Brian Tramel just called in live from tonight's TLCW Wrestling event in Ripley, TN to report the identity of the much talked about "surprise" manager who was scheduled to appear at tonight's show.
Former Memphis area wrestling personality and Power Pro Wrestling owner RANDY HALES will manage the team of "Hot Topic" (Derrick King & Stan Lee) later this evening.
Brian said that Randy cut an incredible promo.
Tonight's event was the first time that Randy has participated in anything wrestling related since the close of Power Pro Wrestling in 2001.
Be sure to visit tomorrow for more on tonight's TLCW event including video footage of the "incredible" Randy Hales promo.
Also, visit the RRO News Message Board to discuss this with other visitors of the site!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Another Big Show!!
----Ok, I was not my last post...forgot about this big show also.
Championship Wrestling returns to Johnson City, TN for the 1st time in almost 3 years TONIGHT at the Carver Rec Center.
Bell time is 8:00 PM!
Just Announced: Tony Givens will make his 1st appearence at a Championship Wrestling event since being injured on March 1... Givens will second National Heavyweight Champion, Robbie Cassidy in his title defense against JHP's Alyx Winters.
After seeing JHP's "funeral service" for Givens, how will he be able to control himself with John Hawkins also at ringside?
Here is the line up:
Main Event
Johnson City Street Fight
1/2 of the US Tag Team Champions
"The Detroit Thug"
Moe Jenkins
"Tennessee Redneck"
Chris Richards
w/ John Hawkins
Special Challenge Match
Johnson City's Own
"Wildfire" James Blevins
"Young Guns" Cody Ices
National Heavyweight Title Match
Champion, Robbie Cassidy
w/ Tony "The Dragon" Givens
"The Cold" Alyx Winters
w/ John Hawkins
6 Man Grudge Match
"Sensational" Wayne Adkins,
"Notorious" Nick Hammonds
& Thorn w/ Kandy
The Triple Crown
(Adam York & The Smith Brother)
w/ Barbie
Plus More Featuring:
"Power House" Ray Idol
The Mysterious Ginn
The Ghostrider (Mike Fair & Jackie Anderson)
Matt Stevens & More
*Card Subject to Change*
Ticket Information
Floor Seats: $8
Risers: $6
Doors open at 7:00 PM.
Championship Wrestling returns to Johnson City, TN for the 1st time in almost 3 years TONIGHT at the Carver Rec Center.
Bell time is 8:00 PM!
Just Announced: Tony Givens will make his 1st appearence at a Championship Wrestling event since being injured on March 1... Givens will second National Heavyweight Champion, Robbie Cassidy in his title defense against JHP's Alyx Winters.
After seeing JHP's "funeral service" for Givens, how will he be able to control himself with John Hawkins also at ringside?
Here is the line up:
Main Event
Johnson City Street Fight
1/2 of the US Tag Team Champions
"The Detroit Thug"
Moe Jenkins
"Tennessee Redneck"
Chris Richards
w/ John Hawkins
Special Challenge Match
Johnson City's Own
"Wildfire" James Blevins
"Young Guns" Cody Ices
National Heavyweight Title Match
Champion, Robbie Cassidy
w/ Tony "The Dragon" Givens
"The Cold" Alyx Winters
w/ John Hawkins
6 Man Grudge Match
"Sensational" Wayne Adkins,
"Notorious" Nick Hammonds
& Thorn w/ Kandy
The Triple Crown
(Adam York & The Smith Brother)
w/ Barbie
Plus More Featuring:
"Power House" Ray Idol
The Mysterious Ginn
The Ghostrider (Mike Fair & Jackie Anderson)
Matt Stevens & More
*Card Subject to Change*
Ticket Information
Floor Seats: $8
Risers: $6
Doors open at 7:00 PM.
----My next post of the day will be live from TLCW tonight with the "Biggest Surprise Ever" post!!
Shows That I Missed!!
----If you go to any of the shows listed below, then send in a report!!
----There is a wrestling show in Covington, TN for "Relay for Life". I am not sure all the names that will be on the show, but I have been told Rude, Dell Tucker, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony will be there. If you are in the area, then this is a good cause, so go out and support it.
----MAW Sunday in Memphis, TN @ the New Daisy with Derrick King, The Crime, High Society, KC Gold, Austin Lane, Dre Black, Scott Fury and more!!
----Monday Night Wrestling in Memphis, TN @ Creative Arts Center with Sid Vicious, Bill Dundee, Reggie B Fine, Doug Gilbert, The Blues Brothers, King Cobra, Brickhouse Brown, Derrick King, Brian Christopher, Koko B Ware, Tatt2, Johnny Dotson and more!!
----There is a wrestling show in Covington, TN for "Relay for Life". I am not sure all the names that will be on the show, but I have been told Rude, Dell Tucker, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony will be there. If you are in the area, then this is a good cause, so go out and support it.
----MAW Sunday in Memphis, TN @ the New Daisy with Derrick King, The Crime, High Society, KC Gold, Austin Lane, Dre Black, Scott Fury and more!!
----Monday Night Wrestling in Memphis, TN @ Creative Arts Center with Sid Vicious, Bill Dundee, Reggie B Fine, Doug Gilbert, The Blues Brothers, King Cobra, Brickhouse Brown, Derrick King, Brian Christopher, Koko B Ware, Tatt2, Johnny Dotson and more!!
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 4.04.08

Johnny Vinyl over Brandon Espinosa by Count Out
Sgt. Savage over Rich Rogers by DQ
Seth Knight over Idol Bane by DQ
“The Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] over Jordan Lacey & Rich Rogers to retain LAW Tag Titles
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony over Chris Rocker to retain LAW Championship
----80-100 in the crowd. Crowd is up again. Good for them!! There has been some extra advertising done in the last few weeks and it seems to be working…Show opened with Jeff O'Dell making the announcement that Tracy Smothers [pictured] would be there April 18th and that the 4th Annual Spring Break Out would be April 25th…Also that Espinosa wouldn't be getting his hands on Bane because Bane would be finishing off Seth Knight tonight. Idol tried to interfere in Espy's match but Brandon beat him to the punch and ended up getting counted out. After the match Rockin' Randy got a hold of Johnny Vinyl but JV slid out before Randy could hit the Super Kick…Idol Bane kicked Seth Knight below the belt for the DQ and gave Seth “The Ghost of Andy Kaufman” but then went and got a door from the backstage and gave him a GOAK off the top rope through the door…TGB is doing a Napoleon complex gimmick, where when someone makes fun of his size, he goes crazy and gives them a title shot.
RassleResults: RWL Newbern, TN 4.04.08

J.D. Rage/Gaylon Reed [pictured] d. Tim Alphonso/Jon Roberts
Dell Tucker d. Juicy J
Shannon Lee d. Kilo
Chris O'Neal d. Rude [pictured]
The Posse(Simon Reed,Little Chris)/Greg King d. Eric Wayne/Kid Nikels/Dell Tucker
Lumberjack Match
Jason Reed d. Weasel
At the end of the show, Weasel asked for and was given a return match next week.
Attendance was about 70 - 75
4.4 United Wrestling League Internet PPV Report with Spoilers
United Wrestling League taped their second internet PPV event Friday night in Cleveland, Tennessee at the Village Green Playhouse.
It will be available at starting at 7:30pm EST Saturday.
On this night, The UWL looked like a surefire losing proposition. They produced a show with few redeeming qualities and a lot of strong negatives - not enough talented performers, uninspired if not downright counterproductive booking, and only 115 in the house. There was little to compel fans of indie wrestling to shell out money for the PPV. It was a poor follow up to their first show, which wasn’t exactly gangbusters, but did have its moments. Two of the key players from that show, Bull Buchanan and Bulldog Raines were not on the card. Buchanan is in Japan. I don’t know about Raines.
On the plus side, visually, PPV#2 should be tons better than the first one. They picked a perfect venue. The Playhouse is like an upscale TV studio. Excellent lighting. Plenty of close ups. If only they could have packed the place, which holds maybe 250. The West family has got to be discouraged drawing so badly in their hometown.
In a mind boggling attempt to turn back the clock, they decided to forgo entrance music. I’m all about old school, but it’s a concept that spells doom when 90% of your fans have never seen wrestlers enter without it.
Ole Anderson was introduced by Steve Hartline from FM 104.1 in Cleveland. I loved Hartline’s voice. He sounded a lot like Bill Mercer from World Class. Anderson shared the color commentary duties with Hartline. Michael St. John was back as the lead commentator.The show opened with three “pregame” matches. They made end up using some of this footage to fill out the 2 hours of PPV time.
(1) Derrick King beat Casey Kage in 4:18. King's performance was the most entertaining thing about this show. He knows how to connect with the crowd and bring out the hate. Kade debuted in the role of the hometown hero. Kage has good size but lacks the physique and athleticism for the spot. King was screaming like a girl as Kade tossed him around. King ridiculed Cleveland as he beat up on Kage. A fan threatened to slap King and his woman. “If you only knew,” said King. Kage came back and mounted the ropes for the 10 punches. King cut Kage off nine and pinned him with his feet on the ropes.
King backdropped a charging Kage over the top and strapped him with a belt - solid licks that produced some nice welts. Kage fired up. King got even more wide-eyed than usual and ran away. Kage vowed to get a piece of King before the night was over. To me, this segment made Kade look like an imbecile.
(2) Stan Lee beat Johnny Rokk (with Jack Lord) in 10:46. Coming off wining the Ultimate Wrestler tournament on the first PPV, this match was designed to get Lee over as the athletically superior babyface. The crowd got behind Lee after an impressive series of armdrags. Some of Lee’s stuff looks really good and some not so much. This match had more high spots than any of the PPV bouts. At one point, Lee took a high angle bump on his neck off a lariat. Rokk hit a top rope lariat and took forever to make the cover. Rook took forever and missed a top rope splash. Lee made the big comeback and won it with his trademark running SSP.
Wicked Nemesis came out and said Lee was not the Ultimate Wrestler because he needed help from Raines. Lee said he earned that title and Raines stole his medal. Orion Bishop joined Nemesis. Lee invited Bishop into the ring. Nemesis told Bishop to wait. Bishop didn’t listen and ate a spinkick for his troubles.
(3) Don Buchanan beat Cameron Valentine via DQ when Lords of the Ring interfered at 3:27. Lord and Rokk came out with Valentine. I liked Valentine. His gimmick is a complete ripoff of Greg, but it’s so well done as to be a fitting tribute. Why Lord has completely different guys in his stable from the first show was never explained. Perhaps they covered it in a backstage interview. Davey Rich (David Haskins) and Damon Taz came out with Buchanan to clear the ring. Referee Gene Johnson sent the other four guys to the back. Good brawl. Valentine shrugged off a dropkick and went for a piledriver but Buchanan blocked it. Buchanan started jack hammering Valentine bigtime. Don’s training with Bull is paying off. His stuff looked good. The other Lords hit the ring and they put the boots to Buchanan until Rich and Taz made the save.
“Nature Boy” Kevin White cut a promo saying he was not a “walk behind.” He was sick of Bill Dundee and it was time for “the natch.” It’s sacrilegious for that term to be applied to anyone but Flair this week. Dundee came out and said the only thing that was bothering White was his ego.
Michael St. John and Ole Anderson did the intro for the PPV. The crowd, which was mostly dead until now, was more lively going forward. The Wrestlemania after glow was evident, as there several times when the kids in the crowd were calling for a superkick.
(4) Casey Kage beat Sky Adams (with Derrick King) in 10:08. Kage was thwarted by King’s constant interference, which allowed Adams to control the body of the match. Still, Adams is a jobber type, and if they want to push Kage as a babyface, it shouldn’t have taken him 10 minutes to beat a guy like that. Adams rammed into the turnbuckle and Kage made a careless pin, not even bothering to hook the leg. Adams was so close the corner that he had to avoid putting his foot on the ropes.
Kage chased King into the ring, but before Kage could do any damage, Adams grabbed him by the leg. King strapped Kage again and put some more welts on him.
(5) Davey Rich beat Derrick King in 5:45. A fine match. Rich looked very good here. Kage came to ringside all in a huff and got dragged to the back by the refs. King attacked before Rich could take off his ring jacket. Rich gave King an atomic drop, and King took a ridiculously exaggerated bump through the ropes. Rich speared the post. King turned Rich inside out with a lariat. Great old school punch series by King with Rich snapping his head back with each blow. King hit a DDT and went for the pin with feet on the ropes again. Not this time. Rich roared back pinning King with a fisherman suplex.
King strapped Rich with the belt and announced “Derrick by God greater than great King” as the winner.
(6) Davey Rich & Don Buchanan beat Lords of the Ring (Johnny Rokk & Cameron Valentine with Jack Lord) 2 out of 3 falls in a total time of 16:33. Match started with Taz as Buchanan’s partner. Rokk took all the punishment. Rokk mule kicked Buchanan in the groin, and Valentine tagged in for the glory. Solid offense from Valentine. Taz saved after a top rope elbow. Hot tag and Taz cleaned house. Taz had Rokk pinned with a stiff kick the the face, but Lord distracted the ref. Not to be denied, Taz pinned Valentine with a powerslam variation at 8:47. Taz got dumped by Valentine. As Buchanan was beating the crap out of Valentine, Lord used a chair on Taz. Valentine then pinned Taz with a neckbreaker in 3:09. Rich and Lee came out to check on Taz, who was injured. Taz was carried out on a backboard. Buchanan wailed away on Valentine, gamely fighting on against the odds. Rich replaced Taz. Hot tag. Bumps all around as Lords did a nice job feeding for Rich. Buchanan hit a middle rope facebuster on Valentine, and Johnson made a fast three count.
(7) Stan Lee vs. Orion Bishop (with Wicked Nemesis) ended in a disputed decision where both men scored pinfalls (11 minutes). This was the best match of the night. Lee opened hot. Bishop bailed after taking a huracanrana, and Lee scored a near fall after a barrage of stiff kicks. Lee attempted a high crossbody that Bishop converted into a fallaway slam to turn the tide. A series of reversals ended with a devastating wheelbarrow uranage by Bishop. Bishop used a dragon sleeper. There was a weird looking spot where Bishop got dropped on his arm. Lee countered a powerbomb with a triangle choke, but Bishop powerbombed his way out of it. But Bishop came up selling the arm and was slow to cover. Referee Joe Evans got bumped. Bishop clocked Lee with a chain he got from Nemesis. No ref to count. Lee nailed a variation of the Phenomenon, the moonsault into a reverse DDT that A. J. Styles uses. Lee hit the running SSP, sort of, and referee Daniel Brooks hit the ring to make the three count. Brooks raised Lee’s hand. Bishop then put Lee’s lights out with the chain, and Evans came around to make the count on Lee. Evan declared Bishop the winner. The referees argued back and forth. Hartline said the decision would be left up to “the committee.”
(8) Kevin White beat Bill Dundee in 12:13. Dundee wore a full bodysuit. He was more over than I expected for a 64 year-old main event babyface. Not much of a match, but it did have decent heat. It was mostly stalling mixed with comedy. The fans made fun of White’s penis size. Dundee then distracted the ref and stomped his tiny nuts. White took over. Lord came to ringside. Shoulder block collision and both men down. Lord held a chair up for Dundee (huh?). White shot Dundee off into the chair and pinned him.
Postmatch, the Lords attacked White. Then they attacked Dundee. Valentine went to piledrive Dundee but White made the save. White and Dundee still weren’t best buddies. Dundee yelled at White for disrespecting Anderson. “He’s Mr. Anderson to you.” Dundee said Ole and Gene were as bad a tag team as there ever was.
The crowd cheered for Anderson. Ole said he appreciated the response but he kind of missed being booed, so the crowd booed him.
NOTES: April 26 was announced as the return date in Cleveland at the Village Green Playhouse. No matches or talent mentioned in connection with that date…Ron West was not at the show because it was the first night of the circus season, which stretches from now through November – seven days a week, two shows per day and three on Saturday.
It will be available at starting at 7:30pm EST Saturday.
On this night, The UWL looked like a surefire losing proposition. They produced a show with few redeeming qualities and a lot of strong negatives - not enough talented performers, uninspired if not downright counterproductive booking, and only 115 in the house. There was little to compel fans of indie wrestling to shell out money for the PPV. It was a poor follow up to their first show, which wasn’t exactly gangbusters, but did have its moments. Two of the key players from that show, Bull Buchanan and Bulldog Raines were not on the card. Buchanan is in Japan. I don’t know about Raines.
On the plus side, visually, PPV#2 should be tons better than the first one. They picked a perfect venue. The Playhouse is like an upscale TV studio. Excellent lighting. Plenty of close ups. If only they could have packed the place, which holds maybe 250. The West family has got to be discouraged drawing so badly in their hometown.
In a mind boggling attempt to turn back the clock, they decided to forgo entrance music. I’m all about old school, but it’s a concept that spells doom when 90% of your fans have never seen wrestlers enter without it.
Ole Anderson was introduced by Steve Hartline from FM 104.1 in Cleveland. I loved Hartline’s voice. He sounded a lot like Bill Mercer from World Class. Anderson shared the color commentary duties with Hartline. Michael St. John was back as the lead commentator.The show opened with three “pregame” matches. They made end up using some of this footage to fill out the 2 hours of PPV time.
(1) Derrick King beat Casey Kage in 4:18. King's performance was the most entertaining thing about this show. He knows how to connect with the crowd and bring out the hate. Kade debuted in the role of the hometown hero. Kage has good size but lacks the physique and athleticism for the spot. King was screaming like a girl as Kade tossed him around. King ridiculed Cleveland as he beat up on Kage. A fan threatened to slap King and his woman. “If you only knew,” said King. Kage came back and mounted the ropes for the 10 punches. King cut Kage off nine and pinned him with his feet on the ropes.
King backdropped a charging Kage over the top and strapped him with a belt - solid licks that produced some nice welts. Kage fired up. King got even more wide-eyed than usual and ran away. Kage vowed to get a piece of King before the night was over. To me, this segment made Kade look like an imbecile.
(2) Stan Lee beat Johnny Rokk (with Jack Lord) in 10:46. Coming off wining the Ultimate Wrestler tournament on the first PPV, this match was designed to get Lee over as the athletically superior babyface. The crowd got behind Lee after an impressive series of armdrags. Some of Lee’s stuff looks really good and some not so much. This match had more high spots than any of the PPV bouts. At one point, Lee took a high angle bump on his neck off a lariat. Rokk hit a top rope lariat and took forever to make the cover. Rook took forever and missed a top rope splash. Lee made the big comeback and won it with his trademark running SSP.
Wicked Nemesis came out and said Lee was not the Ultimate Wrestler because he needed help from Raines. Lee said he earned that title and Raines stole his medal. Orion Bishop joined Nemesis. Lee invited Bishop into the ring. Nemesis told Bishop to wait. Bishop didn’t listen and ate a spinkick for his troubles.
(3) Don Buchanan beat Cameron Valentine via DQ when Lords of the Ring interfered at 3:27. Lord and Rokk came out with Valentine. I liked Valentine. His gimmick is a complete ripoff of Greg, but it’s so well done as to be a fitting tribute. Why Lord has completely different guys in his stable from the first show was never explained. Perhaps they covered it in a backstage interview. Davey Rich (David Haskins) and Damon Taz came out with Buchanan to clear the ring. Referee Gene Johnson sent the other four guys to the back. Good brawl. Valentine shrugged off a dropkick and went for a piledriver but Buchanan blocked it. Buchanan started jack hammering Valentine bigtime. Don’s training with Bull is paying off. His stuff looked good. The other Lords hit the ring and they put the boots to Buchanan until Rich and Taz made the save.
“Nature Boy” Kevin White cut a promo saying he was not a “walk behind.” He was sick of Bill Dundee and it was time for “the natch.” It’s sacrilegious for that term to be applied to anyone but Flair this week. Dundee came out and said the only thing that was bothering White was his ego.
Michael St. John and Ole Anderson did the intro for the PPV. The crowd, which was mostly dead until now, was more lively going forward. The Wrestlemania after glow was evident, as there several times when the kids in the crowd were calling for a superkick.
(4) Casey Kage beat Sky Adams (with Derrick King) in 10:08. Kage was thwarted by King’s constant interference, which allowed Adams to control the body of the match. Still, Adams is a jobber type, and if they want to push Kage as a babyface, it shouldn’t have taken him 10 minutes to beat a guy like that. Adams rammed into the turnbuckle and Kage made a careless pin, not even bothering to hook the leg. Adams was so close the corner that he had to avoid putting his foot on the ropes.
Kage chased King into the ring, but before Kage could do any damage, Adams grabbed him by the leg. King strapped Kage again and put some more welts on him.
(5) Davey Rich beat Derrick King in 5:45. A fine match. Rich looked very good here. Kage came to ringside all in a huff and got dragged to the back by the refs. King attacked before Rich could take off his ring jacket. Rich gave King an atomic drop, and King took a ridiculously exaggerated bump through the ropes. Rich speared the post. King turned Rich inside out with a lariat. Great old school punch series by King with Rich snapping his head back with each blow. King hit a DDT and went for the pin with feet on the ropes again. Not this time. Rich roared back pinning King with a fisherman suplex.
King strapped Rich with the belt and announced “Derrick by God greater than great King” as the winner.
(6) Davey Rich & Don Buchanan beat Lords of the Ring (Johnny Rokk & Cameron Valentine with Jack Lord) 2 out of 3 falls in a total time of 16:33. Match started with Taz as Buchanan’s partner. Rokk took all the punishment. Rokk mule kicked Buchanan in the groin, and Valentine tagged in for the glory. Solid offense from Valentine. Taz saved after a top rope elbow. Hot tag and Taz cleaned house. Taz had Rokk pinned with a stiff kick the the face, but Lord distracted the ref. Not to be denied, Taz pinned Valentine with a powerslam variation at 8:47. Taz got dumped by Valentine. As Buchanan was beating the crap out of Valentine, Lord used a chair on Taz. Valentine then pinned Taz with a neckbreaker in 3:09. Rich and Lee came out to check on Taz, who was injured. Taz was carried out on a backboard. Buchanan wailed away on Valentine, gamely fighting on against the odds. Rich replaced Taz. Hot tag. Bumps all around as Lords did a nice job feeding for Rich. Buchanan hit a middle rope facebuster on Valentine, and Johnson made a fast three count.
(7) Stan Lee vs. Orion Bishop (with Wicked Nemesis) ended in a disputed decision where both men scored pinfalls (11 minutes). This was the best match of the night. Lee opened hot. Bishop bailed after taking a huracanrana, and Lee scored a near fall after a barrage of stiff kicks. Lee attempted a high crossbody that Bishop converted into a fallaway slam to turn the tide. A series of reversals ended with a devastating wheelbarrow uranage by Bishop. Bishop used a dragon sleeper. There was a weird looking spot where Bishop got dropped on his arm. Lee countered a powerbomb with a triangle choke, but Bishop powerbombed his way out of it. But Bishop came up selling the arm and was slow to cover. Referee Joe Evans got bumped. Bishop clocked Lee with a chain he got from Nemesis. No ref to count. Lee nailed a variation of the Phenomenon, the moonsault into a reverse DDT that A. J. Styles uses. Lee hit the running SSP, sort of, and referee Daniel Brooks hit the ring to make the three count. Brooks raised Lee’s hand. Bishop then put Lee’s lights out with the chain, and Evans came around to make the count on Lee. Evan declared Bishop the winner. The referees argued back and forth. Hartline said the decision would be left up to “the committee.”
(8) Kevin White beat Bill Dundee in 12:13. Dundee wore a full bodysuit. He was more over than I expected for a 64 year-old main event babyface. Not much of a match, but it did have decent heat. It was mostly stalling mixed with comedy. The fans made fun of White’s penis size. Dundee then distracted the ref and stomped his tiny nuts. White took over. Lord came to ringside. Shoulder block collision and both men down. Lord held a chair up for Dundee (huh?). White shot Dundee off into the chair and pinned him.
Postmatch, the Lords attacked White. Then they attacked Dundee. Valentine went to piledrive Dundee but White made the save. White and Dundee still weren’t best buddies. Dundee yelled at White for disrespecting Anderson. “He’s Mr. Anderson to you.” Dundee said Ole and Gene were as bad a tag team as there ever was.
The crowd cheered for Anderson. Ole said he appreciated the response but he kind of missed being booed, so the crowd booed him.
NOTES: April 26 was announced as the return date in Cleveland at the Village Green Playhouse. No matches or talent mentioned in connection with that date…Ron West was not at the show because it was the first night of the circus season, which stretches from now through November – seven days a week, two shows per day and three on Saturday.
Flashback!!! 8.28.04
----This is stuff that I got off the Yahoo Mempho group talking about the Lawler/Funk show. It makes you wonder if they will ever be able to draw another crowd this size??
Here are the results from the coliseum (There was almost 5,000 people in
attendance) courtesy of Andrew Elder.
Thought I throw in some details about the matches.
Brian Teigland and Lance Russell come out to the Memphis Wrestling
music. Brian asks if we're for wrestling, etc.
First Match: Life Guards vs Infernos- It was OK match, the Life
Guards basically control the match through out, some high risk moves.
In the end, one of Life Guards gets the win with the flying body
Second Match: Nicholas Doom vs Johnny Dotson- This was a pretty good
match. Both guys did a lot impressive moves. I'm really impressed
with Johnny, he's got potential to be a great Cruiserweight. In the
end Nicholas Doom wins by pinning Dotson while Doom has his feet on
the ropes.
3rd match: Womens Title match(no title belt present actually) Christi
Ricci vs Miss Kelly. Kelly taunts Ricci before we really get into the
match. Pretty good moves from Christi, Miss Kelly has some OK moves.
Christi wins the match, and before she lives stomps on Miss Kelly.
4th match: Cruiserweight Title Kid Kash vs Spiderman(comes out
shooting silly string webbing in the crowd) Pretty good match, back
and forth between Kash and Spiderman, Kash eventually gets Spiderman
tied in the ropes and wells on him and trying to take the mask off,
Rashaad Devine(sp) is trying to get Kash let Spiderman out and after
several times being shoved by Kash, Devine calls for the bell,
Spiderman wins by dq, afterword Kash grabs Devine, beats him up, rips
of Devine's neck brace, and pedigrees Rashaad. Spiderman and others
help Rashaad to the back.(note that's the last we see of Devine as
Jerry Calhoun would ref the rest of the matches)
5th match: Double Title Triple Threat. Shock and Mordecai Double team
Mable and beat him up, then both try to pin Mable with each other
pulling the other off. Back and forth between everybody, Mable gets
knocked down at one point which allows Shock to hit Mordecai with a
powerslam I believe to get the win. after the match and Shock leaves
Mable gets up and grabs Mordecai and slams him. (Mable and Shock
retain their titles)
6th Match Grudge Tag Match: Bill Dundee and Kevin White vs Koko B
Ware and Kamala. Highlights: Bill Dundee low blow to Kamala. some OK
moves by everyone. At the end everybody is in the ring and while the
ref is dealing Bill Dundee and Kamala. Koko use the brass knucks and
knocks out Kevin White to get the win.
7th Match the Battle Royal: Highlights: Christi Ricci came out late,
and said on the mic she wanted in I guess(the mic volume was real low
so I couldn't hear a thing she said). She gets in a immediately gets
beat down by Kid Kash, after she gets back up Shock levels her, then
she gets back up and Kid Kash goes after her again. She did get help
from Bill Dundee and Kevin White and some others, Dundee held Kash
and let her beat on him. In the end it was down to Kash, Jimmy
Valiant, Kevin White and Mordecai, Valiant Eliminates Kash and then
heads over where both Kevin and Mordecai are both barely hanging over
and dumps them both out winning the $25,000. Valiant celebrates by
kissing Jerry Calhoun, kissing and rubbing Guy Coffee's head, and
Kevin White comes back in and celebrates with Jimmy.
8th Match: The Stink Face Match: Some close calls by Rikishi on Tim
and Flex. Brian attempts stink face a couple of times. Tim and Flex
also had there shots at ones. In the end, Flex is smashed in the
corner and gets the stink face by Rikishi. After the match Brian
tells Rikishi no dancing tonight, he wants to give a stink face,
Rikishi says he's out of here wants no part of it. While Brian moves
Flex again in the corner gets ready to give a stink face with his
pants down, out of the crowd comes Doug Gilbert who beats Christopher
with a baseball bat and Tim and Flex help Doug Rikishi runs back and
helps Brian. Doug gets on the mic and says that it wouldn't be an
wrestling event without him and that he challenge Brian and Rikishi
to bring Scotty 2 Hotty to the next event at the coliseum for a six
man match. Doug, Tim, and Flex leave to boos(I guess their bad guys
now, although I thought Brian was suppossed to be the bad guy, go
Final Match: Terry Funk and Cory vs Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Hart
Highlights: Funk slammed into the coffin, then gets out of it and
drags it into the ring. Funk produces the wood splinter and gets the
mic and says that everyone with kids should take them out because
he's going to poke a man's eye out. He proceed to try and jab the
stick but Lawler blocks it. Jimmy Hart throws powder in Terry's face,
then Lawler uses the Splinter to bust Terry open. Lawler and Funk
both use the coffin on each other, and ends up spilling outside were
Funk beats Lawler and grabs the mic and cusses Lawler while he hits
him. During the confession Cory I think gets the pin on Hart, all I
know is the bell rings and Jimmy Valiant says Cory and Funk win. Funk
heads to the back while Lawler and Hart beat on Cory and Handsome
Jimmy. I kept telling my uncle where's Terry, suddenly I see somebody
coming back with something on Fire. It's Terry Funk with his branding
iron. Jerry tries to escape the ring but Cory grabs his leg and Funk
brands him and then Jerry and Jimmy Hart escape. Funk threatens to
burn Jimmy Valiant as Jimmy runs around in the ring to avoid the
branding iron, then Funk goes over and helps Cory and hugs Cory.
Jimmy Valiant raises both Terry Funks and Cory hands in the air.
If I missed some spots and things feel free to fill in the blanks.
Overall pretty good event.
8/31/2004 1:50:39 PM
The show held this past Saturday night in Memphis at the Mid South Coliseum drew
a paid attendance of 4831, up from 3736 paid the previous month.
The show was headlined by a tag team match between Terry Funk & Cory Maclin and
Jerry Lawler & Jimmy Hart.
Here are the results from the coliseum (There was almost 5,000 people in
attendance) courtesy of Andrew Elder.
Thought I throw in some details about the matches.
Brian Teigland and Lance Russell come out to the Memphis Wrestling
music. Brian asks if we're for wrestling, etc.
First Match: Life Guards vs Infernos- It was OK match, the Life
Guards basically control the match through out, some high risk moves.
In the end, one of Life Guards gets the win with the flying body
Second Match: Nicholas Doom vs Johnny Dotson- This was a pretty good
match. Both guys did a lot impressive moves. I'm really impressed
with Johnny, he's got potential to be a great Cruiserweight. In the
end Nicholas Doom wins by pinning Dotson while Doom has his feet on
the ropes.
3rd match: Womens Title match(no title belt present actually) Christi
Ricci vs Miss Kelly. Kelly taunts Ricci before we really get into the
match. Pretty good moves from Christi, Miss Kelly has some OK moves.
Christi wins the match, and before she lives stomps on Miss Kelly.
4th match: Cruiserweight Title Kid Kash vs Spiderman(comes out
shooting silly string webbing in the crowd) Pretty good match, back
and forth between Kash and Spiderman, Kash eventually gets Spiderman
tied in the ropes and wells on him and trying to take the mask off,
Rashaad Devine(sp) is trying to get Kash let Spiderman out and after
several times being shoved by Kash, Devine calls for the bell,
Spiderman wins by dq, afterword Kash grabs Devine, beats him up, rips
of Devine's neck brace, and pedigrees Rashaad. Spiderman and others
help Rashaad to the back.(note that's the last we see of Devine as
Jerry Calhoun would ref the rest of the matches)
5th match: Double Title Triple Threat. Shock and Mordecai Double team
Mable and beat him up, then both try to pin Mable with each other
pulling the other off. Back and forth between everybody, Mable gets
knocked down at one point which allows Shock to hit Mordecai with a
powerslam I believe to get the win. after the match and Shock leaves
Mable gets up and grabs Mordecai and slams him. (Mable and Shock
retain their titles)
6th Match Grudge Tag Match: Bill Dundee and Kevin White vs Koko B
Ware and Kamala. Highlights: Bill Dundee low blow to Kamala. some OK
moves by everyone. At the end everybody is in the ring and while the
ref is dealing Bill Dundee and Kamala. Koko use the brass knucks and
knocks out Kevin White to get the win.
7th Match the Battle Royal: Highlights: Christi Ricci came out late,
and said on the mic she wanted in I guess(the mic volume was real low
so I couldn't hear a thing she said). She gets in a immediately gets
beat down by Kid Kash, after she gets back up Shock levels her, then
she gets back up and Kid Kash goes after her again. She did get help
from Bill Dundee and Kevin White and some others, Dundee held Kash
and let her beat on him. In the end it was down to Kash, Jimmy
Valiant, Kevin White and Mordecai, Valiant Eliminates Kash and then
heads over where both Kevin and Mordecai are both barely hanging over
and dumps them both out winning the $25,000. Valiant celebrates by
kissing Jerry Calhoun, kissing and rubbing Guy Coffee's head, and
Kevin White comes back in and celebrates with Jimmy.
8th Match: The Stink Face Match: Some close calls by Rikishi on Tim
and Flex. Brian attempts stink face a couple of times. Tim and Flex
also had there shots at ones. In the end, Flex is smashed in the
corner and gets the stink face by Rikishi. After the match Brian
tells Rikishi no dancing tonight, he wants to give a stink face,
Rikishi says he's out of here wants no part of it. While Brian moves
Flex again in the corner gets ready to give a stink face with his
pants down, out of the crowd comes Doug Gilbert who beats Christopher
with a baseball bat and Tim and Flex help Doug Rikishi runs back and
helps Brian. Doug gets on the mic and says that it wouldn't be an
wrestling event without him and that he challenge Brian and Rikishi
to bring Scotty 2 Hotty to the next event at the coliseum for a six
man match. Doug, Tim, and Flex leave to boos(I guess their bad guys
now, although I thought Brian was suppossed to be the bad guy, go
Final Match: Terry Funk and Cory vs Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Hart
Highlights: Funk slammed into the coffin, then gets out of it and
drags it into the ring. Funk produces the wood splinter and gets the
mic and says that everyone with kids should take them out because
he's going to poke a man's eye out. He proceed to try and jab the
stick but Lawler blocks it. Jimmy Hart throws powder in Terry's face,
then Lawler uses the Splinter to bust Terry open. Lawler and Funk
both use the coffin on each other, and ends up spilling outside were
Funk beats Lawler and grabs the mic and cusses Lawler while he hits
him. During the confession Cory I think gets the pin on Hart, all I
know is the bell rings and Jimmy Valiant says Cory and Funk win. Funk
heads to the back while Lawler and Hart beat on Cory and Handsome
Jimmy. I kept telling my uncle where's Terry, suddenly I see somebody
coming back with something on Fire. It's Terry Funk with his branding
iron. Jerry tries to escape the ring but Cory grabs his leg and Funk
brands him and then Jerry and Jimmy Hart escape. Funk threatens to
burn Jimmy Valiant as Jimmy runs around in the ring to avoid the
branding iron, then Funk goes over and helps Cory and hugs Cory.
Jimmy Valiant raises both Terry Funks and Cory hands in the air.
If I missed some spots and things feel free to fill in the blanks.
Overall pretty good event.
8/31/2004 1:50:39 PM
The show held this past Saturday night in Memphis at the Mid South Coliseum drew
a paid attendance of 4831, up from 3736 paid the previous month.
The show was headlined by a tag team match between Terry Funk & Cory Maclin and
Jerry Lawler & Jimmy Hart.
The Ratings: Memphis Wrestling TV Show 3.29.08 - Second Lowest EVER!!
----I had no interest in seeing the show this week. My interest in Memphis Wrestling [as you can see] is the same as the fans that continue to watch it – little interest or none. Below the ratings are two links – the first link is the report that D-Rock did on Hollywood Jimmy’s site and second one is the original report.
----The show last Saturday did an overall 1.2 [20,818 viewers], which is the second lowest it has been since the start of this site. The show has dropped down to an average of 2.3 and less than 40,000 viewers. The overall audience watching TV increased 34% increase this week due to “March Madness”.
-Corey opens the show
-Lance Russell/Brian Teigland out to announce
-Kid Kash vs Johnny Dotson
-Kash interview with Pizza Hut mascot
-Hart/Kamala/Dundee interview
1st Quarter 1.0 [17,461 viewers]
-Christi Ricci interview – Shock comes out
-Shock video
-Mordecai/Mabel/Shock angle
-Valiant angle with Hart/Lawler with Lawler cutting his beard
2cnd Quarter 1.4 [23,840 viewers]
-Maclin brings out a casket
-Valiant becomes special ref
-Terry Funk interview
-Rikishi/Brian C interview
-Sexy Assassins interview
3rd Quarter 1.3 [21,490 viewers]
-Lawler vs Kevin White
-Funk pops out of the casket
4th Quarter 1.2 [20,650 viewers]
12 Week Average: 2.3 [39,028 viewers]
12 week low – 1.1 [25,352] 3.15.08
12 Week High 3.5 [58,762 viewers] 1.12.08
Start to finish [+3189 viewers]
What was Memphis Watching??
News Channel 3 [1/2]/CSI Miami [3/4] 14.2 [238,907 viewers]
CLICK HERE to watch the Funk interview and popping out of casket
CLICK HERE to read the full Memphis Wrestling TV report
CLICK HERE to read the original Memphis report 8.28.04
----The show last Saturday did an overall 1.2 [20,818 viewers], which is the second lowest it has been since the start of this site. The show has dropped down to an average of 2.3 and less than 40,000 viewers. The overall audience watching TV increased 34% increase this week due to “March Madness”.
-Corey opens the show
-Lance Russell/Brian Teigland out to announce
-Kid Kash vs Johnny Dotson
-Kash interview with Pizza Hut mascot
-Hart/Kamala/Dundee interview
1st Quarter 1.0 [17,461 viewers]
-Christi Ricci interview – Shock comes out
-Shock video
-Mordecai/Mabel/Shock angle
-Valiant angle with Hart/Lawler with Lawler cutting his beard
2cnd Quarter 1.4 [23,840 viewers]
-Maclin brings out a casket
-Valiant becomes special ref
-Terry Funk interview
-Rikishi/Brian C interview
-Sexy Assassins interview
3rd Quarter 1.3 [21,490 viewers]
-Lawler vs Kevin White
-Funk pops out of the casket
4th Quarter 1.2 [20,650 viewers]
12 Week Average: 2.3 [39,028 viewers]
12 week low – 1.1 [25,352] 3.15.08
12 Week High 3.5 [58,762 viewers] 1.12.08
Start to finish [+3189 viewers]
What was Memphis Watching??
News Channel 3 [1/2]/CSI Miami [3/4] 14.2 [238,907 viewers]
CLICK HERE to watch the Funk interview and popping out of casket
CLICK HERE to read the full Memphis Wrestling TV report
CLICK HERE to read the original Memphis report 8.28.04
Friday, April 04, 2008
A Piece of my Mind April 4th 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I watched the Hall of Fame ceremony on USA network on Saturday night. The first thing I want to understand is why couldn’t they spare more than sixty five minutes? Is it more important that an episode of Law and Order SVU be shown for the then 100th time than to give more live time to company that is a major part of your network? The network would have been a lot better off allowing for more time. We could have heard a great speech from Dusty Rhodes if he was sent out with enough time to do his thing. There was a lot of emotion from Ric Flair. Does a thirty five year career need to be celebrated by someone wrapping you up? What purpose did it serve Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay and the rest of the SVU bunch could have waited.
I was hoping that for some reason things wouldn’t go as we all expected and that Ric Flair would continue on with his in ring career. I liked the match. Shawn did everything that he could and Flair went out with his head held high. I found the rest of Wrestlemania, for the most part, to be a bore. I would agree that the Undertaker worked hard. If they were going to put Kane in that monster position and destroy Chavo they should have put the mask back on him. I realize that the ladder matches are very dangerous and the guys worked hard but that type of match is not the business I got into. If WWE was smart they would listen to the response that Matt Hardy got when he entered the match.
I finally found something on Monday Night Raw that allowed me to stay awake. The reunion of The Four Horsemen was worth waiting for. As a wrestling fan I was always a mark for The Horsemen. I was lucky enough, one day in Philadelphia when I did television for Jim Crockett, to be in a six man tag match with Tully, Arn and Ric with J.J. Dillon on the outside of the ring. If they really wanted to make it special the whole second hour should have been devoted to Ric Flair. How can you bring The Horsemen back together on a major league level and reduce their appearance to a cameo? I don’t think there was anything behind it other than lack of thought or poor planning. I would have loved a few words from each of The Horsemen. How about Ricky Steamboat, nothing to be said from the man who Flair claims was his greatest opponent?
If you have ever seen The Ten Commandments, and are a fan of old movies, you might have one time thought to yourself "what was Edward G. Robinson doing in The Ten Commandments"? Well I kind of felt the same way when Jericho was walking down the aisle to greet Flair? Whose idea was that? Cecile B. Demille, who directed The Ten Commandments, has long been dead. I can’t imagine that Cecil B. McMahon thought that Jericho belonged in that spot. Of course it could be the famous McMahon thing that says "I made a mistake, paid a lot of money to a guy. It’s the wrong guy so let me ignore it and keep shoving him down peoples throats until they are suckered into believing the guy is a star." What’s funny is that rarely ever happens. I think Jericho is fine and he should be a part of the company but he isn’t a top level guy who is going to draw you money. This has been proven pretty clearly over the last several months.
The picture with this weeks article is of Thunderfoot #1 (David Isley) while on tour in Sydney Australia. It was taken just before the start of an IWA Title match. He defended the title several times against Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff in some really good matches in nineteen nintey one.
This has been a piece of my mind
Well unfortunately Steve Corino no showed this morning. Big thanks to Trent Van Drisse, Neil 'the Real Deal' Taylor, and "Bad Boy Billy Adams" from Rated X Radio for calling in and salvaging what could have been a disaster of a show, it actually turned out pretty good with a lot of topics covered. Check it out.
Steve Corino on C,H.R. this morning at 10am central

Tune in today at 10am as Cheap Heat Radio will be joined by special guest Steve Corino. We'll talk to Steve about his match this weekend at Full Throttle Wrestling's 'Saturday Night Fights' show in Brookwood, Alabama at the G.G. Hardin Center, his recent retirement and quick return, "Mr. Wrestling 3, Ric Flair's Retirement, and much more. If you have a question or comment for Steve, call in at (347) 838-8101.
Check it out live or listen to the archive at your leisure at
Thursday, April 03, 2008
"Shooting the Shiznit" Ready!!
----You can listen to tonight's show by listening to it right here in your browser!! It featured a couple of glitches, Derrick King, Jimmy Tidwell, Neil Taylor and Jeremy Moore. Listen and hope you enjoy!
Shows for the Weekend 4.04 to 4.05.08
----FRIDAY NIGHT for Rebellion Wrestling League in Newbern, TN with “the Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Bishop, PK Ripper, Overkill, Weasel, “The Baron” Malkavain, JD Rage, Jason Reed and Chris O’Neal.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Kid Kash, Mitch Ryder, Petey Wright, Lee Cross, Steven Green, Dyronic, Rob C, Justin Spade, Norte, Damien Payne, JC Crowe, Michael Joblonski, Mark Antony, Tim Renesto, Charming Charles, New York Gangster, Steve O, LT Falk, Cousin Jason X, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie],Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Big Rig Bully, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT in Osceola, AR for MCW with “POB” Sid Vicious/Ron Rage, “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money], MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with Seth Knight, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony, Psycho, Pappy, Tommy Redneck, Idol Bane, and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT RPW in Metropolis, IL Barbwire Match: Tojo Yamamoto vs Jose Guerrero with Red Rum Husein, “Bad Ass” Eddie Toon, Bipolar, Crazy Train, Jack the Jack Hammer, Bonecrusher, Farmer Billy Hills, Jose Guerrero, “Yield Sign” Danny, Soultrain, Tank, Ryan Lee and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Izzy Rotten,DC, Brett Michaels, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, Fusion, Devon Raynes, J-Kid, Curly Mo, G-Mo Money, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Brian & Ryan SoFine and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night for USWO/ATL in Nashville, TN at the Stadium Inn LT Falk,Steven Green, Damien Payne,Chris Norte, Kid Dynamite, Dyronic, Kevin Dunn, JD Fluffy, The Nazi Terror, Lee Cross, New York Gangster, Tommy Capone, Boy, Richard Lowe, Homo Hillbilly Quincy, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge and more.
----Saturday night for RWA in Jonesboro, AR at the King’s Sportatorium with Jazz, Rodney Mack, Deadly Dale, Medieval, Tatt2, San Francisco Treat, Loose Cannon, Rottn Randy, Chazz Wesson, Cameron Cage and more.
----Saturday night for JWS in Booneville, MS with David Cox, Damion Rage, Dustin Burcham, Robert Rose, AC Styles, Dalton Storm, Chris Stevens, Izzy Rotten, Fusion, Brett Michaels, Justin Rhodes, Chris Fontaine, Casanova Kid, Dirty Sanchez, Neil Taylor, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley and more.
----Saturday night for TIWF in Trenton, TN Showplex Arena with Wildside, Danny B Goode, Bobby “The Butcherman” Smith, Tank Turner, Hardknocks Hooligan, Dazzlin Dixie, Buckwild Bill, Dre Black, Steven Rampage, Oz, Samoan Raja, Iron Jake Johnson, Big Nasty Bob, The Outlaw, Dr. Doom, Boogyman Scream, Hotrod, Jon Seymour, Drew Magruder and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Albino Rhino, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Reggie B Fine, Derrick King, Stan Lee, “Black Label Society” [Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night!! RUSSELLMANIA!! Russellville, AR…Special Guest Appearance by: "Cowboy" Bill Watts!...Main Event-*International Title Match*Champion The Atomic Dogg vs"War Machine" Shane Rawls…Semi-Main Event-*Mid-South Tag Team Title Return Match…Reckage & Romance vs The Young Guns…-Added Attraction-"Bruiser" Rick Sweetan (with Boyd Bradford) vs Mark Johnson…-Special Challenge Match-Prince Al Farat (with General Skandor Akbar) vs.Slam Shady…-Feature Bout-Kid Nikels vs"The New Age Superstar" Gary Gram and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Sarge O’Reilly, Danny B Goode, Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards,Jason Matthews, Rob Justice, Jeremy Moore, Motley Cruz, Arnez, Tommy Redneck, Jon Roberts, Phoenix X and more.
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Dirty Little Dave, “West Coast Mafia” [California Dream/Big Al], Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch, , Chuck Fears, Seth Sabor, Wild Bill,”American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane], 1 Cody Only [formerly Cody Daniels], Tommy Wayne, Casino Kid, Johnny Harper, Tim Hanson, Mac Daddy, Demon X and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for Rebellion Wrestling League in Newbern, TN with “the Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Bishop, PK Ripper, Overkill, Weasel, “The Baron” Malkavain, JD Rage, Jason Reed and Chris O’Neal.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… Kid Kash, Mitch Ryder, Petey Wright, Lee Cross, Steven Green, Dyronic, Rob C, Justin Spade, Norte, Damien Payne, JC Crowe, Michael Joblonski, Mark Antony, Tim Renesto, Charming Charles, New York Gangster, Steve O, LT Falk, Cousin Jason X, Quinton Quarisma, Gigolo Jay Phoenix and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for SAW in Millersville, TN Gary Valiant [w/Miss Boogie],Hammerjack, Arrick Andrews, Big Rig Bully, Sean Casey [w/Samantha], Chris Bomb, J-5, Indian Outlaw, Mason Raige, Nore Havoc, Hammerjack, Kory Williams, Vic the Bruiser and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT in Osceola, AR for MCW with “POB” Sid Vicious/Ron Rage, “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money], MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with Seth Knight, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony, Psycho, Pappy, Tommy Redneck, Idol Bane, and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT RPW in Metropolis, IL Barbwire Match: Tojo Yamamoto vs Jose Guerrero with Red Rum Husein, “Bad Ass” Eddie Toon, Bipolar, Crazy Train, Jack the Jack Hammer, Bonecrusher, Farmer Billy Hills, Jose Guerrero, “Yield Sign” Danny, Soultrain, Tank, Ryan Lee and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Izzy Rotten,DC, Brett Michaels, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, Fusion, Devon Raynes, J-Kid, Curly Mo, G-Mo Money, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, Brian & Ryan SoFine and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night for USWO/ATL in Nashville, TN at the Stadium Inn LT Falk,Steven Green, Damien Payne,Chris Norte, Kid Dynamite, Dyronic, Kevin Dunn, JD Fluffy, The Nazi Terror, Lee Cross, New York Gangster, Tommy Capone, Boy, Richard Lowe, Homo Hillbilly Quincy, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge and more.
----Saturday night for RWA in Jonesboro, AR at the King’s Sportatorium with Jazz, Rodney Mack, Deadly Dale, Medieval, Tatt2, San Francisco Treat, Loose Cannon, Rottn Randy, Chazz Wesson, Cameron Cage and more.
----Saturday night for JWS in Booneville, MS with David Cox, Damion Rage, Dustin Burcham, Robert Rose, AC Styles, Dalton Storm, Chris Stevens, Izzy Rotten, Fusion, Brett Michaels, Justin Rhodes, Chris Fontaine, Casanova Kid, Dirty Sanchez, Neil Taylor, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley and more.
----Saturday night for TIWF in Trenton, TN Showplex Arena with Wildside, Danny B Goode, Bobby “The Butcherman” Smith, Tank Turner, Hardknocks Hooligan, Dazzlin Dixie, Buckwild Bill, Dre Black, Steven Rampage, Oz, Samoan Raja, Iron Jake Johnson, Big Nasty Bob, The Outlaw, Dr. Doom, Boogyman Scream, Hotrod, Jon Seymour, Drew Magruder and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, TGB Greg Anthony, Albino Rhino, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Reggie B Fine, Derrick King, Stan Lee, “Black Label Society” [Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night!! RUSSELLMANIA!! Russellville, AR…Special Guest Appearance by: "Cowboy" Bill Watts!...Main Event-*International Title Match*Champion The Atomic Dogg vs"War Machine" Shane Rawls…Semi-Main Event-*Mid-South Tag Team Title Return Match…Reckage & Romance vs The Young Guns…-Added Attraction-"Bruiser" Rick Sweetan (with Boyd Bradford) vs Mark Johnson…-Special Challenge Match-Prince Al Farat (with General Skandor Akbar) vs.Slam Shady…-Feature Bout-Kid Nikels vs"The New Age Superstar" Gary Gram and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Sarge O’Reilly, Danny B Goode, Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards,Jason Matthews, Rob Justice, Jeremy Moore, Motley Cruz, Arnez, Tommy Redneck, Jon Roberts, Phoenix X and more.
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Dirty Little Dave, “West Coast Mafia” [California Dream/Big Al], Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch, , Chuck Fears, Seth Sabor, Wild Bill,”American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane], 1 Cody Only [formerly Cody Daniels], Tommy Wayne, Casino Kid, Johnny Harper, Tim Hanson, Mac Daddy, Demon X and more.
The Thompson Perspective 4.3.08 By Brian Thompson
I think at one time or another we've all forgotten just why we are a part of this crazy world of professional wrestling. We get caught up in our own little world (basically our own little wrestling promotions) and find ourselves fighting amongst each other for a small little carrot. Gene Jackson made a great point, during his most recent interview with Randy Hales, to talk about how much negativity exists in wrestling today. As much as I like to jump on that bandwagon too at times and complain about all that is wrong, this past weekend I was reminded about all that is right with wrestling.
An era died this weekend with the final match of "Nature Boy" Ric Flair at WrestleMania 24. I had the privilege of enjoying the show with my wife and a few wrestling related individuals who shall remain unnamed to protect the innocent.
Flair and Shawn Michaels told a nice story that culminated a good weekend for our business. Then, Monday night's Raw ceremony was off the charts. This was easily the best TV we've had in some time. I could get back into negative-flow and talk about what made Monday's Raw so good versus what makes most recent Wrestling TV shows so bad, but I'll avoid doing that.
Two words kept coming up during the weekend that we often forget to say or at least we forget to say them and mean it.
Those two words are "Thank You!"
The entire business had a chance to say "thank you" to Flair Sunday and Monday night.
I think those of us at the independent level forget to be truly thankful. Well, I want to take a few lines in this edition of the "Thompson Perspective" to be thankful.
I thank anyone and everyone who has ever had a hand in helping me during my career. And let me tell you there are many.
There is a whole slew of folks in the St. Louis, MO, area who gave me a chance in May 2000 to start in the wrestling business. Ironically, Saturday I ran into one of them at a Major League Baseball exhibition game in Memphis, TN. Ben Oliver, Sadie Blaze, Mike Sharona, etc. from Gateway, thank you for a nice start.
I owe much gratitude to Terry Golden and the old Memphis Championship Wrestling crew for the golden, no pun intended, opportunity I was given in February 2001 to work for a WWE developmental territory. It was a wonderful experience.
And speaking of Randy Hales, I have a story on him. I was going through a tryout for MCW and I guess in a way Power Pro since the two were working together.
I was brought in as a ring announcer for a pair of shows in Ripley, TN and Covington, TN. And I was nervous as you can get. The place was full of talent such as the Mean Street Posse, Lance Cade, Brian Kendrick, Umaga, Rosey, Victoria, Joey Mercury, Christian York, Charlie & Russ Haas, just to name a few. Factor that in with Bobby Eaton showing up to train and I was like a little kid in a candy store. Anyway, as I'm doing the show and coming back to the broadcast table, Randy Hales is there telling me, "You're doing a good job."
Certainly Randy is much higher on the food chain that I am and probably will ever be in terms of wrestling and for him to say that really meant a lot to me.
Then, later on after I was officially made an MCW announcer, Randy was at the table with me again. One of the local town promoters was joking with Randy about announcing as we all know Randy had a past in that role. He said, "Why don't you get up there Randy?" Hales replied with, "Why? We've got a good announcer right here."
Those are the kind of things that make you feel good and give you the proper confidence. Thank you Randy.
Of course, I could go on and on and thank Bobby Eaton and Ken Wayne for the influences they've had on me. THANK YOU!
Derrick King, Kelly Warner, Brian Tramel, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, Tracey Smothers, Bill Dundee, Brandon Baxter and so many others have helped me along the way in various aspects....thank you guys.
So as we close the era of Ric Flair, let's not close the era of humbleness that he left behind. Let's try to be respectful of our veterans and truly try to learn from them. Remember, they have paved a way for us in so many ways. And don't forget to respect your peers. We're all in the same boat here. Let's try to row in the same direction.
Last but not least, "THANK YOU" for reading!
(Brian Thompson may be reached by e-mail at
An era died this weekend with the final match of "Nature Boy" Ric Flair at WrestleMania 24. I had the privilege of enjoying the show with my wife and a few wrestling related individuals who shall remain unnamed to protect the innocent.
Flair and Shawn Michaels told a nice story that culminated a good weekend for our business. Then, Monday night's Raw ceremony was off the charts. This was easily the best TV we've had in some time. I could get back into negative-flow and talk about what made Monday's Raw so good versus what makes most recent Wrestling TV shows so bad, but I'll avoid doing that.
Two words kept coming up during the weekend that we often forget to say or at least we forget to say them and mean it.
Those two words are "Thank You!"
The entire business had a chance to say "thank you" to Flair Sunday and Monday night.
I think those of us at the independent level forget to be truly thankful. Well, I want to take a few lines in this edition of the "Thompson Perspective" to be thankful.
I thank anyone and everyone who has ever had a hand in helping me during my career. And let me tell you there are many.
There is a whole slew of folks in the St. Louis, MO, area who gave me a chance in May 2000 to start in the wrestling business. Ironically, Saturday I ran into one of them at a Major League Baseball exhibition game in Memphis, TN. Ben Oliver, Sadie Blaze, Mike Sharona, etc. from Gateway, thank you for a nice start.
I owe much gratitude to Terry Golden and the old Memphis Championship Wrestling crew for the golden, no pun intended, opportunity I was given in February 2001 to work for a WWE developmental territory. It was a wonderful experience.
And speaking of Randy Hales, I have a story on him. I was going through a tryout for MCW and I guess in a way Power Pro since the two were working together.
I was brought in as a ring announcer for a pair of shows in Ripley, TN and Covington, TN. And I was nervous as you can get. The place was full of talent such as the Mean Street Posse, Lance Cade, Brian Kendrick, Umaga, Rosey, Victoria, Joey Mercury, Christian York, Charlie & Russ Haas, just to name a few. Factor that in with Bobby Eaton showing up to train and I was like a little kid in a candy store. Anyway, as I'm doing the show and coming back to the broadcast table, Randy Hales is there telling me, "You're doing a good job."
Certainly Randy is much higher on the food chain that I am and probably will ever be in terms of wrestling and for him to say that really meant a lot to me.
Then, later on after I was officially made an MCW announcer, Randy was at the table with me again. One of the local town promoters was joking with Randy about announcing as we all know Randy had a past in that role. He said, "Why don't you get up there Randy?" Hales replied with, "Why? We've got a good announcer right here."
Those are the kind of things that make you feel good and give you the proper confidence. Thank you Randy.
Of course, I could go on and on and thank Bobby Eaton and Ken Wayne for the influences they've had on me. THANK YOU!
Derrick King, Kelly Warner, Brian Tramel, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, Tracey Smothers, Bill Dundee, Brandon Baxter and so many others have helped me along the way in various aspects....thank you guys.
So as we close the era of Ric Flair, let's not close the era of humbleness that he left behind. Let's try to be respectful of our veterans and truly try to learn from them. Remember, they have paved a way for us in so many ways. And don't forget to respect your peers. We're all in the same boat here. Let's try to row in the same direction.
Last but not least, "THANK YOU" for reading!
(Brian Thompson may be reached by e-mail at
RassleResults: JWS Booneville, MS 3.29.08
Blade & Chazz defeated Damion Rage & "Dangerous" David Cox
J-Kid defeated Slammer with help from Neil Taylor & Izzy Rotten.
Robert Rose defeated Chris Fontaine.
Chris Fontaine, J-Kid, & David Cox vs. Blade, Chazz, & Buzz Harley ended in a double count out.
Izzy Rotten & Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor defeated "Prime Time" Nick Grimes & Slammer.
Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) & 24/7 (JR Mauler & Kross) defeated Omega, Dalton Storm, BJ Fuller, & Cassanova Kid.
Approx. 60 in the building.
JWS comes to New Site High School Gym on Friday night, April 18, 2007. Bell time is 8:00 p.m. Jerry "The King" Lawler and a mystery partner will face Izzy Rotten & Neil Taylor. It will be a great show, so DON'T YOU MISS IT!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis
J-Kid defeated Slammer with help from Neil Taylor & Izzy Rotten.
Robert Rose defeated Chris Fontaine.
Chris Fontaine, J-Kid, & David Cox vs. Blade, Chazz, & Buzz Harley ended in a double count out.
Izzy Rotten & Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor defeated "Prime Time" Nick Grimes & Slammer.
Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) & 24/7 (JR Mauler & Kross) defeated Omega, Dalton Storm, BJ Fuller, & Cassanova Kid.
Approx. 60 in the building.
JWS comes to New Site High School Gym on Friday night, April 18, 2007. Bell time is 8:00 p.m. Jerry "The King" Lawler and a mystery partner will face Izzy Rotten & Neil Taylor. It will be a great show, so DON'T YOU MISS IT!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis
"Shooting The Shiznit" Tonight!!!
----CHR presents "Shooting the Shiznit" tonight at 5:30 PM central time!! I have lined up an interesting list of guests with Derrick King, Jimmy Tidwell, Neil Taylor and Jeremy Moore. I hope my partner in crime - Brian Thompson - will also be able to stop by during the one hour broadcast. I will be taking calls for the whole hour, so if you have a question for any of our guests then call in!! (347) 838-8101
Ric Flair After Raw Went Off The Air!!
----Not sure if some of you have seen this or not, because WWE yanked it off yesterday.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN - Tidwell Takes Over TLCW!!

Ike Tucker d. Shannon Lee
Cody Melton d. Rockin' Randy
Albino Rhino d. Tim Alfonso
“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony d. Reggie B. Fine
“The Posse” (Simon Reed/Lil Chris) d. “The Asylum” (Psycho/Pappy)
Drew Donovan/Chris O'Neal d. Bishop/Idol Bane
Dell Tucker d. Rude
A.J. Bradley [pictured] d. Stan Lee
At the beginning of the show, Jimmy Tidwell along with The “Black Label Society” (A.J. Bradley,Robbie Douglas) complained that “Hot Topic” had the Tag Titles because Mark Tipton was helping them. Tidwell called Tipton to the ring and demanded that Tipton resign as co- commissioner. Tipton refused. Tidwell said that there is only room for one commissioner in TLCW. Then, Tidwell suggested that he and Mark Tipton should each pick a representative and the winner of that one on one match would decide who will be the sole commissioner. They also agreed that neither of them could use their authority as commissioner to help their wrestler in any way.
In that match, A.J. Bradley represented Jimmy Tidwell, and Stan Lee represented Mark Tipton. Robbie Douglas came to ringside with his partner, but he was sent to the back by the referee after he tried to trip Stan. Several minutes later, Robbie came back to ringside. This time Derrick King and Mark Tipton were right behind him. Douglas was chased around the ring and back through the curtain. Then as Stan went to the top rope, Jimmy Tidwell came through the crowd and pushed him from behind. Stan straddled the top rope and then fell to the mat. Bradley quickly made the pin before Derrick and Mark could get back to the ring to stop the count.
After the match, Derrick stated that he was sick of Tidwell's interference. He said he had been in contact with an old friend who knew more about running a wrestling promotion than Jimmy Tidwell ever would. He then said that this man would be at TLCW next week.
----120 in the crowd.
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 3.29.08 - Redneck Turns - New NBW Tag Team Champs!!!

The show opened with XOW’s Billy Russ and Tony Watts in the ring again this week downing the people and talking about Big Money Gripp, this makes B.M.G. come to the ring. B.M.G. points out that it looks like XOW brought some of their Mississippi trash w/ them this week, as he pointed to the fans that came to see XOW. Russ and Watts had heard enough and they backed B.M.G. into the corner and was about to hit him w/ Watts' briefcase when Jeremy Moore hit the ring and ran them off. They told Moore they are tired of him putting his nose where it doesn't belong and that before the nights over, he would regret it.
DJ Stunner ( nbw ) def. Suicide ( xow )
Tim Edwards def. Jason Matthews after Rob Justice chased biscuit to the back and Gaylon Reed ran down and distracted Jason so that Tim could hit the Redrum for the 3!
Jeremy Moore def Gaylon Reed by DQ when Moore was setting up for the Acecrusher and was attacked by "The Sons of The South", Chris Styles and Josh Matthews. Big Red made the save, and Allen walker got in the ring and said that Styles and Matthews don't work for NBW and were not scheduled to wrestle, but if they had the guts they would wrestle a team of Allen’s choice - they agreed. Allen then stated that it would be Styles and Matthews against... Big Red and his partner.... Motley Cruz! Motley came out and said he would not tag w/ Red, but Allen said Motley and Red were the two champs and if Motley wont tag, Allen will find a new champ who will - he agreed to the match.
The Sicilian Kid def. John "Biscuit" Roberts in a No DQ match
“Family of Pain” ( Sarge O’Reilly & Mickey Ray ) def. Original Southern Pride ( Kilo & Tommy Redneck ) to win the NBW tag team titles after Redneck turned on Kilo to join XOW and cost him the match
Motley Cruz/Big Red def. Styles/Matthews by DQ after all of XOW jumped Red. Motley came in the ring reluctantly to help Red, only to put on an XOW shirt and blast Red w/ the NBW title! All the NBW locker room cleared for the save. After going back and forth B.M.G. cut XOW's mic and they left.
----Crowd was in the 140-150 range…I was told Jeremy Moore and BMG got the biggest face pops…“Riot Squad” are full time babys now…NBW longtime ref Ron Bryson is gone from the promotion over some personal issues…The Redneck turn was a surprise and probably surprised the fans. It was also surprising to see them group Cruz with XOW, but when they finish the XOW invasion angle – they are still left with two major heels – Redneck and Cruz now…XOW has tons of heat – this feud is getting over…They even had some XOW fans there and did a dueling fans chant with XOW/NBW…Sarge vs Kilo and the return of “Superman” Jason Reed this weekend...Brian Steele ran in to help NBW in the end.
RRO Updates!!!
----ASWF called last night to say that they had NOTHING to do with that video that was made. They stated that it was produced by a third party. But, come on guys!! You had it up on your site!!
----I have heard no update on Peggy Gilbert, but it was stated on the Kayfabe Board and in e-mails that Doug and Eddie do have a sister named Kim.
----RWA owner Frank Martin sent the following in response to the story we ran yesterday. Martin’s response is almost like they are trying to run an angle out of it, but honestly folks – that was a shoot, when Ali grabbed him by the neck!! My response to Martin is below his statement. I am sure this story is far from being over.
Yes I told Treat to put the make up on Ali. I, as the owner of the Royal Wrestling Alliance, must do what I feel is best for the company as a whole. I must put as many people in the arena as I can. The name of the game is to make money not just brake even. I really have tried to be as nice to all the workers as I can and accommodate them as much as possible. But from now on I have to do what I have to do to build this company. Yes I did try to calm Ali down and yes he did choke me. But I did what I had to do and if Ali cannot take the heat in the RWA kitchen then he needs to stay out of the kitchen. There has been no further contact between myself and Mr. Stevens.
----I understand your point in being the boss, but get real about this - you are not paying these guys hundreds of dollars, so why to act like you are Vince McMahon?? The man requested no makeup - he was putting the dress on - nothing that you did because of that accomplished anything. If the fans come back to see Ali, then they will not get him, because he will probably not return.
----I have confirmed for tomorrow’s “Shooting the Shiznit” radio show – Derrick King and Jimmy Tidwell. I will also be taking calls during the whole show – (347) 838-8101.
----I have heard no update on Peggy Gilbert, but it was stated on the Kayfabe Board and in e-mails that Doug and Eddie do have a sister named Kim.
----RWA owner Frank Martin sent the following in response to the story we ran yesterday. Martin’s response is almost like they are trying to run an angle out of it, but honestly folks – that was a shoot, when Ali grabbed him by the neck!! My response to Martin is below his statement. I am sure this story is far from being over.
Yes I told Treat to put the make up on Ali. I, as the owner of the Royal Wrestling Alliance, must do what I feel is best for the company as a whole. I must put as many people in the arena as I can. The name of the game is to make money not just brake even. I really have tried to be as nice to all the workers as I can and accommodate them as much as possible. But from now on I have to do what I have to do to build this company. Yes I did try to calm Ali down and yes he did choke me. But I did what I had to do and if Ali cannot take the heat in the RWA kitchen then he needs to stay out of the kitchen. There has been no further contact between myself and Mr. Stevens.
----I understand your point in being the boss, but get real about this - you are not paying these guys hundreds of dollars, so why to act like you are Vince McMahon?? The man requested no makeup - he was putting the dress on - nothing that you did because of that accomplished anything. If the fans come back to see Ali, then they will not get him, because he will probably not return.
----I have confirmed for tomorrow’s “Shooting the Shiznit” radio show – Derrick King and Jimmy Tidwell. I will also be taking calls during the whole show – (347) 838-8101.
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR Wrestlemaina 24 Event 3.30.08
RassleResults: RWL Newbern, TN 3.28.08
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
"Coach's Corner" - Thumbs Up - Thumbs Down Edition
----I did this one time last year and got a good response. I had a lot of things I wanted to comment on and really did not have much structure. So here goes......
Thumbs Up
----TIWF – for drawing good crowds. It seems like they have either the best or second best crowd every week. The only other promotion that is coming close is ASWF. Trenton is starving for wrestling and TIWF is giving them what they want.
Thumbs Down
----RWA – Mainly to Frank Martin for his changing of storylines and such without telling everyone involved in the angle. Mr. Martin is a lucky man – lucky that Ali didn’t kill him!!
Thumbs Up
----WWE – for the handling of Ric Flair’s retirement. They sent him off with a great HOF ceremony and the Michaels match. RAW was pretty cool also. It’s doesn’t matter if he lost or won – he knows it is a work. LOL
Thumbs Down
----WWE – for generally just putting together boring TV. Nothing excites me about what they are doing.
Thumbs Up
----Gene Jackson and Trent Van Drisse for giving us some interesting radio shows. Take a moment to listen to Randy Hales, Faron Fox, Scott Bowden and Mike Promo. These shows give you an insight into indy wrestling – the good and the bad.
Thumbs Down
----Trent Van Drisse for his interview with Scott Barry. It was as if Drisse can not let anything go when it comes to Barry. I had to agree with Barry when he said that no matter what explanation he gives, TVD can not accept it.
Thumbs Up
----Local promotions – for still trying to give good shows and something as an alternative to Memphis Wrestling. The live TV show has left a void for this site and the fans in this area. Two groups trying to promote Memphis; helps give the fans a place to go see Memphis Wrestling in some form.
Thumbs Down
---- Memphis Wrestling – for continuing to have the stupid reruns and not even trying to give the fans something new. Corey Maclin sits behind his desk collecting advertising money and cares nothing about what the fans want to see. He spends 10 minutes a week to promote 4 year old shows. Why not showcase some of the area shows or local talent?? Ratings are the proof – no one wants to watch this shit!!
Thumbs Up
----ASWF – for good crowds and having good storylines leading up to their Anniversary show. They have positioned Austin Lane vs Lawler and just this past weekend put Chuck Fears over as their champion to set up a “Fatal Four Way”.
Thumbs Down
----ASWF – for using RWA’s building to promote their show. What?? Yes, a video was sent along to promote their upcoming Anniversary show featured the inside of the RWA arena. They showed a clip of a dark arena with lights bouncing around - come see the Anniversary show at the RWA arena. LOL RWA owner Frank Martin had this to say, “I would like to thank the ASWF for showing the wrestling fans that we here at the Royal Wrestling Alliance have the best lights and ring. However since the footage is of the RWA I have asked them to take it off and they did. Again thank you ASWF for promoting the RWA.” I have to agree with him on that one.
Thumbs Up
----TIWF – for drawing good crowds. It seems like they have either the best or second best crowd every week. The only other promotion that is coming close is ASWF. Trenton is starving for wrestling and TIWF is giving them what they want.
Thumbs Down
----RWA – Mainly to Frank Martin for his changing of storylines and such without telling everyone involved in the angle. Mr. Martin is a lucky man – lucky that Ali didn’t kill him!!
Thumbs Up
----WWE – for the handling of Ric Flair’s retirement. They sent him off with a great HOF ceremony and the Michaels match. RAW was pretty cool also. It’s doesn’t matter if he lost or won – he knows it is a work. LOL
Thumbs Down
----WWE – for generally just putting together boring TV. Nothing excites me about what they are doing.
Thumbs Up
----Gene Jackson and Trent Van Drisse for giving us some interesting radio shows. Take a moment to listen to Randy Hales, Faron Fox, Scott Bowden and Mike Promo. These shows give you an insight into indy wrestling – the good and the bad.
Thumbs Down
----Trent Van Drisse for his interview with Scott Barry. It was as if Drisse can not let anything go when it comes to Barry. I had to agree with Barry when he said that no matter what explanation he gives, TVD can not accept it.
Thumbs Up
----Local promotions – for still trying to give good shows and something as an alternative to Memphis Wrestling. The live TV show has left a void for this site and the fans in this area. Two groups trying to promote Memphis; helps give the fans a place to go see Memphis Wrestling in some form.
Thumbs Down
---- Memphis Wrestling – for continuing to have the stupid reruns and not even trying to give the fans something new. Corey Maclin sits behind his desk collecting advertising money and cares nothing about what the fans want to see. He spends 10 minutes a week to promote 4 year old shows. Why not showcase some of the area shows or local talent?? Ratings are the proof – no one wants to watch this shit!!
Thumbs Up
----ASWF – for good crowds and having good storylines leading up to their Anniversary show. They have positioned Austin Lane vs Lawler and just this past weekend put Chuck Fears over as their champion to set up a “Fatal Four Way”.
Thumbs Down
----ASWF – for using RWA’s building to promote their show. What?? Yes, a video was sent along to promote their upcoming Anniversary show featured the inside of the RWA arena. They showed a clip of a dark arena with lights bouncing around - come see the Anniversary show at the RWA arena. LOL RWA owner Frank Martin had this to say, “I would like to thank the ASWF for showing the wrestling fans that we here at the Royal Wrestling Alliance have the best lights and ring. However since the footage is of the RWA I have asked them to take it off and they did. Again thank you ASWF for promoting the RWA.” I have to agree with him on that one.
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR - Saturday Night's Alright For Shooting

Chris Steel and Tatt2 beat Big Al and Zane Richards
Silas beat Sergeant Shakedown
Chazz Wesson did his 5 minute white boy challenge vs “Red Dogg” Rodney Mack. Winner by count out, Red Dogg.
Jazz beat Rotten Randy
Main Event. No DQ no interference - “The Atomic Dogg” Ali Stevens beat San Francisco Treat.
----100 in the crowd…RWA owner Frank Martin gave away a nice guitar that was signed by all of the RWA superstars…Diamond separated his shoulder…Shakedown came out to “YMCA”…During the Jazz/Randy bout Jazz ripped off Randy’s clothes and he wrestled in his underwear. I am really glad I was NOT there for that…Chazz Wesson beat up Jazz interfering in her match – he hit her in the stomach with a sledgehammer. Good stuff, but it will not work as well here because Jazz is considered a tough ass too…In the Main Event Ali Stevens and The San Francisco Treat took the match all over the arena. They went from side to side and all the way around the building and ring. They used every thing they could get their hands on. When they finally got back into the ring Ali Stevens got the pin. Here the angle that lead to Ali attacking Martin - Treat then attacked Ali from behind with a chair knocking him unconscious. [I was told the chair shot was super stiff!!] Treat took advantage of the situation and put a dress and makeup on Ali. Several wrestlers from the back hit the ring to get Treat out. When Ali came to and realized what had happened he went crazy. He took the chair and beat Gary Diamond, Chris Steel, Shakedown and both referees. [Both refs got stiffed!!] Mr. Martin got into the ring to calm Ali down and Ali grabbed Martin by the throat and choked him. Red Dogg had to pull Ali off of Mr. Martin. [For shoot] The crowd was told to leave the arena because they could not control Ali. The crowd did in fact exit the building in a hurry. Next week’s Main event - The first RWA Dog Collar match “Redd Dogg” Rodney Mack vs Chazz Wesson.
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 3.28.08
At the beginning of the show, TFW General Manager Randall Lewis was in the ring talking about the conduct of Parental Advisory in previous weeks. He said he had met with Commissioner Sammy Hall, Wayne Blaylock, and Promoter Denise Blaylock, and a decision had been made to reinstate the licenses of the members of Parental Advisory, provided they each put up a bond of $2500.00. He went on to say that PA had refused to pay the bond. However, Neil Taylor, Fusion, & Brett Michaels wanted them in the ring so bad that they had paid the bond, so the licenses of each member of PA has been reinstated. Lewis was joined in the ring by Fusion, Neil, & Brett. Lewis announced that the eight man tag match for control of TFW was back on for April 11, and it would be Fusion, Brett Michaels, Neil Taylor, & a fourth man to be named later vs. Parental Advisory (Izzy Rotten, Tony Dabbs, "The Stud" Scott Porteau, & Ryan SoFine). If PA wins, they get total control of TFW. If the other team wins, Randall Lewis continues to run TFW. Studd said PA would agree to accept their licenses back and do the match with two stipulations. The first is that Lewis reveals immediately who the fourth man on his team is. Lewis said that the fourth member of the team will be Buff Bagwell. The other stipulation is that for the next two weeks, to show the fans the difference between how PA would run things and how things are being run now, PA will book one special match and Randall Lewis will book one special match. Studd said this week, PA's special match will be LSD defending the Light Heavyweight belt against Ryan SoFine. He asked Randall Lewis what his special match would be. Lewis announced that Izzy Rotten would defend the TFW Championship against Neil Taylor, Fusion, & Brett Michaels. Izzy was not happy.
In the opener, Curly Mo of the Mo Foundation defeated Dirty Sanchez with help from Dirty Rell Mo..Vega the Dragon, making his return to TFW, defeated J-Kid.
DC vs. Casanova Kid ended in a no contest when Chris Fontaine interfered.
In the match made by Parental Advisory, TFW Lightweight Champion LSD defeated Ryan SoFine w/Stud & Tony. LSD retains the belt.
G-Mo Money came to the ring, accompanied by Dirty Rell Mo & Curly Mo. He was not sure why he was there, just that he had been ordered to the ring. Randall Lewis then told him that, because he has been interfering in J-Kid's matches for several weeks, he was going to wrestle, and his opponent will be "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore. G-Mo and the other members of the Mo Foundation were not happy. Kilgore defeated G-Mo Money by DQ due to interference by Curly Mo & Dirty Rell Mo. At the end of the match, Lewis told G-Mo that he will be facing J-Kid on Friday night, April 11.
Chop the Clown, Chris Stiles, & Kid J defeated Chris Kaos, Devin Raynes, & Lil' Devil.
In a 2-on-1 handicap match, Josh Matthews defeated Chris Fontaine & Chazz w/Diamond by DQ when DC interfered. Chazz obviously did not want anything to do with his partner, Chris Fontaine. In fact, he wanted no part of the match. Chazz & Fontaine never were on the same page during the match. Chazz tagged in a couple of times, and promptly layed down for Josh to pin him. Fontaine had to come in and break it up each time. Chazz ended up turning on Josh after the match.
The main event was the special match made by GM Randall Lewis, TFW Champion Izzy Rottn defending against Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, "Extreme" Brett Michaels, & Fusion. This was a crazy match, which ended up getting thrown out when Parental Advisory interfered. Izzy Rotten retains the title.
Buff Bagwell returns to TFW on Friday night, April 11, 2008. This will be a great show, which will start off at 7:00 p.m. with a live band called Refuse the Fall. Wrestling starts at 8:00 p.m., with a great card that includes:
Vega the Dragon vs. "The Future" Chris Stiles. Vega answered the open challenge issued by Stiles several weeks ago. There is no love lost between these two.
G-Mo Money vs. J-Kid. G-Mo has been attacking J-Kid for weeks every time J-Kid has a match. This is J-Kid's chance to take care of G-Mo Money once and for all..DC vs. Josh Matthews. These two former partners absolutely despise each other. It has been only a few weeks since DC turned on Josh. This is a grudge match that promises to be one intense battle.
The 8-man tag team match for total control of TFW is also on the card. It will be Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Ryan SoFine, & Izzy Rotten) vs. Axeman's team of Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor, Fusion, "Extreme" Brett Michaels, and BUFF "THE STUFF" BAGWELL.
Credit: Jack Flash from Wrestling News Center
In the opener, Curly Mo of the Mo Foundation defeated Dirty Sanchez with help from Dirty Rell Mo..Vega the Dragon, making his return to TFW, defeated J-Kid.
DC vs. Casanova Kid ended in a no contest when Chris Fontaine interfered.
In the match made by Parental Advisory, TFW Lightweight Champion LSD defeated Ryan SoFine w/Stud & Tony. LSD retains the belt.
G-Mo Money came to the ring, accompanied by Dirty Rell Mo & Curly Mo. He was not sure why he was there, just that he had been ordered to the ring. Randall Lewis then told him that, because he has been interfering in J-Kid's matches for several weeks, he was going to wrestle, and his opponent will be "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore. G-Mo and the other members of the Mo Foundation were not happy. Kilgore defeated G-Mo Money by DQ due to interference by Curly Mo & Dirty Rell Mo. At the end of the match, Lewis told G-Mo that he will be facing J-Kid on Friday night, April 11.
Chop the Clown, Chris Stiles, & Kid J defeated Chris Kaos, Devin Raynes, & Lil' Devil.
In a 2-on-1 handicap match, Josh Matthews defeated Chris Fontaine & Chazz w/Diamond by DQ when DC interfered. Chazz obviously did not want anything to do with his partner, Chris Fontaine. In fact, he wanted no part of the match. Chazz & Fontaine never were on the same page during the match. Chazz tagged in a couple of times, and promptly layed down for Josh to pin him. Fontaine had to come in and break it up each time. Chazz ended up turning on Josh after the match.
The main event was the special match made by GM Randall Lewis, TFW Champion Izzy Rottn defending against Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor, "Extreme" Brett Michaels, & Fusion. This was a crazy match, which ended up getting thrown out when Parental Advisory interfered. Izzy Rotten retains the title.
Buff Bagwell returns to TFW on Friday night, April 11, 2008. This will be a great show, which will start off at 7:00 p.m. with a live band called Refuse the Fall. Wrestling starts at 8:00 p.m., with a great card that includes:
Vega the Dragon vs. "The Future" Chris Stiles. Vega answered the open challenge issued by Stiles several weeks ago. There is no love lost between these two.
G-Mo Money vs. J-Kid. G-Mo has been attacking J-Kid for weeks every time J-Kid has a match. This is J-Kid's chance to take care of G-Mo Money once and for all..DC vs. Josh Matthews. These two former partners absolutely despise each other. It has been only a few weeks since DC turned on Josh. This is a grudge match that promises to be one intense battle.
The 8-man tag team match for total control of TFW is also on the card. It will be Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Ryan SoFine, & Izzy Rotten) vs. Axeman's team of Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor, Fusion, "Extreme" Brett Michaels, and BUFF "THE STUFF" BAGWELL.
Credit: Jack Flash from Wrestling News Center
RassleResults: SAW 3.29.08 - Shawn Reed Wins Twice!!

Sean Fatal beat Chris Cain. Cain beat on Fatal after the win and left him laying. Cain also slapped referee Ricky Bell. Commissioner Freddie Morton came out and fined Cain $200. Cain said he had car payments and child support as well as numerous other bills to take care of, and couldn't afford a $200 fine. Morton told him if that was the case, he could work it off next week by being the special referee in the midget match at Mule Day.
Shawn Reed (with Anita Page) beat Drew Haskins.
Arrick Andrews beat Lawrence Lane.
Hammerjack & Paul Adams beat Boogie Woogie Boy & Miss Boogie. After the match, and overconfident Adams, who scored the pinfall on Miss Boogie, announced that the victory reassured him that he could beat anyone in the building. Morton signed a singles match between Adams and Miss Boogie for April 19 in Columbia.
----Credit Larry Goodman from TVD message board.
Cheap Heat Radio presents "Shooting The Shiznit"
----There are a lot of hot topics brewing right now, so I will be hopefully joined by Brian Thompson some of the show. I do know that Derrick King will be on the show starting at 5:30 PM Thursday night!! I will be talking about his mystery guest for the TLCW show this coming weekend. I also am trying to round up a few more surprise guests to join me. I will give you an update ASAP - if not just join me Thursday night at 5:30 PM for a one hour STS!!!
----I got word earlier today that an incident occurred during an angle at the RWA show in Jonesboro on Saturday. In the main event at the Sportatorium, San Francisco Treat hit Ali Stevens with a chair and he went down. Treat then proceeded to put a dress on Ali and then started putting makeup on him. Ali had specified for personal reasons that they could put a dress on him, but no makeup. Treat put the dress on him and then started putting the makeup on him. Treat stated to Ali in the ring that “Frank told me to do it.” referring to RWA owner Frank Martin. Ali then got mad for shoot and starting hitting everyone that was in the ring. Martin finally got in the ring and told Ali to settle down. Ali then grabbed Martin by the neck and started squeezing it [for shoot]. Some of the other guys ran down to break it up. Martin then asked everyone in building to leave. It all came off as part of an angle, but with both Ali/Martin as babyfaces, it might have looked a little strange to the fans. Ali is scheduled to be out working other dates for the next few weekends and time will only tell if he returns to RWA after this incident.
----I hope to post results for the RWA weekend shows later tonight or tomorrow. I also have sent this to RWA for comment.
----I hope to post results for the RWA weekend shows later tonight or tomorrow. I also have sent this to RWA for comment.
Monday, March 31, 2008

----I was told from a reliable source today that it would be in my best interest to be at TLCW this coming Saturday night. There is something big going to happen in the “Black Label Society” [AJ Bradley/Robbie Douglas] vs “Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King] feud that involves Jimmy Tidwell and a mystery person with DK/Lee. I was told it would be a big surprise and as he said, “Even a big surprise to you!!” So, RRO Book Tour 2007 will be stopping in Ripley, TN on Saturday night!! If you need a book, please make sure you e-mail me ahead of time, so I can put one back. Rest of them will probably go to the fans that night.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 3.29.08 - Chuck Fears Wins ASWF Title!!

Finish had mark wolf( the ref.)hand Cody a chain but senior official john wayne came out restarted the match and styles rolled up cody. After the match John Wayne fired Mark but Mark said he was coming back next week as a wrestler.
“American Degenerates’ [X-Kalibur/Morgan Lane] def. Harper/ Tim Hanson
Ray Ray def. Seth Sabre in X-Division title match
Wild Bill and Demon X vs. “Leprechauns” [Lucky/Lethal] - Time Limit draw
Nikki Lane def. Bethany
Finish had Bethany jump on Nikki with crossbody but injured her knee Nikki took advantage and rolled her up.
Scott Fury/”Mantastic” Matt Boyce def. Justin Smart/Tommy Wayne
Scott Fury rammed Justin’s shoulder into post several times and injured his shoulder.
After the match Matt paid Scott for taking Justin out.
Chuck Fears def. Austin Lane for the ASWF Title in a ladder match.
Match was back and forth and finish had both men going for belt and both fell with belt in hand. The commissioner Judgment made the ruling they would go to sudden death. Lane went to hit Chuck with the belt but Chuck ducked went for his finsher but Lane low blowed him and went for the “ride of you life” but chuck countered and hit the cudagra. After the match casino kid hit chuck with the belt.
----210 to 240 in building. This group continues to draw well with ups and down…Three weeks until Anniversary show with Jerry Lawler vs Austin Lane, Nikki Lane vs Traci Brooks, Fatal Fourway for ASWF Title: Chuck Fears vs Casino Kid vs Blalok the Blazer vs Reno Diamond…Aaron Polston is scheduled for the anniversary show and rumors have him back with the group, but I could not confirm that.
Check out the Archive of the Randy Hales interview!!
Wow! We picked up where we left off in our last interview with Randy when the power went and he was fired up and ready to go! We talked for 90 minutes about a variety of topics including: why he pushed himself and his "buddy" Brandon on tv, the end of Power Pro and why it happened, Wrestlemania 24, his renewed interest in wrestling thanks in part to being on the show, and he clears the air about what his true feelings are about Brandon Baxter (you have to hear this!). All this and more check it right now in the archive below!
Also, make sure to tune in this Friday morning at 10am central as we will be joined but none other than the former AWA/NWA/ECW World Champion Steve Corino!
Also, make sure to tune in this Friday morning at 10am central as we will be joined but none other than the former AWA/NWA/ECW World Champion Steve Corino!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
WrestleMania XXIV Round table discussion on Jerkin' The Curtain Monday March 31st at 10 PM CST
Tomorrow night, Monday, March 31st, at 10 PM central time will be the Jerkin' The Curtain radio WrestleMania XXIV round table discussion. As of now myself, Tommy Stewart, Anthony Cervantes(pinch hitting for AM Vision), and possibly Sabbath will be on the show. If anyone else wants to be a part of the discussion, shoot me an e-mail at The only thing I insist on is you actually need to watch Wrestlemania to be a part of the day after post Wrestlemania discussion. We'll talk about it match by match, and take callers and e-mail questions/comments. Should be a fun show, check it out live Monday night, or check out the archive later. Cya then! Trent Van Drisse
USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 3.29.08

Dyronic b Enigma (w/The Diva Lisa Fayzon) and Tank in a 3-way when Dyronic pinned Enigma
Bushranger Kelly b Blue Amigo
"The Doctor of Style" Richard Lowe b White Tiger
Otis Bass b Shawn Hoodrich
Mark Anthony (w/Charming Charles) vs TJ Harley went to a double countout
Michael Jablonski b Jason James
LT Falk [pictured] & Steven Green (w/Wolfie D) b Damien Payne & Lee Cross (w/Fetish) when Green pinned Cross
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 3.29.08
----TIWF Regional Heavyweight Title Match: Big Boy Bob beat Boogieman Scream…Chico Mendoza beat Oz…TIWF TV Title Match: Buckwild Bill beat Danny B. Goode to retain the title…”The Missouri Bad Boys” [Mark Southern/Missouri Renegade] beat Spyder and Outlaw
…Jonathan Storm beat Steven Rampage …TIWF Tag Team Title Match “Locked and Loaded” ( Tank Turner/ Lawman Williams) beat “New Breed of Perfection”( Wildside/Ravishing Randy) by DQ when the Missouri Bad Boys interfered ( Titles didn’t change)
----This group is still outdrawing all other weekly groups in the area with 201 in the building.
…Jonathan Storm beat Steven Rampage …TIWF Tag Team Title Match “Locked and Loaded” ( Tank Turner/ Lawman Williams) beat “New Breed of Perfection”( Wildside/Ravishing Randy) by DQ when the Missouri Bad Boys interfered ( Titles didn’t change)
----This group is still outdrawing all other weekly groups in the area with 201 in the building.
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