Well as suspected the "haters" and "workers" under fake names are posting shit about the Neil Taylor interview over at the hollywoodjimmy board. Here's all I have to say about it, one time only and then I'm done.
#1- Someone said that we "couldn't take what Trent Van Drisse said". I have no idea how Neil feels about it, I haven't talked to him since the interview but I had no problem with anything Trent said. Neil doesn't have a wealth of knowledge about old school wrestlers or TNA wrestlers. He'll tell you that, he did in the interview that's where it came from. Now whether he "has no interest in learning", Only Neil could respond to that but I had no problem with it and I said so on that board, I was just glad to hear some feedback and criticism for once that was based on something besides the usual bullshit you read on Jimmy's board. PLUS, the man posted his name along with his opinion, so that is respectable whether you agree with him or not.
#2- 'Jack Johnson' wrote this: "face it Neil,Gene,Leslie are all nothing but fat ass never done nothing,never been anywhere,never going anywhere loud mouth backstabbing troublemakers. They all love the fact we are talkingh about there worthless asses.Neil cant wrestle,Gene sits on his fat ass at home stirring the pot on the internet and Leslie plays a horrible fat Elvis except for the fat part so none of the 3 of them are worth waisting time over."
Ok, so if all that's true then why the fuck are you losers sitting here posting about it. If Neil is a nobody that can't wrestle and I'm a fat ass shit stirrer why are you taking the time to listen to us??? Neil's interview had the most live listeners of any interview I've done including Derrick King's. There were 50 people who sat in front of there computers that night to listen to a "fat ass that's never done nothing, never been anywhere, never going anywhere etc." talk for TWO FUCKING HOURS. He's a nobody but your gonna spend 2 hours listening to him, and then take the time to put it over on a message board and yes that's all your doing is putting it over. Everytime you post a few more people get curious and download it. Thank you for that, thank you very much. So far there were 50 people who listened live and it's been downloaded over 200 times (and steadily climbing) The same gutless, jealous pieces of shit, who are posting this under names like "Vince" "Jack Johnson", and the like will never sell 250 tickets to see their ass "wrestle" on the one show they can get on so they hate on people who don't have to stay in one place cause no one else will use them. You are all pathetic and I appreciate the fact that you always put over everything I do and create interest for me.
Thank you and fuck you.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
RassleResults: USWO "December to Remember" Nashville, TN 12.14.07
Justin Spade b JC Crowe
Xavier Mustafa (w/Lisa Fayzon) b Damien Payne by countout when Payne takes a big boot from Mustafa and just leaves the ring area

New York Gangster b Boy
Mark Anthony b Michael Jablonski
Tim Renesto b Cousin Jason X in a fan lumberjack match
USWO Tag Champs Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix b Eric Star & Jeremy Travis when Phoenix pinned Star, who Quarisma had hit in the head with a can of air freshener
Kid Kash won a #1 contender battle royal and will get a title match with USWO Champion Chris Michaels next Friday
----90 with gate close to $950...Promoter Tony Falk also announced that Quarisma & Phoenix will defend their titles next Friday against Ricky Morton & LT Falk (who was absent tonight)
Xavier Mustafa (w/Lisa Fayzon) b Damien Payne by countout when Payne takes a big boot from Mustafa and just leaves the ring area

New York Gangster b Boy
Mark Anthony b Michael Jablonski
Tim Renesto b Cousin Jason X in a fan lumberjack match
USWO Tag Champs Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix b Eric Star & Jeremy Travis when Phoenix pinned Star, who Quarisma had hit in the head with a can of air freshener
Kid Kash won a #1 contender battle royal and will get a title match with USWO Champion Chris Michaels next Friday
----90 with gate close to $950...Promoter Tony Falk also announced that Quarisma & Phoenix will defend their titles next Friday against Ricky Morton & LT Falk (who was absent tonight)
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Piece of my Mind Dec 14th, 2007 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

It is no secret that I am no longer a fan of Corey Maclin and how he runs his promotion or better yet how he lets Jerry Lawler run it for him. However, at the same time what’s right is what’s right, I wish everyone thought the same way but they don’t. I do not believe for one minute that Hulk or Big Show was not paid in a way that was acceptable to them for the Fed Ex Forum show. I interacted with The Big Show that evening and he seemed totally fine. I have heard not one peep about Hulk not being paid and I am 100% sure that by now I would have heard if he was unhappy. I know for a fact that Hulk asked Paul Wight to come in after Lawler pulled out on the Fed Ex Forum show. I know that Corey covered all of Paul Wight’s first class plane tickets and hotel accommodations as he should have. These are things that no one thinks about but when Lawler pulled out it drastically changed Corey Maclin’s costs for running the event. I have been backstage at many WWE events of course they are very well produced but they also come with a large staff. I have been backstage at TNA which also has a large staff. I can tell you this that at the Fed Ex Forum the production team was Jimmy Hart, Colin Bowman David Penzer and I. I have run many large events before and I can tell you that this one was run as well as any of them for the limited amount of staff available you couldn’t ask for more. I was extremely impressed with Colin and Dave Penzer and their backstage abilities. If anyone is unaware Jimmy Hart is one of those guys that can pull a show together and make sure all loose ends are tied up. It is for that reason he became such a big part of WrestleReunion and we started what will most certainly bee a life long friendship. I do not know what caused Bubba “The Love Sponge” to make the comments he made about Corey Maclin but for my opinion to change I would need proof the accusations that Bubba made about Corey are true. If anyone out there is thinking logically do you really think that Hulk’s legal team wouldn’t be all over Corey by now if he got stiffed on money? I am sure it would be a lot easier to sue Corey Maclin in Memphis then it is to press charges against Jerry Lawler in Tunica. If anyone wants to accuse Corey or anyone else of something you should be sure it’s factual first and tell us why you’re making the claims your making. It is irresponsible to make these types of accusations against someone especially if you’re not the most credible person yourself
I guess things are back to normal after all my kind words about RAW and even Stephanie comes word that she really blasted Dave Kapoor a.k.a. Ranjin Singh for some sort of inappropriate behavior (breaking kayfabe) during an in ring segment. I can tell you this that there is no kayfabe to break in WWE in regards to the product. If there is any kayfabe at all it is regarding things like full disclosure on how things like the drug policy are administered. Her father took kayfabe and threw it away in one swoop. On top of that how about all of the cute little comments made by Triple H during the opening segment of the show who determines what’s ok and what isn’t? When do you decide and what does the talent use as a guide? The arrogance in which this incident was described on Stephanie’s part is unacceptable. If she is interested in history at all she should look back at her company’s history. In the days of her grand fathers WWWF talent that was making a living didn’t just walk away from the business. In her fathers day it happened very rarely. In today’s environment several stars have been willing to walk away. I am not saying this guy is a star or even a necessary piece of the puzzle. What I will say is that her arrogance and belligerent attitude toward WWE employees is just one of the things that will help her rapidly flush the company down the toilet if it is turned over to her. It is a skill to manage people today and Stephanie’s skill are not limited they appear to be nonexistent.
FLASHBACK: I was attending an NWA television taping at the Philadelphia Civic Center and as always I had my referee gear with me. I was lucky that on this night that Tommy Young the top NWA official was not booked. In Pennsylvania the Athletic Commission assigned referee’s but the NWA didn’t have faith in the Commission referee’s so I got my big chance to impress J.J. Dillon, Dusty Rhodes and Jim Crockett Jr. I was told that I would do the first hour and the Commission referee’s would do the second hour. Well when the first hour was over I was told I would do the second hour as well. The Commission referees did all the dark matches which were actually the main event type matches but non televised of course. In one match we had a six man tag where Flair, Arn and Tully were in a six man tag team match. It was then that J.J. checked on how tired I was and told me that I should get with him later that he had more bookings for me. Those bookings were Great American Bashes and from there I became an NWA regular north of Charlotte. I also got to referee a televised Dusty Rhodes and Bobby Eaton T.V. title match in a steel cage. It was a great break for me and it led me to making some good money. I can say that Jim Crockett always paid me well. I owed my opportunity that night to several factors including being Nikita’s buddy but once that door is opened for you. It’s all up to you so if that chance comes your way for what ever the reason be ready to perform and show why you were someone that they should have given a chance to.
In this picture its Jimmy Hart and Carmen Electra with me. We were hanging out at the studio on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. I love California and was glad that I got the chance to hang with Jimmy out there.
This has been a piece of my mind
By “The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente
Poll Results and New Poll!!!
----The visitors of this site voted that Ric Flair and Jerry Lawler still got it and should continue to wrestler. Bill Dundee was voted to retire. I totally disagree with the visitors here. I think all three guys could benefit a promotion whether in or out of the ring. That Flair vs Orton bout made me think that Flair needed to retire. Dundee has better bouts with Kevin White than that. These three guys are legends though and should have a spot on shows.
Bill Dundee Retire 77%
Bill Dundee Still Got it 16%
Ric Flair Retire 33%
Ric Flair Still Got it 52%
Jerry Lawler Retire 28%
Jerry Lawler Still Got it 63%
----As I have talked about in the past, there are other sites that are giving awards. There are three guys listed as Wrestler of The Year that have not been mentioned for that award on this site. Do these three guys deserve a nomination for this award?? You may vote for more than one choice.
Bill Dundee Retire 77%
Bill Dundee Still Got it 16%
Ric Flair Retire 33%
Ric Flair Still Got it 52%
Jerry Lawler Retire 28%
Jerry Lawler Still Got it 63%
----As I have talked about in the past, there are other sites that are giving awards. There are three guys listed as Wrestler of The Year that have not been mentioned for that award on this site. Do these three guys deserve a nomination for this award?? You may vote for more than one choice.
Dustin On Ice!!!
Photo by Kenneth Coker
Cheap Heat Match of the Week- 12/14/07
Here's the match that was mentioned on Tuesday during my interview with Cabana Man Dan. Here is CMD taking on "Lightning" Mike Quakenbush for the IWA Deep South Heavyweight Championship. The matches is in 2 parts. Check it out.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Corey Maclin - Promoter of The Year!!

All Pro Big Crowd!!!
----This past Friday night’s All Pro Productions show was one of the biggest shows of the year and I don’t have results of the show. If anyone can help, please drop me a line. If you were on the show – send me the result of your match. I need these results for the Yearbook 2007. I also would like results of the Grenada show, so if you worked both shows, then just pass it along.
All Pro Productions, Carthage, MS 12.07.07
Gate: $4450 Attendance: 800+
All Pro Productions, Grenada, MS 12.08.07
Gate: $1,200 Attendance: 200+
----All Pro’s next big show is Christmas night in Kosciusko, MS for “Super Christmas Chaos” @ 6:00 PM with Xzander Raines with Mr. Ebony vs Jayme Justice, Kid J/Chris Kilgore vs Lil Devil/JD McKay with Mr. Ebony,”Southern Saints” [Chris Style/Shane Matthews] vs The Assassins [not Fire/Flame], Hardcore Match: Psycho vs Candyman, Jamie & Bill Dundee vs Brandon Barbwire/Anton LeVeigh, CJ Cash/Buff Bagwell vs Tony Dabbs/Diamond Studd and more.
All Pro Productions, Carthage, MS 12.07.07
Gate: $4450 Attendance: 800+
All Pro Productions, Grenada, MS 12.08.07
Gate: $1,200 Attendance: 200+
----All Pro’s next big show is Christmas night in Kosciusko, MS for “Super Christmas Chaos” @ 6:00 PM with Xzander Raines with Mr. Ebony vs Jayme Justice, Kid J/Chris Kilgore vs Lil Devil/JD McKay with Mr. Ebony,”Southern Saints” [Chris Style/Shane Matthews] vs The Assassins [not Fire/Flame], Hardcore Match: Psycho vs Candyman, Jamie & Bill Dundee vs Brandon Barbwire/Anton LeVeigh, CJ Cash/Buff Bagwell vs Tony Dabbs/Diamond Studd and more.
"Coach's Corner" By Brian Tramel
----It has been a while since the last “Coach’s Corner”, so I thought it was time to start pissing people off again. LOL I am hard at work at the Yearbook 2007, which I announced earlier today. That has taken up a lot of my free time. I also was sick over a week and spent that weekend in the hospital. My energy level has just returned to normal, so maybe I can churn out one or two of these a week. I officially will be doing a column on Thursdays, but might chime in on other days also. Michael Humphreys has taken over my Monday slot. I still have Sal slated for two days and Gene writes whenever the hell he wants to write. LOL
----Speaking of Gene, I would like to commend him on a job well done with Cheap Heat Radio. This is an idea that Gene and I toyed with for months which included the RasslePod interviews. Gene has more guests than he knows what to do with right now, so I wish him that success for months to come. Derrick King interview was first class and tonight is the Neil Taylor interview, which should be interesting as Taylor has worked all over this area. I am looking forward to the 21st show “Old School vs New School ” as it will feature Ken Wayne, Anton Leveigh, Stan Lee, Dustin Starr and more.
----So, TNA is not interested in Chris Masters. Wow, that was surprising, but thumbs up to them. If they did hire Masters, then it would be sending the wrong message to all the industry. It is ok to cheat and do roids, because I can then be hired by TNA. Masters apparently has a huge asking price [$2,000] right now and IMHO he is not worth it. I think a guy like Buff Bagwell sells as many tickets in this area as Masters would. U-Gene is also a good one that I would use and I am sure his price is not as high as Masters.
----Speaking of Masters and roids, the consensus that I am getting is that the WWE is serious at this point about testing positive. It is not good to test positive especially if you are going to OVW. If you are in for a tryout then you might bulk up a bit and then slack off if you are going to get a call. Something I was not aware of until recently is that WWE only uses urine tests. Talk to anyone that might smoke pot or do a few pain pills – there are ways of getting drugs out of your kidneys, so that you will test negative. Many online stores sell kits, so you can test clean. The only thing about the WWE is that they test random and you might test positive. If you test positive the first time, then it is time to clean up your act for the next test. Many within the WWE feel that upper management does want everyone clean right now, but within the next year or so, it will be back to every man for himself. My only advice would be to do anything you do – do it safe. I am not 100% against performance enhancing drugs and such. It is just the mix of other drugs that usually lead to early deaths.
----You know what would probably happen if directors David Lynch and John Waters decided to make a movie?? It would be called “Southland Tales.” This is the ne
w movie starring “The Rock” Dewayne Johnson. Huh?? You haven’t heard of it?? Well, it debuted a few weeks back with no trailers being aired and no promotion whatsoever. Why?? Critics and fans pretty much panned this flick before even got released. It was first seen last May at the Cannes Film Festival and no one liked it. I am not one to always agree with the critics, but this movie is really hard to watch. It has a great cast of with The Rock, Seann William Scott, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Justin Timberlake, John Larroquette, Mandy Moore and more. The Rock is good in parts, but is really bad in other parts – his worse performance to date. This is proof that you can have a good crew of workers and not put on a good show.
----Speaking of Gene, I would like to commend him on a job well done with Cheap Heat Radio. This is an idea that Gene and I toyed with for months which included the RasslePod interviews. Gene has more guests than he knows what to do with right now, so I wish him that success for months to come. Derrick King interview was first class and tonight is the Neil Taylor interview, which should be interesting as Taylor has worked all over this area. I am looking forward to the 21st show “Old School vs New School ” as it will feature Ken Wayne, Anton Leveigh, Stan Lee, Dustin Starr and more.
----So, TNA is not interested in Chris Masters. Wow, that was surprising, but thumbs up to them. If they did hire Masters, then it would be sending the wrong message to all the industry. It is ok to cheat and do roids, because I can then be hired by TNA. Masters apparently has a huge asking price [$2,000] right now and IMHO he is not worth it. I think a guy like Buff Bagwell sells as many tickets in this area as Masters would. U-Gene is also a good one that I would use and I am sure his price is not as high as Masters.
----Speaking of Masters and roids, the consensus that I am getting is that the WWE is serious at this point about testing positive. It is not good to test positive especially if you are going to OVW. If you are in for a tryout then you might bulk up a bit and then slack off if you are going to get a call. Something I was not aware of until recently is that WWE only uses urine tests. Talk to anyone that might smoke pot or do a few pain pills – there are ways of getting drugs out of your kidneys, so that you will test negative. Many online stores sell kits, so you can test clean. The only thing about the WWE is that they test random and you might test positive. If you test positive the first time, then it is time to clean up your act for the next test. Many within the WWE feel that upper management does want everyone clean right now, but within the next year or so, it will be back to every man for himself. My only advice would be to do anything you do – do it safe. I am not 100% against performance enhancing drugs and such. It is just the mix of other drugs that usually lead to early deaths.
----You know what would probably happen if directors David Lynch and John Waters decided to make a movie?? It would be called “Southland Tales.” This is the ne

Don't forget tonight!!! Special Cheap Heat Radio!

Don't forget tonight at 10:30pm is the special Shoot Interview with Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor on Cheap Heat Radio! He has promised to shoot on everything from local dressing room politics, to Memphis Rasslin, Corey Maclin, what he thought about Derrick King's comments about him during his shoot interview, and much more! Neil says he will hold NOTHING BACK. Call in and live and ask him a question, comment, or defend yourself. The number to call is (347) 838-8101! Listen live at the website http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cheapheat Can't call in, shoot me an email before the show with your question at genejackson@charter.net Or leave a message in the chat room during the show.
DownSouth Championship Wrestling McGehee, AR 12.08.07
----Austin Lane came out to challenge anyone – Hollywood Chuck [use to be high school football Coach at McGehee] came out and beat Lane in
like 1 minute. After the match, Lane challenged for someone else to come out – Kid Krazzy came out. Lane used tights after crossbody with help from Cujo to beat Krazzy. After the match, Lane and Cujo beat up Krazzy – Scott Fury made save. Match made for later in the night.
----Blazing Star beat Chuck Fears….Kevin Douglas beat Suicide Kid …Jazz beat Nikki Lane by pinfall – Lane was special ref - Nikki/Austin were going to use powder and backfired with Jazz winning…Lane/Cujo beat Krazzy/Fury by pinfall…Rodney Mack beat Jon Heidenreich by DQ – after about 8 minutes, Fears/Lane/Cujo jumped Mack – all faces made save!!
----Crowd was in the 450 to 500 range with gate close to $2,000…The show was run by Rodney Mack/Jazz. They are looking at doing another show in Magahee in two months.

----Blazing Star beat Chuck Fears….Kevin Douglas beat Suicide Kid …Jazz beat Nikki Lane by pinfall – Lane was special ref - Nikki/Austin were going to use powder and backfired with Jazz winning…Lane/Cujo beat Krazzy/Fury by pinfall…Rodney Mack beat Jon Heidenreich by DQ – after about 8 minutes, Fears/Lane/Cujo jumped Mack – all faces made save!!
----Crowd was in the 450 to 500 range with gate close to $2,000…The show was run by Rodney Mack/Jazz. They are looking at doing another show in Magahee in two months.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 12.01.07
----I was holding onto these results because I thought I would be getting this past week's results and double up like I did with LAW. But...LOL...It looks like I will double up with 12.08 and 12.15.07 results next week. The following event was promoted as "Immortal".
----Ray Ray beat Seth Saber/Justin Smart #1 Contender X Title…SFT beat Mr. Olympia by submission in a “pure wrestling” match…Cody Murdoch beat Wild Bill in Texas Bullrope match – double juice…ASWF Tag Team Title Match: Scotty Fury/Acid vs “New Danger Zone”Johnny Harper/John Elison – No Contest…6 Person Intergender Match: Jazz/Degenerates [X-Kalibur/Morgan Lane] beat Nikki Lane/”Prime Time Playboys” [Zane Richards/Tommy Wayne]…Fatal Four Way - #1 Contender: Rodney Mack beat Mac Daddy/Casino Kid/Cujo to become #1 contender…Match of Immortality: ASWF Title Match: Austin Lane beat Chuck Fears & Jerry Lynn.
----Over 200 in attendance with a gate in the $1,600 range…Main event had a bunch of crazy moves - Lynn did the guillotine legdrop on both of them at the same time. Springboard sunset flip powerbomb on Lane as Lane was suplexing Fears off top rope…Fears gave Lynn a sunset flip outside from the ring and Lynn was german suplexing Lane…Fears on the top rope – Lane hit a hurracanrana – Lynn grabbed Lane and Fears did a thrust kick to his throat…Finish - Lynn hooked Fears for cradle – Lane charged Lynn – he tossed Chuck off and ducked Lane’s closeline and Lynn went for pat O’Connor – Chuck hit his finisher – Lynn kicked out – Lane got closelined over the top rope – Lynn hit cradle piledriver on Fears – Lane slid in the ring, threw Lynn out of ring and pinned Chuck Fears. Lane left lying in the ring after a cradle piledriver…Jamie Jay was seen backstage…Jerry Lynn had a wrestling camp that day with 15 workers from the area…Some people that ASWF is talking to about coming in - Brandon Baxter, Sid Vicious, Traci Brooks, Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Jerry Lynn, Raven and Ali Stevens will be returning.
----Ray Ray beat Seth Saber/Justin Smart #1 Contender X Title…SFT beat Mr. Olympia by submission in a “pure wrestling” match…Cody Murdoch beat Wild Bill in Texas Bullrope match – double juice…ASWF Tag Team Title Match: Scotty Fury/Acid vs “New Danger Zone”Johnny Harper/John Elison – No Contest…6 Person Intergender Match: Jazz/Degenerates [X-Kalibur/Morgan Lane] beat Nikki Lane/”Prime Time Playboys” [Zane Richards/Tommy Wayne]…Fatal Four Way - #1 Contender: Rodney Mack beat Mac Daddy/Casino Kid/Cujo to become #1 contender…Match of Immortality: ASWF Title Match: Austin Lane beat Chuck Fears & Jerry Lynn.
----Over 200 in attendance with a gate in the $1,600 range…Main event had a bunch of crazy moves - Lynn did the guillotine legdrop on both of them at the same time. Springboard sunset flip powerbomb on Lane as Lane was suplexing Fears off top rope…Fears gave Lynn a sunset flip outside from the ring and Lynn was german suplexing Lane…Fears on the top rope – Lane hit a hurracanrana – Lynn grabbed Lane and Fears did a thrust kick to his throat…Finish - Lynn hooked Fears for cradle – Lane charged Lynn – he tossed Chuck off and ducked Lane’s closeline and Lynn went for pat O’Connor – Chuck hit his finisher – Lynn kicked out – Lane got closelined over the top rope – Lynn hit cradle piledriver on Fears – Lane slid in the ring, threw Lynn out of ring and pinned Chuck Fears. Lane left lying in the ring after a cradle piledriver…Jamie Jay was seen backstage…Jerry Lynn had a wrestling camp that day with 15 workers from the area…Some people that ASWF is talking to about coming in - Brandon Baxter, Sid Vicious, Traci Brooks, Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Jerry Lynn, Raven and Ali Stevens will be returning.
----Six new categories have been added to the Awards Race 2007 blog and I have sent letters out to all the nominating committee earlier today. You have until 12.23.07 to nominate for these new categories and after Sunday [12.16.07] the first categories will be removed.
----CLICK HERE to go to the blog. I consider these 6 awards, along with maybe Rookie of The Year, the most important ones that we give out. I have posted comments and everyone is encourage to do the same.
----CLICK HERE to go to the blog. I consider these 6 awards, along with maybe Rookie of The Year, the most important ones that we give out. I have posted comments and everyone is encourage to do the same.
----I am proud to announce the RRO book release of “Yearbook 2007 – Facts, Figures and Awards from the Memphis Wrestling Area”.
I announced this earlier this week on “Cheap Heat” radio and wanted to make sure all the visitors that do not download that program know about this new project. What is the Yearbook?? Well, it will be a 150 book dedicated to wrestling in this area for 2007. I plan over 100 pages of news, facts and figures for the whole year. I will have the top 10 gates, the top 10 wrestlers, the top 10 tag teams along with a total overview of Memphis Wrestling TV ratings. It will also have a listing of title changes for every month along with Memphis Wrestling TV highlights. It will also feature over 300 photos of wrestlers in this area. It will be the perfect companion for any fan or worker in this area. This book will also feature 20 pages dedicated to the 2007 RRO Awards with detailed results. The book will be released either the last week of January or the first week of February. I will finish the awards portion of the book the weekend of 1.14.08 and it be sent to the publishers then. So, as quick as they have it available to buy, then it will be shipped. I am planning to set up a “book tour” of sorts with the local promoters and hope to hit EVERY show in the area from February to March. The book will be sold for $15 at all the arenas, online at the publisher’s site and hopefully some here online directly from RRO.
----Please note that the inserted photo is the "prototype" of the front cover. It will pretty much look like that, but where it says "Wrestler" and "Tag Team", there will be full color photos of the winners.

----Please note that the inserted photo is the "prototype" of the front cover. It will pretty much look like that, but where it says "Wrestler" and "Tag Team", there will be full color photos of the winners.
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 11.30 & 12.07.07
----Jon Michael over Tim Alfonzo… Psycho beat Zane Richards…Idol Bane over “Rockin” Randy..Arenz beat Sgt Shackdown…Tommy Redneck/Derrick King beat “TGB” Greg Anthony/Flash Flanagan
----Michael was beating down Alfonzo after the match and Stan Lee made the save…Redneck came out with new clothes, since he won the $10,000 battle royal…DK was pissed that Flash was back, but since he is the Unified Champion, then he HAS to be there. They were playing up a little rift between TGB/Flash/Jeff O’Dell with O’Dell claiming Flash [the champ] is his main guy now…Redneck pinned TGB in the main event.
----Baron Malkavain over Slim Pickens…Derrick King over Rockin' Randy…Zane Richards over Dell Tucker…Tommy Redneck & Arnez over "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony & Idol Bane…Stan Lee over "Trendsetter" Jon Michael in a NO DQ Match!
----40+ with a gate close to $200…Baron tried to bite Slim but the ref broke it up. Baron then tried to bite the ref when Slim made the save which lead to Baron hitting Slim with Sit Down Impaler DDT…DK beat Randy with superkick after the match Randy jumped DK, threw him back into the ring and gave him his own superkick…Flash came to throw a chain to TGB but Redneck caught the chain instead using it to knock out TGB…Stan Lee beat JM with running shooting star, JM tried attacking Stan after the match but the two ended up fight up over the concession/gimmick table area and Stan threw JM off onto to a table…DK & Slim came out to sing Happy Birthday to a 6 year old little girl. All the workers signed a card for her and her parents bought a cake. Flash came out to ask if he could sign her card and then he SMASHED her cake into HER FACE!! The kid and her parents had no idea this was going to happen. LOL DK, TGB and Flash were the only three that knew about it.
----Jon Michael over Tim Alfonzo… Psycho beat Zane Richards…Idol Bane over “Rockin” Randy..Arenz beat Sgt Shackdown…Tommy Redneck/Derrick King beat “TGB” Greg Anthony/Flash Flanagan
----Michael was beating down Alfonzo after the match and Stan Lee made the save…Redneck came out with new clothes, since he won the $10,000 battle royal…DK was pissed that Flash was back, but since he is the Unified Champion, then he HAS to be there. They were playing up a little rift between TGB/Flash/Jeff O’Dell with O’Dell claiming Flash [the champ] is his main guy now…Redneck pinned TGB in the main event.
----Baron Malkavain over Slim Pickens…Derrick King over Rockin' Randy…Zane Richards over Dell Tucker…Tommy Redneck & Arnez over "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony & Idol Bane…Stan Lee over "Trendsetter" Jon Michael in a NO DQ Match!
----40+ with a gate close to $200…Baron tried to bite Slim but the ref broke it up. Baron then tried to bite the ref when Slim made the save which lead to Baron hitting Slim with Sit Down Impaler DDT…DK beat Randy with superkick after the match Randy jumped DK, threw him back into the ring and gave him his own superkick…Flash came to throw a chain to TGB but Redneck caught the chain instead using it to knock out TGB…Stan Lee beat JM with running shooting star, JM tried attacking Stan after the match but the two ended up fight up over the concession/gimmick table area and Stan threw JM off onto to a table…DK & Slim came out to sing Happy Birthday to a 6 year old little girl. All the workers signed a card for her and her parents bought a cake. Flash came out to ask if he could sign her card and then he SMASHED her cake into HER FACE!! The kid and her parents had no idea this was going to happen. LOL DK, TGB and Flash were the only three that knew about it.
Shows for The Weekend 12.14 to 12.16.07
----The "show" of the weekend is the Sunday Memorial show in Dyersburg, TN. This is a good cause and it will be packed with local talent. If you have not been to a local show in a while this would be the show for you to go to.
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Jamie Dundee, Kid Kash, LT Falk, Mark Anthony, Chris Michaels, Michael Jablonski, Anthony Cevantes, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge, Tim Renesto, New York Gangster, Damien Payne, Kevin Dunn, Petey Wright, JC Crowe, and more.
----Friday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie], Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, AM Vision, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Suicidal Youth, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW Rector, AR Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane, Jeff O’Dell, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Max Steele,Nick Grymes, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Shawn Reed, Chris Styles, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Flash Flanagan, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tatt2, Tim Grind, Albino Rhino, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Brian Steele, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele,Baron Malkavain, Slim Pickens, “Black Label Society” [Void/Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], “Naughty By Nature” [Pokerface/Rude],Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards, Tank, Jeremy Moore, Lil Tim, Gaylon Ray, Motley Cruz, 187,Phoenix X, Robert Justice,John "Biscuit" Roberts, and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Danny B Goode, Big Jim Business, Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dre Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Rodney Mack, Jazz, Ali Stevens, Acid,Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch,Wild Bill, X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane, San Francisco Treat with Rottn Randy,Tim Hanson, and more.
----Sunday afternoon at 3:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN @ New Blood Arena for the 1st Annual Barry Harber Memorial Show with “The Aslyum” [Arnez/Psycho/Pappy], “Family of Pain”, Derrick King, “East Coast Bad Boyz”, “Black Label Society”, Rude, Simon Reed, Stan Lee, Ron Rage, “TGB” Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, Crazy Train, 187, Jerry Wezzy, Phoenix X, Gaylon Ray, Kilo, Big Red, Tim Edwards, “Riot Squad” [Mark Justice/Tank/Robert Justice], John Roberts, Motley Cruz, Jeremy Moore, Sicilian Kid and more.
----Friday Night for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Jamie Dundee, Kid Kash, LT Falk, Mark Anthony, Chris Michaels, Michael Jablonski, Anthony Cevantes, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge, Tim Renesto, New York Gangster, Damien Payne, Kevin Dunn, Petey Wright, JC Crowe, and more.
----Friday Night for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie], Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, AM Vision, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----Friday Night in Osceola, AR for MCW with MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Suicidal Youth, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----Friday night for LAW Rector, AR Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, Slim Pickens, Tommy Redneck, Stan Lee, Psycho, Arnez, Dell Tucker,Idol Bane, Jeff O’Dell, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony and many more.
----Friday night for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Max Steele,Nick Grymes, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Shawn Reed, Chris Styles, Anita Page, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, T-Byrd, The New Age Cowboys ("Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore & "Son of the South Josh Holly), Devon Raynes, Crazy-n-Sexy (J-Kid & Curly Moe), Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Flash Flanagan, Derrick King, Dustin Starr, Tatt2, Tim Grind, Albino Rhino, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Brian Steele, Shannon Lee, Allan Steele,Baron Malkavain, Slim Pickens, “Black Label Society” [Void/Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], “Naughty By Nature” [Pokerface/Rude],Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards, Tank, Jeremy Moore, Lil Tim, Gaylon Ray, Motley Cruz, 187,Phoenix X, Robert Justice,John "Biscuit" Roberts, and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM in Danny B Goode, Big Jim Business, Way Cool, PK Ripper , Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Johnny Thunder, Punisher Dre Black,.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Rodney Mack, Jazz, Ali Stevens, Acid,Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch,Wild Bill, X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane, San Francisco Treat with Rottn Randy,Tim Hanson, and more.
----Sunday afternoon at 3:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN @ New Blood Arena for the 1st Annual Barry Harber Memorial Show with “The Aslyum” [Arnez/Psycho/Pappy], “Family of Pain”, Derrick King, “East Coast Bad Boyz”, “Black Label Society”, Rude, Simon Reed, Stan Lee, Ron Rage, “TGB” Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, Crazy Train, 187, Jerry Wezzy, Phoenix X, Gaylon Ray, Kilo, Big Red, Tim Edwards, “Riot Squad” [Mark Justice/Tank/Robert Justice], John Roberts, Motley Cruz, Jeremy Moore, Sicilian Kid and more.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
"Back 2 TLCW" with the Masked Reporter
----MR takes another trip to TLCW and as you will read, he enjoyed the show a lot more this time. This will be the last “Masked Reporter” appearance on this site. When I first started the site my main policy was that if you did not use your real name and face, then you could not write for the site. I have on a few occasions let my guard down for this policy. I believe if you are going to be critical of anything as much as this column is, then you need to stick your own neck and head out for it. More BT comments after the piece…
"Back 2 TLCW" with the Masked Reporter
I took the trip up to Ripley Saturday evening. Eugene was on the card. Oh, excuse me, U-Gene, as were a group of the regular Memphis stars, so I figured it’s be worth a look. Was it ever? I say this card was among the best I’d seen from top to bottom when it comes to the Mid-South wrestling scene. There were a few bumps in the road, but it had a great mix of national names, Memphis names and local workers. We’ll get into the results of the card and my thoughts on what went down, but right now, I have a couple points to rise.
First off, the TLCW Arena was hot and I’m not talking about crowd reactions. I sweated buckets from my corner seat and I can only imagine what that building is like in the summer.
Second, I am appalled by one thing at TLCW. The children at TLCW (again, can anybody tell me what it stands for?) are downright rude. I spied a child, who could not have been over six years of age wearing what appeared to be a Spongebob shirt, flipping off wrestlers. I don’t know if this boy’s parents were there, but man, if they were, he should’ve been taken to the woodshed, so to speak.
That being said, let’s go to the card and happenings and my observations on what went down.
Eugene (sorry, but I refuse to spell it the way he is for copyright purposes) came out early, at least an hour or so before bell time, according to my sources. He walked around the ring, shook hands with fans, took pictures with fans and sold gimmicks/signed autograph. The kids just ate the guy up and I’ve been told that he did not break gimmick at all. Eugene’s wife/girlfriend was there and she’s a nice-looking gal. Not too bad for an idiot savant. Proves, there might be hope for BT.
Flash comes out to open the show. He talks about how Tim Grind was hated the last time he was in Ripley, but now he is loved. He tells the crowd that tonight he will team with Too Kool 2 to take on The Golden Boy, Dustin Starr and Dell Tucker, but if Tim and Flex turn on him, he’s not taking it out on them; he’s taking it out on the fans.
The opening bout was Shannon Lee against The Baron. Good, solid match between a pair of up-and-comers. I have nothing bad to say about the match.Shannon Lee (is he related to Stan) could change his ring attire from the bright orange, though. If he walks outside with that getup on, some people might mistake him for a road work sign. For those wondering, Baron won with a double-underhook facebuster.
Next up was Precious against Idol Bane. I don’t really remember the finish here. A couple guys from the IWA (one named Sniper) ran out and attacked Precious after the match. They rant and rave about how much better the IWA is than the TLCW. Next thing you know, Koko B. Ware comes out with a stick and starts laying into Precious and another TLCW talent (whose name I didn’t catch). Derrick King, Seth Knight, Tatt2 and Tommy Redneck make the save and run them out of the ring.
Koko takes the mic and lays down his Corey Maclin promo. For those of you who haven’t heard it, he basically tells DK that he’s just a “black boy trying to be white” and it makes him sick. Koko also says that there’s one thing that he hates and its faggots, pointing at Precious. He said that DK couldn’t be the king of Memphis, or Union City, so now he’s the king of Ripley. Ware says he used to be the mayor of Ripley. He also talks about building the town in terms of wrestling. DK responds by telling Ware that what he is saying he used to do, they are still doing. A challenged is laid down for next week with IWA vs. TLCW in what I believe is going to be an eight-man tag match. TLCW accepts and IWA leaves the building. Koko did make one good point, he said he didn’t know what TLCW stood for. The fans just chanted TLC when he was out there. Somebody help me please.
Next up is Lil Tim Alfonzo/Seth Knight vs. Tommy Redneck/The Albino Rhino. Rhino comes out wearing a black military style helmet. I guess if you lose your tag partner, you start dressing different. Knight and Alfonzo get the win. Not a bad match, not a great match. Solid though. Alfonzo played the injured babyface, coming into the match with taped ribs. Rhino and Redneck worked the injury over and he finally made a tag to Knight. Despite my previous musings about Seth’s shortcomings, I saw nothing of fault with his work on this night.
Dustin Starr comes out with Dell “I’ve Got Love Handles” Tucker. I joke about Tucker’s appearance, but the boy is pretty solid in the ring. I give him that. Anyways, he and Starr are out for the “Five-Starr Showcase” and the guest is someone you might recognize from WWE T.V. No, not Eugene, it’s “All That” Allen Steele. Steele goes into a promo about how great he is before Eugene comes out looking for the restroom. (Didn’t he go during the Seth Knight match?) Just kidding, Seth. Don’t send me anymore hate mail. You’re the Masked Reporter’s Al Snow. Feel privileged.
Eugene climbs back in the ring and says, “Hey, you’re Tucker and you’re Dustin Starr.” Then, he asks Allen Steele who is he is, and before Steele can tell him, he takes the mic and says “It doesn’t matter what your name is!” in a Rock-like way. Steele attacks Eugene and rips his teddy bear, Freddy in half, leaving him pouting in the squared circle.
Intermission is next and Eugene is taking Polaroid photos with fans in the ring.
After the break, Neil Taylor makes his way to the ring. His opponent turns out to be Chris Rocker, who is the south’s answer to Marty Jannety. Rocker and Taylor put on a good bout. Finish sees Rocker hit the Superkick for the pin. Rocker bumps for most of the match as the beaten babyface (see a pattern here folks?). Then, he gets the momentum on his side and wins with the boot.
Next is what I thought was the main event. The Golden Boy, Dell Tucker and Dustin Starr come out together. Flash comes out next with all three belts of his new Unified Championship. TK2 makes their entrance together. Flex plays the part of the beaten-down babyface in this match. Finish sees Tim get the pin (I think). After the match, TK2 gets Flash to dance with them. Would that make it a Flash-dance? Haha. Very funny, eh.
I thought they were going to turn on Flash, but they didn’t. Fair enough. Very good match with six solid workers. I’m seeing Flash turning heel on Tim instead in the coming weeks, but that’s only my purported crystal ball.
IMPORTANT OBSERVATIONS: I haven’t commented on Flash being the Unified Champion and I will now.
I know that he is currently the TLCW, MAW and LAW and being recognized as the Unified Champion. I think this is a great idea. With all the small indies in the Mid-South region, a traveling champion (a la the NWA) could make the strap special. On the other hand, somebody has to fork over some money for a new belt if this is going to work in my opinion. None of the three belts are very impressive cosmetically with two of them looking like they belong in backyard federation instead of a pro’s ring. Someone quick, call Reggie Parks or Dave Millican and have a real title belt made to make the champion look like a real pro.
And now, back to the regularly scheduled program.
TLCW Tag Team Titles are at stake next. One-half of the TLCW Tag Team Champions Rude/Pokerface vs. the other half of the TLCW Tag Team Champions A.J. Bradley/Robbie Douglas. Naughty By Nature (Rude/Poker) gets the win and takes both tag straps with a double sunset flip. Another good stand alone match - Poker played the part of the beaten down baby.
Allen Steele is next out and his opponent is Eugene. Steele rolls Eugene up and pulls his tights for the win. Really, good match. Eugene throws in a bit of comedy with a mix of solid wrestling and high spots. Eugene hits the Rock Bottom, People’s Elbow, Five-Knuckle Shuffle and he does the JYD head butt spot. The crowd tells referee Bill Rush after the match that Steele had the tights. Eugene shakes his hand and tells him its okay because he didn’t see it. Then, he boots Rush in the gut and hits a Stone Cold Stunner.
Rush sells the bump like a referee should. He stays down for a good couple of minutes, before he is helped up by the “Human Guardrail” security guards.
ANOTHER OBSERVATION: The other referee on the night was horrible. Bill Rush is a true pro, but the other ref turned around to quickly when a heel tag team was doing the old fake switch without a tag spot. He caught them, but ignored that he did. Good refs, call the match like a shoot. That guy didn’t.
Back to the card, folks.
Chris Lexx/Playboy with Sue Young come out next for a tag match against Rockin’ Randy and someone else I’d never seen. Randy and his partner get the win. Sue and Playboy shared a lick on the same lollypop and I hope Ms. Young brushed her teeth afterwards. You could get mono or something, Sue. Observations about this match: Playboy doesn’t belong in the wrestling ring. Maybe, he did years ago, but he doesn’t anymore. Young drew the $2 dollar ho chant. Again, she’d cost a lot more Ripley. I’d guess that’s what jealousy can do for you, though. Admittedly, she needs to work on her abs and lose some what I’d term baby fat (She’s very Young folks, no pun intended), but she’s a darn nice-looking lady.
Main Event time. Two more IWA guys come out. One in a do-rag and another in a suit. They belittle TLCW and bring out their guy who is going to wrestle for them, a lanky fellow named Ace. Derrick King comes out. DK tells them, he’d usually whip them himself, but he brought a TLCW wrestler with him tonight. Tatt2 jumps through the curtain and he makes his rounds, slapping hands with the fans prior to the match. During the match, Tatt2 gets the advantage but the IWA guys jump in and force a disqualification. Sniper and the other fellow from earlier in the night run to the ring and make an attack. DK and Tatt2 are laid out. Seth Knight comes out to attempt a save, but he gets a chokeslam from Sniper for his efforts. Show ends with TLCW guys laying in the ring and IWA telling them (the TLCW guys) that they don’t have a fourth man for next week yet and they’d better start looking. This was the worst match of the night and I can’t blame Tatt2. The Ace guy from IWA wasn’t up to standard with anyone on the card from TLCW sans Playboy.
It’s obvious who the superior promotion is in terms of workers. Some of Koko’s said earlier shots on Precious with the cane, looking like he was slapping him with a pillow.
Observations: TLCW has enough talent not to need the IWAs wrestlers in the fold. IWA must be losing business or going out of business and the guys need a place to work. Koko B. Ware is much like Bill Dundee in that he just can’t go in the ring anymore. The quality of wrestling next week, will not be what it was this week in my projections and I blame the IWA’s inclusion for that. On a sidenote, some fan next week will win a free computer. That’s an incentive to buy the $5 ticket if I ever saw one.
Got comments, hate mail, attaboys, email the Masked Reporter at themaskedrroreporter@hotmail.com.
----IWA is a promotion run by Charlie Parks. Derrick King is actually booking that promotion also now and most of their shows are full of TLCW talent with various guys that Parks has always used, including Koko Ware. This is an “invasion” angle and I can see the only problem being that the IWA guys may not even seem like they could beat TLCW guys. I have to disagree on MR’s part about Koko Ware. To the marks in TLCW, Ware is a big name – he being associated with IWA gives it some kind of credibility.
----A quick note on the belts comment. In an ideal world, this promotion would get a Unified Title made as was suggested. But, think about this – they are just a small indy promotion – all three are small indy promotions – and the money that it would take to have a belt professionally done is not funds available to them. For example, TLCW draws at least $3,000 a month at the gate with everyone getting paid and such. They would have to spend $2,000 just to get a good belt made and that would leave $1,000 to pay talent all month. So, instead of doing that, Flash carries around 3belts, which is much more cost efficient. And, even though none of the belts may be appealing alone, I thought he looked cool with all three of them.
"Back 2 TLCW" with the Masked Reporter
I took the trip up to Ripley Saturday evening. Eugene was on the card. Oh, excuse me, U-Gene, as were a group of the regular Memphis stars, so I figured it’s be worth a look. Was it ever? I say this card was among the best I’d seen from top to bottom when it comes to the Mid-South wrestling scene. There were a few bumps in the road, but it had a great mix of national names, Memphis names and local workers. We’ll get into the results of the card and my thoughts on what went down, but right now, I have a couple points to rise.
First off, the TLCW Arena was hot and I’m not talking about crowd reactions. I sweated buckets from my corner seat and I can only imagine what that building is like in the summer.
Second, I am appalled by one thing at TLCW. The children at TLCW (again, can anybody tell me what it stands for?) are downright rude. I spied a child, who could not have been over six years of age wearing what appeared to be a Spongebob shirt, flipping off wrestlers. I don’t know if this boy’s parents were there, but man, if they were, he should’ve been taken to the woodshed, so to speak.
That being said, let’s go to the card and happenings and my observations on what went down.
Eugene (sorry, but I refuse to spell it the way he is for copyright purposes) came out early, at least an hour or so before bell time, according to my sources. He walked around the ring, shook hands with fans, took pictures with fans and sold gimmicks/signed autograph. The kids just ate the guy up and I’ve been told that he did not break gimmick at all. Eugene’s wife/girlfriend was there and she’s a nice-looking gal. Not too bad for an idiot savant. Proves, there might be hope for BT.
Flash comes out to open the show. He talks about how Tim Grind was hated the last time he was in Ripley, but now he is loved. He tells the crowd that tonight he will team with Too Kool 2 to take on The Golden Boy, Dustin Starr and Dell Tucker, but if Tim and Flex turn on him, he’s not taking it out on them; he’s taking it out on the fans.
The opening bout was Shannon Lee against The Baron. Good, solid match between a pair of up-and-comers. I have nothing bad to say about the match.Shannon Lee (is he related to Stan) could change his ring attire from the bright orange, though. If he walks outside with that getup on, some people might mistake him for a road work sign. For those wondering, Baron won with a double-underhook facebuster.
Next up was Precious against Idol Bane. I don’t really remember the finish here. A couple guys from the IWA (one named Sniper) ran out and attacked Precious after the match. They rant and rave about how much better the IWA is than the TLCW. Next thing you know, Koko B. Ware comes out with a stick and starts laying into Precious and another TLCW talent (whose name I didn’t catch). Derrick King, Seth Knight, Tatt2 and Tommy Redneck make the save and run them out of the ring.
Koko takes the mic and lays down his Corey Maclin promo. For those of you who haven’t heard it, he basically tells DK that he’s just a “black boy trying to be white” and it makes him sick. Koko also says that there’s one thing that he hates and its faggots, pointing at Precious. He said that DK couldn’t be the king of Memphis, or Union City, so now he’s the king of Ripley. Ware says he used to be the mayor of Ripley. He also talks about building the town in terms of wrestling. DK responds by telling Ware that what he is saying he used to do, they are still doing. A challenged is laid down for next week with IWA vs. TLCW in what I believe is going to be an eight-man tag match. TLCW accepts and IWA leaves the building. Koko did make one good point, he said he didn’t know what TLCW stood for. The fans just chanted TLC when he was out there. Somebody help me please.
Next up is Lil Tim Alfonzo/Seth Knight vs. Tommy Redneck/The Albino Rhino. Rhino comes out wearing a black military style helmet. I guess if you lose your tag partner, you start dressing different. Knight and Alfonzo get the win. Not a bad match, not a great match. Solid though. Alfonzo played the injured babyface, coming into the match with taped ribs. Rhino and Redneck worked the injury over and he finally made a tag to Knight. Despite my previous musings about Seth’s shortcomings, I saw nothing of fault with his work on this night.
Dustin Starr comes out with Dell “I’ve Got Love Handles” Tucker. I joke about Tucker’s appearance, but the boy is pretty solid in the ring. I give him that. Anyways, he and Starr are out for the “Five-Starr Showcase” and the guest is someone you might recognize from WWE T.V. No, not Eugene, it’s “All That” Allen Steele. Steele goes into a promo about how great he is before Eugene comes out looking for the restroom. (Didn’t he go during the Seth Knight match?) Just kidding, Seth. Don’t send me anymore hate mail. You’re the Masked Reporter’s Al Snow. Feel privileged.
Eugene climbs back in the ring and says, “Hey, you’re Tucker and you’re Dustin Starr.” Then, he asks Allen Steele who is he is, and before Steele can tell him, he takes the mic and says “It doesn’t matter what your name is!” in a Rock-like way. Steele attacks Eugene and rips his teddy bear, Freddy in half, leaving him pouting in the squared circle.
Intermission is next and Eugene is taking Polaroid photos with fans in the ring.
After the break, Neil Taylor makes his way to the ring. His opponent turns out to be Chris Rocker, who is the south’s answer to Marty Jannety. Rocker and Taylor put on a good bout. Finish sees Rocker hit the Superkick for the pin. Rocker bumps for most of the match as the beaten babyface (see a pattern here folks?). Then, he gets the momentum on his side and wins with the boot.
Next is what I thought was the main event. The Golden Boy, Dell Tucker and Dustin Starr come out together. Flash comes out next with all three belts of his new Unified Championship. TK2 makes their entrance together. Flex plays the part of the beaten-down babyface in this match. Finish sees Tim get the pin (I think). After the match, TK2 gets Flash to dance with them. Would that make it a Flash-dance? Haha. Very funny, eh.
I thought they were going to turn on Flash, but they didn’t. Fair enough. Very good match with six solid workers. I’m seeing Flash turning heel on Tim instead in the coming weeks, but that’s only my purported crystal ball.
IMPORTANT OBSERVATIONS: I haven’t commented on Flash being the Unified Champion and I will now.
I know that he is currently the TLCW, MAW and LAW and being recognized as the Unified Champion. I think this is a great idea. With all the small indies in the Mid-South region, a traveling champion (a la the NWA) could make the strap special. On the other hand, somebody has to fork over some money for a new belt if this is going to work in my opinion. None of the three belts are very impressive cosmetically with two of them looking like they belong in backyard federation instead of a pro’s ring. Someone quick, call Reggie Parks or Dave Millican and have a real title belt made to make the champion look like a real pro.
And now, back to the regularly scheduled program.
TLCW Tag Team Titles are at stake next. One-half of the TLCW Tag Team Champions Rude/Pokerface vs. the other half of the TLCW Tag Team Champions A.J. Bradley/Robbie Douglas. Naughty By Nature (Rude/Poker) gets the win and takes both tag straps with a double sunset flip. Another good stand alone match - Poker played the part of the beaten down baby.
Allen Steele is next out and his opponent is Eugene. Steele rolls Eugene up and pulls his tights for the win. Really, good match. Eugene throws in a bit of comedy with a mix of solid wrestling and high spots. Eugene hits the Rock Bottom, People’s Elbow, Five-Knuckle Shuffle and he does the JYD head butt spot. The crowd tells referee Bill Rush after the match that Steele had the tights. Eugene shakes his hand and tells him its okay because he didn’t see it. Then, he boots Rush in the gut and hits a Stone Cold Stunner.
Rush sells the bump like a referee should. He stays down for a good couple of minutes, before he is helped up by the “Human Guardrail” security guards.
ANOTHER OBSERVATION: The other referee on the night was horrible. Bill Rush is a true pro, but the other ref turned around to quickly when a heel tag team was doing the old fake switch without a tag spot. He caught them, but ignored that he did. Good refs, call the match like a shoot. That guy didn’t.
Back to the card, folks.
Chris Lexx/Playboy with Sue Young come out next for a tag match against Rockin’ Randy and someone else I’d never seen. Randy and his partner get the win. Sue and Playboy shared a lick on the same lollypop and I hope Ms. Young brushed her teeth afterwards. You could get mono or something, Sue. Observations about this match: Playboy doesn’t belong in the wrestling ring. Maybe, he did years ago, but he doesn’t anymore. Young drew the $2 dollar ho chant. Again, she’d cost a lot more Ripley. I’d guess that’s what jealousy can do for you, though. Admittedly, she needs to work on her abs and lose some what I’d term baby fat (She’s very Young folks, no pun intended), but she’s a darn nice-looking lady.
Main Event time. Two more IWA guys come out. One in a do-rag and another in a suit. They belittle TLCW and bring out their guy who is going to wrestle for them, a lanky fellow named Ace. Derrick King comes out. DK tells them, he’d usually whip them himself, but he brought a TLCW wrestler with him tonight. Tatt2 jumps through the curtain and he makes his rounds, slapping hands with the fans prior to the match. During the match, Tatt2 gets the advantage but the IWA guys jump in and force a disqualification. Sniper and the other fellow from earlier in the night run to the ring and make an attack. DK and Tatt2 are laid out. Seth Knight comes out to attempt a save, but he gets a chokeslam from Sniper for his efforts. Show ends with TLCW guys laying in the ring and IWA telling them (the TLCW guys) that they don’t have a fourth man for next week yet and they’d better start looking. This was the worst match of the night and I can’t blame Tatt2. The Ace guy from IWA wasn’t up to standard with anyone on the card from TLCW sans Playboy.
It’s obvious who the superior promotion is in terms of workers. Some of Koko’s said earlier shots on Precious with the cane, looking like he was slapping him with a pillow.
Observations: TLCW has enough talent not to need the IWAs wrestlers in the fold. IWA must be losing business or going out of business and the guys need a place to work. Koko B. Ware is much like Bill Dundee in that he just can’t go in the ring anymore. The quality of wrestling next week, will not be what it was this week in my projections and I blame the IWA’s inclusion for that. On a sidenote, some fan next week will win a free computer. That’s an incentive to buy the $5 ticket if I ever saw one.
Got comments, hate mail, attaboys, email the Masked Reporter at themaskedrroreporter@hotmail.com.
----IWA is a promotion run by Charlie Parks. Derrick King is actually booking that promotion also now and most of their shows are full of TLCW talent with various guys that Parks has always used, including Koko Ware. This is an “invasion” angle and I can see the only problem being that the IWA guys may not even seem like they could beat TLCW guys. I have to disagree on MR’s part about Koko Ware. To the marks in TLCW, Ware is a big name – he being associated with IWA gives it some kind of credibility.
----A quick note on the belts comment. In an ideal world, this promotion would get a Unified Title made as was suggested. But, think about this – they are just a small indy promotion – all three are small indy promotions – and the money that it would take to have a belt professionally done is not funds available to them. For example, TLCW draws at least $3,000 a month at the gate with everyone getting paid and such. They would have to spend $2,000 just to get a good belt made and that would leave $1,000 to pay talent all month. So, instead of doing that, Flash carries around 3belts, which is much more cost efficient. And, even though none of the belts may be appealing alone, I thought he looked cool with all three of them.
Flashback: April, 1989

CLICK HERE for more photos out of my collection for today’s FLASHBACK!!!
The Ratings: Memphis Wrestling TV Show 12.08.07
----Well, this Saturday’s show settled back into “average” for the second week in a row scoring overall 3.0 [50,535 viewers]. The first quarter opened a little bit over average, but then the second quarter took a big dip only having retention of 76%. The explanation I have is that viewers are just not interested in “Opening the Vault” segments and were turning the TV off, even though it was a good piece this week. The 3rd quarter won back over 10,000 viewers climbing for Starr vs White. The final quarter continued to climb and scored the highest of all with over 60,000 viewers watching the match for the tag titles. It looks like they have grabbed some interest in the fans in wanting to know who is going to win the tag straps.
-Replay of Ali/Stevens
-Ali/Tatt2 interview
-Brian C gets Lexx to join him
-Tatt2/Ali vs Lexx/Brian
1st Quarter – 3.1 [51,374 viewers]
-Lawler interview
-Opening the Vault – Power Pro Wrestling
2cnd quarter – 2.3 [39,118 viewers] [-12,256 viewers]
-Kevin White/Sue Young/Garry White – interview
-Starr promo
-Starr vs White
-6-man tag
3rd quarter 3.0 [49,863 viewers] [+10,745 viewers]
-TK2 int
-TK2 vs Dotson/DK
4th quarter 3.7 [61,951 viewers] [+12,088 viewers]
12 Week Average: 3.3 [55,012 viewers]12 week low – 1.9 [31,395 viewers] 9.29.0712 week high – 4.0 [66,62 viewers] 11.17.07From start to finish [+10,577 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Channel News 3/CSI Miami 9.4 [157,480 viewers]
-Replay of Ali/Stevens
-Ali/Tatt2 interview
-Brian C gets Lexx to join him
-Tatt2/Ali vs Lexx/Brian
1st Quarter – 3.1 [51,374 viewers]
-Lawler interview
-Opening the Vault – Power Pro Wrestling
2cnd quarter – 2.3 [39,118 viewers] [-12,256 viewers]
-Kevin White/Sue Young/Garry White – interview
-Starr promo
-Starr vs White
-6-man tag
3rd quarter 3.0 [49,863 viewers] [+10,745 viewers]
-TK2 int
-TK2 vs Dotson/DK
4th quarter 3.7 [61,951 viewers] [+12,088 viewers]
12 Week Average: 3.3 [55,012 viewers]12 week low – 1.9 [31,395 viewers] 9.29.0712 week high – 4.0 [66,62 viewers] 11.17.07From start to finish [+10,577 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
Channel News 3/CSI Miami 9.4 [157,480 viewers]
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A Piece of my Mind-Dec 11th 2007 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I didn’t even start to write this column until Monday Night Raw was over. I don’t think that they hit a home run with the show. It could have certainly been better but I do think it was a triple. I found it quite enjoyable and it was great seeing some of the guys and girls that hadn’t been around in years. I think that mixing some of the old with the new is certainly part of the answer for WWE, USA Network and the FANS. It was great to see Sunny out there and she did look fabulous as everyone has been saying. I was disappointed in how they used her. I was hoping they would give her more of a chance to shine. Hopefully she shined backstage in her conduct and communication and the door might be opened for her return. It’s always a good time when The Godfather shows up that’s for sure. Who in the world is going to believe that Vince slept with Mae Young please come on get real? The last time Mae Young looked good enough for a man of fifty something to sleep with her Vincent Kennedy McMahon was running around in Pampers and shaking his rattle. It is great to see Shane out there; he really should sign a talent contract with the company and start appearing more on the TV shows. He is a talented guy and helps the product when ever he is out there. In the way that Stephanie was used on this program she did just fine and looked fantastic, the little inside jokes are great for people like me but is that good for business? I am not sure if it hurts but it sure doesn’t help at all.
I am not a fan of ladder matches based on principle alone. I will say that both Carlito and Jeff worked hard and deserve credit for their efforts. I have been aware of Matt and Jeff Hardy since “Carolinas Own” David Isley and Colt Steel and my self were running around the Carolina Indy circuit chasing guys like “Gorgeous” Gary Royal, “The Wild Thing “Willie Clay, The Cruel Connection and Nick of Time. I believe both of these guys have a long career in this business if they take care of their bodies and I just don’t know that is happening. It was great seeing Marty Janetty since his match at WrestleReunion in Tampa against “Gorgeous” Gary Royal. I have been pulling for Marty to make it back to the big time. In watching the clips of World Class Championship Wrestling I say purchase that DVD perhaps it’s my sentimentality towards the guys I worked with over the years that makes me say that but if you want to see something really special I believe that purchasing that DVD will accomplish your goal. How about Rob Van Dam coming back and surprising most people? How about the ovation for him? If someone in WWE let him leave there without his name on a contract they should be ashamed of themselves. If Rob did leave without a consummated contract, Dixie Carter should pull out all the stops and sign Rob Van Dam to a long term contract. If you have to rescind your offer to Sting do what ever you have to do. This is a piece of talent that you company can not pass up on. He could perhaps be the long term future of your company. I met Rob Van Dam once at the Ray and Sharon Courts Hollywood Collectors Show in Burbank, Ca at the Airport Marriott. If you are interested in seeing the legends of Hollywood and a small mixture of sports celebrities they have a great show http://www.hollywoodcollectorshow.com/Burbank.htm . I told him that Jimmy Snuka and he had one thing in common. At different times the company has tried to bury both of these guys and the fans would not allow it. Who ever is making it possible to let Rob Van Dam sit at home and do nothing you are doing a disservice to this business. This is the same thing that happened with Sting for many years those were valuable years when he could have been much more of an asset to the business. In the words of Don Vito Corleone sometimes you have to make a man an offer he can’t refuse. It isn’t often that people come around that are really something special Jimmy Snuka was one of those, Kurt Angle was one of those and Rob Van Dam is certainly one of those.
The Evolution spot was fine for what it was but I hated that they wasted Umaga doing a job even in a spot like that. If you have a heel the people believe in why make him a sacrificial lamb. It is obvious that all issues surrounding Hulk Hogan these days did not affect him in the eyes of WWE fans. Hopefully they will tune in to watch him on American Gladiators on January 6th and 7th. Over the last twenty five years I have been in the company of Hulk Hogan on numerous occasions. It was mind boggling for me to see Khali dwarf him the way the he did. Its been a long time since Andre and Hulk stood side to side on those few occasions when it happens I guess Hulk gets to know what guys like me and “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart feel like standing next to him. The Battle Royal was fun for me but didn’t have near enough time given for it. I wonder if Backlund going out so soon was a knock at TNA or Backlund himself. How about Gillberg going out so fast? It was a lot of fun and I have to say that I was swerved for sure I thought without a doubt that Sgt Slaughter was going to win the match. It was a lot of fun watching DiBiase come down there and pay off I.R.S.
I wasn’t very impressed with the Bischoff session. How did that elevate Jericho any?
I first met Cody Rhodes on my way out of Diamond Dallas Pages apartment when I was negotiating with Steve Austin to appear at WrestleReunion in Tampa. He seemed like a good guy. I ran into him again in Spartanburg SC with a show that had tons of legends on it such as “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, Jerry “The King” Lawler, The Louisville Slugger Jim Cornette, Jeff Hardy, “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart and Diva’s So Cal Val, Lollipop, Amber O’Neal and many more stars. It was also the end of Tony Hunters promoting career he was a guy who got in way over his head and ruined a good reputation that took many years to build up and destroyed it in one night. It seems that at times over the years WWE has shoved second generation wrestlers down the throats of the fans and it hasn’t paid off. At the very least Cody is going to be a solid performer for years to come. They need to bring him along properly so the fans don’t revolt on him. We will see how it goes as time passes by.
I have had all I can stand of Jillian Hall and this horrible angle they are running with her. I don’t know her and perhaps she is a great person, she does have some ring skills but this deal they have her doing SUCKS. How about Trish Stratus has she ever looked better in her life? If she has I am sorry that I wasn’t there at that time. The fans loved seeing her as well. How about Lita NOT looking as good as she ever has? It appears she isn’t planning a return to wrestling anytime soon but she is still an entertainer. It’s always fun seeing my old buddy Mick Foley back on RAW and the people will never tire of seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin.
On a night of reunions why not have a Rockers Reunion? I think that would have been a better way to use Janetty and the fans would have eaten that up.
I saved this for last, Hornswoggle is without a doubt one of the more entertaining people in the company. I am not sure who found him but he should certainly be one of the people looking for new talent. I know people are used to me normally trashing Monday Night Raw that’s because usually it deserves to be trashed. I am more than willing to and hope I can write more positive things about RAW and the WWE as a whole. If the programs are at least this good they will get more positive reviews if not well then back to the old ballgame.
This picture was taken in The Meadowlands Arena in the early eighties. It was an event that had stars from the different companies around the country. This one of course is of two former NWA World Heavyweight Champions. I can’t imagine I need to name them but just in case it’s the “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair and Dory Funk Jr. I believe I attended the event with The Koloff’s Ivan and Nikita and Krusher Khruschev.and took this picture myself.
I am not a fan of ladder matches based on principle alone. I will say that both Carlito and Jeff worked hard and deserve credit for their efforts. I have been aware of Matt and Jeff Hardy since “Carolinas Own” David Isley and Colt Steel and my self were running around the Carolina Indy circuit chasing guys like “Gorgeous” Gary Royal, “The Wild Thing “Willie Clay, The Cruel Connection and Nick of Time. I believe both of these guys have a long career in this business if they take care of their bodies and I just don’t know that is happening. It was great seeing Marty Janetty since his match at WrestleReunion in Tampa against “Gorgeous” Gary Royal. I have been pulling for Marty to make it back to the big time. In watching the clips of World Class Championship Wrestling I say purchase that DVD perhaps it’s my sentimentality towards the guys I worked with over the years that makes me say that but if you want to see something really special I believe that purchasing that DVD will accomplish your goal. How about Rob Van Dam coming back and surprising most people? How about the ovation for him? If someone in WWE let him leave there without his name on a contract they should be ashamed of themselves. If Rob did leave without a consummated contract, Dixie Carter should pull out all the stops and sign Rob Van Dam to a long term contract. If you have to rescind your offer to Sting do what ever you have to do. This is a piece of talent that you company can not pass up on. He could perhaps be the long term future of your company. I met Rob Van Dam once at the Ray and Sharon Courts Hollywood Collectors Show in Burbank, Ca at the Airport Marriott. If you are interested in seeing the legends of Hollywood and a small mixture of sports celebrities they have a great show http://www.hollywoodcollectorshow.com/Burbank.htm . I told him that Jimmy Snuka and he had one thing in common. At different times the company has tried to bury both of these guys and the fans would not allow it. Who ever is making it possible to let Rob Van Dam sit at home and do nothing you are doing a disservice to this business. This is the same thing that happened with Sting for many years those were valuable years when he could have been much more of an asset to the business. In the words of Don Vito Corleone sometimes you have to make a man an offer he can’t refuse. It isn’t often that people come around that are really something special Jimmy Snuka was one of those, Kurt Angle was one of those and Rob Van Dam is certainly one of those.
The Evolution spot was fine for what it was but I hated that they wasted Umaga doing a job even in a spot like that. If you have a heel the people believe in why make him a sacrificial lamb. It is obvious that all issues surrounding Hulk Hogan these days did not affect him in the eyes of WWE fans. Hopefully they will tune in to watch him on American Gladiators on January 6th and 7th. Over the last twenty five years I have been in the company of Hulk Hogan on numerous occasions. It was mind boggling for me to see Khali dwarf him the way the he did. Its been a long time since Andre and Hulk stood side to side on those few occasions when it happens I guess Hulk gets to know what guys like me and “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart feel like standing next to him. The Battle Royal was fun for me but didn’t have near enough time given for it. I wonder if Backlund going out so soon was a knock at TNA or Backlund himself. How about Gillberg going out so fast? It was a lot of fun and I have to say that I was swerved for sure I thought without a doubt that Sgt Slaughter was going to win the match. It was a lot of fun watching DiBiase come down there and pay off I.R.S.
I wasn’t very impressed with the Bischoff session. How did that elevate Jericho any?
I first met Cody Rhodes on my way out of Diamond Dallas Pages apartment when I was negotiating with Steve Austin to appear at WrestleReunion in Tampa. He seemed like a good guy. I ran into him again in Spartanburg SC with a show that had tons of legends on it such as “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, Jerry “The King” Lawler, The Louisville Slugger Jim Cornette, Jeff Hardy, “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart and Diva’s So Cal Val, Lollipop, Amber O’Neal and many more stars. It was also the end of Tony Hunters promoting career he was a guy who got in way over his head and ruined a good reputation that took many years to build up and destroyed it in one night. It seems that at times over the years WWE has shoved second generation wrestlers down the throats of the fans and it hasn’t paid off. At the very least Cody is going to be a solid performer for years to come. They need to bring him along properly so the fans don’t revolt on him. We will see how it goes as time passes by.
I have had all I can stand of Jillian Hall and this horrible angle they are running with her. I don’t know her and perhaps she is a great person, she does have some ring skills but this deal they have her doing SUCKS. How about Trish Stratus has she ever looked better in her life? If she has I am sorry that I wasn’t there at that time. The fans loved seeing her as well. How about Lita NOT looking as good as she ever has? It appears she isn’t planning a return to wrestling anytime soon but she is still an entertainer. It’s always fun seeing my old buddy Mick Foley back on RAW and the people will never tire of seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin.
On a night of reunions why not have a Rockers Reunion? I think that would have been a better way to use Janetty and the fans would have eaten that up.
I saved this for last, Hornswoggle is without a doubt one of the more entertaining people in the company. I am not sure who found him but he should certainly be one of the people looking for new talent. I know people are used to me normally trashing Monday Night Raw that’s because usually it deserves to be trashed. I am more than willing to and hope I can write more positive things about RAW and the WWE as a whole. If the programs are at least this good they will get more positive reviews if not well then back to the old ballgame.
This picture was taken in The Meadowlands Arena in the early eighties. It was an event that had stars from the different companies around the country. This one of course is of two former NWA World Heavyweight Champions. I can’t imagine I need to name them but just in case it’s the “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair and Dory Funk Jr. I believe I attended the event with The Koloff’s Ivan and Nikita and Krusher Khruschev.and took this picture myself.
This has been a piece of my mind
by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 12.08.07
Baron Malkenvain defeated Shannon Lee
Idol Bane defeated Precious. After the match, the IWA, Sniper and others attacked Precious. Koko B. Ware came out and helped them in the attack. DK, Seth Knight and Tatt2 made the save. IWA laid down a challenge to TLCW for next week. TLCW accepted.
Seth Knight/Lil Tim defeated Albino Rhino/Tommy Redneck
The Five Star Showcase with guest Allen Steele was next. Eugene came out during the interview and did his Rock
impersonation with "It doesn't matter what your name is." Steele tore up his teddy bear, setting up singles match for later.
Chris Rocker defeated Neil Taylor.
Flash Flanagan/”Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] defeated Dustin Starr/“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony/Dell Tucker.
“Naughty By Nature” [Rude/Pokerface] defeated the “Black Label Society” [Void/AJ Bradley] to win both shares of the TLCW tag team titles.
Rockin Randy/Cody Melton vs Chris Lexx/Matt Foley w/ Sue Young
Allen Steele defeated Eugene via a roll-up with a handful of tights.
Main event saw Tatt2 defeat Ace from IWA via DQ after the IWA interfered who was at ringside before the match interfered and attacked Tatt2. After the match, the IWA guys minus Koko beat down Tatt2, DK and Seth Knight.
----Crowd was at upwards of 150 with a gate close to $900. This is with no promotion for U-Gene coming in..This Saturday, they're giving away a computer at TLCW to some fan.
Idol Bane defeated Precious. After the match, the IWA, Sniper and others attacked Precious. Koko B. Ware came out and helped them in the attack. DK, Seth Knight and Tatt2 made the save. IWA laid down a challenge to TLCW for next week. TLCW accepted.
Seth Knight/Lil Tim defeated Albino Rhino/Tommy Redneck
The Five Star Showcase with guest Allen Steele was next. Eugene came out during the interview and did his Rock

Chris Rocker defeated Neil Taylor.
Flash Flanagan/”Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] defeated Dustin Starr/“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony/Dell Tucker.
“Naughty By Nature” [Rude/Pokerface] defeated the “Black Label Society” [Void/AJ Bradley] to win both shares of the TLCW tag team titles.
Rockin Randy/Cody Melton vs Chris Lexx/Matt Foley w/ Sue Young
Allen Steele defeated Eugene via a roll-up with a handful of tights.
Main event saw Tatt2 defeat Ace from IWA via DQ after the IWA interfered who was at ringside before the match interfered and attacked Tatt2. After the match, the IWA guys minus Koko beat down Tatt2, DK and Seth Knight.
----Crowd was at upwards of 150 with a gate close to $900. This is with no promotion for U-Gene coming in..This Saturday, they're giving away a computer at TLCW to some fan.
Cheap Heat Radio Update!

Big Cheap Heat Radio News!
We've just lined up an interview today with Mike Dibiase, son of the "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase and the new NWA North American Heavyweight Champion. We'll talk to Mike on December 17th at 10am. Should be a good interview.
Also, on the 21rst We'll have a special show dedicated to discussion of 'Old School vs. New School' mentality in wrestling with special guests including Anton Leveigh and "Nightmare" Ken Wayne amongst others, should be a very interesting show!
Don't forget this Thursday night at 10:30pm the big Shoot Interview with Neil 'the Real Deal' Taylor!
All this and I'm working on setting a date for an interview with Nick 'U-Gene' Dinsmore as well as Mickie Knuckles and Ian Rotten. Be sure and tune in and check it out.
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 12.07.07
----Mark Mayhem defeated Chris Chaos...Brian SoFine vs. Cassanova Kid went to a time limit draw...Dirty Sanchez defeated Justin Rhodes..."Prime Time" Nick Grimes over Tysin Starr & Chazz in a 3-way match...Fusion defeated Vinnie the Blade.
"Parental Advisory" (Studd & Tony) w/T-Byrd defeated "Crazy & Sexy" (Curly Moe & J-Kid) w/Dirty Rell Moe. They ran an angle where TFW Promoter Mama Denise told PA they had to win three matches in a row to get a tag team title shot. She chose PA vs. CNS in a non-title match as the first match in the series. Parental Advisory, since they won the first match, got to choose their match for this coming Friday night. They chose Tony, Studd, & T-Byrd vs. Kid-J in a 3-on-1 handicap match. Three guys vs. one midget in a handicap match.
Credit: Randall Lewis
"Parental Advisory" (Studd & Tony) w/T-Byrd defeated "Crazy & Sexy" (Curly Moe & J-Kid) w/Dirty Rell Moe. They ran an angle where TFW Promoter Mama Denise told PA they had to win three matches in a row to get a tag team title shot. She chose PA vs. CNS in a non-title match as the first match in the series. Parental Advisory, since they won the first match, got to choose their match for this coming Friday night. They chose Tony, Studd, & T-Byrd vs. Kid-J in a 3-on-1 handicap match. Three guys vs. one midget in a handicap match.
Credit: Randall Lewis
Monday, December 10, 2007
CHIKARA Results - 12.9.2007: "Stephen Colbert > Bill O'Reilly: When Sara Met Brodie"
-CHIKARA Season Finale: "Stephen Colbert > Bill O'Reilly: When Sara Met Brodie" December 9 2007 - Alumni Hall at Penn State University, State College, PA
-Quick story: This show wasn't scheduled to happen. CHIKARA has an off-season from December to February, and the November 18th "Chapter 11" show was supposed to be the season finale. This was the case until Lince Dorado nearly died, and the show was called off before the big main event between Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli. This show is CHIKARA's way of making it up to the fans, and it was completely free. For those who care, Lince is doing fine now, and I'm sure he'll be back to doing his ridiculous shooting star senton soon. From this point on, everything is stolen from CHIKARAFans.com. Unofficial attendance of over 100 people. A metal folding chair is being used as the official ring bell. Show is UNDERWAY with Mitch Ryder lamenting his hatred for everyone in attendance, damning them and their trust funds.
1. The Colony def. The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple by pinfall when Fire Ant pinned Hydra following the pyramid splash. A really good opener and the crowd is very lively and into everything they do. The folding chair used as the ring bell has been cast away and is now replaced by the railing from a set of stairs as the official ring bell.
2. Vin Gerard submits Shane Storm via STF. Vin Gerard comes in via a different entrance to the building, truly a man that has been kicked out from the locker room. Along with his locker room rights, he has also been stripped of his rights to entrance music, as everything was silent. His gear now consists of wearing the Equinox tights, dirty and grimy underneath his new ripped-up black trunks, along with the 'Nox wristbands covered in black tape. Vin is now a mean and dirty fighter, using every nasty trick in the book early on. The crowd is ridiculously into everything on this show and it makes for an awesome atmosphere.
3. Team FIST and Brodie Lee defeat Cheech, Cloudy and Sara del Rey after Brodie Lee pins Sara del Rey following a BOOT TO THE TEETH and a huge sitout powerbomb. Icarus and Sara del Rey are starting off the match, and the crowd is certain to note that this is the closest that Icarus has ever gotten to an actual girl. Sara del Rey is throwing Brodie Lee around like a ragdoll with German suplexes, but ends up on the receiving end of THE BOOT.
4. Tim Donst pinned Mitch Ryder via rollup. Donst has a busted nose and it's bleeding pretty bad. Possibly broken. LINCE DORADO IS OUT FROM THE BACK! He distracts Mitch, Donst gets the rollup and PINS MITCH RYDER! The crowd is going absolutely wild at the appearance of Lince.
5. The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeats Los Ice Creams after Amasis pinned Ice Cream Jr. The Portal seem to be working as technicos and the Ice Creams aren't exactly working as rudos. The crowd is a bit confused as to how to react. "Nothing exceptional to report."
6. Claudio Castagnoli pinned Chris Hero via Ricola Bomb. Hero comes out wearing the torn up Equinox mask. As boring of a description as it is, this was a match featuring Chris Hero against Claudio Castagnoli, so it was obvious from the start that it was going to be a million billion stars. Certainly delivered and was a fine ending to the year. The finish was built to perfectly, and the hot crowd was really, really into the entire match. Simply awesome.
This show will be for sale soon at http://www.smartmarkvideo.com/. Go there and pick up lots of Indy wrestling goodness. You'll be glad you did.
-Quick story: This show wasn't scheduled to happen. CHIKARA has an off-season from December to February, and the November 18th "Chapter 11" show was supposed to be the season finale. This was the case until Lince Dorado nearly died, and the show was called off before the big main event between Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli. This show is CHIKARA's way of making it up to the fans, and it was completely free. For those who care, Lince is doing fine now, and I'm sure he'll be back to doing his ridiculous shooting star senton soon. From this point on, everything is stolen from CHIKARAFans.com. Unofficial attendance of over 100 people. A metal folding chair is being used as the official ring bell. Show is UNDERWAY with Mitch Ryder lamenting his hatred for everyone in attendance, damning them and their trust funds.
1. The Colony def. The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple by pinfall when Fire Ant pinned Hydra following the pyramid splash. A really good opener and the crowd is very lively and into everything they do. The folding chair used as the ring bell has been cast away and is now replaced by the railing from a set of stairs as the official ring bell.
2. Vin Gerard submits Shane Storm via STF. Vin Gerard comes in via a different entrance to the building, truly a man that has been kicked out from the locker room. Along with his locker room rights, he has also been stripped of his rights to entrance music, as everything was silent. His gear now consists of wearing the Equinox tights, dirty and grimy underneath his new ripped-up black trunks, along with the 'Nox wristbands covered in black tape. Vin is now a mean and dirty fighter, using every nasty trick in the book early on. The crowd is ridiculously into everything on this show and it makes for an awesome atmosphere.
3. Team FIST and Brodie Lee defeat Cheech, Cloudy and Sara del Rey after Brodie Lee pins Sara del Rey following a BOOT TO THE TEETH and a huge sitout powerbomb. Icarus and Sara del Rey are starting off the match, and the crowd is certain to note that this is the closest that Icarus has ever gotten to an actual girl. Sara del Rey is throwing Brodie Lee around like a ragdoll with German suplexes, but ends up on the receiving end of THE BOOT.
4. Tim Donst pinned Mitch Ryder via rollup. Donst has a busted nose and it's bleeding pretty bad. Possibly broken. LINCE DORADO IS OUT FROM THE BACK! He distracts Mitch, Donst gets the rollup and PINS MITCH RYDER! The crowd is going absolutely wild at the appearance of Lince.
5. The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) defeats Los Ice Creams after Amasis pinned Ice Cream Jr. The Portal seem to be working as technicos and the Ice Creams aren't exactly working as rudos. The crowd is a bit confused as to how to react. "Nothing exceptional to report."
6. Claudio Castagnoli pinned Chris Hero via Ricola Bomb. Hero comes out wearing the torn up Equinox mask. As boring of a description as it is, this was a match featuring Chris Hero against Claudio Castagnoli, so it was obvious from the start that it was going to be a million billion stars. Certainly delivered and was a fine ending to the year. The finish was built to perfectly, and the hot crowd was really, really into the entire match. Simply awesome.
This show will be for sale soon at http://www.smartmarkvideo.com/. Go there and pick up lots of Indy wrestling goodness. You'll be glad you did.
The Wrestling Rewind - Debut Column
Hi, kids. My name is Michael Humphreys, and according to "The Studd" Scott Porteau, I'm the fat kid with the video camera who wants to watch his MySpace buddies do flips. I really can't argue with him there. Anyway, my short lived experience in the wrestling business basically involves doing some training back in 2002, going off to college, hosting my own award winning radio show called "The Wrestling Rewind" (after which this column is named), and then coming back home to Mississippi to do some ring announcing and commentating for The Future of Wrestling in Tupelo and Golden Triangle Wrestling in West Point. I'm now a money mark for my friends, and I think CHIKARA is the greatest promotion in the history of the world.
I absolutely hate politics in the wrestling business, and I can't understand why people just can't have fun at the matches instead of following a bunch of traditions and booking methods from the 1980s. I think people in this area need to get out of the "Memphis Wrestling Bubble" although it does have its place. I hate stupid booking and am very opinionated but no one seems to listen to me because I haven't been in the "biz" that long at all. Others tell me that I understand this whole wrestling thing more than I'm given credit for. I tell them not to let anyone hear them say that lest they get jobbed out. I want to promote wrestling shows one day similar to CHIKARA and InterSpecies Wrestling out of Canada. It'll be fun and whacky and there will be lots of lucha masks. I'll call it Southern Impact Elite because I hate the use of the word "wrestling" in the names of groups. I hate it when people wear T-shirts when they wrestle. I like to think I'm a tiny bit responsible for the success of The Southern Saints although they do all the work. I just send e-mail and keep up MySpace pages. I'm currently sick as a dog right now, but it does give me an excuse to sit around and do nothing but watch the entire first and last season of Wrestle Society X. I demand you all to purchase this right now if only for the shear greatness of Scott Colton a.k.a. "Classic" Colt Cabana wrestling as "Matt Classic". His gimmick is that he has awoken from a coma after forty years and still thinks Lou Thesz is the champion.
Brian asked me to help with some nominations of the 2nd annual RasslinRiotOnline awards, and I gladly obliged. He asked me to post these here, so I figure that might serve as a good debut column, if you want to call it that. I am very sorry if some people don't like what I have to say, but I really don't care. I tried to take out some of the negative stuff, but some I kept in because the truth hurts. Keep in mind, I haven't seen much except the shows in Mississippi, and a few in Alabama, which I'm not sure even counts, so if I include any Alabama guys and it doesn't count, just ignore them. Also, my picks are in no particular order. I'm going to try explaining my picks although I'm sure I'll go into way to much detail.
- Rookie of the Year:
1. J-Kid: Member of the tag team CNS with his partner CurlyMoe; both picked up things very, very quickly although J-Kid has shown that he's progressing along better than his tag partner; I do think he and Curly do have the same problem that a lot of the newer TFW talent has in that they'll get a couple of months of training and then be put on the shows, regardless of whether or not they're ready to work in front of a live crowd.
2. Gladiator (K-Hill): I saw him work a few shows in TN last year for Bill Dundee, I believe and was rather impressed.
3. Josh Hendrix: North Alabama fixture; started his training and worked referee for a while; I thought he did just fine in his tag match against The Southern Saints (Chris Styles and Shawn Reed) in Full Throttle Wrestling earlier this year.
-Promotion of the Year:
1. The Future of Wrestling: Continues to draw a big crowd every week anywhere between 100-150; a lot of that really has to do with the family atmosphere and the familiarity so many of the fans have with the same guys, since they've been watching them grow for five years; their fans really do have fun at the shows.
2. IWA: Deep South: Doesn't get a lot of recognition around here probably because they only run about six shows per year, but when it comes to a promotion in the Southeast who probably has more name recognition that anyone else around here, Deep South is above the rest; in the last year, they've had Necro Butcher, Jimmy Rave, Chuck Taylor, Ricochet, Eddie Kingston, Hallowicked, Larry Sweeney, Mitch Ryder, the Armstrong's, and their champion is Mike Quackenbush. They run primarily in the Birmingham market, although that may change as some of the old guard around there is making is hard for them to get buildings any more; also runs in the Full Throttle Wrestling building in Elkmont, AL and just recently ran a show in Pulaski, TN.
3. Full Throttle Wrestling: North Alabama Indy fed which features a lot of Indy talent making a name for themselves in IWA: Mid-South, IWA: Deep South, and CHIKARA; draws a steady crowd of around 150 every two weeks. If Alabama was covered more on the site, this would definitely be probably the top pick of best promotion, considering the talent they have, the type of shows they put on, and the frequency of their product.
-Booker of the Year:
1. Tony Dabbs: Here's a bit of honesty: I don't like his booking, and I'm not afraid to say it. I'm probably not the only one. BUT, what he does book is drawing the numbers at TFW, but I think anyone with the book there would probably still draw just as well. You have to give him credit though for longevity, and people don't realize how hard it is to book shows by yourself week after week, especially when the group has ran for five years and you never really know who is going to show up from week to week. I don't think he GETS a lot of things like CHIKARA, Ring of Honor, and IWA: Mid-South which are your three big indies nation wide these days. A lot of that probably has to do with being firmly rooted in the Memphis style and mindset.
2. Chris Castle (Full Throttle Booker/Owner/Promoter): FTW has been running for about two years now and still draws really good on a regular basis; they have a strong following in the Elkmont, AL area and in parts of middle TN; a lot of this is due to Castle's booking; he understands putting on an entertaining show for the fans, and refuses to let guys work his shows unless they have gear and actually look like pro wrestlers; takes a lot of his booking philosophy from Ian Rotten and Mike Burns.
3. Mike Burns (Booker for IWA: Deep South): I'm not sure how he ended up having the book for IWA: Deep South as he's actually from Pennsylvania and owns and runs SmartMarkVideo; apparently, he used to run the FWA promotion up north which became a break out federation for guys like Mike Quackenbush and Low-Ki; he then got the book to Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW) and stayed there for a few years until being pushed out at the end of 2005; Definitely puts on a different style show than any of the others in the area; actually does a good service in that he'll let a lot of Mississippi/Alabama guys work his shows against some of the more nationally known Indy types in order to help them get exposure through their DVDs.
-Announcer of the Year:
1. Michael Ward: Whenever I've asked about someone who could come in a do a real professional job doing ring announcing/commentary, I've always heard Michael Ward mentioned first; he also has plenty of connections with various people which is always a good thing.
2. Axeman: He's kayfabe all the way, and he always put me over as one of his favorite people to announce with because we played well off each other; I can't argue with him on that one. If paired with the right person, he can be a fine color commentator.
3. Kimble Winstead: I've only seen him do stuff for Kenny Valiant's All Pro promotion, but he did a fine job carrying the show.
As a side note on this one, I'm not actually a big fan of live commentary during live events unless its being done live-to-tape for a DVD release and isn't actually going out over the speakers for the crowd. I just feel that its distracting from what's actually going on in the ring, although I can see why people still use it.
-Gimmick of the Year:
1. "The Babyface Killah" Shawn Reed: Sadly, an awesome gimmick that only those in Tupelo and West Point saw for the short couple of months it lasted before switching to the Southern Saints gimmick. He was a white thug who smoked and drank and he did this all because his former tag team partner Josh Matthews was Straight Edge and that just pissed him off to no end. The highlight of this gimmick was when TFW did a drug testing storyline where "EVERYBODY PASSED EXCEPT TESTOSTERONE WHO TESTED POSITIVE FOR THE MANGE". Now, as you can imagine, this pissed off Shawn Reed very badly because he claimed to be a drunk who smoked all sorts of stuff, and for him to pass a drug test was the ultimate insult. He would just snap on people due to his being "drunk" and the such. I was on the receiving end of a Randy Orton soccer kick during this gimmick, mainly because it had gotten over on TV and actually involved very little effort on my part. Like I said, few people saw this, but it was great while it lasted.
2. Special Ed: One of those gimmicks that's been done for years, but Gary is so awesome at it, and you truly believe that there is something wrong with him mentally. He'll be normal in the back, but when its time to kick it in gear, he does it just fine. He hasn't worked on a regular basis in the last couple of months, but I think his stretch from April to August working the gimmick allows him to qualify for this award just fine.
3. Chuck Taylor: He wrestles every IWA: Deep South show and wrestled for TFW and USWO; I'd like to think that qualifies him for being in this area; His gimmick is that he hates children and old women and loves to make them cry and he is absolutely great at this. Another part of his gimmick is that he refuses to do flips even though a lot of the people he wrestles uses those a lot. He says, "Contrary to popular belief, I was actually trained to wrestle, so I don't have to go out there and do a bunch of flippy shit and ROH MOVEZ".
I probably went way into detail there, but I knew that a lot of people may not be familiar with many of these workers/bookers/groups, even though in reality, they actually have more a national following than we in the MEMPHIS AREA BUBBLE actually realize. I'd like to think this might open these groups for more people to take a look at.
Well, that's it for this very, very long column. E-Mail me at hljpromotions@gmail.com. Go visit my MySpace at www.myspace.com/chickmagnethump. Check out the Southern Saints at www.myspace.com/southernsaintsofwrestling. Go to CHIKARAFans.com and tell Dan that Hump sent you. Support local Indy wrestling, regardless of how bad it may suck at times. Don't be afraid to watch something different. Finally, don't work strong style 'cause you're not Samoa Joe, even though you want to be.
I absolutely hate politics in the wrestling business, and I can't understand why people just can't have fun at the matches instead of following a bunch of traditions and booking methods from the 1980s. I think people in this area need to get out of the "Memphis Wrestling Bubble" although it does have its place. I hate stupid booking and am very opinionated but no one seems to listen to me because I haven't been in the "biz" that long at all. Others tell me that I understand this whole wrestling thing more than I'm given credit for. I tell them not to let anyone hear them say that lest they get jobbed out. I want to promote wrestling shows one day similar to CHIKARA and InterSpecies Wrestling out of Canada. It'll be fun and whacky and there will be lots of lucha masks. I'll call it Southern Impact Elite because I hate the use of the word "wrestling" in the names of groups. I hate it when people wear T-shirts when they wrestle. I like to think I'm a tiny bit responsible for the success of The Southern Saints although they do all the work. I just send e-mail and keep up MySpace pages. I'm currently sick as a dog right now, but it does give me an excuse to sit around and do nothing but watch the entire first and last season of Wrestle Society X. I demand you all to purchase this right now if only for the shear greatness of Scott Colton a.k.a. "Classic" Colt Cabana wrestling as "Matt Classic". His gimmick is that he has awoken from a coma after forty years and still thinks Lou Thesz is the champion.
Brian asked me to help with some nominations of the 2nd annual RasslinRiotOnline awards, and I gladly obliged. He asked me to post these here, so I figure that might serve as a good debut column, if you want to call it that. I am very sorry if some people don't like what I have to say, but I really don't care. I tried to take out some of the negative stuff, but some I kept in because the truth hurts. Keep in mind, I haven't seen much except the shows in Mississippi, and a few in Alabama, which I'm not sure even counts, so if I include any Alabama guys and it doesn't count, just ignore them. Also, my picks are in no particular order. I'm going to try explaining my picks although I'm sure I'll go into way to much detail.
- Rookie of the Year:
1. J-Kid: Member of the tag team CNS with his partner CurlyMoe; both picked up things very, very quickly although J-Kid has shown that he's progressing along better than his tag partner; I do think he and Curly do have the same problem that a lot of the newer TFW talent has in that they'll get a couple of months of training and then be put on the shows, regardless of whether or not they're ready to work in front of a live crowd.
2. Gladiator (K-Hill): I saw him work a few shows in TN last year for Bill Dundee, I believe and was rather impressed.
3. Josh Hendrix: North Alabama fixture; started his training and worked referee for a while; I thought he did just fine in his tag match against The Southern Saints (Chris Styles and Shawn Reed) in Full Throttle Wrestling earlier this year.
-Promotion of the Year:
1. The Future of Wrestling: Continues to draw a big crowd every week anywhere between 100-150; a lot of that really has to do with the family atmosphere and the familiarity so many of the fans have with the same guys, since they've been watching them grow for five years; their fans really do have fun at the shows.
2. IWA: Deep South: Doesn't get a lot of recognition around here probably because they only run about six shows per year, but when it comes to a promotion in the Southeast who probably has more name recognition that anyone else around here, Deep South is above the rest; in the last year, they've had Necro Butcher, Jimmy Rave, Chuck Taylor, Ricochet, Eddie Kingston, Hallowicked, Larry Sweeney, Mitch Ryder, the Armstrong's, and their champion is Mike Quackenbush. They run primarily in the Birmingham market, although that may change as some of the old guard around there is making is hard for them to get buildings any more; also runs in the Full Throttle Wrestling building in Elkmont, AL and just recently ran a show in Pulaski, TN.
3. Full Throttle Wrestling: North Alabama Indy fed which features a lot of Indy talent making a name for themselves in IWA: Mid-South, IWA: Deep South, and CHIKARA; draws a steady crowd of around 150 every two weeks. If Alabama was covered more on the site, this would definitely be probably the top pick of best promotion, considering the talent they have, the type of shows they put on, and the frequency of their product.
-Booker of the Year:
1. Tony Dabbs: Here's a bit of honesty: I don't like his booking, and I'm not afraid to say it. I'm probably not the only one. BUT, what he does book is drawing the numbers at TFW, but I think anyone with the book there would probably still draw just as well. You have to give him credit though for longevity, and people don't realize how hard it is to book shows by yourself week after week, especially when the group has ran for five years and you never really know who is going to show up from week to week. I don't think he GETS a lot of things like CHIKARA, Ring of Honor, and IWA: Mid-South which are your three big indies nation wide these days. A lot of that probably has to do with being firmly rooted in the Memphis style and mindset.
2. Chris Castle (Full Throttle Booker/Owner/Promoter): FTW has been running for about two years now and still draws really good on a regular basis; they have a strong following in the Elkmont, AL area and in parts of middle TN; a lot of this is due to Castle's booking; he understands putting on an entertaining show for the fans, and refuses to let guys work his shows unless they have gear and actually look like pro wrestlers; takes a lot of his booking philosophy from Ian Rotten and Mike Burns.
3. Mike Burns (Booker for IWA: Deep South): I'm not sure how he ended up having the book for IWA: Deep South as he's actually from Pennsylvania and owns and runs SmartMarkVideo; apparently, he used to run the FWA promotion up north which became a break out federation for guys like Mike Quackenbush and Low-Ki; he then got the book to Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW) and stayed there for a few years until being pushed out at the end of 2005; Definitely puts on a different style show than any of the others in the area; actually does a good service in that he'll let a lot of Mississippi/Alabama guys work his shows against some of the more nationally known Indy types in order to help them get exposure through their DVDs.
-Announcer of the Year:
1. Michael Ward: Whenever I've asked about someone who could come in a do a real professional job doing ring announcing/commentary, I've always heard Michael Ward mentioned first; he also has plenty of connections with various people which is always a good thing.
2. Axeman: He's kayfabe all the way, and he always put me over as one of his favorite people to announce with because we played well off each other; I can't argue with him on that one. If paired with the right person, he can be a fine color commentator.
3. Kimble Winstead: I've only seen him do stuff for Kenny Valiant's All Pro promotion, but he did a fine job carrying the show.
As a side note on this one, I'm not actually a big fan of live commentary during live events unless its being done live-to-tape for a DVD release and isn't actually going out over the speakers for the crowd. I just feel that its distracting from what's actually going on in the ring, although I can see why people still use it.
-Gimmick of the Year:
1. "The Babyface Killah" Shawn Reed: Sadly, an awesome gimmick that only those in Tupelo and West Point saw for the short couple of months it lasted before switching to the Southern Saints gimmick. He was a white thug who smoked and drank and he did this all because his former tag team partner Josh Matthews was Straight Edge and that just pissed him off to no end. The highlight of this gimmick was when TFW did a drug testing storyline where "EVERYBODY PASSED EXCEPT TESTOSTERONE WHO TESTED POSITIVE FOR THE MANGE". Now, as you can imagine, this pissed off Shawn Reed very badly because he claimed to be a drunk who smoked all sorts of stuff, and for him to pass a drug test was the ultimate insult. He would just snap on people due to his being "drunk" and the such. I was on the receiving end of a Randy Orton soccer kick during this gimmick, mainly because it had gotten over on TV and actually involved very little effort on my part. Like I said, few people saw this, but it was great while it lasted.
2. Special Ed: One of those gimmicks that's been done for years, but Gary is so awesome at it, and you truly believe that there is something wrong with him mentally. He'll be normal in the back, but when its time to kick it in gear, he does it just fine. He hasn't worked on a regular basis in the last couple of months, but I think his stretch from April to August working the gimmick allows him to qualify for this award just fine.
3. Chuck Taylor: He wrestles every IWA: Deep South show and wrestled for TFW and USWO; I'd like to think that qualifies him for being in this area; His gimmick is that he hates children and old women and loves to make them cry and he is absolutely great at this. Another part of his gimmick is that he refuses to do flips even though a lot of the people he wrestles uses those a lot. He says, "Contrary to popular belief, I was actually trained to wrestle, so I don't have to go out there and do a bunch of flippy shit and ROH MOVEZ".
I probably went way into detail there, but I knew that a lot of people may not be familiar with many of these workers/bookers/groups, even though in reality, they actually have more a national following than we in the MEMPHIS AREA BUBBLE actually realize. I'd like to think this might open these groups for more people to take a look at.
Well, that's it for this very, very long column. E-Mail me at hljpromotions@gmail.com. Go visit my MySpace at www.myspace.com/chickmagnethump. Check out the Southern Saints at www.myspace.com/southernsaintsofwrestling. Go to CHIKARAFans.com and tell Dan that Hump sent you. Support local Indy wrestling, regardless of how bad it may suck at times. Don't be afraid to watch something different. Finally, don't work strong style 'cause you're not Samoa Joe, even though you want to be.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Great Championship Wrestling Phenix City, Al 12.08.07
Great Championship Wrestling ran their weekly show at Gr8 Sk8 Plex in Phenix City, Alabama Saturday night. It was a solid go home effort for their 2007 finale on December 15.
Attendance was 50, the lowest of any of my trips to GCW. But at least it was a vocal group of hardcore fans, so the place had some life to it.
The bitter irony is that this show was better than a lot of the stuff I saw during GCW’s days across the river in Columbus, when 200 was a bad crowd. Yeah, it the holidays and all, but this company need to figure out a way to get more eyeballs to view the product, because it deserves a far better fate at the box office. The young talent is developing to where they can hold their own and then some with veteran stars like Johnny Swinger, Sonny Siaki, David Young and Bull Buchanan.
It was quite a contrast to the 210 they drew last week. That show reaped the benefit of two birthday bashes booked in the adjacent party rooms.
Wicked Nemesis said he was seizing the open spot as ring announcer. It’s preposterous to have a heel manager in that role. Rest assured it’s a very temporary solution, as a new ring announcer will be in place for 2008.
(1) J-Rod & Tex Monroe beat R-J Connection (Randall Johnson & Reuben James) in 11:03. J-Rod stepped into the spot vacated by Frankie Valentine, who chose to stick with his hometown promotion, SECW in Villa Rica. R-J attacked the babyface team as they slid under the ropes, but J-Rod and Monroe cleared the ring. Some crisp work on the arm by J-Rod in the opening minutes. Good energy to his attack. R-J caught Monroe with a double team and took over. Referee Jeff McGowan is great at making it look realistic when he blocks the babyface from entering while the heels cheat. R-J’s stuff is looking stiffer. Monroe connected with an aerial move, but James managed to drag him to the heel corner. James hit a springboard back elbow and J-Rod saved. Monroe nailed a springboard blockbuster to lead into the hot tag. It broke down to four-way action. R-J hit a big combo move on Monroe but J-Rod saved. The heels collided on a double team attempt, and J-Rod rolled James up for the three. J-Rod has my vote for most improved Georgia wrestler of 2007.
Johnson and James argued. James ended up walking off on Johnson. Nemesis suggested that R-J Disconnection would be more apropos.
(2) Scotty Beach beat Devin Cutter (with Mason Cutter) via submission in 7:16. Beach got the usual high pitched squeals. Hooligans talk nonstop trash. Even with this pathetic crowd, they got heat. They’re developing a crazy edge that reminds me more of early Sheepherders than Highlanders. Devin picked on a "Meth head" sitting in the first row. Mason was putting another woman in the crowd through hell. Beach went after Mason, which set up a double team by the Hooligans. Devin resorted to biting Beach in the forehead. Hooligans are developing a crazy edge that reminds me more of early Sheepherders than Highlanders.Beach gave Devin the Beach Balls, but got cut off with a bolo punch. Good fire on the comeback by Beach. Devin tapped to the crossface. I guess Shawn Michaels broke the taboo.
Fresh off an unscheduled hiatus, the GCW Heavyweight Champion, Bull Buchanan addressed the crowd. Buchanan reminded the fans that when last seen in GCW, he was laid out by Michaels Inc. and sent to the hospital. Instead of getting a chance for payback, he got a plane ticket to Japan due to the manipulations of GCW Commissioner Scrappy McGowan. Buchanan said he spent his three weeks in Japan thinking about what happened in GCW.
A Michaels Inc. contingent consisting of Quentin Michaels, Cru Jones and Zero Tolerance confronted Buchanan from a safe distance. Michaels accused Buchanan of abandoning the fans. Jones said Buchanan was counting the lights the last time they met. He accused Buchanan of ducking out of their scheduled title match. Buchanan said let’s go right now. Jones said he already had a match for tonight. Buchanan said anytime and he could bring his boyfriends with him.
(3) Orion Bishop (with Wicked Nemesis) beat David Young in 10:15. Young made a good opponent for the up-and-coming Bishop. He countered Bishop’s power with a barrage of kicks. Bishop ate a Japanese lariat and backed off. Young tossed a charging Bishop through the ropes. Bishop was pissed. Bishop cheated on the test of strength and went to work on Young’s back. Bishop’s aggressiveness on offense is a major plus in his game. Bishop hit a fallaway slam followed by a Vader Bomb. Bishop covered with a two hand press, and Young got a foot over the ropes. Bishop applied a variation of the Dragon Sleeper. Escape and a knockdown enzuigiri by Young to spark the comeback. Young hit the Double Shot and Nemesis got up on the apron to distract McGowan. Bishop cracked Young across the back with Nemesis’ cane for the 1..2..3.
(4) Zero Tolerance (with Quentin Michaels) squashed Skinny Jimmy in 1:03. Tolerance is the guy that left Deathrow laying two weeks ago. He’s switched from a Russian strongman gimmick (Kodiak) to a massive bodyguard type in a suit coat and sunglasses. Fans were pitying poor Jimmy. Tolerance (previously Kodiak) pinned his bony ass with a devastating sitout powerbomb.
Santa Claus entered the ring. Nemesis said it took him three months to get mic time in this company, and he wasn’t having it. Nemesis called Bishop out. Just when it looked like Santa’s holiday season was going to end prematurely, Beach made the save with a steel chair. Beach told Santa he had been a good boy. Santa gave Beach a plastic beach ball. Beach said he wanted Santa as his partner in a match against Bishop and Nemesis next week. Beach vowed to make Bishop tap out.
(5) Mason Cutter (with Devin Cutter) beat Jonathan Davis in 7:38. With Davis leading the way, this was the best match of the night. For cutting-edge cruiserweight action, it was the best match I’ve seen in GCW. Really good chemistry. They were working a fast pace and hitting most everything. The returning Davis was sporting a Mohawk. Davis capped off a lightning quick opening exchange with an explosive flip dive on Hooligans. Back inside the ring, Mason dropkicked the knee and pounded away. Mason got his knees up on a standing moonsault by Davis. Mason used a high boot and went for a pin using the ropes for extra leverage. Davis came back with a satellite guillotine choke. Sweet move. Then a forward rolling cradle for a near fall. Mason cut him off with a lariat. Davis spiked Mason with a spinning headscissors and it was both men down. Big aerial comeback by Davis. He did the Jason Cross leg lariat to the outside. Mason went for german suplex, but Davis landed on his feet. Davis went up top for a moonsault, but Mason took his legs out. Mason hit the Warrior’s Way with Davis hung in the tree of woe (spot from the Ultimate X match at Bound for Glory) for a brutal looking finish.
(6) Cru Jones (with Quentin Michaels & Zero Tolerance) beat Sonny Siaki in 9:30 when Bull Buchanan’s helping hand backfired. Michaels was billed as “the delicate genius.” Jones did a muscle pose that got steroid heat. Jones said he was clean as a whistle. Siaki jumped out on top. Jones bailed out selling his arm and cussing under his breath. Siaki hung Jones in the tree of woe so he could grind his boot into Cru’s nutsack. Siaki connected with the one foot dropkick for a near fall. The tide turned when Jones stepped aside, and Siaki’s momentum carried him into the post. Jones said, “What I gentleman I am,” as he threw Siaki back into the ring. Jones used a cross armbreaker but no threat of a tap out there. Jones threatened to break Siaki’s freaking neck. Siaki smoked Jones with a superkick instead. Siaki went for his finisher, and Michaels got up on the apron to distract referee Randy Ray. Buchanan hit the ring and inadvertently plastered Siaki with a high boot. Jones gave Buchanan a lariat and pinned Siaki.
Siaki was hot at Buchanan, who said he was just trying to help. The argument turned into a fist fight. The opening match guys ran down and managed to separate them. But not for long. Siaki and Buchanan ended up fighting all the way back to the curtain. Pretty good pull apart but you can only get so much heat out of 50 people.
Nemesis announced a Buchanan/Siaki GCW Heavyweight Title match for 12/15 along with Puppet vs. Little Kato in a midgets hardcore match.
(7) A. J. Steele (with The Intern) beat Johnny Swinger (with Zero Tolerance) via DQ to retain the GCW Interstate Title in 18:30. Flawless psychology for working the body part, but the crowd was less than thrilled by the snail’s pace of the match. Swinger couldn’t cope with Steele’s muscle so he stalled. Lots. Steele wore Swinger to a frazzle with a Strangler Lewis side headlock. At 9 minutes in, Steele crashed and burned on a high crossbody to set up the key spot -- Swinger blasted Steele off the apron into a gutshot on the rail. Swinger worked the gut. At one point, Swinger apologized for breaking the rules. Swinger applied a bodyscissors choke. Steele reversed it to pound Swinger from the mount. Steele missed a splash (lapse of logic), and Swinger used the ropes for a two count. Steele made Swinger pay for a telegraphed backdrop. Steele did the 10 punches. Swinger took a wild swing and fell flat on his face. Swinger pulled out brass knucks. McGowan caught him. Swinger blatantly decked McGowan for the DQ. Swinger took a few lumps from Steele and bailed to the safe haven provided by Zero Tolerance. Not a strong way to finish the show. They've been using a lot heat booking, so I thought for sure Michaels Inc. would jump A.J.
NOTES: GCW plans to run Macon again in January pending the implementation of the GAEC’s new regulations on pro wrestling in Georgia. Rich Tate and I will be providing updates on that situation at www.georgiawrestlinghistory.com right through the public hearing on 12/18…Taylor McKnight will be the regular GCW ring announcer and will join Quentin Michaels as the co-host of the television show. Swinger joined Michaesl on commentary for last week’s episode… If you missed Roger Huerta’s victory over Clay Guida in UFC, it’s worth going out of your way to see. The replay is next Friday night on Spike…GCW released a statement acknowledging that Chris Stevens was done with the company. They parted ways due to schedule issues.
Attendance was 50, the lowest of any of my trips to GCW. But at least it was a vocal group of hardcore fans, so the place had some life to it.
The bitter irony is that this show was better than a lot of the stuff I saw during GCW’s days across the river in Columbus, when 200 was a bad crowd. Yeah, it the holidays and all, but this company need to figure out a way to get more eyeballs to view the product, because it deserves a far better fate at the box office. The young talent is developing to where they can hold their own and then some with veteran stars like Johnny Swinger, Sonny Siaki, David Young and Bull Buchanan.
It was quite a contrast to the 210 they drew last week. That show reaped the benefit of two birthday bashes booked in the adjacent party rooms.
Wicked Nemesis said he was seizing the open spot as ring announcer. It’s preposterous to have a heel manager in that role. Rest assured it’s a very temporary solution, as a new ring announcer will be in place for 2008.
(1) J-Rod & Tex Monroe beat R-J Connection (Randall Johnson & Reuben James) in 11:03. J-Rod stepped into the spot vacated by Frankie Valentine, who chose to stick with his hometown promotion, SECW in Villa Rica. R-J attacked the babyface team as they slid under the ropes, but J-Rod and Monroe cleared the ring. Some crisp work on the arm by J-Rod in the opening minutes. Good energy to his attack. R-J caught Monroe with a double team and took over. Referee Jeff McGowan is great at making it look realistic when he blocks the babyface from entering while the heels cheat. R-J’s stuff is looking stiffer. Monroe connected with an aerial move, but James managed to drag him to the heel corner. James hit a springboard back elbow and J-Rod saved. Monroe nailed a springboard blockbuster to lead into the hot tag. It broke down to four-way action. R-J hit a big combo move on Monroe but J-Rod saved. The heels collided on a double team attempt, and J-Rod rolled James up for the three. J-Rod has my vote for most improved Georgia wrestler of 2007.
Johnson and James argued. James ended up walking off on Johnson. Nemesis suggested that R-J Disconnection would be more apropos.
(2) Scotty Beach beat Devin Cutter (with Mason Cutter) via submission in 7:16. Beach got the usual high pitched squeals. Hooligans talk nonstop trash. Even with this pathetic crowd, they got heat. They’re developing a crazy edge that reminds me more of early Sheepherders than Highlanders. Devin picked on a "Meth head" sitting in the first row. Mason was putting another woman in the crowd through hell. Beach went after Mason, which set up a double team by the Hooligans. Devin resorted to biting Beach in the forehead. Hooligans are developing a crazy edge that reminds me more of early Sheepherders than Highlanders.Beach gave Devin the Beach Balls, but got cut off with a bolo punch. Good fire on the comeback by Beach. Devin tapped to the crossface. I guess Shawn Michaels broke the taboo.
Fresh off an unscheduled hiatus, the GCW Heavyweight Champion, Bull Buchanan addressed the crowd. Buchanan reminded the fans that when last seen in GCW, he was laid out by Michaels Inc. and sent to the hospital. Instead of getting a chance for payback, he got a plane ticket to Japan due to the manipulations of GCW Commissioner Scrappy McGowan. Buchanan said he spent his three weeks in Japan thinking about what happened in GCW.
A Michaels Inc. contingent consisting of Quentin Michaels, Cru Jones and Zero Tolerance confronted Buchanan from a safe distance. Michaels accused Buchanan of abandoning the fans. Jones said Buchanan was counting the lights the last time they met. He accused Buchanan of ducking out of their scheduled title match. Buchanan said let’s go right now. Jones said he already had a match for tonight. Buchanan said anytime and he could bring his boyfriends with him.
(3) Orion Bishop (with Wicked Nemesis) beat David Young in 10:15. Young made a good opponent for the up-and-coming Bishop. He countered Bishop’s power with a barrage of kicks. Bishop ate a Japanese lariat and backed off. Young tossed a charging Bishop through the ropes. Bishop was pissed. Bishop cheated on the test of strength and went to work on Young’s back. Bishop’s aggressiveness on offense is a major plus in his game. Bishop hit a fallaway slam followed by a Vader Bomb. Bishop covered with a two hand press, and Young got a foot over the ropes. Bishop applied a variation of the Dragon Sleeper. Escape and a knockdown enzuigiri by Young to spark the comeback. Young hit the Double Shot and Nemesis got up on the apron to distract McGowan. Bishop cracked Young across the back with Nemesis’ cane for the 1..2..3.
(4) Zero Tolerance (with Quentin Michaels) squashed Skinny Jimmy in 1:03. Tolerance is the guy that left Deathrow laying two weeks ago. He’s switched from a Russian strongman gimmick (Kodiak) to a massive bodyguard type in a suit coat and sunglasses. Fans were pitying poor Jimmy. Tolerance (previously Kodiak) pinned his bony ass with a devastating sitout powerbomb.
Santa Claus entered the ring. Nemesis said it took him three months to get mic time in this company, and he wasn’t having it. Nemesis called Bishop out. Just when it looked like Santa’s holiday season was going to end prematurely, Beach made the save with a steel chair. Beach told Santa he had been a good boy. Santa gave Beach a plastic beach ball. Beach said he wanted Santa as his partner in a match against Bishop and Nemesis next week. Beach vowed to make Bishop tap out.
(5) Mason Cutter (with Devin Cutter) beat Jonathan Davis in 7:38. With Davis leading the way, this was the best match of the night. For cutting-edge cruiserweight action, it was the best match I’ve seen in GCW. Really good chemistry. They were working a fast pace and hitting most everything. The returning Davis was sporting a Mohawk. Davis capped off a lightning quick opening exchange with an explosive flip dive on Hooligans. Back inside the ring, Mason dropkicked the knee and pounded away. Mason got his knees up on a standing moonsault by Davis. Mason used a high boot and went for a pin using the ropes for extra leverage. Davis came back with a satellite guillotine choke. Sweet move. Then a forward rolling cradle for a near fall. Mason cut him off with a lariat. Davis spiked Mason with a spinning headscissors and it was both men down. Big aerial comeback by Davis. He did the Jason Cross leg lariat to the outside. Mason went for german suplex, but Davis landed on his feet. Davis went up top for a moonsault, but Mason took his legs out. Mason hit the Warrior’s Way with Davis hung in the tree of woe (spot from the Ultimate X match at Bound for Glory) for a brutal looking finish.
(6) Cru Jones (with Quentin Michaels & Zero Tolerance) beat Sonny Siaki in 9:30 when Bull Buchanan’s helping hand backfired. Michaels was billed as “the delicate genius.” Jones did a muscle pose that got steroid heat. Jones said he was clean as a whistle. Siaki jumped out on top. Jones bailed out selling his arm and cussing under his breath. Siaki hung Jones in the tree of woe so he could grind his boot into Cru’s nutsack. Siaki connected with the one foot dropkick for a near fall. The tide turned when Jones stepped aside, and Siaki’s momentum carried him into the post. Jones said, “What I gentleman I am,” as he threw Siaki back into the ring. Jones used a cross armbreaker but no threat of a tap out there. Jones threatened to break Siaki’s freaking neck. Siaki smoked Jones with a superkick instead. Siaki went for his finisher, and Michaels got up on the apron to distract referee Randy Ray. Buchanan hit the ring and inadvertently plastered Siaki with a high boot. Jones gave Buchanan a lariat and pinned Siaki.
Siaki was hot at Buchanan, who said he was just trying to help. The argument turned into a fist fight. The opening match guys ran down and managed to separate them. But not for long. Siaki and Buchanan ended up fighting all the way back to the curtain. Pretty good pull apart but you can only get so much heat out of 50 people.
Nemesis announced a Buchanan/Siaki GCW Heavyweight Title match for 12/15 along with Puppet vs. Little Kato in a midgets hardcore match.
(7) A. J. Steele (with The Intern) beat Johnny Swinger (with Zero Tolerance) via DQ to retain the GCW Interstate Title in 18:30. Flawless psychology for working the body part, but the crowd was less than thrilled by the snail’s pace of the match. Swinger couldn’t cope with Steele’s muscle so he stalled. Lots. Steele wore Swinger to a frazzle with a Strangler Lewis side headlock. At 9 minutes in, Steele crashed and burned on a high crossbody to set up the key spot -- Swinger blasted Steele off the apron into a gutshot on the rail. Swinger worked the gut. At one point, Swinger apologized for breaking the rules. Swinger applied a bodyscissors choke. Steele reversed it to pound Swinger from the mount. Steele missed a splash (lapse of logic), and Swinger used the ropes for a two count. Steele made Swinger pay for a telegraphed backdrop. Steele did the 10 punches. Swinger took a wild swing and fell flat on his face. Swinger pulled out brass knucks. McGowan caught him. Swinger blatantly decked McGowan for the DQ. Swinger took a few lumps from Steele and bailed to the safe haven provided by Zero Tolerance. Not a strong way to finish the show. They've been using a lot heat booking, so I thought for sure Michaels Inc. would jump A.J.
NOTES: GCW plans to run Macon again in January pending the implementation of the GAEC’s new regulations on pro wrestling in Georgia. Rich Tate and I will be providing updates on that situation at www.georgiawrestlinghistory.com right through the public hearing on 12/18…Taylor McKnight will be the regular GCW ring announcer and will join Quentin Michaels as the co-host of the television show. Swinger joined Michaesl on commentary for last week’s episode… If you missed Roger Huerta’s victory over Clay Guida in UFC, it’s worth going out of your way to see. The replay is next Friday night on Spike…GCW released a statement acknowledging that Chris Stevens was done with the company. They parted ways due to schedule issues.
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg,TN 12.08.07
Allen Walker opened the show talking about some of the things that are going on tonight, reminding the fans about the 1st Annual Barry Harber Memorial Show and letting everyone know that New Blood Eve this year will be an all Cage match event.
Tank defeated J.Weezy after a "Warhead". after the match, Mark Justice told Tank to finish him off and Tank gave Weezy a vicious looking "Detonator" piledriver and Weezy had to be carried to the locker room.
"Real Deal" Tim Edwards defeated NBW Tag-Team Champions John "Hot Boy" Roberts & The Sicilian Kid in a Handicapped match. Roberts went for the "Rude Awakening" when Kid got on the ropes and came off with one of the tag belts. Edwards moved out of the way and Kid nailed Roberts in the back of the head sending him to the florr and Edwards then pinned Kid after a "Redrum". After the match, the Riot Squad came out and demanded a Tag-Title shot next week. they denied the Riot Squad, so Rob Justice & Tank beat them down. Tank tempted a "Detonator" on the tag belts with Kid, but Allen Walker gave them the match, but it will be a handicapped match with the Riot Squad (Rob Justice & Tank) vs John Roberts, Suicidal Youth & The Sicilian Kid.
C-Money defeated NBW High Risk Champion Motley Cruz by DQ after 187 interfered. Gaylon Ray made the save and sat up for a tag match next week.
JR Manson came to the ring and said that he felt that he had proven himself worthy enough for a title shot. Crazy Train came out and told him to stop whining so much. Crazy Train said that he should be NBW Heavyweight champion by now and would be if he would stop getting screwed over. Allen Walker made a match for tonight with the winner getting a title shot but the loser being fired. Crazy Train defeated JR Manson getting a title shot and Manson is now fired from NBW.
2 out of 3 falls match - "Southern Outlaw" Kilo vs 187
1st Fall - Regular Match - Kilo over with a small package
2nd Fall - 1st Blood Match - 187 over making Kilo bleed
3rd and decisive Fall - Reverse Ladder Match - Kilo over after he hung an envelope with an unknown contract inside.
If Rob or Mark gets pinned in this match, whoever pins them will get a heavyweight title match at New Blood Eve. "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore & Flex defeated The Riot Squad (NBW Heavyweight Champion "Enforcer" Mark Justice & "The LAW" Rob Justice) when Flex pinned Mark.
----There was around 80 paying this week with a gate close to $480 with almost 100 in the building…The All Cage show is a little overkill on the cage idea, but I was told they were happy to get a cage, so what the hell. It will be something different and would be kewl to see them add different stips to each match – like ladder cage, “only over the top” winner cage and so on…NBW Title Match: Mark Justice vs Flex in a cage is the main event of New Blood Eve this year. Flex worked double duty also working TLCW…JR Manson is gone and will probably debut in TLCW with his Slim Pickens gimmick…This group has their regular show next Saturday along with the 1st Annual Barry Harber Memorial show. Check out the front page of the site or to the right for full details. I plan to attend the event.
Tank defeated J.Weezy after a "Warhead". after the match, Mark Justice told Tank to finish him off and Tank gave Weezy a vicious looking "Detonator" piledriver and Weezy had to be carried to the locker room.
"Real Deal" Tim Edwards defeated NBW Tag-Team Champions John "Hot Boy" Roberts & The Sicilian Kid in a Handicapped match. Roberts went for the "Rude Awakening" when Kid got on the ropes and came off with one of the tag belts. Edwards moved out of the way and Kid nailed Roberts in the back of the head sending him to the florr and Edwards then pinned Kid after a "Redrum". After the match, the Riot Squad came out and demanded a Tag-Title shot next week. they denied the Riot Squad, so Rob Justice & Tank beat them down. Tank tempted a "Detonator" on the tag belts with Kid, but Allen Walker gave them the match, but it will be a handicapped match with the Riot Squad (Rob Justice & Tank) vs John Roberts, Suicidal Youth & The Sicilian Kid.
C-Money defeated NBW High Risk Champion Motley Cruz by DQ after 187 interfered. Gaylon Ray made the save and sat up for a tag match next week.
JR Manson came to the ring and said that he felt that he had proven himself worthy enough for a title shot. Crazy Train came out and told him to stop whining so much. Crazy Train said that he should be NBW Heavyweight champion by now and would be if he would stop getting screwed over. Allen Walker made a match for tonight with the winner getting a title shot but the loser being fired. Crazy Train defeated JR Manson getting a title shot and Manson is now fired from NBW.
2 out of 3 falls match - "Southern Outlaw" Kilo vs 187
1st Fall - Regular Match - Kilo over with a small package
2nd Fall - 1st Blood Match - 187 over making Kilo bleed
3rd and decisive Fall - Reverse Ladder Match - Kilo over after he hung an envelope with an unknown contract inside.
If Rob or Mark gets pinned in this match, whoever pins them will get a heavyweight title match at New Blood Eve. "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore & Flex defeated The Riot Squad (NBW Heavyweight Champion "Enforcer" Mark Justice & "The LAW" Rob Justice) when Flex pinned Mark.
----There was around 80 paying this week with a gate close to $480 with almost 100 in the building…The All Cage show is a little overkill on the cage idea, but I was told they were happy to get a cage, so what the hell. It will be something different and would be kewl to see them add different stips to each match – like ladder cage, “only over the top” winner cage and so on…NBW Title Match: Mark Justice vs Flex in a cage is the main event of New Blood Eve this year. Flex worked double duty also working TLCW…JR Manson is gone and will probably debut in TLCW with his Slim Pickens gimmick…This group has their regular show next Saturday along with the 1st Annual Barry Harber Memorial show. Check out the front page of the site or to the right for full details. I plan to attend the event.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 12.08.07
----Corey Maclin opens the show and is joined by Reggie B Fine. Fine starts doing “Dolomite” jokes and they go to commercial break.
----They replay the Ali Stevens/Brian Christopher angle from last week. Ali comes out with Tatt2 as his partner interview. Camera then goes backstage with Brian C trying to find a partner. He asks Jerry Lawler first, but Lawler doesn’t want to do it. He then goes over to Dustin Starr and Starr refuses. Finally, he goes over to Chris Lexx and asks him. Brian C says that him/Lexx are wrestling a couple of clowns. Lexx says, “The Clowns??” and then proceeds to take off his regular clothes and his gimmick is underneath. [which was hilarious for just that] Good piece. Lexx walks out to see that they are wrestling Ali/Tatt2, but Brian C tells him everything will be fine. Tatt2/Ali beat Brian C/Lexx. Not much of a match, just trying to build around Ali getting his hands on Brian C. Ali chased Brian out of the ring and finish had Tatt2 hit Lexx with the 169 and the pin. After the match, Brian hit a DDT on Lexx and then Ali made the save.
----Lawler interview. Fine is laughing at Lawler losing from watching Sue Young dancing last week. Lawler makes jokes about the old time tandem of Lance Russell & Dave Brown and now you have Corey Maclin & Fine. LOL Funny. Lawler says he will get revenge on Kevin White.
----“Opening The Vault” – Power Pro Wrestling clips featuring tons of guys including Brandon Baxter, Jerry Lawler, Stacy Carter, Randy Hales, Ms Jackie, Lawler slaps Hales, Sir Mo, Spellbinder, Mabel, Tony Falk, Derrick King, Bill Dundee, Moondogs, “Master B” [Reggie B Fine], Paul Diamond, Koko Ware and many more.
----Kevin White/Sue Young/Garry White – interview. Young has pigtails and licking on a sucker. Dustin Starr does an interview. He says he figured out how Young got into the wrestling business – “Platinum Plus” closes [Memphis strip club] and Sue Young shows up on Memphis Wrestling. JR Title Match: Starr beat White by COR. Heat started when Mr. White tried to trip Starr – Starr went after him and Kevin bumped him to the outside. Starr comes out of heat closelining White over the top rope. Young starts stripping outside the ring on one side, while White goes for a chain on the other. Lawler comes out and piledrives White on the concrete and White gets counted out. Good solid match.
----“Naughty By Nature” [Pokerface/Rude]/Crime vs Gladiator/Fire/Flame was declared DDQ after 3 minutes. Ref Jerry Calhoun was getting pushed around by heels and babys.
----“Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. They bring out Dotson’s motorcycle, which was a kid’s bicycle. LOL Winner Takes Titles - Southern Tag Team Title Match: Grind/Flex vs Dotson/DK. Heat on Flex with hot tag to Grind. All four in the ring with Rashard hitting Flex with the laptop. DK superkicks Flex to pin him while Grind pins Dotson at the same time. Good solid match.
----They come back from commercial break and both teams are mad. Calhoun says he got the three count on both teams.
----Brian C vignette backstage was funny and was breaking kayfabe – Brian was asking all the babys to tag with him and he is a heel…Ali looked huge in tag match with all three of the other guys…I could watch old Power Pro tapes all day long. I am not sure where they got these tapes, but they are crystal clear – very good quality. I would start liking the “Opening The Vault” if they would play Power Pro tapes every time. During a Baxter/Fine interview and the crowd was chanting “Ali, Ali” It was really strange seeing Baxter and Hales on Memphis TV again…My mistake next week, but White used a REAL chain to beat Lawler, not a phantom chain…Starr promo was good…Fine says during the 6-man tag – “Is this a Klu Klux Klan meeting?? They are all wearing hoods.” He was talking about the heels. How does stuff like this get on TV??…6 man tag that lasts 3 minutes?? Why even put it on TV?? Was this Fire/Flame ‘s punishment for “going over” a few weeks back??...I really wished they would put the tag titles on someone!!...A good show following storylines and such.
----They replay the Ali Stevens/Brian Christopher angle from last week. Ali comes out with Tatt2 as his partner interview. Camera then goes backstage with Brian C trying to find a partner. He asks Jerry Lawler first, but Lawler doesn’t want to do it. He then goes over to Dustin Starr and Starr refuses. Finally, he goes over to Chris Lexx and asks him. Brian C says that him/Lexx are wrestling a couple of clowns. Lexx says, “The Clowns??” and then proceeds to take off his regular clothes and his gimmick is underneath. [which was hilarious for just that] Good piece. Lexx walks out to see that they are wrestling Ali/Tatt2, but Brian C tells him everything will be fine. Tatt2/Ali beat Brian C/Lexx. Not much of a match, just trying to build around Ali getting his hands on Brian C. Ali chased Brian out of the ring and finish had Tatt2 hit Lexx with the 169 and the pin. After the match, Brian hit a DDT on Lexx and then Ali made the save.
----Lawler interview. Fine is laughing at Lawler losing from watching Sue Young dancing last week. Lawler makes jokes about the old time tandem of Lance Russell & Dave Brown and now you have Corey Maclin & Fine. LOL Funny. Lawler says he will get revenge on Kevin White.
----“Opening The Vault” – Power Pro Wrestling clips featuring tons of guys including Brandon Baxter, Jerry Lawler, Stacy Carter, Randy Hales, Ms Jackie, Lawler slaps Hales, Sir Mo, Spellbinder, Mabel, Tony Falk, Derrick King, Bill Dundee, Moondogs, “Master B” [Reggie B Fine], Paul Diamond, Koko Ware and many more.
----Kevin White/Sue Young/Garry White – interview. Young has pigtails and licking on a sucker. Dustin Starr does an interview. He says he figured out how Young got into the wrestling business – “Platinum Plus” closes [Memphis strip club] and Sue Young shows up on Memphis Wrestling. JR Title Match: Starr beat White by COR. Heat started when Mr. White tried to trip Starr – Starr went after him and Kevin bumped him to the outside. Starr comes out of heat closelining White over the top rope. Young starts stripping outside the ring on one side, while White goes for a chain on the other. Lawler comes out and piledrives White on the concrete and White gets counted out. Good solid match.
----“Naughty By Nature” [Pokerface/Rude]/Crime vs Gladiator/Fire/Flame was declared DDQ after 3 minutes. Ref Jerry Calhoun was getting pushed around by heels and babys.
----“Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. They bring out Dotson’s motorcycle, which was a kid’s bicycle. LOL Winner Takes Titles - Southern Tag Team Title Match: Grind/Flex vs Dotson/DK. Heat on Flex with hot tag to Grind. All four in the ring with Rashard hitting Flex with the laptop. DK superkicks Flex to pin him while Grind pins Dotson at the same time. Good solid match.
----They come back from commercial break and both teams are mad. Calhoun says he got the three count on both teams.
----Brian C vignette backstage was funny and was breaking kayfabe – Brian was asking all the babys to tag with him and he is a heel…Ali looked huge in tag match with all three of the other guys…I could watch old Power Pro tapes all day long. I am not sure where they got these tapes, but they are crystal clear – very good quality. I would start liking the “Opening The Vault” if they would play Power Pro tapes every time. During a Baxter/Fine interview and the crowd was chanting “Ali, Ali” It was really strange seeing Baxter and Hales on Memphis TV again…My mistake next week, but White used a REAL chain to beat Lawler, not a phantom chain…Starr promo was good…Fine says during the 6-man tag – “Is this a Klu Klux Klan meeting?? They are all wearing hoods.” He was talking about the heels. How does stuff like this get on TV??…6 man tag that lasts 3 minutes?? Why even put it on TV?? Was this Fire/Flame ‘s punishment for “going over” a few weeks back??...I really wished they would put the tag titles on someone!!...A good show following storylines and such.
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