----Clips are shown of Brian Christopher/Ali winning the Southern Tag Team Titles from “Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] last week. TK2 interview. TK2 beat “Hurricanes” [Axx/Maxx]. Heat on Maxx and hot tag to Axx. TK2 tried to double suplex him, but he reversed it and suplex both guys. It looks real impressive. Good match.
----Brian Christopher interview. This was horrible. Christopher talks about Sue Young and uses every stereotype that he can come up with. He was talking about women like her wait on their men and Corey Maclin joined in talking about sushi. Brian C even made mention of how Mr. White’s grandkids will look. Brian Christopher beat Kevin White by DQ, when Young got in the ring. Not a good match. It was almost all Brian C with Brian giving White very little. Mr. White gave Kevin a chain that he used on Brian C for the pin, but Young had got into the ring to cause the DQ. Mr. White was mad because Young had cost the victory. He walked over to Corey and said that he was taking the computer away from Kevin, because that is where he found her.
----Corey with Jimmy Hart, which was filmed last Saturday when Hart was in town. “Opening the Vault” segment with another Andy Kaufman. This was Kaufman’s first live appearance on Memphis TV. This interview was so good and just classic. This ends up with Jimmy Hart coming out and they start fighting with Lance Russell in the middle. Classic stuff!! The heat that this segment they got from the TV studio was unreal.
----“Insane Clowns” [Bobo/Giggles] with Rashard Devon interview. Devon brings out Grady Watson. Devon says he talked with Scott Bowden this morning and Bowden wanted to know if Watson had got rid of Jerry Lawler, because he had taken $1,000 from Bowden. Watson said he spent the money on his truck that broke down. Devon then says he has a message from Bowden and he slugs Watson. Clowns/Devon beat up Watson. Koko Ware/Jerry Lawler make the save.
----Lawler/Koko beat “Clowns” with Rashard. This was almost a total squash on the Clowns. Just a little heat on Koko with a hot tag. Devon was going to interfere, but Grady Watson came out and jumped him. Both Clowns went to look at Rashard and Lawler/Koko rolled them up from behind with both getting pinned.
----Derrick King/Johnny Dotson interview with Rashard Devon. DK/Dotson beat Dustin Starr/Chris Lexx. All four guys looked real good in this bout – good shine for Chris Lexx. There was very little heat, which was on Starr as the bout was short. After the hot tag to Lexx, Dotson used a laptop on Lexx, so DK could pin him with Rashard getting the ref’s attention. I am not sure where Starr was??
----Show ended with Maclin trying to interview DK/Dotson/Devon in ring. They were just jumping around and dancing not paying attention to Maclin. It was funny.
----Sue Young is a Kevin White trainee [worked as Ms. Vanna at a few shows last weekend] that has been getting a lot of praise as she debuted a few weeks back. Sue Young is a character based on the “Rush Hour 3” movie character of the same name…”Hurricanes” have been heels, but were babys this week. Maclin mixed them up again also…Maclin came off horrible during the Brian C interview joining in with comments about Sue Young and laughing. Maclin needs to decide whether he is an announcer or just some guy hanging out with the boys. You would have never seen Lance Russell or Dave Brown do anything stupid like that…Grady Watson is horrible!!...Well after coming off two good booked shows, this show was bad. The highlight was the last bout, but it was not given enough time. The first bout was good, but everything in the middle was bad. What the hell happened with Dustin Starr’s feud with Kevin White/Mr. White?? Starr did a job for Mr. White!!!
Photo credit: http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/