I was about to take off on a plane from Los Angeles to Atlanta and I pulled up www.pwinsiderelite.com which is something I do on a regular basis. I was saddened to see the news that Lia Maivia had passed away. I didn’t know Lia very well at all but I had been around her on numerous occasions and had some phone conversations. The reason I was saddened is because of how important she was to people I consider friends and a second family. She was the wife of the late High Chief Peter Maivia who passed away at the age I am right now forty five. I did not get the chance to meet Peter since I met their nephews Afa and Sika after he had already passed away. I have known The Rock since he was just a stone and his mother and father Ata and Rocky since I have been in the business. It makes you sad to know that people you know and care about suffer a loss. The picture for this article will be of Afa and Lia at an event that we attended in Ct many years ago. If I recall correctly Bob Backlund also attended that event.
The upcoming event in Charlotte headlined by Ric Flair at ringside while his sons David and Reid face The Nasty Boys managed by Jimmy Hart and “The Midnight Express” (Lane and Eaton) w/”The Big Cheese” Sal Corrente vs. The Rock and Roll Express will bring out many in Charlotte. The event will also see Goldust and Ricky Steamboat Jr in action. This is in no way your normal event just seeing Lane and Eaton and Morton and Gibson in action again would be enough to make the event special but Flairs presence will not only bring out fans it will be bring out many former workers and enhancement talents. It is a step above the normal Indy event and will get a lot of publicity as well. I know that Tommy Angel and “Carolinas Own” David Isley. This is the type of event you could see the Crocket Family show up at maybe Abe Jacobs, Tommy Young. The point is I don’t expect to just see the same old guys hang around at this one. The event is being put on by a very credible company Highspots. You can get information on the events at www.highspots,com.
As I was traveling this week a TSA agent told me about their recent long trip to Qatar which made me think of when I felt I had really made it. It was the mid eighties and Afa had started his Trans World Wrestling Federation. He had recently made a deal with Andy Andrews who had promoted in Dohah, Qatar and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for the WWF. I wanted to go on the trip very bad but they already had a referee. I was prepared Afa had told me long ago if you want to make it in this business be sure to have a passport you never know when something comes up, Afa invited me up to meet the promoter who was bringing his buddy from Canada as the referee. I went to Afa’s house and some of the guys were working out in the backyard. It came time for the referee to get in the ring and one thing became clear to Afa right away. This guy had never been in the ring before he was just a friend of the promoters. I was told to get in the ring and show what I could do. When I got out of the ring I was told that I was now going on the trip. That is how I got my big break and felt like I had made it.
I was going overseas to referee and actually get paid for it. The trip was being headlined by The Wild Samoans, Rocky Johnson, Bob Backlund, Prof. Toru Tanaka, Jules Strongbow, Charley Fulton, Johnny Rodz , maybe Kurt Von Hess, Tonga Kid #2 (a very young Rikishi), (midget stars) The Haiti Kid, Tiger Jackson, Puncho Boy, Butch Cassidy. In the long run Bob Backlund never made it I believe he had jury duty so he was replaced with recently released star Dr.D David Shultz. It was a good strong lineup but in retrospect we would have taken some guys from Georgia Championship Wrestling. On TV over there was WWF and Georgia Championship Wrestling so Tommy Rich, Buzz Sawyer, The Masked Superstar, Mr Wrestling #2, Austin Idol and luckily The Wild Samoans were gracing the TV screens over there.
I learned a lot over there about travel and the business. I had never even been on a plane before and now I was flying all that way. We were over there for two weeks of work and then Afa and I stayed behind for another week. I can tell you business over there is totally different from business over here. The fans followed us everywhere we stood out like sore thumbs but it was all great. It was what I wanted and I didn’t regret it once I got it.
I always appreciated the opportunity and tell any Indy wrestler out there if you don’t have a passport you aren’t ready to be given a chance in this business.
On a side not we worked a really great show in Hilton Head, SC one time the place was packed. I teamed up with David Isley against Ken Timbs and Pistol Pez Whatley. We had a great match those pro’s made me look fantastic in the ring which was no easy task. I just always laugh when I think of Jimmy Valiant’s long time manager Capt. Lou Albano who would be walking him to the ring that night. He yelled over to Afa who was running the show that night and said Hey Afa, if things get to boring tonight we can spin Valiant around and watch cartoons. He of course was referring to Jimmy’s numerous tattoos. Of course with Lou around boredom was really never an option.
As I am getting to ready to post this article Gorgeous Gary Royal is in Tuckerman Ar getting ready to watch the matches. He passed by on his way to meet some clients and saw the Valiant Arena where ASWF is having their weekly event. I will be looking forward to Gary’s report on the matches and some of the talent. It will be interesting to have someone of Gary’s skill set critique some potential future stars.
This has been a piece of my mind