----It was reported the following on www.wrestlingnewscenter.com by "Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock about RRO Tag Team of the Year 2009, MVP Tag Team of Year 2009 and RRO Memphis Wrestling Hall of Fame member Bobby Eaton. I have contacted Brian Thompson and hope he can post an update today on the site!!
Just got word that Bobby Eaton is in an Arkansas hospital with fluid around the heart. We will keep you updated on his condition here at Wrestling News Center. Bobby is so fun to work with and we all here at Wrestling News Center wish Bobby a speedy recovery.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Lawler vs Maclin!!
----D-Rock posted this up on www.wrestlingnewscenter. I have been hearing rumors about this for a few months. I have no idea who owns the rights to that old Memphis footage, but wouldn't it be Jerry Jarrett?? It will be interesting to see how this case ends.
By Anna Marie Hartman
MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) - They've shared the ringside spotlight for years, but now, Jerry Lawler claims Corey Maclin took something Lawler wasn't willing to share: the rights to classic wrestling video clips.
"Somehow, Corey sold for apparently $20,000, the rights to all my copyrighted video library, and these guys he's sold it to have produced a 20 volume DVD set and are selling in on the internet around the world," Lawler said Friday.
In response, Lawler filed a civil warrant against Maclin this week. But Maclin's attorney questions Lawler's motives.
"What proof does he have that he owns these rights that he's asserting?" attorney Ed Bearman asked.
Bearman said Maclin, who is running for Shelby County Clerk, claims Lawler's actions are political.
"Mr. Maclin is running for office, and he wants to make sure that he's associating with the right kind of people," Bearman said.
Bearman thinks Lawler's legal filing is a return punch for a cease and desist letter Maclin sent to Lawler last month.
"He (Maclin) didn't want him to use his likeness or recordings that exist, that are being a part of Mr. Lawler's new wrestling show," Bearman said.
Lawler tells Action News 5 he has no plans to use Maclin's likeness on his new show. There's no word on when the battle outside the ring between Maclin and Lawler will make it to a court of law.
Lawler says he helped Maclin get his start in wrestling, and now he feels like he's being stabbed in the back by a friend. Meanwhile, Maclin says he wants to distance himself from Lawler because he's doing business with people he'd rather not be associated with.
View Video @ http://www.wmctv.com/global/category.asp?c=151146&clipId=&topVideoCatNo=15040&topVideoCatNoB=105461&topVideoCatNoC=117912&topVideoCatNoD=169582&topVideoCatNoE=106890&clipId=4933095&topVideoCatNo=undefined&autoStart=true
Credit: Anna Marie Hartman @ http://www.wmctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=12782767
By Anna Marie Hartman
MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) - They've shared the ringside spotlight for years, but now, Jerry Lawler claims Corey Maclin took something Lawler wasn't willing to share: the rights to classic wrestling video clips.
"Somehow, Corey sold for apparently $20,000, the rights to all my copyrighted video library, and these guys he's sold it to have produced a 20 volume DVD set and are selling in on the internet around the world," Lawler said Friday.
In response, Lawler filed a civil warrant against Maclin this week. But Maclin's attorney questions Lawler's motives.
"What proof does he have that he owns these rights that he's asserting?" attorney Ed Bearman asked.
Bearman said Maclin, who is running for Shelby County Clerk, claims Lawler's actions are political.
"Mr. Maclin is running for office, and he wants to make sure that he's associating with the right kind of people," Bearman said.
Bearman thinks Lawler's legal filing is a return punch for a cease and desist letter Maclin sent to Lawler last month.
"He (Maclin) didn't want him to use his likeness or recordings that exist, that are being a part of Mr. Lawler's new wrestling show," Bearman said.
Lawler tells Action News 5 he has no plans to use Maclin's likeness on his new show. There's no word on when the battle outside the ring between Maclin and Lawler will make it to a court of law.
Lawler says he helped Maclin get his start in wrestling, and now he feels like he's being stabbed in the back by a friend. Meanwhile, Maclin says he wants to distance himself from Lawler because he's doing business with people he'd rather not be associated with.
View Video @ http://www.wmctv.com/global/category.asp?c=151146&clipId=&topVideoCatNo=15040&topVideoCatNoB=105461&topVideoCatNoC=117912&topVideoCatNoD=169582&topVideoCatNoE=106890&clipId=4933095&topVideoCatNo=undefined&autoStart=true
Credit: Anna Marie Hartman @ http://www.wmctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=12782767
Friday, July 09, 2010
(WGN) July 9: Scott Hall and Triple H health updates, WWE signs younger sister of Diva, TNA PPV, Jay Lethal talks Flair, Bischoff on Heyman, Hall of Famer not well, former Diva talks breast feeding, more..by Mike Aldren
7/8 Superstars TV results: Gail Kim & Yoshi Tatsu over Jillian Hall & Primo; Zack Ryder over Goldust; Chris Masters over Caylen Croft; and Lay-Cool over Kelly Kelly & Tiffany.
WWE has a full house show schedule this weekend. Raw runs tonight at the Peoria Civic Center followed by shows in Rockford on Saturday and Huntington, WV on Sunday. The Smackdown crew runs Grand Rapids on Saturday followed by Evansville, IN on Sunday. We're looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Smackdown tonight has Big Show vs. Jack Swagger; Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre in a non-title match; Chavo Guerrero vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP in a three-way; Matt Hardy & Christian vs. Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer; Cody Rhodes vs. JTG; and Kelly Kelly & Tiffany vs. Lay-Cool.
Triple H actually underwent surgery to repair a torn tendon in his upper arm, not neck surgery, according to WWE sources. Dave Meltzer first broke the news last night.
7/8 Superstars TV results: Gail Kim & Yoshi Tatsu over Jillian Hall & Primo; Zack Ryder over Goldust; Chris Masters over Caylen Croft; and Lay-Cool over Kelly Kelly & Tiffany.
WWE has a full house show schedule this weekend. Raw runs tonight at the Peoria Civic Center followed by shows in Rockford on Saturday and Huntington, WV on Sunday. The Smackdown crew runs Grand Rapids on Saturday followed by Evansville, IN on Sunday. We're looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Smackdown tonight has Big Show vs. Jack Swagger; Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre in a non-title match; Chavo Guerrero vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP in a three-way; Matt Hardy & Christian vs. Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer; Cody Rhodes vs. JTG; and Kelly Kelly & Tiffany vs. Lay-Cool.
Triple H actually underwent surgery to repair a torn tendon in his upper arm, not neck surgery, according to WWE sources. Dave Meltzer first broke the news last night.
Jerry Lawler's Memphis Wrestling TV Week 5- 7.03.10 - Ratings and Random Thoughts
----JLMW scored the same exact rating of .8 for all four quarters. That translates to 12956 viewers for the whole hour. They now have aired the last 8 quarters with the same rating. I usually post every quarter here with what airs in that quarter, BUT since all four quarters were the same there is no reason to do it. There seems to be a core tuning in, but as the weeks go by we will be able to analyze that more. The show is airing below 2009 average of .9 [15,114 viewers] and the overall four year average is 43,324 viewers. So, they are far from getting ratings that will reach that many people. The production improved a bit in this episode [which is the second set of tapings]. They did make a mistake in two quarter hours bleeding an angle into two different quarters.
----I am not a big fan of Lauren Jenkins – nice to look at, but not great on the mic…Sound was still a little off..DK interview was good talking about the legends of Memphis …Chuck Poe did a good job reffing…What is the real story about Su Yung going to the WWE?? Was she really going?? Is she still going?? I like the Yung/White/Lawler angle. It is a little old school, but I liked it the first time with Dirty White Girl and Dirty White Boy. White was good when he was firing her. Lawler is now with Yung – surprise you?? LOL…Bert Prentice was entertaining doing commentary as usual…I like Tommy Mercer – would have loved to had him vs Boyce in the finals of the tournament! A really good solid match between Mercer/Boyce. .Prentice was good in the angle with Boyce. Boyce did a good job also…Joey Styles interview was hilarious!!...Hollywood Jimmy was hilarious talking about Wolfe D and prison..Ok, so I like Wolfe D and Brian C – but damn, I am tired of those old gimmicks!! Good solid match from them though…Brian C/Baxter angle seem to surprise Jimmy. Good stuff! The vase was not suppose to break and apparently Brian got a butt-chewing for doing it…A good show with solid wrestling. It still needs work on the production end of it, but I like the storylines they are going with and hope to see them continue with it.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
(WGN) July 8: Scott Hall hospitalized, Triple H surgery, Steamboat note, WWE signing, Ric Flair talks one night stands, Batista update, wrestling couple filming wedding, Nick Hogan and Linda, more...
7/6 NXT TV results from Atlanta, GA: Michael McGillicutty over Percy Watson; The Miz over Kaval; Husky Harris & "Dashing" Cody Rhodes over Mark Henry & Lucky Cannon.
Superstars tonight on WGN has Goldust vs. Zack Ryder; Jillian Hall & Primo vs. Gail Kim and Yoshi Tatsu; and Mark Henry vs. Husky Harris.
Triple H underwent what we believe was a minor neck operation earlier this week with Dr. Andrews in Birmingham, AL. He has targeted a return to television in a few weeks. H is also on the cover of the latest WWE magazine with the headline "Triple H Lays Siege To WWE! The King Returns".
Vince McMahon, before Ricky Steamboat was hospitalized, had asked him to relocate to Tampa where presumably he would assist full-time with FCW. Last we heard, Steamboat was scheduled to be released from the hospital and return home to North Carolina for a month of rest. The impression we have is that he will return to work at some point whether behind the scenes as an agent
7/6 NXT TV results from Atlanta, GA: Michael McGillicutty over Percy Watson; The Miz over Kaval; Husky Harris & "Dashing" Cody Rhodes over Mark Henry & Lucky Cannon.
Superstars tonight on WGN has Goldust vs. Zack Ryder; Jillian Hall & Primo vs. Gail Kim and Yoshi Tatsu; and Mark Henry vs. Husky Harris.
Triple H underwent what we believe was a minor neck operation earlier this week with Dr. Andrews in Birmingham, AL. He has targeted a return to television in a few weeks. H is also on the cover of the latest WWE magazine with the headline "Triple H Lays Siege To WWE! The King Returns".
Vince McMahon, before Ricky Steamboat was hospitalized, had asked him to relocate to Tampa where presumably he would assist full-time with FCW. Last we heard, Steamboat was scheduled to be released from the hospital and return home to North Carolina for a month of rest. The impression we have is that he will return to work at some point whether behind the scenes as an agent
George Says Goodbye to RRO; Will Be Leaving RRO At The End of August:

I would like to let everyone know I will be finishing up with RRO the end of next month(August)
All the interviews will still be posted (Bull Pain, Mo, David Haskins, James Beard (who worked for World Class), "Nightmare" Ken Wayne, Tatt2, Tommy Mercer, & Antwane Wise.
I was commited to do these and I will stand by my commitment.
The interviews will still be posted every Sunday up until my departure.
I want to thank everyone who took part in this project with "Turnbuckle Madness" and that sat down with myself and RRO.
My decision wasen't a hard decision at all as I am looking at doing missionary work. I just didn't want to come back as a full time journalist and with the site that's what has happened spending long hours with the interviews and getting them pieced together for the site was just too much.
For those unware I have been out of the business since 2003 and have enjoyed my life tremendously since walking away from the wrestling business. I have a calling and that's what I am looking into now.
I will not be posting any longer on the site (besides just the weekly interviews on Sunday)
Here is the following schedule on interviews as follows:
July 4th - Jimmy Valiant
July 11h - Bull Pain
July 18th - Mo (a.k.a. Rob Harlem)
July 25th - David Haskins (a.k.a. Davey Rich)
August 1st - Tatt2
August 8th - Tommy Mercer
August 15th - Antwane Wise
August 22 - James Beard
August 29 - "Nightmare" Ken Wayne..... This will be my last interview and last day with the site.
The Golden Circle: "30" by Greg Anthony

I did some heavy research for this article. I asked the question of several veterans who use to work the territories. Were they afraid of 30 or some other magical number? It wasn't that they were afraid of 30 but aware of it. If someone hadn't become a star or had gotten a good as they were going to by the time they hit 30 they usually started making alternative plans for the future. The big difference between then and now is that it was their decision. Plus with several profitable companies and bookers, if one promoter didn't see anything in you, whose to say the next one wouldn't.
When Vince started offering contracts to guys like to build a national WWF. He didn't hire guys 18-20 years old. He hired guys that were seasoned, guys that he knew he could be
Mama Says It Bees That Way Sometimes "Pet Peeves: The Sequel" by Downtown Bruno Lauer
----Bruno is treating us here at RRO to another rant about his Pet Peeves in the local wrestling scene. Did you read his first one?? If not, CLICK HERE for the original and I hope you enjoy teh sequel.
This one is for the boys or “so called” boys who want to call themselves wrestlers, even though they never made their living in MY profession/business/industry/sport. There are two sets of guys in the indy circuit.
#1: Guys who have the desire, drive, potential to actually make a living in our industry – Kid Nikels, Eric Wayne, Matt Boyce, Kevin White, Moe Stegall, Derrick King, Austin Lane etc – you get the idea??
#2: There are guys who don’t know their ass fro their elbow who think they are actually IN the business because they work some little bullshit show for some bullshit promotion. They are the big turd in a small toilet. Guess fucking what?? You are no more a wrestler by doing that than I am a fucking pilot just because I fly a lot.
Another thing – if you think you are a fucking wrestler – buy some damn tights, pads, etc!! In our fucking day, if you didn’t have proper gear – you didn’t have a JOB!! Also, if you are a hobbyist, leave me alone!! No, I can’t get you booked in the WWE. I can’t get you a tryout. I can’t get you to meet Vince/Johnny/Stephanie/etc. Get it yourself – I did!! Earn it!! If you never did anything full time or even semi time, then how the hell do you think you are ready for the major league?? Pick up hoops = NBA?? Little League = MLB?? You would get ate up like a hamburger in New York – trust me!!
I can hear it now. Who the fuck do I think I am?? I am washed up!! I don’t know what I am talking about! Fine! Have fun in front of 90 people! I have been on top or 2cnd to the top at four Wrestlemanias!! And I still make a good living in WWE! You?? I didn’t think so. Learn your craft, stop knocking NEW and realize that it’s the only fucking place around here to actually LEARN how to make a living in the business. You might…MIGHT..have a shot! Take it from a has-been – you can’t be a has-been if you were never-was. Think about that – it might come to you!
----“Downtown” Bruno Lauer is a legend in Memphis Wrestling. Two time winner of RRO's Referee of the Year 2008 and 2009. He appears bi-weekly with his non controversial column. Lauer had his biography published last year “Wrestling with The Truth” and can be purchased at www.crowbarpress.com. Lauer is also currently employed by the WWE.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Coach's Corner "The Road to RRO Wrestler of the Year" by Brian Tramel
----This is a road that has been traveled by only seven individuals since the start of RRO. Those travelers were Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Rodney Mack, Kevin White, Austin Lane , Danny B Goode and Flash Flanagan. There were only two guys to make it to the end of the road – Derrick King and Dustin Starr. Derrick King will always be a candidate for this award, if he continues to work the area. Austin Lane could have the edge over Derrick King this year and be the front runner of this group of seven. He continues to have great matches and is over with crowds at ASWF and NEW. The only thing keeping him from getting enough votes – that he is seen by only those two crowds. But, if King does not win again, Lane is the guy to beat on in that group of guys who have traveled this road before.
----Who else this year or in the next few years might be nominated and travel that road? Here is a list of guys that could easily “walk that walk” and see the cover of a future edition of RRO Yearbook.
-Justin Smart – He has improved a lot over the last year. He is a solid worker that loves the sport and is trying to season himself into being a great worker. He would have to establish himself in more than one promotion in some high profile matches to accomplish enough votes for the award. He is part of the future of this area though.
-Pokerface – A great worker that is one of the more technical in the area and can work different styles. He is great - from a brawl to a shooting style to high flying to wrestling. He is a guy you would want on your roster due to his being a team player. He would have to push himself to be in the limelight more and be seen by more people to get votes. He is easily one of the top guys in the area.
-Cody Melton – A young guy that has been almost snubbed by the RRO awards. He lost two awards in the 2008 awards by a total of four votes. He could be a major player in the future of this area – trained by Kevin White and now being mentored by Derrick King. He should have the exposure and opportunity to push himself into the front in the next few years.
-Eric Wayne – Can a guy who’s major story was him
Our Condolences...
----Stanley Clark, who wrestled in the 60s and 70s, past away Tuesday morning. He was 68 years old - born in May, 1942. He also promoted shows in the area along with Don Bass. Ken Wayne met Clark's daughter Debbie when working for him and she later became his wife. RRO would like to send our condolences and thoughts with Debbie and family.
Big Show NEXT Weekend!!!
----Flash Flanagan vs Alan Steele!! Will someone please record this match and send me a DVD???
Showtime All Star Wrestling TV Report Episode 134 by Larry Goodman
Showtime All-Star Wrestling – Episode 134
Airing on June 19, 2010 in Nashville on CW58
Taped April 17, 2010 in Nashville at Buffalo Billiards
LAST WEEK…Derrick King issued a challenge to Wolfie D and beat him with the help of Sista O’Feelyah’s boot…Jon Michael Worthington got a win when his opponent, Ryan Genesis was speared by Worthington’s unidentified accomplice (Christian Jacobs)…Kash attacked Chase Stevens during his interview…Stevens cut a promo offering to put the SAW International Title on the line against Kash this week.
Michael Graham all by his lonesome welcomed us to Buffalo Billiards. Kash gets his title rematch with Stevens in our main event.
1 – J-ROD & CODY MELTON vs. PICTURE PERFECT (Jon Michael Worthington Christian Jacobs)
Jacobs was said to be Worthington’s blueblood cousin from Brentwood. Melton was using his speed to good advantage, so Worthington reared back and punched him in the face. Nice. Jacobs tagged in. The guy has developed a physique. The babyfaces worked Jacobs’ arm, until he planted J-Rod with a sitout spinebuster. Worthington busted out the high impact attack on him. J-Rod eventually DDTed Worthington when he telegraphed a backdrop. Tag was made but Picture Perfect wasn’t into selling long or larger for Melton. Jacobs pinned him after a sky high double uranage.
WINNER: Picture Perfect in 5 minutes. An impressive debut. Picture Perfect came across like a top notch tag team.
Big time SAW wrestling comes to the Gallatin Civic Center on July 24. Marc Anthony vs. Arrick “The Dragon” Andrews plus SAW International Champion Chase Stevens, Derrick King, Jesse Emerson, Drew Haskins and the debut of NWA National Champion “Universal Soldier” Phil Shatter. Bell time is 7pm. Tickets available at the Civic Center box office.
We see water droplets raining into a dark pool.
I once heard a story of a father and his love. He made the rain come down for 40 day and nights from the heavens above. He cleansed this earth of all his wicked children.
The camera pulls back to reveal the pool as Marc Anthony’s army helmet. The water is dripping from a shower head above. Anthony is standing in the shower stall staring into the helmet. His cammies are drenched to the skin. His soliloquy is punctuated by the occasional burst of crazy laughter.
Hammerjack, oh Hammerjack when will you learn? I was sent here to cleanse you from this earth. It will not stop. It shall never end until you pay for all your sins. Whether it be today, or tomorrow. I will have what I’m here for, and that’s all your pain and sorrow.
“Bond Girl” Leah Hulan looked simply marvelous as she introduced her agent of the week,
Airing on June 19, 2010 in Nashville on CW58
Taped April 17, 2010 in Nashville at Buffalo Billiards
LAST WEEK…Derrick King issued a challenge to Wolfie D and beat him with the help of Sista O’Feelyah’s boot…Jon Michael Worthington got a win when his opponent, Ryan Genesis was speared by Worthington’s unidentified accomplice (Christian Jacobs)…Kash attacked Chase Stevens during his interview…Stevens cut a promo offering to put the SAW International Title on the line against Kash this week.
Michael Graham all by his lonesome welcomed us to Buffalo Billiards. Kash gets his title rematch with Stevens in our main event.
1 – J-ROD & CODY MELTON vs. PICTURE PERFECT (Jon Michael Worthington Christian Jacobs)
Jacobs was said to be Worthington’s blueblood cousin from Brentwood. Melton was using his speed to good advantage, so Worthington reared back and punched him in the face. Nice. Jacobs tagged in. The guy has developed a physique. The babyfaces worked Jacobs’ arm, until he planted J-Rod with a sitout spinebuster. Worthington busted out the high impact attack on him. J-Rod eventually DDTed Worthington when he telegraphed a backdrop. Tag was made but Picture Perfect wasn’t into selling long or larger for Melton. Jacobs pinned him after a sky high double uranage.
WINNER: Picture Perfect in 5 minutes. An impressive debut. Picture Perfect came across like a top notch tag team.
Big time SAW wrestling comes to the Gallatin Civic Center on July 24. Marc Anthony vs. Arrick “The Dragon” Andrews plus SAW International Champion Chase Stevens, Derrick King, Jesse Emerson, Drew Haskins and the debut of NWA National Champion “Universal Soldier” Phil Shatter. Bell time is 7pm. Tickets available at the Civic Center box office.
We see water droplets raining into a dark pool.
I once heard a story of a father and his love. He made the rain come down for 40 day and nights from the heavens above. He cleansed this earth of all his wicked children.
The camera pulls back to reveal the pool as Marc Anthony’s army helmet. The water is dripping from a shower head above. Anthony is standing in the shower stall staring into the helmet. His cammies are drenched to the skin. His soliloquy is punctuated by the occasional burst of crazy laughter.
Hammerjack, oh Hammerjack when will you learn? I was sent here to cleanse you from this earth. It will not stop. It shall never end until you pay for all your sins. Whether it be today, or tomorrow. I will have what I’m here for, and that’s all your pain and sorrow.
“Bond Girl” Leah Hulan looked simply marvelous as she introduced her agent of the week,
(WGN) July 6: WWE in China, Carlito update, Paul Heyman on working with TNA, Kurt Angle talks Dixie Carter, Scott Hall breaks down, Strikeforce boss confirms talks with Batista, Lesnar's UFC pay day, Booker T book, former Divas return to the ring and more by Mike Aldren
7/5 Raw TV results from Nashville, TN: Ted DiBiase w/ Maryse over John Morrison; Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov over William Regal & Great Khali; The Miz vs. R-Truth didn't happen; Evan Bourne & Randy Orton over Edge & Chris Jericho; and Alicia Fox over Eve Torres to retain the Divas title.
The Smackdown and NXT tapings are tonight at Philips Arena in Atlanta. Much of the Raw crew will be at the show as locally they are advertising John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge & Chris Jericho vs. Nexus as well as Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kane in a four-way. WWE is hoping for a lot of press in the city today to push Wrestlemania 27. We're looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
WWE announced it's first live event in China on 8/22 at the 18-000 seat Expo Cultural Center in Shanghai. The arena is the country's premiere entertainment venue constructed on the Huangpu River in 2008 by AEG. Basically similar in size to Madison Square Garden or Staples Center. The 90-minute show will be free to visitors of the Expo 2010 Shanghai. WWE opened an office in Shanghai in 2007--a major project managed by Shane McMahon before he left the company.
Carlito did an interview with Arda Ocal on the Right After Wrestling radio show. He talked about suffering from depression blamed on being miserable while working for WWE mostly during the past three years. He said he had no qualms about his release because he had asked repeatedly to be let go for a long time. He said he was frustrated creatively and felt he was held back because he spoke his mind and didn't play politics. He said he loves the business and still has a passion for it, but working here drained that passion out of him. He noted that he's looking forward to working some upcoming indy shows and having fun again. He said he wants to apologise to anyone he may have upset over the past three years because he was in a dark place in his life.
Ricky Steamboat is hoping to be released from the
7/5 Raw TV results from Nashville, TN: Ted DiBiase w/ Maryse over John Morrison; Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov over William Regal & Great Khali; The Miz vs. R-Truth didn't happen; Evan Bourne & Randy Orton over Edge & Chris Jericho; and Alicia Fox over Eve Torres to retain the Divas title.
The Smackdown and NXT tapings are tonight at Philips Arena in Atlanta. Much of the Raw crew will be at the show as locally they are advertising John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge & Chris Jericho vs. Nexus as well as Rey Mysterio vs. Big Show vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kane in a four-way. WWE is hoping for a lot of press in the city today to push Wrestlemania 27. We're looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
WWE announced it's first live event in China on 8/22 at the 18-000 seat Expo Cultural Center in Shanghai. The arena is the country's premiere entertainment venue constructed on the Huangpu River in 2008 by AEG. Basically similar in size to Madison Square Garden or Staples Center. The 90-minute show will be free to visitors of the Expo 2010 Shanghai. WWE opened an office in Shanghai in 2007--a major project managed by Shane McMahon before he left the company.
Carlito did an interview with Arda Ocal on the Right After Wrestling radio show. He talked about suffering from depression blamed on being miserable while working for WWE mostly during the past three years. He said he had no qualms about his release because he had asked repeatedly to be let go for a long time. He said he was frustrated creatively and felt he was held back because he spoke his mind and didn't play politics. He said he loves the business and still has a passion for it, but working here drained that passion out of him. He noted that he's looking forward to working some upcoming indy shows and having fun again. He said he wants to apologise to anyone he may have upset over the past three years because he was in a dark place in his life.
Ricky Steamboat is hoping to be released from the
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Former WWF Tag Team Champion Mo (Men on a Mission fame) have been confirmed for "Turnbuckle Madness"
We have confirmed that will Mo will take part in "Turnbuckle Madness"
Former WWF Tag Team Champion Sir Mo (from the Men on a Mission fame) has also agreed to be a part of "Turnbuckle Madness" where Bobby sits down with RRO and discusses how he broke into the business, his days working with Nelson Frazier (Mable) in the USWA as The Harlem Knights, his run in the WWF as part of Men on a Mission, his return to Memphis working for Randy Hale's Power Pro Wrestling, working the independents, his recent health condition, his brand new promotion Xplosive Championship Wrestling in Newbern, Tennessee

RCW Late Nite Wrestling from June 27, 2010
We're catching up on RCW Late Nite Wrestling TV. Here is the episode from June 27 in three parts, featuring a fantastic match between "Dynamite" Seth Knight and Alan Steele and highlights of the RCW Title bout between Jon Michael Worthington and Christian Jacobs!
Austin Lane's New Column
----CLICK HERE to read Austin Lane's new column - "Keeping It Reel." He puts over everyone that has helped his career.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Poll Results!!
----IWA beat JLMW by 5% to win our first head to head poll. We will not get to do it this week, because IWA did not air. I have to agree with the RRO readers here - IWA was better than JLMW last week with only the Lawler vs Mercer bout being worth watching. I will have the Ratings and Random Thoughts on JLMW later this week.
RassleResults: TIWF Showplex Arena Trenton, TN 7.03.10
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation results for Saturday 7-3-10 at the TIWF Showplex Arena Trenton, TN.
Lawman def. Big Brad Simpson
B.B. def. The Ice Queen
Taylor Payne def. Sugar Shane & J-Rage in a 3way match
PK Ripper & Black Widow def. Kilo & Million $$ Baby
Way Cool def. The Convict
Chico Mendoza def. The Royale Executioner
• Notes:
* Announcers: Hotrod and Wildside
• TIWF Returns to Brownsville, Tn. Fri. 7-16-10 @ New Breed Arena
• TIWF every Saturday night in Trenton, Tn. @ Showplex Arena 405 W.1st St. Trenton, Tn.
Lawman def. Big Brad Simpson
B.B. def. The Ice Queen
Taylor Payne def. Sugar Shane & J-Rage in a 3way match
PK Ripper & Black Widow def. Kilo & Million $$ Baby
Way Cool def. The Convict
Chico Mendoza def. The Royale Executioner
• Notes:
* Announcers: Hotrod and Wildside
• TIWF Returns to Brownsville, Tn. Fri. 7-16-10 @ New Breed Arena
• TIWF every Saturday night in Trenton, Tn. @ Showplex Arena 405 W.1st St. Trenton, Tn.
RassleResults: RCW at Fourth in the Forest
Ringside Championship Wrestling (RCW) presented approximately one hour of live wrestling on Saturday as part of the annual Fourth in the Forest festival at Craighead Forest Park in Jonesboro, AR. Here are the results.
- "Dynamite" Seth Knight defeated Chris O'Neal and Stan Lee in a "3-Way Dance." Originally, O'Neal and Lee were set to work in a tag team match but their opponents did not show. They then said they still wanted to compete and made a bet as to who would win a match between the two. Knight came out and after some verbal back and forth, the match was made into a "3-Way Dance." After the bout, Knight continued to talk trash even taunting Lee's "shoot job boss" who came into the ring. Eventually, O'Neal and Lee double teamed Knight and shoved his face into the boss.
- Rodney Mack & "All That" Alan Steele defeated Jamie Jay & Tony Gunn when Gunn submitted to Steele's "Steele Trap."
- Main Event: Derrick King, Christian Jacobs and Cody Melton defeated Jon Michael Worthington, Bobby Eaton and "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony. During this match, Jacobs and Worthington brawled to the back leaving the other four to do battle. King superkicked Eaton for the win. After the finish, Midnight Gold jumped King and Melton, who started to fire back when Alan Steele hit the ring. He attacked King, who was then held by Midnight Gold, forcing him to watch Steele attack Melton and put him in the "Steele trap." O'Neal and Lee finally made the save. Steele revealed that is has been Derrick King who he has been looking for and that noone affiliated with King is safe. King then challenged Steele to get in the ring. A couple of teases, but Steele left with Eaton and Anthony. Great heat for the angle.
RassleNotes: Former WWE Women's Champion Jazz was also in attendance and said a few words about the Dogg Pound Wrestling School after Rick Ruby and Drew Dogg were introduced to the live crowd...Large crowd as always. Hopefully a more official number will be released, but I'm guessing several hundred hanging in the heat to watch the wrestling and other "Fourth in the Forest" activities.
- "Dynamite" Seth Knight defeated Chris O'Neal and Stan Lee in a "3-Way Dance." Originally, O'Neal and Lee were set to work in a tag team match but their opponents did not show. They then said they still wanted to compete and made a bet as to who would win a match between the two. Knight came out and after some verbal back and forth, the match was made into a "3-Way Dance." After the bout, Knight continued to talk trash even taunting Lee's "shoot job boss" who came into the ring. Eventually, O'Neal and Lee double teamed Knight and shoved his face into the boss.
- Rodney Mack & "All That" Alan Steele defeated Jamie Jay & Tony Gunn when Gunn submitted to Steele's "Steele Trap."
- Main Event: Derrick King, Christian Jacobs and Cody Melton defeated Jon Michael Worthington, Bobby Eaton and "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony. During this match, Jacobs and Worthington brawled to the back leaving the other four to do battle. King superkicked Eaton for the win. After the finish, Midnight Gold jumped King and Melton, who started to fire back when Alan Steele hit the ring. He attacked King, who was then held by Midnight Gold, forcing him to watch Steele attack Melton and put him in the "Steele trap." O'Neal and Lee finally made the save. Steele revealed that is has been Derrick King who he has been looking for and that noone affiliated with King is safe. King then challenged Steele to get in the ring. A couple of teases, but Steele left with Eaton and Anthony. Great heat for the angle.
RassleNotes: Former WWE Women's Champion Jazz was also in attendance and said a few words about the Dogg Pound Wrestling School after Rick Ruby and Drew Dogg were introduced to the live crowd...Large crowd as always. Hopefully a more official number will be released, but I'm guessing several hundred hanging in the heat to watch the wrestling and other "Fourth in the Forest" activities.
(WGN) July 5: Raw tonight, Ricky Steamboat latest, Bret Hart blasts Martha, TNA breaks attendance record, Scott Hall update, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman, more...
Raw tonight is live from Nashville at Bridestone Arena with no guest host. The only thing announced is the anonymous GM making a ruling over the futures of Nexus. Randy Orton & John Cena vs. Sheamus & Edge is advertised locally as a dark match. There is also a Smackdown show tonight at the Savannah, GA Civic Center followed by TV tapings Tuesday at Philips Arena in Atlanta.
Ricky Steamboat's health has improved to the point he is expected to return home to North Carolina later this week for a month of rest. Doctors in Tampa now believe that 57-year-old Steamboat
Raw tonight is live from Nashville at Bridestone Arena with no guest host. The only thing announced is the anonymous GM making a ruling over the futures of Nexus. Randy Orton & John Cena vs. Sheamus & Edge is advertised locally as a dark match. There is also a Smackdown show tonight at the Savannah, GA Civic Center followed by TV tapings Tuesday at Philips Arena in Atlanta.
Ricky Steamboat's health has improved to the point he is expected to return home to North Carolina later this week for a month of rest. Doctors in Tampa now believe that 57-year-old Steamboat
RassleResults: "Scars and Stripes" NEW West Memphis, AR 7.02.10 - Austin Lane New US Jr Champion!!
-Blaine Devine beat Jon Allen by DQ when Mike Anthony hit Devine with a crutch in front of Downtown Bruno.
-Kid Nikels beat Jeremy Moore
-Shawn Reed/Justin Smart beat “Prime Danger” [Kevin Charles/Dan Matthews]
-Moe Stegall beat Alan Steele, then the “Brotherhood” jumped Steele. Babyfaces made the save. In the melee, Steele manhandled Chuck Poe, so Downtown Bruno suspended Stele indefinitely.
-Austin Lane beat Eric Wayne to win the US Title match.
----Richard Bressler, Downtown Bruno and Chuck Poe refereed…Lane becomes the third US Jr Champion to be recognized by NEW…Biggest crowd to date for the group…Everyone I talked with was raving about Wayne/Lane..Who is the “Brotherhood”??
Jeremy Moore - New Owner of MACW!!
----In a move right out of a wrestling storyline, Jeremy Moore stepped into the MACW Dyersburg, TN arena Saturday night during the start of the opening match to announce that he is now the owner and operator of MACW. He let everyone know that he owned the promotion telling them the new changes that were going to happen including stripping Jon Michael of the MACW Title and the tag champs. He made himself the new MACW champion. He fired everyone on the MACW roster including Derrick King, Cody Melton, Jason Reed, Chris O’Neal and Stan Lee. [Moore kept only Tim Edwards and Gaylon Ray from the old crew] He made four matches for the night. After the 4th match, he told all the fans that they could go over to the NBW building and watch rest of that show for FREE.
----At the NBW building, it was announced that Jeremy Moore and “Anarchy” members [Kevin Charles, Triple-C, Kid Nikels, Blaine Devine and Brian Badd] would not be attending the show that night. They set up a new main event of Chris Rocker vs Eric Wayne. During the main event [after the MACW fans had piled into the NBW arena], “Anarchy” came thru the front door and side door demolishing everyone in the NBW dressing room leaving them bloody in the ring. Moore even draped the MACW banner over the NBW crew.
----I should have the full rundown on both cards before the end of the week, but the story behind all of this is – Jeremy Moore did buy MACW. He bought all their equipment and now is the owner and operator of that promotion along with promoting in the Jukebox café building. He coordinated with Chris Rocker at the NBW building, so they presented two shows at the same time, RRO has covered the whole drama of this building and how Moore was asked to leave it when he started NBW. [CLICK HERE] Derrick King, just a few weeks back, was named new booker for the third time in just a little over the year, is now out the door including his normal crew of guys. I don’t know Moore ’s full plans, but this is the best way to eliminate your competition – buy them. I actually love the angle with Moore taking charge of MACW and it being the heel promotion and group. It makes for a great wrestling storyline with so much underlining shoot material that people will believe..well..because most of it is true. Moore with this move has went from me writing in 2007 “Is it good to have a teenage kid help book your show??” to Moore being the most powerful man in the Newbern/Dyersburg area.
Next Week (Sunday) "Turnbuckle Madness" will feature none other then Former AWA,WWF, and USWA superstar Bull Pain

Turnbuckle Madness will be a weekly feature (every Sunday) as "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant was our first guest.
Next Sunday (7/11) will be none other then Bull Pain. Bull sits down with RRO and talks about his days in Verne Gagne's AWA where he worked as Rick Gantner, and as one half of The Texas Hangmen, USWA days, KAW, to his Memphis Championship Wrestling days to so much more.
We would like to invite everyone next Sunday as Bull basically tells it like it is. This will be Parental Advisory due to strong language.
In 2 weeks we will have Memphis Championship Wrestling's very own Tommy Mercer will be a guest.
If you would like to be a part of "Turnbuckle Madness" please contact Brian Tramel through the RRO website and leave a contact so Brian can pass it along to me, and I will put you down for a future date with "Turnbuckle Madness" - George
Also let me express we don't pay anyone to do interviews. If you charge for someone to do a piece on you (which I have never heard of before up until now) then you will not being doing a interview with RRO as it will be declined. I wanted to let this be known as I have two guys who felt like they was going to charge. We don't need any material bad enough to pay for it... Just goes to show how the business has changed and guys like this is what continues to hurt the business to gain a $1.
Turnbuckle Madness is a weekly feature on RRO and is hosted by George Wren. Wren sits down with some of the past as well as the future stars of the mat.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
A Piece of my Mind July 4th 2010 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

This blog generally reflects my opinion. I humbly hope that my opinion most, if not all times, is fact based. If I don’t like someone in the wrestling business I try not to let it reflect my opinion of their work and/or contribution to the business. I will even book someone on one of my events I don’t particularly like if it’s the best thing for the event. I have done it before and will do it again as long as their attitude and likelihood of actually appearing won't potentially harm the event.
It’s been a long time since I have written anything but this is a quiet weekend for me anyway. I can hear the fireworks blasting away as I am taking some time to regroup before hitting the road again. It’s also been a sad week with my friend Rick Steamboat sitting in a hospital. You hear all the stories roaming around but it makes you realize how quickly things can turn around. My schedule takes me around the U.S. on a regular basis as does Rick’s so we haven’t seen each other in about a year maybe a little less but we keep in touch via text. I was supposed to see him a few weeks ago when I was in Tampa but it just didn’t work out. No big deal, I thought, I will catch him next time. How many of us say that thinking it doesn’t have to be this time, right now or maybe you won’t have that chance. It appears that, although he took ill, if stories are correct, there will just be a long recovery period. So thank god there will be a "next time" for me and a guy I have known almost my whole time in the business.
I can remember when Rick started
"Turnbuckle Madness" with George Wren... "Boogie Woogie Man"..."Handsome" Jimmy Valiant

(L to R: Johnny Valiant, Capt. Lou Albano, Jimmy Valiant as the Valiant Brothers with the WWWF World Tag Titles

"Handsome" Jimmy Valiant

"Boogie Woogie Man".. "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant

Jimmy and his lovely wife Angel
"Boogie Woogie Man"
"Handsome" Jimmy Valiant
GW: When and Where were you born?
JV: August 6, 1942 Tullahoma, TN
GW: Where are you residing at the present time?
JV: 2916 Alleghany Springs Road
Shawsville, VA 24162
GW: What is your height and weight?
JV: 6 feet 2 inches 190 pounds
GW: Who trained you?
JV: One of the original Volkoff brother, Frank Zela at the Acres Health Club in Calumet City, Illinois
GW: What was your training like?
JV: After only three weeks of training with Frank they had me in the ring on-the-job training from then on.
GW: What promotions have you worked for?
JV: WWWF, NWA, WWA, AWA, NJPW, GCW, USWA, MEMPHIS. I was very fortunate to have worked all the big promotins.
GW: What titles have you held?
JV: WWWF, NWA, AWA, WWA, World Tag Team titles with Johnny Valiant. USWA, WWA World Heavyweight Championship. NWA TV title.
GW: Who was some of your toughest opponents?
JV: Dick The Bruiser, Ivan Koloff, Jerry Lawler, Paul Jones and his army.
GW: You are the youngest of five children?
JV: Yes, I have four older sisters.
GW: Are you married?
Jerry Lawler's Memphis Championship Wrestling TV; Mercer v. Boyce; Christopher-Baxter angle
What: Jerry Lawler's Memphis Championship Wrestling
When: Jule 3, 2010 (taped July 17, 2010) WPXX 50 (ION NETWORK)
Where: Memphis, TN @ The Vine.... (fifth show)
Color Commentary: Brandon Baxter, Lauren Jenkins,
"Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock, & Bert Prentice
Referee: Downtown Bruno(a.k.a. Harvey Wippleman) & Jerry Calhoun
By: George Wren - email private
The opening montage aired with the theme Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger"
Brandon Baxter & Lauren Jenkins welcomed everyone to the show as Baxter plugged the show
Brian Christopher
Koko B. Ware v. Derrick King
Another match in the Southern Heavyweight Title Tournament
Jenkins called the Southern Title the Southern Weight Heavyweight Title (LOL!)
Hornswoggle plugged Memphis Championship Wrestling (same promo that aired from 6/19)
Commerical Break:
Derrick King came out and cut a promo stating he is tired of all the legends and everything being about Jerry Lawler (name graphic spelled Derrick's name "Derek" typical Memphis error)
(1) Koko B. Ware v. Derrick King
Both begin to trade punches until King takes a powder outside the ring. King is back in the ring
Both do a test of strength with King getting the upper hand by delivering a right hand to Ware which sent Ware on the mat. King begins choking Ware on the mat. King takes Ware to the corner and begins to get his heat where he is delivering right hands to Ware. King goes for a suplex but Ware blocks it and delivers a suplex of his own. Ware is in control of the match when out comes Johnny Dotson and Boss Winters. The heels get their heat on Ware as they beat on King.
WINNER: Koko B. Ware via DQ
Edge cut a promo ripping on Memphis Championship Wrestling saying "Is this stupid show still on the air?"
Commerical Break:
Kevin White and Su Yung comes out and cuts a promo. Su has sunglasses on. Baxter puts over Yung and tells the crowd about her WWE developmental deal and that Yung is not going to relocate to Florida right yet as planned. Baxter is putting over FCW (developmental territory. Raw, and Smackdown. Lawler's music hits and out comes Lawler to Bill Conti's "Gonna Fly Now" ..
Lawler put Young over talking about her career. Lawler said Yung will no be reporting to Florida until 3-6 months. Yung stands there in sunglasses disapointed. Lawler ask Yung to take off her sunglasses that everything is going to be ok. Kevin White says Su don't you take those glasses off if you know what's good for you. Lawler insisted that Yung takes the sunglasses off. So Lawler reaches and takes the sunglasses off of Yung which revealed a black eye. Yung said White hit her in the face when she got a developmental contract and he didn't. White said Su you are fired and you can go back to the nail shop where I found you. White said Su you will be replaced real fast. Yung walks off with Lawler.
Mallory plugged Memphis Championship Wrestling... Mallory is just a spectator
Commerical Break:
During the break a commerical aired plugging "Nightmare" Ken Wayne's School of Wrestling in West Memphis, Ark. (901) 831-4198 or www.nightmarekenwayne.com
Tommy Mercer came out and cut a promo calling Baxter "Mr. Clean".. Mercer said he is in Memphis for one thing and that's for the Southern Heavyweight Championship
(2) Tommy Mercer v. Matt Boyce (Southern Title Tournament Match)
Bert Prentice sit in on color commerntary with BB and says the winner of the match will gain his services.Both lock up where Mercer did the push away sending Boyce to the mat two different times. Mercer takes Boyce to the corner delivers right hands to Boyce. Bert puts over both guys during the match and calls Brandon "Brandy".. Mercer delivers a russian leg sweep to only get a two count on Boyce. Mercer now delivers a sit down powerbomb to only get a two count on Boyce. Mercer goes for another sit down powerbomb but Boyce reverses it into a small package to get the win.
WINNER: Matt Boyce
After the match Bert Prentice gets in the ring and offers his services to Boyce (where Prentice puts over Jim Cornette and Downtown Bruno as a manager) Boyce declines Prentice's offer saying he is doing just fine on his own. Prentice said maybe you don't know who I am? I am going to offer you my services one more time as Prentice is finger poking Boyce in the chest. Boyce said maybe you didn't hear me or your hard of hearing. Boyce punched Prentice sending Prentice on that mat.
Carolyn plugged Memphis Championship Wrestling.. Carolyn is just a spectator
Lauren Jenkins plugs the Superstar Hotline with this week being former ECW/WWE color commentator Joey Styles. Styles cuts a promo putting over the defunct ECW. Styles says if Lawler and Baxter can do any better with just a camera, and a little duck tape and says "I am out of here". and Memphis is alive and well.
Highlights aired of Chris Jericho v. R-Truth from Raw on Memorial Day (May 31, 2010) when R-Truth reversed Jericho's Wall of Jericho into a small package for the win.
Ox Baker cut a promo plugging Memphis Championship Wrestling. Ox stated that Lawler has copied every move of his and that neither one of them has a win over each other. Ox said he will be in Memphis sooner then expected.
Commerical Break:
Brian Christopher comes out and cuts his usual heel promo saying he is back in the Southern Title Tournament and that he was never eliminated from the tournament. Baxter says Brian "You are no longer in the tournament you was defeated by Matt Boyce"... Christopher says no I wasn't. Christopher calls out Guy Coffey(a main stay in Memphis for years and even helped out with the gimmick tables through out the years)... GC says Brian your not in the tournament any longer. Christopher replies what are you talking about? I thought we discussed all this over the phone? GC said if you win your match today then you will be put back in the tournament.
Wolfie D's music hits as he comes out to House of Pain's "Jump Around" in full PG-13 gimmick. Wolfie cuts a promo.
(3) Brian Christopher v. Wolfie D.
"Hollywood" Jimmy Blaylock sat in on color commentary with BB. Brian quickly delivers a right hand to Wolfie but Wolfie makes a quick comeback and delivers a right hand of his own. Wolfie goes to the top rope but Christopher catches him coming off with a superkick. Christopher goes for a neckbreaker and plays to the crowd to only get a two count. Boyce comes out to ringside and is talking to GC which distracts Christopher. Christopher turns his attention away from Wolfe and yells what are you doing out here? As Wolfie comes from behind and rolls Christopher up for the pin.
WINNER: Wolfie D.
After the match Christopher goes over to the announcers desk as BB tells him Brian your no longer in the tournament so let's just take it out of here. Christopher says can you say that one more time. BB says your no longer in the tournament. Christopher then pushes BB where he fell behind the desk. Blaylock starts laughing (it would have been good to have grabbed the mic instead of just sitting there) Blaylock says Baxter is in big trouble (as when he fell over he broke a plant on a stand that sat next to the announcers desk) now that he broke that plant because it was $1,000. BB gets up holding his elbow saying "Is he gone?" Blaylock said yes he is gone... "Sorry to see that happen to you" (You could tell Blaylock tried so hard to "kayfabe" and not to laugh once BB got up)
Commerical Break:
BB and Jenkins thanked everyone for tuning in and to make sure to tune in next week for the following:
The Southern Title Tournament continues
Eric Wayne/Kid Nikels will be in action
A Hollywood star will appear
NOTES: The 6/24 show did a .8 rating (12956 viewers) this has been the highest rating so far since it debuted on WPXX 50 (Credit: Brian Tramel)... The next set of tv tapings is 7/14 at The Vine.... The opening montage had a different look when it came on as it showed all the talent on it (but the Anthony Perkins Psycho music sound I would get rid of it takes away from the montage)...The production is a little bit better but could use a little more work but has been better then any of the other weeks. The name graphic gives the show a more positive look... Mercer did a nice promo and is good on the mic.. Lawler needs to push Mercer big time and not drop the ball with this guy... The angle with White-Yung-Lawler was really good to put Yung over as a developmental talent.... I would have put Mercer v. Boyce in the finals of the tournament and had Mercer take the strap with Boyce chasing the title.... Looks like next week will be the finals of the tournament with Boyce v. Lawler... The WWE promos and highlights does not do anything for the Memphis product... Keep Jenkins off the mic she will do alot better just placing her with someone and having her stand in the corner as just a pretty face... The two promos of the spectators could have been left off it didn't do anything for the show)..... Not to fond of Baxter doing the stand up to the boys... I have never been big on color commentary doing an angle with the boys... It doesn't show anything.. It worked for Russell back in the day but it's a new time so I would wing away from that direction.... When Wolfie D cut a promo the crowd was dead as to say the ones in the crowd didn't know who he was or just didn't care.... Do away with Superstar Hotline as it's useless not unless you plan on bringing the talent in that airs this segment could be used for a match....Christopher-Baxter angle makes no sense this can't do anything for the product....The whole hollywood tease doesn't do anything for Memphis stuff like that works in WWE not Memphis... The tournament should have had a bracket look it would have made it more of a better look....
LINKING MY TV REPORT IS OK (ANYTHING ELSE IS PROHIBTED) I don't mind anyone linking my tv report to your website (as long as I get full credit)..Material can not be rewritten, retyped, or copy and pasted without the written consent of George Wren (once again linking my tv report to your website is ok anything else is prohibted)... Those caught using my material besides linking it legal action will be taken to the full extent.
George is a former pro wrestling photographer/associate editor for the defunct New Wave Wrestling Publication. George quit the wrestling business in 2003 and has no desire to ever get back into it...
George has also been a correspondent for Wrestling Observer and The Pro Wrestling Torch in the past.. And will be a weekly correspondent from now on for The Wrestling Observer (www.wrestlingobserver.com) and Rasslin Riot (www.rasslinriotonline.com) with Jerry Lawler's Memphis Championship Wrestling TV and the IWA TV reports
IWA Championship Wrestling TV does not air; informericals airs in it's place:
IWA Championship Wrestling TV did not air on 7/3 (WPXX 50) informericals aired in it's place (Xpress Redi Set Go)
IWA did a .7 in the ratings (11337 viewers) for the 6/26 show
NOTE: In order to get the product out there and be successful in any kind of way you have to air at the timeslot. You can't run one week, and not run again for a month and expect to be on tv and have a fan base. Also in the guide for Direct tv it list Paid Programming this plays a major factor also if it's not listed then those not aware will not know the product is on the air. d
George Wren is a former pro wrestling photographer/Associate Editor for the defunct New Wave Wrestling Publication (circa 99-2003) and has added RRO to his list of accomplishments.
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