja....Punching away and punching away, but did no damage. Raja decked Beyond with a lethal chop. Malik flew over the top-rope on to Cymba. Raja caught Beyond with the Rikishi Driver to get the win. Your winners, Cymba & The Samoan Raja!
TV Taping Began:
Announcers, Jason Hall and Michael Ward, told us what's coming up and that we would be seeing a Return U.S. Championship Match and the Main Event would Feature Psycho and Pappy, "The Asylum" taking on Big Red and Armageddon. They invited everyone to come join them for their FREE IWA TV Tapings every Saturday at 2:00pm at the IWA Arena, located at 1225 State Line Road in Southaven, Mississippi. The building is located right beside Sonic and across the street from Dale's. .
Referee C'Lo Banks out to get the action underway. "Every Man's Dream & Every Woman's Nightmare" Precious made his way to the ring and got a big pop. Precious asked the audience, "Where's all the men at with those gold teethes?" Johnny Dotson walked out. Michael Ward decided to try and get a few words from Dotson. Johnny Dotson said that he's, "Here for one reason and that's to wear IWA gold and that he's the best wrestler, pound for pound, ounce for ounce in the business."
"The Flamboyant Mauler" Precious vs Johnny Dotson-Dotson started by telling the fans, "You are about the ugliest bunch of people that I've ever seen in my life!" Johnny jumped Precious from behind. Precious reversed an Irish whip and served up some clotheslines and dropkicks. Apparently, one fan got under Precious's skin because I heard him tell them, "If I suck, you swallow!" Precious shot out of the corner with a flying crossbody on Dotson. A few moments later, Precious would go to the corner, again, executing a flying headscissor takedown. Dotson would slow down Precious after catching him with a knee to the junk as Precious was jumping from the top-rope. Dotson rolled out to heckle the fans. Back inside, Dotson would land a series of lefts and a big right. Fans were chanting for Precious. Dotson and Precious traded punches. Precious with a sunset flip, but Dotson would come back with a flying heel kick. Nice suplex by Dotson. Crowd, again, got behind Precious. Johnny turned Precious inside out with a clothesline. Johnny got in a fan's face, at ringside, telling them to not talk about his mama. Precious with a big ddt. Precious fighting back with a fury. Big powerslam by Precious. Two count. Dotson rolled out to take a breather and decided not to get back in. Your winner, by countout, Precious! Precious said he's going to get his belt back.
They announced that IWA's next big event entitled, "Gratify" will take place this Friday night, November 20, in Southaven, Mississippi at the IWA Arena. Tickets are absolutely FREE with a 7:00pm bell time. This show will feature the Special 5-on-5 war with Reno Diamond's Team (Carnage Antwane, Sniper, Tatt2, Precious & Samoan Raja) battling Blalok The Blazer's Regime, Hell's Army (Bishop, Seth Knight, The Baron Malkavain, Big Red & Armageddon) in which the winner gets total control of the IWA.
Four Corners Match-"The Punisher" Dre' Black vs The Baron Malkavain vs The Crime vs "The INKcredible" Tatt2-Tatt2 and Baron kick things off quickly. Tatt2 popped Baron with a kick and followed with a springboard body press off the ropes. Crime and Dre' tagged in. Crime went to work on Dre'. Dre' launched Crime in the air with a back body drop. Dre' with a clothesline. Crime rolled out of the ring and said he's sorry. Back inside, Dre' caught him with an elbow. Crime rolled back out. Tatt2 and Baron both tagged back in. Tatt2 delivered a tilt-a-whirl face plant. Tatt2 with a clothesline in the corner, followed by a springboard dropkick. Suplex by Baron on Tatt2. Tatt2 fought back, ducking clotheslines, but got tossed by a suplex by Baron. Crime in with a beautiful dropkick. Tatt2 tried to chop, but Crime backed him up in the corner, stomping a mudhole in him. Clothesline by Crime. Sleeperhold applied by the Crime. Crowd chanted, "Tatt2!" Tatt2 got his hand up before three and escaped with a jawbreaker out of it. Head on collision by the two. Baron and Dre' in. Dre' with a sky high on The Crime. Dre' Black chased The Crime to the back. Tatt2 delivered the 901 to Baron and leaped off the top with a seated senton to get the win. Your winner, Tatt2! Johnny Dotson jumped Tatt2 on his way to the back and delivered a brainbuster back in the ring. Dotson went into the crowd and grabbed a chair, bashing Tatt2 in the head with it. Then, Dotson placed the chair over Tatt2's head and climbed to the top-rope. Luckily, Malik "The Great", Referee C'Lo Banks and others ran out to stop Dotson's evil intentions and to help Tatt2 to the back. Some of the fans really got tore up over this as I noticed a little girl and an older woman crying, so that means it was a success. Should be the start of a great rivalry between those two.
Full Scale Assault (Xander Raines & Jason Steele) came out. Michael Ward interviewed them. Xander said that, last week, he went to get checked out and found out that he had a slight concussion that he suffered against SnS (Syn & Stunner) at "Fall Out". Regarding rumors of the team breaking up, they said that's not going to happen because they have known each other since they were kids and they are like brothers.
Full Scale Assault (Xander Raines & Jason Steele) vs One half of the IWA Tag-Team Champions, DJ Stunner & "The Sharpest Card in the Deck" Ace-Ace took it to Jason. Jason sent flying with a back body drop. Crowd chanted, "DJ sucks!" Ace told one fan, "Don't make me call your parole officer. Double team by FSA on DJ, consisting of a snapmare, leg drop, and senton splash. Ace ran in to break the count with a kick, claiming that he had a bug on his head. Clothesline/spear combo by FSA. DJ managed to move out of the way of a big Banzai drop from Xander. DJ with a shining wizard. Ace tagged in. Ace chopblocked Xander. Ace and DJ swap out. DJ with a hot shot under the bottom rope. Leglock by DJ with Ace coming off the top with a boot. Fans continued to chant, "DJ sucks" to the point that DJ went up to the top-rope teasing them that he was about to jump off into the group of little kids. Double elbow by DJ and Ace. DJ worked over the big man's leg. Xander hit a big clothesline. Nice leapfrog by DJ, but Xander caught him on his second attempt, slamming him to the mat. Jason Steele made the tag, but the ref didn't see it. Xander caught DJ with a spinebuster. DJ tagged Ace. Xander tagged in Jason. Jason on fire. DJ took a tumble to the floor. Ace and Jason fought on the floor. DJ with an enzuguri inside the ring on Xander. Jason ran Ace into the ringpost. DJ grabbed a chair, but Jason stopped him before he could use it. Xander started to feel the "madness", once again, as he went after DJ. Ace put away Jason with an impressive cradle shock. Your winners, Ace and DJ Stunner! Following the match, Xander grabbed the mic, doing his best Macho Man impersonation and challenged his partner, Jason Steele, to a one-on-one match, next week.
IWA United States Championship Rematch-Champion "Dynamite" Seth Knight vs "Big CA" Carnage Antwane-Referee C'Lo Banks-Carnage told C'Lo that if he cheats, today, he's gonna slap him. Seth had on some new gear and t-shirt. Quick rollup by CA on Seth for a two count, followed by a small package for another quick nearfall. Bodyslam by CA. Seth tried to escape, but CA suplexed him back in. While Seth Knight is on dream street he tried to fight back, but was quickly stopped by a big CA clothesline. CA choked Seth in the ropes. Seth ran around the ring, with CA chasing him back in. CA faked Seth out when tried to catch him coming back in with an elbow, but CA stayed outside so the elbow missed it's mark. Seth drove CA to the mat with a knee to the back of the head. Seth with a running MVP big boot in the corner. The fans rallied behind Carnage with a, "Go, CA, go" chant. CA ducked two clotheslines and hit a sunset flip on Seth. Seth would stop CA's offense with a dropkick. Seth rolled out of the ring to jaw with some of the fans at ringside. CA launched Seth back in the ring off the apron. CA with a slam for a two count. CA upended Seth with a clothesline. The two traded chops. CA unloaded on Seth with a series of punches in the corner. CA caught a running Seth Knight with a big sidewalk slam. CA said, "It's time for the big boot, Baby!" CA hit the big boot and attempted the pin. Blalok The Blazer's music started, distracting CA. As CA went to leave the ring, Seth Knight kicked the ropes into CA's jewels and defeated him with his "Sour Face Silencer". Your winner and STILL IWA United States Champion, "Dynamite" Seth Knight! Following the match, Samoan Raja ran down. Seth Knight raked his eyes and pushed CA into him, so Raja ended up slamming CA, while his vision was impaired. Raja also delivered a Vader Bomb out of the corner on Carnage. Beyond and others checked on CA.
Main Event-"The Asylum" (Psycho & Pappy) vs Armageddon & Cymba, accompanied by the IWA Heavyweight Champion, Bishop-Psycho gave Michael Ward his precious, Kayte, to watch over. Michael started petting Kayte, which was funny. In the ring, Psycho patted Referee C'Lo Banks on the head. Bishop was wearing his word life chain and Total Body Gym shirt that read, "Bench like an Animal, Squat like a freak" on the back. Psycho started things off, going at Cymba in the corner. A double team would follow with Pappy smashing into Cymba with a running hip attack, followed by Psycho's running knee and Pappy back again with the kick. The Asylum continued their onslaught with a double single arm ddt with each man holding an arm, driving Cymba to the mat. Cymba fought back and tagged in Armageddon. Some of the fans started chanting, "Armageddon sucks!" What brave souls they are. Pappy thrown on the outside. Bishop and Cymba worked over Pappy out on the floor. Bishop sent Pappy into the ringpost and threw him back in the ring. Cymba off the top with a double axehandle while the ref's back was turned. Armageddon, Cymba and Bishop beat up on Pappy in the corner, as Referee C'Lo Banks was tied up trying to contain Psycho. Psycho tagged in. Armageddon sent out to the floor. Psycho and Pappy hit their "Fall from Grace" finisher on Cymba to get the victory. After the bell, Psycho and Pappy doubleteamed Armageddon, sending him out of the ring. Your winners, Psycho and Pappy, The Asylum!
You can watch IWA Championship Wrestling at 10:00am on Saturday mornings on WPXX-ION Television.
Wanna attend an IWA TV Taping at the IWA Arena? IWA TV Tapings are held every Saturday at 2:00pm at the IWA Arena, located at 1225 State Line Road in Southaven, Mississippi. The building is located right beside Sonic and across the street from Dale's. FREE Admission!
Check out IWA's Official MySpace @ www.myspace.com/iwa-wrestling
IWA Championship Wrestling "Where Only The Strong Survive!"
Also, be on the lookout for all of Tia's great pictures from this show!
IWA's next big event entitled, "Gratify" will take place tonight!!, November 20, in Southaven, Mississippi at the IWA Arena. Tickets are absolutely FREE with a 7:00pm bell time. This show will feature the Special 5-on-5 war with Reno Diamond's Team (Carnage Antwane, Sniper, Tatt2, Precious & Samoan Raja) battling Blalok The Blazer's Regime, Hell's Army (Bishop, Seth Knight, The Baron Malkavain, Big Red & Armageddon) in which the winner gets total control of the IWA.
Dark Match: Cymba & Samoan Raja vs Malik "The Great" & Beyond-Malik dropkicked the legs of the mastodon Raja. Beyond off the top with a splash. Raja and Cymba worked over Malik. Crowd chanted, "Go, Malik, go", but Cymba would silence them after landing a big sidewalk slam on Malik. Clothesline by Raja. Malik moved from a diving headbutt from Cymba. Malik made the hot tag to Beyond. Beyond came in, punching away at Raja....Punching away and punching away, but did no damage. Raja decked Beyond with a lethal chop. Malik flew over the top-rope on to Cymba. Raja caught Beyond with the Rikishi Driver to get the win. Your winners, Cymba & The Samoan Raja!
TV Taping Began:
Announcers, Jason Hall and Michael Ward, told us what's coming up and that we would be seeing a Return U.S. Championship Match and the Main Event would Feature Psycho and Pappy, "The Asylum" taking on Big Red and Armageddon. They invited everyone to come join them for their FREE IWA TV Tapings every Saturday at 2:00pm at the IWA Arena, located at 1225 State Line Road in Southaven, Mississippi. The building is located right beside Sonic and across the street from Dale's. .
Referee C'Lo Banks out to get the action underway. "Every Man's Dream & Every Woman's Nightmare" Precious made his way to the ring and got a big pop. Precious asked the audience, "Where's all the men at with those gold teethes?" Johnny Dotson walked out. Michael Ward decided to try and get a few words from Dotson. Johnny Dotson said that he's, "Here for one reason and that's to wear IWA gold and that he's the best wrestler, pound for pound, ounce for ounce in the business."
"The Flamboyant Mauler" Precious vs Johnny Dotson-Dotson started by telling the fans, "You are about the ugliest bunch of people that I've ever seen in my life!" Johnny jumped Precious from behind. Precious reversed an Irish whip and served up some clotheslines and dropkicks. Apparently, one fan got under Precious's skin because I heard him tell them, "If I suck, you swallow!" Precious shot out of the corner with a flying crossbody on Dotson. A few moments later, Precious would go to the corner, again, executing a flying headscissor takedown. Dotson would slow down Precious after catching him with a knee to the junk as Precious was jumping from the top-rope. Dotson rolled out to heckle the fans. Back inside, Dotson would land a series of lefts and a big right. Fans were chanting for Precious. Dotson and Precious traded punches. Precious with a sunset flip, but Dotson would come back with a flying heel kick. Nice suplex by Dotson. Crowd, again, got behind Precious. Johnny turned Precious inside out with a clothesline. Johnny got in a fan's face, at ringside, telling them to not talk about his mama. Precious with a big ddt. Precious fighting back with a fury. Big powerslam by Precious. Two count. Dotson rolled out to take a breather and decided not to get back in. Your winner, by countout, Precious! Precious said he's going to get his belt back.
They announced that IWA's next big event entitled, "Gratify" will take place this Friday night, November 20, in Southaven, Mississippi at the IWA Arena. Tickets are absolutely FREE with a 7:00pm bell time. This show will feature the Special 5-on-5 war with Reno Diamond's Team (Carnage Antwane, Sniper, Tatt2, Precious & Samoan Raja) battling Blalok The Blazer's Regime, Hell's Army (Bishop, Seth Knight, The Baron Malkavain, Big Red & Armageddon) in which the winner gets total control of the IWA.
Four Corners Match-"The Punisher" Dre' Black vs The Baron Malkavain vs The Crime vs "The INKcredible" Tatt2-Tatt2 and Baron kick things off quickly. Tatt2 popped Baron with a kick and followed with a springboard body press off the ropes. Crime and Dre' tagged in. Crime went to work on Dre'. Dre' launched Crime in the air with a back body drop. Dre' with a clothesline. Crime rolled out of the ring and said he's sorry. Back inside, Dre' caught him with an elbow. Crime rolled back out. Tatt2 and Baron both tagged back in. Tatt2 delivered a tilt-a-whirl face plant. Tatt2 with a clothesline in the corner, followed by a springboard dropkick. Suplex by Baron on Tatt2. Tatt2 fought back, ducking clotheslines, but got tossed by a suplex by Baron. Crime in with a beautiful dropkick. Tatt2 tried to chop, but Crime backed him up in the corner, stomping a mudhole in him. Clothesline by Crime. Sleeperhold applied by the Crime. Crowd chanted, "Tatt2!" Tatt2 got his hand up before three and escaped with a jawbreaker out of it. Head on collision by the two. Baron and Dre' in. Dre' with a sky high on The Crime. Dre' Black chased The Crime to the back. Tatt2 delivered the 901 to Baron and leaped off the top with a seated senton to get the win. Your winner, Tatt2! Johnny Dotson jumped Tatt2 on his way to the back and delivered a brainbuster back in the ring. Dotson went into the crowd and grabbed a chair, bashing Tatt2 in the head with it. Then, Dotson placed the chair over Tatt2's head and climbed to the top-rope. Luckily, Malik "The Great", Referee C'Lo Banks and others ran out to stop Dotson's evil intentions and to help Tatt2 to the back. Some of the fans really got tore up over this as I noticed a little girl and an older woman crying, so that means it was a success. Should be the start of a great rivalry between those two.
Full Scale Assault (Xander Raines & Jason Steele) came out. Michael Ward interviewed them. Xander said that, last week, he went to get checked out and found out that he had a slight concussion that he suffered against SnS (Syn & Stunner) at "Fall Out". Regarding rumors of the team breaking up, they said that's not going to happen because they have known each other since they were kids and they are like brothers.
Full Scale Assault (Xander Raines & Jason Steele) vs One half of the IWA Tag-Team Champions, DJ Stunner & "The Sharpest Card in the Deck" Ace-Ace took it to Jason. Jason sent flying with a back body drop. Crowd chanted, "DJ sucks!" Ace told one fan, "Don't make me call your parole officer. Double team by FSA on DJ, consisting of a snapmare, leg drop, and senton splash. Ace ran in to break the count with a kick, claiming that he had a bug on his head. Clothesline/spear combo by FSA. DJ managed to move out of the way of a big Banzai drop from Xander. DJ with a shining wizard. Ace tagged in. Ace chopblocked Xander. Ace and DJ swap out. DJ with a hot shot under the bottom rope. Leglock by DJ with Ace coming off the top with a boot. Fans continued to chant, "DJ sucks" to the point that DJ went up to the top-rope teasing them that he was about to jump off into the group of little kids. Double elbow by DJ and Ace. DJ worked over the big man's leg. Xander hit a big clothesline. Nice leapfrog by DJ, but Xander caught him on his second attempt, slamming him to the mat. Jason Steele made the tag, but the ref didn't see it. Xander caught DJ with a spinebuster. DJ tagged Ace. Xander tagged in Jason. Jason on fire. DJ took a tumble to the floor. Ace and Jason fought on the floor. DJ with an enzuguri inside the ring on Xander. Jason ran Ace into the ringpost. DJ grabbed a chair, but Jason stopped him before he could use it. Xander started to feel the "madness", once again, as he went after DJ. Ace put away Jason with an impressive cradle shock. Your winners, Ace and DJ Stunner! Following the match, Xander grabbed the mic, doing his best Macho Man impersonation and challenged his partner, Jason Steele, to a one-on-one match, next week.
IWA United States Championship Rematch-Champion "Dynamite" Seth Knight vs "Big CA" Carnage Antwane-Referee C'Lo Banks-Carnage told C'Lo that if he cheats, today, he's gonna slap him. Seth had on some new gear and t-shirt. Quick rollup by CA on Seth for a two count, followed by a small package for another quick nearfall. Bodyslam by CA. Seth tried to escape, but CA suplexed him back in. While Seth Knight is on dream street he tried to fight back, but was quickly stopped by a big CA clothesline. CA choked Seth in the ropes. Seth ran around the ring, with CA chasing him back in. CA faked Seth out when tried to catch him coming back in with an elbow, but CA stayed outside so the elbow missed it's mark. Seth drove CA to the mat with a knee to the back of the head. Seth with a running MVP big boot in the corner. The fans rallied behind Carnage with a, "Go, CA, go" chant. CA ducked two clotheslines and hit a sunset flip on Seth. Seth would stop CA's offense with a dropkick. Seth rolled out of the ring to jaw with some of the fans at ringside. CA launched Seth back in the ring off the apron. CA with a slam for a two count. CA upended Seth with a clothesline. The two traded chops. CA unloaded on Seth with a series of punches in the corner. CA caught a running Seth Knight with a big sidewalk slam. CA said, "It's time for the big boot, Baby!" CA hit the big boot and attempted the pin. Blalok The Blazer's music started, distracting CA. As CA went to leave the ring, Seth Knight kicked the ropes into CA's jewels and defeated him with his "Sour Face Silencer". Your winner and STILL IWA United States Champion, "Dynamite" Seth Knight! Following the match, Samoan Raja ran down. Seth Knight raked his eyes and pushed CA into him, so Raja ended up slamming CA, while his vision was impaired. Raja also delivered a Vader Bomb out of the corner on Carnage. Beyond and others checked on CA.
Main Event-"The Asylum" (Psycho & Pappy) vs Armageddon & Cymba, accompanied by the IWA Heavyweight Champion, Bishop-Psycho gave Michael Ward his precious, Kayte, to watch over. Michael started petting Kayte, which was funny. In the ring, Psycho patted Referee C'Lo Banks on the head. Bishop was wearing his word life chain and Total Body Gym shirt that read, "Bench like an Animal, Squat like a freak" on the back. Psycho started things off, going at Cymba in the corner. A double team would follow with Pappy smashing into Cymba with a running hip attack, followed by Psycho's running knee and Pappy back again with the kick. The Asylum continued their onslaught with a double single arm ddt with each man holding an arm, driving Cymba to the mat. Cymba fought back and tagged in Armageddon. Some of the fans started chanting, "Armageddon sucks!" What brave souls they are. Pappy thrown on the outside. Bishop and Cymba worked over Pappy out on the floor. Bishop sent Pappy into the ringpost and threw him back in the ring. Cymba off the top with a double axehandle while the ref's back was turned. Armageddon, Cymba and Bishop beat up on Pappy in the corner, as Referee C'Lo Banks was tied up trying to contain Psycho. Psycho tagged in. Armageddon sent out to the floor. Psycho and Pappy hit their "Fall from Grace" finisher on Cymba to get the victory. After the bell, Psycho and Pappy doubleteamed Armageddon, sending him out of the ring. Your winners, Psycho and Pappy, The Asylum!
You can watch IWA Championship Wrestling at 10:00am on Saturday mornings on WPXX-ION Television.
Wanna attend an IWA TV Taping at the IWA Arena? IWA TV Tapings are held every Saturday at 2:00pm at the IWA Arena, located at 1225 State Line Road in Southaven, Mississippi. The building is located right beside Sonic and across the street from Dale's. FREE Admission!
Check out IWA's Official MySpace @ www.myspace.com/iwa-wrestling
IWA Championship Wrestling "Where Only The Strong Survive!"
Also, be on the lookout for all of Tia's great pictures from this show!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Shows for the Weekend 11.20 to 11.21.09
----CLICK HERE for regular scheduled shows for the weekend. I have received no e-mails for any bigger shows. Get out there and support your local wrestling!!
RassleResults: DoggCW Jonesboro, AR 11.14.09 - Pokerface New Champion!!
Show starts off with J.B. Hayes coming to the ring to interview about his new tag team, the Alliance of Violence, which is Chelious and Logan Adams (Acid and Logan Furry)...He talks about how they are going to teach any tag team that wants to make a name for themselves a lesson, so they challenge any team to come from the back and two Dogg Pound Trainees come out again...these are two different guys from last week but they wanna fight so the bell rings...
Match 1: The Alliance of Violence vs. Dogg Poung Trainees
-match did not last very long...Even though these two trainees looked pretty good in the ring, it was not enough for the experienced tag team from LA, Chelious and Logan Adams...winner Alliance of Violence
Pokerface comes out to do a interview about the new DCW Champion Rodney Mack..Poker tells the crowd how selfish Rodney Mack is and how he jumped him and took his #1 Contenders spot from him..Rodney's music hits and The DCW World Champion comes out along with his wife, former 2 time WWE Women's Champion Jazz...Poker then starts to bait Rodney into a match later on by talking about him but it does not work until Poker starts to talk about how Rodney must be mad b/c of Rodney's and Jazz's two twin daughters just might be his and Rodney erupts...Poker tells him that lets do this old ECW style and have a falls count anywhere, no DQ, and no holds barred match...so the match is set for the main event!
Match 2: Angelina vs Dangerous Dominique
-pretty dang good match. These two def are great in the ring together and no one is over as a heel like Dominique is as a DCW Diva..This match showcased wrestling's present and bright future..Angelina is one of the best female wrestlers I've ever seen around this area..match ends up with Angelina pinning Dominique for the 1-2-3...winner Angelina but after the match Tejano comes out an really beats up on Angelina and leaves her lifeless in the ring...
Match 3: Blaylock the Blazer vs Jon Allen
-this match probably vies for match of the night..it really showcased the veteran Blaylock against the rising star, in my opinion, Jon Allen..these two had a back and forth match the entire 15 minutes or so...finally Blaylock suplexes Jon Allen off of the top rope but Jon Allen's momentum carries him over and gets the 1-2-3...winner Jon Allen
Match 4: Soul Train Jones vs Ron McClarity (DCW #1 Contender's match)
-another match thatwas for match of the nite..and former DCW Champ and DCW Wrestler JD Kerry bought a ticket to watch the match...these two had a beautiful match! It had everything: great chain-wrestling, great charismatic quality (crowd was def into the match like no other throughout the night) and when you put Ron and Soul in a match together you get a piece of art..it was like watching a pay per view match with TNA or WWE..this match could have been on anyone of their ppv's..match ends up with Soul Train getting the victory and pinning Ron for th 1-2-3..winner Soul Train
Match 5: "Natural Born Playaz" [Southside Brawler/Pimptacular] vs. The Gorillaz
-watch was pretty good...match went back and forth, and the Playaz knocked both big guys off their feet for the first time in their careers...no matter what Southside or Pimptacular did though, they could not pin the Gorillaz, so they reverted back to what they know best..hitting people with road signs, but this time when they did it their opponents did not go down like usual...they just shook it off like it didn't even phase them, but the Playaz were DQ'd....winner by DQ the Gorillaz
Main Event: Pokerface vs Rodney Mack (DCW World Title Match)
-what can I say...this match had everything! This match could have prob headlined any WWE or TNA ppv with the exception of Wrestlemania..it was amazing! Match went back and forth for at least 30 minutes...DCW play by play announcers Jeff Perryman and Casey Rinaldi had a hard time keeping up with he match b/c it went everywhere...They went in the crowd, by the bathrooms, near the merchandise area, and even outside..so Jeff Perryman (DCW's color commentator) decided to go outside and call the match for the fans who didn't follow them...and it was crazy! After Rodney threw Poker into the side of the building..they both returned into the DCW arena where Mack gave Poker a big back-body-drop on the concrete...Poker then fights his way back and busted Rodey Mack open...then Chaos and Havoc (the Gorillaz) come out to help Poker, and they start beating on the Redd Dogg....Soul Train comes out to help but Ron McClarity and Boss come out to take car of him...then Rick Ruby comes out to help but gets busted open bad by Boss and Ron...Chaos and Havoc chokeslam Rodney on a chair..then Jazz comes out to help her husband but gets handcuffed to the ropes...the Playaz come out to help Jazz but get beat on by the Gorillaz and gives Poker the opportunity to pin Rodney for the 1-2-3...winner and new DCW Champion Pokerface!!!!
After he match, they beat Rodney Mack to a pulp! Poker beats on Jazz and makes her watch as they beat on Rodney with a baseball bat and a chair...Mack is bleeding everywhere, Ruby is passed out in a pool of his own blood, Soul Train is bleeding and layed out, and the Playaz are knocked out in a corner of the arena...which leaves Poker standing over the lifeless body of Mack raising his new DCW Title belt over his head...his music hits, then he leaves the arena with the Gorillaz, Boss, and Ron....looks like they have made a statement about who is running things now in DCW....
Crowd was good around 175...
Credit: Jeff Perryman
----I love the angle where Poker claims to be the father of the twins. Poker winning the belt is a good move. I hate it that the title has changed hands like three times though in three weeks...I was told last week's attendance figure was "about half of what was reported". I have not way of confirming either way. I do know I was in Jonesboro around bell time that night and there was tons of cars at the ASU campus.
Match 1: The Alliance of Violence vs. Dogg Poung Trainees
-match did not last very long...Even though these two trainees looked pretty good in the ring, it was not enough for the experienced tag team from LA, Chelious and Logan Adams...winner Alliance of Violence
Pokerface comes out to do a interview about the new DCW Champion Rodney Mack..Poker tells the crowd how selfish Rodney Mack is and how he jumped him and took his #1 Contenders spot from him..Rodney's music hits and The DCW World Champion comes out along with his wife, former 2 time WWE Women's Champion Jazz...Poker then starts to bait Rodney into a match later on by talking about him but it does not work until Poker starts to talk about how Rodney must be mad b/c of Rodney's and Jazz's two twin daughters just might be his and Rodney erupts...Poker tells him that lets do this old ECW style and have a falls count anywhere, no DQ, and no holds barred match...so the match is set for the main event!
Match 2: Angelina vs Dangerous Dominique
-pretty dang good match. These two def are great in the ring together and no one is over as a heel like Dominique is as a DCW Diva..This match showcased wrestling's present and bright future..Angelina is one of the best female wrestlers I've ever seen around this area..match ends up with Angelina pinning Dominique for the 1-2-3...winner Angelina but after the match Tejano comes out an really beats up on Angelina and leaves her lifeless in the ring...
Match 3: Blaylock the Blazer vs Jon Allen
-this match probably vies for match of the night..it really showcased the veteran Blaylock against the rising star, in my opinion, Jon Allen..these two had a back and forth match the entire 15 minutes or so...finally Blaylock suplexes Jon Allen off of the top rope but Jon Allen's momentum carries him over and gets the 1-2-3...winner Jon Allen
Match 4: Soul Train Jones vs Ron McClarity (DCW #1 Contender's match)
-another match thatwas for match of the nite..and former DCW Champ and DCW Wrestler JD Kerry bought a ticket to watch the match...these two had a beautiful match! It had everything: great chain-wrestling, great charismatic quality (crowd was def into the match like no other throughout the night) and when you put Ron and Soul in a match together you get a piece of art..it was like watching a pay per view match with TNA or WWE..this match could have been on anyone of their ppv's..match ends up with Soul Train getting the victory and pinning Ron for th 1-2-3..winner Soul Train
Match 5: "Natural Born Playaz" [Southside Brawler/Pimptacular] vs. The Gorillaz
-watch was pretty good...match went back and forth, and the Playaz knocked both big guys off their feet for the first time in their careers...no matter what Southside or Pimptacular did though, they could not pin the Gorillaz, so they reverted back to what they know best..hitting people with road signs, but this time when they did it their opponents did not go down like usual...they just shook it off like it didn't even phase them, but the Playaz were DQ'd....winner by DQ the Gorillaz
Main Event: Pokerface vs Rodney Mack (DCW World Title Match)
-what can I say...this match had everything! This match could have prob headlined any WWE or TNA ppv with the exception of Wrestlemania..it was amazing! Match went back and forth for at least 30 minutes...DCW play by play announcers Jeff Perryman and Casey Rinaldi had a hard time keeping up with he match b/c it went everywhere...They went in the crowd, by the bathrooms, near the merchandise area, and even outside..so Jeff Perryman (DCW's color commentator) decided to go outside and call the match for the fans who didn't follow them...and it was crazy! After Rodney threw Poker into the side of the building..they both returned into the DCW arena where Mack gave Poker a big back-body-drop on the concrete...Poker then fights his way back and busted Rodey Mack open...then Chaos and Havoc (the Gorillaz) come out to help Poker, and they start beating on the Redd Dogg....Soul Train comes out to help but Ron McClarity and Boss come out to take car of him...then Rick Ruby comes out to help but gets busted open bad by Boss and Ron...Chaos and Havoc chokeslam Rodney on a chair..then Jazz comes out to help her husband but gets handcuffed to the ropes...the Playaz come out to help Jazz but get beat on by the Gorillaz and gives Poker the opportunity to pin Rodney for the 1-2-3...winner and new DCW Champion Pokerface!!!!
After he match, they beat Rodney Mack to a pulp! Poker beats on Jazz and makes her watch as they beat on Rodney with a baseball bat and a chair...Mack is bleeding everywhere, Ruby is passed out in a pool of his own blood, Soul Train is bleeding and layed out, and the Playaz are knocked out in a corner of the arena...which leaves Poker standing over the lifeless body of Mack raising his new DCW Title belt over his head...his music hits, then he leaves the arena with the Gorillaz, Boss, and Ron....looks like they have made a statement about who is running things now in DCW....
Crowd was good around 175...
Credit: Jeff Perryman
----I love the angle where Poker claims to be the father of the twins. Poker winning the belt is a good move. I hate it that the title has changed hands like three times though in three weeks...I was told last week's attendance figure was "about half of what was reported". I have not way of confirming either way. I do know I was in Jonesboro around bell time that night and there was tons of cars at the ASU campus.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mama Says It Beees That Way Sometimes "Triple Threat” by Bruno Lauer
Scott Fury is a guy I have known ever since the old Arkansas All Star wrestling days in Ward, AR promoted by my old buddy Boss Winters. Here’s a guy who always works hard - provides good matches and has a great attitude. Good attitude both in the ring and in the dressing room. I’m always glad to see Scott at the NEW events and would gladly have managed him back in the day! I wish him success and hope he continues to be a part of NEW – he’s a great addition to the organization and a great guy.
Justin “the Juice” Smart is probably the fastest guy in the ring that I’ve ever seen outside of the WWE. I mean this kid moves like greased lightning!!! When he does the running of the ropes back and forth with the diving maneuvers in his matches, it’s all I can do as a referee to try to stay out of the way. This is 1-2-3- kid all over again. This guy has all the moves, the willingness to ask questions and learn and the right attitude to become a player in this business. A little more size and muscularity will certainly help him, but he doesn’t have that far to go. At his young age, the sky is definitely the limit.
Alan Steele is a guy I have known for quite some time - from the old Power Pro days to Arkansas All Star Wrestling and several WWE appearances. And even a one night stand we did together for XOW. Every time he gets in the ring, unquestionably, he steals the show. This guy has all the moves, size, strength, know-how and psychology to go all the way to the top and don’t you bet against it happening one day--hopefully soon.
----“Downtown” Bruno Lauer is a legend in Memphis Wrestling. He surprised everyone last year winning RRO Referee of the Year 2008 from his work at NEW. He appears bi-weekly with his non controversial column. Lauer had his biography published last year “Wrestling with The Truth” and can be purchased at www.crowbarpress.com. Lauer is also currently employed by the WWE.
Justin “the Juice” Smart is probably the fastest guy in the ring that I’ve ever seen outside of the WWE. I mean this kid moves like greased lightning!!! When he does the running of the ropes back and forth with the diving maneuvers in his matches, it’s all I can do as a referee to try to stay out of the way. This is 1-2-3- kid all over again. This guy has all the moves, the willingness to ask questions and learn and the right attitude to become a player in this business. A little more size and muscularity will certainly help him, but he doesn’t have that far to go. At his young age, the sky is definitely the limit.
Alan Steele is a guy I have known for quite some time - from the old Power Pro days to Arkansas All Star Wrestling and several WWE appearances. And even a one night stand we did together for XOW. Every time he gets in the ring, unquestionably, he steals the show. This guy has all the moves, size, strength, know-how and psychology to go all the way to the top and don’t you bet against it happening one day--hopefully soon.
----“Downtown” Bruno Lauer is a legend in Memphis Wrestling. He surprised everyone last year winning RRO Referee of the Year 2008 from his work at NEW. He appears bi-weekly with his non controversial column. Lauer had his biography published last year “Wrestling with The Truth” and can be purchased at www.crowbarpress.com. Lauer is also currently employed by the WWE.
Pictures of the Week!!
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 11.14.09
Our show would begin with Commissioner Rowland welcoming everyone to the crowd and asking them to stand for the national anthem. He would be stopped after the anthem by The Establishment. The Commissioner would pull the mic away from X-Kaliber and state that the "30-Minute Mic Speels" were over. He would also state that tonight Cody Murdoch would take on Cody Only later in the evening. He would also tell Tommy Wayne that he would get another shot at the X-Division Title, but if he lost he would never get another shot at the title. He would then turn to X-Kaliber and tell him that he would be in a match against Seth Sabor and Morgan Williams with a non-Establishment member and his match would start now.
1st Match: Tag Team Match
X-Kaliber/Joshua Cross VS Seth Sabor/Morgan Williams
Winner: Morgan/Seth would win after Morgan would deliver a Muscle Cutter to X-Kaliber and get the pin fall.
Commissioner Rowland would then take to the ring again, but this time on a lighter note. He would call Betty Butler, legal aid and sponsor, to the ring. He then presented to her the Lifetime Achievement Award from the ASWF for her hard work and loyalty to the ASWF. After the plaque was given he would then turn to T-Bone Terrence Ward and begin to explain that he was having to leave for the night. He then told T-Bone that he was appointing him Commissioner for the remainder of the evening.
2nd Match: One Fall
Hot Rod John Ellison VS Idol Bane
Winner: Idol Bane would win via DQ after Demon X and Johnny Hawk would interfere attacking him during the match.
3rd Match: No DQ Match
Johnny Hawk VS Austin Lane
Winner: No Contest. Demon X would come out to help Johnny Hawk. Eventually Idol Bane would come to the aid of Austin.
After the fighting was over, T-Bone would address Johnny Hawk and tell him that he and the crowd were tired of seeing him get away without a scratch and that tonight he would team up with Demon X to face Austin Lane and Idol Bane.
4th Match: One Fall
Cody Murdoch VS Cody Only
Winner: Cody Only would win via pin fall after delivering his finishing move the LTO.
5th Match: Handicap Match
The Beach Bums(Mark Wolf/Kalaiki) VS Kid Krazzy
Winner: In what was supposed to be a Tag Team Match, Kid Krazzy would find himself without a partner tonight.. But being the risk taker he is, he would take them on anyways. Kid would win via pinfall. Mark and Kalaiki would feud throughout the match resulting in their loss.
6th Match: X-Division Title Match
Christopher Lee (C) VS Tommy Wayne
Winner: Lee would roll Tommy up for the pin.
7th Match: Tag Team Match
Johnny Hawk/Demon X VS Idol Bane/Austin Lane
Winner: Idol Bane/Austin Lane via DQ. Hawk would get a chair and begin to assault Idol causing an injury to his ankle. Austin would be handcuffed to the security rail and would look on in anger. He would be eventually released and chase Demon X and Johnny Hawk off.
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
1st Match: Tag Team Match
X-Kaliber/Joshua Cross VS Seth Sabor/Morgan Williams
Winner: Morgan/Seth would win after Morgan would deliver a Muscle Cutter to X-Kaliber and get the pin fall.
Commissioner Rowland would then take to the ring again, but this time on a lighter note. He would call Betty Butler, legal aid and sponsor, to the ring. He then presented to her the Lifetime Achievement Award from the ASWF for her hard work and loyalty to the ASWF. After the plaque was given he would then turn to T-Bone Terrence Ward and begin to explain that he was having to leave for the night. He then told T-Bone that he was appointing him Commissioner for the remainder of the evening.
2nd Match: One Fall
Hot Rod John Ellison VS Idol Bane
Winner: Idol Bane would win via DQ after Demon X and Johnny Hawk would interfere attacking him during the match.
3rd Match: No DQ Match
Johnny Hawk VS Austin Lane
Winner: No Contest. Demon X would come out to help Johnny Hawk. Eventually Idol Bane would come to the aid of Austin.
After the fighting was over, T-Bone would address Johnny Hawk and tell him that he and the crowd were tired of seeing him get away without a scratch and that tonight he would team up with Demon X to face Austin Lane and Idol Bane.
4th Match: One Fall
Cody Murdoch VS Cody Only
Winner: Cody Only would win via pin fall after delivering his finishing move the LTO.
5th Match: Handicap Match
The Beach Bums(Mark Wolf/Kalaiki) VS Kid Krazzy
Winner: In what was supposed to be a Tag Team Match, Kid Krazzy would find himself without a partner tonight.. But being the risk taker he is, he would take them on anyways. Kid would win via pinfall. Mark and Kalaiki would feud throughout the match resulting in their loss.
6th Match: X-Division Title Match
Christopher Lee (C) VS Tommy Wayne
Winner: Lee would roll Tommy up for the pin.
7th Match: Tag Team Match
Johnny Hawk/Demon X VS Idol Bane/Austin Lane
Winner: Idol Bane/Austin Lane via DQ. Hawk would get a chair and begin to assault Idol causing an injury to his ankle. Austin would be handcuffed to the security rail and would look on in anger. He would be eventually released and chase Demon X and Johnny Hawk off.
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Golden Circle "Feel Good Moment - 2009" by Greg Anthony
Some of you may have noticed my intentional stab at having a positive article. Not the normal gripe fest or heat magnet that some people try to have. I try to be a positive influence on the business. I try to help younger guys, or those who need help. I'm always willing, especially when asked, to watch someones match and give an honest opinion. However a few weeks ago, I found a moment were I didn't have a positive influence on the business but the business had a positive influence on me.
I've known "Trendsetter" Jon Michael longer than anyone else in the business. We've known each other since elementary school. I'm a few years older than him but we were on the basketball team together in junior high and high school. We actually got in trouble during a practice one time for him jumping off the bleachers and giving me the "Macho Man" double ax handle. Try explaining that to a coach that doesn't watch nor does he like wrestling. I've always been a "Trendsetter" fan, but I think I'm a bigger fan of just Jon Michael.
A few weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon Jon Michael put together a benefit show called The St.Jude Cup. A benefit for a little girl that had died of cancer. It wasn't a sellout crowd or matches filled with heated angles but what is was, was a group of talented individuals that gave their time and effort for something greater than themselves. The show was attended by many friends and family of the little girl.
Being a father has changed my outlook on alot things. Before if I had heard about a child dying I knew that it was sad but now I feel how sad it really is. The mother of the little girl was very appreciative and seemed at peace. She had probably cried more than anyone should ever have to. No one should ever have to bury their child but unfortunately its a fact of life.
I don't have the ability to find the cure for cancer or make a family's pain go away. With a handful of guys we can help celebrate a life that ended too soon. To maybe give back a little joy to a family that lost so much. I would like to say a personal thank you to everyone who helped that day, Derrick, Stan, Cody, CJ, Brian and especially Jon Michael for making it happen. No need to ask, I'm already signing up for St Jude Cup 2010.. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
----Greg Anthony is a regular on the local area circuit. He won RRO Booker of the Year 2008 and is listed in the top 5 of the RRO Top 10 2008. Greg currently can be seen tagging with legend Bobby Eaton and Brian Thompson as “Midnight Gold”.
I've known "Trendsetter" Jon Michael longer than anyone else in the business. We've known each other since elementary school. I'm a few years older than him but we were on the basketball team together in junior high and high school. We actually got in trouble during a practice one time for him jumping off the bleachers and giving me the "Macho Man" double ax handle. Try explaining that to a coach that doesn't watch nor does he like wrestling. I've always been a "Trendsetter" fan, but I think I'm a bigger fan of just Jon Michael.
A few weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon Jon Michael put together a benefit show called The St.Jude Cup. A benefit for a little girl that had died of cancer. It wasn't a sellout crowd or matches filled with heated angles but what is was, was a group of talented individuals that gave their time and effort for something greater than themselves. The show was attended by many friends and family of the little girl.
Being a father has changed my outlook on alot things. Before if I had heard about a child dying I knew that it was sad but now I feel how sad it really is. The mother of the little girl was very appreciative and seemed at peace. She had probably cried more than anyone should ever have to. No one should ever have to bury their child but unfortunately its a fact of life.
I don't have the ability to find the cure for cancer or make a family's pain go away. With a handful of guys we can help celebrate a life that ended too soon. To maybe give back a little joy to a family that lost so much. I would like to say a personal thank you to everyone who helped that day, Derrick, Stan, Cody, CJ, Brian and especially Jon Michael for making it happen. No need to ask, I'm already signing up for St Jude Cup 2010.. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
----Greg Anthony is a regular on the local area circuit. He won RRO Booker of the Year 2008 and is listed in the top 5 of the RRO Top 10 2008. Greg currently can be seen tagging with legend Bobby Eaton and Brian Thompson as “Midnight Gold”.
Our Thoughts Are With You!!

----We received news this morning that the father of area wrestler Albino Rhino - Myles Edward Morrison, Sr. passed away. Rhino wrote the following, "I ask that everyone please pray for me and my family. This is not going to be easy. Also, if you look at my facebook profile pic [above]...you can see where the fatigue gimmick came from...my father was an actual war hero. I'm in shock now man. Having a hard time." Our thoughts are with you my brother and my friend.
Monday, November 16, 2009
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 11.13.09
Tysin Starr defeated "Big Daddy" Neno by count out.
Buzz Harley vs. Tommy Knox ended in a time limit draw.
EPW Extreme Champion Kilo Green defeated Chazz Stone to retain.
Britney was crowned Miss EPW, but the ceremony was interrupted by Melissa, who thinks she should be Miss EPW. Melissa beat Britney down and destroyed her tiara. Afterward, she said, "This is not over."
Justin Rhodes defeated EPW newcomer "The Main Factor" Robert Devine with help from Bonecrusher, who interfered in the match.
"The Queen of Destruction" Destiny defeated BB.
Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) defeated JR Mauler & Cassanova Kid to retain the EPW Tag Team belts.
Chris Lexxus defeated EPW Champion Bonecrusher by DQ due to interference by Justin Rhodes. Bonecrusher & Justin beat Lexxus down. Robert Devine in to make the save. Bonecrusher retains the belt.
Another big crowd at EPW, and they were treated to a great card.
The EPW card for this Saturday night, 11-21-09, will include Chris Lexxus & Robert Devine vs. Bonecrusher & Justin Rhodes. Stipulations for this match state that whoever scores the pin fall to win the match will be the EPW Champion. This will be a great match, so don't miss it! It happens this Saturday night at EPW in Booneville, MS, at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Buzz Harley vs. Tommy Knox ended in a time limit draw.
EPW Extreme Champion Kilo Green defeated Chazz Stone to retain.
Britney was crowned Miss EPW, but the ceremony was interrupted by Melissa, who thinks she should be Miss EPW. Melissa beat Britney down and destroyed her tiara. Afterward, she said, "This is not over."
Justin Rhodes defeated EPW newcomer "The Main Factor" Robert Devine with help from Bonecrusher, who interfered in the match.
"The Queen of Destruction" Destiny defeated BB.
Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) defeated JR Mauler & Cassanova Kid to retain the EPW Tag Team belts.
Chris Lexxus defeated EPW Champion Bonecrusher by DQ due to interference by Justin Rhodes. Bonecrusher & Justin beat Lexxus down. Robert Devine in to make the save. Bonecrusher retains the belt.
Another big crowd at EPW, and they were treated to a great card.
The EPW card for this Saturday night, 11-21-09, will include Chris Lexxus & Robert Devine vs. Bonecrusher & Justin Rhodes. Stipulations for this match state that whoever scores the pin fall to win the match will be the EPW Champion. This will be a great match, so don't miss it! It happens this Saturday night at EPW in Booneville, MS, at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
RassleResults: MCW Osceola, AR 11.13.09
Rashard and BJ vs Homer Lee and Ms. Candy Ms. Candy got the pin. This new and upcoming female wrestler really done a great job.
Pimptacular vs Wild Bill and Wild Bill got the win due to interference of Southside
V-Man vs Knockout Kid with V-Man getting the pin
"Natural Born Playa's" [Pimp and Southside Brawler] with that cheating Rashard vs Big Daddy LaFonce and "All American" Frankie Tucker. The Pimp and Southside ran out like a bunch of chickens and of course Rashard followed suit. Frankie has already signed a title match for next week against V-Man so Big Daddy and Frankie will go against Pimp and Southside the following week with no DQs and falls count anywhere match.
The main event was action packed with the "East Coast Bad Boys" [Serpent/C-Money/Spiro] vs Pokerface, Bishop and Sgt. Hudson, the fight was all over the building and the East Coast Bad Boys took the win. It was great seeing Serpent back in the ring.
Credit: Kim Wallace & MCW
Pimptacular vs Wild Bill and Wild Bill got the win due to interference of Southside
V-Man vs Knockout Kid with V-Man getting the pin
"Natural Born Playa's" [Pimp and Southside Brawler] with that cheating Rashard vs Big Daddy LaFonce and "All American" Frankie Tucker. The Pimp and Southside ran out like a bunch of chickens and of course Rashard followed suit. Frankie has already signed a title match for next week against V-Man so Big Daddy and Frankie will go against Pimp and Southside the following week with no DQs and falls count anywhere match.
The main event was action packed with the "East Coast Bad Boys" [Serpent/C-Money/Spiro] vs Pokerface, Bishop and Sgt. Hudson, the fight was all over the building and the East Coast Bad Boys took the win. It was great seeing Serpent back in the ring.
Credit: Kim Wallace & MCW
(WGN) Nov 16: Backstage notes from Raw at MSG, an awesome TNA PPV, WWE announce new TV deals, Jesse Ventura to host Raw, Edge update and more!!
Monday November 16, 2009
11/15 Smackdown house show results from Belfast, Ireland: Matt Hardy over Eric Escobar; R-Truth over Dolph Ziggler; Mickie James & Katie Lea over Beth Pheonix & Michelle McCool; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; John Morrison over Rey Mysterio; Christian over William Regal; Goldust & Shelton Benjamin over Zack Ryder and Zeke Jackson; and The Undertaker over CM Punk in a casket match.
Raw is live tonight from Madison Square Garden with Roddy Piper as guest host, Melina vs. Alicia Fox for the Divas title; and the main event of DX vs. John Cena & The Undertaker (teaming for the first time) vs. Big Show & Chris Jericho in a three-way.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Philadelphia with John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler in a best of three falls match for the IC title; and the main event of The Undertaker & Kane vs. Big Show and Chris Jericho. We're looking for reader reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
The Iron Sheik is doing a Piper's Pit segment tonight on Raw. He also filmed some pre tapes running down Hulk Hogan...
Hall of Famer Pat Paterson and comedian Judah Friedlander are backstage along with several members of the New York Yankees baseball team. In an effort to free up more seats they are going for an old-school look tonight with no big screen, no stage, and no ramp way.
WWE and NBC Universal today announced a renewal agreement to keep Raw on the USA Network through 2014. WWE sent out a release spinning that their overall ratings are up 11 percent this year because of the popularity of the guest host gimmick, when in fact it's entirely down to the addition of the new Superstars show on WGN.
An NBC rep confirmed that they are in early talks with WWE about launching a WWE channel on it's Universal HD network. Speculation arose stemming from an article today on the LA Times website.
Jesse Ventura was announced as guest host in two week's for a Thanksgiving themed Raw the night after Survivor Series in Hershey, PA. It's a three-hour show with all three brands involved. Ventura will be promoting his new television show, Conspiracy Theory on truTV.
Edge appeared to be moving around okay this past weekend at the Kids Choice Awards in Australia. He even ran along the stage as he made his entrance to referee a celeb tug-of-war contest. Eve Torres also appeared on stage and was slimed.
Good news for UK readers. BskyB said they have no plans to raise the price of WWE PPV in the near future. The price remains at £14.63 or 21.48 Euros on Sky Box Office. WWE and BskyB are also expected to announce a renewal of their TV contract in the next few week's.
Former Diva Ashley Massaro wrote on her Twitter that she was going to Raw tonight.
Lisa Taylor who was squashed last week by Beth Phoenix on Smackdown is Lisa Fury; a former model from Liverpool who has been active on the UK and European indy circuit for several years. Her grandfather was also wrestler in the 1950s and 60s as Tony Fury.
Superstars last week did a 0.9 rating, up 0.1 on the week before.
The WWE stock closed today up $0.50 to $15.99 it's highest close in two years.
11/15 Turning Point PPV results from Orlando, FL: Amazing Red over Homicide to retain the X-Division title; ODB, Taylor Wilde & Sarita over The Beautiful People; The British Invasion over Beer Money and The Machine Guns to retain the tag tiles; Tara over Awesome Kong in a steel cage; Team 3D & Rhino over Hernandez, Matt Morgan & D'Angelo Dinero; Scott Steiner over Bobby Lashley; Kurt Angle over Desmond Wolfe; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe & Daniels in a three-way to retain the TNA title.
Announced for Thursday's Impact: Taylor Wilde vs. Hamada; Beer Money & The Machine Guns vs. The British Invasion, Sheik Bashir & Kiyoshi; and AJ Styles & Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe & Daniels. There is also an interview with Sting talking about Hogan coming in and the return of Mick Foley after being burned by Raven.
The television tapings are today and Tuesday in Orlando.
Everyone was raving about the PPV last night, and even some WWE people, one of whom told me they couldn't understand how the company let TNA sign away Desmond Wolfe. Tazz even wrote on his Twitter that Turning Point was in the Top 3 of PPV's that he has ever witnessed live (just think about that for a second), and Dixie Carter was calling Angle-Wolfe and Styles-Daniels-Joe matches of the year.
Angle said that he threw out his back early in his match although he isn't expected to miss any time. No real serious injuries coming out of the PPV.
Superstar Billy Graham who has just relocated to Florida didn't attend the PPV as he is back in hospital with intestinal problems.
TNA has booked a show at Stampede Park in Calgary, Alberta on March 27, which is Wrestlemania weekend. One person who is clued in on the Calgary wrestling scene told us: "Stu [Hart] promoted wrestling events during the Calgary Stampede for decades, but there haven't been any major wrestling shows in the area as of late that weren't WWE shows, and even their recent run drew poorly. The Harts haven't had much involvement in Stampede Wrestling in years now, and attendance to those shows was no different to any other local indy... I'd imagine they'll get one of the Harts or more to appear at the show in some capacity. Several of them still live in the area, including Bruce and Ross."
Hulk Hogan landed in Sydney, Australia a few hours ago which is now early Tuesday morning ahead of Wednesday's press conference. The conference takes places at 11am at Star City in Melbourne... I sent a few texts to friends down under earlier today (mostly casual wrestling fans) and only one person out of six knew anything about the Hulkamania tour. One response was: "To do what? Is he still fighting? He must be like 80!" Advance ticket sales aren't great for the size of the arenas they are running. They may do okay with walk-ups but nothing is close to a sell-out.
ODB and Daffney will be signing autographs at the Boston Super Megafest on November 21 at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel in Worcester, MA.
Ring of Honor tonight on HDNet has Roderick Strong vs. Bryan Danielson (his last match); Delirious vs. Chris Hero; The Necro Butcher & Grizzly Redwood vs. Prince Nana & Joey Ryan in a beard vs. beard match; and Rasche Brown vs. Darren Matthews (not William Regal). More info on ROH at www.rohwrestling.com.
TMZ at http://tinyurl.com/ykqyhoj quotes Dana White on Brock Lesnar saying that Lesnar will require major surgery for his undisclosed ailments, and that he may never fight again. White mentioned some type of intestinal disorder but didn't reveal any details.
Women Superstars Uncensored run on December 12 at The American Legion Hall in Flemington, NJ: Mercedes Martinez vs. Rain for the WSU title; former WWE Diva Jazz vs. Angel Orsini, Shelley Martinez, TNA Knockout So Cal Val; and much more. Tickets are $18 on the door. For more info you can call (732) 888 -704 or email BULLSMC@aol.com.
ISPW presents Seasons Beatings on December 26 at the 3-2 Count Athletic Training Facility in Freehold, NJ: Crowbar vs. Ace Darling vs. Rick Fuller vs. Danny Inferno vs. Nunzio vs. Chase Del Monte in a Money in the Bank ladder match; Judas Young vs. Rob Eckos for the ISPW tile; Nicholas Nice vs. Baby Hughie; Bryan Logan vs. Matt Logan; former WWE Superstar Vito vs. Nicky Benz in a loser wears a dress match; Danny Doring vs. Erik Andrett; and more. Tickets from $12.00. For more info you can call (732) 409-1132 or visit www.ispwlive.com.
Macho Man Randy Savage at http://tinyurl.com/yhrdc9t has donated one of his ring-worm garbs to auction on eBay to raise money for Bristol Children's Hospital in England.
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson gave an interview to UK press saying that he sang Spice Girls songs to warm his voice up while recording Sony's animated movie Planet 51. "I sang Spice Girls' reunion tour while I was in the car, all the way," he joked, adding: "It's about a 45 minute drive so I was ready."
There is a story on Nick Hogan in the latest Life & Style magazine. Regarding his stint in jail last year he was quoted as saying: "Jail was definitely one of the worst experiences of my life, but it was also one of the best things that ever happened to me - just because of how much it changed me."
Mike Caldwell tells us: 'During last nights Indianapolis Colts/ New England Patriots football game the announcer said that #61 Stephen Neal defeated Brock Lesnar in the final match of an NCAA Wrestling Event.'
So Cal Val, Angelina Love, Shane Douglas, and The Rock & Roll Express will be signing autographs at the Point Flea market in Baltimore from 9am on November 14.
Stacy Keibler and boyfriend Geoff Stults (not Hornswoggle) made gossip columns over the weekend for partying in San Francisco. One columnist reported, "the duo drank cocktails in the VIP area, surrounded by friends – and distractions. At one point, Keibler got her hair and makeup touched up by someone from the Rogue Lifestyle Galleries."
Keibler has just landed a guest role on the 100th episode of the CBS sitcom How I met Your Mother.
Today's Diva of the Day is Tara at http://tinyurl.com/yfw9egd.
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Monday November 16, 2009
11/15 Smackdown house show results from Belfast, Ireland: Matt Hardy over Eric Escobar; R-Truth over Dolph Ziggler; Mickie James & Katie Lea over Beth Pheonix & Michelle McCool; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; John Morrison over Rey Mysterio; Christian over William Regal; Goldust & Shelton Benjamin over Zack Ryder and Zeke Jackson; and The Undertaker over CM Punk in a casket match.
Raw is live tonight from Madison Square Garden with Roddy Piper as guest host, Melina vs. Alicia Fox for the Divas title; and the main event of DX vs. John Cena & The Undertaker (teaming for the first time) vs. Big Show & Chris Jericho in a three-way.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Philadelphia with John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler in a best of three falls match for the IC title; and the main event of The Undertaker & Kane vs. Big Show and Chris Jericho. We're looking for reader reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
The Iron Sheik is doing a Piper's Pit segment tonight on Raw. He also filmed some pre tapes running down Hulk Hogan...
Hall of Famer Pat Paterson and comedian Judah Friedlander are backstage along with several members of the New York Yankees baseball team. In an effort to free up more seats they are going for an old-school look tonight with no big screen, no stage, and no ramp way.
WWE and NBC Universal today announced a renewal agreement to keep Raw on the USA Network through 2014. WWE sent out a release spinning that their overall ratings are up 11 percent this year because of the popularity of the guest host gimmick, when in fact it's entirely down to the addition of the new Superstars show on WGN.
An NBC rep confirmed that they are in early talks with WWE about launching a WWE channel on it's Universal HD network. Speculation arose stemming from an article today on the LA Times website.
Jesse Ventura was announced as guest host in two week's for a Thanksgiving themed Raw the night after Survivor Series in Hershey, PA. It's a three-hour show with all three brands involved. Ventura will be promoting his new television show, Conspiracy Theory on truTV.
Edge appeared to be moving around okay this past weekend at the Kids Choice Awards in Australia. He even ran along the stage as he made his entrance to referee a celeb tug-of-war contest. Eve Torres also appeared on stage and was slimed.
Good news for UK readers. BskyB said they have no plans to raise the price of WWE PPV in the near future. The price remains at £14.63 or 21.48 Euros on Sky Box Office. WWE and BskyB are also expected to announce a renewal of their TV contract in the next few week's.
Former Diva Ashley Massaro wrote on her Twitter that she was going to Raw tonight.
Lisa Taylor who was squashed last week by Beth Phoenix on Smackdown is Lisa Fury; a former model from Liverpool who has been active on the UK and European indy circuit for several years. Her grandfather was also wrestler in the 1950s and 60s as Tony Fury.
Superstars last week did a 0.9 rating, up 0.1 on the week before.
The WWE stock closed today up $0.50 to $15.99 it's highest close in two years.
11/15 Turning Point PPV results from Orlando, FL: Amazing Red over Homicide to retain the X-Division title; ODB, Taylor Wilde & Sarita over The Beautiful People; The British Invasion over Beer Money and The Machine Guns to retain the tag tiles; Tara over Awesome Kong in a steel cage; Team 3D & Rhino over Hernandez, Matt Morgan & D'Angelo Dinero; Scott Steiner over Bobby Lashley; Kurt Angle over Desmond Wolfe; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe & Daniels in a three-way to retain the TNA title.
Announced for Thursday's Impact: Taylor Wilde vs. Hamada; Beer Money & The Machine Guns vs. The British Invasion, Sheik Bashir & Kiyoshi; and AJ Styles & Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe & Daniels. There is also an interview with Sting talking about Hogan coming in and the return of Mick Foley after being burned by Raven.
The television tapings are today and Tuesday in Orlando.
Everyone was raving about the PPV last night, and even some WWE people, one of whom told me they couldn't understand how the company let TNA sign away Desmond Wolfe. Tazz even wrote on his Twitter that Turning Point was in the Top 3 of PPV's that he has ever witnessed live (just think about that for a second), and Dixie Carter was calling Angle-Wolfe and Styles-Daniels-Joe matches of the year.
Angle said that he threw out his back early in his match although he isn't expected to miss any time. No real serious injuries coming out of the PPV.
Superstar Billy Graham who has just relocated to Florida didn't attend the PPV as he is back in hospital with intestinal problems.
TNA has booked a show at Stampede Park in Calgary, Alberta on March 27, which is Wrestlemania weekend. One person who is clued in on the Calgary wrestling scene told us: "Stu [Hart] promoted wrestling events during the Calgary Stampede for decades, but there haven't been any major wrestling shows in the area as of late that weren't WWE shows, and even their recent run drew poorly. The Harts haven't had much involvement in Stampede Wrestling in years now, and attendance to those shows was no different to any other local indy... I'd imagine they'll get one of the Harts or more to appear at the show in some capacity. Several of them still live in the area, including Bruce and Ross."
Hulk Hogan landed in Sydney, Australia a few hours ago which is now early Tuesday morning ahead of Wednesday's press conference. The conference takes places at 11am at Star City in Melbourne... I sent a few texts to friends down under earlier today (mostly casual wrestling fans) and only one person out of six knew anything about the Hulkamania tour. One response was: "To do what? Is he still fighting? He must be like 80!" Advance ticket sales aren't great for the size of the arenas they are running. They may do okay with walk-ups but nothing is close to a sell-out.
ODB and Daffney will be signing autographs at the Boston Super Megafest on November 21 at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel in Worcester, MA.
Ring of Honor tonight on HDNet has Roderick Strong vs. Bryan Danielson (his last match); Delirious vs. Chris Hero; The Necro Butcher & Grizzly Redwood vs. Prince Nana & Joey Ryan in a beard vs. beard match; and Rasche Brown vs. Darren Matthews (not William Regal). More info on ROH at www.rohwrestling.com.
TMZ at http://tinyurl.com/ykqyhoj quotes Dana White on Brock Lesnar saying that Lesnar will require major surgery for his undisclosed ailments, and that he may never fight again. White mentioned some type of intestinal disorder but didn't reveal any details.
Women Superstars Uncensored run on December 12 at The American Legion Hall in Flemington, NJ: Mercedes Martinez vs. Rain for the WSU title; former WWE Diva Jazz vs. Angel Orsini, Shelley Martinez, TNA Knockout So Cal Val; and much more. Tickets are $18 on the door. For more info you can call (732) 888 -704 or email BULLSMC@aol.com.
ISPW presents Seasons Beatings on December 26 at the 3-2 Count Athletic Training Facility in Freehold, NJ: Crowbar vs. Ace Darling vs. Rick Fuller vs. Danny Inferno vs. Nunzio vs. Chase Del Monte in a Money in the Bank ladder match; Judas Young vs. Rob Eckos for the ISPW tile; Nicholas Nice vs. Baby Hughie; Bryan Logan vs. Matt Logan; former WWE Superstar Vito vs. Nicky Benz in a loser wears a dress match; Danny Doring vs. Erik Andrett; and more. Tickets from $12.00. For more info you can call (732) 409-1132 or visit www.ispwlive.com.
Macho Man Randy Savage at http://tinyurl.com/yhrdc9t has donated one of his ring-worm garbs to auction on eBay to raise money for Bristol Children's Hospital in England.
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson gave an interview to UK press saying that he sang Spice Girls songs to warm his voice up while recording Sony's animated movie Planet 51. "I sang Spice Girls' reunion tour while I was in the car, all the way," he joked, adding: "It's about a 45 minute drive so I was ready."
There is a story on Nick Hogan in the latest Life & Style magazine. Regarding his stint in jail last year he was quoted as saying: "Jail was definitely one of the worst experiences of my life, but it was also one of the best things that ever happened to me - just because of how much it changed me."
Mike Caldwell tells us: 'During last nights Indianapolis Colts/ New England Patriots football game the announcer said that #61 Stephen Neal defeated Brock Lesnar in the final match of an NCAA Wrestling Event.'
So Cal Val, Angelina Love, Shane Douglas, and The Rock & Roll Express will be signing autographs at the Point Flea market in Baltimore from 9am on November 14.
Stacy Keibler and boyfriend Geoff Stults (not Hornswoggle) made gossip columns over the weekend for partying in San Francisco. One columnist reported, "the duo drank cocktails in the VIP area, surrounded by friends – and distractions. At one point, Keibler got her hair and makeup touched up by someone from the Rogue Lifestyle Galleries."
Keibler has just landed a guest role on the 100th episode of the CBS sitcom How I met Your Mother.
Today's Diva of the Day is Tara at http://tinyurl.com/yfw9egd.
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
RassleResults: TIWF Brownsville, TN 11.14.09
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation results for Friday 11-14-09 at the TIWF Showplex Arena Trenton,Tn.
Way Cool def. Mike Kelly by DQ
Chico Mendoza def. Jody Day
Todd Currie© def. Blaine Divine to retain the Cruiserweight Title
Buckwild Bill/Brian Michaels def. Izzy Rotten & Nick Grymes
LSD def. Taylor Payne
Knockout Kid & Lawman Williams def. Big Boy Bob & Commander Deklerk
Big Brad Simpson def. David Andrews
Fus!on & JBR def. Devon Day, Kilo & Gaylon Ray
• Notes:
• 207 in attendance.
• Announcers:Scotty C., Drew Magruder, Hotrod
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
Way Cool def. Mike Kelly by DQ
Chico Mendoza def. Jody Day
Todd Currie© def. Blaine Divine to retain the Cruiserweight Title
Buckwild Bill/Brian Michaels def. Izzy Rotten & Nick Grymes
LSD def. Taylor Payne
Knockout Kid & Lawman Williams def. Big Boy Bob & Commander Deklerk
Big Brad Simpson def. David Andrews
Fus!on & JBR def. Devon Day, Kilo & Gaylon Ray
• Notes:
• 207 in attendance.
• Announcers:Scotty C., Drew Magruder, Hotrod
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
RassleResults: TIWF Brownsville, TN 11.13.09
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation results for Friday 11-13-09 at New Breed Arena Brownsville,Tn.
Christmas Basket Fundraiser
FuS!on def. Blaine Divine & Gaylon Ray
Wildside def. Commander DeKlerk
Jon Biscuit Roberts def. Kilo
Buck Currie & Jody Day def. The Executioners
Chico Mendoza def. Devon Day © in a non-title match
Todd Currie def. Oz© to win the cruiserweight title
Lawman Williams def. Big Boy Bob in a Texas Bullrope Match
• Notes:
• 139 in attendance.
• Announcers:PK Ripper, Hotrod
Christmas Basket Fundraiser
FuS!on def. Blaine Divine & Gaylon Ray
Wildside def. Commander DeKlerk
Jon Biscuit Roberts def. Kilo
Buck Currie & Jody Day def. The Executioners
Chico Mendoza def. Devon Day © in a non-title match
Todd Currie def. Oz© to win the cruiserweight title
Lawman Williams def. Big Boy Bob in a Texas Bullrope Match
• Notes:
• 139 in attendance.
• Announcers:PK Ripper, Hotrod
(WGN) Nov 15:Dixie signs a new deal, Chavo on Eddie, Jeff Hardy's new look, Hall of Famer booked for Raw at MSG and and more
Sunday November 15, 2009
11/14 Smackdown house show results from Dublin, Ireland: John Morrison over Matt Hardy; Shelton Benjamin over Zack Ryder; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; Mickie James & Katie Lea over Michelle McCool & Beth Phoenix; Ezekiel Jackson over Goldust; Rey Mysterio over Dolph Ziggler; Christian over William Regal; R-Truth over Eric Escobar in literally five seconds; and The Undertaker over CM Punk in a casket match. Show drew around 10,000. Jericho was advertised but didn't appear.
The Iron Sheik is booked for Monday's Raw at Madison Square Garden which is guest hosted by Roddy Piper.
WWE received some negative press in the Middle East this past week after they had promised fans in Israel a live event to help keep to wrestling on television which is currently opposed by religious groups. WWE reps were quoted saying that they would be unable to run any shows due to a travel warning issued by the government. This led to some fans calling for people to boycott WWE in the country until they come over for a show.
The Great Khali has agreed to become the brand ambassador of the Special Olympics. Organisers hope his presence will inspire challenged children and would also add to the attraction of their quadrennial events - held next summer and winter. Khali is currently in India to attend his younger brother's wedding.
Chavo Guerrero wrote a blog in tribute to the four-year passing of Eddie Guerrero on Friday: "Four years ago today I woke to something horrible. I found my uncle, my brother, my friend, dead in a Minneapolis hotel room. My life went into an immediate tailspin. I can't even imagine how his wife and kids felt. The Chavo that woke up that morning, died right along side of Eddie. I was changed forever. Sometimes, I feel it's for the better, sometimes worse, but either way... changed. All of a sudden, I was alone in the wrestling world. A world that can eat you up and spit you out if you let it. The brother that always looked after me and showed me the ropes was gone. I was blessed enough to have boarded my connection flight in Phoenix and saw Eddie sitting there. It put an instant smile on my face. We were able to spend the flight and cab ride after together. We checked into the hotel and made plans to workout in the morning. We kissed and said "I love you" and went to our own rooms. That was the last time I saw my uncle alive. Needless to say, I barely remember the next day. I realize now that the chance run-in was a gift from God. A chance to spend one last night with my brother before he was called home. I miss you Eddie as I'm sure many other people do too. Save a spot in heaven for me. You can show me the ropes there too."
Some injury notes from developmental. Kaval (Low Ki) was back working house shows this weekend following reconstructive knee surgery. Wes Brisco recently broke his arm and is wearing a cast. Justin Angel has a knee injury and is on crutches, and Dylan Klein has a shoulder issue.
The UK Daily Star at http://tinyurl.com/yjn2m72 has a story on Big Show with this gem: "Tours have changed a lot. In the old days we used to go out and tear it up in bars. Now the younger guys just go to their rooms and play Guitar Hero." Sure they do.
WWE and THQ have just come to terms on a deal where THQ would retain the WWE video game license through 2014.
11/13 house show results from Scranton, PA: Alissa Flash over Sara Del Rey; Suicide over Chris Sabin; Hamada beat Daffney; D'Angelo Dinero over Eric Young in a non-title match; Amazing Red over Homicide; Taylor Wilde & Sarita over The Beautiful People; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe & Daniels in a three-way. Show drew around 400.
Superstar Billy Graham had said he was planning to attend Turning Point tonight with his daughter after just relocating from Pheonix to West Palm Beach, FL.
Dixie Carter today signed Pope D'Angelo Dinero to a multi-year deal.
Kevin Nash returns tonight at the PPV for the start of a new angle leading to Hulk Hogan's debut. As best we know Hogan isn't in Orlando.
The latest Hermie's Hotseat with Kip James as the guest is online at http://tinyurl.com/yf7hs26. They spend most of the interview time putting over Kip's WWE run with BG James, who no longer works here.
Tara was inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame in her hometown of Rialto, CA on Saturday.
There was a major screw up on Virgin One in the UK over the weekeend as they aired a 4-week old episode of Impact. The channel said this was due to technical difficulties so that usually means there was a fault with the tapes or they didn't receive them.
Stephanie Bellars (Gorgeous George in WCW) was hanging out backstage at the Friday night house show in Wayne, NJ.
E! Online reported that Brooke Hogan on Friday night arrived at the Enclave nightclub in Chicago at 2am, jumped on stage, "and gave an impromptu performance of slurred lyrics and wobbly dance moves."
The Baltimore Sun has a Q&A with former Headbanger Mosh, Chaz Warrington at http://tinyurl.com/ygfc9cj. On whether he is a fan of today's product: "Being a fan of the business – that’s tough to say yes or no. I’m a fan of old-school business. I believe in getting in the ring and performing and actually being able to tell a story in a match and not just going out there and flying around and doing a bunch of meaningless high spots. If I’m flipping through the channels and I see somebody I know or that I still talk to, I’ll watch it. If it’s two guys that I really don’t know or the match just doesn’t make sense to me, I can’t watch it and I turn it off."
Showtime All-Star Wrestling out of Nashville announced Dutch Mantell as their new booker. The group runs in Lewisburg on November 26 with Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Superstar Bill Dundee.
Jessie Ventura was a guest on Opie and Anthony this past week espousing his belief that the U.S. government arranged the 9/11 attacks.
Ventura's Conspiracy Theory premieres on TruTV on December 2 at 10pm ET.
Dwayne Johnson is a guest on the syndicated Ellen Degeneres Show on Tuesday. He is doing a lot of press over the next two weeks promoting Sony’s new animated movie Planet 51 which he voiced with Jessica Biel.
Here is a photo of Jeff Hardy's new haircut http://i38.tinypic.com/1425z69.jpg sans ponytail.
Before his UFC 105 prelim fight on Saturday night with Nick Osipczak, Matt Riddle came out to Hulk Hogan’s American Made theme song which was well received by the crowd in Manchester, England.
Candice Michelle recently had a meeting with a reality show producer to discuss an interesting opportunity.
Konnan is writing an autobiography.
Today's Diva of the Day is Mickie James at http://tinyurl.com/yfw9egd.
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Sunday November 15, 2009
11/14 Smackdown house show results from Dublin, Ireland: John Morrison over Matt Hardy; Shelton Benjamin over Zack Ryder; Drew McIntyre over Finlay; Mickie James & Katie Lea over Michelle McCool & Beth Phoenix; Ezekiel Jackson over Goldust; Rey Mysterio over Dolph Ziggler; Christian over William Regal; R-Truth over Eric Escobar in literally five seconds; and The Undertaker over CM Punk in a casket match. Show drew around 10,000. Jericho was advertised but didn't appear.
The Iron Sheik is booked for Monday's Raw at Madison Square Garden which is guest hosted by Roddy Piper.
WWE received some negative press in the Middle East this past week after they had promised fans in Israel a live event to help keep to wrestling on television which is currently opposed by religious groups. WWE reps were quoted saying that they would be unable to run any shows due to a travel warning issued by the government. This led to some fans calling for people to boycott WWE in the country until they come over for a show.
The Great Khali has agreed to become the brand ambassador of the Special Olympics. Organisers hope his presence will inspire challenged children and would also add to the attraction of their quadrennial events - held next summer and winter. Khali is currently in India to attend his younger brother's wedding.
Chavo Guerrero wrote a blog in tribute to the four-year passing of Eddie Guerrero on Friday: "Four years ago today I woke to something horrible. I found my uncle, my brother, my friend, dead in a Minneapolis hotel room. My life went into an immediate tailspin. I can't even imagine how his wife and kids felt. The Chavo that woke up that morning, died right along side of Eddie. I was changed forever. Sometimes, I feel it's for the better, sometimes worse, but either way... changed. All of a sudden, I was alone in the wrestling world. A world that can eat you up and spit you out if you let it. The brother that always looked after me and showed me the ropes was gone. I was blessed enough to have boarded my connection flight in Phoenix and saw Eddie sitting there. It put an instant smile on my face. We were able to spend the flight and cab ride after together. We checked into the hotel and made plans to workout in the morning. We kissed and said "I love you" and went to our own rooms. That was the last time I saw my uncle alive. Needless to say, I barely remember the next day. I realize now that the chance run-in was a gift from God. A chance to spend one last night with my brother before he was called home. I miss you Eddie as I'm sure many other people do too. Save a spot in heaven for me. You can show me the ropes there too."
Some injury notes from developmental. Kaval (Low Ki) was back working house shows this weekend following reconstructive knee surgery. Wes Brisco recently broke his arm and is wearing a cast. Justin Angel has a knee injury and is on crutches, and Dylan Klein has a shoulder issue.
The UK Daily Star at http://tinyurl.com/yjn2m72 has a story on Big Show with this gem: "Tours have changed a lot. In the old days we used to go out and tear it up in bars. Now the younger guys just go to their rooms and play Guitar Hero." Sure they do.
WWE and THQ have just come to terms on a deal where THQ would retain the WWE video game license through 2014.
11/13 house show results from Scranton, PA: Alissa Flash over Sara Del Rey; Suicide over Chris Sabin; Hamada beat Daffney; D'Angelo Dinero over Eric Young in a non-title match; Amazing Red over Homicide; Taylor Wilde & Sarita over The Beautiful People; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe & Daniels in a three-way. Show drew around 400.
Superstar Billy Graham had said he was planning to attend Turning Point tonight with his daughter after just relocating from Pheonix to West Palm Beach, FL.
Dixie Carter today signed Pope D'Angelo Dinero to a multi-year deal.
Kevin Nash returns tonight at the PPV for the start of a new angle leading to Hulk Hogan's debut. As best we know Hogan isn't in Orlando.
The latest Hermie's Hotseat with Kip James as the guest is online at http://tinyurl.com/yf7hs26. They spend most of the interview time putting over Kip's WWE run with BG James, who no longer works here.
Tara was inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame in her hometown of Rialto, CA on Saturday.
There was a major screw up on Virgin One in the UK over the weekeend as they aired a 4-week old episode of Impact. The channel said this was due to technical difficulties so that usually means there was a fault with the tapes or they didn't receive them.
Stephanie Bellars (Gorgeous George in WCW) was hanging out backstage at the Friday night house show in Wayne, NJ.
E! Online reported that Brooke Hogan on Friday night arrived at the Enclave nightclub in Chicago at 2am, jumped on stage, "and gave an impromptu performance of slurred lyrics and wobbly dance moves."
The Baltimore Sun has a Q&A with former Headbanger Mosh, Chaz Warrington at http://tinyurl.com/ygfc9cj. On whether he is a fan of today's product: "Being a fan of the business – that’s tough to say yes or no. I’m a fan of old-school business. I believe in getting in the ring and performing and actually being able to tell a story in a match and not just going out there and flying around and doing a bunch of meaningless high spots. If I’m flipping through the channels and I see somebody I know or that I still talk to, I’ll watch it. If it’s two guys that I really don’t know or the match just doesn’t make sense to me, I can’t watch it and I turn it off."
Showtime All-Star Wrestling out of Nashville announced Dutch Mantell as their new booker. The group runs in Lewisburg on November 26 with Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Superstar Bill Dundee.
Jessie Ventura was a guest on Opie and Anthony this past week espousing his belief that the U.S. government arranged the 9/11 attacks.
Ventura's Conspiracy Theory premieres on TruTV on December 2 at 10pm ET.
Dwayne Johnson is a guest on the syndicated Ellen Degeneres Show on Tuesday. He is doing a lot of press over the next two weeks promoting Sony’s new animated movie Planet 51 which he voiced with Jessica Biel.
Here is a photo of Jeff Hardy's new haircut http://i38.tinypic.com/1425z69.jpg sans ponytail.
Before his UFC 105 prelim fight on Saturday night with Nick Osipczak, Matt Riddle came out to Hulk Hogan’s American Made theme song which was well received by the crowd in Manchester, England.
Candice Michelle recently had a meeting with a reality show producer to discuss an interesting opportunity.
Konnan is writing an autobiography.
Today's Diva of the Day is Mickie James at http://tinyurl.com/yfw9egd.
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
RassleResults: Championship Wrestling Manila, AR 11.14.09
Chris Day and Brian Lee def Snuffy the Hillbilly and Jeremy Spike
Adrain Stratton def Legion in a Hardcore Match
Johnny Morton def Hambone 1 to retain PWA Heavyweight Title
Rik Burton def Ron Horn
Big Daddy Lafonce and Manila Police Chief Jackie Hill def Midnight Cowboy and Bryan Knight
"East Coast Bad Boyz" [Spiro/Serpent/C-Money] def Motley Cruz, Chris Hollywood, Rik Burton
Attendance was over 300 and raised over $2300 for Boy Scouts Troop 32 in Manila. Thanks for all that had a hand in it.
----Good job guys!! Good to hear that there was a good crowd and money raised for the Boy Scouts Troop!!
Adrain Stratton def Legion in a Hardcore Match
Johnny Morton def Hambone 1 to retain PWA Heavyweight Title
Rik Burton def Ron Horn
Big Daddy Lafonce and Manila Police Chief Jackie Hill def Midnight Cowboy and Bryan Knight
"East Coast Bad Boyz" [Spiro/Serpent/C-Money] def Motley Cruz, Chris Hollywood, Rik Burton
Attendance was over 300 and raised over $2300 for Boy Scouts Troop 32 in Manila. Thanks for all that had a hand in it.
----Good job guys!! Good to hear that there was a good crowd and money raised for the Boy Scouts Troop!!
RassleResults: EWE Ripley, TN 11.14.09
Start off with DK interview. He comes out with security doing his normal routine. He talks about what he is going to do to Stan at Thanksgiving Throwdown. He makes an announcement saying that Cody Melton w/ DK and Stan Lee w/ Tatt2 will be in a steel cage match at DCW's Thanksgiving Throwdown night (11.27.09). Stan comes out and accepts everything and DK and Stan talk more smack to each other.
Tim Edwards w/ JR vs Ike Tucker w/ Brian Steele Ike gets the win
JR manson vs. Bishop - Seth comes out and attacks Bishop while ref is down. JR Manson wins
Tommy Redneck vs. Seth Knight (Bishop comes out and attacks Seth Knight) Redneck wins
DK vs Tatt2 DK wins
Dustin Baker came out to the ring and announced that, as of then, Dustin Starr had been stripped of the EWE championship. He has been a no show for over a month and since the title has not been defended within that time frame Baker stripped the title. The EWE championship will be up for grabs at Thanksgiving Throwdown in Ripley, TN. TT has added a double main event. Stan Lee vs DK in a "last man standing" match and the EWE heavy weight championship will be up for grabs. Christian Jacobs (being the #1 contender) w/ a mystery opponent at this time.
Cody Melton, Randy, Tucker vs Jon Michael, CJ, and Stan Lee
DK interferes in match while CJ/Jon and Tucker/Randy fight to the back
DK and Stan go at it in the ring; Cody comes back and helps DK attack Stan. Tatt2 comes back to the ring to help Stan. Cody/DK exit the ring while Stan/Tatt2 issue challenge to fight right then. Cody/DK exit but not without making Stan/Tatt2 along with the fans very angry. Stan tries to fight through security to get to DK. Stan lays a right fist in the face of one of the Refs and chases DK and Cody to the back.
EWE is still accepting Toys for the Toy Drive until December 19th
Thanksgiving Throwdown will be 8$ at the door at DCW and EWE or $15 for a special ticket that will get you in both shows along with all the special activities.
Credit: EWEMediaMogul
Tim Edwards w/ JR vs Ike Tucker w/ Brian Steele Ike gets the win
JR manson vs. Bishop - Seth comes out and attacks Bishop while ref is down. JR Manson wins
Tommy Redneck vs. Seth Knight (Bishop comes out and attacks Seth Knight) Redneck wins
DK vs Tatt2 DK wins
Dustin Baker came out to the ring and announced that, as of then, Dustin Starr had been stripped of the EWE championship. He has been a no show for over a month and since the title has not been defended within that time frame Baker stripped the title. The EWE championship will be up for grabs at Thanksgiving Throwdown in Ripley, TN. TT has added a double main event. Stan Lee vs DK in a "last man standing" match and the EWE heavy weight championship will be up for grabs. Christian Jacobs (being the #1 contender) w/ a mystery opponent at this time.
Cody Melton, Randy, Tucker vs Jon Michael, CJ, and Stan Lee
DK interferes in match while CJ/Jon and Tucker/Randy fight to the back
DK and Stan go at it in the ring; Cody comes back and helps DK attack Stan. Tatt2 comes back to the ring to help Stan. Cody/DK exit the ring while Stan/Tatt2 issue challenge to fight right then. Cody/DK exit but not without making Stan/Tatt2 along with the fans very angry. Stan tries to fight through security to get to DK. Stan lays a right fist in the face of one of the Refs and chases DK and Cody to the back.
EWE is still accepting Toys for the Toy Drive until December 19th
Thanksgiving Throwdown will be 8$ at the door at DCW and EWE or $15 for a special ticket that will get you in both shows along with all the special activities.
Credit: EWEMediaMogul
More News On Wolfie!!
----Wolfie's girlfriend Lizzy posted this Friday morning before he went to rehab. This business sucks sometimes.
I'd like to thank each and every one of you who reached out and prayed for Wolfie during this very painful time. Those who have known him for years and have seen him grow up in this business should realize his secret behind closed doors can no longer be. This man, whom I love, is very young at heart with talent that can surpass any expectations, including his. I ask the fans, his friends, loved ones and all of those in the business to PLEASE respect his time away and to encourage him that life is worth living for again.
Outside of the ring he has a well-paying job, a beautiful daughter and a woman who will stand by him through better or worse (and we're not even married! lol). In the first 8-months of our relationship he never had a single drop of temptation and he was in the greatest shape of his life. Healthy, happy and full of love. On July 3rd, he relapsed and we have been struggling ever since. The unconditional love and support I have for him is no match against anyone elses supposed feelings for him, BUT I refuse to let him hurt himself and his family. For those of you that have doubted me as his new girl, I hope I have made it very clear that I will always be around to protect him, even we he is incapable of doing it himself.
Please know that he is home and very much safe, but also in a lot of pain. I can't be the only one to help him through this. He needs everyone's help. When he's at a show, keep the alcohol and drugs away from him. Do that much for him if you really care. When he's upset, TALK to him instead of giving him a pill or a bottle. Wolfie is a wonderful man who sadly gets torn apart by this demon we know as addiction. Whether you take it lightly or not, I promise that if I hear or know of anyone hurting him or encouraging him to basically kill himself, I will personally make your life impossible to wake up to because no one fucks with my family.
I'd like to thank each and every one of you who reached out and prayed for Wolfie during this very painful time. Those who have known him for years and have seen him grow up in this business should realize his secret behind closed doors can no longer be. This man, whom I love, is very young at heart with talent that can surpass any expectations, including his. I ask the fans, his friends, loved ones and all of those in the business to PLEASE respect his time away and to encourage him that life is worth living for again.
Outside of the ring he has a well-paying job, a beautiful daughter and a woman who will stand by him through better or worse (and we're not even married! lol). In the first 8-months of our relationship he never had a single drop of temptation and he was in the greatest shape of his life. Healthy, happy and full of love. On July 3rd, he relapsed and we have been struggling ever since. The unconditional love and support I have for him is no match against anyone elses supposed feelings for him, BUT I refuse to let him hurt himself and his family. For those of you that have doubted me as his new girl, I hope I have made it very clear that I will always be around to protect him, even we he is incapable of doing it himself.
Please know that he is home and very much safe, but also in a lot of pain. I can't be the only one to help him through this. He needs everyone's help. When he's at a show, keep the alcohol and drugs away from him. Do that much for him if you really care. When he's upset, TALK to him instead of giving him a pill or a bottle. Wolfie is a wonderful man who sadly gets torn apart by this demon we know as addiction. Whether you take it lightly or not, I promise that if I hear or know of anyone hurting him or encouraging him to basically kill himself, I will personally make your life impossible to wake up to because no one fucks with my family.
RassleResults: Mid-South Wrestling Booneville, AR 11.14.09
Mid-South Wrestling
Sat. Nov. 14, 2009
Booneville, AR
National Guard Armory
1) Apoc pinned El Super Colibri after a version of the Death Valley Driver.
2) International Champion Tim Storm beat Chas Cardington.
3) Wes Robinson defeated Dexter Hardaway (with Talon).
4) Malia Hosaka pinned Athena using the ropes for leverage.
5) Dustin Anderson pinned Bruiser Rick Sweetan (with Rich Rude) with a school boy.
6) Prince Al Farat beat Mark Johnson in a lumberjack match.
7) Tag Team Champions Reckage & Romance (Matt Riviera & Jeff Jett) beat The Dark Circle (Tim Storm & Apoc) when Riviera pinned Storm after the One Night Stand.
Attendance was 200 in a building that wouldn't hold many more. Very good show from top to bottom. Crowd was hot all night...Brian Thompson was there to cut some promos.
Sat. Nov. 14, 2009
Booneville, AR
National Guard Armory
1) Apoc pinned El Super Colibri after a version of the Death Valley Driver.
2) International Champion Tim Storm beat Chas Cardington.
3) Wes Robinson defeated Dexter Hardaway (with Talon).
4) Malia Hosaka pinned Athena using the ropes for leverage.
5) Dustin Anderson pinned Bruiser Rick Sweetan (with Rich Rude) with a school boy.
6) Prince Al Farat beat Mark Johnson in a lumberjack match.
7) Tag Team Champions Reckage & Romance (Matt Riviera & Jeff Jett) beat The Dark Circle (Tim Storm & Apoc) when Riviera pinned Storm after the One Night Stand.
Attendance was 200 in a building that wouldn't hold many more. Very good show from top to bottom. Crowd was hot all night...Brian Thompson was there to cut some promos.
RassleResults: NEW West Memphis, AR 11.13.09 - Jerry Lawler Backstage!!

----Jerry "The King" Lawler was in attendance at the event. He did not do an on air or in ring appearance. He stayed in the back during the whole show looking at the production of the show. Rumors flying that this might be something to do with Lawler's plan for Memphis Wrestling.
-Justin "The Juice" Smart beat Kevin Charles
-Justin "The Juice" Smart beat Dan Matthews
-Eric Wayne beat Kolby Stern
-KId Nikels beat Shawn Reed
----46 people in the crowd...Chuck Poe and Downtown Bruno were the refs...They did an angle in the Wayne/Stern bout where Stern was knocked out by repeat blows to the head. Stern carried out by NEW members...Alan Steele tried to get involved in the main event, but run off by both wrestlers.
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