At the start of the show, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony brought his pet, Slim "The Puppy Dog" Pickens to the ring and said he had a surprise for Slim. TGB then called out Jeff O'Dell, who had a can of dog food for Slim. Jeff tried to illustrate to Slim how a dog eats dog food, and Slim shoved Jeff's face into the dog food. TGB then beat down Slim until Stan Lee hit the ring. TGB was obviously hot about Stan's interference, so Jeff O'Dell gave TGB the night off so he could calm down. Jeff then made a match for later in the night between Slim Pickens and Stan Lee.
Jon Micheal pinned E.Z. Rider after the hitting the spear
Idol Bane pinned Chief Crazy Train after hitting The Ghost of Andy Kauffman
Stan Lee defeated Slim Pickens by submission
(Just as Slim hit the Bulldog on Stan, Jeff O'Dell got on the mic, told Slim to lay down, and told Stan to pin him. Stan refused. Jeff said if Stan didn't pin Slim, then Stan was fired. Stan told Jeff that he was not going pin Slim, and as Jeff was about to fire Stan, Slim got on the mic and said he quit so Stan would win and wouldn't get fired.)
Jon Micheal defeated Tommy Redneck by forfeit in an Olympic-Style Pose Down since Redneck did not show up. Even though he won, Jon Micheal still "treated" the fans to a few of his best poses.
L.A.W. Tag Team Champions "The Asylum" (Psycho & Arnez) defeated "The Treat Connection (Loose Cannon, San Francisco Treat, & Mr. Rotten) in a Hale County Hardcore Match