Show opened with Jeff McDonald in the ring welcoming everyone to the next chapter in NBW. To his surprise none other than Sarge O'Riley and a few other members of XOW came to the ring. Sarge exclaimed that he and the XOW had NBW beat in Dyersburg and that they were cheated and that he was back to finish what he started, cue Jeremy Moore. Moore said that he was sure he had ridden himself and all the fans of Sarge and the XOW goons, but if Sarge wanted to run his mouth then Moore would shut him up. Moore wanted to wrestle Sarge, which gave Jeff an idea, Moore already had a match w/ the Posse tonight so instead of a regular tag match it would be a 3-way tag match. 3 promotions, 1 match. XOW (Sarge/Neil Taylor) vs. RWL (Simon/Superman) vs. NBW (Moore/?)!!!
Suicide def. Tommy Redneck and the Kid in a 3-way dance
Brandon Espinosa def. Stevie K.
Big Red vs. Arnez ended in a time limit draw
Syn/D.J. Stunner def. Gaylon Ray/John Roberts
Chris Rocker retained his NBW Championship over Justin "The Juice" Smart
The "Posse" [Simon & Jason Reed] def. Sarge/Taylor and Moore/ Gaylon after Simon pinned Moore.. Post match Sarge and Neil were upset over the loss and decided to take it out on Moore, Sarge hit him w/ a chair and Taylor piledrived him on it. Then Sarge said next week he had a surprise to close the show.
Crowd was between 60-70. Pop of the night was either for Rocker or Moore. All the matches were good. Crowd was into most everything. Maverick returns this week.
Credit: NBWNewsGuy
----Good showing for a town that was drawing 20 paid for their first show...Looks like they will be doing the XOW feud here a bit. Not sure if "Posse" will be heel or baby. Moore will be a top face along with Rocker [if he stays]. Taylor and Sarge will do good as top heels here...Maverick should help them with an increase in the crowd tonight.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Austin Lane Leaves ASWF!!

----Austin Lane, after 8 years of working for this group in one form or another, is done with ASWF. December 20th will be his last date with the group. I expect to see a title change that night or earlier. Lane is expected to make an official statement after he finishes up with them. My sources are saying expect Lane in either one of three places - TLCW, DCW or RWA. RWA would be a good fit for Lane as they are getting ready for public access TV and he has been featured in some very high profile matches in Jonesboro, AR. Lane is a 10 time ASWF champion and ASWF Hall of Famer. His stint with this group of 8 years is just uncharacteristic in this area as guys jump every week. Lane, who won 2006 RRO Performer of the Year, would be an asset to any of the rosters in this area.
RassleResults: N.E.W. West Memphis, AR 12.12.08
New Experience Wrestling (N.E.W.) returned to the "Nightmare" Ken Wayne School of Professional Wrestling for another night of television tapings for future release. Results from the show are as follows:
- Matt Justyce defeated Stan Lee by pinfall following a situation where Stan injured his right leg.
- Greg King defeated Derrick King by forfeit when Derrick did not arrive for the scheduled match.
- Greg King defeated Matt Justyce in an impromptu match.
- Eric Wayne defeated Scott Fury.
- Kid Nikels defeated "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony.
RassleNotes: Around 50-60 in the crowd this week. Injury to Stan Lee was legit, although it looks like he will be okay. Derrick King was originally scheduled for the show but had to cancel at the last minute. Scott Fury suffered damage to his mouth courtesy of Eric Wayne's boot. Promotion returns to West Memphis next Friday, Dec. 19th at 8 p.m.
- Matt Justyce defeated Stan Lee by pinfall following a situation where Stan injured his right leg.
- Greg King defeated Derrick King by forfeit when Derrick did not arrive for the scheduled match.
- Greg King defeated Matt Justyce in an impromptu match.
- Eric Wayne defeated Scott Fury.
- Kid Nikels defeated "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony.
RassleNotes: Around 50-60 in the crowd this week. Injury to Stan Lee was legit, although it looks like he will be okay. Derrick King was originally scheduled for the show but had to cancel at the last minute. Scott Fury suffered damage to his mouth courtesy of Eric Wayne's boot. Promotion returns to West Memphis next Friday, Dec. 19th at 8 p.m.
Joe Babinsack talks holiday gifts

----I would like to thank Joe Babinsack for his plug and kind words yesterday on Joe has the Dusty book #2 on the list of things to buy for Christmas!! CLICK HERE to read his list. So, I figured I would remind everyone about the book!! CLICK HERE to order a copy of the perfect Christmas present!
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 12.12.08
Attendance 80
Jason Xavier b Convict
Jeremiah Plunkett b Travis Starr by submission
Saint & Tim Renesto b Psycho Medic & Jason Xavier when Saint pinned Xavier
Damien Payne b Petey Wright
Shane Eden & Steven Green b Damien Payne & Josh Crowe when Eden pinned Crowe
Mitch Ryder b LT Falk
USWO Champion Michael Jablonski b Nazi Terror by DQ when Ryder ran in and attacked Jablonski
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Jason Xavier b Convict
Jeremiah Plunkett b Travis Starr by submission
Saint & Tim Renesto b Psycho Medic & Jason Xavier when Saint pinned Xavier
Damien Payne b Petey Wright
Shane Eden & Steven Green b Damien Payne & Josh Crowe when Eden pinned Crowe
Mitch Ryder b LT Falk
USWO Champion Michael Jablonski b Nazi Terror by DQ when Ryder ran in and attacked Jablonski
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thompson With The Stars!!
A Piece of my Mind Dec 12th 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

I was in NY on Dec fifth on WrestleReunion business and was scheduled to be in the corner of Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton in Greensboro, NC that night. I was dropped off at LaGuardia airport worried that the flight would be late and I would miss the opportunity but all things lined up in a positive way that night. The plane was on time the luggage was fast so I headed to the building much earlier and arrived sooner than I thought that I would.
I was really looking forward to the event before I got the call from Michael Bochicchio of Highspots telling me about the two shows he had planned. I had no intentions of doing any wrestling shows in two thousand and eight. The call from Michael was a simple one telling me about the two Ric Flair appearances one in Greensboro and one in Charlotte. He advised me that he wanted to put The Rock and Roll Express vs. Midnight Express on the card. He also advised me that he wanted the Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton version of The Midnight Express. He asked me if I would intervene on his behalf with Stan Lane to see if he would come out of retirement to rejoin his old partner. I told him that I would but that it would be easier to work this out with Stan if he knew that I would be there with him. It was at that time I suggested that I manage The Midnight Express we came to an agreement. So I called Stan to present the idea to him. We quickly came to an agreement and I confirmed with Michael.
It was going to be great to see Stan and his lovely wife Maria. I had not been able to get to Greensboro recently and I have not been in Florida when Stan has been there to do commentating for his boat racing career. It had been awhile since Stan had been in the ring, the last time was March two thousand and six. It was the World Wrestling Legends event at The Hard Rock in Orlando. It was a six man tag team match The Midnight Express vs. The Armstrong’s Scott, Brad and Bullet Bob. I touched base with Bobby Eaton by phone and let him know that we were all set.
If you hadn’t heard by this time the dynamics of this whole event changed when Hulk Hogan agreed to do a favor for his friend Ric Flair and be the special guest referee for the match featuring David and Reid Flair against The Nasty Boys. The teams would be managed by “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair and “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart respectively. It would of course be great to hang out with my buddy Jimmy Hart over the weekend as well. I looked forward to these events as the days drew near.
The day had finally arrived. I was at the building the plane was on time luggage was faster than I expected. I was greeted by Stan and Maria then I went to find Ricky Steamboat Jr. I hadn’t seen him in years so with all the great things I have been hearing about him I was looking forward to seeing him again. I thought that he looked fantastic. He did remind me of his dad in appearance. After that I greeted Stan’s mother Jean Lane and his cousin John Lynch, who Stan and I used to hang out with on occasion in the old days.
The time finally came to head to the ring for the match. We did the standard Midnight Express introductions. I introduced Bobby and Stan and Stan introduced me. The match started and I immediately morphed back into the eighties. I had the pleasure of refereeing a match between these two teams in Denver, Co. of course in that match Jim Cornette was in the corner of the Midnight Express.
I was in awe of the two teams. They hadn’t wrestled each other straight up in years. The match was sensational. I thought to myself "it is a crime that a match like this isn’t the main event of Monday Night Raw". It was clear in my mind that everyone that wants to understand tag team wrestling should watch this match just like every wrestler should watch Steamboat and Savage from Wrestlemania 3. In the case of the other three guys, they wrestle on a fairly regularly basis. In Stan’s case, he hasn’t wrestled in a few years but he was moving out there as well as he ever had. On that night The Midnight Express were victorious. It was then time to head to Charlotte.
It had occurred to me on Saturday morning that, perhaps, I had been part of a special event. I called Stan on the phone and asked him if anyone other than Jim Cornette had ever managed The Midnight Express. He indicated that they hadn’t. I double checked with Bobby that night and he agreed. So with Stan’s limited desire to wrestle not only could I possibly be only the second man to man manage The Midnight Express and perhaps the last.
I picked up Jimmy Hart at the airport and, along with Carolinas Own David Isley (Thunderfoot #1); we went to my favorite Italian restaurant Amalfi Pizza and Pasta. The restaurant is located on Hwy 49 in Charlotte near Harris Blvd. We ate and then went and watched the football game. We arrived at the building at about 6:00pm so Jimmy could participate in the VIP autograph signing along with The Nasty Boys, The Midnight Express, The Rock and Roll Express and Ric Flair. It wasn’t long after we arrived that I received a call from Hulk Hogan checking to see if we were at the building yet or not. I told him that we were and that I would go meet him outside after he informed me that they were in the parking lot.
The line was long waiting to get into the building and there were a lot of photographers around for this very special event. It was good to see Hulk. I hadn’t seen him in just about two years. We got a chance to talk about old times. That’s one of the great things about getting together on these shows.
I thought for awhile that the tag match with Hulk as referee might go on early to get him out of the building but it didn’t work out that way. We went on fourth and, once again, The Rock and Roll and Midnights put on a wrestling exhibition. It was a pleasure and an honor to be a part of those matches. I have no idea when these guys will be in a position not to put on a tag match at this level, but it sure won’t be anytime real soon. The Rock and Roll Express are double drop kicking flying head scissors fools. The Midnight Express are two individuals that basically function as one. On that night The Rock and Roll were victorious but I feel like everyone in the building in Charlotte was a winner that night.
Then Clubfoot the newly named David Isley, Jimmy Hart and I headed to IHOP. It was just like the good old days. Where oh where have they gone?
The photo in this article was taken by Brian Thompson at the show in Charlotte on Dec 6th. It could possibly be this last time a picture is taken of this version of The Midnight Express getting ready to head to the ring.
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR 12.06.08
The begriming of the show was different from shows past. Owner Frank Martin was not at the show as he had taken a family vacation. The begriming of the show was interrupted by none other than Classy Melton Massy. As the lights came up Massy was sitting in the middle of the ring and doing what else? Complaining it's been said that some cheese will be on hand next week for the whine! Of course along with the crying came the bragging about how great he is, how he has put Chris Steel out of wrestling. Finally Dr. Randy came out to confront Massy and told him that He was the best manager in the RWA not Massy. Shortly after that Dr. Randy hit Massy as Massy was still in his chair. The fight was on and the acting Commissioner Biscuit and the Tim Daniel's RWA Referee broke up the fight but Biscuit made a match between the two.
1st Match: Classy Melton Massy VS Dr. Randy. Massy gets the pin fall.
2nd Match: Lucky VS PP3 Winner PP3 by DQ. Lucky pulled a chain and PP3 blocked it and then picked it up and hit Lucky with it and put it back on Lucky as the ref was down. The ref got back up to see PP3 holding his nose and Lucky having a chain hanging out of his pocket.
3rd Match. Mr Pimptacular VS Mike Anthony and Pokerface. Winner Mike Anthony and Pokerface. This was a Handicap Match set up last week. Southside was barred from the building and Mr. Pimptacular was bound by contract to wrestle or be fined and fired if he no showed. This was punishment for Jumping Pokerface during intermission week before.
4th Match: Silas VS Roger Allen. Winner Silas. Silas has been gone for a while but has been working out and is Hugh. He is jacked and the fans have made him a face. They love the big guy and Silas has been training while he has been gone and looked very good. He now has BIG TIME potential!!!
5th Match: Rodney Mack and J.D. Kerry VS Angel of Sin and Athena. Winner Angel of Sin and Athena. This match came out of a mic spill that the AOS and Athena did at intermission. AOS bragged how he took the title away from Mack and told everyone that Athena has been all over the world beating women and men. She then took some shots at Jazz who is not wrestling at this time. (Warning to Athena! Jazz is coming back and she is not a women that you want to make mad!) This match was great and the fans who were hot all night were on their feet through out this match. Do to what AOS did during the match the Commission suspended AOS for a week.
Good night of action with 150+ in the building.
Credit: RWAReporter
----This group went up about 50 this week...Lots of names have left here in recent weeks - Luke Graham Jr [not happy with direction], Rik Burton [personal reasons], Ron Rage [personal reasons], "Aslyum" [working DCW now]and Zane Richards.
1st Match: Classy Melton Massy VS Dr. Randy. Massy gets the pin fall.
2nd Match: Lucky VS PP3 Winner PP3 by DQ. Lucky pulled a chain and PP3 blocked it and then picked it up and hit Lucky with it and put it back on Lucky as the ref was down. The ref got back up to see PP3 holding his nose and Lucky having a chain hanging out of his pocket.
3rd Match. Mr Pimptacular VS Mike Anthony and Pokerface. Winner Mike Anthony and Pokerface. This was a Handicap Match set up last week. Southside was barred from the building and Mr. Pimptacular was bound by contract to wrestle or be fined and fired if he no showed. This was punishment for Jumping Pokerface during intermission week before.
4th Match: Silas VS Roger Allen. Winner Silas. Silas has been gone for a while but has been working out and is Hugh. He is jacked and the fans have made him a face. They love the big guy and Silas has been training while he has been gone and looked very good. He now has BIG TIME potential!!!
5th Match: Rodney Mack and J.D. Kerry VS Angel of Sin and Athena. Winner Angel of Sin and Athena. This match came out of a mic spill that the AOS and Athena did at intermission. AOS bragged how he took the title away from Mack and told everyone that Athena has been all over the world beating women and men. She then took some shots at Jazz who is not wrestling at this time. (Warning to Athena! Jazz is coming back and she is not a women that you want to make mad!) This match was great and the fans who were hot all night were on their feet through out this match. Do to what AOS did during the match the Commission suspended AOS for a week.
Good night of action with 150+ in the building.
Credit: RWAReporter
----This group went up about 50 this week...Lots of names have left here in recent weeks - Luke Graham Jr [not happy with direction], Rik Burton [personal reasons], Ron Rage [personal reasons], "Aslyum" [working DCW now]and Zane Richards.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Thompson Perspective 12.11.08 By Brian Thompson
If you grew up watching professional wrestling in the 1980’s, you were a part of a unique experience.
The business was on fire. Vince McMahon took the World Wrestling Federation to a national stage and Jim Crockett Promotions became the leader of the National Wrestling Alliance.
The early part of the decade featured the old territorial structure that dominated the business for much of the century. However, as the 1980’s came to a close McMahon was on the top of the mountain with Ted Turner now in the game, having bought Crockett’s wrestling operations. Verne Gagne’s American Wrestling Association existed, but barely.
Much of McMahon’s success was due to the superstar status of Hulk Hogan, who took the then-WWF by storm in 1984. While Hogan took the WWF to heights never before seen, it was “Nature Boy” Ric Flair who was the flagship of Crockett, later Turner and the NWA.
I was a full fledged Hulk-A-Maniac as a child. I am not ashamed to admit it. However, at the same time I admired Flair and his cohorts the Four Horsemen. Maybe I had a split personality complex. I would love to be the superhero with big muscles (Hogan) or the high class big shot (Flair).
When the opportunity arose to attend last Saturday’s show in Charlotte, NC, came along, I jumped at the chance. Originally only Flair was going to be on the show. That alone was enough for me. I’ve waited nearly 28 years to meet “The Man.” When it was announced that Hogan would also be in attendance, I began to wonder if my eyes were deceiving. Could I really be going to an event where both of my childhood idols will be in attendance?
Brian Tramel was supposed to come along, but he was unable to and I know that bummed him out.
I left for the show immediately following the New Experience Wrestling (N.E.W.) taping in West Memphis Friday night. Of course, and call me name dropper if you must, I planned to arrive at the Eatons’ home in Charlotte before the show, hang out with them and then head to the event. From my house in rural Cross County, AR to Charlotte is a 700 mile drive – one way!
I left West Memphis and planned to stop in Lebanon, TN or Cookeville, TN. Well, I just made it to Jackson. This was for two reasons. First, I was exhausted. It was a long week at my regular job. Second, for some reason Interstate 40 was closed at mile marker 83. Jackson is located just a few miles from that location. I decided it would be best to stay there and get up a little sooner.
Of course, I have the world’s worst luck at times and naturally this would be no different. My hotel room key would not work. I came down and got a second one – same result! Now, I’m starting to get frustrated because not only do I want to get into the room to sleep, but I also need to visit the restroom. I was switched to another room and all was good.
I woke up around 6 a.m. Saturday morning and hit the road. I still had nearly 8 hours of drive-time remaining. The trip was long, but went well and I arrived at the Eatons’ house around 3:30 p.m.
I changed clothes and we headed to the arena. Of course, it took a while to find it but that’s par for the course. We arrived and went into the building for a “fan fest.”
I followed Bobby Eaton to the “fan fest” location and along the way we ran into Flair. He just carries a certain “aura” of greatness.
We headed to the “fan fest” area where I met Stan Lane for the first time, said hello to old friends Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson. Actually, let me back up and mention that before we got to the building, a car pulled up with Sal Corrente, David Isley and Jimmy Hart. We greeted them before actually getting inside.
Let’s get back to the “fan fest” festivities. Hulk Hogan and the Nasty Boys arrive and then Flair makes his way to the stage. They all greeted each other and Hulk told the crowd that the boys in the locker room always knew that Flair was the “greatest of all-time.” It was a moment to behold. Yes, at that moment I no longer was a 27-year-old man. I was back to being that 7-year-old who saw Hulk in person at the Show Me Center in Cape Girardeau, MO in the spring of 1988. I was the kid who watched the “Nature Boy” take Nikita Koloff to school on the Starrcade ’86 VHS that I’ve played a million times.
I ended up helping keep fans moving as they had their photos made with the Rock N’ Roll Express, Midnight Express, Nasty Boys with Jimmy Hart and Flair.
Then, we headed to the locker room. Bobby Eaton and I talked about this all night long. The mood in that locker room was awesome. Everyone was having a good time. There weren’t any politics. You had guys who hadn’t seen each other in awhile greeting each other and swapping old stories, mixed with young guys like myself who just ate everything up.
Prior to the main event, Bobby introduced me formally to Hulk. He still is a huge guy and definitely has “24-inch” pythons. He agreed to autograph my copy of his autobiography and posed for a photo with me. After the main event, Flair returned to the stage to finish autographs that were not completed before hand. Bobby took me over to him and Ric signed my copy of his book and then stood up for a picture. Special thanks to the fan who took the picture for me – whoever you are!
I’m probably coming across as a dork with this particular column, but I really don’t care. I had such a great time in Charlotte. The card was solid, top to bottom. You’ve seen the results already and there will be a DVD available soon at A great time was had by all involved.
For me, the coolest experience was meeting Hulk and Ric not just as a fan, but as someone who is also in the wrestling business, albeit on a tiny scale compared to them. In a lot of ways if left me with a feeling of “now what?”
I spent Saturday night with the Eatons’ and then stayed with them until around 2 p.m. and headed back to the road. I stopped in Cookeville, TN, on Sunday night and then headed back home to Northeast Arkansas on Monday. A 700-mile return trip will give you a lot to think about.
This great moment for me personally was nothing I created. It involves so many people in my life who have helped me along the way to realize such a dream.
Of course, it’s not remotely possible without my parents and grandparents who have always stood behind me in whatever I have chosen to do.
In 2000, I was given a great start in wrestling by Gateway Championship Wrestling (GCW) based in St. Louis. Guys like Big Bad Ben, Sadie “Makaze” Blaze, Mike Sharona and Evil Jim opened a door for me. GCW was a good promotion that is unfortunately not around today. It was a wonderful place to start and I am forever grateful for those guys for giving me a chance. Thank you!
Nine months into my career, Kelly Warner and I met for the first time. He gave me an opportunity to meet Terry Golden, who operated Memphis Championship Wrestling. MCW was a WWE developmental territory at the time and featured a great roster, many of whom are on WWE TV today or have been in the last eight years. Thank you Kelly and Terry. That was a great experience that I will never forget and it gave me a chance to meet many of wrestling’s top stars and it was the place where I became friends with Bobby Eaton, the man who ends up making the intros to my heroes last weekend.
To all the boys - I’ve enjoyed working with all of you and you’ve all had a hand in helping me in one way or another. There are too many names to list, so I won’t do that, but you know who you are.
Derrick King and I have butted heads a lot of times. I think you could insert any name and say that person has butted heads with DK. A lot of that reason, though, is because we share a similar passion. No doubt that Derrick has been a good influence on me.
Guys like Brandon Baxter and Brian Tramel, who both may not be involved physically in wrestling anymore but are both great ambassadors to the sport. A lot of Northeast Arkansas promotions owe Brandon a debt of gratitude for the things he has done for them. Thank you Double B.
Of course, most of you know the background with BT. I’m glad to know him and call him a friend.
“Nightmare” Ken Wayne is a mentor to me. He has taken a guy (me) who has decent ideas and has been able to mold me to think outside the box and to think smart. It was an honor to see him compete in his final in-ring match and a thrill to be a part of his son’s debut two years ago.
Finally, Bobby Eaton. I consider him the blueprint of what a PROFESSIONAL wrestler should be. He’s gracious, caring and true general inside the ropes. For a man who’s had a ton of success, he is probably the most humble man alive. He’s taught me a lot.
Take care and Merry Christmas everyone!
(Brian Thompson may be reached at
The business was on fire. Vince McMahon took the World Wrestling Federation to a national stage and Jim Crockett Promotions became the leader of the National Wrestling Alliance.
The early part of the decade featured the old territorial structure that dominated the business for much of the century. However, as the 1980’s came to a close McMahon was on the top of the mountain with Ted Turner now in the game, having bought Crockett’s wrestling operations. Verne Gagne’s American Wrestling Association existed, but barely.
Much of McMahon’s success was due to the superstar status of Hulk Hogan, who took the then-WWF by storm in 1984. While Hogan took the WWF to heights never before seen, it was “Nature Boy” Ric Flair who was the flagship of Crockett, later Turner and the NWA.
I was a full fledged Hulk-A-Maniac as a child. I am not ashamed to admit it. However, at the same time I admired Flair and his cohorts the Four Horsemen. Maybe I had a split personality complex. I would love to be the superhero with big muscles (Hogan) or the high class big shot (Flair).
When the opportunity arose to attend last Saturday’s show in Charlotte, NC, came along, I jumped at the chance. Originally only Flair was going to be on the show. That alone was enough for me. I’ve waited nearly 28 years to meet “The Man.” When it was announced that Hogan would also be in attendance, I began to wonder if my eyes were deceiving. Could I really be going to an event where both of my childhood idols will be in attendance?
Brian Tramel was supposed to come along, but he was unable to and I know that bummed him out.
I left for the show immediately following the New Experience Wrestling (N.E.W.) taping in West Memphis Friday night. Of course, and call me name dropper if you must, I planned to arrive at the Eatons’ home in Charlotte before the show, hang out with them and then head to the event. From my house in rural Cross County, AR to Charlotte is a 700 mile drive – one way!
I left West Memphis and planned to stop in Lebanon, TN or Cookeville, TN. Well, I just made it to Jackson. This was for two reasons. First, I was exhausted. It was a long week at my regular job. Second, for some reason Interstate 40 was closed at mile marker 83. Jackson is located just a few miles from that location. I decided it would be best to stay there and get up a little sooner.
Of course, I have the world’s worst luck at times and naturally this would be no different. My hotel room key would not work. I came down and got a second one – same result! Now, I’m starting to get frustrated because not only do I want to get into the room to sleep, but I also need to visit the restroom. I was switched to another room and all was good.
I woke up around 6 a.m. Saturday morning and hit the road. I still had nearly 8 hours of drive-time remaining. The trip was long, but went well and I arrived at the Eatons’ house around 3:30 p.m.
I changed clothes and we headed to the arena. Of course, it took a while to find it but that’s par for the course. We arrived and went into the building for a “fan fest.”
I followed Bobby Eaton to the “fan fest” location and along the way we ran into Flair. He just carries a certain “aura” of greatness.
We headed to the “fan fest” area where I met Stan Lane for the first time, said hello to old friends Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson. Actually, let me back up and mention that before we got to the building, a car pulled up with Sal Corrente, David Isley and Jimmy Hart. We greeted them before actually getting inside.
Let’s get back to the “fan fest” festivities. Hulk Hogan and the Nasty Boys arrive and then Flair makes his way to the stage. They all greeted each other and Hulk told the crowd that the boys in the locker room always knew that Flair was the “greatest of all-time.” It was a moment to behold. Yes, at that moment I no longer was a 27-year-old man. I was back to being that 7-year-old who saw Hulk in person at the Show Me Center in Cape Girardeau, MO in the spring of 1988. I was the kid who watched the “Nature Boy” take Nikita Koloff to school on the Starrcade ’86 VHS that I’ve played a million times.
I ended up helping keep fans moving as they had their photos made with the Rock N’ Roll Express, Midnight Express, Nasty Boys with Jimmy Hart and Flair.
Then, we headed to the locker room. Bobby Eaton and I talked about this all night long. The mood in that locker room was awesome. Everyone was having a good time. There weren’t any politics. You had guys who hadn’t seen each other in awhile greeting each other and swapping old stories, mixed with young guys like myself who just ate everything up.
Prior to the main event, Bobby introduced me formally to Hulk. He still is a huge guy and definitely has “24-inch” pythons. He agreed to autograph my copy of his autobiography and posed for a photo with me. After the main event, Flair returned to the stage to finish autographs that were not completed before hand. Bobby took me over to him and Ric signed my copy of his book and then stood up for a picture. Special thanks to the fan who took the picture for me – whoever you are!
I’m probably coming across as a dork with this particular column, but I really don’t care. I had such a great time in Charlotte. The card was solid, top to bottom. You’ve seen the results already and there will be a DVD available soon at A great time was had by all involved.
For me, the coolest experience was meeting Hulk and Ric not just as a fan, but as someone who is also in the wrestling business, albeit on a tiny scale compared to them. In a lot of ways if left me with a feeling of “now what?”
I spent Saturday night with the Eatons’ and then stayed with them until around 2 p.m. and headed back to the road. I stopped in Cookeville, TN, on Sunday night and then headed back home to Northeast Arkansas on Monday. A 700-mile return trip will give you a lot to think about.
This great moment for me personally was nothing I created. It involves so many people in my life who have helped me along the way to realize such a dream.
Of course, it’s not remotely possible without my parents and grandparents who have always stood behind me in whatever I have chosen to do.
In 2000, I was given a great start in wrestling by Gateway Championship Wrestling (GCW) based in St. Louis. Guys like Big Bad Ben, Sadie “Makaze” Blaze, Mike Sharona and Evil Jim opened a door for me. GCW was a good promotion that is unfortunately not around today. It was a wonderful place to start and I am forever grateful for those guys for giving me a chance. Thank you!
Nine months into my career, Kelly Warner and I met for the first time. He gave me an opportunity to meet Terry Golden, who operated Memphis Championship Wrestling. MCW was a WWE developmental territory at the time and featured a great roster, many of whom are on WWE TV today or have been in the last eight years. Thank you Kelly and Terry. That was a great experience that I will never forget and it gave me a chance to meet many of wrestling’s top stars and it was the place where I became friends with Bobby Eaton, the man who ends up making the intros to my heroes last weekend.
To all the boys - I’ve enjoyed working with all of you and you’ve all had a hand in helping me in one way or another. There are too many names to list, so I won’t do that, but you know who you are.
Derrick King and I have butted heads a lot of times. I think you could insert any name and say that person has butted heads with DK. A lot of that reason, though, is because we share a similar passion. No doubt that Derrick has been a good influence on me.
Guys like Brandon Baxter and Brian Tramel, who both may not be involved physically in wrestling anymore but are both great ambassadors to the sport. A lot of Northeast Arkansas promotions owe Brandon a debt of gratitude for the things he has done for them. Thank you Double B.
Of course, most of you know the background with BT. I’m glad to know him and call him a friend.
“Nightmare” Ken Wayne is a mentor to me. He has taken a guy (me) who has decent ideas and has been able to mold me to think outside the box and to think smart. It was an honor to see him compete in his final in-ring match and a thrill to be a part of his son’s debut two years ago.
Finally, Bobby Eaton. I consider him the blueprint of what a PROFESSIONAL wrestler should be. He’s gracious, caring and true general inside the ropes. For a man who’s had a ton of success, he is probably the most humble man alive. He’s taught me a lot.
Take care and Merry Christmas everyone!
(Brian Thompson may be reached at
WWE to make two upcoming Southeast Missouri stops
World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) will hold house shows in both Poplar Bluff, MO and Cape Girardeau, MO in the first few weeks of 2009. Below are the event dates and current advertised cards.
WWE SmackDown! Live
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Black River Coliseum - Poplar Bluff, MO
7:30 p.m. Bell Time
WWE Title Match: (Champion) Edge vs. Jeff Hardy
Street Fight: Triple H vs. Vladimir Koslov
The Big Show vs. The Great Khali
For more details visit
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Show Me Center - Cape Girardeau, MO
2 p.m. Bell Time
World Title Match: (Champion) John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
2 on 3 Handicap Match: Rey Mysterio & Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Manu
ECW Title Match: (Champion) Matt Hardy vs. Jack Swagger
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: (Champion) William Regal vs. C. M. Punk
For more details visit
RassleNotes: Both venues have strong histories involving pro wrestling. The Black River Coliseum hosted a TNA house show last year. The arena has also held events for the original Extreme Championship Wrestling (2001); the new ECW (2006); Lethal Attitude Wrestling (2003); and Harley Race's World League Wrestling. The Show Me Center has held WWE events dating back to the fall of 1987. The arena also held some WCW events in the late 1990's and held a TNA house show several weeks back.
WWE SmackDown! Live
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Black River Coliseum - Poplar Bluff, MO
7:30 p.m. Bell Time
WWE Title Match: (Champion) Edge vs. Jeff Hardy
Street Fight: Triple H vs. Vladimir Koslov
The Big Show vs. The Great Khali
For more details visit
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Show Me Center - Cape Girardeau, MO
2 p.m. Bell Time
World Title Match: (Champion) John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
2 on 3 Handicap Match: Rey Mysterio & Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes & Manu
ECW Title Match: (Champion) Matt Hardy vs. Jack Swagger
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: (Champion) William Regal vs. C. M. Punk
For more details visit
RassleNotes: Both venues have strong histories involving pro wrestling. The Black River Coliseum hosted a TNA house show last year. The arena has also held events for the original Extreme Championship Wrestling (2001); the new ECW (2006); Lethal Attitude Wrestling (2003); and Harley Race's World League Wrestling. The Show Me Center has held WWE events dating back to the fall of 1987. The arena also held some WCW events in the late 1990's and held a TNA house show several weeks back.
Notes from Thatcher column
Les Thatcher, one of wrestling's all-time greats, puts over both "Nightmare" Ken Wayne and Dusty Wolfe in his latest "Wrestler's Eye View" column at
The column discusses Les' independent dream roster (those not signed by WWE or TNA) and who it would feature. In addition to talking about the in-ring performers, Les mentions Wayne and Wolfe as veterans who would great behind the scenes in a variety of capacities. Of course, both men have ties to the RRO family and it just goes to show how valuable they are when a person the caliber of Les Thatcher mentions them in such high regard.
In a website note, be on the lookout for a column recapping my Charlotte, NC trip from last weekend. Trust me when I tell you that traveling 1,400 miles roundtrip ALONE makes for a lot of reflection time. I'll have all the details hopefully tonight. Keep watching!
The column discusses Les' independent dream roster (those not signed by WWE or TNA) and who it would feature. In addition to talking about the in-ring performers, Les mentions Wayne and Wolfe as veterans who would great behind the scenes in a variety of capacities. Of course, both men have ties to the RRO family and it just goes to show how valuable they are when a person the caliber of Les Thatcher mentions them in such high regard.
In a website note, be on the lookout for a column recapping my Charlotte, NC trip from last weekend. Trust me when I tell you that traveling 1,400 miles roundtrip ALONE makes for a lot of reflection time. I'll have all the details hopefully tonight. Keep watching!
Byron Wilcott Headed to WWE!!!
----RRO AWARDS RACE 2008 begins NOW!!! I have listed the first 6 categories in this year’s race. If you are a member of the KAYFABE MESSSAGE BOARD, then you may click over and put all your nominations there. Or you may e-mail your picks, if you do not want to post them “in the open” on the board. You may also go over to the RRO AWARDS RACE blog by CLICKING HERE and get all the up to the date info on the awards!!!
----Promotion of The Year - TLCW is a 2-time winner here, but I would not consider them in the running this year. This is the promotion that mainly drew the best crowds and has the best matches. The two top groups this year look to be TIWF and ASWF. Both groups had good attendance. The quality of the matches may be better at ASWF along with the attendance being a bit better at TIWF. If I had to pick one promotion just for a great angle – one that made money and it was so over it would have to be the Missouri Bad Boy vs Turner/Lawman feud. It featured the big angle with the police coming in to arrest the Bad Boys. Coming in third I could see All Pro Productions or Southern Wrestling Superstars because they have had good crowds all year long. NBW has to be mention here just for the pure fact of running neck to neck with all the other promotions in the area – that can also be said about RWA.
----Booker of The Year – Who brought us the best storylines? My top picks would have to be TIWF Booking Committee [the police angle and constant crowd], ASWF Booking Committee [always trying something new] and Greg Anthony for LAW.
----Announcer of The Year: Who is the best at calling the matches?? I would have to go with Brian Thompson, Kimble Winstead and John Steele here. Richard Marx has to be mentioned also for some of his work in NBW and WCCW.
----Gimmick Of The Year: This has nothing to do with ability. It is just all about the gimmick. “The Baron” Malkavain is the hands down winner this year. “Asylum” and “Posse” still mentioned here. No one else stands out to me.
----Manager of The Year: “Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock has to be the tops in this area. He works more dates than anyone and is pretty much “on”. His angle with Ken Wayne earlier this year got him my vote. Rashard Devon and Su Yung are also in the top running here.
Referee of The Year: Two time winner Bill Rush is my pick here. William Gibson is also always real good. RRO’s Favorite ref: Miles Murphy is in the distant as #3, but is not bad. Kaleb at TLCW needs work, but could be considered.
----Promotion of The Year - TLCW is a 2-time winner here, but I would not consider them in the running this year. This is the promotion that mainly drew the best crowds and has the best matches. The two top groups this year look to be TIWF and ASWF. Both groups had good attendance. The quality of the matches may be better at ASWF along with the attendance being a bit better at TIWF. If I had to pick one promotion just for a great angle – one that made money and it was so over it would have to be the Missouri Bad Boy vs Turner/Lawman feud. It featured the big angle with the police coming in to arrest the Bad Boys. Coming in third I could see All Pro Productions or Southern Wrestling Superstars because they have had good crowds all year long. NBW has to be mention here just for the pure fact of running neck to neck with all the other promotions in the area – that can also be said about RWA.
----Booker of The Year – Who brought us the best storylines? My top picks would have to be TIWF Booking Committee [the police angle and constant crowd], ASWF Booking Committee [always trying something new] and Greg Anthony for LAW.
----Announcer of The Year: Who is the best at calling the matches?? I would have to go with Brian Thompson, Kimble Winstead and John Steele here. Richard Marx has to be mentioned also for some of his work in NBW and WCCW.
----Gimmick Of The Year: This has nothing to do with ability. It is just all about the gimmick. “The Baron” Malkavain is the hands down winner this year. “Asylum” and “Posse” still mentioned here. No one else stands out to me.
----Manager of The Year: “Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock has to be the tops in this area. He works more dates than anyone and is pretty much “on”. His angle with Ken Wayne earlier this year got him my vote. Rashard Devon and Su Yung are also in the top running here.
Referee of The Year: Two time winner Bill Rush is my pick here. William Gibson is also always real good. RRO’s Favorite ref: Miles Murphy is in the distant as #3, but is not bad. Kaleb at TLCW needs work, but could be considered.
Shows for The Weekend 12.12 to 12.13.08

----CLICK HERE for the regular scheduled shows. I do plan to update all of this before the weekend. Big shows this weekend are listed below.
----SSW in Kingsport, TN – poster is above.
---- Southern Wrestling Superstars presents "Rasslin for Tots" Its an absolutely free show and the first 100 kids gets a free gift from Santa Claus. Bill Dundee, Kevin White, Garry "Scrooge" White, Doug Gilbert, Derrick King, Cody Melton, The Agents /K-Hill & Corbin, The Albino Rhino, Michael Gilbert, “The Baron” Malkavain,Lani Kialoha and more. Doors open at 6;00pm and belltime is 7:30.Santa and his elf will be on hand.
RassleResults: DCW Dyersburg, TN 12.06.08
Start of show Bishop comes out and makes statements that he is the best and can take anyone in the back. Kilo comes out to answer the challenge match is set up for later on in the night.
“The Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] over Tim Edwards/Mark Justice good solid match with Mark and Tim working on Psycho’ss back the entire match. Lot of stiff shots from all guys in the ring. End of the match came when Mark tried to put psycho in a death valley driver, Psycho slid off his back then pushed mark out of ring. While tim edwards had Pappy hooked for a redrum Pappy reversed into a Samoan slam followed by a spinning head butt from psycho for the pin.
Second match: Shannon Lee vs. Johnny Dotson good match from both these guys. Dotson has a ton of heat with lee getting a great pop. Match ended with Dotson getting counted out.
Third match:Chris Rocker vs. Tatt2. Another great match. Both guys worked really fast and pulled out a bunch of great spots. Tat22 wins with a flying cross body off the top
Forth match: Kilo vs Bishop with Rashard Devon - great match with Bishop showing the strength and kilo showing the speed and experience in the ring. Right as Kilo had Bishop down Rashad threw pounder in the eyes of kilo. Bishop get s the win.
Fifth match: Seth Knight vs. AJ Bradley good vs good guy match. Really good though, crowd was split with Seth and AJ gettting booed. Match ended with a tornado ddt from Bradley to Seth - AJ Bradley wins
Main event: Dustin Starr and Motley Cruz vs Derrick King and Flex most of these guys was really over. Great opening of match with a dance off that was really funny. Ended up with DK lip singing rocket man to Mad Money Mike. This actually put heat on Mike for the first time. Good solid match. Ref gets distracted from Rashad right when DK and Flex or about to pull out a win out comes bishop and hits DK with a massive power bomb. Dustin Starr gets pin on DK. After match Dustin, Motley and Bishop bet down DK and Flex until a little help from Tatt2 but it wasn’t much help seeing he got left laying in the ring with the rest of them.
About 75 in building with 60 paying. Great solid first show.
Credit: DCWspirtof1990
----I am hearing about the same kind of crowd for NBW in Newbern, so we had three shows within 30 minutes of each other draw over 200. Why not combine all of this?? As I expected TIWF in Trenton is not going to be bothered by this as I was told they drew over 150…Dustin/Cruz/Bishop being pushed as the three top heels with Tatt2/DK/Flex as top babyfaces….On paper, it looked like a real good show...This is going to be known as DCW - Dyersburg Championship Wrestling.
“The Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho] over Tim Edwards/Mark Justice good solid match with Mark and Tim working on Psycho’ss back the entire match. Lot of stiff shots from all guys in the ring. End of the match came when Mark tried to put psycho in a death valley driver, Psycho slid off his back then pushed mark out of ring. While tim edwards had Pappy hooked for a redrum Pappy reversed into a Samoan slam followed by a spinning head butt from psycho for the pin.
Second match: Shannon Lee vs. Johnny Dotson good match from both these guys. Dotson has a ton of heat with lee getting a great pop. Match ended with Dotson getting counted out.
Third match:Chris Rocker vs. Tatt2. Another great match. Both guys worked really fast and pulled out a bunch of great spots. Tat22 wins with a flying cross body off the top
Forth match: Kilo vs Bishop with Rashard Devon - great match with Bishop showing the strength and kilo showing the speed and experience in the ring. Right as Kilo had Bishop down Rashad threw pounder in the eyes of kilo. Bishop get s the win.
Fifth match: Seth Knight vs. AJ Bradley good vs good guy match. Really good though, crowd was split with Seth and AJ gettting booed. Match ended with a tornado ddt from Bradley to Seth - AJ Bradley wins
Main event: Dustin Starr and Motley Cruz vs Derrick King and Flex most of these guys was really over. Great opening of match with a dance off that was really funny. Ended up with DK lip singing rocket man to Mad Money Mike. This actually put heat on Mike for the first time. Good solid match. Ref gets distracted from Rashad right when DK and Flex or about to pull out a win out comes bishop and hits DK with a massive power bomb. Dustin Starr gets pin on DK. After match Dustin, Motley and Bishop bet down DK and Flex until a little help from Tatt2 but it wasn’t much help seeing he got left laying in the ring with the rest of them.
About 75 in building with 60 paying. Great solid first show.
Credit: DCWspirtof1990
----I am hearing about the same kind of crowd for NBW in Newbern, so we had three shows within 30 minutes of each other draw over 200. Why not combine all of this?? As I expected TIWF in Trenton is not going to be bothered by this as I was told they drew over 150…Dustin/Cruz/Bishop being pushed as the three top heels with Tatt2/DK/Flex as top babyfaces….On paper, it looked like a real good show...This is going to be known as DCW - Dyersburg Championship Wrestling.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
"What Memphis Watches"
Well, I know it’s been a few weeks since I did a report, so I figured since I’m on vacation from the real job, I could squeeze a report in, in between naps and scratching my balls.
The numbers for all shows are down. The ratings for Smackdown are the lowest I’ve seen them in years. The move to MyNetwork-TV has not been kind to WWE. CW’s overall numbers have dropped too. It’s not been a good move for ratings in Memphis but on the national level too. I’d love to know what the suits were thinking when the decision to move Smackdown was made.
Memphis Wrestling is still struggling. I never thought that Memphis Wrestling would get this low. Even at Power Pro’s and Memphis Championship Wrestling’s worse they still continued to pull a 4-5 rating consistently. The sad part is that Memphis Wrestling is one of the highest rated shows on WPXX Ch. 50.
WWE Raw didn’t do very well either. You put on a 3 hour show and bring back the Slammies in an attempt to gain interest and attract viewers. IMO, it was a very boring 3 hours. It didn’t do anything to make me want to watch Armageddon and as you’ll see below Memphis wrestling fans didn’t care much for it either. Just a few years ago RAW’s numbers in Memphis were amongst the highest in the nation and was consistently drawing anywhere between an 8-12 ratings. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
I did not get any ratings for TNA Impact from last Thursday.
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 3 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of all 3 hours for the final rating.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at:
Thanks and enjoy!!!
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 12-05-08
Final Rating: 1.8 ( 29,169 viewers ) 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 1.7 ( 27,549 viewers )
1.8 ( 29,169 )
2.0 ( 32,410 )
2.4 ( 38,892 )
2nd hour: 1.8 ( 29,169 viewers )
1.2 ( 19,446 )
1.7 ( 27,549 )
1.7 ( 27,549 )
Memphis Wrestling 12-06-08
Final Rating: 0.5 ( 8,103 viewers ) 1 share
Quarter hours: 0.2 ( 1,241 )
0.4 ( 6,482 )
0.7 ( 11,344 )
0.8 ( 12,964 )
TNA Impact Replay @ 8 a.m. 12-06-08
Final Rating: 1.0 ( 16.205 viewers ) 2 share
WWE A.M. 12-07-08
Final Rating: 2.0 ( 32,410 viewers ) 4 share
WWE RAW 12-08-08 3-hr. Slammy Special
Final Rating: 3.8 ( 61,579 viewers ) 5 share
1st hour: 3.7 ( 59,959 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours: 3.8 ( 61,579 viewers )
3.8 ( 61,579 )
3.5 ( 56,718 )
3.6 ( 58,338 )
2nd hour: 3.8 ( 61,579 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours: 3.2 ( 51,856 viewers )
4.2 ( 68,061 )
4.0 ( 64,820 )
4.0 ( 64,820 )
3rd hour: 3.9 ( 63,200 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours: 4.3 ( 69,682 viewers )
4.6 ( 74,543 )
3.1 ( 50,236 )
3.6 ( 58,338 )
Overrun: 2.4 ( 38,892 viewers )
The numbers for all shows are down. The ratings for Smackdown are the lowest I’ve seen them in years. The move to MyNetwork-TV has not been kind to WWE. CW’s overall numbers have dropped too. It’s not been a good move for ratings in Memphis but on the national level too. I’d love to know what the suits were thinking when the decision to move Smackdown was made.
Memphis Wrestling is still struggling. I never thought that Memphis Wrestling would get this low. Even at Power Pro’s and Memphis Championship Wrestling’s worse they still continued to pull a 4-5 rating consistently. The sad part is that Memphis Wrestling is one of the highest rated shows on WPXX Ch. 50.
WWE Raw didn’t do very well either. You put on a 3 hour show and bring back the Slammies in an attempt to gain interest and attract viewers. IMO, it was a very boring 3 hours. It didn’t do anything to make me want to watch Armageddon and as you’ll see below Memphis wrestling fans didn’t care much for it either. Just a few years ago RAW’s numbers in Memphis were amongst the highest in the nation and was consistently drawing anywhere between an 8-12 ratings. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
I did not get any ratings for TNA Impact from last Thursday.
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 3 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of all 3 hours for the final rating.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at:
Thanks and enjoy!!!
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 12-05-08
Final Rating: 1.8 ( 29,169 viewers ) 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 1.7 ( 27,549 viewers )
1.8 ( 29,169 )
2.0 ( 32,410 )
2.4 ( 38,892 )
2nd hour: 1.8 ( 29,169 viewers )
1.2 ( 19,446 )
1.7 ( 27,549 )
1.7 ( 27,549 )
Memphis Wrestling 12-06-08
Final Rating: 0.5 ( 8,103 viewers ) 1 share
Quarter hours: 0.2 ( 1,241 )
0.4 ( 6,482 )
0.7 ( 11,344 )
0.8 ( 12,964 )
TNA Impact Replay @ 8 a.m. 12-06-08
Final Rating: 1.0 ( 16.205 viewers ) 2 share
WWE A.M. 12-07-08
Final Rating: 2.0 ( 32,410 viewers ) 4 share
WWE RAW 12-08-08 3-hr. Slammy Special
Final Rating: 3.8 ( 61,579 viewers ) 5 share
1st hour: 3.7 ( 59,959 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours: 3.8 ( 61,579 viewers )
3.8 ( 61,579 )
3.5 ( 56,718 )
3.6 ( 58,338 )
2nd hour: 3.8 ( 61,579 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours: 3.2 ( 51,856 viewers )
4.2 ( 68,061 )
4.0 ( 64,820 )
4.0 ( 64,820 )
3rd hour: 3.9 ( 63,200 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours: 4.3 ( 69,682 viewers )
4.6 ( 74,543 )
3.1 ( 50,236 )
3.6 ( 58,338 )
Overrun: 2.4 ( 38,892 viewers )
"Flashback" Mid Dec 1978 & 1983 by Mark James
We’re continuing our journey back 25 and 30 years ago to the 2nd week in Dec for 1983 and 1978.
Randy Savage and Jerry Lawler continued their new feud. This week it was inside a steel cage match. The Memphis steel cage was only chicken wire and 2x4s, but it still did the job. The match was won by Lawler when Joe LeDuc interfered. LeDuc ran to the ring and scaled the cage like a cat, (I’m not joking here, it was amazing to see). Savage and the crazy lumberjack then proceeded to destroy the King.
In the big 10 man tag match, the Fabulous Ones, the Rock n Roll Express, Bobby Eaton and Stagger Lee defeated the A-Team, the Moondogs, the Russian Invader and Norvell Austin.
Other matches had Bill Dundee successfully defending his US Jr Title against the Jaguar, Tom Pritchard and Art Cruise defeating Angelo Poffo and Franklin Hayes. Finally, the Grapplers and the Bruise Brothers went to a no contest. The attendance was 4,500.
Dec 12, 1983
Speaking of Joe LeDuc, he was disqualified in his Southern Heavyweight title match with champ, Terry Taylor.
In the big 10 man tag match, the Fabulous Ones, the Rock n Roll Express, Bobby Eaton and Stagger Lee defeated the A-Team, the Moondogs, the Russian Invader and Norvell Austin.
Dec 11, 1978
The big main event was Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee going at it one more time for the Southern title. At the time, they were both huge babyfaces in Memphis. They ended up going to a 1 hour
draw in an excellent match in front of 4,600 fans.
draw in an excellent match in front of 4,600 fans.
Another big development on this card was the first Memphis appearance of Austin Idol. A lot of things have been said about Idol, good and bad, but it all started 30 years this week. Idol got the win over a young Robert Gibson.

Also on the card was a 9 match, one night tournament. The participants were Jimmy Valiant, Don Fargo, Koko Ware, Bounty Hunters 1 & 2, Wayne Farris, Jackie Welch, Terry Sawyer and the legendary Lou Thesz. When the smoke had cleared, Koko Ware defeated Don Fargo in the finals.
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – - Click on his site and order his books!!
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 12.06.08
Show started off with Commish Dustin Baker. Next big show is Janaury 3, 2009!!! He does not have the details, but wanted to announce the return of Jon Michael!! Then he announced the main event for the night - Christian Jacobs vs Greg Anthony. Stan Lee came out talking about how he did what he said he was going to do, but did not get the TLCW. Lee was begging for a rematch. Baker refused and told Lee he had to earn a shot. Dustin Starr comes out and talks about what he did to Flash Flanagan last week. Starr considers himself top contender. TGB comes out and tells Stan he will never get a title shot. What about Starr getting his shot?? Lee/Starr argue - match is made right then!!
Dustin Starr over Stan Lee with "Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] come out and hit the ref. TGB ends up hitting Lee with title, so Starr wins.
"The Baron" Malkavain beat Jake Johnson with "demon wings". Malkavain had an interview after the match.
Jake Lesner/Alan Steele beat Slim Pickens/"Rockin" Randy. Lesner's debut match. Everyone was marking out on Lesner. Slim cost the loss - look for Pickens turn!!
"Rhythm & Blues" [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker] beat "X-3" [Oz/Steve Rampage] with chartbuster.
Christian Jacobs vs Greg Anthony - No contest. Ref bump - Lee came out and hit TGB with chair. Ref goes for count - 2 count - "Genocide" pulled them out of the ring. Lee does dive onto "Genocide" and then CJ dives over the top rope. Match thrown out. Commish thrown down by Rhino and he gets suspended.
Crowd was in 60 range.
Credit: tclwilludume5245
----60 range was bad. It looks like the owner of the building told everyone that the show was canceled.
Dustin Starr over Stan Lee with "Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] come out and hit the ref. TGB ends up hitting Lee with title, so Starr wins.
"The Baron" Malkavain beat Jake Johnson with "demon wings". Malkavain had an interview after the match.
Jake Lesner/Alan Steele beat Slim Pickens/"Rockin" Randy. Lesner's debut match. Everyone was marking out on Lesner. Slim cost the loss - look for Pickens turn!!
"Rhythm & Blues" [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker] beat "X-3" [Oz/Steve Rampage] with chartbuster.
Christian Jacobs vs Greg Anthony - No contest. Ref bump - Lee came out and hit TGB with chair. Ref goes for count - 2 count - "Genocide" pulled them out of the ring. Lee does dive onto "Genocide" and then CJ dives over the top rope. Match thrown out. Commish thrown down by Rhino and he gets suspended.
Crowd was in 60 range.
Credit: tclwilludume5245
----60 range was bad. It looks like the owner of the building told everyone that the show was canceled.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
RassleResults: FTW "Coldest Day in Hell" Sparta, TN 12.06.08
FTW “Coldest Day in Hell”
December 6, 2008 at the Stronghold in Sparta, TN
1. “Dirty J” Justin Rich vs. Logan Shane
- “The Wrestling Encyclopedia” Josh Blair leads Dirty J out. This is a revenge match for Shane, and he is ready for action. Dirty J uses every stall tactic and dirty trick in the book, but Blair does not seem to be willing to help very much. Shane hits several high impact moves including the best looking DDT I have ever seen. In the end, Dirty J uses the ropes to score a pin, much to the disgust of Blair who walks off.
Winner: “Dirty J” Justin Rich
2. Jason Nesmith vs. Aaron X-TA-C
- X-TA-C making his FTW debut against Nesmith who comes out with a bodyguard. Good match, X-TA-C flying a lot, and Nesmith using his size and strength… and bodyguard to his advantage. Nesmith drops X-TA-C on his head for the pin.
Winner: Jason Nesmith
3. “The Alpha Dog” Rocky Mac vs. STRANGE
- The man called STRANGE returns along with his stuffed bear Rufus. Rocky is out with the rest of BCI, Daddy Mac and Jed Anderson. Both STRANGE and the Alpha Dog just go at it with the hardest fists. They are just killing each other, but as STRANGE was getting the upper hand, the rest of BCI jump in the ring and begin and ruthless attack. Xander Blaze and Ronin hit the ring to make the save, the Commissioner then adds STRANGE and Rocky Mac to the BCI and Blaze & Ronin tag match to make it a 6-man match.
Winner: No Contest
4. Tradition Title Gauntlet match: Patrick Colvett (c) vs. El Gringo, Jed Anderson, Mary Kelly
- Patrick Colvett want to prove he is a fighting champion so tonight he takes on 3 competitors in a row. First out is El Gringo, who tries to get a surprise victory and win the title, but is denied quickly being pinned by Colvett. Former champ Jed Anderson is in and attacks Colvett with precision and ruthless aggression. Colvett takes a lot of punishment, but is able to overcome and pin Anderson. Now, Mary Kelly is out and she is a house of fire. Kelly beats the hell out of Colvett even hitting the “Broken Halo” but was too close to the ropes. Colvett comes back and hits the wrist clutch exploder for the pin and retains the title against 3 opponents. He helps Mary Kelly up and is celebrating when Anderson returns and attacks Colvett. This fight is not over.
Winner: Patrick Colvett retains the title
5. BCI (Daddy Mac, Jed Anderson and Rocky Mac) vs. Xander Blaze, Ronin and STRANGE
- Back from intermission and we have the tag match that is now a 6-man tag match. This match is a classic southern brawl. BCI use their experience as a team to cut the ring off and cause much confusion. Much of the brawling went outside the ring, with Ronin flying out of the ring into well everyone in his way. This match ended with everyone out of the ring and the ref being forced to count 10 and call it.
Winner: Double Countout
6. Mike “The Punisher” Promo vs. “Mr. Pure Wrestling” Toby Farley
- Josh Blair is out with Toby Farley. This match is going to be either a study in technical wrestling, or a bloody bottom dragging all out massacre… and we are in luck, it is both. It starts out with some great chain wrestling, as both men go toe to toe. Things change as Farley throws Promo out of the ring and comes off the top rope colliding head to head. Both men are up but Promo has a huge gash on top of his head, and blood is coming down his face. Promo suddenly changes and the most devastating beat down I have in the Stronghold begins. Promo refuses to pin Farley several times, he continues to drop Farley on his head and hits a deadly curb stomp. Finally the ref calls the match as Farley is knocked out and can not continue. Mike Promo wins the match, but this war is not over.
Winner: Mike Promo by knock out
7. FTW Tag-Team Title match: The Cult of Personality (Billy Merciless & Ryan Jeffries) vs. The Thunderbolts (Shane Smalls & Jeremy Travis) (c)
- The COP is out with Logan Shane and the T-bolts have “The Ace” Nick White. If the COP win they get 5 minutes with White. Old school tag match here as the champs try to claim the other half of the title still held by Merciless. Lots of tags and double teams moves by both teams. Nick White runs his mouth the whole way through annoying everyone in the building, I guess his boyfriend is use to it. It is White who tries to throw a chain in the ring, but it is caught by the ref who calls for the DQ.
Winner: COP by disqualification
*Post match: The Commissioner makes the Thunderbolts leave ringside, and Tree “helps” Nick White into the ring where the COP are waiting. After a minute of beat down, Michael Jablonski comes out and takes White to the back?
*The Standard Protocol with Duane Sherrill*
- Who attacked Sabbath? That is the question, and tonight Shattered is out to talk with Sherrill. Sherrill begins to call his suspects to the ring, including Tree, Commissioner McLean, Promo, BCI, COP, Logan Shane, Nick White and Mary Kelly. Lord Frost is out and wants to know who it is. Shattered begins to clear the suspects one at a time much to the frustration of Frost. The champ is about to lose it when there are only Promo, BCI and COP left, when Shattered announces the person who attack Sabbath… was Shattered!!!!
8. Main Event for the FTW Fusion Championship: Lord Frost (c) vs. “The Main Event Player” Michael Jablonski
- Jablonski is signed with Nick White. Lord Frost forgoes his normal entrance and charges the ring like a wild animal. This match is strong style all the way, as both men try to get an advantage. Nick White is running around ringside. (ed. I am surprised he is not waving a rainbow flag) Jablonski tries to be the upper hand but Frost comes back and goes for the choke slam… THE POWER IS OUT!!!! The lights come back on and both men are lying in the ring barley moving, and Shattered is standing ringside. What the hell happened?? The ref counts both men down.
Winner: Double Knockout, Lord Frost retains
*Post Show Comments: What is going on with Shattered? A once beloved wrestler from MTWA and close friend of Sabbath and Lord Frost. Why would he attack Sabbath, and now allegedly attack Frost? It is unknown, but ace reporter Duane Sherrill is still on the case, so check out the website and his column to see what he has found out.
Next show is December 20th at the Stronghold in Sparta, TN. Check the FTW website at or news and information.
Credit: Fightingarts
December 6, 2008 at the Stronghold in Sparta, TN
1. “Dirty J” Justin Rich vs. Logan Shane
- “The Wrestling Encyclopedia” Josh Blair leads Dirty J out. This is a revenge match for Shane, and he is ready for action. Dirty J uses every stall tactic and dirty trick in the book, but Blair does not seem to be willing to help very much. Shane hits several high impact moves including the best looking DDT I have ever seen. In the end, Dirty J uses the ropes to score a pin, much to the disgust of Blair who walks off.
Winner: “Dirty J” Justin Rich
2. Jason Nesmith vs. Aaron X-TA-C
- X-TA-C making his FTW debut against Nesmith who comes out with a bodyguard. Good match, X-TA-C flying a lot, and Nesmith using his size and strength… and bodyguard to his advantage. Nesmith drops X-TA-C on his head for the pin.
Winner: Jason Nesmith
3. “The Alpha Dog” Rocky Mac vs. STRANGE
- The man called STRANGE returns along with his stuffed bear Rufus. Rocky is out with the rest of BCI, Daddy Mac and Jed Anderson. Both STRANGE and the Alpha Dog just go at it with the hardest fists. They are just killing each other, but as STRANGE was getting the upper hand, the rest of BCI jump in the ring and begin and ruthless attack. Xander Blaze and Ronin hit the ring to make the save, the Commissioner then adds STRANGE and Rocky Mac to the BCI and Blaze & Ronin tag match to make it a 6-man match.
Winner: No Contest
4. Tradition Title Gauntlet match: Patrick Colvett (c) vs. El Gringo, Jed Anderson, Mary Kelly
- Patrick Colvett want to prove he is a fighting champion so tonight he takes on 3 competitors in a row. First out is El Gringo, who tries to get a surprise victory and win the title, but is denied quickly being pinned by Colvett. Former champ Jed Anderson is in and attacks Colvett with precision and ruthless aggression. Colvett takes a lot of punishment, but is able to overcome and pin Anderson. Now, Mary Kelly is out and she is a house of fire. Kelly beats the hell out of Colvett even hitting the “Broken Halo” but was too close to the ropes. Colvett comes back and hits the wrist clutch exploder for the pin and retains the title against 3 opponents. He helps Mary Kelly up and is celebrating when Anderson returns and attacks Colvett. This fight is not over.
Winner: Patrick Colvett retains the title
5. BCI (Daddy Mac, Jed Anderson and Rocky Mac) vs. Xander Blaze, Ronin and STRANGE
- Back from intermission and we have the tag match that is now a 6-man tag match. This match is a classic southern brawl. BCI use their experience as a team to cut the ring off and cause much confusion. Much of the brawling went outside the ring, with Ronin flying out of the ring into well everyone in his way. This match ended with everyone out of the ring and the ref being forced to count 10 and call it.
Winner: Double Countout
6. Mike “The Punisher” Promo vs. “Mr. Pure Wrestling” Toby Farley
- Josh Blair is out with Toby Farley. This match is going to be either a study in technical wrestling, or a bloody bottom dragging all out massacre… and we are in luck, it is both. It starts out with some great chain wrestling, as both men go toe to toe. Things change as Farley throws Promo out of the ring and comes off the top rope colliding head to head. Both men are up but Promo has a huge gash on top of his head, and blood is coming down his face. Promo suddenly changes and the most devastating beat down I have in the Stronghold begins. Promo refuses to pin Farley several times, he continues to drop Farley on his head and hits a deadly curb stomp. Finally the ref calls the match as Farley is knocked out and can not continue. Mike Promo wins the match, but this war is not over.
Winner: Mike Promo by knock out
7. FTW Tag-Team Title match: The Cult of Personality (Billy Merciless & Ryan Jeffries) vs. The Thunderbolts (Shane Smalls & Jeremy Travis) (c)
- The COP is out with Logan Shane and the T-bolts have “The Ace” Nick White. If the COP win they get 5 minutes with White. Old school tag match here as the champs try to claim the other half of the title still held by Merciless. Lots of tags and double teams moves by both teams. Nick White runs his mouth the whole way through annoying everyone in the building, I guess his boyfriend is use to it. It is White who tries to throw a chain in the ring, but it is caught by the ref who calls for the DQ.
Winner: COP by disqualification
*Post match: The Commissioner makes the Thunderbolts leave ringside, and Tree “helps” Nick White into the ring where the COP are waiting. After a minute of beat down, Michael Jablonski comes out and takes White to the back?
*The Standard Protocol with Duane Sherrill*
- Who attacked Sabbath? That is the question, and tonight Shattered is out to talk with Sherrill. Sherrill begins to call his suspects to the ring, including Tree, Commissioner McLean, Promo, BCI, COP, Logan Shane, Nick White and Mary Kelly. Lord Frost is out and wants to know who it is. Shattered begins to clear the suspects one at a time much to the frustration of Frost. The champ is about to lose it when there are only Promo, BCI and COP left, when Shattered announces the person who attack Sabbath… was Shattered!!!!
8. Main Event for the FTW Fusion Championship: Lord Frost (c) vs. “The Main Event Player” Michael Jablonski
- Jablonski is signed with Nick White. Lord Frost forgoes his normal entrance and charges the ring like a wild animal. This match is strong style all the way, as both men try to get an advantage. Nick White is running around ringside. (ed. I am surprised he is not waving a rainbow flag) Jablonski tries to be the upper hand but Frost comes back and goes for the choke slam… THE POWER IS OUT!!!! The lights come back on and both men are lying in the ring barley moving, and Shattered is standing ringside. What the hell happened?? The ref counts both men down.
Winner: Double Knockout, Lord Frost retains
*Post Show Comments: What is going on with Shattered? A once beloved wrestler from MTWA and close friend of Sabbath and Lord Frost. Why would he attack Sabbath, and now allegedly attack Frost? It is unknown, but ace reporter Duane Sherrill is still on the case, so check out the website and his column to see what he has found out.
Next show is December 20th at the Stronghold in Sparta, TN. Check the FTW website at or news and information.
Credit: Fightingarts
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 12.06.08
Royale Executioner & Bloodbath def. Jon Jeffries & Tank Turner
AC Styles def. Chris Lexus
Way Cool def. Wildside to win the TV Title.
Devon Day & Dre’ Black def. Boogieman Scream & Sgt. Pain
Chico Mendoza def. PK Ripper to retain the Heavyweight Title
Mark Southern def. Missouri Renegade
Credit: Steven Hunter
AC Styles def. Chris Lexus
Way Cool def. Wildside to win the TV Title.
Devon Day & Dre’ Black def. Boogieman Scream & Sgt. Pain
Chico Mendoza def. PK Ripper to retain the Heavyweight Title
Mark Southern def. Missouri Renegade
Credit: Steven Hunter
Monday, December 08, 2008
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 12.06.08
"Monkey Boy" Danny Morris w/Dustin Burcham defeated Kilo Green.
Kross defeated dagger.
Down To Party (Nick Grimes & David Andrews) & Bitty Little defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes, Chris Fontaine, & David Cox).
Bobecrusher & Soultaker won a 3-way tag team match over Pain, Inc. (Izzy Rotten/Brett Michaels) w/Nathan Lee & The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) to become the new EPW Tag Team Champions. Pain, Inc. protested the outcome of the match, saying that their contract states that either Izzy or Brett must be pinned in order for them to lose the belts, and since neither one of them was pinned, the belts still belong to Pain, Inc. EPW Promoter Edith Poole was called to ring side and reluctantly gave the belts back to Pain, Inc., pending review of the contract. Official decision will be announced next week.
Next week's card will include The Executioners (Axe & Dagger) vs. 24/7 (JR Mauler & a substitute of Kross' choosing, since Kross will not be there). Winners will be #1 contenders for the EPW Tag Team Championship.
Attendance around 60.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Kross defeated dagger.
Down To Party (Nick Grimes & David Andrews) & Bitty Little defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes, Chris Fontaine, & David Cox).
Bobecrusher & Soultaker won a 3-way tag team match over Pain, Inc. (Izzy Rotten/Brett Michaels) w/Nathan Lee & The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) to become the new EPW Tag Team Champions. Pain, Inc. protested the outcome of the match, saying that their contract states that either Izzy or Brett must be pinned in order for them to lose the belts, and since neither one of them was pinned, the belts still belong to Pain, Inc. EPW Promoter Edith Poole was called to ring side and reluctantly gave the belts back to Pain, Inc., pending review of the contract. Official decision will be announced next week.
Next week's card will include The Executioners (Axe & Dagger) vs. 24/7 (JR Mauler & a substitute of Kross' choosing, since Kross will not be there). Winners will be #1 contenders for the EPW Tag Team Championship.
Attendance around 60.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 11.05.08
Curly Moe w/Dirty Rell Moe defeated "The Future" Chris Styles & "The Greatness" Jay Webster in a 3-way match.
Lightweight Championship Tournament Match:
Josh Matthews defeated LSD.
Lightweight Championship Tournament Match:
"The Future" Chris Styles defeated Chris Chaos.
Grudge Match:
"Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs defeated Mason.
Down To Party ("Prime Time" Nick Grimes & David Andrews) defeated Justin Rhodes & Blade due to interference by "Dangerous" David Cox.
TFW Champion Chop Top the Clown defeated Izzy Rotten in a non-title match.
Attendance approx. 75.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Lightweight Championship Tournament Match:
Josh Matthews defeated LSD.
Lightweight Championship Tournament Match:
"The Future" Chris Styles defeated Chris Chaos.
Grudge Match:
"Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs defeated Mason.
Down To Party ("Prime Time" Nick Grimes & David Andrews) defeated Justin Rhodes & Blade due to interference by "Dangerous" David Cox.
TFW Champion Chop Top the Clown defeated Izzy Rotten in a non-title match.
Attendance approx. 75.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RRO's "The Big Cheese" Manages Midnight!!
----Here are the full results of the Flair/Hogan show from Saturday night. I only got to talk to Brian Thompson once that night, but I expect he will post a column about this week. Sal also made history with this appearance. Can you guess what it was?? I am going to kayfabe it and let Sal tell you this week in his column!! Presents "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Vance High School
Charlotte, NC
1. Charlie Dreamer defeated George South
2. "The Obsession" Caleb Konley defeated "The Infamous Icon" Joey Silvia
3. Dylan Eaton defeated "The Asian Sensation" Mike Lee
- Dylan Eaton is the young son of "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton from the Midnight Xpress
4. The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) defeated The Midnight Xpress ("Beautiful" Bobby Eaton & "Sweet" Stan Lane) with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente
- In a departure from almost every Rock 'n' Roll Express match, Robert Gibson took the majority of punishment here until he made the hot tag to Ricky Morton and finished with the double drop kick
- At the end of intermission, Ric Flair came out and thanked the crowd for being there and pointed out Bonnie "Steamboat", mother of Ricky Jr. and several members of the Flair family. He talked about Hulk Hogan calling him, telling him that he wanted to be involved with Reid's first match, and that Hogan had paid his own way to be at the show. Flair became emotional several times talking about his son's first match. The cameras from Flair's reality show were also there at ringside.
5. Ricky Steamboat Jr. defeated "The Man Scout" Jake Manning
- Steamboat Jr. is a dead ringer for his Dad and is definitely starting to show promise. He finished with a picture perfect high cross body off of the top rope.
6. Reid & David Flair with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair defeated The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Saggs) with "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart with "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan as special referee
- Reid did the majority of the work for his team, with David spending little time in the ring. At the end, both Reid & David had the Nasty Boys tied up in Figure Four Leg Locks as Hart got into Hogan's face. Hogan gave him the three punches and the big boot, but as he started to go for the leg drop, he stopped and motioned Flair into the ring; turning his back and covered his eyes. Flair strapped in the Figure Four on Hart and Hogan made the three count.
After the match, Ric got out of the ring and let the two younger Flairs and Hogan have their moments. Hogan even tried to get Flair to come into the ring, but Flair waved him off and motioned for them to go ahead and celebrate.
Hogan was incredibly gracious all night, even heading out to the concession stand himself to get a hot dog, chatting to fans along the way.
Estimated Attendance: 1000 to 1100
For all the latest information from the Carolina Wrestling scene, visit Presents "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair & "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Vance High School
Charlotte, NC
1. Charlie Dreamer defeated George South
2. "The Obsession" Caleb Konley defeated "The Infamous Icon" Joey Silvia
3. Dylan Eaton defeated "The Asian Sensation" Mike Lee
- Dylan Eaton is the young son of "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton from the Midnight Xpress
4. The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) defeated The Midnight Xpress ("Beautiful" Bobby Eaton & "Sweet" Stan Lane) with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente
- In a departure from almost every Rock 'n' Roll Express match, Robert Gibson took the majority of punishment here until he made the hot tag to Ricky Morton and finished with the double drop kick
- At the end of intermission, Ric Flair came out and thanked the crowd for being there and pointed out Bonnie "Steamboat", mother of Ricky Jr. and several members of the Flair family. He talked about Hulk Hogan calling him, telling him that he wanted to be involved with Reid's first match, and that Hogan had paid his own way to be at the show. Flair became emotional several times talking about his son's first match. The cameras from Flair's reality show were also there at ringside.
5. Ricky Steamboat Jr. defeated "The Man Scout" Jake Manning
- Steamboat Jr. is a dead ringer for his Dad and is definitely starting to show promise. He finished with a picture perfect high cross body off of the top rope.
6. Reid & David Flair with "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair defeated The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Saggs) with "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart with "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan as special referee
- Reid did the majority of the work for his team, with David spending little time in the ring. At the end, both Reid & David had the Nasty Boys tied up in Figure Four Leg Locks as Hart got into Hogan's face. Hogan gave him the three punches and the big boot, but as he started to go for the leg drop, he stopped and motioned Flair into the ring; turning his back and covered his eyes. Flair strapped in the Figure Four on Hart and Hogan made the three count.
After the match, Ric got out of the ring and let the two younger Flairs and Hogan have their moments. Hogan even tried to get Flair to come into the ring, but Flair waved him off and motioned for them to go ahead and celebrate.
Hogan was incredibly gracious all night, even heading out to the concession stand himself to get a hot dog, chatting to fans along the way.
Estimated Attendance: 1000 to 1100
For all the latest information from the Carolina Wrestling scene, visit
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Jerkin' The Curtain ROH in Nashville discussion Monday, Dec. 8th at 10 PM CST.
Ring Of Honor made its debut in Nashville, TN. on December 6th, and we're going to discuss it on the Monday, Dec. 8th episode of Jerkin' The Curtain at 10 PM Central time. Tommy Stewart, the co-host of this show and a ROH fan, will lead the discussion since I didn't attend the show and he did. Also joining the discussion will be Mr. USWO himself Jimmie Daniel, AKA WWRD. Any other fans who attended the show are encouraged to call in with your thoughts, or even if you didn't attend and just want to talk a little ROH, feel free. The number to the show is 347-945-5503. Trent Van Drisse
RassleResults: ROH Nashville, TN 12.06.08
Looked to be about 350-400 at most. It appeared that most were from out of town since I only saw like a dozen people that I even knew. I live 5 minutes from the building but it was like walking into a foreign country. They had a corner of Memorial Gym curtained off for this, but there was confusion on where one should actually go in and it led to a few dozen of us walking all the way around the building on top of having to park a few blocks away.
Ninja Blue b Shawn Shultz
"Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) b Dirty Ernie Osiris
Main show:
Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe & Kenny Omega b Rhett Titus & Kenny King & Sal Rinauro when Omega pinned Rinauro
Daizee Haze came out to confront Titus about him taking about having a fling with her. Titus refuses to deny it and slaps and chokes her. Necro Butcher runs out and slugs Titus, who then apologizes.
Delirious (w/Jimmy Jacobs) b Alex Sugarfoot Payne
Sara Del Ray b Daizee Haze and Ashley Lane (w/Nevaeh) and Serena Deeb in a four way match when Ray pinned Lane
Brent Albright & Erick Stevens b Davey Richard & Larry Sweeney when Albright pinned Richard after Sweeney misses Albright on a chair shot and hits Richards
Grizzly Redwood & Bushwhacker Luke b Jake & Dave Crist when Luke used the battering ram to pin a Crist
Austin Aries & Necro Butcher vs Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black went to a double countout due to brawling outside the ring
Bryan Danielson b Claudio Castagnoli in a no-DQ match via choking out Castagnoli with a belt while also having him in a triangle arm choke
Nigel McGuinness b Jerry Lynn to retain the ROH title by blocking Lynn's cradle piledriver and rolling him up and grabbing the ropes for the pin. Post-match Nigel calls Lynn a "washed up bum who never made it in the business", leading to Lynn clothelining him and running him off
No return date was announced. I would be surprised if they did come back. The last two bouts were fantastic!
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Ninja Blue b Shawn Shultz
"Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie) b Dirty Ernie Osiris
Main show:
Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe & Kenny Omega b Rhett Titus & Kenny King & Sal Rinauro when Omega pinned Rinauro
Daizee Haze came out to confront Titus about him taking about having a fling with her. Titus refuses to deny it and slaps and chokes her. Necro Butcher runs out and slugs Titus, who then apologizes.
Delirious (w/Jimmy Jacobs) b Alex Sugarfoot Payne
Sara Del Ray b Daizee Haze and Ashley Lane (w/Nevaeh) and Serena Deeb in a four way match when Ray pinned Lane
Brent Albright & Erick Stevens b Davey Richard & Larry Sweeney when Albright pinned Richard after Sweeney misses Albright on a chair shot and hits Richards
Grizzly Redwood & Bushwhacker Luke b Jake & Dave Crist when Luke used the battering ram to pin a Crist
Austin Aries & Necro Butcher vs Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black went to a double countout due to brawling outside the ring
Bryan Danielson b Claudio Castagnoli in a no-DQ match via choking out Castagnoli with a belt while also having him in a triangle arm choke
Nigel McGuinness b Jerry Lynn to retain the ROH title by blocking Lynn's cradle piledriver and rolling him up and grabbing the ropes for the pin. Post-match Nigel calls Lynn a "washed up bum who never made it in the business", leading to Lynn clothelining him and running him off
No return date was announced. I would be surprised if they did come back. The last two bouts were fantastic!
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
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