Saturday, May 26, 2007

Arena Report: LAW Rector, AR 5.25.07

----I traveled to LAW in Rector, AR last night to see the remnants of the promotion after the departure of Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Brian Christopher and more. This promotion is in a rebuilding phase and I can’t really judge just by this one show on the total package, but they got a lot of work to do. LAW booker, Greg Anthony, has his work cut out for him at first establishing a roster and then going with angles that the fans will come out to see. There were some good points, but very few.

----“Picture Perfect” Jon Michael beat Slim “Bulldog” Pickens. Michael is in great shape and carried Pickens to pretty much a squash. Michael was getting cheers, but by the time the match was finish, they were booing him. Pickens, like most of the young guys from NBW, do some psychology spots that are way beyond their talent. Pickens is kicking his feet trying to get the crowd into the bout and I have seen vets that don’t do stuff like that. Michael beat him with a spear. [*]

----Tommy Drama beat Arnez with Karly by putting his foot on the ropes. No psychology as every time Drama went to get the heat, Arnez cut him off. The moves looked ok, but nothing special. [*]

----Tommy Redneck beat TL Love. TL is Tommy Boy. Tommy Boy is horrible. With that said, this was the best match I have every seen Tommy Boy in. Redneck did a good job carrying him and worked all psychology. Crowd popped big for Redneck win and when he came out. [*3/4]

----Interview angle with John Steele letting LAW CEO Jeff O’Dell [doing a Vince/Shane McMahon gimmick] know that he was in charge when Championship Committee leader Thomas Graham was not there. “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony came out. It was announced that an 8 man tournament to declare the new LAW Champion on June 23, 2007 in Rector, AR. Steele announced that the only way TGB would be in the tournament is to beat Christopher O’Neal tonight.

----“Foxxy” Erik Hayes with “Sweet Cheeks” beat Alec Fontez. Finish of match was good with Fontez jumping from the top and Hayes hitting him with his purse. Fontez also did a dive from the top turnbuckle to the floor on Hayes. Hayes did a kewl flying leg lariat. I think both guys could have good matches with guys with more experience. There was too much waiting on the part of getting heat. “Sweet Cheeks” does the gimmick real good, but need LOTS of work around the ring. [*1/2]

----Simon Reed beat Idol Bane. My first look at Bane. He came out in a dress looking thing that looked different and I liked it. The only thing is that he needs something different to wear for the shirt of his gear. Reed helped carry him to a good match. Good psychology with Bane getting the heat. Bane should have done some power moves like a powerslam or something during heat instead of just kicking & punching. Solid match. [**1/2]

----TGB vs Christopher O’Neal ended in No Contest. Stips had TGB winning to get into the 8-man tournament. Not as good as I expected. O’Neal was a bit “off” and didn’t look as crisp as usual. They started the match slow doing mat wrestling as if it was going real long. This crowd would have probably got into it more if it was faster paced. Finish was good with a ref bump followed by Jeff O’Dell walking out to the ring. O’Dell was going to interfere, but Jon Michael came out and said let me do it. Michael ended up spearing O’Neal. Then Michael speared TGB. John Steele then got in the ring with the LAW Title in his hand. to check on O'Neal. Michael got the title from Steele and pushed him down. He started smiling and left with the belt. O’Dell and TGB were throwing a fit when he left. [**]

Notes: 21 paid with a gate close to $126 and 40 people in the building…They honored LAW trainee Marcus Keller at the very front of the show. Keller is headed to Iraq tomorrow. Classy…Pickens had a open challenge and Michael came out. Sort of reverse of the heel challenges anyone – that might be the reason Michael got the pop…Arnez is doing a complete “Psycho” gimmick now. Part of it is really kewl, but part of it comes off as a total ripoff. My kids loved it…Erik Hayes used a crazy submission hold on Fontez that I can’t even explain. It looked awesome…No tag matches!! Not good for a tag team mark like me…Great finish in the main event to leave the fans wanting more, it just sucks they did not have their core crowd there this week…Good time was had by all. Thanks to cast and crew of LAW.


ACW Cancels AGAIN!!

----I just had the chance to get to my e-mail and Arkansas Championship Wrestling canceled their show for tonight. There is no way that a weekly show can run shows, if they continue to cancel shows. This is not fair to the fans or the workers.

More on EWE!!

----I wanted to post this as an update to the EWE story. I have seen various things about Sammy Hall's power?? Does he have the power to do things like this?? And, why did he not shut JWS and shut EWE down???

EWE, the wrestling organization in Ripley, MS, is no more. Commissioner Sammy Hall shut the organization down Friday night. He revoked the Promoter’s license. I have been told by workers who were there that Sammy tore the license up in front of the promoter, and told him that he would never be given a license again. The reason for shutting the organization down is because they used un-licensed workers, and also because they used two workers who were under age. One was 15, one was 16, or so I have been told. You will recall that I predicted this group would not last long. Just when I was beginning to think I was wrong about them, the group self destructed by breaking one too many rules.

JWS in Jumpertown has also been under fire from the Athletic Commissioner, but has not lost their license as of now. Their infraction was that they used the same un-licensed worker that EWE used. That’s one strike. I don’t think Sammy is playing, guys. Better do things right. Things have been in a state of turmoil in JWS anyway the last few weeks. They have had several changes in bookers, and some workers have left as a result. Frankly, I hope they can get things back on track again.

**Credit Axeman on

Comment on EWE

RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 5.25.07

----Josh Holley vs. Chris Kilgore ended in a No-Contest…Devon Raines d. LSD to retain his LightHeavyweight Title…Bless d. Chris Kaos…DC & Chop d. Judas Thorn & Dirty Sanchez…Cassanova Kid d. Special ED by DQ to retain the TFW Title…Testosterone (Brett Michaels & Fusion) d. Chris Kilgore & Josh Holley…Cage Match: Chris Styles d. Josh Matthews and Shawn Reed. Tony Dabbs and T-Byrd ran in near the end of the match to help Styles get the victory. Styles, T-Byrd, and Dabbs are now known at Attitude, Inc. Plus, the feud between Matthews and Reed may continue as they still unresolved issues over Shawn "leaving" Josh when they were teaming as the "Kings of Wrestling"

----It was the Henry Lindsey Memorial Show, and it was a fun show with 75 people in the crowd with a gate close to $375…There were also 4 different high school graduations in the area, so that explains the low number…This week TFW began a new booking philosophy of trying to build toward one big show a month, instead of just having a bunch of shows that have no flow to them.…By the way, Axeman wasn't there, so Hunter Montgomery Jackson took over his duties. Love that name!! Isn’t “Jackson Montgomery” a character from “All My Children”?? I shouldn’t know that; should I?? LOL…On another note, it looks like Uncle Vinnie the Blade, one half ofthe Freakshow and TFW Tag Team Champion, may not be back for a coupleof months. I believe it is due to some personal issues.

----A side note on this group. I was told to look for indy legend and CHIKARA Pro promoter Mike Quackenbush to be heading to the area sometime this year. A deal is currently in the works to have Mike bring some of his guys down to Mississippi from Philadelphia to work Tupelo on Friday night and West Point on a Saturday night. Then, as an exchange of sorts, expect Josh Matthews, Shawn Reed, and Chris Styles to go work a weekend doubleshot in PA at the ECW Arena for CHIKARA Pro as "The Southern Saints". There are plenty of details still to be worked out on this one, but as soon as I know more, I will let everyone know. This is good news for the TFW talent and I will be one in the crowd for Quackenbush.


The Ratings Are In!!

----This past week's show return to average with a 2.5 [42,644 viewers] after the last week’s good rating. The numbers are about 3,000 less than average, which are probably part of the viewers they lost from start to finish. You can’t really look at this week’s rating and come to strong conclusions as it just went up a little and then down a little. The numbers are still what the should be, but as Corey Maclin had stated in an interview last year, the company still makes money at this rating.

[Derrick King opens the show with an interview with Corey Maclin. King starts saying he is not scared of Spellbinder, but when Spell’s music starts playing he starts bugging his eyes. DK beats Shawn Shultz. This was a real good TV bout. Shultz was flawless. DK beat him with a superkick. Lights go out after match and Spell comes out in the dark with flaming torch that he turns into a cane.They air the clip of Hughes pushing down Renee from last week. Mr. Hughes interview – “I’d slap any woman in the studio!” Maclin turned into Lance Russell for a few moments and was getting over Hughes big time.]

1st Quarter – 2.8 [47,681 viewers]

[Bill Dundee interview. Maclin says that TC2 won the belts in Louisiana and hurt Ricky Morton. Dundee beat by DQ over Kevin White. Short match with White getting all the heat and as Dundee is coming out of it, and then TC2 jumped Dundee for the DQ. White got on the mic and said he doesn’t need help and talked about beating up more legends. TC2 do a short interview talking about beating up Morton and wrestling Dundee/Cash at “Sam’s Town’. Clip of The Barbarian vs Cujo with Sal Corrente from Hogan show. This was just a hardcore brawl, but I was told the crowd really got into it at the FedEx Forum. I don’t remember Cujo turning?? Clip from FedEx Forum with Kid Kash/Ricky Morton beating TC2. ]

2cnd quarter 2.3 [39,286 viewers] [-8,395 viewers]

[Kid Kash VTR interview. It was good with Kash explaining about the phantom angle of TC2 jumping Morton and hurting him. TC2 comes out for interview. This was funny because they ask why Maclin didn’t show them the video of them beating Morton/Kash. LOL Dundee come out with a chair. Dundee did a good interview talking about how PG13 and BC did the gimmick before them.Dustin Starr/Johnny Dotson beat “Insane Clowns” [Bobo/Giggles] with Rashard by DQ. Good short bout. Starr had Giggles pinned, but Rashard jumped in hitting Starr with their bucket. They left Starr/Dotson lying to set up the 6 man tag for “Sam’s Town.” Jerry Lawler interview with AWA Title and Unified Title.]

3rd Quarter 2.6 [43,484 viewers] [+4,198 viewers]

[Lawler states that the only way he could get Hughes in the ring was to put up both of those titles. Lawler talks about “lighting him up like a roman candle” promising fire. Good interview. He says he is going to make Hughes get on his knees and apologize to Renee. Hughes comes out and they do another pull-a-part.----Sal Corrente VTR interview with Assassins in training. Sal was wearing Assassin gear – hilarious!! Koko Ware comes out with Frankie for a quick interview. Jimmy Hart VTR interview talking about the match. Ware comes back out. Assassins with Sal jump them. Maclin does not sell very well. They finally get him down and Koko makes save.]

4th Quarter 2.4 [40,126 viewers] [-3,358 viewers]
12 Week Average – 2.7 = 45,386 viewers
12 Week High – 3.6 = 60,608 viewers – 5.12.07
12 Week Low – 1.6 = 26,862 viewers – 5.05.07
Growth from start to finish –[-7555 viewers]


Friday, May 25, 2007


----North Mississippi Championship Wrestling (NMCW) will debut in Byhalia, MS, this Friday night, May 25, at Byhalia Middle School. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., and bell time is 7:00 p.m. Ring side seats are $6.00, all other seats are $5.00. Already booked for this show are The Manson Brothers (Shawn & Max Manson), Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk), Family of Pain (Sarge & Mickey Ray), Cruz’n 4 Pain (Motely Cruz & 187), Tasha Simone, Pappy, Neil Taylor, Colton Anderson, Psycho, “Prime Time” Nick Grimes, Reno Diamond, Marcus O’Neil, Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, and more. This is shaping up to be a great show. Don’t miss it!

**Credit Axeman Speaks

"As Good As Gold" 3rd DVD Release!!

----I am happy to announce that the third release is now available to order online at my new updated SHOP. You now can pay by PAYPAL or with any major credit card. Make sure to look at the bottom of the page for those that want to order one, two or all three titles -- I have added some real good discounts.

----I am also headed to LAW in Rector, AR tonight and will have all three releases available for those same discount prices. Just tell me that you seen the deal on the site. TGB will be there autographing any copies sold at the building tonight.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mistakes...I Have Made Many!!

----James Arnez DID NOT leave LAW and is still working for them. Jeff O’Dell and he talked over their differences…The TIWF results were a bit wrong – either my fault or my sources. Lawman Williams wrestled Big Boy Bob and Waycool beat “The Punisher” Dre Black…Michael St. John is actually Michael Johns in the TCLW report…All mistakes have been corrected on the posts. It has been a crazy week!!

Show For The Weekend...that I forgot..

----Saturday night @ National Guard Armory in Paragould, AR for Arkansas Championship Wrestling with Midnight Cowboy, Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon, Sam Dollar, Cody Daniels, Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Arnez with Karly, Bryan Knight, San Francisco Treat, Shakedown, Adrian Stratton and more.

Crazy Luke Responds

----This discussion all started when I made a comment about guys jumping to ASWF because of being paid there and not being paid at MEWA. It was not a comment made by any other worker – it was just mainly an observation that I was making. I then posted a few comments and “Working for A Living” and now I have received a letter from Luke Graham JR. I thought everyone would find this interesting. And, as usual, with all the major discussions, I will have some comments of my own probably posted Saturday or Sunday.


I want to clear up a few things here. I don’t write to you often. I don’t fill your head with tales of woe. I don’t ask the MEWA guys to go out and fight my battles for me. There are some clouds in the air and I personally want to make a statement. I am going to ask that you please DO print this... Just so there is no more confusion.

I am gonna agree with Beau on some points. I am another one of the few left that was able to make a meager living out the wrestling business. I am also the only man in the business other than Vince McMahon that has been able to take a wrestling company public ( and if the cards play out, could do it again). That is not meant as bragging, just a simple statement of fact.

Some of the guys around here like me. Some of the guys don’t. Some of you have some heat with me. I have heat with some of you. But, for the most part... I like most of you. At least personally.

I would like to discuss the MEW philosophy, since it IS extremely different from the norm. We tore apart the business plan for a standard professional wrestling event / promotion. We rewrote it. New words / new verses. Some of it may not make sense to everyone. That's okay. It shouldn't. We have never forced it down anyone’s throat. We have never beat anyone up to work here. We have held ourselves to a pretty high standard. Professional Wrestling has been dying for years. A BIG show was considered a show that drew 100 people. Most of the boys were working in front of 25-75 fans. Most were getting paid very little - if any - even if they were promised money upfront. We changed the plan... similar in some respects... different in others. We decided we would build a professional wrestling product... and give them a product they could afford to watch. we found a couple businesses that could see what we were attempting, and understood this was a gift back to the community. We sell advertising. Not that much different than the advertising sold by promoters that the boys never see or get paid when the door is low. Only we show the boys what we have. We were up front. For the first few months, (July - November) I paid everyone out of my pocket. Then circumstances changed, and I could no longer afford to do so. The Advertisers pay the rent and upkeep on the building. We have never lied to the boys. we don’t pay talent to come in if we are not going to pay the guys that have given their blood sweat and tears for the promotion. We don’t hide money. If things change. We tell them.

This is not the Graham Championship Wrestling Show. This is a show where young guys get a chance to hone their craft in a professional and fairly regulated environment. Not everyone likes it, not everyone gets to "do their own thing" or "call their own shots". Not every one gets their way when they want it. Too friggin bad. They will get no apology from me. Grow up! Learn the business.

We can probably pass along most of the complainers, the few. But the backbone of our crew has been with us since we opened the doors. We have asked a couple to leave, and told a couple to leave. We have encouraged some, including Scotty, to go out and ply the wares that they polished here. I am proud of some of these guys... of most of them. Some of them have limited size. Some are green. But they give their guts to the crowd. Johnny Hawk has become one of the better bookers I have had the opportunity to be around . It wasn’t necessarily easy to begin with. He and I had experienced some issues in the past. But now I think we have one of the best relationships a promoter and booker could have. Ask the guys that are still in our dressing room. Ask the guys that are lined up, calling us from all over the country, wanting to come in....

We have been successful drawing the largest weekly attendance of any promotion in the area. Who cares if it is free? People don’t continue to come if the show is not good. We talk little. We wrestle alot. we invite the Ken Waynes and others like him to participate and offer constructive criticism and advise. I don’t make a nickle. Chubby doesn’t make a nickle. We turn every penny and then some back into making sure the show is able to operate every week. I don’t expect a pat on the back. It really doesn’t matter. But what does matter, is that a group of green, inexperienced young professional wrestlers, have built, and continue to draw... the best weekly attended house in 4 states. That has something to do with it being free. It has something to do with the booking. It has something to do with the dedication and commitment of the boys. It has something to do with me keeping the doors open. It is a total of ALL of the effort put in by ALL of the above.

So understand. Some of those that have gone to other promotions... we encouraged. Some we told to just go away from us. Some didn’t like our program. And who can blame some of them for wanting to get a p/o? We p/o them when we can. And don’t lie about why we can or cant. People can bad mouth us... talk about us... run us down... or laugh at us.... But my crew is drawing a better weekly house than some of the superstars are drawing. My crew has helped lay the groundwork for a resurgence in professional wrestling excitement that has benefited every promoter in the State of Arkansas. And they did it out of love and guts.

Don’t be surprised when they (the MEWA boys) defend their investment, or feel betrayed by those that left them. Dont be surprised when they get insulted if they feel slighted. They ARE the boys... green, inexperienced, experienced... whatever.

And to those of you that wrote us off... For those of you that said it could never work... We are still here. One year on July 7th. If our guys get their way... we will be here for a long time. We have the right method and momentum, and the patience to see it thru. We are not greedy. There IS a plan...

To the MEWA family...Thank you from Me, Chubby, and Hawk... Just keep doing what you are doing.

Anyone wants to reach me...

Thank you BT...

In Wrestling

Crazy is a state of mind.

Luke Graham Jr.

Shows For The Weekend 5.25 to 5.26.07

----The "Show" this weekend would have to be the "Sam's Town" show for Memphis Wrestling. They did a very good job on the show getting it over, so it will be interesting to see what they draw with Lawler vs Hughes on top. TFW has a packed show this weekend and the "Aftermath" show for TLCW should be interesting. And, hey, if you are in the Rector, AR area this Friday night -- I will be there with the RRO DVD Series 3rd Release!!!

----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with The debut of the 3rd Release of RRO DVD Series – “As Good As Gold” “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony…Arnez, Christopher O’Neal, Tommy Redneck, Scott Graham, Alec Fontez, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Erik Hayes, TL Jones and many more.

----Friday night The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena inTupelo, MS. It is the Henry Lindsey Memorial Show in memory of a superfan named Henry who came to the shows every week. This week marks one year since his death. The featured match on the card will be Shawn Reed vs.Josh Matthews vs. Chris Styles in a Cage Match. Also expect on thecard: "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Special Ed, Cassanova Kid, ChrisKaos, Hittman, T-Byrd, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, TheFreakshow, The Interns, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more.Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.

----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a showbehind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS.The featured match on that card will be a rematch of last week's GTWHeavyweight Title tournament final as "The Warrior" Justin Reeddefends his newly won belt against Hittman. Also expected on the card:Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, Jack Irons, "Southern Thunder" ChrisKilgore, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. I believe ticketsare $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.

----Saturday night for Memphis Wrestling @ “Sam’s Town” Tunica, MS with InSane Clowns/Kevin White vs Dustin Starr/Flash Flanagan/Tatt2…Ladies Title Contender’s Match: Christie Ricci vs Miss Passion…JR Title Match: Derrick King vs Spellbinder…Southern Tag Team Titles: “Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] vs Kid Kash/Bill Dundee…The Barbarian vs Cujo with Sal Corrente…Texas Death Match: Koko Ware/Corey Maclin with Jimmy Hart vs The Assassins with Sal…Unified Title Match & AWA Title – Jerry Lawler vs Mr. Hughes.

----ASWF Saturday Night - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, FOP (Sarge & Mickey Ray), Pure Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy, Epidemic (Morgan Lane & Al Smith) , Posse (Simon Reed & Lil Chris) , Blackout Squad (Bishop & Oz), Reno Diamond Chris Rocker ,Scott Graham ,Chuck Daddy ,1Marcus O'Neil ,Acid Burn ,Trent Shultz, Brandon Brabwire ,Anton Leveigh ,Kid Krazzy ,Dirty Lil Dave Announcers Michael Ward, Al Hall ,Brian Edwards and more.

----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM with “Black Label Society” AJ Bradley/Void], Steve Rampage, Rex Moondog, Lawman Williams, Big Boy Bob, PK Ripper, Wycked, Way Cool, “Punisher” Dre Black, Wildside,Twisted, Brianna Starr ,Jennifer Justice, Storm, Storm, Tiny and more.

----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, J Weezy, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Allen Steele, Mark Justice, and more.

----Saturday night in XOW in Ecru, MS for Mark Manson, Jay Webster, Shawn Manson, Max Manson, Izzy Rotten, Neil Taylor, DC, Cody Hawk, Brody Hawk, Colton Anderson Pappy, Psycho and many more!

----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street Match: Flash Flanagan,Tim Grind,TGB Greg Anthony, Brian Christopher, Stan Lee, Chris O'Neal vs Maxx Corbin,Albino Rhino, Tommy Redneck,Seth Knight, Rockin' Randy, Erik Hayes, Dell Tucker, "Cruzin 4 Pain" with Tasha Simone, "Rhythm & Blues" and much more!!!

---- Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th And Oak Street’s. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, Scottie Graham,The Casino Kid, ,Gravedigger, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, Scotty Graham, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, "The Brazilian Bad Boy" Rozzi, Hillbilly Tiny, Gravedigger, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, Righteous Punishment{ Jack " Lockdown" Johnson," Byg" Daddy Moose}, "Velvet Lover" Cody Thunder, Wild Bill, Acid, Venom, Plowboy Hayes, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, and many, many more. Bell time is 8P.M, doors open at 7:15P.M.

RassleResults: XOW Ecru, MS 5.19.07 - The Return of Psycho!!

Izzy Rotten defeated Chaz in the opening match.

Colton Anderson defeated Cody Hawk with help from Jay Webster.

After the second match there was a short tribute to Henry Lindsey, the world's greatest wrestling fan (one year anniversary since he passed away).

Jay Webster defeated Brody Hawk with help from Colton Anderson .

XOW Champion Pappy defeated Neil Taylor by DQ to retain.

Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) defeated Jay Webster & Colton Anderson in a no DQ match to retain the XOW Tag Belts.

Asylum5XL (Psycho & Psycho Pappy) vs. Neil Taylor & Izzy Rotten ended in a double DQ.

----50 people in the crowd with a gate of $250…This show saw the return to the announce table of Nathan Lee, much to Axeman's dismay…They have been doing this angle for the return of Psycho where they play his music and Psycho doesn’t come out. Well, they did the same thing this weekend and Pappy came out dressed like Psycho, then the real Psycho came out. I am supposed to be getting a tape of this. I can’t wait to see it… Great show.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jill Jarrett Passes Away

Jill Jarrett, the wife of Jeff, passed away last night.

While we don't have a lot of details, she had been battling cancer on-and-off for many years and her health issues had gotten worse over the past two months.

For the past many weeks, Jeff had been by her side virtually 24/7. When she was hospitalized, he had been practically living in the hospital, and when he had to do TVs, he would stay with her as long as possible, they fly from Nashville or Orlando, do his segments early, and then he would rush back that night.

While most in TNA were aware of her situation to a degree and could readily see what was happening, he only talked in detail to a few people, such as Don West, hence some of West's comments on the air on television. I think some could see this, but the first interview Jeff did on the air when he came back was very emotional for him, for Mike Tenay conducting it and for West at the desk.

Jill Jarrett's funeral will take place tomorrow May 24 at the Hendersonville Church of Christ on Rockland Rd. in Hendersonville, TN. Family visitation will be tonight May 23 at the Hendersonville Memorial Gardens and funeral home in Hendersonville, TN.

She did get out of the hospital in recent days after three or four straight weeks in after her lung collapsed and she had other complications. As noted before, Jeff and his wife have three young children ranging in age from 3-11. Jill had the youngest child while in remission, but the cancer came back shortly after she gave birth.

Please keep the entire Jarrett family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Condolences go out from all of here to Jeff Jarrett and to the Jarrett family.

**Credit to and

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Working For A Living...

----I got the following in Yahoo PM today and thought I would share it with my readers. The comment he is talking about was made by me about some of the regulars venturing out to other promotions, because the other promotions pay the wrestlers. [Remember, MEWA does not charge anything for the marks to get in] Now, I love the idea that MEWA draws such a big crowd and if you are a young guy that has not worked in front of crowds much, this is the place to work a big crowd. I actually only made the comment, because I have been told that a few of the guys have went other places – not because MEWA is bad, but that they do want to be paid. I have been told a few times that MEWA is close to covering their expenses with sponsors and will soon be paying the guys, which would be good for them.

----I had made comments about this in a feature article called “You Say I Say” in January. CLICK HERE to read it. After posting that article, I got a great letter from a true pro in this business – Beau James. I never printed the letter and I am thankful that I save everything. I ask Mr. Moose and all the workers in this area to take a look my article and read what James had to say.

"I think its kinda funny how people complain about MEW wrestlers NOT GETTING PAID…You see the only real ones that are bitching and moaning about pay offs or lack thereof need to look deep in themselves and question themselves whether or not they have wrestling in their heart..If they did they wouldn't be pissing and moaning and crying like a bunch of whinny ass tots. I for one don't do it for the money,I do it,cause it makes me as a parent when I see the smile on not only my children's faces but all the other children in the building. I know this probably won't be printed because it doesn't fit in anyone’s scheme of things to fight against MEW with, but MEW was built with wrestlers with HEART and it will survive with wrestlers with HEART....

Byg Daddy Moose


I just finished reading the "You Say,I Say". No matter where you go it’s the same. I have worked all over the country and it’s the same shit every where. This guy makes $5 more or he is the bookers friends, etc. I dare them to get smart and realize its that way every where and always has been. This subject fires me up. The following is my take on it from one guy who cares to another.

I am one of the few very lucky ones that have wrestled for a living and still do. This is the only job I have ever had starting at 15 years old. I realized real fast how hard this business is and if you want to survive you better take care of number 1.

I loved this

"I at times think that the people that are just having fun may be killing it for the guys that want to make it big. Lots of workers know nothing about psychology, nothing about kayfabe and can’t do one move right. They are drawing those 50 crowds and when a few people come in and see these out of shape old guys that need to be at home watching on TV or in the crowd, then it hurts the chances of the young guys to make a living doing it. "

I f*%#ing hate it when they say I do this for fun. I always follow that up with what do you do for a living. How would you like it if I started coming to your job Monday and doing it for "fun" until you don't have a job left? Then I tell them if they want a hobby where they can bring the wife and kids (don't even get me started on that) and hangout then join a bowling team or play soft ball.

Not all things should come true. That's why it is called a dream. My dream was to play pro baseball. I was in 8 straight all star games from little league to high school. That did not mean I was going to the pros, hell even a notable NCAA school. Why do these guys think they can be a wrestler? And if they do it for free that means that they can't even be called a pro.

And the promoters don't help. If they let the guy work and say "Oh I don't have to pay him that's why he is here". What the hell does that say? You are saying he is not worth paying not even 1 cent. But I am asking people to pay to see him. How did our business get so messed up? O wait I know !! Wrestling Schools. For a few bucks they have let anyone in. Don't get me wrong there are a few (very few) schools out there that are good for our business.

When I broke in a wise old timer from Knoxville told me this. Treat wrestling as if it’s your wife. If you’re good to it it will be good to you. If you treat it like a whore then you will end up catching a disease. Well they have whored our business so bad we all need shots and monthly treatments.

I love our business. I have spent more than 1/2 my life in it. I have probably one of the biggest collections of videos, old programs and posters in the country. I still buy stuff off ebay and get excited when I come across something from the 60s or 70s.. But when I go to a town I go to work. It’s a job and they need to treat it that way. If they were making $10 a day at their jobs how long would they last?

Wrestling is a business based on drawing money. I loved the fact that you pointed out a few times in there they need to bring new people in that can help.

Also I have seen many talented guys from all over that should be wrestling for a living. They do everything right, they work hard, they have the drive and passion. But they still have no luck. They usually end up dropping out of site, becoming so bitter you can't be around them. Or just lose their damn mind. I have many case of all the above to point out.

It boils down to this once they are gone all you have left with is Jed from the gas station. There is nothing wrong with working at a gas station. What I am saying is I don't go over there and tune cars for free. Because I am not trained to do it our why would I want to hurt someone else by hurting their job. So don't take a booking. That spot belongs to someone who has paid the price for it.

Your crew is what your business is built on. Like a house. If you build a house on shit then it’s not going to stand long its just going to sink in the ground and fall.

And one last thing I read in there I think Mo said it. I too would take a young hungry crew who work together to make the entire product better over a crew with egos and bitching. I also like asking these guys with those huge egos - OK which one of you S.O.B.s drew those 47 people out there??

Beau James
Professional Wrestler

RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 5.19.07

----Azreal defeated Razor and Wyked in a triple threat match. Razor was the one pinned. Azreal and Wyked doubled team Razor for most the match…Jennifer Justices defeated Brianna Starr…Azreal defeated Wildside and won the TIWF TV title…PK Ripper won by DQ over Storm - PK had storm beat when the “High Rollers” jumped in and beat down pk. VERY GOOD MATCH. There are 3 high rollers now Wyked, Storm and Tiny…Lawman Williams wrestled Big Boy Bob....Way Cool beat "the Punisher" Dre Black...”Black Label Society” [AJ Bradley/Void] defeated Rampage and MoonDog Rex to become the new TIWF tag team Champs.

----Around 77 in the crowd with a gate close to $400…I was told that Brianna Starr looked horrible! Everything she done looked so fake…Moondog Rex will not sell anything. It’s like he is SuperMan or something...It was announced that the TIWF had signed a contract with Comcast out of Memphis and would be on some cable channel every Tuesday night. They are really working hard to put Azreal over and some of the people think it is because he is from Memphis, not because of his ability.


Mistakes...I Made A Few...

----The gate of the TLCW show Saturday night was closer to $3,550 with close to 318 paid. Along with the concession, the show did well over $4,000. I spotted Michael Johns and Precious in the crowd and spoke to both. Rebecca Raze was also in the crowd. I had Bill Rush listed as Bill Ash and Alec Fontez as Alex. All this has been changed or edited in the original Arena Report.

----I posted the wrong phone number for Jeff McDonald [not O'Donald] this morning. It has been corrected. My apologies to Jeff. Any questions about the event, please call him. I know very little about it other than it is great if you are serious about going to the WWE.

RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 5.18.07

Alec Fontez defeated TL Jones
“Foxxy” [Erik] Hayes w/Sweet Cheeks defeated Tommy Redneck
Psycho defeated Mr. X
Christopher O'Neal defeated Scott Graham
Tony Gunn defeated "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony

----60 to 80 in the building with a gate close to $390…A masked figure came out during Psycho’s match and took his doll Kayte. Psycho chased the person to the dressing room. This is angle to build for Psycho missing for a couple of weeks [he has other shows] and it will be revealed later who the person was that was under the mask. The dressing room was told to not to stooge to BT the finish to the angle. LOL…Jeff O'Dell tried to award the LAW title to Greg Anthony calling him his "hand-picked champion" but, the announcer reminded him that The Head of the Championship Committee Thomas Graham can only make that decision. Foxxy used a make-up bag to defeat Tommy after the match he tried to put make up on Tommy but Alec made the save. Foxxy then jumped Alec after his match and put make up on him and even kissed him on the cheek. A young man who had been training with LAW was honored before the main event, he found out he is going to serve his country in Iraq and even counted the 1,2,3 after the referee was knocked out and Jeff O'Dell was chased away by Tony. Golden Boy jumped the young man and Tony after the match injuring Tony's leg until Chris O'Neal made the save…James Arnez quit LAW again, this time over Tony Gunn not singing “Happy Birthday” to a girl in the crowd. I know, I know – but that was what I was told…Kilo and Gaylon Ray no-showed. I was told they were upset over their payoffs from last week…Chris O’Neal was there this week and Tommy Redneck was back and Hayes were back. So, the TLCW ban is off. I think mainly it was if you want to work for O’Dell you can, but don’t feel like you HAVE to work for O’Dell.


WWE Camp - Register Now!!

----Today until Saturday 5.26.07, you may register for the WWE camp featuring Mike Bucci for June 9th for only $100. Give Jeff McDonald a call at 731-571-4951. This is a great deal for all that are interested. Tell Jeff you seen it here on

Monday, May 21, 2007

Arena Report: TLCW "Mayhem" 5.19.07

----When TLCW puts on a “big show” they go all out to please the workers and the marks. The show was moved to the National Guard Armory so they could accommodate more fans and the cage. The set up looked very professional with guardrails all around the ring. They had built a small entrance way, which was much better than just walking out of a dressing room door. When the lights went down, all lights were on the match. Very well done setup.

----Alec Fontez beat Shawn Williams. A good opener as the crowd was hot!! This is my first time to see Fontez. He is small, but a good solid worker. Shawn still needs work, but didn’t hurt the match. Fontez with a flying body press from top rope for the win. [**]

----Shannon Lee/Erik Hayes with “Sweet Cheeks” beat Tim Alfonso/Dell Tucker. Another real good solid bout. Crowd was just crazy popping for every move. They didn’t do much with the gay gimmick as they were just all four working their asses off. Good psychology. Heat on Tucker, hot tag on Alfonso with Lee pinning Alfonso. [**]

----Tatt2 beat Alan Steele by ref reversal. Crowd popped big for Tatt2. The best singles bout I have ever seen Tatt2 in. Steele was there to slow him down and worked good together. Steele looked huge up to Tatt2. Tatt2 did a dive over the ropes to the floor onto Steele. He went to do a hunacarana from the ring apron to the floor, but Steele caught him smashing his head against a chair to get the heat. Tatt2 come out of the heat with trying to finish Steele off with a 169, but Steele caught him and rolled him up holding his tights for the pin after a ref bump. 2cnd ref didn’t see him pulling tights, but 1st ref did – so reversal. Didn’t like the finish, but match was good. [**3/4]

----Assassins beat “The Posse] [Simon Reed/Lil Chris] in another solid bout. These two teams worked good together. They did a double heat spot, which is becoming the norm for the Posse. Hot tag to Chris didn’t look very well, because Chris did not look believable hitting those guys. Assassin II [the bigger one] did a Flair bump from the top turnbuckle. It looked great. Assassin I used a loaded hood on Simon when Reed had his back turned arguing with Chris. Simon just walked away from the bout. [**1/2]

----Loser Leave TLCW – Special ref Pokerface – Chris Lexx beats Rude with Rashard/Nikki Lace. Lexx came out to a huge pop. Crowd loves him. A very good match. Rude and PKO are both in great shape. Almost flawless with a few mistakes from Lexx. The whole story of it was that PKO was not going to count Rude down for the pin. Ricky Hayes, the commish, came out once and tried to get Rashard to go to the back. Nikki Lace finally turned getting the crowd chanting for Lexx. Lexx would have Rude pinned using his finisher, but then PKO would not count. The finish seen Lexx set up to give Rude a big boot, but he ducked and hit PKO. Seth Knight ran out and put PKO in the STF making him tap out with Lexx having Rude pinned. As PKO was tapping, the counted Rude out for the pin. Great finish!! Who thought of that?? [***]

----TLC Match –“Rockin” Randy beat Seth Knight and Tommy Redneck to win the Hardcore and Cruiserweight Titles. Match started with mostly Redneck/Knight teaming to beat up Randy. Finally they all three went at it and it started to get good. Slow build up with your typical crazy spots. Thumbtacks came into play with Randy taking a Canadian Destroyer on them and Redneck was full from head to toe. Crowd was crazy for it. Both belts were hanging from the ceiling, so they had to climb the ladder to get them. Knight climbed up and grabbed them and got the ladder pushed out from under him. It seem like he was hanging up there FOREVER!! Redneck first tried a spear from the ladder to Knight and couldn’t get him to drop. Randy did the same thing. Finally Knight just dropped with a perfect bump to the ring. Randy pushed both Redneck/Knight as they were on the ladder, which ended up with them breaking the ladder. Redneck powerbombed Knight into a table as Randy went up the smaller ladder [which would have not held him if Miles the ref was not holding it] to grab the belts and win. [***1/2]

----“Rhythm & Blues” [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker] with Richard Marx beat “Cruzin 4 Pain” [Motley Cruz/187] with Tasha Simone to win the TLCW Tag Team Titles. I love the R&B gimmick. Marx is a real good manager and Steele/Tucker have the gimmick down. BUT, the bout was bad. It was probably the worst C4P bout I have ever seen. Steele has never claimed to be a great worker and I have not seen enough of Tucker to decide on him, but both guys were like 3 steps behind and real sloppy. Tons of babyface shine here. Heat on 187 with finish having Steele hit with the guitar and 187 having him pinned. The ref was out the ring with Tucker/Cruz. “East Coast Bad Boys” [Spyro/C-Money] jumped out of the crowd and did a double team move on 187 and helped Steele pin him. ECBB beat up C4P after the bout, which got lots of heat. [*1/2]

----Derrick King/Chris O’Neal/Stan Lee beat Dustin Starr/Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino. The crowd was super hot for this bout. O’Neal came out to the biggest pop of the night. He is so over. A little bit of trying to get O’Neal/Starr in the ring together at the start, but it did not hurt the match. They have Corbin/Rhino so over as monsters mainly because they are bigger than 99% of the guys on the roster. They also move very fast for such big guys and remind me of Bam Bam Bigelow. They were doing monster spots and with the babys trying to do things to them. Somehow Rhino got a bit tied up and tagged out and I thought he actually got hurt. He just blew up a bit. Heat was on DK with Starr hitting DK with an Alabama slam as DK was holding on to the top turnbuckle. Hot tag went to O’Neal. It ended with Lee/DK doing dives to the floor hitting Corbin/Rhino. O’Neal finished Starr off with the Pele kick and the pin. Place went nuts!! [***1/2]

----Brian Christopher beat “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony to win the TLCW Title. This match started good. BC had his working shoes on and they both seem to click. Great punches from both guys. BC took a nasty bump to the floor for TGB to start the heat. TGB ended up with BC’s goggles and went to jump from the top rope with an elbow smash. BC move and then pinned TGB. WTF?? It felt less than 5 minutes and it just came off as a shitty finish for the champion to lose so quick and easily. Why build a guy as “best of the best” and then have him lose the first chance he is in the ring with a major star?? [*]

----Flash Flanagan beat Tim Grind in “Fan Bring Weapons” Steel Cage. These guys beat the hell out of each other. Both guys juiced with Grind juicing real good. A couple of big spots off the cage had Flash getting ready to go over the top and Grind pushed him back off into the ring. Flash had Grind in a “tree of woe” and climbed up to the rope of the cage and jumped down hitting Grind in the face. Grind took a lot of hard shots with the kendo stick. Finish started with TGB trying to interfere. He got the keys to the cage from ref Bill Rush. He unlocked it and was going to get in to help Grind, but Flash sent Grind into the door into TGB with TGB taking the bump to the floor. Flash was going to the top of the cage for the win, when Matt Foley came out climbing he cage. He was about ¾ up the cage and Flash pushed him off with Foley taking a crazy perfect bump onto the announcer’s table. Flex then as a surprise came out jumping in the ring going after Flash. He gave Flash a Liger bomb from the top turnbuckle. They were beating him down until Brian Christopher made the save and helped Flash. Flash ended with a springboard leg drop. [****] – not all just for the match as the 6 man was better, but for just the brutal shots, blood, spots off the cage, Foley bump and finish deserved an extra star.

----There was around 318 in the crowd with a gate close to $3,550. Along with the concession, this show did well over $4000...Show started 45 minutes late and lasted close to 5 hours…Dell Tucker and Erik Hayes are two of my fave undercard guys…There were selling Silly String at the gimmicks table and this was a bad thing. The first two matches all of the guys were just covered in string by the time they got to the ring – heels and babys. It looked kewl from a distance [almost like streamers], but have you ever tried to get Silly String off of your body?? And it left the floor REAL slick…The split up of the Posse looks to be happening. It really surprises me with as much as they are over…They had the ladders line up on the entrance way which made it easy for the guys to go get them…Tommy Redneck is in the best shape I have EVER seen him in…I seen Brian Steele later in the night and he was still bleeding from the guitar shot…I spotted Michael Johns and Precious in the crowd and spoke to both. Rebecca Raze was also in the crowd...Weapons were already placed in the cage at the start of the bout. They just looked like the stuff they had used in the earlier bouts…No blood in any match except the main event. Crowd was chanting “We Want Blood” during the TLC match and cage match…Cage was tied together with rope and was coming apart...Thanks to cast and crew of TLCW. My family and I were treated 1st Class. Miles the ref was the only person to give me any grief saying, "I have no love for you." and I stayed away from people that I knew hate me. LOL

RassleResults: MEWA Batesville, AR 5.19.07

----“Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne over Jack “Lockdown” Johnson in 11:03 with a Frog Splash…“The Southern Submission Machine” Wild Bill over “Dangerous” Dave Cox in 6:07 with a “Southern Dream”…“Hot Rod” John Ellison over “Byg Daddy” Moose in 13:32 by a Pin Fall…MEWA Tag Team Title Match Casino Kid and “The Velvet Lover” Cody Thunder beat the “The Playboy Club” “Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne and “The Suicide King” Ray Ray in 18:09 by a D.Q.

----245 in attendance…Only 4 matches?? A few of the MEWA workers have went to ASWF to work. I have been told ASWF is a smaller crowd, but the guys actually get paid.

Comment on EWE

"Alright, the EWE thing from as far as I've been told has more to do than with just the use of one wrestler. The shows were horrible. They were only drawing thirty or so people. From what I've been told, itall had something to do with the promoter himself. JWS isn't doing toowell either, as last I was told, they could only get seven people to work their shows. I'm sure they'll end up shutting down soon enough,with or without Sammy Hall stepping in."

----I got the above in the e-mail this morning. Interesting. Does it matter whether you draw 10 or 30 people when it comes to the commish?? Missouri Athletic Commission eliminated the small time wrestling promotions a few years back by charging $150 per show for the commish to show up and every show had to have a commish there. They had only one or two commishs working, so if there was a major show, then you could not have your show, because commishs would be there. It is all about money.

----I am all about free enterprise, but if shows are not drawing 50 people, why not combo a few of these shows and use the good talent?? Problem is that egos are so bad at some places that if they can’t work, they are wrestling because it their promotion. This kills it for everyone that runs a good show. If a fan goes to a shit show full of pot belly guys my age that don’t know how to work, then they might not go back. And, then “wrestling” in general is judged by that shit show. Then they spend their money only when the WWE or TNA come to town. And some of promoters want to know why you can’t draw??

RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 5.19.07

The show opened as Aaron Polston open with his challenge match with Hollywood Jimmy, when Jimmy music plays, no Hollywood, then out come “Team Adrenaline” [Justin Smart/Austin Lane]. Hollywood come up from behind him as Aaron turns around Hollywood KO him with a crowbar then Team Adrenaline attack Aaron too. Tony Watts thru Biscuit out of the ring and count one, two, three and Hollywood wins. Team Adrenaline continues to beat Aaron, out comes X-Kaliber & Scott Graham to make the save with Graham turning heel on X. Finally out comes Superstar Bill Dundee & Sarge to make the save.

Rozzi vs Marcus O'Neil ended by DQ when Bishop interfered by attacking Rozzi in the match and told Marcus, he has been watching him and wanted a match with him. Marcus said he would think about it.

Epidemic (Morgan Lane & Al Smith) beat Outcast (Brandon Barbwire & Trent Shultz

“Leprechauns” (Lucky & Lethal) beat Bishop by COR - Bishop tried to killed both of the little guys until Marcus came out and told Bishop he would take his offer Bishop get out of the ring and follow Marcus around but in the ring the referee Biscuit make a 10 count and your winners are the Leprechauns. Bishop demanded a match vs O’Neil after this.

#1 Contender’s Match: Acid beat Reno Diamond

Marcus O'Neil vs Bishop - Match ended when Bishop beats up the Referee Biscuit & then throws Marcus over his shoulder and walk out of the Arena with him.

X-Kaliber by DQ over Scott Graham Acid come out and attacked X-Kaliber and Scott just walked out and left X.

ASWF Non Tag Team Title Match:
Superstar Bill Dundee & Sarge O'Riley beat “Team Adrenaline” (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy & Hollywood Jimmy
Tony Watts referee this main event. After a Tony Watts bump, Superstar had a pinfall on Juice. When the real Special Referee John Wayne showed up and made and quick 1,2,3 count. After the match Sarge almost had both the ladies in the ring and was about to double butt both them, but Austin came up from behind him. After this was all done a challenge was lay down for a return match, but this time it will be a title match and a Tuckerman Street Fight First Blood Match.

----Crowd was 120 paid with a gate close to $720 with 160 in the building to watch the show.


RassleResults: TFW Tupleo, MS 5.18.07 - New Champs!!

----LSD d. Mark Mayhem (Hair vs. Hair)…Devon Raines d. DC/Bless/Psykotic/Chris Kaos (TFW LightheavyweightTitle - New champ)…Testosterone (Fusion/Brett Michaels) d. Chris Kilgore/Chazz…Hittman d. Judas Thorn (Last Man Standing)…Cassanova Kid d. Special Ed (TFW Heavyweight Title - New champ)…Josh Matthews d. Chris Styles (TLC Match) -Best match of the night…The Freakshow d. The Interns (TFW Tag Team Titles - New champ)…Buff Bagwell d. Tony Dabbs.

----Around 200 with a gate of $2,000…Buff Bagwell was cool with everyone in the back…I was told at intermission Buff was trying to sell Polaroids, but all the marks were going over to Chris Kilgore with his snake instead. It might be the case of having Buff there a few times… Next week is the Henry Memorial Show. He was a huge fan that was atevery show and next week will be one year since he died. The mainevent announced for that show is Chris Styles vs. Josh Matthews vs.Shawn Reed w/ Anita Paige in a Three Way Cage Match.


RSWF Did Not Run This Weekend

----Saturday night RSWF did not run a show. It was cancelled at the last minute due to the owner of the Knox Arena in Olive Branch having it remodeled. When the workers arrived the ring was in the corner of the arena with all the tile on the floor was pulled out. The bleachers and chairs were all in the locker rooms. The plan is for RSWF to open back up in a couple weeks after everything is complete.

RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 5.19.07 - New Tag Champs!!

----Gunner Thompson defeated The Sicilian Kid…Tank defeated Buckwheat…Chris Rocker defeated Tommy Boy…Tim Edwards defeated Chief Crazy Train…”Ca$hFlow” (Gaylon Ray & Mark Justice) defeated Team X to win the Tag Team Titles…"All That" Allen Steele defeated "Mr. Ego" Kilo after Mark Justice interfered. Mark stole the NBW heavyweight title setting up a match with Steele vs Justice next week.

----85 paid with a gate close to $500…Signed for Summer Jam is "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore vs Gaylon Ray in a "Fans Participation Strap Match " after the following angle. Jeremy Moore cut a promo at the beginning of the show and Gaylon Ray interrupted him and beat the hell out of him with a leather belt and hung him from the 2nd rope until Team X made the save. Then the commish made the Tag Title match…Alan Steele did double duty. He worked TLCW “Mayhem”, then drove to do NBW and THEN I saw him at the end of the TLCW show.

RassleResults: Loose Caboose Festival ACW 5.19.07

----Spiderman defeated Hamhock to send him out of ACW for 90 days…Tank & Kilo defeated The Hambones to advance to a title match later in the card with the Hambones lost they had to leave ACW for 30 days…Brian Knight defeated Gaylon Ray…Psycho defeated Southside Brawler…Adrian Stratton defeated Deadly Dale…Idol Bane/Cody Daniels defeated Tank & Kilo to retain the ACW Tag-Team Titles…ACW Title Match: Loose Cannon beat Midnight

----I was told from 50 to 300 people were watching the show from time to time…I was told that Spiderman had the body of “Sexy” Rex. LOL A short pot belly guy doing the gimmick…After the main event, Sam Dollar, which was out with Cannon, was mouthing off at the fans and had them pissed off. So bad to the point that several of them were coming after Sam. A Paragould police officer came up on a 4-wheeler at the time and made the people get back. Sam got in his truck and was leaving, but while he was doing so, he continued to mouth off at the fans. The officer made Sam get out of his vehicle and was going to arrest Sam for some reason? Several of the workers convinced the cop that Sam was part of the show. Sam told the cop to fucking arrest me man. When you do, I will sue the city of Paragould. Slap the cuffs on me man, cause I would love a lawsuit for doing my damn job. The officer told Sam to get out of town and told him not to ever come back. That had to be funny.


Sunday, May 20, 2007

RassleResults: Golden Triangle Wrestling West Point, MS 5.19.07

----Chris Kilgore d. Sammy Hall...Hittman d. Jack Irons...Justin Reed d. Judas Thorn...Chris Styles d. Shawn Reed and Josh Matthews...GTW Heavyweight Title Match: Justin Reed d. Hittman.

----It was the first show back after a bit of a hiatus, and it was a free show. There were about 75 or so people in the crowd...The building and setup for the show is nice, except the sound equipment needs somework done to it... Sammy Hall was at this show doing his commissioner thing and making sure everyone had their license...The promoter's name is Dudley Williams, and I am being told he is super nice guy.

RassleResults: Pro Independent Wrestling Cash, AR 5.19.07

----Snuffy the Hillbilly over Chris Day ... Mid South Heavyweight Champion Mac Daddy over Zander Gray in a non-title impromptu match ... "Off the Wall" Alan Adams over Blue Thunder ... Main Event: Coal Miner's Glove Match for the PIW Tag Team Title: Jeremy James & Johnny Harper over Teco Murdock & Tommy Gunn to win the championship.

----60 to 70 in the building...Show was a benefit for the Keedy family of Cash. They lost their home to a recent fire and the crowd helped raise $200 for the family...Chris Day turned on his manager "Big Money" Mike Davis after the opener. Snuffy made the save for Davis. Then they set up for a tag match for June 2 in Jonesboro - Snuff & Davis vs. Day and a partner of his choosing ... Murdock & Gunn presented two fans with a birthday cake after the second match. Ended up in an angle where James & Harper hit the ring and eventually the cake ended up in James' face ... Adams interfered in the main, cuffing Murdock to the turnbuckle. With ref's back turned, James & Harper threw fire into Gunn's face leading to the win. "Big Indian" Quixote came out to help leading to a challenge and acceptance of a six man - Murdock, Gunn & Quixote vs. Harper, James & Adams in Jonesboro ... The Jonesboro show will be held Saturday, June 2 with a 7:30 p.m. bell time. Building is located behind Front Page Cafe on Shelby Drive.

Site News!!

----I would like the opportunity to thank Randy Dailey for his excellent job in covering the TLCW show last night. It was a good show. It was also a very long show. I am tired and probably will not post the Arena Report until sometime tomorrow. I will try to catch up with results today and what I do not post, they will also be finished tomorrow.

Memphis Wrestling TV Report 5.19.07

----Derrick King opens the show with an interview with Corey Maclin. King starts saying he is not scared of Spellbinder, but when Spell’s music starts playing he starts bugging his eyes. DK beats Shawn Shultz. This was a real good TV bout. Shultz was flawless. DK beat him with a superkick. Lights go out after match and Spell comes out in the dark with flaming torch that he turns into a cane.

---- “Sam’s Town” Show - InSane Clowns/Kevin White vs Dustin Starr/Flash Flanagan/Tatt2…Ladies Title Contender’s Match: Christie Ricci vs Miss Passion…JR Title Match: Derrick King vs Spellbinder…Southern Tag Team Titles: “Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] vs Kid Kash/Bill Dundee…The Barbarian vs Cujo with Sal Corrente…Texas Death Match: Koko Ware/Corey Maclin with Jimmy Hart vs The Assassins with Sal…Unified Title Match & AWA Title – Jerry Lawler vs Mr. Hughes.

----They air the clip of Hughes pushing down Renee from last week. Mr. Hughes interview – “I’d slap any woman in the studio!” Maclin turned into Lance Russell for a few moments and was getting over Hughes big time.

----Bill Dundee interview. Maclin says that TC2 won the belts in Louisiana and hurt Ricky Morton. Dundee beat by DQ over Kevin White. Short match with White getting all the heat and as Dundee is coming out of it, and then TC2 jumped Dundee for the DQ. White got on the mic and said he doesn’t need help and talked about beating up more legends. TC2 do a short interview talking about beating up Morton and wrestling Dundee/Cash at “Sam’s Town’.

----Clip of The Barbarian vs Cujo with Sal Corrente from Hogan show. This was just a hardcore brawl, but I was told the crowd really got into it at the FedEx Forum. I don’t remember Cujo turning??

----Clip from FedEx Forum with Kid Kash/Ricky Morton beating TC2. Kid Kash VTR interview. It was good with Kash explaining about the phantom angle of TC2 jumping Morton and hurting him. TC2 comes out for interview. This was funny because they ask why Maclin didn’t show them the video of them beating Morton/Kash. LOL Dundee come out with a chair. Dundee did a good interview talking about how PG13 and BC did the gimmick before them.

----Dustin Starr/Johnny Dotson beat “Insane Clowns” [Bobo/Giggles] with Rashard by DQ. Good short bout. Starr had Giggles pinned, but Rashard jumped in hitting Starr with their bucket. They left Starr/Dotson lying to set up the 6 man tag for “Sam’s Town.”

----Jerry Lawler interview with AWA Title and Unified Title. Lawler states that the only way he could get Hughes in the ring was to put up both of those titles. Lawler talks about “lighting him up like a roman candle” promising fire. Good interview. He says he is going to make Hughes get on his knees and apologize to Renee. Hughes comes out and they do another pull-a-part.

----Sal Corrente VTR interview with Assassins in training. Sal was wearing Assassin gear – hilarious!! Koko Ware comes out with Frankie for a quick interview. Jimmy Hart VTR interview talking about the match. Ware comes back out. Assassins with Sal jump them. Maclin does not sell very well. They finally get him down and Koko makes save.

Notes: A fan was wearing a “Flashamania” t-shirt in the crowd…It has been a while since I have seen Shultz and he has improved lots. He has a good look and solid worker…TC2 won the tag titles in Louisiana in a phantom change. And, DK is the JR champ winning in Mexico in a phantom change…White worked Lawler last week and Dundee this week. What a combo; huh??...As usual, I am not a fan of Maclin’s announcing, but he did an excellent job getting over all the matches for the “Sam’s Town” show…Crowd did not pop like I thought they would for the Maclin angle at first, but were then chanting “Corey, Corey” by the end of it. I am already tired of the Koko face gimmick.


EWE Done!!

----Friday night, MS Athletic Commissioner Sammy Hall shows up and shuts EWE down for using GQ, who was an unlicensed wrestler, the week before. JWS had used him the Saturday before, so Sammy Hall went to JWS Saturday night, but did not shut them down, a little odd huh? He shuts one show down for using an unlicensed worker, but the next night he doesn’t shut the other show down for using him. Kinda of screwed up; huh?? Well the promoter of EWE was told he won’t be able to promote again. What’s the story here guys?? Fill me in??