----Corey Maclin opens the show with an interview with “Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex]. TK2 talk about how they got their belts back last week. Brian Christopher comes out. Grind says, “I hate that.” LOL Brian C says he wants a tag team title match tonight. Grind then says, “Nobody likes you!” LOL Funny stuff. Brian brings out Ali. Brian C then challenges them for the title match right now. Ali/Brian C beat TK2 for the Southern Tag Team Titles. This was a total squash of TK2 with them getting very little. Ali did a pounce on both guys for the first few spots. Brian C climbed across the ring hanging onto the set railing like monkey bars, then falling with a legdrop pinning Grind.
----Jerry Lawler and Koko Ware come out for an interview. Lawler/Koko talked about “Plowboy” Frazier. This was just a bumper for “Opening the Vault” with clips of Jerry Lawler vs Andy Kaufman. The crowd was huge that night. Jimmy Cornette was at ringside shooting photos. This footage was high quality stuff and some of the best I have seen of this angle in a long time. They also aired the Kaufman/Lawler angle from the Letterman show.
----Kevin White and Mr. White come out for an interview. Mr. White says he is not going to wrestle even though he was signed to do it. Maclin threatens him to get in the ring. Since Mr. White has been interfering in every Kevin bout, then Maclin is making him wrestle. Kevin & Garry White beat Chris Lexx/Dustin Starr. Heat on Starr. Mr. White was hilarious here. Starr finally jumped up to go after Mr. White and had him in the turnbuckle with the 10 punch spot. Ref Bill Rush went to try to keep Lexx out of the ring and Kevin got in the ring. He used a chain on Starr and Garry pinned Starr. OMG!! That was funny.
----Derrick King/Johnny Dotson interview. DK brings out Rashard Devon and tells him his services are no longer needed. So, at this point they are a babyface tag team. Triple Threat Tag Team Match: DK/Dotson beat “Naughty By Nature” [Rude/Pokerface] and the “Hurricanes” [Axx/Maxx]. Poker was trying to send Axx into the turnbuckle, but he reversed it sending Poker over the top turnbuckle to start the heat. Poker spent a lot of time with ‘Canes getting heat on him. It was good for the young guys getting some TV time. Poker finally got the hot tag jumping and tagging all three – Rude/DK/Dotson. They teamed with all four guys double dropkicking the ‘Canes out of the ring. Poker then did a dive to the outside of the ring onto both the ‘Canes. Rashard then came out and threw DK a laptop to use on Rude, but before he can use it, Dotson grabbed it from him and used it on Rude for the pin. Rashard gave them both big wads of money. King/Dotson did an interview after the match with Rashard with DK saying they might be the best tag team of all time. This match was at least 15 minutes long.
----I know Grind/Flex are team players, but what the heck?? They build these guys and then Brian C comes in and squashes them. Do not like it…National Museum of Television and Radio voted the Kaufman/Lawler Letterman angle one of the top 100 moments in TV history, which Lawler mentioned. This angle was also voted as one of the Top 25 Moments That Changed WWE History. And, yes I am a total mark for this angle, but why air this stuff in 2007??? I can’t gripe about them not giving the young guys TV time after two weeks of over 15 minutes main events…Great job on Dustin Starr’s part of taking one for the team and putting Garry White over….Maclin gets Maxx and Axx confused. How can he screw up stuff this simple???...Main event was not a great bout, but it told a real good story. ‘Canes still need work, but have come a long way since the first day I seen them. I really hope they feud Dotson/DK vs NBN…Not a great show, but they spent three quarters getting over the young talent with angles and continuing the storylines. Lawler has not worked a match the last four weeks on TV.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 9.14.07
Three TFW titles were on the line. One belt changed hands, and another changed hands TWICE!
"The Future" Chris Styles defeated LSD.
"Prime Time" Nick Grymes defeated Chris Chaos in a ladder match to win the TFW Light-Heavyweight Championship. The belt was suspended from the ceiling, and the only way to win the match was to climb a ladder and retrieve the belt. The Championship had been held up the week before by TFW Promoter Denise Blaylock due to a controversial "double pin" finish in a championship match between Chaos & Grimes.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor w/Tony "The Weasel" Watts defeated Fusion.
In TFW's first ever Riddle Box Match, Chop Top the Clown defeated Vinnie the Blade. There were four boxes in the ring, one in each corner. Two keys were at the top of poles in opposite corners. One key opened two of the boxes, the other key opened the other two boxes. Whoever opened the boxes could take out what was inside and use it in the match.
"The Perfectionist" Josh Matthews defeated Shawn Reed, who claims to have "talent on loan from God." These two have been at each other's throats for weeks, and this match was wild from the start. When Shawn eventually lost the match, he told Josh, "It's not over."
In a first blood, Fans Bring the Weapons, Hardcore match, Chazz Stone defeated Devon Raynes. The only way to win was to make your opponent bleed first. This was a wild match, where they used everything imaginable on each other. Chazz eventually made Devon bleed with barbed wire.
In a triple threat tag team match for the TFW Tag Team belts, The New Age Cowboys (Josh Holly & Chris Kilgore) retained the belts by defeating Crazy & Sexy (Curly Moe & J-Kid) w/Dirty Reel Moe and Attitude, Inc. ("Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs & Bless) w/T-Byrd. It is interesting to note that Bless was a substitute for Chris Styles, who apparently left Attitude, Inc., after a dispute with Bless the previous week. After the match, Styles and Shawn Reed, dressed in white robes, came in the back door and attacked Attitude, Inc. Tony Watts then came out and introduced them as XOW's new stars, The Southern Saints.
This set up an impromptu match between The Southern saints and Attitude, Inc. The winners were Attitude, Inc., by count out when The Southern saints turned tail and ran. This match lasted just over one minute.
In the main event, Max Steele, representing Attitude, Inc., defeated "DC" David Cross to win the TFW Heavyweight Championship. Steele was, of course, accompanied to the ring by T-Byrd. After the match, Steele & T-Byrd continued the attack on DC, giving him quite a beating. LSD came to the ring to help DC, but he was beaten down. Curly Moe & J-Kid came out to help DC, but they were also beaten down. A couple of minutes later Chris Kilgore and Josh Holly hit the ring, and Steele & T-Byrd quickly retreated. When DC had managed to get to his feet, he grabbed a mic and said that the stipulation of the match called for him to have a re-match when he wanted it, and he wanted it NOW.
Final match of the night: DC vs. Max Steele w/T-Byrd for the TFW belt. DC won the match when he pinned a distracted Max Steele in 31 seconds. DC lost the belt and won it back on the same night.
The 175 people in attendance were treated to a very good show.
Credit: http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/
"The Future" Chris Styles defeated LSD.
"Prime Time" Nick Grymes defeated Chris Chaos in a ladder match to win the TFW Light-Heavyweight Championship. The belt was suspended from the ceiling, and the only way to win the match was to climb a ladder and retrieve the belt. The Championship had been held up the week before by TFW Promoter Denise Blaylock due to a controversial "double pin" finish in a championship match between Chaos & Grimes.
Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor w/Tony "The Weasel" Watts defeated Fusion.
In TFW's first ever Riddle Box Match, Chop Top the Clown defeated Vinnie the Blade. There were four boxes in the ring, one in each corner. Two keys were at the top of poles in opposite corners. One key opened two of the boxes, the other key opened the other two boxes. Whoever opened the boxes could take out what was inside and use it in the match.
"The Perfectionist" Josh Matthews defeated Shawn Reed, who claims to have "talent on loan from God." These two have been at each other's throats for weeks, and this match was wild from the start. When Shawn eventually lost the match, he told Josh, "It's not over."
In a first blood, Fans Bring the Weapons, Hardcore match, Chazz Stone defeated Devon Raynes. The only way to win was to make your opponent bleed first. This was a wild match, where they used everything imaginable on each other. Chazz eventually made Devon bleed with barbed wire.
In a triple threat tag team match for the TFW Tag Team belts, The New Age Cowboys (Josh Holly & Chris Kilgore) retained the belts by defeating Crazy & Sexy (Curly Moe & J-Kid) w/Dirty Reel Moe and Attitude, Inc. ("Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs & Bless) w/T-Byrd. It is interesting to note that Bless was a substitute for Chris Styles, who apparently left Attitude, Inc., after a dispute with Bless the previous week. After the match, Styles and Shawn Reed, dressed in white robes, came in the back door and attacked Attitude, Inc. Tony Watts then came out and introduced them as XOW's new stars, The Southern Saints.
This set up an impromptu match between The Southern saints and Attitude, Inc. The winners were Attitude, Inc., by count out when The Southern saints turned tail and ran. This match lasted just over one minute.
In the main event, Max Steele, representing Attitude, Inc., defeated "DC" David Cross to win the TFW Heavyweight Championship. Steele was, of course, accompanied to the ring by T-Byrd. After the match, Steele & T-Byrd continued the attack on DC, giving him quite a beating. LSD came to the ring to help DC, but he was beaten down. Curly Moe & J-Kid came out to help DC, but they were also beaten down. A couple of minutes later Chris Kilgore and Josh Holly hit the ring, and Steele & T-Byrd quickly retreated. When DC had managed to get to his feet, he grabbed a mic and said that the stipulation of the match called for him to have a re-match when he wanted it, and he wanted it NOW.
Final match of the night: DC vs. Max Steele w/T-Byrd for the TFW belt. DC won the match when he pinned a distracted Max Steele in 31 seconds. DC lost the belt and won it back on the same night.
The 175 people in attendance were treated to a very good show.
Credit: http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/
The Ratings: Memphis Wrestling TV 9.08.07
----The 9.08.07 Saturday night Memphis Wrestling show did an overall 3.1 [51,542 viewers] rating. As I wrote last week, all I can think of is..well..average. The show has settled in this ratings scoring it 3 out of the last 4 weeks. The show started good, but then lost over 16,000 viewers for the 2cnd quarter and never gained them back. TK2 quarter was the first quarter, so their streak ended with gaining viewers. Brian Christopher also ended his streak [of losing viewers] by gaining viewers in his segment. Good news for Derrick King/Johnny Dotson as their 17 minute match spread over the last two quarters and they gained over 5,000 viewers to watch their match. Not a huge gain, but no one turned the TV off for such an uncharacteristic long TV bout. The show finished with over 10,000 less viewers than it started with, so yes, people turned it off as the show progressed, which is not a good thing.
-Maclin-Lawler-TK2 interview
-Kevin White/Mr. White interview
-White vs Starr
1st quarter 3.7 [61,448 viewers]
-White vs Starr [finish of match]
-Koko Interview
-Ali vs Lexx
2cnd quarter 2.7 [45,330 viewers] [-16,118 viewers]
-Brian C vs Giggles
- Dotson/DK interview
-Delta Fair clip of DK vs Dotson
-Dotson vs DK
3rd quarter 2.9 [48,856 viewers] [+3,526 viewers]
-DK vs Dotson [finish of match]
-DK/Dotson interview
4th quarter 3.0 [50,535 viewers] [+1,679 viewers[
12 Week Average: 3.1 [50,311 viewers]
12 week low – 1.8 [29,884 viewers] 6.30.07
12 week high – 4.3 [71,353 viewers] 7.28.07
Gain from Start to Finish [-10,913 viewers]
What Was Memphis Watching??
Action News 5 [1st]/Channel 3 [2cnd]News/CSI Miami [3/4] – 5.9 [99,307 viewers average]
-Maclin-Lawler-TK2 interview
-Kevin White/Mr. White interview
-White vs Starr
1st quarter 3.7 [61,448 viewers]
-White vs Starr [finish of match]
-Koko Interview
-Ali vs Lexx
2cnd quarter 2.7 [45,330 viewers] [-16,118 viewers]
-Brian C vs Giggles
- Dotson/DK interview
-Delta Fair clip of DK vs Dotson
-Dotson vs DK
3rd quarter 2.9 [48,856 viewers] [+3,526 viewers]
-DK vs Dotson [finish of match]
-DK/Dotson interview
4th quarter 3.0 [50,535 viewers] [+1,679 viewers[
12 Week Average: 3.1 [50,311 viewers]
12 week low – 1.8 [29,884 viewers] 6.30.07
12 week high – 4.3 [71,353 viewers] 7.28.07
Gain from Start to Finish [-10,913 viewers]
What Was Memphis Watching??
Action News 5 [1st]/Channel 3 [2cnd]News/CSI Miami [3/4] – 5.9 [99,307 viewers average]
Local Guys Slated for Unforgiven!!
----Derrick King, Chris Rocker and Alan Steele are all scheduled for Sunday’s WWE “Unforgiven” PPV in Memphis, TN. Apparently no one knows what their role will be, but they have been told to be there and also at the RAW TV tapings in Nashville, TN on Monday night. Congrats guys!!

Dustin Starr Web Site News!!

----I also will have some news sometimes later this week from the webmaster of Dustin's site about a feature that will be available right here on RRO from Dustin Starr!!
"Coach's Corner" with Brian Tramel
----Wow!! There were close to 800 that stopped by to watch wrestling this week at the Tennessee State Fair in Jackson, TN. You can say what you want about it being at the fair and it being included for free. There is always a “reason” that people stop by and watch wrestling. Why can’t it be that it is wrestling??
----What the crowd number tells me is that Jackson, TN can still be a hot town for wrestling if they were presented with a product that people wanted to see. No, this is not just going to be a bash at TIWF, because Memphis Wrestling can not do it either. Bill Dundee had a problem doing it at the club in Jackson. But, Dundee and Terry Golden did pull off a good crowd for a “Legends” in April of last year. Then, we have this group promoted by the Fair, Kevin White and Garry White draw so good. If you have that many people coming out to see wrestling, then why does TIWF draw in the 80s or below every week. This will give them something to thing about and maybe trying to pick better talent. Better talent means better shows means better crowds.
----What do I think of Sal’s challenge?? I ask myself that every day. As of last night he has decided to up the ante to $20,000. I mailed letters to Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler on this and they have both decided to ignore Sal. Even though this might look like Sal is trying to get his 15 minutes of fame stretched, he really is not. This is all about his redemption – about people knowing that Lawler lied about hitting him in court. The fact is that almost everyone knows that Lawler hit Sal. He hit him pretty hard. But, most of the boys, no matter what they think of Lawler, think that these sorts of things are just part of the business. Dustin Starr actually put up something this week about Sal on his site. Everything he says is how the boys see Sal in this area. Corrente will never be seen on Memphis Wrestling with a lie detector set up on Lawler/Maclin. Even though most people consider Maclin a goof, he also has one of the smartest guys in the business behind him – Jerry Lawler.
----All the local promoters in this area need to have a meeting with Kenny Valiant and pay him some money to be a consultant. I have been to a few of Valiant’s shows and they don’t have the best matches in the area, but he presents to the fans a mixture of talent. He seems to have found his niche by using some of the most over talent in the Mississippi area and giving the fans a bigger name or two. There are also a few things that Kenny is probably doing with advertising and such that he has not shared with everyone. He drew the same crowd at the show last weekend that he drew with Kamala and Jake Roberts on the last show and only Brickhouse Brown this time. This area is starved for wrestling and with the right advertising, he is drawing a crowd. Also, if you have ever worked a show for Kenny, then you know you are taken care of backstage with drinks and something to eat. Valiant has told me a few times, “it is just Kenny’s way of doing things”, well, there needs to be some more promoters doing things like that. Memphis Wrestling can’t even draw 400 with a TV show seen by 50,000 a week on an average!!
----I had the chance to watch TNA this week as I have pulled my boycott off watching other than Memphis Wrestling on TV. Karen Angle is a very beautiful woman. Kurt Angle is still the man in this business. Dustin Rhodes looks strange, but for some reason I liked the gimmick. Why do they not sue Jay Lethal?? I am being told there was some kind of agreement reached with Randy Savage. I really hope so, because it was sort of scary watching him come down the ramp. He even looks like Savage in the face. I am going to like Judas Mesias, but could they have got him to wear different colors?? Come on!! Purple and black?? No, that does not remind me of the Undertaker.
----I don’t even have the results posted from last night’s TLCW sh

A Piece of my Mind- Sept 14th 2007 "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

It appears that some people have tried to analyze my offer to Jerry Lawler and Corey Maclin and make more of it than was the intention. I want to ease everyone’s mind who feels that I am out for publicity. Please let me assure you that Memphis Wrestling is the least watched wrestling program I have ever appeared on. Secondly, in all the times that I did appear on Memphis Wrestling and various clips of me have been shown, I have never one time been recognized around Memphis or gotten anything out of it. Third, if I was some ego driven person who just had to be on television, would I risk $10,000.00 to appear on such a low rated wrestling program that primarily airs in a market I don’t even live in. Fourth, remember I wasn’t fired from Memphis Wrestling, I quit on the spot. I could have remained a part of the company. I am sure all I would have had to do was apologize to Jerry for running my face into his fist. Now let me be crystal clear, my only goal was and is to prove to everyone that Jerry Lawler is not a man of his word; that he could not support his statements under a lie detector test; and that Corey Maclin, without a doubt, could not answer a series of questions truthfully. There were other wrestlers on the card that are aware that the attack on me was premeditated. It all boils down to this they both have a lot more to lose than I am offering if the truth about this incident and other things were made public.
I have also noticed that people voting in the poll that Brian put up suggest that Jerry and Corey pass on my offer. I was quite shocked to see that the majority of the people in Memphis believe that someone should turn down a guaranteed $10,000.00 for just telling the truth. Or is it possible that everyone is already aware that Jerry has presented the facts in a very creative way. Is it possible that everyone long ago caught on to the fact that Corey Maclin just makes things up as he goes along. I will now raise my offer to $20,000.00 eliminate the need for me to appear on Memphis Wrestling. Now ask yourself why they would not take this easy money? The answer is clear and obvious ... many people may not understand this, but my credibility is at stake. I was able to put on the worlds largest wrestling convention for one reason and one reason only ... people believed in me. Now how long will the people of Western Tennessee believe in the credibility of these two men?
In recent times we have seen so many careers go down the tubes for various reasons. I thought that I might take a look back and write a little bit about Tommy “Wildfire” Rich. Like most, who lived in NY I watched WWF when I became a wrestling fan. I also bought a lot of wrestling magazines to learn more about the stars. As soon as cable tv came out I started watching Georgia Championship Wrestling. On that show you would see a young man named Tommy Rich. He didn’t have the greatest body in the world. He did have a lot of charisma and he seemed to take a terrific beating all the time. Rich got involved in feuds with people like The Masked Superstar and Austin Idol. He eventually became the World Champion though he lost the title back quickly. It didn’t matter that he lost the title he would always be a World Champion. Tommy had a feud with Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer that went on for a year not only in Georgia but extended into Ohio and other areas. The arenas were all packed week after week as this feud was known to Wrestling fans world wide. Many years later we were going to run a show in Ohio through a contact of Capt Lou Albano. The show was to be headlined by Sgt Slaughter. We got word that Slaughter had to pull out and the sponsor was so upset. At the time Sgt Slaughter was a HUGE name. Trying to find someone to replace the Sarge I remembered how hot a name Tommy Rich had been in Ohio even thought that was WWE country. We called Lou but he was reluctant to even suggest Tommy Rich to the sponsor. We told him to please trust us. Within minutes we got a call back saying that Tommy Rich was a great suggestion and the sponsor was thrilled. It wasn’t until I really got smart that I realized that Tommy had so much success for one reason and one reason only. This was a man that knew how to SELL. He was one of the best. It was even later than that when I realized if it wasn’t for his addictions Tommy Rich could have had it all. I am happy to say that, although I didn’t see a lot of it first hand. I was told of the success that the territory enjoyed lead by Tommy Rich. It has been said long ago that Ric Flair once made the statement that Tommy Rich could have been in Hulk Hogan’s spot if he hadn’t screwed it all up. True or not true? I really can’t say. What I can say is that this is the first real waste of a career that I experienced. I worked with Tommy many times over the years and always enjoyed being around him. Whenever I think of Tommy Rich the guy that had me glued to the seat, I truly wonder what could have been?
I have had many wrestling matches over the years. I have always been very cautious in picking my opponents and tag team partners due to my very limited in ring skills. All of the training that I received was book type training for the business. I had my very first match against a man named Gorgeous Gary Royal. I felt safe getting in the ring due to Gary’s reputation as a guy who could carry anyone. He was a former NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion, former Cruel Connection member and one half of the famous Gladiators team that lost to the Mulkey Bros on TBS. I wrestled Gary on many occasion’s because he had the skills to make me or anyone else look great in the ring. There have always been those people who, as they say, could work with a broomstick. Let me assure everyone Gary Royal is one of those people. His motto always sits in my head "you make it look fake and I will make them believe it". I always laugh when I think of that, but it was advice I always followed. I spoke to Gary many times about his career and we often talked about his matches about Shawn Michaels and Marty Janetty. Those two guys were getting started , they all worked in Kansas City in the Central States territory. In those days Michaels and Janetty were young kids and doing jobs for Gorgeous Gary.
When I put together the card for WrestleReunion 1 of course I was going to use Gary and I wanted to give him an opportunity to pick his opponent. He said "well if I have my choice it would be Shawn Michaels or Marty Janetty. I said well we can't get Shawn but let me see about Marty. I finally tracked down Marty, He accepted the booking, I knew he didn’t remember me from my AWA days and the matches that Shawn and he had against “Playboy” Buddy Rose and “Pretty Boy” Doug Sommers that I refereed. Well when Marty showed up at WrestleReunion 1 in Tampa he was very appreciative to have been booked on the card. At that time every indy guy wanted their name included on that wrestling card. He asked me who he was working with and I said Gary Royal. He looked at me quite stunned and said "you mean the real Gary Royal" ( he hadn’t seen or heard from Gary in years). I said "yes the 'real' Gary Royal." . He was very happy to hear that piece of news. Well the rest of the story is that Marty looked great that night and he and Gary had a great match. I am still sorry that we didn’t give them more time. I can tell you this, the feedback over that match and how great Marty looked came shortly before he was asked back to WWE. I felt a sense of accomplishment the match that I booked helped to revive a career.
In the middle of this year I ran into Shawn Michaels who thought that I looked vaguely familiar. I reminded him who I was. We were backstage at a WWE PPV in Charlotte NC in 2006. I brought up the name Gary Royal to him and he seemed very interested to hear how Gary was doing. I told him that Gary was a computer software trainer now and doing well. He is actually making almost triple what he made in his best year as wrestler. That in itself is a crime when you think of how much a guy like him worked and all the years that he was in the business. Well shortly after that Gary called me and I went over to Shawn who was in a meeting with Triple H and The Spirit Squad. Shawn looked over at me and asked "is that Gary?" I said yes it was, Shawn immediately left his meeting and took several minutes visiting on the phone with Gary. I know Gary felt good about a guy that had made it so far that used to put him over in Kansas City all these years later after becoming a huge star would take that kind of time for him.
The above picture was taken at the Yokozuna Memorial Show with my buddy Ron Simmons. It was a great night, on that night Ron and Bradshaw came to help out by wrestling The Undertaker and Kane. The show was promoted by Yoko’s uncle Afa The Wild Samoan. I just had to show up and referee again to honor my friend old friend Rodney “The Tank”. I had been in the ring with him for his first match in Cairo Egypt. I felt I really needed to be in Allentown that night, right back to where it had all started for me.
I have also noticed that people voting in the poll that Brian put up suggest that Jerry and Corey pass on my offer. I was quite shocked to see that the majority of the people in Memphis believe that someone should turn down a guaranteed $10,000.00 for just telling the truth. Or is it possible that everyone is already aware that Jerry has presented the facts in a very creative way. Is it possible that everyone long ago caught on to the fact that Corey Maclin just makes things up as he goes along. I will now raise my offer to $20,000.00 eliminate the need for me to appear on Memphis Wrestling. Now ask yourself why they would not take this easy money? The answer is clear and obvious ... many people may not understand this, but my credibility is at stake. I was able to put on the worlds largest wrestling convention for one reason and one reason only ... people believed in me. Now how long will the people of Western Tennessee believe in the credibility of these two men?
In recent times we have seen so many careers go down the tubes for various reasons. I thought that I might take a look back and write a little bit about Tommy “Wildfire” Rich. Like most, who lived in NY I watched WWF when I became a wrestling fan. I also bought a lot of wrestling magazines to learn more about the stars. As soon as cable tv came out I started watching Georgia Championship Wrestling. On that show you would see a young man named Tommy Rich. He didn’t have the greatest body in the world. He did have a lot of charisma and he seemed to take a terrific beating all the time. Rich got involved in feuds with people like The Masked Superstar and Austin Idol. He eventually became the World Champion though he lost the title back quickly. It didn’t matter that he lost the title he would always be a World Champion. Tommy had a feud with Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer that went on for a year not only in Georgia but extended into Ohio and other areas. The arenas were all packed week after week as this feud was known to Wrestling fans world wide. Many years later we were going to run a show in Ohio through a contact of Capt Lou Albano. The show was to be headlined by Sgt Slaughter. We got word that Slaughter had to pull out and the sponsor was so upset. At the time Sgt Slaughter was a HUGE name. Trying to find someone to replace the Sarge I remembered how hot a name Tommy Rich had been in Ohio even thought that was WWE country. We called Lou but he was reluctant to even suggest Tommy Rich to the sponsor. We told him to please trust us. Within minutes we got a call back saying that Tommy Rich was a great suggestion and the sponsor was thrilled. It wasn’t until I really got smart that I realized that Tommy had so much success for one reason and one reason only. This was a man that knew how to SELL. He was one of the best. It was even later than that when I realized if it wasn’t for his addictions Tommy Rich could have had it all. I am happy to say that, although I didn’t see a lot of it first hand. I was told of the success that the territory enjoyed lead by Tommy Rich. It has been said long ago that Ric Flair once made the statement that Tommy Rich could have been in Hulk Hogan’s spot if he hadn’t screwed it all up. True or not true? I really can’t say. What I can say is that this is the first real waste of a career that I experienced. I worked with Tommy many times over the years and always enjoyed being around him. Whenever I think of Tommy Rich the guy that had me glued to the seat, I truly wonder what could have been?
I have had many wrestling matches over the years. I have always been very cautious in picking my opponents and tag team partners due to my very limited in ring skills. All of the training that I received was book type training for the business. I had my very first match against a man named Gorgeous Gary Royal. I felt safe getting in the ring due to Gary’s reputation as a guy who could carry anyone. He was a former NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion, former Cruel Connection member and one half of the famous Gladiators team that lost to the Mulkey Bros on TBS. I wrestled Gary on many occasion’s because he had the skills to make me or anyone else look great in the ring. There have always been those people who, as they say, could work with a broomstick. Let me assure everyone Gary Royal is one of those people. His motto always sits in my head "you make it look fake and I will make them believe it". I always laugh when I think of that, but it was advice I always followed. I spoke to Gary many times about his career and we often talked about his matches about Shawn Michaels and Marty Janetty. Those two guys were getting started , they all worked in Kansas City in the Central States territory. In those days Michaels and Janetty were young kids and doing jobs for Gorgeous Gary.
When I put together the card for WrestleReunion 1 of course I was going to use Gary and I wanted to give him an opportunity to pick his opponent. He said "well if I have my choice it would be Shawn Michaels or Marty Janetty. I said well we can't get Shawn but let me see about Marty. I finally tracked down Marty, He accepted the booking, I knew he didn’t remember me from my AWA days and the matches that Shawn and he had against “Playboy” Buddy Rose and “Pretty Boy” Doug Sommers that I refereed. Well when Marty showed up at WrestleReunion 1 in Tampa he was very appreciative to have been booked on the card. At that time every indy guy wanted their name included on that wrestling card. He asked me who he was working with and I said Gary Royal. He looked at me quite stunned and said "you mean the real Gary Royal" ( he hadn’t seen or heard from Gary in years). I said "yes the 'real' Gary Royal." . He was very happy to hear that piece of news. Well the rest of the story is that Marty looked great that night and he and Gary had a great match. I am still sorry that we didn’t give them more time. I can tell you this, the feedback over that match and how great Marty looked came shortly before he was asked back to WWE. I felt a sense of accomplishment the match that I booked helped to revive a career.
In the middle of this year I ran into Shawn Michaels who thought that I looked vaguely familiar. I reminded him who I was. We were backstage at a WWE PPV in Charlotte NC in 2006. I brought up the name Gary Royal to him and he seemed very interested to hear how Gary was doing. I told him that Gary was a computer software trainer now and doing well. He is actually making almost triple what he made in his best year as wrestler. That in itself is a crime when you think of how much a guy like him worked and all the years that he was in the business. Well shortly after that Gary called me and I went over to Shawn who was in a meeting with Triple H and The Spirit Squad. Shawn looked over at me and asked "is that Gary?" I said yes it was, Shawn immediately left his meeting and took several minutes visiting on the phone with Gary. I know Gary felt good about a guy that had made it so far that used to put him over in Kansas City all these years later after becoming a huge star would take that kind of time for him.
The above picture was taken at the Yokozuna Memorial Show with my buddy Ron Simmons. It was a great night, on that night Ron and Bradshaw came to help out by wrestling The Undertaker and Kane. The show was promoted by Yoko’s uncle Afa The Wild Samoan. I just had to show up and referee again to honor my friend old friend Rodney “The Tank”. I had been in the ring with him for his first match in Cairo Egypt. I felt I really needed to be in Allentown that night, right back to where it had all started for me.
Friday, September 14, 2007
RassleResults: Tennessee State Fair Jackson, TN 9.13.07

Chris Rocker beat “Hurricane” Maxx...
Bill Dundee/Stan Lee beat Kevin White/Derrick King/Miss Vanna
----Around 300 in attendance for the last show. There was around 800 people that seen wrestling the last three days in Jackson.
Photo by Scotty Scruggs - Maxx, Kevin White, Axx
Site News!!
----I have a few things going on right now in my “real life” and I am trying to maximize my time. I also don’t want it to hurt the site. I am going to come to a point that I don’t have the time to post 24/7. I’m in the process of working on a few more web projects not related to wrestling. I also need to spend some time getting some new wrestling DVD done.
----I have talked this over with many of the readers. It seems it doesn’t matter if I post 12 or 4 posts a day, I am getting the same number of hits. My core has been established. I have been posting tons of stuff from various sites and commenting, because I enjoy doing that and it seems that people like reading what I got to say about wrestling. It is very time consuming though. I have decided to maybe stick with this area on posting news, results and stuff again. My contributors can post what they want. You can also see all the top wrestling stories courtesy of www.wrestlezone.com right here in the site. You may read everything that is going on in wrestling – this area and the world – by visiting my site. I will also probably refrain from commenting on every world news item unless there is something MAJOR I want to post or talk about. I will be writing a column “Coach’s Corner” to be posted on Saturday, Monday and Thursday of every week. I will be giving you my insight on the area news along with world news.
----Ok, let’s look at a few of the changes on the right side of the page. The first sets of items are the Top 10 Top Stories from the wrestling world. The last 15 posts from RRO are posted. It gives everyone an opportunity to see the latest things posted without them disappearing. Below you will see a new ARCHIVES section that will give you all the stories ever posted on this site by the month. In the show of no heat, no competition, no bs – I have added a feed of the latest news from the Wrestling News Center. Jimmy and his crew sometimes post stuff that I do not post and you might think is interesting.
----I have talked this over with many of the readers. It seems it doesn’t matter if I post 12 or 4 posts a day, I am getting the same number of hits. My core has been established. I have been posting tons of stuff from various sites and commenting, because I enjoy doing that and it seems that people like reading what I got to say about wrestling. It is very time consuming though. I have decided to maybe stick with this area on posting news, results and stuff again. My contributors can post what they want. You can also see all the top wrestling stories courtesy of www.wrestlezone.com right here in the site. You may read everything that is going on in wrestling – this area and the world – by visiting my site. I will also probably refrain from commenting on every world news item unless there is something MAJOR I want to post or talk about. I will be writing a column “Coach’s Corner” to be posted on Saturday, Monday and Thursday of every week. I will be giving you my insight on the area news along with world news.
----Ok, let’s look at a few of the changes on the right side of the page. The first sets of items are the Top 10 Top Stories from the wrestling world. The last 15 posts from RRO are posted. It gives everyone an opportunity to see the latest things posted without them disappearing. Below you will see a new ARCHIVES section that will give you all the stories ever posted on this site by the month. In the show of no heat, no competition, no bs – I have added a feed of the latest news from the Wrestling News Center. Jimmy and his crew sometimes post stuff that I do not post and you might think is interesting.
Lawler & The Quarter of Million Dollar Jukebox!!
----Jerry Lawler was the featured guest this morning on Rover's Morning Glory, which is broadcast in Memphis on 93x. He discussed his appearance tomorrow at the Cleveland Indians game, the 10 WWE suspensions, the Benoit tragedy, and the plot to break into his home. He also confirmed that at the time, there was a quarter of a million dollars locked in his jukebox, but he has since removed it from his home.Surprisingly enough, not a single mention was made of Unforgiven in Memphis.
Thanks to CB
Thanks to CB
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Shows For The Weekend 9.13 to 9.15.07
----TLCW show tomorrow night looks fun and it would be my pick for “show” of the weekend. The show in Alabama looks like some of the same as the SCW crew from last week. The USWO show in Nashville looks like fun. If I remember correctly the “Wild Boys” & Gary Valiant are good workers. Kid Kash is also there vs AM Vision.
----TONIGHT in Springfield, TN for Bert Prentice’s Nashville Wrestling group..Matt Boyce vs. Idol Stevens…Shane Williams vs. Christian Jacobs…Kelly Ross vs. Teddy Tender…Lani Kealoha vs. Steve-O…Shawn Shultz vs. Keith Knox
----TONIGHT at the Tennessee State Fair, Jackson, TN Chris Rocker, Dr. Doom, “The Hurricanes” [Axx/Maxx], Cody Melton, Tatt2, Jon Michaels, Chris Lexx, Main Event: Bill Dundee/Stan Lee vs Derrick King/Kevin White/Ms Vanna with Mr. White.
----Friday Night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Special “Friday Flatliner” 207 Washington ST Matt Foley/Dustin Starr vs “Too Cool” [Brian Christopher/Rikishi] Seth Knight, Rockin Randy, TGB Greg Anthony vs Tim Grind for TLCW Title, “Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King], Jerry Weezy,”Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker, " and much more!!!
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Fans will be chosen to frisk the Wild Boys!...Wild Boys (Ben Jordan & Steve Neely) vs Arrick Andrews & Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie)…USWO Championship Kid Kash (c) vs AM Vision…TV Title Hammerjack (c) vs TJ Harley…3-way title…Petey Wright (c) vs Josh Crowe vs Damien Payne…Tim Renesto & Cody Diemer vs LT Falk & Crazy Steve…Special Challenge Luscious Quinton Quarisma & Gigolo Jay Phoenix vs Saint & New York Gangster…Xavier Mustafa vs Michael Jablonski
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, Showstopper, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, Chris Lexx, Derrick King, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Stretch, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with “The Asylum” [Psycho/Arnez],“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Rockin’ Randy,Jon Michael, Tim Alfonso, Dell Tucker and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena in Tupelo, MS with Shawn Reed,Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Special Ed, Cassanova Kid, Chris Kaos, Hittman, T-Byrd, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, The Freakshow, The Interns, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more.Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Florence, AL at the Florence Lauderdale Coliseum bell time will be at 8:00. Rikishi, Brian Christopher, Bobby Eaton, "Bullet" Bob Armstrong, Hollywood Jimmy, Fire & Flame, Lash Leroux, "The Exotic" Adrian Street with Ms. Linda, Chris Rocker, Kevin White, Bambi, Peggy Lee, Bill "Superstar" Dundee, Pat Petera, and many more.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Jake Prentiss, Chris Chaos, OMEGA, LSD, Lady Reb, Devon Raynes,BB, Destiny, Bloodbath, Kaleb Kastle, and Vinnie the Blade. , and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, “Black Label Society” [Void, AJ Bradley, Robbie], Chris Rocker and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Moondog Rex, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Hardknox, Johnny Thunder, Billy Joe Dream, Punisher Dra Black, Azreal.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy,Acid, Michael Ward, Cody Murdoch, Morgan Lane, Chuck Daddy, and more.
----Saturday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN… SAW Heavyweight title AM Vision (c) vs TJ Harley (TV champ)…Hammerjack (w/Charming Charles) vs Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie)…Also appearing: Shane Eden, Rob C, Justin Spade, C-4 (w/Cocky Cody), J-5, et al count on other stuff
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington ST Seth Knight, Rockin Randy, TGB Greg Anthony, “Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King], Dustin Starr, Tim Grind, Jerry Weezy,”Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker, "Rhythm & Blues" [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker] and much more!!!
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell Time is 8 P.M, doors open @ 7:15 P.M.
----TONIGHT in Springfield, TN for Bert Prentice’s Nashville Wrestling group..Matt Boyce vs. Idol Stevens…Shane Williams vs. Christian Jacobs…Kelly Ross vs. Teddy Tender…Lani Kealoha vs. Steve-O…Shawn Shultz vs. Keith Knox
----TONIGHT at the Tennessee State Fair, Jackson, TN Chris Rocker, Dr. Doom, “The Hurricanes” [Axx/Maxx], Cody Melton, Tatt2, Jon Michaels, Chris Lexx, Main Event: Bill Dundee/Stan Lee vs Derrick King/Kevin White/Ms Vanna with Mr. White.
----Friday Night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Special “Friday Flatliner” 207 Washington ST Matt Foley/Dustin Starr vs “Too Cool” [Brian Christopher/Rikishi] Seth Knight, Rockin Randy, TGB Greg Anthony vs Tim Grind for TLCW Title, “Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King], Jerry Weezy,”Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker, " and much more!!!
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Fans will be chosen to frisk the Wild Boys!...Wild Boys (Ben Jordan & Steve Neely) vs Arrick Andrews & Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie)…USWO Championship Kid Kash (c) vs AM Vision…TV Title Hammerjack (c) vs TJ Harley…3-way title…Petey Wright (c) vs Josh Crowe vs Damien Payne…Tim Renesto & Cody Diemer vs LT Falk & Crazy Steve…Special Challenge Luscious Quinton Quarisma & Gigolo Jay Phoenix vs Saint & New York Gangster…Xavier Mustafa vs Michael Jablonski
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, Showstopper, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, Chris Lexx, Derrick King, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Stretch, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with “The Asylum” [Psycho/Arnez],“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Rockin’ Randy,Jon Michael, Tim Alfonso, Dell Tucker and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena in Tupelo, MS with Shawn Reed,Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Special Ed, Cassanova Kid, Chris Kaos, Hittman, T-Byrd, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, The Freakshow, The Interns, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more.Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Florence, AL at the Florence Lauderdale Coliseum bell time will be at 8:00. Rikishi, Brian Christopher, Bobby Eaton, "Bullet" Bob Armstrong, Hollywood Jimmy, Fire & Flame, Lash Leroux, "The Exotic" Adrian Street with Ms. Linda, Chris Rocker, Kevin White, Bambi, Peggy Lee, Bill "Superstar" Dundee, Pat Petera, and many more.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Jake Prentiss, Chris Chaos, OMEGA, LSD, Lady Reb, Devon Raynes,BB, Destiny, Bloodbath, Kaleb Kastle, and Vinnie the Blade. , and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, “Black Label Society” [Void, AJ Bradley, Robbie], Chris Rocker and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Moondog Rex, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Hardknox, Johnny Thunder, Billy Joe Dream, Punisher Dra Black, Azreal.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy,Acid, Michael Ward, Cody Murdoch, Morgan Lane, Chuck Daddy, and more.
----Saturday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN… SAW Heavyweight title AM Vision (c) vs TJ Harley (TV champ)…Hammerjack (w/Charming Charles) vs Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie)…Also appearing: Shane Eden, Rob C, Justin Spade, C-4 (w/Cocky Cody), J-5, et al count on other stuff
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington ST Seth Knight, Rockin Randy, TGB Greg Anthony, “Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King], Dustin Starr, Tim Grind, Jerry Weezy,”Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker, "Rhythm & Blues" [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker] and much more!!!
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell Time is 8 P.M, doors open @ 7:15 P.M.
RassleResults: Tennessee State Fair 9.12.07 - 400 In The Crowd!!
Chris Rocker over Dr. Doom
“The Hurricanes” over “Southern Sensation” Cody Melton/Tatt2.
Stan Lee over “Trendsetter” Jon Michaels
Derrick King over Chris Lexx.
Kevin White over Bill Dundee
----This was the largest crowd thus far over the past 3 years that they have worked the fair. Over 400 people watched, every seat was full and people was standing anywhere they could find a place. They spread all the way out in the midway. This was dollar night, so that explained all the wrestling fans…The Derrick King vs Chris Lexx match was good. Lexx continues to improve..The main event had Miss Vanna handcuffed to George B. 101.5 talk radio DJ. He's a big celebrity in Jackson. The sheriff was on hand to do the honors. Mr. White was at ringside , just to make sure she was treated with respect. He even offered to bribe the Sherriff for the key. 20 of Jackson's finest, the sheriff’s and his deputies was all on hand and did an outstanding job…The finish to the main event was Mr. White distracted Dundee when he had Kevin covered for the pin. Derrick King came from the Midway and gave Kevin a chain for the win. Kevin and Derrick doubles team Dundee and Stan Lee made the save to set up tonight's main event's handicap match. Miss Vanna/Kevin White/Derrick King with Mr. White vs. Stan Lee and Bill Dundee…The crowd was into every match and without a doubt was the best night they ever had at a fair show,
“The Hurricanes” over “Southern Sensation” Cody Melton/Tatt2.
Stan Lee over “Trendsetter” Jon Michaels
Derrick King over Chris Lexx.
Kevin White over Bill Dundee
----This was the largest crowd thus far over the past 3 years that they have worked the fair. Over 400 people watched, every seat was full and people was standing anywhere they could find a place. They spread all the way out in the midway. This was dollar night, so that explained all the wrestling fans…The Derrick King vs Chris Lexx match was good. Lexx continues to improve..The main event had Miss Vanna handcuffed to George B. 101.5 talk radio DJ. He's a big celebrity in Jackson. The sheriff was on hand to do the honors. Mr. White was at ringside , just to make sure she was treated with respect. He even offered to bribe the Sherriff for the key. 20 of Jackson's finest, the sheriff’s and his deputies was all on hand and did an outstanding job…The finish to the main event was Mr. White distracted Dundee when he had Kevin covered for the pin. Derrick King came from the Midway and gave Kevin a chain for the win. Kevin and Derrick doubles team Dundee and Stan Lee made the save to set up tonight's main event's handicap match. Miss Vanna/Kevin White/Derrick King with Mr. White vs. Stan Lee and Bill Dundee…The crowd was into every match and without a doubt was the best night they ever had at a fair show,
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Jimmy Hart In Memphis!!
----In addition to CM Punk and Candice Michelle's appearance at Blockbuster on Stage Rd this Saturday in Memphis, Jimmy Hart will also be appearing at Best Buy on Germantown Pkwy from 6-8pm, according to newsletter sent from wwe.com.
RassleResults: Tennessee State Fair Jackson, TN 9.11.07
----“The Hurricanes” [Ax/Max] beat Chris Lexx and “The Southern Sensation” Cody…Jon Michaels over Chris Rocker…Tatt2 over Dr. Doom…Derrick King beat Stan Lee in a good solid match. Kevin White with Miss Vanna beat Bill Dundee.
----Cody is one of Kevin White’s new students. He has talent and look for him to do well…Dr. Doom was Timmy Hine – Eddie Marlin’s ring man for years…King vs Lane was a real good solid bout…Miss Vanna is also one of Kevin’s student and I am told she looks fantastic. Look forward to seeing photos of her. Her outfit probably stole the show. In the main, after a ref bump, Miss Vanna jumped in a hit Dundee with a DDT and Kevin used a chain on Dundee for pin and win…Rain was coming down for the first night and maybe around 100 people were watching…Shows tonight and Thursday night for those in the Jackson area!!
----Cody is one of Kevin White’s new students. He has talent and look for him to do well…Dr. Doom was Timmy Hine – Eddie Marlin’s ring man for years…King vs Lane was a real good solid bout…Miss Vanna is also one of Kevin’s student and I am told she looks fantastic. Look forward to seeing photos of her. Her outfit probably stole the show. In the main, after a ref bump, Miss Vanna jumped in a hit Dundee with a DDT and Kevin used a chain on Dundee for pin and win…Rain was coming down for the first night and maybe around 100 people were watching…Shows tonight and Thursday night for those in the Jackson area!!
"Wooo, walk that aisle!!......and come get a loan at Ric Flair Finance!

One of the things the "Nature Boy" has done to prepare for an eventual life after wrestling is start his own finance company. Go check out the site below for 'Ric Flair Finance' "Home of the Figure Four Process". Perhaps if Arn leaves WWE too he can be a bill collector for Ric Flair Finance, I can just see Flair cutting a promo on someone, "If you don't have your payment in here by friday, you'll be getting a visit from the Enforcer, 'Double A' Arn Anderson pal, WOOOOOOO!"
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Cheap Heat 9/11/07 by Gene Jackson

So I decided that one thing that might help me write more is if I bring back my old 'Cheap Heat' format for at least one column a week. Since coming here I've only been posting news stories or columns devoted to one topic so when something doesn't move me to write a whole column on the subject I just don't talk about it rather than when I wrote the column at hollywoodjimmy.com where I would cover a variety of topics. So now simular to what Sal is doing (and doing well I might add) I will write a weekly (or so) 'Cheap Heat' and post news stories, results, etc. as I see fit. So I guess this is a return of sorts or the 'debut' of Cheap Heat here at rasslinriotonline, so let's get started.
Goldberg echoes the sentiments of the large marjority of wrestling fans nowadays. When asked about the possibility of going there Goldberg said they didn't "deserve" him on their roster. Well that can be taken different ways and I agree after his last run in WWE, I don't know if anyone "deserves" him on their show, even Vince. He does have a point. Despite all the talent on the roster and all the potential the show just sucks. I really want to like it but I just can't, so many things are being done wrong and not many right For instance, Kurt Angle puts Jay Lethal over clean, which is great. It should have been a huge night in the career of Jay Lethal, however they follow this up with making him look like a chump in the gauntlet match LATER IN THE SAME DAMN SHOW. Then you've got the 'Pac-Man' Jones bullshit. The Dudleys/The Steiners already shit all over the tag belts by having an angle based strictly on the noteiriety of EVERY OTHER promotion's tag belts they've ever held BESIDES TNA. Then you put the tag belts on singles guys with this convoluted bullshit with Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle, then you put the belts on a guy who the majority of the fans know is not legally allowed to wrestle. Cause if people are watching strictly for Pacman Jones then they are following all the hype and coverage of it and they know he can't actually wrestle a match, and if they don't then who gives a shit cause then they are like all the rest of us who could care less about watching an NFL thug play 'rassler' for extra income during his suspension.
Not to mention the endless parade of WWE castoffs they bring in. Vince McMahon the supposed "genius" of wrestling couldn't find a way to get Andrew Martin over since '98, his biggest claim to fame in the business is banging Stacy Keibler (not to say that's not impressive) and TNA trots him in as a main event player looking like the poster child for steroids at the worst possible time. So now he's forced to fade back into obscurity and watch his old girlfriend on whatever ABC sitcom she's guest starring on this week. Now they bring in Rikishi to do the 'stink face' crap that was played out when he left WWE, he's barely a draw on indies at this point.
But hey, Jeff Jarrett will be back soon so that should be awesome,,,,,,,,,,,, moving on.
Sure, why the hell wouldn't he be, He's got a lot going for him in his career right now and the last thing he needs is the stinch that being a "professional wrestler" has these days. Can't say I blame him for distancing himself right now but make no mistake, if the movie career ever fades away, don't think he won't go the route of the Hulkster and trot his ass out for a Wrestlemania payday a few years down the road if need be.
I know Vince is kinda in a holding patern right now waiting for the suspensions and investigations and all the bullshit to blow over but I think he has dropped the ball on a money angle that's right under his nose. Even though Cody Rhodes has a long way to go before he's truly ready to step up, the fact is they've already brought him up and put him on tv and there's a lot of potential stories to be told with him. Had it been me, with nostalgia being big business for WWE with their 24/7 channel and old school dvds raking in lots of money, instead of feeding Cody and Dusty to Orton I would have ran an angle with the McMahons/the Rhodes. Have Dusty bring Cody into the WWE to "get him in the business" and have a confrontation between Vince and Dusty where they air a lot of their past "heat" from over the years ('Virgil, the polka dots, etc) then have Vince tell Dusty that he would see to it that Cody would never make it in the wrestling business. So week after week Vince puts Cody in the ring in situations with different people trying to take him out, he doesn't always have to win, just coming back every week for more would get the crowd behind him, all the while Dusty is coaching him. Now bare in mind this wouldn't be one of those 4 weeks, pay per view, move on deals, Build this over time, Bring Flair into it, bring out his heat with Dusty and have Cody have a series of matches with him, pair them up at shows for a couple of months, that experience alone would be invaluble to his development in the ring. Then have Cody vs, Shane and you eventually build to Cody/Dusty vs. Shane/Vince and that could play out in a few different matches on pay per view.
Another direction they could have went is say Cody was the "bastard son" and start the fued that way with Dusty saying it was a lie and in the end it turns out to be a hoax by Vince to piss off Dusty or have Cody embrace it and turn heel. Anything would have been better than what they've been doing.
Hell, I guess I had more to write than I thought, but I'll save the rest for a future column. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave feedback, good or bad on the message board.
ALSO... I didn't have any pictures of me with anyone famous on my laptop so instead enjoy this picture of Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor and Peggy Lee Leather, I hope you find it as entertaining as I did.
A Piece of my Mind Sept 11th 2007 By "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

Being a full time working professional wrestler is one of the rarest opportunities in all of entertainment and sport. There are so few opportunities and so many wanting to fill them. Thus it concerns me when I see someone getting a push that may not be prime time and ready. Candice Michelle has been one of those less than ready. In fact, she was horrible when she started. I actually think horrible is being kind. In recent months, however, she has obviously put in the work and effort. As a result she has become one of the more enjoyable lady wrestlers out there today. I have to respect that kind of dedication to the business. Obviously, her looks alone would keep her around along time. But she looked beyond that and wanted to have pride in herself. She has started to work out with obvious improvement in the ring. . Hopefully she will continue to improve at the same pace. She can now be looked at as more than the GoDaddy.com girl.
Another top WWE star is Victoria. In her I see the best and toughest lady wrestler today. Unlike the days of The Fabulous Moolah when she dominated wrestling despite the fact that there were several women who, I believe, could have taken her with little problem. It is exactly the reverse with Victoria who can walk through everyone she works with. You almost have to wonder why the WWE does not takes a girl who has talent and abilities beyond her peers and make the next Fabulous Moolah out of her.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Victoria on a few occasions. She is always pleasant goes out of her way when she sees a new person. She introduces herself and says Hi I’m Lisa. If we are all honest, we judge people almost instantly. If this is true and I believe it is, the majority of people walk away from Victoria thinking positively.
In the world of TNA is it to hard to guess who is calling the shots? I have to say it sure looks to me like Vince Russo is. Doesn’t the whole Pacman Jones atrocity smell of when Vince Russo put the title on himself and the David Arquette incident? I can not get over TNA they just don’t get it. If I was TNA other than Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar or Goldberg I wouldn’t waste another dime on trying to come up with the answer in some piece of talent. There are numerous other ways to improve your product. If you want to change something about the talent, change the acrobatic impossible to build a story work style. I don’t think that TNA will ever get better until someone understands this war isn’t being lost because you have the wrong soldiers. If you want to understand TNA management go to You Tube and search for the Marx Bros. and Margaret Dumont. This will give you a clue as to what must go on during TNA management meetings.
What do you think of Hornswoggle as Vince’s son? If you’re upset with the choice you should be upset at yourself not with Vince. In fairness to Vince he is consistent; the whole angle was a joke to begin with. I find it sad that people continue to get sucked in by this guy. The WWE is a joke and they will continue to treat it as a joke as long as the fans allow it. I am starting to wonder if Vince isn’t the biggest mark of them all. He books the company for his own amusement not the pleasure of the people paying his bills. I laughed at the choice and enjoyed the end of the program for one reason and one reason only. The expectations I had were set properly. When will everyone realize what the WWE is? It is like many other cartoons, think about it many of the worlds greatest cartoons appear to be for children but they are really for adults. If you really think about Bugs Bunny and The Flintstones to name two so many of the references and situations could not possibly be understood by a child of five. So in WWE we have another cartoon for adults. So enjoy the fun and amusement that is Hornswoggle for weeks to come. Also hold close to you that fact that storyline and continuity mean nothing in WWE. So if at anytime Vince wants to change his mind and make someone else his son he can surely do it.
I am aware the buzz was that Mr. Kennedy was supposed to be announced as Vince’s son. All of that went down the tubes when Kennedy was suspended. Didn’t he look all the more foolish after going on TV and claiming he was clean as a whistle. I agree with everyone else that Mr. Kennedy has what it takes to be a superstar in this business. His climb to the top will be more determined by his conduct outside the ring than his conduct in the ring. If he continues to make the very foolish choice he made in this situation than he will be another one that could have been.
It was normal after Madison Square Garden had run for everyone to head over to the Ramada Inn at 48th and 8th. There were many funny things that happened at the bar in the hotel. It was a gathering spot for everyone. It was the place I first met Jimmy Hart. However, on this night I saw my buddy “Dr. D” David Shultz at the front desk checking in. I went over and slapped him on the back; he turned around ready to hit me, saw that it was me and stopped. I remember his exact words, Sal people get hurt that way, its ok but I am just telling you people get hurt that way. I found it to be quite strange that David would over react like that and I couldn’t understand it. It wasn’t until later that I found out what the real problem was. This was the night that will live down in history as the night John Stossel got slapped. It was understandable to me now why David was so on edge. In later years we went overseas together and this was truly a great great heel and great worker. If anyone thinks that this incident wasn’t another case of the sacrificial lamb you are fooling yourself.
You will find the picture above is me(as Friday) with Kamala this was part of the Australia tour in 1992.
Another top WWE star is Victoria. In her I see the best and toughest lady wrestler today. Unlike the days of The Fabulous Moolah when she dominated wrestling despite the fact that there were several women who, I believe, could have taken her with little problem. It is exactly the reverse with Victoria who can walk through everyone she works with. You almost have to wonder why the WWE does not takes a girl who has talent and abilities beyond her peers and make the next Fabulous Moolah out of her.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Victoria on a few occasions. She is always pleasant goes out of her way when she sees a new person. She introduces herself and says Hi I’m Lisa. If we are all honest, we judge people almost instantly. If this is true and I believe it is, the majority of people walk away from Victoria thinking positively.
In the world of TNA is it to hard to guess who is calling the shots? I have to say it sure looks to me like Vince Russo is. Doesn’t the whole Pacman Jones atrocity smell of when Vince Russo put the title on himself and the David Arquette incident? I can not get over TNA they just don’t get it. If I was TNA other than Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar or Goldberg I wouldn’t waste another dime on trying to come up with the answer in some piece of talent. There are numerous other ways to improve your product. If you want to change something about the talent, change the acrobatic impossible to build a story work style. I don’t think that TNA will ever get better until someone understands this war isn’t being lost because you have the wrong soldiers. If you want to understand TNA management go to You Tube and search for the Marx Bros. and Margaret Dumont. This will give you a clue as to what must go on during TNA management meetings.
What do you think of Hornswoggle as Vince’s son? If you’re upset with the choice you should be upset at yourself not with Vince. In fairness to Vince he is consistent; the whole angle was a joke to begin with. I find it sad that people continue to get sucked in by this guy. The WWE is a joke and they will continue to treat it as a joke as long as the fans allow it. I am starting to wonder if Vince isn’t the biggest mark of them all. He books the company for his own amusement not the pleasure of the people paying his bills. I laughed at the choice and enjoyed the end of the program for one reason and one reason only. The expectations I had were set properly. When will everyone realize what the WWE is? It is like many other cartoons, think about it many of the worlds greatest cartoons appear to be for children but they are really for adults. If you really think about Bugs Bunny and The Flintstones to name two so many of the references and situations could not possibly be understood by a child of five. So in WWE we have another cartoon for adults. So enjoy the fun and amusement that is Hornswoggle for weeks to come. Also hold close to you that fact that storyline and continuity mean nothing in WWE. So if at anytime Vince wants to change his mind and make someone else his son he can surely do it.
I am aware the buzz was that Mr. Kennedy was supposed to be announced as Vince’s son. All of that went down the tubes when Kennedy was suspended. Didn’t he look all the more foolish after going on TV and claiming he was clean as a whistle. I agree with everyone else that Mr. Kennedy has what it takes to be a superstar in this business. His climb to the top will be more determined by his conduct outside the ring than his conduct in the ring. If he continues to make the very foolish choice he made in this situation than he will be another one that could have been.
It was normal after Madison Square Garden had run for everyone to head over to the Ramada Inn at 48th and 8th. There were many funny things that happened at the bar in the hotel. It was a gathering spot for everyone. It was the place I first met Jimmy Hart. However, on this night I saw my buddy “Dr. D” David Shultz at the front desk checking in. I went over and slapped him on the back; he turned around ready to hit me, saw that it was me and stopped. I remember his exact words, Sal people get hurt that way, its ok but I am just telling you people get hurt that way. I found it to be quite strange that David would over react like that and I couldn’t understand it. It wasn’t until later that I found out what the real problem was. This was the night that will live down in history as the night John Stossel got slapped. It was understandable to me now why David was so on edge. In later years we went overseas together and this was truly a great great heel and great worker. If anyone thinks that this incident wasn’t another case of the sacrificial lamb you are fooling yourself.
You will find the picture above is me(as Friday) with Kamala this was part of the Australia tour in 1992.
Sherri Martel Autopsy Results..........by Gene Jackson

TUSCALOOSA | Homicide investigators said Monday that a toxicology report has determined “Sensational Sherri” Martel died of an accidental overdose of drugs.
Capt. Loyd Baker, commander of the Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit, said the report obtained by detectives on Monday indicated several prescription medications were found in her bloodstream.
Baker said oxycodone, a medication commonly given to cancer patients, carried the highest concentration of the medications found in the system of Martel, 49.
“Sensational Sherri,” who was found dead in June at her mother’s home in McCalla, was considered one of the first ladies of wrestling.
She was a member of the WWE Hall of Fame and an AWA and WWF championship titleholder.
Sandman Released..........by Gene Jackson

"WWE has come to terms on the release of RAW Superstar and ECW Original Sandman as of September 11. We wish him the best in all his future endeavors."
Wow, from one of the finalist in the "bastard son" lottery to out on his ass. I figured it was coming with the lawsuit involving him, but they had been using him more lately since bringing him to RAW. Oh well, look for him on IMPACT soon.
Remembering 9/11
----Everyone has their own memories of 9/11 and what it meant to them and still means to them. I was off work that day and stayed home with my wife. As the TV started airing the towers going down all I could think about was seeing my kids. And, the fear that was felt that day with the thoughts that people could invade us throughout the country is still there.
----Take a moment today to think about those people that died that day and their families that are still suffering. And for all the brave people that were there to save lives.
----Take a moment today to think about those people that died that day and their families that are still suffering. And for all the brave people that were there to save lives.
RassleResults: TLCW 9.01 & 9.08.07 - Results, Friday Night and TLCW Insider
TLCW 9.08.07
Rockin Randy/Tommy Redneck beat “Genocide” [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] for the TLCW tag titles – double color on Randy/Redneck
Triple threat match – The Savior vs Shannon Lee vs Chris Lexx – Savior left them with Lexx winning the bout.
Dustin Starr beat Tim Grind in a Captain’s Match for the main event. TGB helped Starr.
“War Games” Rules Tag Match: Tim Grind/”Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King] vs Matt Foley/”The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony/Dustin Starr
The match started with Foley/Starr vs Tim…Derrick King was next..TGB joined Foley/Starr and then Lee evened it up…In the end, TGB sit two chairs with seats facing each other and piledrove Stan with help from Foley/Starr. Lee was took out on stretcher. TGB/Starr/Foley went to do the same to Grind, but Brian Christopher’s music started and Starr ran away. Tim pinned TGB 1,2,3 for the win for his team. That is only the second time that TGB has been pinned in TLCW this year.
TLCW 9.01.07
----Last week had “The Savior” beat Christian Jacobs, which was only the second time these two had ever met in a singles match and the third time they have ever faced each other in the ring in their careers…Foley/Starr vs Tim Grind/Dell Tucker ended with TGB posting Tucker and getting the hot tag to Grind, but then just jumping him with Foley/Starr…The Posse vs Hot Topic ended in a DQ when they the Posse gave the ref their finisher. Since “Hot Topic” was their “bitches”, then the Posse consisted of Simon Reed/Lil Chris/Jerry Weezy/Rocky Randy/TGB for a 2 vs 5 match…Last week had about a 100 in the building, but only about 80 in the building this past weekend.
----Two matches for TLCW’s “Friday Flatliner” will be Rikishi/Brian C vs Foley/Starr and TLCW Title Match: TGB vs Tim Grind. They have a really good deal this weekend because they will be running two shows. If you pay $6 to get into the Friday show, then you will receive a stub and this is worth $2 off the Saturday show. So, you get to see two TLCW shows for only $10.
----I also wanted to note that I talked with a TLCW “insider” this morning and he revealed tons of stuff that they are planning to do by the end of the year. I have to kayfabe - #1 because I have no idea if any of it was true and #2: there are fans of TLCW that read this site and I would not want to ruin the angles. But, let me tell you..LOL The TLCW roster is going to get a big boost in the next few weeks with the addition of three of the best workers in areas and one of the top teams of the area. Also, on 9.22.07 TGB will have a special opponent in the main event that will for sure be a great match.
Rockin Randy/Tommy Redneck beat “Genocide” [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] for the TLCW tag titles – double color on Randy/Redneck
Triple threat match – The Savior vs Shannon Lee vs Chris Lexx – Savior left them with Lexx winning the bout.
Dustin Starr beat Tim Grind in a Captain’s Match for the main event. TGB helped Starr.
“War Games” Rules Tag Match: Tim Grind/”Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King] vs Matt Foley/”The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony/Dustin Starr
The match started with Foley/Starr vs Tim…Derrick King was next..TGB joined Foley/Starr and then Lee evened it up…In the end, TGB sit two chairs with seats facing each other and piledrove Stan with help from Foley/Starr. Lee was took out on stretcher. TGB/Starr/Foley went to do the same to Grind, but Brian Christopher’s music started and Starr ran away. Tim pinned TGB 1,2,3 for the win for his team. That is only the second time that TGB has been pinned in TLCW this year.
TLCW 9.01.07
----Last week had “The Savior” beat Christian Jacobs, which was only the second time these two had ever met in a singles match and the third time they have ever faced each other in the ring in their careers…Foley/Starr vs Tim Grind/Dell Tucker ended with TGB posting Tucker and getting the hot tag to Grind, but then just jumping him with Foley/Starr…The Posse vs Hot Topic ended in a DQ when they the Posse gave the ref their finisher. Since “Hot Topic” was their “bitches”, then the Posse consisted of Simon Reed/Lil Chris/Jerry Weezy/Rocky Randy/TGB for a 2 vs 5 match…Last week had about a 100 in the building, but only about 80 in the building this past weekend.
----Two matches for TLCW’s “Friday Flatliner” will be Rikishi/Brian C vs Foley/Starr and TLCW Title Match: TGB vs Tim Grind. They have a really good deal this weekend because they will be running two shows. If you pay $6 to get into the Friday show, then you will receive a stub and this is worth $2 off the Saturday show. So, you get to see two TLCW shows for only $10.
----I also wanted to note that I talked with a TLCW “insider” this morning and he revealed tons of stuff that they are planning to do by the end of the year. I have to kayfabe - #1 because I have no idea if any of it was true and #2: there are fans of TLCW that read this site and I would not want to ruin the angles. But, let me tell you..LOL The TLCW roster is going to get a big boost in the next few weeks with the addition of three of the best workers in areas and one of the top teams of the area. Also, on 9.22.07 TGB will have a special opponent in the main event that will for sure be a great match.
Rikishi Debuts Without Brian C Or Scotty??
----Rumors have been everywhere that "Too Cool" where headed to TNA. They may be going to introduce them later, but Scotty Too Hotty and Brian Christopher were not included in the tapings last night and looks like they have aligned him with Samoa Joe. Below is the spoilers of his introduction.
- Christian and his crew came to the ring.
They called out Matt Morgan and when he came to the ring all three jumped him. Samoa Joe made the save. Jim Cornette shows up on the big screen and announced that Junior Fatu (Rikishi) would be Cage's opponent next week.

3) Christian Cage d. Junior Fatu after interference from AJ Styles. Samoa Joe made the save. Fatu gave both Cage and Styles the Stink Face.
----Rikishi made a big impression on this area on 4.14.07 for the Dyersburg promotion NBW. They packed that building with 316 paid and a gate clost to $3,500. Rikishi helped Memphis Wrestling out the night before, when all the WWE talent were pulled. He is scheduled to be in Ripley, TN teaming with Brian Christopher for a special FRIDAY NIGHT show at TLCW.
Credit: http://www.gerweck.net/
AP: Sherri Martel Autopsy Results
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) - Tuscaloosa homicide investigators say WWE Hall of Famer Sherri Martel had multiple drugs in her system when she died, including a high amount of oxycodone.
A homicide spokesperson said her June death in McCalla was ruled an accident.
Martel, who was 49, was inducted into the World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame last year and won championship titles in the American Wrestling Association and World Wrestling Federation.
At the time of her death, Captain Loyd Baker of the Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit had said foul play isn't suspected, but that Martel didn't die of natural causes.
A homicide spokesperson said her June death in McCalla was ruled an accident.
Martel, who was 49, was inducted into the World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Fame last year and won championship titles in the American Wrestling Association and World Wrestling Federation.
At the time of her death, Captain Loyd Baker of the Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit had said foul play isn't suspected, but that Martel didn't die of natural causes.
Monday, September 10, 2007

Bastard Son Revealed..........by Gene Jackson

In what has to be the worst payoff to an angle since the "greater power" reveal several years ago, Hornswoggle a.k.a. The Little Bastard is revealed to be Vince's illegitimate son. It seems it has now become more important to swerve the "smarts" than to actually deliver something that could go somewhere. Sure this will make for some decent comedy bits backstage but all and all it's a major letdown. Another one among the many lately.
Suspensions Confirmed
----It looks like Mysterio, Orton and Batista got past this one. Booker T is not listed here, but received a 60 day suspension, but has now quit the WWE. The only name that I have posted that was not on the final list was Santino Marella.
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the confirmed WWE suspensions include Charlie Haas, Edge, Gregory Helms, John Morrison, William Regal, Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, Funaki, Chavo Guerrero and Chris Masters. It is unclear if Masters received a 30 or 60 day suspension. Masters has a lot of heat for missing the initial face to face meeting WWE had with the original ten suspended wrestlers days after the Summerslam PPV. Edge and Helms, both out of action due to injuries, will lose 30 days of their downside guarantee pay.
Credit: http://www.gerweck.net/
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the confirmed WWE suspensions include Charlie Haas, Edge, Gregory Helms, John Morrison, William Regal, Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, Funaki, Chavo Guerrero and Chris Masters. It is unclear if Masters received a 30 or 60 day suspension. Masters has a lot of heat for missing the initial face to face meeting WWE had with the original ten suspended wrestlers days after the Summerslam PPV. Edge and Helms, both out of action due to injuries, will lose 30 days of their downside guarantee pay.
Credit: http://www.gerweck.net/
Site News: Poll Results and New Poll!!
----I would like to thank all those that voted in the last poll. Thanks for being honest. That was only my third time ever doing TV, so yea I sucked. LOL 51% agreed that I sucked, 36% thought I was better than Corey, 6% thought I was average and then 5% of you thought I was worse than Corey. I thank you, but Maclin has been doing that job for years and if he was in the position I was in with Mark Tipton, he would have probably did a much better job pushing the show than me.
----Now the new poll is pretty simple. “The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente has laid out a challenge to Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler to take a lie detector test to prove that everything Lawler has said about this case is a lie. My question to you is, if you were Lawler or Maclin, would you take the test or just ignore Sal??
----BTW, Jerry Lawler and Corey Maclin were sent via mail copies of the $10,000 Challenge and letter from me explaining it. Both guys were sent my e-mail and home phone numbers. No response from either party as of the writing of this post.
----Now the new poll is pretty simple. “The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente has laid out a challenge to Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler to take a lie detector test to prove that everything Lawler has said about this case is a lie. My question to you is, if you were Lawler or Maclin, would you take the test or just ignore Sal??
----BTW, Jerry Lawler and Corey Maclin were sent via mail copies of the $10,000 Challenge and letter from me explaining it. Both guys were sent my e-mail and home phone numbers. No response from either party as of the writing of this post.
RassleBits: Rikishi & U-Gene
----Mike Johnson, http://www.pwinsider.com/, reports that former WWE Superstar Rikishi is backstage at tonight's iMPACT! tapings and is likely to make his debut. Where is Brian??
- Press Release: Integrity Bookings is pleased to announce their newest client addition: Eric Bischoff's Favorite Nephew, Nick "U-Gene" Dinsmore!
U-Gene is currently available through Integrity Bookings for autograph sessions, pro wrestling matches, and pro wrestling clinics. Fresh off of WWE TV, U-Gene is very much looking forward to meeting and greeting with fans at all kinds of great venues around the country. Events such as Wrestling Clinics can be booked as a package in conjunction with same-day live shows.
Interested parties can contact: TalentRelations@integritybookings.com for prices, packages, and additional information.
- Press Release: Integrity Bookings is pleased to announce their newest client addition: Eric Bischoff's Favorite Nephew, Nick "U-Gene" Dinsmore!
U-Gene is currently available through Integrity Bookings for autograph sessions, pro wrestling matches, and pro wrestling clinics. Fresh off of WWE TV, U-Gene is very much looking forward to meeting and greeting with fans at all kinds of great venues around the country. Events such as Wrestling Clinics can be booked as a package in conjunction with same-day live shows.
Interested parties can contact: TalentRelations@integritybookings.com for prices, packages, and additional information.
GCW Phenix City, Alabama 9.08.07
Great Championship Wrestling crowned a new Columbus City Champion last night in David Young, and narrowly escaped having a weaselly non-wrestler as their new heavyweight champion.
GCW drew a crowd of 95 (paying approximately $1300) to the Gr8 Sk8 Plex in Phenix City, Alabama for what was a highly entertaining build up for the Fred Ward Memorial. It’s a promotion that deserves far better fan support given the impressive lineup of talent, and the overall quality of the wrestling, both of which are as good as they’ve ever been. These shows have to be the best kept indie wrestling secret in the Southeast.
The Gr8 Sk8 Plex is a fine venue with two major shortcomings. I used to think the low ceiling was the main problem, but the wrestlers have learned to work around it by modifying their top rope moves. It’s the heat-killing acoustics that are proving to be more troublesome. The combination of the carpet used to cover the skating rink and the acoustic tile ceiling make for a very dead room.
(1) Randall Johnson pinned Frankie Valentine in 8:40. A surprisingly good cruiserweight opener. They worked a hard pace with good intensity, and the execution was solid all the way through. Valentine is kin to Doug Summers. Valentine did an up and over into a reverse roll up. But Johnson took over with a double flying knee to the back. The body of the match saw Johnson stay on Valentine’s back with a camel clutch. One of the middle turnbuckles came completely apart along the way, but they didn’t miss a beat. Johnson used a Cena-like modified fisherman suplex for a near fall. Valentine hit an electric chair drop and it was both men down. Valentine ducked a punch and caught Johnson with a drop toehold. Nice. Valentine’s offense looked good on the comeback. He smoked Johnson with a blockbuster and flashed an electric clipper to the crowd. Johnson surprised Valentine with a roll up to score the pin. Referee Steve Miller failed to see Valentine’s foot in the ropes. According to the ringside regulars, the hair cut deal came out of nowhere. It struck me as odd to have the babyface introduce the gimmick and get beat because of it.
Johnny Swinger was accompanied to the ring by Quentin Michaels and his tag team partner for the evening, GCW Senior Official Scrappy McGowan. Seeing Scrappy as a swaggering heel was worth the price of admission. Before insulting him and kicking him out of the ring as per usual, Michaels mentioned that ring announcer Billy Roper became a grandfather on 9/6. Michaels said GCW Heavyweight Champion Scotty Beach was a whiner and Bull Buchanan was “an ungrateful bald moron.” The self-proclaimed “Boston Brawler” said he and McGowan were going to give Beach such a wicked beatdown that he would be easing picking for the winner of the Battle Royal, and that would be Swinger. Swinger pointed out that the restraining order Michaels Inc. took out on Buchanan extended to the battle royal, so Buchanan couldn’t lay a hand on Swinger’s gorgeous, beautiful body. “You’re looking at the next champion.”
(2) The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas) beat John Bogie & A. J. Steele to retain the GCW Tag Team Titles in 16:47. The Naturals were unadvertised. I don’t get GCW’s concept of promoting shows to the ticket buying public. Bogie started for the babyface side. This was a lot slower paced than the first match. Chase stalled. He chickened out of facing Steele. Douglas was less than thrilled about taking the tag. Naturals sold big for Steele’s power. Chase landed a low dropkick to Steele’s knee. Naturals were relentless on the knee. Figure four by Douglas. Single leg crab by Chase. Chase missed with a moonsault to set up the hot tag. Fans popped for Bogie’s “80’s guy” Miami Vice entrance more than they did for his offense. There’s a reason for that. Bogie hit a swinging neckbreaker on Douglas and Stevens saved. Naturals pinned Bogie after the Natural Disaster.
Naturals were confronted by Bad Company (David Young & Chris Stevens). Stevens said there was no way on God’s green earth that Naturals could beat them two out of three falls at the Ward Memorial show.
(3) Deathrow (with Thug Rowe) decimated Tex Monroe in 2:12. Monroe is doing a throwback cowboy gimmick. Thug was getting Michael Vick dogfight heat. Dude looks the part. Death’s stuff was quite convincing. He used a double underhook suplex and wouldn’t allow the pin. Death then hit a press slam into a Samoan drop. Death’s has a sweet finisher, something like a side slam version of a tiger bomb.
(4) David Young pinned Shaun Banks (with Cru Jones) to win the Columbus Heavyweight Title in 15:18. While the intros were in process, Death chased after the Intern, who was in a full sprint. Banks tried a sneak attack, but Young knocked that glistening, gold grill right out of his mouth. Banks is a great bumper and all-around grade A heel . Young said he heard gays kept in good shape and asked how long Jones and Banks had been a couple. Fans questioned the legality of Jones’ physique. He said he could pass all the tests. Young’s dominance culminated in a gorilla press slam. Banks got the advantage and hit a Rude Awakening. He followed up with a double jump slingshot legdrop for a near fall. Banks cranked on Young’s neck. He got an assist from part of the ceiling on a top rope leg drop. Young kicked out. Banks pregnant doged about it and got rolled up for near fall. After sustaining more damage to the neck, Young came back with a super duper spinning enzuigiri. Banks bumped like crazy for Young’s comeback. Jones jumped up on the apron and grabbed Young. But Banks hit you know who, and Young planted him with his patented spinebuster for the clean win. Good match.
Banks was in anguish about losing his title. Young led the crowd in a “Crybaby” chant. Banks cried them a river. Young said the world title was next on his agenda. Banks went off on Jones.
Roper directed the fans’ attention to the big screen for the airing of brief promos by each of the participants in the number one contender’s battle royal.
(5) Quentin Michaels & Scrappy McGowan defeated Scotty Beach in a no DQ match to win the GCW Heavyweight Title (or so it appeared) in 4:40 after a humongous assist from Swinger. Michaels said Beach never defended his title and he wanted it to be a title match. Beach said OK. Michaels then requested a no DQ stipulation. Beach OKed that as well, but he never got on the mic. Beach called McGowan an old-timer. McGowan retreated. Beach used a bionic elbow and gave McGowan the Beach Balls, which is a double legdrop onto the cash prizes. Beating up an old man isn’t what I would call a smooth babyface move. McGowan tagged out. Michaels busted out the Crane stance. That cracked Beach up. He wasn’t alone. No sooner did Beach get his hands around Michaels’ scrawny neck than Swinger cracked him across the back with a steel chair. Swinger destroyed Beach’s back with three more chair shots. Michaels then covered Beach for the three count. Beach is a weak heavyweight champion to begin with and booking like this sure doesn’t help his cause.
What happened next was one of those surreal moments that are uniquely GCW, where the bizarre twists of reality are more fascinating than any wrestling fiction. As Quentin Michaels attempted to hoist the title belt up in celebration, he managed to whack his forehead with it and bust himself open the hard way. Not a little knick either. This was a gusher. Michaels was transported to a local ER for treatment.
Commissioner Bo Oates (in a suit!) entered the ring and said Beach was still the champ because he didn’t authorize a title defense.
Oates ran down the card for the Fred Ward Memorial on 9/29 (see NOTES below). Oates finished by announcing a Weasel Suit match with a member of Michaels Inc. vs. Scotty Beach. With that, McGowan hit the ring and KOed Oates. Some smart ass fans said Bo got waxed. (A while back, Bo cut a promo in which he made reference to the fact that Jerry Oates, his father and the former owner/promoter of GCW, was buffing floors for a living.)
(6) Johnny Swinger won a 20 man Battle Royale to become the number one contender for the GCW Heavyweight Title in 20:25. This was an old style battle royal. With 20 guys milling around and no room to work, the first half was drudgery. Rumble style (otherwise known as the Bill Behrens special) is way better for minimizing the cluster effect and getting over undercard storylines. The Intern was in a full blown panic and did a disappearing act a few minutes into the match. Devin Cutter and Michael Vendetta were eliminated before the seven minute mark. Buchanan started tossing guys out left and right – Mason Cutter, Johnson, Banks and Jones (a cause for more dissension) Monroe, Orion Bishop, Valentine, Thug Rowe, Steele and Bogie – a string of 10 eliminations in a row. Bad Company and Naturals went out together at 14:45 and continued to fight. That got a pop. Deathrow traded with Buchanan. Death was looking pretty sloppy here. Buchanan eliminated Death, and it was down to Swinger and Buchanan. Swinger reminded Buchanan about the TRO. He said an arrest would put Buchanan in the big house for 30 days, and Swinger would be facing the likes of a Tex Monroe in the cage at the Fred Ward show. “You really think this would be my first night in jail? I ain’t exactly GQ material,” said Buchanan. Buchanan said he was going to hold off because nothing he could do tonight would compare to what he was going to do to Swinger in the cage. Buchanan promised somebody would bleed and take a trip to the hospital (somebody other than Michaels). Swinger saw to it that Buchanan stepped over the top rope to eliminate himself. The Intern crawled out from underneath the ring and hit Swinger from behind. Swinger teased going over the top but managed to hang on. Swinger then dumped the Intern for the win.
NOTES: GCW returns on 9/15 with Beach vs. Swinger for the GCW Title, Young vs. Banks in a rematch for the Columbus Championship, and Steele vs. Thug Rowe…Tickets are now on sale for the 9/29 Fred Ward Memorial. The lineup is as follows: Swinger vs. Buchanan in the six sides of steel, Bad Company vs. The Naturals for the tag team titles in a 2 out 3 falls match, Johnson faces Valentine in a hair vs. hair match, Beach vs. a member of Michaels Inc. in a Weasel Suit match, Death Row vs. A. J. Steele in a Electric Chair match (All I could think of was Abdullah the Butcher being “electrocuted” by Cactus Jack in that awful WCW Chamber of Horrors match)…Last night’s show was taped with a two camera shoot. GCW’s long-awaited return to local television will become a reality in the near future, station and time TBA.
GCW drew a crowd of 95 (paying approximately $1300) to the Gr8 Sk8 Plex in Phenix City, Alabama for what was a highly entertaining build up for the Fred Ward Memorial. It’s a promotion that deserves far better fan support given the impressive lineup of talent, and the overall quality of the wrestling, both of which are as good as they’ve ever been. These shows have to be the best kept indie wrestling secret in the Southeast.
The Gr8 Sk8 Plex is a fine venue with two major shortcomings. I used to think the low ceiling was the main problem, but the wrestlers have learned to work around it by modifying their top rope moves. It’s the heat-killing acoustics that are proving to be more troublesome. The combination of the carpet used to cover the skating rink and the acoustic tile ceiling make for a very dead room.
(1) Randall Johnson pinned Frankie Valentine in 8:40. A surprisingly good cruiserweight opener. They worked a hard pace with good intensity, and the execution was solid all the way through. Valentine is kin to Doug Summers. Valentine did an up and over into a reverse roll up. But Johnson took over with a double flying knee to the back. The body of the match saw Johnson stay on Valentine’s back with a camel clutch. One of the middle turnbuckles came completely apart along the way, but they didn’t miss a beat. Johnson used a Cena-like modified fisherman suplex for a near fall. Valentine hit an electric chair drop and it was both men down. Valentine ducked a punch and caught Johnson with a drop toehold. Nice. Valentine’s offense looked good on the comeback. He smoked Johnson with a blockbuster and flashed an electric clipper to the crowd. Johnson surprised Valentine with a roll up to score the pin. Referee Steve Miller failed to see Valentine’s foot in the ropes. According to the ringside regulars, the hair cut deal came out of nowhere. It struck me as odd to have the babyface introduce the gimmick and get beat because of it.
Johnny Swinger was accompanied to the ring by Quentin Michaels and his tag team partner for the evening, GCW Senior Official Scrappy McGowan. Seeing Scrappy as a swaggering heel was worth the price of admission. Before insulting him and kicking him out of the ring as per usual, Michaels mentioned that ring announcer Billy Roper became a grandfather on 9/6. Michaels said GCW Heavyweight Champion Scotty Beach was a whiner and Bull Buchanan was “an ungrateful bald moron.” The self-proclaimed “Boston Brawler” said he and McGowan were going to give Beach such a wicked beatdown that he would be easing picking for the winner of the Battle Royal, and that would be Swinger. Swinger pointed out that the restraining order Michaels Inc. took out on Buchanan extended to the battle royal, so Buchanan couldn’t lay a hand on Swinger’s gorgeous, beautiful body. “You’re looking at the next champion.”
(2) The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas) beat John Bogie & A. J. Steele to retain the GCW Tag Team Titles in 16:47. The Naturals were unadvertised. I don’t get GCW’s concept of promoting shows to the ticket buying public. Bogie started for the babyface side. This was a lot slower paced than the first match. Chase stalled. He chickened out of facing Steele. Douglas was less than thrilled about taking the tag. Naturals sold big for Steele’s power. Chase landed a low dropkick to Steele’s knee. Naturals were relentless on the knee. Figure four by Douglas. Single leg crab by Chase. Chase missed with a moonsault to set up the hot tag. Fans popped for Bogie’s “80’s guy” Miami Vice entrance more than they did for his offense. There’s a reason for that. Bogie hit a swinging neckbreaker on Douglas and Stevens saved. Naturals pinned Bogie after the Natural Disaster.
Naturals were confronted by Bad Company (David Young & Chris Stevens). Stevens said there was no way on God’s green earth that Naturals could beat them two out of three falls at the Ward Memorial show.
(3) Deathrow (with Thug Rowe) decimated Tex Monroe in 2:12. Monroe is doing a throwback cowboy gimmick. Thug was getting Michael Vick dogfight heat. Dude looks the part. Death’s stuff was quite convincing. He used a double underhook suplex and wouldn’t allow the pin. Death then hit a press slam into a Samoan drop. Death’s has a sweet finisher, something like a side slam version of a tiger bomb.
(4) David Young pinned Shaun Banks (with Cru Jones) to win the Columbus Heavyweight Title in 15:18. While the intros were in process, Death chased after the Intern, who was in a full sprint. Banks tried a sneak attack, but Young knocked that glistening, gold grill right out of his mouth. Banks is a great bumper and all-around grade A heel . Young said he heard gays kept in good shape and asked how long Jones and Banks had been a couple. Fans questioned the legality of Jones’ physique. He said he could pass all the tests. Young’s dominance culminated in a gorilla press slam. Banks got the advantage and hit a Rude Awakening. He followed up with a double jump slingshot legdrop for a near fall. Banks cranked on Young’s neck. He got an assist from part of the ceiling on a top rope leg drop. Young kicked out. Banks pregnant doged about it and got rolled up for near fall. After sustaining more damage to the neck, Young came back with a super duper spinning enzuigiri. Banks bumped like crazy for Young’s comeback. Jones jumped up on the apron and grabbed Young. But Banks hit you know who, and Young planted him with his patented spinebuster for the clean win. Good match.
Banks was in anguish about losing his title. Young led the crowd in a “Crybaby” chant. Banks cried them a river. Young said the world title was next on his agenda. Banks went off on Jones.
Roper directed the fans’ attention to the big screen for the airing of brief promos by each of the participants in the number one contender’s battle royal.
(5) Quentin Michaels & Scrappy McGowan defeated Scotty Beach in a no DQ match to win the GCW Heavyweight Title (or so it appeared) in 4:40 after a humongous assist from Swinger. Michaels said Beach never defended his title and he wanted it to be a title match. Beach said OK. Michaels then requested a no DQ stipulation. Beach OKed that as well, but he never got on the mic. Beach called McGowan an old-timer. McGowan retreated. Beach used a bionic elbow and gave McGowan the Beach Balls, which is a double legdrop onto the cash prizes. Beating up an old man isn’t what I would call a smooth babyface move. McGowan tagged out. Michaels busted out the Crane stance. That cracked Beach up. He wasn’t alone. No sooner did Beach get his hands around Michaels’ scrawny neck than Swinger cracked him across the back with a steel chair. Swinger destroyed Beach’s back with three more chair shots. Michaels then covered Beach for the three count. Beach is a weak heavyweight champion to begin with and booking like this sure doesn’t help his cause.
What happened next was one of those surreal moments that are uniquely GCW, where the bizarre twists of reality are more fascinating than any wrestling fiction. As Quentin Michaels attempted to hoist the title belt up in celebration, he managed to whack his forehead with it and bust himself open the hard way. Not a little knick either. This was a gusher. Michaels was transported to a local ER for treatment.
Commissioner Bo Oates (in a suit!) entered the ring and said Beach was still the champ because he didn’t authorize a title defense.
Oates ran down the card for the Fred Ward Memorial on 9/29 (see NOTES below). Oates finished by announcing a Weasel Suit match with a member of Michaels Inc. vs. Scotty Beach. With that, McGowan hit the ring and KOed Oates. Some smart ass fans said Bo got waxed. (A while back, Bo cut a promo in which he made reference to the fact that Jerry Oates, his father and the former owner/promoter of GCW, was buffing floors for a living.)
(6) Johnny Swinger won a 20 man Battle Royale to become the number one contender for the GCW Heavyweight Title in 20:25. This was an old style battle royal. With 20 guys milling around and no room to work, the first half was drudgery. Rumble style (otherwise known as the Bill Behrens special) is way better for minimizing the cluster effect and getting over undercard storylines. The Intern was in a full blown panic and did a disappearing act a few minutes into the match. Devin Cutter and Michael Vendetta were eliminated before the seven minute mark. Buchanan started tossing guys out left and right – Mason Cutter, Johnson, Banks and Jones (a cause for more dissension) Monroe, Orion Bishop, Valentine, Thug Rowe, Steele and Bogie – a string of 10 eliminations in a row. Bad Company and Naturals went out together at 14:45 and continued to fight. That got a pop. Deathrow traded with Buchanan. Death was looking pretty sloppy here. Buchanan eliminated Death, and it was down to Swinger and Buchanan. Swinger reminded Buchanan about the TRO. He said an arrest would put Buchanan in the big house for 30 days, and Swinger would be facing the likes of a Tex Monroe in the cage at the Fred Ward show. “You really think this would be my first night in jail? I ain’t exactly GQ material,” said Buchanan. Buchanan said he was going to hold off because nothing he could do tonight would compare to what he was going to do to Swinger in the cage. Buchanan promised somebody would bleed and take a trip to the hospital (somebody other than Michaels). Swinger saw to it that Buchanan stepped over the top rope to eliminate himself. The Intern crawled out from underneath the ring and hit Swinger from behind. Swinger teased going over the top but managed to hang on. Swinger then dumped the Intern for the win.
NOTES: GCW returns on 9/15 with Beach vs. Swinger for the GCW Title, Young vs. Banks in a rematch for the Columbus Championship, and Steele vs. Thug Rowe…Tickets are now on sale for the 9/29 Fred Ward Memorial. The lineup is as follows: Swinger vs. Buchanan in the six sides of steel, Bad Company vs. The Naturals for the tag team titles in a 2 out 3 falls match, Johnson faces Valentine in a hair vs. hair match, Beach vs. a member of Michaels Inc. in a Weasel Suit match, Death Row vs. A. J. Steele in a Electric Chair match (All I could think of was Abdullah the Butcher being “electrocuted” by Cactus Jack in that awful WCW Chamber of Horrors match)…Last night’s show was taped with a two camera shoot. GCW’s long-awaited return to local television will become a reality in the near future, station and time TBA.
My lack of participation....... by Gene Jackson
I just wanted to let everyone know (well, those who care at least) that I'm sorry for my lack of participation here lately and wanted to explain what's up. After five years at my company(my real job) I finally broke the glass ceiling so to speak and got a promotion that resulted in a substantial pay increase (about double what I was making before) but also a lot more hours and a lot more headaches and I just haven't had ANY free time to devote to the site or watching any wrestling for that matter. It's gonna be pretty busy for a while with the holiday season coming up so bear with me. I know most don't care but there's about 3 people out there that enjoy my writing and they keep asking me when I'm gonna get with it. The other big problem is wrestling is so fucked up right now there's not much to write about. Sure you can beat the dead horse with all the steroid/drug issues going on in WWE but there are a thousand sites on the net you can read that shit at without hearing my take on it. Locally, things aren't too exciting right now either, Memphis Wrestling is sooo bad right now to bash it is almost like picking on a retarded kid on the playground, it's not even fun they suck to the point it's not even worth writing about. But I promise I will contribute more to the site real soon, so to the three Gene Jackson fans out there, take that gun out of your mouth, I'll be back soon. For those of you who were glad I was gone (and I'm guessing that's a lot) sorry to bust your bubble, the fat boy is still here. I hope I'm not coming off to arrogant....oh wait that's someone else's line.
RassleBits: PPV and TV Tapings
----It was announced last night at TNA’s “No Surrender” that starting on October 4th that the TNA TV show would expand to a 2-hour format. The show will air from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Spike TV in the Memphis area. This is good news for TNA, because they will have more time to work on storylines and such. It would have been so fun if they had went head to head on Monday nights with RAW!! Lol
----I heard rumors all yesterday that Ric Flair or Booker T would show up at the PPV last night, but they were just that – rumors. Pro Wrestling’s Unplugged Champion, 2 Cold Scorpio was backstage. I look for TNA to add like 2 Cold, Sabu and others to the crew when they go two hours.
----They taped Smackdown and the only thing of interest seems to be no Rey Mysterio there live?? Mysterio’s name has been on the list, but many expected him to not be suspended, because he was scheduled to be in the Triple Threat with Great Kahli/Batista at “Unforgiven.”
----It was announced last night at TNA’s “No Surrender” that starting on October 4th that the TNA TV show would expand to a 2-hour format. The show will air from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Spike TV in the Memphis area. This is good news for TNA, because they will have more time to work on storylines and such. It would have been so fun if they had went head to head on Monday nights with RAW!! Lol
----I heard rumors all yesterday that Ric Flair or Booker T would show up at the PPV last night, but they were just that – rumors. Pro Wrestling’s Unplugged Champion, 2 Cold Scorpio was backstage. I look for TNA to add like 2 Cold, Sabu and others to the crew when they go two hours.
----They taped Smackdown and the only thing of interest seems to be no Rey Mysterio there live?? Mysterio’s name has been on the list, but many expected him to not be suspended, because he was scheduled to be in the Triple Threat with Great Kahli/Batista at “Unforgiven.”
Real Pro Wrestling Is Done
----I was told this news early yesterday, but was told to keep my mouth shut until it was officially announced. This was reported by Axeman over at Jimmy's site. Since Axeman did work for RPW, then I am sure the "cat is out of the bag." officially now.
----Brody Hawk has decided to shut down the Ercu, MS promotion Real Pro Wrestling. Saturday night's show had a low crowd of around 30 and it seem to be the last straw. Brody commented that he was "tired of losing money and spending all week on the phone lining up wrestlers that do not show up."
----XOW moved in April of this year from New Albany, MS to Ecru, MS running weekly shows up to the July 7, 2007 show. Hawk announced to the fans that night it would be the last XOW show in the building. This was after his high profile breakup with XOW promoter Tony Watts. Hawk told the fans that debuting on 8.04.07 would be Real Pro Wrestling. XOW had an average of 70 people in the building from April to end of July in Ecru, MS with their biggest crowd being the 7.07.07 benefit show that had over 100 people watching the Psycho/Pappy vs Neil Taylor/Izzy Rotten main event.
----RPW's debut was flawed before it started. The myspace account had stated that they were going to present a more adult oriented product with cussing and "wardrobe malfunctions should be encouraged, not discouraged." The promotion later back peddled a bit on that and tried to smooth things over saying it was just going to be different. The problem was - it was not different. RPW had it's biggest crowd for the debut with about 75 in the building and fans got to see the same show that XOW had been running in the building for months.
----After the 8.11.07 show which had less than 40 people in the building I wrote, "I wish the best for the crew, but the damage may not be able to be repaired. It might be time to pull up the tent and take it to another town." After that show Scott Porteau [Mike Jones] left RPW, which left Brody Hawk having to foot the full bill. Along with talent leaving, talent booked other places, bad press on the internet and Tony Watts' statement about their concession stand, all of it combined was too much for Hawk to handle.
----Best wishes to Brody & Cody Hawk and family on their future adventures in pro wrestling. Best wishes to the crew that stuck behind Brody during all of this.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Cade/Murdoch Win Belts Back!!
----As I had expected, http://www.wwe.com/ is reporting that Lane Cade/Trevor Murdoch won the belts back.
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – Raw had new World Tag Team Champions ... for a little while, anyway.
During WWE’s tour in South Africa, Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch for the gold at the t
our's first stop in Cape Town.
Unfortunately, the title reign didn’t last very long for the high-flying duo. On the final night of the tour in Joberg, the Redneck Wrecking Crew emerged victorious in a rematch and reclaimed titles.
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – Raw had new World Tag Team Champions ... for a little while, anyway.
During WWE’s tour in South Africa, Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch for the gold at the t

Unfortunately, the title reign didn’t last very long for the high-flying duo. On the final night of the tour in Joberg, the Redneck Wrecking Crew emerged victorious in a rematch and reclaimed titles.
RassleResults: SCW Tuscaloosa, AL 9.07 - 9.08.07
Friday Night - 9.07.07
Reno Diamond won over Blalock The Blazer
Jon Steel over Jack Lord
Bambi over on Peggy Lee
Fire and Flame beat Brad & Bob Armstrong
Adrian Street beat Bull Buchanan
The Posse vs Neil Taylor and Chris Rocker Referee threw out the match - they set up a strap match for the next night.
Buff Bagwell beat Pat Petera
Saturday Night results - 9.08.07
Eric Jones over One Man Kru
Lash LeRoux beat Bulldog Raines
The Brad & Bob Armstrong beat Fire and Flame ( They tore Hollywood clothes off in the middle of the ring after the match)
The Exotic Adrian Street w/ Ms. Linda & Reno Diamond beat Jack Lord & Blalock The Blazer The match had action from start to finish
Bambi beat Peggy Lee Loser of the match eats dog food but Peggy Lee refused and Bambi opens the can and pours in in her mouth.
The Posse beat Neil Taylor and Chris Rocker in a strap match I heard this match was one of the best matches of the night. They said that Chris Rocker and Neil got a beating from the fans with belts.
Buff Bagwell beat Jon Steel w/ Hollywood
----These results where from http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/. They had about 150 posted and the 2nd night had about 200. $1,600 and $2,200 respectively were close to the the gates...As Axeman said, it is good to see Bulldog Raines' name on an event...These shows were booked by Hollywood Jimmy.
Reno Diamond won over Blalock The Blazer
Jon Steel over Jack Lord
Bambi over on Peggy Lee
Fire and Flame beat Brad & Bob Armstrong
Adrian Street beat Bull Buchanan
The Posse vs Neil Taylor and Chris Rocker Referee threw out the match - they set up a strap match for the next night.
Buff Bagwell beat Pat Petera
Saturday Night results - 9.08.07
Eric Jones over One Man Kru
Lash LeRoux beat Bulldog Raines
The Brad & Bob Armstrong beat Fire and Flame ( They tore Hollywood clothes off in the middle of the ring after the match)
The Exotic Adrian Street w/ Ms. Linda & Reno Diamond beat Jack Lord & Blalock The Blazer The match had action from start to finish
Bambi beat Peggy Lee Loser of the match eats dog food but Peggy Lee refused and Bambi opens the can and pours in in her mouth.
The Posse beat Neil Taylor and Chris Rocker in a strap match I heard this match was one of the best matches of the night. They said that Chris Rocker and Neil got a beating from the fans with belts.
Buff Bagwell beat Jon Steel w/ Hollywood
----These results where from http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/. They had about 150 posted and the 2nd night had about 200. $1,600 and $2,200 respectively were close to the the gates...As Axeman said, it is good to see Bulldog Raines' name on an event...These shows were booked by Hollywood Jimmy.
Booker T Quits WWE! by Gene Jackson

In the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer reports that Robert Huffman (King Booker; Booker T) quit WWE when he was told that he was to be suspended for 60 days, as a punishment to the Signature Pharmacy bust. He was believed to have failed a Wellness Program test before, hence the 60 days suspension instead of 30.
While WWE is still trying to negotiate Huffman's staying with them, they're going on under the impression that he's done. The two sides had been having troubles recently, with a major setback being John Laurinaitis' call to go with Florida for a developmental territory - where WWE would start from scratch - instead of going with Booker's already established PWA, which WWE had been loaning wrestlers to. After they made the call to stop that, Booker went to his friends at TNA and booked them for his shows instead, which didn't sit so well with anyone backstage, but they couldn't say much having pulled WWE talent from PWA.
Booker is pretty much set financially and has wanted out of wrestling for a while. At the age of 42, he's accomplished a lot, and thanks to his hip hop store doing well in Houston, and his two wrestling schools up and running, there's really no need for him to stick around.
Credit: The Wrestling Observer/Dave Meltzer
RassleResults: NBW. Dyersburg, TN. 9.8.07
Jackhammer defeated Bonecrusher when Damage Inc. interfered
Void defeated The Sicilian Kid
Co-Commissioner Allen Walker & Tank came to the ring. Walker gave Tank the night off so he could recover his eye in time for Legacy.
"Real Deal" Tim Edwards came out as he was declared the interim co-commissioner in Jimmy Tidwell's absence. Edwards made Tank to commentary for the night and continued to set up matches for the night with Walker.
Crazy Train was called out by Walker and was given a last chance title opportunity against Edwards.
J.R. Manson called out Jeremy Moore telling him that he wanted him in the ring one more time because of what he did to him last week.(cut some of his hair).
Moore agreed only if it was a Hair vs Hair match at Legacy. Edwards agreed to the match and Walker and Edwards shook hands.
Walker told Manson to hang around for a moment because he needed to talk to him and sent the rest of Damage Inc. on their way. Walker told Manson that he was tired of him, and he knows the people are tired of him. Walker told Manson that he had a special match for him to make sure that he was ready for Legacy. Out come Kilo.
"Southern Outlaw" Kilo defeated "Pure Sex" J.R. Manson after Manson hit Kilo with a low blow in front of the ref. after the match Mark Justice ran in behind Kilo and nailed him 4 times with his cowboy boot leaving Kilo out in the middle of the ring. Security, referees and even Auburn(Kilo's wife) tried to help him to the back but Kilo refused and was determined to walk on his own.
"Hott Boy" John "Biscuit" Roberts defeated Baron Malkavain, "Pretty Sexy" Gaylon Ray & High Risk Champion Lil' Tim Alfonzo in a non title 4 Corners match when he pinned Alfonzo after a "Rude Awakening".
after the match Baron chased Alfonzo out of the building
NBW Heavyweight Champion "Real Deal" Tim Edwards defeated "Proud Warrior" Crazy Train to retain the title.
Crazy Train had Edwards caught in the "Cherokee Crossface" and Edwards was tapping again but the referee was distracted by Gaylon Ray on the outside. Crazy Train knocked Manson and Ray off the aprons and turned around into Edwards' REDRUM and was pinned.
"The Enforcer" Mark Justice defeated "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore by DQ in a "Fans Participation Strap Match" after Kilo interfered.
Kilo took off Justice' boot and left him laying this time. Allen Walker, Jeremy Moore, Rob Thomspon and Tank ran in to pull Kilo off of Justice as Gaylon Ray, J.R. Manson & John Roberts all tried to pull Justice out of the ring. Walker decided to let Kilo go and give Justice a taste of his own medicine so they kept the rest of Damage Inc. out of the ring. Walker told Tank and Thompson to get Justice out the ring, so as they were picking him up, Kilo delivered a superkick to Justice leaving him laying and Kilo standing over his body to end the show.
Notes: Crowd of around 50 with a gate close to $300.
Damage Inc. is the name of Tidwells group and consists of "Real Deal" Tim Edwards, "The Enforcer" Mark Justice, "Pretty Sexy" Gaylon Ray, "Pure Sex" J.R. Manson & "Hott Boy" John Roberts.
John Roberts is the "Illegitimate Nephew" of "Ravishing" Rick Rude. He does the same kind of entrance with the flashy robe, the whole "cut the music" deal to Rude's old music, the catchphrase about "Dyersburg Sweathogs", the whole bit and is over as a heel big time.
Malkavain's entrance is one of collest around with him coming out of a casket.
Alfonzo is scared of Baron because he keeps trying to bite him.
The title match between Edwards & Crazy Train was Trains last chance as long as Edwards holds the title.
During intermission, Mark Justice came from the back and grabbed Auburn Thunder, drug her in the ring and proceeded to spank her with a belt until the faces who were in the crowd made the save.
The strap match with Moore & Justice had about 20 fans around the ring that paid $3 a belt. Justice was thrown from the ring several times and had blood blisters coming up on his back as well as numerous welts and bruises. Moore was hit with a belt a few times by some heel fans as well.
Biggest pop of the night had to be for Kilo when he ran out and attacked Justice during the main event.
Full card for Legacy will be up this week. check out http://www.newbloodwrestling.net/ for the latest updates.
Void defeated The Sicilian Kid
Co-Commissioner Allen Walker & Tank came to the ring. Walker gave Tank the night off so he could recover his eye in time for Legacy.
"Real Deal" Tim Edwards came out as he was declared the interim co-commissioner in Jimmy Tidwell's absence. Edwards made Tank to commentary for the night and continued to set up matches for the night with Walker.
Crazy Train was called out by Walker and was given a last chance title opportunity against Edwards.
J.R. Manson called out Jeremy Moore telling him that he wanted him in the ring one more time because of what he did to him last week.(cut some of his hair).
Moore agreed only if it was a Hair vs Hair match at Legacy. Edwards agreed to the match and Walker and Edwards shook hands.
Walker told Manson to hang around for a moment because he needed to talk to him and sent the rest of Damage Inc. on their way. Walker told Manson that he was tired of him, and he knows the people are tired of him. Walker told Manson that he had a special match for him to make sure that he was ready for Legacy. Out come Kilo.
"Southern Outlaw" Kilo defeated "Pure Sex" J.R. Manson after Manson hit Kilo with a low blow in front of the ref. after the match Mark Justice ran in behind Kilo and nailed him 4 times with his cowboy boot leaving Kilo out in the middle of the ring. Security, referees and even Auburn(Kilo's wife) tried to help him to the back but Kilo refused and was determined to walk on his own.
"Hott Boy" John "Biscuit" Roberts defeated Baron Malkavain, "Pretty Sexy" Gaylon Ray & High Risk Champion Lil' Tim Alfonzo in a non title 4 Corners match when he pinned Alfonzo after a "Rude Awakening".
after the match Baron chased Alfonzo out of the building
NBW Heavyweight Champion "Real Deal" Tim Edwards defeated "Proud Warrior" Crazy Train to retain the title.
Crazy Train had Edwards caught in the "Cherokee Crossface" and Edwards was tapping again but the referee was distracted by Gaylon Ray on the outside. Crazy Train knocked Manson and Ray off the aprons and turned around into Edwards' REDRUM and was pinned.
"The Enforcer" Mark Justice defeated "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore by DQ in a "Fans Participation Strap Match" after Kilo interfered.
Kilo took off Justice' boot and left him laying this time. Allen Walker, Jeremy Moore, Rob Thomspon and Tank ran in to pull Kilo off of Justice as Gaylon Ray, J.R. Manson & John Roberts all tried to pull Justice out of the ring. Walker decided to let Kilo go and give Justice a taste of his own medicine so they kept the rest of Damage Inc. out of the ring. Walker told Tank and Thompson to get Justice out the ring, so as they were picking him up, Kilo delivered a superkick to Justice leaving him laying and Kilo standing over his body to end the show.
Notes: Crowd of around 50 with a gate close to $300.
Damage Inc. is the name of Tidwells group and consists of "Real Deal" Tim Edwards, "The Enforcer" Mark Justice, "Pretty Sexy" Gaylon Ray, "Pure Sex" J.R. Manson & "Hott Boy" John Roberts.
John Roberts is the "Illegitimate Nephew" of "Ravishing" Rick Rude. He does the same kind of entrance with the flashy robe, the whole "cut the music" deal to Rude's old music, the catchphrase about "Dyersburg Sweathogs", the whole bit and is over as a heel big time.
Malkavain's entrance is one of collest around with him coming out of a casket.
Alfonzo is scared of Baron because he keeps trying to bite him.
The title match between Edwards & Crazy Train was Trains last chance as long as Edwards holds the title.
During intermission, Mark Justice came from the back and grabbed Auburn Thunder, drug her in the ring and proceeded to spank her with a belt until the faces who were in the crowd made the save.
The strap match with Moore & Justice had about 20 fans around the ring that paid $3 a belt. Justice was thrown from the ring several times and had blood blisters coming up on his back as well as numerous welts and bruises. Moore was hit with a belt a few times by some heel fans as well.
Biggest pop of the night had to be for Kilo when he ran out and attacked Justice during the main event.
Full card for Legacy will be up this week. check out http://www.newbloodwrestling.net/ for the latest updates.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 9.08.07
Opening the show was Kid Krazy against Justin the Juice Smart, but since our Commissioner was out, Brian Edwards proclaimed himself acting Commissioner and changed the match from Justin to Austin Lane so that Austin could have a warm up match for the Main Event. Despite outside interference of the Entourage, Nikki tried to throw a gimmick to Austin but Portia Perez snuck in and removed it from the ring, so Nikki and Portia get into it which brings out a whole slew of people including Jazz and Redd Dogg[Rodney Mack].
While Austin was distracted Kid Krazy rolled him up and got the win.
Aaron then came out and declared to all the there was a new Commissioner, none other than JOHNNY HARPER. Johnny then informed Austin and Nikki that they were now a part of the Mixed Tag Main Event scheduled for later in the show.
Our second match featured Justin "the Juice Smart" vs. Cujo winning with a sit down power bomb.
Third match was a triple threat tag team title match featuring Morgan Lane and Xcalibur as the "American Degenerates", Zack & Timmy Hanson, and the Tag Team Title Holders the “Crazed Country Rebels”[Cody Murduch/Wild Bill] . Confusion reigned for most of the match with CCR retaining the titles with a double roll up on the AD's when the Entourage made an appearance distracting the referee and the Hansons.
The Semi-Main Event featured "The Irish Dragon" Scott Fury and Chuck Daddy, with the ASWF belt on the line. Chuck Daddy put up a valiant fight for the title, with Scott Fury keeping the title when Chuck Daddy wanted to do a double bull dog, but Scott reversed it and finished Chuck Daddy off.
Our main event was outstanding...it was a TRIPLE MIXED TAG MATCH featuring JAZZ & REDD DOGG [Rodney Mack], Portia Perez & Zack Storm, and Austin Lane & Nikki. A scary moment happened during the introductions when Austin pushed a LOYAL ASWF fan away from ringside into his seat. Austin claims that "Bobby" the fan put his hands on him and wanted him ejected from the building. Security quickly got the real information, and because Austin did this, Commissioner Harper declared in order to make this up to our fan he would be made a standby referee in case John Wayne, the referee for the match, was unable to count a pin fall, then Bobby could step in as referee and count the pin fall. Nikki was first in the ring with Jazz, but chicken that she is, she tagged Portia in and quickly went to her corner. Jazz and Portia stood looking at each other and Nikki tried to rush them and got a double hip toss that put her on the floor. The crowd went wild. Portia then tagged Nikki back in and then Austin tagged himself in by tagging Nikki on the back. Austin jumps in the ring with that grin on his face and Jazz quickly got the crowd wanting Redd Dogg in the ring with Austin. Redd Dogg and Austin face off with several good exchanges. Zack Storm was tagged in and Austin did a number on his left knee. Zack tagged Redd and Austin continued to go after Zack's knee. Everyone was out of the ring except Jazz and Nikki and Nikki attacked Jazz from behind, but Jazz got the upper hand and did a sit down power bomb on Nikki and had her pinned, but no referee in the ring. Bobby jumped just as the Commissioner told him too and counted the pin, causing Jazz and Redd Dogg to win.
----130 in the building...Aaron Polston sent in these results that were posted on http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/ and he stated, "It was an absolutely AMAZING night of wrestling in Tuckerman, AR."...As of the Wednesday I was told that they had not cleared everything yet with Jazz/Redd Dogg, but I am glad it worked out for them.

Aaron then came out and declared to all the there was a new Commissioner, none other than JOHNNY HARPER. Johnny then informed Austin and Nikki that they were now a part of the Mixed Tag Main Event scheduled for later in the show.
Our second match featured Justin "the Juice Smart" vs. Cujo winning with a sit down power bomb.
Third match was a triple threat tag team title match featuring Morgan Lane and Xcalibur as the "American Degenerates", Zack & Timmy Hanson, and the Tag Team Title Holders the “Crazed Country Rebels”[Cody Murduch/Wild Bill] . Confusion reigned for most of the match with CCR retaining the titles with a double roll up on the AD's when the Entourage made an appearance distracting the referee and the Hansons.
The Semi-Main Event featured "The Irish Dragon" Scott Fury and Chuck Daddy, with the ASWF belt on the line. Chuck Daddy put up a valiant fight for the title, with Scott Fury keeping the title when Chuck Daddy wanted to do a double bull dog, but Scott reversed it and finished Chuck Daddy off.
Our main event was outstanding...it was a TRIPLE MIXED TAG MATCH featuring JAZZ & REDD DOGG [Rodney Mack], Portia Perez & Zack Storm, and Austin Lane & Nikki. A scary moment happened during the introductions when Austin pushed a LOYAL ASWF fan away from ringside into his seat. Austin claims that "Bobby" the fan put his hands on him and wanted him ejected from the building. Security quickly got the real information, and because Austin did this, Commissioner Harper declared in order to make this up to our fan he would be made a standby referee in case John Wayne, the referee for the match, was unable to count a pin fall, then Bobby could step in as referee and count the pin fall. Nikki was first in the ring with Jazz, but chicken that she is, she tagged Portia in and quickly went to her corner. Jazz and Portia stood looking at each other and Nikki tried to rush them and got a double hip toss that put her on the floor. The crowd went wild. Portia then tagged Nikki back in and then Austin tagged himself in by tagging Nikki on the back. Austin jumps in the ring with that grin on his face and Jazz quickly got the crowd wanting Redd Dogg in the ring with Austin. Redd Dogg and Austin face off with several good exchanges. Zack Storm was tagged in and Austin did a number on his left knee. Zack tagged Redd and Austin continued to go after Zack's knee. Everyone was out of the ring except Jazz and Nikki and Nikki attacked Jazz from behind, but Jazz got the upper hand and did a sit down power bomb on Nikki and had her pinned, but no referee in the ring. Bobby jumped just as the Commissioner told him too and counted the pin, causing Jazz and Redd Dogg to win.
----130 in the building...Aaron Polston sent in these results that were posted on http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/ and he stated, "It was an absolutely AMAZING night of wrestling in Tuckerman, AR."...As of the Wednesday I was told that they had not cleared everything yet with Jazz/Redd Dogg, but I am glad it worked out for them.
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