----Corey Maclin is joined this week again with Reggie B Fine. They spend the first few minutes go over what Reggie is wearing. Maclin says he wants to be called “Master” Reggie B Fine now.
----“Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. Flex says that Maclin is not a “shorty” anymore, he is “C-Mac”. Grind/Flex beat Gladiator/Blitz. Not good, not bad. Heat on Flex with hot tag to Grind. Gladiator was not feeding Grind. Blitz looked huge in this gimmick. He looked a little sloppy, but it might be him getting use to the mask. Blitz/Gladiator double team move using their headgear backfired and they got double pinned.
----Kevin White/Sue Young/Garry White interview. White talks about getting rid of Bill Dundee and Spellbinder. Mr. White said “I want to get rid of her” pointing at Young. White beat Crime. Crime looked a bit lost. Not good. Crime come out of heat and threw White into the ref, but no bump as White just grabbed Bill Rush and held him as Young came behind Crime with a nutshot. White used his finisher on Crime. White needs a name for the finisher.
----“Insane Clowns” [

----Show returns with Brian C holding both the Southern Tag Team Titles. Brian then walks over to the desk holding them and says Ali would not be a champion if it wasn’t for him and walks off.
----“Opening the Vault” with “Monday Night Memories” video by Jimmy Hart. Jerry Lawler video also aired. They rush the guys to do the matches, but wasted 6 minutes on these clips.
----Reggie B Fine claims to have dirt on Maclin. He was promising a surprise about Maclin all day. Fine says he has a $8 light bill in his mansion. He shows a photo of Maclin’s partner. This was a joke about local politics and it was horrible!!! Just some more wasted time.
----Derrick King/Johnny Dotson beat Chris Lexx/Tatt2. Very good match. One of the better bouts of the year on TV. Heels started heat after Tatt2 tried to go for a 619 on Dotson, but DK caught his feet. DK he

----DK/Dotson interview. TK2 comes out. They both do a rap which ends with TK2 slugging DK/Dotson. They brawled all over the studio knocking down the infamous “blue box” and went into the crowd. Great stuff!!
----Blitz is area worker Maxx Corbin, who