----I just had to say something about this and repost it. LOL "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente has really been at the top of his game the last few weeks. If he doesn't win RRO "Columnist of the Year" this year, then it will be a crime. I love the following bit...
I think it’s high time that Memphis Wrestling gives a title belt to Andy Taylor and the Junior Heavyweight title to Barney Fife. Then they can hand the tag team belts to Fred and Lamont Sanford. If they did that perhaps they can get some decent ratings. It appears the people in Memphis are much happier watching The Andy Griffith Show and Sanford and Son. Who can blame them? The people of Memphis don’t want to see a bunch of tapes from the Northeast and how many times can you rerun stuff people have seen over and over again? It is time to start producing new shows. If they don’t start soon I can’t imagine that they will be on the air very long.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 9.06.08
----Jerry Lawler and Corey Maclin open the show. They promise footage from the Delta Fair.
----Delta Fair footage: Kid Kash/Kevin White with Sue Young & Garry White vs Koko Ware/Eugene. Eugene hit a “Baba chop” on White. LOL Then he went after him with the claw!! Lots of comedy in the front of the bout. Heat on Koko. Koko did a “big move” for a hope spot. LOL Time limit draw. White/Kash come back out for 5 more minutes. White got hit by mistake by Kash with Eugene pinning Kash. Nothing special.
----“Wrestling Professor” segment. 3.19.82 was the date. 26 years ago. Bill Dundee/Jerry Calhoun vs Adrian Street/Jimmy Cornette/Miss Linda. Randy Hales was the ring announcer and Paul Morton was the ref. Hales does play by play also. Crowd was so hot for this match. Dundee and Street both looked a bit stiff here. Heat on Calhoun. Calhoun tried the hot tag, but got cut off. Everyone gets in the ring. Dundee is tied to the bottom rope by Cornette. Babys win by DQ. Eddie Marlin came out to untie Dundee. Dundee goes after everyone. Apocalypse finally comes in to help heels. Terry Taylor finally makes save.
----Memphis Wrestling coming to Byhalia Middle School on 9.20.08 with Koko Ware, Humongous, Corey Maclin [yes it said that], Brian Christopher and more.
----Delta Fair footage. Lawler vs Buff Bagwell. Typical Lawler bout. Great psychology. Bagwell gets the heat. Double down followed by Buff jumping from the second rope and Lawler catching him with a boot. Strap comes down. Boom Boom Boom. Bagwell cut him off with a kick and goes to pin him. Lawler has his foot on the rope, but Bagwell thinks he won – Lawler roles him up for the win.
----Delta Fair footage: Pokerface with Rashard Devon vs Mucho Dinero Match in progress with Poker getting heat on Dinero. Dinero comes out of the heat when Poker misses a shoulder flying into the ringpost. Dinero hits a sweet flying sidekick. Dunero jumps from the second rope and Poker hits him with an enzuguri in the air [Ghetto Blaster!!!]. Poker goes to the top rope and does a flying headbutt. Dinero’s valet gets on the apron [he is a baby; right] and then when Poker turns around Dinero hits him with a huracanrana followed by the pin for the win. Best bout they have aired so far on TV. After the bout, two girls [very hot] got in the ring and pulled money from their dress tops.
----Maclin/Lawler finished the show talking about www.JerryLawler.com and what was coming up next week. It will go back to featuring stuff from New England.
----It really did look like A LOT of people were around the ring for the matches…I would have loved to have seen Kash or White actually wrestle – hold for hold – with Dinsmore…Maclin was bumbling and laughing about Calhoun wrestling, but Jerry actually dressed like a wrestler and did not embarrass himself…Who was under the hood as Apocalypse??...Take a look at that “Wrestling Professor” segment – the talent just in the match!! You should never wonder why I think Memphis Wrestling is dead after seeing all that talent…Dinero is area worker Tatt2 working under a hood and new gimmick. I do know that Tatt2 is a big Rey Mysterio mark, so it is probably sort of tribute to him. Mucho Dinero means Much Money and he had the two valets with money get in the ring after match. Also shouldn’t he have money signs on his suit?? Gear looked good…This has to be my favorite show so far, because it featured some original new material...Join us at www.rasslinriotonline.com on Tuesday as we post the full show, so visitors can vote in the Memphis Wrestling TV Poll.
----Delta Fair footage: Kid Kash/Kevin White with Sue Young & Garry White vs Koko Ware/Eugene. Eugene hit a “Baba chop” on White. LOL Then he went after him with the claw!! Lots of comedy in the front of the bout. Heat on Koko. Koko did a “big move” for a hope spot. LOL Time limit draw. White/Kash come back out for 5 more minutes. White got hit by mistake by Kash with Eugene pinning Kash. Nothing special.
----“Wrestling Professor” segment. 3.19.82 was the date. 26 years ago. Bill Dundee/Jerry Calhoun vs Adrian Street/Jimmy Cornette/Miss Linda. Randy Hales was the ring announcer and Paul Morton was the ref. Hales does play by play also. Crowd was so hot for this match. Dundee and Street both looked a bit stiff here. Heat on Calhoun. Calhoun tried the hot tag, but got cut off. Everyone gets in the ring. Dundee is tied to the bottom rope by Cornette. Babys win by DQ. Eddie Marlin came out to untie Dundee. Dundee goes after everyone. Apocalypse finally comes in to help heels. Terry Taylor finally makes save.
----Memphis Wrestling coming to Byhalia Middle School on 9.20.08 with Koko Ware, Humongous, Corey Maclin [yes it said that], Brian Christopher and more.
----Delta Fair footage. Lawler vs Buff Bagwell. Typical Lawler bout. Great psychology. Bagwell gets the heat. Double down followed by Buff jumping from the second rope and Lawler catching him with a boot. Strap comes down. Boom Boom Boom. Bagwell cut him off with a kick and goes to pin him. Lawler has his foot on the rope, but Bagwell thinks he won – Lawler roles him up for the win.
----Delta Fair footage: Pokerface with Rashard Devon vs Mucho Dinero Match in progress with Poker getting heat on Dinero. Dinero comes out of the heat when Poker misses a shoulder flying into the ringpost. Dinero hits a sweet flying sidekick. Dunero jumps from the second rope and Poker hits him with an enzuguri in the air [Ghetto Blaster!!!]. Poker goes to the top rope and does a flying headbutt. Dinero’s valet gets on the apron [he is a baby; right] and then when Poker turns around Dinero hits him with a huracanrana followed by the pin for the win. Best bout they have aired so far on TV. After the bout, two girls [very hot] got in the ring and pulled money from their dress tops.
----Maclin/Lawler finished the show talking about www.JerryLawler.com and what was coming up next week. It will go back to featuring stuff from New England.
----It really did look like A LOT of people were around the ring for the matches…I would have loved to have seen Kash or White actually wrestle – hold for hold – with Dinsmore…Maclin was bumbling and laughing about Calhoun wrestling, but Jerry actually dressed like a wrestler and did not embarrass himself…Who was under the hood as Apocalypse??...Take a look at that “Wrestling Professor” segment – the talent just in the match!! You should never wonder why I think Memphis Wrestling is dead after seeing all that talent…Dinero is area worker Tatt2 working under a hood and new gimmick. I do know that Tatt2 is a big Rey Mysterio mark, so it is probably sort of tribute to him. Mucho Dinero means Much Money and he had the two valets with money get in the ring after match. Also shouldn’t he have money signs on his suit?? Gear looked good…This has to be my favorite show so far, because it featured some original new material...Join us at www.rasslinriotonline.com on Tuesday as we post the full show, so visitors can vote in the Memphis Wrestling TV Poll.
Appearing live and in person will be Kurt Angle, “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “The War Machine” Rhino, TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money, Inc. (“Cowboy” James Storm and Robert Roode), Jacqueline, Sheik Abdul Bashir, The Latin American Xchange, The Beautiful People, Cute Kip, TNA X Division Champion “Maple Leaf Muscle” Petey Williams, “Showtime” Eric Young, ODB, Shark Boy, “The Guru” Sonjay Dutt, Roxxi and more!
Tickets go on sale 10:00 a.m. Friday, September 12, at the Show Me Center Box Office, at all Ticketmaster locations, www.showmecenter.biz, or charge by phone at 573 -651- 5000.
Event times: 26 Oct 2008 (Sun)
4:00 PM
Ticket Information: Tickets On Sale Date: 12 Sep 2008 10:00 AM
Ticket Prices: $52.00, $37.00 & $22.00
Tickets go on sale 10:00 a.m. Friday, September 12, at the Show Me Center Box Office, at all Ticketmaster locations, www.showmecenter.biz, or charge by phone at 573 -651- 5000.
Tickets website: For Tickets Click Here
More info website: TNA Official Homepage
Tickets go on sale 10:00 a.m. Friday, September 12, at the Show Me Center Box Office, at all Ticketmaster locations, www.showmecenter.biz, or charge by phone at 573 -651- 5000.
Event times: 26 Oct 2008 (Sun)
4:00 PM
Ticket Information: Tickets On Sale Date: 12 Sep 2008 10:00 AM
Ticket Prices: $52.00, $37.00 & $22.00
Tickets go on sale 10:00 a.m. Friday, September 12, at the Show Me Center Box Office, at all Ticketmaster locations, www.showmecenter.biz, or charge by phone at 573 -651- 5000.
Tickets website: For Tickets Click Here
More info website: TNA Official Homepage
Foley in TNA Last Night!!
----I have always been a big Mick Foley mark..but his going to TNA has not excited me a bit. This video is fun though and guess if they give Foley a mic and let him say what he wants, it might be worth watching TNA just for that.
A Piece of my Mind Sept 6th 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

This week we lost another legend who was also a WWE Hall of Famer Killer Kowalski. I had the opportunity to meet Killer Kowalski one time, I believe somewhere in New England. I cannot say that I really ever interacted with him or really even understood his legacy. The most that I really knew about him was that, shortly before I got involved in wrestling, was that Killer and Big John Studd were The Executioners. They were WWWF Tag Team Champions managed by the most hated WWWF and WWF manager of all time Capt. Lou Albano. It wasn’t until recently when the news of Killer’s condition reached me that I asked Bruno Sammartino to tell me what Killer Kowalski meant to the wrestling business. We also talked about Bruno’s matches with Killer Kowalski. It was then that I finally understood the impact of this man on our business. How many pro wrestlers, especially from the golden era of wrestling, do you hear mentioned on ESPN when they pass away? It isn’t many and, from what I understand in the case of Walter “Killer” Kowalski, it was well earned.
Injuries in pro wrestling right now seem to be at an epidemic proportion. The amount of talent that really seems to be capable of stepping up and being an A+ performer is perhaps at its worst. There has to be something to it. I do realize styles are much different today, but it isn’t just aerial stars that are injured. In the old days guys worked a much tougher style. Find me the wrestler out there today with cauliflower ears. In a time where top shelf money generating wrestlers are scarcer than hen’s teeth keeping guys healthy has to be a TOP priority. I am sure that lifestyle decisions play into these injuries in many cases. When is something intelligent going to be done to extend careers and stop interrupting the programs that should be driving the company.
There are people that will step up and come to the forefront. They will help the company the best that they can within the limitations of what they have to offer. I do not believe we are going to find the next "big thing" with among any on the current roster. They say that Vince McMahon is best under pressure and that being boxed into a corner really helps motivate him. I got news for you Vince go get some talent!You are under pressure. You are boxed in a corner. Stop spending so much time yelling into headsets ... do your job. The broadcasters you have do not need you hounding them to death during broadcasts. If you don’t like the job they are doing then go back to doing it yourself. I don’t think you could find one person to believe that Jerry Lawler, Jim Ross, Mick Foley or anyone else needs Vince in their ear. If he has some points that he wants covered that is his prerogative. Those points should be discussed at a pre-production meeting. I do realize things can change on the fly occasionally. It’s not like anything in that company is spontaneous. If there is the occasional situation that comes up someone can relay that information to the announcer. The behavior we are hearing about from Vince McMahon is ridiculous. He made TNA a better company and WWE a weaker company with his latest raving.
The latest news that comes out of Florida Championship Wrestling is that their TV taping drew about fifty people. The first few events did turn away business which was still not a big number but at least it was turn away business. The current results tell me that the so called "stars of tomorrow" are not many. I have been hearing good reports about one or two of the guys down there. I believe they will be called up soon. But after that what happens to the other seventy guys and girls?
The first thing to remember is that in most businesses today branding is essential. The WWE brand is recognized as the symbol of excellence in our business. So why not call the territory WWE Florida? That would make much more sense. The Florida Championship brand for many years meant something in the Sunshine State. I remember watching it in NY on Channel 47 the Spanish station. We used to get it every week. I loved watching Dusty Rhodes, Mister Florida, the Funks, the Brisco’s, Blackjack Mulligan, Barry Windham, Mike Graham and Sir Oliver Humperdink. The glory days of Florida Championship Wrestling cannot be revived by a bunch of kids that no one knows. The whole business model makes no sense at all. The people running the school I have no issue with. Dusty Rhodes is one of the best promo guys ever. T only difference is that Dusty’s abilities were intrinsic ... it was natural. The other guys Steve Keirn has drawn money before and understands how it’s done. Then you have guys like Dr. Tom Prichard, Bill Kidman and the newest addition Norman Smiley. It isn’t the teachers that are the problem.
I am a firm believer that Babe Ruth could line up one hundred guys and tell them all his home run hitting secrets. At the end of the lesson more than likely not one of those guys is going to be able to hit many more home runs than they could before the Babe spoke. It’s the same thing down at FCW. If these guys don’t have it the great teachers at FCW won’t make a huge difference. It’s been said for years and years that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. I never thought that Vince McMahon would be the guy to prove it to the world.
I want to wish my buddy Mick Foley the best of luck on his future endeavors especially since I understand WWE failed to do that. The reason that Mick left WWE is almost as pathetic as the multitude of reasons that you hear Verne Gagne lost Hulk Hogan to Vince McMahon. It is really a shame that this business isn’t run with more brains than ego and arrogance. The good news is that Mick has always been good with money. It’s a great thing when someone doesn’t have to trade their pride in to feed their family.
I think it’s high time that Memphis Wrestling gives a title belt to Andy Taylor and the Junior Heavyweight title to Barney Fife. Then they can hand the tag team belts to Fred and Lamont Sanford. If they did that perhaps they can get some decent ratings. It appears the people in Memphis are much happier watching The Andy Griffith Show and Sanford and Son. Who can blame them? The people of Memphis don’t want to see a bunch of tapes from the Northeast and how many times can you rerun stuff people have seen over and over again? It is time to start producing new shows. If they don’t start soon I can’t imagine that they will be on the air very long.
This photo was taken on one of the occasions that I asked my friend Bruno Sammartino to come down and guest referee a match. If my longtime rival “Gorgeous” Gary Royal was on the card I normally ended up wrestling him whether in a tag match with one of the Samoans or in a single match. I am sure Gary was thrilled as we all were when we first got a chance to take a photo with wrestling’s living legend.
This has been a piece of my mind
Memphis Ratings and Poll Weekly Report
8.30.08 TV Show
1st quarter
-Maclin/Lawler opening
-Delta Fair
.4 [6644 viewers]
2cnd quarter
-“New Kids”
-“New Kids’ interview
-Eugene interview and match clip
.6 [9237 viewers]
3rd quarter
-Diva Gauntlet match
-Buff interview
4th Quarter
-Roselli vs Lawler
OVERALL .3 [4052 viewers]
----I wrote about these ratings earlier this week, but this was – all time low. As I have pointed out in the past, Jerry Lawler does not mean ratings. The show was turned off before his match ever aired. This group had a huge amount of people watching their live show at the Delta Fair, so it will be interesting if it translates to more people watching the TV show.
Thumbs Up 59%
Thumbs Down 40%
----Even though the ratings are bad, the hardcore crowd this is watching this show seems to like it with a 4-0 Thumbs Up so far. Honestly I think some may just feel sorry for them. LOL The winning margin was the highest. We also had a normal numbers of voters, so what that is telling me is that around 25% of the people watching the show are watching here online.
1st quarter
-Maclin/Lawler opening
-Delta Fair
.4 [6644 viewers]
2cnd quarter
-“New Kids”
-“New Kids’ interview
-Eugene interview and match clip
.6 [9237 viewers]
3rd quarter
-Diva Gauntlet match
-Buff interview
4th Quarter
-Roselli vs Lawler
OVERALL .3 [4052 viewers]
----I wrote about these ratings earlier this week, but this was – all time low. As I have pointed out in the past, Jerry Lawler does not mean ratings. The show was turned off before his match ever aired. This group had a huge amount of people watching their live show at the Delta Fair, so it will be interesting if it translates to more people watching the TV show.
Thumbs Up 59%
Thumbs Down 40%
----Even though the ratings are bad, the hardcore crowd this is watching this show seems to like it with a 4-0 Thumbs Up so far. Honestly I think some may just feel sorry for them. LOL The winning margin was the highest. We also had a normal numbers of voters, so what that is telling me is that around 25% of the people watching the show are watching here online.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Boogie’s Wrestling Graduation on 9.14.08
----I got this forwarded via e-mail and wanted everyone to know about the upcoming event.
BWC’s 16th annual Graduation is on 9/14/08
Boogie’s Wrestling Camp Hall of Fame Museum is having their 16th annual graduation bash this Sunday at 12 noon till 4 p.m. at 2916 Alleghany Springs Road Shawsville, VA 24162
WWE Hall of Famer Handsome Jimmy “The Boogie Woogie Man” Valiant and Angel Valiant would like to invite everyone to attend this spectacular pro wrestling event. Please come and be our guest and, as always, there is free parking and free admission. Concessions available.
Along with BWC’s graduating students there will be a few honorary degrees given out Sunday. They are WWE Hall of Famer Johnny Valiant, Kentucky’s first lady promoter Delphia Richendollar, “King of Kingsport” Beau James, “Iron Cross” Mike Samson, NWA Indiana Champion Sexy Shawn Cook and tag team partner Guy Lombardo, world famous midget wrestling legend Tiny Bell, New York City booking agents Evan Ginzburg, Scott Epstein and Howard Rogofsky, plus two female grapplers, Missy Samson(The Farmer's Daughter) and Misty James.
Don’t you dare miss this one! Be here!
Jimmy and Angel Valiant
BWC’s 16th annual Graduation is on 9/14/08
Boogie’s Wrestling Camp Hall of Fame Museum is having their 16th annual graduation bash this Sunday at 12 noon till 4 p.m. at 2916 Alleghany Springs Road Shawsville, VA 24162
WWE Hall of Famer Handsome Jimmy “The Boogie Woogie Man” Valiant and Angel Valiant would like to invite everyone to attend this spectacular pro wrestling event. Please come and be our guest and, as always, there is free parking and free admission. Concessions available.
Along with BWC’s graduating students there will be a few honorary degrees given out Sunday. They are WWE Hall of Famer Johnny Valiant, Kentucky’s first lady promoter Delphia Richendollar, “King of Kingsport” Beau James, “Iron Cross” Mike Samson, NWA Indiana Champion Sexy Shawn Cook and tag team partner Guy Lombardo, world famous midget wrestling legend Tiny Bell, New York City booking agents Evan Ginzburg, Scott Epstein and Howard Rogofsky, plus two female grapplers, Missy Samson(The Farmer's Daughter) and Misty James.
Don’t you dare miss this one! Be here!
Jimmy and Angel Valiant
RassleResults: EPW Alcoa, TN 9.04.08
Wayne Adkins pinned Kole Layton King following a turnbuckle smash and a crossbody block off the top rope.
Jim Miller pinned Jason Maxx when Maxx went for a power move but couldn't hold Miller up since his knee/leg was ravaged by Miller during the match and fell on top of him for the pin.
Shawn Streets defeated Beau James following an EXPLOSIVE spear.
Beau James said after the match Streets was now on his hit list.
Keith Knox destroyed Chase Owens after a spinebuster and 3 chokebombs.
Shane Williams announced that on Sept 18 he will be wrestling a BEAR at the fle-torium following Jeff Anderson interrupting and playing mind games with the King as he attempted to make that announcement.
Robbie Race beat Shane Williams by countout after Jeff Anderson's music came on after Shane hit a DDT and got of the ring. Then Williams laid out the music guy.
Menace beat Sigmon by disqualification as Beau James used the GOOD MOOD on Spur when Menace looked to have Sigmon tapping out.
Next week though Wayne Adkins get his title match against Sigmon.
Power TRIP reissued there open challenge to any team and it got answered by The Dawgs (Big Bully Douglas & Ali). The Dawgs won by disqualification after RIP used a title belt on Ali. The Dawgs then challenged Power TRIP next week for a rematch which was eventually accepted.
EWP Championship Match: Wayne Adkins v. Sigmon
EWP Tag Team Championship Match: The Dawgs v. The Power TRIP
Credit: Zilfer
Jim Miller pinned Jason Maxx when Maxx went for a power move but couldn't hold Miller up since his knee/leg was ravaged by Miller during the match and fell on top of him for the pin.
Shawn Streets defeated Beau James following an EXPLOSIVE spear.
Beau James said after the match Streets was now on his hit list.
Keith Knox destroyed Chase Owens after a spinebuster and 3 chokebombs.
Shane Williams announced that on Sept 18 he will be wrestling a BEAR at the fle-torium following Jeff Anderson interrupting and playing mind games with the King as he attempted to make that announcement.
Robbie Race beat Shane Williams by countout after Jeff Anderson's music came on after Shane hit a DDT and got of the ring. Then Williams laid out the music guy.
Menace beat Sigmon by disqualification as Beau James used the GOOD MOOD on Spur when Menace looked to have Sigmon tapping out.
Next week though Wayne Adkins get his title match against Sigmon.
Power TRIP reissued there open challenge to any team and it got answered by The Dawgs (Big Bully Douglas & Ali). The Dawgs won by disqualification after RIP used a title belt on Ali. The Dawgs then challenged Power TRIP next week for a rematch which was eventually accepted.
EWP Championship Match: Wayne Adkins v. Sigmon
EWP Tag Team Championship Match: The Dawgs v. The Power TRIP
Credit: Zilfer
Wildside Responds...
----I posted part of a blog post this week from area worker Maxx Corbin and said I would give anyone else a chance to respond. TIWF worker Wildside post the following on the Kayfabe Board.
Wildside’s first ever Blog!!!!
These statements I have made are mine and mine alone. They do not necessarily reflect those of the TIWF, it’s staff, fans or members.
Where has the days of New Breed gone?
Seems like a lifetime ago… but I can still recall the names. Preacherman, Small Money Change, Daddy Big Bucks, Mysterio, Solomon Grungee, Weezer Lobo, Savage Dragon, Mighty Bearcat, El Borricua, Mexican Commander just to name a few. It was a unique time back in those days. A wrestling federation where no one had egos, everyone chipped in for the better of the show. No one took pay; instead they invested it back into the federation that they loved. There wasn’t bickering in the back. No one cared if they won or loss. No one cared if the held the belt or not. No one cared if they had to open the show or not. It was ok if they had to wrestle more than once. It was ok if they didn’t get to wrestle at all. It was ok if you missed a spot in the ring. It was ok if you missed your cue. It was ok if they played the wrong music for you… heck you still came out.
In reality everyone was the booker. Everyone had input because no one idea is EVER perfect. It was a non-tense easy going locker-room. Everyone cleaned up after the show. Everyone was on the ring crew and street team. We had fun.
It wasn’t about us. It was about “ THE SHOW”. It was about putting on a great show for great fans.
I always contort back to the “New Breed Mentality” as I call it, quite often. I find almost all workers today do not have that mentality. I am always searching, but I know it is in vain. So…. What is the New Breed Mentality?
Well in simple terms it’s putting the promotion first. It’s being dedicated to the fans to ensure they receive a great show. It’s giving your best, but understanding that no one is perfect. It’s a loyalty and respect among your wrestling buddies. It’s a respect for the fans. So, where have those New Breed days gone?
EGOS:The first problem that I see are egos. I have personally called individuals out on it when I see it. Especially in the guys I think that are better than that and yes you know who you are.
I have seen talent recently that got upset because they didn’t win the tag team belts when they were suppose too. I mean c’mon get real… are you serious? I have had people want to walk out of a show because they were booked first match. And I watched them leave.
I’ve seen worker get upset that they only got $9 instead of $10. I’ve seen workers get upset that the federation doesn’t want to feed all 19 members of their immediate family for free! I’ve seen workers that sweet talk the booker so that they don’t have to lose. I’ve seen people leave promotions without dropping the belts because they don’t want to lose. I’ve seen people get upset if angles didn’t work out quite right because of miscommunication or what have you. I’ve seen people wait until there music was played, even though they didn’t bother to make it easy on the guy doing sound and hand it to him with their name on it before the show. Oh yeah what about just showing up to the show on time? Everyone knows people in their federation that has the egos, wouldn’t it be much better without them in the promotion at all?
It’s not about winning or losing you morons. It’s not real. Get over it. Who cares if you win a belt… EVER????
Non Egos:On The flip side of this….It takes a big person to stand up and say they are not the best when everyone around them claims to be. I can admire Tim Edwards for doing just that. On many occasions he has stated that he knows that he is not the best and has gotten jeered for being honest. I was amazed at the lack of respect that the average joe blow wrestler gives these days. Ok maybe Tim doesn’t deserve your respect. Ok I’m fine with that…. IF not then why? He does his very best and gives it his all for the crowd. He knows he isn’t in the best shape or has all the moves or knows all there is to know. But, he does care about the show and the business. Now granted, I’m not with him every weekend, and maybe he’s not like he seems on the net or the few times I’ve been around him. But, irregardless, until he shows me different, Tim you do have some peoples respect.
CLICK HERE to read rest of the blog along with comments about the subject by others.
Wildside’s first ever Blog!!!!
These statements I have made are mine and mine alone. They do not necessarily reflect those of the TIWF, it’s staff, fans or members.
Where has the days of New Breed gone?
Seems like a lifetime ago… but I can still recall the names. Preacherman, Small Money Change, Daddy Big Bucks, Mysterio, Solomon Grungee, Weezer Lobo, Savage Dragon, Mighty Bearcat, El Borricua, Mexican Commander just to name a few. It was a unique time back in those days. A wrestling federation where no one had egos, everyone chipped in for the better of the show. No one took pay; instead they invested it back into the federation that they loved. There wasn’t bickering in the back. No one cared if they won or loss. No one cared if the held the belt or not. No one cared if they had to open the show or not. It was ok if they had to wrestle more than once. It was ok if they didn’t get to wrestle at all. It was ok if you missed a spot in the ring. It was ok if you missed your cue. It was ok if they played the wrong music for you… heck you still came out.
In reality everyone was the booker. Everyone had input because no one idea is EVER perfect. It was a non-tense easy going locker-room. Everyone cleaned up after the show. Everyone was on the ring crew and street team. We had fun.
It wasn’t about us. It was about “ THE SHOW”. It was about putting on a great show for great fans.
I always contort back to the “New Breed Mentality” as I call it, quite often. I find almost all workers today do not have that mentality. I am always searching, but I know it is in vain. So…. What is the New Breed Mentality?
Well in simple terms it’s putting the promotion first. It’s being dedicated to the fans to ensure they receive a great show. It’s giving your best, but understanding that no one is perfect. It’s a loyalty and respect among your wrestling buddies. It’s a respect for the fans. So, where have those New Breed days gone?
EGOS:The first problem that I see are egos. I have personally called individuals out on it when I see it. Especially in the guys I think that are better than that and yes you know who you are.
I have seen talent recently that got upset because they didn’t win the tag team belts when they were suppose too. I mean c’mon get real… are you serious? I have had people want to walk out of a show because they were booked first match. And I watched them leave.
I’ve seen worker get upset that they only got $9 instead of $10. I’ve seen workers get upset that the federation doesn’t want to feed all 19 members of their immediate family for free! I’ve seen workers that sweet talk the booker so that they don’t have to lose. I’ve seen people leave promotions without dropping the belts because they don’t want to lose. I’ve seen people get upset if angles didn’t work out quite right because of miscommunication or what have you. I’ve seen people wait until there music was played, even though they didn’t bother to make it easy on the guy doing sound and hand it to him with their name on it before the show. Oh yeah what about just showing up to the show on time? Everyone knows people in their federation that has the egos, wouldn’t it be much better without them in the promotion at all?
It’s not about winning or losing you morons. It’s not real. Get over it. Who cares if you win a belt… EVER????
Non Egos:On The flip side of this….It takes a big person to stand up and say they are not the best when everyone around them claims to be. I can admire Tim Edwards for doing just that. On many occasions he has stated that he knows that he is not the best and has gotten jeered for being honest. I was amazed at the lack of respect that the average joe blow wrestler gives these days. Ok maybe Tim doesn’t deserve your respect. Ok I’m fine with that…. IF not then why? He does his very best and gives it his all for the crowd. He knows he isn’t in the best shape or has all the moves or knows all there is to know. But, he does care about the show and the business. Now granted, I’m not with him every weekend, and maybe he’s not like he seems on the net or the few times I’ve been around him. But, irregardless, until he shows me different, Tim you do have some peoples respect.
CLICK HERE to read rest of the blog along with comments about the subject by others.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I Was Wrong!! Fair Draws Huge Numbers!!
----I finally got to talk with a source that says there was around 40,000 people that went thru Delta Fair gate this year and a lot of them were watching wrestling. Please note that the people came to the Fair, not to see wrestling, but apparently when the wrestling started - a lot of people were watching the show. I was told anywhere from 1000 to 2000 fans were watching wrestling at any given time as it looked like miles of fans when they were standing in the ring. The Fair committee tried to set up the wrestling in a building, but Corey Maclin made sure it was outside and everyone involved seem to think that was a great decision. The Fair had much more to offer this year along with having a good weather day. It seem to draw a lot of people. The rodeo was going on at the same time as wrestling and everyone says that the wrestling drew more people. Ironic that during all the commercials that aired on all networks on Memphis TV - not one of them mentioned wrestling. It will interesting to see if Memphis Wrestling took got the best out of this opportunity and promoted the TV show. We will be able to see in the ratings this upcoming week.
Show for Tonight!!
EWP THURSDAY, September 4TH, 2008
DONOVAN DANIELS and The RIP ( POWER tRIP) will face a surprise tag-team this Thursday!! They have been causing chaos in EWP and the fans want them killed!! They have already put WILLIE B BADD of DRI out of action and busted up JASON MAXX last Thursday!! Who will they face??? Find out Thursday!! WARNING TO POWER tRIP: The word of your bragging and actions has spread statewide!!
MENACE will once again get a well deserved title shot against EWP CHAMPION SIGMON!!
"BIG GUN" ROBBIE RACE challenges "THE KING" SHANE WILLIAMS over what he did to ROBBIE last week!! All SHANE told me was that he has a huge announcement over who his opponent will be on our big show on September 18th featuring MICHALE GRAVES( former lead singer of the MISFITS)
SHAWN STREETS showing star potential last week will face the legend from Kingsport BEAU JAMES!!!
DONOVAN DANIELS and The RIP ( POWER tRIP) will face a surprise tag-team this Thursday!! They have been causing chaos in EWP and the fans want them killed!! They have already put WILLIE B BADD of DRI out of action and busted up JASON MAXX last Thursday!! Who will they face??? Find out Thursday!! WARNING TO POWER tRIP: The word of your bragging and actions has spread statewide!!
MENACE will once again get a well deserved title shot against EWP CHAMPION SIGMON!!
"BIG GUN" ROBBIE RACE challenges "THE KING" SHANE WILLIAMS over what he did to ROBBIE last week!! All SHANE told me was that he has a huge announcement over who his opponent will be on our big show on September 18th featuring MICHALE GRAVES( former lead singer of the MISFITS)
SHAWN STREETS showing star potential last week will face the legend from Kingsport BEAU JAMES!!!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Shows for The Weekend 9.05.08 to 9.06.08
----CLICK HERE for the regular scheduled events in the area. Below are three extra shows that might be fun to check out this weekend. The New Era of Wrestling group did make me a laugh though promoting it as a "New Beginning" featuring just all the guys from the other small time Memphis groups. What is the obsession about having a belt?? It is a real good "cause" though, so anyone looking to help out someone and see some decent wrestling [at least Reno's bout], then check it out. The TFW/XOW benefit show on Saturday is also a real good "cause", so help them out if you are in that area.
Championship Wrestling
WANTED: Dead or Alive
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Kingsport, TN
Bell Time - 8:00 pm
$10,000 Bounty Match
Tony "The Dragon" Givens & Ricky Morton
420 Hit Squad (Adam York & The Jin)
United States Tag Team Title Match
Champions, Hick Hop Express
(Moe Jenkins & Beau James)
w/ Misty James
KMF Inc.
(Big Steve Fury & Chris Richards)
w/ John Hawkins
Tag Team Challenge
"High Risk" Robbie Cassidy
& "Young Gun" Cody Ices
National Heavyweight Champion, Alyx Winters
& Mr. Bolo
w/ John Hawkins
Wayen Adkins vs. Chase Owens w/ Ashlee
Card Subject to Change*
Ticket Information
Front Row: $10
General Admission: $8
Doors open at 7:00 PM
Front Row Tickets will be available at:
Ink Revolution Studios
(Formerly Great American Tattoo Co.)
2309 Ft. Henry Dr.
Kingsport, TN 37664
(423) 288-TATO
NEW Venue Information
4401 West Stone Drive (Allendale Area)
Kingsport, TN 37660
TFW and XOW will team up for a benefit show this Saturday afternoon, 9-6-08, at the TFW Arena in Tupelo. The benefit is for the family of Emmet Adams, of Booneville, to help pay for funeral and burial expenses, and all proceeds will go to this cause. Bell time is 12:00 noon, and the show will last until approx. 3:00 p.m.
On the card:
The Asylum (Psycho, Pappy, & Arnez)
Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock
"Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs
"The Future" Chris Styles
Josh Matthews
"Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore
Izzy Rotten
"Prime Time" Nick Grimes
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor
and many, many more!
Don't miss this one! It's going to be a great show, and it's for a worthy cause! See you there!
A New Era of Wrestling begins this Saturday at the Healing Center, located at 3910 Tchulahoma Road in Memphis. Proceeds from this event will help benefit a New Orleans family that recently lost everything in a devastating house fire. Please be sure to come out and support a great cause and enjoy exciting LIVE wrestling action!
Championship Wrestling
WANTED: Dead or Alive
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Kingsport, TN
Bell Time - 8:00 pm
$10,000 Bounty Match
Tony "The Dragon" Givens & Ricky Morton
420 Hit Squad (Adam York & The Jin)
United States Tag Team Title Match
Champions, Hick Hop Express
(Moe Jenkins & Beau James)
w/ Misty James
KMF Inc.
(Big Steve Fury & Chris Richards)
w/ John Hawkins
Tag Team Challenge
"High Risk" Robbie Cassidy
& "Young Gun" Cody Ices
National Heavyweight Champion, Alyx Winters
& Mr. Bolo
w/ John Hawkins
Wayen Adkins vs. Chase Owens w/ Ashlee
Card Subject to Change*
Ticket Information
Front Row: $10
General Admission: $8
Doors open at 7:00 PM
Front Row Tickets will be available at:
Ink Revolution Studios
(Formerly Great American Tattoo Co.)
2309 Ft. Henry Dr.
Kingsport, TN 37664
(423) 288-TATO
NEW Venue Information
4401 West Stone Drive (Allendale Area)
Kingsport, TN 37660
TFW and XOW will team up for a benefit show this Saturday afternoon, 9-6-08, at the TFW Arena in Tupelo. The benefit is for the family of Emmet Adams, of Booneville, to help pay for funeral and burial expenses, and all proceeds will go to this cause. Bell time is 12:00 noon, and the show will last until approx. 3:00 p.m.
On the card:
The Asylum (Psycho, Pappy, & Arnez)
Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock
"Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs
"The Future" Chris Styles
Josh Matthews
"Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore
Izzy Rotten
"Prime Time" Nick Grimes
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor
and many, many more!
Don't miss this one! It's going to be a great show, and it's for a worthy cause! See you there!
A New Era of Wrestling begins this Saturday at the Healing Center, located at 3910 Tchulahoma Road in Memphis. Proceeds from this event will help benefit a New Orleans family that recently lost everything in a devastating house fire. Please be sure to come out and support a great cause and enjoy exciting LIVE wrestling action!

RassleResults: Memphis Wrestling Delta Fair 8.30.08
Mucho Dinero def. Pokerface w/ Rashard Devon
Too Cool II def. "Total Protection" Mr. Hughes and Sam Shaw
Derrick King and Johnny Dotson w/ Rashard Devon def. OVW Tag Champions, Los Locos
Koko B. Ware and Eugene def. Kid Kash and "New Nature Boy" Kevin White w/ Mr. White and Su Yung
"Grandmaster Sexay" Brian Christopher def. "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters via dq
Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell
Credit: KJ from the Kayfabe Board
----I talked with a few workers on the show and all I can find out with attendance is "there seem to be a lot of people there"..LOL I am guessing 100 at least....Who was Mucho Dinero???
Too Cool II def. "Total Protection" Mr. Hughes and Sam Shaw
Derrick King and Johnny Dotson w/ Rashard Devon def. OVW Tag Champions, Los Locos
Koko B. Ware and Eugene def. Kid Kash and "New Nature Boy" Kevin White w/ Mr. White and Su Yung
"Grandmaster Sexay" Brian Christopher def. "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters via dq
Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell
Credit: KJ from the Kayfabe Board
----I talked with a few workers on the show and all I can find out with attendance is "there seem to be a lot of people there"..LOL I am guessing 100 at least....Who was Mucho Dinero???
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR 8.30.08
Show opened with the new Commissioner PP3 giving the run down of the show. When the music of Rik Burton hit and out came the Rat Pack. With Classy Meltin Massy trying to pump up the group telling each of them what they had to do in their matches. Each one took turns telling their opponents what they were going to do to them.
Match 1 Silas and Chris Steel VS Ron Rage and Cody Murdock VS J.D. Kerry and Lucky. Everyone saw action in this one. No one really got the upper hand during the match because you could tag anyone in at anytime. Good match with 3 vets and 3 young guns(so to speak) and the crowd loved every minute of it. Silas got the win over Kerry. Silas seemed intent on punishing Kerry after the match hitting him with several big slams before Ron Rage hit the ring. Silas took out Rage with a big clothesline. Massy came out and gave Silas a cane, like Silas needs a weapon! Silas then beat Rage down with the cane and hurt Rage to the point he had to be helped out of the ring and to the back.
Match 2. Fabulous Luke Graham Jr. VS Soul Train Jones. Good Old School VS New School. Graham really knows how to work a crowd and did just that at the start of the match. Graham even tried to get the new official to raise his hand in victory after he had the person at the announce table ring the bell twice. However the official was smarter than that. Soul Train kept Graham off balance with his speed and power. Jones got a good arm bar on Graham and really seemed to be working it when Graham got him with a thumb to the eye. After several fists to the head Graham had Jones disoriented and hit him with a shoulder block and covered Jones. Graham had his feet on the ropes and in this reporters opinion the official gave a fast three count and your winner. Fabulous Luke Graham Jr.
Match 3. Rik Burton VS The Big Indian Chief Quixote. This two are no strangers they have had their battles in the past. They hit each other with big shots each one taking control of the other. Each one took turns with the advantage until Burton was finally able to get the figure four on the Big Indian. At this point things looked bad for the Chief however he was able to reverse the hold and Burton had to make it to the ropes to get the hold broke. That's when Massy threw a chain to Burton. Burton went to use the chain and The Chief hit a back drop and Burton dropped the chain. Chief picked it up and started to chock Burton when the official saw that he had no choice but to DQ the Chief. Your winner Rik Burton by DQ.
Match 5. The RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "Red Dogg" Mack. VS The Enforcer Zane Richards. There has been bad blood between these two since 4th at the Forest. These two went after each other from the sound of the bell. Richards being a veteran went to work on Mack's right arm. That is the arm Mack hurt in his last MMA fight. Even when Mack got away and hit Richards with some big shots Richards kept going back to the arm. Once Mack got the upper hand Mack hit his big spear and went for the 3 count. Massy then called out the Rat Pack and Mack took them out one at a time. Richards then grabbed a chair and hit Mack with it. This did not phase Mack and Mack took the chair from Richards and beat down Richards and the rest of the Pack. The winner of the match. The RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "Red Dogg" Mack. By DQ.
The Main Event. The Asylum Straight Jacket Match. This is a match that has never been preformed. This match was not sanctioned by the RWA. The Asylum VS The Natural Born Playaz. One of each of the teams would be placed in a straight jacket and locked in. The keys would be hanging from the ceiling of the Sportatorium. Which ever team gets to the key first can unlock their team mate and have a three on two advantage. The match is over when one of the teams cannot answer the 10 count.
Psycho was in the straight jacket for the Asylum and Mr Pimptacular was placed in the jacket for the Playaz. Psycho seemed to be right at home for his team while Pimp was not. As the match progressed even the guy's in the jackets went after each other. Mike Anthony and The Southside Brawler locked up with Arnez and Pappy. This match was brutal in every way. They used everything they could get their hands on. Crutches, street signs, chairs, the ladder, kindo sticks. The asylum produced a heavy rope with a noose tied at one end. Mike Anthony was hung from the rafters of the Sportatorium. At this point the match had turned into a life and death struggle for the team. The Natural Born Playaz were able to get the key and set Mr. Pimptacular free. They seemed to be on their way to a victory when Psycho just came out of his jacket like he had been doing it for years. ( Note to the Playaz. He Has...) The Asylum turned up the violence and at the end the Playaz were not able to answer the 10 count. The fans were coming unglued by this time. They had seen one of the greatest matches and been treated to a great show for the evening.
Many of the 135 in the building came from the WWE show. I was told personally that they enjoyed the RWA show more than the WWE show. Keep in mind that it was a WWE house show so no pyros or lights and big production. Still this is a huge compliment for this young company. They seem to be giving the fans what they want and the fans are staying loyal to the RWA.
Credit: RWA Reporter
Match 1 Silas and Chris Steel VS Ron Rage and Cody Murdock VS J.D. Kerry and Lucky. Everyone saw action in this one. No one really got the upper hand during the match because you could tag anyone in at anytime. Good match with 3 vets and 3 young guns(so to speak) and the crowd loved every minute of it. Silas got the win over Kerry. Silas seemed intent on punishing Kerry after the match hitting him with several big slams before Ron Rage hit the ring. Silas took out Rage with a big clothesline. Massy came out and gave Silas a cane, like Silas needs a weapon! Silas then beat Rage down with the cane and hurt Rage to the point he had to be helped out of the ring and to the back.
Match 2. Fabulous Luke Graham Jr. VS Soul Train Jones. Good Old School VS New School. Graham really knows how to work a crowd and did just that at the start of the match. Graham even tried to get the new official to raise his hand in victory after he had the person at the announce table ring the bell twice. However the official was smarter than that. Soul Train kept Graham off balance with his speed and power. Jones got a good arm bar on Graham and really seemed to be working it when Graham got him with a thumb to the eye. After several fists to the head Graham had Jones disoriented and hit him with a shoulder block and covered Jones. Graham had his feet on the ropes and in this reporters opinion the official gave a fast three count and your winner. Fabulous Luke Graham Jr.
Match 3. Rik Burton VS The Big Indian Chief Quixote. This two are no strangers they have had their battles in the past. They hit each other with big shots each one taking control of the other. Each one took turns with the advantage until Burton was finally able to get the figure four on the Big Indian. At this point things looked bad for the Chief however he was able to reverse the hold and Burton had to make it to the ropes to get the hold broke. That's when Massy threw a chain to Burton. Burton went to use the chain and The Chief hit a back drop and Burton dropped the chain. Chief picked it up and started to chock Burton when the official saw that he had no choice but to DQ the Chief. Your winner Rik Burton by DQ.
Match 5. The RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "Red Dogg" Mack. VS The Enforcer Zane Richards. There has been bad blood between these two since 4th at the Forest. These two went after each other from the sound of the bell. Richards being a veteran went to work on Mack's right arm. That is the arm Mack hurt in his last MMA fight. Even when Mack got away and hit Richards with some big shots Richards kept going back to the arm. Once Mack got the upper hand Mack hit his big spear and went for the 3 count. Massy then called out the Rat Pack and Mack took them out one at a time. Richards then grabbed a chair and hit Mack with it. This did not phase Mack and Mack took the chair from Richards and beat down Richards and the rest of the Pack. The winner of the match. The RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "Red Dogg" Mack. By DQ.
The Main Event. The Asylum Straight Jacket Match. This is a match that has never been preformed. This match was not sanctioned by the RWA. The Asylum VS The Natural Born Playaz. One of each of the teams would be placed in a straight jacket and locked in. The keys would be hanging from the ceiling of the Sportatorium. Which ever team gets to the key first can unlock their team mate and have a three on two advantage. The match is over when one of the teams cannot answer the 10 count.
Psycho was in the straight jacket for the Asylum and Mr Pimptacular was placed in the jacket for the Playaz. Psycho seemed to be right at home for his team while Pimp was not. As the match progressed even the guy's in the jackets went after each other. Mike Anthony and The Southside Brawler locked up with Arnez and Pappy. This match was brutal in every way. They used everything they could get their hands on. Crutches, street signs, chairs, the ladder, kindo sticks. The asylum produced a heavy rope with a noose tied at one end. Mike Anthony was hung from the rafters of the Sportatorium. At this point the match had turned into a life and death struggle for the team. The Natural Born Playaz were able to get the key and set Mr. Pimptacular free. They seemed to be on their way to a victory when Psycho just came out of his jacket like he had been doing it for years. ( Note to the Playaz. He Has...) The Asylum turned up the violence and at the end the Playaz were not able to answer the 10 count. The fans were coming unglued by this time. They had seen one of the greatest matches and been treated to a great show for the evening.
Many of the 135 in the building came from the WWE show. I was told personally that they enjoyed the RWA show more than the WWE show. Keep in mind that it was a WWE house show so no pyros or lights and big production. Still this is a huge compliment for this young company. They seem to be giving the fans what they want and the fans are staying loyal to the RWA.
Credit: RWA Reporter
Kamala and "Hollywood" Jimmy To Star In Movie
----This should be interesting. I am a big mark for B-movies and such. I promise to have a big legit review of it when it is released.
For over twenty-five years professional wrestler James Harris has entertained millions of people all over the world as Kamala, The Ugandan Giant. In 2008 Harris is taking the character of Kamala to new realms.
KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL (a Humid Productions film) is a proudly politically-incorrect comedic short filmed in the professional wrestler’s home state of Mississippi. Initial shooting of KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL has wrapped and is now in the editing process.
Harris enlisted the aid of several wrestling personalities in the area to help bring his concept to fruition. Chad Martin (aka Big Daddy Storm) directed the movie. Martin also co-wrote the script with “Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock and David Burcham (aka Ollie “By Golly” Bradford) based on the vision of Harris.
Harris plans to present KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL for viewing in several independent film festivals around the country. There will also be a special DVD version of KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL that will include several hand-picked Kamala matches from the personal library of Mr. Harris. Several workers from this area starred in the Comedy Film. Billy Russ, Chuck Blaylock, Hollywood Jimmy , Ollie By Golly , and Big Daddy Storm.
Details on the availability of the KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL DVD will be announced at a future date.
Credit: www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
For over twenty-five years professional wrestler James Harris has entertained millions of people all over the world as Kamala, The Ugandan Giant. In 2008 Harris is taking the character of Kamala to new realms.
KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL (a Humid Productions film) is a proudly politically-incorrect comedic short filmed in the professional wrestler’s home state of Mississippi. Initial shooting of KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL has wrapped and is now in the editing process.
Harris enlisted the aid of several wrestling personalities in the area to help bring his concept to fruition. Chad Martin (aka Big Daddy Storm) directed the movie. Martin also co-wrote the script with “Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock and David Burcham (aka Ollie “By Golly” Bradford) based on the vision of Harris.
Harris plans to present KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL for viewing in several independent film festivals around the country. There will also be a special DVD version of KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL that will include several hand-picked Kamala matches from the personal library of Mr. Harris. Several workers from this area starred in the Comedy Film. Billy Russ, Chuck Blaylock, Hollywood Jimmy , Ollie By Golly , and Big Daddy Storm.
Details on the availability of the KAMALA GOES TO SCHOOL DVD will be announced at a future date.
Credit: www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Wanted - Reporters!!
----I am needing a regular source for results for the following three promotions. I have tried to use the same sources, but they continue to forget to send stuff. If you would like your name to be kayfabed, then that is not a problem. I mainly want who beat who and attendance. After that, it is up to you.
--TLCW Ripley, TN
--RWL Newbern, TN
--MCW Osceola, AR
--TLCW Ripley, TN
--RWL Newbern, TN
--MCW Osceola, AR
Memphis Wrestling TV - New All Time Low!!!
----I will go out on a limb here and say this has to be worst EVER rating for Memphis Wrestling. The first two quarters opened with an average of almost 8,000 viewers, but then the TVs were turned off. Yes, the last two quarters were so LOW that they did not even register on the chart!! The show finished overall with a .3 [4052 viewers]. My much criticized “Memphis Wrestling is Over” post in December, 2007 seems to be almost prophetic now. Rating like this; how can they continue to put on a show??
1st Quarter .4 [6644 viewers]
2cnd Quarter .6 [9237 viewers]
OVERALL .3 [4052 viewers]
----“Ratings Man” Ron should be along sometime this week with a look of more of the ratings and such in this area. Ron is/was in New Orleans for his shoot job and I am not sure when he will get back.
1st Quarter .4 [6644 viewers]
2cnd Quarter .6 [9237 viewers]
OVERALL .3 [4052 viewers]
----“Ratings Man” Ron should be along sometime this week with a look of more of the ratings and such in this area. Ron is/was in New Orleans for his shoot job and I am not sure when he will get back.
"Burning Bridges..." by Maxx Corbin

----Here is something that was posted on area worker Maxx Corbin's myspace.com blog. As I have said in the past that I feel this site is not only just a news site, but a learning tool for some of the young guys. I am going to post the start of it right here and then if this interests you, then click over and read rest of it. I also will give TIWF an opportunity to respond also.
I know, I know. I will get about 3 million messages tomorrow for this telling me how i need to stop blasting a company and that I had nothing to do with this situation...blah, blah, blah! Well the way i look at it its not "slander" if its true. But who knows I did talk to Dustin (this is what it feels like to do a promo LIVE on the internet) Starr a few minutes ago, so maybe his style rubbed off on me a bit. LOL.
Anyways, about a month ago I was approached by a friend that I had kinda lost touch with a bit, Steven Rampage. He told me he was really wanting to get out of TIWF because he wasn't happy. To be honest at first I just kinda let it go at first. I had tried to talk him into leaving back when me and Myles did last year, when they were paying guys with DVD's. For some reason he decided to stay and they told him he could help book shows. So I figured if he was good with everything, that was fine by me. So, back to last month. I get a message from him asking about other shows. Not really thinking he'd listen to me, I told him that if he left TIWF I'd put in a good word for him and try to get him in Ripley. He was concerned at first and said he didn't want to burn a bridge with TIWF. My logic to him was if Wildside's buddies could steal from the company and still have a job, then him wanting to work other shows shouldn't be a problem. But I guess deep down I knew that would be a problem. It would be the same problem me and Myles had last year. That problem being this...We Were Not Wildside's Friends!
So knowing that I knew Rampage would get the shaft for leaving and wanting to work other shows. Boy was I right! I had told Rampage not to mention Ripley or anything like that, but to tell TIWF he was taking a few weeks off. Then if Ripley worked out OK, if not he could go back to TIWF. Well, this time Rampage didn't take my advice. Wanting to do the right thing he told them that he was going to go work in Ripley and that he wouldn't be there next week. What do you think he was told? Guess? Get this, he was told he was never welcome again because they considered that "No Showing". Which prompted me to ask "Do they know what no showing is?" No showing is saying your 5 minutes awy and never walking in the door, its when someone says they well be there and doesn't show, Its when some gets water thrown on them and gets mad and leaves before there match (had to throw that in lol). That's no showing. Telling them a month, week, or day before hand is not. Oh well, no biggy though. I mean its TIWF. Getting asked to leave there is like getting asked if you want to get off a sinking ship. Of coarse you do! (Now send emails telling me I'm way off base here) No this wasn't a big deal at all.....BUT. TIWF had a ring and some equipment that Rampage owned. Every time he tried to get in touch with them to get it they gave him the run around. I knew how he felt too. About 2 years ago when they were trying to run a school, I brought them a gym mat that they could use. After I saw that they were training the guys ther out of a book and the fact that they were teaching them a powerbomb (or more accurately telling them to do a powerbomb, without instruction) as there second move I decided not to go back. I didn't need a kid being paralyzed on my watch. I told them they could keep the mat there, for a while and I'd come by at the next show and get it. Well by the next show me and TIWF started having some problems, the training facility was closed, and wouldn't you know it the mat was gone. I have since asked for the mat and have been told they are looking for it. Its been 3 weeks and still no word. Wonder who is looking for it?CLICK HERE to read rest of it.
"Flashback" Sept 1984 Part 1 by Mark James
This Week’s Flashsback Highlights Sept 1984 Part 1
Sept 3 , 1984

The payoff for this one night, 11 match tournament was a brand new 1984 Cadillac. Handsome Jimmy Valiant was the eventual winner. The Boogie-Woogie Man, got wins over Lanny Poffo, Mr. Ito, Ric Rude and in the finals got a huge win over the Southern Heavyweight Champion, King Kong Bundy.
Other notable tournament matches included Tommy Rich beating Eddie Gilbert, King Kong Bundy defeating Jerry Lawler (with Bundy’s Southern title at stake) and Ric Rude defeating Randy Savage.
A weird week in that there was no tag team matches on the card... Randy Savage’s early tournament loss was a precursor to his eminent babyface turn the following week… In terms of quality performers, this card looks to be pretty solid and the attendance came in at 6,775…
Sept 10, 1984

The main event featured Eddie Gilbert defeating former partner, Tommy Rich. Eddie was having a great run as the International Champion.
Tag teams returned to the cards and the Southern tag team champs, the Nightmares (w/Jimmy Hart) continued their dominance over the Rock n Roll Express.

The big news of the week was the turning of Randy Savage into a fan favorite. He was teamed with Jerry Lawler against the powerful team of Ric Rude and King Kong Bundy with their manager Jimmy Hart. When it was all said and done, Savage and Lawler were disqualified in the match.
A solid card… The Dirty White Boys (Deaton & Anthony) showed up this week… The attendance was down a little, (6,400)…
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – memphiswrestlinghistory.com/ - Click on his site and order his books!!
Sept 3 , 1984
The payoff for this one night, 11 match tournament was a brand new 1984 Cadillac. Handsome Jimmy Valiant was the eventual winner. The Boogie-Woogie Man, got wins over Lanny Poffo, Mr. Ito, Ric Rude and in the finals got a huge win over the Southern Heavyweight Champion, King Kong Bundy.
Other notable tournament matches included Tommy Rich beating Eddie Gilbert, King Kong Bundy defeating Jerry Lawler (with Bundy’s Southern title at stake) and Ric Rude defeating Randy Savage.
Sept 10, 1984
The main event featured Eddie Gilbert defeating former partner, Tommy Rich. Eddie was having a great run as the International Champion.
Tag teams returned to the cards and the Southern tag team champs, the Nightmares (w/Jimmy Hart) continued their dominance over the Rock n Roll Express.
The big news of the week was the turning of Randy Savage into a fan favorite. He was teamed with Jerry Lawler against the powerful team of Ric Rude and King Kong Bundy with their manager Jimmy Hart. When it was all said and done, Savage and Lawler were disqualified in the match.
A solid card… The Dirty White Boys (Deaton & Anthony) showed up this week… The attendance was down a little, (6,400)…
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – memphiswrestlinghistory.com/ - Click on his site and order his books!!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 8.29.08
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony over Dell Tucker
The Baron Malkavain over Rockin' Randy
"Girlcandy" Christian Jacobs over Derrick King
Chris Rocker & Slim Pickens over Steven Rampage & The Baron Malkavain
Flash Flanagan over Idol Bane by DQ
Dell Tucker was going to hit tgb with The Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am when Jeff O'Dell jumped on the apron. Tucker and the ref both went to get Jeff down and Christian Jacobs came and slid a chair to tgb. tgb nailed Tucker with the chair and got the 3 count.
The Baron hit The Demon's Wings for his victory over Rockin' Randy.
Derrick came out for "Karoke with King". This week DK rocked the house with "You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC but "Girlcandy" put a damper on the party coming, cutting the music. Derrick hit the X Factor and was going for The Superkick when tgb slid into the ring, DK went to Superkick him but tgb slid out quickly and when DK turned around he was hit with a vicious Spear. 1..2..3.
Rocker and Slim came to the ring and told the fans that the suspension had been lifted but that Austin Lane and Justin Smart told Jeff O'Dell they wouldn't be back to LAW until he could gaurentee their safety. Rocker said that he and Slim were ready to wrestle and made an open challenge to anyone in the back. Steven Rampage came out. Rampage said that he would gladly take a tag title shot but he doesn't have a partner. If they give him just one minute he'll go to the back and find one but just then the lights went out and The Baron Malkavain appeared. Rampage a little taken back by Malkavain but still agreed for him to be his partner. Slim hit The Bulldog and Rocker hit The Frog Splash on Rampage to retain the Tag Team Championships.
Flash was back this week and ready for a fight against the new LAW Champion. Flash hit The Springboard Legdrop when Jeff O'Dell jumped on the apron. Flash wasted no time in slinging Jeff into the ring. As Flash stalked O'Dell to the corner, Idol came and nailed Flash from behind. He hooked Flash's arms and Jeff picked up the Kendo Stick. He swung to hit Flash but hit Idol instead. Flash then hooked Jeff for a piledriver. tgb and CJ hit the ring but Flash nailed them in the gut with the kendo and then across the back. Flash turned around and was nailed by a big boot by Idol. The Untouchables put a beating to Flash but Tucker hit the ring with a steel chair and cleared the ring. Tucker then challenged tgb to a "Lights Out" match next week. tgb accepted.
50-60 in the crowd.
Credit: Layingdownthelaw5150
The Baron Malkavain over Rockin' Randy
"Girlcandy" Christian Jacobs over Derrick King
Chris Rocker & Slim Pickens over Steven Rampage & The Baron Malkavain
Flash Flanagan over Idol Bane by DQ
Dell Tucker was going to hit tgb with The Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am when Jeff O'Dell jumped on the apron. Tucker and the ref both went to get Jeff down and Christian Jacobs came and slid a chair to tgb. tgb nailed Tucker with the chair and got the 3 count.
The Baron hit The Demon's Wings for his victory over Rockin' Randy.
Derrick came out for "Karoke with King". This week DK rocked the house with "You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC but "Girlcandy" put a damper on the party coming, cutting the music. Derrick hit the X Factor and was going for The Superkick when tgb slid into the ring, DK went to Superkick him but tgb slid out quickly and when DK turned around he was hit with a vicious Spear. 1..2..3.
Rocker and Slim came to the ring and told the fans that the suspension had been lifted but that Austin Lane and Justin Smart told Jeff O'Dell they wouldn't be back to LAW until he could gaurentee their safety. Rocker said that he and Slim were ready to wrestle and made an open challenge to anyone in the back. Steven Rampage came out. Rampage said that he would gladly take a tag title shot but he doesn't have a partner. If they give him just one minute he'll go to the back and find one but just then the lights went out and The Baron Malkavain appeared. Rampage a little taken back by Malkavain but still agreed for him to be his partner. Slim hit The Bulldog and Rocker hit The Frog Splash on Rampage to retain the Tag Team Championships.
Flash was back this week and ready for a fight against the new LAW Champion. Flash hit The Springboard Legdrop when Jeff O'Dell jumped on the apron. Flash wasted no time in slinging Jeff into the ring. As Flash stalked O'Dell to the corner, Idol came and nailed Flash from behind. He hooked Flash's arms and Jeff picked up the Kendo Stick. He swung to hit Flash but hit Idol instead. Flash then hooked Jeff for a piledriver. tgb and CJ hit the ring but Flash nailed them in the gut with the kendo and then across the back. Flash turned around and was nailed by a big boot by Idol. The Untouchables put a beating to Flash but Tucker hit the ring with a steel chair and cleared the ring. Tucker then challenged tgb to a "Lights Out" match next week. tgb accepted.
50-60 in the crowd.
Credit: Layingdownthelaw5150
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN Results Wrapup 8.16.08 & 8.23.08
The show opens with "Dynamite" Seth Knight coming down to the ring. The New NBW Heavyweight Champion grabs the mic and tells the crowd "He is the best damn wrestler to walk into the building." He then reveals that he is also The NWA Southern Jr. Heavyweight Champion. Motley Cruz hits the ring now. Angry about last week, he challenges Knight to a rematch for the NBW Championship. Motley says he will get payback on the SOB's for screwing him over last week. Knight accepts the challenge as they clear for the first match.
Biscuit comes down to the ring. He says he doesn't have to compete until the Number 1 contender situation is figured out. He goes and sits at the commentators table for the next match.
The Number 1 Contenders Match for the NBW High Risk Championship.
Time Limit 10 Minutes.
Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray fight to a Time Limit Draw.
Pretty good back and forth match here. Fans disappointed with the Draw. Several "5 More Minutes" chants.
Biscuit on the mic again. Says that Gaylon was lazy and that he could beat him in 7 minutes, and that he doesn't like Moore to begin with but he could beat him in 3 minutes. Gaylon comes up onto the stage. Allen Walker tells Gaylon that he has to beat Moore to get a shot at Biscuit and Moore has to beat Gaylon to get his shot.
"The Real Deal" Tim Edwards comes down to the ring. Talks about at Summer Jam he beat Lil' Tim Alfonzo till he couldn't stand. Edwards says he is upset because he doesn't have an opponent this week. He says since he has nobody to fight, he will have to beat up a fan. The Kid hits the ring. He says "The fans make us who we are." Edwards says "The fans are there until the next big thing comes out from the back. He only has a few friends. The less people that could stab you in the back." Edwards then cheap shots The Kid and the bell rings.
Tim Edwards defeats The Kid by submission.
Edwards dominates another match. The Kid got in little to no offense. After the bell was rung, Edwards got out of the ring and was checking under the ring for something. He climbed back into the ring. Out of nowhere Lil' Tim Alfonzo climbs the turnbuckle, Edwards turns right into a huge dropkick. Lil' Tim bails as Edwards gets up.
Danny B. Good defeated The Samoan Rajah by pin fall.
Awesome match between these 2 athletes. Several near falls. Good hit several double sledges in succession. Rajah missed a diving headbutt. Good dodged a turnbuckle splash, and rolled Rajah up for the pin.
NBW Tag Team Championship Match
The SOB's (Kilo/Mark Justice) defeated Jody Allen and Shannon Lee by pin fall.
The SOB's did a great job of isolating Lee and dominating him most of the match. They took advantage early and kept the referee distracted with Allen. He finally got the hot tag and Lee and Allen get on a roll. Jody goes for an Enziguri, Kilo ducks, and Jody hits Shannon with it. The SOB's hit Allen with the Death Spiral for the 3 count. Post match beat down as the SOB's just devastate Jody and Shannon. The SOB's promised every week, somebody would get hurt. Security has to carry Allen and Lee to the back.
NBW Heavyweight Championship Re-Match
Motley Cruz and Seth Knight wrestle to a No Contest via Interference from the SOB's.
Motley and Seth wrestle a great match here. Motley gains the advantage, but the SOB's hit the ring and beat him down. The SOB's hit The Death Spiral on Motley and continue the beat down. A couple guys from the back come out to save Motley, but also get beat down. Finally Danny B Good hit the ring with Motleys' tack bat. They have been to hell and back with each other, but next week, Danny B Good and Motley Cruz vs. The SOB's.
Between probably 75-90, crowd was down some but it didn't effect the way they responded to the show, they were into everything. Good show overall.
The show opens with "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards coming to the ring. He says he made a mistake last week and asks The Kid to come to the ring. The Kid comes to the ring. Edwards tries to apologize to him for his actions last week. He says he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kid says he can't trust Tim. Kid cheap shots Edwards, but it doesn't phase him. A ref hits the ring and calls for the bell.
The Kid defeated Tim Edwards via Reversed Decision.
Edwards dominated Kid through the entire match. Edwards had locked in his submission (Trip to Shangri-La) hold and The Kid tapped out, but Edwards wouldn't break the hold after the match, so the ref reversed the decision. Upset, Edwards knocked the ref down.
John "Biscuit" Roberts, Mad Money Mike, and the Samoan
Rajah come to the ring. Biscuit says they have hired a new bodyguard, The Samoan Rajah. Biscuit says he doesn't care what happens between Gaylon and Jeremy, he has found competition in someone else, and asks Shannon Lee to come to the ring.
NBW High Risk Championship Match
John "Biscuit" Roberts defeated Shannon Lee via pin fall
Good match, Shannon almost had it won until Biscuit hit The Rude Awakening for the pin. Biscuit goes up to the stage and sits with the commentators for the next match.
Number 1 Contenders Match for the NBW High Risk Championship Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray Wrestle to a Double Count-Out. They matched each other almost move for move. A Decent match. Jeremy slammed Gaylon into a wooden pillar, but was unable to make it to the
ring before the 10 count.
After the match, Biscuit gets in the ring, but takes several right hands from Moore and Ray. Gaylon takes the title and poses in the corner, Jeremy takes the belt and poses in the opposite corner. As they argue over the belt, Biscuit grabs it and runs off.
"Dynamite" Seth Knight comes to the ring. He claims He is the best wrestler to ever walk into the building. He is the 1st and Current NBW Heavyweight Champion, and nobody can beat him. Allen Walker says he can't win without cheating. Seth says that’s not true. Allen Walker bans
the SOB's from ring side. Walker says he has found someone that can beat Knight.
NBW Heavyweight Title Match
"Dynamite" Seth Knight defeated "Superman" Jason Reed via DQ
Solid match between these 2. Reed hit a spear on Knight. Reed goes to the top turnbuckle, Knight shoves the ref into the ropes and Reed comes down on the ref and falls to the outside. Reed back up and climbing into the ring, Knight kicks the middle rope, crotching Reed. Knight
sets up and hits the Kickstand Blaster for a 2 count. Irritated, Knight grabs a title belt, kicks Reed in the gut, throws him the belt, and then drops to the mat holding his head. The ref rolls over and sees Reed holding the belt and calls for the bell.
NBW Tag Team Championship Match
Motley Cruz and Danny B Goode defeated The SOB's via pin fall
Thats right. The SOB's lost the tag titles to Motley and Danny. Awesome match here. Im pretty sure a chain supplied by Money Mike was used on Motley, but by the end of the match, Mark Justice was seeing red. A dazed Kilo, stumbled into the ring, where a top rope Danny hit The
BlockBuster for the 3 count. The SOB's lose the titles,Motley gets revenge... Everybody is Happy...
80-100 in the crowd, they were hot and loud all night long, Moore and Ray got really good reactions this week w/ the crowd split again, possibly this time leaning towards Moore as they were leaning towards Ray last week…All the matches were solid w/ Jason Reed getting a good reaction, and Danny B. getting pop of the night. Big announcement this week concerning NBW Legacy 2. also a re-match between Moore and Gaylon, No time limit and No Countout.
Credit: NBW News guy
----This group is drawing average and they actually have good storylines going...Critize the crew if you want, but with Mark Justice, Kilo, Motley Cruz, Danny B Goode and Seth Knight - they got a real good core of good to great workers...I should have last week's posted sometime later this week.
The show opens with "Dynamite" Seth Knight coming down to the ring. The New NBW Heavyweight Champion grabs the mic and tells the crowd "He is the best damn wrestler to walk into the building." He then reveals that he is also The NWA Southern Jr. Heavyweight Champion. Motley Cruz hits the ring now. Angry about last week, he challenges Knight to a rematch for the NBW Championship. Motley says he will get payback on the SOB's for screwing him over last week. Knight accepts the challenge as they clear for the first match.
Biscuit comes down to the ring. He says he doesn't have to compete until the Number 1 contender situation is figured out. He goes and sits at the commentators table for the next match.
The Number 1 Contenders Match for the NBW High Risk Championship.
Time Limit 10 Minutes.
Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray fight to a Time Limit Draw.
Pretty good back and forth match here. Fans disappointed with the Draw. Several "5 More Minutes" chants.
Biscuit on the mic again. Says that Gaylon was lazy and that he could beat him in 7 minutes, and that he doesn't like Moore to begin with but he could beat him in 3 minutes. Gaylon comes up onto the stage. Allen Walker tells Gaylon that he has to beat Moore to get a shot at Biscuit and Moore has to beat Gaylon to get his shot.
"The Real Deal" Tim Edwards comes down to the ring. Talks about at Summer Jam he beat Lil' Tim Alfonzo till he couldn't stand. Edwards says he is upset because he doesn't have an opponent this week. He says since he has nobody to fight, he will have to beat up a fan. The Kid hits the ring. He says "The fans make us who we are." Edwards says "The fans are there until the next big thing comes out from the back. He only has a few friends. The less people that could stab you in the back." Edwards then cheap shots The Kid and the bell rings.
Tim Edwards defeats The Kid by submission.
Edwards dominates another match. The Kid got in little to no offense. After the bell was rung, Edwards got out of the ring and was checking under the ring for something. He climbed back into the ring. Out of nowhere Lil' Tim Alfonzo climbs the turnbuckle, Edwards turns right into a huge dropkick. Lil' Tim bails as Edwards gets up.
Danny B. Good defeated The Samoan Rajah by pin fall.
Awesome match between these 2 athletes. Several near falls. Good hit several double sledges in succession. Rajah missed a diving headbutt. Good dodged a turnbuckle splash, and rolled Rajah up for the pin.
NBW Tag Team Championship Match
The SOB's (Kilo/Mark Justice) defeated Jody Allen and Shannon Lee by pin fall.
The SOB's did a great job of isolating Lee and dominating him most of the match. They took advantage early and kept the referee distracted with Allen. He finally got the hot tag and Lee and Allen get on a roll. Jody goes for an Enziguri, Kilo ducks, and Jody hits Shannon with it. The SOB's hit Allen with the Death Spiral for the 3 count. Post match beat down as the SOB's just devastate Jody and Shannon. The SOB's promised every week, somebody would get hurt. Security has to carry Allen and Lee to the back.
NBW Heavyweight Championship Re-Match
Motley Cruz and Seth Knight wrestle to a No Contest via Interference from the SOB's.
Motley and Seth wrestle a great match here. Motley gains the advantage, but the SOB's hit the ring and beat him down. The SOB's hit The Death Spiral on Motley and continue the beat down. A couple guys from the back come out to save Motley, but also get beat down. Finally Danny B Good hit the ring with Motleys' tack bat. They have been to hell and back with each other, but next week, Danny B Good and Motley Cruz vs. The SOB's.
Between probably 75-90, crowd was down some but it didn't effect the way they responded to the show, they were into everything. Good show overall.
The show opens with "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards coming to the ring. He says he made a mistake last week and asks The Kid to come to the ring. The Kid comes to the ring. Edwards tries to apologize to him for his actions last week. He says he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kid says he can't trust Tim. Kid cheap shots Edwards, but it doesn't phase him. A ref hits the ring and calls for the bell.
The Kid defeated Tim Edwards via Reversed Decision.
Edwards dominated Kid through the entire match. Edwards had locked in his submission (Trip to Shangri-La) hold and The Kid tapped out, but Edwards wouldn't break the hold after the match, so the ref reversed the decision. Upset, Edwards knocked the ref down.
John "Biscuit" Roberts, Mad Money Mike, and the Samoan
Rajah come to the ring. Biscuit says they have hired a new bodyguard, The Samoan Rajah. Biscuit says he doesn't care what happens between Gaylon and Jeremy, he has found competition in someone else, and asks Shannon Lee to come to the ring.
NBW High Risk Championship Match
John "Biscuit" Roberts defeated Shannon Lee via pin fall
Good match, Shannon almost had it won until Biscuit hit The Rude Awakening for the pin. Biscuit goes up to the stage and sits with the commentators for the next match.
Number 1 Contenders Match for the NBW High Risk Championship Jeremy Moore and Gaylon Ray Wrestle to a Double Count-Out. They matched each other almost move for move. A Decent match. Jeremy slammed Gaylon into a wooden pillar, but was unable to make it to the
ring before the 10 count.
After the match, Biscuit gets in the ring, but takes several right hands from Moore and Ray. Gaylon takes the title and poses in the corner, Jeremy takes the belt and poses in the opposite corner. As they argue over the belt, Biscuit grabs it and runs off.
"Dynamite" Seth Knight comes to the ring. He claims He is the best wrestler to ever walk into the building. He is the 1st and Current NBW Heavyweight Champion, and nobody can beat him. Allen Walker says he can't win without cheating. Seth says that’s not true. Allen Walker bans
the SOB's from ring side. Walker says he has found someone that can beat Knight.
NBW Heavyweight Title Match
"Dynamite" Seth Knight defeated "Superman" Jason Reed via DQ
Solid match between these 2. Reed hit a spear on Knight. Reed goes to the top turnbuckle, Knight shoves the ref into the ropes and Reed comes down on the ref and falls to the outside. Reed back up and climbing into the ring, Knight kicks the middle rope, crotching Reed. Knight
sets up and hits the Kickstand Blaster for a 2 count. Irritated, Knight grabs a title belt, kicks Reed in the gut, throws him the belt, and then drops to the mat holding his head. The ref rolls over and sees Reed holding the belt and calls for the bell.
NBW Tag Team Championship Match
Motley Cruz and Danny B Goode defeated The SOB's via pin fall
Thats right. The SOB's lost the tag titles to Motley and Danny. Awesome match here. Im pretty sure a chain supplied by Money Mike was used on Motley, but by the end of the match, Mark Justice was seeing red. A dazed Kilo, stumbled into the ring, where a top rope Danny hit The
BlockBuster for the 3 count. The SOB's lose the titles,Motley gets revenge... Everybody is Happy...
80-100 in the crowd, they were hot and loud all night long, Moore and Ray got really good reactions this week w/ the crowd split again, possibly this time leaning towards Moore as they were leaning towards Ray last week…All the matches were solid w/ Jason Reed getting a good reaction, and Danny B. getting pop of the night. Big announcement this week concerning NBW Legacy 2. also a re-match between Moore and Gaylon, No time limit and No Countout.
Credit: NBW News guy
----This group is drawing average and they actually have good storylines going...Critize the crew if you want, but with Mark Justice, Kilo, Motley Cruz, Danny B Goode and Seth Knight - they got a real good core of good to great workers...I should have last week's posted sometime later this week.
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 8.30.08
The Executioners (AX & Dagger) defeated The Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz).
The next match was to have been EPW Champion "Dangerous" David Cox vs. "Prime Time" Nick Grimes for the belt. Cox was not at the show. The referee called for the bell and made the 10 count. EPW Promoter Edith Poole held the belt up.
Slammer & Damion Rage defeated Izzy Rotten & Nick Grimes.
Bonecrusher & Cody Hawk defeated 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) by DQ.
Cassanova Kid defeated EPW Extreme Champion Chris Styles by DQ. Styles retained the belt.
The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) by DQ due to interference by PHAT Foundation's former manager, Paul Rhodes. Robert Rhodes, manager of the Ghost Riders, got involved to even the score, but the referee had already called for the bell ending the match. PHAT Foundation retains the EPW Tag Team belts.
The main event was for the EPW Championship, which had been held up earlier in the evening by EPW Promoter Edith Poole. The match had many stipulations. It began as an eight man over the top rope battle royal. Participants were Nick Grimes, Chris Styles, Tysin Starr, Cassanova Kid, "Monkey Boy" Danny Morris, Dalton Storm, Dagger, and Izzy Rotten. After two men had been eliminated, it became a six man scramble. When two more were eliminated, it became a four way ladder match for the belt. Nick Grimes & Tysin Starr both climbed the ladder and came down with the belt at the same time. Since there was no clear cut winner, EPW Promoter Edith Poole once again held up the belt until this Saturday night, 9/6.
Crowd was about 70.
I was not able to be at the show due to having to work. My thanks to Denise Blaylock for filling in for me on the mic and for these results.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis & www.wrestlngnewscenter.com
The next match was to have been EPW Champion "Dangerous" David Cox vs. "Prime Time" Nick Grimes for the belt. Cox was not at the show. The referee called for the bell and made the 10 count. EPW Promoter Edith Poole held the belt up.
Slammer & Damion Rage defeated Izzy Rotten & Nick Grimes.
Bonecrusher & Cody Hawk defeated 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) by DQ.
Cassanova Kid defeated EPW Extreme Champion Chris Styles by DQ. Styles retained the belt.
The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) by DQ due to interference by PHAT Foundation's former manager, Paul Rhodes. Robert Rhodes, manager of the Ghost Riders, got involved to even the score, but the referee had already called for the bell ending the match. PHAT Foundation retains the EPW Tag Team belts.
The main event was for the EPW Championship, which had been held up earlier in the evening by EPW Promoter Edith Poole. The match had many stipulations. It began as an eight man over the top rope battle royal. Participants were Nick Grimes, Chris Styles, Tysin Starr, Cassanova Kid, "Monkey Boy" Danny Morris, Dalton Storm, Dagger, and Izzy Rotten. After two men had been eliminated, it became a six man scramble. When two more were eliminated, it became a four way ladder match for the belt. Nick Grimes & Tysin Starr both climbed the ladder and came down with the belt at the same time. Since there was no clear cut winner, EPW Promoter Edith Poole once again held up the belt until this Saturday night, 9/6.
Crowd was about 70.
I was not able to be at the show due to having to work. My thanks to Denise Blaylock for filling in for me on the mic and for these results.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis & www.wrestlngnewscenter.com
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 8.29.08
United States Wrestling Organization results from August 29 in Nashville, TN, at the Stadium Inn: Attendance was 52. Psycho Medic beat Lee Cross, Josh Crowe beat Shane Smalls and White Tiger in a 3-way when Crowe pinned Tiger, Bryan Casey beat Travis Starr, Justin Spade beat Cousin Jason X to win the USWO Jr. Championship. BUT, post-match, Spade turned face, announced that he was joining the Marines and gave the belt back to Jason, ATL Champion Andy Douglas vs Seven (with Charming Charles) went to a double countout when they brawled outside the ring. It was announced that next Friday Douglas would be facing a mystery opponent being brought in by Charming Charles. USWO Tag Team Champions Damien Payne & New York Gangster beat Quinton Quarisma & JC Crowe when Payne pinned Quarisma. Gary Valiant (with Miss Boogie) beat USWO Champion Jeremiah Plunkett by DQ when Plunkett used a chain.
Credit: Southeastern Wrestling News
Credit: Southeastern Wrestling News
Monday, September 01, 2008
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 8.29.08
Psykottik defeated David Cox by submission.
DC defeated Chris Fontaine w/Diamond.
Mo Foundation (Curly Mo & G-Mo Money) w/Dirty Mo vs. Sammy Hall & Chris Kilgore w/Bad Boy Burns ended in a no contest when the referee finally threw the match out. It was a wild match that went all over the place and just about turned into a hardcore match with handcuffs, chains, and numerous other foreign objects used.
Little Guys, Inc. (Lil' Devil & Kid J) defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs. Tony's partner, "The Studd" Scott Porteau, was not able to be at the show, so Tony had to face the Little Guys by himself. Once again, Tony was pinned by a midget.
The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) demolished Jay Webster & LSD.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor won a three way match over Tysin Starr & Josh Matthews.
Ryan SoFine defeated, or should I say robbed, Chris Styles to win the TFW Lightweight Championship. Ryan had asked (actually asked, not demanded as usual) for the match, and had said that if he could not defeat Chris for the belt, he would never challenge Chris for the Lightweight title again. Controversial finish to the match - Chris pinned Ryan for the 1-2-3 and referee Andy Camps declared Chris the winner. Ryan's foot was on the ropes, however, so head referee Crispy Fryes ordered the match re-started. Ryan quickly got Chris from behind and rolled him up for the 3-count. This is, I am sure, not over by a long shot.
Crowd was about 120.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
DC defeated Chris Fontaine w/Diamond.
Mo Foundation (Curly Mo & G-Mo Money) w/Dirty Mo vs. Sammy Hall & Chris Kilgore w/Bad Boy Burns ended in a no contest when the referee finally threw the match out. It was a wild match that went all over the place and just about turned into a hardcore match with handcuffs, chains, and numerous other foreign objects used.
Little Guys, Inc. (Lil' Devil & Kid J) defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs. Tony's partner, "The Studd" Scott Porteau, was not able to be at the show, so Tony had to face the Little Guys by himself. Once again, Tony was pinned by a midget.
The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) demolished Jay Webster & LSD.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor won a three way match over Tysin Starr & Josh Matthews.
Ryan SoFine defeated, or should I say robbed, Chris Styles to win the TFW Lightweight Championship. Ryan had asked (actually asked, not demanded as usual) for the match, and had said that if he could not defeat Chris for the belt, he would never challenge Chris for the Lightweight title again. Controversial finish to the match - Chris pinned Ryan for the 1-2-3 and referee Andy Camps declared Chris the winner. Ryan's foot was on the ropes, however, so head referee Crispy Fryes ordered the match re-started. Ryan quickly got Chris from behind and rolled him up for the 3-count. This is, I am sure, not over by a long shot.
Crowd was about 120.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
RassleResults: SPWA Pulaski, TN 8.29.08
Main Event: Tag Match
First Round of the SPWA Tag Title Tournament
New Blood vs. The Texas Connection
Jay Kraft pinned Don Bass. New Blood advances to the second round of the tournament.
Semi-Main Event: SPWA Title Match
Bounty Hunter Mark vs. "Outlaw" Don Bass (champion)
Don Bass pins The Bounty Hunter to retain the SPWA title
Second Match: SPWA TV Title Match
Jay Kraft vs. Brawler Rex (champion)
Rex pins Jay Kraft to retain the TV title
Opening Match: Singles Match
Travis Locke vs. Hoss Williams
Hoss wins by DQ after Travis attcked Hoss' manager.
Credit: Hoss Williams @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
First Round of the SPWA Tag Title Tournament
New Blood vs. The Texas Connection
Jay Kraft pinned Don Bass. New Blood advances to the second round of the tournament.
Semi-Main Event: SPWA Title Match
Bounty Hunter Mark vs. "Outlaw" Don Bass (champion)
Don Bass pins The Bounty Hunter to retain the SPWA title
Second Match: SPWA TV Title Match
Jay Kraft vs. Brawler Rex (champion)
Rex pins Jay Kraft to retain the TV title
Opening Match: Singles Match
Travis Locke vs. Hoss Williams
Hoss wins by DQ after Travis attcked Hoss' manager.
Credit: Hoss Williams @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com

----It was announced this past Saturday night at the NBW Arena that Eugene would be coming in for "Legacy II". Here is what was posted on www.newbloodwrestling.net. We should have results from the past three weeks posted sometime later this week.
"That's right Former WWE Superstar Eugene is making his way to New Blood Wrestling. Allen Walker and Jeff McDonald made this groundbreaking announcement this past saturday night at the NBW Arena, only to be interrupted by the brash new NBW Champion, "Dynamite" Seth Knight. Seth stated that he felt there was no reason to bring in these so-called superstars when he was there, because he is the biggest superstar he can think of. Knight then stated that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after-all bringing Eugene to NBW because all these fans can relate to him, because they are just like him! The NBW Champion then finished his rant off stating that he just may slap the taste out of Eugene's mouth for good measure. It seems Eugene has already made an impact, ecspecially with the NBW Champion. Will "Dynamite" Seth Knight make good on his words? Only time will tell."
Sunday, August 31, 2008
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 8.30.08
31 attended
Travis Starr b Chris Norte by DQ after Norte used a chain
Aaron Ecstacy b Davey Wright and TK Graham in a 3-way after Graham pinned Wright but Wright returned as Graham caught Ecstacy's crossbody and dropkicked them causing Ecstacy to land on Graham for the pin
Derrick Neal & White Tiger b ATL Tag Team Champions Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn by countout when the champs just left the ring area. Both team were then placed in a 3-way for the main event for he tag titles
Kid Dynamite b Dyronic
Travis Star & LT Falk b Tim Renesto & Little Booger (w/Charming Charles) when Starr pinned Booger
ATL Tag Team Champions Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn b Derrick Neal & White Tiger and Damien Payne & New York Gangster after Lowe hit Payne with a purse (provided by his new manager Ashley Marie) and pinned him.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Travis Starr b Chris Norte by DQ after Norte used a chain
Aaron Ecstacy b Davey Wright and TK Graham in a 3-way after Graham pinned Wright but Wright returned as Graham caught Ecstacy's crossbody and dropkicked them causing Ecstacy to land on Graham for the pin
Derrick Neal & White Tiger b ATL Tag Team Champions Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn by countout when the champs just left the ring area. Both team were then placed in a 3-way for the main event for he tag titles
Kid Dynamite b Dyronic
Travis Star & LT Falk b Tim Renesto & Little Booger (w/Charming Charles) when Starr pinned Booger
ATL Tag Team Champions Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn b Derrick Neal & White Tiger and Damien Payne & New York Gangster after Lowe hit Payne with a purse (provided by his new manager Ashley Marie) and pinned him.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Jerkin' The Curtain NWAME & SAW TV reviews + Yak it up Monday Sept. 1st @ 10 PM CST.
Listen in Labor day evening, Monday night September 1st at 10 central time as Tommy Stewart and I will recap the August 30th episodes of NWA Main Event & SAW TV. We'll give our unbiased opinions of both shows, and declare a winner for the week. Also, if anyone wants to call in and discuss any subject, wrestling or non-wrestling related, free free. The number is 347-945-5503. NWA Main Event's Ali Stevens called in during the 2nd hour of last weeks show, and a fun impromptu discussion resulted. If you missed last weeks show, the archive is available of course, but here's the results for the shows that aired on August 23rd, or at least were supposed to air on August 23rd...
Tommy Stewart:
NWA Main Event: Thumbs up
SAW: No show aired
NWA Main Event: Mild upper thumbs in the middle
SAW: No show aired
Since SAW didn't air a show on Comcast channel 74 last Saturday, NWA Main Event wins for the week by forfeit. The SAW episode that was supposed to air last week is now scheduled to air this week, so we'll review it Monday night assuming it does air. Since NWA Main Event had no live event at the Nashville Fairgrounds this past Tuesday night, I'll be curious to see what airs on their tv show this Saturday. Here's the results since we started doing these recaps. Cya Monday night. Trent Van Drisse
SAW: 7 NWAME 4 Draw: 3
Tommy Stewart:
NWA Main Event: Thumbs up
SAW: No show aired
NWA Main Event: Mild upper thumbs in the middle
SAW: No show aired
Since SAW didn't air a show on Comcast channel 74 last Saturday, NWA Main Event wins for the week by forfeit. The SAW episode that was supposed to air last week is now scheduled to air this week, so we'll review it Monday night assuming it does air. Since NWA Main Event had no live event at the Nashville Fairgrounds this past Tuesday night, I'll be curious to see what airs on their tv show this Saturday. Here's the results since we started doing these recaps. Cya Monday night. Trent Van Drisse
SAW: 7 NWAME 4 Draw: 3
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