----RRO will be in Jonesboro, AR tonight at the old RWA arena for Down South Championship Wrestling's FREE show! Come out and join us and say hello!
----I got a chance to look at IWA Wrestling before leaving. The production looks a lot better, but the audio is still "mic'd" into the camera. Report will be posted tomorrow and DSCW Arena Report will be up by Monday!!
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Friday, September 04, 2009
Sid Vicious and Scott Hall NOT Headed to NEW!!
----Best I can tell, due to creative differences between Ken Wayne and Sid Vicious, Scott Hall and Vicious will not be appearing for NEW on 9.18.09. Vicious wanted to do things a certain way and Wayne felt like it wasn't in the direction of their promotion/school. I think it is a lost opportunity for NEW, especially considering if Scott Hall was advertised they would packed out the place. Well it would only hold a little over 100 people, but they would have reached other customers. I was told as early as Monday afternoon this was not happening due to Ken Wayne "pissing off Sid" and then was told later today that Vicious will work with Wayne, but it will be later down the road. Wayne on the other hand does not want his promotion going in the same direction as Sid would want it.
----I was also told that Sid and Hall are scheduled for the 18th in Osceola, AR for MCW. They were planning to do that show and then come to NEW. The next night they in Jonesboro, AR, they will be working for Down South Championship Wrestling.
----I was also told that Sid and Hall are scheduled for the 18th in Osceola, AR for MCW. They were planning to do that show and then come to NEW. The next night they in Jonesboro, AR, they will be working for Down South Championship Wrestling.
RassleResults: Midsouthern Championship Wrestling Osceola, AR 8.29.09

-Shawn Williams beat War Machine
-Homer Lee by DQ over Hambone #1
-Hambone #2/Ray beat Johnny Dotson/Knockout Kid
-Frankie Tucker by DQ over Pokerface when Ron McClarity and Bishop interfered.
-Ron McClarity/Bishop vs “Natural Born Playas” [Southside Brawler/Pimptacular] went to a DCO when Pokerface interfered and Frankie Tucker made the save.
----It was reported that Dotson and Kid looked good. Funny to see them as a team. Dotson will be a good addition to the roster…6 Man tag set up for TONIGHT with “Playas”/Tucker vs PKO/Bishop/McClarity.
Credit: The Osceola Times 9.03.09 edition
Our Condolences
---I got word earlier this morning that WWE Hall of Famer Koko Ware's wife died of cancer. The RRO family will keep Koko in our thoughts. If I get anymore details I will pass them along.
Big Shows for Memphis Wrestling This Weekend!!
----Just got reminded that Memphis Wrestling has the Delta Fair this Saturday with Eugene, Jerry Lawler, Derick King, Kevin White, Dutch Mantell, Bobby Eaton and more. The next day [Sunday] Memphis Wrestling is doing the Tupelo, MS fair with some of the same crew including Bobby Eaton.
Coach's Corner Companion
----As usual, there was a lot of talk via phone, message board and yahoo messenger about my nominee picks. Below are some things I have gathered from fans and workers in the area.
----I forgot mention one of my favorite tag teams – ‘LSD” [Idol Bane/Cody Only]. They are limited because they work mainly ASWF, but in that building those guys are really over and work hard.
----One worker called [and it wasn’t Dustin] and noted that he felt Dustin Starr was hands down pick for Wrestler of the Year. Good points in the fact that Dustin has worked in a lot of promotions this year, he has been on ECW, his exposure is more than just wrestling, his workrate and look has improved. If Starr continues on this pace, I think the Wrestler of the Year will turn out being a race between Rodney Mack, Dustin Starr and Derrick King. This all has to do with what they continue to do in Jonesboro also. I have learned that the last three months seem to be more important as it is fresh in everyone’s mind for nominees.
----Could the “Asylum” exposure help or hurt them in the Tag Team of The Year race?? It was pointed out that it might be hard to vote for them when they have matches like last week’s IWA TV?? Or will it help them because they are getting exposure?? “Midnight Gold” scored a Main Event match in Mid-South Wrestling’s show in Fort Smith, AR. Could their level of bouts put them over “Asylum”, even though they do not work anywhere near the number of bouts the “Asylum” work?? “Gold” does have an advantage over some teams, because they are mainly put in there with top teams.
----Eric Wayne has scored two Match of The Year matches, but not considered in the MVP Performer category? Mainly because I have not seen Wayne do great matches unless he is in the NEW arena. That also has almost excused Nikels/Wayne for the Team of The Year, because they got bad reviews from teams that they worked. They may step up and erase all that if they do a lengthy feud with “Devils Rejects” because Motley Cruz will get good matches out of these guys.
----Jamie Jay not getting any mention?? Probably seriously because he does not work a full time schedule. “Team Hollister” also had limited matches and although they were hot with the crowds some of the teams that worked commented that Jamie Lee was really green.
----Rookies have to have worked at least 26 dates in a one year period. Guys like Dan Matthews and Kevin Charles will be in next year’s voting.
----It was also noted that Austin Lane may have been a help in those RWA crowds?? True his name did mean a lot when he moved from ASWF to RWA. And since he has left ASWF, I have heard the crowds have really went down. Where will #1 Wrestler of 2009 place in overall categories?? He was the only worker to be in both the Wrestler/MVP categories last year?? Can he do it again??
----I forgot mention one of my favorite tag teams – ‘LSD” [Idol Bane/Cody Only]. They are limited because they work mainly ASWF, but in that building those guys are really over and work hard.
----One worker called [and it wasn’t Dustin] and noted that he felt Dustin Starr was hands down pick for Wrestler of the Year. Good points in the fact that Dustin has worked in a lot of promotions this year, he has been on ECW, his exposure is more than just wrestling, his workrate and look has improved. If Starr continues on this pace, I think the Wrestler of the Year will turn out being a race between Rodney Mack, Dustin Starr and Derrick King. This all has to do with what they continue to do in Jonesboro also. I have learned that the last three months seem to be more important as it is fresh in everyone’s mind for nominees.
----Could the “Asylum” exposure help or hurt them in the Tag Team of The Year race?? It was pointed out that it might be hard to vote for them when they have matches like last week’s IWA TV?? Or will it help them because they are getting exposure?? “Midnight Gold” scored a Main Event match in Mid-South Wrestling’s show in Fort Smith, AR. Could their level of bouts put them over “Asylum”, even though they do not work anywhere near the number of bouts the “Asylum” work?? “Gold” does have an advantage over some teams, because they are mainly put in there with top teams.
----Eric Wayne has scored two Match of The Year matches, but not considered in the MVP Performer category? Mainly because I have not seen Wayne do great matches unless he is in the NEW arena. That also has almost excused Nikels/Wayne for the Team of The Year, because they got bad reviews from teams that they worked. They may step up and erase all that if they do a lengthy feud with “Devils Rejects” because Motley Cruz will get good matches out of these guys.
----Jamie Jay not getting any mention?? Probably seriously because he does not work a full time schedule. “Team Hollister” also had limited matches and although they were hot with the crowds some of the teams that worked commented that Jamie Lee was really green.
----Rookies have to have worked at least 26 dates in a one year period. Guys like Dan Matthews and Kevin Charles will be in next year’s voting.
----It was also noted that Austin Lane may have been a help in those RWA crowds?? True his name did mean a lot when he moved from ASWF to RWA. And since he has left ASWF, I have heard the crowds have really went down. Where will #1 Wrestler of 2009 place in overall categories?? He was the only worker to be in both the Wrestler/MVP categories last year?? Can he do it again??
Shows for the Weekend 9.04 to 9.05.09
----CLICK HERE for the regular shows. Down South Championship Wrestling starts in Jonesboro, AR this coming Saturday night with a FREE Fan's Appreciation show!! RRO will be attending the event!!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
RassleResults: Mid-South Wrestling Ft Smith, AR 8.29.09
Mid-South Wrestling
Ft. Smith, AR
Holiday Inn Civic Center
1) Apoc defeated Dexter Hardaway (with Talon) with a Death Valley Driver. Afterwards, Talon was checking on Hardaway, Apoc grabbed her by the hair and acted like he was going to punch her. She kicked him in the balls and then hit the x-factor for a huge pop.
2) "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony (with Brian Thompson) beat Wes Robinson with his leg drop finish. This was Robinson's 6th pro match and he did great. Highlights saw a springboard cross body, Brad Armstrong float over Russian leg sweet, and a cool Muta like entrance by Robinson. Anthony hit a gorgeous belly to belly and led Robinson through a good match.
3) "All-American" Mark Johnson beat "Bruiser" Rick Sweetan (with Rich Rude) via disqualification when Rude pushed Johnson off the top rope and then preceded to double team him with Sweetan. Dustin Anderson ran in to make the save and took a vicious t-bone suplex. Timing was off and Anderson landed right on his head. Robinson, Hardaway, and other faces ran in and finally Sweetan and Rude retreated to the back.
4) Prince Al Farat pinned "Heartbreaker" Chas Cardington in a special challenge match with a senton. Pre-Match mic spill by Farat which got good heat.
5) International Champion Tim Storm defeated Kaleb Kastle with a version of the bossman slam. Kastle at one point missed a shoulder in the corner post spot and went sailing through the middle rope to the floor. It looked insane. Storm had major heat. At one point while on the floor, Tim yelled at the ringside fans to move. After they all scattered, Tim simply grabbed Kastle and threw him back in the ring and laughed his ass off at the fans. They were livid.
6) Taylor Wilde pinned Awesome Kong. Good solid 8-minute match. Several Kong signs in the crowd.
7) Tag Team Champions Reckage & Romance (Matt Riviera & Jeff Jett) [pictured] beat Midnight Gold (Bobby Eaton & Greg Anthony) with Brian Thompson. Good Tag! Riviera was insanely over as a face which include a 60-year-old woman flashing him. Eaton his the neckbreaker on Jett to start the heat. Riviera finally made a hot tag and cleaned house including a spinebuster on Anthony. Jett came back in and they hit a huge double flapjack on Anthony. Referee is getting Jett out, Brian up on the apron, Eaton grabs Riviera, Anthony goes to nail Riviera with an object, he moves, nails Anthony and dives on top of Eaton for the pin. Place went nuts. Literally 150 fans gathered around ringside banging on the apron and several kids strutted with Riviera in the ring.
Around 600 in attendance in a 700 seat building. Good show from top to bottom. Next show is 9/12 in Russelville at the LV Williamson Boys & Girls Club with Riviera vs. Jay Lethal, Buddy Landel, Malia Hosaka vs. Athena (from Dallas not the former TNA girl), and more.
Ft. Smith, AR
Holiday Inn Civic Center
1) Apoc defeated Dexter Hardaway (with Talon) with a Death Valley Driver. Afterwards, Talon was checking on Hardaway, Apoc grabbed her by the hair and acted like he was going to punch her. She kicked him in the balls and then hit the x-factor for a huge pop.
2) "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony (with Brian Thompson) beat Wes Robinson with his leg drop finish. This was Robinson's 6th pro match and he did great. Highlights saw a springboard cross body, Brad Armstrong float over Russian leg sweet, and a cool Muta like entrance by Robinson. Anthony hit a gorgeous belly to belly and led Robinson through a good match.
3) "All-American" Mark Johnson beat "Bruiser" Rick Sweetan (with Rich Rude) via disqualification when Rude pushed Johnson off the top rope and then preceded to double team him with Sweetan. Dustin Anderson ran in to make the save and took a vicious t-bone suplex. Timing was off and Anderson landed right on his head. Robinson, Hardaway, and other faces ran in and finally Sweetan and Rude retreated to the back.
4) Prince Al Farat pinned "Heartbreaker" Chas Cardington in a special challenge match with a senton. Pre-Match mic spill by Farat which got good heat.
5) International Champion Tim Storm defeated Kaleb Kastle with a version of the bossman slam. Kastle at one point missed a shoulder in the corner post spot and went sailing through the middle rope to the floor. It looked insane. Storm had major heat. At one point while on the floor, Tim yelled at the ringside fans to move. After they all scattered, Tim simply grabbed Kastle and threw him back in the ring and laughed his ass off at the fans. They were livid.
6) Taylor Wilde pinned Awesome Kong. Good solid 8-minute match. Several Kong signs in the crowd.
7) Tag Team Champions Reckage & Romance (Matt Riviera & Jeff Jett) [pictured] beat Midnight Gold (Bobby Eaton & Greg Anthony) with Brian Thompson. Good Tag! Riviera was insanely over as a face which include a 60-year-old woman flashing him. Eaton his the neckbreaker on Jett to start the heat. Riviera finally made a hot tag and cleaned house including a spinebuster on Anthony. Jett came back in and they hit a huge double flapjack on Anthony. Referee is getting Jett out, Brian up on the apron, Eaton grabs Riviera, Anthony goes to nail Riviera with an object, he moves, nails Anthony and dives on top of Eaton for the pin. Place went nuts. Literally 150 fans gathered around ringside banging on the apron and several kids strutted with Riviera in the ring.
Around 600 in attendance in a 700 seat building. Good show from top to bottom. Next show is 9/12 in Russelville at the LV Williamson Boys & Girls Club with Riviera vs. Jay Lethal, Buddy Landel, Malia Hosaka vs. Athena (from Dallas not the former TNA girl), and more.
"The Memphis MOFO" Mark Bravura!!
----CLICK HERE to read the new blog by former area worker Mark Bravura. I like this!! I love the gimmick name. Bravura is a film maker and was actually interviewed one time to work for the WWE as a writer!!
UNCENSORED - Comments From Pure Destruction, Cody & Brody Hawk, Concerning the EPW Situation

----CLICK HERE for more on the EPW situation. Sort of overkill here with three interviews, but it will give Izzy Rotten enough to respond to in his exclusive interview with RRO.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
RassleResults: NBW Newbern, TN 8.29.09
Biscuit & Gaylon Ray Def. Hardcore Yow & Triple C
J Weezy Def. Tommy Redneck
The Kid Def. A.J.Ray (Count Out)
"The Enforcer" Mark Justice Def. Rockin Randy
The Devils Rejects Def. Premiere Brutality & Ricky Andrews
Antonio (Koko) Anderson Started The show by announcing "The Human Highlight Reel" Austin Lane will be there this week 9/5/09...Jeremy Moore was in the ring doing an Interview when The Devils Rejects jumped him .Ricky Andrews Came out to help along with Kid Nickels & Eric Wayne. Jeremy Moore had to be carried out of the Ring.Koko then set the match between Premiere Brutality & Ricky Andrews Vs. The Devils Rejects
...70 to 75 in the Crowd
Biscuit & Gaylon Ray Def. Hardcore Yow & Triple C
J Weezy Def. Tommy Redneck
The Kid Def. A.J.Ray (Count Out)
"The Enforcer" Mark Justice Def. Rockin Randy
The Devils Rejects Def. Premiere Brutality & Ricky Andrews
Antonio (Koko) Anderson Started The show by announcing "The Human Highlight Reel" Austin Lane will be there this week 9/5/09...Jeremy Moore was in the ring doing an Interview when The Devils Rejects jumped him .Ricky Andrews Came out to help along with Kid Nickels & Eric Wayne. Jeremy Moore had to be carried out of the Ring.Koko then set the match between Premiere Brutality & Ricky Andrews Vs. The Devils Rejects
...70 to 75 in the Crowd
RassleResults: EWE Ripley, TN 8.26.09
“The Real Deal” Tim Edwards comes to the ring to address about 100 people in attendance tonight at Elite Wrestling Entertainment. He says that he has dominated in every company he has ever been in, and has been the most violent in every company he’s ever been in. He says that he guarantees that everyone will see how violent he is, and why everyone calls him “The Real Deal.” Edwards says that he’s irritated and threatens to take it out on the crowd. He says that he’ll make sure to make a statement to everyone tonight.
The matchup between Chris Lexx and Tatt2 gets underway. Tim Edwards comes and attacks both Tatt2 and Edwards just as Tatt2 gains control over the match. He grabs the mic after sending both men to the mat and says that he told everyone that he was going to make an impact tonight. Commissioner O’Neal comes to the ring and makes a match between Edwards and an opponent of his choosing. Edwards says he’ll take on anyone, and O’Neal says that this person will make a big impact because “Dynamite comes in small packages.”
“Mr. Big Stuff” Gary White comes out and says that his heart has been hurting all week and wants Genocide to come out to apologize to them. The Albino Rhino and Maxx Corbin make their way to the ring to talk to White. White says that he takes full responsibility for costing them their match last week. Maxx tells White that they accept his apology, that it’s all water under the bridge and everyone will move on. Corbin and Rhino start to step out of the ring, but White catches them and says that at home, he has two Rolex watches with their names engraved on them. Corbin says that he doesn’t have to do that, and they have a match to get ready for. White says that he knows what guys want, and that’s a good looking woman. He says that he brought one with him tonight, and she’s the best looking woman in the business today. Su Yung comes out wrapped in a robe and dressed in a plaid schoolgirl outfit. She dances around the guys for a minute before Rhino grabs the mic and says he’s been there, and he’s done that. He says that if that’s all he’s got to offer, then they’re gone. White says that he’s pulled some strings and has Genocide booked for September 12th in Birmingham, Alabama for the biggest show of the year. Maxx grabs the mic and says that Genocide won’t be in Birmingham, Alabama, but they’ll be in Ripley, Tennessee for Super Summer Showdown. Gary White slaps Maxx Corbin across the face, then both Corbin and The Albino Rhino head toward White and grab him. Sue Young goes to the back and grabs two men from the back who are apparently agents for Gary White and they start to attack Genocide. Corbin and Rhino gain control of the agents, but Yung comes from behind and delivers a low blow to Corbin. Rhino grabs Yung, but is attacked by the two agents. Yung starts attacking Corbin on the mat as the bodyguards rough up Rhino and White sprays a mysterious chemical in Rhino’s face. White and the agents leave Genocide laying in the middle of the ring as White grabs the mic and tells Corbin and Rhino that they’ll be in Birmingham if they like it or not. White, his agents and Su Yung make their way to the back as Maxx Corbin and the EWE staff tend to The Albino Rhino.
“The Canadian Dragon” Cody Melton makes his return to Ripley, Tennessee, defeating Shannon Lee via pinfall.
“The Real Deal” Tim Edwards makes his way back to the ring to await his competitor that Commissioner Chris O’Neal has chosen. His music hits, and making his return to the EWE is “Dynamite” Seth Knight. Knight will go on to score the pinfall against Edwards.
Commissioner O’Neal makes his way back to the ring and asks everyone how much they like the new and former wrestlers making appearances in the EWE. He says that he would like Derrick King to come to the ring. He makes his way around the ring to greet the fans before making his way to the ring. O’Neal says that everyone is very happy to see King back, and asks him what his opinion is on coming back to Ripley, Tennessee and on facing Bishop tonight. King says that he’s excited to be back in Ripley, and he’s only got one thing for Bishop and that’s a superkick with his name on it. O’Neal says that Super Summer Showdown is just a few weeks away, and reminds everyone that it’s a free show for everyone. He then makes the announcement that next week will be Fan Appreciation Night, and that the fans can go on EliteWrestlingEntertainment.com and vote for the matches and stipulations that they would like to see next week. King grabs the mic and starts to make a statement when K.C. Gold and “The Future” Dell Tucker make their way to the ring. O’Neal asks what they’re out here for. Gold grabs the mic and says that they are in the ring for O’Neal. Gold says that King is one of the best in the Mid-South area, and wants to expose the truth behind King’s return. Gold asks that when the position was vacant 5 weeks ago when Dustin Baker bought Elite Wrestling Entertainment, who was the one that called him. King and O’Neal say that it doesn’t matter, and Gold says that is his point exactly, and that’s also one reason that he founded Wrestlers Against Chris O’Neal. Gold says that he got a phone call from “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony. He says that Anthony and “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton came with a purpose, and that was to take care of Picture Perfect. Gold says that Anthony said that he wants to come back and finish the active portion of Picture Perfect, Christian Jacobs. Chris O’Neal says that if The Golden Boy wants to face Christian Jacobs, then Jacobs will be more than happy to face him. Jacobs makes his way to the ring for his match against Dell Tucker. The referee tells K.C. Gold that if he wants to sit at ringside, he has to sit in a chair in Tucker’s corner. Gold doesn’t stay in the chair much, finding every opportunity to interfere with the match. At one point, Gold hands Tucker the chair and Tucker, Jacobs and the referee start to struggle with who gets control of the chair. The referee lets go to control K.C. Gold at ringside, but Tucker hits the chair to make it sound like it was used behind the referees back and falls to the mat. Jacobs hangs on to the chair as the referee turns around, and immediately disqualifies Jacobs. After the match, Tucker and Gold quickly make their way to the back as Jacobs grabs the mic and makes a request to the fans. He asks that when everyone votes on EliteWrestlingEntertainment.com to make sure he can use that chair against Dell Tucker.
The matchup between Bishop and Derrick King is the main event of the evening. Right from the start, King begins to tune up for a superkick on Bishop, sending him out of the ring. In the end, it will be Bishop that will hit The Prophecy on King to score him the pinfall and the victory. After the match, Bishop powerbombs King into the mat once more. Stan Lee rushes to the ring and delivers a kick to Bishop, sending him running to the back. Lee tends to King as Commissioner O’Neal comes out to help make sure Derrick King is ok. King stands up and salutes the crowd before making his way to the back.
Be sure to head over to www.elitewrestlingentertainment.com to vote on which matches you would like to see Saturday night. While you’re there, be sure to follow us on Twitter, become a fan of EWE on Facebook, and download the official EWE desktop wallpaper!
----I love the idea of fans voting for matches. It will give them some kind of idea on how many hits and if the fans really care about what they are doing...If the weather stays nice like it is right now, I do plan to attend SSS...I watched the White-Genocide angle, but not sure who the Agents are?? One looks like 2007 Rookie of the Year - K-Hill?? I like this angle and if most remember - Maxx/Rhino were actually "Agents" on Memphis Wrestling.
The matchup between Chris Lexx and Tatt2 gets underway. Tim Edwards comes and attacks both Tatt2 and Edwards just as Tatt2 gains control over the match. He grabs the mic after sending both men to the mat and says that he told everyone that he was going to make an impact tonight. Commissioner O’Neal comes to the ring and makes a match between Edwards and an opponent of his choosing. Edwards says he’ll take on anyone, and O’Neal says that this person will make a big impact because “Dynamite comes in small packages.”
“Mr. Big Stuff” Gary White comes out and says that his heart has been hurting all week and wants Genocide to come out to apologize to them. The Albino Rhino and Maxx Corbin make their way to the ring to talk to White. White says that he takes full responsibility for costing them their match last week. Maxx tells White that they accept his apology, that it’s all water under the bridge and everyone will move on. Corbin and Rhino start to step out of the ring, but White catches them and says that at home, he has two Rolex watches with their names engraved on them. Corbin says that he doesn’t have to do that, and they have a match to get ready for. White says that he knows what guys want, and that’s a good looking woman. He says that he brought one with him tonight, and she’s the best looking woman in the business today. Su Yung comes out wrapped in a robe and dressed in a plaid schoolgirl outfit. She dances around the guys for a minute before Rhino grabs the mic and says he’s been there, and he’s done that. He says that if that’s all he’s got to offer, then they’re gone. White says that he’s pulled some strings and has Genocide booked for September 12th in Birmingham, Alabama for the biggest show of the year. Maxx grabs the mic and says that Genocide won’t be in Birmingham, Alabama, but they’ll be in Ripley, Tennessee for Super Summer Showdown. Gary White slaps Maxx Corbin across the face, then both Corbin and The Albino Rhino head toward White and grab him. Sue Young goes to the back and grabs two men from the back who are apparently agents for Gary White and they start to attack Genocide. Corbin and Rhino gain control of the agents, but Yung comes from behind and delivers a low blow to Corbin. Rhino grabs Yung, but is attacked by the two agents. Yung starts attacking Corbin on the mat as the bodyguards rough up Rhino and White sprays a mysterious chemical in Rhino’s face. White and the agents leave Genocide laying in the middle of the ring as White grabs the mic and tells Corbin and Rhino that they’ll be in Birmingham if they like it or not. White, his agents and Su Yung make their way to the back as Maxx Corbin and the EWE staff tend to The Albino Rhino.
“The Canadian Dragon” Cody Melton makes his return to Ripley, Tennessee, defeating Shannon Lee via pinfall.
“The Real Deal” Tim Edwards makes his way back to the ring to await his competitor that Commissioner Chris O’Neal has chosen. His music hits, and making his return to the EWE is “Dynamite” Seth Knight. Knight will go on to score the pinfall against Edwards.
Commissioner O’Neal makes his way back to the ring and asks everyone how much they like the new and former wrestlers making appearances in the EWE. He says that he would like Derrick King to come to the ring. He makes his way around the ring to greet the fans before making his way to the ring. O’Neal says that everyone is very happy to see King back, and asks him what his opinion is on coming back to Ripley, Tennessee and on facing Bishop tonight. King says that he’s excited to be back in Ripley, and he’s only got one thing for Bishop and that’s a superkick with his name on it. O’Neal says that Super Summer Showdown is just a few weeks away, and reminds everyone that it’s a free show for everyone. He then makes the announcement that next week will be Fan Appreciation Night, and that the fans can go on EliteWrestlingEntertainment.com and vote for the matches and stipulations that they would like to see next week. King grabs the mic and starts to make a statement when K.C. Gold and “The Future” Dell Tucker make their way to the ring. O’Neal asks what they’re out here for. Gold grabs the mic and says that they are in the ring for O’Neal. Gold says that King is one of the best in the Mid-South area, and wants to expose the truth behind King’s return. Gold asks that when the position was vacant 5 weeks ago when Dustin Baker bought Elite Wrestling Entertainment, who was the one that called him. King and O’Neal say that it doesn’t matter, and Gold says that is his point exactly, and that’s also one reason that he founded Wrestlers Against Chris O’Neal. Gold says that he got a phone call from “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony. He says that Anthony and “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton came with a purpose, and that was to take care of Picture Perfect. Gold says that Anthony said that he wants to come back and finish the active portion of Picture Perfect, Christian Jacobs. Chris O’Neal says that if The Golden Boy wants to face Christian Jacobs, then Jacobs will be more than happy to face him. Jacobs makes his way to the ring for his match against Dell Tucker. The referee tells K.C. Gold that if he wants to sit at ringside, he has to sit in a chair in Tucker’s corner. Gold doesn’t stay in the chair much, finding every opportunity to interfere with the match. At one point, Gold hands Tucker the chair and Tucker, Jacobs and the referee start to struggle with who gets control of the chair. The referee lets go to control K.C. Gold at ringside, but Tucker hits the chair to make it sound like it was used behind the referees back and falls to the mat. Jacobs hangs on to the chair as the referee turns around, and immediately disqualifies Jacobs. After the match, Tucker and Gold quickly make their way to the back as Jacobs grabs the mic and makes a request to the fans. He asks that when everyone votes on EliteWrestlingEntertainment.com to make sure he can use that chair against Dell Tucker.
The matchup between Bishop and Derrick King is the main event of the evening. Right from the start, King begins to tune up for a superkick on Bishop, sending him out of the ring. In the end, it will be Bishop that will hit The Prophecy on King to score him the pinfall and the victory. After the match, Bishop powerbombs King into the mat once more. Stan Lee rushes to the ring and delivers a kick to Bishop, sending him running to the back. Lee tends to King as Commissioner O’Neal comes out to help make sure Derrick King is ok. King stands up and salutes the crowd before making his way to the back.
Be sure to head over to www.elitewrestlingentertainment.com to vote on which matches you would like to see Saturday night. While you’re there, be sure to follow us on Twitter, become a fan of EWE on Facebook, and download the official EWE desktop wallpaper!
----I love the idea of fans voting for matches. It will give them some kind of idea on how many hits and if the fans really care about what they are doing...If the weather stays nice like it is right now, I do plan to attend SSS...I watched the White-Genocide angle, but not sure who the Agents are?? One looks like 2007 Rookie of the Year - K-Hill?? I like this angle and if most remember - Maxx/Rhino were actually "Agents" on Memphis Wrestling.
Coach's Corner “2009 – 2/3 Gone – Who Are The Award Leaders??”

----RRO will be presenting the 4th annual RRO Awards in January 2010. This year has been a hard one to cover at times. I think a year like this it is harder for some guys to get noticed. The good performers really do shine though above everyone else. The highlights [and some of them are not that] of the year include Tank’s death, Brian Christopher/Bishop fight, Greg King JR goes down from a Eric Wayne kick and RRO’s two top performers squaring off - Derrick King vs Austin Lane.
----This seems to be a favorite “Coach’s Corner” from last year. It also became a good lead up to announcing the nominees to the 2008 RRO Awards. It gives everyone a chance to see how the picks either change or stay the same. Below is my analysis for six categories and below that are my quick picks all for 2/3 of 2009 for the RRO Awards.
----Wrestler of the Year is considered one of most prestigious of our awards, because along with Tag Team of the Year, you get your photo on the front cover of the Yearbook. Who will be there on the cover of Yearbook 2009?? This award is based on drawing power, influence, exposure and all that combined into one. Three-time Wrestler of the Year Derrick King will be considered, but it might be a hard year for him to win. My top pick has to be Rodney Mack. He took a promotion from drawing in the 120s to almost double as the top babyface. I think it is a harder job to draw week after week. Mack is easily the #1 babyface draw in this area. I would have to pick Jerry Lawler second for all the top shows he was booked on with Bert Prentice along with the big Autozone show. We also have Lawler running for Mayor of Memphis, which making his exposure more. My other picks purely based on the fact that these are the guys that the area has been talking about so far this year – Brian Christopher, Dustin Starr and Austin Lane.
----Tag Team of the Year fits right in there with drawing power, influence, exposure and all that combined into one. My top pick again is “Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy]. There is no other team that getting more exposure and dates than this team. They will easily do 120+ total dates this year. No other team will do that. “Midnight Gold” [Bobby Eaton/Greg Anthony] are my second pick. They have made an impact in this area and it has just been fun for a Midnight Express mark like me to watch them. Third pick is hard, but would consider “Picture Perfect” [Christian Jacobs/Chris O’Neal], “Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino], “Natural Born Playas” [Southside Brawler/Pimptacular] and “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpent/C-Money] .
----MVP of 2009, which is the best overall worker. This award is not based on drawing power, just wrestling. Some of the names from last year have to be considered as Austin Lane, Stan Lee and Greg Anthony are always good workers. I am going in a direction with my first two picks being new to this category and both have worked their asses off this year. #1 pick is Pokerface. I have seen him in two over [***] matches in a single and in a tag. He is always been considered one of the top in the area, but mostly as a tag team wrestler – winning MVP Tag Team 2007. #2 pick is Jon Michael. He was also the winner of a tag team award in 2006, but he is shining as a single wrestler and had excellent performances at two of the NBW big shows. The 3rd pick would have to be one of the guys above.
----MVP Tag Team of Year 2009. This is a hard category also. What teams are flawless and work the hardest?? The three teams that come to mind the most for me are “East Coast Bad Boys”, Derrick King/Pokerface and “Picture Perfect”. If King/Poker teamed other places, I would have to pick them easily. ECBB are limited also. If the spawn of the ECBB/C4P of “Devils Rejects” gets more time moving into the end of the year, they will be a strong candidate for this award.
----Promotion of the Year 2009. Both the top picks are two different animals, but need the nods. Memphis Wrestling – USA promotion behind the booking expertise of Bert Prentice has had the top crowds of the year. RWA was drawing close to 800 fans every month with a weekly show. I am not sure if MW-USA could do that or not. This is actually all depends on if Down South Wrestling can pick up where it left off, but if they continue they would be my top pick. My third pick is NBW with TIWF a close third.
----And finally the Horizon Award. This is for the person that should have a WWE/TNA contract. For 2009 there are three guys that are heads above everyone else. Dustin Starr, Tatt2 and Matt Riviera. Two of the guys have been looked at by the big two and they like them. Riviera has been on the big stage with VH1 show and deserves the look and nod. He also a great self promoter. No one else should even be considered in the voting. Here are some other names I think would fit in the big two. Christian Jacobs, Austin Lane, Kid Nikels, Jon Michael, Brian Thompson and Stan Lee.
*Most Improved - Jeremy Moore, Crazy Train, Seth Knight, Bishop, Brandon Barbwire, Shannon Lee, Syn, Stunner, Cody Melton
*Most Underrated – Brian So Fine, Seth Knight, Devon Day, Shawn Reed, Ron Rage, Mark Justice
*Rookie – JD Kerry, Michael Gilbert, Chris Lexxus, The Regulator, Ty Hamiliton
*Best Booker – Rodney Mack ,Bert Prentice, , TIWF Committee
*Match of the Year – DK vs Austin Lane, Wayne vs Dustin Ring, Jon Michael vs Mark Justice
*TV Match of the Year: DK vs Johnny Dotson, Dustin Starr vs Kevin White
*Best Announcer – Brian Thompson, John Steele, Terrance Ward
*Best Manager – Rashard Devon, Jimmy Tidewell, Hollywood Jimmy, Brian Thompson,
*Best Wrestling Web Site –Dustin Starr’s “the Starr Treatment”, WNC
*Columnist of the Year – Dustin Starr, Greg Anthony, Sal Corrente
*Best Ref – Downtown Bruno, Chuck Poe, Ron Bryson
* Best Gimmick – “Asylum” [Pappy/Psycho], “Midnight Gold”, Devils Rejects
*Female Performer: Angelina, Su Yung, Eclipse, Destiny, Nikki Lane, Jazz
Interview With EPW Booker Kross
----CLICK HERE as "Axeman" Randall Lewis talks with Kross about the EPW situation. As noted yesterday, Izzy Rotten will be doing an exclusive RRO interview soon about this subject!!
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 8.29.09
ron Jake Johnson defeated Cassanova Kid.
Tommy Knox defeated "Monkey Boy" Danny Morris.
Chazz Stone defeated Rajah by DQ when Iron Jake interfered. Jake & Rajah beat Chazz down until Cassanova Kid made the save.
Kilo Green defeated Derrick Devine to win the EPW Extreme Championship. (The Extreme title was relinquished at some point before the show by Nick Grimes).
Big daddy Neno defeated Bonecrusher by DQ when Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) interfered. PD beat Neno down until 24/7 came in to make the save. Bonecrusher and Pure Destruction then beat down Kross & JR. Pure Destruction's reason for returning to EPW is now clear, as they have joined forces with Bonecrusher.
It was interesting to note that Justin Rhodes sat in the crowd through the entire show. When asked why he was sitting in the crowd, his only response was, "I got fired."
This Saturday night, 9-5-09, EPW will present a two for one night. One adult will be admitted free with one paying adult. Children 6 and under are, as always, free. Admission for this event only will be $6.00. The card will include: 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) vs. Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk); Bonecrusher vs. a mystery partner; and Smooth Operation (Iron Jake, Rajah, & Pimpin' Antoin Smooth) vs. Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz Stone) and a partner of their choosing. It will be a big night of wrestling action, so come on out to the EPW rena on Hwy. 145 in Booneville THIS SATURDAY NIGHT! Don't miss this event!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Tommy Knox defeated "Monkey Boy" Danny Morris.
Chazz Stone defeated Rajah by DQ when Iron Jake interfered. Jake & Rajah beat Chazz down until Cassanova Kid made the save.
Kilo Green defeated Derrick Devine to win the EPW Extreme Championship. (The Extreme title was relinquished at some point before the show by Nick Grimes).
Big daddy Neno defeated Bonecrusher by DQ when Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) interfered. PD beat Neno down until 24/7 came in to make the save. Bonecrusher and Pure Destruction then beat down Kross & JR. Pure Destruction's reason for returning to EPW is now clear, as they have joined forces with Bonecrusher.
It was interesting to note that Justin Rhodes sat in the crowd through the entire show. When asked why he was sitting in the crowd, his only response was, "I got fired."
This Saturday night, 9-5-09, EPW will present a two for one night. One adult will be admitted free with one paying adult. Children 6 and under are, as always, free. Admission for this event only will be $6.00. The card will include: 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) vs. Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk); Bonecrusher vs. a mystery partner; and Smooth Operation (Iron Jake, Rajah, & Pimpin' Antoin Smooth) vs. Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz Stone) and a partner of their choosing. It will be a big night of wrestling action, so come on out to the EPW rena on Hwy. 145 in Booneville THIS SATURDAY NIGHT! Don't miss this event!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 8.28.09
Hittman defeated Jay Webster.
Josh Matthews vs. Koolaid was thrown out when Johnny D interfered.
Johnny D defeated Curly Moe.
Big Daddy Neno defeated Izzy Rotten.
Josh Matthews & Neil Taylor vs. Tony Dabbs & Chris Styles ended in a no contest ruling due to outside interference.
This Friday night 9/4/09 - steel cage match - TFW vs. XOW - 5 wrestlers on each team - for total control of TFW! Bell time is 8:00 at the TFW Arena on Hwy. 178 in Skyline. You really don't want to miss this night!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Josh Matthews vs. Koolaid was thrown out when Johnny D interfered.
Johnny D defeated Curly Moe.
Big Daddy Neno defeated Izzy Rotten.
Josh Matthews & Neil Taylor vs. Tony Dabbs & Chris Styles ended in a no contest ruling due to outside interference.
This Friday night 9/4/09 - steel cage match - TFW vs. XOW - 5 wrestlers on each team - for total control of TFW! Bell time is 8:00 at the TFW Arena on Hwy. 178 in Skyline. You really don't want to miss this night!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
D-Rock's IWA Report!!!
----CLICK HERE to read the full IWA report that D-Rock post on www.wrestlingnewscenter.com. At least he got all the names right..but I want to post what he said about the show. And..just let me say..he is the ONLY PERSON that I have talked to about this show that apparently enjoyed it. LOL And, you could actually hear the announcers on IWF!! BTW..I do like D-Rock's Memphis reports, but after reading his thoughts on this show - WHATEVER you were smoking - please share!!
My Thoughts and Additional Info-I really enjoyed the show. Liked the setup they had, especially the announcer's table. The show kinda reminded me of the old IWF Slam. A couple things that I thought was really cool. The fact that there were no commercials and at the end of the broadcast, they listed all of the wrestlers that performed during the program.
My Thoughts and Additional Info-I really enjoyed the show. Liked the setup they had, especially the announcer's table. The show kinda reminded me of the old IWF Slam. A couple things that I thought was really cool. The fact that there were no commercials and at the end of the broadcast, they listed all of the wrestlers that performed during the program.
Interview with EPW Promoter/Owner Edith Poole
----CLICK HERE for the Edith Poole interview with "Axeman" Randall Lewis. This all goes back to me saying these sites are "learning tools" . Take a look!! Izzy Rotten will soon be having an exclusive rebuttal here on RRO.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 8.29.09
Our show started off the same way it does every Saturday night with Rickey Roland handing our nations flag to local kids and playing the national anthem.
1st Match:
Idol Bane vs John "The Premium" Allen
Winner: Idol Bane via pinfall.
2nd Match:
Cody Only vs The Enforcer
Winner: Cody Only via pinfall.
3rd Match:
European Championship
X-Kaliber (Champion) vs Mike Anthony
Winner: X-Kaliber via DQ. This came after Mike Anthony used a guitar to take out X-Kaliber.
4th Match:
Tag Team Championship
Danger Zone vs Beach Bums
Winner: Beach Bums via DQ. Danger Zone would use a chair on the arm of Mark Wolfe taking him out of action for two weeks.
5th Match:
Vinny Romano vs Scott Fury
Winner: Scott Fury with a rollup pin.
6th Match:
Fan Requested Strap Match
CM2 vs Seth Sabor and Deadly Dale
Winner: Deadly Dale would return to aid Seth in his valiant match against CM2 but they would fall short via pinfall.
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
1st Match:
Idol Bane vs John "The Premium" Allen
Winner: Idol Bane via pinfall.
2nd Match:
Cody Only vs The Enforcer
Winner: Cody Only via pinfall.
3rd Match:
European Championship
X-Kaliber (Champion) vs Mike Anthony
Winner: X-Kaliber via DQ. This came after Mike Anthony used a guitar to take out X-Kaliber.
4th Match:
Tag Team Championship
Danger Zone vs Beach Bums
Winner: Beach Bums via DQ. Danger Zone would use a chair on the arm of Mark Wolfe taking him out of action for two weeks.
5th Match:
Vinny Romano vs Scott Fury
Winner: Scott Fury with a rollup pin.
6th Match:
Fan Requested Strap Match
CM2 vs Seth Sabor and Deadly Dale
Winner: Deadly Dale would return to aid Seth in his valiant match against CM2 but they would fall short via pinfall.
Credit: Terrance Ward @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wrestling Rebirth In Jonesboro, AR This Saturday!!
----Down South Championship Wrestling under the ownership of Rodney Mack and Jazz opens in the old RWA building this coming Saturday night with a FREE Fan's Appreciation Night!! Doors open at 5:00 PM. RRO will be there to cover the event!!
Food for Thought by Jamie Jay 8.31.09
Crazy, Crazy, Crazy!!! Yes, It's been a crazy week! Most of you probably already know, but I had a bad 4wheeler wreck Thursday night!
Ok, its like this, I was on a friend of mines 4wheeler! Now this is no regular 4wheeler! This is a $10,000 dollar CanAm! Fast, very fast! I've already drove this 4wheeler a couple of times! So, I'm driving down a gravel road, a truck just drove through there, so it was dusty! I started going around a curve at about 60 mph, now remember this 4wheeler will run about 95 mph off the show room floor stock! As I'm going around the curve the 4wheeler started sliding sideways, I let off the gas a little & got it strait, but with all the dust I couldn't tell exactly where the road was & before I could think, there was an embankment right in front of me! So, I turned the wheel just a little, but it was just to late to do anything!
I thought this was the end! When I hit the embankment, I went flying! While I was in the air I remember praying to God, saying " Please don't let me hit my head or break my neck!" Everything just slowed down, it was like slow motion. I had so many thoughts, but it was mainly me praying to God! I tucked my head into my chest & put my arms up to my head. When I landed it was like a truck hitting me. Soon as I landed I rubbed my head to check for blood, moved my neck around & they were ok. Then I went to get up & that's when I noticed I had no movement in my right leg, just pain! I looked down at my knee & blood was just squirting out! I pulled out my cell phone & called my friend & told him I crashed his 4wheeler, he said "ok, I'm on my way!" When they pulled up they said it was the scariest site, seeing the 4wheeler laying there & me laying in the middle of a gravel road! A cop came up & asked if I wanted & ambulance & I said that I would just have my friends carry me!
Once I got to the hospital & seen the looks on the nurses face, I knew it wasn't good! The X-ray tech came in & then the Dr. came in & he said nothing was broken! He then started digging his finger in & around it, cleaning out the gravel. Then he said that my tendon (ACL) was tore & one of the muscles was tore but he didn't know how bad. He then went on to stitch it up. He told me to go to a orthopedic an have an MRI done & go from there! I went home, & layed up on the couch in pain all day Friday. Then had a PWA Entertainment show on Sat. in McCrory, AR!
So, right here, right now, I'm saying I'm at fault for this, nobody else! I thank God for being there for me & here now for me! I seriously thought I was gonna die that night! So, for everybody pointing fingers, I already know its my fault, I already know I shouldn't been on that 4wheeler, I already know that I might have screwed up another shot with WWE! I don't need Dustin Starr or anybody else to tell me that! The time I broke my leg two days before WWE, do you think I wanted to go to work at my shoot job? Do you think, I knew I was going to break my leg? This time, do you think, I thought I was gonna crash that 4wheeler? If I could tell the future then things would've been different! I'm just saying, I know I'm at fault, I feel my bad for letting my friends down & letting myself down!
Ok, people think I'm done, no WWE! Well, think again! I'm going to start working my knee as soon as I can! I'm going to the Dr. 9/01/09 let him pull some fluid out! I'm going to see what he says, then go from there, but I'm telling each & everyone of you, I will be back soon, maybe by the 21st & 22nd?
Ok, its like this, I was on a friend of mines 4wheeler! Now this is no regular 4wheeler! This is a $10,000 dollar CanAm! Fast, very fast! I've already drove this 4wheeler a couple of times! So, I'm driving down a gravel road, a truck just drove through there, so it was dusty! I started going around a curve at about 60 mph, now remember this 4wheeler will run about 95 mph off the show room floor stock! As I'm going around the curve the 4wheeler started sliding sideways, I let off the gas a little & got it strait, but with all the dust I couldn't tell exactly where the road was & before I could think, there was an embankment right in front of me! So, I turned the wheel just a little, but it was just to late to do anything!
I thought this was the end! When I hit the embankment, I went flying! While I was in the air I remember praying to God, saying " Please don't let me hit my head or break my neck!" Everything just slowed down, it was like slow motion. I had so many thoughts, but it was mainly me praying to God! I tucked my head into my chest & put my arms up to my head. When I landed it was like a truck hitting me. Soon as I landed I rubbed my head to check for blood, moved my neck around & they were ok. Then I went to get up & that's when I noticed I had no movement in my right leg, just pain! I looked down at my knee & blood was just squirting out! I pulled out my cell phone & called my friend & told him I crashed his 4wheeler, he said "ok, I'm on my way!" When they pulled up they said it was the scariest site, seeing the 4wheeler laying there & me laying in the middle of a gravel road! A cop came up & asked if I wanted & ambulance & I said that I would just have my friends carry me!
Once I got to the hospital & seen the looks on the nurses face, I knew it wasn't good! The X-ray tech came in & then the Dr. came in & he said nothing was broken! He then started digging his finger in & around it, cleaning out the gravel. Then he said that my tendon (ACL) was tore & one of the muscles was tore but he didn't know how bad. He then went on to stitch it up. He told me to go to a orthopedic an have an MRI done & go from there! I went home, & layed up on the couch in pain all day Friday. Then had a PWA Entertainment show on Sat. in McCrory, AR!
So, right here, right now, I'm saying I'm at fault for this, nobody else! I thank God for being there for me & here now for me! I seriously thought I was gonna die that night! So, for everybody pointing fingers, I already know its my fault, I already know I shouldn't been on that 4wheeler, I already know that I might have screwed up another shot with WWE! I don't need Dustin Starr or anybody else to tell me that! The time I broke my leg two days before WWE, do you think I wanted to go to work at my shoot job? Do you think, I knew I was going to break my leg? This time, do you think, I thought I was gonna crash that 4wheeler? If I could tell the future then things would've been different! I'm just saying, I know I'm at fault, I feel my bad for letting my friends down & letting myself down!
Ok, people think I'm done, no WWE! Well, think again! I'm going to start working my knee as soon as I can! I'm going to the Dr. 9/01/09 let him pull some fluid out! I'm going to see what he says, then go from there, but I'm telling each & everyone of you, I will be back soon, maybe by the 21st & 22nd?
IWA Ratings Report 8.29.09 - Debut Show Scores a .4!!
----This show opened with an impressive opening quarter number of over 14,000 viewers. That quarter was over average of what Memphis Wrestling had done as a whole all year long. People turned on this show to see it. They then saw the quality of the production and turned it off. The quality of the matches and not being able to hear the announcers right at the start did not help. They retained only 22% of their audience for the next three quarters. That is cancelation in the TV business, but this is paid programming. There is an audience at this time slot with over 60,000 watching CBS winning the slot. For the record, Memphis Wrestling scored double the rating at .8 [12958 viewers].
Overall .4 [6479 viewers]
1st Quarter
-Syn int
-Syn vs Hutchenson
-Raja vs Sniper
.9 [14578 viewers]
2cnd Quarter
-Raja vs Sniper [finish]
-Ant vs Dre Black
.2 [3240 viewers] [-11338 viewers]
3rd Quarter
-Armo/Precious vs Malik/Suicide
.2 [3240 viewers] [n/c]
4th Quarter
-Asylum vs FSA
.2 [3240 viewers] [n/c]
From start to finish [-11338 viewers]
What was Memphis watching?? Dino Squad/Sushi Pack 3.8 [61,552 viewers]
Overall .4 [6479 viewers]
1st Quarter
-Syn int
-Syn vs Hutchenson
-Raja vs Sniper
.9 [14578 viewers]
2cnd Quarter
-Raja vs Sniper [finish]
-Ant vs Dre Black
.2 [3240 viewers] [-11338 viewers]
3rd Quarter
-Armo/Precious vs Malik/Suicide
.2 [3240 viewers] [n/c]
4th Quarter
-Asylum vs FSA
.2 [3240 viewers] [n/c]
From start to finish [-11338 viewers]
What was Memphis watching?? Dino Squad/Sushi Pack 3.8 [61,552 viewers]
RassleResults: IWA Southaven, MS 8.28.09
----This was posted by Malik "The Great" @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com. I will have some of the names right now, since the announcers on the TV audio is not clear enough. At least The Ant gimmick makes some sense now.
This was a very good night for IWA Championship Wrestling in Southaven. This was their first big show, which included free admission. The 146 fans in the crowd were energetic and hot all night.
In the opening bout, Jason Steels vs. Officer Hudson in a single fall match. After coming off a big lost in the tag tournament for the I.W.A. tag team titles, one half of Full Scale Assault, Jason Steele was looking forward to taking his frustrations out on someone. To his surprise it was Officer Hudson, who as of late had also been in an angry mood. The two fought to a draw as the time limit expired.
2nd Match: Dre Black vs. The A.N.T. (Amazing Natural Talent). These two had been in to it from day one of the new IWA Championship Wrestling. They finally got the opportunity to settle their differences in the squared circle at “Deception.” Dre Black walked away with the victory after delivering his “Black Out” to A.N.T. After the match A.N.T. took his frustration out on announcer, Eddie Spain by pushing him out of his chair.
3rd Match: Xander Raines vs. Samoan Raja. The two big men stared off face to face before Raines leveled Raja with a huge clothesline. Raja soon got the advantage taking it to Raines. Raja had the match won until Raines’ partner; Steele ran out and held Raja’s leg preventing him from making it back in the ring before the 10 count. The match was awarded to Xander Raines. After the match Full Scale Assault continued their attack by hitting Raja with a chair shot to the head, to their surprise the Samoan absorbed the blow, causing them to exit while panicking.
4th Match: Precious vs. Malik. Crowd was extremely hot for this match as the two finally got to settle their differences once and for all. This match had one of the biggest pops of the night. Precious was attacked by Malik while she brushed her wig. Malik then pulled her out of her dress, leaving her to scrambling for cover. The two battled back and forward on the floor. In the end Malik delivered his “Lights Out” but the referee was down. Precious then sprayed Malik in the eyes with some hair spray getting the victory.
Semi Main: Suicide, Sniper vs. Armageddon, Cymba. Sniper started the match off and went to work on both big men, until the power of Armageddon proved to be too much for him. Cymba and Armageddon then continued to beat Sniper down until he made the tag to Suicide. Suicide came in a house of fire, giving all he had to his much larger opponents. Suicide with the help of Sniper finally took Armageddon off his feet, allowing Suicide to hit a high risk frog splash. Armageddon kicked out and gave Suicide a massive choke slam, giving himself and Cymba the victory.
Main Event: SnS (Suicide & Dj Stunner) vs. The Asylum (Pappy & Psycho) for the IWA Tag Team Titles. Before the two teams faced off, the IWA board of directors agreed that they would make this match a non disqualification match for the belts. The referee then ran to the back and brought out lots of weapons. The match had the 2nd biggest pop of the night. The two teams beat one another from one side of the arena to the other. SnS and Asylum was bleeding profusely after taking several shots to the head with signs, chains, chairs, and sledge hammers. After a long match, SnS walked out the new IWA Championship Wrestling Tag Team Champions. This was a very good match. Congratulations to the new IWA Tag Team Champions, Synn and Dj Stunner.
IWA’s next big show “Fall Out” is Friday, September 25, 2009 at 7p.m. Join IWA Championship Wrestling every Saturday morning at 10a.m. on WPXX TV My 50 Memphis. To see IWA live every Saturday morning, come to 1225 Stateline Rd. at 2p.m.
IWA will like to send a special thanks to all the great wrestlers of the IWA, Tia Blaylock, D-Rock, and every one at wrestlingnewscenter.com
This was a very good night for IWA Championship Wrestling in Southaven. This was their first big show, which included free admission. The 146 fans in the crowd were energetic and hot all night.
In the opening bout, Jason Steels vs. Officer Hudson in a single fall match. After coming off a big lost in the tag tournament for the I.W.A. tag team titles, one half of Full Scale Assault, Jason Steele was looking forward to taking his frustrations out on someone. To his surprise it was Officer Hudson, who as of late had also been in an angry mood. The two fought to a draw as the time limit expired.
2nd Match: Dre Black vs. The A.N.T. (Amazing Natural Talent). These two had been in to it from day one of the new IWA Championship Wrestling. They finally got the opportunity to settle their differences in the squared circle at “Deception.” Dre Black walked away with the victory after delivering his “Black Out” to A.N.T. After the match A.N.T. took his frustration out on announcer, Eddie Spain by pushing him out of his chair.
3rd Match: Xander Raines vs. Samoan Raja. The two big men stared off face to face before Raines leveled Raja with a huge clothesline. Raja soon got the advantage taking it to Raines. Raja had the match won until Raines’ partner; Steele ran out and held Raja’s leg preventing him from making it back in the ring before the 10 count. The match was awarded to Xander Raines. After the match Full Scale Assault continued their attack by hitting Raja with a chair shot to the head, to their surprise the Samoan absorbed the blow, causing them to exit while panicking.
4th Match: Precious vs. Malik. Crowd was extremely hot for this match as the two finally got to settle their differences once and for all. This match had one of the biggest pops of the night. Precious was attacked by Malik while she brushed her wig. Malik then pulled her out of her dress, leaving her to scrambling for cover. The two battled back and forward on the floor. In the end Malik delivered his “Lights Out” but the referee was down. Precious then sprayed Malik in the eyes with some hair spray getting the victory.
Semi Main: Suicide, Sniper vs. Armageddon, Cymba. Sniper started the match off and went to work on both big men, until the power of Armageddon proved to be too much for him. Cymba and Armageddon then continued to beat Sniper down until he made the tag to Suicide. Suicide came in a house of fire, giving all he had to his much larger opponents. Suicide with the help of Sniper finally took Armageddon off his feet, allowing Suicide to hit a high risk frog splash. Armageddon kicked out and gave Suicide a massive choke slam, giving himself and Cymba the victory.
Main Event: SnS (Suicide & Dj Stunner) vs. The Asylum (Pappy & Psycho) for the IWA Tag Team Titles. Before the two teams faced off, the IWA board of directors agreed that they would make this match a non disqualification match for the belts. The referee then ran to the back and brought out lots of weapons. The match had the 2nd biggest pop of the night. The two teams beat one another from one side of the arena to the other. SnS and Asylum was bleeding profusely after taking several shots to the head with signs, chains, chairs, and sledge hammers. After a long match, SnS walked out the new IWA Championship Wrestling Tag Team Champions. This was a very good match. Congratulations to the new IWA Tag Team Champions, Synn and Dj Stunner.
IWA’s next big show “Fall Out” is Friday, September 25, 2009 at 7p.m. Join IWA Championship Wrestling every Saturday morning at 10a.m. on WPXX TV My 50 Memphis. To see IWA live every Saturday morning, come to 1225 Stateline Rd. at 2p.m.
IWA will like to send a special thanks to all the great wrestlers of the IWA, Tia Blaylock, D-Rock, and every one at wrestlingnewscenter.com
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Yearbook 2008 for only $12.99!!
Mid-South Wrestling - Huge Show Last Night!!

----Mid-South Pro Wrestling's show last night in Ft. Smith, AR had a gate of $4,100! Over 500+ people in attendance.Taylor Wilde beat Awesome Kong on the card and Matt Riviera [pictured] and Jeff Jett beat Midnight Gold in the main event. Full details of show to be posted soon.
----I talked with a few people that were at the show last night and they said the show was really good. All the workers were fired up about the crowd and had a great time.
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 8.29.09
35 attended
Dyron Flynn b Violent T and Harold Knight in a 3-way when he pinned Knight
Chris Phoenix b Bad Boy Dixon
LT Falk b Jason Briley
Kevin James & Cody Weatherby b Chris Norte & James Duncan when James pinned Norte
LT Falk vs Damien Payne ended in a double pin
Deathwish (w/James Duncan) b Saint & Psycho Medic when a Deathwish guy pinned Saint after Duncan threw fire at him
Dyron Flynn b Violent T and Harold Knight in a 3-way when he pinned Knight
Chris Phoenix b Bad Boy Dixon
LT Falk b Jason Briley
Kevin James & Cody Weatherby b Chris Norte & James Duncan when James pinned Norte
LT Falk vs Damien Payne ended in a double pin
Deathwish (w/James Duncan) b Saint & Psycho Medic when a Deathwish guy pinned Saint after Duncan threw fire at him
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 8.29.09
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation results for Saturday 8-29-09 at Showplex Arena- Trenton, Tn.
Marvelous Mike Kelly def. The Unknown Soldier
Knockout Kid def. Sgt. Payne
Big Brad Simpson def. Chadd Badd
New Breed of Perfection def.Hostile Brian Michaels/ Buckwild Bill
Bradd Badd def. Chico Mendoza
FuZ!on def. Devon Day & Kilo
• Notes:
• 137 in attendance.
• TIWF debuts in Yorkville, Tn. On Fri. 9-4-09 @ Benny’s Auction Barn.
• TIWF Returns to Trenton on Sat. 9-5-09.
• Announcers:Drew Magruder & Hotrod
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
Marvelous Mike Kelly def. The Unknown Soldier
Knockout Kid def. Sgt. Payne
Big Brad Simpson def. Chadd Badd
New Breed of Perfection def.Hostile Brian Michaels/ Buckwild Bill
Bradd Badd def. Chico Mendoza
FuZ!on def. Devon Day & Kilo
• Notes:
• 137 in attendance.
• TIWF debuts in Yorkville, Tn. On Fri. 9-4-09 @ Benny’s Auction Barn.
• TIWF Returns to Trenton on Sat. 9-5-09.
• Announcers:Drew Magruder & Hotrod
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
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