Saturday, October 04, 2008
Memphis Wrestling Ratings and Weekly Poll Results 9.27.08
Final Rating: 0.8 ( 12,964 viewers )
1st Quarter
-Lawler/Corey intro
-6-man tag [start]
0.4 ( 6,482 viewers )
2cnd Quarter
-6-man tag [finish]
-Joe vs Styles [start]
0.8 ( 12,964 ) [+6,482 viewers]
3rd Quarter
-Joe vs Styles [finish]
-Wrestling Professor [start]
1.0 ( 16,205 ) [+3241 viewers]
4th Quarter
-Wrestling Professor [finish]
1.2 ( 19,446 ) [+3241]
Start to finish: +12964 viewers
----The good thing is that the show went up every quarter. The bad thing is there are still less than 20,000 people watching the show. The biggest climb was from 1st to second quarter with an exact double of the rating. Then the show had the exact climb the next two quarters of over 3000 viewers per quarter. For those that were watching the show, they liked what they were watching and kept watching.
Memphis Wrestling TV Poll
Thumbs Up 70%
Thumbs Down 30%
+ 40%
----I respect you guys that read this site, but I really have no idea what wrestling show you are watching. LOL 8 weeks of a Thumbs Up streak. How bad does it have to get??
Friday, October 03, 2008
A Piece of my Mind Oct 3rd 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

At this stage of the game, when you announce a mystery partner for Shawn Michaels, and that partner ends up being Triple H, were the people cheated? Is there a benefit to promoting an event the way that they did? Did they think that saying that Degeneration X was reuniting for a night would mean less than a mystery partner? I can tell you that the days of the mystery partner meaning something are long gone. The company needs to worry about credibility and gaining the trust of the audience. In the world of professional wrestling, things happen that are understood and defendable. If one is injured and can’t perform that really can’t and shouldn’t be questioned.
What can and should be questioned is straight forward jerking people’s chains. Where is the mystery in bringing Triple H over from Smackdown. The company doesn’t respect the brand division any better than Government respects a budget. I could live with the Triple H and Shawn Michaels tag team. What I can't live with is being insulted on a regular basis. In the days when I was growing up, once a wrestling fan always a wrestling fan. I wonder how long someone stays a fan when they discover WWE in this millennium?
It wasn’t that long ago that we were celebrating Kurt Angle jumping over to TNA. It wasn’t much longer after that they got Booker T. We are now excited to see Mick Foley over in TNA. If Mick is happy being there I am happy for him. The one thing that is consistent and won’t change is aside from a few people who have no intention of going to TNA one talent is not going to help them all that much if at all. The biggest talent that they have won’t even do house shows for them. It is time to set Sting aside. Even if he cut a deal to finish his career in WWE who really cares?
The paradigm at TNA needs to change. They have a solid talent base. The talent can always be improved but that isn’t going to drastically help the company. The age old question of "what came first the Chicken or the Egg?" appears to be just like "who’s on first?". I don’t imagine that either of those questions will ever be answered. In the world of TNA where what comes first is everything but talent. They need to work on all other aspects of their company. It does take time and focus to run a company and build a brand. I don’t believe that TNA has the right mix of people in the company. The biggest problem with the company right now is that the management team was born out of nepotism. It is up to Dixie Carter to challenge each employee to check their ego at the door. The gppd of the company has to be their primary thought.
Who is really held accountable in TNA for the decisions that are made? If no one is held accountable, and people decisions aren’t being challenged, the company will have a tough time getting to the next level. The company can make a move now while WWE seems creatively challenged to say the least.
The WWE recently mailed out Hall of Fame rings to members of their Hall of Fame. I think it would have been great for the fans to slowly, but surely, bring all the legends to RAW and or Smackdown and present those rings. The fans would have loved it. But then again why start worrying about the fans now?
This photo was taken in Japan and was provided to me by my longtime friend Samu "The Wild Samoan #3" Anoai. It is of Yokozuna, Bam Bam Bigelow, Samu and Chris Benoit. It is tragic how the life of these three men ended. We can only hope others learned a lesson for the end result of these three men. In the background is Sato a friend of Samu's for many years.
"What Memphis Watches"
Thursday’s TNA Impact continued its upward swing with a 3.2 rating. I know they kind of fell off after their great summer of ratings but it looks like they are back on track. I’m real interested to see if the Memphis Tigers football game at UAB from last night will affect Impact’s numbers from last night. Memphis’ game was broadcast on CBS College Sports TV (aka CSTV and a Comcast cable channel). I say that because most wrestling fans are football fans and as you can see sometimes with MNF, wrestling’s numbers can be affected by a good football game.
Memphis Wrestling’s numbers have not moved too much from previous weeks. What they did do this past week was triple from the 1st quarter hour to the last but it was still less than 20,000 viewers total. You can’t shine a turd, ya’ know!
WWE RAW took a helluva nose-dive this week dropping over a point from the previous week. This is where Monday Night Football directly affected RAW’s numbers. This game this past week was the Steelers vs. Ravens. The MNF game almost doubled RAW’s rating as it drew an 8.2 . Now, Memphis has a HUGE contingent of Steelers fans living here and is probably the reason for RAW’s declined number. How is that so, you ask? In ’97when the TN. Titans were playing here in Memphis the last game of that season was against the Steelers and about 2/3rds of the crowd that day was Steelers fans. The Titans were supposed to play the next season here in Memphis, but the Titans’ owner Bud Adams got pissed at all the Memphis Steelers fans and moved the team to Nashville a year early. So, if the Steelers are playing on MNF, RAW’s numbers in Memphis has no chance.
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 2 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of both hours for the final rating.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at:
Thanks and enjoy!!!
TNA Impact ( Thursday ) 9-18-08
Final Rating: 3.2 ( 51,856 viewers ) 4 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 2.3 ( 37,272 viewers )
3.4 ( 55,097 )
3.4 ( 55,097 )
2.8 ( 45,374 )
2nd hour: 3.2 ( 51,856 viewers )
3.7 ( 59,959 )
3.3 ( 53,477 )
3.3 ( 53,477 )
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 9-26-08
Final Rating: 6.0 ( 97,230 viewers ) 9 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 5.6 ( 90,748 viewers )
5.1 ( 82,646 )
6.3 ( 102,092 )
6.1 ( 98,851 )
2nd hour: 6.7 ( 108,574 viewers )
6.0 ( 97,230 )
6.1 ( 98,851 )
6.3 ( 102,092 )
Memphis Wrestling 9-27-08
Final Rating: 0.8 ( 12,964 viewers ) 2 share
Quarter hours: 0.4 ( 6,482 viewers )
0.8 ( 12,964 )
1.0 ( 16,205 )
1.2 ( 19,446 )
TNA Impact Replay 9-27-08
Final Rating: 1.3 ( 21,067 viewers ) 2 share
WWE A.M. 9-28-08
Final Rating: 1.6 ( 25,928 viewers ) 4 share
WWE RAW 9-29-08
Final Rating: 4.3 ( 69,682 viewers ) 6 share
1st hour: 4.0 ( 64,820 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours: 4.2 ( 68,061 viewers )
3.4 ( 55,097 )
3.9 ( 63,200 )
4.7 ( 76,162 )
2nd hour: 4.5 (72,923 viewers ) 6 share
Quarter hours: 4.6 ( 74,543 viewers )
4.6 (74,543 )
4.4 ( 71,302 )
4.6 (74,543 )
Overrun: 4.6 (74,543 viewers )
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating analysis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” with the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotio
Thursday, October 02, 2008

----I use to have this little weekly bit I did called “High Five”. I have not written it in a long time, but I really think this past weekend deserved a recipient.
----In this pseudo sport of wrestling where the bookers put belts on their best friends or the owner of the company is the tag champ, it is nice to see a guy get a belt that deserves one. “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, who is my pick for 2008 Best Damn Performer of the Year, had one of those weekends where he was living up to his gimmick – “The Best of The Best”.
----On Friday night, Anthony won a Battle Royal to guarantee him a TLCW Title Match. Saturday night featured a four corners match for the TLCW Title. Bishop, the champion, vs Stan Lee vs Dustin Starr [subbing for an injured Flash Flanagan] vs Anthony. Anthony was the first to be eliminated, followed by Dustin and then Lee won the TLCW Title. But…since Anthony had won the title shot [that he could use anytime], he demanded his shot right then. Anthony nailed Lee with and chair and pinned him 1..2..3 for the TLCW Title.
----Anthony’s weekend was not over as Sunday afternoon MAW presented the Memphis 10. Anthony beat Idol Bane and Chris Lexx to put himself in the finals in a “Triple Threat” vs Derrick King and Danny B Goode. Anthony pinned King to win the MAW Title and the prestige of being on top of the hill of the Memphis 10.
----HIGH FIVE to “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony for his excellent weekend.
Shows For The Weekend 10.02 to 10.04.08
Thursday Night- October 2, 2008 American Legion Post 15 2706 Hwy. 31 SE Decatur, Alabama
Doors open at 6:00 Bell Time is 7:30 Tickets are $9.00 Advance and $10.00 at the door.
Advanced tickets can be purchased at the American Legion Post 15.
Main Event Jerry "The King" Lawler w/Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock vs Hoss Williams w/Jim Casey
Semi Main Event SPWA Title Match Travis Locke vs. Don Bass (Champion)
Third Match SPWA TV Title Match Jay Kraft vs. Brawler Rex (Champion) w/Jim Casey
Second Match Bounty Hunter Mark vs. Big Nasty Bill Plus one other big match
There will be a TV taping that night as well. Be sure to watch SPWA Wrestling every Saturday morning at 11:00 on Ztv 11 Charter Ch. 4 & 6 in Decatur and the surrounding area.
October 3, 2008
Tasha Simone, the ""Meanest"" Female in Wrestling
versus, West Virginia's Rugged Sarah Lynn
Great Match to showcase MLW on Friday at the TFW Show
The Line Up for MLW, October 4, 2008
Main Event
MLW Ladies Championship Match
""Mean"" Tasha Simone
"Lil" Su Yung
Semi Main Event
New York's Favorite Lady Wrestler
Little Jeanne
North Carolina's No. 1 Darling
Brandi Wine
A Mystery Opponent
West Virginia's Sarah Lynn
Singles Match
Indian Star, Alere Little Feather
OVW, TNA Star, Josie
Singles Match
Hellena Heavenly
Sin D
Main Event Opening Match
"Queen of East Tennessee, Misty James
5'10" Star, Rock N Roll Rock C
card subject to change, other matches could be added
Just added to the Tupelo Fair Championship Wrestling Show for Oct.4th Belltime 7:30
Wrestling Show is free with fair admission
Pure Destruction
Cody and Brody Hawk
Cameron Valentine
Hollywood Jimmy
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor
Chris Kilgore
many more surprises that night
The Tupelo Fair features Championship Wrestling, Bands, Banana Derby, FMX Stunt Show, Large Petting Zoo, twice as many rides, a new location, and the addition of an indoor showcase for unusual products. Spectators can laugh at monkeys riding dogs, play donkey basketball, and pet more than a hundred cute animals Come and enjoy the many games and rides. Sample your favorite fair food. Listen to some great musical acts on our stage.
Sat. Oct.4th Championship Wrestling will have Kamala The Ugandian Giant, Doink The Clown and many many more. Belltime 7:30 pm
38 Special, wrestling lined up for Rocktober Fest in Batesville
Band members of 38 Special, from left, Don Barnes, Larry Junstrom, Donnie VanZant, and Danny Chauncey, perform during a recent concert. The band will perform in Batesville on Oct. 3. Photo by Carl Dunn
Rocktober Fest will take place, Friday, Oct. 3, at Riverside Park in Batesville. Headlining the music portion of Rocktober Fest will be Southern rockers 38 Special from Jacksonville, Fla.
38 Special was co-founded by Donnie VanZant, one of the three famous VanZant brothers of Lynyrd Skynyrd fame. 38 Special's catalog of hits include "Hold on Loosely," "Caught Up in You," "Rockin' Into the Night," "Wild-Eyed Southern Boys" and "Fantasy Girl." The opening show will feature contemporary Southern rockers Further Down from Jonesboro. As an added bonus, ticket holders will be able to watch Allstar Wrestling Federation (ASWF) professional wrestling in the park. The ring, chairs and bleachers will be set up near the basketball court in Riverside Park.
The wrestling matches will include Jerry "The King" Lawler, former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) heavyweight champ "Psycho" Sid Vicious, Marcus "Buff" Bagwell from World Championship Wrestling (WCW), Grandmaster "Sexy" Brian Christopher, Kamala "The Ugandan Giant," Jimmy Hart, Rick Steiner, Batesville's Casino Kid, Newport's Austin Lane, Hollywood Jimmy and more regional wrestlers.
The gates will open at 5 p.m. Wrestling begins at 6:30 and ends at 8:30. Further Down goes on at approximately 8:35 and 38 Special at 9:30.
General admission (advance) tickets are $15, pit pass tickets are $20, VIP tickets are $40, and VIP Extreme tickets are $50. The VIP and VIP Extreme tickets include ringside seats at the wrestling event and up-close seats and after-show at Josie's for the concert. The VIP Extreme tickets get ticket holders backstage at the concert plus a meal in the VIP area. All tickets include admission to the wrestling and concert.
Tickets are available at Hastings, Premiere Tans and Batesville Cold Storage in Batesville; George's Liquor in Newport; Tommy's Famous in Mountain View; Horton's Music in Hardy; Quattlebaum's Music in Searcy; and the Valiant Arena in Tuckerman. Tickets are also available to order online at or charge by phone by calling (870) 698-2288
Memphis Wrestlng Superstars
Saturday Night
Oct 4th
Selmer Jaycee Building
Selmer, TN
Jerry "The King" Lawler
"The New Nature Boy" Kevin White
"Grand Master Sexay" Brian Christopher
"Dangerous" Doug Gilbert
"Southern Sensation" Cody Melton
Derrick King
Maxx Corbin
Albino Rhino
The Gladiator
"Rookie Sensation" Ty Hamilton
Michael Gilbert
Credit: Thanks to "Axeman" Randall Lewis &
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
"Flashback" Oct 1984 Part 1 by Mark James
Oct 1, 1984
The big feud for the area was continuing to be Jerry Lawler and Randy Savage fighting Ric Rude and King Kong Bundy with manager, Jimmy Hart. Lawler and Savage were having problems getting a clear win over their rivals. As the card shows, the “King” and the “Macho Man” called in “Handsome” Jimmy Valiant to form a 6-man team to fight Rude, Bundy and Hart. As the results show, the fan favorites won the match.
Eddie Gilbert was successful in defending his International Title against “Leaping” Lanny Poffo. In the other title match of the night, Tommy Rich and Dutch Mantell successfully defended the Sothern tag titles against the former champs, the Nightmares.
Also on the card, the Dirty White Boys defeated Rufus R. Jones and Mark Ragin. Opening up the card, Mark Batton defeated the Snowman. Don’t know if this was “the” Snowman (Eddie Crawford) or not. Regardless, he did do the job.
The attendance for the card was only 4,632. Not sure what was going on at the time. I do notice the Fabs (Keirn & Lane) weren’t on the card and this may have contributed to the low numbers. Also, the lower attendance numbers (4,000 – 6,000) were starting to become a more normal occurrence. Personally, I’ve always considered 1974 through 1985 as being the glory years of Memphis Wrestling. Sure there were sellouts before and after those years, but the numbers really show that statistically these years had the highest average weekly attendance numbers.
Oct 8, 1984
The big news for this week was “Dirty” Dutch Mantell turning on his partner, and co-Southern tag team champion, “Wildfire” Tommy Rich. With the split, the tag belts were stripped from the champs and a one night tournament was setup. The winners not only got the Southern tag team titles, but also received a shot at the Road Warriors the following week.
The opening round matches saw the Dirty White Boys defeating the New Generation, Mark Regan and Rufus R. Jones defeating Kurt Von Hess and Eddie Gilbert, Ric Rude and King Kong Bundy advancing over Randy Savage and Jimmy Valiant when they won a coin toss after a draw. The final opening round match had the Fabulous Ones defeating the Nightmares.
The second round round saw Rude and Bundy destroy Jones and Regan while The Fabs stopped the Dirty White Boys.
In the finals, the Fabs (Keirn and Lane) were disqualified and Rude and Bundy were crowned the Southern tag team champions.
In the lone single match of the night, Tommy Rich defeated his former partner Dutch Mantell.
A few notes… Bundy now had the Southern singles & tag titles… Rare card with Lawler not on it… With Rude and Bundy winning a shot at the Road Warriors, this would be the Warriors first time as a fan favorite team…
Next week: The Warriors come back to town!
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 9.27.08

1st Match
Judgment Vs The Russian
The Russian gets win Via Pin fall in 3:11
2nd match
“LSD” [Idol Bane/Cody Only] Vs Dre & Silent Mark
Lsd Proved why they got the tag belts this week by this match Dre and Mark Did All they could to fight them off it was too much. “Fraternity Row” [Chuck Fears/Tommy Wayne] makes save because LSD wouldn't quit beating Dre And Silent Mark
LSD Over Via Pin Fall 9:14
“Hot Rod” John Ellison Vs Regulator
Hot Rod Over Via Super kick And Pin Fall 7:11
Big Al [pictured] Vs Cody Murdock
What a match of big men showing strength and size from both men. Big Al hit his hitch neck breaker then some music of sorts hits Al starts going weird on himself when it goes off Cody murdock rolls him up.
Cody Murdock Over Via Pin Fall 8:32
“Mexiconos” [Johnny Hawk/Johnny Harper] Vs Fraternity Row “Loser leaves Town Match”.
You could tell from the get go neither one of these teams are going to want to leave.
Both teams pulling it all out Ref Cody gets hit and knocked down during this fall and the Mexiconos pull out the chain and slap jack to use with Tommy and Chuck delivering a low blow to both men then using their own weapons on them. Fraternity Row gets the win
Fraternity Row Over Via Pin Fall 13:18
Demon X Vs X- Kaliber (c) For the X TItile
X Kaliber took this match to Demon the whole time when Demon finally did do something Wild bill jumped him from behind and took matters in his own hands
Demon X Over Via DQ X- Kaliber keep his title
Austin & Nikki Lane Vs Ray Ray & Morgan Williams
Very Good match with both Teams using the others weakness at the end of this crazy match. Austin saves Nikki from getting Rays Fall away DDT off the tope rope but when he turns around - Morgan hits the muscle Buster on Austin.
Ray Ray & Morgan Williams Over Bye Via Pin Fall 18:13
After the match Ray And Morgan Hand cuff Austin to the corner and break Nikki Lane’s wrist with a steel chair while Austin had to watch .
269 in crowd
Mexiconos Johnny hawk and Johnny Harper are Inducted in Hall of Fame
Reminder Oct 3 Show this Fri
Jerry Lawler Vs Kamala With Jimmy Hart
Casino Kid Vs Sid vicious
Austin Lane Vs Buff Bagwell
Demon X & Mystery Partner Vs Chuck Fears & Brain Christopher
Tommy Wayne & Scott Fury Vs Ray Ray & X- Kaliber
Also Over Top Battle Royal
Credit: ASWF Ace
----Good to see Cody Murdoch back with the promotion...Didn't Brian Thompson come up with that gimmick for Big Al in WFAC??...The Russian wins!! Stupid freakin Russians!! LOL
RassleResults: ASWF Augusta, AR 9.19.08

ASWF in Augusta Ar
Big Al Vs Josh Sydell [pictured]
Back and forth match with Al hitting a 360 powerbomb thinking he had it won trying to get Sydell up Sydell hits the 360 unprettier and gets pin
Sydell Over Via Pinfall in 8:33
“Hot Rod” John Ellison Vs Judgement
The vet Ellison Pulled this one Out With a Super Kick Hot Rod Over By Via Pin Fall 7:14
The Russians Vs Casino Kid And Scott Fury
Good heat with the gimmick for the Russians While Taking Scott fury Out early
Scott fights back to get hot tag then a double cross body off top by Scott and Casino for the win
Scott Fury and “Mr. Entertainment” Casino Kid Over Via Pin Fall 10:33
“Mexiconos” [Johnny Hawk/Johnny Harper] VS Wild Bill & Chuck Fears
Surly a close fall with Chuck having a new partner instead of his original Tommy Wayne.
That didn’t stop Chuck and Wild Bill. Johnny Hawk went for the chullupa drop Chuck slid behind for a roll up but Harper was there with the slap jack
Mexiconos Over Via Pin Fall 13:44
Austin Lane & Tatt2 Vs Tommy Wayne & Crime
Very good comedy spots from the start into high flying over the ropes from Tatt2 and Austin. Finally Tommy and Crime got Austin grounded. At one time Austin went to top rope - Tommy went up for a hurricarna from the top- Tatt2 caught him in a reverse suplex and Crime hit a Russian leg sweep all at one time. Tatt2 hits his 619 after this and Austin hits Canadian destroyer.
Austin Lane & Tat2 Over Via Pin Fall 15:55
87 in crowd
Credit: ASWF Ace
----Loved the idea that "Russians" can now make a comeback. LOL They should do an interview talking about invading Georgia and how they can do what they want to do. Russia is evil again!! Good for wrestling.
RassleResults: SPWA Pulaski, TN 9.26.08
New Blood, Little Bob, Bounty Hunter Mark vs. Backwood Brawlers, Texas Connection
Match is thrown out after all 8 men are in the ring fighting
Semi-Main Event: SPWA Title Match
Travis Locke vs. Don Bass(champion)
Match ended in Double Disqualification
Second Match: SPWA TV Title Match
Bounty Hunter Mark vs. Brawler Rex(champion)
Brawler Rex gets the pin to retain his TV title
Opening Match: Singles Match
Jay Kraft vs. Brawler Mark
Credit: Hoss Williams @
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR
The Rat Pack came out with their manager Classy Meltin Massy. Massy started on a rant of how he was being punished by the RWA and being made to wrestle. Martin interrupted him and asked him "would you like to know why your being punished"? Meltin sure did want to know and Martin told him he would give him 3 reasons why. " I don't like you, I don't like you and I don't like you, there is your three reasons." Meltin and the Rat Pack did not appreciate the remarks and so Martin asked Meltin if he would really like to know? Meltin said he did and Martin told him because the fans like to see you get your butt whipped! Massy then proceeded to psych up his group for the night of battle.
1st Match. J.D. Kerry and Mike Titan new tag team called Hot and Heavy. VS The leprechauns.
J.D. Kerry showed that he is getting better with each week and showed some strength with the Leprechauns. Question is will he do the same with a big man?
Leprechauns showed their veteran skills and speed. J.D. got the hot tag to Mike Titan and Titan used all of his 6' 7" 375lb's frame to take over the match, Kerry help by hitting the flying cross body off the top rope and Titan hit the worm to get the pin.
Angel of Sin VS Pokerface.
Both of these young superstars are making their debut in the RWA. AOS had a sizeable advantage and showed a viscous streak no many in the RWA have seen Using power moves as well as choke holds, eye gouges, kicks and his fists. AOS really impressed everyone in the crowd. Pokerface was not to be out done in his debut match and was equally impressive with his speed and agility and he has one of the best drop kicks this reporter has seen in quite sometime. However each comeback was met with AOS being equal to the task. Pokerface hit a DDT off the top rope and for sure I thought was the finish of the match but the AOS sin kicked out and then they traded punches and Pokerface rolled him up and the AOS rolled through it and held the ropes to get the 1,2,3. Very good match for a debut match.
Asylum VS Chris Steel and Classy Meltin Massy.
The Asylum looked different from the beginning of the match. Both were very unsettled and appeared to be very angry and crazier than ever. Steel and Massy were doing their best to stay away from the Asylum. Steel and Massy had no answer to the power of the Asylum and tried to keep them off balance with quickness on Steel's part and begging and cheating from Massy. The Asylum hit one of their finishers and seemed to be on their way to a 3 count as Psycho covered Steel. However Zane Richards came out of nowhere and blasted Psycho in the back with a chair while the ref was on the outside with Arnez and Massy. Richards pulled Steel over the top of Psycho and Steel got the 123. (Chair shot was stiff and made the crowed go silent.)
Match 4 Fabulous Luke Graham Jr. VS Soultrain Jones.
Well all the matches come down to this a no DQ no Time Limit match.
Soultrain is young in the business and will not say no to any challenge, however someone needs to coach him out of these matches for a while to keep him from getting in over his head. Soultrain has all the credentials as a Pro athlete. But Graham being a veteran in the sport of wrestling and showed Soultrain this is not Pro Football nor Power lifting. Graham is one of the best in the business as a heel and can really shoot with the best. Soultrain is a strong man, I mean really strong and took everything Graham had to offer. Graham kept the pressure on Soultrain punishing him with something wrapped around his thumb. Graham went to end the match with a chair and set it up in the corner and Soultrain had presence of mind enough to reverse the move and put Graham into the chair and roll him up for the biggest victory in the young mans career so far.
Match 5 Rik Burton VS Ali Stevens.
These two are no strangers to each other, But on this night Ali used a good combination of wrestling and power moves. Burton being the snake that he is used his fists and some wrestling to counter. At one point Ali had Burton set up for a pile driver but just gave him the Atomic wedgies to the delight of the crowd. Neither of these guys could get an advantage on the other however Burton went to work on the leg of Stevens and locked in his figure 4. Ali was able to break the hold and the two started to go at each other fist for fist. Then in the heat of the battle both ended up pushing the ref. This match was a double DQ. But these two would not stop and kept battling each other. What will happen next week with these two.
The Main Event: The Natural Born Playas with Mike Anthony. VS POB and the RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "Redd Dogg" Mack.
Back at the intermission Frank Martin called the Champ and his wife Jazz to the ring and gave them a card signed by all the RWA fans and then POB Rodney's good friends came in the front door with a big double stoller. The RWA and the fans bought the stroller for the couple for the twins that Jazz are expecting.
Well as this match started Martin had stayed in the ring to start the match, he noticed that there was not a ref in the ring. He then addressed the Natural Born Playas and told them they had been winning the matches and he had been getting the tapes and reviewing them. He noticed that all the matches had one thing in common. The Natural Born Playas cheated and so he had assigned a special guest ref. As he announced this he was taking off his shirt to reveal that he had on the ref shirt and was in fact the ref for the match. Crowd really liked this what a set up for the Playas.
This match was quick and the team of the POB and Mack had control of the match. There was some big power moves and some real good fighting as Martin let them fight. As all three got involved POB had Southside and Pimp on the outside and Mack had Mike Anthony in the ring. Anthony was coming of the second rope and Mack caught him with a spear that folded Anthony in half. Martin counted the 3 count and the winners were Mack and POB. As the Playas were on the outside Martin had already got out of the ring and went to the back. The POB turned on Mack. The started a brutal attack on Mack, the Playas applauded the POB and the POB held Mack as the Playas got their shots in. Ron Rage finally pulled out two chains gave one to Cowboy and they went after the Playas. At this point no one was sure what was going on. The Rat Pack came out to get the Playas and the POB turned on them. One by one the dressing room emptied and one by one the POB laid them out with the chains. Rottn Randy got in the ring to ask Rage what was going on and they knocked him out. That's when things turned bad. Ron Rages wife got in the ring and was screaming for him to stop, Ron grabbed her and went to punch her when Cowboy jumped in front to stop him. Cowboy went around back of Rages wife Raven and held her and Rage slapped her(shoot) then a fan and a friend ran to the ring and Rage hit him and started to beat this guy up bad.(shoot) :note to the fans of wrestling everywhere. Never get into the ring no matter how good of friends you maybe with the workers, when things go wrong and these guy's get mad you do not want to be in the ring.) Martin ran back out from the back and told the two if they did not stop he would call the police.(shoot in fact the police did show up at the arena.) POB left out the front door screaming at the crowd who was going crazy screaming back at them. This reporter for a fact knows that Raven and the kids are staying with Rodney and Jazz. Ron Rage is not talking to his family or friends. We will have to wait to see if they try to return to the arena next week
Good show and 100+ in the crowd. Mr Martin has not returned phone calls about what happened.
Credit: RWA Reporter
----Great angle at the end!! This should make some money!!
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 9.27.08 - XOW INVASION CONTINUES!!

The show started out with a celebration from the XOW. (DJ Stunner, Syn, Owner Bill Russ, Tony Watts, "The Real Deal" Neil Taylor, AC Styles) all came to the ring. The arena was still decorated with XOW banners! They announced the New TIWF REGIONAL HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: SARGE ORIELLY who came down to the ring. Mr. Russ presented Sarge with the Belt and A HUGE white cake. This cake was multi-layer and we mean HUGE!!! After celebrating, Sarge introduced John "Biscuit" Roberts as "XOW superheavyweight" all of XOW exited the ring to taunt the crowd except Owner Bill who had the cake in his hands.
Chico Mendoza ran out of the back and hit the ring without anyone noticing. Chico slammed the cake in his XOW Owner Bill Russ’s face, XOW hits the ring and proceeds to beat Chico down. Tank Turner who was in the concession stand grabbed the steel attaché' case and started slamming fleeing members of XOW. Neil Taylor got the mic and demanded a match between, him and AC Styles vs Chico and Tank.
First Match
Dirty Sanchez pinned Tommy Redneck in a great match, lots of high flying moves...back and forth with Dirty getting the win with a beautiful moonsault. I believe these two get better and better every week. Crowd really enjoyed the luchador moves.
Second Match
“Big and Nasty” [Big Boy Bob/Dazzlin Dixie] (w/ Ravishing Randy) vs Syn and DJ Stunner(w/ Tony Watts)
Match opened up with Syn and Stunner attacking Dixie and Bob from behind they shrugged it off and gorilla press slammed both guys at the same time. This match was pretty much all Big and Nasty. This was a match that saw power moves galore. The undersized Syn and Stunner who both weigh about as much as Bob alone, were outweighed and overpowered. Big Boy Bob executed a great looking Chokeslam that we usually don’t see from him. DJ stunner had some amazing kicks and a senton bomb but all to no avail.Syn has a shocking resemblance to EDGE from the WWE although he would be a smaller version. Stunner and Syn are both very quick and know how to do the high flying and how to execute their kicks. Even their manager Tony Watts gave Bob a sick chair shot to the head. This was a match the crowd was really into...Bob and Dixie hit the Big Nasty Slam on DJ Stunner and Dixie goes for the pin. XOW owner Bill Russ jumps into the ring and hits Dazzlin’ Dixie with a flapjack or foreign object from behind. Big and Nasty retains the titles by DQ
First intermission ended with "Missouri Bad Boy" Mark Southern w/ Cash McCoy coming to the ring stating they did not care about TIWF vs XOW they are from Missouri and that Tennessee and Mississippi stunk anyways. Hotrod told Southern and McCoy that he had a BIG surprise for them tonight and told him he ( Southern) had a match with the Royale Executioner.
Gaylon Ray vs “ The Punisher” Dre’ Black
This match was the first for Gaylon Ray with the TIWF since March. The match went back and forth but lacked in some areas. However, the crowd was into it. The ending saw Dre’ hitting Gaylon with the RKO for 1..2…3
Chico Mendoza/Tank Turner vs "The Real Deal" Neil Taylor and AC Styles
This match was an old school tag team match....Tank and Chico wrestled very well as a tag team and after the match the fans were saying how much they enjoyed this pairing.
The crowd was really into this match the entire time. Tank getting usual beat down and hot tag. The ending of this match saw XOW crew hit the ring laying a beat down on Tank and Chico.
"Missouri Bad Boy" Mark Southern w/ Cash McCoy vs. Royale Executioner
This was a quick match with a lot of crowd support. Mark Southern pinned the Royale Executioner with a swinging DDT, afterwards Mark and Cash get on the mic talking about how great they are and how Southern is the “MISSOURI BAD BOY" a masked wrestler then hit the ring with a TIWF shirt. The masked man revealed his identity to be The Missouri Renegade, Mark Southern’s longtime tag team partner. Renegade told McCoy and Southern that they had hell to pay for leaving him in jail as long as they did.( 4 Months!) And he guaranteed that they will pay the price.
Sarge OReilly vs Waycool
This was definitely a main event match. Way Cool was the crowd favorite in this one and battled back from lots of cheating and outside interference. The end of this match saw Way Cool hit his finishing move on Sarge… “ The Breeze” just as the XOW crew hits the ring and beats Waycool within an inch of his life. TIWF wrestlers hit the ring and clear it of the XOW.
This battle is shaping up and should be a good one to watch to fruition.
--198 in attendence
---Fans were into all the matches all night, many fans interviewed stated that they could not pick the best match, that they were all exceptional. So, match of the night this week goes to all matches.
----Wildside still missing in this XOW vs TIWF feud. Where is "The Franchise"?
---- Shawn Reed no showed.
---- Criss Braggs out with illness.
-----XOW Midgets Invade in October.
----- AIWF home office issues statement saying if TIWF needs reinforcements…they will send.
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation TV can be seen on E+TV6 each
Every Sat. at noon and Primetime at 6 p.m.
website at
Credit: Steven Hunter
----I have heard rumbles that the crowd is not what Hunter has been reporting. I have seen pics from the last two weeks and I am counting anywhere from 150 - 200 by just the photos...XOW invasion has been fun all year long...Photo was taken last week of Neil Taylor and Tank Turner. Does Taylor look huge here or what?? He must be on the Psycho-Izzy-BT Express diet. LOL Neil - you got to stay away from the fish buffets!!!...Ok, Gaylon Ray now works for TIWF after leaving in the middle of a program in NBW...Love the Missouri Bad Boy angle. Should be fun.
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 9.26.08
Ryan SoFine w/Tony Dabbs defeated DC to retain the Lightweight Title.
Psykottik defeated Pappy.
DJ Stunner defeated Syn. This was a decent match. These guys have gotten some good training somewhere. Much improved.
TFW Champion Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor defeated "The International Icon" Byron Wilcott to retain. Good match.
Chop Top the Clown defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs to become the undisputed #1 Contender for the heavyweight championship.
Moe Foundation (Curly Moe & G-Moe Money) w/Dirty Rell Mo defeated (or cheated their way to a win) over Sons of the South (Josh Matthews & "The Future" Chris Styles w/Chris Kilgore. Stipulations for the match were that whichever team wins would have a 2-on-1 advantage at the beginning of the cage match between these two teams at the TFW show on October 3, 2008. Good match.
The TFW show this Friday night, October 3, 2008, will include:
A "Hood Street Cage Match:" Moe Foundation (Curly Moe, G-Moe Money, & J Kid) w/Dirty Rell Moe vs. Sons of the South (Josh Matthews & Chris Styles) & "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore w/Bad Boy Burns. Moe Foundation will start with two men in the cage, having won the advantage in the match this past Friday night. Sons of the South will start the match with only one man in the ring. One person will enter the cage every three minutes until all six are in the cage. Street Fight rules will be in effect (anything goes). The cage will not be locked. Security will be at the door to let anyone in or out. The match can take place in or out of the ring. However, it can only be won by pin fall INSIDE the ring.
Also, a ladies match is on the card: Tasha Simone, the "Meanest Female in Wrestling" vs. West Virginia's "Rugged" Sarah Lynn.
It will be a great show. Don't miss it!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: TXW Knoxville, TN 9.27.08

Ritta Elementary, Knoxville TN
Outdoor Event
After the rain separated the true believers from the weak-spirited, 120 TXW faithful remained after a quick shower to see a fast paced show that had it's fair share of amazing maneuvers , anger, laughter, grossness, and even a sad moment.
1) In the first match, Barry Allen and Dave "The Science" Pillman squared off in an amusing match that got the show started on the right foot. After the bout, Pillman addressed the crowd and thanked them for attending even though it rained, and then left his boots in the ring. He stated that he loved the business, but it was time for him to retire. We are honored that Dave Pillman chose to retire at a TXW show... but we wish the canvas didn't smell like gouda cheese now.
2) In another interleague promotional fight, the SAW Intercontinental Championship had the Champion Skeeter Godwin defeating the up and coming newcomer Drew Haskins with a reverse DDT (Slop Drop) to retain the IC belt.
3) Demetria bounced out to a Hanna Montana tune and got the young girls in the audience excited, but upon further inspection, Demetria supporters throughout the fight waned. Violet Adams once again had control of this match, but Demetria pulled something from her "Happy Stuff" area and clobbered Violet for the 1...2...3
At intermission, Commisioner Billy Marshall demanded that the Forsaken Angels Guild return the Tag Team Titles that they stole while appearing together on the "New Knoxville Wrestle Talk" show. At first, they refused, but after Billy reached the count of 2 and a half, the #1 Contenders forked over the belts and started sobbing uncontrollably.
4) Former KAPOW champion Shane Andrews pinned Shawn Schultz in an exciting match, but the victory was sweet for only moments. The Black List then hit the ring and gave Andrews a vicious beating. TXW called to the back for help, but no one came to the aid of "The Prodigy". Has the Black List already intimidated the TXW locker room??? After the match, Schultz towered over Andrews and yelled, "Thanks for the benefit show, Shane!"
5) Funkmaster V won by DQ over Bob O Mac for the second month in a row, providing documentation that claimed Bob did not take a mandated drug test. Referee James Malenko rang the bell before TXW ownerJerry Tipton could tell him that there was no such drug test, but the decision could not be overturned. Tipton then said Bob O Mac can wrestle in the Battle Royal and he hoped he would get revenge on Funkmaster V.
6) The Black List (Allen Sheppard & Justin O'Day) took on the smaller but faster Bobby Blassie and J-Mac. This exciting match went back and forth, but O'Day rolled up Bobby Blassie for the 3 count as the former tag champion was being distracted by Shawn Schultz. Oh, yeah, you better believe that O'Day had a handful of tights for the pin, as well.
7) In the Semi-Main Event, the Undefeated TXW Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lee took on newcomer Devon Drake and pinned him after a Chokeslam. Drake did not like the fact that he was pinned in the middle of the ring and has demanded a rematch be signed for next month.
8) In the Main Event, 20+ TXW Superstars took to the ring in a Battle Royal for the vacant Tag Team Championships. The Black List showed up and clapped for the wrestlers from the first row, and they eventually had to be threatened with a suspension by Commissioner Billy Marshallbefore they decided to wrestle. After 10 minutes of thrills and spills, the final 5 were both members of the Forsaken Angels Guild, Sgt AWOL of the Urban Militia, Bob O Mac, and Juggalo Drake. After several minutes of brawling in the ring, "Ravishing" Ryan Luther was dumped over the top rope and the odd team of Bobby Rayne (Forsaken Angels Guild) and Sgt AWOL (Urban Militia)[pictured with the belts] were awarded the Tag Team Championships with a warning: You must defend the Tag Titles like a regular tag team, or you will be suspended.
Credit: Vinnie Vineyard
----I love creative booking like two guys you would not expect to win the tag straps. Sounds like Bill Watts stuff...Take a close look at the belts..LOL Ok, I wanna know the story on that one.
RassleResults: SEW TV Results 9.27.08
1.Soultakerw/Smooth def Iron Jake Johnson(After the match Jake Johnson he got on the mic and said he had unfinished business later on)
2.Danny B. Good fought Casanova Kid to a no contest when Jake Johnson,Rajah, and Pimpin Antoin Smooth ambushed both men after the match Danny B. got on the mic and did a real shoot on how nobody in Memphis would give him chance on TV, also he shot on Jerry Lawler because Jerry Lawler house is for sale and word is he's moving out of Memphis and Danny challanged the big 300 pounder Rajah to a match next week
this can be seen tuesday on the SEW website
Credit: Lammarus Brooks
----You know I find it funny how people try to “shoot” on Jerry Lawler. How does that benefit you?? It just makes you and your show second rate.
RassleResults: MAW "Memphis 10" Memphis, TN 9.28.08 - Greg Anthony Winner!!

First Round
Match 1 “Human Highlight Reel” Austin Lane vs Maw Southern Champion Chris Lexx
In a re-match from last years semi finals, it was Chris Lexx defeating last year’s winner Austin Lane with the lexecution after 9 minutes of back and forth action. After the match, commissioner KC Gold came out to congratulate Lexx but was shoved aside by Lane. Lane then offered Lexx a handshake of respect, to which Lexx reluctantly agreed.
Match 2 The Goldenboy Greg Anthony [pictured] vs Idol Bane.
A hard fought match for 2 first time Memphis 10 invitees. Ultimately The Goldenboy came out victorious by putting his feet on the ropes to secure the victory and advance to the second round.
Match 3 Magnificent Reno Diamond vs Stan Lee
In probably the best move for move, counter wrestling match of the first round, Reno Diamond hit the Diamond Bomb on Lee at the 11 minute mark to gain advancement to the second round.
Match 4 Danny B. Good vs Johnny Dotson
Another re-match from last years semi final round. Some interesting things in this match as these 2 turned it into an impromptu tag match of sorts, with Danny B even tagging in the security guard. Once all was settled it was Danny B coming out on top for the second straight year.
Match 5 Derrick King vs “The Future” Dell Tucker
This was scheduled to be King vs Tatt2 but for “Personal Reasons” Tatt2 declined to wrestle and was replaced at the last minute by Tucker. Tucker brought everything to the match with everything to win & nothing to lose, but the experience of King was too much. In the end King ducked a clothesline attempt & hit his patented superkick to gain entry to the second round. After the match Tucker was superkicked several more times by King & Johnny Dotson.
After the completion of the first round K.C. Gold return to the announce table with the names of the winners from the first round on separate slips of paper. He asked Poncho to draw a name as the person to get the BYE into the final round. Much to Gold’s dismay it was Derrick King getting the free pass to the finals. Once that was determined the rest of the names were drawn to set up the semi final matches.
Round 2
Match 6 Chris Lexx vs Goldenboy Greg Anthony.
These 2 guys went at it for 8 solid minutes before Derrick King interfered hitting Lexx with the Southern title allowing Goldenboy to be victorious and advance to the finals.
Match 7 Danny B. Good vs Reno Diamond
Another great wrestling match by these two. Ultimately Danny B. came out on top becoming the first man to go to the finals for 2 straight years.
Match 8 Main Event Goldenboy Greg Anthony vs Derrick King vs Danny B. Good
Much as one would expect TGB & King worked together to try to eliminate Danny B.
After a TGB went for a pin & King broke it up, King began asking what TGB was thinking. The argument then turned to who is actually the best between these two. It didn’t take long for them to come to blows with both gaining the upper hand on the other for a brief time. At one point Danny B. took a hard bump to the floor, but got back into the mix and continued to battle. After the ref for the night was squashed in the corner by Danny B accidentally, Dre Black interfered turning Danny’s attention to Black, and the 2 battled up the isle. With TGB on the floor trying to recuperate, Chris Lexx slipped in behind King and delivered the Lexecution as K.C. Gold tried to revive the ref.
Goldenboy seized the opportunity dragged the ref over & covered King. Danny B. couldn’t get there in time as the 3 count came down to declare The Goldenboy Greg Anthony the winner of the 2nd Memphis 10 tournament and the new M.A.W. Champion!
After the match TGB declared that he always says he is the Best of the Best & this just goes to prove it, and he did it all by himself! He told the crowd that he had said he was going to win and then finished by telling King he knew TGB’s word was “Good As Gold”!!!
A handful of workers were in the crowd all night, including Tatt2, Bishop, Baron Malkavain, Pokerface, Malik, and a few others…. Attendance was very slim, considering this was the first time they have run back to back weekends at the New Daisy, with only about 35 in the crowd, but all the guys worked immensely hard and by all reports everyone got paid. …Word is that M.A.W. will still be holding shows at The New Daisy but they may be venturing into other areas in hopes of drawing better crowds and running more frequent shows…As of now they are scheduled to be back at The New Daisy on Oct 19.
Credit: MAW Gizzold
----Good to see Greg Anthony win here – this is probably as shoot as you can get when it comes to the best performer in this area…Why did Tatt2 sit in the crowd, but not work??
Monday, September 29, 2008
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 9.27.08

Moe Foundation (Curly Moe & G-Moe Money) w/Dirty Rell Moe over Slammer/Chazz Stone & 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) in a three-way tag team match.
Soultaker over "Monkey Boy" Danny Morris & "Dangerous" David Cox in a 3-way match.
The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) over Pain, Inc. (Izzy Rotten & Brett Michaels) w/Nathan Lee by count out. Pain, Inc. left again with the tag team belts, but Ghost Riders retain the tag team championship. Good match.
"The Outlaw" Don Bass w/Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock vs. Chris Fontaine w/Justin Rhodes ended in a double disqualification. This was a wild match to say the very least, and it's not over, because Don Bass & Hollywood will return on Saturday night, October
11, 2008, along with a mystery partner, vs. PHAT Foundation.
EPW Champion "Prime Time" Nick Grimes vs. Tysin Starr ended in a double count out. Grimes retains the belt. Good match. Re-match on October 11.
Cassanova Kid defeated EPW Extreme Champion "The Future" Chris Styles [pictured]in an anything goes match. New Extreme Champion is Cassanova Kid. This was the bloodiest match that I have seen in quite a while. Wild & crazy! They fought all over the place and used all sorts of stuff on each other. Great match.
Approx. 85 in the crowd, 65 paid. This was a very, very good show.
EPW will return to action this Saturday night at the EPW Arena in Booneville. Bell time is 8:00 p.m. As always it will be a great show, so don't you miss it!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
----Everyone I have talk to this week have raved about how fun and good this card was. Congrats guys for putting on a good show...On a related note, Jimmy Blaylock had a post - CLICK HERE - talking about all the EPW rumors and such. Ironic that it is HIS message board that has posted all the rumors. LOL
Jerkin' The Curtain postponed until tomorrow(Tuesday) night at 10:30 PM CST.
"What Memphis Watches" 9-24-08 edition
Memphis Wrestling took a huge bump from its 9-13 show. Overall, its rating was less than 1 point and only one of the quarter hours was over a point (the last qt. hr. with a 1.2). I don’t really know what else to say except, that in my opinion, until they start making it a true Memphis Wrestling show as opposed to a show of matches from where ever, the show will never get off the ground.
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 2 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of both hours for the final rating.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at:
Thanks and enjoy!!!
TNA Impact ( Thursday ) 9-18-08
Final Rating: 2.7 ( 43,754 viewers ) 4 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 2.1 ( 34,031 viewers )
2.5 ( 40,513 )
2.5 ( 40,513 )
2.6 ( 42,133 )
2nd hour: 2.6 ( 42,133 viewers )
3.2 ( 51,856 )
2.9 ( 46,955 )
3.2 ( 51,856 )
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 9-19-08
Final Rating: 5.2 ( 84,266 viewers ) 8 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 4.7 ( 76,164 viewers )
4.5 ( 72,923 )
5.5 ( 89,128 )
4.2 ( 68,061 )
2nd hour: 5.3 ( 85,887 viewers )
5.1 ( 82,646 )
5.8 ( 93,989 )
6.6 ( 106,953 )
Memphis Wrestling 9-20-08
Final Rating: 0.9 ( 14,585 viewers ) 2 share
Quarter hours: 0.8 ( 12,964 viewers )
0.8 ( 12,964 )
0.8 ( 12,964 )
1.2 ( 19,446 )
TNA Impact Replay 9-20-08
Final Rating: 0.7 ( 11,344 viewers ) 1 share
WWE A.M. 9-21-08
Final Rating: 1.4 ( 22,687 viewers ) 3 share
WWE RAW 9-22-08
Final Rating: 5.4 ( 87,507 viewers ) 7 share
1st hour: 6.2 ( 100,471 viewers ) 8 share
Quarter hours: 5.9 ( 95,610 viewers )
5.3 ( 85,887 )
7.2 ( 116,676 )
6.3 ( 102,092 )
2nd hour: 4.6 (74,543 viewers ) 6 share
Quarter hours: 6.0 ( 97,230 viewers )
4.4 ( 71,302 )
3.9 ( 63,200 )
4.2 ( 68,061 )
Overrun: 4.4 ( 71,302 viewers )
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating analysis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” with the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.----
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Jerkin' The Curtain NWAME & SAW TV recaps + Yak it up Sept. 29th @ 10 PM CST.
Tommy Stewart:
NWA Main Event: The biggest thumbs down he could give that's humanly possible
SAW: Thumbs up
NWA Main Event: Big 'ol thumbs down
SAW: Upper thumbs in the middle
Well, it obviously wasn't even a contest this week, and Tim from Pa is right, if you're basing it on this week alone, the shows do not and should not be compared. SAW was light years better. Here's the standings since we started doing these reviews. Cya Monday night! Trent Van Drisse
SAW: 11 NWAME: 4 Draw: 3
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 9.27.08

The Show opens and Jeremy Moore Comes out. Jeremy gets on the mic and says he beat Gaylon Ray around the ring last week. There was a match made and Gaylon didn't show. Jeremy says that he should automatically get a High Risk title shot. Allen Walker says it will be Moore vs Lee for the belt tonight.
Raja and Mike come out and Mike says that Raja needs a challenge tonight, so anyone in the back can come out. Buckwheat comes out and Mike says enough with the jokes, send out the real oppenent, Buckwheat gets in the ring and the match is on.
Samoan Raja (with Money Mike) defeated Buckwheat
Buckwheat got in some early offense, but it wasn't enough to keep Raja at bay... Buckwheat took a second to taunt to the crowd and Raja destroyed him with a bodyslam, chokeslam, and swinging suplex for the 3 count after 48 seconds. Raja picks up Buckwheat and Mike takes a cheap shot at him.
High Risk Title Match
Shannon Lee defeats Jeremy Moore to retain High Risk Title
Jeremy is changing, he is slowly developing a bad attitude, but the girls still love him. (Jeremy/Shannon sucks chants coming from opposite sides of the building.)
Short match, but good back and forth match. Jeremy almost has it won, he goes for the Ace crusher but gets reversed into a small package by Lee for the 3 count. Jeremy "upset" (haha, upset kid..) with the decision, wants a rematch next week, saying Lee cheated. Next week he wants a straight wrestling match with Lee. Lee says why wait.. (a lot of that lately) Lee gets in and hits him with a Scoop driver.. Jeremy rolls out and Lee says next week.
Tim Edwards comes out and gets on the mic. (Crowd starts a "Deal or No Deal" chant) He says last week he aligned himself with someone who feels the same about the fans, Seth Knight. Next week its Seth/Tim vs Chris Rocker and Chris O' Neal. He also says he wants to punch Kid's fiance because Walker won't give him a match with Kid. Walker gives Tim an Unsanctioned match against The Kid, starting...Now.
"The Real Deal" Tim Edwards defeats The Kid
Tim destroys Kid from the start using a chair, then chokes Kid with a towel. Tim drags Kid around the crowd the first few minutes then takes it into the ring. Kid gets a little offense, dropkicks and punches. Tim takes Kid down with 2 brutal chops to the chest. Tim hits the wheelbarrow Slam, then 2 Hammerlock DDT's. (Tims new finisher called the Hatchet Drop.) Tim left Kid laid out in the ring, and security helps Kid to the back.
Seth Knight comes out. Allen Walker says he talked to Eugene this week. Eugene wants a match at Legacy against Knight. Eugene vs Seth Knight for NBW Heavyweight Title at Legacy has been signed. Seth says he isn't scared. He says he is a fighting champion, "Bring It On, Nobody Can Beat Him." The SOB's come out and remind Seth they helped him win that title. Motley comes out and says the SOB's have a whipping coming.
"Dynamite" Seth Knight defeated Juicy J to retain the NBW Heavyweight title.
Good match, J almost went all the way in this match. Seth hit the Silencer, but J kicked out at 2. Seth hit The Kickstand Blaster on J for the 3 count.
NBW Tag Team Title Match
The SOB's [Mark Justice/Kilo] defeated Motley Cruz and Danny B. Good [pictured]
Amazing Match/A Must See.. Motley yanked Kilo around by his hair in the beginning of the match. Danny got into the match, got in some good offense, tags Motley, he gets in some offense, he tags in Danny, and he gets isolated by the SOB's. They tear away at Danny as Motley gets in to try and help, but is sent back by the referee. Motley keeps trying to get in, but gets sent back out. Danny finally gets the hot tag. Motley in, drops the SOB's, Motley isolates Mark, Danny plancha to the outside on Kilo. Danny up to the turnbuckle, goes for The Revolution, Mark pulls Motley into the way and Motley goes down hard. SOB's take a breather, Motley stumbles up and gets in Danny's face. Danny says it was an accident, Motley hits Danny with the Cruz Driver and walks off. The SOB's take advantage and get the 3 count on Danny to retain. The SOB's destroy Danny. Motley comes back to clear the ring, helps Danny up, and hits another Cruz Driver. The SOB's and Motley continue the assault on Danny as Jeff takes their titles. Kilo demands Jeff bring the titles back or they will hurt Danny. Jeff brings the titles back out and says he will fire them if they don't stop the assault. They stop and walk off leaving Danny laid out. Shannon Lee and Juicy J come out to help Danny to the back..
There were about 70-78 people in the crowd by the time the Main Event started.
Next week, Tim Edwards/Seth Knight vs Chris Rocker/Chris O'Neal.
Jeremy Moore vs Shannon Lee for the High Risk Title.
Updates on The Kid and Danny B.
Credit: Chad Heart
----Weird to see Gaylon Ray no-show in this heated feud. But..we have seen him do this before…I am looking forward to see Eugene vs Knight. Rocker/O’Neal will make a good team.
Photo credit: Kayte Tramel
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 9.27.08 - Big Crowd!!

Michael Jablonski b Violent T
LT Falk [pictured] & Psycho Medic b Tim Renesto & Larry Cooter
White Tiger b Davey Wright by DQ when Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn attacked Tiger
Chris Norte (w/Ronnie Vegas) b Travis Starr in a submission match
Damien Payne & New York Gangster b Bryan Casey & Stevie King when Payne pinned King
Anthony Wayne b Kid Dynamite
Derrick Neal & Travis Starr (w/White Tiger) b ATL Tag Team Champions Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn (w/Lekesha) in a non-title match when Tiger (who had been piledriven by Lowe earlier) grabbed Lowe's international object and hit him with it, then put Neal on top of Lowe for the pin
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
RassleResults: RWL Newbern, TN 9.26.08

RWL Results:
Show opened with Biscuit and Gaylon Ray (w/ Erik "Foxxy" Hayes & The Royal Executioner), Gaylon said he wants to be "Brother, Brother and Brother" with him, Foxxy and Biscuit; Biscuit finally agrees and invites them to stay and watch him wrestle.
Biscuit vs. Big Tim Alfonzo
Best opening match in 2 months, both guys are small but always give 100%, they have worked many times and had a tremendous match, Big Tim Alfonzo hits a version of Carlito's Backstabber to Biscuit's face that looked nice then out went the lights, it was pitch black in the arena, when the lights came on Big Tim was in the ref's arms scared, standing in front of him was "Jason"(for the second week), ref threw Big Tim down and hide with Biscuit as "Jason" tombstoned Big Tim, Biscuit rolls in for the 1,2,3....Winner:Biscuit
Gaylon says he and Foxxy have a party to go to and sends the Royal Executioner to the ring. "Boy Toy" Tommy Lee(Tommy Boy)
The Royal Executioner vs. Tommy Lee
Big size mismatch, nice try by Tommy but almost no offense, sunset flip by Tommy but Executioner easily kicks out, Tomy gets beat up some more then out of nowhere gets a quick rollup for the win. Out comes the Party Boys, Gaylon looks mad as ever and starts pushing on the Executioner, Foxxy sticks his nose in then Executioner trys to attack them but gets knocked out of the ring( Aftermath was better than the match)
“Party Boys” [Gaylon/Foxxy] vs. Simon Reed & Gunner Thompson
Big right hands by Simon on both Party Boys, body slam on Gaylon when Foxxy tried to save him but Reed moved as Foxxy elbows Gaylon, heat on Reed, Party Boys looked good together, Reed escapes and made tag to fresh Gunner who cleaned house and hit Foxxy with the diving headbutt, Gunner was shaken up from the move himself, Reed tried to help him up but Gaylon charged with a spear and Reed moved as Gaylon hit Gunner, Reed snatched Gaylon up but Foxxy made the easy pin. Party Boys get away with a quick victory and leave Gunner and Reed in the ring. Big misunderstanding lead to a Gunner-Reed match with Gunner sliding out before anything happened. Gunner Thompson vs. Simon Reed next week
"Real Deal" Tim Edwards [pictured] vs. The "Dirty Sanchez"
Sanchez has a great entrance, most agree this match was the most entertaining of the night, Sanchez hid in the crowd and was up to his usual unusual tricks, once Edwards got his hands on Sanchez it looked as if the match was over, Edwards missed a big move and got hit with a moonsault from the top rope...Winner: "Dirty Sanchez"-(Edwards is better than most people give hi credit for, at one point Sanchez did a top rope frog splash but landed on his feet and did a jumping frog splash, Sanchez is hilarious)
Violent One Jodie Allen vs. Shawn Reed
Allen told Shawn if he won he could have his wife back. Allen using alot of cheating but Shawn looked determined to get his wife back and fought tooth and nail, Allen didn't care about winning just hurting Shawn, Allen placed Shawn on the turnbuckle as the ref tried to get Shawn down, Allen threw the ref aside and kicked Shawn in the midsection leaving Shawn unable to walk. Winner by DQ: Shawn Reed
50-60 in attendance
Credit: Johnny Grimm
----The Dirty Sanchez guy is a masked wrestler that is over big time, comes out to we will rock you, its ridiculous to hear people chanting for a "Dirty Sanchez" and they don’t even know what it is...Funny to see Gunner and Simon tagging – are they the new Posse? Ok, guys I am just ribbing. LOL…Who is Sanchez for shoot??
RassleResults: Southern States Wrestling Kingsport, TN 9.27.08 - Wayne Adkins New Southern States Champion!!

Ring Announcer Matt Rhodes opened the night with National Anthem and a 10 bell for Mr. Bobby Givens (Tony Givens Father and a great friend and supporter of Pro Wrestling) who passed away last week.
Big Al Bass had prayer
* Wayne Adkins outlast Mike Cooper, BoBo Brown, Scar, Donovan Daniels, Kole Layton King, Clippenback, in a Battle Royal to get the last spot in the Southern States Title Tournament
*Wayne Adkins beat EWP Champion Sigmon with a cross body off the top rope
*TV Champion Chase Ownes w/ Ashlee Beat Nick Hammonds with is feet on the ropes. Hammonds was last minute replacement for injured Moe Jenkins.
* Cody Ices beat Iron Cross. great "wrestling" match both guys are fan favorites and wrestled by the rules
* KAPOW Champion Ryan Dookie beat King of Kingsport Handsome Beau James by count out. James had Dookie in the cobra when Chris Richards came out. James let go and went after Richards and did not get back in before the 10 count
* Misty James beat Ashlee Hope with a bulldog
2nd Round
*Wayne Adkins beat Chase Owens with the Gibson leg lock.
* Ryan Dookie beat Cody Ices by DQ. Dookie came to ring with Kole Layton King. As the ref was giving the rules Kole went after Ices the ref stepped in front of King and Dookie kicked Ices low. Ices was down for almost 2 minutes as Dookie made fun of him and slapped him in. When Ices got to his feet after pulling himself up with the ropes he kicked Dookie low in front of the ref for the DQ.
* The National Title Match with Alyx Winters and Tony Givens just got started when Chris Richards and AWA Champion Brian Logan ran in and jumped Givens. Logan has had a bounty on Givens for almost two months. Hammonds and Robbie Cassidy made the save and the match was turned in to a six man.
Logan ,Winters , and Richards were DQ when they handcuffed Hammonds to the ropes, can Cassidy and went after Tony Givens leg. Beau James and his baby (Bullwhip) ran the heels off.
* Wayne Adkins [pictured] beat Ryan Dookie to win The Southern States Titles. Ref Rob Knight was knocked down Kole Layton King came in to help Dookie. Ices came in and evened things up and Adkins got a pin on Dookie.
88 paid about 100 in the building. Crown was hot all night. Matches started on time (as Always) and we got al these matches in 2 hours 20 minutes.This was SSW first card since the June Legends card.
Championship Wrestling returns to Kingsport Civic Aud. Oct 11 - 2 Cage Matches
SSW returns to Kingsport Armory Oct 25 "Celebrating Beau James' 20 Years involved in Pro Wrestling"
Credit: CW Crippler