Friday October 16, 2009
WWE are back on the road this weekend. The Raw crew runs tonight in Huntsville, AL then Saturday in Columbus, GA and Sunday in Dothan. Top matches on the Raw side are Randy Orton vs. John Cena; and Triple H vs. Legacy in a handicap match. The Smackdown crew run tonight in Puebla, Mexico following by two straight nights in Mexico City at the Palacio De Los Deportes.
Smackdown TV tonight has Batista vs. Rey Mysterio; the return of The Dirt Sheet with John Morrison & The Miz; plus the following matches to determine Team Smackdown at Bragging Rights; Fit Finlay vs. Mike Knox vs. Dolph Ziggler; Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty; Matt Hardy vs. Eric Escobar; and R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre.
Shane McMahon announced this morning that he has tendered his resignation as WWE's Executive Vice President, Global Media. In a statement posted on the WWE website he said it was "with great sadness that I announce my resignation from the WWE, effective January 1, 2010." He said he never considered a future outside of WWE but, "sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and while it is the most difficult decision I have ever made, it is time for me to move on." He gave thanks to Vince McMahon, all the WWE talent, and staff, and said he was proud to be 4th generation in the business. He also thanked the fans: "I am profoundly grateful to have been able to entertain you both in front of the camera and from behind the scenes. You are the greatest fans in the world. I will always love this business and will remain a fan forever."
In a statement posted on the corporate website Vince McMahon said: "Even though I am personally saddened by Shane’s decision to leave the company, I am proud of the enormous contributions he has made. He will unquestionably bring passion, commitment and extensive business experience to any endeavor he pursues."
Shane, 39, has worked for WWE and been around the business most of his life. He graduated from Boston University with degree in Communications in 1993, and began working on WWE’s television production as a runner all the way up to executive level and becoming a multi-millionaire in his own right.
He also wrestled on and off over the years holding the now-defunct Hardcore and European titles after the McMahon family took an on-screen role following the Montreal Screwjob in 1997.
This news came as a complete shock to several WWE people we communicated with this morning. Some speculated that Shane may be interested in promoting MMA, which is something he has talked about for years, and one knew his resignation was coming but didn't know what he plans to do next.
Story is developing.
WWE Diva Maria Kanellis and Bill Goldberg were filming in New York City yesterday for the next Celebrity Apprentice. They are on the show with VH1 star Bret Michaels, Sharon Osbourne, former Governor Rod Blagojevich, baseball player Darryl Strawberry, singer-actor Holly Robinson Peete, 80s pop icon Cyndi Lauper, and stand-up comedian Sinbad.
Jerry Lawler finished fifth place in the Memphis mayoral elections garnering 4 percent of the vote out of a field of 24 candidates. Only three runners received more than 4 percent of the vote. A.C. Wharton, Jr. won the election with 64 percent in a landslide victory. Lawler was quoted as saying: "I guess we got lulled into that false sense of reality. We thought we were going to do a lot better than this... It is a bitter pill to swallow." He said he is sure Wharton will work hard
towards making Memphis a better place. He also said it was unlikely that he would run again for mayor. The Memphis Wrestling TV show last weekend was a Lawler for Mayor Special. They ran videos with WWE talent pushing his bid as well as news clips on him from the local television stations. They even had Pittsburgh Steelers QB, Ben Roethlisberger and Rev. Al Sharpton endorsing him.
Pending a work Visa, WWE has signed Barri Griffiths, a former UK Gladiator from Wales. He looks like the love child of Batista and Andrei Arlovski. His local newspaper, The Caernarfon Herald, has a story on him at http://tinyurl.com/yljrjls noting he will be headed to developmental in Tampa if his Visa application is successful. His trainer and manager Orig Williams predicted he would become a future WWE champion.
Apparently Vince McMahon is no longer okay with the Hulkamania tour next month in Australia.
Chris Jericho appears on VH-1 Classics That Metal Show on Saturday night.
Fun ad at http://tinyurl.com/ygh5ux3 with John Cena, Kelly Kelly and Kofi Kingston pushing the new Raw vs. Smackdown video game.
The Hartford Courant at http://tinyurl.com/yhmwmuc has a story on Linda McMahon spending 2 million in just two weeks to hype her Senate bid in Connecticut. This is already the most money spent on a campaign in State history.
WWE Chief Operating Officer Donna Goldsmith was listed as No. 2 on a Forbes list of the "Most Powerful Woman In Sports," trailing Lesa France Kennedy from the International Speedway Corporation.
A correction on our Lou Albano obit. He never technically managed Pat Patterson. In the storyline The Grand Wizard sold Patterson's contract to Albano, but Patterson refused to allow himself to be managed by Albano and was immediately turned on.
10/15 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: The Beautiful People over Awesome Kong, Tara & ODB; Amazing Red vs. Suicide was a no contest; Hernandez over The British Invasion in a gauntlet match; Daniels over D'Angelo Dinero; Hamada over Alissa Flash in a falls count anywhere match; Bobby Lashley over Rhino in a stretcher match; and AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA title was a 20-minute time limit draw.
TNA are all over Southern California this weekend for their biggest show of the year, Bound For Glory, from the Bren Events Center in Irvine. Complete line up is AJ Styles vs. Sting for the TNA title; Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan; Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley in a submission match; Mick Foley vs. Abyss in a Monster's Ball match with Dr. Stevie as the referee; Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide in Ultimate X; ODB vs. Awesome Kong vs. Tara for the Knockouts
title; Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. The British Invasion in Full Metal Mayhem; Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young for the Legends title; Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People for the Knockouts tag titles; and The Motor City Machineguns vs. Lethal Consequences will air free on the pre-show.
TV tapings are next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Universal Studios in Orlando.
Alex Marvex at http://tinyurl.com/ykwb69p has a story on AJ Styles pushing the PPV. He talks about toning down his act and cutting down on high spots to prolong his career. He said he has no plans to leave TNA: "My next career goal is paying off my mortgage...I just want to make sure my personal life is taken care of, and someday I can say I retired from TNA after being there from the get-go."
Slam Wrestling has a story on Robert Roode at http://tinyurl.com/ykbeu8k.
Evil Eye Entertainment announced a comedy tour with Mick Foley and Colt Cabana doing stand up at various locations in November. Gigs include New York City, Worchester, Middletown, and Providence. More info at www.TotalExtremeComedy.com.
The sale of Ric Flair's original NWA heavyweight title belt by Highspots took a new twist when it was revealed another party also holds a claim to the belt as security for a judgment Flair lost relating to the sale of a Gold's Gym in Charlotte. A company called Conbraco Industries holds several of Flair's possessions, including the NWA belt; his WWE Hall of Fame ring, an expensive Gold Rolex watch engraved "To Be The Man," all of his wrestling robes and boots, and other items of sports memorabilia. These are listed in a UCC filing relating to a lawsuit Conbraco brought
against Flair. Highspots say they have the belt in their possession with several buyers lined up, including a current major wrestling personality, and are hoping to complete the sale once Conbraco makes a decision on how to move forward.
An update on Torrie Wilson. She said she is doing much better following her hospital stint last weekend in Los Angeles. Medication she was taking for a thyroid problem didn't agree with her and it slowed her heart rate down to 30bpm. She said her arms and legs went numb and thought she was having heart failure. She is currently convalescing back home in Texas.
There are some very nice photos of Torrie at www.hollywoodtuna.com.
The Iron Sheik was on the Opie & Anthony radio show this morning. He said he was sad when he learned that Lou Albana passed away and called him a good man. The hosts then played the audio of Brian Blair accusing him of smoking crack on a plane and molesting a young boy. Sheik went nuts and ranted about making The Killer Bee's humble at Wrestlemania III. They also had Bushwacker Luke and Demolition on telling some rib stories. Sheik also ripped on Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior, calling them, "piece of garbage, low life [expletive], embarrassment to WWF, [expletive] son of a [expletive]."
Angelina Love is planning to work some upcoming convention and indy dates, which is risky business in her situation.
Wrestling promoter Bert Prentice is reportedly battling colon cancer. I say reportedly because some people are skeptical, even those friendly with him. Prentice runs the USA Championship Wrestling out of Tennessee and at one time hosted TNA's Xplosion show with Jeremy Borash.
Jim Cornette at http://tinyurl.com/ps3rb2 was on Detroit sports radio this past week promoting his book at www.jimcornette.com. He wins the quote of the week award for saying this, and you can probably guess who he was referring to: "He couldn't book Lassie in a pet shop."
Trent Acid (Michael Verdi) claims he will be entering rehab soon, due to his recent arrest for drugs.
I first met Lou Albano in the mid-1960s. It was not in a wrestling ring but rather a diner located on Sanford Blvd. in Mount Vernon, NY. Lou was driving a cab and I was in my first summer job as a Good Humor Man selling ice cream from one of their trucks. I recognized Lou having seen him on the three-times weekly NWA (this was pre-WWWF) broadcast on the old Dumont Network that was channel five in NYC. He and the late Tony Altimore were The Sicilians. I had also seen them live at Sunnyside
Gardens in Queens, NY.
A few decades later, I was one of the referees on The Heroes of Wrestling PPV from Biloxi, MS. Lou was on the show. What a regular guy! He joked with the boys and told stories that had everyone rolling. On the plane ride back to Philadelphia, it was me, Lou and Jimmy Snuka. I thought the poor flight attendant was going to parachute off the plane. Lou did his special walk and went into Captain Lou-mode and had the
passengers cracking up.
Rest in peace, Captain. And thank you for the memories that will survive you.
Fred Richards
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----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Friday, October 16, 2009
----I just had a computer crash at the offices of RRO and I am not sure when we will be back up - probably late tonight. I also have a sick daughter - Kayte - headed to the hospital with kidney stones, so I will probably not be attending NBW tomorrow night. Just wanted to give everyone a head's up.
Tonight in Selmer, TN!!!
----Bert Prentice and USA Wrestling tonight in Selmer, TN @ The Civic Center. I don't know the entire card but I do know that Kevin White, Derrick King and Cody Melton are on the show. Kellen James as the ref. Belltime 7:30 pm.
Up Coming This Weekend!!
----Friday and Saturday are not busy days for this site, but I want to let everyone know we got a few posts that will be later today and on Saturday.
-IWA TV Report 10.10.09
-XOW TV Report 10.10.09
-Ratings for first 3-Hour Block
-"Countdown to Legacy"
-IWA TV Report 10.10.09
-XOW TV Report 10.10.09
-Ratings for first 3-Hour Block
-"Countdown to Legacy"
A Young Boys Dream by Geneva Clapp
----Below is an article that Geneva Clapp worked on for a college paper and shared it with RRO. I would like to thank her for the piece. It reads like a movie script, but I thought it was well done. Thanks to her for sharing it with us. Geneva's husband David Clapp, who she writes about, is well known in this area as 187 or Spyro. Apparently the Osceola Times did a great article about him in the weekly paper. I hope to have a copy of that sometime next week and post it here for everyone to read.
187 aka Spyro aka David Clapp

A Young Boys Dream
Blood covers his face as he crawls to the corner trying to make the tag, but no one is there. There isn’t any help from his partner, not today. Today he is on his own. Exhausted from the match, it is hard for him to control his breathing, and concentrate on what he must do next. Suddenly, Spyro reaches for the bottom rope. He knew he could use the ropes to help get back on his feet. He had done this many times before. Spyro staggers to his feet and slowly turns, ducks a clothesline, then another. He lands a drop-kick to the chest of the man who had taken his blood.
Both wrestlers lay on the mat. The crowd watches eagerly. Who would be the one to get up first? The crowd is unsure. Spyro drags the weight of his own body over to his opponent. Without any thought he places his arm across his opponents’ chest. He is waiting for the three count. The referee begins to count as he slaps his hand onto the matt. “One…two…” but before he can count to three, The Dark Man pushes Spyro up and off of him. The referee stops the count.
Flashbacks of all the years which have passed leading to this day start to flood into Spyros’ mind. He saw himself as a young boy raising a belt he had made out of cardboard and aluminum foil into the air when the referee declared him the winner. He also saw himself in matches that he fought until the end. Win or lose he gave it all. He is not a quitter. He is a veteran in the ring. His heart belongs to the business. No one can take his experiences in the ring away from him. His dreams of growing up to become a professional wrestler is finally coming true. This is his chance for him to fulfill the rest of his dream.
He begins to stand up, stumbles as he fell to the mat once again. His body is in pain from the minutes before. He brushes his hair out of his face, and out of the corner of his eye he catches a glimpse of his opponent climbing to the top rope. Although the pain is almost unbearable, he knew that if he can get his timing just right he can move out of the path of danger. In his mind he knew this, but his body is telling him different. Everyone wonders what he will do next. Their faces are blank. Their eyes fixed. Spyro waits eagerly for the chance to take back control of the match, he closes his eyes. He is motionless. He is finding it hard to catch his breath. His breathing is that of someone who had just finished a ten mile run. His heart is beating hard and so fast that one would have thought that it was going to jump out of his chest. He takes another deep breath.
The single voice of one proud fan begins to cry out, “Get up! Spyro, Get up!” The Dark Man climbs closer to the top rope. Others begin to join in chanting and clapping. The whole crowd is on their feet. You can feel the rumble in the building. Spyro knew he can not let them down. The people in the crowd are the reason Spyro is here. He loves to put on a good show. In his mind he believes that the people came to see him win. For that reason, Spyro does not want anyone to go home disappointed. He must win.
Everyone is watching as Spyro begins to wipe the sweat and blood from his face. Barely opening his eyes he can see a silhouette of his opponent standing on the top turnbuckle. No one cheers as the Dark Man stretches his arms up above his head. The crowd is not impressed. Their cheers turn into boo-s. This man is not their champion. This is not the man that they want to hold the Heavy Weight Championship belt. Spyro is their champion. They continue to show their support. They will not give up on Spyro.
The crowd begins to chant louder, “East Coast, East Coast, East Coast!” Just then Spyros’ adrenaline kicks in, and he knew that it is time. He must do something. It seems like an eternity passes before the man in black begins to jump from the top rope and plunge toward him. While in the air The Dark Man pulls his legs to his chest to perform his high- flying finishing move. With the help from the crowd chanting, clapping their hands, and stomping their feet; Spyro painfully begins to roll over onto his side. He is no longer in the path of this monstrous man. The Dark Man hits the mat with a loud thump. The crowd jumps to their feet. They are very excited. They knew that there is still a chance for Spyro to take the Heavy Weight Title. Spyro staggers to his feet, and wipes his hair out of his face. The taste in his mouth is not his blood anymore; now it is the taste of victory. Spyro starts to run towards the ropes. The momentum of the ropes will help him to gain on his opponent. He lands a high-cross body. He scoops the leg of his opponent and the referee begins to count; “One! Two! Three!!” The bell rings. Spyro is the new Heavy Height Champion.
The referee passes the belt to Spyro. His emotions are running wild. The tears begin to roll down his face. He can’t remember a happier time in his life. He is a champion in more than one way. He accomplished something that most people never get the chance to do. Spyros’ childhood dream is now a reality.
187 aka Spyro aka David Clapp
A Young Boys Dream
Blood covers his face as he crawls to the corner trying to make the tag, but no one is there. There isn’t any help from his partner, not today. Today he is on his own. Exhausted from the match, it is hard for him to control his breathing, and concentrate on what he must do next. Suddenly, Spyro reaches for the bottom rope. He knew he could use the ropes to help get back on his feet. He had done this many times before. Spyro staggers to his feet and slowly turns, ducks a clothesline, then another. He lands a drop-kick to the chest of the man who had taken his blood.
Both wrestlers lay on the mat. The crowd watches eagerly. Who would be the one to get up first? The crowd is unsure. Spyro drags the weight of his own body over to his opponent. Without any thought he places his arm across his opponents’ chest. He is waiting for the three count. The referee begins to count as he slaps his hand onto the matt. “One…two…” but before he can count to three, The Dark Man pushes Spyro up and off of him. The referee stops the count.
Flashbacks of all the years which have passed leading to this day start to flood into Spyros’ mind. He saw himself as a young boy raising a belt he had made out of cardboard and aluminum foil into the air when the referee declared him the winner. He also saw himself in matches that he fought until the end. Win or lose he gave it all. He is not a quitter. He is a veteran in the ring. His heart belongs to the business. No one can take his experiences in the ring away from him. His dreams of growing up to become a professional wrestler is finally coming true. This is his chance for him to fulfill the rest of his dream.
He begins to stand up, stumbles as he fell to the mat once again. His body is in pain from the minutes before. He brushes his hair out of his face, and out of the corner of his eye he catches a glimpse of his opponent climbing to the top rope. Although the pain is almost unbearable, he knew that if he can get his timing just right he can move out of the path of danger. In his mind he knew this, but his body is telling him different. Everyone wonders what he will do next. Their faces are blank. Their eyes fixed. Spyro waits eagerly for the chance to take back control of the match, he closes his eyes. He is motionless. He is finding it hard to catch his breath. His breathing is that of someone who had just finished a ten mile run. His heart is beating hard and so fast that one would have thought that it was going to jump out of his chest. He takes another deep breath.
The single voice of one proud fan begins to cry out, “Get up! Spyro, Get up!” The Dark Man climbs closer to the top rope. Others begin to join in chanting and clapping. The whole crowd is on their feet. You can feel the rumble in the building. Spyro knew he can not let them down. The people in the crowd are the reason Spyro is here. He loves to put on a good show. In his mind he believes that the people came to see him win. For that reason, Spyro does not want anyone to go home disappointed. He must win.
Everyone is watching as Spyro begins to wipe the sweat and blood from his face. Barely opening his eyes he can see a silhouette of his opponent standing on the top turnbuckle. No one cheers as the Dark Man stretches his arms up above his head. The crowd is not impressed. Their cheers turn into boo-s. This man is not their champion. This is not the man that they want to hold the Heavy Weight Championship belt. Spyro is their champion. They continue to show their support. They will not give up on Spyro.
The crowd begins to chant louder, “East Coast, East Coast, East Coast!” Just then Spyros’ adrenaline kicks in, and he knew that it is time. He must do something. It seems like an eternity passes before the man in black begins to jump from the top rope and plunge toward him. While in the air The Dark Man pulls his legs to his chest to perform his high- flying finishing move. With the help from the crowd chanting, clapping their hands, and stomping their feet; Spyro painfully begins to roll over onto his side. He is no longer in the path of this monstrous man. The Dark Man hits the mat with a loud thump. The crowd jumps to their feet. They are very excited. They knew that there is still a chance for Spyro to take the Heavy Weight Title. Spyro staggers to his feet, and wipes his hair out of his face. The taste in his mouth is not his blood anymore; now it is the taste of victory. Spyro starts to run towards the ropes. The momentum of the ropes will help him to gain on his opponent. He lands a high-cross body. He scoops the leg of his opponent and the referee begins to count; “One! Two! Three!!” The bell rings. Spyro is the new Heavy Height Champion.
The referee passes the belt to Spyro. His emotions are running wild. The tears begin to roll down his face. He can’t remember a happier time in his life. He is a champion in more than one way. He accomplished something that most people never get the chance to do. Spyros’ childhood dream is now a reality.
RassleResults: NBW Newbern, TN 10.3 and 10.10.09 Wrapup
J Weezy def. Gaylon Ray. Post match Gaylon punched weezy
A.j. Ray came out and said he had no competition. Coco Anderson then said he would find someone for him to wrestle. He then ordered buckwheat to wrestle ray. Ray def. Buckwheat
Austen Lane def. Jon "Biscuit" Roberts
Jason Reed came out for an interview and was interrupted by Jeremy Moore. Moore said that the reason he had kept walking away from Reed was because he didn't trust him. Reed said tonight he would prove himself. Moore told Reed not to stab him in the back again.
Mark justice def. Big red
"Family of Pain" [Mickey Ray/Sarge O'Reilly] def. Moore and Reed. Post match Moore said Reed did what he said he would do and that Sarge can never beat Moore fair and that at legacy he would have a partner to face the FOP and his partner would be.... Sir Mo!
Between 70-80 good show
Gaylon Ray def. J Weezy after a low blow
A.J.Ray def the Kid in a no DQ match and after the match beat Kid's knee with a ball bat
C Money def Eric Wayne after 187 got involved
Jason Reed had an interview and Moore came out and said Reed was on the right track to proving himself to everyone. This brought out Coco Anderson who said he was tired of the love feast and said Austin lane had the night off and so did Moore and since Reed was champion he would face the Devils Rejects in a handicap match.
Mark justice vs Kid Nikels went to a time limit draw
Reed vs. The Rejects was thrown out after the Rejects were going to destroy Reed and Eric Wayne and Nikels made the save and challenged the Rejects for the titles at Legacy 3!
Crowd was up between 90-100 good show
Legacy 3
Reed vs Lane for the nbw title
Justice vs Tommy Rich
The Devils Rejects vs Premiere Brutality for the nbw tag titles
Jeremy Moore and Sir Mo vs The FOP
Law and order vs The Missouri Badd Boys in a 6 man tag
Stairway to Stardom Ladder Match
Plus more!
J Weezy def. Gaylon Ray. Post match Gaylon punched weezy
A.j. Ray came out and said he had no competition. Coco Anderson then said he would find someone for him to wrestle. He then ordered buckwheat to wrestle ray. Ray def. Buckwheat
Austen Lane def. Jon "Biscuit" Roberts
Jason Reed came out for an interview and was interrupted by Jeremy Moore. Moore said that the reason he had kept walking away from Reed was because he didn't trust him. Reed said tonight he would prove himself. Moore told Reed not to stab him in the back again.
Mark justice def. Big red
"Family of Pain" [Mickey Ray/Sarge O'Reilly] def. Moore and Reed. Post match Moore said Reed did what he said he would do and that Sarge can never beat Moore fair and that at legacy he would have a partner to face the FOP and his partner would be.... Sir Mo!
Between 70-80 good show
Gaylon Ray def. J Weezy after a low blow
A.J.Ray def the Kid in a no DQ match and after the match beat Kid's knee with a ball bat
C Money def Eric Wayne after 187 got involved
Jason Reed had an interview and Moore came out and said Reed was on the right track to proving himself to everyone. This brought out Coco Anderson who said he was tired of the love feast and said Austin lane had the night off and so did Moore and since Reed was champion he would face the Devils Rejects in a handicap match.
Mark justice vs Kid Nikels went to a time limit draw
Reed vs. The Rejects was thrown out after the Rejects were going to destroy Reed and Eric Wayne and Nikels made the save and challenged the Rejects for the titles at Legacy 3!
Crowd was up between 90-100 good show
Legacy 3
Reed vs Lane for the nbw title
Justice vs Tommy Rich
The Devils Rejects vs Premiere Brutality for the nbw tag titles
Jeremy Moore and Sir Mo vs The FOP
Law and order vs The Missouri Badd Boys in a 6 man tag
Stairway to Stardom Ladder Match
Plus more!
AC Wharton Wins Mayoral Race - Jerry Lawler Gets 4% of Vote!!
----WMCTV.com is reporting the following results for he Memphis Mayoral race.
100% of precincts reporting
A C Wharton 65,491 60%
Myron Lowery 19,625 18%
Carol Chumney 10,857 10%
Charles Carpenter 5,181 5%
Jerry Lawler 4,044 4%
Kenneth Whalum, Jr 2,094 2%
100% of precincts reporting
A C Wharton 65,491 60%
Myron Lowery 19,625 18%
Carol Chumney 10,857 10%
Charles Carpenter 5,181 5%
Jerry Lawler 4,044 4%
Kenneth Whalum, Jr 2,094 2%
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 10.10.09
Our show would start as is does every week with local kids holding the flag during the playing of our National Anthem.
1st Match: Tag Team Match
LSD (Cody Only/Deadly Dale) vs Vinny Ramano/Joshua Cross
Winner: LSD
Cody would start this match face to face with Vinny taking control early and not letting go. Vinny and Cross would soon regain control later in the match but LSD would pull one over when Cody would pin Cross for the win.
2nd Match: One Fall
Cody Murdoch vs Morgan Williams
Winnter: Cody Murdoch
Throughout the match Williams would try in vein to over power the Big Rigg. But he would prove to be too much as both men would try their finisher and fail. Murdoch would then catch Morgan off gaurd and plant the Flatbed and get the win.
3rd Match: Tag Team Match
The Enforcer/Madd Dogg (The K9's) vs Kid Krazzy/Seth Sabor
Winner: Sabor/Krazzy
This match would be a reunion would be the return of ASWF Original Madd Dogg. The K9's would take the lead early and would use Madd Dogg's chain leash to cause punishment to their opponent. However, luck would be on Seth and Kid's side as Kid would land a double moonsault and Seth would get the pin over The Enforcer.
4th Match: One Fall
Tiny vs Hot Rod John Ellison
This was a match that you could hear, see, and feel. Tiny, a 350+ pound man, would use pure force to overcome Hot Rod. Hot Rod would have to resort to old school tactics and grabbed the bell hammer and struck Tiny in the head. Ellison would then pin him for the win.
5th Match: One Fall
Scott Fury vs Ron Rage
Winner: Scott Fury (Reverse Decision)
Scott would waste no time getting this match underway, he would take Rage by surprise. But Rage would soon, well, get enraged and take over the match. Rage would put Fury in a submission hold and win the match. However, after the referee told Rage more than once to go to the back he would reverse the decision and make Fury the winner.
6th Match: One Fall
X-Kaliber vs Chuck Fears
Winner: X-Kaliber
Chuck made a valiant effort tonight agains the current European Champion. During the bout X-Kaliber would attempt to use his finisher The Sword and Stone, but would fail. However at the end of the match X-Kaliber would get the pin and walk away the winner.
7th Match: ASWF Title Match
Demon X vs Idol Bane
Demon X would yet again hang on to his title with Johnny Hawk in his corner. They would use a foreign object to knock out Bane and get the win.
8th Match: X-Division #1 Contender Match
Tommy Wayne vs Christopher Lee
Lee would come out fighting with a vengance. He would take control early in the match, but Tommy would pull a "rabbit" out of his hat and counter Lee. This little error would not stop Lee as he would pin Tommy for the win and a shot at the X-Division Title. After Tommy's loss The Establishment would take to the ring and attack Christopher Lee and use a chair on the ankle of Lee, maybe just putting that title shot on hold.
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
1st Match: Tag Team Match
LSD (Cody Only/Deadly Dale) vs Vinny Ramano/Joshua Cross
Winner: LSD
Cody would start this match face to face with Vinny taking control early and not letting go. Vinny and Cross would soon regain control later in the match but LSD would pull one over when Cody would pin Cross for the win.
2nd Match: One Fall
Cody Murdoch vs Morgan Williams
Winnter: Cody Murdoch
Throughout the match Williams would try in vein to over power the Big Rigg. But he would prove to be too much as both men would try their finisher and fail. Murdoch would then catch Morgan off gaurd and plant the Flatbed and get the win.
3rd Match: Tag Team Match
The Enforcer/Madd Dogg (The K9's) vs Kid Krazzy/Seth Sabor
Winner: Sabor/Krazzy
This match would be a reunion would be the return of ASWF Original Madd Dogg. The K9's would take the lead early and would use Madd Dogg's chain leash to cause punishment to their opponent. However, luck would be on Seth and Kid's side as Kid would land a double moonsault and Seth would get the pin over The Enforcer.
4th Match: One Fall
Tiny vs Hot Rod John Ellison
This was a match that you could hear, see, and feel. Tiny, a 350+ pound man, would use pure force to overcome Hot Rod. Hot Rod would have to resort to old school tactics and grabbed the bell hammer and struck Tiny in the head. Ellison would then pin him for the win.
5th Match: One Fall
Scott Fury vs Ron Rage
Winner: Scott Fury (Reverse Decision)
Scott would waste no time getting this match underway, he would take Rage by surprise. But Rage would soon, well, get enraged and take over the match. Rage would put Fury in a submission hold and win the match. However, after the referee told Rage more than once to go to the back he would reverse the decision and make Fury the winner.
6th Match: One Fall
X-Kaliber vs Chuck Fears
Winner: X-Kaliber
Chuck made a valiant effort tonight agains the current European Champion. During the bout X-Kaliber would attempt to use his finisher The Sword and Stone, but would fail. However at the end of the match X-Kaliber would get the pin and walk away the winner.
7th Match: ASWF Title Match
Demon X vs Idol Bane
Demon X would yet again hang on to his title with Johnny Hawk in his corner. They would use a foreign object to knock out Bane and get the win.
8th Match: X-Division #1 Contender Match
Tommy Wayne vs Christopher Lee
Lee would come out fighting with a vengance. He would take control early in the match, but Tommy would pull a "rabbit" out of his hat and counter Lee. This little error would not stop Lee as he would pin Tommy for the win and a shot at the X-Division Title. After Tommy's loss The Establishment would take to the ring and attack Christopher Lee and use a chair on the ankle of Lee, maybe just putting that title shot on hold.
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Thursday, October 15, 2009
(WGN) October 15: 80s star writes about Lou Albano, Bret Hart buries Vince Russo, Flair talks Hulkamania, huge TNA TV deal, Kevin Nash and more
Thursday October 15, 2009
10/13 ECW TV results from Louisville, KY: Ezekiel Jackson over Goldust; Paul Burchill over Hurricane; and Christian & Yoshi Tatsu over Zack Ryder & William Regal.
Superstars tonight on WGN has Mark Henry vs. Chris Masters; Vladimir Kozlov vs. Tommy Dreamer; and John Morrison vs. CM Punk which was said to be very good.
The Smackdown/ECW crew are in Mexico and kick off their tour tonight in Monterrey.
The passing of Captain Lou Albano was picked up by virtually every major media outlet in the United States. Albano, who had been plagued by poor health in recent years, died of natural causes around 3am yesterday at his home in New York surrounded by wife Gerry and several members of his family. His brother George described him as a gentle, giving and religious man who always carried rosary beads in his pocket. Visitation takes place Friday at Balsamo-Cordovano Funeral Home - 15 Church Street, Carmel, NY from 2pm to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm, and a funeral Mass will take place on Saturday morning at St. James the Apostle Church - 14 Gleneida
Avenue, Carmel, NY. Wrestler's Rescue say they will continue to collect donations to help with costs at http://www.wrestlersrescue.org.
A lot of people have asked, but I really can't see WWE not running some type of tribute video on one of their upcoming TV shows. They did acknowledge his passing on their website but only noted he worked for the company from 1983 to 1996. They described him as, "one of the company's most popular and charismatic legends."
All of the mainstream reports on Albano focused on his influence on pop culture and made the connection to Cyndi Lauper and her music video, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Stories ran on CNN, CBS, FOX, the LA Times, the New York Times, and Time Magazine.
MTV News at http://tinyurl.com/ykxsa58 ran a nice article and video presentation.
The Associated Press at http://tinyurl.com/yfjoruk has an article with Cyndi Lauper.
Howard Finkel at http://tinyurl.com/yhxtsxt and Paul Heyman at http://tinyurl.com/ygqytfg also wrote nice blogs sharing some of their memories.
News Day at http://tinyurl.com/yfmrgg7 has an article with comments from Bruno Sammartino and Johnny Rodz.
One of Albano's last televised interviews fro m 2007 is athttp://tinyurl.com/2duqv6.
'Lou Albano' was the No. 2 searched term yesterday on Google, and No. 1 on Twitter trending topics for most of the day.
Several talents paid their respects on their Twitter pages including Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, Taz, Matt Morgan and Jeremy Borash.
The lawsuit Jody Hamilton brought against WWE for breach of contract appears to be moving forward to trial. This dates back to 2007 when Hamilton operated Deep South Wrestling as a WWE developmental hroup in Georgia. An interesting note in the suit is a claim that when John Laurinaitis and Mike "Nova" Bucci went to Georgia to close the operation down Laurinaitis threatened to blackball any talent that continued to do business with DSW or Hamilton. We've had this confirmed from people who would know but obviously they would never go on record for obviously reasons. One person did say they would because they are out of the business and don't really care any more.
Carlito is off television right now because creative say they have nothing for him. He is still with the company but hasn't had much airtime since the split with Primo. He was also off the house shows last
The LA times at http://tinyurl.com/m65ay7 has a story on Vince McMahon wanting to launch his own cable network. The story quoted Vince talking about WWE's library of 100,000 hours of programming but noted WWE has no plans to pull TV from other cable networks. "It won't be a threat, it'll be an integration," Vince said, adding, "it's good for Raw to be on USA. Having your own network allows you a lot of leverage." The reporter was also conned by WWE spin doctors claiming they currently average between 500,000 and 1.4 million buys for a PPV. Only three shows this year have
done north of 500,000 and none of those exceeded 1 million, not even Wrestlemania 25 in April.
Mexican star Blue Demon Jr. wrote an article on ESPN at http://tinyurl.com/yzvtf55 to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. He wrote about WWE expanding into Mexico making it clear he feels they are killing the business. He wrote: "It saddens me that Mexican wrestling is going through a bad time. I foretold this would happen when American wrestling, World Wrestling Entertainment, arrived via television. I
think the sport is being overexposed on television. You turn to a channel, and there is a wrestling show. Two days later, you turn to another channel, and there is a wrestling show. You turn to cable television, and there is another show. The show is overexposed.
Therefore, people won't go to the arenas." He also partly blamed the promoters for not competing hard enough and allowing it to happen: "I think the problem is with the companies that have the resources to compete with the American companies but don't... They're sleeping on it." A really interesting read.
The Memphis Mayoral elections take place today with Jerry Lawler among the 25 candidates. Less than 25 percent of Memphians are expected to vote, according to the Memphis Commercial Appeal. Lawler ran in 1999 and ended up with 12 percent of ballots, beating twelve of the fifteen candidates.
Bret Hart did a radio interview in the UK this past week. He was very critical of both WWE and TNA creative, and even said, "someone should take Vince Russo and hang him by the neck in the back of the parking lot." He said TNA has turned into another version of WCW and couldn't understand why anyone would want to watch their show. "Russo's writing is so pathetically far fetched and does a disservice to the business," he said. He put over Randy Orton and AJ Styles calling them the best
performers in the world right now, and also said Melina Perez was great as far as the women go. When asked about a return to WWE he was vague but said he likes the idea of coming back to induct his father Stu or brother Owen into the Hall of Fame.
Jim Ross wrote on his blog that he hopes to help Jesse White, the son of Vader, get a job with WWE when he graduates from Oklahoma University in May. Vader is sending his son to start training with Harley Race very soon to get him ready for WWE developmental.
Ross took Smackdown off this week, a first for his broadcasting career, to celebrate his wedding anniversary. Michael Cole replaced him with Todd Grisham, who misses next week's show due to getting married.
We have notes from Karl Lauer on the services for Beverly Race, Harley's wife, who passed away this past week, in today's Mailbag.
Raw on Monday night did a 3.4 rating.
ECW on Tuesday did a 1.0 rating.
FCW has TV tapings tonight in Tampa with Gail Kim appearing for an autograph signing. More info at www.fcwwrestling.com.
The WWE YouTube channel is back online.
TMZ ambushed Steve Austin revealing a scar on his head he sustained shooting his movie Damage when a stunt went wrong. Video is at http://tinyurl.com/ygfal72.
Matt Hardy's appearance on Scare Tactics is online at http://tinyurl.com/ykwo84f.
Melora Hardin posted a photo from the set of the WWE Studios movie Knucklehead with herself, Big Show and Mark Feuerstein at http://img203.yfrog.com/i/oj9.jpg/.
The first trailer for The Expendables with Steve Austin and Mickey Rourke is online at http://tinyurl.com/yksurxu.
The Marine 2 with Ted Dibiase Jr. will be released on DVD on December 29. A strange date to release a movie.
Impact tonight on Spike is a special three-hour show, including a Countdown to Bound For Glory package, and AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA title in a match everyone is raving about; Awesome Kong, Tara & ODB vs. The Beautiful People; Amazing Red vs. Suicide; Hernandez vs. The British Invasion in a gauntlet match; Daniels vs. D'Angelo Dinero; Hamada vs. Alissa Flash in a falls count anywhere match; and Bobby
Lashley vs. Rhino in a stretcher match.
Kurt Angle appeared in court Tuesday in Coraopolis, PA for a preliminary hearing to respond to allegations of assault made by ex-girlfriend Trenesha Biggers (Rhaka Khan). Biggers failed to show so the judge ordered a postponement and set a new hearing date in November. Angle's attorney, Michael Santicola, released the following statement to us: "Despite the fact that Mr. Angle, his lawyers, the police, and the Court were ready to hear her claims, Ms. Biggers did not bother to contact the court about her lack of attendance. Once again, the credibility of Ms. Bigger’s and her story have been called into question. Last month in Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, Ms. Biggers attempted to have Mr. Angle brought up on charges. Once her testimony was heard, the Magistrate properly dismissed all of her claims and cleared Mr. Angle or any wrongdoing. We believe once Ms. Biggers testifies a second time, the result will be identical. Her lack of appearance to testify today may be an indication of an unwillingness to continue this false story any further."
TNA via www.mycontent.com will air a free live preview show for Bound Flor Glory on Sunday with The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Lethal Consequences, followed by a post-PPV press conference.
Kevin Nash is sticking around for another year as his contract just rolled over.
TNA completed a temporary deal in the UK with Virgin 1 to broadcast Impact on Friday nights from October 30 to December 4. Impact's official home in the UK will remain as Bravo, but Virgin, who own the channel, are putting the show on their most watched station for a limited time to brings new fans in. It's a major deal because Virgin's portfolio of channels are available in over 21 million homes in the UK and Ireland.
Taz made a point on his Facebook to distance himself from the writing team. He said fans shouldn't send suggestions to him because he has no input.
As expected, Ed Ferrara was officially added to the writing team this week. The team is headed by Vince Russo with Ferrara and Matt Conway as assistants. Jeremy Borash also sits in on meetings and has some input.
Zakk Wylde was hired to play the National Anthem at Bound For Glory. Apparently he is Ozzy Osbourne's former guitarist. Dixie Carter was quoted in a press release as saying, "Zakk will start the show with a performance people will talk about for years to come."
Mick Foley is doing a stand-up comedy gig (well, Q&A and story telling) tonight in Long Island at the Brokerage Comedy Club. He was pushing the gig yesterday on the Opie and Anthony radio show and told a funny story about him and Kurt Angle running into MMA fighter Mark Coleman in Ireland. He said Kurt was legit getting pissed at Coleman for forgetting the date of their amateur wrestling match.
Foley is planning to tour the comedy club circuit with Colt Cabana soon.
You can add Foley to the list of wrestler's donating their brain after death to concussion research.
Mike Lano has a story on Lacey Von Erich at http://tinyurl.com/ygu8xqn.
Ross Forman at http://rossruns.blogspot.com/ talks about his run in the Chicago Marathon last weekend and says he plans to run the Honolulu Marathon in December.
The latest Spin Cycle webshow with Mick Foley, Kevin Nash in fine form, Matt Morgan, and Traci Brooks is online at http://tinyurl.com/yhrvhpz.
TNA return to New York on December 6 for a house show at the Glens Falls Civic Center.
Nick Bollea has been cast in a movie called Kill Katie Malone. It's a straight to DVD horror film about college students who pool their cash to purchase a ghost in an online auction and unleash the spirit of an Irish servant girl who has been wreaking havoc on her owners throughout several generations.
Ric Flair during a radio interview this week said Vince McMahon gave him his blessing to come out of retirement for the Hulkamania tour. He said he feels in great shape and is working out in the gym every day in preparation."It gives Hulk and I a chance to see if we've still got it going on," he said.
A couple more names on the Hulkamania tour are Kiara Dillon, wife of Gangrel, and Koa-Marie, a former Playboy model. Rock of Love is the tag team of Billy Blade and Kaden Anthony. We received a new press release which promised the shows would have state of the art production, a huge pyrotechnics display and large screens to show the audience what is happening back stage in between wrestling matches. You know, like the nWo arriving in a Limo. More information at www.hulkamania.com.au.
Slam Wrestling at http://tinyurl.com/yzywgme has a Q&A with Jim Duggan. He credits his wrestling career to Fritz Von Erich: "I played college ball at Southern Methodist [in Texas], then met Fritz on a recruiting trip when I was a freshman. Then years later I gave him a call and went down to the Sportatorium. He liked my look -- even though I had short hair and was clean shaven -- and he showed me how to hit the ropes. And yeah, I hit the ropes with all the Von Erich boys -- I never had any problem with them." He also credited Bruiser Brody for his giving him his gimmick and described Brody as one the best big men ever in the business. Good read.
April Hunter appears Saturday at the Horror & Comic convention in
Nashville, TN. More info at www.comiccitytn.com.
The Blue Meanie was a special guest Monday at an Irish Bar in Philly for an event called "Boobie Bingo" to benefit a breast cancer charity. Sounds like fun.
Brian Blair is getting negative press in Tampa at http://tinyurl.com/yhzpygq.
iBang TV tapes Saturday in Ocala, FL with Dory Funk Jr., Melissa Coates, Hack Meyers, Damien Steele and more. Details at www.dory-funk.com.
Promolast Events at www.promolastevents.com has a message from Diamond Dallas Page to raise funds for the Shepherd Center, which is the spinal rehab organization that helped Lex Luger.
Captain Lou Albano was one of the most unique characters and human beings I have ever known. He was one-of-a-kind and I will miss him on both a personal and professional level.
Bill Apter
One of my biggest breaks in the wrestling business came in 1973 when I was working in New York for Vince McMahon Sr. I had been in the territory for about six weeks just marking time when one day in Philly at a television taping I was told that Vince wanted to talk to me. I started sweating bullets thinking there was a problem and Vince was going to call me on the carpet.
When I arrived where Vince was standing in the old Philly arena he said to me, "Mikey (I was Iron Mike McCord then), I'm going to start making you some money. I'm going put you with Lou Albano and let him manage you and you'll immediately start making more money."
He did and I did. Being with Lou for 13 months was unreal. There will never, ever, ever be another Lou, He was the greatest! I have a million stories I could tell about Lou and I'm so glad I have them. God Bless You Lou and thanks for helping a young punk kid from the poor side of town in South Tampa make it.
Austin Idol
We just returned around 11:30pm last night from what was a most moving and beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady.
Early yesterday I had a call from Ted DiBiase, who had driven from his home in Mississippi and was in St Louis, we arranged to meet in Eldon MO for dinner and then go over to the community center where there was a visitation for B. J. Race. Eldon is a small town and we expected to see a handful of locals who were wrestling fans and a few of the wrestlers from Harley's wrestling school there thinking most would go today to Kansas City where the funeral was to be.
What a wonderful tribute were we about to witness, as we pulled into the parking lot at 6:05 PM, there was no where to park, the lot was full, I would estimate some 150 cars. Found a spot on the outskirts of the lot and we walked into this nice large building where Harley and BJ held their wrestling shows twice a year. They had set it up like a chapel with the long wall as you enter full of family photos for 4
tables, about 32 feet, and then a massive number of floral pieces, the first on was a huge wreath from Vince McMahon, (while we were there Vince called to briefly talk to Rob and Harley) then beautiful arrangements and plants and even one large tree from friends and family and wrestlers from all over. I counted the floral pieces there was 53 in all.
The other wall all the former students and current wrestlers from the WLW stood and lined the 300 foot wall, by 7:00Pm there were some 50 plus young wrestlers standing, hands folded in tribute. Including Trevor Murdock, Bull Schmitt, Dangerous Derek, John Pantoya, Steve Fender, Darin Wade, Brian Nguyen,Amy Hennig, Joe Hennig flew in from WWE Florida, Becca Swansen, Lucy Memdez and many more.
Harley's first graduate Matt Murphy and all the wrestlers stood up and he gave a tear pulling tribute to BJ, and several of the wrestlers showed a heartfelt loss as the tears fell. He said it is easy to see why her e mail was WLWMOM as she was a mother away from home to all those who attended the Harley Race Wrestling Academy.
The center section of the community center was set up with 2 sections of chairs, each 11 wide and 10 deep for 220 seating, we sat in row 9 and got there at 6:05, by 7:30 they had to break out more chairs, counting those that stayed for the whole two and a half hours and those who came and paid their respects i would guess somewhere around 400 plus.
Harley's long time partner and closest friend Larry "The AX " Hennig was there with his wife and they sat in the last row with Ted DiBiase and several other wrestlers that I did not know.
To top off a fantastic tribute, on Saturday night I was able to reach Ken Hirayama in Hawaii and told him of BJ's passing, and asked him to call Mr. Ryu, president of Noah Wrestling in Japan and let him know. At 7:30 Pm both and Ken and Rhu showed up in person. He had been traveling from Japan to Hawaii to St Louis a total of 30 plus hours to be there. Less then 48 hours from the time he was called some 30 hours in the air and in a car he was there. Two very caring men who stood and shed a tear
with some 400 others, I have gotten to know these men over the last 4 or 5 years and take pride in their friendship and support of the CAC.
Kyle Mason who was the City Administrator in Eldon when Harley and BJ opened his school there, 10 years ago, is also a ordained pastor, gave a moving tribute to BJ and a eulogy that showed why she was so respected and loved by this small town.
Beverly Ann Race had just turned 60 the 9th of this month, I know I will miss working with her at the future WLW shows and miss her smiles a rough voice when she says "OK lets go count the tickets and give you your tax money", and then smile and say but your such a nice tax collector.
Karl Lauer
When it is said that Captain Lou Albano was one of the greatest managers of all times I do not agree. In my opinion he was THE greatest manager of all times. There was nobody in WWE history that even came close to his ability to entertain people. Captain Lou Albano was the best the was, the best there is and the best that will ever be.
Barry from New York
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Thursday October 15, 2009
10/13 ECW TV results from Louisville, KY: Ezekiel Jackson over Goldust; Paul Burchill over Hurricane; and Christian & Yoshi Tatsu over Zack Ryder & William Regal.
Superstars tonight on WGN has Mark Henry vs. Chris Masters; Vladimir Kozlov vs. Tommy Dreamer; and John Morrison vs. CM Punk which was said to be very good.
The Smackdown/ECW crew are in Mexico and kick off their tour tonight in Monterrey.
The passing of Captain Lou Albano was picked up by virtually every major media outlet in the United States. Albano, who had been plagued by poor health in recent years, died of natural causes around 3am yesterday at his home in New York surrounded by wife Gerry and several members of his family. His brother George described him as a gentle, giving and religious man who always carried rosary beads in his pocket. Visitation takes place Friday at Balsamo-Cordovano Funeral Home - 15 Church Street, Carmel, NY from 2pm to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm, and a funeral Mass will take place on Saturday morning at St. James the Apostle Church - 14 Gleneida
Avenue, Carmel, NY. Wrestler's Rescue say they will continue to collect donations to help with costs at http://www.wrestlersrescue.org.
A lot of people have asked, but I really can't see WWE not running some type of tribute video on one of their upcoming TV shows. They did acknowledge his passing on their website but only noted he worked for the company from 1983 to 1996. They described him as, "one of the company's most popular and charismatic legends."
All of the mainstream reports on Albano focused on his influence on pop culture and made the connection to Cyndi Lauper and her music video, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Stories ran on CNN, CBS, FOX, the LA Times, the New York Times, and Time Magazine.
MTV News at http://tinyurl.com/ykxsa58 ran a nice article and video presentation.
The Associated Press at http://tinyurl.com/yfjoruk has an article with Cyndi Lauper.
Howard Finkel at http://tinyurl.com/yhxtsxt and Paul Heyman at http://tinyurl.com/ygqytfg also wrote nice blogs sharing some of their memories.
News Day at http://tinyurl.com/yfmrgg7 has an article with comments from Bruno Sammartino and Johnny Rodz.
One of Albano's last televised interviews fro m 2007 is athttp://tinyurl.com/2duqv6.
'Lou Albano' was the No. 2 searched term yesterday on Google, and No. 1 on Twitter trending topics for most of the day.
Several talents paid their respects on their Twitter pages including Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, Taz, Matt Morgan and Jeremy Borash.
The lawsuit Jody Hamilton brought against WWE for breach of contract appears to be moving forward to trial. This dates back to 2007 when Hamilton operated Deep South Wrestling as a WWE developmental hroup in Georgia. An interesting note in the suit is a claim that when John Laurinaitis and Mike "Nova" Bucci went to Georgia to close the operation down Laurinaitis threatened to blackball any talent that continued to do business with DSW or Hamilton. We've had this confirmed from people who would know but obviously they would never go on record for obviously reasons. One person did say they would because they are out of the business and don't really care any more.
Carlito is off television right now because creative say they have nothing for him. He is still with the company but hasn't had much airtime since the split with Primo. He was also off the house shows last
The LA times at http://tinyurl.com/m65ay7 has a story on Vince McMahon wanting to launch his own cable network. The story quoted Vince talking about WWE's library of 100,000 hours of programming but noted WWE has no plans to pull TV from other cable networks. "It won't be a threat, it'll be an integration," Vince said, adding, "it's good for Raw to be on USA. Having your own network allows you a lot of leverage." The reporter was also conned by WWE spin doctors claiming they currently average between 500,000 and 1.4 million buys for a PPV. Only three shows this year have
done north of 500,000 and none of those exceeded 1 million, not even Wrestlemania 25 in April.
Mexican star Blue Demon Jr. wrote an article on ESPN at http://tinyurl.com/yzvtf55 to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. He wrote about WWE expanding into Mexico making it clear he feels they are killing the business. He wrote: "It saddens me that Mexican wrestling is going through a bad time. I foretold this would happen when American wrestling, World Wrestling Entertainment, arrived via television. I
think the sport is being overexposed on television. You turn to a channel, and there is a wrestling show. Two days later, you turn to another channel, and there is a wrestling show. You turn to cable television, and there is another show. The show is overexposed.
Therefore, people won't go to the arenas." He also partly blamed the promoters for not competing hard enough and allowing it to happen: "I think the problem is with the companies that have the resources to compete with the American companies but don't... They're sleeping on it." A really interesting read.
The Memphis Mayoral elections take place today with Jerry Lawler among the 25 candidates. Less than 25 percent of Memphians are expected to vote, according to the Memphis Commercial Appeal. Lawler ran in 1999 and ended up with 12 percent of ballots, beating twelve of the fifteen candidates.
Bret Hart did a radio interview in the UK this past week. He was very critical of both WWE and TNA creative, and even said, "someone should take Vince Russo and hang him by the neck in the back of the parking lot." He said TNA has turned into another version of WCW and couldn't understand why anyone would want to watch their show. "Russo's writing is so pathetically far fetched and does a disservice to the business," he said. He put over Randy Orton and AJ Styles calling them the best
performers in the world right now, and also said Melina Perez was great as far as the women go. When asked about a return to WWE he was vague but said he likes the idea of coming back to induct his father Stu or brother Owen into the Hall of Fame.
Jim Ross wrote on his blog that he hopes to help Jesse White, the son of Vader, get a job with WWE when he graduates from Oklahoma University in May. Vader is sending his son to start training with Harley Race very soon to get him ready for WWE developmental.
Ross took Smackdown off this week, a first for his broadcasting career, to celebrate his wedding anniversary. Michael Cole replaced him with Todd Grisham, who misses next week's show due to getting married.
We have notes from Karl Lauer on the services for Beverly Race, Harley's wife, who passed away this past week, in today's Mailbag.
Raw on Monday night did a 3.4 rating.
ECW on Tuesday did a 1.0 rating.
FCW has TV tapings tonight in Tampa with Gail Kim appearing for an autograph signing. More info at www.fcwwrestling.com.
The WWE YouTube channel is back online.
TMZ ambushed Steve Austin revealing a scar on his head he sustained shooting his movie Damage when a stunt went wrong. Video is at http://tinyurl.com/ygfal72.
Matt Hardy's appearance on Scare Tactics is online at http://tinyurl.com/ykwo84f.
Melora Hardin posted a photo from the set of the WWE Studios movie Knucklehead with herself, Big Show and Mark Feuerstein at http://img203.yfrog.com/i/oj9.jpg/.
The first trailer for The Expendables with Steve Austin and Mickey Rourke is online at http://tinyurl.com/yksurxu.
The Marine 2 with Ted Dibiase Jr. will be released on DVD on December 29. A strange date to release a movie.
Impact tonight on Spike is a special three-hour show, including a Countdown to Bound For Glory package, and AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA title in a match everyone is raving about; Awesome Kong, Tara & ODB vs. The Beautiful People; Amazing Red vs. Suicide; Hernandez vs. The British Invasion in a gauntlet match; Daniels vs. D'Angelo Dinero; Hamada vs. Alissa Flash in a falls count anywhere match; and Bobby
Lashley vs. Rhino in a stretcher match.
Kurt Angle appeared in court Tuesday in Coraopolis, PA for a preliminary hearing to respond to allegations of assault made by ex-girlfriend Trenesha Biggers (Rhaka Khan). Biggers failed to show so the judge ordered a postponement and set a new hearing date in November. Angle's attorney, Michael Santicola, released the following statement to us: "Despite the fact that Mr. Angle, his lawyers, the police, and the Court were ready to hear her claims, Ms. Biggers did not bother to contact the court about her lack of attendance. Once again, the credibility of Ms. Bigger’s and her story have been called into question. Last month in Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, Ms. Biggers attempted to have Mr. Angle brought up on charges. Once her testimony was heard, the Magistrate properly dismissed all of her claims and cleared Mr. Angle or any wrongdoing. We believe once Ms. Biggers testifies a second time, the result will be identical. Her lack of appearance to testify today may be an indication of an unwillingness to continue this false story any further."
TNA via www.mycontent.com will air a free live preview show for Bound Flor Glory on Sunday with The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Lethal Consequences, followed by a post-PPV press conference.
Kevin Nash is sticking around for another year as his contract just rolled over.
TNA completed a temporary deal in the UK with Virgin 1 to broadcast Impact on Friday nights from October 30 to December 4. Impact's official home in the UK will remain as Bravo, but Virgin, who own the channel, are putting the show on their most watched station for a limited time to brings new fans in. It's a major deal because Virgin's portfolio of channels are available in over 21 million homes in the UK and Ireland.
Taz made a point on his Facebook to distance himself from the writing team. He said fans shouldn't send suggestions to him because he has no input.
As expected, Ed Ferrara was officially added to the writing team this week. The team is headed by Vince Russo with Ferrara and Matt Conway as assistants. Jeremy Borash also sits in on meetings and has some input.
Zakk Wylde was hired to play the National Anthem at Bound For Glory. Apparently he is Ozzy Osbourne's former guitarist. Dixie Carter was quoted in a press release as saying, "Zakk will start the show with a performance people will talk about for years to come."
Mick Foley is doing a stand-up comedy gig (well, Q&A and story telling) tonight in Long Island at the Brokerage Comedy Club. He was pushing the gig yesterday on the Opie and Anthony radio show and told a funny story about him and Kurt Angle running into MMA fighter Mark Coleman in Ireland. He said Kurt was legit getting pissed at Coleman for forgetting the date of their amateur wrestling match.
Foley is planning to tour the comedy club circuit with Colt Cabana soon.
You can add Foley to the list of wrestler's donating their brain after death to concussion research.
Mike Lano has a story on Lacey Von Erich at http://tinyurl.com/ygu8xqn.
Ross Forman at http://rossruns.blogspot.com/ talks about his run in the Chicago Marathon last weekend and says he plans to run the Honolulu Marathon in December.
The latest Spin Cycle webshow with Mick Foley, Kevin Nash in fine form, Matt Morgan, and Traci Brooks is online at http://tinyurl.com/yhrvhpz.
TNA return to New York on December 6 for a house show at the Glens Falls Civic Center.
Nick Bollea has been cast in a movie called Kill Katie Malone. It's a straight to DVD horror film about college students who pool their cash to purchase a ghost in an online auction and unleash the spirit of an Irish servant girl who has been wreaking havoc on her owners throughout several generations.
Ric Flair during a radio interview this week said Vince McMahon gave him his blessing to come out of retirement for the Hulkamania tour. He said he feels in great shape and is working out in the gym every day in preparation."It gives Hulk and I a chance to see if we've still got it going on," he said.
A couple more names on the Hulkamania tour are Kiara Dillon, wife of Gangrel, and Koa-Marie, a former Playboy model. Rock of Love is the tag team of Billy Blade and Kaden Anthony. We received a new press release which promised the shows would have state of the art production, a huge pyrotechnics display and large screens to show the audience what is happening back stage in between wrestling matches. You know, like the nWo arriving in a Limo. More information at www.hulkamania.com.au.
Slam Wrestling at http://tinyurl.com/yzywgme has a Q&A with Jim Duggan. He credits his wrestling career to Fritz Von Erich: "I played college ball at Southern Methodist [in Texas], then met Fritz on a recruiting trip when I was a freshman. Then years later I gave him a call and went down to the Sportatorium. He liked my look -- even though I had short hair and was clean shaven -- and he showed me how to hit the ropes. And yeah, I hit the ropes with all the Von Erich boys -- I never had any problem with them." He also credited Bruiser Brody for his giving him his gimmick and described Brody as one the best big men ever in the business. Good read.
April Hunter appears Saturday at the Horror & Comic convention in
Nashville, TN. More info at www.comiccitytn.com.
The Blue Meanie was a special guest Monday at an Irish Bar in Philly for an event called "Boobie Bingo" to benefit a breast cancer charity. Sounds like fun.
Brian Blair is getting negative press in Tampa at http://tinyurl.com/yhzpygq.
iBang TV tapes Saturday in Ocala, FL with Dory Funk Jr., Melissa Coates, Hack Meyers, Damien Steele and more. Details at www.dory-funk.com.
Promolast Events at www.promolastevents.com has a message from Diamond Dallas Page to raise funds for the Shepherd Center, which is the spinal rehab organization that helped Lex Luger.
Captain Lou Albano was one of the most unique characters and human beings I have ever known. He was one-of-a-kind and I will miss him on both a personal and professional level.
Bill Apter
One of my biggest breaks in the wrestling business came in 1973 when I was working in New York for Vince McMahon Sr. I had been in the territory for about six weeks just marking time when one day in Philly at a television taping I was told that Vince wanted to talk to me. I started sweating bullets thinking there was a problem and Vince was going to call me on the carpet.
When I arrived where Vince was standing in the old Philly arena he said to me, "Mikey (I was Iron Mike McCord then), I'm going to start making you some money. I'm going put you with Lou Albano and let him manage you and you'll immediately start making more money."
He did and I did. Being with Lou for 13 months was unreal. There will never, ever, ever be another Lou, He was the greatest! I have a million stories I could tell about Lou and I'm so glad I have them. God Bless You Lou and thanks for helping a young punk kid from the poor side of town in South Tampa make it.
Austin Idol
We just returned around 11:30pm last night from what was a most moving and beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady.
Early yesterday I had a call from Ted DiBiase, who had driven from his home in Mississippi and was in St Louis, we arranged to meet in Eldon MO for dinner and then go over to the community center where there was a visitation for B. J. Race. Eldon is a small town and we expected to see a handful of locals who were wrestling fans and a few of the wrestlers from Harley's wrestling school there thinking most would go today to Kansas City where the funeral was to be.
What a wonderful tribute were we about to witness, as we pulled into the parking lot at 6:05 PM, there was no where to park, the lot was full, I would estimate some 150 cars. Found a spot on the outskirts of the lot and we walked into this nice large building where Harley and BJ held their wrestling shows twice a year. They had set it up like a chapel with the long wall as you enter full of family photos for 4
tables, about 32 feet, and then a massive number of floral pieces, the first on was a huge wreath from Vince McMahon, (while we were there Vince called to briefly talk to Rob and Harley) then beautiful arrangements and plants and even one large tree from friends and family and wrestlers from all over. I counted the floral pieces there was 53 in all.
The other wall all the former students and current wrestlers from the WLW stood and lined the 300 foot wall, by 7:00Pm there were some 50 plus young wrestlers standing, hands folded in tribute. Including Trevor Murdock, Bull Schmitt, Dangerous Derek, John Pantoya, Steve Fender, Darin Wade, Brian Nguyen,Amy Hennig, Joe Hennig flew in from WWE Florida, Becca Swansen, Lucy Memdez and many more.
Harley's first graduate Matt Murphy and all the wrestlers stood up and he gave a tear pulling tribute to BJ, and several of the wrestlers showed a heartfelt loss as the tears fell. He said it is easy to see why her e mail was WLWMOM as she was a mother away from home to all those who attended the Harley Race Wrestling Academy.
The center section of the community center was set up with 2 sections of chairs, each 11 wide and 10 deep for 220 seating, we sat in row 9 and got there at 6:05, by 7:30 they had to break out more chairs, counting those that stayed for the whole two and a half hours and those who came and paid their respects i would guess somewhere around 400 plus.
Harley's long time partner and closest friend Larry "The AX " Hennig was there with his wife and they sat in the last row with Ted DiBiase and several other wrestlers that I did not know.
To top off a fantastic tribute, on Saturday night I was able to reach Ken Hirayama in Hawaii and told him of BJ's passing, and asked him to call Mr. Ryu, president of Noah Wrestling in Japan and let him know. At 7:30 Pm both and Ken and Rhu showed up in person. He had been traveling from Japan to Hawaii to St Louis a total of 30 plus hours to be there. Less then 48 hours from the time he was called some 30 hours in the air and in a car he was there. Two very caring men who stood and shed a tear
with some 400 others, I have gotten to know these men over the last 4 or 5 years and take pride in their friendship and support of the CAC.
Kyle Mason who was the City Administrator in Eldon when Harley and BJ opened his school there, 10 years ago, is also a ordained pastor, gave a moving tribute to BJ and a eulogy that showed why she was so respected and loved by this small town.
Beverly Ann Race had just turned 60 the 9th of this month, I know I will miss working with her at the future WLW shows and miss her smiles a rough voice when she says "OK lets go count the tickets and give you your tax money", and then smile and say but your such a nice tax collector.
Karl Lauer
When it is said that Captain Lou Albano was one of the greatest managers of all times I do not agree. In my opinion he was THE greatest manager of all times. There was nobody in WWE history that even came close to his ability to entertain people. Captain Lou Albano was the best the was, the best there is and the best that will ever be.
Barry from New York
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Please send any mailbag letters or news tips to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
A Piece of my Mind - Captain Lou Albano Oct 15th 2009
If you have followed my columns you know that I grew up in Yonkers, NY. I started watching professional wrestling when I was in the tenth grade. I instantly took a liking to the “Polish Power” Ivan Putski. The first real heel move that I recall seeing was when Capt. Lou Albano pulled his leg out as he hit the ropes and Dick “The Bulldog” Brower pinned my new hero. It was at that very moment that I really learned to hate Capt. Lou Albano. He always seemed to get away with murder.
I have heard people say that Bobby “The Brain” Heenan is the greatest manager of all time. I am a fan of Bobby’s and I used him at my first two WrestleReunion events. It would still be my opinion, however, that Capt. Lou Albano, who really can’t be imitated or duplicated, was the greatest wrestling manager of all time. This man was instant heat for himself and anyone that he was managing. He was a natural like no one I have ever seen before.
One night I was at Madison Square Garden. On that particular night The Wild Samoans were supposed to wrestle in a tag team match. The night before Samoan Sika had been injured somewhere in Maryland I believe and would not be able to compete that night or for a long while. The fans were informed ahead of time that they could get a refund. At that time Howard Finkel announced that "demanding" to take Sika’s place was Captain Louis Albano. The garden erupted into a frenzy in the hopes that the fat slob Lou Albano would finally get his. As happened so many times Lou never really got his.
One night when Afa and Sika and Lou were in my car the fans outside MSG tried to turn the car over with us in it. It was Lou that got out and scattered the crowd. It showed how much heat that those guys had. You could take any wrestler and put him with Lou and the fans would literally despise them.
Once I really got to know Lou he was a very funny guy. I smile whenever I think about him. He, of course, was well known for his drinking. We were at the Cauliflower Alley Club in New Jersey. The thing I remember the most is Lou yelling over and over at Vince McMahon “Hey McMahon I hope that shirt of yours is waterproof because that tie is a pisser”.
I spoke to Bruno Sammartino about Lou Albano today. He made it clear that, in his opinion, as a manager Lou was second to none. He also mentioned that even as a manager Lou was so hated and despised that he would be put in the ring with Sammartino. He made it clear that they sold out where ever they went because people wanted to see him literally tear Albano to shreds.
If you watch pro wrestling today you have no idea what real heat is/was. I suggest that you go to YouTube and find anything that you can of Capt. Louis Albano. He was truly a gift to the World Wrestling Federation and, along with Classy Freddie Blassie and The Grand Wizard, was one third of wrestling's greatest trio of managers ever in any territory. He may have been a limited wrestler with only mild singles success along with a little better success as part of The Sicilians with Tony Altimore but as a manager he rose to the top and stayed there.
My most lasting thoughts of Lou were how he helped change the face of wrestling with the whole Rock and Wrestling connection. His appearance in the Girls Just Want to Have Fun video with Cyndi Lauper started the wave of him becoming a babyface. The other is that while Lou was a heel anytime the territory might have been down or there was hole that needed to be filled the limited at best wrestler Capt. Louis Albano was called up to put the tights on. There was only one reason why the McMahon’s made that decision that was because it always worked.
He managed tag teams like The Moondogs, The Wild Samoans and The Valiant Brothers. He led them and many other teams to the tag team championship. He also led Ivan Koloff to dethrone the man who seemed unbeatable Bruno Sammartino. There is a reason that a manager has that many championships for his men.
Please rest in peace Capt. Lou. I am glad I got to know and work with you. I respected your work. You and your work will never be forgotten.
This has been a piece of my mind
I have heard people say that Bobby “The Brain” Heenan is the greatest manager of all time. I am a fan of Bobby’s and I used him at my first two WrestleReunion events. It would still be my opinion, however, that Capt. Lou Albano, who really can’t be imitated or duplicated, was the greatest wrestling manager of all time. This man was instant heat for himself and anyone that he was managing. He was a natural like no one I have ever seen before.
One night I was at Madison Square Garden. On that particular night The Wild Samoans were supposed to wrestle in a tag team match. The night before Samoan Sika had been injured somewhere in Maryland I believe and would not be able to compete that night or for a long while. The fans were informed ahead of time that they could get a refund. At that time Howard Finkel announced that "demanding" to take Sika’s place was Captain Louis Albano. The garden erupted into a frenzy in the hopes that the fat slob Lou Albano would finally get his. As happened so many times Lou never really got his.
One night when Afa and Sika and Lou were in my car the fans outside MSG tried to turn the car over with us in it. It was Lou that got out and scattered the crowd. It showed how much heat that those guys had. You could take any wrestler and put him with Lou and the fans would literally despise them.
Once I really got to know Lou he was a very funny guy. I smile whenever I think about him. He, of course, was well known for his drinking. We were at the Cauliflower Alley Club in New Jersey. The thing I remember the most is Lou yelling over and over at Vince McMahon “Hey McMahon I hope that shirt of yours is waterproof because that tie is a pisser”.
I spoke to Bruno Sammartino about Lou Albano today. He made it clear that, in his opinion, as a manager Lou was second to none. He also mentioned that even as a manager Lou was so hated and despised that he would be put in the ring with Sammartino. He made it clear that they sold out where ever they went because people wanted to see him literally tear Albano to shreds.
If you watch pro wrestling today you have no idea what real heat is/was. I suggest that you go to YouTube and find anything that you can of Capt. Louis Albano. He was truly a gift to the World Wrestling Federation and, along with Classy Freddie Blassie and The Grand Wizard, was one third of wrestling's greatest trio of managers ever in any territory. He may have been a limited wrestler with only mild singles success along with a little better success as part of The Sicilians with Tony Altimore but as a manager he rose to the top and stayed there.
My most lasting thoughts of Lou were how he helped change the face of wrestling with the whole Rock and Wrestling connection. His appearance in the Girls Just Want to Have Fun video with Cyndi Lauper started the wave of him becoming a babyface. The other is that while Lou was a heel anytime the territory might have been down or there was hole that needed to be filled the limited at best wrestler Capt. Louis Albano was called up to put the tights on. There was only one reason why the McMahon’s made that decision that was because it always worked.
He managed tag teams like The Moondogs, The Wild Samoans and The Valiant Brothers. He led them and many other teams to the tag team championship. He also led Ivan Koloff to dethrone the man who seemed unbeatable Bruno Sammartino. There is a reason that a manager has that many championships for his men.
Please rest in peace Capt. Lou. I am glad I got to know and work with you. I respected your work. You and your work will never be forgotten.
This has been a piece of my mind
Lawler for Mayor!!
----D-Rock had the following posted on WNC today.
Today is the Special Election in Memphis that will crown a new Mayor. Jerry "The King" Lawler is a candidate and needs your vote.
This past Saturday, instead of Memphis Wrestling, they aired a Lawler for Mayor Special, which featured many Memphians giving their support, saying they are going to vote for Jerry Lawler. Lawler was also endorsed by some of his fellow WWE buddies including:
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Matt Striker
Todd Grisham
John Morrison
The Big Show
Rey Mysterio (In Espanol)
John Cena
Kelly Kelly
Lawler said that Memphis Wrestling will be back, next week, at 11:00am.
They showed many of the news clips from the local television stations, most of which, had to deal with Lawler being excluded from WREG-TV/Channel 3's Mayoral Debate that was decided by polls by WREG, in conjunction with, The Commercial Appeal and MPACT Memphis. Lawler challenged the debate.
Jerry Lawler wants to be the next Mayor of Memphis to run the city with fairness and honesty, while using common sense.
They aired highlights of Jerry Lawler in the first Mayoral Debate on WMC-TV 5.
Lawler clarified that there have, actually, been five polls taken about who people want to be the next Mayor of Memphis. Two by The Commercial Appeal, two by radio stations, and the one by Channel 3, but of those polls, Lawler said he came in first in three of them, second in one and in the one that mattered, for Channel 3, he polled only two percent, thus excluding him from the debate. They showed a video of Lawler and his lawyer delivering a cease and desist letter to WREG.
Video of Lawler with Reverend Al Sharpton, talking about Memphis city schools. Lawler invited Sharpton to bring his Education Reform Tour to Memphis.
Lawler said he wants to create an incentive program for the Memphis city schools. WWE would stand for "Win With Education". Lawler added that he wanted to bring in WWE Superstars like, John Cena and Rey Mysterio, to the school that has the highest grade point average and for the schools that read the most books, they would get free tickets to one of the live events at the FedExForum. This would give the kids an incentive to get excited about school.
Pittsburgh Steelers Quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger, endorsed Lawler.
Lawler also shared his idea for a "Mobile Mayor's Office" where they'll take a city bus and go to different communities in two-week intervals.
Lawler said he wants to market Memphis like a superstar and told the voters, "Don't let any polls tell you who to vote for. I want you to go to the polls, October 15th, and vote for me as Mayor of Memphis and together, we'll make a better Memphis and we'll make Memphis a superstar".
Today is the Special Election in Memphis that will crown a new Mayor. Jerry "The King" Lawler is a candidate and needs your vote.
This past Saturday, instead of Memphis Wrestling, they aired a Lawler for Mayor Special, which featured many Memphians giving their support, saying they are going to vote for Jerry Lawler. Lawler was also endorsed by some of his fellow WWE buddies including:
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Matt Striker
Todd Grisham
John Morrison
The Big Show
Rey Mysterio (In Espanol)
John Cena
Kelly Kelly
Lawler said that Memphis Wrestling will be back, next week, at 11:00am.
They showed many of the news clips from the local television stations, most of which, had to deal with Lawler being excluded from WREG-TV/Channel 3's Mayoral Debate that was decided by polls by WREG, in conjunction with, The Commercial Appeal and MPACT Memphis. Lawler challenged the debate.
Jerry Lawler wants to be the next Mayor of Memphis to run the city with fairness and honesty, while using common sense.
They aired highlights of Jerry Lawler in the first Mayoral Debate on WMC-TV 5.
Lawler clarified that there have, actually, been five polls taken about who people want to be the next Mayor of Memphis. Two by The Commercial Appeal, two by radio stations, and the one by Channel 3, but of those polls, Lawler said he came in first in three of them, second in one and in the one that mattered, for Channel 3, he polled only two percent, thus excluding him from the debate. They showed a video of Lawler and his lawyer delivering a cease and desist letter to WREG.
Video of Lawler with Reverend Al Sharpton, talking about Memphis city schools. Lawler invited Sharpton to bring his Education Reform Tour to Memphis.
Lawler said he wants to create an incentive program for the Memphis city schools. WWE would stand for "Win With Education". Lawler added that he wanted to bring in WWE Superstars like, John Cena and Rey Mysterio, to the school that has the highest grade point average and for the schools that read the most books, they would get free tickets to one of the live events at the FedExForum. This would give the kids an incentive to get excited about school.
Pittsburgh Steelers Quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger, endorsed Lawler.
Lawler also shared his idea for a "Mobile Mayor's Office" where they'll take a city bus and go to different communities in two-week intervals.
Lawler said he wants to market Memphis like a superstar and told the voters, "Don't let any polls tell you who to vote for. I want you to go to the polls, October 15th, and vote for me as Mayor of Memphis and together, we'll make a better Memphis and we'll make Memphis a superstar".
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Derrick King Update!!
----WNC did issue a statement by Terrance Ward - CLICK HERE - to read it!! The original message board post is still up on the TIWF message board, but they have posted my message about not being DK.
Shows for the Weekend 10.16 to 10.17.09
----CLICK HERE for the regular scheduled shows. Below are a couple special shows and RRO will be at NBW in Newbern, TN Saturday night!!
PWA Entertainment show at the festival in SouthHavan, MS
First show is 11-1
Second show is 2-4
----The show is 3 days away and I am not sure of the final card. Below are the matches I know so far.
Legacy 3 - NBW Newbern, TN Saturday night!!
NBW Championship
Jason Reed (c) vs. Austin Lane
Wildfire Tommy Rich vs Mark Justice
Sir Mo
Stairway to Stardom Ladder Match
Biscuit vs. A.J. Ray vs. Weezy vs. Gaylon vs. ??? vs. ???
PWA Entertainment show at the festival in SouthHavan, MS
First show is 11-1
Second show is 2-4
----The show is 3 days away and I am not sure of the final card. Below are the matches I know so far.
Legacy 3 - NBW Newbern, TN Saturday night!!
NBW Championship
Jason Reed (c) vs. Austin Lane
Wildfire Tommy Rich vs Mark Justice
Sir Mo
Stairway to Stardom Ladder Match
Biscuit vs. A.J. Ray vs. Weezy vs. Gaylon vs. ??? vs. ???
Jamie Jay Issues A Statement!!!
Hello everyone
I want to start out by saying that I think I was in the wrong for airing out my personal issues on the internet!
I don't want anybody to think that I'm getting on here and typing an apology for Sid, because I still feel the same way, but I want to apologize to Sid & everyone else for putting something personal up on the internet! I had a good friend call me (you know who you are) & talk to me about the whole deal. I thought about it, & I would be upset if someone took something personal & put it on the web!
I was taught better than that & I should've known better! I feel so bad about that because if my grandfather was still alive he would be all over my ass for put something in public like that!
So, like I said, I apologize to Sid & alot of the guys that understand what I'm talking about for putting my stuff in public! I still feel the same way about Sid & I would imagine he feels the same about me!
Before everbody starts talking shit & saying I got scared Sid is gonna whip my ass, its not like that, I'm not messed up about Sid & I would imagine he's not messed about me! We had our little fuss & I aired it out where everyone could see it. I did the wrong thing & now its done, nothing can be done about it now!
I want to start out by saying that I think I was in the wrong for airing out my personal issues on the internet!
I don't want anybody to think that I'm getting on here and typing an apology for Sid, because I still feel the same way, but I want to apologize to Sid & everyone else for putting something personal up on the internet! I had a good friend call me (you know who you are) & talk to me about the whole deal. I thought about it, & I would be upset if someone took something personal & put it on the web!
I was taught better than that & I should've known better! I feel so bad about that because if my grandfather was still alive he would be all over my ass for put something in public like that!
So, like I said, I apologize to Sid & alot of the guys that understand what I'm talking about for putting my stuff in public! I still feel the same way about Sid & I would imagine he feels the same about me!
Before everbody starts talking shit & saying I got scared Sid is gonna whip my ass, its not like that, I'm not messed up about Sid & I would imagine he's not messed about me! We had our little fuss & I aired it out where everyone could see it. I did the wrong thing & now its done, nothing can be done about it now!
Derrick King In Jail Part 4!!
----I am being told that it is confirmed that it WAS NOT Derrick King in jail Saturday night in Brownsville, TN. WNC has removed their post about the incident. Apparently I will have photographic proof sometime on Friday. Oh..don't we just love the wrestling business??
Derrick King In Jail?? Part 3
----I actually just got off the phone with the Haywood County Jail department. I talked with an officer first that told me he had listed an ERIC Derrell Taylor [DK's real name is Derrick Derrell Taylor] as being arrested this weekend. I then talked to a detention officer, who gave me the same run around that she gave Terrance Ward, but would not confirm or deny that Taylor was arrested. I did talk with Derrick just moments ago and he stated, "You know this is not me; right?" So, as soon as we can get a police report and possible mug shot, then we will know.
Derrick King In Jail???
----CLICK HERE as Terrance Ward is reporting that he did talk with the Brownsville, TN Police Department and King was arrested. This just gets more interesting as the day goes by.
(WGN) Hall of Fame Wrestling Manager Lou Albano Dies

Wednesday October 14, 2009
CAPTAIN LOU ALBANO 1933 - 2009: Often Imitated, Never Duplicated
The legendary Captain Lou Albano passed away at 3am this morning of natural causes. He was 76.
Born in Carmel, New York on July 29, 1933, Louis Vincent Albano will be remembered as one of the greatest managers of all time. He was the epitome of the antagonistic heel; with his trademark beard, rubber band facial piercings, and Hawaiian shirt, he incited the anger of wrestling fans in a career that spanned nearly fifty years.
The son of a Doctor, Albano was a promising athlete in his youth attending the University of Tennessee on a football scholarship, before dropping out for a stint in the United States Army.
His wrestling career began in Canada in the early 1950s where he rose to prominence as part of a tag team called The Sicilians with the late Tony Altimore. Together they drew a lot of heat.
"We caused a lot of controversy with our stereotypical Italian gangster gimmick," Albano once said in an interview. "We were approached in Chicago by some legitimate wise guys and they told us to tone down our act, or else!"
On June 30, 1961, The Scicilians won the Midwest Tag Team title. This caught the attention of Vince McMahon Sr. who brought the team to New York to work for the WWWF. They went on to enjoy modest success capturing the United States Tag Team title from Bruno Sammartino and Spiros Arion in 1967. They dropped the belts back to Sammartino and Arion two week's later and soon after the title was abandoned.
Albano broke out as a major star when he ended his partnership with Altimore and became a manager. He said he made the switch due to injuries suffered in the ring, which included breaking his back twice. Managing though would become Albano's true calling.
He went on to lead some of the biggest stars in the business; Pat Paterson, Greg Valentine, Don Muraco, Nikolai Volkoff, André the Giant, Hulk Hogan and Ivan Koloff -- who ended Bruno Sammartino's 7 year WWWF title reign in Madison Square Garden in 1971. Koloff would be the first and only World Champion Albano ever managed.
He also had a lot of success managing tag teams; The Wild Samoans, The British Bulldogs, The Moondogs and The Valiant Brothers just to name a few.
After 15 years of being the most hated manager in the country, Albano felt it was time to turn babyface, for the sake of his health.
He said: "People would throw rocks at me inside the arena, and then in winter people would be waiting outside for me with Snowballs. I told my wife, this has to stop. It was ridiculous. I thought [the fans] would end up killing me, so I became a good guy."
In 1983, Albano collaborated with Cyndi Lauper in her music video Girls Just Want to Have Fun, which he claimed at the time was the catalyst for her success. Lauper would then go on MTV and WWE shows to defend Albano's claims sparking an angle that would help wrestling crossover to a mainstream audience.
The angle created the Rock n Wrestling era which together with Hulkamania launched WWE to a whole new level in the mid-80s. Lauper and Abano eventually became friends following a lengthy rivalry which made him an instant babyface. This culminated during the MTV/WWE special The War to Settle the Score.
Albano had helped cement wrestling's place within pop culture.
Capitalizing on his new found fame, Albano left WWE and took on various movie, television and music projects. He starred in the film Wiseguys with Danny DeVito and Body Slam with Roddy Piper as well as a recurring role in Miami Vice. He also managed and performed with rockers NRBQ, and was immortalized in their song Captain Lou.
His biggest mainstream success came in 1989 when he voiced the iconic video game character Mario in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show, a popular cartoon and live action show.
As the 1990s rolled in he occasionally went back to WWE for guest appearances and cameos.
In 1994 he returned for the last time as a manager together with Afa guiding Samu and Fatu, the Headshrinker to the WWE Tag Team title.
He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996 by New York media personality Joe Franklin.
During recent years Albano has been semi-active with appearances at reunion events and fan conventions. He switched to vegetarianism which he believes extended his life and helped him drop 150 pounds.
He also kept up to date with wrestling but wasn't a fan of today's product.
He said: "I don't think it's like the old days. I thought it was more entertaining years ago, but they're still making money, millions and all, and God bless them. In the '80s it was less money. Today it's millions. In our day we made 25, 30 thousand dollars a year. That was great money back then."
In 2005 he suffered a massive heart attack and his health deteriorated.
Last November he released a book with Burt Sugar titled, Often Imitated, Never Duplicated: The Lou Albano Story.
For those who really knew Lou Albano he was the antithesis of his wrestling persona; a kind, caring husband, friend and brother to all.
He is survived by his wife Gerry.
The family has requested privacy at this time while they make the necessary funeral arrangements.
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Please send any feedback or news tips email to:
----Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
Derrick King In Jail???
----This below was posted on the TIWF message board and I have had a lot of people e-mailing me about it. All the sources that I can contact confirm that Derrick King was in Nashville, TN on Saturday night and worked the SAW show. And, I am being told he stayed overnight in Nashville, so this did not happen. If someone can photocopy a police report and confirm this did take place, then do so - if not, I advise the message board moderator to remove that post until it can be confirmed either way.
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 10.09.09
David Andrews vs. "Dangerous" David Cox ended in a double count out when both men butted heads and were unable to get up by the count of 10.
Neil Taylor defeated LSD.
Jay Webster w.Dirty defeated Curly Moe.
Josh Matthews defeated Hittman when the referee, Chris P. Fries, hit Hittman with an iron pipe.
Psycho defeated Suicide.
TFW Lightweight Champion "The Future" Chris Styles defeated Geno Sydal by DQ when Chris P. Fries and Josh Matthews interfered and beat Styles down.
"Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs defeated Izzy "Special ED" Rotten.
TFW Champion "Big Daddy" Neno defeated Chop.
Next week's TFW card will include "Big Daddy" Neno vs. Neil Taylor. Taylor has been running from Neno, but this week the two will meet.
On 10-30-09 TFW will be having a Halloween costume contest for the wrestlers and fans. Candy will be given to all kids present at the event. Also om 10-30 "The Future" Chris Styles vs. Josh Matthews for the TFW Lightweight Championship in a BARB WIRE MATCH. The ring ropes will be wrapped in barbed wire! Don't miss the TFW shows every Friday night on Hwy. 178 in Skyline! Bell time is 8:00 p.m.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.rasslinriotonline.com
Neil Taylor defeated LSD.
Jay Webster w.Dirty defeated Curly Moe.
Josh Matthews defeated Hittman when the referee, Chris P. Fries, hit Hittman with an iron pipe.
Psycho defeated Suicide.
TFW Lightweight Champion "The Future" Chris Styles defeated Geno Sydal by DQ when Chris P. Fries and Josh Matthews interfered and beat Styles down.
"Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs defeated Izzy "Special ED" Rotten.
TFW Champion "Big Daddy" Neno defeated Chop.
Next week's TFW card will include "Big Daddy" Neno vs. Neil Taylor. Taylor has been running from Neno, but this week the two will meet.
On 10-30-09 TFW will be having a Halloween costume contest for the wrestlers and fans. Candy will be given to all kids present at the event. Also om 10-30 "The Future" Chris Styles vs. Josh Matthews for the TFW Lightweight Championship in a BARB WIRE MATCH. The ring ropes will be wrapped in barbed wire! Don't miss the TFW shows every Friday night on Hwy. 178 in Skyline! Bell time is 8:00 p.m.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.rasslinriotonline.com
Arena Report: Championship Wrestling - West Middle School - Jackson, TN 10.10.09
Maxx Corbin vs Kevin White

----After going to the NEW on Friday, I felt that the Saturday night show might be a letdown of sorts. I was wrong. Although, as you will see, the guys don't go out to have [*****] matches, they still put on a very entertaining show with a hot crowd. A few lessons can be learned from the promoting of this show. Maxx Corbin was the main promoter of the show putting together help from the school and doing the advertising. This kid helped them draw a final number of 280 fans. I am sure the guys on the show enjoyed working in front of a bigger crowd and Corbin got a crowd by just doing the basics.
----Dice beat Bones in the opener. Dice got a big reaction. I was not expecting much out of Bones, because he has only had a handful of matches. Nothing great from him, but he didn't embarrass himself either. Dice missed a flying press to get heat started. Perfect psychology. Dice comes out of heat with dropkicks. Bones runs into the corner and misses Dice - Dice rolls him up for the win. [*]
----Rude comes out to challenge Dice. Rude jumps him before the bell. Rude is so smooth. Rude just working hard making Dice look like a million bucks.Chop to Dice. Rude misses flying headbutt from the turnbuckle. Dice comes back with 2 dropkicks and a backdrop. Dice rolls up Rude for the pin. [**1/2]
----RRO Tag Team of the Year 2008 "Black Label Society" [Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley] beat Christian Shane/Cody Melton.Shane was the weak link here, but did a good job selling. AJ was bumping like crazy in the shine and crowd was going crazy. Melton pulled Douglas' trunks up in his butt - so we got a full ass shot. Heat on Shane with just basic stuff, but crowd was eating it up. Melton also real smooth here. BLS do smooth double team finisher - powerbomb/RKO combo. Shane was going for the hot tag and Douglas was waiting on him. As Douglas ran to hit him with a closeline, Shane ducked and AJ ran from the other side with both hitting each other - sweet spot. Melton with hot tag. Melton ended up outside the ring with AJ. Douglas pins Shane as Melton does sunset flip into the ring to pin Bradley, but Kellen James only seen the Douglas pin for the win. [**3/4]
----Mickey McCoy came out to challenge anyone in the back - he wanted the biggest guy. So..Spellbinder came out to work him. Spell was in full gimmick. Crowd loved him. McCoy then called out Su Yung/Garry White to help him. They ended up making a mixed tag match - Spellbinder/Assistant principal: Karmala Kimberlin beat Mickey McCoy/Su Yung. Crowd was hot for this match. McCoy worked really hard bumping all over the place. Spell used his silly string web thingy out of nowhere. McCoy starts heat with help from Yung. All the heels did a good job keeping the fans into the bout. McCoy hit a elbow smash from the top rope and then went for a second one and missed. Yung jumped on Spell's back and then Kimberlin grabbed her. Kimberlin did a good job slinging Yung around and did not look out of place. Spell pinned McCoy after a chokeslam. Big pop. [**1/2]
----Brian Christopher beat Albino Rhino in good solid match. Rhino did a good mic spill at the start bringing out some Sgt Slaughter mixed with Vader. Brian C runs into Rhino and just keeps bumping off. Brian trying to get Rhino off his feet - hits the superkick, but Rhino just stays up. Rhino goes to the floor. Brian C hits a baseball slide with Albino bumping to floor. Brian hits a bulldog on the gym floor. They battle thru the crowd and Brian goes to get a paddle. They don't let him use it. Albino slams Brian's head to the bleachers. He goes backstage and brings out a football helmet that he uses on Brian and puts under the ring. Rhino misses a legdrop and Brian C hits two dropkicks, then one from the second rope. !0 Punch in the corner from Brian C followed by a ref bump. Brian finally gets Rhino down by hitting him a couple times in the nuts and then uses the helmet on him. This is followed by the "hip-hop drop" for the win & pin on Rhino. [***]
----Maxx Corbin beat "Nature Boy" Kevin White with Su Yung/Garry White in the main event. Maxx got a huge pop!! Just a bunch of working the crowd to start with White avoiding Maxx. Kevin seem to be having a great time. Heat starts when Garry trips Maxx to start heat. Kevin works his leg and uses a chain ["Ghost of Don Bass"] to get Maxx down. Kevin misses a senton bomb and Maxx comes back with two big closelines. White cuts him off and uses chain for the win. Ref gets out of the ring, but the Principal Ricky Catlett restarted the match. Kevin ends up being powerslammd by Catlett and Maxx pinned him as he counts the pin. Big pop for the win. Maxx did a nice mic spill after the match. [***]
----Principal Ricky Catlett was the mc for the night and did a great job!!...For some reason when I am in the dressing room with Albino Rhino I think I should "pick" on him a bit. Well hell if he whips my ass - at least he is the biggest there; right?? NEVER EVER try to line up with a guy that weighs 411 lbs with football experience, especially when you are fat & old...Kellen James is a damn good ref. I would have to put him along with Chuck Poe and Downtown Bruno as the best refs in the area. I like Kaleb, TJ and Tim Daniels also...Dice use to tag with Iceman and Jazz as the "Blackbirds" - remember them??...I have seen Rude work twice in the last few weeks. I guess I forgot just how good he is - he has always been a tag team guy, but could be a top heel in any promotion in this area...Douglas had a little kid jump him out of the crowd before the match even started. This was only the third bout of the year for BLS and they didn't miss a beat!! Bradley is always bumping like crazy, but Douglas looked great also. Funny that I put that BLS lost in the first Quick Results, even though this was their first win of the year...McCoy works up north in Wisconsin. He came to the area for a wedding and was suppose to work at TIWF in Trenton. He ran into Brian Christopher and had worked on a show with him before and Brian invited him to come work for them for the night...Brian C worked really hard, but is a little out of shape. But, did get over with the crowd and seem to have fun. He came out after the show to sign autographs and sell gimmicks...Thanks to everyone for putting on a good show. I had a great time. Fun time was had by all.

----After going to the NEW on Friday, I felt that the Saturday night show might be a letdown of sorts. I was wrong. Although, as you will see, the guys don't go out to have [*****] matches, they still put on a very entertaining show with a hot crowd. A few lessons can be learned from the promoting of this show. Maxx Corbin was the main promoter of the show putting together help from the school and doing the advertising. This kid helped them draw a final number of 280 fans. I am sure the guys on the show enjoyed working in front of a bigger crowd and Corbin got a crowd by just doing the basics.
----Dice beat Bones in the opener. Dice got a big reaction. I was not expecting much out of Bones, because he has only had a handful of matches. Nothing great from him, but he didn't embarrass himself either. Dice missed a flying press to get heat started. Perfect psychology. Dice comes out of heat with dropkicks. Bones runs into the corner and misses Dice - Dice rolls him up for the win. [*]
----Rude comes out to challenge Dice. Rude jumps him before the bell. Rude is so smooth. Rude just working hard making Dice look like a million bucks.Chop to Dice. Rude misses flying headbutt from the turnbuckle. Dice comes back with 2 dropkicks and a backdrop. Dice rolls up Rude for the pin. [**1/2]
----RRO Tag Team of the Year 2008 "Black Label Society" [Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley] beat Christian Shane/Cody Melton.Shane was the weak link here, but did a good job selling. AJ was bumping like crazy in the shine and crowd was going crazy. Melton pulled Douglas' trunks up in his butt - so we got a full ass shot. Heat on Shane with just basic stuff, but crowd was eating it up. Melton also real smooth here. BLS do smooth double team finisher - powerbomb/RKO combo. Shane was going for the hot tag and Douglas was waiting on him. As Douglas ran to hit him with a closeline, Shane ducked and AJ ran from the other side with both hitting each other - sweet spot. Melton with hot tag. Melton ended up outside the ring with AJ. Douglas pins Shane as Melton does sunset flip into the ring to pin Bradley, but Kellen James only seen the Douglas pin for the win. [**3/4]
----Mickey McCoy came out to challenge anyone in the back - he wanted the biggest guy. So..Spellbinder came out to work him. Spell was in full gimmick. Crowd loved him. McCoy then called out Su Yung/Garry White to help him. They ended up making a mixed tag match - Spellbinder/Assistant principal: Karmala Kimberlin beat Mickey McCoy/Su Yung. Crowd was hot for this match. McCoy worked really hard bumping all over the place. Spell used his silly string web thingy out of nowhere. McCoy starts heat with help from Yung. All the heels did a good job keeping the fans into the bout. McCoy hit a elbow smash from the top rope and then went for a second one and missed. Yung jumped on Spell's back and then Kimberlin grabbed her. Kimberlin did a good job slinging Yung around and did not look out of place. Spell pinned McCoy after a chokeslam. Big pop. [**1/2]
----Brian Christopher beat Albino Rhino in good solid match. Rhino did a good mic spill at the start bringing out some Sgt Slaughter mixed with Vader. Brian C runs into Rhino and just keeps bumping off. Brian trying to get Rhino off his feet - hits the superkick, but Rhino just stays up. Rhino goes to the floor. Brian C hits a baseball slide with Albino bumping to floor. Brian hits a bulldog on the gym floor. They battle thru the crowd and Brian goes to get a paddle. They don't let him use it. Albino slams Brian's head to the bleachers. He goes backstage and brings out a football helmet that he uses on Brian and puts under the ring. Rhino misses a legdrop and Brian C hits two dropkicks, then one from the second rope. !0 Punch in the corner from Brian C followed by a ref bump. Brian finally gets Rhino down by hitting him a couple times in the nuts and then uses the helmet on him. This is followed by the "hip-hop drop" for the win & pin on Rhino. [***]
----Maxx Corbin beat "Nature Boy" Kevin White with Su Yung/Garry White in the main event. Maxx got a huge pop!! Just a bunch of working the crowd to start with White avoiding Maxx. Kevin seem to be having a great time. Heat starts when Garry trips Maxx to start heat. Kevin works his leg and uses a chain ["Ghost of Don Bass"] to get Maxx down. Kevin misses a senton bomb and Maxx comes back with two big closelines. White cuts him off and uses chain for the win. Ref gets out of the ring, but the Principal Ricky Catlett restarted the match. Kevin ends up being powerslammd by Catlett and Maxx pinned him as he counts the pin. Big pop for the win. Maxx did a nice mic spill after the match. [***]
----Principal Ricky Catlett was the mc for the night and did a great job!!...For some reason when I am in the dressing room with Albino Rhino I think I should "pick" on him a bit. Well hell if he whips my ass - at least he is the biggest there; right?? NEVER EVER try to line up with a guy that weighs 411 lbs with football experience, especially when you are fat & old...Kellen James is a damn good ref. I would have to put him along with Chuck Poe and Downtown Bruno as the best refs in the area. I like Kaleb, TJ and Tim Daniels also...Dice use to tag with Iceman and Jazz as the "Blackbirds" - remember them??...I have seen Rude work twice in the last few weeks. I guess I forgot just how good he is - he has always been a tag team guy, but could be a top heel in any promotion in this area...Douglas had a little kid jump him out of the crowd before the match even started. This was only the third bout of the year for BLS and they didn't miss a beat!! Bradley is always bumping like crazy, but Douglas looked great also. Funny that I put that BLS lost in the first Quick Results, even though this was their first win of the year...McCoy works up north in Wisconsin. He came to the area for a wedding and was suppose to work at TIWF in Trenton. He ran into Brian Christopher and had worked on a show with him before and Brian invited him to come work for them for the night...Brian C worked really hard, but is a little out of shape. But, did get over with the crowd and seem to have fun. He came out after the show to sign autographs and sell gimmicks...Thanks to everyone for putting on a good show. I had a great time. Fun time was had by all.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wayne's World "Variety Is The Spice of Life" by "3G" Eric Wayne

So after reading the Golden Boy's latest column I started thinking about a few different things. Variety being one of them. In November, it will mark 3 years that I've been actively wrestling. Since then I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of people and wrestle a lot of different places. I was thinking about starting out in Humboldt in front of 10 people or less and having what I considered at the time a wild brawl. I was in a six man tag with my training partner, Kid, being across from me. Well long story short, I ended up running off the apron to clothesline him on the floor and throw him into the "crowd" to sort of springboard off the guardrail and deliver a crossbody of sorts. To us, we might as well have been in front of 10000 people at WrestleMania! Well what's this have to do with variety? We were trained to wrestle...not fight. This was way outside of our element at the time.
We went on to have matches in Selmer and Savannah against Bobby Eaton and Brickhouse Brown and eventually against each other. The matches against each other were what I consider classics of our young career. I felt the crowd in the palm of our hands as they hung on everything we did! It was a great feeling, it was some of the most technical and basic wrestling with great psychology and they ate it up, different from the fight in Humboldt.
After that we went on to Nashville, Ripley, and several places in Arkansas. Most notably Batesville, where once again, we went out of our element. Technical matches, sure...brawls, sure...highflying, now this was different! I had never wrestled anyone like Ray Ray or Tommy Wayne at this point and our matches were great. It was the first time I had the chance to fly to the outside and took bumps I didn't know I was capable of.
After some time we come to Mississippi. Columbus being the point of interest here as I got in the ring with Tommy Rich. A man I grew up with from a very young age. Our match was set to be a tag but with the stipulation of "no rules" added to it. The match was exactly that...I took a nasty bump into an empty section of about 15 chairs as well as fighting all over the building. Similar to Humboldt but this was the entire match not just a few sections. Recently in Selmer I had the privilege of wrestling Steve O in a street fight. From diving off of and eventually into the bleachers to being hit multiple times with a steel chair, it truly was a wild brawl as well. And its been one of my favorite matches this year. Another one of my favorite matches from this year was against Greg King Jr, we didn't do a whole lot but again, the people went nuts for what we did. I would call this more of a "Shakespeare" type match with a few spots thrown in, again basic but different.
See the theme here? Variety is not only the spice of life, but its what makes a quality wrestler. (did I just put myself over? I think so)
Whether its brawling, technical, high flying, comedy, or anything else...a good wrestler can do it all and hang with the best. Size and weight shouldn't limit what you do in the ring because that's what was done 25 years ago. What should limit you are your own capabilities. What limits you is your desire to be the very best and to learn new skills. Whether you want to learn to chain wrestle because all you know is a front facelock or you're 6'2" 230 lbs and want to learn to fly to the outside, you CAN do it if you try hard enough and work on it.
That's why I feel no one truly understands NEW and proceed to knock it. It's different, yes. The only difference between NEW and any show up the road is we use talented people that can do damn near anything that's asked of them. If you're 180lbs but work like you're still 220, you won't go anywhere. Being able to adapt to any style is a requirement in today's business. A requirement that not many possess, in this area or independent wrestling in general. It doesn't matter how much weight you've lost or how good you look, if you are only good at one style of match, you're goin to be stuck and always wonder why. Why did they not sign me? Why have I been doing this for so long and basically gotten nowhere?
So what have we learned today? Looks are a big part of today's business. But so is having a variety of skills. Being able to adapt and do anything will further your career in the best possible way. I honestly don't believe I would not have been given the chance to work for WWE if I had not had these experiences and learned a variety of styles, much less done it in only 2 and a half years. So never stop training guys and girls, only good things can come from it. Think of it this way, there is always going to be something you can't do that someone else can, and what's stopping you from doing it too? You.
(WGN) October 13: 25-year-old indy wrestler murdered, Diva trades, Maryse update, Ric Flair rumor killer, Jim Ross talks WWE contract and more
Tuesday October 13, 2009

25-year-old indy wrestler Zach Porter who wrestled in the Midwest as Napalm was shot and killed over the weekend in Lebanon, MO. The Laclede County Sheriff's Office said Monday that Josh Reyes, 23, Steven Pyykola, 18, Jacky Wong, 21, and a 16-year-old that cannot be named for legal reasons, were charged with first-degree murder in the death of Porter, who had began dating Reyes' former girlfriend, Miranda Smith. The suspects were also charged with the first-degree murder of Miranda Smith's father and step-mom; Jeffrey Smith, 51 and Glenda Smith, 48. Porter was shot several times at his girlfriends apartment late Friday night. He was taken to a local hospital but doctors could not save him. Minutes after the shooting a neighbor who was asked by Miranda Smith to check on her parents found their bodies at their home near Phillipsburg. Both had been shot to death earlier in the evening. A probable cause statement revealed that the suspects had conspired to kill Miranda Smith's grandparents too, but they could not find the grandparents' home.
Laclede County Sheriff Richard Wrinkle said that Jacky Wong purchased two 9mm guns used in the killings on Friday afternoon because he was the only one of the suspects who was eligible to purchase a gun because he is over 21, and didn't have a felony conviction or a request for a restraining order filed against him. Wong told investigators that he purchased the guns for Reyes. He said in the days leading up to the killings, Reyes had told him that he wanted to kill Miranda Smith over
custody issues and because she was dating a new man. Online court records show three separate occasions since 2007 in which someone, likely Miranda Smith, asked a judge for orders of protection against Reyes. Wong also told investigators that he had purchased three black hooded pullovers, three pairs of black gloves, three black ski masks, and a pair of black goggles all allegedly used in the killings. The adult suspects are currently being held in the Laclede County jail without bond waiting to be to be arraigned while the 16-year-old has been transferred to the custody of juvenile authorities. Miranda Smith left a message on Porter's Facebook Saturday that read: "To everyone who knew Zach, I am so sorry. He was taken along with my parents early this morning. I love you Zach, and know you're looking down on everyone you loved." Porter is survived by his sons, Derrik and Andrew Porter, his
parents Diane and Don Porter, his brother Daryl and sister Hannah.
10/12 Raw TV results from Indianapolis, IN: Big Show over Chris Jericho via CO; Jillian Hall over Mickie James to capture the Divas title; Melina over Jililan Hall to capture the Divas title; Cody Rhodes over Ted DiBiase Jr. & John Cena in a three-way; Jack Swagger over MVP; Kofi Kingston over Evan Bourne; Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim & Maria Menounos over Alicia Fox, Beth Phoenix & Rosa Mendes; and Ted DiBiase Jr. & Cody Rhodes over John Cena & Randy Orton. Dark match was Primo over Jamie
Noble; and taped for Superstars was Mark Henry vs. Chris Masters.
10/12 Smackdown house show results from Pikeville, KY: Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; R-Truth over Drew McIntyre; Eve Torres & Melina over The Bella Twins; Sheamus over Shelton Benjamin; John Morrison over Dolph Ziggler; Kane over Matt Hardy; Christian, Hurricane & Tommy Dreamer over William Regal, Kozlov & Jackson; and Rey Mysterio over CM Punk. Smackdown/ECW tape TV tonight in Louisville with Batista vs. Rey Mysterio; and the ECW main event is William Regal & Zack Ryder vs. Yoshi Tatsu & Christian.
There is also a Smackdown tour of Mexico this coming week starting in Monterrey on Thursday with Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Batista, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Kane, Matt Hardy, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Finlay, Cryme Tyme, Christian, and Michelle McCool all listed as appearing.
As noted during Raw, the Diva trades are as follows: Melina and Eve Torres traded from Smackdown to Raw; Beth Phoenix and Mickie James from Raw to Smackdown; Rosa Mendes from Raw to ECW; and The Bella Twins from ECW to Raw. One source noted the trades were just to change things up, and that there may be more roster changes coming. Melina is an interesting one because she was upset following the last draft when she was moved from Raw to Smackdown and believed that she and John Morrison
would be working separate brands.
Maryse is still rehabilitating her knee following surgery in July. She is a couple of week's away from stepping foot in a ring. During her down time she has been taking acting classes in Los Angeles.
Jim Ross confirmed on his website that his contract expires in December. He wrote: "There have been no serious negotiations but WWE seems to want me to stick around and I prefer to do so as well. We'll see how the negotiations proceed. I am fortunate that I have many options that have nothing to do with wrestling. Time will tell but don't believe every thing you read about matters such as this." He also noted watching the TNA show last week which was the Global Impact special taped in January at the Tokyo Dome: "I'm not 100% sure what TNA got out of the Japanese
deal but it did not blow me away and simply came off as a TV show from a unique locale."
At Canseco Fieldhouse after Raw last night there were people handing out flyers for an upcoming Jake "The Snake" Roberts appearance in Indianapolis.
The episode of Scare Tactics with Matt Hardy airs tonight on SyFy at 9pm leading into ECW at 10pm.
Snoop Dogg returns to guest host Raw next Monday in Jacksonville.
OK! magazine has a story on Nancy O'Dell as WWE magazine's Sexy Superfan of the month at http://tinyurl.com/yze84xr. She said if she was a wrestler her name would be Hollywood Highlights, and talked about Vince McMahon showing her a few holds.
Ted DiBiase wrote a letter to Georgie Makopoulos in response to the interview Paul Roma gave calling him "the devil". He said he was honest about his past in his book and was happy to work again with WWE. He wrote: "The truth is, the WWE has changed incredibly since my wrestling days. The work schedule is not as demanding overall, and the compensation is much better. Also, a state of the art drug testing policy brings accountability into the business that wasn't there before. People getting into the WWE now, know that there is zero tolerance for steroid and drug abuse. If I hadn't seen the changes I would never have given my son my blessing to go into the business. The programming, by the way, is once again, totally PG rated. The truth is, I'm still very much sold out to Jesus Christ. I don't think Vince McMahon is evil or the devil. I think he's a very shrewd business man. He's also the guy
responsible for the unbelievable fan base that professional wrestling enjoys today on a world wide scale. Please tell Paul Roma that's he's got it wrong all the way around, including how much I'm paid for going back and making an appearance. And the Million Dollar Man, well, that would be my son in the not so distant future!"
A rep for Andy Sandberg of Saturday Night Live told the Monday Night Mayhem radio show that Sandberg would not be hosting the upcoming Raw in Buffalo.
Rob Van Dam on his weekly radio show the other night had a call-in asking listeners whether he should return to WWE or go to TNA. One of our readers who tried to call in said that they were screening calls and asking listeners which way they were going to vote. They gave more airtime to the callers who wanted to see him in TNA. The fact is both companies would sign him up very quickly if he made himself available.
Linda McMahon's campaign team sent out an email to supporters last night responding to reports that she donated to Democratic candidates noting she helped far more Republicans, and that she has been upfront regarding her contributions over the years. They also released a new campaign ad talking up the success of WWE and the change from a TV-14 rating to PG http://tinyurl.com/ylkr9yp.
Terry Funk turned down coming in for Bound For Glory. The spot they wanted him for was as special guest referee in the Mick Foley-Abyss Monster's Ball match which went to Dr. Stevie, which probably makes more sense.
The latest TNA webshow with Sting talking Bound for Glory is online at http://tinyurl.com/yhx5fs6.
Playboy.com sent out an email this morning hyping the PPV with a photo of Traci Brooks.
A house show was added to the touring schedule for December 4 in Portland at the Cumberland County Civic Center.
Torrie Wilson wrote on her Twitter page last night that she was hospitalized and nearly died. She wrote: "Finally leaving the emergency room after a HUGE scare! Thought I was headin (sic) up to heaven... thanks for lettn (sic) me stay a bit longer Jesus!" She added that she had a bad reaction to some medication but is doing much better now.
The complete list of talent for the Hulkamania tour in Australia next month was released: Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Brutus Beefcake, The Nasty Boys, Rock of Love (email us if you have any idea who this is), Aumaga (Umaga), Mr. Ken Anderson, (nee Kennedy), Kishi (the former Rikishi), Orlando Jordan, Black Pearl, Pimp Fatha (The Godfather), Shannon Moore, Vampire Warrior (Gangrel), Heidenrich, Val Venise (Val Venis), U Gene (Nick Dinsmore), Paul London, Lacey Von Erich, and Stephanie Pietz (a
model). Tour organisers are asking fans to vote of what matches they would like to see at www.hulkamania.com.au.
The FOX News affiliate in Tampa on Monday had a report on popular Halloween costumes for kids noting the favorites this year are Michael Jackson, Vampires from Twilight, The Watchmen characters, and even Hulk Hogan.
Contrary to reports elsewhere, Ric Flair is not engaged... Flair is doing Sirius XM Radio today around 3:30pm on Channel 127.
Irv Muchnick is interviewed about his Chris Benoit book tonight on KRON San Francisco at around 6:45pm.
The Iron Sheik will be a studio guest on the Opie & Anthony show on Sirius XM radio on Friday from 9am. He is promoting his appearance at the Big Apple Wizard World convention this weekend in New York City, and apparently will cut a promo on Brian Blair over his recent accusations.
Just to clarify a report from last week, Melissa Coates is not relocating back to Ontario, Canada. She is working there in November and is available for additional bookings via www.melissacoates.com.
PWX runs in St Thomas, Ontario on November 7 with Petey Williams. More info at www.prowrestlingxtreme.com.
AskMen.com at http://tinyurl.com/yzddvtv has a story on gruesome sports injuries including Sid Vicious breaking his leg at the WCW Sin PPV at No. 8.
Ring of Honor at www.rohwrestling.com currently has 40% sale on merchandise using the promotional code, Oct40.
ROH wrestler Kevin Steen sustained a knee injury in Indianapolis and is scheduled to see doctors this week.
JBL wrote a new blog encouraging people to purchase Vitamin D from his online store to help prevent swine-flu.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
Please send any feedback or news tips email to:
Photo sent from: smlucas.geo@gmail.com
Tuesday October 13, 2009
25-year-old indy wrestler Zach Porter who wrestled in the Midwest as Napalm was shot and killed over the weekend in Lebanon, MO. The Laclede County Sheriff's Office said Monday that Josh Reyes, 23, Steven Pyykola, 18, Jacky Wong, 21, and a 16-year-old that cannot be named for legal reasons, were charged with first-degree murder in the death of Porter, who had began dating Reyes' former girlfriend, Miranda Smith. The suspects were also charged with the first-degree murder of Miranda Smith's father and step-mom; Jeffrey Smith, 51 and Glenda Smith, 48. Porter was shot several times at his girlfriends apartment late Friday night. He was taken to a local hospital but doctors could not save him. Minutes after the shooting a neighbor who was asked by Miranda Smith to check on her parents found their bodies at their home near Phillipsburg. Both had been shot to death earlier in the evening. A probable cause statement revealed that the suspects had conspired to kill Miranda Smith's grandparents too, but they could not find the grandparents' home.
Laclede County Sheriff Richard Wrinkle said that Jacky Wong purchased two 9mm guns used in the killings on Friday afternoon because he was the only one of the suspects who was eligible to purchase a gun because he is over 21, and didn't have a felony conviction or a request for a restraining order filed against him. Wong told investigators that he purchased the guns for Reyes. He said in the days leading up to the killings, Reyes had told him that he wanted to kill Miranda Smith over
custody issues and because she was dating a new man. Online court records show three separate occasions since 2007 in which someone, likely Miranda Smith, asked a judge for orders of protection against Reyes. Wong also told investigators that he had purchased three black hooded pullovers, three pairs of black gloves, three black ski masks, and a pair of black goggles all allegedly used in the killings. The adult suspects are currently being held in the Laclede County jail without bond waiting to be to be arraigned while the 16-year-old has been transferred to the custody of juvenile authorities. Miranda Smith left a message on Porter's Facebook Saturday that read: "To everyone who knew Zach, I am so sorry. He was taken along with my parents early this morning. I love you Zach, and know you're looking down on everyone you loved." Porter is survived by his sons, Derrik and Andrew Porter, his
parents Diane and Don Porter, his brother Daryl and sister Hannah.
10/12 Raw TV results from Indianapolis, IN: Big Show over Chris Jericho via CO; Jillian Hall over Mickie James to capture the Divas title; Melina over Jililan Hall to capture the Divas title; Cody Rhodes over Ted DiBiase Jr. & John Cena in a three-way; Jack Swagger over MVP; Kofi Kingston over Evan Bourne; Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim & Maria Menounos over Alicia Fox, Beth Phoenix & Rosa Mendes; and Ted DiBiase Jr. & Cody Rhodes over John Cena & Randy Orton. Dark match was Primo over Jamie
Noble; and taped for Superstars was Mark Henry vs. Chris Masters.
10/12 Smackdown house show results from Pikeville, KY: Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; R-Truth over Drew McIntyre; Eve Torres & Melina over The Bella Twins; Sheamus over Shelton Benjamin; John Morrison over Dolph Ziggler; Kane over Matt Hardy; Christian, Hurricane & Tommy Dreamer over William Regal, Kozlov & Jackson; and Rey Mysterio over CM Punk. Smackdown/ECW tape TV tonight in Louisville with Batista vs. Rey Mysterio; and the ECW main event is William Regal & Zack Ryder vs. Yoshi Tatsu & Christian.
There is also a Smackdown tour of Mexico this coming week starting in Monterrey on Thursday with Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Batista, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Kane, Matt Hardy, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Finlay, Cryme Tyme, Christian, and Michelle McCool all listed as appearing.
As noted during Raw, the Diva trades are as follows: Melina and Eve Torres traded from Smackdown to Raw; Beth Phoenix and Mickie James from Raw to Smackdown; Rosa Mendes from Raw to ECW; and The Bella Twins from ECW to Raw. One source noted the trades were just to change things up, and that there may be more roster changes coming. Melina is an interesting one because she was upset following the last draft when she was moved from Raw to Smackdown and believed that she and John Morrison
would be working separate brands.
Maryse is still rehabilitating her knee following surgery in July. She is a couple of week's away from stepping foot in a ring. During her down time she has been taking acting classes in Los Angeles.
Jim Ross confirmed on his website that his contract expires in December. He wrote: "There have been no serious negotiations but WWE seems to want me to stick around and I prefer to do so as well. We'll see how the negotiations proceed. I am fortunate that I have many options that have nothing to do with wrestling. Time will tell but don't believe every thing you read about matters such as this." He also noted watching the TNA show last week which was the Global Impact special taped in January at the Tokyo Dome: "I'm not 100% sure what TNA got out of the Japanese
deal but it did not blow me away and simply came off as a TV show from a unique locale."
At Canseco Fieldhouse after Raw last night there were people handing out flyers for an upcoming Jake "The Snake" Roberts appearance in Indianapolis.
The episode of Scare Tactics with Matt Hardy airs tonight on SyFy at 9pm leading into ECW at 10pm.
Snoop Dogg returns to guest host Raw next Monday in Jacksonville.
OK! magazine has a story on Nancy O'Dell as WWE magazine's Sexy Superfan of the month at http://tinyurl.com/yze84xr. She said if she was a wrestler her name would be Hollywood Highlights, and talked about Vince McMahon showing her a few holds.
Ted DiBiase wrote a letter to Georgie Makopoulos in response to the interview Paul Roma gave calling him "the devil". He said he was honest about his past in his book and was happy to work again with WWE. He wrote: "The truth is, the WWE has changed incredibly since my wrestling days. The work schedule is not as demanding overall, and the compensation is much better. Also, a state of the art drug testing policy brings accountability into the business that wasn't there before. People getting into the WWE now, know that there is zero tolerance for steroid and drug abuse. If I hadn't seen the changes I would never have given my son my blessing to go into the business. The programming, by the way, is once again, totally PG rated. The truth is, I'm still very much sold out to Jesus Christ. I don't think Vince McMahon is evil or the devil. I think he's a very shrewd business man. He's also the guy
responsible for the unbelievable fan base that professional wrestling enjoys today on a world wide scale. Please tell Paul Roma that's he's got it wrong all the way around, including how much I'm paid for going back and making an appearance. And the Million Dollar Man, well, that would be my son in the not so distant future!"
A rep for Andy Sandberg of Saturday Night Live told the Monday Night Mayhem radio show that Sandberg would not be hosting the upcoming Raw in Buffalo.
Rob Van Dam on his weekly radio show the other night had a call-in asking listeners whether he should return to WWE or go to TNA. One of our readers who tried to call in said that they were screening calls and asking listeners which way they were going to vote. They gave more airtime to the callers who wanted to see him in TNA. The fact is both companies would sign him up very quickly if he made himself available.
Linda McMahon's campaign team sent out an email to supporters last night responding to reports that she donated to Democratic candidates noting she helped far more Republicans, and that she has been upfront regarding her contributions over the years. They also released a new campaign ad talking up the success of WWE and the change from a TV-14 rating to PG http://tinyurl.com/ylkr9yp.
Terry Funk turned down coming in for Bound For Glory. The spot they wanted him for was as special guest referee in the Mick Foley-Abyss Monster's Ball match which went to Dr. Stevie, which probably makes more sense.
The latest TNA webshow with Sting talking Bound for Glory is online at http://tinyurl.com/yhx5fs6.
Playboy.com sent out an email this morning hyping the PPV with a photo of Traci Brooks.
A house show was added to the touring schedule for December 4 in Portland at the Cumberland County Civic Center.
Torrie Wilson wrote on her Twitter page last night that she was hospitalized and nearly died. She wrote: "Finally leaving the emergency room after a HUGE scare! Thought I was headin (sic) up to heaven... thanks for lettn (sic) me stay a bit longer Jesus!" She added that she had a bad reaction to some medication but is doing much better now.
The complete list of talent for the Hulkamania tour in Australia next month was released: Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Brutus Beefcake, The Nasty Boys, Rock of Love (email us if you have any idea who this is), Aumaga (Umaga), Mr. Ken Anderson, (nee Kennedy), Kishi (the former Rikishi), Orlando Jordan, Black Pearl, Pimp Fatha (The Godfather), Shannon Moore, Vampire Warrior (Gangrel), Heidenrich, Val Venise (Val Venis), U Gene (Nick Dinsmore), Paul London, Lacey Von Erich, and Stephanie Pietz (a
model). Tour organisers are asking fans to vote of what matches they would like to see at www.hulkamania.com.au.
The FOX News affiliate in Tampa on Monday had a report on popular Halloween costumes for kids noting the favorites this year are Michael Jackson, Vampires from Twilight, The Watchmen characters, and even Hulk Hogan.
Contrary to reports elsewhere, Ric Flair is not engaged... Flair is doing Sirius XM Radio today around 3:30pm on Channel 127.
Irv Muchnick is interviewed about his Chris Benoit book tonight on KRON San Francisco at around 6:45pm.
The Iron Sheik will be a studio guest on the Opie & Anthony show on Sirius XM radio on Friday from 9am. He is promoting his appearance at the Big Apple Wizard World convention this weekend in New York City, and apparently will cut a promo on Brian Blair over his recent accusations.
Just to clarify a report from last week, Melissa Coates is not relocating back to Ontario, Canada. She is working there in November and is available for additional bookings via www.melissacoates.com.
PWX runs in St Thomas, Ontario on November 7 with Petey Williams. More info at www.prowrestlingxtreme.com.
AskMen.com at http://tinyurl.com/yzddvtv has a story on gruesome sports injuries including Sid Vicious breaking his leg at the WCW Sin PPV at No. 8.
Ring of Honor at www.rohwrestling.com currently has 40% sale on merchandise using the promotional code, Oct40.
ROH wrestler Kevin Steen sustained a knee injury in Indianapolis and is scheduled to see doctors this week.
JBL wrote a new blog encouraging people to purchase Vitamin D from his online store to help prevent swine-flu.
Missed an issue? Go to: http://lists.topica.com/lists/wrestlingglobe
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Photo sent from: smlucas.geo@gmail.com
Food For Thought "Ruler of the World" by Jamie Jay
Hello everyone!
Let me start out by saying, I had fun at the NEW Anniversary show! This was a real good show & I got to get out of the house & see some friends! Austin Lane vs Eric Wayne was a really good match! I thank everyone at NEW for treating me like I was one of their own! Congrats to Ken Wayne & all the workers for a hell of a show!
Now, I know last time I said I was going to talk about the athletic commission & the conversation I had with them, but there is another phone call I think everyone would like to know about...So next time we'll talk about the athletic commission. Before I start into this I'll explain the whole conversation, then give my thoughts on it!
OK, 10/08/09 at exactly 8:12 pm. I called Sid Vicious, Sid Eudy, Psycho Sid here's how it went....
Sid- Hello?
Jamie- Hey Sid this is Jamie Jay.
Sid- Hey Jamie, how are you?
Jamie- Good. I was wondering if you & you're boy was still doing the gimmick?
Sid- (angry tone) What Gimmick?
Jamie- The Lord Humongous gimmick?
Sid- Yea
Jamie- Well, PWA Entertainment is running a show in SouthHaven on Oct.17Th & I was wondering if you & him would like to come do it?
Sid- Nah.. I don't want to mess with the License in Mississippi.
Jamie- Oh, you don't have to worry about it. We've talked to the mayor about it & he said since their annexed with Memphis not to worry about it.
(This is when it starts!)
Sid- (angry tone) Look Jamie, you're a SHADY dude & I don't want to work for you!
Jamie- (I'm lost) What do you mean brother? How am I being Shady?
Sid- (still angry) You figure it out!
Jamie- That's what I'm trying to do! How have I been shady?
Sid- (steaming now) Look you say you want to book me on these shows but I've never seen you run a show!
Jamie- (I'm getting mad now) How do you figure? I was gonna book you on the McCrory
show & we couldn't get things figured out! I know there is going to be alot of people there & you could do great on gimmicks!
Sid- (Still steaming) I don't do gimmicks! Whatever, you're wasting my time, just don't call me anymore! (click)!
I can't stand for somebody to hang up on me, especially when we haven't worked out the problem! So, what do I do? I call him back!
Sid- Hello?
Jamie- Sid, look brother, if I said something or did something, I apologize! I didn't mean to come off any sorta way, just trying to book you!
Sid- (angry) Look you're a shady dude!
Jamie- How?
Sid- (really pissed) Stop wasting my time! (Screaming) DON'T EVER CALL ME!!! (click)!
That was the end of that conversation & the last time I've talked to Sid! As soon as I got off the phone I called Ron Rage & told him what had happened! He just said " You never know?" That's the thing, I don't know? I don't know what happened? I've talked to Sid numerous times & never had a bad word with each other. Where did this come from? As soon as this happened my brain started wondering... Was it drugs? Was it roid rage? Was it that he just doesn't like me? Am I SHADY???
Now, that I've had a couple of days to think about it, I know it wasn't me!!! I haven't been shady! He talked about me talking to him about doing shows then not running them. I did run that show! I just didn't want to use him! Not, that I didn't want to use him but I wasn't gonna pay him to come in & do what he wanted to do! At the McCrory, AR show he wanted a couple hundred bucks to sit in the crowd & then jump in the ring & beat somebody down & power bomb them! What good is that for me? I'm paying him & not even advertising him. You can't advertise him because you're not supposed to know he's gonna be there sitting in the crowd. Makes no sence! If there was an angle to be ran than that would be one thing, but there was no angle! There was no benefit for me paying him to come in!
I lost all respect for Sid when he done this! I still respect him for what he's done in the biz, the money he's made, main event Wrestlemania, but as a person I have NO respect for him! What have I done to you? I'm just the next guy trying to make money in this biz and me using Sid the right way can make us both money! Actually, I don't know what to say about the whole situation! lol! I'm not mad at him, but I don't have respect for him anymore. I'm just wondering why he went off like that?
I've had people ask me what do I think about Gunnar Eudy in the ring at 16 & him doing the Humongous gimmick? I don't care who does the gimmick! It has nothing to do with me. Its not mine, so whatever! About him being 16 in the ring, I haven't watched him work so I don't know? I heard he wasn't trained if not, I think he should be properly trained before being in there. They live there in Marion, I don't know why Sid doesn't let Ken Wayne train him! If he is trained, good for him, he has an early start! That's that!
Back to Sid! I don't understand the deal, but whatever! I think somebody with that much influence would help the younger generation! Guess not? He has helped some though, Kevin Thorn, Ron Rage, & Mickey Ray! I guess just not me! That's what you get for being SHADY!
Is there a Mr. Controversy award in RRO? lol! I'm a nominee! That's not a good thing to brag about though!
Don't forget PWA Entertainment show at the festival in SouthHavan, MS 10/17/09
First show is 11-1
Sencond show is 2-4
Next time the conversation with the athletic commission! Who turned PWA in to the commission??? We'll see? Well, chew on that.....just sayin!!! lol!
----Jamie Jay provides a bi-weekly column about the local focusing on his career and thoughts on the area. Jay is the driving force behind PWA, which promotes shows in the area Jay is currently sidelined with a knee injury.
Let me start out by saying, I had fun at the NEW Anniversary show! This was a real good show & I got to get out of the house & see some friends! Austin Lane vs Eric Wayne was a really good match! I thank everyone at NEW for treating me like I was one of their own! Congrats to Ken Wayne & all the workers for a hell of a show!
Now, I know last time I said I was going to talk about the athletic commission & the conversation I had with them, but there is another phone call I think everyone would like to know about...So next time we'll talk about the athletic commission. Before I start into this I'll explain the whole conversation, then give my thoughts on it!
OK, 10/08/09 at exactly 8:12 pm. I called Sid Vicious, Sid Eudy, Psycho Sid here's how it went....
Sid- Hello?
Jamie- Hey Sid this is Jamie Jay.
Sid- Hey Jamie, how are you?
Jamie- Good. I was wondering if you & you're boy was still doing the gimmick?
Sid- (angry tone) What Gimmick?
Jamie- The Lord Humongous gimmick?
Sid- Yea
Jamie- Well, PWA Entertainment is running a show in SouthHaven on Oct.17Th & I was wondering if you & him would like to come do it?
Sid- Nah.. I don't want to mess with the License in Mississippi.
Jamie- Oh, you don't have to worry about it. We've talked to the mayor about it & he said since their annexed with Memphis not to worry about it.
(This is when it starts!)
Sid- (angry tone) Look Jamie, you're a SHADY dude & I don't want to work for you!
Jamie- (I'm lost) What do you mean brother? How am I being Shady?
Sid- (still angry) You figure it out!
Jamie- That's what I'm trying to do! How have I been shady?
Sid- (steaming now) Look you say you want to book me on these shows but I've never seen you run a show!
Jamie- (I'm getting mad now) How do you figure? I was gonna book you on the McCrory
show & we couldn't get things figured out! I know there is going to be alot of people there & you could do great on gimmicks!
Sid- (Still steaming) I don't do gimmicks! Whatever, you're wasting my time, just don't call me anymore! (click)!
I can't stand for somebody to hang up on me, especially when we haven't worked out the problem! So, what do I do? I call him back!
Sid- Hello?
Jamie- Sid, look brother, if I said something or did something, I apologize! I didn't mean to come off any sorta way, just trying to book you!
Sid- (angry) Look you're a shady dude!
Jamie- How?
Sid- (really pissed) Stop wasting my time! (Screaming) DON'T EVER CALL ME!!! (click)!
That was the end of that conversation & the last time I've talked to Sid! As soon as I got off the phone I called Ron Rage & told him what had happened! He just said " You never know?" That's the thing, I don't know? I don't know what happened? I've talked to Sid numerous times & never had a bad word with each other. Where did this come from? As soon as this happened my brain started wondering... Was it drugs? Was it roid rage? Was it that he just doesn't like me? Am I SHADY???
Now, that I've had a couple of days to think about it, I know it wasn't me!!! I haven't been shady! He talked about me talking to him about doing shows then not running them. I did run that show! I just didn't want to use him! Not, that I didn't want to use him but I wasn't gonna pay him to come in & do what he wanted to do! At the McCrory, AR show he wanted a couple hundred bucks to sit in the crowd & then jump in the ring & beat somebody down & power bomb them! What good is that for me? I'm paying him & not even advertising him. You can't advertise him because you're not supposed to know he's gonna be there sitting in the crowd. Makes no sence! If there was an angle to be ran than that would be one thing, but there was no angle! There was no benefit for me paying him to come in!
I lost all respect for Sid when he done this! I still respect him for what he's done in the biz, the money he's made, main event Wrestlemania, but as a person I have NO respect for him! What have I done to you? I'm just the next guy trying to make money in this biz and me using Sid the right way can make us both money! Actually, I don't know what to say about the whole situation! lol! I'm not mad at him, but I don't have respect for him anymore. I'm just wondering why he went off like that?
I've had people ask me what do I think about Gunnar Eudy in the ring at 16 & him doing the Humongous gimmick? I don't care who does the gimmick! It has nothing to do with me. Its not mine, so whatever! About him being 16 in the ring, I haven't watched him work so I don't know? I heard he wasn't trained if not, I think he should be properly trained before being in there. They live there in Marion, I don't know why Sid doesn't let Ken Wayne train him! If he is trained, good for him, he has an early start! That's that!
Back to Sid! I don't understand the deal, but whatever! I think somebody with that much influence would help the younger generation! Guess not? He has helped some though, Kevin Thorn, Ron Rage, & Mickey Ray! I guess just not me! That's what you get for being SHADY!
Is there a Mr. Controversy award in RRO? lol! I'm a nominee! That's not a good thing to brag about though!
Don't forget PWA Entertainment show at the festival in SouthHavan, MS 10/17/09
First show is 11-1
Sencond show is 2-4
Next time the conversation with the athletic commission! Who turned PWA in to the commission??? We'll see? Well, chew on that.....just sayin!!! lol!
----Jamie Jay provides a bi-weekly column about the local focusing on his career and thoughts on the area. Jay is the driving force behind PWA, which promotes shows in the area Jay is currently sidelined with a knee injury.
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 10.10.09
Tysin Starr & "Monkey Boy" Danny Morris defeated Cassanova Kid & Derrick Devine Dudley.
Rajah & Iron Jake Johnson w/Antoin Smooth defeated Buzz Harley & "Big Daddy" Neno.
Tommy Knox defeated Chazz Stone.
Brody Hawk & Justin Rhodes vs. Psycho & Suicide resulted in a no contest when Pappy interfered.
In an Extreme Rules Match, Omega cheated his way to victory over Kilo Green with the help of crooked special guest "referee" Vincent Allen.
"Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant defeated Bonecrusher to become the new EPW Heavyweight Champion.
The approx. 50 people in attendance were treated to a great show.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Rajah & Iron Jake Johnson w/Antoin Smooth defeated Buzz Harley & "Big Daddy" Neno.
Tommy Knox defeated Chazz Stone.
Brody Hawk & Justin Rhodes vs. Psycho & Suicide resulted in a no contest when Pappy interfered.
In an Extreme Rules Match, Omega cheated his way to victory over Kilo Green with the help of crooked special guest "referee" Vincent Allen.
"Boogie Woogie Boy" Gary Valiant defeated Bonecrusher to become the new EPW Heavyweight Champion.
The approx. 50 people in attendance were treated to a great show.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Monday, October 12, 2009
Downtown Bruno Interview After NEW Show Friday Night!!
----RRO Columnist Downtown Bruno was having a good time here. More videos from Terrance Ward at NEW have been posted - CLICK HERE!!
Arena Report: NEW West Memphis, AR 10.09.09
Streamers with Lane/Wayne in the ring

----The story of this show was this being the NEW 1-Year Anniversary. The story of this promotion evolving into what it is now is a story for another day. This promotion gets more criticism than any other promotion in the area, because the matches are top notch, but the crowd has never caught on. They put on a pure wrestling show that compares to nothing else when it comes to workrate in this area. The real story of the show was Austin Lane, who everyone felt like he was over hyped, has almost come out this year from being ranked #1 in the RRO Top 10 to prove something. NEW is just not about Eric Wayne or Ken Wayne or Wayne's school - it is about wrestling. Not sure if it is the building, the talent or the desire to do so - but everyone seems to try to perform at a higher level when they are in the NEW ring.
----Scott Fury beat Mike Anthony to advance in US Jr Title #1 Contender Tourney. Good solid opener. Anthony has some nice looking new gear. Anthony is real quick. Armdrag, armdrag to flapjack on Fury. Fury takes him down back to headlock. Anthony misses flying press from top rope. Near falls. Anthony goes to the top missing an elbow. Anthony goes for a hunnacarana and Fury catches him into a powerbomb for the pin & win. [**1/2]
----Austin Lane beat by DQ Justin Smart to advance in US Jr Title #1 Contender Tourney. Lane got a good pop. Lane starts it slow with lockups and hard slaps to Smart’s face. Smart with a punch and is warned. Series of sweet moves – stiff clothesline to flying elbow. Lane misses a hunnacarana from the top. Near fall. Smart leaps over top rope landing on his feet and does a kick to Lane’s head. Slows down a bit to build for the finish. Forearm trading spot. Smart ends up losing his cool and just punching Lane on the mat. DQ on Smart for Lane win. [***]
----Austin lane beat Scott Fury to advance as winner of US Jr Title #1 Contender Tourney and to face Eric Wayne later in the night. No rest as the match starts right after the first one. Headlock, armbars and kicks to the body. Basic stuff with these guys working real good together. High knee. Maple Leaf Back Snapper from Lane to Fury. Lane goes for his submission finisher “Final Cut” [Rings of Saturn]. Neckbreaker with Fury’s legs draped in the corner. Lane misses headbutt from top. Fury with Stinger DDT to stunner. Abdominal stretch slam then a spinebuster from Fury. Three stiff clotheslines. Flapjack. Lane ends it with Fury submitting to “Final Call” for the win. [***1/4]
----Dan Matthews/Kevin Charles/Josh Carny beat Matt Justyce/Shawn Reed/Matt Riviera. Heels do a funny interview with Justyce/Riviera and trying to remember where he seen him. Charles did an excellent job on the mic and has a lot of charisma. Basic stuff here from everyone. Riviera and Justyce constantly working the crowd. Fun stuff to watch. I thought Carny killed Reed when he tried a monkey flip. Heat was on Charles. Reed used a “Go Home Driver” [piledriver variation] on Charles. Charles jumps from second rope into a RKO. DKO Hot tag ends with Carney getting a pin on Riviera who tripped over Reed. [**1/2]
----Eric Wayne pinned Austin Lane to retain the US Jr Title. Just a great match. Kicks to start it out. Hold for hold. Armbar to armbar. Headscissors on match to headlock to control the bout. They started out as if they were going to go an hour. Legfrog and Lane then ends it with a slap. Stiff forearms. Wayne to floor. Lane went for a dive, but Wayne blocked. Lane slammed Wayne on the ring apron [hard part of ring] and then Lane does a neckbreaker to ring steps on Wayne. Crowd was hot for the match. One of those bouts where I was watching more than I could write down. Wayne to top turnbuckle. Lane up – Wayne hits neckbreaker from top to mat. Oh shit!! Lane tries to finish him with “Final Call.” Both guys got two rope breaks and used them. Wayne went over the top turnbuckle bumping to the floor and came up bleeding. [hardway] Lane went into headbutts. Ken Wayne came out and they decided to continue it. The match ends up with both guys had their breaks and Lane having Wayne in the “Final Cut” – Wayne can’t use the ropes to break. Wayne ends up rolling thru the submission and pinning Lane. [****]
----Allen Steele beat Kid Nikels. After the last bout, this bout seem to start in slow motion. Lock up trying to get advantage. They traded punches [NEW rules thrown out for this bout]. Kid hit a flying press across the ring. Steele throws Kid to the floor. Just brawling with punches. Backbreaker from Steele. Kid trying for comeback. Steele hits a frogsplash from the top rope for near fall. Steele on top and Kid brings him down with Samoan drop. Near fall. Steele goes for the Alabama slam for his finish, but hits the ref. Kid hits chokeslam. Nikels pickle and Steele pulls him up [I think he might have been holding tights also – but from the seat could not see] to pin him for the win. Pull-a-part brawl after the match with Ken telling Kid to not back to the dressing room. [***1/2]
----There was around 120 people in the building. There was their biggest crowd to date and not many more asses could have fit in the arena…This is not a bad comment about my friend Brian Thompson, but when your replace a guy that is so good at something, it is usually hard to replace him. Terrance Ward has stepped right in and is a really good announcer. He works well with John Steele. NEW could have not picked a better guy. My pick for Announcer of the Year...Jamie Jay and Nikki Lane were in the crowd....Chuck Poe and Downtown Bruno did excellent jobs as refs…Fans were calling Mike Anthony “Milk-dud.” No idea?? Anthony had some nice new gear...Fury was bleeding from the mouth during the Lane bout – he has no luck at this arena. LOL…Dan Matthews seems to have the basics down, but is still a bit hesitant. He is a rookie though. He has no color though and just looks like a normal guy in gear. Does that make sense?? He needs color!! Kevin Charles seems to be a head better and is really good on the mic. Matthews did come off good in an interview playing the straight character to Charles…Not impressed with the very small Josh Carney. But, crowd does pop when he does a move and he does this ugly strut after his match that is just plain scary. LOL Funny thing was that my 8-year old Beth thought he was the funniest thing and was putting him over big time the next day…Nice video packages of various guys aired on the big screen…Justyce seems to have got some extra confidence somewhere. He still needs work on his work, but seems to just go out to have fun…Riviera has tons of charisma and is a joy to watch…Alan Steele is helping with the booking and is just the “general” backstage with the boys. As always, he is a damn solid worker – one of the best in the area…Dressing room was raving over the Wayne/Lane bout with everyone putting it over. Lane got some praise from everyone for working three good bouts. Lane has scored two [****] star bouts and three over [***] bouts this year. This was Eric’s third [****] bout – all in the NEW building…Fans threw steamers into the ring ala Japanese wrestling after the bout…Thanks to staff and crew – I had a great time and it was a real good show. Fun time was had by all.

----The story of this show was this being the NEW 1-Year Anniversary. The story of this promotion evolving into what it is now is a story for another day. This promotion gets more criticism than any other promotion in the area, because the matches are top notch, but the crowd has never caught on. They put on a pure wrestling show that compares to nothing else when it comes to workrate in this area. The real story of the show was Austin Lane, who everyone felt like he was over hyped, has almost come out this year from being ranked #1 in the RRO Top 10 to prove something. NEW is just not about Eric Wayne or Ken Wayne or Wayne's school - it is about wrestling. Not sure if it is the building, the talent or the desire to do so - but everyone seems to try to perform at a higher level when they are in the NEW ring.
----Scott Fury beat Mike Anthony to advance in US Jr Title #1 Contender Tourney. Good solid opener. Anthony has some nice looking new gear. Anthony is real quick. Armdrag, armdrag to flapjack on Fury. Fury takes him down back to headlock. Anthony misses flying press from top rope. Near falls. Anthony goes to the top missing an elbow. Anthony goes for a hunnacarana and Fury catches him into a powerbomb for the pin & win. [**1/2]
----Austin Lane beat by DQ Justin Smart to advance in US Jr Title #1 Contender Tourney. Lane got a good pop. Lane starts it slow with lockups and hard slaps to Smart’s face. Smart with a punch and is warned. Series of sweet moves – stiff clothesline to flying elbow. Lane misses a hunnacarana from the top. Near fall. Smart leaps over top rope landing on his feet and does a kick to Lane’s head. Slows down a bit to build for the finish. Forearm trading spot. Smart ends up losing his cool and just punching Lane on the mat. DQ on Smart for Lane win. [***]
----Austin lane beat Scott Fury to advance as winner of US Jr Title #1 Contender Tourney and to face Eric Wayne later in the night. No rest as the match starts right after the first one. Headlock, armbars and kicks to the body. Basic stuff with these guys working real good together. High knee. Maple Leaf Back Snapper from Lane to Fury. Lane goes for his submission finisher “Final Cut” [Rings of Saturn]. Neckbreaker with Fury’s legs draped in the corner. Lane misses headbutt from top. Fury with Stinger DDT to stunner. Abdominal stretch slam then a spinebuster from Fury. Three stiff clotheslines. Flapjack. Lane ends it with Fury submitting to “Final Call” for the win. [***1/4]
----Dan Matthews/Kevin Charles/Josh Carny beat Matt Justyce/Shawn Reed/Matt Riviera. Heels do a funny interview with Justyce/Riviera and trying to remember where he seen him. Charles did an excellent job on the mic and has a lot of charisma. Basic stuff here from everyone. Riviera and Justyce constantly working the crowd. Fun stuff to watch. I thought Carny killed Reed when he tried a monkey flip. Heat was on Charles. Reed used a “Go Home Driver” [piledriver variation] on Charles. Charles jumps from second rope into a RKO. DKO Hot tag ends with Carney getting a pin on Riviera who tripped over Reed. [**1/2]
----Eric Wayne pinned Austin Lane to retain the US Jr Title. Just a great match. Kicks to start it out. Hold for hold. Armbar to armbar. Headscissors on match to headlock to control the bout. They started out as if they were going to go an hour. Legfrog and Lane then ends it with a slap. Stiff forearms. Wayne to floor. Lane went for a dive, but Wayne blocked. Lane slammed Wayne on the ring apron [hard part of ring] and then Lane does a neckbreaker to ring steps on Wayne. Crowd was hot for the match. One of those bouts where I was watching more than I could write down. Wayne to top turnbuckle. Lane up – Wayne hits neckbreaker from top to mat. Oh shit!! Lane tries to finish him with “Final Call.” Both guys got two rope breaks and used them. Wayne went over the top turnbuckle bumping to the floor and came up bleeding. [hardway] Lane went into headbutts. Ken Wayne came out and they decided to continue it. The match ends up with both guys had their breaks and Lane having Wayne in the “Final Cut” – Wayne can’t use the ropes to break. Wayne ends up rolling thru the submission and pinning Lane. [****]
----Allen Steele beat Kid Nikels. After the last bout, this bout seem to start in slow motion. Lock up trying to get advantage. They traded punches [NEW rules thrown out for this bout]. Kid hit a flying press across the ring. Steele throws Kid to the floor. Just brawling with punches. Backbreaker from Steele. Kid trying for comeback. Steele hits a frogsplash from the top rope for near fall. Steele on top and Kid brings him down with Samoan drop. Near fall. Steele goes for the Alabama slam for his finish, but hits the ref. Kid hits chokeslam. Nikels pickle and Steele pulls him up [I think he might have been holding tights also – but from the seat could not see] to pin him for the win. Pull-a-part brawl after the match with Ken telling Kid to not back to the dressing room. [***1/2]
----There was around 120 people in the building. There was their biggest crowd to date and not many more asses could have fit in the arena…This is not a bad comment about my friend Brian Thompson, but when your replace a guy that is so good at something, it is usually hard to replace him. Terrance Ward has stepped right in and is a really good announcer. He works well with John Steele. NEW could have not picked a better guy. My pick for Announcer of the Year...Jamie Jay and Nikki Lane were in the crowd....Chuck Poe and Downtown Bruno did excellent jobs as refs…Fans were calling Mike Anthony “Milk-dud.” No idea?? Anthony had some nice new gear...Fury was bleeding from the mouth during the Lane bout – he has no luck at this arena. LOL…Dan Matthews seems to have the basics down, but is still a bit hesitant. He is a rookie though. He has no color though and just looks like a normal guy in gear. Does that make sense?? He needs color!! Kevin Charles seems to be a head better and is really good on the mic. Matthews did come off good in an interview playing the straight character to Charles…Not impressed with the very small Josh Carney. But, crowd does pop when he does a move and he does this ugly strut after his match that is just plain scary. LOL Funny thing was that my 8-year old Beth thought he was the funniest thing and was putting him over big time the next day…Nice video packages of various guys aired on the big screen…Justyce seems to have got some extra confidence somewhere. He still needs work on his work, but seems to just go out to have fun…Riviera has tons of charisma and is a joy to watch…Alan Steele is helping with the booking and is just the “general” backstage with the boys. As always, he is a damn solid worker – one of the best in the area…Dressing room was raving over the Wayne/Lane bout with everyone putting it over. Lane got some praise from everyone for working three good bouts. Lane has scored two [****] star bouts and three over [***] bouts this year. This was Eric’s third [****] bout – all in the NEW building…Fans threw steamers into the ring ala Japanese wrestling after the bout…Thanks to staff and crew – I had a great time and it was a real good show. Fun time was had by all.
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